The Afro-American, July 18, 2015 - July 24, 2015
The Black Public Relations Society (BPRS) collaborated with the D.C. Chapter, Black MBA Association and the National Sales Network (NSN) to host their second annual Pre-Summer Professional Soiree and all White Party at the Aqua Club and Lounge in Northeast D.C. on June 13th. Members and guests came together for an afternoon of fun, door prizes, networking and dancing. Organizers for the event included the chapter presidents: Faye Hyslops, BPRS; Candice Charles, MBA Association and Keith McMillian, NSN.
Kenisha Salvary, Kia Quick and Ebony Andrews
Kenisha Salavry, Miss Trinidad & Tobago, United Nations 2015 and Bertha Cross
JaNeil Pryor, Jeanna Pryor and Allie Thrower Felicia Harrison, LaTrina Antoine, Ebony Andrews, Enid Doggett and Barbara Streeter
Kappa man and an Omega man Oscar Mandis, Candice Charles and John James II
Enid Doggett, Faye Hyslop and Barbara Streeter
Alethea Franklin, Muriel Evans and Rita DeShields Lauetta Townsens, Smalina Warren, Julie Moultrie and Jewel Morgan
Rodney Dickerson, Enid Doggett, Doxie McCoy and Robert Gladney
BPRS’ Leadership Team: Michael Dutton, Faye Hyslop, Edgar Brookins and Chris Epps
Faye Hyslop, president, BPRS, Keith McMillian, NSN, Baltimore Chapter and Candice Charles, president, National Black MBA, DC Chapter
James Boudford, Julia Singleton, Keith McMillan, Carmen HintonPeterson and Ryan Olden Photos by Rob Roberts
NewsBash 2015 was held June 16 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Warner Building in Northwest, Washington, DC. Each year, more than 230,000 breast cancers are diagnosed
in the United States and this event is held to raise funds to help with prevention and education programs in D.C. Newsbash 2015 will benefits Celebremos La Vida! — a breast and cervical cancer education and early
detection program for medically underserved women in the Hispanic community. The event is hosted by a group Washington area women in the news industry, including Ch-4(NBC), Fox 5 News, Ch-7(ABC) and Ch-9(CBS). Sponsors of the event include: Glassman Wealth Services (premiere) and The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery, Vornado Realty Trust and BrandLinkDC.
Local news anchors and reporters who attended the BASH Shawn Yancy, Fox5 News and Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D-CA), special guest speaker
Howard Bernstein, meteorologist, WUSA 9 News, Steve Chenevey, Fox5 News, Holly Morris, Fox 5 News and Laura Evans, Fox 5 News
Hillery Howard Thomas Mathewson, Lesli Foster, weeknight anchor, WUSA9 News and LaShaunnè David Karen Battle, Breast Imaging technician and Lydia Leftwich, 12 year breast cancer survivor
Andrea Roane, anchor, WUSA9 News, Carolyn Aldigè, founder/president, “Prevent Cancer” Foundation, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA), Rachel Bleh and Barry Glassman
Guests enjoying the reception
Renita Anderson, Brooks Kenny and Kellee Perkins
LaShaunnè David , Andrea Roane, Edgar Brookins, Erika Laws and Doxie McCoy Andrea Roane, anchor, WUSA9 News and Russ Ptacek, investigative reporter, WUSA9 News
Derek McGinty, anchor, WUSA9 News and Cheryl Cooper, SVP, AARP
Lorraine Shamberger, Stacey Irvin, Brian Silver, Jacqueline Woody and Amber Singletary
LaShaunnè David, Edgar Brookins and Gwen Tolbert, meteorologist, Fox5 News
These ladies bring the news to us every day
Photos by Rob Roberts
The Afro-American, July 18, 2015 - July 24, 2015
Photos by J.D. Howard
Davaughn Turpin, Kevin Perry, Stephen Wilkes and Elijah Lassiter
Deasia Brown
The OrchKids Green Festival (2015) hosted a community clean up and captivating concert on July 10 at Lockerman Bundy Elementary School and surrounding areas in West Baltimore City. This festival was for the community, by the community. The OrchKids Green Festival is a project designed to continue the conversation about change – environmental, musical, and cultural. It served as a tangible opportunity to continue to enhance the surrounding neighborhoods and revitalize the area. OrchKids is a year-round, during and after school, music program designed to create social change and nurture promising
Campers from Lockerman Bundy Elementary School
Music provided by Orchkids Green Festival Lowrider James, Principal Kimberly Hill, Imani Pittman and Isaiah Dixon
BSO Orchkids assembled for Green Festival
Alexica Chandler and Jacky Ruiz
Orchkids helping to clean up
Charles Downs, vice president, Pi Omega, Sandra Downs, Rosemarie Thompson and Otho Thompson, president, Pi Omega Foundation
Christopher Ajayi, Camille DelaneyMcNeil, OrchKids Site Manager at Lockerman Bundy Elementary and Cristofer Gomez
Rosalind Y Johnson, Merle Stanley, Jackie Williams and Franes Gill, Que-ettes Pi Omega
futures for youth in Baltimore City neighborhoods. The foundation of this project begins in addressing the pervasive problem of litter and trash in the West Baltimore community. By allowing our students to be advocates of community awareness and values, we can empower them to be the next generation of leaders and socially-concerned citizens. For more information call 410947-0275.
D. Danard Smith, Ivy Gates-Smith, Stephanie Thompson and Ron Thompson Robin Weambe, Benita Turner, Nancy Jordan-Howard and Bernice J. Chase
Melvin E. Burley, Phyllis Burley, Lasava S. Tidwell and Sharon Webb
Margaret Smith, Sarah Smalley and Leah Goldsborough Hasty
Crystal Brown, Cylia Lowe, Marion Stokes and Ernestine Wilkins
Jackie Richardson, Dr. Marian Davis-Foster, Karaleigh Knight Henson, Shauna K. Henson and Candace Davis Hawkins. Seated: Laura Morris Knight and Karl Knight
Belinda Thomas-Wright, Donna Jones-Cephas, Chris Cephas and Karen Berkley, president, Quettes Charles Quamina Jr. Denita Quamina, Charles and Judy Quamina
Gladys and Robert Rice, Lorna Rice Byers and Helen and Adolph McDonald
Zanes Cypress Jr., executive director, Omega Baltimore Foundation, Ron Williams, Vice Basileus, Pi Omega and Dwayne White, social action chair, Pi Omega
Marcus The Pi Omega QueJohnson ettes, an auxiliary entertained group of the Pi the jazz lovers Omega Chapter held and wine tasters a fundraiser, “Wine Tasting and Jazz” luncheon on Saturday, May 9th at the Diamondz Event Center in Randallstown. Seen among the crowd were Omega Psi Phi members and Pi Omega Foundation members Otho Thompson, Charlene C. McCargo, president, Charles Charles W. Cephas and E. Downs, vice Christine president, Zanes Cephas Cypress Jr, executive director, Ron Williams, vice basileus, Dwayne White, Social Action Chair, John Berkley, past basileus, Ron Edith and Thompson, Charles Cephas, Dr. Eugene Byrd and Harold Howard D. Danard Smith. Proceeds from the event will support Pi Omega’s community and social action activities. Karen Barkley is president of the Que-ettes.
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine