Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle July 26 Aug 2

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The Afro-American, July 26, 2014 - August 1, 2014

Pless Jones, P&J Contracting, received the Lifetime Achievement Award when the Maryland Minority Contractors Photos by Anderson Ward

Association (MMCA) held its 4th Summer Soiree and Awards Banquet, July 18 at Martin’s West in Woodlawn. Other honorees included BGE, Whiting-Turner Contracting, Harkins Builders and Pennrose Properties.

Ivey Carter accepts the award for Pennrose Properties. Frank Kelly, BGE and Pless Jones Sr., president, MMCA.

William Wright-El and Jones

Don Cole and Julian E. Jones Jr., Baltimore County Councilman

Jeff Hargrove and Lifetime Achievement honoree Pless Jones

Anne R. Riggle, City Life

Whiting-Turner Construction representative accepts the Major Partner Award.

Coretta Bennett, Hess Construction and Marvin C. Bennett Justin Ports, Marty Glaze and Zach McDaniels

Jennifer Ayana Harrison and Earline Wilson

Robert Ball, Baltimore County Public Schools

Debbie Allen, Kristy Myers and Sherrie Pridgen Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Jay Grauberger, Clark Construction; Rev. Willie Ray, City Councilman William “Pete” Welch and Wes Stith

LaVerne E. Chandler, Ronald Butler, Martha Lloyd, Old Dominion, Va. Chapter

Carla Tucker, Baltimore County government

Carla A. Nelson, emcee

The Links delivered Vision, Voice, and Impact during the 39th National Assembly at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, Md., July 2 – 6.

Balto. City Comptroller Joan Pratt and Sheila Dixon, MMCA marketing director Panama Band

More than 3,000 Link members were involved in the Washington, DC metro District area in reaching out to the community and engaging them in hands-on community service. After a full week of workshops, forums and awards to international change agents whose

body of work has left an indelible imprint throughout their illustrious careers, the Assembly culminated with the induction of officers for the 2014-2016 Link year at the White Rose Banquet. The festivities continued as the new officers were celebrated with gifts and congratulatory well wishes. Newton and Pamela Gentry, Annapolis Chapter

Andrea O'Neal, Mimi McDonald, Gloria Parker, Harbor City, Md., Kristen Prince, Annapolis, Md. Chapter Patricia Francis, Lavonnie Brinkley, Attah-jundive Obiajulu, Betty King Obiajulu Lee and Ann Everett, Paxtuent River Chapter

National Nominating Chair, Kimberly Mumby Greene with Sy Greene, husband

National Vice President Kimberly Jeffries Leonard with Stephen, Alexander and Victor

Dr. Nicken Laws, Dianne Hardison, EA director

Faith Thomas, Baltimore Chapter; with Dr. Glenda Newell-Harris, 16th national president, The Links; Robert Harris, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, Annapolis Chapter.

Randi Agenbroad, Joanne Sanders, Bettye Carson

Duanne D. Hoffler-Foster, Bonita Hunter, Hampton, Va.; Dr. Suzanne Fussell, Dr. MeChelle S. Blunt, Suffolk, Va.

Harbor City, Capital City, Baltimore Chapters; Kelly Mason, Alicia Wilson, Jacqueline Hrabowski, Joanne Brooks, Christel Curtis, Rosalyn Smith, Ganesha Martn

Cassandra Terrell, Lisa Byrd, Yolanda F. Copeland, Kimberleigh De Laine, MeChelle S. Blunt, Leslie Smith Turner, Columbia, Md Chapter, Donna Robinson Columbia, Md.

Kyle Grinnage, Jacqueline Roberts Kelli Poindexter Joyce Lanier, Lornel Tompkins, Beverly Davis, Margie Booker, Richmond, Va. Chapter

Tatia Granger, Tamra Cobb, Newport News Chapter Photo by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Old Dominion Chapter, standing, Mary King, Lewis Wallace, Annie Wallace, Al Rosier, Ingrid Parris-Hicklin, Chris Hicklin Seated are Jackie Rosier, Ruby Jarrett Joyce

July 26, 2014 - August 1, 2014, The Afro-American

Quentin Goodwin, International director of “Bigger and Better Business”, Jean Lamothe, International director of education, Jonathan Mason, International president, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Ivory Lyles, director of social actions and Arthur Thomas, Esq., chair, National Sigma Beta Club Foundation. Jeff Obafemi, director of the movie, “He Ain’t Heavy”, a movie about an African American Greek pledging on the college campus.

Jonathan Mason, International president meeting Broderick Johnson from the White House

Young brothers marching into the opening service; members of the 100 voices of Sigma.

Award winning gospel singer Pastor Shirley Ceasar

The Centennial Celebration of the Phi Beta Sigma (PBS) Fraternity and the 2014 Grand Boule’ of Zeta Phi Beta (ZPB) Sorority were both held Jul 16 – 20 in Washington D.C. at the Marriott Wardman Park and the Washington Hilton Hotels respectively. Through the use of on-site reporters and photographers, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the AFRO was able to provide live, up-to the minute news and images of the convention to the registrants and members unable to attend. The fun, excitement, and highlights of the Centennial Opening Program, the Opening Press Conference, the Zetas Opening Service and their Awards Banquet, Sigma Re-Dedication Service, the Sigma-Zeta Reaffirmation Ceremony, the Step Show, and the Centennial Grand Orchid Blue Tie Ball Gala all captured in the photo layout below. The memories captured reflects the camaraderie and enjoyment experienced by the members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity; memories they will fondly cherish and always remember. The weeklong celebrations concluded with a Worship Service where the Brothers and Sisters of all denominations came together in collective thanks for the gift of giving back through service in PBS and ZPB. Thanks to the leadership who led the celebrations: Jonathan Mason and Mary Breaux Wright, the International presidents of the Sigmas and Zetas respectively. . . Bon Voyage.

Rev. Al Sharpton gives a rousing speech that has the Brothers on their feet...the room was electric.

Mary Breaux Wright, International president, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Photos by Rob Roberts and Travis Riddick

Multiple Grammy and Stellar Award winner, Dr. Bobby Jones is presented a special Merit Award by Jonathan Mason

Past International presidents were recognized for their sustained support of the fraternity and its service programs: Carter D. Womack(27th and 29th); William E. Stanley(28th) and Peter M. Adams(30th).

Opening ceremony host, Brother (actor) Flex Alexander


Natalie Tucker of AARP, signature sponsor of the Centennial, presents a special AARP Card

Jonathan A. Mason presents special award of commendation to AARP for their strong financial support of the Centennial. And the band played on…

Sigmas moved on the dance floor

1st place winner: The Alpha Eta Step Team

2nd place winner: The B.A.S.S. Blue Assassins Step Squad

3rd place winner: The No Mercy Step Team

Sigma Brothers in their white dinner jackets with colorful orchid flowers

Actor and fraternity brother, Malik Yoba, who served as the guest emcee introduces Jonathan Mason, International President.

These ladies came out to CELEBRATE! their blue and white couture gowns.

We are loving this; we helped celebrate the 100th.

An overhead view of the ballroom looking very blue and white.

Zetas surrounding the White Dove.


The Afro-American, July 26, 2014 - August 1, 2014

Mary Breaux Wright, International President, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, extends greetings and congratulations to the Sigmas on this momentous occasion.

Speakers extend the welcome at the unveiling ceremony.

The official memorial monument is unveiled for all to see; the founders and other names are inscribed on the monument.

The Zetas came out to support the unveiling ceremony.

Young brothers surrounding the circle that is inscribed in the center

Edna Kane-Williams, VP of Multicultural Markets and Engagements, AARP

Mary Breaux Wright with some Delta Sigma Theta ladies who attended the opening program

Grammy award winner, MAZE with Frankie Beverly

Mahogany Brown, J. Anthony Brown’s daughter, was one of the featured comedians.

Robin Jacobs, Director, Eastern Region, Delta Sigma Gregg Walker, Director Health Past International President, Theta Sorority, gives Related Organizations of the welcome Cheryl Underwood American Cancer Society

International President, Mary Breaux Wright of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority with the honorees who received the “Blazing New Path” Partnership Awards

Honoree Julieanne Steinbacher, Elder Care attorney

James Reaves, Melissa Williamson, Charles Jones and Melinda Williamson

Brother J. Anthony Brown(of the Tom Joyner Morning Show) served as guest emcee.

Comedian Lamont King entertaining the Sigmas.

Zeta/Amicae National Choir performed the gospel song, “Every Prasie”.

Barbara West Carpenter, Ph.D. Verushka Wilson and Richard Lee Snow, representing St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital recipient of the inaugural “Blazing New Path” Award

Jacqueline Lemon, Mary Breaux Wright, Zeta International President and Scarlet Black

Rauchelle Jones and Karen Gibson

Frances Faithful and Jylla Tearte, Ph.D.

July 26, 2014 - August 1, 2014, The Afro-American

Chuck with best girl Angela Gibson who planned the surprise partry

Chuck’s Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity line brothers, Dr. Nickens Laws and Sen. Nathaniel McFadden

Charles Thomas Jr., affectionately known as “Chuck,” stepped off the elevator at the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity House on Eutaw Place to the sounds of “Surprise!” and “Happy Birthday” coming from his many family members, Kappa brothers and others he’s known for years. Smiling and totally surprised, Chuck reminded his guests that one should never surprise an “old man”…he is likely to suffer a heart attack. In every corner of the room, his daughter, sisters, nieces, nephews, grands, great grands, frat brothers and golf buddies converged on Chuck to wish him well as he celebrated his birthday. He was born in Pittsburgh on June 24, 1924 to Charles M. Sr and Helen M. Thomas. He came to Baltimore in 1954 and worked as a school psychologist; he continues to serve on several boards; Mutual Housing Association of Baltimore, Handgun Permit Review Board and the Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation. Chuck was presented a citation from his Kappa Brother, Sen. Nathaniel McFadden and everyone raised glasses in a toast to a life well lived for 90 years…and many more to go.


Relatives and friends surprised Chuck for his 90th Birthday!

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Angela Gibson and Ellen Howard present a personal friendship reading for Chuck Diane Hardison and DeVera Redmond

Cheers! Bill and Doris Cooke, Edith Harrison, Rev. George Winkfield (Chuck's pastor)

Butch Jenifer, Susan Jenifer, Patricia Long, Ruth McDuffie, Janice Johnson

Vernard Wynn, Yvonne Wynn, Loretta and Kenneth Bradley

Herb Brown, Del Sandy Rosenberg, Danny Henson, Del. Nathaniel Oakes, Bernard C. "Jack" Young, president, Baltimore City Council. Seated are Valerie Fraling, Delphine Henson

Birthday Celebrant Charles "Chuck" Thomas Jr. with his family members

John Ward, Frankie Ward, Doris Cole, Harry Peaker

Helen Smith, Herman Smith, Deanna Brown, Herb Brown, Ellen Howard

Wanda Jackson, Gary Palmer, Robert Jacobs Sr., Milton Langley

Brandy was a highlight of the June 21, 22 African American Festival in Baltimore at M&T Bank Stadium. Billed as the largest cultural festival on the east coast, the event never disappoints with an abundance of food and fun, crafts and information provided by vendors from around the region. Steven Drakes performs

Mint Condition Author Zane, talks about an upcoming movie “Addicted”

Jay, J’nai, Renee and J’onai Selby

Angel Mason and son Darnell Mason Jr.

Johnny Gill performs

Shelonda Stokes, event producer

Shawnta Freeland, Morgan, Destiny, Elyse Sanford and Megan

Bern Nadette Stanis (“Thelma” Good Times)


Rappers, Leah and Drey Brandy


Larry “The Celebrity Cab Driver” and Travis Winkey

D. J. Tanz keeps things lively Photos by Anderson Ward

Zara Green and Alfred Edmond (Sr. V. Pres. Black Enterprise)

Phaedra Parks, author, Real Housewives Of Atlanta

August 2, 2014 - August 8, 2014, The Afro-American

Robert Miller, Ella Howard, Beatryce Jefferson, Mack Simpson III, Candi Simpson

Birthday Celebrant Mack B. Simpson Jr with friend Hattie Gipson

Mack hugs Pastor Wall after her tribute to him

Frances Thomas with “Dancing with Soul” dancers Lewis Neal and Leslie Mallory

Warren C. Hayman, Willie and Evelyn Christian

Anita and Sam Williams

Photos by A. Lois DeLaine

Adrienne WalkerPittman

Kathryn CooperNicholas

For five years now, Sisters Saving a high-tech human services, The City (SSTC) has fought to educational , entrepreneurial, save young people in Baltimore arts and entertainment from the culture of violence sports complex. Nicholas’ that has claimed so many lives. personal experience changed The anniversary celebration, her perspective and she now June 22 at the Delta Community believes, “it takes a village to Center, marked those years and make a difference in the lives of honored many who’ve our young people.” helped in the fight. Founded by Kathryn Cooper Nicholas, who almost lost her son when he was stabbed Derrick Brown, La Tonya Martin at a downtown and Kendall Martin bus stop as part of a gang initiation, the Youth Village operates as

Mack received a pinochle apron with cards and coins.

Friends, relatives, former students, coworkers and church members gathered, July 26 at Tiffany East Catering, to celebrate the birthday of Mack B. Simpson Jr. who turned 90 years old on April 28. “Big Mack” was born in Clear Springs and attended Bates High School in Annapolis, receiving his bachelor’s from Bowie State College and his master’s degree from Columbia University. After military service in Africa, Italy and Spain, he spent 34 years working with children and adults in Baltimore City and Baltimore County schools, Coppin State College and Crownsville State Hospital. Throughout the afternoon, accolades were expressed by many persons, including St. John AME Church senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Peggy Wall who spoke of her parishioner as being “a faithful father, protector, and provider, a man of God, a lay leader who has taught us by example, and possesses a rare sense of humor” A very touching tribute was made by Mack Simpson III who described his father as “one of the most special persons in the world” and thanked him for “taking me to my first ball game; traveling all over the world; you were my first music teacher who gave great advice throughout my years. “Thank you for your example of hard work; excellence, dignity and what you have done for me. You are my unsung hero. A real father is still very rare, and I value the bond that we share.” Simpson summarized his father as being “A Top Notch Dad!!”

The talented honoree asked the guests to celebrate with him with the singing of “What A Fellowship” as he played along with with Charles Arnette and his band.

Alvin and Carolyn White

Rev. Nathaniel and Joyce Batty Sr.

Mack’s cousins are Carolyn Eames, Martha Bowman, Joyce Ross Bowman, Odessa Bowman, Helen Sharps, Fandria Bowman. Seated Wallace Bowman, Francis Sharps

Dr. Clarence Mills, LaVonda Shelton

Essie Banks, Clarence Mollock, Margaret Vigneulle

One of Simpson’s students, Muriel L. Christian Gray, from Sollers Point junior and senior high schools

Zodoaman Wehye, City Council member Cheryl Middleton and Stan Stovall Dr. Ruth Brown

Ben and Joyce Holmes

Seated: Vernon Davis III, Charles Eddington Jr, Carl Shipp Jr., Kevin Tyler and Derrick Wilson Standing: La Tonya Martin, Kendall Jamison and Alonzo Chapman

Photos by J.D . Howard


Friends Flora and Richard Johnson

Bill Brent, Mildred Ragin

August 2, 2014 - August 8, 2014, The Afro-American



he Distinguished Brothers of Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund (IDSEF) hosted its annual Black and Gold Ball under the theme: “Night of Scholarly Splendor” on June 21 at the Hilton McLean Tyson’s Corner, McLean, Va. Under the dynamic leadership of Chapter President Floyd Jones, IDSEF Board President Bill Wade and the planning committee, those present enjoyed an evening of fellowship, networking, fun, and a good old, get down party time. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the scholarship winners and remarks by fraternity General President Mark S. Tillman. The ball was capped with singing of the Alpha Hymn by the Alpha Brothers and dancing with the uptempo sounds of the Framework Band. Brother Art “Boomer” Stovall served as the emcee. In 20 years of service, IDSEF has provided scholarships to more than 100 students.

Chapter brothers and scholarship recipients

Reuben Barkley, Chapter President Floyd Jones, Alphi Phi Alpha General President Mark Tillman, Alphonso Taylor, and Edgar Brookins

Linda Hall, Tia Johnson and Tanya Bradsher

Ira Dorsey Scholarship Endowment Fund Inc. 2014 scholarship recipients with Chapter President Floyd Jones and Mark Tillman, general president, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha General President Mark Tillman makes a few remarks about the occasion

Scholarship recipient Bryan Chen with his grandparents, Jin Yuxiang and Huc Zhijun, who flew in from Beijing, China

Nicholas Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Gayle Green, and Lt. Col. Needham Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Art Stovall

Joanne Bagnerise, John Harper Jr., Beja Harper and Gerri Sherard Sonja Byrdsong, Navy Captain Ricardo Byrdsong, Aldrita Baker Alvin and Tia Phillips, table hosts, center, and guests

Ladies of AKA: Shani walker, Tia Bennett and Brooke Walker James Huson, standing, James Andrews, Maxine Andrews, Randy Andrews, seated, Connie Andrews, Raven Andrews-Thompson and Diris Shropshire

Jackie Harper, Shirley Hand and Josephine Rigmaiden Photos by Rob Roberts


he Fairfax County Ques presented their Summer Fling 2014: SEERSUCKER SUITS and SUNDRESSES Edition on June 28 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Va. Guests were treated to an evening of fun and dancing, light hors d’oeuvres, a little stepping by the brothers, and lots of mix and mingling that reflected the evening’s theme of Seersucker Suits and Sundresses, that kept the party fresh and up-tempo. The Brothers and guests in their seersucker suits were looking classic, bold, suave, and debonair. With about 450 patrons

in attendance, the Summer Fling fundraiser will support the chapter’s scholarship and philanthropic activities with a focus on students in Fairfax County. DJ D-LUX (Don Ashford) was putting down jamming sounds as guests swayed across the dance floor with all of the latest line dances. Salutes to event chair Bro. Eric Kelly, vice chair Bro. Marvin Chisolm, and the entire planning committee for a top-notch summer fling.

These Q’s representing in their summer seersucker suits...real colorful and sprite

Dionne Galbreith and Gina Smith

Donald and Shirley Brown with Cleathan and Robert Lewis

Mirian Ruddle Kolmar and Sally Ardister Willie and Gladys Loving

Dave Rogers, Felica Newton, Nissy Allen, Michelle Jennings and Shawn Jennings

Willie Jackson, Ayana Pernell, Anjanette Twiggs, Eric Twiggs, Gwen Twiggs and Roosevelt Twiggs

Phil Benjamin, Rodney Wyche and Anthony Britt

And now we dance…

Kim Townes, Candace Lewis and Renay Mercer

Barney and Jimmi Barnwell

Mollie Wilson, Carolyn Preston and Tricia Minor-Fregly

And we are Omega Men: Derrick Williams, William Jackson and Rick Witherspoon

Vernell Wyche , Antonio and Marlene Coleman and Brig. Gen. Patrick and Sherry Sargent

Eric Kelly, chair, planning committee; Marvin Chisolm and Rodney Wyche, chapter basileus

Edgar Brookins, Priscilla Smalls, Marvin Chisolm, and Bristol Martin Photos by Rob Roberts

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