Sophisticated Settings Lifestyle Jan 31 to Feb 14 2015

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The Afro-American, February 14, 2015 - February 20, 2015

More than 50 people crammed into the Mansfield Room on the Senate side of the U.S Capitol on Feb. 2 to say farewell to Laura Murphy as she is stepping down as the leader of the ACLU’s Washington office. After 17 years of leadership and activism as a respected civil rights and civil liberties leader, some of the most powerful people on Capitol Hill came out to thank her for her service including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas). Murphy also received a letter from

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), Laura Murphy and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.)

President Obama praising her years of service and statements by members of Congress were entered into the Congressional Record on her behalf. In her remarks, she had a word of encouragement to her staff, “Be strong and be vigilant.” Her future plans include reestablishing her business and returning to school as a student at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (D-Ky.) commends Laura Murphy for her work on the Hill

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (D-Ky.), Laura Murphy and U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.)

Hallie Schneir gives remarks on behalf of President Barack Obama

Rep. Maxine Waters offers well wishes Remarks by Nicole Austin-Hillery

Houston Murphy and Laura Murphy

Claye Murphy, Alice Walker Duff, Angela Wheeler, Laura Murphy, P.J. Murphy and Joseph Duff

Remarks by Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Rep. William Clay, Jr. (D-Mo.)

Rep. Maxine Waters with Laura Murphy

Carter Jones, Rebecca Murphy, Hannah Jones and Claye Murphy Photos by Rob Roberts


amma Pi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity closed out its Annual Achievement Week activities that culminated with a communitywide Achievement Week Program at the Harmony Hall, Fort Washington, Md. The community and the brothers of Omega Psi Phi came together to salute outstanding members of the chapter and members of the community. For the public, Achievement

William Reese, center, receives the Superior Service Award from Otis Fowler, left and Brian Long

Brian long, right, chapter basileus and William Reese present the Omega Man of the Year, Antony “Tony” Lee

Members of Gamma Pi Chapter

Brian Long presents the Superior Service Award to James Alexander, right

Photos by Rob Roberts

Week is about recognizing the uplift that Omega Psi Phi provides to the local community every day through individual and collective efforts, both seen and unseen. The theme for the week was, “Leveraging Our Collective Resources for Impact.” Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker helped close out the program with a ringing endorsement of Gamma Pi’s solid reputation and active commitment to the greater Prince George’s County.

Members of Sigma Gamma Rho Society: Adrienne Waite, Kimberly Ellison-Taylor, Sharifa McReynolds and Alicia Thomas

The Charles H. Flowers High School Jazz Ensemble, Don Myles, band director

The recipient of the Religious Leader of the Year, Rev. Dr. H. Beecher Hicks Jr.

Master of ceremony Richard Allison, Brian Long, William Reese, Peter C. Harvey, keynote speaker and Otis Fowler Jr. Maurice Calhoun and Gordon Everett

Gerald Folsom and Thadeus Turner

The Campbell family: Marlon II, Marcus, Laverne and Marlon Sr.

The Surrattsville High School choir Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker with the Citizen of the Year recipient, Ronald Jones


The Afro-American, February 14, 2015 - February 20, 2015

Jason Aaron and Shannan Aaron

Dedra Watkins and Will Holmes Michelle Wila, Vicki Bodden and Maria Wright

Donna’Lee Mahabeer and Unity Watts

Baltimore Leadership Group Hosts Monte Carlo Ball The young professionals’ Sonjie Decaires volunteer auxiliary of the (Sonje Greater Baltimore Leadership Productions) Association hosted its Monte Carlo Nights Masquerade D.J. Tanz Ball, Feb. 7, at the Horseshoe Casino. Hundreds turned out to support, to network, dance, eat and game. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake Blair Dunlap, attended, as well as GBLA president, Eric White, Lasean Robinson and Howard Henderson, president of the Greater and Jasna Baltimore Urban League. The Monte Carlo Nights Horton Masquerade Ball is one of GBLA’s events that help fund ongoing initiatives. Visit Laydia Olusa (GBLA Director of to become a member. Marketing), Eric White (Pres. GBLA), Kelli Tubman and Ava Photos by Roberts Anderson Ward

Mayor Stephanie RawlingsBlake

Lisa Poole, June Crenshaw, Shone Hughes and Coriane Hughes

J.T. McCray and Rhonda McCray

Waiting for the book signing

Yancy Boyd

J. Howard Henderson (CEO, BUL) and William Hudson (owner, Phaze 10)

Misty Copeland

New Psalmist Baptist Church table

Gwen Pinder, Octavia Smith, Peggy Rogers and Stacia Mobley

Darlene Wheatley, Charlene Smith, Gloria Roberts and Pamela Pope

Illona Sheffey and mother Dr. Ruthe Sheffey

Misty Copeland signs a copy of her book

Samaria Dean and Stephanie Burton

L-R Back Row Paula BrownDouglass, Alyssa Boykin, Ajania Thaxton and Rhonda Dallas Front Row Destiny Holland, Lauren Watkins and Morgan DouglassBankins and Kya Uzzle

Lisa Robinson (WBAL TV), Mayor Stephanie RawlingsBlake, and Grace Green

Misty Copeland was the center of attention at Enoch Pratt Library’s annual Booklover’s Breakfast, Jan. 31, at the Waterfront Marriott. Copeland talked about ballet and how she had to fight against the tenets of propriety that dictated she was too curvy and too old to begin such a career. In her New York Times bestselling memoir, Life in Motion, she chronicles that journey and with the Booklovers, heralds the success she now enjoys as the only African-American soloist with the American Ballet Theatre.

Dr. Barbara BlountArmstrong, Brittany Blount and Dr. Carla Hayden (CEO Pratt Library) Balto. City Police Commissioner Anthony Batts

Jewnita Talbert and Sylvia Wicker

Debbie Douglass and mother Deloris Douglass

Dr. Carla Hayden (CEO Pratt Library), Colleen Hayden (Dr. Hayden’s mother) and Marsha Reeves Jews (Dir. Douglass-Meyers Museum)

Stephanie Covington and Kaitlyn Tanner

Photos by Anderson Ward


The Afro-American, February 7, 2015 - February 13, 2015

Imperial Commandress Sadie B. Mitchell of the DOI and United Supreme Council Deputy of the Orient of D.C. Paul Berry

By Shari L. McCoy Special to the AFRO

Most Worshipful Grand Master Norman L Campbell and wife, Associate Matron Lynette Campbell

Worthy Matron R. Denise Better, Associate Patron Vance Gilliam and members of Electa Chapter #6

Grand Worthy Patron Kevin Cunningham and Grand Worthy Matron Carol D. Simon of Myra Grand Chapter, OED, PHA of Maryland and Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Besselieu and Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope

The Adiras

Worthy Matron Angela Holmes , Associate Patron James Parker and members of Mattie R. Griffin

On Jan. 3, 2015 the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA held its annual Charity “Day” 20th Anniversary Ball at the Camelot by Martins. This annual black tie affair showcased Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu, Grand Worthy Patron Albert and the subordinate chapter Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons of the Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia. The Honorable Most Worshipful Grand Norman L. Campbell of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and members were in attendance. Other dignitaries on hand included members of the National Council Negro Women (No. Va. Chapter), National Council of Black Women (D.C. Chapter), NAACP, Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Md.; Myra Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA of the Jurisdiction of Md., and Imperial Commandress Sadie B. Mitchell of the Imperial Court of Daughter of Isis.

Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu with her mother Emma Bessellieu and sister Callista Bessellieu

Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope, Worthy Matron Wanita Smith, Worthy Patron Jeremy Smith and members of Thrift Chapter #12

Grand Worthy Matron Bessellieu and Grand Worthy Patron Pope, center right, with the Past Grand Worthy Matrons: Barbara E. Murray, G. Delores Ellerbe, Dianne Marshal Streat, Ada A. Whitley, Patricia A. Mabry, Margaret E. Anderson, Audrey Robinson Underwood, Joan L. White, Jane Robison, Julia F. Edwards, Ruth C. Smith; and the Past Grand Worthy Patrons: Nathaniel R. Lawrence, John T. Doles Sr., Donald Ball and Quincy G. Gant Courtesy photos

Flowers being presented to Lillibet Hagel Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, son, Ziller Hagel; wife, Lillibet Hagel; President Obama, Vice President Biden and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey

The Commander of the Troops escorts Sec. Hagel as he inspects the troops.

Joint Services Color Guard President Obama congratulates Sec. Hagel on his years of service.

The Armed Forces held a Farewell Tribute to Chuck Hagel, the 24th Secretary of Defense, at Joint Base Secretary Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Va. on Jan. of State 28. The Tribute featured remarks from President John Kerry Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During the tribute Obama, Biden and Dempsey shared their experiences working alongside Hagel and also expressed their appreciation and gratitude for the former Defense Secretary’s The US Army years of The U.S. Army Drum Drum Major service. and Fife Corp.

Admiral Michelle Howard, deputy chief of Naval Operations

Gen. Dempsey

Gen. Lloyd Austin, Commanding General of the U.S. Central Command

President Obama gives remarks on the service of Sec. Hagel Photos by Rob Roberts


The Afro-American, February 7, 2015 - February 13, 2015


undreds of pastors and ministers gathered to witness the passing of the president’s gavel of the Baltimore Ministers Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity from the Rev. Dr. John A. Lunn Sr., pastor of Berean Baptist Church, to the Rev. Dr. Errol D. Gilliard Sr., pastor of Greater Harvest Baptist Church in West Baltimore. The Jan. 5 event was a high worship experience, under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. A.C.D. Vaughn, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, marked with history and reverence for the work done by the conference within and beyond the walls of the church.

Rev. Errol Gilliard, president, left, Bishop Reginald L. Kennedy, Dr. Kevin English, Rev. Helen Mayo, Rev. Donald Wright, Rev. Jesse Young and Rev. Hughetta Whitaker

Rev. H. Walden Wilson Wilson, Israel Baptist Church, shakes hands with the new president

Preaching brought this worshipper to her feet

Rev. Gilliard expresses appreciation for the encouragement he’s received

Dr. Kevin English, Bishop Reginald Kennedy, Rev. Helen Mayo and Dr. Walter Bronson, advisor and past president

Rev. A.C.D. Vaughn led worship

Dr. John Lunn passing the gavel to Rev. Errol Gilliard, new president of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Baltimore Maryland and Vicinity

Rev. Leroy T. Fitts, pastor emeritus, First Baptist Church in East Baltimore

Rev. Dr. Richard D. Dickens, pastor of New Metropolitan Baptist Church

Rev. Lunn supports Rev. Samuel Ray as he prays the installation prayer

Bishop J. L. Carter, senior pastor, Ark Church

With my hands lifted up City Council President, Bernard “Jack” Young presents a citation

Soloist Shernal Brown

Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

Cheryl Bailey Solomon receives the Thelma Banks Cox Award from Monica Watkins, president, Baltimore Alumnae Chapter

Speaker The Honorable Alexis M. Herman, former Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor

In spite of the threat of heavy snow and freezing rain, the members of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, moved ahead with an optimistic outlook that the 93rd Anniversary of BAC and the 102nd Founders Day of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority would be a success. And according to Monica Watkins, president of BAC, “…we

have realized a celebration for the history books.” The theme for the celebration was “Women of Purpose: From a Few…There are Many.” The Honorable Alexis M. Herman, former secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, delivered a powerful, thoughtprovoking discussion on her life in the political arena and her relationships with Dr. Dorothy I. Height and Dr. Thelma T. Daley, national presidents of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Monica McKinney Lupton and Bernadette Adams served as chair and vice chair of the 102 Founders Day program.

Baltimore Alumnae Chapter presidents are standing, left, Aloha McCullough, Laura Phillips Byrd, Eleanor P. Matthews, Gwendolyn Lindsay, Beverly Boston. Seated are Rita Cooper, Lydia Mussenden, Dr. Ruth Pratt

Dr. Brenda Conley, Keayra Conley, Claudette Edgerton-Swain G. Madeline Campbell, Toba Baten-King, Sara D. Elias, Doris A. Smith. Seated are Berniece McDaniels, Beulah Wallace

Dr. Pamela Scott-Johnson, Dr. Earlene Roberts, Andrea Davis

Honoree Addison's family members are Lyndsey Wilson, Cheryl Addison, Eric Addison, Erica Addison

Vashti Turley Murphy's Legacy is represented by Quiana Murphy Gabriel, Rev. Dr. Marie Murphy Philips Braxton, baby Vashti-Gracia Murphy Saint Jean, Vashti Jasmine Murphy McKenzie Saint Jean

Wongus and John Berkley

EMBODI mentee Montaz Johnson, center, with Phyllis Davies-Stevenson and Valarie G. Smith, EMBODI chair and vice chair respectively

Mother-daughter Deborah Parker and Nicole M. Nichelson

Jakki Wilder, Hattie Penn, Deborah Wilder, Yvonne Washington. Seated are Cynthia Chapman Gibbs, Angela Ewell-Madison

Mother daughter duo Laura Phillips Byrd and Cimmon Byrd Burris

The Delta Chorale sang “Total Praise” to the guests’ pleasure

Mother-daughter Deltas are Bridgette Nash-Hodges and Doris Nash

Sharon Green, Lorna Byers, Tiera York Jones Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine

January 31, 2015 - February 6, 2015, The Afro-American


Guest speaker Jesse Wineberry, CEO Broadcast Urban Film Works, Inc.

Kevin Kamenetz, Baltimore County Executive extends greetings

Recipients of Awards presented by the Kings Landing Women’s Service Club: Apostle Stanley M. Butler, Dr. Marco Merrick, Shalita O’Neale, Dr. Warren C. Hayman, Annette R. March-Grier, Tyesha White and Stephanie Poplar-Best

Photos by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine

Rev. Peggy Mercer and Kim Tucker

The Kings Landing Women’s Service Club celebrated its 40th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast with a sold-out crowd on Jan. 19 at Martin’s West. The program theme was “Preserving the Legacy.” Legacy Award recipients were Annette March-Grier, president and co-founder Roberta’s House; Apostle Stanley M. Butler, founder Temple House; Shalita O’Neale, founder & CEO, Fostering Change Network; Dr. Warren C. Hayman, co-chair, Baltimore City Public Schools Basketball Academy and Stephanie Poplar-Best, co-founder Kevin Cares Foundation. Karen S. Kalu, Barbara Dr. Marco Merrick was presented Members of St. Crasby, Patricia Bradley, the “Man of the Year Award;” Bernadine Church are Deloris Tammy N. Mays Tyesha White was presented the Hawthorne, Barbara Faw, Joseph Faw, Sharon Winchester, Queen Holt Youth Achievement Award.

Christine Williams, Geraldine Cross-White, Sallie Chapman

Collette Schroeder, Flora Johnson, Olivia Carroll, Yvonne Lawrence

Centenarian Idell Evans Green, seated, with club president, Marge Green, daughter Mary Johnson-Smith and grandson, Kinte Jones

The Boys Choir of Powhatan under the direction of JoAnn Oatis sang freedom/civil rights songs.

Natalie Preston, Tiffany Willis

Baltimore City Public Schools Junior ROTC

Baltimore Go Getters Buffalo Soldiers Flag Detail

Police Commissioner Anthony Batts

The Zetas and Sigmas

CVT Marching Band

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

MLK Float Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Epsilon Omega Chapter

Larry Young, WOLB talk show host

Old Timers/AFSCME members Isaiah Forman Jr., Frank McMiller, Walter Straiten

Shriners Lodge No. 213 Accokeek, Md.

Reviewing stand

Baltimore Entertainers Marching Band

The Baltimore community always turns out and up, according to the young people, to show their reverence for the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose birthday is celebrated nationally on the third Monday of January. Amid cooperative weather, groups, clubs, marching organizations and bands walked the strand of Martin Luther King Boulevard to greet neighbors, share their vision for the continuation of his vision and to generally stride in pride.

BCFD Honor Guard Dunbar High School Marching Band

Kai Jackson, Fox 45 news anchor

Photos by J.D. Howard

January 31, 2015 - February 6, 2015, The Afro-American

Delta Scholars Award Recipients with chapter leadership members: Tonya Grice - Delta Scholars Co-Chair, Emerald Perry - Delta Sigma Theta, Vivian M. Lawyer - President, Columbia Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta, Dr. Gwyendolyn Boyd - President, Alabama State University & Former National President, Delta Sigma Theta, Kendra Grissom - Delta Scholar, Dr. Rene A. Foose - Superintendent, Howard County Schools Public Schools, Rai Sa Ruff - Delta Scholar, Dr. Lillian Lowery - Maryland State Superintendent, Nahfisa Richardson - Delta Scholar, Diane Martin - Delta Scholar Co-Chair

Tonya M. Grice, Delta Scholars Co-Chair, Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, Past National President, Delta Sigma Theta and President, Alabama State University, Diane B. Martin, Delta Scholars Co-Chair


Delta Scholars enjoying the opening session

Two-hundred and sixty-five Delta Scholars, representing 10 different high schools within the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) attended the Delta Scholars Leadership Conference at the John Hopkins Applied Laboratory to promote continued academic excellence. The keynote speakers were Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, 22nd past national president of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and president of Alabama State University, Dr. Lillian M. Lowery, Maryland superintendent of schools, Dr. Renee A. Foose, superintendent of HCPSS, and Vivian M. Lawyer, president of Columbia (Md.) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) was the keynote

speaker for the luncheon. The Columbia (Md.) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. provides mentoring services to students in high schools, which prepares the Delta Scholars in becoming college and career ready. The workshop topics covered at the leadership conference included: The Brand Called You, Financial Aid 101, Gaining Admission to College, Building our Cultural Awareness, Show Me the Money for College, Being a Dynamic Leader and Becoming a Physician.

Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) Board Members: Left to Right on the wall, Diane B. Martin, Delta Scholars Co-Chair, Tonya Grice, Delta Scholars Co-Chair, Sandra French, HCPSS Board Member, Ellen Giles, HCPSS Board Member (at the mic) and Larry Walker, HCPSS Board Member

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) with Delta Scholars

Deltas registering Delta scholar attendees “Who Calls Me Beautiful” session with presenter Lisa Robinson (standing) with Delta Scholars, Delta Barbara Miller seated at far right

Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd (right) with Delta Scholars

Photos by Raymond Lucas

Atty. Andy Bederman, Ebony McMorris, Herb Fame, Ebony’s mother, Sylvia

Dwayne Renal Sims, April Watts 102.3 Personality,World Champion Sharmba Mitchell & Ebony McMorris Radio One

Giving back to the community was the theme for the recently held “Bowling For Our Communities-No To Bullying” and “Skating for Breast Cancer Awareness” events. The two projects were brought to life thanks to Magic 102.3 FM, Greenberg & Bederman LLC and the Negro League Legends Hall of Fame Education outreach program. The breast cancer event was held at Laurel Skating Rink in Laurel, Md. in December. Thereafter, the bullying event was hosted at AMF Bowling Lanes, also in Laurel. At the latter event, guests donated toys for the Laurel Advocacy & Referral Services organizaSkaters rolling for Breast tion, which offers Cancer Awareness support for families in Anne Arundel, Howard and Prince George’s Counties.

Dwayne presents April with signed in pink autographed football player Legend Brian Mitchell.

Boxer Roger “The Dodger” Leonard, Herb Fame, Atty. Andy Bederman, April Watts, AMF bowling pin, Laurel GM Deon E. Koon, Laurel AM Shirley Pierpont, & Dwayne

Photos by WRJ Photographics and TA Photography

Dwayne Renal Sims, Atty. Andy Bederman (Greenberg & Bederman,LLC), April Watts, and Sarah Schofield (G&B, LLC)

April Watts Radio personality 102.3 Magic and Dwayne Renal Sims Founder NLLHOF

Son Chase and Mom Renee Allen had a great time on the duck pins.

Tamika Channue’ Sims (Dwayne’s daughter) & April Watts

Did someone throw a strike?

Dwayne Renal Sims, April Watts 102.3 Personality, Lashana Barker, Florence Champagne, Ebony McMorris Radio One, Two Time WBA & WBC Welterweight World Champion Sharmba Mitchell

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