Sophisticated Settings - Mrs Santa December 19 2015

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December 19, 2015 - January 8, 2015, The Afro-American

The Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter of The Links held its 2015 Harvest Gala fundraiser themed “Life is a Masquerade” Oct.31 at Martin’s Crosswinds to support its youth mentoring, scholarships and, health and financial awareness programs. The Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter has been serving Upper Montgomery County, Maryland since 2014 and has been successful in implementing programs. As a national organization founded in 1946, The Links has 12,000 members, 275 chapters and is located in 42 states, the District of Columbia and two foreign countries.

Margot James Copeland, 15th national president, The Links Dr. Cheryl S. Gray and Ramon N. Gray

Cheryl Thomas, 2015 Harvest Gala fundraising chair


Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter Members

Caren Carter, LaTanya Higginbotham, Diane Guilford and Samuel Guilford

Sandra A. Maddox Britt, president, Patuxent River (Md.) Chapter, The Links Sandra and Dr. Burt Pina Jr. Sandra A. Maddox Britt, Christie Cole, Meegan Marino, Amy D. Bryant and Annie W. Everett


Bettie Price David Higginbotham (front center left), Lorethea Fields, William Fields, Anita Meadows, Elaine Conway, Sheryl Hardy Austin, Terry Austin, Samuel Guilford, Diane Guilford and LaTanya Higginbotham

Sandra Maddox Britt, James Hammond, Natasha Hammond and Annie Everett

The Washington, D.C. Alumnae Foundation is a public foundation that has a rich history of providing funding to community service programs targeted at improving the quality of life for D.C. residents. The

Foundation held its 27th Annual Breakfast Fashion Show & Auction fundraiser Dec. 4 at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill where more than 500 guests attended. The 2015

Tom Lewis, grant recipient Marine Master Sgt. Gregory W. Jackson (standing); Daphne Malone (seated), Yvette Downs, Patricia Stewart, Conchita Yancey and Cecile Thailey.

Derrick Bailey and Laurie Rowe, chair, Fashion Show Committee

Cynthia Anderson with chapter member

Photos by Rob Roberts

grant recipient was The Fishing School (TFS). This grant will support the school’s free after-school and summer programs for youth who are on or beneath the cusp of academic achievement and could benefit from a holistically customized program to bolster their academics and self esteem.

Rev. Franchettia Payne, Fannie Thompson, Patricia Jones and Cynthia Spigner

Edna Lee Moffit, Dr. Mary Grant, Espanola Hughes and Ethel Lawhon Sylvia Isaac (front left), Maya Yette, Brigette Proctor, Phyllis Proctor, Joyce Payne Yette, Ginea Briggs, Shawnda White, Andua Allen and Wanda Jones-Hinnant

The Rahmet Shabazz band

W. Ronald Evans

Audrey Doman, foundation president (standing); Laurie Rowe; D.C. Ward 4 Councilman Barndon Todd; Venita Hamilton, Dr. John Monroe, CEO, Contemporary Family Services; Tony Crews, Sr. vice president, MBI Health Services; Laryce Woodyear (seated) and Edgar Brookins

Fashion Show Committee

Photos by Rob Roberts

To see more of these photos and purchase them visit To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.


The Afro-American, December 19, 2015 - January 8, 2016

The Stanback Family

Ms. Santa’s Helpers

Kye’ Stewart, Leah Jones, Joi and Jeniah Shuron

Kappa Silhouettes Rashaun Bradley, Balto. City States Atty. Marilyn Mosby and Konu Bell with some of the little attendees

Barbara Banks and Mildred Long-Harper, president, Steppin’ Out Bunch

Cardrienne Griffin (Modern Grannies), Phyllis Nelson (Women Behind The Community), Jim Griffin and Santa

The NCBW-BMC serving as Ms. Santa’s Helpers

Omegas Dwayne White and Aaron Moore with Ms. Santa

Steppin’ Out Bunch

Leah Tyson and Freddi Vaughn

Iotas Wayne Dorsey and Gary Burgess with Ms. Santa

Ms. Santa and Carolyn Wainwright (Balto. Chapter Pinochle Bugs, Inc.)

Kay Tillman, Santa, Sarah Elias and Sheila Davis

AFSCME members with Ms. Santa

Singing Sensations Youth Choir John Berkley, Dwayne White, Mildred G. Womble, president, AFSCME, Santa and Benjamin M. Phillips, IV

Rev. Dr. Frances ‘Toni’ Draper (Freedom Temple AME Zion Church)

AKA Epsilon Omega Chapter, Baltimore, MD with Ms. Santa

Tyleah Myers and Elijah Laws, LaTanja RobertsonHarris, Jonnai Brown, Kenya Myers and Tenera Myers

Dr. Paulette L. Burgess, Ms. Santa and Gary Burgess

Alpha Wives Yvonne Fletcher and Carol Foreman with Ms. Santa

Delta Sigma Theta members

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