The Afro-American, October 31, 2015 - November 6, 2015
Former D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt, Claris Walter, Gretchew Wharton, Kent and Carmen Amos
The What Good Are We? social club (What’s) celebrated its 100th anniversary on Oct. 17 with a formal Autumn Dinner-Dance
Deward Taylor
at the Marriott Marquis in group include Northwest D.C. The What’s several third club is the second oldest generation Black men’s social club in the Washingtonians city, founded in November who are in 1915 at Howard University. Members Robert Rigsby swears in new of the members: Barrett Evans, Carl
Vernon Jordan
the medical and legal professions, members of the judiciary, military officials, industrial engineers,
architects, officers from national and international corporations and business owners.
Mayfield and Joe Blackburn
Leanard, Coleman and Blunt entertain at the Gala
Bobby Felder and Maj. Gen. (Ret.) John R. Hawkins
Esther Pinder, Martha Bradshaw, Thomas Pinder and Horace Bradshaw
Reid C. Rector and Sewel Horad, two of the club’s oldest members
Carolyn Branson, Mary Lappe and Victoria Collins
Claudia and Richard Rodgers Cindylynn Maidonado, Joan Rector McGlockton, Dr. John Hawkins, Rene LaVigne, Lee Kapel, Dr. Michelle R. Hawkins and Charles O. Banion, Esq.
Loretta Polk, Sheryl Washington, Eric Washington, Bradley Holmes and Anita Cooke-Wells
Most Worshipful Grand Master Norman L. Campbell, Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu, Grand Worthy Patron Albert Pope, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Elected Officers, Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter Elected Officers and Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson presenting Howard University Cancer Center a ceremonial check. Worthy Matron Angel Holmes and Sister Laverne Hines of Mattie R. Griffin Chapter #16
Ballou assistant principal Ronald Cureton and Ballou students
Queen of Sheba Motorcycle Club members
By Shari L. McCoy
Breast Cancer 5 K Walk Committee members
PM Robin WIse, Mistress of Ceremonies WUSA anchor Andrea Roane, Grand Worthy Matron and Honorary Chairman Venecia C. Bessellieu. PGWM Margeret E, Anderson and PM CatriceVandross
In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, The Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliated (GTGC) held its 14th annual “Passionate About Pink” walk for a cure charity event, the Margaret E. Anderson Howard University Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter 5K Breast Cancer Walk Oct. 17 at Frank W. Ballou High School in Southeast D.C. More than 200 members and family walked to raise money for the Howard University Cancer Center for breast cancer research and culminated with the Howard University Rosemary Williams Breast Cancer Brunch at Martin’s Crosswinds on Oct. 18.
Photos by Rob Roberts
GWM Bessellieu and Breast Cancer Walk Chairs Lynne Fairfax and Patricia Tutt
Ballou assistant principal Ronald Cureton presenting Grand Worthy Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu with an Alumni sweatshirt.
Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson and members of Electa Chapter #6
Members of Queen Esther Chapter #1: Past Matron Carolyn Hunter, Associate Matron Tamalyn Smith, Worthy Matron Vickie Anderson, Associate Grand Matron Patricia L. Young and Past Matron Brenda Makins
Grand Master Norman L. Campbell and his wife Associate Matron Lynnette Campbell Courtesy Photos
For these pictures and more go to afro.com/slideshows.
The Afro-American, October 31, 2015 - November 6, 2015
Rosa Pryor with Musicians, Promoters and Honerees
Joe Mills Braddock, Brenda Alford and Sharon Alford
Senator Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
The Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund presented its 24th, and final, Annual Scholarships Awards Black & Gold Formal Ball on Oct. 25, at the Forum Caterers, 4210 Primrose Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. Guest enjoyed live entertainment by one of Baltimore’s own renowned recording artist, and a former recipient of the Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund, Justin Thomas and his band. The organization’s primary goal is to provide financial aid to elementary, junior and senior high students who want to enroll in a music education program. For more information contact rosapryor@aol.com or go to rosapryormusic.com.
Robert Shahid and William Carlos Hutchinson
Charles Rudy Faison and Matthew “ Bay Bay “ Williams
Photos by Anderson Ward Shirley Chavis and Mary Radcliffe
Dr. Eugene C. Salvo Jr., Rosa Pryor, Nancy Winchester and William “Shorty “ Trusty
Dr. Donna T. Hollie and Eleanor Hoffman June Smith
John M. Wesley and Janice Fox Carney
Darlene and Carlton Douglass
Anderson Ward and Allenette Valentine
Tim Miskimon and Rosa Pryor
Ebban and Ephriam Dorsey playing with the Justafan Band
Rosa Pryor with friends and committee members Patricia and Larry Darkins
The 7th Annual Flip-Flop Festivus was the place to be on Sept. 18 at Baltimore’s beautiful Four Seasons Hotel. This magnificent event is a fundraiser where proceeds benefit research for a diagnostic test for Sarcoidosis along with promoting a healthy lifestyle for patients. Sean Hull, Founder and
From left to rightHarvey Grant, former NBA Player and Sean Hull, president of The Life Breath Foundation
President of The Life Breath Foundation, was extremely passionate about this cause, as his mother passed away in 1996 at the age of 59 due to complications from Sarcoidosis.
Rosa Pryor and John Carrington, representive from Heaven 600 Radio
Survivors of Sarcoidosis
From left to right-Denise Webb, Winnie Royans and Jackie Williams
From left to right-Theresa Pines, Harvey Grant, Michelle Carnabuci
Story & Photos By Da’Rrell L. Privott Dr. Edward Chin of Hopkins Hospital
Mary Beth and Markus Dullin
Brad Jackson – # 50, former NFL Baltimore Raven Linebacker and Theresa Pines
The Life Breath Foundation’s Board of Directors and Executive Board From left to right-Steven Lambert, Julieanne- Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader, Robert Blount-The AFRO- American Newspapers and Stephanie- Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader Gary Kodeck and Cyndy Schwarz
Torrell Jones
From left to right- Marigot Miller, Russ Miller, Kristy Schaaf and Elvis Brown
Plenty of good music at the Festivus by Soul Expressions
Sharon Bunch and Kyle Leggs, survivor of Sarcoidosis
To see more of these photos and purchase them visit afro.com/slideshows. To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: thinton@afro.com or 410.554.8277.