Washington Afro-American Newspaper October 25 2014

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Volume 123 No. 12

$1.00 Nation’s #1 African American Newspaper 2014 Nielsen-Essence Consumer Report

OCTOBER 25, 2014 - OCTOBER 31, 2014

Series: D.C. Candidates for Mayor

Bowser Addresses Black Concerns See AFRO endorsement on A5.


As mayor, Muriel plans to expand early childhood learning opportunities to give children a strong foundation for kindergarten and beyond. By James Wright Special to the AFRO

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D.C. Council member Muriel Bowser, the Democratic Party nominee for mayor, has the inherent advantages of money, organization, and the party

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Garteh Korkoryah, mother of Thomas Eric Duncan, has her tears wiped by her great-grandson Josephus Weeks III at a memorial service for her son Oct. 18, in Salisbury, N.C. Duncan died of Ebola in Dallas on Oct. 8. AP Photo

Continued on A4

Fighting the Good Fight

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Celebrates Survivors, Remembers Fallen, Stresses Prevention By Shantella Sherman Special to the AFRO Lucile Adams-Campbell, professor of Oncology and associate dean of Community Health & Outreach at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center has long understood the power of outreach and serving the under-served. A native Washingtonian, who grew up in Ward 7, Adams-Campbell is the first African-American female to earn a doctorate degree in epidemiology in the country; and in examining the cancer mortality rates of the nation, Washington, D.C. has proven a social laboratory of high rates, disparities, and potential for her. Breast Cancer Awareness Month has aided Adams-Campbell in a “call to action” that looks beyond the “dismal side of breast cancer,” to embolden those most impacted to be their own best advocate. While breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among African-American women under age 45, the best overall preventive health strategy, according to Adams-Campbell, incorporates reducing known risk factors. Continued on A3

Obama Supports Anthony Brown’s Bid for Governor, Draws Thousands By Lauren E. Williams Special to the AFRO



mantle to become the city’s next leader. However, she is taking nothing for granted while she campaigns and addresses concerns of District residents, particularly those who are African American and live east of the Anacostia River. Bowser is the only African-American major candidate for mayor in the Nov. 4 general election. Recent reports from the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance show Bowser has $1 million on hand, doubling her closest competitor, independent D.C. Council member David Catania. Bowser has the largest campaign organization with two offices: one on Georgia Avenue and the other Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, while


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“Forward Not Back! Forward Not Back! Forward Not Back!” Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-Md.) implored the crowd of over 9,000 as they waited Oct. 19 to hear words from President Barack Obama in support of Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, Democratic candidate for governor. The response from the crowd was defining as the campaign slogan rippled through an audience of black, white, young, and old. Crowds lined up as early as 11 a.m. for Sunday’s afternoon event at Wise High School in Upper Marlboro. The high school’s gym was at capacity by 2 p.m. Hundreds of attendees were turned away. “I know it’s hard to be at school on a Sunday,” Obama joked to the audience. “But we are here for a good reason.

We are here to support a man who has not just spent his career fighting for you, but his entire life fighting for you.” The rally was led by several Maryland heavy hitters and high-profile political players, including Howard County Executive

Ken Ulman, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), and Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III. The event was held four days before the beginning

of Maryland’s early voting period on Oct. 23, with the purpose of sparking statewide interest. Low voter turnout remains to be an issue among all political parties rolling into the November elections. Continued on A4

President Obama with Maryland gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown during a campaign rally at Wise High School

Copyright © 2014 by the Afro-American Company

D.C. School Board Race Yields Little Interest By Lauren E. Williams Special to the AFRO

On Nov. 4, D.C. residents will get to choose who some of their next school board members are going to be. But, it doesn’t seem like anyone cares. Amidst a hodgepodge of direct mail pieces, sponsored Facebook posts, and scattered election signs for attorney general, mayor, and other offices, it seems like the D.C. School Board of Education race has gotten lost. Several factors contribute to this. One is historical. When former D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty took control of the District of Columbia public schools in 2007, public attention shifted. Now, instead of the local school board, residents tend to look to the mayor, the superintendent, and even the D.C. Council as major contributors to public education. Archived election results reported by D.C.’s Board of Elections further demonstrate public interest and opinion. When Ward-specific data is analyzed from 2008 until now, D.C. voters cast fewer votes for school board elections than for Mayor or D.C. Council. This indicates that the local electorate lacked knowledge about the races, or what’s more

Continued on A4


The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

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NATION & WORLD Four Black Teens Included in List of Top 25 Most Influential Teens

Ranging from youth stars in sports to music to Twitter, Time has released its list of the top 25 most influential teens in America. The rankings were drawn from social-media followings, cultural accolades, business acumen and more to determine which youth between the ages of 13 and 19 Malia and Sasha Obama made the cut. This year’s list included just four African American teens: Sasha Obama, 13; Malia Obama, 16; Jaden Smith, 16; and Mo’ne Davis, 13. Both daughters of President Barack Obama have gained national recognition throughout their father’s two terms in office. Malia appeared at Chicago’s Lollapalooza Music Festival and was as big a star as the musicians themselves. A unicorn sweatshirt worn by Sasha made her a fashion trend-setter; within days, the same shirt sold out in many areas. Jaden Smith Jaden Smith, son of Jada Pinkett

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NEW 2014.5

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NEW 2014






A recently released video depicts an alleged incident of police brutality in Brooklyn, in which a plainclothes officer seemingly knocks a Black teenager, Marcel Hamer, unconscious as the boy’s friends look on. According to reports, the incident occurred on June 4 when the New York Police Department officer believed Hamer had been smoking marijuana in public. In the video, released by the boy’s family, the teenager is seen lying on the ground with the police officer standing over him and ordering the young man to turn around, according to New York magazine. As the teenager screams that it was only a cigarette, the video appears to show a partially obscured punch to Hamer’s jaw. Hamer is then seen holding his jaw before going limp as the officer, who has not been identified, forces him over onto his stomach and handcuffs him. Nothing in the video indicates that Hamer posed any sort of physical threat to the officer, and the punch appears to be delivered solely due to Hamer’s failure to turn over onto his stomach as the officer directed. According to a report in The Brooklyn Paper, Hamer’s lawyers said that prior to the beginning of the video, Hamer was knocked over by the officer and struck his arm on a railing, rendering it immobile. Hamer’s mother, Mary Hamer, told the Paper that since the incident her son “is always complaining of headaches and he cannot remember things.” The report also noted that Hamer has suffered dizziness. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, headaches, dizziness, and memory loss are all symptoms associated with a traumatic brain injury. The NYPD said that their Internal Affairs Bureau is investigating the incident, which resulted in charges of misdemeanor disorderly conduct for the teenager. Hamer pleaded guilty to the charges.




NEW 2014


Video Surfaces of NYPD Officer Knocking Black Teenager Unconscious

NEW 2014




Mo’Ne Davis

Smith and Will Smith, has taken his own route instead of living in his parents’ shadow. Smith started off acting just like his father, and his fame has grown through his Twitter page, which has more than 5 million followers. Davis became a national favorite after pitching a shutout game in the Little League World Series with Philadelphia’s Taney Dragons. She has received praise from celebrities such as Michelle Obama, Kevin Durant and Ellen DeGeneres and was even on the front cover of Sports Illustrated.















The Afro-American, July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014

October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American


A ‘Fight for Survival’: Men Have Breast Cancer Too By Mary L. Datcher Special to the NNPA from The Windy City Word CHICAGO (NNPA) – When you hear the name Twone Gabz, many of us are not familiar with the name unless we are true fans of Hip Hop and have followed the history of the Chicago Rap music scene. Known to family and friends as Antwone Muhammad, he’s been in the music business for almost 15 years, featured on projects produced by Grammy award producers, No I.D., Kanye West, Terry Hunter, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Erick Sermon and collaborations with Chicago artists; Mikkey Halsted, GLC, Keith Murray and Rhymefest, among others. One day a trip to the emergency room suddenly changed the entire scope of his world when several tests revealed he had breast cancer. Taking a break from the music business to work in healthcare management for the preceding five years, Antwone had been experiencing some fluid leakage from his left nipple. Antwone explains his first ordeal, “My doctor wasn’t due to check on me for a while and heard my voice in the hallway. She asked to check on my blood level. When she did, she noticed my hemoglobin had dropped to a six when it was supposed to be 14. She couldn’t believe I hadn’t passed out or even died standing there, so they gave me a blood transfusion.” According to breastcancer.org, a study concluded that African-American men are less likely than White men to be referred to an oncologist or get chemotherapy for breast cancer, probably because many have no healthcare. Male breast cancer is a rare condition, accounting for only about one percent of all breast cancers (www.medicinenet. com) Antwone challenges this statistic. “They say it affects one percent of men, but those numbers are skewed because they are being updated based on census surveys. So, who’s really inviting a stranger into their house? Does the stranger ask you, “Does anybody in this household have cancer? My oncologist believes it to be like 7-10 percent of men now.” Although there’s no history of breast cancer in his family, his aunt having died from leukemia and more recently, his grandmother having been diagnosed within the same month as himself, it has made him more conscious of the illness. A husband and father of two children - a two-year old daughter and 13-year old son, the ordeal has turned his fight for survival into a mission of awareness. “Maybe, we could have tried this or that treatment but now they’re gone…it’s too late. So, I felt like if there’s anyone who can me help me or give me any advice, I’m going to take to everybody because you never know where your angels are.” Antwone realized that worrying about his illness brought

on stress and depression and it wasn’t healthy nor healing so he flipped his experience around by sharing it openly on social media. ”Some people really confide and open up. A young lady was sharing with us during a Q&A I conducted online; she was six months pregnant, going through chemo and asking for advice on what type of dietary practices she should have? I couldn’t give her that kind of advice because every person is different. But it’s been great just to see people and how they’ve taken to it.”

Antwone Muhammad has turned his fight for survival into a mission of awareness. Through the power of social media and online engagement, his open discussion has lead to people sending him messages that they too are getting mammograms and going for checkups. In addition to talking with people on Facebook and Twitter, he has been documenting the process by filming his doctor visits in addition to ending his 5-year hiatus from the business through penning new lyrics for the music CD “The Tumor.” Antwone explains his return to the studio in creating his latest musical project. “It’s been better than the actual treatment. As an artist, we can say certain things and put it in the words of a song, but when it comes to communicating with

people it’s like the hardest thing for us.” He continues, “When we make songs we become this person that we’re really not because we’re trying to seek acceptance from a lot of people. At some point, my music has to be therapeutic for me.” The new project is a living testimony of Antwone’s journey through photos, video footage and his speaking engagements. During a routine visit to his dentist, he hadn’t realized how his online testimony and postings was being followed until his dentist admitted that she followed him as well. That visit led to an introduction by his dentist to her sister who works for the American Cancer Society where he has been enlisted to speak to groups of cancer patients, survivors and new followers about his experience. With speaking engagements at Rush Hospital, University of Chicago, recently performing at a Chicago Sky Game as well as traveling to Mississippi in October on behalf of the American Cancer Society collaboration, he elaborates, “They’re having a problem engaging people from ages 20-35, particularly men to have these conversations about health and preventative health so they see the benefit of utilizing someone like me. Using Hip Hop enables us to reach that demographic, so I committed to help them.” One of his missions is to bring awareness to the African American community, particularly the Roseland community located on the far Southside of Chicago. “There’s more cancer in Roseland than anywhere in Chicago and if you look at Roseland Community Hospital, no one goes there. All of the factories, the dump sites, the dirty roads compelled me to discuss why the area has the highest cancer rate.” Inspired by what is going on in the community, Antwone is working with Roseland Community Hospital and releasing the first music video for the song, “Getting Through It”. The preventative care that is lacking in the African American communities around the country has brought a different kind of perspective from a young African-American male with an diagnosis that isn’t considered a ‘male’ illness, yet it is growing in numbers. Again, the influence of Hip Hop music touches the lives of many and the transformation from rap artist Twone Gabz to preventative health advocate, Antwone Muhammad has become a champion of awareness for male breast cancer. “At one time, Twone Gabz could never ask Common or anybody to get on one of my songs but, now as Antwone Muhammad, I could get these people on a song without having to ask them. The opportunities kind of came because my whole focus is just helping people…I don’t really care about what I’m going to get from it.”

Fighting the Good Fight

Continued from A1

“We don’t know how to cure cancer but have good ideas minority health and the gaps because of Heckler’s work and about the prevention of cancer. Obesity caused by long-term she essentially lost her job as a result. But it was her insistence positive energy imbalance – eating more than exercising – on inclusion of minorities in research that brought about increases cancer risks. We used to walk and now we sit down these reports and policies including Healthy People 2010 that and think about food. We don’t even change the channel help document the gaps in access, treatment, and outcomes,” unless we have a remote. We have become a very sedentary Adams-Campbell said. population. But just walking can help to improve overall health Research also notes that as the country gets darker in color, which contributes to rates of cancer,” she said. the rates of obesity have increased. Three decades ago, her Cancer researchers have found that increased incidence of research found that there was no obesity. Metabolic Syndrome – a health condition where a single patient “We’ve gone from a map of the U.S. where obesity was not has at least three conditions: high cholesterol, a large waist even on the Ricter scale to it being prevalent all over. Just like circumference (more than 103cm in men and 88cm in women), three decades ago when I was a student, cancer was considered high blood pressure, low HDLC (less a rare disease. We learned the than 40 mg/dl in men and less than methods of analyzing cancer studies 50 mg/dl in women), and high fasting as a rare disease, that’s now out the glucose – is positively linked to window. We’ve changed,” she said. certain cancers. “We all want to be here forever. None Black women and Latinas have of us will be here forever, so we have the highest rates of metabolic to do what we can. Some things we syndrome. And for Adamscan modify. We cannot modify our Campbell, addressing metabolic race or our age; at the same time, we syndrome simultaneously works need to take control of those things toward preventing breast cancer. which we can. Start walking and “The interesting thing about exercising.” cancer is that we always say that as Those disparities can be found you get older your rates of cancer throughout the region, including goes up, but in the Black community, in Prince Georges County, where you don’t have to get older, you just screening numbers showed that while have to be the one who was selected roughly 81 percent of women 50 to have it. When I was at Howard and older were getting screened in (University) we were diagnosing the county, mortality data revealed over 60 percent under the age of 50; that about 31 women out of 100,000 and many under the age of 40, and died due to breast cancer. Even with that number got down as young as a largely affluent African-American 23. That was ten years ago. So what population (63 percent), there were Photo by Shantella Sherman do you do? Address the metabolic still an estimated 29 percent of Madeline Long-Gill, President of the Prince syndrome that is contributing to the women between the ages of 45-64 George’s County Chapter of Sisters Network, increase risk of breast cancer.” whose lack of insurance put them Adams-Campbell points to health Lucile Adams-Campbell, Professor of at risk for no or late diagnosis and Oncology at Georgetown University Medical disparities – insurance coverage, treatment of breast cancer. Center and Thelma D. Jones, Breast Cancer access to quality food, and adequate Madeline Long-Gill, president of Survivor and Advocate health services as tantamount to the Prince George’s County Chapter ending breast cancer. Despite a need of Sisters Network said that there for improvement, she cites that prior was still much more to do in getting to Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler’s Black women screened, treated, and supported in their fight 1985 commission of research to document health disparities against breast cancer. between whites and minorities, no such hard discourse existed. “We are going back into our communities and waking “Thirty or 40 years ago whenever you read an article about people up,” said Long-Gill, a three year breast cancer survivor. science it always said too few to count when it talked about “We’ve kind of been lulled to sleep by ‘pink’, but we have to minorities and minorities were clumped together – Asians, do more because while it’s great to celebrate Breast Cancer Blacks, Hispanics, everyone. We started hearing about Awareness Month, the numbers are continuing to go up. If the

numbers were decreasing, we could continue with loving the pink but right now we have to do a little more than ‘Kumbaya,’ because ‘Kumbaya’ is not saving our women.” Sisters Network Inc. addresses the breast health needs of African-American women through its affiliate chapters, and partnerships with existing service providers. Chapters are organized by breast cancer survivors who are committed to establishing the much-needed community breast health services. Founded in 1994, Sisters Network is the only national African-American breast cancer survivorship organization in the U.S. The organization’s breast health outreach initiatives have had impacted an estimated 3.9 million families. The first thing most people recognize about Thelma Jones is her love for beautiful African clothing. Tall, statuesque, and on hand for most political events that impact the District’s Southwest-Waterfront neighborhood, Jones, has championed the fight for improved education, accountable elected officials, and community mentoring for decades. In 2007 after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Jones almost immediately became a peer counselor to other women similarly diagnosed. “It was one of the most amazing examples of altruism anyone has ever seen,” said Lee Clark, a long-time neighbor and friend of Jones’. “When I heard the news, I immediately went into missionary mode and wanted to help her, but every time I looked to take her flowers or extend myself, I’d find she was hosting one thing or moderating another. It has been the greatest joy seeing Thelma mentor other neighbors and use her support group to educate others.” Clark said that even as Jones continues to monitor her own health, she has no intention of slowing down. In addition to being a neighborhood advocate, and certified Breast Health Educator for the American Cancer Society, Jones is also an Integrative Cancer Care Navigator at the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts in Northwest, (where she provides moral and resource support for 18 to 20 women), and founder of The Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund at the DC Cancer Consortium. She was named a 2011 White House Champion of Change for her leadership in the fight against breast cancer. The Champions of Change program, part of President Obama’s “Winning the Future Initiative,” recognizes local leaders for their contributions to the community. “I created my organization in September 2012 on the occasion of my 60th birthday. In looking at the many challenges women were experiencing with a breast cancer diagnosis, I talked to the D.C. Breast Cancer Consortium about find a way to help those less fortunate than I am. A major lesson I learned along the way was the value of family members, friends, communities, and colleagues--they provide identity, support, joy and comfort. They make the fight against this disease tolerable. No one who travels the breast cancer journey should have to make this journey alone,” Jones said.


The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014


Continued from A1





Catania and former D.C. Council member Carol Schwartz (I) have one each. Bowser said that she wants the District to continue to move forward. “A mayor has to have a focus on the future,” Bowser said while at the home of Rob and Linda Row in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood on Oct. 19, greeting area residents. “I love the progress that we are making in D.C. with the new restaurants opening and people are opting to send their children to public schools. I want to make sure that we have progress for all eight wards.” While Bowser doesn’t have a specific plan designed for African Americans, she said that improving residents’ access to good jobs and a quality education will go a long way in helping the city’s Black population. “I want to build our middle class,” she said. “As mayor, I will work to close the gaps between communities in the city in regards to income, education and economic development.” Bowser wants the District’s private sector to play an active role in solving the unemployment problem. “I will ask large private contractors who have projects to partner with the city to train and hire D.C. residents,” she said. “If you are going to build 100 widgets for me, I want to use District residents for that.” She also wants to set up a public academy to train unemployed residents for District government jobs, particularly in areas of street maintenance and rebuilding infrastructure. Bowser’s education plan focuses on the middle schools, with Alice Deal Middle School in Tenleytown as the model. She wants an “Alice Deal” in every ward and plans to build four more middle schools in the city by 2020.

“Muriel Bowser puts a lot of energy into what she does and I like that” – LaDonna Love Her plans for economic development include creating a deputy mayor for east Washington whose responsibilities will include helping businesses in Ward 7 and 8 generate capital and contracting opportunities. She is committed to finishing the long-delayed Skyland Town Center project in Ward 7 and wants to use the Great Streets improvement program to build up corridors such as Martin Luther King Avenue, Alabama Avenue, Benning Road, and Minnesota Avenue. Bowser is interested in creating a $100 million annual fund in the budget that addresses the city’s affordable housing crisis. “A resident shouldn’t pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing,” she said. “I also believe that renovating public housing will go a long way in helping people to find a good, affordable place to stay.” Howard Croft, a longtime political activist in the District, said he thinks that Bowser is on her way to an electoral and political promotion on Nov. 4. “Muriel Bowser is going to win this race,” Croft said. “It is going to be smooth sailing for her. One advantage that she has is that she has grown as a candidate and her opponents have not.” LaDonna Love, who is Black, said she is for Bowser. “Muriel Bowser puts a lot of energy into what she does and I like that,” Bowser said. “I think as mayor she will put that same energy into the city.”

D.C. School Board Race

Continued from A1



alarming, that they just didn’t care. Another contributing factor to the missing 2014 school board race is resources. School board candidates raise less money for campaigns than their counterparts do. Using this year’s race as an example, Councilmember Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4), a mayoral candidate still has $1 million to spend to reach voters. Some council candidates have up to nearly $100,000 left, but school board candidates haven’t raised nearly as much. Nationwide public apathy may also contribute to lack of D.C. resident engagement. Voter turnout is historically low in nonPresidential election years, and D.C.’s low turn-out for the 2014 Mayoral Primary shows that some residents have already checked out and lost confidence in D.C. government. In the face of public indifference, however, school board candidates are adamant about the importance of the race. “There are several reasons for parents and families to care about this race,” Board President and Ward 5 candidate for re-election, Mark Jones told the AFRO Oct. 19. “We decide what a child learns, how children are assessed, and what public policies, such as No Child Left Behind, our education system will or will not adhere to. All of these issues are gravely important.” This year’s school board race includes a total of 12 candidates in four Wards: 1, 3, 5, and 6. Wards 1 and 3 are the most

highly-contested races with five and four candidates in each race, respectively. Out of all candidates, only two are black: E. Gail Anderson Holness, candidate for Ward 1, and Jones. First elected in 2008, Jones, wasn’t originally seeking the education post. “I was looking for a candidate to run and advocate for our schools, but wasn’t satisfied by anyone. I talked to my wife and she suggested I should run, and here I am.” In 2008 Jones had two opponents. In this year’s election, he runs unopposed. “I think that my running – Mark Jones unopposed is a reflection of what I’ve done while on the board. I think the voters feel I have done a good job and I hope to continue to do so,” he said. Jones is proud of his accomplishments in office. Since 2008, the board has gained budget autonomy, a new office of Ombudsman, and is currently accepting applications for a student representative. The board is also working with other officials as city-wide assessments transition from the District of Columbia comprehensive assessment system to Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. All in all, multiple school board races, and participation of Black candidates, show that the state of D.C. public schools remains a salient issue. The key is getting the rest of D.C. involved.

“We decide what a child learns, how children are assessed, and what public policies…our education system will or will not adhere to.”


Continued from A1 “Only one in four Marylanders cast their ballot on June 24,” Brown told the audience, referring to the summer primary. “We don’t have to relive what happened in the 1950s and ‘60s to understand the importance of exercising our most sacred right to vote.” Democrats from across the state traveled to the event, including Roxanne Prettyman, member of the Democratic State Central Committee, Baltimore City.

“I came from Baltimore, because I believe Anthony Brown is the best candidate for governor,” Prettyman told the AFRO Oct. 19. “My daughter is a Head Start teacher. I believe in Head Start and Pre-K. Brown believes in this as well.” News reports show that less than a month before the general elections, Brown holds only a nine-point lead over Republican challenger Larry Hogan. A Washington Post-University of Maryland poll shows Brown with 47 percent, Hogan with 38

“Only one in four voters cast their ballot on June 24. We don’t have to relive what happened in the 1950s and ‘60s to understand the importance of exercising our most sacred right to vote.” – Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown percent, and 11 percent of likely voters, undecided. Though Maryland is deemed a progressive state, Democratic worry about the upcoming elections abounds. “The defining issue and challenge of our time is making sure that our economy works for every person in this country,” Obama told the crowd. “Republicans don’t care about that. Republicans don’t care about what you care about, but what they do is vote.” Cummings summed the event up best before walking off the stage. After taking a selfie for social media with O’Malley, he told the audience, “When they ask about where we were when Anthony Brown needed us, we need to say we were there. Go out and get Loddy, Doddy, and everybody, because we have got to go out and vote!”

October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American

Media Diversity at Stake with CNN Layoffs By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondents Black leaders are expressing concern about how mass layoffs at CNN will impact media diversity. Earlier this month, Turner Broadcasting System, a Time Warner subsidiary and CNN’s parent company, announced it was cutting its workforce by 10 percent or about 1,475 positions. The move was part of “Turner 2020,” a plan to overhaul the company’s business and redirect resources in light of falling ratings and changing consumer patterns. So far, about 130 CNN staffers have taken buyouts, and 170 will be laid off, including one of the network’s highest-ranking African Americans Darius Walker, vice president and Northeast bureau chief. Walker is one of at least 12 AfricanAmerican managers who have resigned, been laid off or terminated within the past year, according to the National Association of Black Journalists, and among many more Black staffers who have also left the cable news network. The mass exodus does not bode well for diversity in the media, advocates say. “CNN was the nation’s preeminent cable news channels and one of the first networks with a very healthy display of diverse faces on their staff,” said Hilary Shelton, the NAACP’s senior vice president of advocacy and policy and director of its Washington bureau. “It is really sad to see CNN has lost so much diversity.” Little of the coverage of CNN’s downsizing has focused on the threat to diversity, but rather on the how the restructuring would fuel profit, said Malkia Cyril, executive director, Center for Media Justice. “So I can only discern that CNN is not interested in having a diverse staff or reflecting the voices of viewers of color and its primary interest in is paying its investors,” she said. That view was only cemented, Cyril said, by CNN’s decision to withdraw as a sponsor of the National Association of Black Journalists’ 2015 conference less than two weeks after the association expressed concern about the “atmosphere” for African Americans at the network.

On Oct. 7, one day after Turner announced its downsizing at CNN, the NABJ issued a statement voicing its misgivings, citing the disappearance of CNN anchors Soledad O’Brien, TJ Holmes and Suzanne Malveaux from the airwaves, and the presence of only two Black executive producers in CNN’s newsrooms. The state of affairs was a far cry from 2007, when CNN was recognized by NABJ for its efforts to increase diversity both before and behind the cameras. “Since that time, we have seen a number of African Americans leave CNN,” said NABJ President Bob Butler in a statement. “I know CNN is – Hilary Shelton going through layoffs but the departure of so many African Americans is worrisome.” The decimation of Black staff at CNN is part of a larger trend – including meager Black media ownership – that had led to “a whitening of cable news and news programming that does not speak to the needs and issues of communities of color,” Cyril said. According to Shelton, diversity in media is “crucial” in fostering racial equality and understanding. “As we look at the stories that reflect our lives, we need to know that those who cover the stories are as diverse as the stories themselves,” he said. Black lawmakers, who have fought to ensure more multicultural representations in the ownership and depictions in the media, also chimed in about the potentially devastating impact of CNN’s reorganization. “In a nation growing increasingly more diverse, it is imperative that the organizations tasked with keeping us informed reflect the same diversity,” said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Any staffing changes that disproportionately cut the number of African Americans at CNN - intentionally or otherwise - are an affront to the African American journalism community and to the African American community as a whole,” she continued in her statement. “It is my sincere hope that these reports are not true, and that Time Warner Inc. works to ensure that the diversity of its viewers across the country, and the world, is reflected and protected in all areas of its organization.”

“It is really sad to see CNN has lost so much diversity.”

AFRO Endorsement

On Nov. 4, residents of the District of Columbia will decide who their seventh mayor will be. The three candidates are D.C. Council member Muriel Bowser, the Democratic Party nominee; D.C. Council member David Catania, an Independent, and former D.C. Council member Carol Schwartz, who is also an Independent. All three candidates have years of service as elected officials in the city and residents have the privilege of choosing one of these qualified individuals. The AFRO has watched these candidates for months as they travelled across the District to make the case to voters that they should be the city’s next leader. The candidate that we endorse is one that we feel is the best person who can do the job to the best of their ability and is good for the city’s African American community. We then wait to watch what you, the voters, decide on Election Day. The AFRO has decided to endorse Muriel Bowser for D.C. Mayor.

Muriel Bowser Mayor, District of Columbia

Muriel Bowser has the combination of ideas, experience and perspective that the District needs for the next four years. Bowser is a native Washingtonian who has served as an advisory neighborhood commissioner and won a special election to the D.C. Council in May 2007, representing the racially and economically diverse Ward 4. She easily won re-election in 2008 and 2012 and has distinguished herself on the council as a capable legislator by passing the city’s comprehensive ethics code for elected officials and city employees in 2011. Bowser has shown that she is willing to make tough decisions for her ward in the face of strong opposition, as was the case with the opening of the Walmart on Georgia Avenue in 2013. Bowser’s ideas for the office have generated discussion and that is a good thing. She wants to create

a deputy mayor position for East Washington. The deputy mayor will be in charge of economic development in struggling Black neighborhoods. Her educational thrust is to improve the city’s middle schools by building four new ones by 2020 and working to see that every ward has a middle school that is on par with the highly-regarded Alice Deal Middle School in Ward 3. Bowser also wants to set up a $100 million housing fund to create more affordable housing units in the city and she wants the District to build its own public housing units instead of relying on the federal government. However, it is her goal to see District residents ultimately own their homes. To fight unemployment, she wants companies to directly hire District residents for jobs and to set up an academy that will train the unemployed for jobs that are open in the District government. Catania has been an

impressive legislator on the D.C. Council with his successful passage of the city’s same-sex marriage law and improving the United Medical Center in Ward 8.


Almost Half A Million Texas Voters May Be Turned Away from Polls By Gloria J. Browne-Marshall AANIC Supreme Court Correspondent In an emergency action, the Texas NAACP, and other civil rights groups, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop Texas from enforcing Senate Bill 14. But, the conservativeled Court sided with the state, and upheld the strictest voter photo identification law in America, giving the civil rights community yet another defeat. S.B. 14 requires a person to present one of a limited number of government-issued photo identification documents. There were challenges to S.B. 14 from the beginning. Lawsuits followed this legislation from its inception. Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas), a possible presidential contender in 2016, signed S.B.14 on May 27, 2011, a few months prior to announcing his first presidential bid. Under S.B. 14, the only acceptable forms of identification are driver’s license, non-driver ID, and concealed handgun license, all of which can only be obtained through the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), or one may use a passport, citizenship certificate, or military identification card containing photo. This ID must be presented at the polling place in order to vote. Rep. Marc Veasey (D-Texas), along with African-American and Latino voters, sued Perry. They argued S.B. 14 violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as well as the first amendment, fourteenth amendment, and fifteenth amendment. Their first amendment claim is based on voting as an act of expression or free speech. The Veasey plaintiffs proved over 400,000 poor people, African-Americans, Hispanics, and those with disabilities will be prevented from voting due to their inability to obtain the required photo identification. The plaintiffs stated DPS offices providing required identification have limited hours that conflict with most work schedules and are located in remote locations far from public transportation. At trial, Veasey plaintiffs argued that the law was intentionally enacted to undermine the votes of poor and minority communities. Federal Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos agreed. After a nine day trial, with witnesses testifying about the law’s many burdens, based on an extensive factual record, Ramos ruled that S.B. 14 violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because it was enacted with a racially discriminatory purpose. However, Texas won on appeal, which prompted civil rights groups to go to the Supreme Court hoping to convince the court to block S.B. 14. They failed. In a 6-3 decision, the court ignored the lengthy record of evidence of intentional discrimination presented at trial. Finding for Texas, the court chose to allow the strict voter photo identification law in place to take effect during mid-term Federal elections. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg disagreed. Her dissent relied heavily on the trial evidence against Texas that it was an increase in the Latino population that led to S.B. 14. “The Texas Legislature and Gov. Perry had an evident incentive to “gain partisan advantage by suppressing” the “votes of African-Americans and Latinos,” she said. Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor joined Ginsberg’s dissent. The Supreme Court has upheld photo ID laws in the past. It allowed Ohio to reduce early voting as well as restrictions on registration in North Carolina. However, in Wisconsin, students can use ID cards from a four-year college and recognized Indian tribes can use federal IDs. No state requires the limited types of identification found in Texas. There, eligible voters must travel over three hours to reach a Department of Public Safety office, Ramos found. Texas claims S.B. 14 is needed to address voter fraud. However, between “2002 and 2011 there were only two in-person voter fraud cases prosecuted to conviction in Texas,” Ginsberg wrote in her dissent. “The District Court further found that S.B. 14 operates as an unconstitutional poll tax,” she wrote. Poll taxes, or payments required to vote, are prohibited under the 24th Amendment. Initially, S.B. 14 was found to be in violation of the Voting Rights Act. But, last year, in the case of Shelby County, AL v. Eric Holder, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act provision, finding preclearance of voting laws used to protect minority voters, was unconstitutional. That ruling allowed Texas, and other states, to freely change their voting laws. Following the Shelby decision, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder promised swift enforcement “using every legal tool that remains available to us – against any jurisdiction that seeks to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s ruling by hindering eligible citizens’ full and free exercise of the franchise,” Holder said, in 2013. His office fought to stop S.B. 14. Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court has handed-down the civil rights community historic defeats in voting rights, affirmative action, criminal justice, and public education. Next month, the court will hear a fair housing case involving racial discrimination.

Catania has not been afraid to speak up when he felt that District residents were being misled by city officials. That type of behavior may be suitable in a corporate suite but in city hall, where he needs the support of community leaders and members of the council to move his political agenda

forward, he will be a frustrated mayor and that is not in the best interest of the residents. Schwartz has compelling ideas on bringing retired teachers back into the school system as mentors and advocating District-built public housing as a solution to the city’s affordable


housing crisis. However, her plans for economic development are not clear and improving District residents’ way of life tends to focus on what worked in the past and not what will be needed in the future. The AFRO encourages voters to follow its lead by supporting Bowser on Nov. 4.

Insight into Determinants of Exceptional Aging and Longevity

Why do some people reach age 80, 90, and older living free of physical and cognitive disease? National Institute on Aging (NIA) researchers on the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) are exploring this question through the IDEAL (Insight into Determinants of Exceptional Aging and Longevity) Study. Although research exists on the relationship between long life and functional decline, we still know relatively little about why certain individuals have excellent health well into their 80’s while others experience disease and physical decline earlier in life. IDEAL Study participants can help NIH researchers uncover secrets of healthy aging.

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National Institutes of Health


The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

An Open Letter to the Next Mayor of D.C.

By George H. Lambert Jr. President and CEO, Greater Washington Urban League To the Winner: First of all, congratulations on running a clean and honorable campaign. Sure, some verbal punches were thrown, but each candidate recognized the others’ love of the Nation’s Capital and

commitment to solving its toughest problems. You’re taking the reins of the city that The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently found the most expensive in the United States and that Forbes declared the coolest. These two superlatives may also point to why D.C. is also, arguably, the most difficult city to govern. As a native Washingtonian and president of the Greater Washington Urban League (GWUL), I am deeply gratified to see robust economic development all around me, but I am also concerned that so many who have been part of the fabric of the city for so long have been left out of the bonanza. If there could be just one word, sculpted in bronze, that you would keep on your desk at all times, let that word be balance. In your public declarations and private conferences, in your budget and policy and plans, please do your best to balance the demands of a thriving metropolis with the needs of the less fortunate. The mandate would be to balance our illustrious past and our dynamic future for all D.C. residents. As you meet developers with ambitious visions for

transforming our landscape, please keep in mind longtime residents like the elderly woman I encountered recently who had sold her home for $150,000—only to see it resold, in a matter of months, for more than five times that amount. Since $150,000 isn’t enough for her to buy a new home in the District, or even a condominium, where does she go after spending over 40 years here? To maintain balance in the face of gentrification, the Greater Washington Urban League offers its full cooperation and partnership with your administration. We have assumed a leadership role in housing issues, building financial bridges to help residents transition from rental housing to home ownership. We conduct community workshops on How To Invest and Strategies to Accumulate Wealth, factors that lead to economic and family stability. We coach young people on how to apply for a loan and resolve credit issues. Undoubtedly, you will confront a host of other challenges and even crises during your tenure. Education, safety and transparent government will always matter to your constituents,

but in my conversations with community members who take advantage of GWUL’s programs, one question comes to the fore: Who will look out for the grassroots community in a rapidly changing city? As a child, I lived in an apartment at Harvard and 15th Street in Columbia Heights— literally just one block from where the Greater Washington Urban League’s headquarters now stands. As I navigate the neighborhood I sometimes have to rub my eyes to make sure I’m not dreaming. While it is a myth that D.C. is built on a swamp, it is a fact that it is built on dreams—dreams of equality, fairness and democracy. When I urge a balanced approach, I do not necessarily mean taking the safe or established path. Governing our city will take imagination and fresh thinking. When the voters cast their ballots for you, they were entrusting you with their dreams. Congratulations again on your victory and on your opportunity to see those dreams put into action. We stand ready to help make the District of Columbia the best place to live for everyone—a superlative so inspirational that it serves as a model for other cities across the nation.

Report: Racial Gap Persists in SAT Scores Angela Morris-Hameen Black people need to start letting their kids take the SAT in the 7th grade. That way they will understand how to take the test and what’s expected of them. I know some people who started early and did well by the time they got in the 12th grade. Haneef Rasheed Because the SAT test has been racially, socially and financially biased since its inception. Intentionally! Adrienne L. Woodard This will continue to happen as long as property taxes for the poor remain where they are. This was done on purpose so that there would be a huge gap. Poor education and nutrition will remain the norm as long as this unfair treatment remains.

Toni Morrison’s Papers to be Housed at Princeton Kimmie Reynolds

Ugh! Why not an HBCU? Sigh. Juelz Calhoun Black women never feel accomplished until White people approve of their work or cause. People, this is why we are losing. #Invisiblehandcuffs. Vanika Mock Perhaps HBCUs could not accommodate the treasury of items. Stop being so critical! Congrats are in order!

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October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American



Voting for our Principles and our Interests

Each year, we recall Dr. King’s dream for an America in which each of us is judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin. Now, in 2014, we have the opportunity to once again vote for this empowering vision here in Maryland. Our elections this year will determine who will represent us in Congress and the State Legislature - and who will be our attorney Rep. Elijah general, comptroller, and, of Cummings course, our governor for the next four years. All of these decisions by our voters are important - the choice of our next governor most of all. It is Maryland’s governor, not our Legislature, who controls the budget that is essential to so many state services. Under Maryland’s constitution, if the governor slashes state spending, there is little that our Legislature can do to correct that faulty decision. Maryland’s Democratic candidate, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, knows that he needs a large African American vote to become Maryland’s first African-American governor. Yet, Anthony Brown has not asked any Maryland voter to cast their ballot for him because he is Black. Rather his campaign is stressing the shared principles and forward-looking policies that will benefit all Marylanders whatever may be the color of our skin. I agree with that decision. Some might consider this to be overly idealistic in our society that, all too often, remains racially-preoccupied. Yet, the wiser among us remember that it was a multi-racial and ecumenical coalition that elected President Obama twice. If we forget this truth, we are vulnerable to those who would return us to less noble government policies and flawed “trickle-down economics.” We have witnessed this truth in Washington, where President Obama’s opponents have subjected our nation to years of obstruction, federal budget cuts and personal attacks. In contrast, Maryland’s African American voters have expressed the power of our votes - and, God-willing, we will do so again this year. We have voted for leaders who have effectively managed our state’s economy during difficult economic times. Because we exercised our most fundamental civil right, our Democratic governors and legislators have been able to increase support for public education, expand access to affordable health care, stand up for working families’ ability to organize and earn a living wage, make progress toward protecting our natural heritage and end the barbarism of the

death penalty in our state. Because Maryland’s progressive coalition has remained steadfast, our state has continued to move closer to that “Blessed Community” of Dr. King’s dream. Yet, there are those, including the Republican candidate for Governor businessman and former Ehrlich administration Appointments Secretary Larry Hogan - who argue that we cannot afford to move forward with reform. As our next governor, Anthony Brown would advance a far more progressive vision for our state. Public Education: Like so many of us, Anthony Brown’s parents believed in assuring their children an empowering education. He made the most of those opportunities, graduating cum laude from Harvard and Harvard Law School. That life experience fires his support for public education - his advocacy of universal pre-kindergarten education, his determination to expand support for our local schools, and his

“Each year, we recall Dr. King’s dream for an America in which each of us is judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin.” efforts to make college more affordable for every Marylander. Public Service: Anthony Brown’s own life affirms the value of public service, both in the military (where he won a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq) and in his leadership experience in Maryland’s House of Delegates. Maryland’s public sector employees and their families can be confident that a Brown Administration would be supportive of their aspirations and sensitive to their challenges. Progress Toward a Living Wage: Because he has personally witnessed the hardships and inequity of substandard wages, Anthony Brown was a leader in the successful

legislative fight to raise Maryland’s minimum wage and will support that commitment in the years ahead. Affordable Health Care: The son of a physician - and personally committed to universal, affordable health care - Lt. Gov. Brown has been a major force in assuring that promise for every Maryland family. Affordable health care is now our legal right - and far more Marylanders now have that security. The Power of Our Vote: These accomplishments and commitments advance both our ideals and our self-interest as a community. Yet, there are those who are deeply concerned that too many of us will not vote this year, allowing reaction to prevail. Recent polling of likely Maryland voters shows Anthony Brown in the lead - but not by a comfortable margin. Clearly, every vote from our community will count. We should be urging our families and friends to vote early from October 23 through October 30 at any early voting site in the City or County where they live. For locations: http:// elections.state.md.us. Whether we vote early or at our regular polling places on Election Day, Nov. 4, please pass on a personal message from me. We are voting for our future and for the generations yet unborn. Rep. Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Children of Color Need a Level Playing Ground Some of our children may be falling behind by the time they reach the starting line. There is mounting evidence that many of the gaps facing communities of color – gaps in income, literacy and educational achievement – are already present by the time a child enters kindergarten. A report from the Center for American Progress found that the socalled “school-readiness gap” is stunting the potential of Ben Jealous entire generations of children of color, and restricting America’s future economic success. This gap is first present in young children under 3, collectively referred to as infants and toddlers. The first few years of a child’s life are crucial to their future success - a full 85 percent of brain development occurs before age five. That’s why their mother and I have read to our children, Jack and Morgan, every day of their lives. However, much of early childhood development is influenced by factors beyond parents’ dedication. One factor is economic. By age two, there are significant differences in the cognitive abilities of low and high-income children. By age three, these gaps become visible in the processing skills needed to develop language capacity. By the time children are four years old, low-income kids have heard 30

million fewer words than children from more affluent families. This gap can be even more significant for children who are non-native English speakers. The result is that by two, there is already a pronounced gap between the wealthiest children and the poorest children. Children from low-income families are a year or more behind their more advantaged peers. Another factor is based on race. Fewer than half of Black children attend preschool, and only 37 percent of Hispanic children ages 3 to 4 attend preschool. This is inexcusable. Depriving early childhood education to a large portion of the population is equivalent to organizing a marathon and only allowing some of the runners to train before they get

“…much of early childhood development is influenced by factors beyond parents’ dedication.” to the starting line. It can only produce uneven results and discouraged participants who can’t understand why they have so much trouble getting ahead. It is also a recipe for further economic inequality and longterm economic stagnation. The majority of children born in the United States today are children of color. Taken together, Blacks and Hispanics will comprise 42 percent of the U.S.

workforce by 2050. If we are serious about creating a country where all our communities can contribute, we need to prepare our children for the future by providing them with a strong educational foundation. Increasing access to high-quality early learning opportunities, particularly for infants and toddlers, would have positive, long-lasting, and compounding effects. Children who attend early learning programs gain four months of learning on average, and up to a year for high-quality programs. Furthermore, the children who would benefit the most from increased investment are those are already farthest behind – specifically, low-income children of color. In the past 10 years, 40 states have initiated state-funded preschool programs, but these programs still only serve one quarter of all 4-year-olds. We can do better. Though many civil rights organizations are focused on poverty, lack of social mobility, and K-12 achievement gaps, comparatively little attention is paid to how investments in a robust infant and toddler, and broader early childhood support system might improve these conditions. That needs to change. Today’s infants and toddlers – like my two-year-old son Jack – will soon be the foundation of America’s economic success – or lack thereof. Let’s get serious about creating the conditions for all of our communities to help make America great. Ben Jealous is a senior fellow at American Progress. He is the former president and CEO of the NAACP and currently works as a partner at Kapor Capital, an Oakland-based firm that leverages the technology sector to create progressive social change.

The opinions on this page are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the AFRO. Send letters to The Afro-American • 2519 N. Charles St. • Baltimore, MD 21218 or fax to 1-877-570-9297 or e-mail to editor@afro.com


The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

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9/9/14 9:47 AM

October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American

By Shari L. McCoy Special to the AFRO

Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Norman L. Campbell of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C., Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray of the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA of D.C. and 5K Walk Chair Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson presenting a ceremonial check to Dr. Carla Williams, Howard University Cancer Center

Members of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter at the start of the walk

In celebration of Breast Cancer Month, The Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliated (GTGC) held its premier annual charity event, the Margaret E. Anderson Howard University 5K Breast Cancer Walk on Oct. 4. Over 200 members and family walked to raise money for the Howard University Cancer Center. In addition to the Masonic family’s participation, many community organizations such as Israel Baptist Church, Queen of Sheba Motorcycle Club and DC Cancer Consortium partnered with GTGC and formed teams to participate in the walk. According to the Center for Disease Control, D.C. has one of the highest rates of breast cancer deaths in the nation. The focus of this annual charity event was to raise awareness of the staggering incidence of breast cancer and deaths among African-American women in the area. Last year, GTGC donated $25,000 to the Cancer Center. This year, Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray’s goal is to raise at least last year’s donation. The Margaret E. Anderson Howard University 5K Breast Cancer Walk is in its 11th year with more supporters each year coming together to raise needed funds in support of the cancer center.

Courtesy Photos

Worthy Matron Juanita Griffin-Zani and members of Mattie R. Griffin Chapter #16 cheer as they completed the walk

Committee members Electa Chapter #6 Worthy Matron Shari L. McCoy and Miriam Chapter #4 Worthy Matron Robin B. Wise

Committee members Tonya Fadis (Electa Chapter #6) and Charitable Foundation Vice President Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett (Electa Chapter #6) participate in kick off “Pink Thursday” event

Datcher Chapter #7 members who came out to fight for the cause of breast cancer


Grand Worthy Matron Barbary E. Murray and Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson pose with Ms. Jessica Rogers of the Howard University Cancer Center

Past Grand Worthy Matron Margaret E. Anderson, founder and Chair of the 2014 Margaret E. Anderson 5 K. Breast Cancer Walk welcoming walkers to the pre-walk activities Worthy Matron Bobbi Smith and Worshipful Master James K. Saunders (Doric Lodge #19) and members of Naomi Chapter #9

Committee members Past Matron Brenda S. Young (Electa Chapter #6) and 5K Walk Co-Chair Grand Trustee Brenda Hardaway (Martha Chapter #11) checking walkers who registered for the event

Queen of Sheba, an all female motorcycle club of Eastern Stars were on hand to support the event

MEA 5K Breast Cancer Walk Committee members PM Twanna Nickens (Fidelity Chapter #10), PM Glaceria Mason (Datcher Chapter #7), WM Shari L. McCoy (Electa Chapter #6), Co-Chair GT Brenda Hardaway (Martha Chapter #6), Associate Grand Matron Venecia C. Bessellieu (Prince Hall Chapter #5), Chair PGWM Margaret E. Anderson (Elect Chapter #6), PM Brenda S. Young (Elect Chapter #6), PM Brenda Makins (Queen Esther Chapter #1), PM Deatrice Besong (Miriam Chapter #4), AM Kathy Jackson (Gethsemane Chapter #3)

Cancer survivors Stephen Jefferson (Redemption Lodge #24, PWGM Margaret E. Anderson (Electa Chapter #6) and GT Brenda Hardaway (Martha Chapter #11) participate in “Think Pink” prewalk kick off event

Worthy Matron Shari L. McCoy and Worthy Patron Bobby R. Harris and members of Electa Chapter #6 show their support and registered in large numbers for breast cancer walk


The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff


How Will the Oklahoma City Thunder Fare stars are always better than one.

By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Writers The Oklahoma City Thunder’s Kevin Durant emerged as an MVP candidate last year, earning votes with his performance while running mate and point guard Russell Westbrook was sidelined with a knee injury. The 6-foot, 9-inch swingman took turns operating as a lead guard and a scoring machine while Westbrook was on the mend. Now, Westbrook gets to return the favor with Durant sidelined for six to eight weeks with a broken foot. But after years of trying to force his way into the role of the team’s best player, is the injury-prone and sometimes hotheaded Westbrook ready to match Durant’s performance last year and carry the show? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley debate of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: Russell Westbrook might be the best all-around player in the NBA. He’s a fierce rebounder, an active defender, an effective passer and scoring presence. At just Kevin Durant 6-foot, 3-inches, he can take over a game—evidenced by a huge postseason performance where he averaged 26.7 points, eight assists, seven rebounds and just over two steals a game. He was dominant, versatile and reliable. Now, he’ll step into a role suited for him, one in which he can be the all-around menace that he naturally is, direct traffic and head the team’s defense. Westbrook can carry the team while Durant’s down, as long as it’s only for a short period of time. Green: We all know the skills are already there for Westbrook; the man can flat out DO IT, whether scoring or playing defense. He’s a true superstar in the making. But that’s not the issue here. The reality of the situation is that OKC plays in the Western Conference, where every team is stacked and loaded with great talent. It’s the same conference in which Carmelo Anthony and former star Tracy McGrady spent most of their careers enduring early playoff exits. The point is; no matter how great a player Westbrook is, he will need help, and without KD, this team will run into problems when they face the other juggernauts of the West. Two

the super-athletic Westbrook.

Riley: You’re right, but KD held the team together when Westbrook was injured for an extended period of time last season, and I think Westbrook will do the same this season. The only question is if Westbrook is mature enough to lead the same way KD did? I think so. Pundits give Westbrook a hard time because of how passionate he can be on the floor. Personally, I can’t see how a fiery leader is a bad thing. For all of Durant’s humbleness and gentle giant approach, critics have begun to criticize the reigning MVP for his perceived lack of a killer instinct. I don’t agree wholeheartedly, but one thing nobody will ever question is Westbrook’s aggressiveness and assertiveness. He wants to win, he thrives to win and he’ll take over the shooting and scoring load at times regardless of who he’s playing with. We’ve seen him go on shooting binges despite the presence of capable scorers like Durant or even James Harden, which just further proves that despite the personnel or the situation, you can rely on Westbrook to not shy away from any situation. And for a guy that will be looked upon for his scoring and intensity, there isn’t a better role for

Green: Oklahoma City isn’t going to be the same without Durant, plain and simple. You can’t replace a player of Durant’s caliber, and the mismatches that he gives you as an oversized shooting guard is something that only LeBron James can provide. And don’t forget that Westbrook has had three knee surgeries over the last two seasons. Asking him to carry the load mentally is one thing, but is he physically capable of shouldering a larger workload when he could barely handle shared duties with Durant without getting injured? I was prepared to see the Thunder try to limit Westbrook’s minutes going into the year, because Westbrook’s knees have been tricky. But Durant’s latest injury is perhaps the worst thing that could have happened for both of Oklahoma City’s star players. Westbrook is finally going to get what he wants—a chance to be the go-to-guy—but Durant’s shadow is too big and Westbrook is too injury-prone for that to work.Â


Women’s Leadership Luncheon

Three Washington-area residents who use their unique talents, resources and abilities to increase opportunities for women and girls will receive Visionary Awards at the Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s annual Leadership Luncheon Oct. 23 at the Grand Hyatt Washington. The luncheon’s theme is “Here. Now. For Her.� and builds on the national momentum for the economic advancement of women and girls. The Visionary Awards recipients are recognized

Mrs. Santa Donation Form

The Afro-American Newspaper family is helping to grant a wish for the most vulnerable. Would you like to help a child create memories that will last a lifetime? For many disadvantaged families, you can turn dreams into reality by participating in the Mrs. Santa Holiday Charity Drive. o I want to join the AFRO’s spirit of giving. Please accept my contribution of $___________ to benefit a less fortunate family.

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Afro-Charities, Inc. Attn: Diane W. Hocker 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 410-554-8243

for their commitment to advancing women and girls in the Washington region. For more information about the Washington Area Women’s Foundation, visit http://thewomensfoundation. org.

Greenbelt, Md.

Chi Eta Phi to Host D.C. Sorority Fashion Show

Alpha Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority invites you to their forty-eighth Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon Oct. 26 at Martin’s Crosswinds, 7900 Greenway Center Drive at 1:30 p.m. Fashions will come from Lovely Lady Boutique and Furs by J.S. Furs of Washington, D.C. There will be vendors and door prizes available. Proceeds from the event will support the chapter’s Community Services Programs and Projects. For more information, call 202-397-7587 or 301-8058486.

Oxon Hill, Md.

AKAs Host Health Workshop

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter will host “A Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul Workshop� free

to the public, Oct. 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Oxon Hill Library, 6200 Oxon Hill Road. Professionals in various areas of expertise will provide information to encourage healthy living and how to keep ourselves healthy, mentality, physically, and emotionally. Vendors also will be at the workshop to share information about new products for skin, hair, nails, and feet. To register for the event, please go to www. akaupsilontauomega.org. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis so attendees are strongly encouraged to register.

Silver Spring, Md.

First Avenue Connectors Host Event to Fight Breast Cancer

The “First Avenue Connectors� (Maisie Dunbar Spa Lounge and First Avenue Hair Salon) will host the third annual Pink Show, an event geared towards fashion and networking, to fight breast cancer. The event will take place at the lounge, located at 8711 First Avenue on Oct. 25 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Proceeds from the event will go to City of Hope, a center focused on rapidly transforming scientific discoveries into better treatments and better prevention strategies for cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases.

Bethesda, Md.

‘ Fetch Clay, Make Man’ Comes to Roundhouse Theatre

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Round House Theatre will host a special showing of Fetch Clay, Make Man by Will Power. Directed by Derrick Sanders, the production is based on the true story of the improbable friendship that formed between Muhammad Ali and Stepin Fetchit. A coproduction with Marin Theatre Company, Fetch Clay, Make Man will run at Round House Theatre, located at 4545 East-West Highway, one block from Wisconsin Avenue and the Bethesda station on Metro’s Red Line, until Nov. 2. Tickets range in price from $10 to $45 and may be purchased by calling 240.644.1100, by ordering online at www. RoundHouseTheatre.org, or in person at the box office.

October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American


ARTS & CULTURE Hip Hop Corner

Expanding the ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ Tent

By Jineea Butler NNPA Columnist

forms of our time. Craig and his group have been infiltrating the airwaves with music that tells the real story on the streets. They expose the manufactured puppets of Hip Hop for the propaganda they are being used to spread. They refer to each other as kings, gentleman, ladies

Followers of Larry Hoover are committed to building a national network using strategies that organize masses of young people under one umbrella for political and economic development. Music has been one of the most impressionable art

and queens. Their goal is to elevate the mind, body and soul. The prison culture has spilled out on the streets where our young people begin to see the world for themselves. When they see GODN Entertainment doing community cleanups in 26

“The My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge is really about highlighting effective strategies and…adding momentum to some of the tremendous work that is already being done from coast to coast.”

states, BOS Weekend in Larry Hoover’s birthplace with more than 20,000 people in attendance; they see their brother’s keeper. He looks like them, he acts like them, and he loves them. Just as America arms groups to assist in aiding us internationally, we need to start respecting organizations that have reach and need to consider putting them in the plans, the conversations and hold them to their own loyalty standards and uphold our own. They can learn from us and we can learn from them, but we can’t be opposed to building together. I am going to challenge Craig to incorporate the MBK Community in the GODN structure, I hope they are recognized just as everyone else. Check out godnent.com for more information. Jineea Butler, founder of the Social Services of Hip Hop and the Hip Hop Union is a Hip Hop Analyst who investigates the trends and behaviors of the community and delivers programming that solves the Hip Hop Dilemma. She can be reached at jineea@gmail.com or Tweet her at @flygirlladyjay

Carmen de Lavallade: As I Remember It

“Riveting dramatic strengths”

—The Washington Post

Photo by Julieta Cervantes

My Brother’s Keeper Initiative was developed under the Obama administration to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color. In September, President Obama issued a challenge the MBK challenge that encourages communities to implement coherent cradle to college and career strategies for improving life outcomes of all young people. Julián Castro, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, says “The My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge is really about highlighting effective strategies and it’s about offering an organizing principle and adding momentum to some of the tremendous work that is already being done from coast to coast.” Tony Neal, founder of the Core DJ’s Worldwide and a community leader in his own right, has been dedicated to lifting up the community through his work. In response to Obama’s Challenge, Tony introduced me to Gentlemen of Distinguish Nature (G.O.D.N.) Entertainment, an organization influential with young men and women in urban communities across America. I had a very candid conversation with Shawn Craig, the CEO of G.O.D.N. about what he has accomplished since stepping back out on the streets in 2009 after a 10-year prison stint. His mission has been to follow the Larry Hoover blueprint of growth and development by enlisting his comrades into what he calls the new drug game. In this new drug game, Craig boasted that you don’t have to sell drugs or commit crimes you can sell music, movies, jewelry and clothing. Craig told me that what he has been able to do is transfer the skills he mastered on the streets into a sustainable enterprise that most importantly supports programs for underprivileged children and battered women called S.T.E.P.S (Striving Together Encouraging Progression and Success). He constantly instills discipline, dedication and integrity into his network that spans 26 states and more than 30,000 people. He shows young men and women how to rebuild their lives from negative to positive and is focused on recycling wealth within the community. When we think about the My Brother’s Keeper

initiative, we think of structured programming that is designed to guide our young people down the path to the American dream. No one wants our children to believe that life on the streets or going in and out of prison is a credible career. Our children want the best that life has to offer but often do not have proper structure to attain it. They gravitate to lifestyles that are comfortable and familiar. Phillip Jackson, the founder of The Black Star Project, said “The best mentoring organizations in Chicago are street gangs. Street gangs are more committed than churches; street gangs are more committed than our communities and more than the government to our children.” While G.O.D.N. Entertainment is not a gang, I doubt that it would be invited to the table for My Brother’s Keeper collaboration even though the work they do is highly commendable. When we dismiss unconventional methods to engage our youth, we miss opportunities to find a collective solution.

October 29–30 | Terrace Theater In this intimate multimedia portrait, legendary artist Carmen de Lavallade weaves together dance, personal writings, projections of her younger self, and films featuring some of her significant collaborators to trace a career that spans seven decades.

Tickets on sale now!

(202) 467-4600 kennedy-center.org Tickets also available at the Box Office | Groups (202) 416-8400

This engagement of Carmen de Lavallade is made possible through the ArtsCONNECT program of Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation with support from the National Endowment for the Arts. The presentation of Carmen de Lavallade was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with additional support from the National Endowment for the Arts.




The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

Keeping it Real: The Ladies of THE REAL By Mary L. Datcher Special to NNPA from The Windy City Word THE REAL is a new one-hour, daily talk show hosted by the dynamic team of Tamar Braxton, Tamera Mowry-Housley, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai and Adrienne Bailon, that debuted Sept. 15, on Fox Television Stations and in national syndication (check local listings), with a rebroadcast in primetime on BET. The show is led by five bold, diverse and outspoken hosts, women who reflect the home audience and unapologetically say what women are actually thinking. Their unique perspectives are brought to life through their candid conversations about topics ranging from their own personal lives to the news of the day to beauty, fashion and relationships. We had a chance to catch up with the ladies during their promo tour and they had a lot to say in their high profile roles as the new daytime contenders. Having debuted last July in seven markets on Fox television station that included; New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Phoenix, Houston and Tampa, The Real was picked up for a second season with close to 98 percent stations picking up the show. What made you feel that this show could work for each of your personalities? Loni Love: “When I was approached to try a show like this because I am a standup comic-I’m accustomed to working by myself. But the idea to work on a show with a younger and hipper edge really enticed me. When this opportunity came, I jumped on it. Fortunately, I made the cut and I’m very happy. It’s historic because we’ve never had a show with all women of color and to present in such a way, whereas we’re talking about issues that people aren’t talking about or they’re afraid to really talk about ‘the real.’ This is a great opportunity for us.” I know each of you have your own special style and grace on fashion (pointing to Jeannie Mai). What is your targeted demographic? Tell me about your strategy. Jeannie Mai: “There isn’t a specific strategy that’s targeted on our style. There’s fashion every day on the show. We all have our own wish list of style and what we do with it. So, we try to do our segments and spread it out. We also try to highlight different things for different women to have fun. Once a month, we’ll give away a luxury bag to someone in the audience and also to someone watching from home. That’s always a dream come true. Fun trends that are happening; there’s fashion in most of the show and it showcases all of our styles. “ Do you feel your transition from the reality shows to co-hosting The Real will show viewers a different side of you? Tamar Braxton “In Braxton Family Values, you see me being the sister and in Tamar and Vince, you see me being Tamar, the wife and on The Real you see me as Tamar, the girlfriend. The girl you go out to have cocktails with, the girl’s girl you can tell your secrets to that’s not going to tell your business and who is going to keep it real with you. She is going to keep it real with you at the end of the day. I definitely think The Real allows me to show all facets of my life and personality because I have a couple,” the Grammy nominated singer jokes. Feeling at ease with each other, the co-hosts laugh and tease Tamar. Fellow co-host, Loni Love adds, “I want to put this in print. This is one of the hardest working persons in the industry. When I met her, she was pregnant and then she dropped the baby three weeks later. She has two reality shows, now she’s doing a talk show and then she did two albums and now she’s working on something else. When they say Black women don’t work-this one right here (points to Tamar) – she has got to have some Jamaican in her.” The room erupts in laughter and sister admiration of Tamar’s success. Speaking of hard working, you’ve been working in the business since you were an infant. What does this new platform mean to you?

Hosts of 'The Real' Tamar Braxton, Tamera Mowry-Housley, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai and Adrienne Bailon Tamera “What people didn’t know about me but what they now know is that I love to talk. That’s how my sister and I got the part in Sister, Sister-we didn’t have to audition for it. We talked our way into the roles. I’m naturally an encourager- I love to help people. When I heard about a talk show, I was like ‘Wow! This could be a great platform to just speak to my fans. To speak to things that means something. Whether they need help dating, marriage or whatever because it’s just in me to encourage and help. Why not? Why not do this?” What’s going to be the difference between you and Rosie Perez on The View for the Hispanic target? “I think the age difference. What my experience has been growing up. My Mom is Puerto Rican and my Dad is Ecuadorian. My first language is Spanish. My parents at home speak Spanish and my Dad does not speak English. A lot of young people growing up in this country are first generation here; they have parents that don’t speak English. To have me being on a panel of an English speaking show makes a huge statement. “The Real” is entering the arena of not only the day time talk show wars but also a great pool of female contenders, but these ladies remain undaunted in displaying their unique and individual qualities. Tamar is excited with the anticipation of a new single dropping within a week and making her directorial debut for the music video. Wearing multiple hats in the business is not an easy task, “I feel like I’m here for the dream. At any age-you can do whatever you want to do. You can be whoever you want to be but you have to work hard and you have to not give up on yourself. I know a lot of people and singers are afraid to tell their real age. I am proud to tell my real age. I’m 37 and I worked my behind off all my life and I finally got to the point where I am proud of myself. Doesn’t matter if you’re 37, 47, 57, 67… never give up!” she explains. What makes The Real different from other shows aside from the comedic side of Loni Love, the fashionista beauty with a humble Vietnamese upbringing of Jeannie Mai, the multi-talented, multi-tasking feisty attitude of Tamar Braxton, the former Cheetah Girl’s, Adrienne Bailon who carries the confidence and pride of her Latin roots along with the soulful balance of Tamera Mowry-Housley? Tamera sums it up, “When you become vulnerable and when you are fine with being yourself, that’s when you can become relatable. That’s when people can learn from you. Not only do you learn from yourself, people are learning from you.”

AUTOMOTIVE CENTRAL Volkswagen 2015 Lineup By Frank S. Washington NNPA Columnist MIDDLEBURG, Va. – We came here to get a look at Volkswagen’s offerings for the 2015 model year. Normally, during these full-line previews there are a few tweaks here and some burnishing there. But VW did have a triad of new stuff that will help its presence in the U.S. market. The German automaker has come a long way from the days when its calling card in this market was the Beetle. There are 11 different Volkswagen models. Add trim lines – which we didn’t do – and that number multiplies to scores of vehicles that are derived from the Beetle, the Beetle Convertible, the CC, the e-Golf, the Golf, the Golf GTI, the Jetta, the Passat, the Tiguan and the Touareg The model that will probably get the most coverage is the fully electric version of the new Volkswagen Golf that was introduced earlier this year. Briefly, the e-Golf’s electric motor develops the equivalent of 115 horsepower and 199 pound-feet of torque. It has a range of 70 to 90 miles. On an all too short test drive, we found the e-Golf to be extremely quiet. The only thing we could hear was just a bit of wind noise over the roof. The car accelerated smartly, handled well and it was pretty nimble in the heavy traffic that engulfs suburban Washington, D.C. The quick judgment is that this car can handle routine short haul driving without a hitch. The e-Golf comes with a road side assistance plan that is meant to reduce what Volkswagen called range anxiety. Using a fast charger, the lithium-ion battery can be charged to 80 percent capacity in a half hour and its distinguishing design cue is that it has LED headlights as

Courtesy photo

The 2015 Volkswagen Gulf was introduced earlier this year. well as LED daytime running lights. The e-Golf goes on sale in November; the base price will be $36,265. Presumably, Volkswagen does not expect to sell a bunch of e-Golfs but to get to the next level of battery technology the automaker and its peers have got to get real world experience in electric cars, especially battery technology and charging stations. And the e-Golf is Volkswagen’s effort. However, the automaker’s best-selling model, the Jetta, gets a new diesel engine that will be used in other VW diesel models. The Volkswagen Group sells more diesel powered vehicles in the U.S. than any automaker. The new clean burning diesel is a 2.0-liter TDI that makes 150

horsepower and 236 pound-feet of torque at 1,750 rpm. When mated to a six-speed manual transmission, the 2015 TDI Jetta gets 31 mpg in the city and 46 mpg on the highway. With an automatic gearbox, city mileage remains the same while highway mileage falls one mile per gallon to 45. The Jetta also gets a new 1.8-liter turbocharged four-cylinder that makes 170 horsepower and 184 pound-feet of torque. Surprisingly, with either the six-speed manual or the six-speed automatic transmission fuel consumption for the 1.8-liter remains the same: 25 mpg in the city and 37 mpg on the highway. The new Jetta can be equipped with Bi-Xenon headlights and LED daytime running lights. The Hybrid, the 2.0-liter and the 2.0-liter turbo remain. Four engine choices with multiple gear boxes that range from manuals to dual clutch transmissions to plain old automatic transmission and multiple trim lines result in base pricing for the Jetta that starts at $17,035 for the 2.0-liter base Jetta with a fivespeed manual transmission to $32,490 for the 2015 Volkswagen Jetta Hybrid SEL Premium. The third significant change and perhaps best of all is that the electrical layout of 2015 Volkswagens has been changed so that beginning next year the vehicles will be equipped with USB jacks. No matter the model, the name of the game in the future is connectivity and without USB jacks Volkswagen was at a distinct disadvantage, especially with younger customers. Now, the automaker from Wolfsburg has really entered the 21st century. Frank S. Washington is editor of AboutThatCar.com


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October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014, The Afro-American



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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM729 Estate of Maudery Louise Stanley Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Gloria D. McFarlane for standard probate, including the appoint-ment of one or more personal representative. Unless a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate Division Rule 407 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. 0 Admit to probate the will copy dated March 17, 1999 exhibited with the petition upon proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution by affidavit of witnesses or otherwise 0 In the absence of a Will or proof satisfactory to the court of due execution, enter an order determining that the decedent died intestate 0 Appoint an unsupervised personal representative Date of First Publication October 17, 2014 Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division Names of Newspapers: Washington Law Reporter Washington AFRO-AMERICAN Lawrence N. Cooper 1029 Vermont Ave., NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005 Signature of Petitioners/Attorney


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Superior Court of Superior Court of the District of the District of District of Columbia District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 20001-2131 Administration No. Administration No. 2014ADM996 2014ADM1014 Stanley L. Poindexter James Alexander Bell, Decedent Jr. NOTICE OF Decedent APPOINTMENT, Yvonne Davis Smith NOTICE TO Esq CREDITORS 2501 Northampton St. AND NOTICE TO NW UNKNOWN HEIRS Washington, Dc 20015 Robert Eugene PoinAttorney dexter, whose address is NOTICE OF 153-27 120 Avenue, JaAPPOINTMENT, maica, New York 11434 NOTICE TO was appointed personal CREDITORS representative of the AND NOTICE TO estate of Stanley L. UNKNOWN HEIRS Poindexter, who died on Tenesha Danielle Kea, February 16, 2014 with- whose address is 1901 out a will, and will serve Carrington Drive, Rawithout Court supervi- leigh North Carolina, sion. All unknown heirs 27615 wasappointed a n d h e i r s w h o s e personal representative whereabouts are un- of the estate of James known shall enter their Alexander Bell Jr., who appearance in this died on August 18, 2004 proceeding. Objections without a will, and will to such appointment (or serve with Court supervito the probate of de- sion. All unknown heirs cedent´s will) shall be a n d h e i r s w h o s e filed with the Register of whereabouts are unWills, D.C., 515 5th known shall enter their Street, N.W., 3rd Floor a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . proceeding. Objections 20001, on or before April to such appointment 10, 2015. Claims against shall be filed with the the decedent shall be Register of Wills, D.C., presented to the under- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd signed with a copy to the Floor Washington, D.C. Register of Wills or filed 20001, on or before April with the Register of Wills 17, 2015. Claims against with a copy to the under- the decedent shall be Legal Advertising Rates signed, on or before April presented to the under10, 2015 or be forever signed with a copy to the Effective October 1, 2008 barred. Persons believed Register of Wills or filed to be heirs or legatees of with the Register of Wills the decedent who do not PROBATE DIVISION receive a copy of this no- with a copy to the undertice by mail within 25 signed, on or before April (Estates) 17, 2015, or be forever days of its first publication shall so inform the barred. Persons believed 202-332-0080 Register of Wills, includ- to be heirs or legatees of PROBATE NOTICES ing name, address and the decedent who do not receive a copy of this norelationship. tice by mail within 25 Date of Publication: days of its first publicaa. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks October 10, 2014 tion shall so inform the Name of newspaper: b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion Register of Wills, includAfro-American ing name, address and c. Notice to Creditors Washington relationship. Law Reporter 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:53:02 EDT 2014 Date of Publication: 10/17 & 10/24/14 Robert E. Poindexter 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Personal October 17, 2014 Representative Name of newspaper: d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks SUPERIOR COURT OF Afro-American THE DISTRICT OF Washington e. Standard Probates $125.00 TRUE TEST COPY COLUMBIA Law Reporter REGISTER OF WILLS PROBATE DIVISION TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:52:46 EDT 2014 Washington, D.C. Tenesha Danielle Kea CIVIL NOTICES 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 20001-2131 Personal a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 Foreign No. Representative SUPERIOR COURT OF 2014FEP133 b. Real Property $ 200.00 THE DISTRICT OF Date of Death TRUE TEST COPY COLUMBIA June 10, 2014 REGISTER OF WILLS PROBATE DIVISION Virginia Joyce Kirby Washington, D.C. FAMILY COURT Decedent TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:52:27 EDT 2014 20001-2131 NOTICE OF 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 202-879-1212 Foreign No. APPOINTMENT 2014FEP134 OF FOREIGN DOMESTIC RELATIONS Date of Death Superior Court of PERSONAL May 4, 2014 the District of 202-879-0157 REPRESENTATIVE Putnam M. Hembry District of Columbia AND Decedent PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO NOTICE OF Washington, D.C. CREDITORS a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00 APPOINTMENT 20001-2131 Brian G. Kirby whose adb. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 OF FOREIGN Administration No. dress is 5 Sorrell Place PERSONAL 2014ADM1058 Drive, San Antonio, TX c. Custody Divorce $150.00 REPRESENTATIVE Melva R. Gaitwood 78248 was appointed AND Decedent personal representative NOTICE TO NOTICE OF of the estate of Virginia To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up CREDITORS APPOINTMENT, Joyce Kirby, deceased, Jean F. Tenor whose adNOTICE TO on July 28, 2014, , by the depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. dress is 6515 Red Top CREDITORS Probate Court for Bexar Road, Hyattsville, MD AND NOTICE TO County, State of Texas. 1-800 (AFRO) 892 20783 was appointed UNKNOWN HEIRS Service of process may For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 personal representative Sharon Gaitwood-Diggs, be made upon John of the estate of Putnam whose address is 3450 Arness of LPRA, Inc, M. Hembry, deceased, Bayfront Rd. Mobile, AL 4725 Wisconsin Ave., on August 7, 2014, by the 36605 was appointed NW, Suite 250, WashingO r p h a n ’ s C o u r t f o r personal representative ton, DC 20015 whose Prince George’s County, of the estate of Melva R. designation as District of State of Maryland. Gaitwood, who died on Columbia agent has Service of process may July 8, 2014 with a Will, been filed with the Regisbe made upon Thomas and will serve without TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 15:53:47 EDT 2014 ter of Wills, D.C. LEGAL NOTICES L. Campbell 3807 Min- Court supervision. All unThe decedent owned the nesota Avenue, NE, known heirs and heirs following District of Washington, DC, 20019 whose whereabouts are Colombia real propSUPERIOR COURT OF whose designation as unknown shall enter their erty:3817 W Street, NW, THE DISTRICT OF District of Columbia appearance in this Washington, DC, 20007 COLUMBIA agent has been filed with proceeding. Objections Claims against the dePROBATE DIVISION the Register of Wills, to such appointment (or cedent may be preWashington, D.C. D.C. to the probate of desented to the under20001-2131 The decedent owned the cedent´s will) shall be signed and filed with the Administration No. f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f filed with the Register of Register of Wills for the 2014ADM1068 Colombia real property: Wills, D.C., 515 5th District of Columbia, 515 Estate of 432 Buchanan Street, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 5th Street, NW, 3rd Tawanna A Cole NW Washington, DC W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Floor,Washington, D.C. Deceased 20011 20001, on or before April 20001 within 6 months NOTICE OF Claims against the de- 17, 2015. Claims against from the date of first pubSTANDARD cedent may be pre- the decedent shall be lication of this notice. PROBATE sented to the under- presented to the underBrian G. Kirby Notice is hereby given signed and filed with the signed with a copy to the Personal that a petition has been Register of Wills for the Register of Wills or filed Representative filed in this Court by District of Columbia, 515 with the Register of Wills TRUE TEST COPY David N Stanton for stan5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, with a copy to the underREGISTER OF WILLS dard probate, including Washington, D.C. 20001 signed, on or before April Date of first publication: the appoint-ment of one within 6 months from the 17, 2015, or be forever October 17, 2014 or more personal repredate of first publication of barred. Persons believed Name of newspapers sentative. Unless a comthis notice. to be heirs or legatees of and/or periodical: plaint or an objection in Jean F. Tenor the decedent who do not The Daily Washington accordance with SuperPersonal receive a copy of this noLaw Reporter ior Court Probate DiRepresentative tice by mail within 25 The Afro-American vision Rule 407 is filed in • Competitive compensation package TRUE TEST COPY days of its first publicathis Court within 30 days REGISTER OF WILLS tion shall so inform the 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 from the date of first pub• Salary and commission plan Date of first publication: Register of Wills, includlication of this notice, the October 17, 2014 ing name, address and Court may take the ac• Full benefits after trial period Name of newspapers relationship. tion hereinafter set forth. and/or periodical: Date of Publication: • Opportunity for fast track In the absence of a will or The Daily Washington October 17, 2014 proof satisfactory to the advancement Law Reporter Name of newspaper: Court of due execution, The Afro-American Afro-American enter an order determinWashington ing that the decedent 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 Law Reporter died intestate *Appoint an unsuMelva R. Gaitwood pervised personal repreGood typing/data entry skills Personal sentative Representative Register of Wills • Excellent customer service skills Clerk of the TRUE TEST COPY Probate Division • Previous telephone sales experience REGISTER OF WILLS Date of First Publication • Excellent written and verbal October 17, 2014 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 Names of Newspapers: communication skills Washington Law Reporter Washington AFRO-AMERICAN Please email your resume to: David N. Stanton lhowze@afro.com or mail to 1425 K Street, NW #350 Washington, DC 20005 AFRO-American Newspapers, Diane W. Signature of Petitioners/Attorney Hocker, Director of Human Resources, 10/17, 10/24/14





















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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP104 Date of Death November 28, 2013 Paul Ramlogan Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Richard E. Rice, Jr. whose address is 7101 Nimitz Drive, District Heights, MD 20740 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Paul Ramlogan, deceased, on March 31, 2014, by the State of Maryland Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Dolly Ramlogan, BAC, 620 F. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004, whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Columbia real property: 909 47th Place, NE, Washington, DC 20019. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Richard E. Rice, Jr. Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: October 17, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14

TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM331 Bryant Fletcher Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Joel R. Davidson, whose address is 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, No 288, Washington,DC 20003 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bryant Fletcher, who died on January 26, 2010 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 17, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 17, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 17, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Joel R. Davidson Personal Representative

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1064 Maggie McLean Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Ta w a n d a M c L e a n , whose address is 3500 B Street, SE 201, Washington, DC 20019 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Maggie McLean, who died on December 7, 2012 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Tawanda McLean Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1017 David Lee Plummer Decedent Jamison B. Taylor 1218 11th St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS William H. Plummer Jr., whose address is 2827 Rolling Oaks, San Marcos, TX 78666, was appointed personal representative of the estate of David Lee Plummer, who died on August 27, 2014 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 17, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 17, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 17, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter William H. Plummer Jr. Personal Representative

10/24, 10/31,Tue 11/7/14 TYPESET: Oct 14 14:48:31 EDT 2014

Superior Court of 14:48:48 2014 the EDT District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1038 Lettie Anne Hackley Decedent Mack C. Allen, Esq 3300 Wheeler Road SE Washington, DC 20032 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Janet Elaine Simpson, whose address is 15646 Oakland Road, Reva, Virginia, 22735 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lettie Anne Hackley, who died on January 16, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 17, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 17, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 17, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Lettie Anne Hackley Personal Representative


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1026 Barbara J. Drakeford Decedent Johnny M. Riddick Esq 505 Capitol Court, NE Suite 100 Washington, DC 20002 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Major Drakeford, whose address is 603 49th St NE, Washington, DC 20019, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Barbara J. Drakeford, who died on July 9, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 17, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 17, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 17, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Major Drakeford Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Oct 21

10/17, 10/24, TYPESET: Oct 21 14:35:51 EDT10/31/14 2014 10/17, 10/24,Tue 10/31/14

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1070 Lillian Marbury Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Duan Marbury Wooten, whose address is 2903 Christiana Lynn Court, Temple Hills, MD 20748 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lillian Marbury, who died on July 21, 2007 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Duan Marbury Wooten Personal Representative




10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14

10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14

10/24, 10/31, 11/7/14

To Advertise Call 202332-0080

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM673 Lottie B. Paul Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Linda M. Paul, whose address is 6803 Eldridge St., Hyattsville, MD 20784 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lottie B. Paul, who died on December 3, 2013 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Linda M. Paul Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

10/24, 10/31,Tue 11/07/14 TYPESET: Oct 21 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1029 Noah Vincent Buie Decedent Noah Vincent Buie Charles F. Gormly, Esq 5101 Wisconsin Ave NW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20016 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Akia Page Buie and Quinten Buie, whose addresses are 3416 25th Street,SE, #12, Washington, DC 20020 was appointed personal representatives of the estate of Noah Vincent Buie , who died on June 20, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be

Akia Page Buie Quinten Buie Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

TYPESET: Tue Oct 21

10/24, 10/31, 11/7/14

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1042 Lena Ramadan Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Wa l i d A . R a m a d a n , whose address is 57 Ledge Rd. Unit 1, Newport, RI, 02840 was, appointed personal representative of the estate of Lena Ramadan, who died on September 10, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. unknown 14:35:26 EDTAll2014 heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Walid A. Ramadan Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: Tue Oct 21 10/24, 10/31/14, 11/7/14 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP135 Date of Death February 12, 2014 Stephen John Kopsidas Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS John Kopsidas & Maria Kopsidas whose addresses are 23031 W i n g e d E l m D r, Clarksburg, MD, 20871 & 3901 Cathedral Ave., NW, Apt 319, Washington DC 20016 was appointed personal representatives of the estate of Stephen John Kopsidas, deceased, 14:32:59 EDT 2014 on March 27,2014, by the Orphans’s Court for Calvert County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Kathleen M. Vitale, 1001 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 422, Washington, DC 20036 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 1285-1285A 4th St, NE, Washington, DC (Sq 3589, Lot 0051) Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia,Building A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. John Kopsidas Maria Kopsidas Personal Representatives TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 10/24, 10/31, 11/7/14

ing name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 10, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Claudine Head 14:22:54 EDT 2014 Personal LEGALRepresentative NOTICES within the meaning of D.C. Code §TEST 20-101(d). TRUE COPY Date of FirstOF Publication: REGISTER WILLS October 10, 2014 Jack TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 Olender. 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 TRUE TEST COPY /s/ ANNE MEISTER, Superior Court of Register of Wills. Name Newspapers: theofDistrict of DWLR, District of Columbia AFRO-AMERICAN. PROBATE DIVISION Pub Dates: Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 Administration No. 2014ADM772 Volina M Major AKA Volina Major Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Melva M Meade, whose address is 1726 L Street NE, Washington DC 20002 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Volina M Major AKA Volina Major, who died on April 3, 2013 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 10, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 10,2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 10, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Melva M. Meade Personal Representative

AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Margaret SeymourShine and Helen Felton, whose addresses are 1522 Village Square, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 & 7535 Alaska Avenue, NW 20012 were appointed personal repreLEGAL of NOTICES sentatives the estate of Margaret P. Harris, Aka Margaret Powell Harris who died on September 16, 2014 with 14:23:31 2014witha will, andEDT will serve out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014 The Afro-American TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 TYPESET: Tue Oct 21 14:33:52 EDT 2014 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES


Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Trust No. 2014NRT31 Lovell R. Olender Deceased Notice of Existence of RevocablE Trust Lovell R. Olender (name of deceased settlor) whose address was 2500 Vi rg i ni a Av e . , NW Washington, Dc 20037 created a revocable trust on October 27, 2010 which remained in existence on the date of his/ her death on July 21, 2014 and Jack H. Olender whose address is 2500 V i r g i n i a A v e . , N W, Washington, DC 20037 is/ are the currently acting trustee(s), hereinafter the Trustee. Communications to the Trust should be mailed or directed to Charles F. Gormly at 5101 Wisconsin Ave., NW, #210 , Washington, DC 20016 The Trust is subject to claims of the deceased settlor’s creditors, costs of administration of the settlor’s estate, the expenses of the deceased settlor’s funeral and disposal of remains, and statutory allowances to a surviving spouse and children to the extent the deceased settlor’s residuary probate estate is inadequate to satisfy those claims, Margaret Seymourcosts, expenses, and Shine allowances.Claims of the Helen Felton deceased settlors Personal creditors are barred as Representative against the Trustee and the trust property unless TRUE TEST COPY presented to the Trustee REGISTER OF WILLS at the address provided herein on or before April TYPESET: Oct 14 14:47:41 10, 2015 (6 months after 10/24, 10/31,Tue 11/7/2014 the date of first publication of this notice). An action to Superior Court of contest the validity of this the District of trust must be commenced District of Columbia by the earliest of (1) July PROBATE DIVISION 21, 2015(one year from Washington, D.C. the death of the deceased 20001-2131 Settlor). (2) April 10, 2015 Administration No. 2014ADM1008 (6 months from the date of James Otis Brodie first publication of this noAKA tice) or (3) ninety days James Brodie after the Trustee sends Decedent the person a copy of the NOTICE OF trust instrument and a noAPPOINTMENT, tice informing the person NOTICE TO of the trusts existence, of CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO the Trustee’s name and UNKNOWN HEIRS Rita M. Whitlock address, and of the time Eric Maurice Brodie, Personal allowed for commencing a whose address is 714 proceeding.The Trustee Representative Chesapeake Street, SE, may proceed to distribute Washington, DC 20032 the trust property in accorwas appointed personal TRUE TEST COPY dance with the terms of representative of the REGISTER OF WILLS trust before the expiration estate of James Otis Brodie, AKA James TYPESET: Tue Oct 21 14:33:25 EDT 2014 of the time within which an TRUE TEST COPY 10/24, 10/31, 11/7/14 Brodie who died on action must be com- REGISTER OF WILLS January 26, 2003 without menced unless the TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:47:19 EDT 2014 with a will, and will serve Trustee knows of a pend10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 Superior Court of Court supervision. All uning judicial proceeding the District of known heirs and heirs contesting the validity of whose where-abouts are District of Columbia Superior Court of the trust or the Trustee unknown shall enter their PROBATE DIVISION the District of has received notice from a appearance in this Washington, D.C proceeding. Objections District of Columbia potential contestant who 20001-2131 to such appointment (or PROBATE DIVISION thereafter commences a Administration No. to the probate of dejudicial proceeding within Washington, D.C. cedent´s will) shall be 2014ADM1066 sixty days after 20001-2131 filed with the Register of Alameda Hansnotification.This notice Administration No. Wills, D.C., 515 5th borough must be mailed post2014ADM1044 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Decedent marked within 15 days of Gerard E Phillips Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Claude Roxborough Sr. its first publication to each AKA 20001, on or before April 705 Irving Street NW 17, 2015. Claims against heir and qualified benefi- Jerry Phillips the decedent shall be Washington, DC 20010 ciary of the trust and any Decedent presented to the underTYPESET: EDT 2014 Attorney Tue Oct 07 14:22:54 other person who would Darrel S. Parker Esq signed with a copy to the NOTICE OF be an interested person 1822 11th Street, NW Register of Wills or filed within the meaning of D.C. APPOINTMENT, with the Register of Wills Washington, DC 20001 Code § 20-101(d). NOTICE TOof Superior Court with a copy to the underAttorney Date of First Publication: the District of CREDITORS signed, on or before April NOTICE OF October 10, 2014 Jack 17, 2015, or be forever Columbia AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, Olender. barred. Persons believed PROBATE DIVISION UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO to be heirs or legatees of LTrust o u i s No. H a2014NRT31 n s b o r o u g h , TRUE TEST COPY /s/ CREDITORS the decedent who do not ANNE MEISTER, Lovell Olenderis 6501 whoseR.address receive a copy of this noAND NOTICE TO Register of Wills. Deceased 16th Street, NW Washtice by mail within 25 UNKNOWN HEIRS of ington, Notice DC 20012 was Name of Newspapers: of its first publicaDiane L. Johnson, whose days DWLR, Existence of tion shall so inform the appointed personal readdress is 5516 Thor- Register of Wills, includAFRO-AMERICAN. RevocablE presentative of Trust the estate Pub Dates: nbush Court, Bethesda, ing name, address and Lovell o f R. A Olender l a m (name e d a TYPESET: Tue Oct 07 14:23:15 EDT was 2014 ap- relationship. MD 20814 oHansborough, f d e c e a s e d who s e t t ldied or) 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 pointed personal repre- Date of Publication: whose address was 2500 on September 27, 2013 sentative of the estate of October 17, 2014 Virginia Av e . , NW Name of newspaper: without a will, will Washington, Dc and 20037 Gerard E. Phillips AKA Afro-American Superior Court of serve without Courttrust sucreated a revocable Jerry Phillips, who died Washington the District of pervision. All unknown on October 27, 2010 on August 29, 2014 with Law Reporter District of Columbia heirs remained and heirsinwhose which exisa will and will serve withPROBATE DIVISION whereabouts unEric Maurice Brodie tence on the dateare of his/ out Court supervision. All Washington, D.C. known enter their Personal her deathshall on July 21, 2014 unknown heirs and heirs 20001-2131 Representative a p p eJack a r a nH. c e Olender in this and whose whereabouts are Administration No. proceeding. Objections whose address is 2500 unknown shall enter their TRUE TEST COPY 2014ADM971 14:34:15 appointment Vtoi r gsuch i n i aEDT A v e2014 . , N W, appearance in this REGISTER OF WILLS Barbara Carroll shall be filed with the Washington, DC 20037 is/ proceeding. Objections TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:46:50 Register of Wills,acting D.C., AKA are the currently to such appointment (or 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 trustee(s), hereinafter 515 5th Street, N.W., the 3rd Barbara Marie Carroll to the probate of deDecedent Trustee. Communications Floor Washington, D.C. cedent´s will) shall be NOTICE OF Superior Court of to the Trust should April be 20001, on or before filed with the Register of the District of APPOINTMENT, mailed orClaims directed to 24, 2015. against District of Columbia Wills, D.C., 515 5th NOTICE TO Charles F. Gormlyshall at 5101 the decedent be PROBATE DIVISION Street, N.W., 3rd Floor CREDITORS Wisconsin NW, presented toAve., the underWashington, D.C. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . AND NOTICE TO #210 , Washington, DC 20001-2131 signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before April UNKNOWN HEIRS 20016 Theof Trust is subject Administration No. Register Wills or filed 17, 2015. Claims against 2014ADM1015 to claims of the deceased with the Register of Wills Claudine Head, whose the decedent shall be Beulah Lax a d d r e s s i s 3 6 1 4 S t settlor’s creditors, costs of with a copy to the underpresented to the under- AKA John’s Place, Springadministration of the setsigned, on or before April Beulah P. Lax signed with a copy to the tlor’s estate, or thebe expenses 24, 2015, forever dale, MD 20743 was ap- Register of Wills or filed Decedent of the deceased settlor’s pointed personal repreWilliam R. Voltz barred.and Persons believed funeral disposal of rewith the Register of Wills to be heirs or legatees of sentative of the estate of with a copy to the under- 2120 L Street NW mains, and statutory Suite 700 the decedent do not Barbara Carroll AKA Bar- signed, on or before April Washington, DC 20037 allowances to awho surviving receiveand a copy of this no- bara Marie Carroll, who 17, 2015, or be forever Attorney spouse children to the died on September 6, tice by withinset25 NOTICE OF extent themail deceased barred. Persons believed APPOINTMENT, days residuary of its first probate publica- 2014 with a will, and will to be heirs or legatees of tlor’s serve with Court superviNOTICE TO tion shall so inform the estate is inadequate to the decedent who do not CREDITORS Registerthose of Wills, includ- sion. All unknown heirs receive a copy of this nosatisfy claims, AND NOTICE TO a n d h e i r s w h o s e ing name, address and and costs, expenses, UNKNOWN HEIRS whereabouts are un- tice by mail within 25 relationship. allowances.Claims of the Moore, whose known shall enter their days of its first publica- Angela address is 304 Bonhill dDate e c eof a sPublication: ed settlors tion shall so inform the Drive, Fort Washington, a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s creditors are2014 barred as October 24, proceeding. Objections Register of Wills, includ- MD, 20744 was apagainst Trustee and Name ofthe newspaper: to such appointment (or ing name, address and pointed personal reprethe trust property unless Afro-American sentative of the estate of to the probate of de- relationship. presented to the Trustee Washington Beulah Lax AKA Beulah cedent´s will) shall be Date of Publication: at theReporter address provided Law P. Lax, who died on April filed with the Register of October 17, 2014 herein on or before April 17, 2013 with a will, and Name of newspaper: Wills, D.C., 515 5th will serve without Court 10, 2015 (6 months after Louis Hansborough Afro-American Street, N.W., 3rd Floor supervision. All unknown the date of first publication Personal heirs and heirs whose Washington Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . of this notice). An action to Representative whereabouts are un20001, on or before April Law Reporter contest the validity of this Diane L. Johnson known shall enter their 10, 2015. Claims against trust must be commenced appearance in this TRUE TEST COPY Personal proceeding. Objections by the earliestOF ofWILLS (1) July the decedent shall be REGISTER Representative to such appointment (or 21, 2015(one year from presented to the underthe death of the deceased to the probate of designed with a copy to the 10/24, 10/31, 11/7/2014 cedent´s will) shall be Settlor). (2) April 10, 2015 Register of Wills or filed TRUE TEST COPY filed with the Register of (6 months from the date of with the Register of Wills REGISTER OF WILLS Wills, D.C., 515 5th first publication of this nowith a copy to the under- TYPESET: Tue Oct 21 14:32:31 EDT 2014 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor tice) or (3) ninety days signed, on or before April 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . after the Trustee sends 10, 2015, or be forever 20001, on or before April the person a copy of the 17, 2015. Claims against barred. Persons believed Superior Court of trust instrument and a nothe decedent shall be to be heirs or legatees of the District of tice informing the person presented to the underthe decedent who do not District of Columbia signed with a copy to the of the trusts existence, of receive a copy of this noPROBATE DIVISION Register of Wills or filed the Trustee’s name and tice by mail within 25 with the Register of Wills Washington, D.C. address, and of the time with a copy to the underdays of its first publica20001-2131 allowed for commencing a signed, on or before April tion shall so inform the Administration No. proceeding.The Trustee 17, 2015, or be forever Register of Wills, includ2014ADM1059 may proceed to distribute barred. Persons believed ing name, address and Margaret P. Harris the trust property in accorto be heirs or legatees of relationship. the decedent who do not AKA dance with the terms of Date of Publication: receive a copy of this notrust before the expiration Margaret Powell Harris tice by mail within 25 October 10, 2014 of the time within which an Decedent days of its first publicaName of newspaper: action must be comNOTICE OF tion shall so inform the Afro-American menced unless the APPOINTMENT, Register of Wills, includWashington Trustee knows of a pendNOTICE TO ing name, address and ing judicial proceeding Law Reporter relationship. CREDITORS contesting the validity of Date of Publication: Claudine Head AND NOTICE TO October 17, 2014 the trust or the Trustee Personal UNKNOWN HEIRS Name of newspaper: has received notice from a Representative M a r g a r e t S e y m o u r Afro-American potential contestant who Shine and Helen Felton, Washington thereafter commences a TRUE TEST COPY whose addresses are Law Reporter judicial proceeding within REGISTER OF WILLS Angela Moore 1522 Village Square, Mt. sixty days after Personal Pleasant, SC 29464 & notification.This notice Representative 10/10, 10/17, 10/24/14 7535 Alaska Avenue, must be mailed postNW 20012 were apTRUE TEST COPY marked within 15 days of pointed personal repre- REGISTER OF WILLS its first publication to each sentatives of the estate heir and qualified benefiof Margaret P. Harris, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31/14 ciary of the trust and any Aka Margaret Powell other person who would Harris who died on be an interested person September 16, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1054 Barbara Ann Whitlock Decedent John Noble 451 Hungerford Dr. Suite 750 Rockville, MD 20850 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Rita M. Whitlock, whose address is 5288 Chillum Place, NE, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Barbara Ann Whitlock, who died on July 23, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 14:34:38 2014 24, 2015.EDT Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter


TYPESET: Tue Oct 21 14:36:23 EDT TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 14:49:13 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue2014 Oct 14 14:48:15 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Oct 14 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES

dresses are 3416 25th Street,SE, #12, Washington, DC 20020 was appointed personal representatives of the estate of Noah Vincent Buie , who died on June 20, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All un14:47:57 EDT 2014 LEGAL NOTICES known heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before April 24, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 24, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: October 24, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter


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The Afro-American, October 25, 2014 - October 31, 2014

Coming Together to Reduce Calories 2014 COMMITMENT to ACTION

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the Clinton Foundation and America’s leading beverage companies have come together to announce a landmark Clinton Global Initiative commitment to help fight obesity by reducing beverage calories consumed per person by 20 percent by 2025. The initiative will leverage the beverage companies’ marketing, innovation and distribution strengths to: • Increase consumer interest in and access to beverage options that can help them reduce calories, such as smaller portion sizes, water and other no- or lower-calorie options. • Provide calorie counts and promote calorie awareness and balance on all company-controlled equipment nationwide, this includes more than three million vending machines, self-serve fountain dispensers and retail coolers, within two years. • Focus on communities where the effort can have the greatest impact: where there is less interest in and/or access to beverage options that can help consumers reduce their calories. This commitment builds upon the beverage companies’ existing efforts to help address obesity including its partnership with the Alliance, which led to the Alliance School Beverage Guidelines and a 90 percent reduction of beverage calories in schools nationwide. The initiative will continue to help transform the beverage landscape in America and further our commitment to consumers, bringing meaningful solutions to families and communities nationwide.

Go to www.healthiergeneration.org or www.deliveringchoices.org for more information.

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