Volume 122 No. 49
A1 $1.00
July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014, The Afro-American
JULY 12, 2014 - JULY 18, 2014
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Limbaugh Attacks D.C.’s Busboys and Poets By Valencia Mohammed Special to the Afro Radio personality Rush Limbaugh, known for his racist tirades, attacked popular D.C. bookstore, Busboys and Poets, because “it dissed his two children’s books.� The ultraconservative talk show host was upset that the executive director of Teaching for Change remarked on a C-Span network that it specialized in children’s books written by and about people of color and many times ignored best sellers, like that of Rush Limbaugh. Teaching for Change, a nonprofit organization,
operates the bookstore located at 14th and V. It provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world.
Hear the AFRO on The Daily Drum, Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Supporters for legalizing marijuana in the Nation’s Capital submitted over 57,000 signatures to the D.C. Board of Elections on July 7, to place Initiative 71 on the November ballot. Representatives from the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics (DCBOEE) counted 3,338 pages of petition signatures to legalize the personal growth and
recreational use of marijuana. The initiative required more than 22,000 valid signatures to qualify. “It was hard work,� said Elliot Mathis, 32, who has been arrested for possession of a small amount of marijuana. “Some people were afraid their jobs – Adam Eidinger would search for their names on the petition, especially government workers. I heard some of the most ridiculous reasons why people who smoke pot didn’t Continued on A4
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“Getting this far has taken us over a year of hard work by hundreds of cannabis crusaders.�
Fans Flock From All Over
By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent
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Part 8 in a series detailing states’ efforts to keep citizens from voting. Georgia has long been the center of resistance to advances in voting rights for Blacks and other minorities. “The history of voting rights in Georgia can best be categorized as promises made, promises broken; promises remade, promises broken; promises made and now only partially realized,� said Francys Johnson, president, Georgia NAACP, in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the need to amend and renew the Voting Rights Act. Continued on A3
Thousands of fans came out to see Jay-Z and BeyoncÊ’s first-ever combined tour. By Ashley D. Diggs Special to the AFRO (Baltimore) On July 7, thousands of fans made their way through traffic and long M&T Bank Stadium lines to witness the highly-anticipated summer concert, “On The Run,â€? starring the dynamic duo Shawn “Jay Zâ€? Carter and his wife BeyoncĂŠ Continued on A8
Dr. Abdulalim A. Shabazz, Noted Math Scholar and Educator, Dies at 87
Georgia Continues Longstanding Voter Suppression Efforts
47105 21847
Jay and Bey ‘On the Run’
Marijuana Initiative Moves Forward, Despite Congressional Bullying By Valencia Mohammed Special to the AFRO
Deborah Menkart, executive director of Teaching for Change, explained its concept. “Only one out of 10 children’s books being published currently is by or about people of color. These are also not the books that are on the best-seller lists. In fact, one of the books on the best-seller list for children right now is by Rush Limbaugh. You will not find that book in our bookstore,� Menkart said. “It’s also getting lots of awards. To flip the trend, flip the script, 90 percent of the children’s books that we sell at the bookstore – the independent, progressive, nonprofit bookstore here [at Busboys and Poets] – are by Continued on A8
Trained More Than Half Nation’s Black Mathematician Doctorate Holders By AFRO Staff Abdulalim Abdullah Shabazz, noted math scholar who trained more than half of the nation’s Black mathematician doctorate holders, and former minister of Masjid Muhammad, once known as Nation of Islam D.C. mosque Temple #4, died June 25 in Grambling, La. where he was professor of mathematics at Grambling State University. He was 87. Born Lonnie Cross in Bessemer, Ala., Shabazz graduated with honors from Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C. in 1945 and earned undergraduate degrees in math and chemistry from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, a Masters degree in mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1951 and a doctorate in mathematics from Cornell University in 1955.
With Silver Line, you’ll have a ride to thousands of great jobs. Look alive, Metro riders. Good times are ahead.
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Continued on A4
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
Louis Vuitton Faces Discrimination Charges Over Racist Rants in London Store
Fashion powerhouse Louis Vuitton faces racial discrimination and harassment charges brought by an
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employee who said his boss engaged in racist rants in a London store. According to Oliver Koffi, a Louis Vuitton sales associate in the brand’s outlet embedded in a London Selfridges, a United Kingdom department store chain; his supervisor recently Louis Vuitton faces launched a racist tirade in front racial discrimination and harassment of Koffi and other employees in charges. the store’s stock room during a discussion of the origins of the English language. “‘Black people are slaves who eat dirt off the floor’,� Kofi said recounting the manager’s comments to the UK Mirror. The manager, who was not identified and who no longer works for Louis Vuitton, derided President Obama, calling him a “Muppet� and adding that America would be better off with “Miss Piggy� as president because “Muslim people... don’t eat pork.� Koffi said that when he approached his manager about his comments, the manager responded by saying it was a “joke.� Koffi told the UK Mirror he recorded his manager bashing other races and religions. He noted that there were frequent remarks about Asian people, including comments about some Louis Vuitton products being “s***� because they were “made in China,� The manager’s comments created a “hostile and intimidating� working environment, Koffi said in a complaint to be heard July 18 in a Central London Employment Tribunal where workplace conplaints are considered. A Louis Vuitton representative told UK Mirror, “Louis Vuitton has a zero-tolerance policy to harassment of any kind.� “This reported sentiment is in total violation of the Louis Vuitton Ethical charter,� the spokesman said. “This issue was investigated, and the manager in question no longer works within the company.�
is seeking the GOP nod in the Aug. 26 primary to challenge Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) for the state’s fifth congressional district in the fall, said, “We expect signs to be tampered with or stolen, but not to this extent.� On her Facebook page, the candidate said: “Please know that I do not know who did this, nor am I concerned with pointing fingers. It is important that we forgive and move on regardless of the person’s reason for doing this. My desire was to bring awareness, and hopeful make one think before doing something like this again.�
NYPD Arrests Mother of Baby Left in Subway Station
(AP) Security video showed nothing amiss when Frankea Dabbs — wearing dark glasses, pushing a baby stroller and pulling a rolling suitcase — entered a busy Manhattan subway station Monday night. But after riding uptown to another stop, police say Dabbs purposely left her most precious possession behind on the subway platform: her baby girl. Dabbs, 20, who has a record of petty crimes in North Carolina, was arrested near Central Park on abandonment charges Tuesday after someone recognized her from the video released by police. The name of her attorney wasn’t immediately available. In a preliminary interview with detectives, Dabbs described herself as a homeless widow from North Carolina who had arrived in New York on July 2, said Stephen Davis, spokesman for the New York Police Department. “She felt she couldn’t take care of the baby and thought Frankea Dabbs left her baby she was leaving Black GOP Candidate’s Image Painted at a subway station. her in a safe public White on Campaign Poster space,� Davis said. Gloreatha “Glo� Scurry-Smith, an African American A passenger had seen the woman and child board the seeking the Republican nomination for a House seat train at 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue, police said. The in Florida, was the target of vandals recently who used passenger got off at Columbus Circle and noticed the spray painted to turn the Black woman’s face white on a unattended stroller campaign poster, on the platform and according to the mother inside National Review the train. After the Online. train pulled away, The candidate the passenger reacted to the remained with the defaced image, baby for about 20 which was minutes. When discovered June the mother did not 29 and could return, she notified “We expect signs to be tampered with or stolen, but not to this extent,� be seen from a a subway worker said Scurry-Smith. who called police. The baby, who is about 10 months old, was examined nearby interstate highway at Roosevelt Hospital, and doctors found no apparent in Jacksonville, in a tweet: signs of trauma, police said. She was placed in the care of “This is sad, but I’m all for the city’s Administration for Children’s Services. diversity.� Records show that Dabbs has a pending assault Scurry-Smith, who case and numerous prostitution-related arrests, all misdemeanors, in Raleigh, Charlotte and other locations in North Carolina. She had skipped a court date for one of the cases on July 1, according to the Wake County District Attorney’s office. ) "%%! $ %( * " $* A city law that ( " $ -( * () *% %, ( %##+$ */ $ -) allows people to take $ &%" * ) $ ) $ *%$ ( $ an unwanted baby to a %( 0) %+$*/ $ "* #%( firehouse, police station
&&" $*) ) %+" , )*(%$ $ -) or hospital with no + # $* $ " *% -( * '+ !"/ $ questions asked would not have applied in this case +( * "/ %$ " $ because it only pertains to infants 5 days old or / ( ( $ %+($ " )# %( $ " ) younger.
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The Afro-American, July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014
July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014, The Afro-American
Howard U Remembers Professor Tritobia Hayes Benjamin Dr. Tritobia Hayes Benjamin, recognized as one of the leading authorities on African-American women artists, including Selma Burke, Annie E. A. Walker, and Loïs Mailou Jones, died on June 21 after an extended illness. Benjamin served Howard University with distinction for 42 years, from her initial appointment as a member of the faculty in 1970 to her retirement in 2012. “Dr. Benjamin was an extraordinary individual who touched the lives of many as an astute administrator, gifted teacher, thoughtful mentor, caring friend and arts advocate,” said Gwendolyn H. Everett, Ph.D., associate dean for the Division of Fine Arts. “Her imprint on the discipline of African-American art history scholarship is world-renowned.” “Dr. Tritobia Benjamin, my Sista Toby, was a fierce warrior, the SHERO who made us all work harder to be better persons and scholars. We lived a full and rich life together as Sistas, mothers, teachers, mentors while trying always to find ways to maintain our humanity and love of life,” said Leslie King-Hammond, graduate dean emerita, Maryland Institute College of Art and chair of the board, Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture. “I’m sorry to hear about the loss of a beautiful mind and friend,” said Deborah Willis, professor and chair, Department of Photography and Imaging, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. “She mentored most of us in the field of art history, and through her mentorship we were able to create new scholarship.” “The fact that I can’t remember when I first met her speaks to the deep impact she has had on my life and career,” said Lowery Stokes Sims, chief curator, Museum of Arts and Design. “What I particularly loved about Toby was her definitive and very judgmental view of the world and her precise, staccato delivery of that view. That let you know that you were in the presence of a strong Black woman of great intelligence, talent and integrity. I will miss her dearly.” Benjamin’s 1994 publication, The Life and Art of Loïs Mailou Jones, is considered the definitive monograph on the work of the
artist, who served as her teacher and colleague at Howard. The recipient of several professional and academic awards, including the National Endowment of the Humanities Fellowship-inResidence for College Teachers and the Fellowship for Faculty of Historically Black Colleges from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Benjamin Dr. Tritobia Hayes Benjamin also served as consultant for a Washington-Moscow cultural exchange in 1989. Professional study tours took her to Africa and Europe. “As a professor of art history and in her other professional capacities, Dr. Benjamin can be best identified and characterized as a ‘cultural warrior.’ In this respect, she worked tirelessly to eliminate the gender divide,” noted Floyd Coleman, professor emeritus, Department of Art at Howard University. “With her scholarship and compelling abilities as a teacher, Dr. Benjamin continued to build upon the legacy of Howard University’s large roster of distinguished faculty. She now deserves a space among the great fine arts professors who have taught at Howard University, principally among them are professors James A. Porter, Loïs Mailou Jones, James Lesene Wells, and Jeff R. Donaldson.” “As a Howard student, faculty and administrator, Dr. Benjamin embodied and demonstrated who is best from Howard University and what is best forHoward University,” said Akili Ron Anderson, lecturer at Howard University’s Department of Art. “Dr. Benjamin’s expectations for excellence were known by all. As well, her admonishments towards those practicing anything less than excellence were also known. Some of us even felt privileged to be brought before her desk for corrective instructions.” “When Toby and I were undergraduate and graduate art
history students at Howard, we spent countless hours, including holiday breaks and spring vacations, studying and researching various topics at the Library of Congress and library of the old NCFA/National Portrait Gallery. (The former is now Smithsonian’s American Art Museum) Although not at the same time, we were both graduate interns at that institution and had access to its many resources,” recalled Teresia Bush, lecturer at Howard University’s Department of Art. “I believe that her early love for learning and passionate pursuit of academic excellence became the benchmark for her life. While in graduate school at the University of Maryland, where she wrote and defended her dissertation on Howard art professor and renowned artist, Loïs Mailou Jones, Toby successfully balanced scholarly endeavors with responsibilities as a wife, mother of three and faculty at Howard.” Dr. Benjamin was a true daughter of Howard University where she received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in art history. She received her Ph.D. in art history from the University of Maryland. A memorial service is being planned at a later date at Howard, but friends held a “Celebration of Life” event in honor of Benjamin’s family life, her academic and scholarly leadership in African-American art and culture, her community contributions, and her undaunting spirit at her home over the Fourth of July weekend. Benjamin is survived by three children: Zalika Aminah, Aminah Liani, and Anwar Salih Benjamin; four brothers and sisters: Wesley Hayes, Jr. (Virginia), Grace Hayes Blagdon, Paul Hayes (Mary), and Bernetta Hayes Powell (John), and a host of other family. Her husband of 40 years, Donald S. Benjamin, DC community activist and graphic artist, preceded her in death in February 2011. H. Patrick Swygert, president emeritus and professor in Howard University’s School of Law, in remembering his friend and classmate, said: “Toby Benjamin was (and in spirit remains) a dear friend and colleague. She will be missed by all. Now let us honor her by continuing her commitment to scholarship and nurturing the next generation of artists.”
Continued from A1 In 1871, in an attempt to undercut the Black political gains offered by Reconstruction, Georgia became the first state to enact a poll tax. Almost 150 years later, civil rights activists said, Georgia again took the lead in introducing a modern-day “poll tax,” – a voter identification law that is one of the strictest in the nation and which could have served as a catalyst for the spate of voter ID laws that have spawned across the nation in recent years. “Some of the major voting rights litigation in the past 20 years have come from this state,” said Jerry Wilson, a Georgia-based attorney with the Southern Coalition for Justice. And, he added, as one of the states that has to get federal preclearance before making voting changes as required by Section 5 of the VRA, Georgia “has had numerous Section 5 objections over the years.” Prior to 2006, when Georgia’s law was enacted, no state ever required a voter to produce a government-issued photo ID as a condition to voting. Under the new law, however, eligible voters would have to present a driver’s license, state ID card, tribal ID card, United States passport, federal or state employee ID card, military ID card, or a Voter ID card issued by the voter’s county registrar’s office to cast a ballot. And, if a voter lacked the proper documents on Election Day, they
these efforts diminish the ability of old people, other young people and people of color to participate in the search for the common good.” One of the more egregious changes, activists say, is the diminishing of early voting—one of the tools that has boosted African-American voting participation, many experts agree. “Our legislature rolled back early voting from 40 to 21 days. Then during the recent legislative session, legislators tried to cut back early voting from 21 days to six days and they said this was in an effort to save $3,400,” Johnson told the AFRO. “Given that we presently spend over $45,000 a week to station a soldier in Afghanistan to fight for freedom abroad, spending $3,400 to ensure that working Americans can participate in the search for the common good seems like a worthy investments. According to Wilson, voters have also complained about constant changes in polling places and consolidation – or elimination – of polling places without notice. In the city of Athens, for example, there was a move to halve the number of polling places by replacing them with two early voting centers. The move would have meant that some voters had to travel about three hours round trip. “That is untenable for working Americans,”
“All across Georgia we’re seeing policies that would have been blocked pre-Shelby, they’ve been put back on the table and are going full speed ahead.” – Francys Johnson could cast a provisional ballot that would only be counted if the voter presented an acceptable ID to the county registrar’s office within three days. The law’s requirements, civil rights activists say, places a disproportionate financial burden – or poll tax – on minorities, the poor, the elderly, and students and increases their chances of being disenfranchised. State legislators one-upped themselves in 2008 by passing a law requiring new would-be voters to prove their U.S. citizenship before they could be added to the rolls. And, similar efforts continue. “While we’ve made great efforts we have a long way to go,” said Johnson of the advancement of civil rights in the Peach State. He added, “Voter suppression is on the agenda during every legislative session and
Johnson said. Even worse, the early voting places would have been located in police stations. “In some communities the police represents the people who protect and serve. In places of color, the police have been viewed as tools of intimidation,” the NAACP leader said. “So it would have had a chilling effect and would have discouraged people from participating – and they (officials) knew that.” Voter suppression efforts have gained new life in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Shelby v. Holder decision in June 2013, which negated Section 4, stymieing Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, advocates said. “Shelby has given a green light to those retrogressive forces to go back to business as usual,” said Johnson, who testified before a congressional committee on the impact of the court’s decision and the need to amend the VRA. “All across Georgia we’re seeing policies that would have been blocked pre-Shelby, they’ve been put back on the table and are going full speed ahead.” Fulton County, Ga., offers a perfect example, Wilson added. In the 2012 elections, he said, the county’s delegation to the Legislature changed, becoming more White and Republican. One of the first bills they introduced was a plan to restructure the county government.
The plan to reorganize the voting districts structure was submitted to the Department of Justice for review under Section 5 of the VRA. But, the Shelby ruling came down before a decision was made and officials quickly put the new structure into effect. The change, Wilson said, achieved its goal of weakening African-American representation on the Commission. For example, the redistricting plan pitted two of the stronger incumbent Black commissioners against each other in the elections. If Section 5 were still in effect, the plan
would have likely been overturned, Wilson said. “We don’t have the oversight from Section 5 so jurisdictions are able to do things unilaterally,” said the longtime civil rights attorney. And with expensive litigation as the only recourse, he added, advocacy groups are stretched thin. “We are not so organized that we can keep up with all the changes in 159 counties,” he said. “So the challenge is educating individuals so they know what to look for and they can then reach out to advocates who can work the system to address only the most egregious of those harmful changes.”
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014, The Afro-American
The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Black Person
“What to the Slave is th
Frederick Douglass on 5 July
e Fourth of July?”
“Fellow-citizens, pardon me , allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What ha ve I, or those I represent, to do wi th your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that De claration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to By MarshaRose Joyner already become a world celebrity, one of the great bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to Special to the AFRO orators of his day, a distinguished editor, a tribune of confess the benefits and exp ress devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from his people. Frederick Douglass became a leader of the your independence to us? Now that the last hot dogs have been eaten, the coals of the abolitionist movement, gaining note for his dazzling “I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I barbeque are cooled, the fireworks are but a dim memory, and oratory and incisive antislavery writing. am not included within the pale of this glorious anniv ersary! the three day weekend has come to a close, we can take a look He stood as a living counter-example to Your high independence on ly reveals the immeasurable at Frederick Douglass and the meaning of July 4th for us. slaveholders’ arguments that slaves lacked the distance between us. The blessings in which you, this day, rejoice, are not enjoy Inasmuch as Frederick Douglass to some people in intellectual capacity to function as independent ed in common. The rich inh eri tan ce of justice, liberty, prospe Baltimore is the person for whom the High School is named; or American citizens. Many Northerners also found it rity and independence, bequ fat eathed by your hers, is shared by you, not by the builder of the five houses on Douglass Place at Fells Point; hard to believe that such a great orator had been a me. The sunlight that brought lig or the Master Ship Caulker; or the Lion of Anacostia; or the slave. ht and healing to you has bro ught stripes and death to me. This Fourth Jul most photographed person of the 19th Century. The speech he gave about the 4th of July is y is yours, not mine. You ma y rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the For us, today, he is the Black Man who spoke truth to power without a doubt the most reflective and profound grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon at a time in the United States that would get a Black Man explanation of July 4th you will read. An excerpt him to join you in joyous an the ms, were inhuman mockery lynched. follows, but nothing can replace reading and sharing Do you mean, and sacrilegious irony. citizens, to mock me, by ask ing me to speak today? If so, Only twelve years after his escape from bondage, he had the entire speech. a parallel to your conduct. An there is d let me warn you that it is dangerous to copy the example of a nation whose crimes, towering up to heave n, were thrown down by the breath of theAlmighty, burying that nation in irrevoc able ruin! I can today take up the plaintive lament of a peeled and woe-smitten pe op le!” “By the rivers of Babylon, the re we sat down. Yea! We we pt when we remembered Zion. We hang ed our harps upon the willo ws in the midst thereof. For there, they that carried us away captive, required of us a song; and they who By Freddie Allen jobs over the wasted us required of us mi rth, saying, sing us one of the NNPA Washington Correspondent two-month songs of Zion. How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? If I forget the period. e, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let WASHINGTON (NNPA) – The Black unemployment rate hit a six-year low in June, Speaking in my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.”
Blacks Unemployment Best in 6 Years dipping below 11 percent for the first time since August 2008. Last week, the Labor Department reported that the Black jobless rate was 10.7 percent in June, compared to the White unemployment rate, which was 5.3 percent. The unemployment rate for Black men over 20 years old fell from 11.5 percent in May to 10.9 percent in June, compared to White men who saw their jobless rate decrease from 5 percent to 4.9 percent over the same period. The jobless rate for Black women over 20 years old continued to improve, dropping one percentage point, from 10 percent in May to 9 percent in June. The unemployment rate for White women ticked down one-tenth of a percentage point from 4.9 percent in May to 4.8 percent in June. The fall in the Black unemployment rate was accompanied by an increase in the group labor force participation rate, which measures the share of Black workers holding jobs or looking for jobs. When the labor force rate rises, researchers have found that workers generally have a more positive outlook on the economy. In June, the Black labor force rate rose to 61 percent from 60.8 percent the previous month. In a blog post on the jobs report, Valerie Wilson, the director of the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy at the Economic Policy Institute, said that the increase in the labor force rates for Blacks and Latinos was another indicator that June jobs report was a strong one. “The share of working age African Americans with a job has increased 1.3 percentage points since January 2014 and the increase for Latinos has been six-tenths of a percent, compared to an increase of one-tenth of a percent for Whites,” wrote Wilson. “The June employment growth accounts for over half of this increase for African Americans and all of the gains for Latinos and Whites. These gains also bring the Black-White unemployment gap to the lowest level this year at a ratio of 2-to-1.” Wilson added: “The fact that employment is now growing more strongly for African Americans and Latinos demonstrates how critical continued strong job growth will be to further reducing unemployment for people of color and narrowing racial unemployment gaps.” The national unemployment rate was 6.1 percent and employers added 288,000 jobs in June. The jobs numbers for April and May were revised upwards, combining for an additional 29,000
Washington, D.C. about the latest jobs report, President Barack Obama said that the United States has seen “the fastest job growth in the United States in the first half of the year since 1999” and “the quickest drop in unemployment in 30 years.” Obama continued: “So it gives you a sense that the economy has built momentum, that we are making progress. We’ve now seen almost 10 million jobs created over the course of the last 52 months. And it should be a useful reminder to people all across the country that given where we started back in 2008, we have made enormous strides, thanks to the incredible hard work of the American people and American businesses that have been out there competing, getting smarter, getting more effective.” In a statement on June’s jobs report, Chad Stone, the chief economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, wrote that even though the report showed “encouraging signs that the labor market is healing,” millions of workers continue to struggle through periods of long-term unemployment. Washington lawmakers cut a crucial lifeline when they failed to extend emergency unemployment insurance (UI) at the end of last year. Millions of out-of-work Americans will lose their UI benefits by the end of 2014, if Congress doesn’t act. Earlier this year, the Obama administration encouraged companies to sign a pledge to improve opportunities for workers who have been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer, a condition that Blacks suffer at disproportionate rates compared to Whites. Companies that signed the pledge agreed to review current recruitment and hiring practices said that they would make sure employment listings didn’t discriminate against the long-term unemployed or discourage them from applying. “It’s a sort of economic patriotism where you say to yourself, how is it that we can start rebuilding this country to make sure that all of the young people who are here and their kids and their grandkids are going to be able to enjoy the same incredible opportunities that this country offers as we have,” said Obama. “That’s our job. That’s what we should be focused on.”
In June, the Black labor force rate rose to 61 percent from 60.8 percent the previous month.
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IO #
Abdulalim A. Shabazz
Continued from A1
He launched what would become an illustrious teaching career in 1956 as an assistant professor at Tuskegee Institute (now University), chaired the math department at Clark College (now Clark Atlanta University) from 1957 to 1963 and headed the math and computer sciences department at Lincoln University from 1998 to 2000 before accepting an endowed position as mathematics professor at Grambling. He interrupted his career as a college professor to become an active leader in the Nation of Islam, teaching in Chicago, Detroit and in Saudi Arabia in Mecca. He served as minister of
then-Temple #4 in D.C. until 1975. The American Association for the Advancement of Science gave him its “Mentor Award” in 1992, citing his work to increase the participation of women, minorities and those with physical disabilities in science and engineering. President Clinton presented Shabazz with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring award in September 2000. In 2001, the Association of African American Educators awarded Shabazz with its Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding work with African Americans in mathematics.
Marijuana Initiative
Continued from A1
want to sign. They want marijuana legalized though.” Mathis said the initiative crew was very hard on petitioners. “Forget the Board of Elections. If the cannabis people didn’t like what you turned in, it was discounted. That was really tough considering I worked in extremely hot weather,” said Mathis. This initiative, if passed, will make it lawful under District of Columbia law for a person 21 years of age or older to: * Possess up to two ounces of
marijuana for personal use; * Grow no more than six cannabis plants with three or fewer being mature, flowering plants, within the person’s principal residence; * Transfer without payment (but not sell) up to one ounce of marijuana to another person 21 years of age or older; and * Use or sell drug paraphernalia for the use, growing, or processing of marijuana or cannabis. According to Tamara Robinson,
DCBOEE public information officer, July 10 begins the 10-calendar day challenge period of the collected signatures. “If there is no challenge, then the board will go through its process to pick out random sample of signatures to determine if enough were collected to meet the required amount,” Robinson said. “Getting this far has taken us over a year of hard work by hundreds of cannabis crusaders,” said Adam Eidinger, chairman, D.C. Cannabis Campaign. The group, $12 thousand in debt, is looking for donations, no matter how large or small. “Unlike partisan political campaigns, ballot initiatives in Washington, D.C. do not have caps on the amount you can donate. Every single cent helps,” Eidinger said. “Throw in a couple of bucks so we can keep the campaign afloat.” On July 8, Washington State became the second jurisdiction in the nation to legalize marijuana from seed to sale.
July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014, The Afro-American
TECHNOLOGY Why We Text and Drive
By Steven Ivory Special to the NNPA from the Houston Forward-Times While sitting at the light on a backed-up Los Angeles freeway exit ramp one morning, I noticed that one out of every three drivers getting onto the freeway on the other side of the divider—both private vehicles and professional cars and trucks with company names and logos on them–had their heads tilted into their laps, as if either texting, reading a text or dialing a phone number. Some of them appeared able to do it with more finesse than others—their actions weren’t so obvious—but I’m sure most of them were doing what I thought they were doing. They were texting while driving. This is what we do now. It’s not enough that for years we have been distracted by cell phone conversation. Today, behind the wheels of moving automobiles, using one or two hands, on smart phones we type out messages and conversations. You can usually tell when someone is texting or dialing a number while driving. Their faces are usually aimed just below their steering wheel. They’re driving unusually slow. They weave. After the light has changed or traffic is moving, they’re still sitting there. A lot of people do it. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year that cause a half million injuries and take 6,000 lives. Individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages are 23 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. A crash typically happens within an average of three seconds after a driver is distracted. Despite those figures, people still text. That this is illegal in many states is not a deterrent. Currently, the fines for being caught doing so—in California it’s between $20 and $50 dollars–are laughable (although in Alaska a maximum first time texting penalty can mean a $10,000 fine and one year in jail). I’ve actually tried to guilt drivers into putting down their phones; damn near rear-ended the car in front of me trying to stare down a texter. I know—it’s not smart and it’s a form of harassment. They simply glance over at me and keep texting, anyway. The person who comes up with a way to stop drivers from texting is going to make a mint. I’ve an idea: have city municipalities create divisions that track people texting in their cars. Kind of like parking ticket officers. They’d move among the public in unmarked cars of all makes and models, equipped with cameras that can shoot people in the act—or have technology aboard that can detect texting happening in a vehicle. Using a car’s license number, they send the ticket in the mail. And that first fine is a doozy:
$1,000. The second time you get caught, that fine is doubled, and on and on until you reach ten grand. Get caught after that, your car is impounded, your license is suspended for a year and you go to jail. Texting is dissuaded; cities make money. A bit Big Brother-sounding, I know, but drastic times call for drastic measures. Texting while driving is like waving around a gun in public that discharges, injuring or killing someone every time. And it’s not just teens and young adults doing it. Texters come in all ages. In deterring this epidemic, the first thing to understand is that texting and driving have nothing to do with one another. The drunk driver who gets behind the wheel—driving is not his problem; drinking is, and driving is not the only thing he can’t do effectively when under the influence. Same with texting. Incessant texting reflects an addiction to it. Thus, those who text, do so while driving because they text while doing everything: Walking. Sitting at home. Eating at the table. Watching movies in movie theaters. Sitting on the toilet. On PUBLIC toilets. They can’t walk without bumping into walls, doors and people, because they are so busy texting. Those who choose texting as their preferred form of talk are often unskilled at verbal communication. They weren’t great at it before, so texting is their godsend. Driving is simply something else they can’t do because they are obsessed with typing out their thoughts. If you find that you just have to text, then face it: you’re addicted to your phone. Some folks’ addiction is more acute than others, but addiction is addiction. And like any addiction, text addiction brings with it all sorts of “acting out.” There’s the sense of entitlement—”I just HAVE to text this”—that eats at the addicted texter while he or she is behind the wheel like an itch that must be scratched immediately, damn the laws and the risk. There’s a feeling of superiority: “I don’t have a problem texting behind the wheel, I can do it…I know HOW.” And there’s the intoxicating high that comes with meeting the challenge of getting a complete text off…before the person at Starbucks asks for your order; before your lover returns to bed; before a light changes, before rush hour freeway traffic begins to flow again. Texters, by the way, LOVE traffic jams. More time to text. If you’re doing any of this, you need to stop now. Because it’s only a matter of time before something bad happens. The statistics back me up. Remember the good ol’ days, when technology- distraction in your car amounted to finding a good radio station or reloading the cassette or CD player? Now, people kill people while attempting to text “LOL” or “LMFAO.” It can wait, people. Full disclosure: I’ve texted while driving. Well, I’ve tried. More than once. Simply couldn’t pull it off without the risk of wrecking. And though I do it hands free, I don’t have to talk on the phone while I drive, either. To prove this to myself, I’ve left my phone in my pocket. Or I’ve put it in my trunk. The first time I did that, it gave me all the calm of transporting a dead body. Now I can do it often without freaking out. Which is a good thing, because I’ve got enough problems without adding to them the title of “text whore.” Steven Ivory, veteran journalist, essayist and author, writes about popular culture for magazines, newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet. Respond to him via STEVRIVORY@AOL. COM
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6/27/14 1:24 PM
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
COMMUNITY CONNECTION Wizards Girls to Hold Auditions for 2014-2015 Season The Wizard Girls will hold auditions, presented by Ciroc, for the 2014-15 squad on July 19. Registration begins at 8:30 am and the fee is $10 to try out. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. at Trinity Washington University and the fee is $10 to try out. Qualified candidates should wear a two-piece outfit with shoes with non-marking soles and be in performanceready hair and makeup. Selected candidates will qualify for the Wizard Girls Finals Showcase to be held on August 4 at the Howard Theater. More details will be released in the coming weeks. For more information on the Wizard Girls auditions, please visit http://wizardgirls.monumentalnetwork.com/articles/201415-wizardgirls-auditions Soul Food Day Party to Kick Off at Aqua Lounge On July 12 at 3-8pm, come out for the Soul Food Day Party at Aqua Lounge, located at 1818 New York Ave. N.E. D.C. At the event, enjoy an afternoon full of great food prepared the talented Chef Ron Reid. Tickets are $10 online, $15 in advance and more at the door. For tickets, call: (240) 355-1262. 2014 Lotus & Water Lily Festival to Be Held at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens The Infinite Possibilities organization and the Embassy of South Africa will host a South Africa themed African and Environmental Festival at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in N.E. D.C. on July 19. Listen to African rhythms or make a mask or a plant to take home. There will be activities for all ages. For more information: Info@infinitepossibilities.org.
Annapolis, Md. Howard University Alumni Association Celebrates 50th Anniversary With BBQ Pool Party The Howard University Alumni Association will celebrate its 50th Anniversary at the historic Seafarers Yacht Club in Annapolis on July 19. Enjoy delicious BBQ and kick back by the pool. For more information: https://secure.www. alumniconnections.com/olc/pub/HWD/event/ showEventForm.jsp?form_id=175702
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6/30/14 3:23 PM
July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014, The Afro-American
Unfinished Business: 50 Years After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “The purpose of the law is simple…those who are equal before God shall now also be equal in the polling booths, in the classrooms, in the factories, and in hotels, restaurants, movie theaters, and other places that provide service to the public.” – President Lyndon B. Johnson, July 2, 1964 July 2 marked the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s signing Marc H. Morial of the landmark Civil NNPA Columnist Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed discrimination and segregation based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. First introduced by President John F. Kennedy shortly before his 1963 assassination, the Civil Rights Act offered greater protections for the right to vote and paved the way for another historic achievement one year later – the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Momentum for the legislation picked up following the 1963 March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the National Urban League’s Whitney M. Young, along with 250,000 activists and citizens, gathered to demand “Jobs and Freedom” for people of all races who were locked out, left out, and disenfranchised. President Kennedy, a Massachusetts liberal, introduced the bill in June 1963, just five months before his assassination. It was up to his appointed successor, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, a former United States Senator from Texas with deep southern roots, to carry it over the finish line. Despite extreme opposition, especially from his former southern Congressional allies, President Johnson successfully navigated the bill’s passage. He signed it into law surrounded by Dr. King, Whitney Young, and a multi-racial group of civil rights activists.
It was only 50 years ago that it was legal in some states to deny Blacks the right to eat in the same restaurants as Whites, to sit in the same movie theaters or even to apply for the same jobs. Thankfully, that is no longer true anywhere in America. We have also seen other gains, including a rising Black middle class and an increase in African-American high school graduation rates. However, there is still a wide opportunity gap in America. According to a recent USA Today article, “In almost every economic category, Blacks have been gaining, but not by enough. Median family income (in inflation-adjusted dollars) is up from $22,000 in 1963 to more than $40,000 today, still just two-thirds of the median for all Americans. Black unemployment remains twice the level of White unemployment, similar to where it was in 1972. The Black poverty rate has dropped from more than 40 percent in the 1960s to about 27 percent today; child poverty similarly has dipped from 67 percent to about 40 percent. Those numbers still are glaring, however. And the gap in overall wealth is more than 5-to-1 between Whites and Blacks . . .” Perhaps the most visible demonstration of the progress we have made over the past 50 years is the 2008 election and the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama as America’s first Black president. But even that achievement has been met with a backlash, as right wing voter suppression efforts have increased since President Obama first took office and the United States Supreme Court essentially gutted the Voting
Rights Act of 1965 last year. Obviously, 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, our work is not yet done. As we noted last week in our statement in support of the Voting Rights Amendment Act now before Congress, “The National Urban League believes there is no better and fitting tribute to the men and women who 50 years ago fought for and died to secure a Civil Rights Act and a Voting Rights Act than to pass the VRAA this year before the November mid-term elections. We cannot focus only on a celebration of progress. We must also ensure there is a continuation of the very equality and opportunity that are at the core of this country’s democratic values.” Marc H. Morial, former mayor of New Orleans, is president and CEO of the National Urban League.
The Supreme Court’s ‘Religious Freedom’ Scam Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued two decisions that the Court’s conservative majority and the larger conservative movement pretended were about “religious freedom.” In one case, involving the Hobby Lobby chain of craft stores and the Conestoga Wagon Specialties company which makes wood cabinets, the majority ruled that a federal law guaranteeing “religious freedom” means Lee A. Daniels family-owned corporations NNPA Columnist don’t have to provide insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act. That decision, which the Court issued on June 30, seemed to leave the law’s provision governing nonprofit organizations in place. The law allows nonprofit organizations, if desired, to transfer the delivery of free contraception to others. However, in a second ruling which the Court delivered July 3 – specifically involving Illinois’ Wheaton College, a conservative Christian institution – the majority temporarily exempted the college from having to comply at all with the contraception provisions of the law. Critics of the decisions, which produced extremely sharp dissents from the court’s three female justices, said they have stripped women workers of any guarantees that contraception coverage will automatically be part of their health insurance. That’s because these rulings aren’t about “religious liberty.” They actually have an entirely different purpose: jerry-rigging a legal framework around the efforts of the White Christian
right to impose its religious beliefs on other Americans. The Christian Right has been pursuing that goal, of course, for decades. But it’s become clear in recent years that it was losing control on two of its most important issues: women’s reproductive rights and the rights of gays and lesbians, especially regarding same-sex marriage. So, now they’ve re-cast themselves as “victims” whose “freedom” to adhere to their religious beliefs is being violated. It’s a scam the conservative political movement is pushing in brazen fashion – as exemplified by a strikingly apt word in the Hobby Lobby opinion written by Justice Samuel A. Alito. That word is “fiction.” On page 18 of the majority opinion, Alito acknowledges that defining corporations as persons in legal terms is a “fiction,” but asserts that “the purpose of this fiction is to provide protection for human beings . . . When rights, whether constitutional or statutory, are extended to corporations, the purpose is to protect the rights of those people.” A moment later, Alito defines “those people” in this way: “And protecting the free-exercise rights of closely-held corporations thus protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control the companies.” As {Washington Post} columnist Dana Milbank pointedly noted two days before the Wheaton College decision, that sentence does not contain any mention of the rights of these corporations’ employees. In other words, in declaring that a family-owned corporation – that, after all, is an artificial entity created in accordance with governmental regulations – can, in effect, take on the religious coloration of “those who own and control” it, the court’s conservative bloc was indulging in another of the “fictions” by which it’s been trying to hold back the expansion of democracy for more than a decade. That became even clearer once it issued the Wheaton College ruling. Given that it is indeed a “fiction” to pretend the ruling was
not a politically driven gift to the Christian right, here are some questions to think about: How long will it be before some conservative Christian business owners require their female employees to wear dresses (no slacks, please) down to their ankles? And for all employees to genuflect before crosses set up at entrances to their businesses? And to join them in “prayer sessions” before and after the workday? And to attend only those houses of worship they “approve” of? And how long will it be before some White business owners claim – as in the Jim Crow days – that their “religious beliefs” require that they not serve or employ Black Americans? Or, will they try that on Muslim Americans first? Or gays and lesbians? Or Hispanic Americans? Or Jewish Americans? If those possibilities sound far-fetched to you, you’ve forgotten that for most of American history, the “White” version of Christianity was part and parcel of the many crackpot justifications for the exclusion and oppression of women and Americans of color. And you’ve forgotten that the Court’s conservative majority crafted numerous “fictions” in its 2010 Citizens United decision to enable corporations to make unrestricted political contributions, and again in the 2013 decisions that significantly narrowed affirmative action and voting rights protections. Those facts underscore that there’s little in the Christian right’s efforts to limit the freedom of others that the Supreme Court’s “5 political operatives” (as a headline in {The Huffington Post} so accurately put it) will consider “farfetched.” Lee A. Daniels is a longtime journalist based in New York City. His latest book is Last Chance: The Political Threat to Black America.
Supreme Court Seeks to Gut Labor Unions
The Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Harris v Quinn essentially means that personal care attendants who are represented by a union do not need to pay a service fee that would cover the cost of representing and advocating on their behalf. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority justified this decision purportedly on the basis of freedom of speech. What is clear is that Bill Fletcher the Supreme Court’s NNPA Columnist conservative majority has a sniper’s scope trained on workers and unions. They will soon aim to eliminate the ability of labor unions to collect service fees from non-members to cover representation. The implications of this are profound but a little context is necessary. In the public sector, there are many states, counties and municipalities that permit union membership and collective
bargaining, but do not require that employees in a given agency join the union. While they may join the union, they are obligated – if there is such an agreement – to pay a service or agency fee. The idea here is that regardless of whether one is a union member or not, the union is obligated by law to represent fairly and fully all workers in what is called a “bargaining unit,” which is a recognized body of workers who share similar interests. This means that whether a given worker likes the union or not, if they have any challenges, the union must represent them. As you can imagine, representation costs money, including legal fees, cost of staff, administrative costs, etc. Additionally, the union lobbies on behalf of those workers around salaries, benefits, and working conditions. Thus, in the absence of a fee, a worker can benefit from all that the union brought about but pay nothing. This is why agency or service fees are permitted. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority is trying to say that this is a violation of free speech. Thus, using the Supreme Court’s logic, a person working in a given situation that gains the benefits of a labor union and can be guaranteed representation should not have to pay anything. This is frequently called “right to work,” but a more accurate description is freeloading.
Think about it for a moment. Is there any other institution in the U.S. that permits this? If you do not agree with the policies of a government, can you choose not to pay taxes yet gain the benefits of public education, water, police, and fire? Of course, not. So, why should it be different in a collective bargaining context? The answer is simple. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority, along with other forces on the political Right, simply wish to gut labor unions. It is really that simple and that deadly. And, unless they are stopped, they will succeed in doing just that. I was wearing a T-shirt the other day from the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. A guy sitting next to me on a plane said: “Yes, we really need unions. At a time when there is such a polarization of wealth, we really need unions to fight for us.” I smiled. It is not rocket science. This is precisely why the forces of wealth and greed are so determined to bring about an extinction moment for unions. Bill Fletcher, Jr. is a racial justice, labor and global justice writer and activist. He is the author of “They’re Bankrupting Us” – And Twenty Other Myths about Unions. Follow him on Facebook and at www.billfletcherjr.com.
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
All Students Benefit from Minority Teachers
teacher preparation in both university-based and alternativecertification programs.” Researchers also proposed higher benchmarks for teachertraining programs. The CAP report also cited the Education Department’s recruitment campaign aimed at preparing 80,000 Black teachers for classrooms across the country by 2015 to provide students not only with high-quality educational experiences, but also to present them with role models with a variety of cultural experiences, as well. “There is a need for more teacher-preparation programs to
embrace calls for higher quality and candidate expectations – indeed, to marry the call for quality and diversity,” stated the report. “Improved preparation will go a long way toward minimizing the number of new teachers that enter our schools ill-equipped and quickly exit through the revolving door.” The report concluded that policymakers needed to shift their focus to retaining effective minority teachers, while supporting the efforts of minority professionals seeking to enter the field. “States and school districts have the power to remove barriers to the retention and success of teachers of color. Those that do not address these barriers – by, for example, supporting high-quality teaching and reforming school conditions – will continue to face high turnover, destabilized faculties, and unsatisfactory student achievement levels,” the report stated. “Communities of color must advocate for effective teaching and encourage their children to prepare to enter a rigorous and demanding profession.” The report calls for “access to not only high-quality education opportunities, but also a high-quality and an equally diverse teaching force.” The CAP report said that effective teachers play a pivotal role in producing high performance students, and conversely that less experienced teachers often contribute to achievement gaps between Whites and nonWhites. Minorities account for nearly half of the students in public schools in the United States, but less than 20 percent of teachers are non-White. According to a 2011 study by The National Center for Education Information (NCEI), more than 80 percent of teachers are White and less than 10 percent are Black. At 70 percent, White females account for the majority of all teachers. Only 2 percent of all teachers are Black men, underscoring the paucity of Black male role models in U.S. public schools. A 2014 report by the Children’s Defense Fund said that more than 80 percent of Black students can’t read at grade level and in 2010 less than 70 percent were graduating from high school in four years. Black students also received 1 in 6 out-of-school suspensions, compared to their White peers who received 1 in 20 out-of-school suspensions.
opposite of everything they claim to be. And it’s exactly what they accuse us of being. They claim that they’re tolerant. They claim they’re open-minded. They claim that they are colorblind and all that. They are the most bigoted, racist people. They exclude here and exclude there and then they don’t make any money and they can’t figure out why.” “Limbaugh is distorting the definition of racism,” Teaching for Change’s contributing author Enid Lee explained, “One of the things that we have to make clear is that racism is about power and the ability of one group of persons, based on their race, to control institutions like publishing and marketing. What Teaching for Change is doing is reversing trends of racism by ensuring that people of color have a voice and that their lives are represented in children’s literature.” Limbaugh continued to rant on the airwaves. “These people are loony. They simply are dumb. They don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing. And they happen to be running the
country. And I don’t just mean in Washington. People like this are in charge of the public school system. People like this are teaching your kids. People like this are running day care. People like this show up at Obama’s fundraisers. … “They think that’s how the world works. And it is what the Democrat Party is becoming, and it is this demographic, the way the left or a Democrat looks at the country and sees it versus the way a conservative Republican looks and sees it, those two disparate views of the country are getting wider and wider and further and further apart.” Menkart noted that people do come in large numbers to the Teaching for Change bookstore in search of the titles that reflect the diversity of the country we live in. In addition to featuring children’s books by and about people of color, Teaching for Change vets titles for historical accuracy. As a review, in the respect Booklist notes, Limbaugh’s books fall way short in that category.
By Freddie Allen NNPA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Despite the cry from people of color for more teachers who look like them, both Whites and Blacks benefit from a more diverse teaching force, according to a study by Center of American Progress. “… A study of the relationship between the presence of African-American teachers in schools and African American students’ access to equal education in schools found that fewer African Americans were placed in special-education classes, suspended, or expelled when they had more teachers of color, and that more African-American students were placed in gifted and talented programs and graduated from high school,” stated the report. Teachers of color also have, “an affinity for infusing their classrooms with culturally relevant experiences and examples, setting high academic expectations, developing trusting student-teacher relationships, and serving as cultural and linguistic resources – as well as advocates, mentors, and liaisons – for students’ families and communities.” A study titled “Teacher Diversity Revisited,” reported in May 2014 that learning from and networking with a multicultural teaching staff is also important for preparing White students for a workforce and society where they will no longer make up the majority. It is important for “students to interact with people who look and act differently than they do in order to build social trust and create a wider sense of community,” stated the report. “In other words, the benefits of diversity are not just for students of color.” CAP researchers said that male teachers of color are twice as likely to ditch the classroom for another career than female teachers of color. Black male teachers also told researchers that feelings of isolation or being the only Black male on the faculty increased their, “desire to leave their current schools.” When male minority teachers get certified in their main subject, they “are only half as likely to leave the field as are other teachers.” In an effort to address the lack of minority teachers and to retain the ones currently in our nation’s classrooms, CAP report suggested states should “develop innovative approaches to
“States and school districts have the power to remove barriers to the retention and success of teachers of color. Those that do not address these barriers … will continue to face high turnover, destabilized faculties, and unsatisfactory student achievement levels.” – Center of American Progress Study
Limbaugh Attacks
Continued from A1
or about people of color. Those are the books that we find and we feature. So we prove there is a market for them.” Limbaugh played the audio of the remarks for his listeners. Things went wild from there. “The point here is really not that my books got dissed. I’m just taking the occasion of that here to make another point. This woman would be stunned to find out that my books have people of color in them, and she would likewise be shocked and stunned to learn that the “people of color,” as she talks of them, in my books are heroes,” said Limbaugh on a June telecast. “Who looks at the world this way? Barack Obama on down looks at the world this way.” Limbaugh continued, “She said, ‘We’re not breaking even.’ Maybe that’s their objective. That’s right. Nonprofit means they don’t dare show a profit. They can’t show a profit. Profit’s evil. But they’re not even breaking even. And so you say who runs a business this way? Nobody with any brains runs a business this way. This is exclusionary, it’s racist, it’s bigoted, and it’s the
Jay and Bey
Continued from A1 Knowles-Carter. The firstoutside the stadium just The Run” show in Philadelphia. ever combined tour performed minutes before the 8 p.m. show Punctual Bey and Jay followers by the Carters delivered an time at 8 o’clock. Frustrated were ready at 8 p.m., hoping to expensive, finely measured, and tardy fans could be heard be the first the see the “Crazy top-shelf production fans screaming from inside their In Love” couple hit the stage. would only expect from a cars. Other tardy fans walked Pre-concert, fans received Forbes power couple with a calmly into the huge arena, this message, “THIS IS NOT corporate sponsorship. suspecting a later start time, REAL LIFE,” across the main Traffic was at a standstill around 9:30 p.m., like the “On9.56x6screen. the show GSUSA AP1Fine-Tuned WashAfro_GSUSA AP1-Fine-Tuned WashAfro 6/24/14Once 3:37 PM Page 1started,
it was endless excitement all around the Baltimore arena. The flawless and infallible Jay Z took the stage in a tee shirt with a blazer, with Beyoncé, wearing a usual black leotard. A fishnet facemask worn by Beyoncé’, and a dark autumn hat with shades worn by
Jay-Z created the espionage, crime-spree, bank robbing look for the infamous pair, and opened the show. For more than two hours, the sultry singer and the raunchy rapper took turns performing their individual hits and occasionally teamed
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for their expected duets. The lyrical selections by Jay Z, 44, included: “Izzo (H.O.V.A.),” “Hard Knock Life,” “Ni**as in Paris,” in addition to “Tom Ford,” and “Holy Grail” favorites from Shawn Carter’s 2013 album Magna Carta Holy Grail. His biggest hits like “Big Pimpin’” and “99 Problems” made the crowd roar, while his finer moments came through older classics like “Song Cry” and “U Don’t Know.” The catalogue serenade by Beyoncé’, 32, included “Why Don’t You Love Me,” “Flawless,” “Pretty Hurts,” “If I Were a Boy,” Halo,” “Single Ladies,” and “Upgrade U,” to name a few. Together, the couple performed “Drunk in Love”, their woozy duet, “Part II,” “’03 Bonnie and Clyde,” “Young Forever,” and such. The show ended with Beyoncé’s black and white American flag print dress cascading along the stage, and a beautiful moment of rare footage showing Jay Z and Beyoncé’ taking “selfies” while on vacation, getting matching tattoos, and playing with daughter, Blue Ivy, 2. The white text displayed in the beginning, “THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE” seemed vague at first, until the finale. At the close of the video was “The Carters” written in the sand with the ending message: “THIS IS REAL LIFE,” identifying what truly matters to the couple: family.
July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014, The Afro-American
The Prince William VLI team with Ramunda Young, Kimberly Pope, VLI founder Krysta Jones, Donald Scoggins, School Board member Lilliee Jessie (Occoquan); School Board member Betty Covington; Delegate Richard Anderson; Brenda KellyNelum, and Cydny A. Nevillle
Joann S. M. Bagnerise, sharing stories about her good friend, John Harper.
An audience member commending John Harper for his accomplishments in Prince William County.
John Harper, being presented with a “Trailblazer” award from Krysta Jones, founder of the Virginia Leadership Institute (VLI).
On June 22, The Virginia Leadership Institute (VLI) gathered community leaders, friends and family of John Harper at the Northern Virginia Community College, Manassa campus, the first African American to serve on the Prince William County, Va. school board, to recognize him as a trailblazer in the community. In addition to his election to the school board in 1995, Harper was also the first African American to serve on the board of directors for the Prince William County Park Authority, the first African American to serve as the Grand Marshall for the Dale City 4th of July parade, and a dedicated member of the NAACP and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Several members in the audience applauded Harper for his impact throughout the years, not only as a leader, but as a mentor to the next generation of changemakers. In his remarks, Harper stressed that future candidates should continue to remain involved in the community and make a difference in the lives of others before they pursue elected office. VLI was founded in 2006 by Krysta Jones to increase the number of Black elected and appointed officials in Virginia.
Curtis Porter and John Harper
School Board member Betty Covington chatting with Brenda Kelly-Nelum John Harper’s sisters with Cydny A. Neville, center
Courtesy Photos
Marriott International Hotel senior leadership with family and friends Aniekan Udofia, painter and illustrator with one of his pieces of art
Dr. Willie and Dee Taylor Jolley and Cammye and Norm Jenkins
Guests enjoying a sumptuous buffet
Dr. Willie Jolley, standing, and Dee Taylor Jolley. Misty Johnson Oratokhai, seated, Chateaubriond Redding and Monica Hall Bullock
Carson Edwards, Angela Clarke, Marriott International; the Rev. Dr. George Holmes, National Clergy Leadership Group; D.C. Councilperson Vincent Orange and Debbie Bragg
Performance by Les Oiseaux Du Paradis
Marking a milestone in the city where it all began, Marriott Hotels, the flagship brand of Marriott International officially celebrated Paulette Jackson, UNCF, the highly anticipated grand opening of the company’s 4,000th Maurice Jenkins, EVP for National Development, UNCFR hotel – the Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C. The day kicked and Desiree Boykin, VP/General Counsel and Assistant Secretary off with the official dedication led by J.W. Marriott Jr., executive of the Corporation, UNCF Guests enjoying chairman, along with city officials the festivities and other dignitaries who helped welcome the 1,175-room hotel to the company and city. In a salute to the company’s origins, the ceremony featured a root beer toast and a performance by the Washington Performing Arts Children of the Gospel Choir. Upon arriving for the evening reception, guests were given high-tech RFID bracelets, which allowed everyone to interact with elements of the party. Guests sipped different variations of the “DC Mule”, a new take on the classic Moscow Mule cocktail, and voted for their favorite. The winner – The Virgin-gin – will now be served at the hotel bar. Throughout the evening, guests also offered their own inspiration and co-created live with local D.C. muralist Aniekan Udofia, what it means to be “Traveling Brilliantly in Washington, D.C”. D.C. native DJ Stylus drove the pulse of party, spinning tunes throughout the evening with many a reflection of the city’s vibrant music culture. The event was punctuated with an exclusive and mesmerizing aerial ballet performance by Les Oiseaux Du Paradis.
Drew Hubbard, DC Department of Employment Services; Faith Gibson Hubbard and Ken Fealing
Carson Edwards Jr., global account executive, Marriott International; Kim Wilson, National Black MBA Assoc., Minnie Wilson, Terrence Culhoun, Almeda Hardy, senior account executive, Marriott and Maruiel Chavis
Valerie and Monty Nixon
Doxie McCoy and Dorinda White from the Office of Communications, Executive Office of the Mayor of the District of Columbia
A sculpture at the new Marriott Marquis Hotel
Photos by Rob Roberts
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
Zion Baptist Church: 150 Years and Still Walking A Walk for Remembrance: Faith‌ Family‌Freedom On June 14, Zion Baptist Church members without adequate compensation, so that the walked from their original location in S.W. city could build the S.W. Freeway. While the Washington D.C., where it started 150 year walk was approximately four miles long, both ago, to the current location, 4850 Blagden Ave., young and old walked for whatever distance NW, to remember the past and celebrate the future. This commemorative act was an emotional roller coaster filled with fond memories of loved ones, pride and admiration as the church considered the struggles and triumphs of those on whose shoulders we stand. Zion Baptist Church was started in 1864 by seven freed slaves who recognized the importance of academically and religiously educating their Kia Johnson Sloan, “Walkâ€? organizer checks the name children and worshipping of Min. Emanuel Lipscomb waiting to receive his 150th God. They were forced to Anniversary “Teeâ€? shirt. leave the S.W. location,
Members standing on the original site of the Church in southwest Washington listen as the Rev. Keith W. Byrd Sr. relates historical data. Hilton Overton, left, Marlene Tolson, Laverne Dailey, Arnold Pryor and Jerry Banner Jr. they could to demonstrate faith in the God that brought them from a period of captivity in Virginia to the freedom to worship today in Washington D.C. The Rev. Keith W. Byrd Sr., pastor, led the charge for this event sponsored by the Zion
Board Christian Education. The Board noted that this was history in the making and that everyone would be able to relive the experience and trace the steps of those ancestors that were responsible for the founding of this family oriented and community serving church.
Night Vision Festival to Spread Message of Jesus’ Love By Jonathan Hunter Special to the AFRO Victoria Hearst is a born again Christian who in 2001 was led to start Praise Him Ministries, a move she says was definitely God’s idea. With her passion for singing and acting, Hearst was on her own path until she realized
that God had a different plan in store for her. She purchased and renovated a building in Ridgeway, Colo. and turned that into a Christian bookstore. She also opened a youth center for kids. “I wanted to create a place where kids could go. The Lord and I prayed over the building of the youth center,�
she said. Her dream became a reality and her ministry was formed. Every year Praise Him Ministries has an annual festival called Night Vision, the title of which is to be a reminder for Christians to see the enemy, but to also see the light through the darkness. Night Vision is
an annual music festival featuring Christian bands and artists performing along with evangelists spreading the word of God. The festival this year will be coming to Washington, D.C. on the grounds of the Washington Monument, 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., July 12. This is the festival’s 10th year, but the first time coming to Washington, DC. The Rev. John Peyton from Reconciliation Comunity Church in Manassas, Va., a friend of Hearst, suggested they bring the festival from Colorado to the nation’s capital. He believed that bringing Night Vision to the East Coast could be a blessing to many individuals. “It’s time for kids in the cities to enjoy the festival,� said Rev. Peyton. “It’s an opportunity for kids from Baltimore and the surrounding suburbs to enjoy Night Vision.� He also added that this is an opportunity to truly understand God’s meaning and purpose. “The whole idea is that Jesus loves you. Christians should be about giving and not always begging,� Rev. Peyton said, adding that they’ll be awarding college scholarships to more than 100 students. Night Vision will be a free event where the message that ‘Jesus Loves You� is shared. In the morning on the Sylvan Stage there will
Rev. Donnie McClurkin be college scholarship giveaways, father and children reunions and local band performances. In the evening on the main stage bands such as Mercy Me and Salvador will perform along with gospel artist Rev. Donnie McClurkin and Rev. Peyton will evangelize. In exclusive interviews with the AFRO, Nathan Cochran from Mercy Me and Rev. McClurkin shared the excitement of performing on Night Vision and what viewers should expect. Cochran said Mercy Me has a passion for Christian music and that their songs stem from direct experiences that have made an impact on others’ lives. He said they do not get to play in the DMV area a lot so he is excited for the opportunity. “We’re looking forward to being there with other artists,� said Cochran. “We are leaning
heavily on our new record “Welcome to the New� [at Night Vision].� Rev. McClurkin said he is excited to come on board and work with Praise Him Ministries, because ultimately he would like to see worship become less segregated. “When I met Victoria and she asked me to come on it was an immediate yes.� “I liked the idea of urban gospel and contemporary gospel coming
together.� He added that the audience should expect his quintessential gospel ballads along with high jubilations. “I like to portray that God is really global [and that] this God we serve is everybody’s God.� Hearst’s ministry focus is about spreading that Jesus loves everyone. “No matter what goes on Jesus loves you,� she said. “We are here to convey that message. When you have a personal relationship with Jesus it is a lot easier than fighting the battle on your own.�
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July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014, The Afro-American
SPORTS AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff
Should Chicago Bulls Guard Derrick Rose Assist Team in Free Agent Recruiting? free agents and sit in on meetings to prove to whomever that he’s healthy and committed. Rose deserves the right to help or not help but his main focus right now should be preparing for the 2014-2105 season and ensuring that he’ll be healthy for the duration of the campaign. Rather than being ridiculed for not wanting to participate in free agency talks, we should be saluting Rose for his focus on trying to return to his MVP form.
By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk Current New York Knicks free agent Carmelo Anthony visited the Chicago Bulls at the United Center arena midweek for the Bulls’ best free agency pitch. Amid conflicting reports that starting point guard Derrick Rose helped in recruiting, a report was later released definitively stating that Rose had no involvement in Chicago’s efforts. Center Joakim Noah and forward Taj Gibson reportedly were on hand to welcome Anthony to the arena and Bulls headquarters. Rose had already gone on record and stated that he wouldn’t aid Chicago in their efforts to land a marquee free agent this summer. But considering that Rose is a huge part of the franchise, should the
Riley: It isn’t like the Bulls brass is asking Rose to cut his training and rehab activities short to come help pitch free agents. It only makes sense for Rose to help the team court free agents because any player that winds up signing with Chicago is going to do so with the lofty expectation of playing with the team’s best player. So if Rose has to show free agents that he’s healthy then that’s what he has to do. The goal in the NBA is for a team to acquire enough talent to win a title, not just rehabbing and reworking yourself back into shape after you missed the last two seasons. Multitasking is definitely a skill that most professional athletes have. And perhaps part of the reasons why Rose has found himself in the trainer’s room the last two years has been from trying to do too much. Well, if he aided his team in recruiting other players he might not have to worry about putting too much of the load on his shoulders.
“His reluctance to get involved in Chicago’s attempts to land the team some higher caliber talent could potentially set the franchise back if Rose retains his stance.” –Riley franchise player be assigned the task of helping the front office land stars? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Wikimedia Commons
Should a franchise player, like Derrick Rose, be assigned the task of helping the front office land stars? the franchise back if Rose retains his stance.
SAT 7/12 3 COL. (5.42”) X 10” MR ALL.PUR.0712.DCAAEMAIL
Green: Rose’s only two jobs right now are to get as healthy as possible and prepare for the upcoming season. Nowhere in his job description is it outlined for him to pitch potential
Riley: If you’re Derrick Rose and you’re committed to winning a title then why wouldn’t you help your franchise land talent through whatever means necessary? How much would it hurt for a potential free agent to hear a few choice words from a former MVP and the face of the team’s franchise? For Rose, a player who’s been injured for much of the last two seasons, just reassuring any free agent whether it’s Anthony or Pau Gasol or LeBron James from his own mouth that he is healthy could be useful to the Bulls’ chances of landing a marquee talent this summer. His reluctance to get involved in Chicago’s attempts to land the team some higher caliber talent could potentially set
Green: It would be nice as a free agent to walk into a business meeting with a potential suitor and see the team’s best player sitting idle in the corner waiting to give his input but it’s not necessary. In the age of social media, cell phones and summer camps and trainings, it’s easier for players to communicate now than it ever has. You don’t think Rose and a guy like Anthony have already talked about the possibility of teaming up together? Those two players have been on the same All Star team for the last few years and played on the same Olympic team for the last few summers so the discussions have probably already occurred, similar to how the Big Three forged a pact at Olympic team practices years ago. Whether it’s Anthony signing in Chicago or whoever it may or may not be, if someone really wanted to reach out to Rose to find out about his health or his opinions on the team then they don’t need him sitting in on meetings to find out.
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
D.C. Native Highlighted a ‘Southern Fried Homicide’ Episode
Travis Riddick gets prepared for his on camera appearance.
By Ariel Medley Special to the AFRO
(Courtesy photos)
Travis Riddick on the set of Southern Fried Homicide.
Northeast Washington, D.C. native Travis Riddick was recently cast in multiple productions on the Investigation Discovery Network. In his latest role, in an episode of “Southern Fried Homicide,” Riddick portrayed David Isaiah Ramsey, one of four men charged with the Dec. 15, 2000 murder of DeKalb County (Ga.) Sheriff-elect Derwin Brown. Investigators believe the assassination was orchestrated by former DeKalb County Sheriff Sydney Dorsey and carried out by Ramsey, former DeKalb deputy Patrick Cuffy, and Melvin Walker. “To prepare for the role, I first did a lot of research
Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Sorority Host Conferences in D.C. By LaTrina Antoine Washington Editor Two Greek organizations will host events to commemorate the services of their leadership and members in Washington D.C. during the month of July. The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will hold its centennial celebration July 16-20 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in N.W. D.C. “It is fitting that Washington, D.C. should be the place of this Celebration, because here we were founded on the campus of Howard University and we shall honor our founders,” Jonathan A. Mason Sr., international president for the fraternity, said in a press release. The Centennial Celebration – One Century of Service will hold an opening ceremony and a variety of events including: a gospel concert, featuring Flex Alexander, Pastor Shirley Caesar, and Bobby Jones July 16; a Hip-Hop concert, featuring Rapper Walé July 17; a roundtable luncheon, featuring radio talk show host Warren Ballentine, civil rights activists Ben Chavis Mohammad and C.T. Vivian, and Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) July 18; and a unity rally, featuring the Rev. Al Sharpton July 19. A full list of events can be viewed at http://pbs100.org/schedule-at-glance/. “As we celebrate one century of continuous service within our communities, we march on toward the next century of exceptional service embracing our motto, ‘Culture for Service and Service for Humanity,’” Mason said. Sorors from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority will join the fraternity to commemorate its 100 years of service, during their biannual “Blazing New Paths: The Power of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood” conference July 14-19 at the Washington Hilton hotel in N.W. D.C. The theme of the conference illustrates the organization’s renewed focus on advocacy and innovation under the leadership of International President Mary Breaux Wright, a press release said. The conference will include an opening program in the International ballroom July 15; a workshop and panel discussion on the president’s national signature program – Elder Care Initiative – July 16; and an awards banquet July 18, as well as personal and career development workshops and non-profit leadership and social action training sessions. “This is such an inspirational moment in history for both organizations,” Wright said in the press release. “I am proud to lead Zeta at such a significant time, and look forward to reaffirming the Zeta Sigma bond.”
of the story online and had briefings with the director,” Riddick said. “I spent a lot of time concentrating, trying to imagine myself there and bringing [Ramsey] to life.” An alumni of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Riddick began his career as a performing artist in 2008 with the Tantallon Community Players’ production of Ragtime at Harmony Hall Theatre in Fort Washington, Md. He has performed in HBO’s The Wire, Touchstone Picture’s Step Up 2, and Netflix’s House of Cards. He performed at Lincoln Theatre as “Brother Tommy” in playwright Vickie L. Evan’s theatrical production, A Change is Gonna Come, and is currently working on a documentary about gentrification in Washington, D.C. As an avid fan of award-winning director, playwright, and actor Tyler Perry, Riddick credited Perry as his source of inspiration and artistic influence. “What I like about Perry is that he believed in God and himself enough to remain persistent in his craft even when he didn’t have a following.” Of his current role, Riddick said, “It was an unfortunate situation that didn’t have to happen. I felt like Ramsey was one of those individuals who felt he had everything to lose and nothing to gain, so, he went along with the majority.” The case of Derwin Brown, aired on Investigation Discovery’s “Southern Fried Homicide” this June. “It’s important to bring awareness to this case,” said Riddick. “It’s an avenue for the victim’s family. It may help bring closure to the family left behind by Brown.”
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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM-593 Judy E. Martin Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Kisha Martin Riley & Nikita Petties, whose addresses are 20301 Mill Pond Terr Germantown, MD 20876 and 419 Newtin PL NE Washington DC, 20010 were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Judy E. Martin, who died on April 18, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 4 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Kisha Martin Riley Nikitia Petties TYPESET: Jul 08 15:54:07 EDT 2014 06/27, 07/04,Tue 07/11/14 Personal Representative Superior Court of TRUE TEST COPY the District of REGISTER OF WILLS District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION TYPESET: Jul 08 07/11, 07/18,Tue 07/25/14 Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. Superior Court of 2014ADM613 the District of Samuel W. Washington District of Columbia AKA PROBATE DIVISION Samuel William Washington, D.C. Washington 20001-2131 Decedent Administration No. Nathan A. Neal, Esq 2013ADM792 Law Offices of Nathan Wana G. Lofton A. Neal, PLLC 209 Kennedy Street, Bishop Decedent NW NOTICE OF Washington, DC APPOINTMENT, 20011-5214 NOTICE TO Attorney CREDITORS NOTICE OF AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO Amelia Lofton and CREDITORS Denise Williams, whose AND NOTICE TO addresses are 2027 First UNKNOWN HEIRS Samuel C. Washington, Street NW, Washington, whose address is 1414 DC 20001 and 9610 J o n q u i l S t r e e t N W, P o n c a P l a c e , F t Washington DC 20012, Washington MD 20744, was appointed personal were appointed personal representative of the representatives of the estate of Samuel W. estate of Wana G. Lofton Washington AKA Sam- Bishop, who died on uel William Washington, September 22, 2011 with who died on May 6, 2012 a will, and will serve withwith a will, and will serve out Court supervision. All without Court supervi- unknown heirs and heirs sion. All unknown heirs whose whereabouts are a n d h e i r s w h o s e unknown shall enter their whereabouts are un- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s known shall enter their proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or appearance in this proceeding. Objections to the probate of deto such appointment (or cedent´s will) shall be to the probate of de- filed with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be Wills, D.C., 515 5th filed with the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before Claims against the deJ a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . cedent shall be preClaims against the de- sented to the undercedent shall be pre- signed with a copy to the sented to the under- Register of Wills or filed signed with a copy to the with the Register of Wills Register of Wills or filed with a copy to the underwith the Register of Wills signed, on or before with a copy to the under- January 11, 2015, or be signed, on or before forever barred. Persons January 11, 2015, or be believed to be heirs or forever barred. Persons legatees of the decedent believed to be heirs or who do not receive a legatees of the decedent copy of this notice by mail who do not receive a within 25 days of its first copy of this notice by mail publication shall so inwithin 25 days of its first form the Register of publication shall so in- Wills, including name, address and relationform the Register of Wills, including name, ship. address and relation- Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 ship. Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: Afro-American July 11, 2014 Washington Name of newspaper: Law Reporter Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Samuel C. Washington Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP90 Date of Death August 31, 2010 Kirk T. Ingram Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cynthia A. Ingram whose address is 104 68th Place, Seat Pleasant, MD 20743 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Kirk T. Ingram, deceased, on November 10, 2010, by the State of Maryland Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Elise A. J o y n e r, E s q . , 1 7 3 0 Rhode Island Avenue, N W, S u i t e 1 0 1 5 , Washington DC 20036 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 133 47th Street , NE, Washington DC 20019 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th s t r e e t , N W, 3 r d F l , Washington DC 2001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.
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PROBATE DIVISION (Estates) TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:03:37 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Wed Jun 202-332-0080 Superior Court of PROBATE NOTICES the District of
25 09:49:04 EDT 2014
Superior Court of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION the District of Washington, D.C. a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion Cynthia A. Ingram District of Columbia $180.00 20001-2131 Personal PROBATE DIVISION b. Small Estates (single publication 60 per insertion Administration$No. Representative(s) Washington, D.C. 2014ADM647 c. Notice to Creditors Sandra TRUE TEST COPY Adell Peoples 20001-2131 Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS Administration No. $180.00 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion Willie Faye Hearring Date of first publication: 2014ADM569 Garrett 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 July 11, 2014 Hilda Short 3154 1/2 Berry Road NE Name of newspapers Washington, DC $ 20018 d. Escheated Estates 60 perDecedent insertion $360.00 and/or periodical: Attorney NOTICE OF e. Standard Probates $125.00 NOTICE OF The Daily Washington APPOINTMENT, APPOINTMENT, Law Reporter NOTICE TO NOTICE TO TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:03:55 EDT 2014 The Afro-American CREDITORS CREDITORS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 AND NOTICE TO AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS UNKNOWN HEIRS Jamel Peoples, whose Lynette Short SweetSuperior Court of address is 450 Warfield the District of wine, whose address is Drive, Landover, MD District of Columbia 20785 was appointed 1317 44th Place SE, PROBATE DIVISION personal representative Washington, DC 20019 16:07:09 EDT 2014 of the estate of Sandra was appointed personal Washington, D.C. Adell Peoples, who died 20001-2131 on May 12, 2014 without representative of the Administration No. a will, and will serve with- estate of Hilda Short, 2014ADM236 out Court supervision. All who died on March 21, Sarah Elizabeth Boardunknown heirs and heirs 2011 without a will, and whose where-abouts are will serve without Court ley unknown shall enter their Decedent supervision. All unknown appearance in this Bruce E. Gardner, Esq proceeding. Objections heirs and heirs whose The Gardner Law Firm to such appointment whereabouts are unP.C shall be filed with the known shall enter their Register of Wills, D.C., 11 0 1 P e n n s y l v a n i a appearance in this 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Ave. NW, Suite 600 Floor Washington, D.C. proceeding. Objections Washington, DC 20004 20001, on or before to such appointment Attorney J a n u a r y 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 . shall be filed with the Claims against the de- Register of Wills, D.C., NOTICE OF cedent shall be preAPPOINTMENT, sented to the under- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd NOTICE TO signed with a copy to the Floor Washington, D.C. CREDITORS Register of Wills or filed 20001, on or before AND NOTICE TO with the Register of Wills December 27, 2014. with a copy to the under- Claims against the deUNKNOWN HEIRS signed, on or before Barbara Talley, whose January 11, 2015, or be cedent shall be preaddress is 11 Martin’s forever barred. Persons sented to the underLane, Rockville, MD believed to be heirs or signed with a copy to the legatees of the decedent Register of Wills or filed 20850, was appointed who do not receive a personal representative copy of this notice by mail with the Register of Wills of the estate of Sarah within 25 days of its first with a copy to the underElizabeth Boardley, who publication shall so in- signed, on or before died on January 19, 1998 form the Register of December 27, 2014, or Wills, including with a will, and will serve TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:03:37 EDT 2014name, be forever barred. Peraddress and relationLEGAL NOTICES with Court supervision. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES sons believed to be heirs ship. All unknown heirs and or legatees of the deDate of Publication: h e i r s w h o s e July 11, 2014 cedent who do not reSuperior Court of Name of newspaper: whereabouts are unceive a copy of this notice the District of Afro-American known shall enter their by mail within 25 days of District of Columbia Washington appearance in this its first publication shall PROBATE DIVISION Law Reporter
Amelia Lofton Denise Williams Personal Representatives
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proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Barbara Talley Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14
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Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM647 Sandra Adell Peoples Decedent Willie Faye Hearring Garrett 3154 1/2 Berry Road NE Washington, DC 20018 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jamel Peoples, whose address is 450 Warfield Drive, Landover, MD 20785 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Sandra Adell Peoples, who died on May 12, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS June 27, 2014 TYPESET: Wed Jun 25 09:49:04 EDT 2014 Name of newspaper: 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 Afro-American Washington Superior Court of Law Reporter the District of District of Columbia Lynette Short PROBATE DIVISION Sweetwine Washington, D.C. Personal 20001-2131 Representative Administration No. 2014ADM569 TRUE TEST COPY Hilda Short REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent NOTICE OF 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/14 APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Lynette Short Sweetwine, whose address is 1317 44th Place SE, Washington, DC 20019 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Hilda Short, who died on March 21, 2011 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Jamel Peoples Personal Representative
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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP84 Date of Death 12/07/04 Bernice Armstrong Young Ivey Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Charmaigne Burrell whose address is 1415 Fairlakes Place Bowie MD 20721 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Bernice Armstrong Young Ivey, deceased, on June 7, 2014, by the Orphans Court for Prince Georges County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Andondra Woods Awosika 4201 Fort Dupont Ter SE Washington DC 20020 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 1520 23rd St. SE Washington DC 20020. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia,515 5th Street, N.W.3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Charmaigne Burrell Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American
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TYPESET: Tue2014 Jul 08 16:00:58 EDT 2014Jul 08 16:31:01 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Wed Jun 25 10:11:06 TYPESET: Tue LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES
July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014 The Afro-American
The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:02:49 EDT 2014Jun 24 15:43:33 TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:45:03 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:44:20 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:42:17 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:02:09 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:41:32 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:39:06 TYPESET: EDT Tue 2014 Jun 24 15:38:31 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM571 Ada Crowder Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Fred Anderson, whose address is 257 Park Ave, East Orange NJ 07017 was appointed copersonal representative of the estate of Ada Crowder, who died on October 29, 2013 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Fred Anderson Co-Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2012ADM646 Lester A. Johnson Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Darryl A. Johnson, whose address is 29712 Finch Ct., Mechanicsville MD 20659, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lester A. Johnson, who died on June 14, 2012 with a Will and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Darryl A. Johnson Personal Representative
TYPESET: Jun 24 15:41:09 EDTCOPY 2014 06/27, 07/04,Tue 07/11/14 TRUE TEST
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM543 Ethel C. Rollins AKA Ethel Rollins Decedent Sheila Albright 1629 K Street NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Irving Rollins, whose address is 201 Norair Court Hyattsville MD 20785 , was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ethel C. Rollins , who died on February 20, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Irving Rollins Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/27, 07/04, 7/11/14
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM626 Mable M. Scott Decedent Elton F. Norman Esq The Norman Law Firm 8720 Georgia Avenue, Ste 703 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Louis P. Scott, Jr., whose address is 1845 Monroe Street, NE Washington, DC 20018 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Mable M. Scott, who died on August 6, 1999 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Louis P. Scott Jr. Personal Representative
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM607 Virginia L. Mathis AKA Virginia Lucille Mathis Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Delante A. Mouton, whose address is 117 Lister Lane, Ridgley MD 21660 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Virginia L. Mathis AKA Virginia Lucille Mathis, who died on July 14, 2010 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM368 Linda J. Juszczak Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James W. Juszczak and Margaret McDonald, whose addresses are 3 East Shaker Lane, The Woodlands, TX 77380 and 5608 Knollwood Rd., B e t h e s d a M D 20816were) appointed personal representatives of the estate of Linda J. Juszczak, who died on March 27, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Delante A. Mouton Personal Representative
James W. Juszczak Margaret McDonald Personal Representatives
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM580 Lawrence F. King Sr. Decedent Lorenzo Randle Esq. 6411 Ivy Lane Suite 202 Greenbelt MD 20770 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS L a w r e n c e K i n g J r. , whose address is 4973 Derry Field Ct Waldorf Ct., Waldorf MD 20602 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lawrence F. King SR. , who died on May 15, 2014 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM584 Marie W. Washington Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Catherine A. Richardson & Cynthia R. Blackmon, whose addresses are 1200- 34th Place. SE, Washington DC 20019 & 9110-91st Place Lanham MD 20706 , were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Marie W. Washington, who died on March 18, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM165 Adele Sawicki AKA Adele M. Sawicki Decedent Alan B. Frankle Esq 751 Rockville Pike, Suite 7 Rockville, MD 20852 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Barbara Lunney, whose address is 31 Meridian Drive, Safety Harbor FL 34695 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Adele Sawicki AKA Adele M. Sawicki, who died on February 13, 2012 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM587 Julius C. Ermis AKA Julius C. Ermis Jr. Decedent Kenneth H. Rosenau Esq 1304 Rhode Island Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Sharon Kozak, whose address is 600 New Hamphsire Avenue Suite 1001, Washington DC 20037 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Julius C. Ermis Jr., who died on June 3, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Lawrence King Jr. Personal Catherine A. Richardson TYPESET: Jun 24 15:43:53 EDT 2014 06/27, 07/04,Tue 07/11/14 TRUE TEST COPY Barbara Lunney Cynthia R. Blackmon Representative TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY Personal Sharon Kozak REGISTER OF WILLS Personal REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS Representative Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Superior Court of TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:02:28 EDTTue 2014Jun 24 15:43:05 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Representative 06/27, 07/4, 07/11/14 REGISTER OF WILLS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 the District of TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY District of Columbia REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY TYPESET: Jun 24 15:41:52 EDT REGISTER OF2014 WILLS 06/27, 07/04,Tue 07/11/14 PROBATE DIVISION Superior Court of REGISTER OF WILLS Superior Court of TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:39:48 EDT 2014 Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:40:24 EDT 2014 the District of TYPESET: Tue Jun 24 15:42:38 EDT 2014 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/14 the District of TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 06/27, 07/4, 07/11/2014 20001-2131 District of Columbia 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/214 District of Columbia Superior Court of Administration No. PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION the District of Superior Court of Washington, D.C. 2014ADM599 Superior Court of Superior Court of Washington, D.C District of Columbia Superior Court of the District of 20001-2131 Gregory R. Hall Sr. the District of the District of 20001-2131 PROBATE DIVISION the District of District of Columbia Administration No. Decedent District of Columbia District of Columbia Administration No. Washington, D.C. District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION 2014ADM658 NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION 2014ADM619 20001-2131 Washington, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION Linwood Chisholm APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Nokomis Lee Jefferson Administration No. 20001-2131 Decedent Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 20001-2131 NOTICE TO Decedent 2014ADM577 Administration No. Brenda C. Wagner Esq 20001-2131 Administration No. Administration No. Aimee D. Griffin Esq CREDITORS Alvin Leotis White 2014ADM612 Wagner & Associates Administration No. 2014ADM582 2014ADM603 1353 Sheridan Street AND NOTICE TO Decedent Tiffany Bond 1425 K Street NW #350 Elizabeth McDuffie Mary L. Taylor 2014ADM631 NW UNKNOWN HEIRS Steve Larson-Jackson Decedent AKA Decedent Washington, DC 20011 Lillian Ethel Clipper Gregory R. Hall Jr., Washington, DC 20005 1818 Allison Street NW Charles Gormly Esq Attorney Elizabeth J. McDuffie Charles A. Queen, Esq Attorney Decedent whose address is 11355 5101 Wisconsin Ave Washington, DC 20011 NOTICE OF AKA Daisy Fuller 530 Eighth Street SE NOTICE OF Wildmeadows Street, NOTICE OF NW Attorney APPOINTMENT, Decedent Washington, DC 20003 APPOINTMENT, Waldorf MD 20601 was APPOINTMENT, Suite 210 NOTICE OF NOTICE TO NOTICE OF Attorney NOTICE TO appointed personal reNOTICE TO Washington, DC 20016 CREDITORS APPOINTMENT, APPOINTMENT, NOTICE OF CREDITORS presentative of the estate CREDITORS Attorney AND NOTICE TO NOTICE TO NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, AND NOTICE TO of Gregory R. Hall Sr., AND NOTICE TO NOTICE OF UNKNOWN HEIRS CREDITORS CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS who died on February 21, H a z e l V. C h i s h o l m , UNKNOWN HEIRS APPOINTMENT, AND NOTICE TO AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Loretta Dysart, whose 2013 withouta Will, and whose address(es) is Jerry Charity, whose adNOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NOTICE TO will serve without Court 2604 Monrow Street NE, address is 206 E Garfield dress is 5105 12th CREDITORS Virginia C. Jevne, whose Maria Jackson, whose UNKNOWN HEIRS Blvd #102 Chicago IL supervision. All unknown Washington DC 20018 AND NOTICE TO Street, NE , Washington, 60614 was appointed Malcom J. Taylor Jr., address is 6138 Banks address is 1307 Ranheirs and heirs whose was appointed personal UNKNOWN HEIRS DC 20011 was appointed personal representative whose address is 2404 Place NW Washington, dolph St. NW, Washingwhereabouts are un- representative of the of the estate of Nokomis N. Capitol Street NW DC 20019 was appointed ton, DC 20011 was ap- Britteny Bond, whose ad- personal representative known shall enter their estate of Linwood Chis- Lee Jefferson, who died Washington DC 20002 personal representative p o i n t e d p e r s o n a l dress is 2516 Sheridan of the estate of Lillian a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s h o l m , w h o d i e d o n on January 30, 2014 was appointed personal of the estate of Alvin representative of the R o a d S E N 1 0 6 Ethel Clipper, who died proceeding. Objections January 18, 2014 without without a will, and will representative of the Leotis White, who died e s t a t e o f E l i z a b e t h Washington DC 20020 on March 12, 2009 witha to such appointment (or a will, and will serve with- serve without Court su- estate of Mary L. Taylor, on May 7, 2014 without a McDuffie AKA Elizabeth was appointed personal will, and will serve withto the probate of de- out Court supervision. All pervision. All unknown who died on March 18, will, and will serve with- J. McDuffie AKA Daisy representative of the out Court supervision. All cedent´s will) shall be unknown heirs and heirs heirs and heirs whose 2014 with a will, and will out Court supervision. All Fuller, who died on estate of Tiffany Bond, unknown heirs and heirs filed with the Register of whose where-abouts are whereabouts are un- serve without Court su- unknown heirs and heirs March 29, 2013 with a who died on October 20, Wills, D.C., 515 5th unknown shall enter their known shall enter their pervision. All unknown whose whereabouts are Will and will serve with- 2013 without a Will, and whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their Street, N.W., 3rd Floor a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s heirs and heirs whose unknown shall enter their out Court supervision. All will serve without Court appearance in this appearance in this proceeding. Objections proceeding. Objections whereabouts are unWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . unknown heirs and heirs supervision. All unknown a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 20001, on or before to such appointment to such appointment known shall enter their proceeding. Objections whose whereabouts are heirs and heirs whose proceeding. Objections whereabouts are un- to such appointment (or December 27, 2014. shall be filed with the shall be filed with the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s to such appointment (or unknown shall enter their Claims against the de- Register of Wills, D.C., Register of Wills, D.C., proceeding. Objections to the probate of de- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s known shall enter their to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be cedent shall be pre- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd to such appointment (or cedent´s will) shall be proceeding. Objections a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s sented to the under- Floor Washington, D.C. Floor Washington, D.C. to the probate of de- filed with the Register of to such appointment (or proceeding. Objections filed with the Register of to the probate of de- to such appointment (or Wills, D.C., 515 5th signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before 20001, on or before cedent´s will) shall be Wills, D.C., 515 5th Register of Wills or filed J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . December 27, 2014. filed with the Register of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor cedent´s will) shall be to the probate of de- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor filed with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . with the Register of Wills Claims against the de- Claims against the de- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . filed with the Register of 20001, on or before with a copy to the under- cedent shall be pre- cedent shall be pre- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001, on or before Wills, D.C., 515 5th Wills, D.C., 515 5th sented to the underStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor sented to the under- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . signed, on or before Street, N.W., 3rd Floor signed with a copy to the signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Claims against the deDecember 27, 2014, or Register of Wills or filed Claims against the deW a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before December 27, 2014. be forever barred. Per- with the Register of Wills Register of Wills or filed cedent shall be pre- December 27, 2014. 20001, on or before cedent shall be preClaims against the dewith the Register of Wills sons believed to be heirs with a copy to the undersented to the underDecember 27, 2014. sented to the underor legatees of the de- signed, on or before with a copy to the under- cedent shall be pre- signed with a copy to the Claims against the de- Claims against the de- signed with a copy to the cedent shall be presented to the undersigned, on or before cedent who do not re- January 11, 2015, or be Register of Wills or filed sented to the under- cedent shall be pre- Register of Wills or filed ceive a copy of this notice forever barred. Persons December 27, 2014, or signed with a copy to the with the Register of Wills signed with a copy to the sented to the under- with the Register of Wills be forever barred. Per- Register of Wills or filed by mail within 25 days of believed to be heirs or sons believed to be heirs with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under- Register of Wills or filed signed with a copy to the with a copy to the underits first publication shall legatees of the decedent or legatees of the de- with a copy to the under- signed, on or before with the Register of Wills Register of Wills or filed signed, on or before so inform the Register of who do not receive a cedent who do not re- signed, on or before December 27, 2014, or with a copy to the under- with the Register of Wills January 11, 2015, or be Wills, including name, copy of this notice by mail ceive a copy of this notice December 27, 2014, or be forever barred. Per- signed, on or before with a copy to the under- forever barred. Persons address and relation- within 25 days of its first by mail within 25 days of be forever barred. Per- sons believed to be heirs December 27, 2014, or signed, on or before believed to be heirs or ship. publication shall so inits first publication shall sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the de- be forever barred. Per- December 27, 2014 or be legatees of the decedent Date of Publication: form the Register of so inform the Register of or legatees of the de- cedent who do not re- sons believed to be heirs forever barred. Persons who do not receive a June 27, 2014 Wills, including name, Wills, including name, cedent who do not re- ceive a copy of this notice or legatees of the de- believed to be heirs or copy of this notice by mail address and relation- address and relation- ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of cedent who do not re- legatees of the decedent within 25 days of its first Name of newspaper: ship. Afro-American by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall ceive a copy of this notice who do not receive a publication shall so inship. Date of Publication: Washington its first publication shall so inform the Register of by mail within 25 days of copy of this notice by mail form the Register of Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Law Reporter so inform the Register of Wills, including name, its first publication shall within 25 days of its first Wills, including name, June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Wills, including name, address and relation- so inform the Register of publication shall so in- address and relationName of newspaper: Gregory R. Hall Jr. Afro-American Wills, including name, form the Register of address and relation- ship. Afro-American ship. address and relation- Wills, including name, ship. Personal Washington Washington Date of Publication: address and relation- Date of Publication: Law Reporter ship. Date of Publication: Law Reporter Representative June 27, 2014 July 11, 2014 ship. Date of Publication: June 27, 2014 Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: Hazel V. Chisholm June 27, 2014 Loretta Dysart Name of newspaper: TRUE TEST COPY Afro-American June 27, 2014 Afro-American Personal Name of newspaper: Personal Afro-American REGISTER OF WILLS Washington Name of newspaper: Representative Washington Afro-American Representative Washington Law Reporter Afro-American Law Reporter Washington Law Reporter 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/14 Washington TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY Virginia C. Jevne Law Reporter Law Reporter REGISTER OF WILLS Malcom J. Taylor Jr. Jerry Charity REGISTER OF WILLS Personal Maria Jackson Personal Personal Representative Britteny Bond 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 Personal Representative 06/27, 07/04, 07/11 Representative Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Representative TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/14 REGISTER OF WILLS 06/27, 07/04, 07/11/14 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 06/27, 07/4, 07/11/14 06/27, 07/04, 07/11,14
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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM684 Lester L. Frazier Jr. AKA Lester Lewis Frazier, Jr Decedent Benjamin J.Woolery Esq 5303 West Court Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Cherokee A. Williams, whose address is 9309 Caldran Drive, Clinton, MD 20735, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lester L. Frazier, Jr. AKA Lester Lewis Frazier Jr., who died on January 8, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Cherokee A. Williams Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Jul 08
07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM608 Jerome I. White Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Kenneth D. Watson, whose address is 1911 Wintergreen Ave. District Heights, MD 20747 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Jerome I White, who died on March 22, 2005 without a will, and will serveCourt supervision. All unknown heirs and h e i r s w h o s e whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Kenneth D. Watson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14
TYPESET: Tue Jul 08
TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:00:36 EDT 2014 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM665 James E. Palmer Decedent Barrett R. King Esq 9192 Red Branch Road Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21045 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Frank R. Campbell, whose address is 716 Melvin Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401, was appointed personal representative of the estate of James E. Palmer, who died on April 15, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 11, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 11, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Frank R. Campbell Personal Representative
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Trust No. 2014NRT17 James E. Palmer Deseased Notice of Existence of Revocable Trust James E. Palmer (name of deceased settlor) whose address was 129 A d a m s S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC 20001 created a revocable trust on June 17, 2009, which remained in existence on the date of his death on April 15, 2014 and Frank R. Campbell, Esq. whose address is 716 Melvin Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 is the currently acting trustee, hereinafter the Trustee. Communications to the Trust should be mailed or directed to Barrett R. King, Esq. at 9192 Red Branch Road, Suite 300, Columbia, MD 21045. The Trust is subject to claims of the deceased settlor’s creditors, costs of administration of the settlor’s estate, the expenses of the deceased settlor’s funeral and disposal of remains, and statutory allowances to a surviving spouse and children to the extent the deceased settlor’s residuary probate estate is inadequate to satisfy those claims, costs, expenses, and allowances. Claims of the deceased settlors creditors are barred as against the Trustee and the trust property unless presented to the Trustee at the address provided herein on or before January 11, 2015 (6 months after the date of first publication of this notice). An action to contest the validity of this trust must be commenced by the earliest of (1) April 15, 2015, (one year from the death of the deceased Settlor). (2) January 11, 2015, (6 months from the date of first publication of this notice) or (3) ninety days after the Trustee sends the person a copy of the trust instrument and a notice informing the person of the trust’s existence, of the Trustee’s name and address, and of the time allowed for commencing a proceeding.
The Trustee may proceed to distribute the trust property in accordance with the terms of trust before TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:59:22 EDT 2014 the expiration of the time 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 within which an action must be commenced un16:01:16 EDTCourt 2014 of Superior less the Trustee knows of the District of a pending judicial District of Columbia proceeding contesting the validity of the trust or the PROBATE DIVISION Trustee has received noWashington, D.C. tice from a potential 20001-2131 contestant who thereafter Administration No. commences a judicial 2014ADM650 proceeding within sixty Hamilton H. Thornton days after notification. Decedent Steve Larson-Jackson, T h i s nEDT o t i c e2014 must be TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:59:40 Esq mailed postmarked within 1629 K ST, NW Ste 300 Washington, DC 20006 15 days of its first publication to each heir and qualSuperior Court Attorney ified beneficiary of the of the OF NOTICE trust and any other person District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, who would be an PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO interested person within TrustCREDITORS No. 2014NRT17 the meaning of D.C. James E. Palmer AND NOTICE TO Code, sec. 20-101(d). Deseased UNKNOWN HEIRS Notice of Robert C.Existence Robinson, Date of First Publication: of Revocable whose addressTrust is 4458 July 11, 2014 James E. Palmer (name oSouth f d e c Dokota e a s e d Ave., s e t t l oNE, r) Washington, DC Frank R. Campbell, Esq whose address was20017 129 was appointed personal Trustee A d a m s S t r e e t , N W, representative of the TRUE TEST COPY Washington, DC 20001 estate aofrevocable Hamilton H. Register of Wills created trust Thornton, on on June 17, who 2009,died which June 9, in 2014 withoutona Name of Newspapers: remained existence will, and will serve withDWLR the date of his death on out Court supervision. All AFRO-AMERICAN April 15, 2014 and Frank unknown heirs and heirs R. Campbell, Esq. whose TYPESET: Dates: Tue Jul 08 whose where-abouts are Pub address is 716 Melvin unknown shall enter their 07/11, 07/18 & 07/25/14 Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland a p p e a r a21401 n c e i nis t the his Superior Court of currently acting trustee, proceeding. Objections hereinafter the Trustee. the District of to such appointment Communications to the District of Columbia shall be filed with the Trust should be mailed or PROBATE DIVISION Register of Wills, D.C., directed BarrettN.W., R. King, Washington, D.C. 515 5thtoStreet, 3rd Esq. 9192 Red Branch 20001-2131 Floorat Washington, D.C. Road, Suite Administration No. 20001, on300, or Columbefore bia, MD 21045. 2014ADM625 J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Claims against the de- Grant B. Easterling The Trust is subject to cedent shall be pre- Decedent claims thethe deceased sentedof to under- Joseph L. Gibson Jr. settlor’s creditors, costs of signed with a of copy the 1403 Mercantile Lane, administration thetosetRegister ofthe Wills or filed Suite 381, Largo, MD tlor’s estate, expenses Registersettlor’s of Wills 20774 ofwith thethe deceased Attorney with a and copydisposal to the underfuneral of reNOTICE OF signed, and on statutory or before mains, APPOINTMENT, January 11, 2015, or be allowances to a surviving NOTICE TO foreverand barred. Persons spouse children to the CREDITORS believed be heirs extent the to deceased set-or AND NOTICE TO legatees of the decedent tlor’s residuary probate UNKNOWN HEIRS who do not receive toa estate is inadequate Alyce J. Easterling, copy of this notice by mail satisfy those claims, costs, expenses, within 25 days of itsand first whose address is 414 allowances. publication shall so in- Rittenhouse Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011, form the Register of Claims the deceased Wills, of including name, was appointed personal settlors creditors are address and relation- representative of the barred estate of Grant B. Easship. as against the Trustee the trust propterling, who died on Date ofand Publication: erty presented to January 24, 2014 without Julyunless 11, 2014 the Trustee at the address a will, and will serve withName of newspaper: provided herein on or beout Court supervision. All Afro-American fore January 11, 2015 (6 unknown heirs and heirs Washington months after the date of whose whereabouts are Law Reporter first publication of this nounknown shall enter their tice). An action to contest appearance in this RobertofC. this Robinson the validity trust proceeding. Objections Personal must be commenced by to such appointment the earliestRepresentative of (1) April 15, shall be filed with the 2015, (one year from the Register of Wills, D.C., TRUE TEST COPY death of the deceased 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd REGISTER OF WILLS Settlor). (2) January 11, Floor Washington, D.C. 2015, (6 months from the 20001, on or before 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14of date of first publication J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . this notice) or (3) ninety Claims against the dedays after the Trustee cedent shall be presends the person a copy sented to the underof the trust instrument and a notice informing the persigned with a copy to the son of the trust’s exisRegister of Wills or filed tence, of the Trustee’s with the Register of Wills name and address, and of with a copy to the underthe time allowed for signed, on or before commencing a proceedJanuary 11, 2015, or be ing. forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or The Trustee may proceed legatees of the decedent to distribute the trust propwho do not receive a erty in accordance with copy of this notice by mail the terms of trust before within 25 days of its first the expiration of the time publication shall so inwithin which an action form the Register of must be commenced unWills, including name, less the Trustee knows of address and relationa pending judicial ship. proceeding contesting the Date of Publication: validity of the trust or the July 11, 2014 Trustee has received noName of newspaper: tice from a potential Afro-American contestant who thereafter Washington commences a judicial Law Reporter proceeding within sixty days after notification. Alyce J. Easterling This notice must be Personal mailed postmarked within Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
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July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014 The Afro-American
TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 16:01:32 EDT 2014
form the Register of ton, DC 20003 and 18Wills, including name, 18th St. SE Washington address and relationDC 20003 was, apship. pointed personal repreDate of Publication: sentatives of the estate July 11, 2014 of Charles Brailey, who Name of newspaper: died on January 28, 2014 Afro-American without a will, and will TYPESET: EDTWed 2014Jul 09 10:50:10 15:59:40 EDT 2014 Washington serve without Court su- TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:56:29 TYPESET: Jul 08 15:57:38 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:58:14 EDTTue 2014 Law Reporter LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES pervision. All unknown 15 days of its first publicaheirs and heirs whose Easterling tion toAlyce eachJ. heir and qualSuperior Court of SUPERIOR COURT OF whereabouts are unSuperior Court of Superior Court of ified beneficiary of the Personal the District of THE DISTRICT OF known shall enter their the District of the District of trust andRepresentative any other person District of Columbia COLUMBIA appearance in this District of Columbia District of Columbia who would be an PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION proceeding. Objections PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION interested person within TRUE TEST COPY Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. to such appointment Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. the meaning of D.C. REGISTER OF WILLS 20001-2131 20001-2131 shall be filed with the 20001-2131 20001-2131 Code, sec. 20-101(d). Administration No. Foreign No. TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:58:45 EDT 2014No. Register of Wills, D.C., Administration No. Administration 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 2014ADM604 2014FEP95 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 2014ADM651 2014ADM596 Date of First Publication: Date of Death Floor Washington, D.C. Betty Jean Williams Cleo Tapp Dorothy Rice July 11, 2014 September 8, 2009 20001, on or before Decedent Decedent Superior Court of Decedent NOTICE OF Susie Weader Colbert J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . NOTICE OF the R. District of Esq James B. Miles Frank Campbell, APPOINTMENT, Decedent Claims against the deAPPOINTMENT, Trustee 807 51st Street NW District of Columbia NOTICE TO NOTICE OF cedent shall be preTRUE DIVISION TEST COPY Washington, DC 20019 NOTICE TO PROBATE CREDITORS APPOINTMENT Register of Wills Attorney sented to the underCREDITORS Washington, D.C. AND NOTICE TO OF FOREIGN signed with a copy to the AND NOTICE TO 20001-2131 NOTICE OF UNKNOWN HEIRS PERSONAL Name of Newspapers: UNKNOWN HEIRS Register of Wills or filed Administration No. APPOINTMENT, DWLR Brigitte Tapp, whose adwith the Register of Wills Gloria Ann Foster, whose R E P R E S E N TAT I V E 2014ADM617 NOTICE TO address is 1813 AllenAND AFRO-AMERICAN dress is 1310 Eastern with a copy to the underFrances W. Bolden CREDITORS dale Place, Hyattsville NOTICE TO Ave NE, Washington DC AKA signed, on or before AND NOTICE TO MD 20785 were apCREDITORS 20019 was appointed FPub r a nDates: ces Walcott January 11, 2015, or be pointed personal repre- Benita Colbert whose adUNKNOWN HEIRS 07/11, 07/18 & 07/25/14 Bolden forever barred. Persons sentative of the estate of dress is 5529 Cardiff Hazel J. Faxio aka Hazel personal representative AKA believed to be heirs or Betty Jean Williams, who Court,Henrico, VA 23227 Faxio aka Hazel Janette of the estate of Cleo Frances Bolden Faxio whose address is, Tapp, who died on Octolegatees of the decedent died on January 27, 2014 was appointed personal ber 4, 2009 without a will, Decedent 3427 Baker St., who do not receive a without a will, and will representative of the Constance G. Starks Washington, DC 20019 and will serve without copy of this notice by mail serve without Court su- estate of Susie Weader 7053 Western Avenue was appointed personal Court supervision. All unwithin 25 days of its first pervision. All unknown Colbert, deceased, on NW representative of the known heirs and heirs publication shall so in- heirs and heirs whose February 19, 2010 by the whose where-abouts are Washington, DC 20015 estate of Dorothy Rice, form the Register of whereabouts are un- State of Virginia Court for Attorney who died on October 27, unknown shall enter their Wills, including name, known shall enter their Henrico County, Service NOTICE OF 1999 without a will, and a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s address and relation- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s of process may be made APPOINTMENT, will serve with Court su- proceeding. Objections ship. proceeding. Objections upon Christpher Hauser NOTICE TO pervision. All unknown to such appointment Date of Publication: to such appointment 8001 14th street NW, CREDITORS heirs and heirs whose shall be filed with the July 11, 2014 shall be filed with the Washington, DC 20018 AND NOTICE TO whereabouts are un- Register of Wills, D.C., Name of newspaper: Register of Wills, D.C., whose designation as UNKNOWN HEIRS known shall enter their 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Afro-American 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd District of Columbia Floor Washington, D.C. Adrienne C. McCoy and a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Washington Floor Washington, D.C. agent has been filed with Phyllis A. Bolden, whose proceeding. Objections 20001, on or before Law Reporter 20001, on or before the Register of Wills, addresses are 1610 Var- to such appointment (or J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . D.C. num PINE, Washington, to the probate of de- Claims against the deTawanna J. Bailey Claims against the de- The decedent owned the DC 20017 and 6801 cedent´s will) shall be cedent shall be preCharles J. Brailey cedent shall be pre- f o l l o w i n g D i s t r i c t o f Bock Rd .Ft. Washing- filed with the Register of sented to the underPersonal sented to the under- Colombia real property: signed with a copy to the ton, MD 20744, was ap- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Representative signed with a copy to the 4/5 interest in 1269 pointed personal repre- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Register of Wills or filed Register of Wills or filed O w e n P l a c e , N E , with the Register of Wills sentatives of the estate W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . TRUE TEST COPY with the Register of Wills Washington, DC 20002 of Frances W. Bolden 20001, on or before with a copy to the underREGISTER OF WILLS with a copy to the under- Claims against the deAKA Frances Walcott J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . signed, on or before signed, on or before cedent may be preBolden, Frances Bolden, Claims against the de- January 11, 2015, or be 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 January 11, 2015, or be sented to the underwho died on September cedent shall be pre- forever barred. Persons forever barred. Persons signed and filed with the 5, 2013 without a will, sented to the under- believed to be heirs or believed to be heirs or Register of Wills for the and will serve without signed with a copy to the legatees of the decedent legatees of the decedent District of Columbia, Court supervision. All un- Register of Wills or filed who do not receive a who do not receive a Building A, 515 5th known heirs and heirs with the Register of Wills copy of this notice by mail copy of this notice by mail s t r e e t , N W, 3 r d F l , whose whereabouts are with a copy to the under- within 25 days of its first within 25 days of its first Washington DC 2001 unknown shall enter their signed, on or before publication shall so inpublication shall so in- within 6 months from the appearance in this January 11, 2015, or be form the Register of form the Register of date of first publication of proceeding. Objections forever barred. Persons Wills, including name, Wills, including name, this notice. to such appointment believed to be heirs or address and relationaddress and relationshall be filed with the legatees of the decedent ship. ship. Benita Colbert Register of Wills, D.C., who do not receive a Date of Publication: Date of Publication: Personal 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd copy of this notice by mail July 11, 2014 July 11, 2014 Representative(s) Floor Washington, D.C. within 25 days of its first Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: TRUE TEST COPY 20001, on or before publication shall so in- Afro-American Afro-American REGISTER OF WILLS Washington J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . form the Register of Washington Date of first publication: Claims against the de- Wills, including name, Law Reporter Law Reporter July 11, 2014 cedent shall be pre- address and relationName of newspapers Brigitte Tapp sented to the under- ship. Gloria Ann Foster and/or periodical: Personal signed with a copy to the Date of Publication: Personal The Daily Washington Representative Register of Wills or filed July 11, 2014 Representative Law Reporter with the Register of Wills Name of newspaper: The Afro-American TRUE TEST COPY with a copy to the under- Afro-American TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS signed, on or before Washington REGISTER OF WILLS 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 January 11, 2015, or be Law Reporter TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:57:18 EDT 2014 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 forever barred. Persons 07/11, 07/18, TYPESET: Wed Jul 09 11:03:36 EDT07/25/14 2014 believed to be heirs or Hazel J. Faxio legatees of the decedent Personal Superior Court of who do not receive a Representative the District of copy of this notice by mail DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY District of Columbia within 25 days of its first TRUE TEST COPY PROBATE DIVISION publication shall so in- REGISTER OF WILLS INVITATION TO BID Washington, D.C. form the Register of Jul 08 15:57:5320001-2131 EDT 2014 Wills, including name, TYPESET: 07/11, 07/18,Tue 07/25/14 Administration No. INVITATION NO.: 140010 address and relation2014ADM678 ship. Charles Owen Doe Small Diameter Water Main Replacement 10b Superior Court of Date of Publication: Decedent the District of July 11, 2014 Theodora H. Brown, The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is soliciting District of Columbia Name of newspaper: Esq PROBATE DIVISION bids for Invitation No. 140010:Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Afro-American Law office of Theodora Washington, D.C. 10b Washington H. Brown PLLC 20001-2131 Law Reporter 3127 Cherry Road, Ne Administration No. The following listing enumerates the major items of work included in the Washington, DC 20018 2014ADM614 Adrienne C. McCoy contract: Attorney Phyllis A. Bolden Dennis Albert Hoyt NOTICE OF Personal Decedent APPOINTMENT, *Approximately 5.0 miles of water mains and associated valves and appurRepresentatives Jamison B. Taylor NOTICE TO tenances. 1218 11th St. NW CREDITORS Washington, DC 20001 TRUE TEST COPY AND NOTICE TO *Copper water services 2 inch and smaller in public and private space. Attorney REGISTER OF WILLS UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF Grant T. Doe, whose adAPPOINTMENT, 07/11, 07/18,Tue 07/25/14 TYPESET: Jul 08 15:58:30 EDT 2014 d r e s s i s 4 5 5 0 2 6 t h *Curb stop /curb stop box, meter box and penetration through building wall NOTICE TO Street, North, Arlington, and connection to first fitting inside the building including installation of a CREDITORS VA 22207 was appointed shut-off valve and pressure reducing valve. AND NOTICE TO Superior Court of personal representative UNKNOWN HEIRS the District of of the estate of Charles *Permanent pavement and surface restoration. Margot Hoyt, whose adDistrict of Columbia Owen Doe, who died on dress is 1442 Willow PROBATE DIVISION Creek Ter., Spring Hill, September 11, 2013 with The project requires completion within 550 consecutive calendar days. Washington, D.C. a will, and will serve withFL 34606, was, ap20001-2131 pointed personal repre- out Court supervision. All This project is estimated to cost between $10,000,000.00 and Administration No. sentative of the estate of unknown heirs and heirs $15,000,000.00 2014ADM638 whose whereabouts are Ermine M. Johnson SR Dennis Albert Hoyt, who unknown shall enter their died on May 30, 2014 DC Water will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., local standard time on August 6, Decedent without a will, and will a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s NOTICE OF proceeding. Objections 2014. serve without Court suAPPOINTMENT, pervision. All unknown to such appointment (or This project may be funded in part by the U. S. Environmental Protection NOTICE TO heirs and heirs whose to the probate of deCREDITORS Agency (EPA). A Fair Share Objective for Minority and Women?s Business whereabouts are un- cedent´s will) shall be ANDEDT NOTICE 15:59:01 2014TO known shall enter their filed with the Register of Enterprises participation in this work of 32% and 6%, respectively, has been UNKNOWN HEIRS Wills, D.C., 515 5th established. The program requirements are fully defined in USEPA’s Ermine M. Johnson Jr., a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Street, N.W., 3rd Floor ”Participation by Disadvantaged Enterprises in Procurement under EPA whose address is 5811 proceeding. Objections W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Financial Assistant Agreements ” May 27, 2008”. 6th Street, NW, Washing- to such appointment 20001, on or before ton, DC 20011, was ap- shall be filed with the J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . pointed personal repre- Register of Wills, D.C., Claims against the de- The Davis-Bacon wage determinations shall apply.DC Water Owner Consentative of the estate of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd cedent shall be pre- trolled Insurance Program will provide insurance. Ermine M. Johnson Sr., Floor Washington, D.C. sented to the underwho died on March 17, 20001, on or before signed with a copy to the Bid documents are available at the Department of Procurement, 5000 2013 without a will, and J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . Register of Wills or filed Overlook Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20032. Sets of Bidding Documents will serve without Court Claims against the de- with the Register of Wills can be procured for a non-refundable $50.00 purchase price each, payable supervision. All unknown cedent shall be pre- with a copy to the under- to DC Water. Payment must be in the form of a money order, certified check heirs and heirs whose sented to the under- signed, on or before or a company check. Documents can be shipped to Bidders providing a whereabouts are un- signed with a copy to the January 11, 2015 or be Federal Express account number. known shall enter their Register of Wills or filed forever barred. Persons with the Register of Wills appearance in this believed to be heirs or proceeding. Objections with a copy to the under- legatees of the decedent The DC Water Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is a to such appointment signed, on or before who do not receive a secured facility. Persons intending to pick-up Bidding Documents are to shall be filed with the January 11, 2015, or be copy of this notice by mail contact the Department of Procurement at 202 787 2020 for access auRegister of Wills, D.C., forever barred. Persons within 25 days of its first thorization. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd believed to be heirs or publication shall so inFloor Washington, D.C. legatees of the decedent form the Register of For procurement information contact Mrs. DeNerika Johnson; email 20001, on or before who do not receive a Wills, including name, DJohnson1@dcwater.com, (voice 202 787 2113). J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 . copy of this notice by mail address and relationClaims against the de- within 25 days of its first ship. For technical information contact: DETS-Construction.Bid.Inquiry@ cedent shall be pre- publication shall so in- Date of Publication: dcwater.com sented to the under- form the Register of July 11, 2014 signed with a copy to the Wills, including name, Name of newspaper: View DC Water website at www.dcwater.com for current and upcoming Register of Wills or filed address and relation- Afro-American solicitations. with the Register of Wills ship. Washington with a copy to the under- Date of Publication: Law Reporter July 11, 2014 signed, on or before January 11, 2015, or be Name of newspaper: Grant T. Doe forever barred. Persons Afro-American Personal believed to be heirs or Washington Representative legatees of the decedent Law Reporter who do not receive a Margot Hoyt TRUE TEST COPY copy of this notice by mail Personal REGISTER OF WILLS within 25 days of its first TYPESET: Tue Jul 08 15:57:01 EDT 2014 Representative publication shall so in07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 form the Register of Wills, including name, TRUE TEST COPY Superior Court of address and relation- REGISTER OF WILLS the District of ship. 07/11, 07/18, 07/28/14 District of Columbia Date of Publication: PROBATE DIVISION July 11, 2014 Washington, D.C. Name of newspaper: 20001-2131 Afro-American Administration No. Washington 2014ADM618 Law Reporter Charles Brailey Decedent Ermine M. Johnson Jr. NOTICE OF Personal APPOINTMENT, Representative NOTICE TO CREDITORS TRUE TEST COPY AND NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS UNKNOWN HEIRS Tawanna J. Brailey and 07/11, 07/18, 07/25/14 Charles J. Brailey whose address is 1314 K Street., #103 Washington, DC 20003 and 1818th St. SE Washington DC 20003 was, appointed personal representatives of the estate of Charles Brailey, who died on January 28, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the
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The Afro-American, July 12, 2014 - July 18, 2014
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