Volume 123 No. 16
$1.00 Nation’s #1 African American Newspaper 2014 Nielsen-Essence Consumer Report
NOVEMBER 22, 2014 - NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Ferguson Waits
The Impact of Mid-term Elections on Statehood
By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent A pall has blanketed the city of Ferguson and the surrounding St. Louis area in Missouri as the community awaits the grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown case. “It is very quiet, very eerie,” said the Rev. Dr. Jamal Bryant, of Baltimore’s Empowerment Temple, who is on the ground in Ferguson. “There’s a very somber mood, almost like that of a family in the waiting room of a hospital awaiting word of a loved one.” Or, perhaps, it is the eye of the storm—which is what many predict would be unleashed in Ferguson if the
INSERTS • Walmart
By James Wright Special to the AFRO Leaders and activists of the District of Columbia statehood movement met recently to discuss strategy in the wake of the 2014 mid-term elections. The DC Statehood Coalition convened a summit to address how the movement will continue advancing the cause of full political rights for District residents with a Republicancontrolled U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate AP Photo
A high school graduation photo of Michael Brown rests on top of a snow-covered memorial Nov. 17. grand jury does not indict Darren Wilson, the White police officer who shot and killed Brown, an unarmed Black teenager, back in August. Ferguson was buffeted by a wave of unrest after the killing, but protestors settled into peaceful demonstrations over the past couple of months. Still, residents’
frustrations have simmered over the long wait. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, this week, declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the grand jury decision and signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard to support law enforcement during any period of unrest. “All people in the St.
Louis region deserve to feel safe in their communities and to make their voices heard without fear of violence or intimidation,” said Gov. Nixon. “Public safety demands that we are fully prepared for any contingency, regardless of what the St. Louis County grand jury or the U.S. Department of Continued on A3
“This movement is about statehood and statehood only.” –Jerry Clark
in January 2015. Jerry Clark, the chairman of the coalition, clarified the goal of the summit and the movement. “This movement is about statehood and statehood only,” Clark said to the 30 people who attended the event. “Some
Continued on A4
National Collegiate Prep Boasts Perfect Graduation Rate By Natascha Saunders Special to the AFRO
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National Collegiate Preparatory Public Charter School (National Prep) hosted their Invention Convention in conjunction with the Metro Warriors STEM Organization (MWSO) and IT Computer Wiz Kids in Southeast D.C. on Nov. 12. The school was very proud to open its doors this year to the community at large to come out and see their students’ inventions. National Prep offers disadvantaged youth in D.C. the opportunity to excel above their circumstances and environments. The program is focused on providing a solution to the urgent need of closing the achievement gap for students in science, technology, engineering, and math
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Kim Keenan, MMTC Director has Diversity in Her Sights
Ben Phillips Elected President of Regional Press Assoc. MDDC’s immediate past president when her term ends at the end of 2014. Her successor praised Fischer-Huettner and expressed gratitude for the excellent working relationship they established during the Association’s transitional year. The current president was also given an award for her dedicated service on behalf of the Association.
Karen Acton, CEO of Post Community Media, was reBenjamin M. Phillips elected as secretary. IV, president of The AfroSeveral persons were American Newspapers, was re-elected to three-year elected the new president of terms, including Ed Dulin, the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. president /CEO of Independent Press Association’s Board of Newsmedia Inc. USA and Directors at the group’s annual David Fike, president of meeting Nov. 13. APG Chesapeake. Current In his first address to the immediate past president, Paul Association’s membership, Milton, assistant managing Phillips said editor, targeted he is looking media of the forward to Baltimore Sun “working Media Group, with the staff was also and board, elected to a to figure out three-year term. common Founded ground for in 1908, the growth.” An MDDC Press area that offers Association that potential counts all of the Photo courtesy of the MDDC Press Association daily and most and the focus Ben Phillips (center) was elected president of the MDDC of his oneof the non-daily Press Association’s Board of Directors. Here, he stands year term newspapers with MDDC board members Geordie Wilson, Karen Acton, in Maryland, as president would be Delaware and Mike Kilian and Suzanne Fischer-Huettner. digital D.C. among its products and active members. using technology to attract and Also newly elected to The Association serves sustain readership, he said. one-year terms were Geordie its diverse membership in Phillips accepted the mantle Wilson, publisher of The areas of common concern, of leadership—or in this case a Frederick News-Post, as including, professional training gavel—from Suzanne Fischervice-president, and Mike and development, legislative Huettner, publisher of The Kilian, executive editor of representation, and First Daily Record, who will become The Daily Times, as treasurer. Amendment issues. By AFRO Staff
Keimare, Brittany, Iyanna and Donte are students at National Prep.
(STEM). The school’s environment provides students with a world-class, hands-on education. Many students have expressed that National Prep makes them feel like they are cared for and that they belong to something bigger than themselves. “It feels like a family at my school,” students said. The staff, teacher and student partnerships have resulted in the National Prep achieving a 100 percent high school graduation and college acceptance rate. National Prep also boasts that they offer an International Baccalaureate (IB) program that provides students with an international studies component. Instead of a regular high school diploma, students can receive an advanced degree with a more rigorous Continued on A4
By Lenore T. Adkins Special to the AFRO Kim Keenan, new president and chief executive officer of the Minority Media and Kim Keenan is the new Telecommunications Council president and chief (MMTC), is intent on doing executive officer of the her part to close the digital Minority Media and divide for people of color, an Telecommunications issue she said keeps her up at Council. night. Keenan, 52, who previously held positions as general counsel and secretary of the NAACP plans on meeting with civil rights leaders to raise awareness about the gap. She also plans on developing a strategy that inspires Silicon Valley startups to diversify their ranks to better reflect America. “We need to bring Silicon Valley to new college graduates of color,” Keenan told the AFRO. “This isn’t an unreasonable request that these high-tech companies have diversity.” The council, a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., promotes and preserves equal opportunity and civil rights in mass media, telecommunications and broadband industries, according to its website. Its goals involve expanding minority ownership and equal opportunity employment in those industries to bridge the digital divide. For example, MMTC recently sold Detroit radio station WDTW-AM to Pedro
Copyright © 2014 by the Afro-American Company
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Continued on A5
The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
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NATION & WORLD Cosby Clarifies Statement on Rape Accusations
A blanket denial from Bill Cosby’s lawyer dismissing allegations of sexual abuse by the comedian against several women has been clarified with a subsequent statement. The new statement released Monday says that Cosby’s denials do not refer to accuser Andrea Constand, whose civil lawsuit against him was settled in 2006. Differences between Cosby and Constand were “resolved to the mutual satisfaction” of both parties, according A blanket denial from Bill to the new statement, Cosby’s lawyer has been jointly issued by lawyers clarified. for Cosby and Constand. Neither party intends to comment further, it adds. The earlier statement, issued over the weekend, referred to “decade-old, discredited allegations” against Cosby, stating that “the fact that they are being repeated does not make them true.” Constand had accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 2004.
her job as an English teacher at Duncanville High School, USA Today reported. “Who the (expletive) made you dumb duck (expletive) crackers think I give a squat (expletive) about your opinions about my opinions RE: Ferguson? Kill yourselves,” Hegwood’s Nov. 7 tweet read. In a statement released Nov. 13 by the Texas American Federation of Teachers announcing Hegwood’s resignation, she said the tweet came after “a series of threatening and racist attacks” made against her during a debate over Brown’s death on the social media site, according to Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA. “My reaction in no way reflects the standards to which I have held myself and my students for the last 20 years of teaching,” she wrote. “I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I regret the embarrassment that it has caused the school district.” The Duncanville school board said in a statement that Hegwood was given an opportunity to explain her side of the story, The Los Angeles Times reported, but that the board voted unanimously to terminate her.
Former NFL Vikings Player Orlando Thomas Dies from ALS at 42
Orlando Thomas, who played seven seasons in the NFL with the Minnesota Vikings, died Nov. 10 in his hometown of Crowley, La. He was 42. Thomas was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or A Dallas-area teacher was fired Nov. 14 over a raciallyAmyotrophic charged tweet she sent regarding the protests in Ferguson, Mo., Lateral Sclerosis following the shooting death of Michael Brown. (ALS), in 2007, Vinita a progressive Hegwood, who neurodegenerative is Black, was disease that causes fired by the muscle weakness, Orlando Thomas died Nov. 10 from Duncanville paralysis, and ALS. Independent ultimately, School District respiratory failure. Board of ALS made headlines this summer through the ALS Ice Bucket Trustees on Challenge, which raised more than $21.7 million for research Nov. 14, one into the disease. day after she “If there was ever a test to strip your fight, courage and toughness Vinita Hegwood was fired over a raciallyresigned from and make you wallow in self-pity, this would be the disease and yet charged tweet she sent. he was so incredible in his fight and never once made it about him,” Thomas’ Natural Gas. Efficient by Nature agent, Mark Bartelstein, told Bloomberg News. At Washington Gas, our commitment is to provide you with safe and reliable natural gas service. In his time in the NFL, Through a variety of channels, we inform you throughout the year about the characteristics of natural Thomas had 457 tackles, gas and important safety tips. Please read the information below and share it with others. 22 interceptions and two touchdowns. Thomas led NATURAL GAS SAFETY the league in interceptions If You Smell Natural Gas in 1995, with nine. If you suspect a natural gas leak or other gas emergency, evacuate the area immediately and
Texas Teacher Fired for Racial Tweet About Ferguson
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The Afro-American, July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014
November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014, The Afro-American
“Extra Help” for People Panel Compares Home Rule Struggle to with Limited Income Ongoing Battle for Statehood Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Making ends meet should not mean going without your medications. If you have limited income and resources, you may qualify for Extra Help to pay for some health care and prescription drug costs. Drug costs in 2015 for most people who qualify for Extra Help will be no more than $2.65 for each generic drug and $6.60 for each brand-name drug. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services estimates that more than 2 million people with Medicare may be eligible for Extra Help, but aren’t currently enrolled to take advantage of these savings. A recent law changed how your income and assets are counted: • Life insurance policies don’t count as resources • Any help you get from relatives, friends, and others to pay for household expenses—like food, mortgage, rent, heating fuel or gas, electricity, water, and property taxes— doesn’t count as income Many People Qualify and Don’t Know It Even if you were previously turned down for Extra Help due to income or resource levels, you should reapply. If you qualify, you’ll get help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage premiums, copayments, and deductibles. To qualify, you must make less than $17,505 a year (or $23,595 for married couples). Even if your annual income is higher, you still may be able to get some extra help. Your resources must also be limited to $13,440 (or $26,860 for married couples). Resources include bank accounts, stocks, and bonds, but not your house or car. There’s No Cost or Obligation to Apply It’s easy and free to apply for Extra Help. You or a family member, trusted counselor, or caregiver can apply online at socialsecurity.gov/i1020 or call Social Security at 1-800772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778. All the information you give is confidential. You can also get help in your community from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC), and many tribal organizations. For information about how to contact these organizations, visit Eldercare.gov. To learn more about Medicare prescription drug coverage, visit Medicare.gov, or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-6334227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. This information prepared by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
By Shantella Sherman Special to the AFRO To recognize the 40th anniversary of the first election process held under the Home Rule Charter, D.C. Public Library’s Special Collections, in partnership with the Historical Society of Washington, recently convened a public program to discuss the legislative process of gaining Home Rule. WAMU radio moderator Martin Austermuhle facilitated that panel discussion, which included The Honorable Sterling Tucker, the first elected City Council chairman in 1974, Howard University political science professor Michael Fauntroy and former House Committee on the District of Columbia staffer, Nelson Rimensnyder. After decades of hardfought political battle, social engagement and civic outrage, the District was granted Home Rule—the ability to directly elect its own mayor and City Council—in 1974. Prior to 1974, the District was governed by either three presidentially appointed commissioners (1874-1967) or a presidentially appointed mayor-commissioner and nine-member council (19671974). Forty years later, with the push for statehood stalled by a lack of passionate engagement by residents, members of the panel acknowledged that a similar level of ennui existed while attempting to gain Home Rule. Tucker said that a misconception exists that the people Washington just
“A major problem we had with Home Rule was apathy.” –Sterling Tucker
Photos by Shantella Sherman
Howard University professor Michael Fauntroy, The Honorable Sterling Tucker, and former House Committee Staffer Nelson Rimensnyder discussed the nearly 30 percent of Americans who believe District residents are not required to pay taxes. decided they wanted Home Rule, rose up and achieved it. “A major problem we had with Home Rule was apathy. A lot of people who grew up without Home Rule had no sense about what that really meant. We had to create in Washington itself, among the people who lived in the city a desire for it and a hunger for it. We don’t have that for people wanting statehood, frankly. There is not that hunger and that thirst and that fight for it,” Tucker said. Fauntroy, whose work, Home Rule or House Rule: Congress and the Erosion of Local Governance in the District of Columbia, leads the discourse in documenting the city’s fight for legislative autonomy, said that while he believes statehood is theoretically still possible, achieving it would require a committed effort by proponents of statehood to inform the nation about how
the city currently operates. He also believes that there must be an impassioned desire among residents to seize it. “I think it’s theoretically possible [to gain statehood],
Newspaper publisher Denise Rolark Barnes, whose father Calvin Rolark fought tirelessly for Home Rule, gauged questions from panel attendees on the continued fight for statehood.
Maryland Teen Speaks Chinese and Embraces Culture By Tiffany L. Johnson Special to the AFRO For some African American teenagers it can be difficult finding their special niche. However, this isn’t a challenge for 17-yearold Noah Faison of Montgomery County, Md. He speaks Chinese fluently and lives in China as part of a study aboard program. “I’ve been blessed with opportunities with Noah Faison studying aboard. I’ve been to Africa multiple times, Europe, and this is my second time in Asia. I’m here to study a language and study the culture,” said Noah. There’s a growing trend in America to encourage high
students to study aboard, especially in China. In 2009, President Barrack Obama, initiated the 100,000 Strong Educational Exchange Initiative. According to the U.S. Department of State’s website, the program is designed to encourage more American students to study in China. Noah is currently a junior in high school and lives with “host parents.” I speak enough to hold a good conversation. This is my sixth year taking Chinese. My host family is very similar to home life when I’m not at boarding school. I call my host parents mom and dad,” he told the AFRO. Noah said he plans to continue to study Chinese or what is called “Mandarin.” He will live in China until June, and then return to Berkshire, his home boarding school, in Massachusetts.
“We have the potential to make a huge impact here, and it starts with economics. Having a tool like Chinese would be something to draw people’s attention.” said Noah. He also writes a blog, http://blackwhitebeijing.blogspot.com, to journal his experiences while in China. “China is going to become the largest economy, and the opportunities for career could be expanded. Noah had the opportunity to travel at a young age and he was an international kid. Very early on he had expressed an interest in politics, and because of those things it’s important to have a second language. ” Deborah Faison, Noah’s mother, recently told the AFRO. She said she instilled in her son at an early age the importance of learning and speaking a second language other than Spanish. To learn more about the 100,000 Strong Educational Exchange Initiative, visit http://100kstrong.org/.
citizens are in this alone.” In fact, activists say, it the law enforcement response that should be of highest concern. In the wake of Brown’s shooting, law enforcement was criticized for deploying K-9 dog units, armored vehicles and SWAT officers clad in bulletproof vests and military-grade rifles, some of whom launched tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowds and called demonstrators “animals.” “If we see violence, make no mistake, the responsibility for it lies with law enforcement,” said Damon Davis, a community organizer with the Don’t Shoot Coalition, a coalition of approximately 50 local organizations formed in the wake of Brown’s slaying. “For nearly 100 days, the preponderance of violence has come at the hands of police. We have proven we can peacefully assemble and function at a protest, can the
to try to de-escalate violence without de-escalating action,” said Don’t Shoot co-chair Michael T. McPhearson, executive director of Veterans For Peace, in a statement. “We are providing a number of supports to promote a peaceful response, but nothing will make a difference unless the police do their part by giving protesters adequate space. That’s the key to peaceful outcomes.”
Continued from A1 Justice decides.” But civil rights leaders say Nixon’s announcement has only heightened tensions and resentment among protestors.
of violence or danger only threatens to stir up tensions and denigrate the peaceful efforts of countless nonviolent activists,” Brooks said
“Public safety demands that we are fully prepared for any contingency, regardless of what the St. Louis County grand jury or the U.S. Department of Justice decides.” –Gov. Nixon
NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks said the governor’s decision was “both premature in its application and presumptuous” given the weeks of peaceful protests in Ferguson. “Governor Nixon’s decision to declare a state of emergency without evidence
in a statement. Nixon’s action was made worse in that he seemed to focus on protestors, calling on them to avoid looting, rioting and violence, Rev. Bryant added. “Never did he speak about the responsibility of police to not be aggressive, to not use brutal force to not aggravate protestors. It’s as if
though I don’t think there is enough energy in the streets to make it happen. Ultimately you have to scare the members of Congress by un-electing some of them as we saw in 1972 and there is not enough energy to unelect people in any significant way,” Fauntroy said. “I am probably a little less hopeful now than I was at the time that I wrote Home Rule and this was over a decade ago, in part because I think that the kind of street mobilization that you need is not on the radar of many of the people who need to be in the streets and organizing not just here in the District but around the country to try to get this done. I’m frustrated, very frustrated by that generally.” Citing the 1994 adoption by the D.C. Council of Act 10-222 that states: “No D.C. resident shall be required to make federal income tax payments until such time as the District is granted full representation in both houses of Congress.” Rimensnyder labeled District residents as third-class citizens. “Some leaders like to go around saying that we are second-class citizens, but in fact, we are thirdclass citizens because we are behind Puerto Rico and other territories. We are the only Americans taxed without our consent and I think that is the message we have to take to the country and the Congress we are tired of being taxed without our consent. That is what this country was founded— it is in our Declaration of Independence,” Rimensnyder said.
police say the same?” It has been local groups such as the Don’t Shoot Coalition that has made preparations to deal with the potential fallout of the grand jury’s decision, Bryant said. “The preparation has not been from mainline organizations or national civil rights figureheads,” the wellknown conflict-conciliator said. “It’s been a grassroots effort—students teaching the tenants of non-violent protest, churches getting first aid supplies ready….” Earlier this month, for example, the Don’t Shoot Coalition released its plans for dealing with the outcome of the decision, including negotiating with law enforcement to adopt a de-militarized response to potential unrest and to establish “safe spaces” where people can protest without fear of police intrusion. “If Officer Wilson is not indicted, we will do our part
The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
Health Care Exchange Holds Enrollment Fair By James Wright Special to the AFRO The District’s health care exchange recently held an enrollment fair that highlighted its benefits and services while basking in a recent court victory verifying its right to its funding source. Scores of District residents visited facebook.com the first floor of the Mayor Vincent Gray attended the DC Health Link information Martin Luther King day and enrollment fair. Jr. Memorial Library had the problems the federal website or on Nov. 15 to talk to the Maryland Health Exchange has had. representatives from the DC Health Benefit Gray credited Mila Kofman, the exchange Exchange Authority, also known as the DC authority’s executive director, for her Health Link, about signing up, changing or management of the project. getting more information about its health While the District has cleared a legal insurance plans. Leaders from the exchange hurdle, opponents of the ACA have filed a authority were upbeat at the fair as they challenge with the U.S. Supreme Court, in the successfully fought back an attempt by the case of King vs. Burwell. This case questions American Council of Life Insurers in federal the constitutionality of state-run exchanges. court on Nov. 14 to change the way the Additionally, Republican leaders of the U.S. program is funded. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate “The ruling is a victory for the District’s have pledged to hold votes on repealing residents and small businesses,” said Diane the act when the new session of Congress Lewis, chair of the exchange’s executive convenes in January 2015. board. “DC Health Link provides a critical Gray said that he is puzzled by why so service to District residents and small businesses by making quality health insurance available under a fair set of rules at affordable prices.” In 2012, under –D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray the option offered by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the D.C. many political leaders want to undo the act. Council voted to establish a District-managed “We want to make sure that America is as insurance marketplace through the exchange healthy as it can be,” the mayor said. “Because authority. of the Affordable Care Act, 97 percent of In dismissing the lawsuit, U.S. District children in the District are covered by health Court Judge Beryl A. Howell said that insurance. We want to make sure that going Congress intended for states to set up health to the doctor is a routine part of people’s lives insurance exchanges and those states had and the Affordable Care Act helps us do that.” “broad authority to provide adequate funding DJ Aladdin, a disc jockey on WPGC, for those exchanges.” encourages District residents to sign up for D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) persuaded health insurance. the members of the D.C. Council to create “I did not have any health insurance from a District health benefit exchange instead 2007-2013,” he said. “During that time, I of relying on the federal system. Gray, who could not afford it and I was hoping that greeted residents and staffers at the fair, nothing bad said that he is proud of happened to me. I the work that has been enrolled at the last done to provide health minute, and while insurance to District the process is not residents. simple, I got my “We are one of four health care card state-based agencies in the and everything is nation,” Gray said. “It is fine.” my opinion that we have Aladdin said that the program is great for one of the best state exchanges in the nation. We had a glitch here and there, but basically it people who do not have a full-time job or work at jobs without benefits. The staff of the has been a smooth process.” exchange authority will assist residents until The rollout of the District’s health Feb. 15, 2015, when the open-enrollment insurance enrollment program took place period ends. on Oct. 1, 2013. The city’s program hasn’t
“It is my opinion that we have one of the best state exchanges in the nation.”
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Mid-Term Elections
Continued from A1
people may want to do other things, but we are loss of the Senate,” Norton said. “A lot of only interested in statehood.” those Democratic senators who lost were in Clark was speaking about the various red states and they may not have been with factions in the statehood movement. D.C. Del. us anyway. Even though we had a hearing on Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), who served as statehood in the Senate in September, and that keynote speaker at the summit, said she wants is unprecedented, we still have a lot of work statehood, but she also said she believes that to do.” incrementalism, achieving Norton said that the statehood in phases, is the statehood movement needs right strategy. Clark said to be more proactive by he wants the District to be expanding its reach by using recognized as a full member traditional and new means of of the union . communication. “We need to Nelson Rimensnyder, a have leaflets, literature and District Republican, thinks events to tell people about that the city should pursue statehood but we also need to being a territory before utilize Facebook, Twitter and achieving statehood while Instagram better,” she said. a small number of residents The delegate also said that think that the District statehood must have meaning should be retroceded or be in the everyday lives of District taken back into the state of residents. She said, “Statehood Facebook Photo must be seen as a movement Maryland. D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Since its formal not an abstraction.” Norton (D) is a passionate organizing in 1801 by Josh Burch, a leader in advocate for District Congress, the District the Neighbors United for DC statehood. hasn’t had voting Statehood, said that when representation in that statehood activists lobby on legislative body even though residents pay Capitol Hill it must be clear to the legislators federal taxes and can be drafted to fight in the that the movement is non-partisan. “We should country’s wars. Presently, District residents pursue our movement based on our rights and can vote in presidential elections and can elect fairness and make it clear that this is not a a non-voting delegate to the House, mayor, political, partisan effort,” he said. “We must attorney general, members of the D.C. Council not focus our energies on one party.” and the D.C. State Board of Education and Statehood bills introduced by Norton and advisory neighborhood commissioners. U.S. Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Del.) have gained However, Congress has to authorize the hundreds of co-sponsors but all of them are District’s budget even though it is largely Democratic representatives or senators. Johnny comprised of city-generated money. Congress Barnes, a former Capitol Hill staffer and a must also affirm any legislation that the civil rights attorney, said that there should be council passes. The Senate, specifically, must strategies that deal with Republicans. approve D.C. Superior Court and D.C. Appeals “We need to look at targeting a weak House Court judges. Republican and going into their district and The District is the only state-level telling their residents about D.C. residents and jurisdiction that must be congressionally statehood,” Barnes said. “Plus, we can look at regulated on such local affairs. a Republican senator, such as Orrin Hatch of Norton was joined by fellow politicians Utah, to modify Carper’s statehood bill that D.C. Council member-elects Elissa Silverman would mandate that the District’s two U.S. (I-At Large) and Brianne Nadeau (D-Ward 1); Senators cannot be from the same party. We D.C. Statehood Rep. Nathan Bennett-Fleming have to be strategic in thinking about that.” (D); D.C. Statehood Rep-elect Franklin Garcia Clark said that statehood activists must be (D) and Statehood Sens. Paul Strauss (D) ready for a long, protracted fight. He said that and Michael Brown (D). Norton said that the the coalition will hold another summit within activists should not be deterred by the 2014 three months to plan the next step. “This is not mid-term election results. going to get done fast,” he said. “This type of “I am not completely undaunted by the movement builds over time.”
National Prep
Continued from A1
grading structure. Melvin Stallings, STEM coordinator and conceptual physics teacher for National Prep has a background in biology and chemistry with degrees from both Notre Dame and Norfolk State. He formerly worked for the Baltimore City Police Department as a crime investigator. Stallings was excited about sharing his encounter with Jennifer Ross, founder and executive director who hired him to
Melvin Stallings, STEM Coordinator and Conceptual Physics Teacher at National Prep and Prep student Donte with a STEM remote control car. bring STEM to National Prep. “National Prep didn’t have a STEM program, but Ms. Ross gave me a chance,” he said.
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“We have a very diverse group of kids here. Students are eager to learn something new,” said Stallings. “Students here ask questions. They want to know how does this relate to physics. How does this relate to the real world? And they express they don’t really want to do this if it doesn’t relate.” National Prep uses STEM as a vehicle to bridge the gap on how it relates to their daily lives. The school’s motto is, “STEM is for life.” When asked about the future of the program, Stalling expressed his desire to see the program expand. He said, “In the next two years we’d like to have 100-150 students. This program is a good vehicle to obtain scholarships. A lot of our students want to become engineers and scientists so I tell them do summer internships and summer jobs so you can obtain those opportunities.” In March 2015, National Prep STEM students will travel to California to participate in the national championship competition at the National Society of Black Engineering Conference. To learn more about National Prep visit http:// nationalprepdc.org.
November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014, The Afro-American
‘Butt Shot Guru’ Released from Prison, Pens Self-Esteem Memoir By Shantella Sherman Special to the AFRO Kimberly Smedley, an Atlanta native, known as the ‘butt shot guru’ has once again gained the media spotlight. She was recently released from prison after serving a 36-month prison sentence for illegally injecting commercial-grade silicone into the buttocks of clients in hotel rooms in various cities around the country, including Baltimore and D.C. Smedley said her clients paid as much as $1,600 in cash for the cosmetic enhancements. In an exclusive interview with the AFRO, Smedley, who has authored a new memoir, The Backside of the Story: My Personal Journal into the Black Market Butt Injection Scandal, said that while she had no medical training and the procedures were illegal, her ultimate desire was to help women desperate for cosmetic enhancement. “My intentions were never
to hurt anyone because the same thing I was injecting in other people I have in myself,” said Smedley, who received similar injections in 1999. “I had the injections because growing up I would always get singled out because my butt was so flat. I really felt like I was helping women to feel better about themselves. However, I’ve learned that [the injections] are only a temporary fix because all of the issues that I had, I still struggled with them after the injections. It really was like putting a bandage over a sore, but not really addressing the wound. You have to deal with this from the inside first.” Smedley, taunted as “ironing board booty” by cousins and later rejected by men who saw her lack of
posterior as unattractive, grew increasingly self-conscious about her appearance. “I knew I wanted to cosmetically fix the way I looked. Did I use wisdom? Absolutely not. I never once asked him for any information or any type of literature or anything,” Smedley said, referring to the friend that gave her butt injections 14 years ago. “I just knew that I wanted it and I wanted it bad. I laid down and amazon.com it hurt so much and I wasn’t even numbed. I cried and I took the pain because all I could think about was how I was going to look when it was all over.” While the physiques of African women has long been both maligned and conscripted, American popular culture has created a highly sexualized beauty
aesthetic that tends to Smedley said. contort and reframe The reality women’s bodies of cosmetic butt through digital body injections has only augmentation. It recently become is this toxic visual apparent to Smedley culture that Smedley who said that in says her book aims the 14 years since to counter. Factoring her own injections, in the fascination the she has developed world has maintained osteoarthritis. Oddly for the Black body, enough, Smedley Smedley documents also said that the one the rise (and fall) of noticeable side effect the Hottentot Venus of the injections is that and the quiet embrace over time her buttocks Black society has for has gotten bigger. hips and buttocks. “It just keeps “We allow media getting bigger. If I to have too much gain weight, I don’t of an impact on our get bigger anywhere children. Young else. I started out ladies need to know covering up my that what they see Photo by Shantella Sherman behind because I on television and didn’t have one, and The ‘butt shot guru’ Kimberly Smedley in magazines is spoke with the AFRO about her new book now I’m covering it not reality. These up because I do. At and the need to improve the self-esteem women’s images have of young girls. some point you just been put through don’t want that type Photoshop, and it is of attention because do not look like their pictures only an illusion. When you there is a difference between a because we are constantly see the person in person, they gaze and a gawk,” she said. being sold a fantasy,”
Kim Keenan
Continued from A1 Zamora, who will form the city’s first full-market Latino station. In addition to bridging the digital divide, Keenan also wants to reform the prison pay phone industry, which she said charges unreasonable rates for phone calls behind bars. “How dare we take people in their worse time and treat them worse,” Keenan said. “We’re charging everyone who loves you a premium for that privilege.” MMTC took up the cause last year by signing a petition that asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to intervene. The FCC has since capped those interstate inmate rates at 21 cents per minute for prepaid and debit calls and Delivery Support: 212.237.7000 at 25 cents for collect calls. The FCC is seeking feedback on additional reforms. Keenan comes to the council with extensive experience. Prior to working for the NAACP, she ran her own law firm for
“I feel like the law is created to protect people, but if they don’t know what their rights are … they don’t get the benefit of it.” –Kim Keenan three years and spent 16 years before that working at Jack H.
Oleander the District. CODE: SBS-14-4C and Associates PUB/POST:in USSPI 10.92x9.75; Various Pubs; PRODUCTION: D. Hanson She Onalso is past DESCRIPTION: November 29...
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Bar07A-006910-09D-SBS-14-4C.indd and the National Bar Association, America’s and FILE: SAP #:oldest AP.APSBS.14043.K.011 largest association for lawyers of color. She graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Affairs and the University of Virginia School of Law. A native of Buffalo, N.Y., Keenan remembers her mother,
Henrietta Keenan, spending lots of time in court and telling her how lawyers make a difference in society. Keenan said she studied law because in her view, lawyers solve problems and make life better for people. “I feel like the law is created to protect people, but if they don’t know what their rights are … then it’s like the tree in the forest that falls--they don’t get the benefit of it,” she said. Keenan takes MMTC’s reins from David Honig, its cofounder and CEO for 28 years. Honig, who met Keenan whenLIVE: she Nonewas in college, said she is well known and highly regarded in legal TRIM: 10.92” x 9.75” circles. Keenan also previously served on MMTC’s board of directors. She has been at the helm since late BLEED: None September. “She was perfect for us and we’re all so very proud to have Kim as the new captain of our ship,” Honig said in a prepared statement.
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The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
COMMUNITY CONNECTION Delta 5k Walk for St. Jude
The Washington D.C. Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will hold a 5k walk Nov. 22 at 8 a.m. at the Sylvan Theater on the National Mall in D.C. This 5K walk benefits St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, so that families never have to receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food. To donate or join at GiveThanksWalk.org. For more information, contact community@wdcac.org.
receive a delicious soul food dinner from the Florida Avenue Grill with Mayor Barry and receive a personalized signed copy of his book. Space is very limited so get your ticket before they sell out. For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/marion-barry-dinner-book-signingat-florida-avenue-grill-tickets-14242655165?aff=eac2.
Alexandria, Va.
Applebees, Project Giveback Host Flapjack Fundraiser
Applebee’s restaurant will host its “Flapjack Fundraiser” breakfast in support of the Northern Virginia Project Giveback organization and the Greater Northern Virginia Chapter of the Norfolk State University Alumni Association Capitol Press Club Hosts Anniversary Gala The Capital Press Club will hold its 70th Anniversary Gala Awards Reception Scholarship Fund. The meal includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and Dec. 4 at the National Press Club Ballroom located at 529 14th Street N.W. The a beverage (coffee, juice, soda or tea). Event organizers are aiming to reach the goal of feeding 300 families on Nov. 22 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For reception is titled, “70 Years in the Black: Telling Our Own Stories, Pleading more information and to purchase tickets, please visit: https://www.eventbrite. Our Own Cause.’” Honorees include Simeon Booker, pioneering editor from com/e/applebees-flapjack-nova-project-givebackscholarship-fundraiserJET Magazine; Dr. Barbara Reynolds, founding editor of USA Today; J.C. tickets-13560061509?ref=enivtefor001&invite=NzE5MTMyOS9sYW50b2lu Hayward, anchorwoman with WUSA; April Ryan, White House correspondent ZUBhZnJvLmNvbS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_ with American Urban Radio Networks; Richard Prince, columnist with the campaign=inviteformal001&utm_term=eventpage. Maynard Institute; Denise Rolark Barnes, publisher of the Washington Informer; McClean, Va. Paul Brock, journalist; Joe Madison, radio McClean Orchestra Presents ‘Holiday Glitter’ talk show host on SiriusXM Urban View The McLean Orchestra presents Holiday Glitter, Dec. 6 -7. This is the and Roy Lewis, photographer for the second concert of the Wells Fargo/Allegra of Tysons Corner Concert Season. Black Press. The Dec. 6 concert will be held at the Oakcrest School, located at 850 Balls Hill Road in McLean, Va. at 8 p.m. The Dec. 7 concert will be held at McLean Florida Avenue Grill Holds High School, located at 1633 Davidson Road in McLean at 3 p.m. Joining the Marion Barry’s Book Signing orchestra for the program on Dec. 6 will be Broadway baritone, Sal Viviano. Florida Avenue Grill will hold an Viviano, a native of Detroit, Mich., who has starred in Broadway hits such as intimate dinner and book signing Dec. Romance/Romance, City of Angels, Falsettos, The Life and The Full Monty. 11 for Marion Barry in celebration of the The concert will also feature McLean Orchestra Principal Trumpet, Andrew release of his new book, Mayor for Life. Wilson, performing “Torelli’s Trumpet Concerto in D.” Tickets are available at The event will be held at Florida Avenue Florida Avenue Grill will host a the orchestra’s website, mclean-orchestra.org or by calling 701-893-8646. A Grill located on 1100 Florida Avenue book signing for Marion Barry's "Mayor for Life." reception will follow each concert in the lobby. N.W. D.C. at 6:30 p.m. Guests will
November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014 The Afro-American
What is Ben Carson thinking?
Ben Carson, conservative author and noted neurosurgeon, is acting as if he may run for president as a Republican. Despite his conspicuous lack of political experience this man is taking steps to run for the most powerful office in the country. And he appears to have some of the Republican right excited at the prospect. He’s given up his position on Fox News as a commentator (broadcasters can’t employ political candidates because they would then have to give their opponents equal time) and over the weekend he aired a 40-minute documentary/political ad called “A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America” in 37 markets. The infomercial details his rise from poverty in Detroit, and the difficult journey from having a 13-year old mother, to graduating from Yale University, to being the first person to separate twins that were conjoined at the head. And while these are all admirable things, they alone in our opinion, are not qualifications to be president. The ad, like his speeches, is light on policy prescriptions. Carson, who is fond of the phrase “I don’t want to offend anyone but…,” is staunchly against political correctness, hates
Obamacare and is prone to comparing himself to the Founding Fathers and Jesus. There are very few instances of people being elected president without having served as some sort of elected official. Dwight Eisenhower was one; however, he was a five-star general in the Army and was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II before becoming president. When you hear Carson go off on one of his many diatribes against political correctness, (and really, who is against taking other people’s feelings into account before saying something?) he sounds like the kind of person who says, “I’m not a racist but...” right before telling a racist joke. And just as you would strongly suggest to someone who started a sentence that way that they stop before something unfortunate comes out of their mouths, Ben Carson should reevaluate his presidential ambitions. There are myriad ways he could help America and the Black community. This isn’t one of them.
Our Strategy for Success As Washington prepares for a Republican-controlled Congress, I, like most Americans, have concluded that expanding our economy must remain our top domestic priority. Acknowledging the importance of more broadly shared economic growth will enhance, not diminish, our ability to achieve other national objectives in the areas of education, healthcare, housing, the environment and federal budgetary discipline. Elijah Cummings This is not an ideological statement. Rather, as former President Clinton has pointed out, it is basic math. Nations can only achieve the goals that they can afford. That is why the new Congress must focus its primary attention upon the ways in which our economy is working - and not working - for the American people. Consider, for example, the national employment numbers for September. There was some good news. Our economy added 214,000 jobs in September, the ninth month in a row with greater than 200,000 new jobs. The national unemployment rate fell to 5.8 percent, compared to 7.2 percent a year ago. This continued economic progress reflects well upon President Obama’s economic leadership. Our private sector has now created 10.6 million new jobs over the last 56 months - and our nation is steadily climbing back from the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. Yet, these abstract economic statistics also reflect some intensely human and deeply troubling struggles as well. Far too many American families are being left behind in our modestly resurgent economy. Our current economic challenges go beyond unemployment. Jobs are coming back, but living wages are not. Millions of Americans are suffering in what economist and former Labor Secretary Dr. Robert Reich has accurately called a “wageless recovery.” As a result, in an American economy that is largely dependent upon consumer spending, far too many Americans have far too little money to spend. For the affluent and less affluent as well, widespread suffering and anxiety continue to stifle our overall economic growth. It is clear that the pain is especially intense for Americans of Color. Our unemployment rate remains twice that of Caucasians;
and too many of the new jobs replacing those that have been lost are parttime, lower-wage positions without benefits. The Bush Recession devastated the equity in our homes; a shocking number of Black businesses are struggling; and the jobless rate for our young people remains mired at crisis proportions. Yet, we also know that we are not alone in our suffering. Indeed, most Americans who are being left behind in the current economic order are not people of color - they are White. In our shared economic struggles rests the foundation for an emerging, multi-racial coalition that can achieve real economic change. The progressive, multiracial and ecumenical coalition that elected President Obama in 2008 and 2012 has not vanished. That experience taught us that, with an effective strategy and the right candidate for office, we have the ability to win national elections. Even our electoral defeats in 2010 and this year have reminded us of an important truth. Although Americans of every racial heritage are suffering from the inequitable economic policies of our time, far too many White, working class Americans are not voting in their own economic selfinterest. They are correct that their tax burden is too high. Yet, their more fundamental problem is that their incomes and family wealth are too low. Our nation’s working class families may have come to this country in different boats, but we all are in the same boat now. In this truth is the basis for a strengthened, multiracial coalition for political and economic change. I am proud to work in the Congress with leaders like Senators Barbara Mikulski, Ben Cardin and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts who understand what needs to be done to expand economic opportunity for America’s working families and are willing to fight for those goals.
New Senate Majority Leaders is Clueless
In response to what he calls the president’s “war on coal,” future Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell says, “I’m going to war with him.” For McConnell, the historic agreement the president signed with the Chinese, committing them for the first time to dramatic reductions in their greenhouse gases, is an outrage, an assault on “my state.” McConnell has just been reelected by the citizens of Kentucky, albeit a small Jesse L. Jackson minority of them. (In a Sr. state where fewer than half of those eligible showed up, McConnell won with the votes of about one-fourth of the eligible voters). But seldom has a leader so clearly demonstrated that he will allow ideology and special interests to overrule both common sense and the common good. For McConnell, architect of the Republican scorched earthobstruction against all things Obama, going to war with the President is old hat. Among other things, he led the repeated Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare. Only, it turned out that health care reform is remarkably popular in Kentucky
where the governor embraced it and hundreds of thousands have benefited, particularly from the expansion of Medicaid that McConnell is against. During the campaign, McConnell tried to square this circle by suggesting inaccurately that the Kentucky program could continue even if health care reform was repealed. In part to make up for that foolishness, he was forced to run one of the most expensive Senate races ever to save his seat in a deep red state. Now McConnell is proving that he is a man of the past, not a leader for the future. No matter how much he may stick his head in the ground, climate change is already a real and present danger. Even the Pentagon acknowledges that. The berserk weather that is already roiling the world has concentrated the minds of responsible leaders in governments, militaries, businesses and societies across the globe. Sen. McConnell may promise to use his post as Senate majority leader to stand in the doorway and try to block change, but he will find that he is on the wrong side of history. Imagine what a more responsible leader of “coal country” would do. McConnell could easily go to the President and demand a major program to transform the region, a TennesseeValley-Authority-sized program that would make coal country a center for manufacturing windmills and solar panels and other renewable sources of energy. He could demand funds for rebuilding the region’s energy infrastructure, for investing in its schools, for retraining its workers. He could argue that any just transition must include a real promise of jobs – with the government as the employer of last resort if necessary. He
As Sen. Warren recently observed in her Nov. 7 Washington Post article: “The American people want a fighting chance to build better lives for their families. They want a government that will stand up to the big banks when they break the law; a government that helps out students who are getting crushed by debt; [and] a government that will protect and expand Social Security for our seniors and raise the minimum wage.” There is wisdom in Sen. Warren’s “American Agenda.” As my departed colleague, friend and teacher, Sen. Paul Wellstone, often observed, “People yearn for a politics of the center. Not ‘the center’ so widely discussed by … pundits, but, rather, a politics that speaks to the center of people’s lives.” For the American families of every racial background who are struggling and fearful about our future, our shared priority of a more inclusive, sustainable and equitable economy is the most pressing challenge of our time. It also is the blueprint for our progressive coalition’s future political success. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.
could demand investment in new hospitals and public health facilities, both to care for the miners afflicted from their work in the mines and to be a source of employment and good health in the future. He could be the leader who launches a long overdue renaissance for the region, rather than trying to hang on desperately to its no longer sustainable past. But of course to do that, McConnell would have to represent the common good of his constituents rather than the special interests – the oil and coal companies – that helped pay for his campaign. He’d have to accept that in a time of national and regional emergency, his conservative anti-government ideology should take a backseat to vital public investment and planning. Like Lyndon B. Johnson embracing the cause of civil rights, or Ronald Reagan reaching out to Mikhail Gorbachev, eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, on nuclear disarmament, he’d have to have sufficient vision to ignore the brickbats of his allies on the right. McConnell shows no sign of rising to the historical opportunity before him. Instead, he will howl at the rising tides, deny the reality around him, and continue the unrelenting partisan warfare that has brought him to his current position. A war on coal? Sen. McConnell will fight for the interests of the coal companies and the oil interests. But the greatest damage inflicted on the people of coal country will be done by its newly re-elected Senator who simply doesn’t have a clue. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. is founder and president of the Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition. You can keep up with his work at www.rainbowpush.org.
The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
Support the Open Internet Preserve the Open Internet…Expand Digital Access…and Bring the Transformative Benefits of Broadband Technology to All Americans! Today, no binding rules exist requiring the broadband industry to keep the Internet open and free. The Federal Communications Commission must act to ensure that the internet remains free and a platform for economic growth, innovation, entrepreneurship, and broadband investment and deployment. These goals – plus the FCC’s existing “Section 706”authority to enact effective open Internet rules – represent the soundest way to expand digital opportunity to ensure equal and unimpeded access to all services. Reclassifying the entire Internet as a “public utility” and subjecting it to regulations created 80 years ago for utility telephone companies is an approach proven to deter the investment needed to continue building faster, farther-reaching networks… proven to deter full digital citizenship for all. It’s time to encourage the necessary social and economic inclusion to keep America competitive in the 21st century. This is the next chapter in our unceasing struggle for full citizenship – offline and on. All communities deserve a vibrant, growing, and Open Internet.
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November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014, The Afro-American
Grand Master’s Ball committee members Tonya Fadis (Electa Chapter #6), Laverne Hines (Mattie R. Griffin Chapter $16), Past Matron Kelli J. McCoy-Burkett (Electa Chapter #6), Worthy Matron Shari L. McCoy (Electa Chapter #6), and Past Matron Carol Martin (Miriam Chapter #4)
On Oct. 17, 2014, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, PHA, held its Grand Master’s Ball at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC. This event paid tribute to The Honorable John T. Doles, Sr., Most Worshipful Grand Master, and celebrated his leadership for the last two years. Nearly 700 members of the Masonic Family, friends and dignitaries were in attendance. Guests were treated to a concert by The Original Manhattans featuring Gerald Alston. Gerald Alston, a Prince Hall Mason, entertained the guests with songs The Original Manhattans were famous for including “There’s No Me Without
North Carolina Superior Court Judge and Grand Master of the the Jurisdiction of North Carolina, The Honorable Milton “Toby” Fitch and guest
The Honorable Melvin M. Thorpe, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Jurisdiction of Maryland, Grand Worthy Matron Carol D. Simon, Myra Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA Jurisdiction of Maryland., The Honorable John T. Doles, Sr., Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia (honoree) and Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray, Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA,Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia
You,” That’s How Much I Love You,” and “Let’s Just Kiss and Say Goodbye.” The Grand Master’s Ball Committee, under the leadership of Most Worshipful Past Grand Master J. Raymond Murray. For over a year, The Grand Master’s Ball Committee, under the leadership of the Most Worshipful Past Grand Master J. Raymond Murray, have been preparing to receive guests from Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, California and North Carolina.
Grand Master John T. Doles, Sr., Grand Worthy Matron Barbara E. Murray and Grand Worthy Patron Thomas L. Coleman
Grand Master’s Ball Chairman, Past Grand Master J. Raymond Murray, Grand Worthy Matron Murray and Grand Master Doles
Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden Phillip David, Grand Master John T. Doles, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Norman L. Campbell, Right Worshipful Quincy G. Gant
Grand Master Doles being escorted in the ballroom by his God Daughter Bobbi Smith, Worthy Matron of Naomi Chapter #9
Phyllis S. Byrd Youth Fraternity (PSBYF) Directress Annette Scarboro, Grand Master Doles, PSBYF Associate Princess Matron Jenger Rhone, Prince Patron C. Ray Williams and Assistant Directress Catrice Vandross (Worthy Matron of Prince Hall #5)
Grandmasters41 Pic - Grand Master Doles poses with Mecca Court #2’s Color Guard, Rhonda Stewart, Stephanie Harris, Past Matron Tracy Hembry (Miriam Chapter #4) and Worthy Matron Stephanie Newsome (Thrift Chapter #12)
Associate Matron Angela Tyson, Worthy Patron Bennie Brown and members of Datcher Chapter #7.
Illustrious Potentate Alonzo A. Jacobs of Karnak Temple #230 and Illustrious Commandress Karen J. H, Robinson of Karnak Court #213
Grand Master Doles poses with family members who attended to pay tribute to his leadership
Worthy Matron Shari L. McCoy, Worthy Patron Bobbie R. Harris and members of Electa Chapter #6 Story by Shari L. McCoy Photos by Steven L. Jacobs
The Virginia Leadership Institute(VLI) hosted a forum at the Northern Virginia Community College Woodbridge campus to examine the state of education policy in Prince William County. The Oct. 18 forum, “Divinely Standing For Scholarship: The State of Education Policy In Prince William County,” panel included vocational and community leaders in education who represent the nine historically Black Greek Letter Organizations. The panelists focused on school overcrowding, the recent drop in full accreditation for some county schools, the achievement gap among ethnic communities, minority parent involvement, and testing measurements.
Lillie Jessie, School Board Member and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Brenda Bowden, special education teacher and member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Tracy Smith Houston, local teacher and owner of The Educated Babysitter, LLC and member, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Mark Kidd, Northern VA Community College, Manassas Campus Dean of Students and member, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity discusses some of the challenges of larger class sizes and the importance of parent involvement
Local members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
Panelist Cedric Howard, college professor and member of Iota Phi Theta with his fraternity brothers Courtesy Photos
Darrell “DJ” Jordan, member of the VLI Prince William team, moderated the education policy forum
Marlene Coleman, local principal and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, speaks about the need for diversity training for all teachers
Panelist Steve Blakely, local teacher and member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Prince William County School Board members (L-R) Loree Williams, Lillie Jessie and Alyson Satterwhite
Former Alexandria city councilwoman and educator Alicia Hughes poses a question to the panel
Rod Hall, Prince William County parent, poses a question to the panel
Panelist Tracy Smith Houston, child care center owner and member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, discusses the importance of preparing our children for school
The VLI Prince William team with local school board members
The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014, The Afro-American
Movie Review: ‘Beyond the Lights’
18th century racism, is the exact opposite of this emotionally distraught Rihanna-wannabe character coping with the rough, unforgiving world of music. Her versatility, dexterity and inner and outer beauty is amazing to watch. She’ll have a long career. Parker as Kaz plays it like a young, muscled Sidney Poitier. His characterization is virile, ambitious, gentlemanly, yet loving. The two actors make the characters and their romance come alive. They have real chemistry. You want Noni and Kaz—through the arguments, misunderstandings, breakups and make-up sex—to endure. Driver as the mother from hell turns in her best performance in years; her Macy is selfish, relentless and possessed. Colson “Machine Gun Kelly” Baker co-stars as Kid Culprit, Noni’s label mate, duet partner and ex-paramour. He’s suitably mean and aggressive, in a Chris Brown should-have-been-jailedyesterday kind of way. The film is nicely shot (Tami Reiker) and edited (Terilyn A. Shropshire, Love & Basketball) but perhaps its strongest tech elements are the over-the-top costume design by Sanda Hernandez (The Secret Life of Bees) and the snappy musical
By Dwight Brown NNPA Film Critic
Quick Rihanna, check to see if someone stole your diary. This ode to young Black chanteuses fighting personal demons feels like the story of her life. But in fact, it’s the brainchild of writer/director Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love & Basketball), who knows her way around a romantic drama. Noni (Gugu MbathaRaw, Belle), a singer, has been driven to superstardom by her overbearing stage mother Macy Jean (Minnie Driver), who must have taken lessons in emotional abuse Courtesy Photos from Michael Jackson’s dad. Nate Parker and Gugu Mbatha- Raw star in "Beyond the Lights." As a kid, Macy shamed her daughter when she came in second at talent contests. She’d make her throw the runner-up trophy score with songs by Terius away. Noni, would retreat, put an emotional wall up around herself and sing her favorite song, “The-Dream” Nash and “Blackbird,” the tortured-soul Nina Simone version. Richard C. Baker that have Prince-Bythewood’s script sets the turbulence of the mother/daughter relationship in a block just the right blend of R&B, of cement. Noni is trapped. Mom is living through her daughter, pushing her to succeed at any hip hop and swagger. costs. Like Michael Jackson, sometimes under pressure, harried offspring succeed, but they selfThe sweetness and pop destruct too. culture feel that keeps this All looks well one night after a glitzy Billboard awards show in L.A. Noni has won a Best film afloat is a testament Song trophy and looks dazzling, but behind the big smile and haughty demeanor, she’s just a to the nimble, smart, very sad little girl in a stripper’s dress. Noni decides to jump off a balcony. Providence sends sensitive direction of an angel to save her. His name is Kaz (Nate Parker, Red Tails). He’s a cop moonlighting as a Prince-Blythewood, who Gugu Mbatha-Raw as “Noni.” security guard. She grasps his hand as she dangles perilously between the 12th floor and the hard, turns her script into a very cold pavement. romantic love story for twentysomethings or those who can remember back to their young The script pushes these two disparate souls together like it was destiny. She’s an artist, adult relationships. Her sensibility touches on a contemporary, urban melodrama that could be sensitive, insecure, wayward. He’s a straight-shooter cop, being groomed by his ambitious police construed as formulaic or predictable, but what she’s really doing is using strong romantic/drama captain dad (Danny Glover) for a political career and city council seat. Noni’s frayed-nerve storytelling technique to her best advantage. She’s knows the genre, and she’s working her vulnerability and rampant sensuality are played perfectly by Gugu Mbatha-Raw. Mbatha-Raw’s magic. role in Belle, as a confident, bi-racial granddaughter in a white British aristocratic family facing You’ll walk away from this film lighthearted and wanting to hold someone’s hand.
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The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
AFRO Sports Desk Face-off
Would Beal-for-Kobe Work in D.C.? Washington at times through the postseason with John Wall struggling to find his shot. This season was set to be Beal’s breakout campaign, but his wrist injury has him on ice until a potential January return. Wall and Beal are firmly entrenched as the Wizards backcourt of the next five to seven years. Breaking that up for a two-year Kobe rental would be a setback on too many levels, and Bryant’s game and penchant for jacking shots makes him too risky a player to fit in on the fly and expect to win.
By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Writers NBA.com reporter Sam Smith stirred-up the rumor mill earlier this week when he suggested a Bradley Beal-for-Kobe Bryant trade involving oft-injured big man Nene. The premise behind Smith’s idea was that the Washington Wizards are banking on success in the short term after the recent signing of Paul Pierce. Adding Kobe would give them a definite shot at finishing strong in the routinely weak NBA Eastern Conference, and still position them to make a run at Kevin Durant in 2016 when Bryant’s deal expires. The idea floated around the District for much of the week, even prompting ESPN commentator Tony Kornheiser to take a stab at it on his ESPN Radio show. Washington (6-2) is off to their best start in 40 years despite Beal being sidelined with a fractured wrist. Bryant, 36, has made a furious return from two injury-marred seasons to average 27.5 points and nearly two steals a game so far Kobe Bryant this young season for the struggling Los Angeles Lakers (1-7), who appear headed for another lottery pick. The Lakers’ futility and Bryant’s impressive start will certainly keep the trade ideas churning. Stephen D. Riley and Perry Green of the AFRO Sports Desk debate whether a trade would be a good move for the surging Wizards. Green: I’d be all for it. I’ve never been sold on Beal becoming a top talent in the NBA, and I wonder about his star power. Perhaps the worst-kept sports secret in D.C. is the Wizards’ plan to attack freeagent-to-be Kevin Durant with a contract offer in 2016, the same year that Bryant’s sizable deal comes off the books. Bryant is scheduled to make $48.5 million over the next two seasons, but that’s a small price to pay for the Wizards who are gearing up for a run at Durant. Moving Nene’s contract, although it only has two years remaining, would also be a win for the Wizards considering the team hasn’t been able to rely on the often-shelved Brazilian big since he arrived in D.C. three seasons ago. Adding Bryant would only make it easier to land Durant, as the championship statement the trade would send across the league would be big and bold. Even at this stage in his career, Bryant is still a better option than Beal and the Wizards would be wise to consider.
Bradley Beal
Riley: Nene’s contracts coming off the books should give Washington enough cap space to successfully make a run at Durant while retaining Beal. Look, the 21-year-old shooting guard’s talent is off the charts. He’s already one of the top offthe-ball shooting guards in the game and he carried
Green: I’ll admit, if Washington was able to land Durant while keeping Wall and Beal, they’d have a legit trio that would contend for a title easily. Beal wouldn’t need to be a star in that scenario with KD and Wall leading the way, and Beal could serve as a complimentary player, a perfect role for him. But Beal’s wrist injury is just another injury for the former Florida guard who’s been banged up for most of his short career in the NBA. The Wizards fan base and the team’s front office continue to advertise him as a future star, but how much will his health play a factor in his future effectiveness? Beal’s trade stock may never be as high as it is right now and it’s not everyday that a guaranteed Hall of Fame guard could be available for a trade. Washington has been starving for young stars for so long that the Beal/Wall combo probably gets more hype than what it should, but that doesn’t mean NBA executives around the league wouldn’t make a move for one of the guards if the price is right. The Wizards should definitely be leaving the door open for any deal that may elevate them into a certified contender. Riley: Playing roulette with Bryant’s health doesn’t give Washington some unquestionable edge over Beal. The third-year guard has been banged up more than what was expected, but when healthy he produces. The NBA East has been labeled as weak, but the conference still has the NBA’s best player in LeBron James. Cleveland is the darling of the league and if Derrick Rose can stay healthy then the Chicago Bulls could see a playoff run. Adding Bryant to Wall, Pierce and Marcin Gortat probably wouldn’t be enough to derail the conference’s big dogs, especially if Nene would be traded in the process. Despite a lenghy injury history, Nene stayed healthy for Washington’s playoff run last summer and was key in beating the Bulls in the opening round. You can never have enough big men in the NBA, so if you’re offering up an aged veteran with a penchant for playing selfishly for my young, All Star-in-themaking shooting guard and my experienced big man, then no thanks. Washington needs to play out the next two years, watch Wall and Beal grow, then make the move for Durant in 2016. It’s a simple plan.
Brooks Leads Bell over McKinley, Advances to DCIAA Gravy Bowl Washington, D.C. High School Football By Breana Pitts Special to the AFRO While fans tried to keep warm with hot chocolate and hand warmers, junior running back Charles Brooks brought the heat for Bell High School, rushing for 323 yards and three touchdowns as Bell defeated McKinley, 34-27, on Nov. 14 in Washington, D.C. The two teams recently faced each other in the last game of the regular season, when Bell defeated McKinley, 7-6, on Nov. 7. “They knew what we were going to do, we knew what they were going to do,� said Bell coach Desmond Alexander. “You just had to stop it, and that’s what it came down to.� McKinley senior Dawayne Hill ran an 86yard kick return into the end zone to tie the game at seven points in the first quarter. Bell junior quarterback Marlon West later scored on a quarterback keeper to give his team the lead heading into halftime. Bell broke away in the third quarter, beginning with their first drive when Brooks passed the ball to junior receiver Dewonn Brown, who turned a trick play into a 63-yard touchdown reception. Brooks rushed for two more touchdowns in the third quarter, including an 87-yard run that
not only showcased his lightning speed in an open field, but also his ability to break defenders’ tackles. “I was just being tough,� said Brooks, who has rushed for 2,122 yards this season. “And I got to thank my O-line (offensive line).� Heading into the fourth quarter, McKinley trailed Bell by three touchdowns, but the game was far from over. McKinley junior receiver Tyler Castle—who finished with six receptions for 105 yards—caught a highly contested 21-yard touchdown reception with just over five minutes left to play. Senior receiver Zachary Denny later rushed for a 52-yard touchdown to bring McKinley within seven points. However, their late efforts weren’t enough, and Bell held on for the victory. McKinley junior quarterback Derrick Taylor completed 13 of 27 passes for 222 yards, two touchdowns and also had one rushing touchdown. Denny had four carries for 78 yards and two receptions for 62 yards. Bell sophomore running back Tajon Tutt also contributed five carries for 25 yards. According to Coach Alexander, Bell hasn’t won a championship in more than four decades. The Griffins will look to change that when they face Eastern in the 2014 DCIAA Gravy Bowl on Nov. 22 at Eastern High School. Eastern defeated Phelps, 46-14, in the first round of playoffs.
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November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014, The Afro-American
BET’s ‘106 & Park’ to End On-Air Run, Go Digital
The Associated Press
BET says its long-running music-variety series “106 & Park” is airing its last daily episode next month, then going digital. BET said Friday that the “106 & Park” brand is moving online to BET.com. It will also remain part of the cable channel with occasional specials, including its New Year’s Eve show. BET executive Stephen Hill says in an internal memo released
by the channel that the move online will bring “106 & Park” to where its audience connects with music the most. Details of the online show, including its frequency, start date and hosts, are still being developed. “106 & Park” debuted 14 years ago, and its guests have included first lady Michelle Obama, Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise. The show’s final air date is Dec. 19.
“…the move online will bring ‘106 & Park’ to where its audience connects with music the most.”
In this March 3, 2014 file photo, Ashanti performs on BET’s “106 & PARK” in New York. BET says its long-running music-variety series “106 & Park” is airing its last daily episode in Dec. 2014, then going digital.
AP Photo
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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM699 Ciro Carlos Araujo de Quadros Decedent Harold Krauthamer Krauthamer & Stahl, Chartered 5530 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 801 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Susana Alicia Cecilia Figeruoa de de Quadros, whose address is 2920 3 8 t h S t r e e t , N W, Washington, DC, 20016 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ciro Carlos Araujo de Quadros, who died on May 28, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. Legal Advertising Rates 20001, on or before May 21, 2015. Claims against Effective October 1, 2008 the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills (Estates) with a copy to the under202-332-0080 signed, on or before May 21, 2015 or be forever PROBATE NOTICES barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion days of its first publicac. Notice to Creditors tion shall so inform the 1. Domestic $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Register of Wills, includTRUE TEST COPY ing name, address and REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks relationship. REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: Tue Nov 04 13:02:09 EST 2014 d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 weeks Date of Publication: 11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14 November 21, 2014 TYPESET: Tue Nov 04 16:19:58 EST 2014 11/7, 11/14, 11/28/14 e. Standard Probates $125.00 Name of newspaper: Superior Court of Afro-American the District of Washington Superior Court of CIVIL NOTICES District of Columbia Law Reporter the District of PROBATE DIVISION a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 $ 80.00 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Susana Alicia Cecilia PROBATE DIVISION b. Real Property $ 200.00 20001-2131 Figeruoa de de Quadros Washington, D.C. Administration No. Personal 20001-2131 2014ADM1120 Representative Administration No. Gloria Marie Wynn FAMILY COURT 2014ADM1124 Decedent TRUE TEST COPY Doris B. Davenport 202-879-1212 NOTICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent TYPESET: Tue Nov 18 14:38:24 EST 2014 APPOINTMENT, DOMESTIC RELATIONS Patrick C. Horrell, Esq NOTICE TO 11/21, 11/25, 12/5/14 1304 Rhode Island Ave CREDITORS 202-879-0157 NW AND NOTICE TO Superior Court of Washington, DC 20005 UNKNOWN HEIRS the District of Attorney Charles Leon Wynn, District of Columbia a. Absent Defendant $ 150.00 NOTICE OF whose address is 3614 PROBATE DIVISION APPOINTMENT, 1 0 t h S t r e e t , N W, b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 Washington, D.C. NOTICE TO Washington, DC 20010 20001-2131 c. Custody Divorce $150.00 CREDITORS was appointed personal Administration No. AND NOTICE TO representative of the 2014ADM1328 UNKNOWN HEIRS estate of Gloria Marie To place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & up Wynn, who died on June Kawanda Smith and Carletha T. Bell 3, 2009 without a will, Margaret Hill, whose ad- AKA Carletha T. Kelly-Bell depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. and will serve without d r e s s e s a r e 11 5 0 7 Court supervision. All un- Ropeknot Rd, Lusby, MD AKA 1-800 (AFRO) 892 known heirs and heirs 20657, 12609 Tartan Ln, Carletha K. Bell Decedent Fort Washington, MD For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 whose whereabouts are NOTICE OF unknown shall enter their 20744were appointed APPOINTMENT, personal representatives appearance in this NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections of the estate of Doris B. CREDITORS to such appointment Davenport, who died on AND NOTICE TO shall be filed with the December 20, 2013 with UNKNOWN HEIRS Register of Wills, D.C., a will, and will serve with515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd out Court supervision. All Michael O. Middleton Floor Washington, D.C. unknown heirs and heirs and Lester L. Oates Sr. , LEGAL NOTICES 20001, on or before May whose whereabouts are whose addresses are 7, 2015 . Claims against unknown shall enter their 14909 Health Center the decedent shall be a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Drive, Apt 435, Bowie, presented to the under- proceeding. Objections MD 20716 and 11504 signed with a copy to the to such appointment (or Dundee Drive, Bowie , Register of Wills or filed to the probate of de- MD 20721were apwith the Register of Wills cedent´s will) shall be pointed personal reprewith a copy to the under- filed with the Register of sentatives of the estate signed, on or before May Wills, D.C., 515 5th of Carletha T. Bell AKA 7, 2015, or be forever Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Carletha T. Kelleu-Bell barred. Persons believed W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . AKA Carletha K. Bell, to be heirs or legatees of 20001, on or before May who died on August 15, the decedent who do not 7, 2015. Claims against receive a copy of this no- the decedent shall be 2003 with a Will, and will tice by mail within 25 presented to the under- serve without Court sudays of its first publica- signed with a copy to the pervision. All unknown tion shall so inform the Register of Wills or filed heirs and heirs whose Register of Wills, includ- with the Register of Wills whereabouts are uning name, address and with a copy to the under- known shall enter their appearance in this relationship. signed, on or before May proceeding. Objections Date of Publication: 7, 2015, or be forever to such appointment (or November 7, 2014 barred. Persons believed to the probate of deName of newspaper: to be heirs or legatees of cedent´s will) shall be Afro-American the decedent who do not filed with the Register of Washington receive a copy of this noWills, D.C., 515 5th Law Reporter tice by mail within 25 Charles Leon Wynn Street, N.W., 3rd Floor days of its first publicaPersonal Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Representative tion shall so inform the 20001, on or before May Register of Wills, including name, address and 21, 2015. Claims against TRUE TEST COPY the decedent shall be relationship. REGISTER OF WILLS presented to the underDate of Publication: signed with a copy to the November 7, 2014 11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14 Register of Wills or filed Name of newspaper: with the Register of Wills Afro-American with a copy to the underWashington signed, on or before May Law Reporter Kawanda Smith 21, 2015, or be forever Margaret Hill barred. Persons believed Personal to be heirs or legatees of Representative the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 TRUE TEST COPY days of its first publicaREGISTER OF WILLS tion shall so inform the Register of Wills, includ11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14 ing name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 21, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Micheal O. Middleton Lester L. Oates Sr. Personal Representatives Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1092 Tamah Williams Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Alice M Harrington, whose address is 8607 Deborah St., Clinton, MD 20735 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Tamah Williams, who died on May 28, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Alice M. Harrington Personal Representative
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM317 Cleopatra Scott Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jermaine A. Hoes, whose address is 1444 Rockcreek Ford Rd Apt 309 NW, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Cleopatra Scott, who died on October 28, 2013 without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Cleopatra Scott Personal Representative
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TYPESET: Nov 18 14:38:46 EST 2014 TYPESET: Tue Nov 04 13:02:45 ESTTue 2014 TYPESET: Nov 04 13:01:47 ESTTue 2014
B6 The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May TYPESET: Tue Nov 11 14:40:43 2014 13:00:48 EST 2014 14, 2015. EST Claims against LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES the decedent shall be presented to the underSuperior Court of signed with a copy to the the District of Register of Wills or filed District of Columbia with the Register of Wills PROBATE DIVISION with a copy to the underWashington, D.C. signed, on or before May 20001-2131 14, 2015, or be forever Administration No. barred. Persons believed 2014ADM807 to be heirs or legatees of David Lockhart Sr. the decedent who do not Decedent receive a copy of this noNOTICE OF tice by mail within 25 APPOINTMENT, days of its first publicaNOTICE TO tion shall so inform the CREDITORS Register of Wills, includAND NOTICE TO ing name, address and UNKNOWN HEIRS relationship. M a r v a D . L o c k h a r t , Date of Publication: whose address is 510 November 14, 2014 L a m o n t S t r e e t N W, Name of newspaper: Washington DC 20010 Afro-American was appointed personal Washington representative of the Law Reporter estate of David Lockhart Michelle L. Sedgewick Sr., who died on SeptemPersonal ber 28, 2012 without a Representative will, and will serve without Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS whose whereabouts are TYPESET: Tue Nov 11 unknown shall enter their 11/14, 11/21, 11/28/14 appearance in this proceeding. Objections Superior Court of to such appointment the District of shall be filed with the District of Columbia Register of Wills, D.C., PROBATE DIVISION 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington, D.C. Floor Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 20001, on or before FebAdministration No. ruary 22, 2015. Claims 2014ADM1163 against the decedent Sharon D. Freeman shall be presented to the Decedent undersigned with a copy Murphy Peterson, Jr. to the Register of Wills or Esq filed with the Register of 1629 K Street, Suite 300 Wills with a copy to the Washington, DC 20006 undersigned, on or be- Attorney fore February 22, 2015, NOTICE OF or be forever barred. PerAPPOINTMENT, sons believed to be heirs NOTICE TO or legatees of the deCREDITORS cedent who do not reAND NOTICE TO ceive a copy of this notice UNKNOWN HEIRS by mail within 25 days of H a r r y E S i m m o n s , its first publication shall whose address is 5914 so inform the Register of Brookfield Rd, RichWills, including name, mond, VA 23227 was apaddress and relation- pointed personal repreship. sentative of the estate of Date of Publication: Sharon D. Freeman, who November 14, 2014 died on June 14, 2014 Name of newspaper: without a will, and will Afro-American serve without Court suWashington pervision. All unknown Law Reporter heirs and heirs whose Marva D. Lockhart where-abouts are unPersonal known shall enter their Representative a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment REGISTER OF WILLS shall be filed with the TYPESET: Tue Nov 11 14:40:28 2014D.C., Register EST of Wills, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28/14 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. Superior Court of 20001, on or before May the District of 14, 2015. Claims against 13:00:03 2014 DistrictEST of Columbia the decedent shall be PROBATE DIVISION presented to the underWashington, D.C. signed with a copy to the 20001-2131 Register of Wills or filed Administration No. with the Register of Wills 2014ADM1164 with a copy to the underThoraid A. Johns, Sr. signed, on or before May Decedent 14, 2015, or be forever NOTICE OF barred. Persons believed APPOINTMENT, to be heirs or legatees of NOTICE TO the decedent who do not CREDITORS receive a copy of this noAND NOTICE TO tice by mail within 25 UNKNOWN HEIRS days of its first publicaLydia W. Johns, whose tion shall so inform the address is 2416 17th Register of Wills, includPlace, SE, Washington, ing name, address and DC 20020 was appointed relationship. personal representative Date of Publication: of the estate of Thoraid November 14, 2014 A. Johns, Sr, who died on Name of newspaper: August 5, 2014 with, a Afro-American will and will serve without Washington Court supervision. All un- Law Reporter known heirs and heirs Harry E. Simmons whose whereabouts are Personal unknown shall enter their Representative appearance in this proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of de- TYPESET: Tue Nov 11 cedent´s will) shall be 11/14, 11/21, 11/28/14 filed with the Register of Superior Court of Wills, D.C., 515 5th the District of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor District of Columbia Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before May 14, 2015. Claims against W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001-2131 the decedent shall be Administration No. presented to the under2014ADM215 signed with a copy to the Cloastellie Tilghman Register of Wills or filed AKA with the Register of Wills Cloastellie M. Tilghman with a copy to the under- AKA signed, on or before May Cloastellie S. Tilghman 14, 2015, or be forever Decedent barred. Persons believed Sharon M. Graysonto be heirs or legatees of Kelsey the decedent who do not 3034 Mitchellville RD. receive a copy of this no- Bowie, MD 20716 tice by mail within 25 Attorney days of its first publicaNOTICE OF tion shall so inform the APPOINTMENT, Register of Wills, includ- N O T I C E T O ing name, address and CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO relationship. UNKNOWN HEIRS Date of Publication: J o e s e p h Ti l g h m a n , November 14, 2014 whose address is 1002 Name of newspaper: Donington Court, Bowie, Afro-American MD 20716 was apWashington pointed personal repreLaw Reporter Lydia W. Johns sentative of the estate of Personal Cloastellie Tilghman, Representative AKA Cloastellie M. Tilghman AKA Cloastellie S. Tilghman who died on TRUE TEST COPY September 7, 2013 with REGISTER OF WILLS a will, and will serve withTYPESET: Tue Nov 11 14:40:06 2014 All out Court EST supervision. 11/14, 11/21, 11/28/14 unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are Superior Court of unknown shall enter their the District of appearance in this proceeding. Objections District of Columbia to such appointment (or PROBATE DIVISION W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be 20001-2131 filed with the Register of Administration No. Wills, D.C., 515 5th 2014ADM1123 Adrienne Anita Sed- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . gewick 20001, on or before May Decedent 14, 2015. Claims against NOTICE OF the decedent shall be APPOINTMENT, presented to the underNOTICE TO signed with a copy to the CREDITORS Register of Wills or filed AND NOTICE TO with the Register of Wills UNKNOWN HEIRS Michelle L. Sedgewick, with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May whose address is 3815 14, 2015, or be forever 2 4 t h S t r e e t , N W . , barred. Persons believed Washington, DC 20018 to be heirs or legatees of was appointed personal the decedent who do not representative of the receive a copy of this noestate of 3815 24th tice by mail within 25 Street, NW., Washington days of its first publica, DC, 20018, who died on tion shall so inform the June 6, 2014 without a Register of Wills, includwill, and will serve with- ing name, address and out Court supervision. All relationship. unknown heirs and heirs Date of Publication: whose where-abouts are November 14, 2014 unknown shall enter their Name of newspaper: appearance in this Afro-American proceeding. Objections Washington to such appointment Law Reporter Joseph Tilghman shall be filed with the Personal Register of Wills, D.C., Representative 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May TRUE TEST COPY 14, 2015. Claims against REGISTER OF WILLS the decedent shall be presented to the under- 11/14, 11/21, 11/28/14 signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 14, 2015, or be forever
November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014 The Afro-American LEGAL NOTICES
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1115 Thelma H. Scipio Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Karen V. Scipio-Skinner, whose addressis 14700 Jones Bridge Road; Bowie, MD 20721, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Thelma H. Scipio, who died on August 30, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1131 Sandra Gaddy AKA Sandra Lavern Gaddy Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Karen Wilis, whose address is 3721 18th St. NE, Washington DC 20018, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Sandra Gaddy AKA Sandra Lavern Gaddy who died on December 11, 2011 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Karen Wilis Personal Representative
Karen V. Scipio-Skinner Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TRUE TEST TYPESET: Tue Nov 04 13:01:08 ESTCOPY 2014 11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1090 Edith M. McKnight Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Leon McKnight, whose address is 2223 Naylor Rd, SE, Washington, DC 20020 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Edith M. McKnight, who died on June 10, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Edith M. McKnight Personal Representative
11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14 TYPESET: Tue Nov 04
TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1111 Ruth E. Springmann Decedent John M. Bixler 2001 L. Street, NW, Room 400 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Margaret Esterie Sobolewski (Osborne), whose address is 155 Shughart Road, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 17015 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ruth E. Springmann, who died on September 4, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 7, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 7, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 7, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Margaret Esterie Sobolewski (Osborne) Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
11/7, 11/14, 11/21/14
TYPESET: Tue Nov 18 14:39:58 EST 2014
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP146 Date of Death October 10, 2014 Robin L. Gaines Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Robin L. Gaines whose address is Riley Gaines was appointed personal representative of the estate of 5409 Cheapeake Road, Bladensburg, MD 20710 deceased, on November 5, 2014, byEST the 2014 Orphans’ 14:39:49 Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Wendy Carrington 73 Underwood Place, NW, Washington DC 20012 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Colombia real property: 2900 7th Street, SE, Washington DC 20032 Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, NW 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. (Strike preceding sentence if no real estate.) Robin L. Gaines Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: November 21, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American
To advertise in the AFRO Call 202-332-0080
TYPESET: Tue Nov 18 14:39:38 EST 2014
11/21, 11/28, 12/5/14
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1173 Rachel E. Henderson AKA Rachel Henderson Decedent William A. Bland Esq. 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW #1100 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS B r e n d a T. K e l l o g g , whose address is 6109 7th Place,NW, Washington, DC 20011 was appointed personal repre14:39:27 sentative EST of the2014 estate of Rachel E. Henderson aka Rachel Henderson , who died on August 13, 1993 without a Will. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 21, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 21, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 21, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Brenda T. Kellogg Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 11/21, 11/28, 12/5/14
TYPESET: Wed Nov 05 11:40:57 EST TYPESET: Tue2014 Nov 04
The Afro-American, November 22, 2014 - November 28, 2014
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