Volume 122 No. 19
DECEMBER 14, 2013 - DECEMBER 20, 2013
Obama Praises Mandela as ‘Great Liberator’
Shanahan May Sit RGIII for Rest of Season Following Ugly Home Loss By Perry Green AFRO Sports Editor Robert Griffin III passed for just 164 yards and was benched in the fourth quarter Dec. 8 as Washington’s NFL team was embarrassed in a 45-10 home loss to the Kansas City Chiefs at FedEx Field in Landover, Md. It was an all-around ugly game from start to finish for Washington as they trailed 17-0 by the end of the 1st quarter, then fell behind 31-7 by halftime. Kansas City scored 24 more points in
days left to register on MHC for health coverage effective Jan. 1.
Continued on A4
President Obama remembers Nelson Mandela at a memorial service on Dec. 10 in Soweto.
By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief
An AFRO Tribute to ‘Madiba’
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and walk of life – the world thanks you for sharing Nelson Mandela with us. His struggle was your struggle. His triumph was your triumph. Your dignity and your hope found expression in his life. And your freedom, your democracy is his cherished legacy.” Mandela died Dec. 5 at the age of 95 after a long illness. The memorial service kicked off a week of celebrations that will culminate Dec. 15 with his burial in his ancestral village of Qunu, in the Eastern Cape region. Flags are flying throughout the country at half-staff. Coincidentally, the memorial service fell on
Continued on A4
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Illinois Pastor, Grieving for Beloved Wife, Kills Self One Year after Her Sudden Death Shortly Follows Suicide Death of Macon, Ga. Pastor By Zachary Lester AFRO Staff Writer Pastor Edward Montgomery, a marriage counselor at Full Gospel
Jackie and Edward Montgomery
Christian Assemblies International in Hazel Crest, Ill., allegedly shot himself inside his home Nov. 30. According to news accounts, his mother and son were present at his home at the time. Montgomery, 48, also a railroad conductor, had been mourning the death of his wife, Prophetess Jackie Montgomery, who died Dec. 6, 2012 of complications from an aneurism. The two were reportedly extremely close. Jackie Montgomery, an ordained minister like her husband, partnered with him to oversee the assembly’s marriage ministry, said the
Apostle Ron Wilson, Full Gospel’s senior pastor. Montgomery’s death follows by only 20 days the suicide of the Rev. Teddy Parker Jr., pastor of Bibb Mount Zion Baptist Church in Macon, Ga., on Nov. 10. Parker, who was married and had two daughters, killed himself on a Sunday morning as his family and congregation waited for him to go to church to preach. Wilson said media reports that Edward Montgomery told people he had been hearing his wife speak to him and hearing her footsteps were unsubstantiated. He said the Continued on A3
Obama Finally Gets A Judicial Nominee Approved Democrats Use New Power to Tilt D.C.’s Appeals Court The Associated Press Majority Democrats in the Senate won approval Tuesday for one of President Barack Obama’s key judicial nominees, the first of his picks to win confirmation since they weakened the chamber’s filibuster rules. Senators voted 56-38 to approve Washington lawyer Patricia Millett to join the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the nation’s second most powerful court. Both sides saw Millett’s appointment as pivotal. It will give Democratic-appointed judges a 5-4 majority over those chosen by Republican presidents for that court, which rules on the legality of White House actions and
SOWETO, South Africa (NNPA) – President Barack Obama described Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black elected president, as “the last great liberator of the 20th century” and thanked the grieving nation for sharing their beloved former leader with the rest of the world. Speaking Dec. 10 at a rain-soaked memorial service here attended by nearly 100 current and former international leaders, Obama said, “It is a singular honor to be with you today, to celebrate a life like no other. To the people of South Africa, people of every race
AP Photo
Washington’s NFL team was embarrassed in a 45-10 home loss to the Kansas City Chiefs.
The Senate voted 56-38 to approve the nomination of Millett (right) for the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Anita Bonds Hosts Community Action Summit By Maria Adebola Special to the AFRO
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D.C. Council member Anita Bonds (D-At-Large) held a so-called Community
Anita Bonds and Ward 7 Council member Yvette Alexander.
Photo by Maria Adebola
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federal agency regulations. Obama praised Millett’s confirmation in a statement released by the White House, saying her nearly three dozen arguments before the Supreme Court are the second most ever by a female attorney. “I’m confident she will serve with distinction on the federal bench,” Obama said. In Tuesday’s vote, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska were the only Republicans to join Democrats in supporting Millett. Democrats then began a series of procedural votes aimed at setting up a final vote on Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., to head the Federal Housing Continued on A3
Action Summit on Dec. 7, bringing residents and community activists from wards 1, 5, 7 and 8 together for a discussion on D.C. housing and unemployment. The first phase of the summit included experts from non-profit sectors and educational institutions who spoke about the long-standing problem with housing and workforce development and ways to address community needs in those areas.
“This is our first effort to really bring civic leaders and citizens together who have from time to time been talking about this issue of affordability of housing and job,” said Bonds. “As you know, we are in Ward 7 today where one of the highest occurrences of unemployment exists.” Connie Spinner, executive director of the Community College Preparatory Academy, addressed the Continued on A3
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The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
Black Ex-BP CFO Claims Dismissal Due to Braided Hair & Dashikis
A former top official of a British Petroleum Oil Co. division headquartered in California says she was fired after being warned to reserve dashikis and braided hairstyles for special observances in the workplace. Melphine Evans, recently dismissed from her position as chief financial officer for BP said in a lawsuit filed in California’s Orange County Superior Court that she was told, “If you are going to wear ethnic clothing, you should alert people in advance that you will be wearing something ethnic.’” Evans said she was told, “You intimidate and make your colleagues uncomfortable by wearing ethnic clothing and ethnic hairstyles (‘Dashikis,’ ‘twists,’ ‘braids/cornrows’) “,
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she said in her lawsuit filed in early December. Her complaint alleged that she was told “If you insist on wearing ethnic clothing/hairstyles, you should only do so during ‘culture day,’ black history month or special diversity events/days.” Evans seeks unspecified Melphine Evans damages for race and gender discrimination, harassment, retaliation and wrongful termination. She is suing BP Products North America, the BP West Coast Products Office in La Palma, Calif. and nine individuals. “Generally, BP does not publicly discuss personnel issues,” BP spokesman Scott Dean told Courthouse News Service. “However, BP treats all employees fairly. BP disagrees with the claims and will vigorously defend the suit.” She said she was fired and replaced by a younger White male after being warned about dashikis and braided hair she wore to work.
people are trying to say that White men are always the villains, the bad guys. Why do we have to say this?” She said she assured her students that the discussion on racism was “not a personal attack.” In the video obtained by the AFRO Gibney said she told the students “if you are really upset, feel free to go to legal affairs and file a racial harassment discrimination complaint.” The students took Gibney’s advice and filed the complaint and she was called to an investigatory meeting with her union representative, administrators and school attorney. She said she received a reprimand from Lois Bollman, MCTC vice-president for academic affairs after the investigation. In a statement obtained by the Huffington Post, Minneapolis Community and Technical College spokeswoman Dawn Skelly said, “The college has taken no steps to prohibit faculty members from teaching about racism, including structural racism.” Gibney said she is not seeking legal council, however she would be issuing a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—stating that this was a case of workplace discrimination.
Black Instructor at Minn. College Cartoonist Under Fire for Reprimanded for Discussing Drawing Obama with Ape-Like Racism in English Class Features A Minneapolis community college educator was reprimanded recently for bringing up the topic of racism with her students during her communications class at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. After a presentation on structural racism, three white students filed a complaint against their English instructor, Shannon Gibney, after they questioned whether or not racism should be discussed. “I was in the middle of leading a discussion on Shannon Gibney this—actually I was in the middle of speaking, when a young White man in the class interrupted me,” Gibney said. “Why do we have to talk about this in every class,” she said the student asked. In a 15-minute YouTube video interview, Gibney said she was shocked and remained calm while one of the students who posed the question became defensive and took the topic personally. “I tried to explain in a reasonable manner…..that this is unfortunately the content of 21st century America,” she said. According to Gibney, two additional White male students chimed in and said, “I don’t get this either. Like,
Sketch artist Ted Rall has come under fire after the recent posting of a cartoon depicting President Obama with apelike features. Rall’s comic strip, posted on the liberal blog site Daily Kos on Nov. 27, portrays Obama with a close-shaven head covered in bristles, a protuberant nose that dominates his face and a simian-shaped jaw that juts out from his lower face. The depiction also contrasts statements the commander-in-chief has made about the Affordable Care Act and Afghanistan with what Rall deems the reality. For example, in one illustration Ted Rall’s cartoon shows he quotes Obama as saying, “We are bringing Obama with ape-like features. all our troops back from Afghanistan by 2014…sorta,” and contrasts it with a scenario in which the president tells an Afghan official, “If you like our current occupation troops, you can keep them.” Apparently, the Daily Kos was not amused. Later that day, Rall said, when he tried to log on, he received a reprimand from the site’s administrator: “Your depiction of Barack Obama as ape-like is intolerable. Being critical of Obama, even ferociously so, is not the problem. Through British and American history, Blacks have been subject to racist depictions of themselves as monkeys and apes. No excuse is acceptable for replicating that history, no matter what your intent. If it happens again, your posting privileges will be suspended.” The self-professed left-winger took the warning as an invitation to leave, but not before he fired a few shots at the site, including the fact that he was not paid for his work. “The grounds for censoring my cartoons from the site — my drawing style — are beneath contempt,” Rall wrote in a Nov. 28 posting on the Daily Kos web site.
December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
Action Summit Continued from A1
group about the importance of adult education and training to workforce development. According to Spinner, the most profound indicator of a 4-year-old child’s possible success is the education level of the mother. “If we don’t get their moms educated, we are not going to get this kid’s
where unemployment has reached 25 percent in some neighborhoods. “Who are those people who are unemployed, what is their level of education, what is their expertise?” Alexander said. “We have to fit the people with the jobs or we have to prepare those
“…a fresh approach is needed to reduce stubbornly high unemployment levels…” – Yvette Alexander problem solved. This is a part of workforce development too,” Spinner said. D.C. Council member Yvette Alexander (D-Ward7) said a fresh approach is needed to reduce stubbornly high unemployment levels in Southeast Washington,
people to get the jobs that are actually out there.” Bob Pohlman, executive director of the Coalition for Non-Profit Housing and Economic Development, said his organization is pushing for production, preservation and financing of affordable
housing in D.C. Some residents who attended the summit seemed skeptical that the city’s leadership is concerned about improving the jobless rate. “I want to know how many D.C. residents are currently employed,” Ward 7 resident Naomi Carthens said, referring to Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s initiative to put unemployed city residents back to work. Drew Hubbard, an associate director of the D.C. Department of Employment Services, said that about 8,000 D.C. residents have found work in the two years since the One City One Hire jobs program got underway. Bonds said the next Community Action Summit will be held on Jan. 11, 2014 and will focus on housing and neighborhood development.
Herbert P. Wilkins Sr., Black Media Company Investor, Dies at 71
a general partner there, he invested in BET and Radio One and a number of start-up Herbert P. Wilkins Sr., a general fledgling companies, including the Sports partner of Syncom Information Network. Management Company, Prior to joining a Bethesda, Md. venture Syncom, he served as capital firm and a key a sales professional source of finance and for a commercial investment support and residential real estate developer on for Black media a number of projects companies, including in Washington, D.C. Black Entertainment and Maryland. In Television and Radio addition, Wilkins held One, died Dec. 3. He operational positions in was 71 and lived in radio stations and cable Columbia, Md. television systems the Born in Boston in Herbert P. Wilkins Sr. firm has owned. 1942, Wilkins joined He was a member of Syncom Management in the BET board of directors. 1992. As an investment analyst and later as By AFRO Staff
Continued from A1 Finance Agency. Republicans say Watt is unqualified to lead that agency, which oversees the taxpayer-owned mammoth home mortgage home lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Democrats say Watt, a 21-year House veteran, has the necessary skills and is opposed by Republicans because they think he is too liberal. Millett, the first nominee to emerge from the highly partisan filibuster fight, is a veteran who has argued 32 cases at the Supreme Court and has strong bipartisan credentials. A Harvard Law School graduate, Millett served as an assistant to the solicitor general under President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and President George W. Bush, a Republican. She then joined the Supreme Court practice at Akin Gump, one of Washington’s biggest law firms. Over the next two weeks, Democratic leaders also plan to win final Senate approval for two other Obama nominees to the D.C. Circuit, as well as his picks to head the Federal Reserve and the Department of Homeland Security. Monday’s votes were coming the morning after Republicans responded to changes Democrats made to Senate filibuster traditions by slowing down 76 mostly minor nominations. The move by Senate Republicans won’t
stop any of the nominations — Democrats can now approve them by a simple majority. But it showed Republicans would make Democrats
“Over the next two weeks, Democratic leaders also plan to win final Senate approval for two other Obama nominees to the D.C. Circuit…” pay a price for their decision to change filibuster practices and showed that tensions over nominations are still roiling the Senate. Last month, Democrats used their effective 55-45 majority to upend decades of Senate filibuster traditions and allow simple majority votes on most presidential appointments, excluding Supreme Court nominees. Before the change, the president’s party needed 60 votes to prevent opposing senators from blocking a nominee. Republicans responded furiously as they left for the Senate’s Thanksgiving break and continued to rail against the changes on Monday. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asked for unanimous approval of 76 nominations — including Janet Yellen to lead the Federal Reserve and Jeh Johnson, Obama’s choice to run the Homeland Security Department — Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. rose to object.
Illinois Pastor Continued from A1
couple’s daughter, Mikia, 27, to whom the comments were attributed, denied making them. “Their kids are really distraught over that,” Wilson said. “Someone posted that on Facebook.” Wilson described Montgomery as a “jovial, supportive, energetic guy” who was well-liked in the congregation of 1,500 members. The assembly is located in a suburb of Chicago. Montgomery and his wife had been heading the marriage ministry for a decade. Wilson said he ordained them and put them in charge after noting “their positive qualities” and the power of their own relationship not long after they transferred to the house of worship. He said he believes Montgomery took his life because he was still distraught over the loss of his wife a year ago during the holidays, which were special for him. Montgomery, godfather to several children, and his wife would purchase many gifts for children each year, he said. “He was a good guy, but he was grieving over the death of his wife a year ago,” Wilson said. “Losing someone to sudden death like that is very difficult. You can’t prepare for it. I don’t care how much you try, you are just not prepared for
“Who knows what the next power play will be?” Alexander said. Reid said Alexander’s objections were “as
something like that.” Wilson said the congregation is preparing for Montgomery’s funeral, scheduled for Dec. 9 at the assembly. They are also rallying around the couple’s children—Trent, 19, and Mikia. Besides his children, Montgomery is survived by his parents, his wife’s parents and several other relatives, the senior pastor said. “He had isolated himself ,” Wilson said. “It was definitely a suicide. We were stunned.” He said as a conductor, Montgomery regularly missed Sunday services. He said Montgomery appeared fine the last time he saw him, about a month ago. “He was jovial and happy,” Wilson said “I was surprised that he was looking so happy.” Wilson, however, did not want to discuss his
last conversation with Montgomery. Wilson said he counsels the 10 assistant pastors who work with him to keep their responsibilities in perspective and advises them that they should step back and let him know if they get overwhelmed. Research shows that a significant percentage of pastors kill themselves due to the high stress of the job. Wilson said he works out, plays racquetball and travels to help him handle the stress. “Pastors are people too and everybody should respect the office of pastor and what they have to do,” Wilson said. A story in the Christian Post said the suicide was confirmed by an official at the Village of Matteson Police Department. The official told the newspaper that police were awaiting the result of lab tests in the investigation.
flat as a bottle of beer that’s been open for six months.” He then scheduled votes on several nominations. Most of the nominees slowed by Alexander’s objection were for minor posts, including some federal judges, lower-level ambassadors and government boards. Reid planned to move ahead with votes on six key Obama nominees before the Senate adjourns next week — Millett and fellow D.C. appeals court nominees Cornelia
“Nina” Pillard and Robert Wilkins; Yellen and Johnson; and Watt. Republicans retain options under Senate rules to slow but not stop presidential appointments by themselves. For appeals court and Cabinet-level appointments they can still make majority Democrats put off a final confirmation vote for up to 30 hours. For lesser posts like Watt’s, the maximum is eight hours. Republicans can also force at least one procedural vote on each nominee before roll calls are taken to end filibusters and for final approval. Each requires only a simple majority for Democrats to prevail. Republicans have little criticism of Millett and Obama’s other D.C. Circuit nominees. Instead, they’ve said they oppose adding judges to the court and tilting its balance when its caseload is smaller than other federal appeals courts.
The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
Study of Millenials of Color Shows Surprising Results on Education, Spirituality and Marriage Views
By Zachary Lester AFRO Staff Writer
A study of more than 1,700 Black and Hispanic young adults found that the majority value education, believe in a higher power and support marriage. The study, entitled the Inner City Truth 3 Survey, was conducted by Motivational Educational Entertainment (MEE) Productions in Philadelphia. The MEE website called the study “A Unique Look into the Urban Multicultural Youth Market.” Similar studies were conducted in 2002 and 2008 giving surveyors the opportunity to track trends over an 11-year period. The subjects were young African Americans and Latinos in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles/Long Beach and Oakland/Richmond (Ca.). They were tested over a five-month period. The website said the participants included 830 Latino/Hispanic (48 percent); 797 African American/Black (46 percent) and 94 “Other”—4 percent. They included 881 females, 836 males and four who did not specify a gender. Most of the youths—588— lived in L.A./Long Beach; 363 lived in Philadelphia; 307 lived in Chicago; 271 lived in Atlanta; and 192 lived in Oakland/ Richmond. Participants were questioned in mid-2013 about issues including health, education and aspirations of youth, among other topics. “If we really want to be effective in changing the life outcomes of today’s youth of color, we have to understand their dreams,
worldview, motivations and culture,” said MEE President Ivan Juzang in the statement. “We need to know why they do [the] things they do and what struggles they face day-to-day, so that we can reach them in a way that shows we have paid attention to and acknowledged their realities.” He called urban African American and Hispanic young people
“America’s youngest trendsetters,” in everything from music and fashion to “media consumption and social behaviors,” the statement said. William Juzang, MEE’s vice president, confirmed the study’s results. He told the AFRO the study was conducted for several non-profit groups, including the California Endowment, the Advancement Project, the United Negro College Fund and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. According to a summary, the study found: •Urban youth of color (UYC) value education as the door to
future success; they are enrolled in school and plan to continue beyond high school. • UYC believe both in themselves and a higher power to make things happen. • UYC are intensely connected to digital technology via the Internet and smart phones; it replaces face-to-face time as a favored way to keep in touch with friends. • Despite media portrayals…and despite living in high-risk environments where they have been exposed to significant amounts of violence, the vast majority of African American males have not been perpetrators of violence. • Latina females were overwhelmingly the least satisfied with their bodies and were the most likely to report being bullied. • UYC still have goals of marriage someday and believe that pregnancies should be planned The study attempted to provide insight into UYC worldviews, thoughts on education, lifestyle trends, views on relationships and sexuality and use of online and social media. “Once again, MEE gives us insights into a group of young people whose views are critical, but are either misunderstood or absent from larger national conversations about the issues that affect their lives,” said Marisa Nightingale, senior media advisor at the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. “The ICT3 survey findings make it clear that urban youth of color have goals and aspirations that are quite similar to those held by youth from other backgrounds. This clear look into the lives of urban youth of color will inform and inspire those who are working to improve the lives of all young people for years to come.”
overcome centuries of racial subjugation. As was true here, it took sacrifice – the sacrifice of countless people, known and unknown, to see the dawn of a new day. Michelle and I are beneficiaries of that struggle,” Obama said to applause. “But in America, and in South Africa, and in countries all around the globe, we cannot allow our progress to cloud the fact that our work is not yet done.” Mandela, a former amateur boxer, gave his last public speech in the soccer stadium where the tribute was held. Fittingly, the stadium is located in Soweto, a township were Blacks were forced to live under apartheid and where Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu have homes. Accompanying Obama on Air Force One were former president George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter arrived in South Africa on separate aircrafts.
Like many international gatherings, journalists observe every detail, including whether adversaries shake hands. Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shook hands but, White House officials were quick to note that it amounted to nothing more than an exchange of pleasantries. “Nothing was planned in terms of the president’s role other than his remarks,” Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters traveling with Obama. “He really didn’t do more than exchange greetings with those leaders on his way to speak, it wasn’t a substantive discussion.” The fact that Obama and Castro were at the same event demonstrated the breath of Mandela’s impact on their world. “He was more than one of the greatest leaders of our time. He was one of our greatest teachers,” U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told those in attendance. “His baobab tree has left deep roots that reach across the planet.”
“If we really want to be effective in changing the life outcomes of today’s youth of color, we have to understand their dreams, worldview, motivations and culture.” – Ivan Juzang
Obama Praises Mandela Continued from A1
United Nations Human Rights Day. Obama used the occasion to deliver stern words to leaders who repress their own people yet profess to admire Mandela, whom Obama mostly referred to as Madiba, the former president’s Xhosa tribal name. “There are too many people who happily embrace Madiba’s legacy of racial reconciliation, but passionately resist even modest reforms that would challenge chronic poverty and growing inequality,” President Obama said. “There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people. And there are too many of us on the sidelines, comfortable in complacency or cynicism when our voices must be heard.” Like many U.S. civil rights leaders, Obama drew a parallel between Mandela’s struggle for majority rule in South Africa and African-Americans’ struggle to overcome slavery and Jim Crow laws that treated Blacks as second-class citizens. “We know that, like South Africa, the United States had to
Shanahan May Sit RGIII Continued from A1
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the second half and Griffin was eventually benched in the fourth quarter with the lead far out of Washington’s reach. It was the fifth consecutive loss for Washington who fell to a 3-10 overall record on the season. With only three games left on the season, head coach Mike Shanahan said during a media conference Dec 8 that he is considering benching Griffin for the remaining three games of this season to avoid him being injured in the remaining meaningless games. “Do you take the risk of having a guy possibly miss the offseason — your franchise quarterback? Or do you play him and all of a sudden the second game or in the first game you lose him for the offseason--was it worth the risk?” Shanahan said during the media conference, citing that Griffin has been sacked (hit and tackled behind the line of scrimmage) 24 times in the last five games. If Washington’s offensive line can’t protect Griffin, then it may be best for him to avoid the unnecessary punishment. But there’s also the possibility that Shanahan may be benching Griffin to either smooth-out his relationship with the Washington NFL team’s owner, Dan Snyder, or provoke Snyder to fire him. ESPN.com reported Sunday before the game against the Chiefs that sources close to Shanahan say he was ready to quit last season because of Snyder’s relationship with Griffin. ESPN.com reporter Dan Graziano wrote that Shanahan didn’t blame Griffin but did hold Snyder at fault for “creating an atmosphere” that wasn’t “conducive to winning.” Washington Post writer Mark Maske reported that sources told him Snyder was furious over the reports about Shanahan considering quitting and questioned the timing and motive behind such information becoming public. Maske wrote that his source said Snyder even suggested that Shanahan, “or someone close to him,” may be responsible for the report.
December April 10, 2010 14, 2013 - April- December 16, 2010, The 20, 2013, Baltimore TheAfro-American Afro-American
he world stood still on Dec. 5 when the announcement came that the beloved South African justice fighter, Nelson Mandela, had fled this world for the next. Not even eight months of preparation, trips to and from the hospital, reports of ups and downs from the family, would make us believe we’d eventually be deprived of our Madiba. His giant soul convinced us he belonged to us all. Now, he belongs to the universe, President Obama said in his official statement. We think he always did.
1994 - ANC leader Nelson Mandela casts his vote at Ohlanga High School hall in Inanda, 10 miles north of Durban, April 27, in South Africa’s first all-race elections.
1990 - Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie give the clenched fist sign as they walk hand in hand into the Soweto Soccer City stadium, Feb. 13, to attend a welcome rally for Mandela.
1993 - Lindiwe Mabuza, ANC chief representative to the U.S. and Nelson Mandela are among the early arrivals at the Capitol, Jan. 20, for the inauguration of Presidentelect Bill Clinton.
1995 - South African President Nelson Mandela greets young supporters, May 21, at a rally at Kwa-Makwethu in Northern KawZulu-Natal where, in his address, he again threatened to cut government funds to the area if violence continued. The day before, a gunman fired shots in the air just 20 meters from the president when he attended a funeral for massacre victims.
1991 - ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela and Inkatha Freedom Party president Mangosuthu Buthelezi embrace at the start of talks March 30, aimed at ending fighting between their followers.
1996 - Michael Jackson applauds Mandela after singing “Happy Birthday” to him at a private birthday function at the president’s Johannesburg home, July 18.
1994 - President Mandela with the Congressional Black Caucus, Oct. 4, on Capital Hill. From left are Rep. Barbara-Rose Collins, D-Mich; Mandela, Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill and Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md., chairman of the caucus.
1990 - Nelson Mandela spends a few minutes with Harry Belafonte at New York’s City Hall, June 20, before stepping outside to accept the key to the city on his first day in the United States. 1958 - Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day, June 14.
1990-Eight-year-old Bernard Charles from New York gazes at Mandela after the leader invited him to the stage during the June 21 filming of a town hall meeting.
1994 - A hug from Whitney Houston, Nov. 10, at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
1994 - President and Mrs. Clinton stand with President Mandela and his daughter, Zinzi Mandela Hlongwane, Oct. 4, at the North Portico of the White House.
1993 - This 1961 photo was posted in observance of ANC President Nelson Mandela sharing that year’s Nobel Peace Prize with South African President F.W. de Klerk. The Nobel committee cited their efforts to “peacefully end apartheid.”
Nelson Mandela, as captured in Nelson Mandela: The Struggle is My Life.
1990 - Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, center, and Coretta Scott King join Nelson Mandela in holding up clenched fists during the playing of the anthem of Mandela’s African National Congress, June 27.
1996 - South African President Nelson Mandela greets Graca Machel on arrival at the Kutama Mission Church, about 50 miles south west of Harare on the occasion of the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s marriage to Grace Marufu on August 17. Machel would become Mandela’s bride on his 80th birthday, July 18, 1988.
1995 - President Mandela smiles July 12, after his arrival at Maseru International Airport in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho as part of a twoday tour of the neighboring country. Mandela was presented with traditional Basotho dress by King Moshoeshoe II after his arrival.
1989 - Black nationalist Winnie Mandela embraces the flag of the outlawed African national Congress during a peaceful protest march, Sept. 15, to Johannesburg police headquarters.
1992 - ANC President Nelson Mandela pumps the handle of a water pump on a visit to a water project in the Lebowa Black homeland in Jane Furse. 1995 - An aid helps South African President Nelson Mandela put his shoes back on after visiting the Mahatma Gandhi memorial in New Delhi, Jan. 25.
1992 - ANC President Mandela receives a proclamation declaring April 27 as “Nelson Mandela Day” in Miami Beach, Fla., from James A. Joseph, president of the U.S. based Council of Foundation. Two years ago local officials in the Miami area refused to honor Mandela because of his support for Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Editorial Cartoon by Thomas Stockett
1990 - Nelson Mandela waves to the crowd outside the John P. Kennedy Library in Boston, June 23, as Rep. Joseph Kennedy waits to present a plaque to the South African leader, which bears a quote by his late father, Robert R. Kennedy. Looking on is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
1996 - President Mandela signs into law the new constitution, while the chairman of the Constitutional Assembly, Cyrill Ramaphosa, looks over his shoulder during a special ceremony held in the Sharpeville township south of Johannesburg, Dec. 10.
1990 - Bishop Philip R. Cousin of Jacksonville, Fla., presents Nelson Mandela with a $200,000 check from the National Council of Churches for the ANC.
A6 The Afro-American,
December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
COMMUNITY CONNECTION D.C. Native Marnel Wheatley Graduates from Basic Training Air Force Airman Marnel A. Wheatley graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Wheatley is the son of Marshall Wheatley of Washington, D.C. He is a 2011 graduate of Coolidge Senior High School.
Airman Marnel A. Wheatley
Landover, Md. Brian Spriggs & Nuworship Ministry to Host Annual Christmas Benefit Musical Brian Spriggs & NuWorship Ministry will celebrate its 14th Annual Christmas Benefit Musical with an Oldies Flavor on Dec. 14. The service will be held at Mount Calvary Way of The Cross Church in Landover, Md. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/ brian.nuworship
Brian Spriggs & Nuworship.
Bowie, Md. Engaged Couples Workshop Kiki Strickland, a certified relationship coach will host a workshop for engaged couples. At this event, couples will learn the tools to make their marriage succeed. The event will be held on Jan. 28 at the South Bowie Library in Bowie, Md. For more information: Kikistrickland.com.
Fairfax, Va. Ultimate New Year’s Eve Gala On Dec. 31, DAF Entertainment Group and April Watts of Majic 102.3 FM will host a New Year’s Eve gala featuring a dinner buffet, a premium bar and live music at the Hyatt Fair Lakes Hotel in Fairfax, Va. For more information: dafland.com. Whitman-Walker Health Gives Back to AIDS Walk Community Partners On Dec.4, Whitman Walker Health, a nonprofit community health center, gave back to community service organizations that are making a difference in the lives of people infected and affected by AIDS. To mark the day of giving, Whitman-Walker Health Executive Director Don Blanchon and Chief External Affairs Officer Tiffany Gilliard present a check for more than $10,000 to George Kresslein of HOPE DC, the top fundraising organization in the 2013 AIDS Walk Community Partner program. Several other community partners attended and received checks. “Giving Tuesday is a chance for the community, including nonprofits, to give back to organizations that help those in need,” said Don Blanchon, Executive Director of WhitmanWalker. “Whitman-Walker is honored to celebrate this day of giving by congratulating organizations that played such an important role in the success of our annual AIDS Walk.” AIDS Walk Washington invites DC-area HIV/AIDS service organizations to join the Walk as a Community Partner; a portion of the funds raised by their team is returned to them to support their organization. Traditionally, Community Partners have received 50 percent of their funds raised, this year in response to a challenging economic climate for all; WWH gave 80 percent back to the partners. Participating organizations must be a local non-profit with HIV/AIDS care, education or prevention as a prominent component of their mission or programs. This program offers an opportunity for local HIV/AIDS organizations that may not have large fundraising bases to not only bring in additional funds, but receive additional exposure to the community for the work they do. “We want to encourage more participation in the AIDS Walk among other HIV/AIDS service providers” said Blanchon. “AIDS Walk is truly a community effort where everyone benefits.”
Montgomery County, Md.
Montgomery County’s ‘Ride On’ Routes 94 and 83 to Begin New Service Next Year Montgomery County’s Ride On bus service will be adding new service in 2014. Following review of comments from a public forum held in September to consider the new service, Ride On will be offering a new Route 94 “Meet the MARC” bus service during rush hours between Clarksburg and the Germantown MARC Train Station beginning January 13. In addition, Ride On will offer an extension of its Route 83 bus to provide service to the new Holy Cross Hospital in Germantown when it opens in late 2014. “I want to sincerely thank all the residents who took the time to attend the Public Forum as well as those who wrote or emailed their comments so that Ride On could make an informed decision about these important service changes,” said Ride On General Manager Carolyn Biggins.
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December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
The Joy of the Gospel Pope Francis is displaying an extraordinary style and passion that demands our attention. He addresses the needs of the poor, embraces the outcasts, and loves those on the margins of society. In this recent “apostolic exhortation,” The Joy of the Gospel, he raises a moral challenge to both his church and his world. Like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pope Francis calls Jesse L. Jackson upon people of faith to “go Sr. forth” to preach and practice NNPA Columnist their faith. “I prefer a church,” he writes, “which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy for being confined and from clinging to its own security.” Pope Francis raises a profound moral voice against “trickledown theories,” which put a “crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power.” He warns that “human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded.” We have witnessed “a globalization of indifference,” in which the poor are dehumanized and ignored. Pope Francis is not a revolutionary. He states that the priesthood will remain open only to men, that the church’s opposition to abortion will continue. But he directs new focus and passion to the growing inequality between and within countries, the stark contrast between the wealth of our technology and invention and the poverty of our ethics. Here he addresses directly the plight of today’s America. The top 5 percent pockets literally all of the rewards of growth, while the remainder struggle to stay afloat. This extreme inequality, Pope Francis writes, is the direct product of “ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. A new tyranny is
The March Is On
Last week, President Obama delivered an address, starting a dialogue on how the long path to America’s current level of inequality has led us to the wrong place. The president said that Americans’ frustration with Washington is “rooted in the nagging sense that no matter how hard they work, the deck is stacked against them.” His timing coincided with the nationwide spread of strikes by fast-food workers, showing they cannot wait for Washington to act on raising minimum wages. Unfortunately, the day also saw the loss of Nelson Mandela, a world-class standard bearer for justice. The passing of Mandela is a time to reflect on how the world can change if people just stand up, eventually justice wins out. The president can do two things to add real meaning to his speech on inequality. First, he should sit down and meet with the workers who protested on Black Friday and with the fastfood strikers. His meetings with corporate heads to talk about creating jobs have yielded little. He should show America that now he is listening to those who labor to build this country. Their daily struggle to make ends meet will give a better understanding of what is wrong with our economy. America cannot stand tall if multibillion-dollar, multinational giants like McDonald’s, the world’s secondlargest employer behind Walmart, gives its workers few hours and low pay. The workers at the two largest employers should be the customers that drive an economic engine.
William E. Spriggs
born” and with it widespread corruption and tax evasion among the most powerful. Money, Pope Francis argues, “must serve, not rule.” Pope Francis says just as the commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill,” we must say, “Thou shalt not” to an economy of “exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills.” He warns of the corruption and the ethical poverty of ignoring the poor. In our politics, poverty has become literally unspeakable. The poor are scorned as lazy or incompetent. Politicians vote to cut off food stamps, to cut unemployment insurance, even to cut back programs of nutrition for impoverished mothers and infants, while they refuse to close the tax havens that allow multinational corporations and the wealthy to avoid paying taxes. Too many politicians seek careers and fortunes not public service. Pope Francis sees this as a moral corruption, and calls for “more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people and the lives of the poor.” At the same time, Pope Francis issues a stern warning to the complacent. Without justice, there can be no peace. Peace will come only when there is hope, and a committed effort to provide opportunity and justice to those who are locked out or pressed down. Economic populism is not foreign to the Catholic Church and has been articulated by previous holders of the papacy. But
Instead, McDonald’s share of the billions spent by the federal government on Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, Medicaid and housing assistance to support the lives of fast-food workers is a little higher than $1 billion. Generally billion-dollar subsidies are used to produce more of something we need-like education-not more of something we don’t need, like heart stopping, bottom spreading fattening foods. Everyone wants to ask if a McDonald’s worker got $15 an hour, what would that do to the price of a hamburger? Instead,
“America cannot stand tall if multibillion-dollar, multinational giants like McDonald’s… gives its workers few hours and low pay.” what people need to be asking is how much in SNAP, Medicaid and housing assistance does a hamburger cost? Our national inability to relate demands for cheap food, or cheap Chinese electronics with the human sacrifice of America’s workers needing SNAP benefits to eat is at the heart of how our policies have drifted to create increasing inequality rather than rising lifestyles. At Walmart, the majority of
Pope Francis’s clear words and bold style make his message compelling. This is an authentic world-changing gospel of good news. This is a return to the original gospel that Jesus taught. It seeks not pity for the poor; it seeks their emancipation. And churches cannot be silent in the face of growing inequality and desperation. People of faith must “go forth” and be willing to be “bruised, hurting and dirty” in the cause of justice. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. is founder and president of the Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition.
associates don’t even make a living wage of $25,000 a year. But, the tide is turning. Black Friday sales were down this year; in large part because corporate America overplayed its hand at cheapening the Thanksgiving Holiday. Similarly, the fast-food strikes this week are just the beginning of a march to economic justice. America has lost touch with the value of work. The productivity of America’s workers continues to climb, while the wages of our workers sag--all workers, even those with fouryear degrees and those who went to high school. And that gap between what America’s workers make and what they take home is the fuel of the rising inequality. We cannot close that gap through more education or training. The striking fast-food workers and the Walmart workers know that gap will be closed when workers stand up to fight for their share. The second thing the president can do is produce a budget that talks about more than the fiscal deficit. He should score his budget to see how it reduces inequality. In January at the State of the Union, he should point to a fast-food striker up in the gallery and tell how the budget being submitted will close the gap between America’s promise and the reality of years of policies that work against fulfilling that promise. That is the deficit we want closed. Follow Spriggs on Twitter: @WSpriggs. Contact: Amaya Smith-Tune Acting Director, Media Outreach AFL-CIO 202637-5142.
Eager for a War With Iran Some of the responses by the Republicans and their friends to the Iran nuclear deal have been nothing short of amazing. The deal includes greater and closer inspections of Iranian sites, some relief from the sanctions, and the delay in certain steps that the Iranians had been contemplating. After six months this is to be reviewed. The Israeli government Bill Fletcher Jr. and many of their NNPA Columnist Republican friends in the U.S. immediately attacked the deal, in some cases not even waiting to review the full text of the agreement. There is only one conclusion that can be derived from that approach: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his friends in the Republican Party here in the U.S.A. want a war with Iran. There really is no other conclusion. For all of the rhetoric about increasing the sanctions, there are several ironies afoot. Israel, a country that has never been a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (and reportedly possesses at least 100 nuclear weapons), wants to
cripple – if not attack – Iran, which is a country that signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has no nuclear weapons and has not been shown to actually be developing nuclear weapons. Think about that for a moment. The Israeli government, along with hawks in the Republican Party, along with some Democrats, have been beating the war-
“…the Israelis have been permitted to secretly create nuclear weapons, some of which they developed in conjunction with apartheid South Africa in the 1980s.” drums for years. Iran, which has a right to develop nuclear power, is being told, in essence, that it does not have such a right, though the Israelis have been permitted to secretly create nuclear weapons, some of which they developed in conjunction with apartheid South Africa in the 1980s. The deal that the Obama administration signed with Iran, along with other major powers, steps back from the brink of war. Thus, the question is whether one believes that war
with Iran is justified. This needs to be put on the table and demagogues need not be permitted to walk around the issue. There are no demonstrable facts to indicate that the Iranians are developing nuclear weapons. You can believe anything that you want and see all sorts of possible dangers, but the evidence is not there. Instead, the Israeli government – which during the Iran/Iraq War supplied Iran with weaponry – wishes to play up fears and Islamophobia in order to discourage any sort of peaceful resolution of the conflict. In that regard it is important that you, the reader, ignore the flowery language that we hear from the Israeli government and the hawks here about their alleged desire for peace. They are looking for what would amount to the complete surrender of the Iranians. That is not going to happen. War with Iran would be a game-changer. The financial markets know it; the oil markets know it; and, my guess is that you know it. While I continue to believe that Iran, which has not invaded another country in more than 1,000 years, should be left alone, in the immediate this peace deal needs to be supported. War with Iran will be an endless war. And if you want to be reminded of some of the consequences, look at what has been happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and, by the way, open the paper to the weekly list of dead U.S. soldiers. Bill Fletcher, Jr. is a senior scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies and is the immediate past president of TransAfrica.
The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
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December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
“Reflections of Our Journey” was the theme of the 60th anniversary luncheon for the Washington, D. C. Chapter of the Continental Societies Nov. 2 at the Washington The Birthday Cake...blow out those candles Marriott Hotel where Legend Awards were presented to Permelia Carvella Vaughn Beavers, Norma Jean Stewart and Ethel Lee Walker. Chapter President Venida Hamilton and anniversary committee Co-Chairs Aurelia Martin and Xzaquoinett Warrick orchestrated an afternoon of dining, liturgical Mayor Gray presents a Proclamation dancing , spiritual hymns and in honor of the chapter’s 60th Mayor Gray congratulates the celebration capped by the cutting Anniversary to Venida Hamilton, Continental Dancers of the Davis of a birthday cake for the chapter Chapter President and Edna Lee Dance Center (Continental Beatrice and a slide show of the service Moffitt, National President Davis-Williams Director) on their organization’s history. performance
Continental Dr. Janette Hoston Harris (center, seated) with her guests
Continentals:(Seated) Diana Jones, Norma Stewart, Gloria QuickAlexander and Barbara Morgan; (Standing) Patricia Hopson Wilson, Queen Gladden, Dorothy Bondurant, Venida Hamilton, Ann Chapman, Gloria Johnson and Sheila Shears
Photos by Rob Roberts
Musical selection by Jasmine Bailey and Jahari Shelton from Zion Baptist Church Youth Choir
Continental Josephine Moss-Nelson and grandson. Her Sons Drs. Vance and Vince Moss established a $10,000 Scholarship Endowment in the chapter
Greetings by Venida Y. Hamilton, Chapter President, extending a warm welcome to guests
Venida Hamilton and Edna Lee Moffitt presents flowers to the 60th Anniversary Celebration CoChairs, Xzaquoinett Y. Warrick(left) and Aurelia D. Martin (right)
Past National Presidents & Past Chapter Presidents: (Seated) Dr. Lois Harrison Jones Fears; Dee Evelyn Matthews; Kathleen Williams and Evelyn Means; (Standing) - Dr. Mary Grant; Venida Hamilton; Edna Lee Moffitt, National President and E. Tonya Green
Mentoring to Manhood (M2M), a grassroots organization dedicated to steering boys toward academic
Venida Y. Hamilton, Chapter President(left) and Edna Lee Moffitt (right), National President presents Legend Award to Carvella Beavers, Ethel Lee Walker and Norma Stewart
Former Scholarship Recipients Sherry Felix and Jaleya Leonard
excellence, strong character and life skills vital for manhood, hosted its annual Men Who Make the Difference celebration on Nov. 15 at Martin’s Camelot
Guests and Visiting Continentals (Seated): Shirley White, President, Anne Arundel Chapter; Mae Beale, President, Southern Howard/Laurel Chapter; Lillette Green Campbell, Chapter Financial Secretary and Gabrielle Hefetz; (Standing): Unidentified Guest; Continentals Danise Dorsey and Venida Hamilton and Unidentified Guest
Continentals Essie Page, Margo Briggs, National Treasurer, Dr. Mary Grant, Ann Shepherd, Venida Hamilton, Stacy McGann and guests
Brenda Johnson (center), Eastern Regional Director presents commendation plaque to the Washington, D.C. Chapter
Washington DC Chapter Members: Officers not pictured are Margo Briggs, 1st VP; Sandra Wallace, Recording Secretary and Dr. Mary Grant, Public Relations Officer
in Greenbelt, Md. Over 300 corporate sponsors, business leaders, educators, students, family and friends, honored four men who are blazing a path to
adulthood for many Black youth. The honorees were: M2M founder Robert Malone; Dr. Mickey Burnim, president of Bowie State University; Rev. Tony Lee,
founder and pastor of Community of Hope AME Church, and Gorman Brown, principal of Charles H. Flowers High School.
Courtesy Photos
Barry Hudson congratulates MWMD honorees on behalf of Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker
Flower HS Principal Gorman Brown and family
M2M mentee graduate Joshua Akintonde shares how M2M helped him become a Virginia Union graduate who is now a systems engineer with Northrop Grumman during intro of honoree
M2M Mentee Gabriel Bell-Wood shares how he's improved his GPA from below 2.0 to honor roll
Emcees with Dr. Burnim's wife, LaVera Levels Burnim, Dr. Mickey Burnim, daughter Cinnamon Bowser, and son Adrian Burnim
M2M Executive Director Robert Howze (right) discusses benefits of M2M Emcees with Rev. Tony Lee and Councilwoman Karen Toles
Dr. Segun Banks delivers words of encouragement
Sponsor Clarke Construction Team lead by Project Executive and M2M Advisory Board member John P. Cooper
M2M Chairman of the Board Therman Evans, Esq.
M2M Board member Paula R. Bruner, Parent Coordinator Karen Scott, and Media Coordinator Gloria Murry Ford
Student Mentee Clarence Dillahunt, III welcomes the guests
M2M Founder Robert Malone with family, mentee presenters, and emcees
Emcees Craig and Yolanda Muckle open program
The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
By Talibah Chikwendu Special to the AFRO re you still shopping? I am. While I buy tech any time of the year, the holiday season is my favorite. I don’t wait to use it either. If I get it, it’s out of the box and in use (even if I wrap the empty container to give it a position under the tree). This year, I’m sure, won’t be any different. There are still items to get. Here are a few of the gifts still on my list …
Google Tablet TV
When my television died, I wanted a flat screen replacement of approximately the same size. I also wanted a smart TV. I opted for the bigger screen because with the TiVo and Roku, I could make my television mostly smart. I can’t browse the web, check my email on screen or read my Facebook news feed, but I can stream from a variety of movie and television content services, and record and play back, which is largely what I wanted to do anyway. The Android 4.0 Mini PC/Google TV Box from Silicon Valley Peripherals turns the television into a tablet, without
SVP Courtesy Press Photo
Connect this tiny device to your HDMI-enabled TV to add tablet access to the Internet, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and other apps to your living room. the touchscreen, of course. Compatible with the Google Play Store, this device allows you to do many of the Google tablet functions – including email and web browsing – and runs many of the apps you can operate on a tablet. It connects to the television’s HDMI port, uses a wireless connection to access the internet and can be navigated using a USB wireless keyboard/mouse (that must be purchased separately). Once connected, you can download apps, including your preferred browser and others, to the 4 GB of onboard storage (this can be increased by adding a micro SD card), and run tablet standards like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Angry Birds, if you play. You can add a USB camera and run applications like Skype. Using the device for streaming content like full-length movies or TV shows through apps like Netflix or Hulu Plus can be problematic, just like on a tablet with a slow processor. There can be blurring, lots of buffering, or low video quality, but this depends on many factors, not just the device. I must stress, I already have great devices for streaming, so that isn’t why I considered this investment.
viewing, Gmail and email viewing, calendar viewing, music player handling and social media notification viewing. This watch is NOT a phone. You can answer the call, but you will have to talk through a headset or into the handset, not into the watch. Because it uses Bluetooth, I was concerned I would not be able to use my beloved headset. I was wrong. The phone, watch and headset work together so beautifully, I Pros: wanted to cry. • Small, will easily fit into your entertainment console area Now, I can get routine information from my phone and do • Brings Android tablet apps to a bigger screen basic tasks without having to touch it. This includes finding out • Cost; an inexpensive way to add computer functionality to what time it is. However, it does more. I can initiate a call or your LCD television text (if I am using a pre-programmed message) from the watch. I can view notes created in the phone app on the watch, even if Cons: the devices are not currently connected. It vibrates on my wrist • Technology lacking for full-streaming over the Internet for incoming texts, emails and calls. There are apps for games, • Cannot support USB peripherals on USB power, must be if you use your device for that sort of thing, but the screen is plugged into AC power or the device keeps rebooting too small for that in my opinion. The caller ID shows the photo • Cannot run apps that have touch screen requirements the phone associates with the number and an app to integral into their operation change the watch face allows you to customize it with an image of your choice. The watch itself, for a tech geek like me, is attractive – sleek, polished, upscale. In black, it I wanted a watch. When I started carrying a phone will fade into any outfit, at least any I would plan everywhere, I found myself looking at it for the time to wear, allowing me to keep the phone out of sight, (as I checked texts, emails, etc.), so I stopped wearing but close. The Bluetooth range for the watch is short. a watch. Lately it has been inconvenient to check You cannot leave the phone in your desk and the phone for the time, so it is back to the walk too far away, but within range, you can get watch. the information you need by glancing discreetly My search for the watch started at your wrist instead of grabbing the phone and with one that would send information tapping on the screen. Along about my daily habits – motion and The marketing of Bluetooth headsets proves with sleep – back to apps on my phone. the technology is available to turn the watch providing As I searched for such a device, I into a mobile phone. Some watch phones are for time stumbled upon the Sony Smart sale. It brings up the question: Why did Sony keeping, Watch 2. This watch connects leave that functionality out? My guess is Sony there are a via Bluetooth, to your Android engineers did not want to contribute to the crazy growing number phone, serving as an independent mobile phone sights on the streets. We have gone of apps available timepiece, but providing from bag phones over the shoulder with corded that can increase call handling (reject, missed handsets, to people walking around appearing to the flexibility and call notification, caller ID talk to themselves. The image of people talking functionality of the information, mute, and volume into their wrists Dick Tracy style … that makes Smart Watch. adjustments), incoming text me giggle. This product does address a big area of need – staying connected when it is inconvenient to grab the phone. Finally, the device fits into the palm of your hand and is easily transported. So, spending a couple of nights in a hotel but don’t want to lug your laptop? If the room has an HD TV and wireless high-speed Internet service available, pack up your device and peripherals, and go.
Smart Watch 2
Pros: • Water and dust resistant, so wearable during exercise, hand washing and other normal daily activities (not showering or swimming) • There are a growing number of apps available, making it extremely versatile • It is a beautiful time piece that enhances your appearance
Sony Courtesy Press Photos
The Sony SmartWatch 2 has a sleeker, more attractive design than most of the smart watches on the market. It comes with a variety of band type and color choices, including the ability to purchase one off the rack.
Mrs. Santa Donation Form The Afro-American Newspaper family is helping to grant a wish for the area’s most vulnerable. Would you like to help a child or family and create memories that will last a lifetime? For many disadvantaged families, you can turn dreams into reality by participating in the Mrs. Santa Campaign. o I want to join the AFRO’s spirit of giving. Please accept my contribution of $___________ to benefit a less fortunate family. Name_______________________________ Address_____________________________ Organization_________________________ City________________________________
for a chance to win an admit-two pass to see the film once it is released in theaters.
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Afro-Charities, Inc. Attn: Diane W. Hocker 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 410-554-8243
Cons: • Value; while it functions better than the first version marketed, it doesn’t really do more than that version • Cool functions it should perform when you remove it from the box instead have to be installed before the watch will do anything other than tell time • While battery life is stated as five days between charges, the best I was able to get was 36 hours (I did download lots of apps)
December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
Idris Impressive in Film Adaptation of Late Icon’s Autobiography Film Review by Kam Williams
Nelson “Madiba” Mandela (Idris Elba) started secretly writing his autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom” while still serving what he had every reason to believe might very well be a life sentence on Robben Island. The lawyer-turned-spokesman for the outlawed African National Congress had been convicted of treason for trying to dismantle South Africa’s racist regime. But he was indeed freed following 27 years in prison of imprisonment when the bloody civil war was on the brink of bringing an end to apartheid. At that point, Mandela assured the apprehensive white minority that despite the fact that, “Fear has made you an unjust and brutal people, when we come to power, there will be no revenge.” Soon thereafter, he became the nation’s first democratically elected Black president, assuming the reigns of power in 1994.
And that transition to majority rule did prove to be smooth, with the help of pardons for crimes against humanity being granted by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to guilty parties from both sides of the conflict. Directed by Justin Chadwick, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is an epic biopic chronicling the rise, incarceration and ultimate redemption of Idris Elba as Nelson Mandela the recently-deceased political icon. Versatile the movie behind bars, much of the action British actor Idris Elba exhibits the requisite revolves around his wife Winnie’s (Naomie combination of outrage, dignity, empathy Harris) efforts to raise their children while and steely resolve needed to portray the late spearheading the movement in her husband’s leader convincingly. absence. Sadly, the decades-long separation Still, since Mandela spends the bulk of eventually took a toll on their marriage,
Rabbit Cocktail Mixer
This is a low-tech item with a definite place on this list, especially around the holiday season. Whether you are mixing drinks with or without alcohol, no one wants a beverage watered down by melting ice. Most people seek a refreshing chill. The Rabbit Cocktail Mixer helps create wonderfully mixed and chilled drinks while providing an interesting visual experience. Simply add ice and drink ingredients, and push the button. The Rabbit runs on AAA batteries and will mix over 100 Metrokane.com Courtesy Photo drinks before it The Rabbit Cocktail Mixer provides needs fresh ones. well mixed and chilled drinks with the The container push of a button. holds 18 ounces and in approximately 15 seconds, the Rabbit has the contents mixed and chilled. This is a fun addition to holiday celebrations.
Pivothead Camera Sunglasses
I find taking pictures separates me from being involved in an activity. Putting the camera – still or video – up to my eye, changes my perspective from involvement in the activity to observation. Sometimes, that just isn’t any fun. That doesn’t, however, take away the desire to photograph or record many experiences. I still want to be involved now, and be able to review and relive them later. Pivothead has embedded an 8 MP still/video camera in high-quality sunglasses to integrate the observation with the involvement. Using the Pivothead Camera Sunglasses, a simple
Pivothead Press Courtesy Photo
The sunglass comes in a few different styles with a variety of lens colors and types to choose from. All provide that “what you are looking at” camera view for stills and video. flick of a switch results in pictures of everything you see and are doing. The glasses record HD video with four focus settings – continuous, auto, macro, and fixed. It has a built in microphone and an optional black and white capture setting. It captures still photos in 3, 5 or 8 megapixel image sizes and has an ISO range of 200 to 1600. It also has burst and time-elapsed modes. The camera, mounted just above the nose bridge of the frames, has 8 GB of onboard storage, uses a rechargeable
Keith Bernstein © 2013 The Weinstein Company. All Rights Reserved.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
battery with charging and data transfer through USB. There are several lens colors and styles to choose from, all providing 100 percent UV protection. Pros: • Makes it easy to capture memories while you make them • It has three preset modes – active, sports and power save • Camera interfaces easily with Mac OS, Windows and Android devices Cons: • Only one style of frame • While lightweight, the frames are a bit bulky • Does not have stabilizers, so video can be jittery
Parrot Flower Power
I like plants, especially house plants. I don’t have many however, because I don’t do well with taking care of them. They don’t make noise or get in my way. The only way they have to get my attention is to turn brown, but by then it can really be too late. No one will ever say I have a green thumb. The Parrot Flower Power could change that for me and give my plants a new life. This device sends real time information regarding the status of your plants to your smart phone, which evaluates it against the specific plant’s requirement and provides advice/instructions regarding any needed care. This device and the associated app give plants a voice and help them get attention before it is too late. The device is embedded in the soil approximately 2–4 inches from the plant. It has four main sensors monitoring moisture in the soil, ambient air temperature, fertilizer and nutrient levels, and sunlight. It is powered by an AAA battery,
between the denial of conjugal visits and Winnie’s resorting to ruthless methods to silence suspected snitches. This film easily eclipses a biopic covering the same subject-matter called Winnie Mandela, released just a couple of months ago. That relatively-pathetic disappointment co-starring Terence Howard and Jennifer Hudson as Nelson and Winnie, respectively, was marred by the protagonists’ atrocious accents as well as by a disappointing script. By contrast, this inspirational adaptation of Madiba’s autobiography more than does justice to his legacy first as a freedom fighter and later as a unifying figure for all of South Africa. Excellent HHHH PG-13 for sexuality, intense violence, disturbing images and brief profanity In English, Afrikaans and Xhosa with subtitles Running time: 146 minutes Distributor: The Weinstein Company
used to transmit Bluetooth wireless updates every 15 minutes to the app. This information is captured when the app is within 16-30 feet of the device. The comparison plant information for over 6,000 plants, trees and vegetables is available to the app for comparison and providing instructions. The real-time nature of the updates means your plants won’t have to remain in distress until you notice them. They will be able to let you know right away. Because the device uses a low-energy Bluetooth, battery life is around 6 months. The device itself is very attractive, shaped like the trunk tree, breaking into two branches. For an easy way to keep up with your plants, indoors or out, consider a Parrot Flower Power. Pros: • Very easy to use • Can be used indoors or outdoors • Comes in three colors Cons: • Cost; the device is expensive • Does not connect using Wi-Fi for transmitting information • The associated app is only available for the iPad and iPod devices
Courtesy Photo
To give your plants a voice and a say in their good health, add the Parrot Flower Power to their soil and see what it tells you. It will help avoid dead plants.
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12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1178 Michael DeFonzo Decedent Dennis A. Baird, Esq 1323 Fenwick Lane Silver Spring, MD 20910 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Michael Anthony DiFonzo, whose address is 4014 8th Street, North Beach, MD 20714, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Michael Defonzo, who died on February 27, 2008, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Michael Anthony DiFonzo Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 03
12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Superior Court of the District of DistrictEST of Columbia 15:15:14 2013 PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM372 Annie Lee King Decedent Robert M. McCarthy 4405 East West Hwy. Suite 201 Bethesda, MD 20814 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Linda Crockett, whose address is 3707 Aynor Drive, Mitchellville, MD 20721, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Annie Lee King, who died on January 31, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Linda Crockett Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
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TYPESET: Wed Nov 27 TYPESET: Tue2013 Dec 03 15:14:27 2013 TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 15:15:31 EST 2013 LEGAL NOTICES 13:10:25 EST LEGALEST NOTICES
Superior Court of Superior Court of the District of the District of District of Columbia District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 20001-2131 Administration No. Administration No. 2013ADM316 2013ADM1117 Eugene Hollimon Evelyn F. King Decedent AKA Ara D. Parker Evelyn D. Foote-King 5627 Allenton Road Decedent Suite 100 Thomas L. Campbell, Camp Spring Esq MD 20746 3807 Minnesota Ave, Attorney NE NOTICE OF Washington, DC 20019 APPOINTMENT, NOTICE OF NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, CREDITORS NOTICE TO AD NETWORK AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NOTICE TO Pool/Center, Large Lots, Martha L. Brown, whose UNKNOWN HEIRS Bay & Ocean Access, address is 1539 41st Va s h o n e D . F o o t Great Fishing & Kayak- Street, SE, Washington Wimbush, whose adDC 20020, was apdress is 3603 Apple ing, Spec Home pointed personal repre- Cross Place, Clinton, MD www.oldemillpointe. sentative of the estate of 20735, was appointed com 757-824-0808 Eugene Hollimon, who personal representative died on December 23, of the estate of Evelyn F. 2012 with a will, and will King AKA Evelyn D. serve without Court su- Foote-King, who died on LOTS & pervision. All unknown January 31, 1998, withACREAGE heirs and heirs whose out a will, and will serve whereabouts are un- with Court supervision. LAND/ CABIN PACK- known shall enter their All unknown heirs and appearance in this h e i r s w h o s e AGE! 13+ ACRES proceeding. Objections whereabouts are un$57,900. Breathtaking to such appointment (or known shall enter their 50 mile rolling mountain to the probate of de- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s cedent´s will) shall be proceeding. Objections views. Near river & filed with the Register of to such appointment town. Add cabin packWills, D.C., 515 5th shall be filed with the age for $40,000 & place Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Register of Wills, D.C., it on your parcel, your Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 20001, on or before May Floor Washington, D.C. way! Perc ok, ready 29, 2014. Claims against 20001, on or before June to use the decedent shall be 6, 2014. Claims against or build. Low down presented to the under- the decedent shall be financing. Call now 800- signed with a copy to the presented to the underRegister of Wills or filed signed with a copy to the 888-1262 with the Register of Wills Register of Wills or filed with a copy to the under- with the Register of Wills signed, on or before May with a copy to the underGRAND OPENING 29, 2014, or be forever signed, on or before June LAND SALE! Beautiful barred. Persons believed 6, 2014, or be forever to be heirs or legatees of barred. Persons believed wooded lot near golf the decedent who do not to be heirs or legatees of course. Only $59,900. receive a copy of this no- the decedent who do not Adjacent lot sold for tice by mail within 25 receive a copy of this no$339,900! Close to ski days of its first publica- tice by mail within 25 tion shall so inform the days of its first publicaresort and spectacular Register of Wills, includ- tion shall so inform the mountain lake. ALL ing name, address and Register of Wills, includNEW INVENTORYrelationship. ing name, address and Must see! Execllent Date of Publication: relationship. November 29th, 2013 Date of Publication: Financing. Call now Name of newspaper: December 6, 2013 877-888-7581, x177. Afro-American Name of newspaper: Washington Afro-American Law Reporter Washington Law MISCELLANEOUS Martha L. Brown Reporter Personal Vashone D. FooteAIRLINE CAREERS Representative Wimbush begin here – Get FAA TRUE TEST COPY Personal approved Aviation REGISTER OF WILLS Representative TYPESET: Dec 03 15:14:47 EST 2013 Maintenance training. 11/29, 12/06Tue & 12/13/13 TRUE TEST COPY Housing and Financial REGISTER OF WILLS Aid for qualified stuSuperior Court of dents. Job placement asthe District of 12/06, 12/13Tue & 12/20/13 TYPESET: Dec 03 District of Columbia sistance. CALL Aviation PROBATE DIVISION Institute of Maintenance Washington, D.C. 800-481-8974 Superior Court of 20001-2131 the District of Administration No. District of Columbia 2013ADM1159 PROBATE DIVISION TYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:17:10 EST 2013 LEGAL NOTICES Annie Mae Epps Washington, D.C. Decedent 20001-2131 Rosalind Ray, Esq Administration No. Superior Court of 6856 Eastern Ave, NW, 2013ADM1194 the District of #208 Carlene Ferguson District of Columbia Washington, DC 20012 Decedent PROBATE DIVISION Attorney Kimberly Fahrenholz, Washington, D.C. NOTICE OF Esq 20001-2131 APPOINTMENT, 1304 Rhode Island Administration No. NOTICE TO Ave, NW 2013ADM1102 CREDITORS Washington, DC 20005 Clifton C. Moody, Jr AND NOTICE TO Attorney Decedent UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF NOTICE OF John William Epps and APPOINTMENT, APPOINTMENT, James H. Epps, whose NOTICE TO NOTICE TO address is 1320 KingCREDITORS CREDITORS sbury Dr., Mitchellville, AND NOTICE TO AND NOTICE TO MD 20721 & Othman UNKNOWN HEIRS UNKNOWN HEIRS Drive, Ft. Washington, Cecil Ferguson, whose Clifton Carl Moody III, MD 20774, was apwhose address is 2790 pointed personal repre- address is 2021 High Burruss Mill Rd, Bum- sentative of the estate of Timber Rd, Ft. Washingpass VA 23024, was ap- Annie Mae Epps, who ton, MD 20744, was appointed personal repre- died on April 29, 2013, pointed personal representative of the estate of without a will, and will sentative of the estate of Clifton C. Moody, Jr, who serve without Court su- Carlene Ferguson, who died on September 15, pervision. All unknown died on September 28, 2013, with a will, and will heirs and heirs whose 2011, without a will, and serve without Court su- whereabouts are un- will serve without Court pervision. All unknown known shall enter their supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose heirs and heirs whose a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s whereabouts are un- proceeding. Objections whereabouts are unknown shall enter their to such appointment known shall enter their a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s shall be filed with the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s proceeding. Objections Register of Wills, D.C., proceeding. Objections to such appointment 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd to such appointment shall be filed with the Floor Washington, D.C. shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 20001, on or before June Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 6, 2014. Claims against 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. the decedent shall be Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May presented to the under- 20001, on or before June 29, 2014. Claims against signed with a copy to the 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be Register of Wills or filed the decedent shall be presented to the under- with the Register of Wills presented to the undersigned with a copy to the with a copy to the under- signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed signed, on or before June Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills 6, 2014, or be forever with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under- barred. Persons believed with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May to be heirs or legatees of signed, on or before June 29, 2014, or be forever the decedent who do not 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed receive a copy of this no- barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of tice by mail within 25 to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not days of its first publica- the decedent who do not receive a copy of this no- tion shall so inform the receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 Register of Wills, includ- tice by mail within 25 days of its first publica- ing name, address and days of its first publication shall so inform the tion shall so inform the relationship. Register of Wills, includRegister of Wills, includ- Date of Publication: ing name, address and ing name, address and December 6, 2013 relationship. relationship. Name of newspaper: Date of Publication: Date of Publication: Afro-American December 6, 2013 November 29, 2013 Washington Law Name of newspaper: Name of newspaper: Reporter Afro-American John William Epps Afro-American Washington Law James H. Epps Washington Law Reporter Personal Reporter Cecil Ferguson Clifton C. Moody, Jr Representative Personal Personal Representative Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13
The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
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Legal of Advertising Rates the District District of Columbia Effective October 1, 2008 PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 PROBATE DIVISION Administration No. 2013ADM708 (Estates) Tonya White AKA 202-332-0080 Tonya Roberson PROBATE NOTICES Decedent Wesley L. Clarke 1629 K. Street, NW a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 Suite 300 TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 13:28:08 EST 2013 Washington, DC 20006 weeks Attorney b. Small Estates (single publication NOTICE OF $ 60 per insertion Superior Court of c. Notice to Creditors APPOINTMENT, the District of NOTICE TO 1. Domestic $ 60 perDistrict insertion of Columbia $180.00 per 3 CREDITORS PROBATE DIVISION weeks AND NOTICE TO Washington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 20001-2131 Andrew White, whose Administration No. weeks address is 1410 34th 2013ADM1222 Street, SE, Washington, d. Escheated Estates $ 60 per insertion $360.00 per 6 Esther V. Latta DC 20020, was ap- Decedent TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 13:41:45 weeks pointed personal repreNOTICE OF 15:15:47 EST 2013 sentative of the estate of e. Standard Probates $125.00 APPOINTMENT, Tonya White AKA Tonya NOTICE TO Superior Court of Roberson, who died on CREDITORS the District of February 28, 2013, withCIVIL NOTICES AND NOTICE TO District of Columbia out a will, and will serve UNKNOWN HEIRS PROBATE DIVISION a. Name Changes 202-879-1133 without Court supervi- Belinda L. McKenzie & $ 80.00 Washington, D.C. sion. All unknown heirs Kelvin Latta, whose adb. Real Property 20001-2131 a n d h e i r s w h o s e d r e s s e s a r e 1 0 6 3 0 $ 200.00 Administration No whereabouts are un- Horseshoe Place, La 2013ADM1232 known shall enter their Plata, MD, 20646 & 1532 a p p e a r a n c eFAMILY i n t h i s COURT A Street, NE, Washing- C’Artis D. Bernal AKA proceeding. Objections ton, DC 20002, were ap202-879-1212 to such appointment pointed personal repre- C’Artis Deloris Bernal shall beDOMESTIC filed with the RELATIONS sentatives of the estate Decedent Register of Wills, D.C., of Esther V. Latta, who James E. McCollum, 202-879-0157 Esq 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd died on January 10, Floor Washington, D.C. 2013, without a will, and 7309 Baltimore Ave20001, on or before May will serve without Court nue, Suite 117 a. Absent Defendant 150.00Park, MD 20740 29, 2014. Claims against supervision. All unknown $ College Attorney the decedent shall be heirs and heirs whose b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 NOTICE OF presented to the under- whereabouts are unAPPOINTMENT, signed with a copy to the known shall enter their $150.00 c. Custody Divorce N O T I C E T O Register of Wills or filed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s CREDITORS with the Register of Wills proceeding. Objections Winston Bernal II, whose to such appointment copy to the under- ext. To place your ad, with calla1-800-237-6892, 262, Public Notices $50.00 up Oakaddress is & 3433 signed, on or before May shall be filed with the o o dinch. Te r r a c e , N W, Register of Wills, D.C., wper depending on Legal Notices are $24.84 29,size, 2014,Baltimore or be forever barred. Persons believed 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington, DC 20010, Washington, D.C. was appointed personal to be heirs or 1-800 legatees(AFRO) of Floor 892 of the on or before June representative thePublication, decedent who do not 20001, For Proof of please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 receive a copy of this no- 13, 2014. Claims against estate of C’Artis D. Bernal AKA C’Artis Deloris tice by mail within 25 the decedent shall be days of its first publica- presented to the under- Bernal, who died on AuTYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:15:23 2013 the signed with a copy to the gust 5, 2013, with a will, tion shallEST so inform LEGAL NOTICES Register of Wills, includ- Register of Wills or filed and will serve without ing name, address and with the Register of Wills Court supervision. All unwith a copy to the under- known heirs and heirs relationship. Superior Court of signed, on or before June whose whereabouts are Date of Publication: the District of 13, 2014, or be forever unknown shall enter their November 29, 2013 District of Columbia barred. Persons believed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Name of newspaper: PROBATE DIVISION to be heirs or legatees of proceeding. Objections Afro-American Washington, D.C. the decedent who do not to such appointment 20001-2131 Washington Law receive a copy of this no- shall be filed with the Administration No. Reporter 2013ADM708 Andrew White tice by mail within 25 Register of Wills, D.C., Tonya White Personal days of its first publica- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd AKA Representative tion shall so inform the Floor Washington, D.C. Register of Wills, includ- 20001, on or before June Tonya Roberson ing name, address and 13, 2014. Claims against Decedent TRUE TEST COPY relationship. the decedent shall be Wesley L. Clarke REGISTER OF WILLS Date of Publication: presented to the under1629 K. Street, NW TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 13:28:08 EST 2013 December 13, 2013 signed with a copy to the Suite 300 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 Name of newspaper: Register of Wills or filed Washington, DC 20006 Afro-American with the Register of Wills Attorney Washington Law with a copy to the underSuperior Court of NOTICE OF Reporter signed, on or before June the District of APPOINTMENT, Belinda L. McKenzie 13, 2014, or be forever District of Columbia NOTICE TO Kelvin Latta PROBATE DIVISION barred. Persons believed CREDITORS Personal to be heirs or legatees of Washington, D.C. AND NOTICE TO Representatives 20001-2131 the decedent who do not UNKNOWN HEIRS Administration No. receive a copy of this noAndrew White, whose TRUE TEST COPY tice by mail within 25 address is 1410 34th 2013ADM1222 REGISTER OF WILLS days of its first publicaStreet, SE, Washington, Esther V. Latta Decedent tion shallEST so inform DC 20020, was apTYPESET: Tue Dec 10 13:41:45 2013 the 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 NOTICE OF Register of Wills, includpointed personal repreAPPOINTMENT, ing name, address and sentative of the estate of NOTICE TO relationship. Tonya White AKA Tonya Superior Court of CREDITORS Date of Publication: Roberson, who died on the District of AND NOTICE TO December 13, 2013 February 28, 2013, withDistrict of Columbia UNKNOWN HEIRS Name of newspaper: out a will, and will serve PROBATE DIVISION Belinda L. McKenzie & without Court superviAfro-American Washington, D.C. Kelvin Latta, whose adsion. All unknown heirs Washington Law 20001-2131 a n d h e i r s w h o s e dresses are 10630 Reporter Administration No whereabouts are un- Horseshoe Place, La Winston Bernal II 2013ADM1232 known shall enter their Plata, MD, 20646 & 1532 C’Artis D. Bernal Personal A Street, NE, Washingappearance in this Representative AKA ton, DC 20002, were approceeding. Objections C’Artis Deloris Bernal to such appointment pointed personal repre- Decedent TRUE TEST COPY shall be filed with the sentatives of the estate James E. McCollum, REGISTER OF WILLS Register of Wills, D.C., of Esther V. Latta, who Esq 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd died on January 10, 7309 Baltimore Ave- 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 Floor Washington, D.C. 2013, without a will, and nue, Suite 117 will serve without Court 20001, on or before May College Park, MD 20740 29, 2014. Claims against supervision. All unknown Attorney the decedent shall be heirs and heirs whose NOTICE OF presented to the under- whereabouts are unAPPOINTMENT, signed with a copy to the known shall enter their N O T I C E T O Register of Wills or filed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s CREDITORS with the Register of Wills proceeding. Objections Winston Bernal II, whose with a copy to the under- to such appointment address is 3433 Oaksigned, on or before May shall be filed with the w o o d Te r r a c e , N W, 29, 2014, or be forever Register of Wills, D.C., Washington, DC 20010, barred. Persons believed 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd was appointed personal to be heirs or legatees of Floor Washington, D.C. representative of the the decedent who do not 20001, on or before June estate of C’Artis D. Berreceive a copy of this no- 13, 2014. Claims against nal AKA C’Artis Deloris tice by mail within 25 the decedent shall be Bernal, who died on Audays of its first publica- presented to the under- gust 5, 2013, with a will, tion shall so inform the signed with a copy to the and will serve without Register of Wills, includ- Register of Wills or filed Court supervision. All uning name, address and with the Register of Wills known heirs and heirs with a copy to the underrelationship. signed, on or before June whose whereabouts are Date of Publication: 13, 2014, or be forever unknown shall enter their November 29, 2013 barred. Persons believed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Name of newspaper: to be heirs or legatees of proceeding. Objections
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December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
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heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 15:19:39 EST 2013 Floor Washington, D.C. LEGAL NOTICES 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ernest C. Jones Personal Representative
The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013
TYPESET: Tue2013 Dec 03 TYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:17:49 EST
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1161 Doris Marie Hemsley Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Lynette Karen Marie Jeffers, whose address is 3025 W Street, SE, Washington, DC 20020 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Doris Marie Hemsley, who died on October 21, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before May 29, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before May 29, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: November 29, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Lynette Karen Marie Jeffers Personal Representative
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1177 Olethia O. Reels Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS DeVoanna R, Reels, whose address is 2502 Ramblewood Drive, District Heights, MD, 20747, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Olethia O. Reels, who died on May 16, 2008, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Devoanna R. Reels Personal Representative
TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 TYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:16:46 EST 2013
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1154 Johnnie Mae Burton Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Leona Raiford, whose address is 2108 South Lowell Street, Arlington, VA 22204, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Johnnie Mae Burton, who died on September 30, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are TRUE TEST COPY unknown shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS appearance in this proceeding. TYPESET: Wed Dec 04 10:54:13 ESTObjections 2013 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13 to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., Superior Court of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the District of Floor Washington, D.C. District of Columbia 20001, on or before May PROBATE DIVISION 29, 2014. Claims against Washington, D.C. the decedent shall be 20001-2131 presented to the underAdministration No. signed with a copy to the 2013ADM1013 Register of Wills or filed Rose M. Dyke with the Register of Wills Decedent with a copy to the underJoseph L. Gibson, Jr signed, on or before May 1401 Mercantile Lane, 29, 2014, or be forever Suite 381 barred. Persons believed Largo, MD 20774 to be heirs or legatees of Attorney the decedent who do not NOTICE OF receive a copy of this noAPPOINTMENT, tice by mail within 25 NOTICE TO days of its first publicaCREDITORS tion shall so inform the AND NOTICE TO Register of Wills, includUNKNOWN HEIRS ing name, address and Annette Mitchell, whose relationship. address is 7683 CamDate of Publication: bridge Street, Houston, November 29, 2013 TX 77054, was apName of newspaper: pointed personal repreAfro-American sentative of the estate of Washington Law Rose M. Dyke, who died Reporter on August 12, 2013, with Leona Raiford a will, and will serve withPersonal out Court supervision. All Representative unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY unknown shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS REGISTER OF WILLS a p p e a r aEST n c e 2013 in this TRUE TEST COPY TYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:15:41 TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 proceeding. Objections 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13 REGISTER OF WILLS 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 to such appointment TYPESET: Tue Nov 26 13:15:01 EST 2013 shall be filed with the 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 Superior Court of Register of Wills, D.C., Superior Court of the District of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the District of District of Columbia Superior Court of Floor Washington, D.C. District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION the District of 20001, on or before May PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. District of Columbia 29, 2014. Claims against Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 PROBATE DIVISION the decedent shall be 20001-2131 Administration No. Washington, D.C. presented to the underAdministration No. 2013ADM1112 20001-2131 signed with a copy to the 2013ADM1182 Mack Linsey Davis Administration No. Register of Wills or filed Michael J. Jackson Decedent 2013ADM1158 with the Register of Wills AKA Lawrence A. Thrower, Ruth Lewis Deal with a copy to the under- Michael Jerome Esq. Decedent signed, on or before May Jackson 3215 Fayette Road Lynn H. Johnson, Esq. 29, 2014, or be forever Decedent Kensington, MD 20895 Johnson & Pavuk barred. Persons believed NOTICE OF Attorney 1413 K. Street, NW, to be heirs or legatees of APPOINTMENT, NOTICE OF Ste 1500 the decedent who do not NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, Washington, DC 20005 receive a copy of this noCREDITORS NOTICE TO Attorney tice by mail within 25 AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF days of its first publicaUNKNOWN HEIRS AND NOTICE TO APPOINTMENT, tion shall so inform the Paula L. Adams, whose UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE TO Register of Wills, includ- a d d r e s s i s 7 4 8 Marlo Davis, whose ad- ing name, address and Wineberry Way, AberCREDITORS dress is 1390 Bryant St., relationship. AND NOTICE TO deen, MD 21001, was NE, #202, Washington, Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS appointed personal reMont Seward and Mi- DC 20018, was apNovember 29, 2013 presentative of the estate chele Patterson, whose pointed personal repre- Name of newspaper: of Michael J. Jackson addresses are 8140 sentative of the estate of Afro-American AKA Michael Jerome Mack Linsey Davis, who Havenview Drive & 5990 Washington Law Jackson, who died on El Palomino Drive, River- died on September 5, Reporter July 4, 2013 with a will, side, CA 92509, were ap- 2013, without a will, and Annette Mitchell and will serve without pointed personal repre- will serve without Court Personal Court supervision. All unsentatives of the estate supervision. All unknown Representative known heirs and heirs of Ruth Lewis Deal, who heirs and heirs whose whose whereabouts are whereabouts are undied on August 4, 2013, TRUE TEST COPY unknown shall enter their without a will, and will known shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS appearance in this serve without Court su- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 15:19:03 EST Objections 2013 proceeding. pervision. All unknown proceeding. Objections 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 to such appointment heirs and heirs whose to such appointment shall be filed with the whereabouts are un- shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., Superior Court of known shall enter their Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd the District of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd appearance in this Floor Washington, D.C. District of Columbia proceeding. Objections Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June PROBATE DIVISION to such appointment 20001, on or before May 6, 2014. Claims against Washington, D.C. shall be filed with the 29, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be the decedent shall be 20001-2131 Register of Wills, D.C., presented to the under515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd presented to the underAdministration No. signed with a copy to the Floor Washington, D.C. signed with a copy to the 2013ADM1166 Register of Wills or filed 20001, on or before May Register of Wills or filed Robert W. McNair with the Register of Wills 29, 2014. Claims against with the Register of Wills Decedent with a copy to the underthe decedent shall be with a copy to the under- Bernard C. Coleman signed, on or before June signed, on or before May presented to the under6, 2014, or be forever 6444 Bock Road signed with a copy to the 29, 2014, or be forever Oxon Hill, MD 20745 barred. Persons believed Register of Wills or filed barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of NOTICE OF with the Register of Wills to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not APPOINTMENT, with a copy to the under- the decedent who do not receive a copy of this noNOTICE TO signed, on or before May receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 CREDITORS tice by mail within 25 29, 2014, or be forever days of its first publicaAND NOTICE TO barred. Persons believed days of its first publication shall so inform the UNKNOWN HEIRS to be heirs or legatees of tion shall so inform the Register of Wills, includthe decedent who do not Register of Wills, includ- Aungela McNair Feazell, ing name, address and receive a copy of this no- ing name, address and whose address is 331 relationship. tice by mail within 25 relationship. Ellerton South, Laurel, Date of Publication: days of its first publica- Date of Publication: Maryland 20724 was ap- December 6, 2013 tion shall so inform the November 29, 2013 pointed personal repre- Name of newspaper: Register of Wills, includ- Name of newspaper: sentative of the estate of Afro-American ing name, address and Afro-American Robert W. McNair, who Washington Law Washington Law relationship. died on June 7, 2013, Reporter Reporter Date of Publication: Paula L. Adams Marlo Davis with a will, and will serve November 29, 2013 Personal Personal without Court superviName of newspaper: Representative Representative sion. All unknown heirs Afro-American and heirs whose Washington Law whereabouts are un- TRUE TEST COPY TRUE TEST COPY Reporter REGISTER OF WILLS known shall enter their REGISTER OF WILLS Mont Seward TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 15:18:39 a p p e a r aEST n c e 2013 in this Michele Patterson 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13 proceeding. Objections Personal 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 to such appointment Representative Superior Court of shall be filed with the the District of TRUE TEST COPY Register of Wills, D.C., District of Columbia REGISTER OF WILLS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 11/29, 12/06 & 12/13/13 20001, on or before June 20001-2131 6, 2014. Claims against Administration No. the decedent shall be 2013ADM1172 presented to the underMary E. Jones signed with a copy to the Decedent Register of Wills or filed Kim Y. Jones 1 0 1 2 P e n n s y l v a n i a with the Register of Wills with a copy to the underAvenue, SE Washington, DC signed, on or before June Attorney 6, 2014, or be forever NOTICE OF barred. Persons believed APPOINTMENT, to be heirs or legatees of NOTICE TO the decedent who do not CREDITORS receive a copy of this noAND NOTICE TO tice by mail within 25 UNKNOWN HEIRS Ernest C. Jones, whose days of its first publicaaddress is 98 Ervin Over- tion shall so inform the look, Sterling, VA 22556, Register of Wills, includwas appointed personal ing name, address and representative of the relationship. estate of Mary E. Jones, Date of Publication: who died on August 31, December 6, 2013 2011, without a will, and Name of newspaper: will serve without Court Afro-American supervision. All unknown Washington Law heirs and heirs whose Reporter whereabouts are un- Aungela McNair Feazell known shall enter their Personal appearance in this Representative proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the TRUE TEST COPY Register of Wills, D.C., REGISTER OF WILLS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1083 Ella Louise Cooper Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Te r r i L y n n C o o p e r, whose address is 5819 Lawton Court, Lanham, MD 20706, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ella Louise Cooper, who died on October 11, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Terri Lynn Cooper Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Dec 03 15:16:04 ESTTue 2013 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1106 Ramona Osborne Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Joanne Osborne, whose address is 4018 Meade Street, NW, Washington, DC 20019, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ramona Osborne, who died on September 4, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ramona Osborne Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 03
12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy the under15:19:54 ESTto 2013 LEGAL NOTICES signed, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Robert N. James Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 03 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1175 Helena M. Reels Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Evelyn D. Grimes, whose address is 721 Nova Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD, 20743, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Helena M. Reels, who died on November 4, 1997, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills 15:20:29 EST 2013 with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 6, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Evelyn D. Grimes Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 12/06, 12/13 & 12/20/13
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No 2013ADM1250 Carrie Ring Decedent Barbara J. Hargrove, Esq 1816 Powder Mill Road Silver Spring, MD 20903 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O CREDITORS Lynn Ring, whose address is 10208 Farrar Avenue, Cheltenham, MD, 20623, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Carrie Ring, who died on May 19, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the under15:20:12 EST 2013 signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Lynn Ring Personal Representative
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013ADM1176 Lillian F. James Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Robert N. James, whose address is 7916 Legation Rd., New Carrollton, MD 20784, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lillian F. James, who died on March 31, 2001 without a TRUE TEST COPY will, and will serve with- REGISTER OF WILLS out Court supervision. All TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 unknown heirs and heirs 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their Superior Court of appearance in this the District of proceeding. Objections District of Columbia to such appointment PROBATE DIVISION shall be filed with the Washington, D.C. Register of Wills, D.C., 20001-2131 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Administration No Floor Washington, D.C. 2013ADM1228 20001, on or before June 6, 2014. Claims against John H. Brown the decedent shall be AKA presented to the under- John Herbert Brown signed with a copy to the Decedent NOTICE OF Register of Wills or filed APPOINTMENT, with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under- N O T I C E T O CREDITORS signed, on or before June 6, 2014, or be forever Clifton Lamont Posey, barred. Persons believed whose address is 944 to be heirs or legatees of Westminster Street, NW, the decedent who do not Washington, DC 20001, receive a copy of this no- was appointed personal tice by mail within 25 representative of the
Administration No 2013ADM1228 John H. Brown AKA John Herbert Brown Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O LEGAL NOTICES CREDITORS Clifton Lamont Posey, whose address is 944 Westminster Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, was appointed personal representative of the estate of John H. Brown AKA John Herbert Brown, who died on November 2, 2013, with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 15:19:22 2013 13, 2014.EST Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Clifton Lamont Posey Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Dec 10 12/13, 12/20 Tue & 12/27/13 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No 2013ADM1227 Mary B. Hunt Decedent Julius P. Terrell, Esq 1455 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20004 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O CREDITORS Denise Lockley, whose address is 2632 Martin Luther King, Jr., SE, #402, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Mary B. Hunt, who died on January 12, 2013, without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and h e i r s w h o s e whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall beEST filed2013 with the 13:52:14 Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Denise Lockley Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No 2013ADM1223 Rita E. Yates AKA Rita Eunice Yates Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O CREDITORS Rita L. Yates, whose address is 1528 A Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Rita E. Yates AKA Rita Eunice Yates, who died on August 24, 2013, with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, onEST or before 14:02:46 2013June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter
barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. LEGAL NOTICES Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rita L. Yates Personal Representative
of the estate of James Worthy, Sr., who died on October 25, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their aLEGAL p p e a r a nNOTICES ce in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the underTRUE TEST COPY signed with a copy to the REGISTER OF WILLS Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 14:54:48 EST 2013 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever Superior Court of barred. Persons believed the District of to be heirs or legatees of District of Columbia the decedent who do not PROBATE DIVISION receive a copy of this noWashington, D.C. tice by mail within 25 20001-2131 days of its first publicaAdministration No tion shall so inform the 2013ADM1213 Register of Wills, includRomes Thomas Cal- ing name, address and houn, Jr relationship. Decedent Date of Publication: Bradley A. Thomas, December 13, 2013 Esq Name of newspaper: 1639 K. Street, NW Afro-American Suite 300 Washington Law Washington, DC 20006 Reporter NOTICE OF Frankie J. Worthy APPOINTMENT, Personal N O T I C E T O Representative CREDITORS Deborah L. Guy, whose TRUE TEST COPY address is 1165 St. Mat- REGISTER OF WILLS thew Drive, Florissant, Tue Dec 10 15:23:57 MO, 63031 was ap- TYPESET: 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 pointed personal representative of the estate of Superior Court of Romes Thomas Calthe District of houn, Jr., who died on District of Columbia August 7, 2013, without a PROBATE DIVISION will, and will serve withWashington, D.C. out Court supervision. All 20001-2131 unknown heirs and heirs Administration No whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their 2013ADM1199 Roberta C. Corbett appearance in this proceeding. Objections Decedent NOTICE OF to such appointment APPOINTMENT, shall be filed with the N O T I C E T O Register of Wills, D.C., CREDITORS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. Tawanda James, whose 14:11:13 2013June address is 7242 Mahog20001, onEST or before 13, 2014. Claims against any Drive, Hyattsville, the decedent shall be MD 20785, was appresented to the under- pointed personal represigned with a copy to the sentative of the estate of Register of Wills or filed Roberta C. Corbett, who with the Register of Wills died on October 16, with a copy to the under- 2013, with a will, and will signed, on or before June serve without Court su13, 2014, or be forever pervision. All unknown barred. Persons believed heirs and heirs whose to be heirs or legatees of whereabouts are unthe decedent who do not known shall enter their receive a copy of this no- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s tice by mail within 25 proceeding. Objections days of its first publica- to such appointment tion shall so inform the shall be filed with the Register of Wills, includ- Register of Wills, D.C., ing name, address and 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. relationship. 20001, on or before June Date of Publication: 13, 2014. Claims against December 13, 2013 the decedent shall be Name of newspaper: presented to the underAfro-American signed with a copy to the Washington Law Register of Wills or filed Reporter Deborah L. Guy with the Register of Wills Personal with a copy to the underRepresentative signed, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed TRUE TEST COPY to be heirs or legatees of REGISTER OF WILLS the decedent do not TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 15:04:44 ESTwho 2013 receive a copy of this no12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 tice by mail within 25 days of its first publicaSuperior Court of tion shall so inform the the District of Register of Wills, includDistrict of Columbia ing name, address and PROBATE DIVISION relationship. Washington, D.C. Date of Publication: 20001-2131 December 13, 2013 Administration No Name of newspaper: 2013ADM1185 Afro-American Thelma Mae Fields Washington Law Decedent Reporter NOTICE OF Tawanda James APPOINTMENT, Personal N O T I C E T O Representative CREDITORS Adrienne Fields, whose TRUE TEST COPY address is 39008 Wat- REGISTER OF WILLS son Place, NW, #1D, Calverton, VA 22016, was TYPESET: Dec 10 15:31:33 12/13, 12/20Tue & 12/27/13 appointed personal representative of the estate of Thelma Mae Fields, Superior Court of who died on October 4, the District of 2013, with a will, and will District of Columbia serve without Court suPROBATE DIVISION pervision. All unknown Washington, D.C. heirs and heirs whose 20001-2131 whereabouts are unAdministration No known shall enter their 2013ADM816 appearance in this Joseph Louis proceeding. Objections Williams, Sr to such appointment Decedent shall be filed with the NOTICE OF Register of Wills, D.C., APPOINTMENT, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd N O T I C E T O Floor Washington, D.C. CREDITORS 20001, on or before June Bernadette P. Ford, 13, 2014. Claims against whose address is 1327 the decedent shall be R i d g e P l a c e , S E , presented to the under- Washington, DC 20020 , signed with a copy 14:25:55 EST 2013to the was appointed personal Register of Wills or filed representative of the with the Register of Wills estate of Joseph Louis with a copy to the under- Williams, Sr, who died on signed, on or before June April 14, 2000, without a 13, 2014, or be forever will, and will serve with barred. Persons believed Court supervision. All unto be heirs or legatees of known heirs and heirs the decedent who do not whose whereabouts are receive a copy of this no- unknown shall enter their tice by mail within 25 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s days of its first publica- proceeding. Objections tion shall so inform the to such appointment Register of Wills, includ- shall be filed with the ing name, address and Register of Wills, D.C., relationship. 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Date of Publication: Floor Washington, D.C. December 13, 2013 20001, on or before June Name of newspaper: 13, 2014. Claims against Afro-American the decedent shall be Washington Law presented to the underReporter signed with a copy to the Adrienne Fields Register of Wills or filed Personal with the Register of Wills Representative with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June TRUE TEST COPY 13, 2014, or be forever REGISTER OF WILLS barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 15:14:01 EST 2013 of 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 Superior Court of days of its first publicathe District of tion shall so inform the District of Columbia Register of Wills, includPROBATE DIVISION ing name, address and Washington, D.C. relationship. 20001-2131 Date of Publication: Administration No December 13, 2013 2013ADM1201 Name of newspaper: James Worthy, Sr. Afro-American Decedent Washington Law NOTICE OF Reporter APPOINTMENT, Bernadette P. Ford N O T I C E T O Representative CREDITORS Frankie J. Worthy, whose TRUE TEST COPY address is 77 V Street, REGISTER OF WILLS NW, Washington, DC 20001, was appointed personal representative 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 of the estate of James Worthy, Sr., who died on October 25, 2013, without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C.
afro. com
TYPESET: Tue Dec 10
Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No 2013ADM1005 William F. Twombley Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O CREDITORS Rodger N. Goodcare, whose address is 105 E. Broadway, Gettysburg, PA 17325, was appointed personal representative of the estate of William F. Twombley, who died on July 28, 2012, with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Rodger N. Goodcare Representative
Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under15:40:12 EST 2013 signed, on or before June LEGAL NOTICES 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Ruth A. Reels Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS
TYPESET: Tue Dec 10
12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13
December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013, The Afro-American
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Part-Time Sales Assistant
The AFRO-AMERICAN Newspapers is looking to hire a part-time Sales Assistant to join our DC office team 16:20:54 located EST 2013 on Benning Road, NE in Washington, DC. This entry-level position has advancement opportunity and will provide administrative support for our Advertising Sales Department. Duties will include the following:
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. Create master lists of media buyers, advertising 20001-2131 Administration No. agencies, government agencies, etc... to generate leads 2013ADM792 & interest in The AFRO Estate of Wana G. Lofton Bishop Deceased Create messages for e-blasts; do mail outs of media N O T I C E O F S TA N kits and other advertising information DARD PROBATE Notice is hereby given Provide standard administrative and office support that a petition has been filed in this Court by AmeProvide exemplary customer service lia Lofton & Denise Williams for standard probate, including the appointment of one or more personal repreStrong computer skills with proficiency in MS Office sentative. Unless a complaint or an objection in Suite accordance with Superior Court Probate DiKnowledge of the Greater DC Metro area vision Rule 407 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first pubAbility to perform well both independently and as team lication of this notice, the member Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. 0 Ordered any interested Ambitious & quick learner with great timeperson to show cause management, organizational skills, detail oriented why the provisions of the lost or destroyed will dated November 30, Previous administrative or sales support experience 2006should not be admitted to probate as expressed in the petition Please send your resume to:lhowze@afro.com Register of Wills TRUE TEST COPY Clerk of the Probate DiOr mail to: Diane W. Hocker REGISTER OF WILLS vision Date of First Publication Director of Human Resources 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 12/13/13 EST 2013 TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 15:51:50 Names of Newspapers: 2519 N. Charles St., Washington Law Re Baltimore, MD 21218 porter Superior Court of Wa s h i n g t o n A F R O the District of AMERICAN District of Columbia Amelia Lofton PROBATE DIVISION Denise Williams Washington, D.C. Signature of 20001-2131 Petitioners/Attorney EXECUTIVE SERVICE RECRUITMENT Administration No TYPESET: Tue Dec 10 17:27:31 EST 2013 2013ADM1198 (SERVES AT THE PLEASURE OF THE APPOINTING 12/13/13 Charlie Mae Williams AUTHORITY) Decedent Superior Court of James C. Beadles, Esq ASSISTANT MANAGER, AIRPORT SECURITY DIVISION the District of P.O. Box 6368 District of Columbia PROGRAM MANAGER I (Code 5476) Silver Spring, MD PROBATE DIVISION 20916 DATE POSTED: December 6, 2013 Washington, D.C. NOTICE OF 20001-2131 CLOSING DATE: December 20, 2013 APPOINTMENT, Administration No N O T I C E T O GRADE: 19 2013ADM1235 CREDITORS Jean Barbat SALARY RANGE: $52,150 - $83,726 effective 1/1/14 Earl P. Williams, Jr., whose address is 2323 Decedent LOCATION: Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Mar40th Place, NW, #201, Ross, Marsh and Rosshall Airport (BWI Marshall) Washington, DC 20007, ter was appointed personal 2001 L. Street, NW, Suite 400 representative of the estate of Charlie Mae Washington, DC 20036 Wiliams, who died on Attorney Assistant Manager of the Airport Security Division, BWI MarNOTICE OF March 9, 2013, with a shall. In this capacity, the Assistant Manager directly supervises, APPOINTMENT, will, and will serve withNOTICE TO as a shared responsibility, the management of the Airport Security out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs CREDITORS Badging and Training Sections, and directly supervises the Contract C a t h e r i n e B a r b a t whose whereabouts are Compliance Section. These sections comprise the Airport Security unknown shall enter their Toregas, whose address is 4325 Leland Street, appearance in this Division and functions with a combined annual budget in excess of proceeding. Objections C h e v y C h a s e , M D $6 million. In addition, this position is responsible for the operato such appointment 20815, was appointed shall be filed with the personal representative tional oversight of section-assigned contracts such as access control, of the estate of Jean BarRegister of Wills, D.C., security guard services, CCTV and fingerprinting services. Salary 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd bat, who died on NovemFloor Washington, D.C. ber 15, 2013, with a will, range $52150 - $83,726, the State of Maryland offers a generous 20001, on or before June and will serve withCourt benefits package. Please see https://jobs.mdot.state.md.us for com13, 2014. Claims against supervision. All unknown the decedent shall be heirs and heirs whose plete job posting or contact 410-859-7618 for more information. whereabouts are unpresented to the underknown shall enter their signed with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s with the Register of Wills proceeding. Objections with a copy to the under- to such appointment signed, on or before June shall be filed with the 13, 2014, or be forever Register of Wills, D.C., barred. Persons believed 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd to be heirs or legatees of Floor Washington, D.C. the decedent who do not 20001, on or before June receive a copy of this no- 13, 2014. Claims against tice by mail within 25 the decedent shall be days of its first publica- presented to the undertion shall so inform the signed with a copy to the Register of Wills, includ- Register of Wills or filed ing name, address and with the Register of Wills with a copy to the underrelationship. signed, on or before June Date of Publication: 13, 2014, or be forever December 13, 2013 barred. Persons believed Name of newspaper: to be heirs or legatees of Afro-American the decedent who do not Washington Law receive a copy of this noReporter Earl P. Williams, Jr tice by mail within 25 Representative days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, includTRUE TEST COPY ing name, address and REGISTER OF WILLS relationship. Date of Publication: TYPESET: Dec 10 16:02:07 EST 2013 12/13, 12/20Tue & 12/27/13 December 13, 2013 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Superior Court of Washington Law the District of Reporter District of Columbia Catherine Barbat PROBATE DIVISION Toregas Washington, D.C. Personal 20001-2131 Representative Administration No 2013ADM1173 TRUE TEST COPY Lawrence W. Reels REGISTER OF WILLS Decedent NOTICE OF 12/13, 12/20 & 12/27/13 APPOINTMENT, N O T I C E T O CREDITORS Ruth A. Bryant, whose address is 301 37th Street, SE, Apt 101, Washington, DC 20019, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lawrence W. Reels, who died on February 21, 1987, without a will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 13, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 13, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publica-
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Grants Manager Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) – The #1 Ranked Education Program in the USA (For the 5 STRAIGHT YEARS) AND WINNER of the RACE TO THE TOP (RTTT) Grant Fiscal Race-to-the-Top Grants Management opportunity available! The candidate selected for this RTTT contractual position will be responsible for providing overall grant oversight, as well as internal technical assistance for monitoring the financial aspects of the Race-to-the-Top (RTTT) Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers Grant. www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/aboutmsde/jobs MSDE is a State agency that develops & administers education, library, & rehabilitation programs, is on the forefront of standardsbased reform of public education, & is committed to promoting & maintaining a diverse workforce. Annual salary range: to $95,811. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited fouryear college or university; coursework in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, or Public Administration. CPA is desirable. -AND- 5 years of experience in financial management and/or accounting that is inclusive of managing federal grants and/or budget preparation, presentation and execution. Experience with MS Excel and data management software in preferred. Note: a Master’s Degree or CPA License may be substituted for one year of the required experience. To Apply: Reference position RTTT-GRANT & Send/FAX (410333-8950) resume to Office of Human Resources, 200 W. Baltimore Street, Balto. MD. 21201. Applications/ resumes should be received by December 20, 2013. AA/EOE
EXECUTIVE SERVICE RECRUITMENT (SERVES AT THE PLEASURE OF THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY) AIRPORT DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF (4017) DATE POSTED: December 9, 2013 CLOSING DATE: December 27, 2013 GRADE: 0177 SALARY: $59,355 - $91,754 Effective 1/1/2014 LOCATION: Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) An employee in this classification assists the Airport Fire Chief/ Director in the management of the overall emergency services program, along with safety, training and fire prevention programs for the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Fire and Rescue Department (BWI FRD). This position serves as one of two Airport Deputy Fire Chiefs within the BWI FRD. Subordinate personnel are managed through the supervision of Airport Division Fire Chiefs. Work is performed at an airport fire station and at response locations throughout the airport, which are exposed to high noise levels from aircraft. In some emergency situations, the Airport Deputy Fire Chief wears protective clothing and may be exposed to hazardous situations. Employees in this class are considered essential employees and are subject to call-in twentyfour hours a day. In the absence of the Airport Fire Chief/Director, a Deputy may assume the responsibilities associated with this office. In addition, the Deputy will be required to periodically perform training and may be required to perform the duties and responsibilities of an Airport Division Fire Chief. Please see https://jobs.mdot. state.md.us for complete job announcement and application instructions. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of DTS-1 applications, if necessary please call 410-859-7618 for additional information.
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The Afro-American, December 14, 2013 - December 20, 2013