Washington Afro American Newspaper August 9 2014

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The AFRO Celebrates 122 Years

AUGUST 9, 2014 - AUGUST 15, 2014

Experts and Activists Disagree On Impact of Gun Ban Ruling By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent Black leaders, experts,

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and activists disagree on the potential impact to the city’s Black community of a court ruling invalidating the District of Columbia’s ban on carrying firearms in public. On July 26, U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr., who normally sits in the

“Looking at America today, I just don’t see how we are going to make ourselves safer by arming ourselves against each other.” – Ladd Everitt Northern District of New York, ruled that D.C. could no longer enforce its ban until they found a licensing mechanism that passed constitutional muster. Given the relatively few Continued on A4

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July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014, The Afro-American


Volume 123 No. 1

Obama Seeks ‘Long Term’ Partnership with Africa

President Obama speaks at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum during the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.

AP Photo

By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that the federal government and private U.S. companies are investing $33 billion in Africa – $12 billion in new commitments – as part of an overall plan for his administration to strengthen its relation with the world’s second-largest continent. Speaking to nearly 50 African heads of state and top officials at the U.S.-Africa Summit at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in the nation’s capital, Obama said: “As president, I’ve made it clear

that the United States is determined to be a partner in Africa’s success – a good partner, an equal partner, and a partner for the long term. Although this is the largest gathering of African leaders ever convened by a U.S. president, China has had several such conferences and has a strong presence in Africa, building infrastructure and making loans, without attaching the United States’ concerns about democracy or human rights. Offering an indirect contrast to China’s presence in Africa, President Obama said, “We don’t look to Africa simply for its Continued on A4

Barry Men with Traffic Problems in the News By Valencia Mohammed Special to the AFRO


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DC Councilmember Marion S. Barry (D-Ward 8) and his son, Marion C. Barry are back in the news with more traffic problems. According to Gwendolyn Crump, spokeswoman for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, Barry was involved in an accident with injury at approximately 9:15

p.m. on Aug. 2 in the 2900 block of Pennsylvania Avenue SE. He was cited for driving on the wrong side of street, failure to have insurance, and for an unregistered vehicle. Both drivers were transported to the hospital. LaToyer Foster, public information officer for Barry,77, said he suffered a hypoglycemic attack and became disoriented. As a result, he caused a minor

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press the councilmember was involved in an accident, which is against MPD protocol. Assuming the worst, the press

“So instead of protecting people, I’m advised that @DCPoliceDept called news media to come film my hypoglycemic attack & accident? Sad.” – “tweet” by Marion Barry

ran to the scene, some leading off news clips speculating the accident was due to drugs. On Monday, Barry fired back with a tweet criticizing police unethical behavior. @marionbarryjr tweeted – “So instead of protecting people, I’m advised that @ DCPoliceDept called news media to come film my hypoglycemic attack & accident? Sad.” Continued on A5

D.C. Area Sweeps Nominations at Ford Neighborhood Awards Show By Maria Adebola Special to the AFRO



fender-bender. The incident became top news when allegedly a police officer notified the


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Host Steve Harvey on stage last year at the 2013 Ford Neighborhood Awards.

Photo by Jacinda Chen

Last year’s winner for best community leader, Stan Richards of the Richards Group Foundation will be among the ten D.C. area finalist nominated in the 12th annual Ford Neighborhood Awards Show for the second time. “This event celebrates and honors the people who are working for the betterment of our community,” radio producer Rushion McDonald said. “What we do is shine the light on the jewels and diamonds in our community.” Continued on A3

The week of events included the East/West Vintage Baseball Game.

Local Maryland Organization Hosts Week on Black Baseball By LaTrina Antoine Washington D.C. Editor An organization in Prince George’s County, Md. held its sixth annual week of celebration, July 31 to Aug. 1, dedicated to teaching youth the history of Blacks in baseball. “I would like our residents and youths to know more about the untold stories of some great baseball players who were not able to play in Major League Baseball. Because of segregation, Continued on A5

Copyright © 2014 by the Afro-American Company


The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

NATION & WORLD Parents of Ga. Teenage Boy Found Dead in Rolled Mat Sues School Officials

Parents of deceased17-year-old Kendrick Johnson, found rolled up in a gym mat at his school gym, filed a lawsuit July 28 against school officials. In the lawsuit, the family claims the school’s lack of action led to the wrongful death of the South Georgia teenager. Johnson’s body was found by classmates in the middle of a mat propped upright against the wall of Lowndes High School gym on Jan. 11, 2013. Investigators with the Sheriff’s office concluded the teenager died in a “freak accident,� when he climbed into the center of the gym mat to retrieve his shoe and got stuck. However, a pathologist hired by Kenneth and Jacquelyn Johnson, the teenager’s parents, refuted the official conclusion. According to the pathologist, Johnson’s death was the result of blunt trauma to his neck, leading him to deem

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The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 www.afro.com Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Washington Publisher Emerita - Frances L. Murphy II Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr. President - Benjamin M. Phillips IV Executive Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8222 Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 - lhowze@afro.com Baltimore Advertising Manager Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 - rblount@afro.com Director of Finance - Jack Leister - 410-554-8242 Archivist - Ja-Zette Marshburn - 410-554-8265 Director, Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Editor - Dorothy Boulware News Editor - Gregory Dale Washington D.C. Editor - LaTrina Antoine Production Department - 410-554-8288 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Sammy Graham - 410-554-8266

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Kendrick Johnson

the death a homicide. The lawsuit against the county school board, school superintendent, and the principal claimed they knew about the attack on Johnson and seeks to holds them responsible. According to the lawsuit, Johnson was “violently assaulted, severely injured, suffered great physical pain, and mental anguish,� in addition to being subjected

to insult and loss of life. The complaint states that school officials were aware of an attack on Johnson by a White student, during a bus trip in 2012. It is unclear whether the same student who fought with Johnson had a role in his death. This lawsuit comes after Johnson’s parents filed a negligence lawsuit against the school district. The first lawsuit filed by his parents claimed Johnson’s constitutional right to equal protection based on race was violated. This lawsuit is ongoing. According to CBSNews, Johnson’s parents are seeking unspecified monetary damages from the school system in both lawsuits.

Roots of Tuskegee’s New President Herald Great Things for the Historic Institution

As one of his first official duties as the seventh president of historic Tuskegee University Brian Johnson presided over a commencement on Aug. 1. Making the occasion even more auspicious was the summer commencement’s keynote speaker–a giant among HBCU educators: Dorothy Cowser Yancy, president emerita at Shaw and Johnson C. Smith universities, HBCUs in Raleigh, N.C., and Charlotte, N.C., respectively. Yancy was Johnson’s mentor during his matriculation at Johnson C. Smith, and he later authored the official institutional and presidential history of Yancy’s tenure at

the helm of that institution, The Yancy Years: the Age of Infrastructure, Technology and Restoration (2008). An Alabama native, Yancy served as the 12th president of Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) and the 14th and 16th president of Shaw Tuskegee University University. At Shaw from Brian Johnson presided 2009-2010, she rescued the over a commencement institution’s finances and on Aug. 1. recruited one of the largest freshmen classes in the history of the university. She retired September 2010, according to a press release. She returned to Shaw on Sept. 1, 2011, after the campus had been torn apart by a tornado in April. One year later, the devastation had been abated and all buildings were back in use. She also led the university through five program accreditation reviews and the regular SACSCOC reaffirmation. Yancy saw similar success at JCSU, where she served as president from October 1994 to June 2008. She raised more than $145 million for the university during that period, and was heralded as one of the best fundraisers nationally. Additionally, JCSU’s endowment more than tripled from $14 million to $53 million, and JCSU became the first HBCU to become an IBM “Thinkpad� University, among other honors. Johnson, who assumed Tuskegee’s helm in June, is also that institution’s youngest president at age 40. He came to Tuskegee from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tenn., where he was interim vice president for strategic planning and institutional effectiveness and assistant vice provost/assistant vice president for academic affairs. Before joining Austin Peay in 2010, Johnson served as chief of staff in the president’s office at JCSU. The historic presidency of Alabama State University’s first female chief continues to be shrouded in controversy.


The Afro-American, July 5, 2014 - July 5, 2014

August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American


Church Trains Congregation to Recognize, Respond to Mental Illness By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO Congregants of Edgewood Baptist Church in Southeast, recently participated in a groundbreaking training program to teach parishioners to recognize and respond to signs of mental illness. Mental Health First Aid, an 8-hour course managed by the National Council for Behavioral Health, was designed to provide faith-based communities the practical skills necessary to assist those struggling with mental illness. With one in three African Americans in need of mental health care, receiving it, and a lack of diagnoses and treatment have left millions in need. In addition to a lack of diagnoses, African Americans are less likely than other groups to start or continue treatment once a condition is detected. According to Tamara Warren Chinyani, Ph.D., a Mental Health First Aid course instructor, the training addresses cultural biases that may prevent African Americans from seeking help. “African Americans tend to turn to family, religious, and social communities for emotional support, but

“We are not asking members to become clinicians, but are giving them tools so that they have an awareness of signs and symptoms and become the catalyst for getting others to the treatment they need.” – Tamara Warren-Chinyani sometimes involving a health care professional is necessary,” she said. “Churches are a starting point within the AfricanAmerican community and often serve as the first point of contact for health concerns. “We are not asking members to become clinicians, but are giving them tools so that they have an awareness of signs and symptoms and become the catalyst for getting others to the treatment they need,” Warren-Chinyani said. For Warren-Chinyani, who has worked as a mental health advocate and educator for more than 15 years, the stigmas attached to mental illness among African Americans are reminiscent of those faced during the 1990s with HIV awareness. “No one would have believed that much of the stigma attached to HIV testing and treatment would be removed

as a result of church outreach. The church was critical in lessening it by offering free testing, counseling, assistance with medical services, and additional outreach and support. That same opportunity exists with mental health,” she said. Edgewood Baptist Church Pastor Frankey Grayton said the support of clergy often gives a person permission to ask for the assistance they need and in the process, gain a degree of hope that recovery is possible. “I had a counseling session with one person and realized after prayer that it was negligent of me to ignore that additional mental health issues needed to be addressed. The average person does not know what to do when they encounter someone who may be struggling with mental health concerns. If a person enters the church injured or Photo by Shantella Y. Sherman bleeding, we would not let Pastor Frankey Grayton and Mental Health First Aid course instructor Tamara Warrenthem walk back out onto the Chinyani quiz church participants on mental health material. street without treating them or ensuring they had care. We are determined to address mental training for me to get an understanding of different types of illness in the same manner,” Grayton said. mental illness, including how to recognize symptoms over Edgewood Baptist Church follows several other churches periods of time. I believe the African-American community is nationally, in offering the Mental Health First Aid course, largely overlooking a lot of cases by not knowing. As a church, including the neighboring First Baptist Church, pastored by Dr. we can help others by being alert and ready,” Cooper said. Harold Brooks Jr. ‘It is the duty of the Church to address needs Mental Health First Aid is an international evidenceand suffering. Jesus fed the people, then healed them. Jesus was based education program designed to improve participants’ not only there to meet spiritual needs, but also the physical and knowledge and modify their attitudes and perceptions about mental needs of those suffering,” said Grayton, who points to a mental health-related issues including how to respond to considerable increase in the frequency of mental health issues individuals experiencing one or more acute mental health in the D.C. metropolitan area. While he cannot conclusively tie crises, or are in the early stages of one or more chronic the increase to the closing of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, he said mental health problems (i.e., depressive, anxiety, and or the closure has prompted churches to fill the void. psychotic disorders, which may occur with substance abuse). Filling the void, is precisely what led worshipper Towanna Organizations seeking additional information may visit Cooper to attend the course. “It was important through this Chinyani Communications at chincom.org.

D.C. Area Sweeps Nominations

Continued from A1

“What we do is shine the light on the jewels and diamonds in our community.” – Rushion McDonald Best High School Coach, Best Nail Salon, Best School Teacher, Best Car Wash, Best Church Choir, Best Soul Food Restaurant, Best Barber Shop, Best High School, Best Barbecue Restaurant, Best Beauty Salon, Best Church, and Best Community Leader. Television and radio

what America stands on,” McDonald added. The four-day celebration is funded through ticket sales and sponsorships from Ford Motor Company and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. The event will run from Aug. 7 - 10. The award ceremony

nominations. Here is the list of the nominated finalists and the nomination categories: * Polish’d Nail Salon for Best Nail Salon * Paula Almond from HD Woodson Senior High School for Best High School Coach * Adrian Ward of Aberdeen High School for Best School Teacher * Simply Delightful Soul Food and Catering for Best Soul Food * Pro Wash Inc. and Divine Hands Second Street Car Wash for Best Car Was/ Detail * Smoke Stack’s House of BBQ for Best Barbecue * Stand Richards of the Richards Group Foundation

for Nest Community Leader * First Baptist Church of Glenarden for Best Church First Baptist Church of Glenarden has won the award for best church four times in addition to winning the title last year.

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will be held at Philips Arena in Atlanta, Ga. According to McDonald, more than 100,000 people are expected to attend the show. The starstudded expo will feature performances and appearances from Robin Thicke, Chrisette Michele, India Arie, Anthony Hamilton, Tamela Mann, and many other Photo by Jacinda Chen celebrities. McDonald The 2013 Best Community Leader winner Stan Richards, of The said the Richards Group Foundation, with wife Chereace Richards on left, and “wholesome Ford Motor Company’s Shawn Thompson on the right. fun show, with twelve dynamic The 12th Annual Ford host Steve Harvey along moments surrounded by a lot Neighborhood Awards, with McDonald created and of comedy and a lot of fun called “The Hoodie Awards,” hosted the event. According music,” will award 12 nonhonors and recognizes local to McDonald, the event traditional awards to local businesses, religious and reminds people who live in leaders and facilities that have community leaders, educators, the community to look back been nominated by people and institutions from across and be proud of its resources from across the country. The the United States for their and the people who are doing nominated finalists will be contributions and services to something impactful. “Most treated to an expense paid their neighborhoods. of these people we honor trip to Atlanta, plus hotel The 12 Neighborhood help build up the community accommodations until the end Awards categories include: by hiring folks, and they are of the four-day celebration. According to the event spokesperson, D.C. has garnered the most

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A4 The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

Americans Benefit from Helping Africans By Latrina Antoine Washington D.C. Editor Increasing United States investment opportunities in Africa could help the economy create more jobs for Americans, according to U.S. officials. “Our economic and commercial partnership is a two way street,” Penny Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, told African leaders at the U.S.-Africa Summit. “Goods and services exports from the U.S. to African markets support roughly 250,000 jobs here at home.” Pritzer announced several new initiatives that will begin to strengthen the business relationships with the U.S. and Africa, including 10 new trade missions to Africa and 10 reverse trade missions to the U.S. by 2020. She also said the Commerce Department created “a one stop shop web portal,” trade.gov/ dbia to assist U.S. industry engagement in Africa. The fiscal portal enables

American businesses to learn about African markets, find financing tools, and discover potential projects, contacts, and resources. Ashish J. Thakkar, founder and managing director of Mara Group, a pan-African multi-sector business headquartered in Dubai, introduced a panel on “Expanding Opportunities: The New Era For Business In Africa.” The panel was part of the Africa Business Forum of the summit. Panelists discussed the future of U.S.-African partnerships and identified ways in which both countries could strengthen business ties and enable greater economic progress, such as investing in education, energy and infrastructure. The panel, moderated by former President Bill Clinton, included Aliko Dangote, president and CEO of Dangote Group; Jeff Immelt, CEO at General Electric; Andrew N. Liveris, president, chairman & CEO at The Dow

Chemical Company, Phuti Mahanyele, CEO at Shanduka Group; and Doug McMillon, president and CEO, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. According to Bloomberg L.P., the host for the forum, foreign investment in African economies will reach a record $80 billion in 2014 with many U.S. companies leading the way, such as IBM. However, there are significant business and financial opportunities that remain untapped, Bloomberg said. When asked what could U.S. businesses could do to accelerate the process of investing in Africa, Immelt replied, “The number one thing is get local.” He said there needs to be local flexibility risk-based financing along with regional integration in Africa,


The Commerce Department created “a one stop shop web portal” to assist U.S. industry engagement in Africa.

such as an East African alliance. Mahanyele said investment in the youth of Africa was a huge contribution to helping the advancement of U.S.-Africa investment. “The key issue is making sure youth are educated to continue the growth of our continent,” she said. Agreeing that a way to spur greater economic investment in Africa through education young people, Liveris said American companies could bring supply chains and training that would be a generational move. He said Africa can move faster than other countries, in economic development, if American companies focused on working with African schools. “I think the U.S.-Africa summit is history in the making,” Thakkar said. “Instead of bringing silicon valley to Africa, let’s bring Africa to silicon valley.”

Obama Seeks ‘Long Term’ Partnership

Continued from A1

natural resources; we recognize Africa for its greatest resource, which is its people and its talents and their potential. We don’t simply want to extract minerals from the ground for our growth; we want to build genuine partnerships that create jobs and opportunity for all our peoples and that unleash the next era of African growth. That’s the kind of partnership America offers.” Obama announced five steps that he said will “take our trade with Africa to the next level.” • Work to renew the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA); • Provide $7 billion in new financing to promote American exports to Africa as part of the “Doing Business in Africa” campaign; • Partner with Africa to expand electricity, a requirement for economies to flourish; • Help African countries trade with one another and • Do more to empower the next generation of African entrepreneurs. Most of the government funding will come from existent U.S. development banks and therefore will not require new spending approval from Congress. The United States does most of its trading in Africa, primarily in the energy sector, with just three countries – South Africa, Nigeria and Angola. “Our entire trade with all of Africa is still only about equal to our trade with Brazil – one country,” the president stated. “Of all the goods we export to the world, only about 1 percent goes to Sub-Saharan Africa. So we’ve got a lot of work to do. We have to do better – much better. I want Africans buying more American products. I want Americans buying more African products.” Obama said, “I’m pleased that in conjunction with this forum,

American companies are announcing major new deals in Africa. Blackstone will invest in African energy projects. Coca-Cola will partner with Africa to bring clean water to its communities. GE will help build African infrastructure. Marriott will build more hotels. All told, American companies – many with our trade assistance – are announcing new deals in clean energy, aviation, banking, and construction worth more than $14 billion, spurring development across Africa and selling more goods stamped with that proud label, ‘Made in America.’” After the president’s speech, on-stage interview with Takunda Chingonzo, a 21-year-old wireless executive in Zimbabwe, illustrated the complexity of relations in Africa. Chingonzo said, “I’m working on my third startup – it’s called Saisai. We’re creating Zimbabwe’s first free Internetaccess network, hence liberating the Internet. So in our working, we came to a point in time where we needed to import a bit of technology from the United States, and so we were engaging in conversation with these U.S.-based businesses. And the response that we got time and time again was that unfortunately we cannot do business with you because you are from Zimbabwe.” He continued, “…And I understand that the sanctions that we have – that are imposed on entities in Zimbabwe, these are targeted sanctions, right? But then we have come to a point in time where we as young Africans are failing to properly engage in business with U.S.-based entities because there hasn’t been that clarity.” Obama said, “Well, obviously, the situation in Zimbabwe is somewhat unique. The challenge for us in the United States has been how do we balance our desire to help the people of Zimbabwe with what has, frankly, been a repeated violation of basic democratic practices and human rights inside of

Zimbabwe. “And we think it is very important to send clear signals about how we expect elections to be conducted, governments to be conducted – because if we don’t, then all too often, with impunity, the people of those countries can suffer. But you’re absolutely right that it also has to be balanced with making sure that whatever structures that we put in place with respect to sanctions don’t end up punishing the very people inside those countries.” The U.S. has a diplomatic presence in Harare and, like the European Union, has been moving toward normalizing relations with Zimbabwe. Obama said technology will forever alter how countries in Africa and elsewhere around the world are governed. “The reason the Internet is so powerful is because it’s open,” Obama explained. “…And what facilitates that, and what has facilitated the incredible value that’s been built by companies like Google and Facebook and so many others, all the applications that you find on your smartphone, is that there are not restrictions, there are not barriers to entry for new companies who have a good idea to use this platform that is open to create value. And it is very important I think that we maintain that. “Now, I know that there’s a tension in some countries – their attitude is we don’t necessarily want all this information flowing because it can end up also being used as a tool for political organizing, it can be used as a tool to criticize the government, and so maybe we’d prefer a system that is more closed. I think that is a self-defeating attitude. Over the long term, because of technology, information, knowledge, transparency is inevitable. And that’s true here in the United States; it’s true everywhere.”

period in 2013.” A 1991 study in the New England Journal of Medicine, conducted by a research group at the University of Maryland and University at Albany, examined suicides and homicides in D.C. compared with nearby cities from 1968 to 1987 in light of the District’s 1976 ban on guns – which was overturned in 2008. “Our data suggest that restrictions on access to guns in the District of Columbia prevented an average of 47 deaths each year after the law was implemented,” the authors concluded. The numbers were based on the weapons-choice theory, i.e., when guns aren’t available, people use less deadly forms of force, resulting in fewer deaths. “People who have weapons on them perceive things in their environment through that lens,” said Everitt. “Looking at America today, I just don’t see how we are going to make ourselves safer by arming ourselves against each other.” If Judge Scullin’s ruling is allowed to stand, those crime statistics could get worse, anti-gun violence advocates say, and African Americans will suffer the most. “The Black community both in D.C. and nationally is disproportionately impacted by firearm violence,” said Bieler. For example, Metropolitan Police Department statistics show firearms are the primary weapon of choice to commit homicide in the District. In fact, between 2007 and 2011, three out of five murders were committed with a firearm. And, in the District, African Americans are most often the victims of homicides – in 2011, Black males comprised 81 percent and Black females comprised 9 percent of all homicide victims. More specifically, Bieler said, African Americans accounted

for 68 percent of all firearm homicides in 2010 though they represented only 50.7 percent of the District’s population. Researchers said comprehensive statistics on crimes involving concealed-carried firearms are not available. But, according to a report released by the Violence Policy Center in June, individuals legally allowed to carry concealed handguns were responsible for 481 incidents in D.C. and 36 states, including at least 28 mass shootings, since May 2007. Based on news reports, the study showed those incidents resulted in the deaths of 644 people – and there could be even more cases. “These numbers give the lie to claims by the NRA and the gun industry that concealed carry improves public safety,” said VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann in a statement. “The Concealed Carry Killers database reveals a horrifying list of deadly incidents committed by people legally allowed to carry concealed handguns in public.” Malik Shabazz, of the D.C.-based Black Lawyers for Justice, disagreed with the “alarmists,” saying Scullin’s decision will not have “an adverse effect on the Black community.” The self-defense advocate said, “The right to self-defense is an important one. People will be less likely to assault other individuals if they know that person has the right to defend themselves and could be armed.” Shabazz also challenged the effectiveness of gun laws in curbing violence in Black communities. “When the laws have been restrictive, the homicide rates were as high as ever,” he said. “The overall safety of our community is not related to handgun laws but how we conduct ourselves . . . It is dependent on African-American leadership and our working together as a community to protect our youth.”

Experts and Activists

Continued from A1

D.C. residents who legally own firearms and a 90-day stay pending appeal secured by the D.C. attorney general’s office, Scullin’s ruling “will have a very small if any impact” in the short-term, said Samuel Bieler, research associate with The Urban Institute. The long-term effects of the decision, should the ruling be upheld, are less clear. City officials, politicians, and anti-violence activists almost unanimous dissented, saying it undermines the city’s safety. Democratic nominee for mayor, Councilmember Muriel Bowser said in a statement that the ruling was “troubling and poses a serious threat to public safety in the District of Columbia.” And, she promised to “fight for laws that protect our residents, reduce violent crime, and keep our city safe.” Ladd Everitt, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said he is most concerned about the Metro Police Department’s decision – in light of Scullin’s ruling—to charge only those non-D.C. residents with felony convictions for carrying firearms publicly. “That means anyone with a rap sheet of misdemeanors a mile long can carry guns in our city,” he said. “This is not a good thing.” Carol Schwartz, an independent mayoral candidate, shared those sentiments, saying the District’s tough gun laws are necessary. “Here in DC, we all value our strong gun control laws and not without reason. Less than 25 years ago, we were called the ‘murder capital,’ with 478 homicides in 1990,” she said in a statement. “We have come a long way in rectifying that situation. While our population has grown considerably since then, our homicides were reduced to 88 in 2012. Alarmingly, though, this year at mid-point, July 1st, 2014, we have experienced 59 murders, a 55% increase over the same

August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American


Connecting Resources with Needs

Brother’s Brother Foundation Celebrates One-Year Anniversary in Metro Area By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO Brother’s Brother Foundation, one of the nation’s leading charitable organizations recently celebrated its first anniversary in the D.C. metro area with an open house that brought together more than 100 guests. Touted internationally, since 2009, as one of the most efficient charities, Brother’s Brother Foundation promotes international health and education through the efficient and effective distribution and provision of donated medical, educational and other resources. Ruth Anderson, director, Virginia Supply Program for Brother’s Brother Foundation / Northern Virginia said the importance of the new location can be found in the ongoing need for equipment and supplies at area hospitals, far removed from their headquarters in Pittsburgh. “[Pittsburgh] receives medical equipment and donations from a large geographic area; however, because of their distance away from this D.C. metro area, which has many

hospital systems with dozens of hospitals, it was important to launch a new location for collecting donations and shipping donations in this area,” Anderson said. “Hospitals are continually changing out beds, other equipment and updating their supplies. As they bring in more modern equipment and newer supplies, their desire is to recycle (versus throw away in a landfill) the old items. BBF provides a way for them to recycle and partner with humanitarian work at the same time… and prevents usable items from being put in landfills.” Since the launch last year, BBF has picked up donations from 15 medical facility locations in Virginia, Maryland and D.C. which had not previously donated supplies. BBF provides a service to these facilities while at the same time receiving donations. BBF is one of only three charities rated by Forbes to earn 100 percent fundraising efficiency and 100 percent charitable commitment. In addition to celebrating their oneyear anniversary in the area, the open house, held July 26 in Fairfax, gave potential volunteers and the larger community an opportunity to learn more about the organization.

“This location picks up and ships supplies just as the Pittsburgh location does. One additional process the Virginia location is responsible for…is a major sorting function. Medical manufacturers and hospitals often donate packs of outdated surgical trays and miscellaneous equipment. Staff and volunteers open all of the trays and boxes and retrieve thousands of usable items,” Anderson said. Dorothy Hess, a retired nurse, living in McLean, called BBF’s efforts a godsend for area hospitals. Having witnessed the rise in the cost of both services and equipment during her 28 years at D.C. General Hospital, Hess said donations and volunteers become critical to providing quality medical services. “The D.C. area is full of hospitals that are struggling and dealing with patients who have chronic conditions that require more than triage or clinic services. Some of that burden is lifted when you have core materials and equipment donated,” Hess, 67, said. For more information, visit: brothersbrother.org.

Barry Men

Continued from A1 MPD denied the accusation. “MPD is unaware of this allegation, as this is prohibited by MPD policy. If someone has information about an MPD officer violating policy, we will investigate it. Our Public Information Office did however respond to specific media inquiries, as usual, with general information,” said Crump. Barry was taken to Howard University Hospital where he was treated, observed, and released unharmed. Former Sen. Charles Moreland (D-DC) drove Barry from the hospital to church services and later to an international event with D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray and African leaders. “Councilmember Barry came into the office today while calls of support and concern kept coming,” said Foster. On another note, the councilmember’s son, “Christopher” as he is affectionately called, goes back to court on Aug. 7, for a detention hearing for driving with a revoked license. The court appearance stems from a May incident where Christopher, 34, was stopped by police for driving under the influence of alcohol.

He was released on his own recognizance. Christopher’s driver’s license was revoked. He was ordered not to drive until further notice. But the younger Barry ignored the court order and was caught driving on July 31, without a permit. According to court records, Christopher was also in the possession of an orange bag with the name “Scooby Snacks” written on it. Scooby Do or K2 as is a synthetic marijuana-like substance. The product is sold in many gas stations and corner stores owned by Ethiopians and Asians. In December, 2012, the council adopted harsh laws to imprison for six months any person in possession of the substance. However, no penalties were passed on the retailer. “In 2012, D.C. Councilmembers ignored community concerns that making possession of synthetic marijuana a crime would put young people at risk of arrest,” said Grant Smith, deputy director with the Drug Policy Alliance. “Possession and use of synthetic marijuana should be treated as a health issue. It has no

place in D.C.’s criminal justice system.” Christopher was not charged with the

substance. Family attorney Frederick Cooke Jr. could not be reached for comment.

Look alive. Good times are ahead. Stations Now Open

Local Maryland Organization

Continued from A1

Graduate School USA is a private, not-for-profit educational institution not affiliated with the Federal Government or any Federal agency or department.










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mentioning of all the good news in our communities . . . there are many that are making a positive difference every day, so let’s talk about it,” Sims said. He said he hopes the week motivates the youth to become more curious about the history in their communities. Not only did Harris win an award at the week’s concluding event, he was also Descendants of the late Negro League Legend Frank a guest speaker along with Evans (who inspired Dwayne to create the Negro League U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards Legends Hall of Fame, Inc.): Evans’ daughters Brenda, (D-Md.) at the baseball game. Yvonne, Jeanette and Elizabeth, and granddaughter “Keeping historical moments Jewel strike a pose while viewing the NLLHOF wall at alive enriches our lives every Carolina Kitchen & Grill in Hyattsville, Md. day,” Harris told the crowd at GSUSA Ad 2 -You Max WashAfro 9.56 the x 6_GSUSA stadium.AP1-Fine-Tuned WashAfro 9.56x6 7/15/14 1:02 PM Page 1 they were denied the opportunity to play America’s game of baseball,” Dwayne Renal Sims, founder of the Negro League Legends Hall of Fame, said. The week included a signing of Sims’ book, Scurlock – Negro Leagues at the Bowie Public Library on Hall Road, a Black Baseball Exhibit presentation at the Working full-time but still want to learn or build your career? Smithsonian Museum in Graduate School USA caters to working adults like you who Anacostia, an auto car show, are motivated to achieve new goals and future advancement. and the East/West Vintage First-timers. Career-changers. Lifelong learners. We offer Baseball Game at the Prince George’s Stadium located on associate degrees and certificates in areas like Federal Crain Highway. The youth Accounting & Auditing, Legal Studies in Law & Government played a role in each event and Mediation, plus Government Program and Nonprofit by being hosts, helpers, or Management. GSUSA is even debuting a new Cybersecurity as presenters of awards to program this fall. Financial aid for qualifying students and career recognize individuals helping to make a difference in the services are also available. Your future is here for the finding. lives of young Black children. “It is important to Apply now. Fall semester starts August 25th. introduce the youth to a sport that they are not choosing to play and one of the reasons is that there are not enough ball parks being built in their communities,” Sims said. Leon Harris, anchor 88 courses. 12 degrees. 13 certificates. with WJLA 7 ABC News, received the Spirit Award for his charity Harris’ graduateschool.edu/academic | admissions@graduateschool.edu | 202.314.3643 Heroes. “There is not enough




The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 13, 2014

COMMUNITY CONNECTION Teens Count Premiers ‘Success. . . A Journey? Dream Big and Fly!’

Chuck Brown, Godfather of Go-go Releases Final Album

Teens Count proudly presents Success. . . A Journey? Dream Big and Fly! a theatrical production written by our summer youth program participants. The production is a story about young girls struggling to find their identity, and learning how to code switch their way to a successful


Success…A Journey? Dream Big and Fly! premiers on Aug. 8th.

life through friendship, love, and art. The play premiers on Aug. 8th at 2pm at Saint Fancis De Sales (Educational Building), located at 2021 Rhode Island Ave., N.E., Washington, DC. Teens Count takes an innovative approach to career exploration using Theater, Marketing and AudioVisual Technology as youth development activities. Approximately 50 Washington, DC students (ages 16-21) work during the 6-week summer program to learn all production aspects. Participants cast, produce and market all components of their production and engage in relevant learning opportunities.

The Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will host its 15th annual scholarship crabfeast on Aug. 22.

Upper Marlboro, Md.

AKAs to Host 15th Annual Scholarship Crabfest

The Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will host its 15th annual scholarship crabfeast on Aug. 22 from 8 p.m. to midnight at The Show Place Arena, 14900 Pennsylvania Ave., Upper Marlboro, Md. For ticket information, please contact Tania Davis @upsilontauomega crabfeast@gmail.com.

make your dollar beautiful




At participating McDonald’s. Excludes McCafé® beverages, orange juice and coffee. A la carte only. ©2014 The Coca-Cola Company. “Coca-Cola” and “Dasani” are registered trademarks of the Coca-Cola Company. ©2014 McDonald’s.

Chuck Brown’s last album Beautiful Life will be released Chuck Brown’s last album Beautiful Life on August will be released on August 19. 19. The new album contains an intro by Doug E. Fresh, collaborations with rapper Wale, R&B diva Faith Evans, R&B star Raheem DeVaughn, local DC icon Sugar Bear, Gospel Singer and winner of BET’s 2009 Sunday’s Best Y’Anna Crawley, as well as three new songs by the Chuck Brown Band featuring his daughter KK, Frank Sirius, and Ms. Yendy. The new album will be available at Best Buy, Walmart, FYE, DTLR, Sports Zone Elite, and other retailers and on iTunes and all digital outlets. Largo, Md.

WSSC to Hosts Public Meeting

WSSC is hosting a meeting Aug. 12 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Prince George’s County RMS Building, room 308 located at 1400 McCormick Drive, Largo, Md. Proposed changes to customers’ bills will be discussed. The proposed changes are part of an effort to shift the billing system to a more modern, equitable and predictable approach to gathering revenue. Customers shouldn’t assume the changes will lead to higher bills. The proposal aims to lower future rate increases.

August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014 The Afro-American



Ray Rice: The New Poster Boy for Domestic Violence Last week I was in Jacksonville, Fla. on the Marissa Alexander case. She’s the Black woman who received a sentence of 20 years for avoiding shooting her abusive husband by firing into the ceiling to back him off from beating her up again. He’d already done so, causing her to have premature delivery of her baby just 9 days before the shooting incident. She’s currently out on bail, facing a Dr. E. Faye Williams new trial and State Attorney TriceEdney Wire Service columnist Angela Corey who prosecuted the Trayvon Martin case is threatening to ask for 60 years this time. While in Florida, I became aware of the Ray Rice case where he hit his fiancé so hard that he knocked her unconscious. Domestic abuse is commonplace, and many think this should make Rice the new poster boy for domestic violence. Steve Smith – the brash, big mouth sports analyst – used the occasion to comment on women provoking such abuse. The reaction to his comment quickly made him want to take it back! Months went by after the 2014 Valentine’s Day incident

to be Janay Palmer out of an elevator. We understand both were arrested and released. The police report indicated they were not sure of what happened. Rice and Ms. Palmer were not married at the time of this tragic event, but they were married soon thereafter – which leads one to wonder if their marriage occurred to dampen the impact of his brutality – possibly to prevent her from testifying in case there was a trial in the matter. There was a time when something like this happened, nothing would be said. To show how far the women’s movement has come, there is more outrage about how the NFL handled the matter than about the act itself. That outrage has shown that the NFL should get the message that violence against women cannot continue to go on. People are paying more attention to the punishment rendered in cases like this involving people in the limelight; no longer will men with money have a walk in the park in domestic violence cases. The overwhelming reaction to the penalty warned team executives to be very careful how they handle these cases. All of us who work against domestic violence daily, and sympathizers, can sleep just a little bit better – not because of the action taken by the league, but because of the reaction of the public to the penalty. Smith must be wondering if what he said was that bad. People responded to his comments, which he had a right to

“Admittedly, we don’t know what happened before we saw Rice dragging a woman we now know to be Janay Palmer out of an elevator.” was widely publicized. This happened only after Rice received a little slap on the wrist from the National Football League for his egregious behavior. Admittedly, we don’t know what happened before we saw Rice dragging a woman we now know

The High Cost of Injustice

Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist

What if we did not incarcerate people who commit non-violent crimes? Or, if we sentenced them, what if their sentences were reasonable, instead of intolerable? What if a man who steals a $159 jacket while high gets drug treatment and a sentence of, say, two years, instead of a sentence of life imprisonment without parole? How much would we save if legally mandated minimum sentences were modified and nonviolent drug offenses

were more reasonably imposed? Marc Mauer of the Sentencing Project says that eliminating more than 79,000 bed years, or the amount of time a prisoner uses a bed in prison, could save at least $2.4 billion. That is enough to send nearly a million students to college if the $25,000 covers the cost of attendance (which it does for most state schools and Historically Black Colleges and Universities). It could put nearly half a million teachers in underserved K-12 schools. It could restore availability to libraries and parks. Instead, we spend it incarcerating people, particularly those who are locked up for relatively minor crimes. The $2.4 billion that the Sentencing Project has calculated

may be a low estimate. According to the Justice Department, more than $80 billion is spent on incarceration annually. How much of this spending is unnecessary and could be easily converted to drug treatment and recovery? Why do we find it so easy to incarcerate people but so difficult to rehabilitate them, knowing that the recidivism rates are high? Within five years of incarceration, more than three-quarters are rearrested. Most were arrested for property crimes, not for drug offenses, or violent offenses. Much of the property crime could be alleviated if it was easier for ex-offenders to find employment, but after incarceration, many find the doors of employment slammed in their faces. Incarceration combined with education and societal embrace might reduce recidivism and the level of property crime. President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are moving in the right direction. First, the president moved to reform drug sentencing laws, reducing the discrepancy between crack and powdered cocaine. This resulted in the Smarter Sentencing Act, which has yet to be scheduled for a vote in Congress and the Senate, despite bipartisan support for this legislation. Advocates of the bill, including the ACLU, the Sentencing Project, the NAACP and many others support the legislation and have encouraged people to reach out to their congressional representatives to push for a vote on this legislation. The United States represents just 5 percent of the world population, but incarcerates more than a quarter of the world’s incarcerated. Nearly half of those incarcerated in federal prisons are African American. Is there a bias here? African Americans are as likely as Whites to commit nonviolent drug

The GOP: Chaos is Their Goal

Three events occurred in the tight confines of Capitol NNPA Columnist Hill last week that underscore the Republican Party’s extraordinary institutional decline and its responsibility for the Congress’ fully deserving its “do-nothing” label. First, early in the week, all but seven Republicans in the GOP – controlled House of Representatives voted to give Speaker of the House John Boehner of Ohio the go-ahead to sue President Obama because they claim his executive orders are in violation of the constitution. The purpose of that “political stunt” – the president’s words for the lawsuit, which he and the Democrats have come to relish for the 2014 campaign – is to keep alive the GOP’s rhetoric about impeaching the president if the November elections give them control of the Senate. Secondly, later in the week Boehner was forced to give up on a GOP-drafted bill to authorize emergency funds for the government’s efforts to cope with the sudden crisis of undocumented immigrant children massing at the U.S-Mexico border. The first-level reason for that stunning rebuke of a Speaker of the House by his own party members was that GOP hard-line conservatives made it clear they wouldn’t vote for their own party’s bill. But what made the rebuke to Boehner even more humiliating was the week’s third noteworthy event –which was actually a facet the second. That was that the hard-liners had been urged on by the Tea Party’s favorite U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz of Texas. According to numerous media reports, Cruz had met with a dozen or more

Lee A. Daniels

of the House hard-liners the night before the scheduled July 31 vote to declare his opposition to it. The next day, Boehner, clearly seeing he didn’t have the votes for passage, pulled the bill from consideration. Boehner allies in the House pledged to try to get a spending measure enacted before Congress broke for the summer recess. But the real point of the week’s developments had been made – reinforcing what has been evident since President Obama took office. First, in the midst of a crisis, when America’s national government needs to act swiftly, count on the Republican Party, driven by its reflexive anti-Obama mania, to oppose any positive action. Secondly, the GOP, which still boasts about its adherence to tradition and conservative principles, remains wracked by an internal battle between conservative extremists and establishment regulars only slightly less vicious than its war against the president. That civil war these past six years has produced the electoral primary defeats of such staunch GOP veterans as former Senators Robert Bennett of Utah and Richard Lugar of Indiana and, in June, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor – all deemed not conservative enough by the GOP’s Tea Party reactionaries. Cruz, who’s been running for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination since his election in 2012, has waged the war of disruption against the GOP congressional establishment in both the House and the Senate in unprecedented fashion. From the first, he’s been eager to show his disrespect of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, and Boehner. His meddling in House matters last week marks the second time he’s undercut Boehner

say, but again it was the reaction of the people that made ESPN respond by suspending him. It wasn’t much of a punishment, but poor Steve got more suspension time than Rice. When Rice came on the practice field the other day his fans cheered for him. I wonder if the reaction would have been the same if Janay had been their sister, mother, grandmother, or someone the fans loved. This case puts colleges and universities, sportscasters, the NFL and others on notice that the misconduct of athletes will no longer be resolved in the locker room. Dr. E. Faye Williams is president/CEO of the National Congress of Black Women.

related crimes, but African Americans are far more likely to be incarcerated. The difference – the money that provides access to great legal services; maybe the attraction of a plea bargain, guilty or not, because of the prospect of an unfair sentence; maybe bias on the part of arresting officers. Whatever the cause, it seems unfathomable that African Americans and Whites commit the same crimes, but African Americans are arrested six times as frequently as Whites. If you read a November 2013 A Living Death: Life without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses from the ACLU, you will not know whether to scream or cry. More than 3,200 people have life sentences without parole for such minor offences such as shoplifting, trying to cash a stolen check, and threatening a police officer while handcuffed. Some are sentenced because of sentencing guidelines, which mean judges have no choice in their sentencing. What makes sense about giving a shoplifter more time than a murderer? As many as 65 percent of those who have been sentenced to life without parole are African American. According to the ACLU, “many were struggling with mental illness, drug dependency, or financial desperation.” Only in an injustice system can this be considered “just.” There has been some progress in making sentencing fairer. Yet much more must be done until we can claim the “justice” that our Constitution promises. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.

in order to grab the spotlight and build support among the GOP’s reactionary base. Last year, he was among the loudest voices urging GOP hard-liners to stand fast for a government shutdown. Cruz’s sabotage last week led New York Republican, Peter T. King, to complain to a New York Times reporter, “I do wish that Ted Cruz would stay in the Senate. Nobody elected him Speaker … it’s really a cheap shot to be coming in from the side. To have some guy come in from the outside like the Pied Piper is wrong.” And yet, Cruz’s behavior perfectly represents the political game going on on the conservative side of American politics these days – a game whose goal is sowing chaos. Cruz and his Tea Party confederates must disrupt the GOP’s own time-honored political processes and lines of authority – sow internal party chaos – if they’re to seize power from establishment figures like Boehner and McConnell. That strategy has both intensified and yet, ironically, also undercut the commitment the GOP leadership itself made at the very beginning of Obama’s first term to reflexively oppose his administration proposals – to sow governmental chaos – in order to re-capture the White House. Those two dynamics adopted by the conservative movement and the Republican Party are the major reasons why the American politics of this era is so polarized: because, for them, political chaos is the goal. Lee A.Daniels is a longtime New York journalist. His most recent book is ‘Last Chance: The Political Threat to Black America.’


The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

HBCU NEWS 18 BizCamps for youth in 10 communities across the country. The grant covered all of the materials, seed money, meals, and cost of the NFTE instructors. The BSU College of Business provided the facilities, computers, and judges. The competition runner-up honorees are: • Tyra Rodgers, Academy of Health Sciences and Prince George’s Community College • Taylor Jackson, Crossland High School • Christopher Anderson, St. Vincent Pallotti High School

The other BizCamp participants are: • Taylor Ballard, Bowie High School • Kylah Cheeves, Gwynn Park High School • Catherine Clark, Grace Brethren Christian School • Shakir Mustafa, Meade High School • Dana Neufuille, Montgomery Blair High School • Charli Parker, Suitland High School • Naomi Tyson, Laurel High School • Lezli Young, Grace Brethren Christian School

National Minority Donor Awareness Week Honors Howard University Professor Clive O. Callender (left to right) Bowie State University College of Business Dean Anthony Nelson; Jacob Werzinsky, NFTE BizCamp business plan competition winner; Reginald Exum, community development officer for Citi Community Development; and Dontae Cunningham, founder of Stealth Protection Services, LLC and a NFTE alumnus.

Local Teens Learn How to Start Their Own Businesses Jacob Werzinsky plans to launch a business offering individualized tutoring for youth using technology in fall 2014 – just as he starts the 10th grade at Bishop McNamara High School. He was one of 14 local teens who created plans for businesses they can start today and competed for seed money during the two-week NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship) Summer BizCamp, hosted by Bowie State University’s College of Business. The high school students learned the basics of crafting business plans and developed their ideas during the camp. The judges were local entrepreneurs, corporate and nonprofit executives, and college professors. Werzinsky took the first-place prize of $1,000 for the plan for his business, Tutoring Young Minds. “My company will offer oneon-one quality tutoring using technology to help kids know they can become whatever they want in the future,” he said. The second-place

winner of $750 was Unique Johnson from Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School. Jaizani Wilson from Annapolis High School took third place winning $500. Dr. Minnette Bumpus, executive director of the BSU Entrepreneurship Academy and lecturer of management, marketing and public administration, served as the BSU camp coordinator. She said that the program and competition not only gave the students hands-on learning experiences, but also encouragement to consider Bowie State when applying for college. “The College of Business hopes that the competition will facilitate a pipeline of students who will eventually enroll at Bowie State and participate in the BSU Entrepreneurship Academy, which was launched last fall,” she said. The Citi Foundation provided a threeyear, $50 million investment in NFTE to fund

Twenty people from minority groups die every day in the United States on average because of the shortage of organ donations, Dr. Clive O. Callender, Howard University professor of surgery and trailblazer in spreading awareness about minority donor issues, told a campus audience on Aug. 1. Dr. Callender spoke at the kick-off ceremony for the 2014 National Minority Donor Awareness Week, Aug.1-8, at Howard University Hospital. The event was hosted by George Washington University Hospital and the Minority Organ Tissue Transplant

Dr. Clive O. Callender speaks at the kick off ceremony for Minority Donor Awareness Week.

Education Program (MOTTEP), which is headquartered at Howard University Hospital. U.S. minorities make up more than half of those on the organ donation waiting lists while at the same time a shortage of donors remains a major public health challenge. For more than three decades, Dr. Callender has led on-theground outreach campaigns to raise awareness in minority communities. Due in large part to his efforts, the donor rate among minorities has quadrupled over the years. “When I started this effort, it really was an impossible dream,” Dr. Callender said. “But it’s been the power of the message; it’s not me. When we go into the community they understand the message and respond to the needs that we are talking about.” At the ceremony, Dr. Joseph K. Melancon, chief of transplant surgery at George Washington Hospital, presented Dr. Callender with a special award and lauded him for taking on a healthcare bureaucracy that often has a blind eye to struggles of minority communities. The theme for this year’s National Minority Donor Awareness Week is “Love Yourself and Take Care of Yourself.” For more information about MOTTEP, call (202) 865 4888 or go to www.nationalmottep. org

Metrobus routes 32 & 36 are changing for the better. Effective August 24, 2014. Metrobus makes 400,000+ trips every day. As you can imagine, we do a lot of work to keep things running smoothly. In this case, we’ve restructured routes 32 & 36 to improve reliability and frequency along Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Avenues. Want the full details? Visit wmata.com/betterbus or call 202.637.7000.

Las líneas 32 y 36 del Metrobús están cambiando para bien. A partir del 24 de agosto de 2014.

El Metrobús hace más de 400,000 recorridos todos los días. Como podrá imaginarse, nos esforzamos muchísimo porque las cosas marchen sin contratiempos. En este caso, hemos reestructurado las líneas 32 y 36 para mejorar la confiabilidad y la frecuencia de los recorridos a lo largo de las avenidas Pennsylvania y Wisconsin. ¿Quiere conocer todos los detalles? Visite wmata.com/betterbus o llame al 202.637.7000.

August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American

“Army Strong”. . . fellow soldiers congratulate the Morgan family

Col. Morgan receives the official Certificate of Retirement from Robert J. Dalessandro


Col. Morgan presents flowers to his mother.

Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Earl Simms, Mag. Gen. (Ret.) Byron Bagby, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Ward, Gerald O’Keefe, SES, Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson, Col. Conrado Morgan, retiring, Steve Redman, SES, Robert Dalessandro, SES, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Reginal Clemmons, Lt. Gen. Michael Rochelle and Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Army retirees: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Ward, Maj. Gen. Hawthorne Proctor Reginal Clemmons, Edgar Brookins and Reginald Thomas

A guest at the party congratulates Col. Morgan

Singing of the national anthem with Lt. Col. Dea PrichardBrown

A retirement ceremony was held in honor of Col. Conrado B. Morgan, a U.S. Army Quartermaster Officer who served faithfully and honorably for over 30 years. Hosted by Robert Dalessandro, executive director/chief of military history, U.S. Army Center of Military History, the ceremony was held at the National Defense University, Lincoln Hall Auditorium, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. Family, friend, and members of the military who served with Col. Morgan came out to bid farewell. The program followed The emcee – the protocols of a military retirement ceremony including the reading of his retirement orders, the presentation of awards and commendations, and a special Certificate of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Appreciation to his wife, Dr. Phyllis Morgan. Col. Morgan Margaret presented to flowers to his mother; his daughter, Cayla; Thomas and his wife. After remarks by Col. Morgan, the singing of the Army Song, and the benediction, a reception was held in the South Atrium. We salute now Ret. Col. Morgan for years of service in the defense of Col. Morgan this nation. He is a native of receives a Portsmouth, Va. and a 1974 shadow box graduate of Norfolk State with the U.S. U.S. Army Certificate of The Morgan family University. flag from Robert Appreciation is presented to Col. Morgan’s wife, Phyllis

Photos by Rob Roberts

John Barrows, Addie Johnson, Carol Willis and Allan Blackwell

Robin Samuel (back row), Danielle Samuel, Helen Toliver, Melanie Davis, Janice Gairey, Grant Bryant and Shawn Doyle; Karen Toliver (seated), Sakinna Gairey, Eber Doyle, Barry Sharpe and Donnal Sharpe

Third generation family members of Florence Leatha Thomas Powell (Leatha Howard Holland)


Denise Johnson, Priya Johnson and DeAnna Coleman

The oldest family members, Alice C. Thomas and George I. Campbell, with the youngest family member, Aria Faunteroy

The descendants of Jack and Polly Howard of Montgomery County, Md. gathered July 11 -13 in Gaithersburg, Md. for their 17th Biennial reunion. The reunion celebrates a family that was separated for 125 years via the Underground Railroad, when Jack and Polly’s grandsons, Thomas and William Holland, escaped to freedom. In 1977, Laura Holland’s son Harold, set in motion her quest to reunite the family, when he asked her to connect him with his “roots.” Laura, then a resident of California, gathered addresses and shared information with relatives in the United States, including in Maryland, Tanie Bacon, and in Charlene

Canada, including Hamilton, Amherstburg, and Toronto. In 1981 a few Canadian cousins traveled to Maryland to meet the family. Their visit in 1982 inspired the subsequent biennial family reunions which alternate between Ontario and Maryland, and the formation of the Howard-Holland Family Corporation. This year’s celebration weekend included a tour of the family historic grave site at the Howard Chapel; a tour of the George and Georgianna Campbell Slave Museum in Sandy Spring, Md.; A Howard-Holland exhibit room opening; a family breakfast followed by a family meeting; a family picnic; a Family Feud and Talent Show; capped off with the Sunday worship service. The family received well wishes from President Obama, Gov. Martin O’Malley, Montgomery County Executive Isaiah Leggett, and Gaithersburg, Md. Mayor Sidney Katz. Family members traveled from D.C., Baltimore, Virginia, New Jersey, New Octavia Hill-Jeffies York, North Carolina, holds up an ad Ohio, Michigan, and for the Snowden New Hampshire, with Funeral Home. half of them being Montgomery County residents. Twentyfive family members came from various parts of Ontario, Canada. The Howard-Holland family

Moore, Lorraine Driver and Judy Mauldin

Photos by Rob Roberts

Tianna, Blake and Jennifer Maclean, Trudy Samuel

Marie Donerson, Patrice Harris Talbott, Carson Talbott, Brooke Talbott, Edward Harris and Alma Harris

Kim Harris, Shelbi Harris, David Harris Sr., Theresa Harris, Stanley Harris and Sharon Harris

Shanika Pumphrey, Michaela Pumphrey, Rita Pumphrey and Thomas Pumphrey


The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

Author’s Corner Title: Road to Oprah Author: Raymond Goode

What’s the overall theme? The overall theme is to inspire and motivate all that continue to believe in a dream to keep believing. Road to Oprah will encourage readers to believe in themselves and to understand sometimes “Life ain’t always easy” and how some attributes such as a positive attitude, determination

this earth to push the human race forward. We all have individual talents we must capitalize upon. We cannot measure our self-worth by the perception of other people. Always remember; for us to change as a people we must change as a person.

Recipients of Color Included in Obama Standout Honors in the Arts and Humanities the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In his citation, Jones was praised for “provocative performances . . . that challenge Three artists of color and a Black historian us to confront tough subjects and inspire us to were among the Americans recognized by greater heights.” President Barack Obama July 28 for their Dominican-American author, poet, and outstanding contributions to the arts and essayist Julia Alvarez joined Jones. The humanities. New York native gained recognition with During a ceremony in the East Room of the the novels How the García Girls Lost Their White House, the president conferred the 2013 Accents (1991), In the Time of the Butterflies National Medal of Arts, the nation’s highest (1994), and Yo! (1997). “In poetry and in award given to artists and their patrons, and prose, Ms. Alvarez explores themes of the National Humanities Medal, which honors identity, family, and cultural divides. She those in fields including history, literature, illustrates the complexity of navigating languages, and philosophy to 22 honorees. “ two worlds and reveals the human capacity We honor you today because your for strength in the face of oppression,” her accomplishments have enriched our lives citation read. and reveal something about ourselves and Northwestern University professor about our country,” Obama told the award Darlene Clark Hine received a Humanities recipients. “And we can never take for Medal for her scholarship in the fields of granted the flash of insight that comes from African-American studies and history. watching a great documentary or reading Hine deserved praise for “enriching our a great memoir or novel, or seeing an understanding of the African-American extraordinary piece of architecture. We can’t experience,” Obama said. “Through prolific forget the wonder we feel scholarship and leadership, when we stand before an Dr. Hine has examined race, incredible work of art, or class, and gender, and has the world of memories we shown how the struggles find unlocked with a simple and successes of Africanmovement or a single note. American women have “The moments you shaped the nation we are help create – moments of today.” understanding or awe or joy Stanley Nelson Jr. also or sorrow – they add texture received a Humanities Medal to our lives,” he added. for his work as a director and “They are not incidental to producer of documentary the American experience; films that spotlight the they are central to it – they history and experiences are essential to it. So we not of African Americans. only congratulate you this Among his notable films Filmmaker Stanley Nelson afternoon, we thank you for are Freedom Riders (2011), received a National an extraordinary lifetime of Jonestown: The Life & Death Humanities Medal. achievement.” of People’s Temple (2006) Among the Medal of and The Murder of Emmett Arts recipients was dancer-choreographer Till (2003). “By using his camera to tell both Bill T. Jones, co-founder of the Bill T. Jones/ well-known and lesser-known narratives, Mr. Arnie Zane Dance Company. Jones received Nelson has exposed injustices and highlighted numerous awards during his career: The twotriumphs, revealing new depths of our time Tony winner (Spring Awakening, Fela) nation’s history,” his citation read. is also a 2010 Kennedy Center honoree, a MacArthur “genius,” an officer of the French View a full list of arts honorees on Afro. Order of Arts and Letters, and a member of com. By Zenitha Prince Special to the AFRO

Born and raised in Richmond, Va., Raymond Goode graduated from Meadowbrook High School in 1996. At this time, Raymond Goode was overwhelmed by the need to serve others, which continues to shape his What did you learn life today. In an attempt during the writing to placate this need, he process? enlisted in the Navy Raymond Goode after his time with the began to find out who Army. Despite seven Raymond Goode is. All years of military/civil the insecurities and self service, a deep-seated hatred I had developed desire to serve still as a young man began flowed within him. to unravel. I now know Raymond is dedicated my purpose and destiny to giving all of himself upon this earth. I have physically, mentally, the power to change emotionally and the world as long as I spiritually to the reader. allow God to use my In 2010 he eschewed physical being as a all of his worldly vessel for his work. Raymond Goode is the author of Road to possessions, becoming Oprah. homeless, in order to Any advice for become a slave to his aspiring writers? art, his passion, his muse so and persistence can play a part Besides purchasing my that he can produce his best in realizing dreams. books (laughs). Always work. Above all; he is an remember this phrase: idealist, in love with love. “No tears in the writer What surprised you about No tears in the reader the development of this book? What was the impetus for No joy in the writer Road to Oprah began writing this book? No joy in the reader” merely as a path to self Road to Oprah is my faith- discovery. Every day that Always write from the based journey that details heart. As writers; we are I write gets me further and my quitting three jobs and held to a higher code of further away from that day leaving my home to fulfill conduct because we put forth I almost killed myself. This my dream of meeting Oprah information that others seek. publication instills hope in all Winfrey. I stepped on a nail who know they are designed and woke up in the hospital What other books have for a special purpose. I am in Pittsburgh; my car broke you written? surprised every day by how down in Indiana, and I lived My other books include many people are touched inside a 24 hour self storage Traces of You, Through their by this book as well as my Eyes, and How to write and unit in Chicago. The purpose journey. print your book under 300$. of my journey is to show young people that there is a What one thing do you Follow Goode’s journey better way than selling drugs want the reader to learn? on tracesofyou.org. or prostituting. God has placed us on

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August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014, The Afro-American



Season of the tWitch By Kam Williams Special to the AFRO

Stephen “tWitch” Boss is a “So You Think You Can Dance” All-Star and fan favorite who continues to make a splash with his multitude of talents. He was also the first dancer endorsed by Gatorade, officially recognizing dance as a sport. Boss is a recurring guest DJ on “Ellen,” serving as Ellen DeGeneres’ sidekick on the show multiple times per week. In that role, he leads the audience in dance competitions and entertains them with comedic skits throughout the show. He also competes against guests in on-air games. A featured dancer in the films Blades of Glory and Hairspray, Boss teamed up with Paramount and Funnyordie.com to film several viral videos for the dance spoof film Dance Flick (2009). And he co-starred in Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming and guest-starred on such television series as “Drop Dead Diva,” “Bones” and “Touch,” too. Boss originally found fame when he won over critics and fans alike with his amazing performances on Season 4 of “So You Think You Can Dance,” earning the runner-up title. In addition, his memorable performance in “Mercy” alongside Katee Shean was nominated for a 2009 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Choreography. In 2010, Boss was invited back for a special All-Star Season 7. This would prove to be a very important year in his life, as he met fellow All-Star dancer Allison Holker and they would ultimately marry. Boss’ passion for dancing goes back to childhood. He was born and raised in Montgomery, Ala., where, he mastered “popping and ticking,” a popular hip-hop style that resembles a twitch, earning him the nickname “tWitch.” Boss and his wife currently reside in Los Angeles where, in his free time, he serves

or loved ones around you to keep you grounded could be a very good look. Oh yeah… and when in doubt, dance it out!

on the board of the Dizzy Feet Foundation, a charity which affords access to dance education for the underprivileged. Here, he talks about reprising the role of Jason in Step Up: All In, the fifth installment in the dance flick franchise.

KW: What’s more fun, making a movie about a dance competition or participating in a dance contest on a reality show? StB: Definitely making a movie, because no one is in fear of being voted off and going home early.

Kam Williams: Hi tWitch, thanks for the interview. Stephen “tWitch” Boss: Thanks for having me. KW: Congratulations on the fifth installment in the franchise. How do you explain the Step Up series’ enduring popularity? StB: Dancing is one of the purest forms of expression! So when you bring top-of-theline dancers, top-of-the-line choreography, amazing music, and incredible cameras you can’t help but get an awesome and infectious product. KW: How do you keep your character, Jason, fresh? StB: My character, Jason, is an everevolving individual. We have seen Jason evolve since the third installation of Step Up. He lived in New York where he struggled to make ends meet, then went back home to Miami to help out his family. Since then he has moved to Los Angeles to yet again pursue a dream. I tap into Jason and keep him fresh by paralleling his real-life with mine because my dreams are still evolving as well. KW: Which do you enjoy more, acting or dancing? StB: That’s actually a very hard question to answer. They are both avenues and mediums of performance, and it is performance that I am most passionate about. There is nothing like the feeling I get when I step out on the dance floor and dance to my favorite song. And at the same time there’s nothing like the feeling of


KW: Do you ever worry about being typecast as just a dancer? StB: All the time. But with that I recognize that I work so hard to establish myself in the field of dance. It just takes that one time, that one person that will give you a chance to deliver on something that is unknown, and that will be my launching point.

KW: When you look in the mirror, what do you see? StB: I see me. That is the culmination of all the decisions and paths I have decided to take thus far. There are times I see power, struggle, uncertainty, and art; souvenirs from my life journey that remind me where I’ve been.

Stephen “tWitch” Boss reprises the role of Jason in Step Up: All In. doing homework on a character and stepping onto the stage or camera and being another person. KW: What message do you think people will take away from the film? StB: I think people will take away the message of family and perseverance. Perseverance in the face of perceived defeat is absolutely essential. And while everyone’s journey is different, completely alienating yourself in the pursuit of your dreams could be somewhat harmful. Therefore, having family

KW: If you could have one wish instantly granted, what would that be for? StB: An unwavering agreement of peace and love all over the globe. KW: Thanks again for the time, tWitch, and best of luck with the film. StB: Thank you so much, Kam.

‘Web Junkie’ Film Review

Cold Turkey Exposé Examines Internet Addiction in China By Kam Williams Special to the AFRO How long do you think you could you survive without access to a cell phone or computer? A few hours? A day? A week? How about three months? That’s the degree of deprivation awaiting adolescents diagnosed as addicted to the internet over in China, the first country to officially recognize the burgeoning malady as a clinical disorder. The Rx for the afflicted is 90 days of rehab at one of 400 paramilitary boot camps where one must adhere to a Spartan daily regimen sans any electronic stimuli. Going cold turkey is not an easy thing to adjust to for kids used to playing video games for hours on end. But that is precisely the goal of the shrinks in Web rottentomatoes.com Junkie, a cautionary tale making one wonder whether An adolescent, diagnosed as addicted to the internet, in America might not be far the documentary Web Junkie behind. The documentary was directed by Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia who were afforded extraordinary access to the intervention and treatment of a trio of teenage boys whose exasperated parents sought help from a facility in Beijing. The film traces the transformation of Hope, Hacker and Nicky from insufferable, anti-social jerks who barely communicate with their families, teachers and classmates into sensitive souls truly changed by therapy and the period offline. It’s nothing short of miraculous to see the same kid who couldn’t be bothered to talk to his father eventually melt into a touchy-feely hugger who upon reuniting tearfully says, “I love you, Dad.” Overall, the movie makes a convincing case that cell phone use ought to be limited during a child’s formative years when the social part of the brain is still developing. For, the subjects of this telling expose certainly seem to suffer from stunted development due to too much time spent playing computer games and surfing the ‘net. A tough love remedy from the Orient designed for impressionable young minds which prefer virtual reality to relating in the flesh. Excellent HHHH Unrated In Mandarin with subtitles Running time: 76 minutes Distributor: Kino Lorber

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The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff


Will Kevin Durant Land in D.C.? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk An explosive rumor mill linked Oklahoma City star Kevin Durant to his hometown of Washington, D.C. when his free agency begins in 2016. Durant reportedly deleted his Twitter account because open-ended questions about his return home were becoming a distraction. LeBron James’ decision to return to Cleveland opened the door for any athlete contemplating such, so when reporters asked Durant about his views on James’ decision, the “KD2DC” slogan was amped to another level. With a talented roster already in place in Oklahoma, prying Durant away will be a tough maneuver. But it is a possible maneuver that has the internet buzzing and critics asking, “Will Kevin Durant sign with the Washington Wizards in 2016?” Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley debate of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: I cannot see why he wouldn’t. The Wizards younger core of Bradley Beal, John Wall, and Otto Porter should be hitting their stride by the summer of 2016 and the team will have max money to throw at Durant and beg him to come to a place he loves so much. Oklahoma City started out with a great marriage with Durant before back-to-back campaigns that fell short of the team’s 2012 NBA Finals appearance crept into critics’ minds. After the Oklahoman ran the article “Mr. Unreliable” lambasting their star for a playoff loss, I think the doors officially opened for Durant’s

return home. Green: Going home would be great for Durant and his family but he is big

on trust and loyalty, and he already has a home away from home in Oklahoma City. Also, he is currently on a team that is young enough to be in Finals contention for the next five to seven seasons. Russell Westbrook (25), Serge Ibaka (24), and Reggie Jackson (24) make up an awesome quartet with Durant (25) at the forefront

with emerging center Steven Adams (21) solidifying the middle of the defense. While the allure of Wall and Beal is promising, Washington

simply cannot offer the talent and the promise that the Thunder can. Riley: But the Wizards can offer Durant his hometown and a deprived fan base that is just waiting for something to believe in. The city can circle behind a winner if its native son returns home. Basketball in the District would erupt

and the city would be back on the map. For a local kid like Durant, the chance to push his city into the limelight might be an opportunity he simply cannot resist. D.C. treats Wall and Beal like they are their own. The city would push Durantmania to a contagious height. Durant’s in an interesting position with the Thunder. If he wins a title over the next few years he could easily bow out, knowing he gave Oklahoma a championship before he returned home, similar to James. Or, Durant could go the next two seasons without winning a title and use the frustration as an exit strategy back to the East Coast. It could be a win-win situation for Washington. Green: There aren’t too many franchises as stable as the Thunder right now. Pulling Durant out of Oklahoma would take a savvy and genius general manager, and I’m not sure Washington has that in the bumbling Ernie Grunfield, a man who has made more than his fair share of gaffes. In the Thunder’s corner you have Sam Presti, a suave front office man who’s been lauded for his numerous successes over the past few years. Durant’s going to look at all of those factors when 2016 arrives, not just the chance to play at home. He’s entering the stage of his career where potential and promise are no longer the words associated with his name. Championships and titles will now be the primary words of power and as of right now, Durant’s best chance at winning a ring and claiming his place in history reside in Oklahoma City.

Washington Goes Physical Washington NFL Training Camp-Week 2 By Breana Pitts Special to the AFRO Washington’s NFL team finished week 2 of its 2014 training camp at the team’s training center in Richmond, Va. The players welcomed the fresh techniques of new Head Coach Jay Gruden, and saw more live drills as opposed to light walkthroughs. Gruden ran a high-tempo practice, with more contact and a more dynamic atmosphere.

Washington’s defensive players received an annual crash course in rules and regulations. Seven flags were thrown for illegal contact in the Aug. 1 practice alone. “If you modify the way you play too much, you could get hurt out there. Of course, there are rules and regulation that you have to abide by, but you’ve got to play your game. You can’t worry about what the call is. Just treat it as grey matter,” fiveyear cornerback E.J. Biggers told reporters while explaining how hard it is to play defense in the NFL. Veteran safety Brandon Meriweather received more than $100,000 in fines – along with a one-game suspension – last season for what the NFL considered illegal hits. His new partner in the backfield, Ryan Clark, has reminded him to lower his target

Sam Lacy: ‘He Made a Difference - Part XV’

In the effort of taking you through the journey of Sam Lacy, I find myself mixing tales of things I have shared, things I have witnessed and things he shared with me during some of our bonding times. One of my favorite tales of his journey came after his induction into the Black Athletes Hall of Fame. The event was held in Las Vegas. The news of this invitation disturbed me more than a little because in the early years, Sam was addicted to the horses. It took some hard learned lessons for him to come to the realization that he had a problem. After he had kicked the habit, so to speak, an occasional trip to the track provided him with recreation. Throw in a monthly poker game with the office gang, and his sweet tooth was satisfied. However, the attraction of Vegas gave me some consternation. He found the many temptations to gamble amusing. At breakfast there were Keno sheets laid out beside your morning coffee. If you were bored in your room, there was a mini slot machine located in the bathroom, and there was the morning line for the racetrack posted in the elevator. The part of the story I liked most was when he chuckled to himself over the fact that he was 75 years old, in a plush Vegas hotel, in a room that would satisfy most heads of state, lying in a king size bed, looking up at a mirror on the ceiling. Surely a case of mistaken identity. Things quieted down for a spell, and suddenly we were in the ‘90s and things started to pop. We were headed into the 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier of Major League Baseball. Sam was there, and everybody wanted a piece of his story. Sam was fond of saying that his glorification was overrated because he was probably the only person left on the planet who was old enough to remember. Among his invitations was a request to appear in a program at Frostburg State University. At this period in time I was not only his travel companion, I was his designated driver. The trip to Frostburg was a nightmare. I have no fondness for heights, and driving along a mountain road with no guardrails had me expecting a stroke at any minute. Unless you have experienced it, you cannot possibly know how it feels to be driving along a mountain highway looking down 500 feet to people’s homes. To add to the mix, it was raining. About then, elevation started to haunt me. For a few minutes we were in this driving rain climbing a hill, and the next minute we were above the clouds. Folks if you wonder what the other side of a cloud looks like, believe me the experience is overrated. When we reached our destination, I found out that the issue being discussed was the regrowth of America after WWII. There were three men in on this discussion, Pop, Shirley Povich (Washington Post columnist), and some other old dude. I couldn’t help thinking they should get this right, because they probably have the three oldest dudes in America giving them the 411.

this season. “We’ve talked about it in the sense of him keeping his money and a sense of him staying on the field,” Clark told reporters after practice. “I’m going to try to talk him out of as many fines as I can this year, but I don’t want him to change his game. I want him to lower his strike zone the best he can because that’s the rule. But other than that, man, just keep playing football.”

Upcoming Joint Practice with Patriots

Gruden confirmed to the media that Washington will hold joint practices with the New England Patriots from Aug. 4 Physicality of Camp through Aug. 6. This will give coaches an opportunity to Gruden brings a new approach to training camp, very evaluate players against new competition in a game-like different from former Coach Mike Shanahan. Whereas environment. Sometimes, the defensive players learn the Shanahan opted against full-pad practices to keep the offensive plays, so bringing in the Patriots will level players fresh, Gruden encourages physicality. Going the playing field. all out in practice helps the team develop an overall “We’re going to come out here and have some physical mindset for game day. Washington practiced team sessions with them that are live, [some] that twice in full pads – Monday and Saturday – and the aren’t live. Ones against ones, maybe twos against players welcomed the change. ones. It will be a good mix for them and a great test for us to go against obviously a great football team “It helps a lot. Just getting those hits, knowing that’s been a great football team for a long time and where defenders are coming from and how to protect to see another team prepare, that will be good to see. yourself. It’s a very physical game,” third-year running back Alfred Morris told reporters. “The To see how they consistently go about their business pursuit is crazy on this level, the way some of these is going to be good for all of us,” Gruden told the bigger guys can move. Being able to get those real media. time reps in practice, having some of these live drills Although joint practices will be entertaining for definitely helps in protecting ourselves. It is a very fans and informative for coaches, star quarterback physical game. I love contact, I’m a weird running Robert Griffin III made sure nobody misunderstood back. I look forward to it. It definitely helps me the ultimate goal. “It’s going to be a gametranslate it onto the field on game day.” like atmosphere out here. Nobody wants to be embarrassed. Everybody has a sense of pride. They’re not our friends, we’re not their friends,” RGIII said Enforcing Illegal Contact for Defensive to reporters outside of camp. “At the end of the day, Players we’re going to protect each other because we are in Washington went through practice with a crew AP Photo the NFL. Its practice, not a game, so there will be no of officials for two straight days. With the National Football League (NFL) placing new emphasis on From left, Washington Redskins’ Roy Helu Jr., Stephen Campbell and Silas Redd hitting. But it’s going be physical out here, man. So I’m looking forward to it.” enforcing illegal contact on receivers after five yards, run drills during practice at the Redskins NFL football team training center.


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August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014 The Afro-American



NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:24:37 EDT HEIRS 2014 UNKNOWN F e l i x K e v i n C o s b y, whose address is 6416 Superior Court of E a s t e r n Av e N E the District of Washington, DC 20012 District of Columbia was appointed personal PROBATE DIVISION representative of the Washington, D.C. estate of Adelene War20001-2131 ren Cosby, who died on Administration No. May 13, 2014 without a 2014ADM724 will, and will serve withReginald Copeland out Court supervision. All AKA unknown heirs and heirs Reginald A. Copeland whose where-abouts are Decedent unknown shall enter their Rachell Long appearance in this 1404 Half Street SW proceeding. Objections Washington, DC 20024 to such appointment Attorney shall be filed with the NOTICE OF Register of Wills, D.C., APPOINTMENT, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:29:27 EDT 2014 NOTICE TO Floor Washington, D.C. LEGAL NOTICES 20001, LEGALonNOTICES LEGAL NOTICES CREDITORS or before AND NOTICE TO January 25, 2015. UNKNOWN HEIRS Superior Court of Claims against the deReginald Copeland Jr., cedent shall be prethe District of whose address is 662 sented to the underDistrict of Columbia 58th St. NE, Washington, signed with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . DC 20019 was appointed Register of Wills or filed personal representative with the Register of Wills 20001-2131 of the estate of Reginald with a copy to the underAdministration No. A. Copeland, who died signed, on or before 2014ADM727 on October 30, 2012 with January 25, 2015, or be Lila L. Formey a will, and will serve with- forever barred. Persons Decedent out Court supervision. All believed to be heirs or NOTICE OF unknown heirs and heirs legatees of the decedent APPOINTMENT, whose whereabouts are who do not receive a NOTICE TO unknown shall enter their copy of this notice by mail CREDITORS appearance in this AND NOTICE TO within 25 days of its first proceeding. Objections publication shall so inUNKNOWN HEIRS Henry E. Wall, whose ad- to such appointment (or form the Register of dress is 607 K Street NE, to the probate of de- Wills, including name, Washington, DC 20002 cedent´s will) shall be address and relationwas appointed personal filed with the Register of ship. representativ of the Wills, D.C., 515 5th Date of Publication: estate of Lila L. Formey, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor July 25, 2014 who died on August 11, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Name of newspaper: 2006 without a will, and 20001, on or before Afro-American will serve with Court su- J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . Washington pervision. All unknown Claims against the de- Law Reporter heirs and heirs whose cedent shall be prewhereabouts are un- sented to the underFelix Kevin Cosby known shall enter their signed with a copy to the Personal Register of Wills or filed appearance in this Representative proceeding. Objections with the Register of Wills to such appointment with a copy to the under- TRUE TEST COPY shall be filed with the signed, on or before REGISTER OF WILLS Register of Wills, D.C., January 25, 2015, or be 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd forever barred. Persons TYPESET: 07/25, 08/01,Tue 08/08/14 Aug 05 Floor Washington, D.C. believed to be heirs or 20001, on or before legatees of the decedent J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . who do not receive a Superior Court of Claims against the de- copy of this notice by mail the District of cedent shall be pre- within 25 days of its first District of Columbia sented to the under- publication shall so inPROBATE DIVISION signed with a copy to the form the Register of Washington, D.C. Register of Wills or filed Wills, including name, 20001-2131 with the Register of Wills address and relationAdministration No. with a copy to the under- ship. 2013ADM1242 signed, on or before Date of Publication: David R. Booker January 25, 2015, or be July 25, 2014 AKA forever barred. Persons Name of newspaper: David Reginald Booker believed to be heirs or Afro-American Decedent legatees of the decedent Washington Maria K. Day-Marshall who do not receive a Law Reporter 6329 Joslyn Place copy of this notice by mail Cheverly, MD 20785 Reginald Copeland Jr. Attorney within 25 days of its first Personal publication shall so inNOTICE OF Representative form the Register of APPOINTMENT, Wills, including name, NOTICE TO address and relation- TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS REGISTER OF WILLS ship. AND NOTICE TO Date of Publication: UNKNOWN TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:28:08 EDT HEIRS 2014 07/25, 08/1, 08/08/14 July 25, 2014 David R. Booker, Jr., Name of newspaper: whose address is 8565 Afro-American Haleigh Woods Drive, Superior Court of Washington Blacklick, Ohio 43004 the District of Law Reporter was appointed personal District of Columbia representative of the PROBATE DIVISION Henry E. Wall estate of David R. Washington, D.C. Personal Booker, who died on 20001-2131 Representative October 24, 2013 with a Administration No. will, and will serve with2014ADM706 TRUE TEST COPY out Court supervision. All Robert Brown REGISTER OF WILLS unknown heirs and heirs Decedent whose where-abouts are TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:25:36 EDT 2014 NOTICE OF 07/25, 08/01, 08/08/14 unknown shall enter their APPOINTMENT, appearance in this NOTICE TO proceeding. Objections CREDITORS Superior Court of to such appointment (or AND NOTICE TO the District of to the probate of deUNKNOWN HEIRS District of Columbia cedent´s will) shall be Tony Jones, whose adPROBATE DIVISION filed with the Register of dress is 4315 3rd Street Washington, D.C. Wills, D.C., 515 5th SE #201,Washington 20001-2131 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor DC, 20032 was apAdministration No. Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . pointed personal repre2014ADM726 20001, on or before sentative of the estate of Charles Semple January 25, 2015. Robert Brown, who died Decedent Claims against the deon April 20, 2012 without Jerry L. Hunter Esq cedent shall be prea will, and will serve with1822 11th Street NW sented to the underout Court supervision. All Washington, DC 20001 signed with a copy to the unknown heirs and heirs Attorney Register of Wills or filed whose where-abouts are NOTICE OF with the Register of Wills unknown shall enter their APPOINTMENT, with a copy to the underappearance in this NOTICE TO signed, on or before proceeding. Objections CREDITORS January 25, 2015, or be to such appointment AND NOTICE TO forever barred. Persons shall be filed with the UNKNOWN HEIRS believed to be heirs or Charles Semple Jr., Register of Wills, D.C., legatees of the decedent whose address is 3008 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd who do not receive a Floor Washington, D.C. Lovelace Court, Walcopy of this notice by mail dorff, MD 20602, was ap- 20001, on or before within 25 days of its first pointed personal repre- J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . publication shall so insentative of the estate of Claims against the de- form the Register of Charles Semple, who cedent shall be pre- Wills, including name, died on October 16, 2013 sented to the under- address and relationwithouta will, and will signed with a copy to the ship. serve without Court su- Register of Wills or filed Date of Publication: pervision. All unknown with the Register of Wills July 25, 2014 heirs and heirs whose with a copy to the under- Name of newspaper: whereabouts are un- signed, on or before Afro-American known shall enter their January 25, 2015, or be Washington forever barred. Persons appearance in this Law Reporter proceeding. Objections believed to be heirs or to such appointment legatees of the decedent David R. Booker shall be filed with the who do not receive a Personal Register of Wills, D.C., copy of this notice by mail Representative 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd within 25 days of its first Floor Washington, D.C. publication shall so in- TRUE TEST COPY 20001, on or before form the Register of REGISTER OF WILLS J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . Wills, including name, TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 Claims against the de- address and relation- 07/25, 08/1, 08/08/14 cedent shall be pre- ship. sented to the under- Date of Publication: Superior Court of signed with a copy to the July 25, 2014 the District of Register of Wills or filed Name of newspaper: District of Columbia with the Register of Wills Afro-American PROBATE DIVISION with a copy to the under- Washington Washington, D.C. signed, on or before Law Reporter 20001-2131 January 25, 2015, or be Administration No. Tony Jones forever barred. Persons 2014ADM758 Personal believed to be heirs or Representative Elaine C. Shephard legatees of the decedent Decedent who do not receive a Ron M. Landsman, Esq copy of this notice by mail TRUE TEST COPY 200A Monroe St #110 within 25 days of its first REGISTER OF WILLS Rockville, MD 20850 publication shall so in- TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:27:48 AttorneyEDT 2014 07/25, 08/1, 08/08/14 form the Register of NOTICE OF Wills, including name, APPOINTMENT, address and relationSuperior Court of NOTICE TO ship. the District of CREDITORS Date of Publication: District of Columbia AND NOTICE TO 07/25/14 PROBATE DIVISION UNKNOWN HEIRS Name of newspaper: Washington, D.C. Robin L. Mills, whose adAfro-American 20001-2131 dress is 6416 9th St. NW, Washington Administration No. Washington, DC 20012 Law Reporter 2014ADM709 was appointed personal Adelene Warren Cosby representative of the Charles Semple Jr Decedent estate of Elaine C. Personal NOTICE OF Shephard, who died on Representative APPOINTMENT, June 5, 2014 without a NOTICE TO will, and will serve withTRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS out Court supervision. All REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO unknown heirs and heirs TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:24:37 EDT HEIRS 2014 UNKNOWN whose where-abouts are 07/25, 08/01, 08/8/14 F e l i x K e v i n C o s b y, unknown shall enter their whose address is 6416 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s E a s t e r n Av e N E Superior Court of proceeding. Objections Washington, DC 20012 to such appointment the District of was appointed personal shall be filed with the District of Columbia representative of the Register of Wills, D.C., PROBATE DIVISION estate of Adelene War- 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Washington, D.C. ren Cosby, who died on Floor Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 May 13, 2014 without a 20001, on or before Administration No. will, and will serve with- J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . 2014ADM724 out Court supervision. All Claims against the deReginald Copeland unknown heirs and heirs cedent shall be preAKA whose where-abouts are sented to the underReginald A. Copeland unknown shall enter their signed with a copy to the Decedent appearance in this Rachell Long Register of Wills or filed proceeding. Objections with the Register of Wills 1404 Half Street SW Washington, DC 20024 to such appointment with a copy to the undershall be filed with the signed, on or before Attorney Register of Wills, D.C., January 25, 2015, or be NOTICE OF 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd forever barred. Persons APPOINTMENT, Floor Washington, D.C. believed to be heirs or NOTICE TO 20001, on or before legatees of the decedent CREDITORS J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . who do not receive a AND NOTICE TO Claims against the de- copy of this notice by mail UNKNOWN HEIRS Reginald Copeland Jr., cedent shall be pre- within 25 days of its first whose address is 662 sented to the under- publication shall so in58th St. NE, Washington, signed with a copy to the form the Register of DC 20019 was appointed Register of Wills or filed

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TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:25:14 EDT 2014


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 a.Administration Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks No. 2014ADM758 b. Small Estates (single publication $ 60 per insertion Elaine C. Shephard c. Notice to Creditors Decedent 13:26:53 EDT 2014 Ron M. Esq TYPESET: Tue Aug 1. Landsman, Domestic $ 6005per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks 200A Monroe St #110 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks Rockville, MD 20850 Superior Court$of60 per insertion Attorney d. Escheated Estates $360.00 per 6 weeks the District of NOTICE OF e. APPOINTMENT, Standard Probates $125.00 District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO Washington, D.C. CREDITORS CIVIL NOTICES 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS 202-879-1133 a. Name Changes $ 80.00 2014ADM748 Robin L. Mills, whose address is 6416 9th St. NW, Patricia Brown Hooper b. Real Property $ 200.00 TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:27:12 EDT 2014 Washington, DC 20012 Decedent NOTICE OF was appointed personal APPOINTMENT, representative of the FAMILY COURT NOTICE TO Superior Court of estate of Elaine C. CREDITORS 202-879-1212the District of Shephard, who died on AND NOTICE TO District of Columbia June 5, 2014 without a DOMESTIC UNKNOWN HEIRS RELATIONS PROBATE DIVISION will, and will serve withwhose Washington, D.C. out Court supervision. All Twana R. Brooks,202-879-0157 20001-2131 unknown heirs and heirs address is 8616 Hillview Rd, Landover, MD 20785 Administration No. whose where-abouts are 2014ADM705 unknown shall enter their was appointed personal $ 150.00 a a. p pAbsent e a r a n c e Defendant i n t h i s representative of the Susie H. Austin estate of Patricia Brown Decedent proceeding. Objections b. Absolute Divorce $ 150.00 TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:28:28 NOTICE OF to such appointment Hooper, who died on May c. Custody Divorce $150.00 APPOINTMENT, shall be filed with the 7, 2014 without a will, and will serve without NOTICE TO Register of Wills, D.C., Superior Court of CREDITORS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs ext.AND the District of Floor D.C. ToWashington, place your ad, call 1-800-237-6892, 262,NOTICE PublicTONotices $50.00 & up District of Columbia UNKNOWN HEIRS 20001, on or before whose whereabouts are depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. PROBATE DIVISION J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . unknown shall enter their C l a r i c e H . R o b e r t s , in this Washington, D.C. whose address is 11506 Claims against the de- a p p e a r a n c e1-800 (AFRO) 892 proceeding. Objections 20001-2131 Waesche Dr. Michellville cedent shall be preto Publication, such appointment (or MD Administration No. was apsented to the ForunderProof of please call 20721 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 2014ADM703 signed with a copy to the to the probate of de- pointed personal repreRegister of Wills or filed cedent´s will) shall be sentative of the estate of John Ritter Sutter with the Register of Wills filed with the Register of Susie H. Austin, who Decedent NOTICE OF died on August 14, 2013 with a copy to the under- Wills, D.C., 515 5th APPOINTMENT, signed, on or before Street, N.W., 3rd Floor with a will, and will serve NOTICE TO without Court superviJanuary 25, 2015, or be W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . CREDITORS forever barred. Persons 20001, on or before sion. All unknown heirs AND NOTICE TO believed to be heirs or J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . a n d h e i r s w h o s e LEGAL NOTICES against the de- whereabouts LEGAL NOTICES LEGALof NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS are unlegatees the decedent Claims LEGAL NOTICES cedent shall be preknown shall enter their Timothy P.G. Sutter, who do not receive a whose address is 4413 copy of this notice by mail sented to the under- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s within 25 days of its first signed with a copy to the proceeding. Objections River Rd. NW Washingpublication shall so in- Register of Wills or filed to such appointment (or ton, DC 20016 was apform the Register of with the Register of Wills to the probate of de- pointed personal repreWills, including name, with a copy to the under- cedent´s will) shall be sentative of the estate address and relation- signed, on or before filed with the Register of ofJohn Ritter Sutter, who January 25, 2015 or be Wills, D.C., 515 5th died on June 10, 2014 ship. 13:25:14 EDT 2014 forever barred. Persons Street, N.W., 3rd Floor without a will, and will Date of Publication: believed to be heirs or W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . serve without Court suJuly 25, 2014 legatees of the decedent 20001, on or before pervision. All unknown Name of newspaper: who do not receive a J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . heirs and heirs whose Afro-American copy of this notice by mail Claims against the de- whereabouts are unWashington within 25 days of its first cedent shall be pre- known shall enter their Law Reporter publication shall so in- sented to the under- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s signed with a copy to the proceeding. Objections Robin L. Mills form the Register of Personal Representative Wills, including name, Register of Wills or filed to such appointment address and relation- with the Register of Wills shall be filed with the ship. with a copy to the under- Register of Wills, D.C., TRUE TEST COPY Date of Publication: signed, on or before 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd REGISTER OF WILLS July 25, 2014 January 25, 2015, or be Floor Washington, D.C. TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:26:53 EDT 2014 Name of newspaper: forever barred. Persons 20001, on or before 07/25, 08/01, 08/8/14 Afro-American believed to be heirs or J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . Washington legatees of the decedent Claims against the deSuperior Court of Law Reporter who do not receive a cedent shall be prethe District of copy of this notice by mail sented to the underDistrict of Columbia Twana R. Brooks within 25 days of its first signed with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION Personal publication shall so in- Register of Wills or filed Washington, D.C. Representative form the Register of with the Register of Wills 20001-2131 Wills, including name, with a copy to the underAdministration No. TRUE TEST COPY signed, on or before address and relation2014ADM748 REGISTER OF WILLS January 25, 2015, or be ship. Patricia Brown Hooper forever barred. Persons Date of Publication: TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:27:12 EDT 2014 Decedent 07/25, 08/01, 08/08/14 believed to be heirs or July 25, 2014 NOTICE OF legatees of the decedent Name of newspaper: APPOINTMENT, who do not receive a Afro-American NOTICE TO Superior Court of copy of this notice by mail Washington CREDITORS the District of within 25 days of its first Law Reporter AND NOTICE TO District of Columbia publication shall so inUNKNOWN HEIRS PROBATE DIVISION Clarice H. Roberts form the Register of Twana R. Brooks, whose Washington, D.C. Personal Wills, including name, address is 8616 Hillview 20001-2131 Representative address and relationRd, Landover, MD 20785 Administration No. ship. was appointed personal 2014ADM705 Date of Publication: TRUE TEST COPY representative of the Susie H. Austin July 25, 2014 REGISTER OF WILLS estate of Patricia Brown Decedent Name of newspaper: TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:28:28 EDT 2014 Hooper, who died on May NOTICE OF Afro-American 07/25, 08/1, 08/8/14 7, 2014 without a will, APPOINTMENT, Washington and will serve without NOTICE TO Law Reporter Superior Court of Court supervision. All unCREDITORS the District of known heirs and heirs AND NOTICE TO Timothy P.G. Sutter District of Columbia whose whereabouts are UNKNOWN HEIRS Personal PROBATE DIVISION unknown shall enter their C l a r i c e H . R o b e r t s , Representative Washington, D.C. appearance in this whose address is 11506 20001-2131 proceeding. Objections Waesche Dr. Michellville TRUE TEST COPY Administration No. to such appointment (or MD 20721 was apREGISTER OF WILLS 2014ADM703 to the probate of de- pointed personal reprecedent´s will) shall be sentative of the estate of John Ritter Sutter 07/25, 08/1, 08/08/14 filed with the Register of Susie H. Austin, who Decedent NOTICE OF Wills, D.C., 515 5th died on August 14, 2013 APPOINTMENT, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor with a will, and will serve NOTICE TO Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . without Court superviCREDITORS 20001, on or before sion. All unknown heirs AND NOTICE TO January 25, 2015. a n d h e i r s w h o s e UNKNOWN HEIRS Claims against the de- whereabouts are uncedent shall be pre- known shall enter their Timothy P.G. Sutter, whose address is 4413 sented to the under- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s signed with a copy to the proceeding. Objections River Rd. NW WashingRegister of Wills or filed to such appointment (or ton, DC 20016 was apwith the Register of Wills to the probate of de- pointed personal reprewith a copy to the under- cedent´s will) shall be sentative of the estate


1629 K Street, NW, Ste 300 Washington, DC 20006 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:23:59 EDT 2014 AND NOTICE TO LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES UNKNOWN HEIRS Jasmine Mayo, whose Superior Court of address is 1507 Benning the District of Road, NE, D# WashingDistrict of Columbia ton, Dc, 20002 was apPROBATE DIVISION pointed personal repreWashington, D.C. sentative of the estate of 20001-2131 Peggy Clark, who died Administration No. on December 15, 2012 2014ADM69 without a will, and will Ciro Carlos Araujo de serve without Court suQuadros pervision. All unknown AKA heirs and heirs whose Ciro A. De Quadros whereabouts are unDecedent known shall enter their Harold Krauthamer appearance in this K r a u t h a m e r & S t a h l , proceeding. Objections Chartered to such appointment 5530 Wisconsin Ave, shall be filed with the Suite 801 Register of Wills, D.C., C h e v y C h a s e , M D 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 20815 Floor Washington, D.C. Attorney 20001, on or before NOTICE OF January 25, 2015. APPOINTMENT, Claims against the deNOTICE TO cedent shall be preCREDITORS sented to the underAND NOTICE TO signed with a copy to the UNKNOWN HEIRS Register of Wills or filed Susana Alicia Cecilia with the Register of Wills Figeruoa de de Quadros, with a copy to the underwhose address is 2920 signed, on or before 3 8 t h S t r e e t , N W, January 25, 2015, or be W a s h i n g t o n , D C , forever barred. Persons 20016was appointed believed to be heirs or personal representative legatees of the decedent of the estate of Ciro Car- who do not receive a l o s A r a u j o d e copy of this notice by mail Quadros,AKA Ciro A De within 25 days of its first Quadros , who died on publication shall so inMay 28, 2014 witha will, form the Register of and will serve without Wills, including name, Court supervision. All un- address and relationknown heirs and heirs ship. whose where-abouts are Date of Publication: unknown shall enter their July 25, 2014 appearance in this Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections Afro-American to such appointment (or Washington to the probate of de- Law Reporter cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Jasmine Mayo Wills, D.C., 515 5th Personal Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Representative Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before TRUE TEST COPY J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . REGISTER OF WILLS Claims against the deAug 05 cedent shall be pre- TYPESET: 07/25, 08/01,Tue 08/08/14 sented to the undersigned with a copy to the SUPERIOR COURT OF Register of Wills or filed THE DISTRICT OF with the Register of Wills COLUMBIA with a copy to the underPROBATE DIVISION signed, on or before January 25, 2015, or be W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001-2131 forever barred. Persons Foreign No. believed to be heirs or 2014FEP103 legatees of the decedent Date of Death who do not receive a October 12, 2006 copy of this notice by mail Konstantinos within 25 days of its first publication shall so in- Samaropoulos Decedent form the Register of NOTICE OF Wills, including name, APPOINTMENT address and relationOF FOREIGN ship. PERSONAL Date of Publication: REPRESENTATIVE July 25, 2014 AND Name of newspaper: NOTICE TO Afro-American CREDITORS Washington David A. Rosen whose Law Reporter address is BHLPC, 1861 Susana Alicia Cecilia Wiehle Ave, Suite 300, Figeruoa de de Quadros Reston, VA 20190 was Personal appointed personal reRepresentative presentative of the estate of Virginia, deceased, on July 17, 2014, by the CirTRUE TEST COPY cuit Court for Henrico REGISTER OF WILLS County, State Virginia. TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:27:30 EDTof2014 Service of process may 07/25, 08/01, 08/8/14 be made upon Ramsey Saleeby, 3900 Tunlaw Superior Court of R d . N W, A p t 1 0 2 , the District of Washington, DC 20007 District of Columbia whose designation as PROBATE DIVISION District of Columbia Washington, D.C. agent has been filed with 20001-2131 the Register of Wills, Administration No. D.C. 2014ADM713 The decedent owned the Wydell K. Neal following District of Decedent Colombia real property: NOTICE OF 4545 MacArthur Blvd, APPOINTMENT, NW, suite 205, WashingNOTICE TO ton, DC 20007-4261 CREDITORS Claims against the deAND NOTICE TO cedent may be preUNKNOWN HEIRS sented to the underSheri W. Neal, whose ad- signed and filed with the dress is 2919 Hillcrest Dr. Register of Wills for the SE, Washington, DC District of Columbia, 20020 was appointed Building A, 515 5th personal representative Street, NW, suite 205, of the estate of Wydell K. W a s h i n g t o n , D C Neal, who died on April 20007-4261 within 6 26, 2014 with a will, and months from the date of will serve without Court first publication of this nosupervision. All unknown tice. heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unDavid A. Rosen known shall enter their Personal appearance in this Representative(s) proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of de- Date of first publication: cedent´s will) shall be July 25, 2014 filed with the Register of Name of newspapers Wills, D.C., 515 5th and/or periodical: Street, N.W., 3rd Floor The Daily Washington Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Law Reporter 20001, on or before The Afro-American January 25, 2015. Claims against the de- TYPESET: Aug 05 07/25, 08/01,Tue 08/08/14 cedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Superior Court of Register of Wills or filed the District of with the Register of Wills District of Columbia with a copy to the underPROBATE DIVISION signed, on or before Washington, D.C. January 25, 2015, or be 20001-2131 forever barred. Persons Administration No. believed to be heirs or 2014ADM689 legatees of the decedent Barbara Ann Harper who do not receive a Decedent copy of this notice by mail NOTICE OF within 25 days of its first APPOINTMENT, publication shall so inNOTICE TO form the Register of CREDITORS Wills, including name, AND NOTICE TO address and relationUNKNOWN HEIRS ship. Te r e n c e D . H a r p e r, Date of Publication: whose address is 226 R. July 25, 2014 S t r e e t , N W, # 1 0 3 , Name of newspaper: Washington, DC 20001 Afro-American was appointed personal Washington representative of the Law Reporter estate of Barbara Ann Harper, who died on FebWydell K. Neal ruary 18, 2014 without a Personal will, and will serve withRepresentative out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs TRUE TEST COPY whose where-abouts are REGISTER OF WILLS unknown shall enter their TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:24:54 a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2014 in this 07/25, 08/01, 08/08/14 proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Superior Court of Register of Wills, D.C., the District of 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd District of Columbia Floor Washington, D.C. PROBATE DIVISION 20001, on or before Washington, D.C. January 25, 2015. 20001-2131 Claims against the deAdministration No. cedent shall be pre2014ADM291 sented to the underPeggy Clark signed with a copy to the Decedent Register of Wills or filed Wesley L. Clarke 1629 K Street, NW, Ste with the Register of Wills with a copy to the under300 signed, on or before Washington, DC 20006 January 25,2015, or be Attorney forever barred. Persons NOTICE OF believed to be heirs or APPOINTMENT, legatees of the decedent NOTICE TO who do not receive a CREDITORS copy of this notice by mail AND NOTICE TO within 25 days of its first UNKNOWN HEIRS Jasmine Mayo, whose publication shall so inaddress is 1507 Benning form the Register of Road, NE, D# Washing- Wills, including name, ton, Dc, 20002 was ap- address and relationpointed personal repre- ship. sentative of the estate of Date of Publication:

and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of deTYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:26:12 EDT 2014 LEGAL NOTICES cedent´s shall be LEGALwill) NOTICES filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Superior Court of Street, N.W., 3rd Floor the District of W ashington, D.C. District of Columbia 20001, on or before FebPROBATE DIVISION ruary 1, 2015. Claims Washington, D.C. against the decedent 20001-2131 shall be presented to the Administration No. undersigned with a copy 2014ADM501 to the Register of Wills or Sidney Draggan filed with the Register of Decedent Wills with a copy to the Alan B. Frankle, Esq 751 Rockville Pike, undersigned, on or before February 1, 2015, or Suite 7 be forever barred. PerTRUE TEST COPY Rockville, MD 20852 sons believed to be heirs REGISTER OF WILLS Attorney or legatees of the deNOTICE OF TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:26:32 EDT 2014 cedent who do not re07/25, 08/1, 08/08/14 APPOINTMENT, ceive a copy of this notice NOTICE TO by mail within 25 days of CREDITORS its first publication shall Superior Court of AND NOTICE TO so inform the Register of the District of UNKNOWN HEIRS District of Columbia Philip Draggan, whose Wills, including name, PROBATE DIVISION address is 8 Levey Bou- address and relationWashington, D.C. levard, Wyandanch, NY ship. 20001-2131 11798, was appointed Date of Publication: Administration No. personal representative August 1, 2014 2014ADM734 of the estate of Sidney Name of newspaper: Serita J. McRae Draggan, who died on Afro-American Decedent December 17, 2012 with- Washington Karen McRae out a will, and will serve Law Reporter 3201 13th St. NE without Court superviMargaret H. Davis Washington, DC 20017 sion. All unknown heirs Personal Attorney and heirs whose Representative NOTICE OF whereabouts are unAPPOINTMENT, known shall enter their NOTICE TO a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s TRUE TEST COPY CREDITORS proceeding. Objections REGISTER OF WILLS AND NOTICE TO to such appointment TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 UNKNOWN HEIRS shall be filed with the 08/01, 08/08, 08/15/14 Karen Mcrae, whose ad- Register of Wills, D.C., dress is 3201 13th St, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Superior Court of N E , Wa s h i n g t o n , D C Floor Washington, D.C. the District of 20017 was appointed 20001, on or before District of Columbia personal representative J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . PROBATE DIVISION of the estate of Serita J. Claims against the deWashington, D.C. McRae, who died on May cedent shall be pre20001-2131 22, 2014 without a will, sented to the underAdministration No. and will serve without signed with a copy to the 2014ADM761 Court supervision. All un- Register of Wills or filed known heirs and heirs with the Register of Wills T e d d y G o r d o n Coleman whose where-abouts are with a copy to the underunknown shall enter their signed, on or before Decedent NOTICE OF appearance in this January 25, 2015, or be APPOINTMENT, proceeding. Objections forever barred. Persons NOTICE TO to such appointment believed to be heirs or CREDITORS shall be filed with the legatees of the decedent AND NOTICE TO 13:29:08 2014D.C., who do not receive a Register EDT of Wills, UNKNOWN HEIRS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd copy of this notice by mail Floor Washington, D.C. within 25 days of its first Thea A. Coleman, whose 20001, on or before publication shall so in- address is 988 Sandoval Drive, Virginia Beach, VA J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . form the Register of Claims against the de- Wills, including name, 23454, was appointed cedent shall be pre- address and relation- personal representative of the estate of Teddy sented to the under- ship. Gordon Coleman, who signed with a copy to the Date of Publication: died on July 22, 2014 Register of Wills or filed July 25, 2014 without a will, and will with the Register of Wills Name of newspaper: serve without Court suwith a copy to the under- Afro-American pervision. All unknown signed, on or before Washington heirs and heirs whose January 25, 2015, or be Law Reporter where-abouts are unforever barred. Persons known shall enter their believed to be heirs or Philip Draggan a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s legatees of the decedent Personal proceeding. Objections who do not receive a Representative to such appointment (or copy of this notice by mail to the probate of dewithin 25 days of its first TRUE TEST COPY cedent´s will) shall be publication shall so in- REGISTER OF WILLS filed with the Register of form the Register of Wills, D.C., Aug 05 13:23:14 EDT 515 2014 5th Wills, including name, TYPESET: 07/25, 08/01,Tue 08/08/14 Street, N.W., 3rd Floor address and relationW a s h i n g t o n , D.C. ship. 20001, on or before FebDate of Publication: Superior Court of ruary 1, 2015. Claims July 25, 2014 the District of against the decedent Name of newspaper: District of Columbia shall be presented to the Afro-American PROBATE DIVISION undersigned with a copy Washington Washington, D.C. to the Register of Wills or Law Reporter 20001-2131 filed with the Register of Administration No. Wills with a copy to the Karen McRae 2014ADM637 undersigned, on or bePersonal Magdalene Latimer fore February 1, 2015, or Representative Decedent be forever barred. PerNOTICE OF sons believed to be heirs TRUE TEST COPY APPOINTMENT, or legatees of the deREGISTER OF WILLS NOTICE TO cedent who do not reCREDITORS TYPESET: Aug 05 13:25:55 EDT 2014 ceive a copy of this notice 07/25, 08/01,Tue 08/08/14 AND NOTICE TO by mail within 25 days of UNKNOWN HEIRS its first publication shall Brenda Latimer, whose so inform the Register of Superior Court of address is 457 Madison Wills, including name, the District of Street NE, Washington, address and relationDistrict of Columbia DC 20011 was appointed ship. PROBATE DIVISION personal representative Date of Publication: Washington, D.C. of the estate of MagdaAugust 1, 2014 20001-2131 lene Latimer, who died Name of newspaper: Administration No. on February 13, 2012 Afro-American 2014ADM681 with a will, and will serve Blanquet Rose Morgan without Court supervi- Washington Law Reporter Decedent sion. All unknown heirs Dennis Eshman Esq and heirs whose Thea A. Coleman 1629 K. Street whereabouts are unPersonal NW, Suite 300 known shall enter their Representative Washington, DC, 20006 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Attorney proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE OF to such appointment (or REGISTER OF WILLS APPOINTMENT, to the probate of deNOTICE TO cedent´s will) shall be TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 08/01, 08/08, 08/15/14 CREDITORS filed with the Register of AND NOTICE TO Wills, D.C., 515 5th UNKNOWN HEIRS Street, N.W., 3rd Floor SUPERIOR COURT OF Kamaria Russell, whose W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . THE DISTRICT OF address is 722 Quebec 20001, on or before FebCOLUMBIA Place, NW, Washington, ruary 1, 2015. Claims PROBATE DIVISION DC 20010, was apagainst the decedent Washington, D.C. pointed personal repre- shall be presented to the 20001-2131 sentative of the estate of undersigned with a copy Foreign No. Blanquet Rose Morgan, to the Register of Wills or 2014FEP1100 who died on October 14, filed with the Register of Date of Death 2013 without a will, and Wills with a copy to the October 9, 2011 will serve without Court undersigned, on or besupervision. All unknown fore February 1, 2015, or Kiyoko Kumachiro Decedent heirs and heirs whose be forever barred. PerNOTICE OF whereabouts are un- sons believed to be heirs APPOINTMENT known shall enter their or legatees of the deOF FOREIGN a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2014 in this 13:28:48 cedent who do not rePERSONAL proceeding. Objections ceive a copy of this notice REPRESENTATIVE to such appointment by mail within 25 days of AND shall be filed with the its first publication shall NOTICE TO Register of Wills, D.C., so inform the Register of CREDITORS 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Wills, including name, Floor Washington, D.C. address and relation- Toshiko Terada whose address is Marumasu 20001, on or before ship. Kojimach, Bldg. 9F, 33 J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 . Date of Publication: Koymachi Chiyoda-Ku, Claims against the de- August 1, 2014 Tokyo 102-0083 Japan cedent shall be pre- Name of newspaper: was appointed personal sented to the under- Afro-American representative of the signed with a copy to the Washington estate of Kiyoko Register of Wills or filed Law Reporter Kumachiro, deceased, with the Register of Wills on March 13, 2014, by with a copy to the underBrenda Latimer the Tokyo Family Court signed, on or before Personal for Tokyo, Japan. January 25, 2015, or be Representative Service of process may forever barred. Persons TRUE TEST COPY be made upon John M. believed to be heirs or REGISTER OF WILLS Bixler, Room 400, 2001 L legatees of the decedent TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:22:31 EDT 2014 St., N.W., Washington, who do not receive a 08/01, 08/08, 08/15/14 DC 20036, whose descopy of this notice by mail ignation as District of within 25 days of its first Superior Court of Columbia agent has publication shall so inthe District of been filed with the Regisform the Register of District of Columbia ter of Wills, D.C. Wills, including name, PROBATE DIVISION Claims against the deaddress and relationWashington, D.C. cedent may be preship. 20001-2131 sented to the underDate of Publication: Administration No. signed and filed with the July 25, 2014 2014ADM750 Register of Wills for the Name of newspaper: Eva M Haynes District of Columbia, Afro-American Decedent Building A, 515 5th Washington Law ReNOTICE OF Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, porter APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. 20001 Kamaria Russell NOTICE TO within 6 months from the Personal Representative CREDITORS date of first publication of AND NOTICE TO this notice. TRUE TEST COPY UNKNOWN HEIRS REGISTER OF WILLS Margaret H Davis, whose Toshiko Terada address is 906 Locklane Personal 07/25, 08/01, 08/08/14 Dr, Johnson City, TN Representative(s) 37601 was appointed personal representative TRUE TEST COPY of the estate of Eva M REGISTER OF WILLS Haynes, who died on April 9, 2014 with a will, Date of first publication: and will serve without August 1, 2014 Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs Name of newspapers whose where-abouts are and/or periodical: unknown shall enter their The Daily Washington appearance in this Law Reporter proceeding. Objections The Afro-American to such appointment (or to the probate of de- 08/01, 08/08 & 08/15/14 cedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 1, 2015. Claims with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before January 25,2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail LEGAL NOTICES within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: July 25, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Terence D. Harper Personal Representative


B6 The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014

TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:21:48 EDT TYPESET: Tue2014 Aug 05



Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM759 Helen L. Penn AKA Helen Lucile Penn Decedent Brian L. Kass 1050 17th St. NW, #1100 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Joyce Miles Smith, whose address is 329 35th Street, NE Washington, DC 20019 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Helen L. Penn,AKA Helen Lucile Penn who died on April 4, 2006 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their a p p e a r aEDT n c e 2014 in this 13:17:12 proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 1, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 1, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 1, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP106 Date of Death December 5, 2013 Sandra K. Shank Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Michael A. Ogline whose address is 1844 W. State Street, Suite A, Alliance, OH 44601 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Sandra K. Shank, deceased, on January 8, 2014, by the Probate Court for Stark County, State of Ohio. Service of process may be made upon District Registered Agent Services, Inc., 1025 Commecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036, whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Columbia real property: 2316 40th Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 (represented by Share Certifactate #10, dated June 2, 1983.) Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.

Joyce Miles Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Michael A. Ogline Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: August 1, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American

08/01, 08/08 Tue & 08/15/14 TYPESET: Aug 05 TYPESET: Aug 05 13:21:22 EDT 2014 08/01, 08/08,Tue 08/15/14 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM771 Willie Mae Gass Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Mercedia V. Gass and Lavinia M. GassJohnson and John Aaron Gass, whose addresses are 710 50th St N E , Wa s h i n g t o n , D C 20019 and 6707 W. Forest Rd #101, Landover MD 20785 and 710 50th St. NE, Washington, DC 20019were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Willie Mae Gass, who died on Feburary 19, 2014 without a will,EDT and will serve 13:23:35 2014 without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 1, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 1, 2015 or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 1, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Mercedia V. Gass Lavinia M. GassJohnson John Aaron Gass Personal Representatives

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Foreign No. 2014FEP104 Date of Death November 28, 2013 Paul Ramlogan Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Richard E. Rice, Jr. whose address is 7101 Nimitz Drive, District Heights, MD 20740 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Paul Ramlogan, deceased, on March 31, 2014, by the State of Maryland Court for Prince George’s County, State of Maryland. Service of process may be made upon Dolly Ramlogan, BAC, 620 F. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004, whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned the following District of Columbia real property: 909 47th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20019. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice. Richard E. Rice, Jr. Personal Representative(s) TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS Date of first publication: August 1, 2014 Name of newspapers and/or periodical: The Daily Washington Law Reporter The Afro-American 08/01, 08/08 & 08/15/14

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/01, 08/08, 08/15/14

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Smith, who died on April 13, 2014 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections 13:22:13 EDT 2014 to such EDT appointment TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:20:45 2014 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Superior Court of Floor Washington, D.C. the District of 20001, on or before FebDistrict of Columbia ruary 8, 2015. Claims PROBATE DIVISION against the decedent Washington, D.C. shall be presented to the 20001-2131 undersigned with a copy Administration No. to the Register of Wills or 2014DM789 filed with the Register of Patricia R. Reid Wills with a copy to the Decedent undersigned, on or beNOTICE OF fore February 8, 2015, or APPOINTMENT, be forever barred. PerNOTICE TO sons believed to be heirs CREDITORS or legatees of the deAND NOTICE TO cedent who do not reUNKNOWN HEIRS Jerhmal Reid, whose ad- ceive a copy of this notice dress is 2517 Park Place by mail within 25 days of SE, Washington, DC its first publication shall 20020 was appointed so inform the Register of personal representative Wills, including name, of the estate of Patricia address and relationR. Reid, who died on ship. March 1, 2013 without a Date of Publication: will, and will serve with- August 8, 2014 out Court supervision. All Name of newspaper: unknown heirs and heirs Afro-American whose whereabouts are Washington unknown shall enter their Law Reporter appearance in this Ivonna Mozell Smith proceeding. Objections Personal to such appointment Representative shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd TRUE TEST COPY Floor Washington, D.C. REGISTER OF WILLS 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims 08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14 against the decedent TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:19:22 shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy Superior Court of to the Register of Wills or the District of filed with the Register of District of Columbia Wills with a copy to the PROBATE DIVISION undersigned, on or beWashington, D.C. fore February 8, 2015, or 20001-2131 be forever barred. PerAdministration No. sons believed to be heirs 2014ADM768 or legatees of the decedent who do not re- Bernard Edward Banks ceive a copy of this notice Jr. by mail within 25 days of Decedent NOTICE OF its first publication shall APPOINTMENT, so inform the Register of NOTICE TO Wills, including name, CREDITORS address and relationAND NOTICE TO ship. UNKNOWN HEIRS Date of Publication: Michael S. Banks, whose August 8, 2014 address is 75 Foal Lane, Name of newspaper: Martinsburg, WV Afro-American 25405-2600, was apWashington pointed personal repreLaw Reporter sentative of the estate of Jerhmal Reid Bernard Edward Banks Personal Jr., who died on May 27, Representative 2014 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown TRUE TEST COPY heirs and heirs whose REGISTER OF WILLS whereabouts are unknown shall 08/08, 08/15,Tue 08/22/14 TYPESET: Aug 05 13:20:05 EDTenter 2014their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment Superior Court of shall be filed with the the District of Register of Wills, D.C., District of Columbia 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before Feb20001-2131 13:22:53 EDT 2014 ruary 8, 2015. Claims Administration No. against the decedent 2014ADM792 shall be presented to the William A. Thomas undersigned with a copy Decedent to the Register of Wills or NOTICE OF filed with the Register of APPOINTMENT, Wills with a copy to the NOTICE TO undersigned, on or beCREDITORS fore February 8, 2015, or AND NOTICE TO be forever barred. PerUNKNOWN HEIRS sons believed to be heirs Herbert Thomas, whose or legatees of the deaddress is 5120 Sargent cedent who do not reRd NE, Apt 310 ceive a copy of this notice Washington DC,20017 , by mail within 25 days of was appointed personal its first publication shall representative of the so inform the Register of estate of William A. Wills, including name, Thomas, who died on address and relationApril 28, 2014 without a ship. will, and will serve with- Date of Publication: out Court supervision. All August 8, 2014 unknown heirs and heirs Name of newspaper: whose where-abouts are Afro-American unknown shall enter their Washington appearance in this Law Reporter proceeding. Objections to such appointment Michael S. Banks shall be filed with the Personal Register of Wills, D.C., Representative 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. TRUE TEST COPY 20001, on or before Feb- REGISTER OF WILLS ruary 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent 08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14 shall be presented to the TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:21:04 undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Superior Court of Wills with a copy to the the District of undersigned, on or beDistrict of Columbia fore February 28, 2015, PROBATE DIVISION or be forever barred. PerWashington, D.C. sons believed to be heirs 20001-2131 or legatees of the deAdministration No. cedent who do not re2014ADM766 ceive a copy of this notice Leland D. Nagel by mail within 25 days of Decedent its first publication shall NOTICE OF so inform the Register of APPOINTMENT, Wills, including name, NOTICE TO address and relationCREDITORS ship. AND NOTICE TO Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS August 8, 2014 Galen F. Nagel, whose Name of newspaper: address is 930 M Street Afro-American NW, Apt 810, WashingWashington ton,DC 20001 was apLaw Reporter pointed personal representative of the estate of Hebert Thomas Leland d. Nagel, who Personal died on May 26, 2014 Representative withouta will, and will serve without Court suTRUE TEST COPY pervision. All unknown REGISTER OF WILLS heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are un08/08, 08/15,Tue 08/22/14 TYPESET: Aug 05 13:18:20 EDTenter 2014 their known shall appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment Superior Court of shall be filed with the the District of Register of Wills, D.C., District of Columbia 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd PROBATE DIVISION Floor Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before Feb20001-2131 ruary 8, 2015. Claims Administration No. against the decedent 2014ADM799 shall be presented to the Viola Smith undersigned with a copy AKA to the Register of Wills or Viola F. Smith filed with the Register of Decedent Wills with a copy to the James B. Miles, Esq undersigned, on or be807 51st Street, NE fore February 8, 2015, or Washington, DC 20019 be forever barred. PerAttorney sons believed to be heirs NOTICE OF or legatees of the deAPPOINTMENT, cedent who do not reNOTICE TO ceive a copy of this notice CREDITORS by mail within 25 days of AND NOTICE TO its first publication shall UNKNOWN HEIRS Ivonna Mozell Smith, so inform the Register of whose address is 4305 Wills, including name, Ord Street, NE Washing- address and relationton, DC 20019, was ap- ship. pointed personal repre- Date of Publication: sentative of the estate of August 8, 2014 Viola Smith aka Viola F. Name of newspaper: Smith, who died on April Afro-American 13, 2014 without a Will, Washington Law Reporter and will serve without Court supervision. All unGalen F. Nagel known heirs and heirs Personal whose whereabouts are Representative unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 08/8, 08/15, 08/22/14 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent

August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014 The Afro-American


TYPESET: Tue2014 Aug 05 13:20:25 TYPESET: Tue2014 Aug 05 13:19:42 TYPESET: Tue2014 Aug 05 13:19:00 EDT 2014 TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:18:00 LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM812 Paul F. Williams Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Darrell F. Williams; Dorothea L. Shelton; Gloria Better; Valarie F. Williams whose addresses are 1100 Holbrook Terrace, NE, # 4, Washington, DC 20002, 1392 Post Oak Drive, Apt D, Clarkston, Georgia 30021, 4005 27th Ave, Temple Hills, MD 20748, 1100 Holbrook Terrace, NE #4, Washington, DC 20002 , were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Paul F. Williams, who died on May 15, 2014 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 8, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 8, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Darrell F. Williams Dorothea L. Shelton Gloria Better Valerie F. Williams Personal Representatives TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM765 Savannah D. Crook Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Edgar C. Crook, whose address is 10106 Treetop Lane, Seabrook, MD 20706, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Savannah D. Crook, who died on June 6, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose where-abouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 8, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 8, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM196 Lillian M. Allen Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Darrin Lorenzo Allen, whose address is 105 Woodland Rd, Indian Head MD 20640 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lillian M. Allen, who died on January 29, 2014 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 28, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 8, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM785 Earline Eubanks Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Veronica d. EubanksGreen, whose address is 12104 Birchview Drive, Clinton MD 20735, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Earline Eubanks, who died on June 5, 2014 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 8, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 8, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter

Edgar C. Crook Personal Representative

Personal Representative

Veronica D. EubanksGreen Personal Representative

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14

TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14

TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:17:38 EDT 2014

Rust Belt ‘New Normal’ Chronicled in Diminished Dreams Documentary Rich Hill

Film Review by Kam Williams

Rich Hill, Missouri is a ghost town on hard times. Located about seventy miles south of Kansas City, the population of this once-thriving mining metropolis has dwindled down to 1,393 since the last of the coal was unearthed from the ground. The lack of a sufficient tax base to maintain the city’s infrastructure is reflected in such urban blight as boarded up storefronts, potholed roads, abandoned farms, and the corner pharmacy and company bank reduced to rubble. Today, the remaining



residents find themselves stuck in a godforsaken no man’s land marked by social dysfunction and high unemployment. Nevertheless, there is an undeniable optimism among young Andrew, Harley and Appachey. These three boys are the subject of Rich Hill, a heartbreaking expose chronicling Rich Hill’s new normal in terms of the American Dream. Co-directed by Andrew Droz Palermo and Tracy Droz Tragos, the picture won the 2014 Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in the Best Documentary category. As the cousins’ camera follows the trio around, you can’t help but notice the crumbling exoskeleton in the background that looks almost post-apocalyptic. Could this really be the good ole U.S. of A? Meanwhile, each kid has a quite compelling story to share. 13 year-old Andrew worries about his family subsisting when not practicing the latest dance steps with his sister. Appachey, 12, wants to teach art in China when he grows up. But first, he has to repeat the 6th grade. And 15 year-old Harley has a great sense of humor despite the fact that he misses his convict mother imprisoned for the attempted murder of the sick stepfather who’d molested him. The Rust Belt’s “New Normal” depicted as a desolate, depressed dystopia dotted with street urchins a tad too naïve to appreciate their dire life prospects. Very Good HHH Unrated Running time: 91 minutes Distributor: The Orchard

08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14

The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority 5000 Overlook Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20032-5397

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENTS FOR 08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14 SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR ON-CALL SERVICES TYPESET: Tue Aug 05 13:18:41 SCADA EDT 2014 IFB NO. 140090 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM791 Arthur Bryce Decedent Michelle Lanchester, Esq 601 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 900, South Bldg Washington, DC 20004 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Jocelyne Bryce, whose address is 4701 6th Place, NE, Washingtion, DC 20017, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Arthur Bryce, who died on June 18, 2012 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before February 8, 2015. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before February 8, 2015, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: August 8, 2014 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Jocelyne Bryce Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS


08/08, 08/15, 08/22/14

The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water), requests the submittal of Qualifications Statements for the performance of on-call systems integration services for support and validation of portions of its existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. It is anticipated that the selected firm, team of firms, or joint venture, will perform work primarily focused on incorporating the existing facilities and instrumentation into the SCADA system. Limited commissioning of new remote SCADA sites may also be required. On-call services will be issued by task order for a period of three (3) years and are expected to include system maintenance, system improvements, troubleshooting, and repairs. DC Water’s SCADA system consists of three layers: Human Machine Interface (HMI), Remote Sites, and Communications. Services required are anticipated to be evenly split between HMI and Remote Sites with Communications work possibly overlapping both. The agreements resulting from this request for qualifications statements will be subject to a Fair Share Objective for Minority and Women Business Enterprises participation in this work of 28% and 4%, respectively. The program requirements are fully defined in the EPA’s Participation by Disadvantaged Enterprises in Procurement under EPA Financial Assistance Agreements, May 27, 2008. Interested firms should contact Mrs. Senail Manley (Senail.Manley@ dcwater.com) to obtain a Request for Qualifications Statements including a detailed scope of work. Qualifications Statements must be received by 2:00 PM on September 3, 2014. Request must refer to IFB No. 140090.


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The Afro-American, August 9, 2014 - August 15, 2014


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