Thursday, June 23, 2011
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Nearly 2,000 Guides to camp in Agassiz
Theesink joins Arts Festival program
PORTRAIT OF A MOM Betty Fox lived to tell her son’s story
SOAR week includes community service projects for teenaged girls Jessica Peters THE OBSERVER
In just a few weeks, Agassiz will be inundated with a temporary population of young women. The provincial Girl Guides organization has chosen Centennial Park for their sixth SOAR event — a weeklong camp that brings together Girl Guides from across the province, Canada and even from far off places around the world. But when the troupe of nearly 2,000 Guides and leaders bring in their tents, it won't be just to sit around a campfire and sing songs. They'll also be giving back to the community that's hosting them. Linda Fairly, a volunteer who handles public relations for the SOAR 2011 Steering Committee, said that while the girls are in town, they'll be putting in several thousand hours of community service. "There are all sorts of service
projects that will together and be going on that put into back week," she said. to school From crafts and hampers for hobbies, to full local children. on work bees, the S O A R girls will each put includes in 2.5 hours of community service. service projects Some will work wherever they with the District set up camp. SUBMITTED PHOTO The camp runs of Kent's gardener in a rose pruning A Girl Guide sews as part of a service every three session. Others project during the 2007 SOAR camp. years, and in will knit scarves the past has and hats for the homeless, or lap been in Prince George, Sooke, Trail, blankets for local seniors in nursing Merritt and Parksville. This year the homes. There will be Guides canning camp will run from July 22 to July 30. fruit for the food bank, and working But due to the large size of the camp, at the Community Services' Thrift coordinators will start arriving a few Store. They'll be marking storm days prior to begin setting up. drains and making wooden toys for By the time the Girl Guides arrive Christmas hampers. Each girl guide on the Friday of the camp, a small, will also be bringing one school self-contained village will be waiting supply item, which will all be pooled for them. On Saturday evening,
the Guides will gather for a parade through Agassiz followed by the opening ceremonies at about 7:30 p.m. There will be a Tour Day on Wednesday, July 27, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors will be able to tour the site and see SOAR 2011 in action, led by chaperones. It all wraps up on Friday, July 30, with a country fair and closing ceremonies. There currently is not a Guiding group set up in Agassiz, due to the lack of a volunteer leading stepping up. Agassiz and Harrison girls who do participate in the Guiding program travel into Chilliwack to be in a group. Fairly says visiting SOAR is a good way for potential leaders to see the benefits of Guiding. "We're hoping this could lead to a local group," she says. "Hopefully we CONTINUED ON 3
7 Aquanut action
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MARCO D. CEDRONE 3(5621$/ ,1-85< /$:<(5
7070 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz BC ZZZ FDVFDGHODZ FRP
Alex Schwichtenberg competes in the boys medley at the Kristy Hatt Memorial swim meet on Saturday afternoon. The meet ran throughout the weekend hosted by the Aquanauts and welcomed swimmers from around B.C.
2 Teen Burger for $6