At Agastya, we have constantly strived to anticipate and adapt to the ever-changing education landscape of the 21st century. Innovation has been our constant partner through this endeav our, and this year was no different. By shifting to phygital, digital and blended learning meth ods during the COVID-19 pandemic, we reenergized our mission to ensure that children and teachers learnt beyond the classroom.
With programs like ActiLearn 1.0, the myagastya.education website, the We-Learn app and Home-Lab kits we enabled children to experience Aah! Aha! And Ha-Ha! on their own, from the comfort of their homes. A delightful by-product of these initiatives was that we were able to involve and engage parents in their children’s education more than ever before.
They also form the base of Agastya 2.0, which marks a new chapter in Agastya’s journey, and reflects Agastya’s belief that every crisis gives birth to an opportunity. Agastya 2.0 sets an ambitious goal of reaching and impacting 100 million children by 2032. Towards this end, we are enhancing our existing programs and accelerating the new direction we adopted during the pandemic. By leveraging technology, we aim to create novel methods of self-learning and learner-centric teaching and learning.
Even as we explore new avenues of taking experiential learning to children and teachers, several studies have shown that significant learning gaps created by the pandemic still remain. We are confident that the initiatives under Agastya 2.0 will not only help us bridge these gaps but also take learning to new frontiers.
As ever, we are thankful to our partners and supporters for their unwavering support and encouragement and look forward to embarking on this exciting new journey with renewed vigour and support.
Ramji RaghavanAgastya International Foundation started in 1999 with the mission to empower under privileged children studying in resource-deprived schools with quality interactive learn ing. We single-mindedly strive to instil curiosity, creativity and confidence in children, irrespective of their social and financial circumstances. To fulfil our mission, we have pioneered several award-winning initiatives like the Science and Math centres, Mobile Learning Labs, Night Learning centres, as well as innovative digital learning platforms.
We constantly endeavour to innovate and reinvent our initiatives so that every child, even in the remotest of the village, continues to get access to quality learning. Driven by this belief, when the pandemic struck, we were one of the first to adapt our pedagogy and operations to support students, teachers and parents through challenging times. The Agastya movement has emerged stronger than ever from Covid, with an ambitious goal of reaching 100 million children by 2032.
Since 1999, we have impacted 17 million students and 300,000 teachers across 22 states in India.
Bringing to life the Agastya way of learning anchored in the concept of ’Aah! Aha! Ha-Ha!’
In 2020, our swift and innovative response to the pandemic created a strong base to continue growing the Agastya movement. The timely tools we developed gave us a headstart to use 2021 as a year of inno vation in service delivery.
From physical sessions, we smoothly transitioned to phygital and digi tal sessions making education more accessible and user-friendly during the pandemic. Phygital sessions are blended learning classes that use both physical and virtual tools and resources. Today, we are transforming education delivery to provide effective practical solutions across all our initiatives, from Science Centres to outreach programs like the Mobile Science Lab.
To overcome interruptions in learning caused by repeated lockdowns, we empowered children to take charge of their own learning without being entirely dependent on teachers and school resources. This called for adding brand-new tools to our inventory, including new Home Lab Kits, Acti-Learn 1.0 books, Parishodhana Kits and more.
The pandemic has changed learning methods and pedagogies forev er. From simply reacting to this change, we at Agastya have gone on to develop future-forward learning methodologies. We are building a sophisticated system of learning on the backbone of technology and innovation. We are committed to upholding our founding vision that children who face socio-economic challenges do not ever have to face a life without a quality education. We are grateful for the support of like-minded partners in enabling us to achieve our vision.
to students,
pushed harder to
One of the key initiatives this year to place children at the centre of their learning has been the launch of the book Acti-Learn 1.0. With more than eighty hands-on activities, the book aims to engage children and inspire their curiosity and creativity. Acti-Learn 1.0 has been released in Kannada, English, Telugu and Hindi and has reached 200,000+ children people in more than ten states. We are collaborating with the governments of Karna taka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Haryana to distribute the book in respective state government schools.
To take forward the concept of self-study amongst children, we intro duced Parishodhana Kits and Home Lab Kits that children could use in their homes while attending online classes. This complemented their digi tal learning sessions, making it easier to understand complex concepts on their own.
The Agastya pioneering spirit to find solutions during the challenging Covid times drove us to launch two digital platforms: the We-Learn app and myagastya.education website. These platforms promote self-learning and enable students to take their education into their own hands. They contain modules with easy-to-do activities and experiments connected to the NCERT syllabus. We also trained teachers in the effective use of these platforms.
While we innovated with technology, we continued to expand the scope and reach of our current programs. We capitalised on the need of the hour to launch 28 pilot phygital (or blended) learning programs across our various initiatives, including Science Centres, Mobile Science Labs and Lab-on-a-Bike. Along with face-to-face sessions, our instructors also used digital platforms and applications to provide a rounded educational experience.
We expanded our Campus Creativity Lab, the seat of Agastya’s innovation and operations, by adding two more specialised learning spaces. The campus now boasts of an innovative biomimetic structure with three biol ogy labs and an exclusive Aviation centre. We also started new outreach programs at the campus in the form of Eco-clubs in schools and Mana Nestham, a mobile school library.
To enhance learning outcomes, we also augmented the syllabus in our current initiatives to include math, electronics content, and modules on COVID-19.
Today, backed by innovation, we are driving education to new frontiers. We are inspired to not only create impact but ignite hope in the hearts of students. Together with our partners and supporters, we are taking confi dent and bold strides in the new normal, stepping towards a world where learning is possible without any boundaries and restrictions.
We took the challenge thrown by COVID-19 head-on to identify and start innovative technology-based learning solutions as well as strengthen the reach and impact of our existing programs. We implemented novel ways to deliver education so students and teach ers could effectively navigate the uncertainties caused by the pandemic and access quality learning even in the most difficult of times.
Our Explore, Play, Learn (EPL) program was launched in 2020 as a WhatsApp-based digital initiative whereby modules were created and circulated to students via audio, texts, pictures, videos and links. Driven by its success, the program was scaled to facilitate deeper engagement with children through live online classes on Google Meet. EPL promotes the self-learning capacities of students by helping them to learn using household materials, DIY experi ments, interactions with each other and dialogues with experts.
Strengthening scope and reach in 2021-22
We focussed on standardis ing the syllabus for online sessions. We experimented with combinations of multiple platforms and activities to arrive at the optimum grade relevant content. Our team developed hybrid learning models with DIY activities that can be done digitally as well as carried out face-to-face.
Adding Google Meet sessions allowed for greater interaction and two-way learning for students, as well as more effective instruction by teachers.
Downloadable free-of-cost from the Google play store, the We-Learn app uses multisensory learning methods, including touch screen and audio-visual technology, to cater to learning needs in multiple regional languages.
We launched the myagastya.education web site in 2021-22 to create a one-stop online resource where students can continue to learn, create and explore anywhere, anytime. With free-of-cost interactive modules in science, math, health and the environment, the E-learning website allows children to take charge of their own learning.
A key highlight this year is the launch of the Acti-Learn 1.0 book. Born out of the need to promote self-learning at a low cost amongst children in the pandemic, Acti-Learn 1.0 works as a unique DIY manual for STEM+ learning at home. It is a compilation of activities and experiments that children can do with every day materials around the house.
Targeted at children from grades six to eight, the book includes 80+ activities based on themes from the NCERT curriculum and is available in Kannada, English, Telugu and Hindi. We are collaborating with the govern ments of Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Haryana to distribute the book in respec tive state government schools.
Science can be engaging even at home 33,683 children reached
To uplift digital at-home learn ing, we conceptualised the Home Lab Kit initiative to keep children engaged and energised. Consisting of a guidebook and relevant materials, the kit allows children to create 50+ activities and experiment by themselves. The program makes online learning less isolating and more impactful.
Promoting learning by observing
We launched the Parishodhana Kit in the pan demic to engage children who did not have access to digital resources and the internet. The initiative runs on the premise of connecting chil dren with science by whetting their curiosity through simple everyday observations.
The kits include general science, mathematics, art activities, stories, puzzles and more. They are designed to encourage children to practice self-learning and hands-on learning and make them interested, observant and analytical.
“Agastya activities and experiments help in understanding the scientific concepts, and it increases the knowledge”
Pooja Vishe Class 7
books distributed
Learning by doing
The foundation of learning
Located at the intersection of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, the 172-acre Creativity Campus at Kuppam is Agastya’s base for educational initiatives. It is the seat of innovation, where many of Agastya’s pathbreaking initia-tives are conceptualised and tested before being rolled out in the field. The campus houses exclusive spaces dedi-cated to studying subjects ranging from biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics to astronomy, ecology, art, and media. Thousands of students and teachers experi-ence hands-on learning each year and draw inspiration from the impressive displayofexhibits,models,andexper-iments.
We added a learning space constructed in biomimetic architectural style to the existing Bio-Discovery Centre. The new building houses three biology labs to engage children in interac tive, hands-on, and exploratory life sciences education. The labs include a life sciences lab, an audio-visual centre themed “Let Us Investi gate”, a Neurobiology lab, and an open space that showcases the evolution theory in a gamified format.
The addition of the new Aviation Centre at the campus aims to spark an interest among chil dren in all things aviation-related. The building houses interactive exhibits and activities with a narrative that teaches them basic concepts in aviation.
This centre has two major components: -Learning centre: The exhibits in the learning centre include the history of aviation, biomimicry, aerodynamics, and controls and stability.
-Hands-on activity-based science and technol ogy lab: The lab will be a specialised place for students to undertake a wide variety of hands-on aerospace activities and experiments.
Launched Agastya Digital Engagement (ADE) program: We started the ADE program on campus through WhatsApp in April 2021. All our instructors maintained a WhatsApp group each where lab activities were posted daily. Children could conduct these activities from the safety of their houses and continue expe riencing hands-on learning with us. The program ran successfully till August 2021 post which face-to-face sessions restarted.
Increasing outreach activities in 2021-22: To make books accessible during the pandemic, we started the Mana Nestham program, a mobile school library. This book-equipped van travels to schools and villages that lack a local library and provides children access to books. It also acts as a book-lending space, inculcating reading habits in the community.
Launched Eco-Clubs & Mitree Program: This year, our environmental wing started eco-clubs in schools around the campus. It aims to connect students with nature through observing and conserving local biodiversity in and around their schools. To create a sense of purpose amongst students in the eco-club, we also launched the ‘Mitree’ program. As part of this, children take eco-friendly actions in small groups in their schools or communities.
Experiential science learning for all
Our Science Centres, located in resource-deprived urban and semi-urban areas, serve the unmet need for hands-on and experiential learning. Here, students and teachers conduct experiments, work with models, and get trained to observe and analyse.
Strengthening scope and reach in 2021-22
Expanding the syllabus – To provide a well-rounded learning opportunity to students, we extended the core syllabus of our Science Centres to include math.
We also established our first Math Centre in Chennai.
328,000+ exposures* across 72 centres
*An exposure is used to measure Agastya’s reach. It can be defined as the number of times Agastya has face-to-face interactions with an individual (child/teacher/community member). Each exposure is 2-3 hours in duration
“I would like to continue with the online session because it’s giving me so much knowledge in the form of video clips, Microsoft Powerpoint presentations, worksheets, activities, and models."
- Bhagya Kumbar Class 7
Engaging Parents – We believe that deeper parent involvement leads to enhanced learn ing outcomes for children. To this end, we invited parents to student-led science fairs to gauge the progress made by their children and support their child’s interests better.
To align with our goal of innovating service delivery, we launched pilot phygital learning programs in 2021-22. In addition to face-to-face sessions, our instructors also used online platforms and applications to provide a well-rounded educational experience. We also trained teachers to use Agastya’s We-Learn app.
1800+ children reached
“I have seen an improvement in my grades and confidence after attending Agastya digital sessions conducted by CSAC. I am now confident to answer any question related to science.."
- Basavraj Y Meti, Class 10
A sophisticated extension of our Science Cen tres, the five Core Science Activity Centres (CSACs) in Karnataka, advance learning with jumbo-sized models and dedicated labs for each subject. With year-long seminars, workshops and sessions, these Centres are the learning ground for aspiring scientists and researchers.
- The CSACs ran a Sunday column in a local newspaper, Sandarshan News, for four months.
- Started a Science Maga zine circulated to 5000 teachers.
Launched TV Show: To increase our reach via mass electronic media, we started a program on the FM TV channel, Bijapur, called Chinnara Chilipili that broadcasts hands-on activi ties for students and teachers every weekend.
Conducted Virtual Sessions: A range of online sessions were held to train teachers, support students in class 10, as well as summer camps, to keep students engaged in the pan demic
Taking hands-on learning to children
Our Mobile Science Lab (MSL) program is guided by the passionate belief that no child should be denied quality learning, even those who cannot come to Agastya. Driven by this goal, our network of vans, equipped with science models and trained instructors, takes science labs to under-resourced schools. With interactive lessons in schools and engaging visits to communities, MSLs are blazing the trail for bringing knowledge within reach of all.
- Added phygital and electronic components to the syllabus to improve elec tronic literacy amongst children - Our instructors trained teachers to use the We-Learn App and distrib uted the ActiLearn 1.0 books.
Electronics component: This was added to the MSL curriculum with the view to familiarise children with the basics of electronics. This forms the basis of their understanding of everyday electronic devices.
Design-thinking: In collaboration with the Mini Innovation Hub, we equipped MSLs with design-thinking kits, which help children understand design concepts and develop problem-solving skills.
Engaging Parents: Through out phygital and digital sessions, we were also able to engage parents and encourage them to be more involved in their children’s learning. We also organised special events and workshops for parents in several states.
“When I was in the sixth standard,
of the teachers from Agastya came
It was the first
Gayathri Shekhar
To Reach The Unreachable
Our Lab-on-a-Bike (LOB) program exemplifies our relentless commitment to take education to the country's remot est corners. In non-motorable terrains, where MSLs cannot reach, the LOB project takes over to ensure learning does not stop. A trained Agastya instruc tor, with a box full of science models, rides deep into the countryside to reach students. LOBs are also equipped with tablets to train teachers to conduct digital sessions.
- Launched several pilot phygital programs to tran sition to a blended way of learning.
- Trained teachers to use Agastya’s We-Learn app to ensure learning continues even after LOB sessions are completed.
Strengthening scope and reach in 2021-22
- Started Electronics Lab-on-a-Bike: This new addition to the math and science LOBs reached 750 children in Ben galuru and Gurgaon each in its first year of operations. The program is designed on a two-year activity-based sylla bus to introduce children to electronics and computing. The program also includes tech fairs to encourage crea tivity and innovation.
- Added components on sustainability: We launched 15 new LOBs and added renewable energy components to the LOB syllabus, focusing on the environment and sustainability.
Launched Saturday Forum: This initiative was born out of the success of the Online Make Your Lab program launched in 2020 in response to Covid. The Satur day Forum is a freeform online meet-up for teachers that have previously attend ed our sessions. The Forum provides live demonstrations by our instructors on new kits and technology. It also gives a platform for teachers to showcase any new modules they have developed with our help and encourage other teachers. The Saturday Forum has enabled us to maintain continued connections with teachers.
Strengthening scope and reach in 2021-22
-Upgrading Teaching meth odologies: We trained teach ers in effec- tively using our Home Lab Kits, ActiLearn 1.0 book and the We-Learn app. These resources help teach ers improve the quality of instruction in classrooms with the use of hands-on learning. -We conducted Mega MYOL sessions, with 150 teachers divided into groups of 6-7 per event.
Nurturing a generation of role models and mentors
Our Young Instructor Leader (YIL) programme was launched with the intent to introduce peer-to-peer learning. Each year, we identify children with leadership abilities and train them to mentor their fellow students. The project not only rewards the potential of capable students by building their confidence but also provides inspiring role models for other children.
Digitising Learning in 2021-22
Launched Blended Learning Curriculum: Revamped the program to integrate a blended learning approach with physical and digital modules. In its new avatar, the program entails a three-year journey that starts with creating a foundation for observation and experimentation. It ends with the young lead ers developing a socially beneficial project and learning through it.
“I had a fear of learning science and mathematics, but after attending Agastya’s YIL classes, the fear has gone, and I'm enjoying working on the science activities and teaching them to my classmates."
- Jamal Ahmad, Young Instructor Leader Class 7
across India
piloted with 3300 children
Because learning should never remain incomplete
256 OV Centres 10,323 children reached
Operation Vasantha (OV) is a ray of hope for chil dren and adults who are forced to choose earning over learning due to socioeconomic reasons. The Night Community Centers that we run with the help of trained community volunteers enable children and youth with little to no access to quality traditional schooling. Sessions in arts and crafts, quizzes, reading and hygiene enhance both the knowledge and interpersonal skills and act as a safe space for after-school learning.
Strengthening scope and reach in 2021-22
-Developed OV Kits: To cater to the increasing need for resources to aid hands-on learning, we developed OV kits that include one-time use science materials.
-Conducted OV Fairs & Engaged Parents: We con ducted OV Fairs across all centres to provide a platform for children to display their learning through projects and models. It also enabled parents to recognise the progress made by their children. By promoting parent engagement, we strive to inspire parents to re-enrol their children in the formal education system.
Our Mini Innovations Hubs (MIH) tap into children's inherent curiosity. Children are taught to identify simple problems in their schools and communities. They are then taken through a design-thinking process that helps them solve the issues by creating models and prototypes. The Mobile Innovation Bus (MIB) extends this concept to reach children across locations. The bus goes from school to school with our instructors encouraging children to think, ask questions, find answers and solve problems.
-Launched Maker Kit: With module-wise lesson plans and materials list, the Maker Kits introduce children to creative thinking in areas like wood working and electronic devices. Children are encouraged to conduct small-scale projects that solve real-world problems. -Two projects made using the Maker Kit won the INSPIRE award! a flag ship program of the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, that fosters and rewards creativity and innovative thinking amongst school students.
-Launched Initiative with MakerGhat, Mumbai: Under the initiative, we created and operated Maker Labs in schools and communities to offer youth: (1) a safe space to experiment in areas with high failure rates, (2) material resources, tools, and funds to invest in ideas, and (3) local role models and mentors who inspire a maker mindset among youth.
-Trained Teachers: Our teachers undertook workshops in ideation and problem-solving conducted by The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), a motoring club in Australia.
builds digital literacy and skills
students studying in schools with limited access to
labs and equipment. Students are taught grade-relevant content in technology and science using computers, tablets and mobiles. Children are taught programming, coding and AItopics that they would otherwise not have opportunities to get familiar with.
Digitising learning in 2021-22
Standardising Phygital Curriculum:
i-ML program focused on standardising the blended learning format using android-based learning systems and appli cations.
previously one-year curriculum was made more comprehensive and fleshed out over two years to integrate phygital mod ules.
This initiative harnesses the power of collaboration and turns innovation into a mass movement by pairing engineering students with government school students. This year, in its virtual avatar, the fest drew 350+ registrations across Karnataka, Chittoor, Delhi NCR and Hyderabad. Some of the winning projects of Anveshana 2021 include path breaking innovations such as the detection of obstacles on railway tracks, a well-being app called Sapto, and an armed robot that can be used in defence and security.
To continue spreading the spirit of curiosity, creativity, and confidence, we have come up with platforms where children can showcase their learning and talents. These events adhere to enhancing Agastya’s core philosophies through collaboration and healthy competition.
Jignyasa is a state-level science model-making competition organised by Agastya to ignite the spark of curiosity in children and teachers. Jignyasa, which means ‘the inner urge to learn’, works to cultivate a hunger for knowledge by allowing students to work, learn, build and exhibit models of their making. This is complemented with various interactive sessions, workshops, and activities to inculcate a scientific methodology.
This year, the event saw the most extensive participation of all years, with teams taking part from India and Bangladesh. In 30 events, 22 catering to children and 8 to teachers, participants competed in projects based on the theme, UN Sustainable Development Goals. This quiz-based event brings to life Agastya’s foundational prem ise: 'learning by questioning. The aim is to win not by answering alone but by asking the right questions. For instance, in the self-inquiry edition, a topic/statement is provided as a starting point, and participants must come up with pertinent questions and answers within a stipulated time.
This year, the event was also held for Agastya instructors, who were recognised for their ability to ask the most relevant ques tions.
IIM Bangalore,
Adobe Systems India Private Limited Aequs Foundation
AeroSpace Processing India Private Limited Agricultural Development Trust
ALIG Educational and Welfare Society Alok Oberoi Foundation AMM Arunachalam Trust
ANZ Support Services India Private Limited Arogya World Association Saikorian Autonomy Software Asia Private Limited Balrampur Chini Mills Limited Bandla Bapaiah Vidya Samsthala Committee Biocon Foundation
Bosch Limited Capital Business Systems Private Ltd
Carl Bechem Lubricants India Private Ltd Cipla Foundation Cognizant Foundation Deshpande Foundation Dow Chemical International Private Limited Dr. Daulat Singh Kothari Institute for Research and Education EdelGive Foundation
Expleo Technologies India Pvt Limited FarmIndia Impex Private Limited Fractal Analytics Private Limited GE Healthcare Global Private Limited Give Foundation
GIVE2ASIA Herbalife International India Private Limited Hero MotoCorp Limited
IIMAA (HYD) Charitable Trust
IIMPACT Infosys Foundation Intuitive Surgical India Private Limited J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited Jalaram Baba Children's Nest Education Private Limited JK Group Inc.
K C Mahindra Education Trust KLA Tencor Foundation (KT Foundation) Kurnool Municipal Corporation
L&T Technology Services Limited
Larsen & Toubro Public Charitable Trust Laurus Labs Limited
Lenovo India Private Limited
LSI India Research & Development Private Limited Mangalam Seva Nidhi Micro Focus Software Solutions India Private Limited Mindtree Foundation
Mytrah Adarsh Power Private Limited Mytrah Energy (India) Private Limited Mytrah Vayu Pennar Private Limited
Ranger Apparel Export
TheAgastya movement is bounding forwardwith renewedvigourfollow ing the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring new avenues of learning created during the lockdowns. We have established an exciting goal of reaching 83 million children by 2032, in addition to the 17 million we have already reached. With this, we hope that the number of children impacted by Agastya’s programs will become 100 million.
Webelievethewaytoachievethisgoalisthroughrelianceontechnology and creating processes that promote direct, indirect, facilitated and self-learning. Programs like Young Instructor Leader (peer-to-peer learn ing), Acti-Learn 1.0, We Learn and other blended and digital learning programs will play a key role in increasing Agastya’s scale through indi rect exposures. We are determined to ensure that the richness or quality of the programs also increases along with the increase in scale. The intensity and frequency of the exposures are also set to go up in the coming months.
We plan on expanding our beneficiaries to include children from government schools that haven’t already benefited from Agastya’s programs and low-cost private schools. We are also in the process of designing and reworking programs to focus on early learning.
As we complete the transition into a full-fledged movement, we are also enabling the transformation of our people from instruc tors or managers to agents of change who can leverage teachers, volunteers and technology to deliver better quality educa tion to the masses and enhance the impact of Agastya.