Handbook b4 respiration

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Agastya International Foundation

Respiration Handbook B4

“Science known no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch that illuminates the world.� -Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


Handbook B4 Respiration OVERVIEW OF HANDBOOK ABL





Why do we need air?





How does the body use air?





Some processes that happen when we breathe




The structure and function of our respiratory system




Do plants breathe?




STANDARD 7 6 7 9 8, 9


LIST OF FIGURES, CHARTS AND WORKSHEET Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

2 S. No Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 Fig 11 Fig 12 Fig 13 Fig 14 Fig 15 Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4

Chart 5

Chart 6 Chart 7 Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4

Name Pinching the nose shut Running on the spot Scientist recording breathing of subject Breathing through a straw Burning candle in an enclosed container Candle flame in melted wax Burning of sugar and glucose Apparatus for measuring air in one breath Measuring the chest size Blowing into the apparatus Blowing into lime water Model of the respiratory system Chalk diagram showing positions of groups Bell jar and balloon model of the lungs Results of the experiment testing respiration in hydrilla Work done by muscles in the human body Composition of air Gas exchange in an alveolus Parts of the respiratory system and the mechanism of gas exchange Diagram showing exchange of gases in lungs and at the level of cells and tissues Stages of respiration How energy is produced in the cell Sample observation sheet for ABL 1.2 Sample observation sheet for ABL 2.3 Sample observation sheet for ABL 3.1 Sample observation sheet for ABL 5.1 Sample chart set for ABL 4.1 and 4.2

Page No. 4 7 7 11 17 19 22 26 27 27 30 36 36 38 52 8 29 41 41


46 47 55 56 56 61 57

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


ABL 1 -Why do we need air? Activity

Learning objective

Key messages

Time (min)


Why do we breathe all the time?


Why does exercise affect our breathing?


Does the body do work when we rest?


How much air does a smoker get?

 

We need to breathe constantly. Our bodies need a constant supply of fresh air to work properly  When we exercise, our muscles do more work than at rest.  Since our body works harder during exercise, we breathe harder immediately after exercise to take in more air.  To arrive at a correct conclusion in an experiment, we need to compare similar quantities.  Our body works even we rest or sleep.  We breathe all the time since our body works all the time.  Smoking causes damage to our air passages and lungs.  Flow of air is reduced in smokers.  Less airflow causes breathlessness, tiredness and even affects the heart in smokers. Total Time

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com





35 mins

4 Time: 5 min

ABL 1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE– Why do we breathe all the time?

Note to Instructor–This activity demonstratesthat we need to breathe in and out constantly for our bodies to workproperly.






1 per class

Things to do Not Applicable Safety Precautions Not Applicable

SESSION 1.1 Link to known information/ previous activity Not Applicable Procedure Ask all learners to pinch their noses shut with their fingers and to hold their breath for as long as possible. See who holds their breath the longest. Use the stopwatch to record the maximum time for which learners are able to hold their breath.

Figure 1: Pinching the nose shut

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. How did you feel when you held your breath for so long? 2. Why are we unable to hold our breath for more than a few minutes? 3. What goes in and out of our bodies when we breathe? 4. Why do we need to breathe all the time? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


Discussion and Explanation

1. When we hold our breath for a long time, we feel very uncomfortable. Soon we have to take a fresh breath. 2. We can never force ourselves to stop breathing completely. Our brain will not allow us to hold our breath forever. When we hold our breath for a long time, the brain sends a signalthat restarts the process of breathing, even when we try hard to hold our breath. 3. When we breathe, we take in and give out air. 4. If the brain stops receiving fresh air for even a few minutes, it will get damaged. Similarly our body requires fresh air toperform vital functions. We breathe continuously so that we keep receiving air for our body to work normally.


We need to breathe constantly.

 Our bodies need a constant supply of fresh air to work properly

LEARNING CHECK For how long can we hold our breath? (Ans: Only for a few minutes)

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

6 Time: 15 min

ABL 1.2

LEARNING OBJECTIVE – Why does exercise affect our breathing? Note to Instructor– This activity demonstrates that we breathe faster after exercise. This is because our body does more work during exercise, and therefore needs more air.






1 per class



1 per class


Chartof muscles during work

1 per class


Instructor observation chart 1 per class


Learner observation sheets

1 per pair of learners

Things to do Ensure that there are a sufficient number of learner observation sheets kept ready for this activity. Safety Precautions In this session,learners perform different kinds of exercise. To avoid any accidents or injuries, ensure that the learner pairs are spread out. Also, make sure that there is enough space for learners to carry out exercises such as jumping, running onthe spot and toe-touching.

SESSION1.2 Link to known information/ previous activity We have seen that it is impossible for us to hold our breath forever. Now, let us see how our breathing is affected by exercise. Procedure Divide the learners into three groups. Each group chooses one of the following exercises: jumping, running on the spot or rapid alternate toe-touches. Ask one learner to be the Timekeeper for the whole group; give the Timekeeper the stopwatch and bell. Ask all other learners to form pairs within groups. Give each pair one learner observation sheet. In each pair, ask one learner to be the Scientist who observes and records the observations. The other learner is the Subject who performs the exercise given to the group. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

7 Make the learner pairs sit with the Subject facing the Scientist. The Subject now breathes normally. The Scientist counts the number of breaths taken by the Subject in one minute and records it in the observation sheet. The Timekeeper rings the bell to denote the beginning and end of one minute. Demonstrate the manner and speed of the three exercises to the groups. While running on the spot, demonstrate how the knees need to be raised high. Ask Subjects in each group to perform the activity given to the group (either jumping, running on the spot or rapid toe-touching) for exactly one minute. The Timekeeper indicates the beginning and end of the minute with a bell. Figure 2: Running on the spot

Timekeeper keeps note of another count and record the number of Subject in one minute after exercise.

Ask Subjects to sit immediately after completing the exercise. The minute. The Scientists breaths taken by the

Ask each learner pair to calculate the breathing after exercise and share group. Record the increase in breaths per minute for each activity for all

increase in speed of their result with the pairs.

Figure 3: Scientist recording breathingofSubject

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. Is there an increase in breathing in all pairs for all activities? 2. Why do we need more air after exercise? 3. What exactly do we do when we jump, run or touch our toes? 4. Which parts of our body are most active when we exercise? 5. Why did we do all activities for exactly one minute? 6. What happens if we compare number of breaths taken during three minutes before exercise and one minute after exercise? Discussion and Explanation 1. In the first activity, we saw that we breathe continuously for our body to work properly. During exercise, we start breathing faster than when weare resting. When we exercise, our body is doing more work than when we sit. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

8 2. We need air to do work. When we do more work, we need to take in more air. So we breathe harder immediately after exercise. Our breathing comes back to normal a little whileafter exercise, once the body stops doing extra work.

3. When we jump, we bend our knees, our feet push against the ground and then our body takes off from the ground. We then land on our feet. When we run on the spot, we rapidly raise our legs alternately into the air and then bring our feet back to the ground. When we touch our toes, we bend forward from the waist, stretch out our arms, swing to the side and alternately touch our toes with fingertips of opposite arms. Chart 1: Work done by muscles in the human body

4. All these actions that are performed during exercise are carried out using the muscles in our body. It is our muscles that bring about movements in the body as is shown in the chart of how our muscles work (Chart 1). During exercise, our muscles carry out work. The extra air that we take in after exercise is used toreplenish the energy in these muscles.

5. When we conduct experiments, we should be careful in making observations and recording them. If we need to compare observations in an experiment, all conditions, except for the one being compared, should be kept the same. In this activity, we compare breathing before and after exercise. When we sit quietly, it is obvious that we take more breaths in three minutes than in one minute. The greaterthe time we observe, the more the number of breaths taken. 6. In order to make a fair comparison of breathing speed before and after exercise, we should count the number of breaths taken in the same time period. So, if we count the number of breaths taken in one minute before exercise, we should count the number of breaths taken in the same time after exercise, i.e., one minute. Similarly if we count breaths taken in two minutes before exercise, we should count breaths taken in two minutes after exercise too. Only then can we arrive at a correct conclusion.


When we exercise, our muscles do more work than at rest. Since our body works harder during exercise, we breathe harder immediately after exercise to take in more air.  To arrive at a correct conclusion in an experiment, we need to compare similar quantities.

LEARNING CHECK Why do we breathe faster during exercise? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

9 (Ans: We breathe faster because our muscleswork harder during exercise and we need more air) Time: 5 min

ABL 1.3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – Does the body do work when we rest? Note to Instructor– This activity helps learners observe and understand what workthe body does when we sit still or sleep.

ADVANCE PREPARATION Material List Not Applicable Things to do Ensure that there is sufficient space for all learners to spread out and sit comfortably. Safety Precautions Not Applicable

SESSION 1.3 Link to known information/ previous activity In the previous activity, we saw that we breathe faster after exercise since we work harder during exercise. Now, we will see why we keep breathing even when we sit still or sleep. Procedure Ask the learners to sit comfortably in their chairs or on the floor. Tell the learners that they need to sit completely still and quiet, keeping their eyes open. Request learners to observe how their shoulders, chest and stomach move as they breathe. At the end of one minute, tell the learners that they can now stop watching their breath.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. How did your body move during breathing? 2. When sitting still, do we make any movements other than for breathing? 3. What are these other movements made by the body? 4. Do any of these movements happen as we sleep? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


5. Why do we breathe even when sitting quietly or when asleep? Is the body doing work then too? Discussion and Explanation

1. When we breathe, our shoulders move up and down, our chest moves outwards and inwards and the abdomen expands and contracts. 2. There are other movements unrelated to breathing that are made by the body as we sit still. 3. Our eyelids close and open, our heart beats, blood flows through our blood vessels and the stomach and intestines move during digestion. 4. Even when we sleep many of these movements continue in the body.All the movements made by the body when at rest indicate that the body continues to work. 5. Similarly, the brain continues to think and our cells continue to do their work when we rest. Since fresh air is required for all this work, we breathe all the time, even though we are only sitting still or sleeping.


Our body works even we rest or sleep. We breathe all the time since our body works all the time.

LEARNNG CHECK Does the body stop doing work when we sleep? (Ans: No) Time: 10 min

ABL 1.4 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – How much air does a smoker get? Note to Instructor– This is an activity used to demonstrate how smokers do not get enough air for their bodies to work properly.





Drinking straws cut to 3 inch lengths

1 per learner

Things to do Not Applicable.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

11 Safety Precautions Learners are required to do some running on the spot during this activity. To avoid any accidents or injuries, ensure that the learners are spread out. In this activity, the effort needed to breathe through the straw causes shortness of breath. Be careful that learners with breathing issues such as asthma do not attempt the activity.

SESSION 1.4 Link to known information/ previous activity We have just seen that we breathe even when we rest because our body continues to work as we rest. Now let us see what happens when we breathe in and breathe out less air than we do normally. Procedure Give each learner a three-inch piece of straw. Tell the learners that they will need to run in place for one minute. Tell them that after one minute they must stop running, put the straw in their mouth and breathe through the straw alone. Give a signal for learners to start running. At the end of one minute ask them to stop running.

Remind the learners to immediately put the straw in their mouth. They should now breathe only through the straw and not through their nose. After a few breaths, tell the learners to gently bite on the straw and breathe through it.

Figure 4: Breathing through a straw

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. How did you feel when breathing through the straw after running? 2. What did you do after you took the straw out of your mouth? 3. What would happen if you always had to breathe through a straw? 4. Who breathes at alltimes as if they were breathing through a straw? 5. How does smoking affect the body?

Discussion and Explanation Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

12 1. When we breathe through the straw alone, we reduce the amount of air that we take in and breathe out. Breathing in and out through a straw after exercise makes us feel breathless. This is because we need more air after exercise and breathing through the straw alone does not give us enough air. 2. Once we take away the straw, it is such a relief to take in a big gulp of air. 3. If we had to continually breathe through the straw alone, our life would become quite uncomfortable. We would always feel breathless. Also, we would find it very difficult to do tasks such as exercise where our body does more work and needs more air. 4. We tried this activity of breathing through the straw to show how difficult breathing is for a regular smoker. 5. Smoking of cigarettes or other substances containing tobacco damages our lungs and blocks our air passages. A regular smoker breathes in and breathes out much less air than a non-smoker. It is as if the smoker is always breathing through a straw! And the smoker never gets to take a big gulp of air for relief. 6. We find it especially difficult to breathe through the straw when we bite one end of it. But this is how breathing isin the case of a heavy smoker with severely damaged lungs. People who smoke regularly often feel breathless and find it difficult to exercise. This is because they have less air flow into their bodies. This lack of air makes it difficult for smokers to work well and they are often tired. If this low airflow continues for a long time, it can even affect a person’s heart.


Smoking causes damage to our air passages and lungs. Flow of air is reduced in smokers. Less airflow causes breathlessness, tiredness and even affects the heart in smokers.

LEARNING CHECK Why does smoking affect breathing? (Ans. Smoking damages the lungs and air passages and therefore makes it difficult to breathe)

TRY IT YOURSELF We take turns breathing through our two nostrils! Keep your hand in front of your nose and breathe out. Find out whether most of your breath is coming through your right nostril or your left nostril. Try this again after several hours. See whether air is coming through the other nostril now. Did you know that our feelings and our breathing are closely related? The next time you are angry or upset, try to slow down and take a few deep breaths. Do you feel better after doing this?

INTERESTING INFORMATION A German freediver, Tom Sietas, holds the world record for holding breath underwater, at 22 minutes! He achieved this record through regular training in pressure chambers and by filling his lungs with pure oxygen before the attempt.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com



http://move-with-me.com/self-regulation/4-breathing-exercises-for-kids-to-empower-calmand-self-regulate/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaeJUCVEp2s

REFERENCES Figure 1: http://familydoctor.org/Images/132_f1.jpg Figure 2: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/cm/menshealthuk/images/81/hi-knees-2minute-1707-de.jpg Figure 4:http://www.indianetzone.com/photos_gallery/24/muscular-system_20595.jpg Figure 5: http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/familyhealth/activities/breathing/images/KidTubeStringBlow-01.gif Activity 1.4 http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu/pdf/youth_health_breaks/e_dont_hold_your_breath.pdf

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


ABL 2How does the body use air?


Learning objective

Key messages

Time (min)



How is a candle similar

to a cell?

What happens when a

candle burns? 


What happens when

sugar and glucose are  burnt? 

A candle cannot produce a flame without fresh air. The flame produced by a candle can be compared to the work that our cells do. The candle burns through a process known as combustion to produce a flame. A candle needs both fresh air (oxygen) and wax (fuel) In order to produce a flame. In the same way, our body needs both oxygen from fresh air and glucose from food in order to do work. Sugar and glucose when burned release energy in the form of light and heat. Our body breaks down carbohydrates from food into glucose. Glucose in our body is oxidized with the help of oxygen in air to release chemical energy.

Total Time

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com




35 min

15 Time: 10 min

ABL 2.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – How is a candle similar to a cell?

Note to Instructor– This is an activity used to show the similarity between a burning candle and a cell, as both require fresh air to work.





Large identical candles

2 per class


Bell jar

1 per class



1 per class



1 per class

Things to do Keep the materials ready on a table where the setup will be visible to all learners. The candles used in this experiment should be large enough such that when one is kept under the bell jar, it uses up oxygen in around two minutes. Label the candles as Candle 1 and Candle 2. Safety Precautions Be careful when handling the flame, matchbox and the heavy bell jar with all the excited learners around.

SESSION 2.1 Link to known information/ previous activity We have just seen that our body does not work properly if there is not enough fresh air available to us. Now we will see how a burning candle is similar to our body. Procedure Complete 2.1a given below before starting the discussion. 2.1a Demonstration Place the two candles at some distance from each other on the table. Ask the learners whether they are able to see both candles. Light both candles at the same time and start the stopwatch. Allow Candle 1 to burn in the air. Place a bell jar over Candle 2 as soon as it is lit. Make sure that Candle 2 is in the centre under the bell jar. Observe the candles until Candle 2 goes off. Record the time for which Candle 2 burnt.Start the discussion as Candle 1 continues to burn. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


Figure 5: Burning candle in an enclosed container

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What happened to the two candles? 2. Why do you think the candle under the bell jar stops burning first? 3. Do you think there is air inside the bell jar? 4. What changed inside the bell jar as Candle 2 burned? 5. What will happen if the bell jar is not air tight? 6. Is there a similarity between the candle and our body?

Discussion and Explanation 1. In this activity, we see that a candle kept inside a bell jar goes out after a few minutes of burning. A similar candle which is kept in the open at the same time continues to burn for much longer. If you look carefully at the burning candle, you may see that along with producing a flame, it also lets out some smoke. When a candle burns, it lets out some substances into the air around it. 2. Both Candle 1 and Candle 2 have air around them. As they burn, both candles let out substances into the air around them. However, since Candle 1 is in the open, it keeps getting fresh air around it. Candle 2, which is under the bell jar, is not able to get any more fresh air. 3. Yes, there is air inside the bell jar. However there is no way for fresh air to come in. 4. A candle placed under a bell jar changes the air around it. Since it no longer gets fresh air, it is unable to continue burning. We have seen earlier that our body is unable to work properly without fresh air.

5. If the bell jar was not air tight, the candle would continue to burn. 6. The flame produced by the candle is similar to the work done by the cells in our body. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

17 The cells in our body will not do work and will die if they do not get fresh air. Similarly, a candle will no longer burn and produce a flame if it does not get fresh air.


A candle cannot produce a flame without fresh air. The flame produced by a candle can be compared to the work that our cells do.

LEARNING CHECK Does the air inside the bell jar remain the same when a candle burns under it? (Ans: No)

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

18 Time: 15 min

ABL 2.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What happens when a candle burns?

Note to Instructor – This is an observational experiment to show that the candle needs fuel from wax to produce a flame in the same way as our body needs food to work.





Small candles

3 per class


Weighing balance

1 per class


Petri dish

3 per class



1 per class


Permanent marker pen

1 per class

Things to do For this experiment, choose small candles that will burn completely in less than two minutes. Place them on a table where they are visible to all learners. Safety Precautions Be careful when handling the candles, flame and matchbox with all the excited learners around.

SESSION 2.2 Link to known information/ previous activity We have seen that like the cells of our body, a candle needs fresh air to do its work of producing a flame. Let us now see what else the candle and our cells need in order to do work. Procedure Show the learners how to use the weighing balance. Ask one of the learners to label the petri dishes as 1, 2 and 3. Place one candle in each petri dish. Ask learners to take turns to weigh each candle along with the petri dish. Record the initial weights on a chart. Light the candles and ask the learners to observe them carefully. Wait for the candles to be completely burnt. Weigh the three petri dishes along with the molten wax. Record the final weights.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


Figure 6: Candle flame in melted wax

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What happened when we lit the candles? 2. What happened to the wax? Can we touch it? 3. If we keep our hand near the candle, how would it feel? 4. What happened to the weight of the candles? 5. Where has the material gone? 6. Can material disappear?

Discussion and Explanation

1. Candles are made of wax. When we light the wick, it catches fire and this heat makes the wax near it melt. 2. The melted wax quickly forms vapour. We cannot touch it because it is very hot. This vapour catches fire and causes more wax to melt. This continues until all the wax burns. 3. If we keep our hand near the candle, it would feel hot. 4. Since the candle wax burns to produce the flame, the final weight of the petri dish and molten wax is less than the initial weights recorded. The wax found in candles is made of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon. As we saw earlier, a candle needs fresh air to form a flame. This is because the vapour from wax needs oxygen in the air in order to burn. When the wax vapour burns, it combines with oxygen. This process is known as combustion. Combustion of the candlereleases large amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. This is why the candle flame is so bright and hot to the touch. 5. The weight of the candle reduces as it burns because the wax is first converted to a gas. Next, when the hydrogen and carbon in the wax vapour combine with oxygen, they form carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water vapour (H2O). Most of the solid wax in the candle has therefore been converted into gaseous form. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


6. We have already seen that a candle requires oxygen in order to do work (produce a flame). Another thing that the candle needs is fuel in the form of candle wax. The fuel burns in the presence of oxygen to release energy in the form of a flame. In the last half an hour, you jumped and ran and did exercises. Suppose you had not eaten for four days, would you still be able to do these things?Therefore, in addition to air, our cells need food in order to work. Just as the candle needs oxygen and fuel to produce the flame, our cells need both oxygen and food to do work. Food is broken down into glucose and then used by our body.


The candle burns through a process known as combustion to produce a flame. A candle needs both fresh air (oxygen) and wax (fuel) In order to produce a flame. In the same way, our body needs both oxygen from fresh air and glucose from food in order to do work.

LEARNING CHECK Why does a candle need oxygen to burn? (Ans: Oxygen is needed for the combustion of wax in the candle.)

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


ABL 2.3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What happens when sugar and glucose are burnt? Note to Instructor– The burning of sugar and glucose is demonstrated in this activity to help learners understand what happens to glucose in our body during respiration.






1 per class


Steel spoons

2 per class



1 teaspoon per class



1 teaspoon per class


Spirit lamp

1 per class


Instructor observation chart

1 per class

Things to do Place the instructor observation chart so that all learners can see it. Safety Precautions Keep learners at a safe distance while demonstrating the burning of sugar and glucose.

SESSION 2.2 Link to known information/ previous activity We have seen that our body requires oxygen and glucose from food in order to do work. We will now see how our body uses glucose and oxygen. Procedure Complete 2.2a and 2.2b given below before starting the discussion. 2.2a Demonstration Ask one of the learners to take the stopwatch and keep track of time taken for the demonstration. Carefully heat a spoonful of glucose using a spirit lamp. Ask the learners to observe what happens. Note the time taken for burning it and record the observations in the instructor observation chart.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


2.2b Demonstration Repeat the demonstration in 2.2a but with an identical quantity of sugar.Note down the observations on the chart with the help of the learners.

Figure 7:Burning of sugar and glucose

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What did you observe as the glucose was heated? 2. What happened when sugar was heated?Was there any difference in how sugar and glucose behaved when heated? 3. Which part of our food do we use to get energy to do work? 4. How do we get energy from glucose?

Discussion and Explanation 1. When the glucose was heated, we saw that it first formed a liquid. Then it caught fire forming a flame and letting out black smoke. After all the glucose burned, black soot was left behind on the spoon. We also saw some water droplets on the edges of the spoon. 2. When the sugar was heated, we got the same observations as in heating glucose. However, the sugar took longer to burn than the glucose. 3. We get energy from carbohydrates. Both glucose and sugar are carbohydrates. However, sugar is a more complex molecule than glucose. Monosaccharides are the basic units of carbohydrates. Glucose and fructose are examples of monosaccharides. When two monosaccharides combine, they form a disaccharide. Sugar is a disaccharide that contains one molecule each of glucose and fructose. Since sugar is a more complex molecule, it takes longer to burn than glucose. The burning of both these carbohydrates results in the release of energy along with by-products such as carbon dioxide, soot and water vapour. Our body needs food to get energy to do work. The carbohydrates in our food, such as sugar and starch, provide us energy. Carbohydrates that we eat are broken down into glucose in our body. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

23 4. The glucose from food is “burnt” in our body in order to release energy. This occurs through a process known as oxidation. The oxygen that we take in from fresh air helps in oxidizing glucose. Oxidation of glucose in our body does not release light and heat energy. Instead, the energy released is stored as chemical energy in special molecules known as ATP molecules. ATP can be called the energy currency of our body.


Sugar and glucose when burned release energy in the form of light and heat. Our body breaks down carbohydrates from food into glucose. Glucose in our body is oxidized with the help of oxygen in air to release chemical energy.

LEARNING CHECK How do oxygen and glucose in our body give us energy? (Ans: Glucose is burnt in our body using oxygen to release energy for our use)

TRY IT YOURSELF Although candles are so common to us, there is a lot of science behind the light of a candle flame. Light a candle at home and carefully observe how it burns. Which part of the wax melts first? When does the flame produce soot? What are the different colors in a candle flame? You can learn a lot by observing candles. Take some raw grains of wheat and chew it for a long time without swallowing. Does it taste sweet? The next time your mother makes jalebis or gulabjamun, see how she makes the sugar syrup for the sweet.

INTERESTING INFORMATION People often wrongly believe that when a burning candle is placed under a container, it uses up all the oxygen in it. There is still a lot of oxygen left under the container, just not enough for the candle to burn.

WEB RESOURCES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRiXsQLYoJA http://misconceptions.science-book.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Chap2-1.pdf

REFERENCES Figure 7: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Candle-flame-and-reflection.jpg Figure 8: http://www.mcutter.com/nat/experiment626/11rawsugar.jpg

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


ABL 3Some processes that happen when we breathe


Learning objective

Key messages

Time (min)


How much air is in one breath?


Is the air we breathe out same as what we breathe in?

Our chest expands when we 20 inhale and relaxes when we exhale.  In a normal breath, we take in around 0.4 liters of air.  In a deep breath, we can take in up to 3.5 liters of air.  The air we exhale is different 15 from the air we inhale, because it is changed within our bodies.  Exhaled air has less oxygen, more carbon dioxide and moisture and higher temperature than inhaled air.  The relatively high level of carbon dioxide in exhaled air can be verified by the lime test. Total Time 35 mins

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

25 Time: 20 min

ABL 3.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – How much air is in one breath?

Note to Instructor– In this activity, the learners work in pairs to measure how much air we take in one breath.





Measuring tapes

1 per pair of learners


Plastic bottle with two holes in its lid

1 per pair of learners


Measuring cylinders

1 per pair of learners


Glass pipes – one straight and one bent (as shown in Figure 9)

2 per pair of learners



5 liters


Learner observation sheets

1 per pair of learners


Instructor observation chart 1 per class (or more if the number of learners is large)

Things to do Ensure that there are sufficient copies of observation sheets for learners and place the instructor observation chart where it is visible to all learners.

Set up the apparatus for this experiment (one for each pair of learners) before the activity, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8: Apparatus for measuring air in one breath

Take the plastic bottle and make two holes in its lid. Place the measuring cylinder next to the plastic bottle. Insert the bent glass tube through one hole in the lid of the plastic bottle and introduce its other end into the measuring cylinder. Now insert the straight glass tube through the other hole in the lid. Fill the plastic bottle up to the neck with water. Make sure that the setup is airtight. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

26 Safety Precautions Separate the boys and girls for this activity.

SESSION 3.1 Link to known information/ previous activity So far, we have seen how we use air to get energy. Let us now look at how much air we are able to take in during each breath. Procedure Divide learners into pairs, with one as the Subject and the other as the Scientist. Give out one learner observation sheet and a measuring tape to each pair of learners. Explain to the learners the different steps they need to carry out, as follows: 1. The Scientist should measure and record the chest size of the Subject after inhalation and after exhalation as shown in Figure 10)

Figure 9: Measuring the chest size

2. The Subject should first take in as much air as possible in one breath and hold the breath. The Scientist should now measure the chest size and record it. 3. The Subject should now breathe out completely and the Scientist should record the chest size after exhalation. 4. The Subject should now breathe in as much as possible for a second time. The Subject should now expel all the air in their lungs through the glass tube in the apparatus (as shown in Figure 11). 5. When the Subject breathes into the apparatus, it causes water from the plastic bottle to run into the measuring cylinder. The Scientist should record the amount of water in the measuring cylinder in the observation sheet. If time permits, this should be repeated three times and the average should be recorded in the table. Figure 10: Blowing into the apparatus

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


After the activity is completed, ask learner pairs to call out the values they noted and record this in the instructor observation chart.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What happens to your chest when you take in a deep breath? 2. Who has the highest chest expansion? 3. Who was able to displace the highest amount of water into the measuring cylinder? Is it the same person as for chest expansion? 4. Who has the lowest chest expansion? 5. Who was able to displace the least amount of water into the measuring cylinder? Is it the same person? 6. When we blow air into the plastic bottle, why does water move from the bottle to the measuring cylinder? Discussion and Explanation 1. During the process of breathing, the chest expands when we inhale and relaxes when we exhale. The amount of expansion of the chest is related to the amount of air that our lungs can hold. The maximum amount of air that a person can breathe out is their lung capacity. 5. In this apparatus, water is filled right till the neck of the plastic bottle. When we blow air into this, water rushes out of the second glass tube to make space for the added volume of air. The volume of water collected in the measuring jar is equal to the volume of air that we blow into the first tube. Thus, we have measured the amount of air that we are able to breathe out. During normal breathing, we take in around 0.4 liters of air. In a deep breath, we can take in up to 3.5 liters of air. The greater the lung capacity, the more the amount of air we breathe in and out. We can work and exercise better when we get more air. Some ways to increase our lung capacity are through deep breathing and exercise. Note to Instructor: Get answers for Leading Questions 2 to 5 from observations from the class.


Our chest expands when we inhale and relaxes when we exhale. In a normal breath, we take in around 0.4 liters of air. In a deep breath, we can take in up to 3.5 liters of air.

LEARNING CHECK What does “lung capacity” mean? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

28 (Ans: Lung capacity is the maximum amount of air that we can breathe out)

Time: 15 min

ABL 3.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE - Is the air we breathe out same as what we breathe in? Note to Instructor– This is an activity where learners observe how exhaled air has a different composition from inhaled air.






100 ml


Test tubes

1 per pair of learners


Drinking straws

1 per pair of learners


Medium sized mirror



Cloth to wipe mirror



Chart 2


Things to do Place the mirror on a table. Gas O2 Co2 N2 Water vapour

Inhaled (room air) 20%-21% 0.03%-0.04% 78%

Exhaled lung air 15%-16% 4.0% 75%

Chart 2: Composition of air.

Safety Precautions Not Applicable.

SESSION 3.2 Link to known information/ previous activity Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

29 In the previous activity, we saw how much air we take in during each breath. Now, let us see how our body changes the air that we take in. Procedure Divide learners into pairs. Provide a test tube with 2ml of limewater and a straw to each pair. Ask learners to carefully observe the limewater and note that it is a clear liquid.

Figure 11: Blowing into limewater

Ask one of the learners in each pair to carefully blow into the liquid without spilling it. Request the learners to observe and describe the changes occurring in the lime water. Tell the learners to take turns to come up to the table. They should now blow on the mirror and note what happens. Once all learners have tried blowing on the mirror, ask them to see what has happened to the limewater kept in their test tubes. Finally ask learners to keep their hands close to their mouth and blow on it. Ask them to note how this air feels.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What happens to the limewater when we breathe on it? Why? 2. What happened when the milky limewater was kept for some time? 3. What happened to the mirror when you blew on it? Why? 4. When you breathed onto your hand, how did the air feel? 5. Why do people sometimes blow on their eye glassesand then wipe with a cloth to clean them? 6. What can we see from the percentage of gases shown in the chart? Discussion and Explanation

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

30 1. The limewater given initially in the test tubes was clear and transparent. When you blew on this limewater, it turned milky. Limewater turns milky when there is more carbon dioxide than is normal in the air around us. The limewater in the test tube turned milky when you blew on it. This indicates that the air we exhale has more carbon dioxide than the air we inhale. 2. When we left the test tube alone for some time, its milky nature disappeared. This is because there is a lower level of carbon dioxide in the air around us. Limewater turns clear when it is placed in lower levels of carbon dioxide. 3. When we blow on the mirror, we see that the mirror becomes cloudy and moist. 4. When we blow into our hands, the air feels warm and wet. Both these observations indicate that there is a higher level of moisture in the air that we exhale than in the air around us. Also, the air that we breathe out is at a higher temperature than inhaled air. 5. Since the exhaled air is warm and moist, some people blow on their glasses to clean them. The small amount of hot water in our exhaled breath helps to clean the glasses better. We have seen that the air we breathe in is changed in our bodies. The air that we breathe out has more carbon dioxide and moisture and is at a higher temperature than inhaled air. 6. Air is a mixture of gases – mainly nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour. The largest component of air is the inert gas, Nitrogen. From the chart showing the composition of inhaled and exhaled air, we can see that exhaled air is clearly different from inhaled air. While inhaled air has 20 to 20% of oxygen in it, exhaled air has only 15 to 16% of oxygen. This shows that around 25% of inhaled oxygen is used up by our body. The percentage of carbon dioxide in air is very low. However, this percentage increases by nearly 100 times in exhaled air (4%) in comparison with inhaled air (0.03 to 0.04%). Water vapour content in the atmosphere constantly changes, and so no numbers are given for it in the chart. However, the air that we breathe out has more water vapour and is warmer than the air around us.


The air we exhale is different from the air we inhale, because it is changed within our bodies. Exhaled air has less oxygen, more carbon dioxide and moisture and higher temperature than inhaled air. The relatively high level of carbon dioxide in exhaled air can be verified by the lime test.

LEARNING CHECK Why did milky limewater turn clear when kept in air? (Ans: Air has a lower level of carbon dioxide than our exhaled breath. Since limewater remains milky only at high levels of carbon dioxide, it become clear when kept in air.)

TRY IT YOURSELF You can improve your lung capacity by doing breathing exercises and exercise. Exercise regularly and see whether you feel less breathless with time. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


INTERESTING INFORMATION You can easily make limewater by yourself. Put one teaspoon of calcium hydroxide in a clean glass jar of around 2 liters. Fill the jar with distilled or tap water. Shake the jar vigorously for 1 or 2 minutes and then let it stand for 24 hours. Then pour out the clear solution without stirring up the sediment, through a filter paper. Filter again if required to produce clear limewater.

WEB RESOURCES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HuyUxJBY3E http://www.wikihow.com/Increase-Your-Lung-Capacity .

REFERENCES Figure 13: http://www.uq.edu.au/_School_Science_Lessons/3.34.1ch.GIF

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


ABL 4Structure and function of our respiratory system Activity

Learning objective

Key messages

Time (min)


What is the structure

of our respiratory  system?   4.2

How does our

respiratory system

work?   


The respiratory system is made up of 30 the upper airways, lower airways and lungs The nose, pharynx, larynx and trachea are the upper airways. The bronchi and bronchioles form the lower airways. The lungs are made of millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli. The main function of the respiratory 30 system is the exchange of gases. Oxygen from inhaled air is exchanged with carbon dioxide in blood through alveoli in the lungs. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of the oxidation of glucose in our cells. The oxidation of glucose provides us with energy to live. The carbon dioxide waste is removed from our body through the air we exhale. Movement of air into and out of our lungs occurs through movements of the diaphragm and ribcage.

What is cellular  respiration?

 

There are two kinds of respiration – pulmonary respiration that takes place in the lungs and cellular respiration that takes place at cell level. Both kinds of respiration are vital for the body to function Cellular respiration helps to oxidise glucose, the end product of digestion, and releases energy for life processes

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

33 Time: 30 min

ABL 4.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What is the structure of our respiratory system? Note to Instructor– This section illustrates to learners the main parts of our respiratory system.





Chart of respiratory system with labeled parts

1 per class


Model, photographs and video of the respiratory system

1 set per class


Set of charts describing parts of the 1 set per class respiratory system (as described in the Appendix)


Colored chalk

1 box per class


Two glass slides labeled “1” and “2”

1 set per group


Small jar of Vaseline

1 per class

Things to do Use the sample chart set provided in the Appendix to prepare charts for activities 4.1 and 4.2. Prepare these charts in A4 or larger size and laminate them for easy handling and storage. The name and diagram of the part should be on one side of the chart and the descriptions of location, structure and function should be on the other side. There are five charts in the set on the following parts: 1. Nose, 2.Pharynx, larynx and trachea, 3.Bronchi and bronchioles, 4.Alveoli and 5. Lungs. The charts should not be numbered so that learners find out the order of these parts on their own. A setup with glass slides made by learner groups during this activity is meant for observation in the next activity. These should lie undisturbed. Safety Precautions Not Applicable.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


SESSION 4.1 Link to known information/ previous activity We have just seen how our body changes the air that we breathe in. Now, let us learn about the parts of the respiratory system that handle the air we breathe. Procedure Ask the learners to summarize what they have learnt so far about breathing in this module. Divide the learners into five groups. Give each group the two slides numbered 1 and 2. Ask all groups to take some Vaseline from the jar and coat Slide 2 with a layer of Vaseline. Place each group’s slides on a window or other place open to air after marking which group it is from. Give each group one chart from the set of five charts prepared for this activity. Tell the groups that they have ten minutes to read and understand the material given in the chart. At the end of ten minutes, each group will need to explain their chart to the whole class. Facilitate this process if any group has difficulties. Figure 12: Model of the respiratory system

While the group is reading, use chalk to draw the diagram shown in Figure 15 in the middle of the class floor or outside on ground. The parts of the diagram should be large enough for the groups to sit in their respective locations. At the end of ten minutes, tell the groups that they will now form the respiratory system. Ask the groups to stand in the circles and semi-circles in the order that they fall in the respiratory system. Once the groups have found the right places, ask them to read and explain to the class the information given in the “Where am I?” and “What am I” sections of their charts. Summarize the information given by the groups using a chart, model or video.

Figure 13: Chalk diagram showing positions of groups

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What clues do we have about breathing so far? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


2. What is given in the chart about the parts of the respiratory system and their locations?

Discussion and Explanation 1. Oxygen from the air we breathe and the carbohydrates we eat give us the energy we need to work. Our body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose is burnt or oxidized in the presence of oxygen to give energy. The air we breathe in is changed by our body. The air that we breathe in has more of oxygen. The air that we breathe out has more carbon dioxide and moisture, and is at a higher temperature. The chest expands as we breathe in and relaxes as we breathe out. We take in around 0.4 liters of air in a normal breath. 2. The respiratory system is made up of the following: 1. the upper airways, 2. the lower airways and 3. The lungs. The upper airways consist of the nose, pharynx, larynx and trachea in that order. The nose contains two nasal passages. The pharynx is the tube at the back of the nose and mouth. The pharynx runs through the neck and leads to the trachea. The trachea or windpipe is in the upper part of the chest. The larynx or voice box is in the throat. The lower airways consist of the two bronchi and the bronchioles. Each bronchus branches out from the trachea and enters one lung. The bronchus branches into several bronchioles inside the lung. The two lungs occupy most of the chest cavity. They are soft and spongy bags made up of around 300 million alveoli. Each alveolus is a tiny air sac with thin walls at the end of the bronchioles. The lungs are protected by the rib cage on the sides and by the diaphragm below.


The respiratory system is made up of the upper airways, lower airways and lungs The nose, pharynx, larynx and trachea are the upper airways. The bronchi and bronchioles form the lower airways. The lungs are made of millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli.

LEARNING CHECK What are the three main parts of the respiratory system? (Ans. The upper airways, the lower airways and the lungs)

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

36 Time: 30 min

ABL 4.2

LEARNING OBJECTIVE – How does our respiratory system work? Note to Instructor– In this section, learners perform activities, observe demonstrations and read descriptions to understand how our respiratory system works.





Beakers (250 ml)

2 per class


Water containing fibers, fine strips of paper and similar impurities

1 liter per class


Small fine-toothed comb

1 per class


Packet of agarbathi

1 per class



1 per class


Potassium permanganate crystals

1 teaspoon per class


Beaker with 100 ml water

1 per class


Set of charts describing parts of the respiratory system (used in ABL 4.1)

1 set per class


Bell jar and balloon model of the lungs

1 per class

Things to do Check that the bell jar and balloon model is working, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 14: Bell jar and balloon model of the lungs

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

37 Safety Precautions Not Applicable.

SESSION 4.2a Link to known information/ previous activity We have just seen what the parts of the respiratory system are and where they are found. Now, let us look at the role that cilia and mucus play in respiration. Procedure Ask all groups to remain seated as they were at the end of ABL 4.1. Tell one member of each group to bring the group slides 1 and 2 that were placed during the beginning of ABL 4.1. Ask the groups to observe the slides and note whether there is any difference between them. Tell them to think about which part of the respiratory system this resembles. Hold up the water containing impurities in it (mentioned in the materials list) so that all learners can see it. Now use the fine-toothed comb and demonstrate how the fibrous and other impurities in the water can be picked up with it. Ask Group 1 to read out the section on “What I do� and explain how cilia and mucus clean up the air that we breathe in.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY 4.2a Leading questions 1. Which part of the respiratory system is like Vaseline in touch and appearance? 2. How does this substance perform its role? 3. Which part of the respiratory system is similar to the teeth of the comb? 4. What role does this part play? Discussion and Explanation

1. The mucus found in the inner layer of our nose and lining other parts of the respiratory system is very similar to Vaseline. 2. Since the mucus is sticky, it traps dust and other particles in inhaled air. These are moved away from the lungs. This helps to protect our lungs from foreign particles. 3. Cilia are tiny hairs that line the inside of the upper airways. 4. They act as filters that prevent the entry of particles such as dust into the lungs. They trap these particles and move them up and away out of the airways.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


SESSION 4.2b Link to known information/ previous activity We have seen the role of cilia and mucus in our nose. Now, let us look at the roles of the pharynx, larynx and trachea. Procedure Ask Group 2 to explain the “What we do” section from their chart on pharynx, larynx and the trachea. Ask learners to keep their fingers on their neck as they swallow and observe what happens. Tell the learners to keep their fingers against their throat as they speak. Ask them to notice what their fingers feel. Tell learners to observe how their vocal cords feel as they make the following sounds. The first sound they should make is a sigh. Then they should make a grunting sound, as if lifting something heavy. Finally ask them to say “mmmmmm” as if they are enjoying their food.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY 4.2b Leading questions 1. What did you feel under your fingers when you swallowed? 2. What did you feel when you kept your fingers against your throat and spoke? 3. Why did this happen? 4. How did you feel when you made the three sounds? Discussion and Explanation 1. The structure that we feel moving up and down in our throat as we swallow is the larynx. 2. When we keep our fingers against the throat and speak, we feel some vibrations under our fingers. The vibration is the action of the vocal cords found in the larynx. It is the vibration of the vocal cords that makes sound. 3. The vocal cords are open when we breathe and so they do not produce sound. We make sound only when the vocal cords come close together as we breathe. 4. When we sigh, we feel very minimal pressure on our vocal cords. This is because our vocal cords do not close much during the sigh. Since the vocal cord is not closed much, the sound of a sigh is very weak. When we grunt, we feel a very high pressure against the vocal cords because they are pressed too close. This can damage the vocal cords. When we make the “mmmmmm” sound the pressure on our cords is just right to produce sound that can be heard clearly and yet not hurt our vocal cords.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


SESSION 4.2c Link to known information/ previous activity We now know the functions of the pharynx, larynx and trachea. The next parts of the respiratory system that we will study are the bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli. Procedure Ask Group 3 to read out and explain the “What we do” section for bronchi and bronchioles. Now demonstrate the following two experiments. In the first experiment, light an agarbathi and ask learners to observe the smoke that comes out of the lit end. Ask learners to note where there is thickest smoke and the direction of flow of the smoke. In the second experiment, put a small crystal of potassium permanganate in a beaker of water. In a little while, colored water will be seen moving through the beaker. Ask the learners to note the direction of flow of this color. Now ask Group 4 to explain the function of alveoli using the “What I do” section of their chart.

Chart 3: Gas exchange in an alveolus

Chart 4:Parts of the respiratory system and the mechanism of gas exchange

Summarize the process of respiration with the help of charts of diagrams shown in Chart 3 and 4. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY 4.2c Leading questions 1. Where is most smoke observed in the agarbathi? 2. Where is the highest amount of potassium permanganate found –near the crystal, or away from it? 3. What is the direction of flow of smoke and the colored solution? 4. How are these two experiments related to the movement of gases between the alveoli and blood? Discussion and Explanation

1. In a lighted agarbathi, the thickest smoke is at the lit end. Smoke moves away from its place of high concentration. 2. In the second experiment, the highest amount of potassium permanganate is in the crystal. We saw the colored solution moving away from the crystal in all directions in the beaker. 3. Both agarbathi smoke and potassium permanganate solution move away from the region of high concentration towards the region of low concentration. 4. Diffusion is the process where a gas or liquid moves from a region of high concentration towards a region of low concentration. This is the principle behind the exchange of gases occurring in the lungs. When we breathe in, air containing high concentration of oxygen enters the lungs. In the lungs, oxygen passes through the thin walls of the alveoli into the surrounding capillaries through diffusion. Once in the capillaries, the oxygen binds with hemoglobin in the red blood cells of our blood. The blood carries thisoxygen to the cells in the body. Here it is released from the RBCs to be used by cells. Meanwhile, the food that we eat is broken down into glucose molecules. In cells, these glucose molecules combine with the oxygen to release energy, carbon dioxide and water. The energy is stored in ATP molecules to be used by the cell for its work. At the same time, waste carbon dioxide from the body cells passes through the capillary walls and dissolves in blood plasma. This is returned by the blood to the lungs, and diffuses across the capillary walls into the alveoli. Then carbon dioxide is breathed out.

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


SESSION 4.2d Link to known information/ previous activity We have just seen the different steps involved in the process of respiration. Now let us look at a model to understand how the lungs expand and relax. Procedure Hold up the bell jar and balloon model of the lungs so that all learners can see it. Ask the learners to carefully observe and describe the model. Ask the learners to observe the size of the balloons at rest. Now demonstrate the working of this model by pulling down the plastic sheet as shown in Figure 16. Show the learners what happens when the plastic sheet is let go to its original position. Ask some of the learners to try out this working model; the other learners should carefully observe what is happening. Finally, ask Group 5 to explain the function of the lungs from the “What I do� section of their chart.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY 4.2d Leading questions 1. What is the link between the first activity of measuring chest size during inhalation and exhalation and the model you just saw? 2. Is there anything like the two balloons in our bodies? 3. Why do the balloons become bigger and smaller when we pull and release the plastic sheet? 4. What are the similarities and differences between this model and our respiratory system? Discussion and Explanation 1. The model consists of a bell jar with a flexible plastic sheet firmly tied to the base so that it is airtight. The opening at the top of the bell jar is fitted with an airtight one-holed cork. A Y-shaped glass tube is passed through this opening with two balloons fitted to the end of each arm of the Y, as shown in Figure 16. 2. The bell jar stands for the chest cavity and the balloons represent the lungs. The tail of the Yshaped tube represents the trachea and the arms are the bronchi. 3. The plastic sheet at the base of the bell jar is similar to the sheet of muscle known as the diaphragm. Our diaphragm is located just below the rib cage. When the plastic sheet in the model is pulled down, the cavity inside the bell jar expands. Pressure inside the bell jar reducesand air rushes into the balloons, making them expand. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

42 This is similar to what happens when the diaphragm contracts and moves downwards. When the diaphragm moves downwards, there is an increased space in the chest cavity, into which the lungs expand. As the lungs expand, air is sucked in through the nose or mouth. When the plastic sheet is pushed back into position, the space in the bell jar contracts. The increase in pressure in the bell jar causes air to rush out of the balloons. Similarly, when the diaphragm move upwards, the space in the chest cavity becomes smaller, forcing air out of the lungs. 4. While the bell jar model is a convincing demonstration of inhalation and exhalation, we should remember that there are many points in which it is inaccurate. First, our lungs fill most of the chest cavity unlike the small balloons in the model. Second, while there is plenty of air around the balloons in the model, there is no air in the chest cavity around the lungs. In fact, if air occurs around the lungs, it is an indication of a severe illness. In such a case, our lungs would collapse and stop functioning. Finally, while the walls of the bell jar cannot move, the walls of the chest cavity move outwards and inwards. The outward movement of the ribcage in addition to the downward movement of the diaphragm causes the lungs to expand and fill with air during inhalation. Similarly, during exhalation, the rib cage moves inwards along with the upwards movement of the diaphragm to reduce the space in the chest cavity.

KEY MESSAGES     

The main function of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. Oxygen from inhaled air is exchanged with carbon dioxide in blood through alveoli in the lungs. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of the oxidation of glucose in our cells. The oxidation of glucose provides us with energy to live. The carbon dioxide waste is removed from our body through the air we exhale. Movement of air into and out of our lungs occurs through movements of the diaphragm and ribcage.

ABL 4.3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What is cellular respiration? Note to Instructor – This section tells learners what happens to the oxygen that is absorbed during exchange of gases in the lungs when it reaches the cells and tissues of different parts of the body. It shows how the oxygen we breathe oxidises the glucose that is obtained from the digestion of food we eat, to produce energy for the body. Please use the information given in this section according to the class that has come for the session. Details need to be given only for the higher classes.


Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

43 S. No

Material Reusable chart 5- Diagram showing exchange of gases in lungs and at the level of cells and tissues



Reusable chart 6: Stages of respiration

1 per class


Reusable chart 7

1 per class


1 per class

Things to do Not Applicable Safety Precautions Not Applicable

SESSION 4.3 Link to known information/ previous activity In the previous activity, we saw how the air we breathe reaches the alveoli in the lungs, how oxygen in the inhaled air is exchanged with the carbon dioxide in the capillary blood surrounding the alveoli. This carbon dioxide rich blood has come from the cells and tissues in our body. We will see how oxygen that goes to the cells helps to produce energy in our cells through the oxidation of glucose. This glucose is the product of digestion of the food we eat. Here we can see how the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems is linked. Procedure Ask learners to look at Chart 5 carefully and then explain what is shown by answering the questions asked below.

Chart 5: Diagram showing exchange of gases in lungs and at the level of cells and tissues

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What are the cells seen on either side of the capillary? 2. What are the different gases shown in Chart 5? 3. Can you trace the path of the gases in the respiratory cells and the body tissue? 4. List some important things we have learnt about oxygen in the bloodstream.

Discussion and Explanation 1. On one side, the respiratory organ or lung cells are shown. On the other side, body tissue cells are shown 2. The two gases seen in the figure are oxygen, O2 and Carbon dioxide, CO2. 3. The figure shows that CO2 from blood enters the lung cells while oxygen from the lungs goes to the blood. On the other side, the reverse exchange happens. Oxygen from the blood goes to the tissue cells while CO2 from the latter enters the blood. 4. Oxygen binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells that are seen as disc shaped cells in the blood. Let us remember why we said we should eat iron rich foods like greens. This is because they help in the formation of hemoglobin which helps in the transportation of oxygen to different parts of the body. Now ask learners to look at the different stages of respiration as shown in Chart 6 and then answer the leading questions.

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Chart 6: Stages of Respiration Stage 1: The first stage in respiration is breathing, which involves two basic processes: inspiration (breathing in, or inhaling) and expiration (breathing out, or exhaling). Stage 2 The second stage of respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the inspired air inside the lungs and the blood. This stage of the respiratory process performs the vital function of gas exchange. The respiratory processes that take place in the lungs are known as pulmonary respiration. Stage 3 The third stage is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the body’s tissue cells. Stage 4 The fourth and final stage in human respiration is cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the series of energy-releasing chemical reactions that take place within the cells. It is the sole means of providing energy for all cellular activities.

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46 Leading questions 2 1. The exchange of gases takes place in the lungs as well as in the cells. What are these two kinds of respiration called? 2. What are the four stages of respiration? 3. What are the important processes that take place during cellular respiration? Discussion and Explanation 2 1. The first kind that takes place in the lungs is called pulmonary respiration and the second one that takes place at cell level is called cellular respiration 2. The first stage is breathing in (inspiration) and breathing out (expiration) of air. Stage 2 is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the inspired air and the blood inside the lungs. Stage 3 is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the body tissue cells. Stage 4 which is known as Cellular respiration is the final stage where oxygen in the inhaled air reacts with glucose which is the end product of digestion of the food we eat, to give energy for all life processes. 3. Cellular respirationis the final stage in the human respiration in which the inspired or inhaled oxygen is used by the cells for making energy. Cellular respiration is the series of energy-releasing chemical reactions that takeplace within the cells. It is the sole means of providing energy for all cellular activities. Thefood which we eat is used in cells to provide energy for various life processes. 4. Most of the organisms use oxygen to break down glucose into carbon dioxide and water, and release energy in the form of ATP. We have already seen how ATP is the energy currency of the body. We saw earlier that when we burn a teaspoon of glucose, we get energy in the form of heat and light. However, when glucose is burnt or oxidized in our cells, the energy emitted is chemical energy which is stored in ATP molecules. This energy is used whenever the cell needs it. Note to Instructor The information inChart 7 is suitable for higher classes only Procedure: Now explain the information in Chart 7 using the points given below it.

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47 Chart 7: How energy is produced in the cell

(Figure taken from Class 10 text book, NCERT) 1. This is a series of reactions, which can described as follows 2. The first step is the break-down of glucose, a six-carbon molecule, into a three-carbon molecule called pyruvate. This process takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell 3. Next step is the conversion of this pyruvate into carbondioxide or ethanol. 4. In the presence of air, pyruvate is broken down into 3 molecules of carbon dioxide. Since this process takes place in the presence of air, it is called as aerobic respiration. Generally this step takes place in mitochondria of the cell. 5. Conversion of pyruvate into ethanol takes place in the absence of oxygen, this process is known as anaerobic respiration 6. Both the process releases energy in the form of ATP, but The release of energy in this aerobic process is a lot greater than in the anaerobic process. 7. ATP is the energy currency for most cellular processes; each molecule of ATP releases the energy equivalent to 30.5 kJ/mol. 8. Sometimes, when there is a lack of oxygen in our muscles, pyruvate gets converted into lactic acid which is also a three-carbon molecule. This build-up of lactic acid in our muscles causes cramps. This is what happens when we see cricket or tennis players getting cramps during a strenuous game.


There are two kinds of respiration – pulmonary respiration that takes place in the lungs and cellular respiration that takes place at cell level. Both kinds of respiration are vital for the body to function Cellular respiration helps to oxidise glucose, the end product of digestion, and releases energy for life processes

LEARNING CHECK Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

48 What is the main function of the respiratory system? (Ans. Exchange of the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide between inhaled air and our blood) Respiration in the presence of oxygen is called ------ respiration and respiration in the absence of oxygen is called ------ respiration (aerobic, anaerobic) Respiration in the lungs is called -------- respiration and in the cells is called ------ respiration (pulmonary, cellular)

TRY IT YOURSELF How do fish breathe using their gills? How do insects use oxygen when they don’t have lungs? How do birds produce their beautiful song? Read up about all this on your own.

INTERESTING INFORMATION If air collects in the space separating the lungs from the chest wall, it results in a pneumothorax. This is an abnormal condition and leads to a higher pressure in the space around the lungs than inside the lungs. This is dangerous and can cause the lung to collapse partially or completely.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvNuzQapGsg http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hlw/whathappens.html http://innominatesociety.com/Articles/The%20History%20of%20the%20Study%20of%20R espiration.htm

REFERENCES Figure 17 http://rrapid.leeds.ac.uk/ebook/assets/images/illustrations/alveolus-with-corpuscles.jpg Figure 18:http://ibbio.pbworks.com/f/1305621458/alveolus.jpg Activity 4.2b: http://johnhenny.com/2012/08/15/how-the-vocal-cords-work-for-singing/

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ABL 5 Do plants breathe?


Learning objective

Key messages

Time (min)


Do plants breathe?

Plants, too, respire like animals – they release carbon dioxide as an end product of respiration. During photosynthesis, plants use the carbon dioxide that they release from respiration.

Total Time

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30 min


ABL 5.1

Time: 30 min

LEARNING OBJECTIVE –Do plants breathe? Note to Instructor–In this activity, the learners perform an experiment to observe that plants, too, release carbon dioxide as an end-product of respiration.





Test tubes with rubber corks

4 per group



200 ml per group


Cresol red indicator

4 ml per group


Hydrilla plant twigs of the same size

2 per group


Marker pen

1 per group


Test tube stands

6 per class


Learner observation sheets

1 per group

Things to do Both a dark cupboard and a sunny area where test tubes can be left undisturbed are required for this experiment. Several twigs of Hydrilla plants too need to be collected for this activity. All these arrangements need to be made prior to the session. Safety Precautions Not Applicable.

SESSION Link to known information/ previous activity We have learnt how the process of respiration occurs in humans. Now, let us see whether respiration occurs in plants, too. Procedure Divide the learners into groups of five. Give each group four test tubes with rubber corks, two hydrilla twigs and a marker. Ask the groups to check whether their test tubes are clean and dry. Then, they should mark the test tubes as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


Ask the groups to fill the test tubes halfway with water. They should then add 1ml of cresol red indicator to each test tube. In test tubes 1 and 2, they should add equal amounts of hydrilla plant. Rubber corks should now be placed on all test tubes, so that they are airtight. Ask the groups to observe and record the color of the solution in all four tests tubes at the beginning of the experiment. Now ask the learner groups to keep the first and third test tubes in bright light, while keeping the second and fourth test tubes in a dark cupboard. This setup should be left undisturbed for at least 20 minutes. While the groups wait for the experiment to complete, give them learning evaluation sheets (in the format provided in the Learning Check). Ask learners to fill in the sheets individually or as a group, depending on the time available. At the end of 20 minutes, collect the evaluation sheets. Now ask the groups to observe the changes in the four test tubes at the end of the experiment. They should now record these changes in the observation sheet.

Figure 15: Results of the experiment testing respiration in hydrilla.

UNDERSTANDING THE ACTIVITY Leading questions 1. What was the color of the solution in the test tubes at the end of the experiment? Were there any changes? 2. Test tube 1 had water, indicator, plant and sunlight. Similarly, what did the other test tubes have? 3. What do you think happened in the four test tubes? Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

52 4. What is the hydrilla plant doing to change the color of solution to yellow in Test tube 2? Is it giving out something? 5. Why should sunlight change that in Test tube 1? Discussion and Explanation 1. The cresol red indicator is used in this experiment to see whether there is change in the level of carbon dioxide in the solutions. The cresol red in solution turns yellow with an increase in carbon dioxide and turns purple with a decrease in carbon dioxide. Since test tube 1 contains plant and sunlight, the plant undergoes photosynthesis. The carbon dioxide given out by the plant during respiration is taken up by the plant during the process of photosynthesis. This causes the color of solution to change to purple. 2. Since test tube 2 contains a plant but no sunlight, the plant doesn’t photosynthesize. Here, the plant releases carbon dioxide as an end product of respiration. It is this increase in carbon dioxide that changes the color of the solution to yellow. 3. Test tubes 3 and 4 have water and indicator, but no plants. These test tubes act as controls for this experiment. Although test tube 3 is kept in sunlight and test tube 4 is kept in the dark, neither shows a change in the color of the solution. This indicates that the presence or absence of sunlight does not affect the color of solution in this experiment. 4. This experiment confirms that plants release carbon dioxide. This indicates that plants, too, perform respiration just as animals do.


Plants too respire like animals – they release carbon dioxide as an end product of respiration. During photosynthesis, plants use the carbon dioxide that they release from respiration.

LEARNING CHECK Exercise 1 Find the right pairs from columns 1 and 2 Column 1 Bronchi Alveoli Cilia Vocal cords ATP

Column 2 Energy Larynx Air sacs Air passage Hair like structures

Exercise 2 Say whether the following statements are true or false 1. Both inhaled and exhaled air contain more oxygen than carbon dioxide 2. Air enters the chest cavity when we take a deep breath. 3. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will not normally turn lime water milky 4. The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to bring about the exchange of gases in the body 5. Most of the air we breathe in and out is nitrogen Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


TRY IT YOURSELF The leaves of plants breathe through structures known as stomata. You can see these under a microscope. Paint some transparent nail polish on a leaf and wait for it to dry. Apply a clear cellotape strip on the dried polish and gently peel of the patch. Tape the peeled impression to a glass slide and observe under the microscope.

INTERESTING INFORMATION A large percentage of students have misconceptions about respiration in plants. Studies show that many school students believe that plants photosynthesize while animals respire. Other students believe that plants respire only at night.

WEB RESOURCES http://saburchill.com/chapters/chap0025.html http://beyondpenguins.ehe.osu.edu/issue/polar-plants/common-misconceptions-about-plants

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com


APPENDIX ABL 1.2: Sample Observation Sheets Respiration ABL 1 – Learner Observation Sheet Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Name of Scientist: Name of Subject: Experiment: Serial number 1 2 3



Number of breaths per minute before exercise Number of breaths per minute after exercise Increase in number of breaths per minute after exercise (Result 2 minus Result 1)

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55 Respiration ABL 1 – Instructor Observation Chart Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Collation of results Serial Observation Result (Divide this column Range (highest number further to record results number – least for each pair) number) 1 Increase in number of breaths per minute after jumping 2 Increase in number of breaths per minute after running 3 Increase in number of breaths per minute after rapid toe touching

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ABL 2.3: Sample Observation Sheet Respiration ABL 2– Instructor Observation Chart Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Serial Observation Result for Glucose number 1 Time taken for burning fully 2 Liquefies on heating 3 4 5 6 7

Result for Sugar

Catches fire giving out light and heat Gives out black smoke Black soot remains on spoon after burning Water droplets seen at edges of spoon Any other observations

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ABL 3.1: Sample Observation Sheets Respiration ABL 3 – Learner Observation Sheet Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Name of Scientist: Name of Subject: Experiment: Serial number 1 2 3 4



Chest size of Subject after deep breath (in cm) Chest size of Subject after breathing out (in cm) Change in chest size (difference between 1 and 2) Water collected in measuring cylinder after exhalation through the glass tube in the apparatus (in ml)

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58 Respiration ABL 3 – Instructor Observation Chart Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Collation of results Serial Observation Results (Divide this column further to number record results for each pair) 1 Chest size of Subject after deep breath (in cm) 2 Chest size of Subject after breathing out (in cm) 3 Change in chest size (difference between 1 and 2) 4 Water collected in measuring cylinder after exhalation through the glass tube in the apparatus (in ml)

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ABL 4.1 and 4.2: Sample Chart Set Sample Chart 4a: Nose Where am I? I am right in the middle of your face. I come first in your respiratory system. I am the main entrance and exit. What am I? I am made up of two nasal passages that take in air and send it out of the body when we breathe. What do I do? I take in the outside air and send it through the throat to the trachea or windpipe. The impure air collected in the lungs goes out of the body through me. I also help you to smell. The mucus and cilia in my inner layer keep dust and dirt from entering the body. When you have a cold, I produce extra mucus to protect against infection.The sticky mucus traps dust and other foreign particles and stops them from entering the body.The cilia in my inner layerare tiny hairs that filter out dust and other particles. As we inhale air, the cilia move back and forth and push any particles in the air away from the lungs.

Nose: http://www.rhinoplastynet.com/images/stories/left%20nose.jpg Cilia and goblet cells: http://greaterimmunity.com/Images/Ciliated%20respiratory%20epithelium.jpg

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60 Sample Chart 4b: Pharynx, larynx and trachea Where are we? Your pharynx is also known as the throat. I am after your nose and mouth and before your chest. The pharynx leads into your trachea or windpipe which is in the upper part of your chest. Your larynx or voice box is in your throat. Together with the nose, we form the upper airways. What are we? Your pharynx is the tube that runs from the back of your nose and mouth, through your neck. I am kept open while you breathe in and out, by rings of cartilage. Your pharynx branches in two at the base, one branch called oesophagus takes food to the stomach and the other branch, the larynx takes air towards the lungs. There are valves that make sure that, in general, food does not enter the lungs. If food enters the lungs, we will choke. The trachea starts at the base of the throat and branches in the chest into two large pipe like structures or airways called bronchi. What do we do? All of us – pharynx, larynx and trachea form the passage for the air you inhale and exhale. We are all lined by sticky mucus and hair-like cilia to prevent dust and other particles from entering the lungs. Your larynx or voice box helps you to speak and sing. It has stretchy fibrous tissue called vocal cords which vibrate when air passes over them.The vocal cords are located right on top of the windpipe inside the larynx. When you are silent, the vocal cords are relaxed and far apart and the air passes freely.When you speak or sing the cords tighten across the airway and vibrate to make sounds.Women’s vocal cords are about 20 mm and men’s are about 30mm long. Men tend to have deeper voices than women because their vocal cords are larger.

Pharynx: http://www.drugs.com/health-guide/images/205299.jpg Vocal cords: http://www.riversideonline.com/source/images/image_popup/r7_openclose.jpg

Agastya International Foundation. For Internal Circulation only. Request to Readers- Kindly mail details of any discrepancies or mistakes to handbooks.agastya@gmail.com

61 Sample Chart 4c: Bronchi and bronchioles Where are we? There are two of us bronchi. One bronchus, two bronchi. We are after the trachea, which branches to form us. Each of us enters one lung. Inside the lung we branch further into many, many bronchioles. Together with the trachea, we look like a large tree upside down!! What are we? Together, we are called the lower airways. We are also lined with mucus and cilia to prevent foreign particles from entering the lungs What do we do? Air that you inhale passes through us into the lungs and air that you exhale goes out through us upwards and out through the nose

http://humanphysiology2011.wikispaces.com/file/view/The_conducting_and_respiratory_zones_of_t he_respiratory_system.jpg/211933140/640x357/The_conducting_and_respiratory_zones_of_the_resp iratory_system.jpg

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62 Sample Chart 4d: Alveoli Where am I? Inside your lungs, there are so many like me, about 300 million in your lungs. I am at the end of your airways that are called bronchioles What am I? I am a tiny air sac, with very, very thin walls. A group like me is called alveoli. One alveolus, many alveoli. Can you imagine how small I am if there are 300 million of me in your lungs! What do I do? My job is very important – the exchange of gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide. I am surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. The inhaled air rich in oxygen reaches me through the airways. Carbon dioxide released from the burning of glucose in cells reaches the capillaries near me. Both of us have thin walls – so both gases go from the region of higher concentration to that of lower concentration. The oxygen from the inhaled air inside me goes into the capillaries to be carried to the cells and tissues. Carbon dioxide in the capillaries comes through my walls to be sent out with exhaled air. If you smoke a lot, the tar in the cigarette damages me. This makes it harder for oxygen to pass into the blood. This will cause breathing problems. Alveoli

:http://milhauszn.wz.cz/web/alveoli.gif Alveolus and capillary: http://wikieducator.org/images/a/ac/Gas_exchange_in_the_alveolus_labeled_diagram.JPG

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63 Sample Chart 4e: Lungs Where are we? There are two of us and we occupy most of the place in your chest cavity. What are we? We are soft spongy bags made up of bunches of tiny air sacs or alveoli. We are protected by the rib cage on the sides and by the diaphragm below. What do we do? There are 300 million alveoli inside us. Because of this, there is a large surface area for exchange of gases. Do you know that if we were opened and spread out and all the alveoli inside us were laid out flat, the area would be half of a tennis court! Our main job is to help in the exchange of gases through the alveoli. Lungs:


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ABL 5.1: Sample Observation Sheet Respiration ABL 5 – Learner Observation Sheet Date: Place: Name of Centre: Name of School: Experiment: Serial Observation Test tube 1 Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Test tube 4 number 1 Initial 2

After 20 to 30 minutes

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