2016 AG Bell Convention: June 30 - July 3, 2016

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in Denver

Accelerating Progress Advancing Opportunity 2016 AG BELL CONVENTION


New in 2016!

• New Session Formats to meet everyone’s learning style • Storytelling: Interactive opportunity to tell or listen to stories related to individual journeys of listening and spoken language • Listening and Spoken Language Celebration with activities for everyone: Parents, professionals and adults with hearing loss

C onvention Favorites

• Two-for-One Opportunity: Families and adults with hearing loss can double their experience at the convention and register two people for the price of one • Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Professionals can earn CEUs from three organizations—the AG Bell Academy, AAA and ASHA • Onsite Children’s Program for children with and without hearing loss • Research Symposium on neuroimaging with invited scientists

WWW.AGBELL.ORG/2016CONVENTION • #AGBELL2016 • 202.337.5220 OR TOLL FREE 866.337.5220


Make the AG Bell Convention Part of Your Summer Vacation Plans for 2016! Keynote Speaker: David Sousa, Ph.D.

Hotel Information SHERATON DENVER DOWNTOWN 1550 COURT PLACE DENVER, CO 80202 Visit https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/AGB2016 or call direct: 303-893-3333 / toll free: 888-627-8405 to join us and book your room at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. Be sure to mention you are with AG Bell to secure our special convention rate of $159 per night (taxes and other fees not included).

Discover Denver Enjoy amazing Denver attractions by staying where you are close to everything in the heart of Downtown. The Sheraton Denver Downtown’s location is the perfect place to begin an adventure. The Denver downtown area is rated as the fourth most walkable downtown in the nation with attractions just steps from the hotel. Free shuttle buses provide easy access to shops, restaurants, cultural activities, museums and attractions. Extend your plans beyond Denver—Rocky Mountain National Park and Pikes Peak are an easy driving distance! Here is just some of what the Mile-High City has to offer: • • • • • • • •

300 days of sunshine 16th Street Mall Denver Art Museum Denver Museum of Nature and Science Elitch Gardens Theme and Water Park Pepsi Center Denver Center for the Performing Arts Downtown Aquarium & Denver Zoo

David A. Sousa, an international educational consultant and author, will highlight how the brain learns and its influence on educational practice, translating the current research into strategies and tips for parents and professionals alike. Sousa is the author and co-author of more than a dozen books on how the brain learns with a focus on learning to read, mathematics as well as students who are gifted and those who have special needs. He has been interviewed by the NBC Today Show and NPR about his work with schools using brain research.

New Session Formats The 2016 AG Bell Convention will feature the following new dynamic session formats to deliver information in a way that meets everyone’s learning style: • Accelerate Sessions — gain diverse insights and perspectives on topical issues from a team of presenters • Knowledge-Building Sessions — get in-depth information with a blend of research and ready-to-use practice • Interactive Sessions — lend your voice through dynamic exchange in small-group discussions and activities

WWW.AGBELL.ORG/2016CONVENTION • #AGBELL2016 • 202.337.5220 OR TOLL FREE 866.337.5220

Schedule-At-A-G lance Wednesday, June 29, 2016 (Pre-Convention) Time TBD

Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS®) Certification Examination

Thursday, June 30, 2016 (Pre-Convention) 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Registration / Information / CEUs Morning Workshops (ticket required) Afternoon Workshops (ticket required)

Friday, July 1, 2016 (Convention) 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

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6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

Registration / Information / CEUs Children’s Program (separate registration required) Morning Workshops (ticket required) Chapter Training (ticket required) Concurrent Sessions

Saturday, July 2, 2016 (Convention) 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

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6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Registration / Information / CEUs General Session Children’s Program (separate registration required) Exhibit Hall Concurrent Sessions

Sunday, July 3, 2016 (Convention) 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

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1:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 noon

Registration / Information / CEUs Exhibit Hall Breakfast Bonanza (ticket required) Children’s Program (separate registration required) Concurrent Sessions Research Symposium Concurrent Sessions

C onvention C onnections THURSDAY, JUNE 30

Colorado Pioneers in Hearing

The AG Bell Convention is the place to

socialize, connect and engage within the listening and spoken language community!

4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. History is a beautiful thing! At this reception, we will honor Coloradoans who were instrumental in newborn hearing screening and intervention. Appetizers and cash bar. RSVP required.

a ticket is required. RSVP required. Made possible through the Dena Goldstein Memorial Fund.


Welcome Party in the Exhibit Hall

First Timers Orientation 12:00 noon – 12:45 p.m.

If you have never attended an AG Bell Convention before or would like a refresher on how to make the most of your experience in Denver, this orientation is for you! Learn how to navigate the schedule, set priorities and meet other newcomers.

Dena Goldstein Mixer 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

This reception is a wonderful opportunity for adults with hearing loss and teens with and without hearing loss to make friends, ask questions and share experiences in a relaxed and friendly social environment. The event is free of charge, but

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

You don’t want to miss it! Participate in a unique scavenger hunt along with other fun and games. Use this as an opportunity to take note of the vendor booths you want to visit while at the convention. SATURDAY, JULY 2

Listening and Spoken Language Celebration 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

This fabulous event will provide music, dancing, games and conversation as part of a continuous gathering in the ballroom, reception hall and adjacent smaller rooms in the Sheraton Tower. There will be activities for everyone: parents, professionals and adults with hearing loss. RSVP required.

WWW.AGBELL.ORG/2016CONVENTION • #AGBELL2016 • 202.337.5220 OR TOLL FREE 866.337.5220



Maximize your CEUs—Immerse yourself in comprehensive learning! THURSDAY, JUNE 30 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Applying LSLS Principles to Telepractice

• Melissa McCarthy, B.A., M.E.D., LSLS Cert. AVT Many Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS®) are now using telepractice as part of their service delivery to ensure that all families who seek a listening and spoken language outcome for their children with hearing loss are able to access qualified professionals, regardless of location. The majority of the Principles of LSLS Auditory-Verbal Therapy focus on guiding and coaching parents, an approach that is well suited to telepractice. Although guiding and coaching parents should underpin any auditory-verbal session, the physical limitations of a telepractice model provide professionals with increased opportunities to emphasize this area. This workshop will systematically address each of the principles and demonstrate how to apply each within a telepractice model.

Auditory-Verbal Family-Centered Practice • Ellen A. Rhoades, Ed.S., LSLS Cert. AVT • Helen M. Morrison, Ph.D., SLP-CCC/A, LSLS Cert. AVT It is imperative for auditory-verbal practitioners to think systemically across family relationships and respect the complex manner in which families interact. The evidence-based family-centered approach to auditory-verbal intervention is differentiated from other family-based models. Its core elements include the promotion of listening and spoken language skills integral to parental responsiveness and parent-child interactions coupled with the child’s natural environment which is relationship- and routines-based. Participants will understand and learn strategies for incorporating these core elements into their respective practices. The workshop presenters will share case histories and language script examples via lecture, panel, interactive discussions and small group activities.

Balancing Literacy Instruction: Using Evidence-based Practices • Debra Schrader, B.S.Ed. The “Come Read with Me” program is an intensive summer literacy intervention and grant-funded research project that capitalizes on the benefits of shared reading and writing

interactions during the period of emergent literacy. This presentation will review the program’s essential components and discuss child, parent and teacher outcomes during the three-year implementation period of the program. The presenters will review assessment tools to evaluate phonological awareness, concepts of print and word knowledge, and the continuum of early writing skill development in young deaf and hard of hearing children. Participants will learn strategies that support the acquisition of foundational reading and writing skills.

Parent-Educator Partnership: Granting Student Success • Sharon B. “Dianne” Dixon, MSP, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT • Mariann Carter, M.S., M.Ed. Parents and educators must use common language in order to attain common goals. Navigating the needs of a typically developing child with hearing loss can appear overwhelming, given that it requires knowledge of the law, specific environmental needs as well as quality curriculum. In this workshop, participants will learn about the needs of a middle school student transitioning to secondary education and beyond. Attendees will be able to identify the needs of the professional, parent and student/child to ensure long-term success. Through case studies, the workshop presenters will share resources, ideas and applicable learning and thinking strategies for all members of an educational team.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Managing Complex Pediatric Cases: A Multidisciplinary Approach

• Ivette Cejas, Ph.D. • Lynn Miskiel, M.A., CCC-SLP/A, LSLS Cert. AVEd The management of complex cases of children with hearing loss and other developmental delays requires a multidisciplinary approach. Through case studies and interactive discussions, this workshop will discuss outcomes on hearing, speech and academic performance, the development of realistic goals as well as strategies for effective use of resources, tools for progress monitoring, and standardized and non-standardized methods to evaluate progress. The presenters —including pediatric audiologists, Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS®), teachers of the deaf, and a psychologist—

will review the University of Miami’s model for managing and tracking outcomes for children who are deaf and hard of hearing and their families, and discuss common complexities involved in working with children who have hearing loss and other developmental disabilities.

Preparing Families and Professionals for IEP Meetings • Betsy Brooks, M.S., LSLS Cert. AVEd • Liz Fales, M.A., LSLS Cert. AVEd The intention of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is for parents to be active participants in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process; however, most parents do not have sufficient understanding of the process to engage and fully participate. It is the obligation of professionals working with families to educate parents about the IEP process. This workshop will provide the information parents and professionals need to understand the IEP process. Topics will include the main components of the IEP process, the key elements of the IEP document, the essential components of measurable goals, the role of parents during the IEP process, and challenges professionals and families may face.

Putting Family Outcomes First in Counseling and Coaching • Darcy Stowe, M.S., CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT • Sara Neumann, Au.D. In obtaining listening and spoken language as the outcome for a child with hearing loss, there are several integral steps and decisions that must take place in the first few years of a child’s life. This workshop will focus on three main areas: state-of-the-art diagnostic testing for infants with hearing loss; redefining the partnership between providers and parents/families of children with hearing loss; and developing a roadmap for obtaining desired listening and spoken language outcomes. Participants will engage in an interactive presentation style which provides detailed information, testimonial videos and engaging group discussions in order to take new knowledge and apply it practically to meet individual needs.

Theory of Mind in Day-to-Day Therapy • Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz, M.Sc., LSLS Cert. AVT • Frances Grant, B.A. “Mmm, those cupcakes smell delicious.” The

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child who says this knows that the remark is more likely to get her a cupcake than a straightforward request. Having “theory of mind” (TOM) means understanding what other people may think and feel, and how this influences what they do or say. The steadily increasing knowledge base about TOM shows how crucial it is to effective communication, while also demonstrating that it persists as an area of delayed development in children with hearing loss. Through discussion, group work, video and practical exercises, participants will learn about current thinking on TOM as well as developmental aspects to enable them to incorporate this crucial aspect of communication learning into their work with families.

FRIDAY, JULY 1 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Accelerating and Advancing LSL Practice through Strengths-based Coaching • Kathryn Wilson, M.A., CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT • Lillian Henderson, MSP, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

Comprehensive and effective professional learning experiences are fundamental in growing the number of well-prepared and highly qualified Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS®). While knowledge acquisition in the domains of Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) practice is critical, research supports coaching as the most significant training component to ensure implementation of new knowledge and information. Coaching and guiding adults requires different skills from those required to teach children. This workshop will accelerate and advance the knowledge and abilities of participants coaching aspiring professionals and peers in LSL practice. Specifically, participants will engage in interactive learning about Evocative Coaching—an approach that builds on existing strengths and incorporates the principles of Appreciative Inquiry—and learn to apply the new knowledge and information to transform adult behavior and professional practice to promote excellence in LSL outcomes.

Re-thinking the Evaluation Framework for Eligibility Purposes • Ariele Matkov, MAT • Maura Berndsen, M.A. Many of today’s students who are deaf and hard of hearing in mainstream settings demonstrate listening, speech and language skills on par with their peers with typical hearing along with sufficient academic progress. This often leads to the inaccurate conclusion that these students do not require specially designed supports. However, students may have difficulties advocating for their needs, or struggle with higher level academic language skills. This workshop will review the strengths and challenges of high performing students, the difficulties that are often encountered when evaluating their needs and eligibility determination. A paradigm shift for planning evaluations will be introduced. Case studies will highlight the importance of family coaching and professional collaboration as comprehensive results are used to develop goals and objectives for students in areas other than listening, speech and language.

AG Bell Research Symposium Neuroimaging—Predicting Hearing and Language Outcomes

Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health—National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders SUNDAY, JULY 3, 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Researchers have made critical discoveries that are leading to a deeper understanding of the complex and interrelated neurological processes that result in the comprehension, production and use of human languages. At the 2016 AG Bell Research Symposium, world-renowned scientists will share their findings in this area as well as their theories about how this research could predict speech, language and hearing outcomes following specific interventions to address hearing loss. PRESENTERS*:

Julie Arenberg Bierer, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington

Bierer’s research addresses the possible causes of poor outcomes for patients with cochlear implants and explores new clinical techniques and signal processing methods that may improve the way cochlear implant patients hear.


René Gifford, Ph.D.

John S. Oghalai, M.D.

Gifford’s current research interests include combined electric and acoustic stimulation (EAS) with cochlear implantation, preoperative prediction of postoperative outcomes with implants, and spatial hearing abilities of individuals with unilateral and bilateral cochlear implants.

Oghalai is the director of the Stanford Children’s Hearing Center. His research interests include changes in cochlear function that underlie progressive hearing loss and the development of techniques to treat it before it leads to deafness.

Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University and Director, Cochlear Implant Program, Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center

Associate Professor, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and, by courtesy, Pediatrics, Stanford School of Medicine

Anu Sharma, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Science, and Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder Sharma’s current focus is on examining cortical functioning, plasticity and re-organization in the brain in children and adults with all types of hearing loss across the age spectrum using auditory, visual, and somatosensory EEG and behavioral paradigms.


Information for Professionals Take this opportunity to engage with and expand your professional network and learn the latest in the field in a variety of new and appealing learning formats. AG Bell Professional Member Registration (includes concurrent sessions, CEUs and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* • Early Bird $399 • Regular $499 • Onsite $549 *Separate fee for workshops: see below AG Bell Professional Non-member Registration (includes concurrent sessions, CEUs, one-year AG Bell professional membership and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* • Early Bird $479 • Regular $579 • Onsite $629 *Separate fee for workshops: see below One-Day Pass* • Friday, Saturday or Sunday: $249 *Separate fee for workshops: see below Workshop Registration • Early Bird • Regular • Onsite

$89/workshop $139/workshop $189/workshop

CEUs and Certificates Continuing education units (CEUs) are included in the professional registration rate. Workshops and concurrent sessions are routinely eligible for CEUs from the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the American Academy of Audiology (AAA). AG Bell will provide documentation for attendee’s use at the convention and will submit CEU paperwork to the appropriate organization following the convention. AG Bell will provide a certificate of attendance for each attendee who makes that request. For more information about CEUs, certificates and speaker disclosures, visit www.agbell.org/2016Convention/CEU Professional Group Discount Groups of five or more professionals are eligible for 10% off of the group’s total registration. Please contact registrar@agbell.org to register your group.

To register, visit www.agbell.org/2016Convention All attendees of the 2016 AG BELL CONVENTION agree to comply with all of the rules and conditions of the convention, as found at www.agbell.org/2016Convention, all future correspondence, and as may be posted at the convention.

www.agbell.org/2016Convention • 202.337.5220 or FREE 866.337.5220 WWW.AGBELL.ORG/2016CONVENTION • #AGBELL2016 • 202.337.5220 OR TOLL 866.337.5220


Families and Adults

FAMILIES: Engage in the learning you want and need, connect with other families by sharing your experiences, and interact with professionals working to advance future opportunities for children with hearing loss. ADULTS WITH HEARING LOSS: Reconnect with old friends and make new ones! Share your story with parents and professionals and inspire people living with hearing loss. AG Bell Non-Professional Member Registration (includes up to two badges for concurrent sessions and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* • Early Bird $349 • Regular $449 • Onsite $499 *Separate fee for workshops: see below AG Bell Non-Professional Non-member Registration (includes up to two badges for concurrent sessions and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* • Early Bird $399 • Regular $499 • Onsite $549 *Separate fee for workshops: see below One-Day Pass* • Friday, Saturday or Sunday: $249 *Separate fee for workshops: see below Student (18 years and up) • $249 (includes concurrent sessions and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* Teen Pass • $99 (15 to 17 years) (includes concurrent sessions and the Listening and Spoken Language Celebration)* *Separate fee for workshops: see below Workshop Registration • Early Bird • Regular • Onsite

$89/workshop $139/workshop $189/workshop

Communication Access for All All workshops and concurrent sessions will be real-time captioned. Oral, Cued Speech and ASL interpreting services will be provided upon request and as resources are available. The deadline for requests is May 13, 2016.

Children’s Program

We make it easy for you to bring the whole family. Our Children’s Program gives kids through age 14 – with and without hearing loss – an unforgettable weekend of meaningful and fun activities with other children with similar experiences. Register your child(ren) online at www.agbell.org/2016Convention. The deadline for registration is May 16. Onsite registrations will not be accepted. • $275 (birth to 47 months) (Friday, July 1-Sunday, July 3) • $395 (4-14 years) (Friday, July 1-Sunday, July 3)

To register, visit www.agbell.org/2016Convention

C onvention Family Scholarship

AG Bell recognizes that young families with a child who is deaf have extra financial pressures. AG Bell is offering the Family Scholarship Program for deserving families who have never attended an AG Bell Convention to access information and network with other families. Families awarded a scholarship will receive: • One full 2016 convention registration (includes up to two badges for adult family members) • Up to two registrations for the 2016 Children’s Program. This program is for children from infancy through age 14. • One hotel room with two double beds for up to four nights between June 29 and July 3, 2016. The family is responsible for all travel arrangements, long distance and local, as well as food and entertainment outside of what is provided through the convention registration.

For more information on eligibility criteria and to apply, visit: www.agbell.org/2016Convention

www.agbell.org/2016Convention • 202.337.5220 or FREE 866.337.5220 WWW.AGBELL.ORG/2016CONVENTION • #AGBELL2016 866.337.5220 / · • 202.337.5220 OR TOLL


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3417 Volta Place, NW • Washington, DC 20007

HEAR in denver Accelerating Progress • Advancing Opportunity




Early Bird Special offer!



Register by May 2 and receive a copy of 101 FAQs About Auditory-Verbal Practice for a deeply discounted price of $49.95, plus shipping.* To order, members use discount code 101FAQM and nonmembers use discount code 101FAQNM in the bookstore. *Available in the continental United States only.

W ho Should Attend: • • • • • • • •

Families raising children with hearing loss Adults who are deaf and hard of hearing Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS®) Teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing Speech-language pathologists Otolaryngologists Audiologists Students in speech-language pathology, audiology and deaf education • Anyone interested in learning more about listening and spoken language


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