The Echo - Spring 2015

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Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter Alpha Gamma Delta

Spring 2015 Volume 67, Issue 2

The Echo PRESIDENT’S LETTER Dear Sisters, I don't know about you, but I'm so glad that spring is right around the corner! Our chapter kept busy this fall and winter with events including a chocolate-making party, our annual holiday celebration and gift exchange [thanks to Charity Metz Schuller (AO ‘93) for hosting us!], and a visit from a Camp Carolina Trails camper at our January meeting, which was hosted by Mary Ann Walsh Akin (ZI ‘83). Camp Carolina Trails is a summer camp for children and teenagers with Type 1 diabetes, and 16-year-old Lexi Burns, who has attended the camp since she was in fourth grade, spoke to us about her experiences at the camp. At our February meeting at Jan Thorpe White's (B ‘50) house, I and two other sisters shared a bit more about ourselves during a program called "Get to Know a Sister." We continue to contribute to the world's work in our community through philanthropy efforts led by Jeanette Drane Benjey (X ‘65) and Carrie Wheeler (AO ‘94) . At our December meeting, sisters brought in donations (continued on page 2)



Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter’s IRD celebration will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 11 a.m. at the home of Mary Ann Walsh Akin (ZI ‘83). Please see the invitation and RSVP on page 7.

Alert Day ............................ 2

This year’s 50 year pin honorees include those sisters initiated in 1965. The 50 year pin eligible sisters include the following:

Dirty Dollars and Annual

Katherine Old Barnes (ΓE) *

Jeanette Drane Benjey (X)

Spring Updates .................. 3 Collegiate Updates ............. 4 Support Fee ........................ 5 Alumnae News ................... 6

Lee (Taffy) Henry Chodorow (ΓE) Margaret (Meg) Duncan Hodge (AI) Ann Phenicie Roybal (ΓE) To receive a pin, those eligible must attend our IRD celebration. If anyone knows of other eligible members, please contact Jan Thorpe White (B ‘50) at or 919-851-0272 immediately. *If anyone has Katherine’s address, please contact Jan Thorpe White.

SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST  Alpha Gamma Delta joins the American Diabetes Association to stop diabetes  IRD Invitation Editor: Lisa Pinyan Poole (ΓA ‘91)

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