Creative Europe - monitoring report 2020

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2020 was the last year of the first seven-year cycle of Creative Europe and proved to be a very challenging year. As a result, all relevant instruments were mobilised to respond to the COVID-19 crisis whilst, at the same time, preparations for the new Creative Europe entered a crucial phase. The key policy developments were:


The Media and Audiovisual Action Plan was adopted;


The European Film Forum maintained engagement with stakeholders;


Flexibility measures were introduced in Creative Europe to respond to the COVID-19 crisis;



The Recovery and Resilience Facility was launched and also covers the cultural and creative sectors;


Political agreement was reached on the legal basis for Creative Europe and the budget allocation within the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), 20212027;

Under the 2018 New European Agenda for Culture and the 2019-2022 Council Work Plan, the Commission worked in 2020 to promote European cooperation on cultural diversity, notably through several working groups of Member State experts on topics such as gender equality, social cohesion, architecture and multilingualism and translation;


Innovative approaches were tested through new Creative Europe schemes or European Parliament-supported pilot projects and preparatory actions.


oped and the New European Bauhaus initiative gave a new push to these developments;

Support to greening, diversity and inclusion across the cultural and creative sectors was further devel-

1.1 RESPONDING TO COVID-19 The pandemic hit the European economy harder than any other economic shock in the history of the EU. Contact-intensive services were affected the most, and businesses and other organisations relying on close physical interaction experienced significant shocks. The data show that, of all sectors, the arts, entertainment and recreation activities experienced the largest percentage drop

in gross value added in 2020 compared to 2019 (see Figure 2). The impact was particularly great in the second and fourth quarters, when the waves of the pandemic were worst. The cultural and creative industries make up a large share of these activities.


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