Culture in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda: A Report by the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign
• Los Angeles has related each of the 169 targets to the local policies and programmes, in an in-depth analysis that involves language, content and legal frames. Five possibilities exist: (a) the target does not apply at the local level, (b) the target as written applies to the City, (c) the target as written does not apply, but can be revised to apply to the City, (d) the target as written does not apply, but can be replaced with a target for the City with similar intent, and (e) a new target should be added for the City. • In 2018, Oaxaca decided to undertake an exercise to align its sectorial plans (among the 12, one is Culture). The local department for culture is involved in the achievement of Goal 11. • Kitakyushu mentions the existence of a City plan for cultural promotion that needs to be revised to incorporate the SDGs. • San Antonio aligns initiatives and programs with each of the Goals and Targets and an in-depth analysis of the intersectionality with heritage, including its UNESCO City of Gastronomy Designation, its Vacant Building Program and its Living Heritage initiative to determine cultural contributions to achieving SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, and 17. • Similarly, Shimokawa writes “A town that treasures its cultural heritage and resources, and uses them to create new value” as one of the seven components of its “Vision 2030”, with “Culture and the arts” contributing to achieve SDGs 3, 4 and 11.
e_ Goals and Targets Some cities focus the analysis in specifically assessing the goals that are included in its thematic cycle, whereas other reports, less bound by the UNSG guidelines’ template, used this part to showcase examples of policies, programmes or projects strongly related to the localization of SDGs. References to cultural aspects can be found with respect to a large majority of the SDGs, suggesting that cities see the relevance of culture even in areas where the SDGs do not explicitly refer to it. Only in the case of SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG14 (Life Below Water) have no references been found in VLRs. SDG1: No Poverty • Deqing includes “coverage of basic cultural life services” in the range on key local targets to “End poverty in all forms and everywhere” (SDG 1) and uses the indicator of “100% of residents can reach cultural facilities in 40 min” to evaluate this objective. SDG2. Zero hunger • Los Angeles explains the use of public property for urban agriculture (the target is to increase the number of edible gardens in City parks and public libraries by 50%). • San Antonio’s “Food Bank” established an urban farm on the historical agricultural fields of one of the city’s World Heritage missions, Mission San Juan, to expand its program to feed the hungry while restoring an important cultural and agricultural resource. SDG3: Good Health and Well-being • Bristol mentions local agencies (charities) that “provide culturally appropriate counselling services for people with mental health issues” (Target 3.4).