1 minute read



CLAC (IT), Stichting Breda University of Applied Sciences - BUAS (NL)

State of the art

Digital technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, computational design, video-mapping, among others, can innovate conventional methodologies in designing public space and create new ones.

Description of the project

Digital technologies can contribute to widening the audience, ensuring the inclusivity of proposals, as well as increasing the accessibility of design activities to non-expert citizens, empowering them as agents of transformation of the public realm. Public Play Space (PPS) aimed at exploring how digital gaming tools, accompanied by human-centered design and gamification strategies, can contribute to this civic engagement process leading to inclusive and sustainable public spaces. Among a rich set of activities taking place in diverse European neighbourhoods, PPS also launched the Public Play Space Community Platform, an open source wiki platform, open to the contribution of more researchers, towards the development of a deeper knowledge on emerging methodologies for public space co-design.

Proposing new approaches for the co-management and co-design of the public space, with advanced and gaming technologies, the digital becomes an enabler for different governance.

Creative Europe’s support

By establishing a European partnership, PPS was able to bring together diverse expertises of participation, gamification, digital technologies, and advanced design. This interdisciplinarity has allowed partners to address the challenge of designing urban space from a holistic perspective.

Beyond Digitalisation

Enabling all citizens to communicate their needs, visions and desires for the public space, PPS actions ensured to break gender stereotypes in how public space is imagined.


www.publicplayspace.eu Creative Europe Project Results

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