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From Grandfather To Grandson

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be an architect,” he says, remembering the day he asked his mother what career path led to the ultimate best life. She answered without the shadow of a doubt: “Your grandfather’s profession, my son. An architect”. By third grade, the boy worked an internship in a Korean architectural firm and went uphill and onwards from there!

Le Berceau De La Profession

Tho termine ses études à l’Université de l’architecture dans la ville de Hô Chi Minh, ce berceau prestigieux de la formation des architectes dans le sud du Vietnam, aux premiers rangs de classe et entreprend de tracer sa propre voie.

A Conservation Approach

Nearly a decade has passed since he first turned the key to atelier tho.A, founded in 2014. Leading a diverse team of architects, researchers, designers and craftsmen, he strives on building an architectural ecosystem that promotes a conservation approach. While young and still emerging, the firm’s earnest and consistent designs have earned it a distinctive place in the Vietnamese architectural landscape.


Tho cites the FA House as the project that “put him on the map”, while the AR House, a highly commended concept elaborated for the House 101 project, is the one he is most proud of. “I can explore my limits through architecture. I can work to make my dreams come true, those of reinventing a new civilization of materiality for my fellow Vietnamese”.

Pham Nhan Tho est un architecte né à la fin des années 80, au cours d’une période effervescente de la rénovation au Vietnam qui commence alors à s’intégrer au reste du monde et à connaître une formidable croissance économique. Like other young contemporary Vietnamese architects, Tho strived on this opportunity to access a more vibrant environment in the development process of the country.

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