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Surya Vanka s’est continuellement dévoué à faire progresser le design industriel au sens large et à travers ses multiples sous-disciplines. Along the road, the founder of Authentic Design, and director of IDSA, was Director of User Experience at Microsoft, a tenured design professor of industrial design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study.
I always remember what Bucky Fuller said: “When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty, but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong”.
Veiller Les Esprits
Le projet dont Vanka est le plus fier demeure la création de cette méthode appelée Design Swarms, qui est devenue largement utilisée dans le monde entier. « Le design est une profession de service et, ainsi, ma mission dans la vie est de trouver des moyens de libérer la pensée design qui réside en chaque être humain afin qu’il puisse, à son tour, contribuer à relever des défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. »
The Power Of Design
In Surya’s knowledgeable yet humble opinion, the potential of design as a 21 st-century profession lies in democratizing a thought process that was once exclusive to a select group of creatives and utilizing it to address crucial global challenges.
“Our world is riddled with complexities, as our species and eight million others confront existential threats from climate disasters and daily hurdles such as housing, food, water, justice, and overall well-being. These deeply interwoven issues are challenging to resolve, as tackling one often results in new complications. Design Thinking has proven its efficacy in addressing such interconnected problems through its comprehensive perspective and ability to reveal inventive solutions”.