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Members reunite at networking meetings
After a break of nearly three years, Age Scotland’s face-to-face network meetings are back up and running across Scotland. Our first geographically based networking meeting was held in Elgin on 13 October 2022, where 14 older people’s groups from Moray were represented. We were delighted to be joined by staff from Elgin Library, the Council’s Health and Social Care service and Cllr Sonya Warren, one of two Older People’s Champions appointed by Moray Council. Cllr Warren explained how she hoped to work with older people and groups in the local authority and was very interested to hear from member groups as they explained the challenges they are facing as they recover from the pandemic.
Gatherings resumed in Ayr, Dumfries and Glasgow in November and December 2022 and 31 member groups took part in the West of Scotland meetings. There were great discussions, and a range of guest presentations on energy, benefits, keeping well, and legal matters which members felt were very timely as the current cost of living crisis takes its grip. We also helped older people’s groups to hold their own networking meetings. They continued to work with Men’s Sheds in the Highlands to help run a programme of three networking meetings during the year and 12 sheds took part in the meetings hosted by Cromarty Firth Men’s Shed, Black Isle Men’s Shed and Inverness Men’s Shed.
We also enjoyed working with African and Caribbean Elders in Scotland (ACES) and Scottish Highlands, Inverness, Moray Chinese Association (SHIMCA) to help them host their first in-person post lockdown meetings.
Elizabeth Bryan, community development manager at Age Scotland, said:
“One of the joys of 2022 was being able to hold in-person networking meetings again. Each network meeting is a wee bit different but typically they provide an opportunity for member groups to meet with each other and to share ideas, concerns and good news. There are guest speakers from Age Scotland and local or national partner organisations who provide information on their services for older people. The meetings also provide a forum for member groups to have their say to help improve policies and services for older people.
“Thanks to all our members and guests who took part in the return of the network meetings in 2022. We’re looking forward to growing this programme of meetings in 2023.”
Interested in learning more?
To get in touch, email our community development manager, Elizabeth Bryan, at elizabeth.bryan@agescotland.org.