Advantage Issue 52

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Age Scotland’s magazine: summer 2018, issue 52

Speaking up for our age p8 Haud the bus! P14

A new mobile Men’s Shed! p20

Our biggest conference ever!



Contents P4

Meet the 2018 Age Scotland Award winners


Speaking up for our age

P10 Update from our Veterans’ Team P14 Haud the bus! p18 Age-inclusive employers p20 A Men's Shed update p22 Regional Ambassador spotlight

Advantage is the Age Scotland magazine that provides information, inspiration and ideas to empower Scotland’s older people, their friends, families and carers.

looking after generations We’re dedicated to providing legal services for the elderly and vulnerable, with Legal Aid where possible, so that they and their families are prepared for the future by having their legal affairs in order.

CALL 0800 152 2037

If you have news, events or issues that you would like Advantage to cover, please get in touch. We would also welcome ideas on how we might improve the magazine. Email:

Telephone: 0333 323 2400 Write to:

Advantage, Age Scotland Causewayside House 160 Causewayside Edinburgh EH9 1PR

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive

This edition of Advantage is packed to the rafters with great stories about our recent national conference, the fantastic award winners, and our work to help improve the lives of older people in Scotland. Our national conference in March was a fantastic event and it was an absolute privilege to present the winners with their awards. You can read more about them inside, but let me tell you, the contribution they make to their community is fantastic. We were graced with insightful speakers and a wonderful performance from Scotland’s Makar Jackie Kay. Across the charity, we’re focussed on tackling the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation in Scotland. The work of our members and groups have already made a significant impact in tackling this issue but we have much more to do. In this edition you can read more about what our team at Age Scotland is working on and why it is so important that we get it right. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together!

ISSN 1747-4515 Advantage is part funded by a grant from the Scottish Government. Age Scotland aims to ensure information is accurate at time of production and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for the content of any third party advertisements. All our members are regulated by The Law Society of Scotland

Age Scotland, part of the Age Network, is an independent charity dedicated to improving the later lives of everyone on the ageing journey, within a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland. Registration Number: 153343 Charity Number SC010100. Registered Office: Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR.

Brian Sloan




Meet the 2018 Age Scotland Award Winners! The Age Scotland Awards celebrate the individuals and groups in our communities who are working to make a positive difference to the lives of older people in Scotland. We were blown away by the nominations received and our panel of judges had an incredibly difficult task in choosing the winners. This year's winners were announced at the 2018 Age Scotland National Conference in Glasgow an presented by Broadcaster and Journalist Jackie Bird.

Services for Older People Award:

Inspiration Awards The Age Scotland Inspiration awards are given to an inspiring older person or a group who has supported or enabled older people to love later life. These awards are about recognising those who give outstanding help and support either to older people, or are an inspiring older person themselves.

Individual: Mary Walls of Kirkcaldy Grey Panthers This year’s Inspirational Individual winner is Mary Walls of Kirkcaldy. Mary is at the heart of her community. She inspires so many people with her warmth, her kindness, her caring attitude and her determination to see older people in Kirkcaldy lead an enjoyable later life through her involvement with local group The Grey Panthers.

Member Group of the Year: Dalbeattie Men’s Shed

Jess Barrow Award for Campaigning and Influencing: Walking Football Scotland

This award celebrates an Age Scotland member group whose activities have championed the needs of older people and had a profound impact on their members. Dalbeattie Men’s Shed provides a comfortable space for men to congregate, enjoy some banter and put their skills to good use (or learn new ones!). Recent projects include everything from bird tables to a working medieval-style wooden trebuchet. They also have plans to reconstruct a working car, from scratch, using rediscovered design plans. Companionship was cited as the greatest thing about the Shed by the Shedders themselves.

This award recognises an individual or a group who by campaigning has highlighted a specific issue of benefit to older people. Walking Football Scotland have been campaigning across Scotland to get more people moving by playing a walking version of the beautiful game. Working with local authorities and other organisations, Walking Football now have teams in every corner of the country. Walking Football is an incredibly enjoyable activity that also helps people who might be lonely to socialise.

Roar – Connections for Life This award is given to an innovative service which has addressed the issue of loneliness and isolation or improved health and wellbeing in later life. Roar – Connections for Life offers a huge range of services from keep fit classes to fall prevention efforts to dancing and lunch. Across Paisley, they provide a huge offering and as a community they seek to include older people and "It was a enrich their lives. wonderful event

to celebrate the success and positive impact people are making in their own community”

Patrick Brooks Award for Partnership Work: Toe to Toe Footcare Group: Scone and District 50 Plus Group The sheer breadth of activities this group offers made them a worthy Inspirational Group Award winner, from a walking group to a newly started cinema group to a dining out club, from line dancing to photography, from Scrabble to singing…the list goes on. The group tackles loneliness and isolation and lets people learn new skills and meet new friends. As one member said “There would be a lot of very lonely people in Scone if it weren’t for the Scone and District 50 Plus”.

Brian Sloan


Watch our Awards films at

This award is for partnership working between two or more groups or organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to addressing the needs of older people. This year’s award recognised the outstanding partnership work between the Health and Social Care Partnership and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Podiatry Service in running Toe to Toe footcare. The partnership helps older people access foot care services that would not otherwise be available, or would involve long delays. It also provides the chance to have a chat with the practitioner, meaning service users can be referred to other services quickly and efficiently.

Volunteer of the Year Award: Gladys Cruickshank The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to a volunteer who has championed a group or organisation to benefit the lives of other older people or on behalf of older people. This year’s winner was Gladys Cruickshank of Alford, Aberdeenshire who runs the Alford Car Transport Service. Coordinating 30 volunteers, the service Gladys runs has helped literally thousands of people get to medical appointments and other commitments since 1999. Gladys is universally admired by the other volunteer drivers and service users alike.

Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and nominees. It was truly wonderful to hear about all the fantastic work happening in communities across Scotland.




2018 Conference

an Age Scotl

d chair George Foulkes | Pennie Taylor, conference chair | D r Robin Me ans | Pan e

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An update from our Early Stage Dementia team! Publications We’ve been hard at work updating and refreshing our suite of publications including four new publications. These new publications cover topics including:

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ugh the decades | Scotland’s Makar Jackie Kay | 75th Birth day Cak e for A ge Sco tlan

• A carers guide to creating a dementia friendly home, d!

• Learning disability and dementia – a guide for carers, • Scams and dementia a guide for someone living with dementia • A guide for carers on scam prevention.

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elpline team | A treat after lunch | Afternoon workshop e Scotland H s of the Ag

Brian Sloan, Age Scotland Chie t Jackie Bird with f Executive ournalis | Enjoying j d n a r the conf e t s a c erence | d a Brian Slo bro C B an B


More photos at

Our team at the conference

You can order our new publications by calling the Age Scotland Helpline on 0800 12 44 222 or by emailing the team at All our publications are also available to download for free on the Age Scotland website.

Workshops In the past three months we have delivered workshops to 230 people from 25 groups.This has included five workplace training sessions. In terms of our members groups, we have delivered a workshop to a range of groups across the country from the community of Kinlochbervie to RVS volunteers in Perth. Feedback from the workshops has been very positive. From 72 responses to our short workshops, over 92% of participants felt that the aims of the training were fully met. If you are interested in receiving a free Dementia Aware Training session, please do get in touch with us by emailing

Out and about We also joined colleagues at this year's Age Scotland National Conference. It was a fantastic day with a great amount of interest in our training workshops and publications. Our stall this year also asked conference delegates for their views on age-friendly and dementia-friendly communities which will help shape our upcoming project. We have also been made very welcome at recent network meetings in Ayr, Dumfries and Nairn where we were given the opportunity to speak about our work. Since the last Advantage issue, we have… • Increased our social media following • Distributed 5,679 information and advice guides • Had over 500 guides downloaded from our website • Delivered 51 training sessions to 504 attendees • Visited 18 towns and cities across Scotland with our 'Being Dementia Aware' message. All our publications can be accessed online or if you would like a hard copy sent out to you, please contact the team who will be happy to help.

Get in touch! 0333 323 2400 / Follow us on Twitter: @AgeScotESDTeam




Speaking up for our age Celebrating 75 years of national and local older people’s Groups in Scotland 2018 is a special year for Age Scotland. The charity is celebrate its 75th birthday. Our predecessor charity, the Scottish Old People’s Welfare Committee, was established in January 1943, becoming Age Concern Scotland in 1974 and more recently renamed Age Scotland following the 2009 merger with Help the Aged. To mark this important milestone, and with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the National Library of Scotland and the Living Memory Association, Age Scotland members and staff are researching the history and development of national and local older people’s groups across Scotland and the people behind these groups and organisations from the 1940s through to the present day. Our journey back in time started in the offices of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) where we rediscovered the minutes recording the beginnings of the Scottish Old People’s Welfare Committee, the reasons for forming a national committee and the people and organisations who were involved. We now know that the first meeting of the Committee took place on Friday 22nd January 1943 in Edinburgh. The founder members included the Women’s Citizens Association, the Soroptimists, the Hospital Almoners Association, the Aged Christian Friend Association, the Rotary Club, the Scottish Trades Union Congress, the Church of Scotland, the National Council of Social Services, the Edinburgh Old People’s Welfare Council, the Dundee Old People’s Welfare Committee and the Salvation Army.


Call Age Scotland on 0333 323 2400

ives tect e D ry Jackie Kay, Scotland’s Makar, cuts the 75th Birthday Cake Histo (w/ Brian S ittee | m m loan & Ge o C lfare orge Foulke eople’s We s) | One of the pho tographs held in the Age Scotland archives – Falkirk Old P

The aims of the committee included gathering information about the present position of the care and welfare of “the aged” and to provide a platform for discussion. The top priority agreed at this first meeting was to tackle the lack of appropriate homes and housing for older people – a topic that has remained high on our agenda throughout the decades - and a sub committee was immediately formed to investigate this issue. In the immediate post war years the areas of interest for the committee expanded rapidly and the pace of growth of local old people’s welfare committees was extraordinary. In 1943 there were only a handful of older people’s committees around the country, notably in Edinburgh, Dundee and Peebles. The National Library of Scotland holds a wealth of material shedding light on our history including the bulletins of the Scottish Old People’s Welfare Committee published from 1951 - 1970s. History Detectives exploring this archive have found that by the early 1950s there were more than 100 Old People’s Welfare Committee in towns, villages and cities across Scotland providing a raft of activities and services including home visiting, lunch clubs, libraries, chiropody services and hairdressing, food, log and fuel parcels, games, 'howff’s and wood workshops for men, outings and holidays. The archive has also shed light on the many concerns and campaigns over the years which led to improvements in services and support for older people.

As well as documentary research we are carrying out oral history interviews with around 30 Age Scotland members and former staff who have made an important contribution to the development of older people’s groups and organisations across Scotland to capture their memories and experiences. Elizabeth Otterson and Julia Templeton from Age Concern Ayr have been amongst the first to help with a wonderful interview transporting us back to the 1970s. Julia’s father, Bertie McCubbin along with Netta Foulkes, the mother of George Foulkes, Age Scotland’s Chairman, helped to found Age Concern Ayr in 1975. Age Concern Ayr went on to open a Charity Shop in 1980. Julia and Elizabeth recalled the popularity of the charity shop and Netta Foulkes looking for her coat to go home one day to find it had been sold! Many of our member groups are themselves celebrating significant milestones and 12 members across Scotland are researching their own histories and organising local events or publications to cascade their story and inspire future generations of older people’s groups and volunteers. Grampian 50 Plus Network is 20 years old this year and the team are holding 3 reminiscence afternoon teas in Culter, Dyce and Ellon to bring their members together, gather stories and create a special issue of their newsletter celebrating their history. Barrhead, Carse of Gowrie and Macmerry Men’s Sheds are all 5 years old and are making films which will chart their journey so far and celebrate the work of their members setting up the shed and the difference the shed is making to their members lives and the wider community.

Some of our member groups have important archives. Generations of office bearers have lovingly cared for their organisations’ records over the years. Glasgow Old People’s Welfare Association (now Glasgow’s Golden Generation) and Falkirk Old People’s Welfare Committee (now Falkirk Age Concern) are both 70 years old and have preserved a wonderful collection of minute books, scrapbooks, publications and photographs which not only shed light on their history but also how later life and society has changed over the years. As part of the Speaking Up for Our Age project History Detectives are helping groups organise their archives and possible deposit in local libraries. Our history is interesting and inspiring and over the summer we will be compiling a special timeline magazine and creating a film telling the remarkable story of the growth and development of older people’s groups across Scotland over the past 75 years, and celebrating the people involved in them. The magazine and film will be launched at a reception in the Scottish Parliament as part of the Older People’s Day celebrations in October, and a copy of the magazine will be sent to all members in autumn 2018.

For further information on the project please contact Elizabeth Bryan, Community Development Co-ordinator, Age Scotland: Email:




Free training We can help boost your confidence and ability to work with and support older military veterans and older people affected by dementia

For more information and to book, call 0333 323 2400 or visit: DUNKELD - 18th July FORT WILLIAM - 17th August EDINBURGH - 29th August INVERNESS - 5th September FORRES - 6th September DUNDEE - 7th September ABERDEEN - 19th September Dates coming soon for Glasgow, Scottish Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, South Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Fife. Contact us for more information. 10 Call Age Scotland on 0333 323 2400

We can help your and your group:  Spot if someone shows early signs of dementia  Offer appropriate support if they do have dementia  Identify who belongs to the veterans’ community  Help them access extra support available to veterans and their families.

The Age Scotland Training in Early-stage dementia and veterans’ awareness Roadshow

Ladders, not snakes, for older veterans Do you know an older veteran? The chances are you do. One days’ paid service is enough to qualify as one. Men aged late 70s to mid- 80s will often have done national service. Reservists and merchant seafarers who’ve supported a military operation also count. Together with their dependants, widows and widowers, veterans make up one in ten of Scotland’s population. You may even have read this and realised you are a veteran! It doesn’t matter whether someone loved, hated or was indifferent to military service: it could still entitle them to extra help and support, which is where Age Scotland’s Veterans’ Project comes in. Through the Project the charity is enhancing what it offers the older veterans’ community. We’re training our Helpline team to give specialist advice on veterans’ topics. We belong to Unforgotten Forces, a partnership focused on better health and wellbeing for veterans aged 65 and older. This enables us to connect veterans to specialist support from partners including Legion Scotland and SSAFA, the armed forces charity. From the Helpline 0800 12 44 222 veterans can request The Veterans' Guide to Later Life in Scotland, our new information guide addressing topics including money, health and housing. They can also subscribe to our quarterly newsletter for updates on services such as free holidays from Poppyscotland and extra help with sensory impairments from Scottish War Blinded and Action on Hearing Loss. We can only achieve so much at national level, so are inviting those supporting older people locally to make use of us. This summer we start a free training roadshow with Age Scotland’s Early Stage Dementia

team, an opportunity for older people’s groups and services to enhance their support for veterans and people affected by dementia. Participants will learn about extra help for older veterans by playing our new Snakes and Ladders board game, which can also be lent for local use. The roadshow coincides with refresh of Age Scotland’s popular Community Connecting guides listing local social and support opportunities for older people, and groups we train can feature in them as offering a ‘veterans’ warm welcome’ and being ‘dementia aware’. See the advert opposite for details and booking information. “Snakes and ladders is a brilliant way to have fun, get people chatting and very informative. Information given fantastic.” Workshop participant

Connect with the Veterans’ Project T. 0333 323 2400 E. Facebook/Twitter @AgeScotVeterans




Be informed

We’re here to help

Age Scotland’s information team produces a wide range of free information guides for older people in Scotland, their families and carers. The guides cover subjects ranging from benefits and money to care homes and staying well.

We know that later life can bring changes which people had not anticipated, and it can be hard for someone to know where to begin when they face a new challenge. So whether you have a practical problem that you are not sure how to address, or you need advice on how to communicate with an organisation or service which is unfamiliar to you, the Age Scotland helpline is here to help. Based in Edinburgh the helpline is a national service for Scotland and provides older people, their carers and families with information and advice about a range of issues, including entitlements to benefits, funding for care, housing options and heating and legal issues such as Power of Attorney. We have a small team of friendly advisers who will listen “Thank carefully and provide you you for the with the information and efficient and kind advice you need to manner in which answer your questions, or you have dealt point you in the direction with my of someone who can. Last year 2017/18 our advisers identified £587,176 of unclaimed benefit for callers to the helpline.


Following a successful award of Attendance Allowance, Housing Benefit and Pension Credit Mrs T of Renfrewshire stated “I will be forever grateful for your help and advice. I do not know what I would have done without the extra monies I now receive”. Following a successful award of Attendance Allowance Mrs S of Edinburgh stated “I am delighted to have been given this help. Using money for transport mainly as my sight is failing and makes getting about difficult”. If you want to check whether you might qualify for a benefits give the Age Scotland helpline a phone on 0800 12 44 222.

Being engaged in the local community helps to minimise feelings of loneliness and social isolation. The helpline’s Community Connecting service helps older people find local opportunities to get out “You’ve and about, to meet new been an friends with shared immense help. interests, exercise or learn I’m glad I new skills. We can send phoned” you a guide to what is available within your local council area or, if you prefer, one of our volunteers will contact you to find out what your interests are. They can then see what is available for you locally and keep in touch for a few weeks with regular calls and encouragement to support you as you try new things. If you need a listening ear we are always happy to have a chat. We know that later life can bring times when you need someone to listen.

Last year we distributed over 35,000 guides; to people who called the Age Scotland helpline and to places where information can be easily accessible including libraries, Citizens Advice Bureaux and hospitals. You can order copies of our guides by calling the Age Scotland helpline on 0800 12 44 22, by emailing or by sending us a note or a publications order form. You can read all our guides on our website too, but we have a lot of feedback from older people and their families that they want information on paper they can read, digest, write notes on and share with others.

Next time you’re reading about your rights in a UKwide newspaper, magazine or website check that what you’re reading applies to you! Our most popular rights-based guides are about money, including the maze of benefit entitlements, Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance and also Care home funding and funding for Care at home. Our Power of Attorney guide is popular too; this looks at what a Power of Attorney is, how to choose your Attorney and how to set up a Power of Attorney. Age Scotland’s specialist Warm and Well, Veterans and Early Stage Dementia projects also produce guides for the people they work with.

For more information or a copy of our publications list contact Age Scotland’s Information and Advice Manager Heather Smith at

We work with our sister charity Age UK on updating their information if it’s about a subject which works in the same way throughout the UK. Age Scotland’s own guides focus on information for Scotland, which matters because most issues which affect people in later life in Scotland are devolved. These include: • care standards, inspection and funding, • housing standards, planning and rights, • health services and funding,

Returnin to Scotl g a from ab nd road

• court systems, legal aid and laws relating to Power of Attorney, wills and estates, • income tax bands,

“The situation has now been resolved due to the advice you gave me”

We are here to help

• some benefit and social security powers, with more still to come.

lbeing in later life Mental Health and Wel

Monday - Friday 9:00 – 5:00

Care and support at


Learning dis abil and dementi ity a

Age Maze

Give us a call

Your guide to later life in Scotland 2018

A guide for

0800 12 44 222


12 Download free factsheets at

Keeping well and who can help


assessment and funding



Haud the bus!


Age Scotland Housing Survey th Transport Scotland | Simon Ritchie - Policy Engagem ent & Cam orkshop wi w h g r u paigns O b fficer Helens

Age Scotland’s Policy Engagement and Campaigns Officer, Simon Ritchie, is working with Transport Scotland to gather the views of older people on all things transport – views which will directly shape Scotland’s future transport system. A few weeks ago I travelled across the country to Helensburgh on the Eastern shore of the sparkling Gare Loch. I was joined by two colleagues from Transport Scotland, Daniel and Jonny. We wanted to hear from a local older people’s group about their experiences and perspectives on public transport – feedback which will directly shape the revised National Transport Strategy for the next twenty years. Scotland’s original National Transport Strategy was published in 2006. Amongst its aims were the promotion of social inclusion, to improve health and to make journeys safer. It’s fair to say the world has changed considerably in twelve years, not least in terms of technology, and the Scottish Government has decided that the time to shape a new National Transport Strategy is now. Since 2016, Transport Scotland have been working with stakeholders to produce a loose framework for a revised NTS, or NTS2. 2018 will be the year that flesh is put onto the bones and that’s where our Age Scotland Network Meetings come in – we will be collecting feedback from 20-odd workshops right across Scotland this spring and autumn.

Daniel and Jonny kicked our first workshop off with an overview of Scotland’s transport system over the past 60 years. This helped contextualise our current system and also showed how rapidly things can change. Up next were questions for discussion. Group members were asked to share and discuss their views on questions such as “Why do we think transport is a vital issue for older people?” and “what do older people need from our transport system over the next 20 years? There was no shortage of constructive opinions and suggestions from the floor. Matters which were discussed included stop-skipping on our railways, limited evening bus service provision, dangerous accelerating and braking on buses, connections to hospitals and disabled access on trains and buses.

Enabling and empowering older people to live healthy, active and independent lives in their own home for as long as possible is part of Age Scotland's core mission as a charity. In 2017 Age Scotland commissioned an independent market research company, Scotinform, to carry out research amongst older people to find out their views and experience of their current housing situation. Age Scotland consulted with six separate organisations on the design of the questionnaire. These were: the Scottish Government, Home Energy Scotland, the Scottish Futures Trust, Housing Options Scotland, Smart Energy GB and Care and Repair Scotland. The aims of the study were to find out: • To what extent current accommodation was described as suitable by respondents • What adaptations people responding had made to their homes and how this had been funded

• Satisfaction with heating levels

Working with the older people, we at Age Scotland aim to ensure Scotland’s National Transport Strategy is the best it possibly can be for people of all ages – including older people who deserve an enjoyable, mobile and well-connected later life.

The survey closed in December and the findings are currently being analysed by a research team at the University of Stirling.

14 Follow us on

Scotland can continue to argue effectively for the resources and policies which are necessary to meet those needs in the years ahead. "Age Scotland will publish the full findings later this year and use them to engage constructively with the Scottish Government, local councils and other agencies when they are making important decisions which will impact on the lives of older people about the planning and delivery of housing and home insulation across Scotland."

• What plans respondents had for the future in terms of moving home or adapting their existing home

Age Scotland is grateful to Transport Scotland for working with us to ensure that the voices of older people are listened to in shaping NTS2. We are also grateful to our Member Groups for allowing us the time in their meetings to discuss NTS2. Our first few meetings have been a resounding success and we hope for a great turnout and engagement at forthcoming meetings around the country.

To find out more, contact

i ng r Hous Jim Eadie, Age Scotland’s Policy Officer fo

• What energy efficiency measures respondents had installed over the last ten years and how this had been funded • Expenditure on fuel bills and how these are paid • Awareness of energy efficiency schemes and whether these are used

Age Scotland Policy Officer for Housing Jim Eadie who has been leading this work said: "It is only by better understanding the housing needs and day to day experience of older people across the length and breadth of Scotland that Age

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Included in this edition of Advantage is our new Housing Options Guide with foreword from Local Government and Housing Minister Kevin Stewart MSP. If you would like any additional copies please contact Jim at




Products and services designed for the over 50s • Home Insurance • Travel Insurance

• Car Insurance • Weekly Lottery

• Motor Breakdown • Funeral Plans

Money Matters! Many Age Scotland member groups recently took advantage of our Money Matters project and invited our trainers, Cheryl and Sam, along to deliver Money Matters roadshows. The project was funded by the Money Advice Service’s “What Works” funding to see if roadshows would “help older people, post retirement, to manage their finances through key life events and to plan ahead for later life”

Buying these Products & Services supports Age Scotland’s charitable work.

For more information, visit: Age Scotland – Edinburgh Causewayside House 160 Causewayside Edinburgh EH9 1PR

Tel: 0800 456 1137*

(Open 9am–5pm Monday–Friday)

Age Scotland – Glasgow 37 Glassford Street Glasgow G1 1UG

Tel: 0800 500 3159*

(Open 9am–5pm Monday–Friday)

or visit Age UK Home, Car and Travel Insurance are administered by Ageas Retail Limited. Motor Breakdown is provided by Intana Assistance. Age UK Funeral Plans are provided by Dignity. Brought to you by Age UK Enterprises Limited. Age UK Insurance is arranged by Age UK Enterprises Limited and arranged and administered by Ageas Retail Limited, who are both authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Ageas Retail Limited is a sister company of Ageas Insurance Limited. Ageas Retail Limited Registered office: Ageas House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3YA. Registered in England and Wales 1324965. FS registered number: 312468. Age UK Enterprises Limited Registered office: Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA. Registered in England and Wales 3156159. FS registered number: 311438. *If you call the 0800 number for Home/Car/Travel Insurance you will be dealing with either an Age UK/Age Scotland office or Ageas Retail Limited. Benefits and services under the motor breakdown policy are provided by Intana Assistance, a trading style of Collinson Insurance Services Limited, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FS registered number 311883. The Age UK Funeral Plan is provided by Advance Planning Limited, a subsidiary of Dignity plc, in association with Age UK Enterprises Limited. Advance Planning Limited is a company incorporated in England and a subsidiary of Dignity plc. Registered office: Advance Planning Limited, 4 King Edwards Court, King Edwards Square, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B73 6AP. Registered in England, no. 3292336. Age Scotland Enterprises Limited is a limited company. Registered in Scotland No.SC199856. Registered Office: Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH9 1PR. Age Scotland Enterprises Limited is a trading company of Age Scotland, registered charity no.SC010100 and donates its net profi ts to that charity. Age Scotland Enterprises Limited is an Appointed Representative of Age UK Enterprises Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation. Financial Services Register number 311438. MP3168V5JUL16


Member groups were offered a choice of topics, to be delivered where they normally meet, between June 2017 and early February 2018. The people who attended were provided with Age Scotland information guides and invited to call the free Age Scotland helpline 0800 12 44 222 for individual advice. A total of 81 events were held throughout Scotland, involving 1,206 people. We offered a choice of five roadshow topics: The Benefits roadshow (25 delivered) looked at income maximisation, the barriers to claiming benefits and the benefits available to older people in Scotland and where to get advice. Planning for change (23) looked at the opportunities to plan for a range of issues (loss of capacity, bereavement, needing care) and where people could access support, information and advice. Wills and funerals (7) , Power of Attorney (12) and Care costs (14) provided in depth Scotland specific information about how to plan for, manage and seek advice about those subjects. As the purpose of the funding was to find out what works for older people, Jessica the project’s Evaluation Officer planned and put together a range of questionnaires so we could measure what people knew before and after the roadshows. Where people agreed, we called them six weeks after the event to find out whether they had taken any action as a result of the information provided at the roadshow.

People were asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire at the beginning and the end of the session and we found that people felt better informed after the event, particularly about the benefits available to older people, care costs and funding and more confident about where to find advice. From follow-up calls made by Fiona, the Project Assistant, 6 weeks later, we found that: Only a few people had made changes in their lives, often because they were financially comfortable and felt that the advice was not relevant to them at that point. However: that they had looked at the 84% said booklets and resources they received at the Money Matters roadshow

they had made a call to the 5% said Age Scotland helpline they had talked to someone 82% said in their life about what they had learned at the roadshow.

Contact Age Scotland’s Information and Advice Manager Heather Smith for a full or summary project report:



Equipping employers to be age-inclusive We are an ageing population and the landscape of our workforce is changing. Yes, age-based discrimination is illegal but how can employers go further to ensure that their workplace is truly age inclusive? National Records of Scotland reveal that by 2026, there will be a 13% rise in the 65-74 age group, rising again by 17% by 2041 while the number of younger people will decline. The implications for employers are clear – they must prepare to adapt to the needs of an ageing workforce – and Age Scotland is ideally placed to support them. Research from the Scottish Government report, Older People and Employment, indicates that older workers would welcome more flexible conditions, enabling them to continue earning beyond their eligibility for the state pension and also remain in employment for personal fulfilment and wellbeing. Age Scotland has been working with the Scottish Government to help prepare employers for a different workforce. We have secured funding to work with four Scottish employers to determine how age inclusive they are and create a plan to close the gaps that will have the greatest impact on their future prosperity. Over six months we will work with these employers and their older workers to create an environment that ensures that employers can retain the skills they need. At the same time we’ll make the workplace somewhere that older workers can fit into their lives.

Enabling older people to live independently Our work with employers enables older staff to fully use their skills and experience, it creates a culture where constructive challenge is encouraged as a prompt for personal growth and progression, giving staff a greater sense of purpose, autonomy and job-satisfaction. They are empowered to think afresh about policies and practices, helping create conducive and supportive work cultures. At the outset, workshops gently peel away layers of stigma and stereotyping to help colleagues recognise everyday ageism before agreeing and addressing goals. The process involves a stock take of how age-friendly the organisation currently is and compares it with aspirations – the focus of the work is then about bridging the gap between the two. A number of themes are tackled, over the course of six months, depending on what each workplace identifies as priorities – examples include recruitment and retention of staff, multigenerational team working, and flexible working to accommodate carer responsibilities. We want employers to understand the potential and implications of an ageing workforce and will encourage them, with practical support, to embrace change with positive action. This is one illustration of the impact of Age Scotland’s work – made possible through fundraising.

We know that the majority of older people want to live independently in their own homes, with support to do so as they grow older. Our own research shows this. People also want to enjoy social connections with others who share common interests, which is important for wellbeing. Looking to the future, population projections show that the number of people aged 75+ in Scotland will rise by 27% to 2026 and by 79% to 2041. Monitoring emerging needs, it’s clear that Age Scotland must focus on enabling older people to lead lives characterised by independence and dignity. We want people to be able to live independently at home and enjoy positive social connections for as long as they can. To help support people to do this as they get older we created a package of services which will be called our Independent Living outreach program. “As well as meeting older people’s needs where they’re felt most profoundly, our Independent Living work also gives Age Scotland something very tangible for which to fundraise from trusts and foundations and corporate supporters. We hope that they, and individuals too, will share the vision and want to help us make it a reality.”

There are four key parts to our Independent Living vision and a key strength is the cross-referencing between them, widening the benefits to older people. • Provide the most relevant and resonant advice through the Age Scotland Helpline - 0800 12 44 222. • Facilitate social connections, enabling those feeling lonely and isolated to make fulfilling friendships through our Community Connecting initiative. • Support potentially vulnerable older people through a Good Day call to check on their wellbeing, giving individuals and their family members (who might live at a distance) peace of mind with calls being made every day of the year. • Enable older people to continue living independently in their own homes through the provision of a trustworthy household repair and maintenance service

Look out for more information on our Independent Living outreach program coming soon.

Sarah Randell, Head of Fundraising

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inform Scams

Being aware of Scams

Trains, planes and automobiles (and buses) The Men’s Shed Movement has ‘arrived’ in Scotland with five sheds celebrating their fifth birthday in 2018. Kinghorn Loch, Westhill, Macmerry, Carse of Gowrie and Barrhead, channelled through the Age Scotland Community Development Team and the Scottish Men’s Shed Association, have provided the collective wisdom and inspiration to ease the path of the men’s sheds that followed in their pioneering footsteps. Not all men’s sheds are the same but they all: provide positive views of ageing and later life; promote men’s health and well-being; and tackle loneliness and isolation. Men’s sheds can be found in industrial or business units owned by private landlords, who in return for business rate rebates and contributions to their corporate social responsibility, allow sheds to use their premises on generous terms. Most men’s sheds operate from a range of publicly owned buildings where they pay ‘peppercorn’ rents or have taken on ownership of the premises through community asset transfer. Some are building their own sheds utilising the considerable skills of the shedders. Men’s Sheds use a range of premises with quirky previous uses such as: scout huts, a railway station waiting room, a Nissen hut in a POW camp, a rope works, a cashmere mill, a civil defence bunker, and a public convenience. Many men’s sheds are making planters, raised beds, red squirrel feeders, nesting boxes, mud kitchens

and buddy benches for their local community and some are thinking ‘outside the bird box’ and building or restoring objects such as: a trébuchet, boats, a light aircraft, cars and motorcycles. As well as woodwork, mechanical engineering and metal work you are just as likely to find men involved in electronics, 3d printing or teaching each other to use tablet computers. As well as upcycled items those with an eye for interior design can find, at competitive prices, beautifully crafted furniture and household goods made from recycled materials like pallets or the oak staves from old whisky barrels. To help sustain your local men’s shed why don’t you visit their next open day, coffee morning or stall: at galas, farmers markets, craft fairs or festivals?

South Lanarkshire’s Shed Hits the Road! With Men’s Sheds in Hamilton, Rutherglen and East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire’s Senior’s Together project have been instrumental in supporting the development of Sheds across the local authority for the last 5 years. But now in a unique, creative and innovative project we will see a “mobile men’s shed” designed to take the progress of Men’s Sheds to the next level. A Big Lottery Award of £117,000 has allowed the Seniors Together project to kit out a former mobile library bus and offer all the benefits of sheds to some of our more rural communities. Furnished with tools, work benches, wi-fi, smart tv and the obligatory kettle, the aim is to have 2,000 men and women accessing the mobile shed over the three-year project. South Lanarkshire residents will be able to access all the opportunities it offers, enjoy the social aspects and camaraderie on hand and ultimately inspire rural communities to develop sheds in their local areas. After a promotional tour earlier this year, the mobile shed was officially launched on Friday 27th April at South Lanarkshire headquarters in Hamilton, its first port of call will be Stonehouse.

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June 2018 was Scams Awareness Month an annual opportunity to raise awareness of and tackle these cruel crimes. We hear from Emily Liddle, Campaigns Officer at Citizens Advice Scotland about what to look out for. Spam emails, cold callers and suspicious activity alerts from your bank; unfortunately, scams and fraud seem to have become a part of our daily lives. We want to reduce the risk and impact of scams by raising awareness and encouraging people to act – recognising, reporting and talking about the issues.

• Be wary of emails asking you to provide personal information or to login to an online site. • Look out for deals you click online that take you to separate website, is this site secure? Look for a small padlock symbol next to the address bar – this indicates the site is secure.

What should you do if you have been a scams target? If you think you have been a victim of a scam or suspected scam, don’t be embarrassed. A scam could happen to anyone.

Although anyone can be victim to a scam, there are certain groups in society that are more frequently targeted by scammers. Whether this is a young person being targeted via a social media pop-up tying them into a subscription trap or an older person who receives an unexpected visit on their doorstep from a trusted provider without credentials.

• Get advice: from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or call Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06 who can pass details on to Trading Standards.

Scams aren’t just a minor inconvenience to people. Aside from financial loss, they can cause distress, misery and even if a scam has been avoided, it can lead to widespread loss of confidence.

• Tell: friends, neighbours and relatives of any scams you become aware of

Underreporting and stigma continue to be the biggest barriers in scams and fraud. There are so many types of scams, with new tactics consistently emerging and tricking consumers; as well as scams that we don’t know about which makes it very difficult to help, prevent and support those who have fallen victim. While scammers are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, many people continue to believe they would never fall victim, feeling they could easily spot a scam, or know how to act. It is this confidence that scammers target and makes people vulnerable.

What should you look out for? • Beware of offers that use persuasive language to sell you a ‘once in a lifetime’ deal. • Be cautious providing bank details and personal information over the phone, especially if the caller has called to speak to you from an unknown number. • Ask cold callers on your doorstep for credentials, don’t be afraid to check ID thoroughly. Never be afraid to say ‘no thank you’ and close the door.

• Report: always report scams or suspected scams to Police Scotland on 101

• Go online: for advice on spotting, reporting and protecting yourself against scams: visit

Only 5 – 15% of all scams are reported 75 is the average age of reported scams victims Those over 70 have the highest reported detriment from a number of different types of scams A third of all victims of scams are 41–60 year olds. This age group accounts for the highest percentage of prior fraud victims (34.3%). Data taken from: Changing the story on scams

Scams Awareness Month is a campaign run by Citizens Advice Scotland in partnership with a number of partner consumer organisations such as Trading Standards Scotland, Citizens Advice, Advertising Standards Agency and Government.



Get Involved

Regional Ambassador Update:

Meet Jeanette In 2016 Jeanette Pieper joined Age Scotland as the first Regional Ambassador in the Lanarkshire area. Two years in and Jeanette is still busy representing Age Scotland at various events and meetings. As an active participant in our West Network she helps to plan and organise the events on a regular basis. She also represents Age Scotland at the Seniors Together Executive meetings with South Lanarkshire Council, attends the Scottish Pensioners Forum and is a regular participant at the East Kilbride Seniors Forum. All this while visiting Age Scotland member groups and attending events across the region.

So what motivates Jeanette to work with Age Scotland? Inequality and injustice has always been a powerful motivator in Jeanette’s life. Through her involvement in the Trade Union movement, local community councils, voluntary work and 4 years as a District Councillor, she has tirelessly worked to raise awareness of and make an impact on discrimination and human rights. When she retired it seemed like a natural progression to focus on older peoples’ issues. Working with member groups and Age Scotland allows her to do that in an interesting and impactful way, while enjoying a good cup of coffee and a natter!

Jeanette helps launch our first Mobile Men's Shed


Could be our next Regional Ambassador? Regional Ambassadors are members of an Age Scotland member group who also contribute to the work of the national Charity on a voluntary basis. Regional Ambassadors bring fresh perspectives and great knowledge, skills and talents to the Charity. They enable us to reach more older people and to do more to help everyone make the most of later life. The role is varied and can be adapted both to suit the time that Regional Ambassadors are able to give to the role and their interests and skills. We’d love to hear from any members who are interested in becoming an Age Scotland Regional Ambassador. Please contact the Community Development Team at Age Scotland. Tel: 0333 32 32 400. Email:

Hats fo r Innoc ent Sm oo


100,000 Reasons to Lend a Hand

Calling All Thrill-Seekers!

In recent years, Age Scotland member groups have knitted little hats as part of the Big Knit - Age UK’s partnership with Innocent drinks - receiving funds for their group in return. Last year, we received and despatched a fantastic 59,000 hats and loved seeing all of your creative designs!

Every year around 30 brave individuals take on a sponsored challenge event for Age Scotland, raising awareness and vital funds for the charity. This year we’re delighted to offer a new high-adrenalin event; a bungee-swing in Killiecrankie, Pitlochry!

In 2018/2019, our target has risen to 100,000 hats and we hope everyone can get involved. So if you have friends and family who belong to knitting/ crafting groups who might like to take part in the BIG Knit, get them involved! We’re also looking for some dedicated volunteers to join us in head office to help with the processing and despatch of the little hats. For more information, please call Stacey on 0333 323 2400 or email

Age Scotland’s Fundraising Team: Sarah Randell

Head of Fundraising

Stacey Kitzinger Supporter Engagement and Community Activities Simon Cocker

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Those who take on this event will swing from a specially designed platform 40 metres above the River Garry, dropping free fall for about 15 metres before swinging through an arc. The event is on the 23rd of September and we’re hoping to attract groups of friends and corporate teams to have a fun day out. For more information, please call Stacey on 0333 323 2400 email or check Age Scotland’s Facebook page.

We’re delighted to hear from supporters and can be contacted on 0333 323 2400 or via email at

Legacies and Corporate Partnerships


What’s the value of a life well lived ? When you think about the long-term future, beyond your lifetime, do loneliness and isolation still exist? Are older people leading engaged and fulfilled lives? Are they valued by the rest of society? Are they thriving? At Age Scotland, our hopes and dreams are that older people will love later life. They’ll have a greater sense of wellbeing, they’ll stay actively engaged and they’ll enjoy community connections – supported by a national policy giving fair access to the services they need.

Generous humanity A wonderful opportunity exists for all who share our dream to show generous humanity. Please consider whether leaving a gift to Age Scotland is a fitting way for you to make a lasting impact. If it's the right choice for you, you'll have peace and contentment from knowing you’ve made provision for Scotland’s older people in this special way and that your wishes will be met. Thank you.

The choice is entirely yours whether you tell us of your kind intentions or keep them private. Age Scotland, Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR Telephone Sarah Randell on 0333 32 32 400 I Scottish Charity Number SC010100

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