1 minute read


Even if you have smoked for years, it is never too late to cut down or stop. If you can manage to stop smoking you are likely to: • be able to breathe more easily • reduce your risk of developing heart and lung problems (or making them worse) • reduce your risk of developing dementia • reduce your risk of smoking-related cancers • reduce your risk of having a stroke • reduce your risk of problems with your eyesight • recover more quickly after an operation • feel better overall, and live longer. Most people know that smoking is bad for you but find it difficult to give up. You could start by asking your doctor about local one-to-one or group support or treatment that can help you stop. nContact Quit Your Way Scotland for advice and help; see their website www.nhsinform.scot/ campaigns/quit-your-way-scotland. s m o k ing is the greatest s ing le cause o f illness and premature death in Sco t l a d .


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