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Social media

Support from the community development team

The community development team can assist groups by setting up and holding Zoom meetings, or support groups in looking at ways to stay connected via digital platforms. We can provide support for external grants, if needed, to allow groups to purchase equipment required to undertake digital meetings. The team can assist with action planning to ensure that all members are comfortable with this way of meeting and are able to interact with each other.


Support organisations and resources

Ability Net

Ability Net supports people of any age, living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals. Free Helpline 0800 048 7462 / abilitynet.org.uk Age Scotland

Age Scotland is the national charity for older people. We work to improve the lives of everyone over the age of 50 so that they can love later life. Free Helpline 0800 12 44 222 / www.ageuk.org.uk/scotland Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland

Ethnic minorities-led umbrella body supporting the development of the Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Sector in Scotland. Tel 0141 255 2133 / bemis.org.uk Breathing Space Scotland

Free, confidential, phone service for anyone in Scotland over 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Free Helpline 0800 83 85 87 / breathingspace.scot BBC

The BBC provides accessibility help, enabling computer users to make the most of the internet whatever their ability or disability. www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility Citizens Online

Citizens Online helps organisations ensure their switch to online doesn’t exclude people. www.citizensonline.org.uk Clear your Head

Things you can do to help clear your head. clearyourhead.scot Connecting Scotland

Provides iPads, Chromebooks and support to develop digital skills for people who are digitally excluded, on low incomes and at risk of isolation due to coronavirus. connecting.scot Dance Base Feel Like Dancing

Dance Base provides a programme of digital dance resources www.dancebase.co.uk/feel-like-dancing/older-people-1705

Digital Unite

A unique and comprehensive training and support system for Digital Champions. www.digitalunite.com Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network

A gateway to support black and ethnic minority communities to access support agencies, emergency relief or make contact with broader community support initiatives bemis.org.uk/emnrn Inclusion Scotland

works to achieve positive changes to policy and practice, so that we disabled people are fully included throughout all Scottish society as equal citizens. Tel 0131 370 6700 / inclusionscotland.org Later Life Training

Providing specialist, evidence based, effective exercise training for health and exercise professionals working with older people, frailer older people and stroke survivors www.facebook.com/LaterLifeTraining Linking Education and Disability (LEAD) Scotland

empowers disabled young people and adults and carers across Scotland to access learning opportunities. Free Helpline 0800 999 2568 www.lead.org.uk/free-online-safety-classes LGBT Age

Works with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people aged 50 and over in Greater Glasgow and the Lothians to shape support services and resources for older LGBT people including social events, community activism, resources and volunteering opportunities. www.lgbthealth.org.uk/services-support/lgbt-age-2 LGBT Helpline Scotland

Free and confidential access to support, information and advice. Helpline 0300 123 2523 www.lgbthealth.org.uk/services-support/helpline Luminate at home

An online programme of creative activities. www.luminatescotland.org/luminateathome Make it Click

Free courses, tools and templates. You can learn new apps and improve the skills you already have makeitclick.learnmyway.com/directory NHS Fitness Studio Exercise videos

Instructor-led videos across aerobics exercise, strength and resistance, pilates and yoga www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitness-studio

Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project

Supports black and minority ethnic carers to access support and services appropriate to their caring situation. Tel 0131 467 2994 / www.mecopp.org.uk

NHS One You

Easy home workout videos. www.nhs.uk/oneyou/for-your-body/move-more/homeworkout-videos/

NHS Sitting Exercises

Gentle sitting exercises which will help improve your mobility and prevent falls, and can be done at home. www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/sitting-exercises NHS Strength and flex Exercise Programme

5-week plan consists of a series of equipment-free exercises designed to improve your strength and flexibility www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/strength-and-flex-exercise-plan/ Paths for All Strength and Balance

Paths for All promote everyday walking for everyone in Scotland, and provide strength and balance programmes. www.pathsforall.org.uk/walking-for-health/strength-and-balance Reengage

Supports older people who live alone and find it hard to get out in normal times. UK-wide call companions service is available during coronavirus. Free Phone 0800 716543 / www.reengage.org.uk Roar - Connections for Life

Supports older people across Renfrewshire who need emotional or practical support. Providing friendship/welfare support service during coronavirus. Tel 0141 889 7481 (ROAR) / www.roarforlife.org Royal Voluntary Service

Royal Voluntary Service inspires and enables people to give their time by volunteering to meet the needs of the day, in hospitals and in local communities. www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk Scottish Business Resilience Centre Cyber Security Factsheets

Stay safe online with easy to follow Cyber Security Factsheets www.sbrcentre.co.uk/services/cyber-services/cyber-securityfactsheets/

Scottish Business Resilience Centre

Information on Zoom etiquette and security www.sbrcentre.co.uk/media/4944/sbrc_zoom_conferencing.pdf Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

National membership organisation for the voluntary sector, helps voluntary sector organisations across Scotland develop their potential to better support their communities scvo.org.uk NHS 24

Co-ordinated, single source of quality assured health and care information for the people of Scotland. Tel 111 / www.nhs24.scot


For anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Tel 116 123 / www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help

How you can help

Our vision is a Scotland where everyone can love later life.

All the information and advice we provide is free and completely impartial and in helping people access their rights and entitlements, it can be life changing. We are an ageing population and more people than ever are coming to us for support. You can help us be there for those that need us most.

Make a donation

No matter how small or large, donations make a massive difference and help us continue our important work.

Call 03330 15 14 60

Visit age.scot/donate

Text LATERLIFE to 70085 to donate £5.*


Whether it is having a bake sale, running a marathon or knitting small hats for the Big Knit, there are so many ways to raise vital funds to support our work. To find out more, call 0333 323 2400 or visit age.scot/fundraise.

Leave us a gift in your Will

By choosing to leave us a gift in your Will, you can help Age Scotland to continue being there for vulnerable older people in the years to come. To find out more, call 0333 323 2400 or visit age.scot/legacy.

Let’s keep in touch

Sign up to our newsletter

Our regular newsletters by email contain details of our campaigns, services and how you can support our work. Sign up today by visiting age.scot/roundup

Follow us on social media

Our social media channels are a great way to keep up to date with our work and issues that affect older people.

/agescotland @AgeScotland @age_scotland /AgeScotland

Age Scotland is the national charity for older people. We work to improve the lives of everyone over the age of 50 so that they can love later life. Our vision is a Scotland where everyone can love later life.

Contact us: Head office 0333 323 2400

Age Scotland helpline 0800 12 44 222 Email info@agescotland.org.uk Visit our website www.agescotland.org.uk Follow us on social media:





We are grateful to the Scottish Government for part-funding this publication

Age Scotland, part of the Age Network, is an independent charity dedicated to improving the later lives of everyone on the ageing journey, within a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland. Registration Number 153343. Charity Number SC010100. CD1 Aug 2020

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