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To create a Facebook account on your phone or tablet: 1. go to the app store or play store on your device 2. search for Facebook and click install 3. when it has installed you will see its icon on your home screen with the rest of your apps 4. click on the app and follow the prompts as above to sign up. Facebook and privacy
Facebook allows you to write posts that can be seen by everyone, but you can easily change this, so your posts are only seen by people you choose. A post allows you to put your thoughts out there for your friends to comment on - pictures and videos can be added to posts. You can set your privacy in the settings tab: it can be set so that only friends can see your post, or everyone on Facebook. It is always important to check this before you post any information - always check the audience and make sure it is set to your preference. It is vital you do not share personal information such as address, date of birth or banks details on social media, it is also advised not to tell people when you will be going on holiday. Once you have set up your profile, you can set up a private Facebook group or a Facebook page. What’s the difference between setting up a Facebook group or page for our group?
A Facebook group is primarily for people who share a common interest; members can freely post on the group and others can interact with them. A Facebook page allows you to promote your group to the public. When someone likes the page, they will start seeing updates from that page on their news feed. Anyone can like and interact with the page. How to set up a private Facebook group You can set up a private Facebook group and invite all your members who have Facebook to join. Anyone in the group will be able to share photos, make comments and start a conversation and only those in the group can see what has been said. Once you have logged into your Facebook account, click groups from the menu on the left. On the top right hand corner there is a create new group option. When you click this, a form will appear with four parts that you need to complete to create your group: 1. name: choose a name for your new group. The name can be anything you want, but as people may search your group’s name to look for you on Facebook, it might be better to set the
Facebook group’s name as the name of your actual group 2. privacy setting: you have 2 options: • public: anyone on Facebook can see who’s in the group and what they post • private: only group members can see who is in the group and their posts 3. visibility setting: also known as the “Hide Group” setting • visible: anyone on Facebook can find the group • hidden: only members can find the group. New members would have to be invited to join by the group admin 4. add members: The last step is to add your group members.
Facebook will suggest people from your own friends list and will also recommend more friends as you start choosing. You must add at least one friend before you can create the group - you can add one friend to start then add more later. You will automatically be added as a member of the group and will be recognised as the group’s administrator, so you will be able to add or remove group members.
How to set up a Facebook page. This will allow anyone on Facebook to ‘like’ your page, which allows them to see the content that you share on the page. You may wish to share information about past and present group activities so everyone who has liked the page will be kept up to date on what is happening at the group. Once you are on Facebook, click pages, then click create a page, then click get started. You will go through the following steps to set up your group’s Facebook page: 1. name: choose a name for your page. This would be the name of your group or whatever you want the page to be called • you will be asked to choose what category your page is. Click Companies and Organisations then choose Community Group or Community Organisation • enter your group’s website details if you have one or skip this section if you do not have a website. 2. profile picture and cover photo: if you choose to use a photo with one your group members, please remember to ask all members in the photograph for permission 3. invite your friends to “like” your page. Facebook will suggest people from your own friends list and also recommend more friends as you start choosing. You do not have to add friends to create the page, you can invite friends to like the page later 4. create your first post. You will automatically be recognised as the page administrator, and you will have to like the page
Zoom provides face to face video calls with multiple participants and gives the opportunity to share documents on your screen for participants to see. On-screen breakout rooms are also available to allow for people to be split into groups if they wish to talk about a specific subject. The basic version of Zoom is free and you can use it for meetings of up to 40 mins with up to 100 participants. You can restart a meeting after the 40 minutes is up, which gives a good chance for a break before starting again. The pro version of Zoom costs £11 per month. This allows meetings to last up to 24 hours and have 100+ participants. To sign up for Zoom, you need your email address and will choose a password. You will also need to give your date of birth. To set up a Zoom meeting: 1. sign in and click on your account 2. click meetings 3. click schedule meeting.
You will then have to fill in the following fields: • topic • description (this is optional) • date and time Further down the page, other options will be available, and the meeting ID and password will be shown. Click save at the bottom of this page. Zoom will then give you the opportunity to save the meeting details into your calendar, if you have one set up, or you can copy the invitation link and paste it into an email to send to all the attendees. The meeting is then set up.
Prior to the meeting: 1. log into Zoom and click join meeting 2. open the meeting by entering the meeting ID and password.
Invited people can now join and will appear as they sign in 3. when people sign in, they will be placed into a waiting room.
As the host you will have to allow them permission to enter the meeting 4. once all participants have joined, the meeting can be locked to ensure that nobody else can join. Pre-meeting preparation Prior to your group attending a Zoom session, you may want to send out some information for the meeting so that people have these documents for any activities or discussions you may be having on the call. Sharing your screen If you wish to share your screen, it is a good idea to have the documents open at the bottom of your screen prior to the zoom session starting. If you are using videos, you need to ensure that you are sharing the computer’s sound so that people can hear the video. This comes up when you open a video to share as an option down in the left-hand corner, so it is important to tick this box. The chat box If you are sharing documents through the chat box, ensure that these are downloaded to your computer first. There can sometimes be issues sharing from cloud-based files. Everyone has an empty chat box when they join the call, so anything you put in there before people join will not be visible.
Keeping socially connected development plan
Over the lockdown older people’s groups have used a range of methods to stay in contact. Age Scotland Community Development Officers, through their work on the Helpline and checking in with Age Scotland member groups, have heard that some older people have been disadvantaged by digital exclusion and unable to access the full range of communication methods because of • informed choice • uninformed choice • lack of technology • lack of software / applications • poor or no internet connection • level of confidence and skills with computer communication You could use your learning from the COVID-19 lockdown to put a plan in place in case you find yourselves unable to restart your activities or having to suspend them again. If you need to close your group again would you be able to keep in contact with all your members to ensure they are keeping safe and well? You might need to carry out an audit of your members to find out some of this, but you may know much of it already.
A development plan might look something like this:
Member contact details and preferred method of contact, with permission to use it. (Can they be accessed securely away from base?) Who will make the contact? (one person, more than one or using a buddy system)
Hardware needed (landline, mobile phone, desktop computer, laptop, tablet, internet connection, Wi-Fi, web cam) Application / software needed (social media, email, messaging, video conferencing and telephone conferencing) Training needed (including online safety and accessibility)
Well-being support needed (online and phoneline health support and online well-being activities) Funding needed to meet these needs
Keeping your information safe
GDPR, (General Data Protection Regulation) applies to any personal data that your group holds about your members. The group requires permission from its members to hold any personal data it gathers, and must ensure that members are aware of how this data will be used.
What is meant by Personal data?
• name and surname • home address • email address • telephone number For example, telephone numbers cannot be given to other group members without permission unless when this information was taken it was agreed that it could be passed between members. All records holding members personal information must be kept in a safe place, preferably in a locked drawer or cabinet or a computer file you have protected with a password