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Getting health information and advice
If you are worried about your mental or physical health, there are several ways you can get accurate, up-to-date information and advice.
Minor health concerns
Your local pharmacy can help with common complaints such as colds and upset stomachs and give advice about prescribed or overthe-counter medications. Many offer services such as help to stop smoking and flu vaccinations.
Feeling well, but have a health question
Contact NHS Inform helpline on 0800 22 44 88 or see their website www.nhsinform.scot. They have veteran-specific advice online at www.nhsinform.scot/care-support-and-rights/health-rights/ access/health-rights-for-veterans.
Feeling unwell or have a medical question
Your GP can diagnose and treat more serious and ongoing problems and make referrals to specialists where needed. Practice nurses at GP surgeries often run regular clinics for conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. When your GP practice is closed NHS 24 can provide urgent health advice out of hours. Call 111.
Emergency situations
Go to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department or dial 999 to speak to the emergency services if you need an ambulance.
Support during treatment
If you are receiving medical treatment in Fife, Lanarkshire, Scottish Borders, Edinburgh or the Vale of Leven hospital catchment areas, the Defence Medical Welfare Service can provide practical and emotional support including bedside visits, telephone support, accompanying you to appointments, and helping you and your family to resolve medical care issues and access services. For more information or to request support, call them on 0800 999 3697 or email them at referrals@dmws.org.uk.