Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Bewildered Confused Discouraged Helpless Insignificant Submissive Weak Insecure Foolish Anxious Embarrased Excited Daring Vibrant Fascinating Energetic Stimulating Pl a yful Amuzed Creative Extravagant A w a r e D e l gih t f ul G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful Greetings! Thank you for taking this lesson
Table of contents
First topic ( what we'll cover )
The feeling wheel what is it?
Six universal feelings
The first layer Check your understanding | short quiz ( Optional )
The second layer Check your understanding | short quiz 2 ( Optional )
In this lesson, we will cover the " FEELING WHEEL " Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Bewildered Confused Discouraged Helpless Insignificant Submissive Weak Insecure Foolish Anxious Embarrased Excited Daring Vibrant Fascinating Energetic Stimulating Pl a yful Amuzed Creative Extravagant A w a r e D e l gih t f ul G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful
The FEELING WHEEL is a valuable tool that helps us identify and verbalize
our complex feelings or emotions
In this lesson, we will explore six universal types of feelings and two layers/tiers of corresponding flavors for each type of feeling
The six universal types of feelings
Sad Joyful
Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful
The Feeling Wheel
Let's start with PEACEFUL
P e a c e fu l
Feeling Wheel Peaceful
P e a c e fu l
In this first layer, we're going to explore the major feelings and their respective flavors
IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting Nurturing P e a c e fu l The Feeling Wheel Peaceful
IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting Nurturing P e a c e fu l Sad The Feeling Wheel Sad
G u i l t y AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting Nurturing P e a c e fu l Sad The Feeling Wheel Sad
G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting Nurturing P e a c e fu l Powerful Sad The Feeling Wheel Powerful
G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d P e a c e fu l Powerful Sad The Feeling Wheel Powerful
G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d P e a c e fu l Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Joyful
VExcited ibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d P e a c e fu l Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Joyful
H u r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCritical VExcited ibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Mad
Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Scared
Inthe secondlayer,we're going toidentify andexplore secondary/additional flavors Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful
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Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel The second layer and secondary flavors
Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy IThoughtful ntimate Content Loving Trusting NurturingFaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel The second layer and secondary flavors Peaceful
Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecureEnxious xcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt AshamedDepressedLonelyBoredSleepy Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful FaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Exploring The second layer and secondary flavors, we're starting with " PEACEFUL." Exploring the peaceful feeling, we can identify these secondary flavors. They include, but are not limited to, relaxed, responsive, pensive, serene, sentimental, thankful. Relaxed Responsive Pensive Serene Sentimental Thankful Peaceful
Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecureEnxious xcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful FaithfulImportantHopeful AppreciatedResp ected P r o u d Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Using " sad "we can identify these secondary flavors. They include, but are not limited to bashful, stupid, miserable, inadequate, inferior, apathetic. Bashful Stupid Miserable Inadequate Inferior Apathetic Sad
Hu r t Host i le Angry RageHatefulCriticalRejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satisfied P r o u d C he e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Next is " powerful " , which includes the following secondary flavors: Confident, intelligent, enthusiastic, valuable, satisfied, and cheerful. Confident Intelligent Enthusiastic Valuable Satisfied Cheerful Powerful
Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcitedVibrantPEnergetic l a yful Creative A w a r e G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Next is " mad " , which features the following secondary flavors: jealous, selfish, furious, irritated, skeptical. Jealous Selfish Frustrated Furious Irritated Skeptical Mad
Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Confused Helpless Submissive AInsecure nxiousExcited Daring Vibrant Fascinating Energetic Stimulating Pl a yful Amuzed Creative Extravagant A w a r e D e l gih t f ul G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Next is " joyful " , which features the following secondary flavors: Daring, fascinating, stimulating, amused, extravagant, and delightful . Daring Fascinating Stimulating Amused Extravagant Delightful Joyful
Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Bewildered Confused Discouraged Helpless Insignificant Submissive Weak Insecure Foolish Anxious Embarrased Excited Daring Vibrant Fascinating Energetic Stimulating Pl a yful Amuzed Creative Extravagant A w a r e D e l gih t f ul G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel Last, but not least, is " scared", which features the following secondary flavors: bewildered, discouraged, insignificant, weak, foolish, and embarrassed. Bewildered Discouraged Insignificant Weak Foolish Embarrassed Sacred
Hu r t J e a lo u s Host i le Se l fish Angry Frustrated Rage Furious Hateful Irritated Critical Skeptical Rejected Bewildered Confused Discouraged Helpless Insignificant Submissive Weak Insecure Foolish Anxious Embarrased Excited Daring Vibrant Fascinating Energetic Stimulating Pl a yful Amuzed Creative Extravagant A w a r e D e l gih t f ul G u i l yt B a s h f u l Ashamed S t u pid Depressed Miserabl e Lonely Inadequate Bored Inferior Sleepy Apathetic Thoughtful Relaxed Intimate Responsive Content Pensive Loving Serene Trusting Sentimental Nurturing Thankful Faithful Confident Important Intelligent Hopeful Enthusiastic Appreciated Valuable Resp ected Satis fied P r o u d C h e e r fu l Sc a r de P e a c e fu l Mad Powerful Sad Joyful The Feeling Wheel
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