TOWARD MEN’S HEALTH Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, right? We’re all familiar with that saying, but when it comes to overall health the sentiment rings pretty true. Male and female bodies are physiologically and chemically different from one another. We’re also driven toward different lifestyles based upon the way that products are marketed to us. Gendered advertising targets women with yoga, juice bars, and vegan diets, while men are sold extreme sports, Baconators, and beer. In the fight to live a healthier lifestyle, men have a lot to compete against.
by Adrienne Freeland
Some of the top health issues that men encounter as they age are heart disease, respiratory disease, prostate cancer, alcohol overuse, and diabetes. While there is some crossover between the sexes, many of the health risks that men experience differs from those experienced by their wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters. If you are a man, hoping to increase your overall health, here are three steps you can take today.
1. Visit Your Doctor
Data shows that men are less likely to go to the doctor than women. Unfortunately, that often results in delayed diagnoses and treatment for potentially serious health issues. If you’re not in the habit of scheduling regular visits with your primary care doctor, set this as your top priority. Like your car, your body is a machine that needs regular maintenance.
2. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated
At some point in our history, we began to view healthy eating and sufficient hydration as antithetical to traditional masculinity. Marketers and the media remind us constantly of the manliness of bacon, red meat, and beer. Unfortunately, a diet heavy in those things is not known to contribute to a long, healthy life. If you ask us, there’s nothing more manly than being strong and mobile as you age because you learned how to fuel your body along the way.
3. Cut Alcohol and Tobacco
Heart disease is the leading killer of men in the United States, and the overconsumption of alcohol and tobacco are contributors to this health epidemic. If you are in the habit of drinking and smoking regularly, we recommend you confer with your physician about how to break those habits. We’re not here to spoil your fun, but we would love to help you prolong your life. No one knows your health history better than your doctor. Before you start following the next healthy trend, consult with your physician about the diet and lifestyle that would be ideal for your health. If you’re feeling stuck in a loop of unhealthy habits, remember that you’re not alone. Today can be the day you claim your health and set off on a new path. 20
Aging Times Magazine | June 2021