There’s no denying the fact that we Americans love a celebration! A day or month is dedicated to every food, relationship, or pastime you can think of. This month just so happens to be National Hot Dog Month, and I can't think of anything more American than that. But we all have much more to celebrate this month than our favorite frankfurters. It's the month we celebrate the birth of our nation and the uniquely American freedoms we enjoy. July is summer personified. And aside from the blazing heat, it's a time of gatherings, celebrations, and extended outdoor days. It's a time to remember the many incredible blessings that come with living where we do. One phenomenon that is uniquely American is the concept of the American Dream. People immigrate from all over the world to have their chance at building a life they can be proud of. Our system is known for facilitating upward momentum that isn't found in other places. The idea of the American Dream is that we all have equality of opportunity, no matter where we start out in life.
Aging Times Magazine | |July June 2022 2022