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Agnes B. Bullock

Florissant, United States

Am a disabled Roman Catholic woman, happily married to Geoffrey. We LOVE the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, and am conservative in faith and politics. Have no children yet, so we are loved by our five dachshunds ( two are angels at the Rainbow Bridge). Charter member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC), which recently celebrated its tenth year!!!I am a mega mega mega ditto head. Just love Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Pat Buchanan, Mark Levin, the One Holy, Roman, and Apostolic Church and my gorgeous husband, Geoff ( and not in that order, either). Irish Historian, Recording Secretary and Catholic Action for The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAOH), Division 1, Medina County, OH- Irish Missionaries
