PortFoliO aGnes hErmaNto
Hello, My name is Agnes. I am a Bachelor from Tarumanagara University, Indonesia, majored in Graphic Design. I am a passionate illustrator and I love taking photos, mostly food photos. I used to join many activities in my Uni Student Council and that makes me learn so much about people and the other things. I am also willing to learn new things especially in this design industry!
Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere
Digital Illustrator English
+6281291179826 agneshermantoo agneshermantoo@gmail.com Teluk Gong. North Jakarta, Indonesia.
InteRestS EducAtioN Elementary School Kristen Harapan Zaman (2003-2009)
Junior High School Pusaka Abadi (2009 - 2012)
Senior High School Pusaka Abadi School (2012-2015)
Logo & Branding
BACHELOR/Visual Communication Design Tarumanagara University (2016 - 2020)
Digital Drawing
AchiEvemEnts MEMBER OF ANGGOTA MUDA University Student executive Board / 2016-2017
Being a part of Anggota Muda (BEM), we must support them by taking part at every activities (such as workshop, Festival Design, meetings, etc) that held by them.
DECORATING COMMITTEE Festival Design Rupareka: Utopia 2017 / Student Executive Board (BEM)
Making some decoration that will be placed near the entrance of the exhibition.
THE CHIEF COMMITTEE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (LITBANG: Penelitian dan Pengembangan) DIVISION Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) 2017 - 2018
LITBANG have three Chief Committee and three event program (such as Seminar, Workplace Visit, and Study Visits) every chief committee need to carry out one event program. Being The Chief of Reseach and Developtment (LITBANG) we need to make a proposal to be submitted to the faculty before we hold an event, after they give us the permission, then the event can be runs according to the schedule we made. Also we must support by take part at every activities (such as seminar, workplace visit, study visits, meetings) which are held by Research and Developtment division of Student Representative Council.
Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) 2017 - 2018
To arrange every activities during the New Student Orientation program, to be a time keeper, including to look for the speaker of the seminar event (which is a part of New Student Orientation program), reach them by contacting them one by one, accompany them when they arrived and provide their needs during the seminar event.
Being a part of Reseach and Developtment (LITBANG), we must support by taking part at every activities (such as seminar, workplace visit, study visits) that held by Research and Developtment division of Student Representative Council.
MENTOR COMMITTEE / New Student Orientation Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Executive Board (BEM) / 2017
Organizing activities for new student orientation activities with theme “Solidarity in Diversity”
EVENT COMMITTEE / Seminar: ARTITTUDE Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2017
To look for the speaker of the seminar event, reach them by contacting them one by one, accompany them when they arrived and provide their needs during the seminar event.
EVENT COMMITTEE / Workplace Visit: ARTITTUDE Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2018
Organizing every part of the event, looking for design studios based in Jakarta, contact them one by one, checking their availability for us to visit their studios, including making the schedule, and to disscuss about what will they present to us in our visitation.
Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Executive Board (BEM) / 2018
EVENT COMMITTEE / Student Work Disscussion Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2018
Discuss activities that have been carried out for the past year, we need to arrange every activities during the Student Work Disscussion, to be a time keeper, making the schedule for the event, and also provide everythings the event needs.
EVENT COMMITTEE / Seminar: EMPOWERING DESIGN Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2018
To look for the speaker of the seminar event, contact them one by one, accompany them when they arrived and provide their needs during the seminar event.
TREASURER / Workplace Visit: EPIC Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2019
Take responsibility for the Workplace Visit event finance, to look after the money given by The Chief Committee, and take notes for every spendings and income.
THE CHIEF COMMITTEE / Study Visits: MAGNET / MALAYSIA Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2019
SECRETARY / Excursion Study: ARTPRENEUR / YOGYAKARTA Faculty of Visual Arts and Design / Student Representative Council (DPM) / 2018
Take notes at every disscussion during the meeting, take notes at every ongoing activities, including accompany the Chief Committee when she/he needs to meet someone, remind the Chief Committee about the event needs, and also making final report of the event.
Organizing the whole activities in Study Visits program, starting from making a proposal to be submitted to the faculty before we run the event, making a formal letter and proposal in english for international study visits, searching the University in Malaysia who have Art or Design Faculty, and contact them one by one, meeting the Dean of Visual Arts and Design Faculty to disscuss about the program, and leading the Study Visits meeting with other committee, and also helping the secretary to work on the final report of the program.
Work ExpeRienCe Graphic Design Intern at W Design Studio
Social Media Content Designer at Rosewood Living
Freelance Social Media Content Designer 2020
assignment A modern character Design of Jaka Tarub’s Angel. Well, look at the scarf! Expensive. Adobe Illustrator and SAI.
assignment Personal branding design character, me as a wifi router because i can’t live without it, and i feel like wifi is a part of me. Made with SAI.
Made using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. 2018
personal The Illustration was made by Adobe Illustrator. It describe me as a Graphic Designer “ArtDUH” Art + DUH! Sometimes we also getting a hard time being a Graphic Designer. Made with Adobe Illustrator.
artduh people.
assignment I made a comic about appreciate difference on human rights.
Made with SAI.
assignment Made a comic for candy brand promotion called NANONANO.
Made with SAI.
Urusan Gadis! Urusan Gadis!
Urusan Gadis! Masa pubertas merupakan masa-masa dimana remaja perempuan mengalami perubahan-perubahan yang membuat mereka menjadi wanita sepenuhnya. Namun, tidak mudah bagi para remaja untuk melewati masa pubertas tersebut, perasaan canggung, mood yang berubah-ubah, perasaan bingung bagaimana menghadapi perubahan tersebut. Urusan Gadis! merupakan buku yang membahas tentang masa pubertas perempuan. Perubahan-perubahan apa saja yang terjadi pada saat masa pubertas baik perubahan secara fisik maupun non fisik. Buku ini juga membahas bagaimana cara menghadapi perubahan tersebut, tips and trik, serta buku ini memiliki 15 tanya jawab yang paling sering ditanyakan saat para remaja perempuan mengalami menstruasi.
T E M UK A N J A W A B A U! A N J A W A B A NM U! T ENM M UK Kapan sih aku pakai Kapan bra? sih aku pakai bra? Bagaimana sih mengatasi Bagaimana sih mengatasi kulitmu yang berjerawat? kulitmu yang berjerawat? Datang bulan kayak Datang gimana bulan sih? kayak gimana sih? 15 pertanyaan yang15 sering pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan saat sedang haid! saat sedang haid! ditanyakan
Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional.
Jl. Permata No. 1, Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta Timur, 13650
Agnes Hermanto Agnes Hermanto
Harga P. Jawa Rp. 53.500,-
thesis Illustration book about puberty for girls. For full book you can see it in the link below: https://issuu.com/agneshermantoo/docs/book_file_1_and_2 Made with Adobe Illustrator and SAI.
PackAginG PackAginG PackAginG
Happy Tummy Milk Teething Rusks have been espcecially developed to relieve tender gums and promote natural development of your baby's teeth. The hard texture encourages biting and chewing, which is important for gum and jaw development. Imported by : PT. Eco Baby Indonesia Jakarta - Indonesia
Store in dry & cool place. Away from direct sunlight.
• FREE from sugar • FREE from egg • FREE from peanut • FREE from colouring • FREE from synthetic flavorings • FREE from preservatives • Wrapped for freshness Always supervise your baby while he or she is eating or chewing on a rusk. To reduce the possibility of choking, rusks should be chewed while your baby is sitting upright. Never give broken rusks to your baby and discard chewed rusks immediately.
Imported by : PT. Eco Baby Indonesia Jakarta - Indonesia
Wheat Flour, Wheat Germ, Skim Milk Powder, Yeast, Salt*, Mineral (Iron).
BPOM RI ML 000000000000000
Happy Tummy Milk Teething Rusks have been espcecially developed to relieve tender gums and promote natural development of your baby's teeth. The hard texture encourages biting and chewing, which is important for gum and jaw development.
BPOM RI ML 000000000000000
*A small amount of salt is added to make rusks hard.
• FREE from sugar • FREE from egg • FREE from peanut • FREE from colouring • FREE from synthetic flavorings • FREE from preservatives • Wrapped for freshness
NUTRITION INFORMATION Servings per package : 4 Serving size : 15g (1 rusk) (content / average content)
Calories/Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Total Fat (g) Total Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g) Dietary Fibre (g) Sodium (mg) Potassium (mg)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Always supervise your baby while he or she is eating or chewing on a rusk. To reduce the possibility of choking, rusks should be chewed while your baby is sitting upright. Never give broken rusks to your baby and discard chewed rusks immediately.
Due to natural variations in sources, colors and textures may vary from batch to batch.
Product of Malaysia. Batch Code : Best Before Date :
intern Happy Tummy is a snack brand for kids, with milk flavour. During my internship i made 3 alternative packaging design for Happy Tummy Milk Teething Rusks.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
Store in dry & cool place. Away from direct sunlight.
INGREDIENTS Wheat Flour, Wheat Germ, Skim Milk Powder, Yeast, Salt*, Mineral (Iron). *A small amount of salt is added to make rusks hard.
NUTRITION INFORMATION Servings per package : 4 Serving size : 15g (1 rusk)
Calories/Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Total Fat (g) Total Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g) Dietary Fibre (g) Sodium (mg) Potassium (mg)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Happy Tummy Milk Teething Rusks have been espcecially developed to relieve tender gums and promote natural development of your baby's teeth. The hard texture encourages biting and chewing, which is important for gum and jaw development. Imported by : PT. Eco Baby Indonesia Jakarta - Indonesia BPOM RI ML 000000000000000
Store in dry & cool place. Away from direct sunlight.
• FREE from sugar • FREE from egg • FREE from peanut • FREE from colouring • FREE from synthetic flavorings • FREE from preservatives • Wrapped for freshness
Original Net Weight : 60g (4 x 15g)
Due to natural variations in sources, colors and textures may vary from batch to batch.
Product of Malaysia. Batch Code : Best Before Date :
Always supervise your baby while he or she is eating or chewing on a rusk. To reduce the possibility of choking, rusks should be chewed while your baby is sitting upright. Never give broken rusks to your baby and discard chewed rusks immediately.
INGREDIENTS Wheat Flour, Wheat Germ, Skim Milk Powder, Yeast, Salt*, Mineral (Iron). *A small amount of salt is added to make rusks hard.
NUTRITION INFORMATION Servings per package : 4 Serving size : 15g (1 rusk) (content / average content)
Calories/Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Total Fat (g) Total Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g) Dietary Fibre (g) Sodium (mg) Potassium (mg)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Original Net Weight : 60g (4 x 15g)
Due to natural variations in sources, colors and textures may vary from batch to batch.
Product of Malaysia. Batch Code : Best Before Date :
Premium Sterillized Milk
Premium Sterillized Milk
Netto: 200 ml Netto: 200 ml
INFORMASI NILAI GIZI / NUTRITION FACTS Takaran Saji / Serving Size 300 ml Jumlah Sajian Per Kemasan / Servings Per Container 1
HOW TO OPEN See the Mark
Puncture and Turn
Pull Foil
140 kkal 25 kkal
%AKG* / %DV* Lemak Total / Total Fat 4% 3g Lemak Jenuh / Saturated Fat 12 % 2,5 g Kolesterol / Cholesterol 5% 15 mg Protein 10 % 6g Karbohidrat Total / Total Carbohydrate 7% 22 g Gula / Sugar 21 g Natrium / Sodium 7% 110 mg Kalium / Potassium 6% 320 mg
SOYA DRINK? Soya Drink adalah minuman yang terbuat dari kacang kedelai. Sebuah emulsi stabil minyak, air, dan protein, diproduksi dengan merendam kedelai kering dan menggiling mereka dengan air.
*Persen AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2150 kcal diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Komposisi : Air, Kedelai, Gula, Sukralosa, Daun Pandan, Penstabil Nabati. Ingredients : Water, Soybean, Sugar, Sucralose, Pandan Leaves, Stabilizer.
Energi Total / Calories Energi Dari Lemak / Calories From Fat
Harap simpan di bawah suhu 2-7°C / Keep refrigerated at 2-7°C. Kocok dahulu sebelum minum / Shake before drinking Baik Digunakan Sebelum dan Kode Produksi : Lihat Pada Botol. Best Before and Production Code : See on Bottle.
SWeet Netto: 250 ml Manufactured by : PT. Zehat International Bogor 16730 - Indonesia
Jaga Kebersihan
intern Asia Panda is a brand of Premium Sterillized Milk, and Soya Drink is a brand of Soya Milk. Those are some design for their bottle label packaging.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
OUR STORY Natural Handmade Soap with SLS & Paraben Free. 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil that can hydrates the skin by building the skin's moisture barrier to prevent loss of moisture.
Natural Handmade Soap with SLS & Paraben Free. 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.
DIRECTION Apply to the palm of the hand with a water, rub it gently into your skin and then just rinse it thoroughly. Use shower puff if you want to increase the foam.
Honey Castille Natural Liquid Soap Christmas Edition
INGREDIENTS Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter.
250 ml / 8.5 oz
Apply it to the palm of the hand with a water, rub it gently into your skin and then just rinse thoroughly. Use shower puff to increase the foam.
INGREDIENTS Aqua, Potassium Hydroxide, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Citric Acid, Honey, Vegetable glycerin, Sodium Lactate, Skinsafe Fragrance Oil.
250 ml / 8.5 oz 6m
Natural Handmade Soap with SLS & Paraben Free. Conditioning also moisturizing and soften your skin naturally so your skin will less dry and stay hydrated.
Orange Sherbet Natural Liq u i d S o a p
Apply it to the palm of the hand with a water, rub it gently into your skin and then rinse thoroughly.
I NGR E D I E NT S Olea europaea (Olive) Oil, Cocos nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Prunus dulcis (Almond) Oil, sweet, Ricinus communis (Castor) Oil, Cacao (Cocoa) Butter, Fragrance Oil.
Jasmine HAND-POURED SOY CANDLE Christmas Edition 215g/7.6 oz
100 ml / 3. 4 o z
freelance Sapone is a brand of Handmade Natural Soap (mostly liquid soap), but they also made a Soy-Candle for some events. Here’s are some design for their bottle label packaging.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
Tea Tea Ceremony Ceremony
WeddIng nEcesSity
Danny & Sherlyn 15.09.2018
comission Made a design for Angpao for Sangjit Event, Stickers for wedding souvernir and also Tea Ceremony Invitation Card.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
LayoUt LayoUt LayoUt
assignments The theme of the poster is “Volunteerism”. So, I made the poster with an earthquake concept. It’s like me also feeling what’s the victims feels, and my hand volunteering to help an earthquake victims in the middle of an earthquake chaos.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
assignments Book layout for “15th rules of typography”, the contents of the books is the good and bad writing methods on typography. In this assingments we learn how to play with whitespace and making a layout without too much elements. Made with Adobe Illustrator.
comission Made an E-Invitation for Chinesse Proposal tradition or usually they called it “Sangjit”.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
BranDing BraNdinG BranDing
assignments Indonesia Safari Park with a cute images, because their visitor mostly are kids. Made the animals into cute character to attract more people/visitors.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
assignments Fugu known as a poisonous fish, because it has toxic tetrodotoxin. Actually, fugu has good benefits for the body if cooked by the right people. That’s why not everyone can serve fugu right, only some chef who can. Same with coffee Aya, not everyone can serve coffee right. Only some people who can, and Coffee Aya did that.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
SociAl MediA
Causes of dry skin cold temperature. skin conditions.
Are you using Natural Handmade Soap?
low humidity. No. Should I?
Of course! overuse of sanitizers.
Excessive use of soaps.
over-washing with harsh soaps. SAPONE SAPONE
4 Reasons to use Natural Handmade Soap
Your Monday thoughts set the tone for your whole week. It will be great to start your Monday with Natural Handmade Soap from Sapone. Happy Monday! HEALTHY SKIN
How can I get healthy skin naturally?
Don’t let your skin dry. Moisturize your skin everyday by using Sapone Natural Handmade Soap. It will help you nourish your skin so your skin will be healthier.
freelance Social Media Content Designer for Sapone a brand of Natural Handmade Soap Instagram feeds.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
work Social Media Content Designer for Rosewood Living Furniture brand Instagram story Catalouge.
Made with Adobe Illustrator.
ThanK You! iT wOuld bE a pLeasUre tO hEar fRom yOu!
pOrtfOlio bY aGnes hErmaNto