2009 Aksarben Messenger

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Dear Livestock Show Visitor, Welcome to the 82nd Annual Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exhibition presented by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation. We are glad that you’re here to help us celebrate our region’s strong western heritage and agricultural roots. Whether you are an exhibitor or just visiting the show, we hope that you enjoy yourself at the 2009 event. Inside this book you’ll find a complete schedule of daily activities along with an Ak-Sar-Ben’s River City Roundup event schedule. Our livestock barn is full of cattle, pigs, lambs, goats and chickens as the region’s 4-H youths compete for the grand prize. Take in the Purina Mills Animal Zone, Commercial Vendors, Douglas County Fair, Educational Exhibits, Faces of Agriculture, Nebraska Beef Council Cooking Stage while you’re here. Don’t forget to grab your tickets for the Justin Boots Championships of the Wrangler Million Dollar Tour where you can watch 96 of the world’s best cowboy’s compete followed up by our national caliber entertainment of Blake Shelton, Julianne Hough and Billy Currington. A new addition to this year’s Messenger is the Ak-Sar-Ben Buyers Club (ABC) Purple Ribbon Auction Program. Take time to page through 2008’s champions and the donors that helped make it possible. We are honored to have you here with us this year and look forward to another great show. Thank you to our hundreds of volunteers who help to make the show possible year after year. It wouldn’t be possible without such outstanding help. We hope you have a wonderful time here in Omaha at the Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition and Ak-Sar-Ben’s River City Roundup.

—Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation

Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation Beth Greiner President

Erin Sudmann Program Coordinator

Matt Gunderson Vice-President

Julia Plucker Douglas County Fair Assistant Manager

Christy Farnstrom 4-H Livestock Exposition Manager

Sue Eiserman Coronation Ball Development Assistant

Blair Sinnett ARCR Event Coordinator

Reese Bettin • Jessica Simpson Public Relations Assistants

302 South 36th Street, Suite 800 Omaha, NE 68131 Phone: (402) 554-9600 • Fax: (402) 554-9609 www.aksarben.org • www.rivercityroundup.org 4



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2009 Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Show Schedule September 24 - September 29 Monday, September 21 ______________________________________________ 5 - 8 p.m.

Horse Stall Check-in

Tuesday, September 22 ______________________________________________ 7 - 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m.

1 - 1:30 p.m.

5 - 8 p.m.

Check-in Horse Entries Arena open for warm-up and practice Horse Show—Qwest Arena Showmanship Junior Western Horsemanship Finals Jr. Western Horsemanship Senior Western Horsemanship Finals Sr. Western Horsemanship Jr. & Sr. Pony Pleasure (combined) Junior Western Pleasure Finals Jr. Western Pleasure Senior Western Pleasure Finals Sr. Western Pleasure Two-Year Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure Three-Year Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure Horse Check-in (for reining, barrels & poles at the arena). Jr. Reining Sr. Reining Jr. Pole Bending Sr. Pole Bending Jr. Barrel Racing Sr. Barrel Racing Premier Horse Exhibitor Activities (as scheduled) Horse Stall Check-in

Wednesday, September 23 ____________________________________________ 7:30 - 8 a.m. 7 - 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m.

Check-in Horse Entries Arena open for warm-up and practice Horse Show—Qwest Arena Showmanship Jr. English Equitation Sr. English Equitation Jr. English Pleasure Sr. English Pleasure Hunter Hack

Thursday, September 24 ______________________________________________ 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. 1 p.m.

Livestock Barn & Tie-Outs Open School Tours Livestock Barn Open for Broilers



1 - 4 p.m. 2 - 4 p.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 - 8 p.m. 7 p.m. Midnight


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Check-in Feeder Calves Check-in & Ultrasound Meat Goats Feeder Calves & Meat Goats Must Be On Grounds Dairy must be in place Check-in Dairy Dairy Premier Exhibitor Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo Barn Closes

Friday, September 25 ________________________________________________ 5 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. - Noon 9:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. 11 a.m.

1:30 p.m.

2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 - 8 p.m. 5 o,n, 6-6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. Midnight

Barn Open Dairy Show—Farmers National Arena (all dairy released at conclusion of show) Check-in Market Beef Check-in Market Lambs School Tours All Market Lambs & Market Beef Cattle Must Be On Grounds First Round Fitting Contest (Following the Dairy Show in the Farmers National Arena) Judging of Feeder Calves —Farmers National Arena 1. Feeder Heifers 2. Champion Feeder Heifer 3. Feeder Steers 4. Champion Feeder Steer 5. Feeder Calf Showmanship Feeders Calves released following show & must be out of the barn by 8 p.m. Catch-a-Calf & Lamb Challenge record books due in Livestock Office Judging of Meat Goats—Arena 2 All Dairy Cattle must be out of building Beef & Sheep Premier Exhibitor Check-in Market Swine Weigh-in Market Broilers Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo Barn Closes

Saturday, September 26 ______________________________________________ 5 .m. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 7:30 a.m.

Barn Open Beef & Sheep Premier Exhibitor Judging of Market Lambs—Arena 2 1. Lamb Challenge 2. Market Lambs 3. Market Lamb Showmanship Market Beef Show (Farmers National Arena)......7:30 am 1. Catch-a-Calf 2. Market Heifers 3. Market Steers 4. Grand Champion Market Steer



8 a.m. 9 a.m. - Noon 10 a.m.

10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Noon - 2 p.m. 1 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m.



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5. Market Beef Showmanhip 6. Final Round of Fitting Contest Continue check-in & weighing Market Swine Continue weigh-in of Market Broilers Check-in Breeding Beef 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Invitational—Hilton Omaha (rooms to be posted) All Market Swine, Breeding Heifers, and Broilers must be in place Swine Premier Exhibitor Check-in Breeding Gilts Judging of Market Broilers Broilers released after the completion of the broiler show Breeding Gilts must be on grounds 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl Invitational Finals (upstairs in Rooms 213 & 214) Market Swine Showmanship—Arena 2 (following Lamb Show) Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo Barn Closes

Sunday, September 27________________________________________________ 5 a.m. 7:30 a.m.

8 a.m. 10 a.m.

2 p.m.

6 p.m.

Barn Opens Judging of Market Swine—Arena 2 Judging of Breeding Beef—Farmers National 1. Shorthorn 9. Gelbvieh 2. Angus 10. Simmental 3. Charolais 11. Commercial 4. Chianina 12. Maine-Anjou 5. Salers 13. Limousin 6. Red Angus 14. Supreme Heifer Selection 7. AOB 15. Showmanship 8. Hereford/Polled Hereford Catch-a-Calf Skillathon Deadline for entering market beef carcass contest Load all Lambs, except Grand Champion, Division Champions, Lamb Challenge winners Load all Meat Goats, except Grand & Reserve Champion All Market Beef not in Auction or Carcass Contest Released Load all market swine out of show ring Breeding Heifers Released Breeding Gilt Show, Immediately following market swine Purple Ribbon Auction, Junior Ballroom

Monday, September 28 ______________________________________________ 6 a.m.

Load all cattle to cooperating packers for Carcass Contest

Schedule and Times are Subject to Change





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2009 Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Show Judges Market Beef Dr. Kelly Bruns, Brookings, SD

4-H Horse Dr. Theresa Slough, Manhattan, KS

Breeding Beef TBA

Meat Goat Brad Gilmore, Corinth, MS

Feeder Calf Donnie McLain, Gill, CO

SHOWMANHIP Swine Jim Gibson, Panora, IA

Dairy Show Brad Rugg, Minneapolis, MN

Market Beef Patti Wilson, Hazard, NE

Market Lamb Brad Gilmore, Corinth, MS

Feeder Calf & Lamb Adam Wirt, Lennox, SD

Breeding Gilt Ben Olsen, Irene, SD

Breeding Beef TBA

Market Swine Kyle Culp, West Lafayette, IN SHOW ANNOUNCERS Market Beef Chad Moyer, West Point, NE

Breeding Gilt & Market Swine Doug Brand, Seward, NE

Feeder Calf Doug Brand, Seward, NE

Market Lambs John Neary, Arlington, NE

Breeding Beef Dewey Lienemann, Red Cloud, NE

Dairy Cattle Matt Rasmussen, Fremont, NE

Meat Goats Bret Oelke, Barrett, MN

Horse Jim Ramm, Atkinson, NE

“Thanks for all you do for youth through 4-H. Your financial support shows your pledge to our future. Our family enjoys the Ak-Sar-Ben show and trip as our parents showed in the 70s.”— Kylla

“The stock show holds many great memories for myself and my family. Your involvement & support of the beef industry means a lot to me. I have chosen to invest the award money into a college savings plan.”— Trevor





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Schedule of Events

Thursday, September 24 • School Tours • Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition • All Day Livestock Barn Open to Public • Activate Omaha Area • AgMagic Stage Show • AgVentureland Farm • Blue’s Amusement Carnival • Chuckwagon Corral - Food Vendors • Construction Junction • Douglas County Fair - Exhibits • Faces of Agriculture • Farrowing Exhibit • Get Your Wild On Room • Giddy-Up Gulch • IGX Interactive Gaming Exhibit • Mechanical Bull • ARCR Merchandise Booth • Nebraska Beef Council “What’s For Dinner”

Cooking Stage • Omaha Public Library Reading Corner • Papa Bear Chainsaw Carving • Pro Rodeo Zone • Purine Mills Animal Zone • Rawhide Review Stage and Giveaways • Renewable Fuels Display • University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Exhibits • Trading Post - Commercial Vendors • Wine, Beef & Cheese Tasting • Kid’s Stick Horse Rodeo • Justin Boots Championships • Mutton Bustin’ • Blake Shelton in Concert • After Party at Hilton Omaha • Buckle Presentation

Friday, September 25 • School Tours • Rough ‘N Ready Rodeo Challenge • All Day Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition • Activate Omaha Area • AgMagic Stage Show • AgVentureland Farm • Blue’s Amusement Carnival • Chuckwagon Corral - Food Vendors • Construction Junction • Douglas County Fair - Exhibits • Faces of Agriculture • Farrowing Exhibit • Get Your Wild On Room • Giddy-Up Gulch • IGX Interactive Gaming Exhibit • Mechanical Bull • ARCR Merchandise Booth • Nebraska Beef Council “What’s For Dinner”

Cooking Stage • Omaha Public Library Reading Corner • Papa Bear Chainsaw Carving • Pro Rodeo Zone • Purine Mills Animal Zone • Rawhide Review Stage and Giveaways • Renewable Fuels Display • University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Exhibits • Trading Post - Commercial Vendors • Oriental Trading Fun Zone Giveaways • Barbeque Challenge - People’s Choice Awards • Omaha City Chess Championship Tournament • Justin Boots Championships Round • Julianne Hough in Concert • After Party - until 1 a.m., Hilton Omaha • Buckle Presentation

“I have been in 4-H my whole life and have been very active in it and have made numerous new friends and connections through my experiences. It was an honor to earn the awards at Ak-Sar-Ben. I only hope that someday I can give back to the 4-H program for what it has done for me.”— John




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Schedule of Events

Thursday, September 24 • School Tours • Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition • All Day Livestock Barn Open to Public • Activate Omaha Area • AgMagic Stage Show • AgVentureland Farm • Blue’s Amusement Carnival • Chuckwagon Corral - Food Vendors • Construction Junction • Douglas County Fair - Exhibits • Faces of Agriculture • Farrowing Exhibit • Get Your Wild On Room • Giddy-Up Gulch • IGX Interactive Gaming Exhibit • Mechanical Bull • ARCR Merchandise Booth • Nebraska Beef Council “What’s For Dinner”

Cooking Stage • Omaha Public Library Reading Corner • Papa Bear Chainsaw Carving • Pro Rodeo Zone • Purine Mills Animal Zone • Rawhide Review Stage and Giveaways • Renewable Fuels Display • University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Exhibits • Trading Post - Commercial Vendors • Wine, Beef & Cheese Tasting • Kid’s Stick Horse Rodeo • Justin Boots Championships • Mutton Bustin’ • Blake Shelton in Concert • After Party at Hilton Omaha • Buckle Presentation

Friday, September 25 • School Tours • Rough ‘N Ready Rodeo Challenge • All Day Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition • Activate Omaha Area • AgMagic Stage Show • AgVentureland Farm • Blue’s Amusement Carnival • Chuckwagon Corral - Food Vendors • Construction Junction • Douglas County Fair - Exhibits • Faces of Agriculture • Farrowing Exhibit • Get Your Wild On Room • Giddy-Up Gulch • IGX Interactive Gaming Exhibit • Mechanical Bull • ARCR Merchandise Booth • Nebraska Beef Council “What’s For Dinner”

Cooking Stage • Omaha Public Library Reading Corner • Papa Bear Chainsaw Carving • Pro Rodeo Zone • Purine Mills Animal Zone • Rawhide Review Stage and Giveaways • Renewable Fuels Display • University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Exhibits • Trading Post - Commercial Vendors • Oriental Trading Fun Zone Giveaways • Barbeque Challenge - People’s Choice Awards • Omaha City Chess Championship Tournament • Justin Boots Championships Round • Julianne Hough in Concert • After Party - until 1 a.m., Hilton Omaha • Buckle Presentation

“I have been in 4-H my whole life and have been very active in it and have made numerous new friends and connections through my experiences. It was an honor to earn the awards at Ak-Sar-Ben. I only hope that someday I can give back to the 4-H program for what it has done for me.”— John





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Watch our website for updated

RICK & AMY GERLACH litter information and photos! 11365 SW 114TH ROAD DEWITT, NE 68341 1-800-869-0398 Show Pigs - Commodity Futures & Option Brokerage rgerlach@windstream.net 185 Head of July farrowed pigs available (Yorks, Durocs and crosses). 19 Litters of Sept. pigs on the way (Berks, Durocs, Yorks & crosses).





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2009 Sponsors Title Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

Official Providers

Event Sponsors

Partner Sponsors




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Art Contest Winner Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction




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Welcome Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction Welcome to the 2009 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction. Judy and I are delighted to be the Honorary Chairs of this year’s event. We are happy that you have decided to join us for the Grand Finale of the 4-H Livestock Exposition and Ak-Sar-Ben’s River City Roundup. More than 1,200 youths, from eight states in our region, have worked very hard during the past year with their animals in hopes of winning a Purple Ribbon. Their discipline and dedication in this process is commendable. We believe this is a great opportunity to meet future leaders and congratulate them on their hard work and reward them for their efforts.

Gale & Judy Wickersham Thank you for your participation and support of Ak-SarBen, the 4-H Livestock Exposition, and the Purple Ribbon Auction. Gale & Judy Wickersham As Chairperson of the 2009 AK-SAR-BEN Buyer’s Club, I would like to thank you for coming tonight to encourage and support these 4-H participants and their projects. This is a critical time for us to show our dedication to the future of agriculture. Many hours of preparation have gone into the planning and execution of this event. We are so thankful to be able to gather and support not only the Grand Finale of the AK-SAR-BEN Livestock Expo and River City Roundup, but also to support our agricultural heritage.

Kennard Pohlman

Thank you for joining us tonight. All members of the Purple Ribbon Buyer’s Club can been seen throughout the hall wearing purple shirts. Feel free to ask any of them for assistance. Enjoy the evening and the opportunity to provide for the future of our youth in agriculture. Yours Truly, Kennard Pohlman




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Good People Doing Good Things for Good Kids Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Mission The Ak-Sar-Ben Buyers Club strives to help young people in the agricultural industry by encouraging them to make the best better and rewarding those who excel. Thereby, ensuring the future of the industry and strengthening the family values this great country was built on.

Goals To encourage the education of youth in agriculture. To acquaint the business community with tomorrow’s rural leaders. To support the healthful concept of parent/child joint goals. To applaud hard work, responsibility, competition and team work.

2009 Committee Sherman & Cindy Berg Bill Cutler IV Greg Ervin Tom & Helen Feller Dr. Linda Ford Paul & Mary Jessen Gary & Diane Kubicek Dr. Jack & Kathy Lewis Butch & Mary Lindley Justin Nabity Nancy Neumeyer Mary Ann Nipp Ken & Beverley Pohlman Maxine Poulas Shawn & Sommer Pieper Joe Prinz R. J. & April Romeo Jim & Cindie Schaben Jon & Julie Schaben Jean Schafersman Kerry Schmid Lori Scott Rob Tamisea Missouri Dr. Sam & Mary Watson

Blair Omaha Buffalo Center, IA Wisner Bellevue Omaha Schuyler Omaha Omaha Omaha Bennington Arlington Omaha Hooper Dunlap, IA West Point Omaha Dunlap, IA Dunlap, IA Hooper Omaha Omaha Valley, IA Omaha

2009 Volunteers Bruce Treffer Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition General Superintendent

Ranch Hand Committee You will notice a group of people proudly carrying the ABC “ Measure Up” Cane. They have worked behind the scenes to help make the evening enjoyable for everyone.

Jim Schaben, Jr. Auctioneer Jon Schaben Ringmen




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Offering 20 Head Including 10 Heifers, 1 Bull Prospect, 6 Steer Prospects, Outstanding Prospects by Ali, Monopoly, Unforgiven, I Am Legend, Heat Wave To view or inspect cattle anytime prior to the sale, call for an appointment or contact: Larry Eichmeier (641) 422-4225/(641) 529-1764 or Farm Lab (641) 423-7888, e-mail eichmlar@niacc.edu

Ali x Heat Wave x Big Daddy Heifer. 2009 Overall Grand Champion Heifer, Minnesota State Fair! Full sister and 4 full blood embryos sell!


All calves will have been bred and raised at NIACC.



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Sale Order & Background Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

2009 Order of Sale Grand Champion Steer, Reserve Champion Steer Grand Champion Hog, Reserve Champion Hog Grand Champion Lamb, Reserve Champion Lamb Grand Champion Goat, Reserve Champion Goat Grand Champion Broilers Grand Champion Market Heifer Champion Catch-A-Calf, Reserve Champion Catch-A-Calf Champion Lamb Challenge, Reserve Champion Lamb Challenge Reserve Champion Market Heifer Reserve Champion Market Broilers Hogs, Division Champion, Reserve Division Champion Hogs Lambs, Division Champion, Reserve Division Champion Lambs Steers, Division Champion, Reserve Division Champion Steers Catch-A-Calf, Purple Catch-A-Calves, Division Champions Purple Pen Market Broilers Each year, the Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition auctions off its Grand Champion and Reserve Champion, as well as Division and Reserve Division Market Steers, Heifers, Hogs, Lambs, Meat Goats and Broilers with proceeds benefiting 4-H youths. All animals in the auction have a set maximum value of the award received. The money raised above the maximum value may be distributed back to the 4-H youths who won purple ribbons, but did not qualify for the auction. More than 400 kids are eligible to receive these “bonus premiums” every year. Ak-Sar-Ben’s Purple Ribbon Auction provides an excellent way for youth to raise funds for college and other needs, as well as generate a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. Actual tuition scholarships are also awarded through Ak-Sar-Ben to youth who have exhibited Grand Champion market animals, Catch A Calf Champion and Reserve and Lamb Challenge Champion and Reserve. This scholarship program was established in 2003 and currently 24 4-H exhibitors are eligible or receiving $44,000 in scholarship money.

“The bonus premiums make it to where the owners of the champions are not the only people that receive money from their animals. This ends up making many of the exhibitors happy.”— KayLonni




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Guidelines & Procedures Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Bidding Rules and Procedures General The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation is a 501(c) 3 charitable organization. The amount of the contribution that may be deductible for federal income tax purposes is the excess value contributed by the donor of the value of the goods and services received. The animals belong to the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation and will NOT become property of the buyer at this Auction. The art sold at the Auction becomes the property of the winning bidder upon payment of the bid. Bidding A Buying Group may consist of 8 to 10 individuals who purchase as a group with one person, the Team Leader, doing the bidding for the entire team. Buying Groups may join together to purchase as a larger group, but only one person may bid for the combined Buying Group Designated bidders from the Ak-Sar-Ben Buyers Club will use the general contributions made in support of the Auction for bidding during the Auction. The Auctioneer will settle any disputes which arise during the Auction. Any decision made by the Auctioneer shall be considered final. Payment All payments MUST be received by November 1, 2009. Payment may be made by cash, credit cards or checks (made payable to “Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation”). Purchases made by a Buying Group will be billed to the Buying Group’s Team Leader. Auction Proceeds Distribution Each exhibitor shall receive a Guaranteed Payment from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation. The maximum amount the exhibitor may receive is capped. Any winning bid in excess of the maximum capped amount shall be used to pay other exhibitors their Guaranteed Payments or shall be used to support the Auction, the 4-H Livestock Exposition and/or AkSar-Ben’s River City Roundup generally.

“I would like to thank you for your support of the bonus premiums for purple ribbons. This was my last year to participate and have enjoyed my years at Ak-Sar-Ben. I look foward to attending next year to watch my brother.”—Charlie

“Thank you so much for all that you do! I know without people and organizations like you none of this would be possible.”—Sara




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Caps & Guarantees Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction Market Beef


Champion Steer Reserve Champion Steer Champion Heifer Reserve Champion Heifer Champion Catch-A-Calf Scholarship Res. Champ Catch-A-Calf Scholarship Purple Ribbon Catch-A-Calf Scholarship Division Champion Steers Reserve Division Champion Steers



Champion Lamb Reserve Champion Lamb Champion Lamb Challenge Scholarship Res. Champ. Lamb Challenge Scholarship Division Champion Lambs Reserve Division Champion Lambs

$12,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,000


$ 7,000 4,500 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,200



Champion Hog Reserve Champion Hog Division Champion Hogs Reserve Division Champion Hogs

$ 6,000 4,500 1,500 1,000 1,500 1,200


$ 7,000 4,500 2,000 1,200



Champion Broilers Reserve Champion Broilers Purple Ribbon Broilers

$ 6,000 4,500 1,500 1,200


$ 2,500 2,000 1,000



Champion Meat Goat Res. Champion Meat Goat


$12,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 2,000

$ 2,500 1,500 500


$ 3,000 2,000

$ 2,000 1,200

“Thank you for buying my Purple Ribbon at Ak-Sar-Ben. I’m going to use the money to save up for college or put it in the bank.”—Hanna

“This was my first year showing sheep at this show. It was a great thrill! I will use the money for college.” –Brent




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For more photos and sale information, please visit burchlivestock.com

Kelly Burch

Kolby Burch

Brock Burch

WY - 307.472.0993 WY - 307.259.2134

IA - 307.247.3043

WY - 307.267.0052

SHOW PHOTOGRAPHY We specialize in showcasing animals in the arena and against a backdrop. Exhibitors can view their proofs on-site and place their orders show day. Contact us today to reserve your show date.

ON-FFARM CATTLE PORTRAITS Featuring your animals in a farm setting is what we do best. Call us today for a quote for your personalized photo shoot.

FULLY STAFFED FOR DESIGN SERVICES Contact us today for your logo, business cards, brochures, flyers, postcards, invitations, magazine ads, email ads, sale catalogs and website design needs!

1051 NE 500, Windsor, MO 65360 • Phone: (660) 525-9922 or (660) 525-9921 24



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Hero’s Award Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Dr. John Davis

A native of Omaha, Dr. John Davis attended Yale University and the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. He served our country as part of the Military from June 1943 to April 1946. Dr. Davis went into partnership with his father in 1956 until his father retired in 1961. His solo practice grew until his retirement in 1985. He practiced medicine at Immanuel Hospital, Clarkson Hospital, Children’s Memorial Hospital and Nebraska Methodist Hospital. He also was an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. He was formerly involved in 20 medical societies and author of 33 scientific articles. His hobbies include golf, tennis, hunting, the breeding, training, riding and showing of horses, oil painting, pen and ink drawings, wood carving and writing.

Dr. Davis has been a long-time member and supporter of the ABC Purple Ribbon Auction through L.B.’s North Forty. His final year as Chair of L.B.’s North Forty, he helped raise over $40,000 for the purchase of the Grand Champion Market Steer and Grand Champion Market Heifer.

Past 4-H Hero’s Award Recipients Jack “Butch” Lindley, Omaha, Nebraska–2008 Dr. Jack & Kathy Lewis, Omaha, Nebraska–2007 Jim Schaben, Dunlap, Iowa–2006 Mike Pallas, Omaha, Nebraska–2005 Doyle Wolverton, Lincoln, Nebraska–2004 Mary Ann Nipp, Arlington, Nebraska–2003 Bonnie Becker, Omaha, Nebraska–2002 Earl & Grace Leinart, Omaha, Nebraska–2001 Jim & Nancy Pellett & family, Atlantic, Iowa–2000 L.B. Hayes, Omaha, Nebraska–1999 Don Romeo, Omaha, Nebraska–1998 Harold Stevens, Lexington, Nebraska–1997 Lynn & Carleen Dowding & Family, Alvo, Nebraska–1996 Dr. Bill & Bev Karrer, Omaha, Nebraska–1995 **We would like to recognize Herb Mignery, Hastings, Nebraska, for his design of this award. Mignery’s bronze sculpture depicts a young girl holding a lamb, standing next to a boy who is kneeling, feeding a calf from a bucket.





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Youth Ambassadors Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Ambassadors Learn Much, Give More The 2008-2009 Youth Ambassadors are Klaire Jorgensen, (18) of Exeter and Preston Bolte, (17) of McCool Junction. Klaire is the daughter of Kelvin and Marsha Jorgensen and Preston is the son of Greg and Cynthia Bolte. The Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Youth Ambassador program is now in its 10th year and was created to continue Youth Leadership in Agriculture. These young people are shining examples of the skills and talents taught and shared with 4-H’s four clovers. These individuals went through an intensive interview process. Not only were they asked questions, but they had to prepare a portfolio and give presentation on how 4-H has impacted their lives. Both youth will receive a $1,000 scholarship at the conclusion of their ambassadorship. These scholarships are given by the gracious memory of L.B. Hayes, a long time 4-H Volunteer. In addition to their appearances at regional livestock shows, the Ambassadors assisted at the 2008 and 2009 Ak-Sar-Ben Purple Ribbon Auction, attended several livestock shows in the region, in order to promote Ak-Sar-Ben and served as school tour guides for Ak-Sar-Ben’s River City Roundup.

The ambassadors’ duties are varied and span the length of their one-year term. During the annual Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition, they distribute ribbons to exhibitors Friday through Sunday. Ambassadors also assist with school tours, participate in Ak-Sar-Ben’s River City Roundup Western Heritage Parade and attend the 4-H Livestock Exposition Purple Ribbon Auction. From left: Emily Prinz, Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Livestock Exposition Manager Christy Farnstrom and Ainsley Chapman.

“The first couple of years I’ve shown at Ak-Sar-Ben I have been fortuante enough to get quite a bit ofmoney in premiums and now I am excited that I get the chance to help the money given to exhibitors through my steer. I had a weekend to remember and it was one of the best experiences in my life.”— Kenneth




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Annual Club Calf Sale Let Your “Calf Quest” End at CALF QUEST 2009! 9th Annual Show Steer & Heifer Sale Saturday, November 7, 2009 Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, MO 6-6:30 p.m., depending on show time Together with Black and Gold Bonanza Show

November 7-OPEN HEIFER SHOW November 8 - OPEN STEER SHOW 9 a.m. both days New Date - Time - Location

Sale Consignments Due October 1. Contact Us for Consignment Form

For Information Call Sale Managers & Consultants Gary Reichel (573) 353-9635

Kevin Johansen (573) 289-1061

Dave Johansen (660) 298-3471


Dean Reichel (573) 619-7228

Linda Reichel (573) 796-2511



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Past Winners Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Market Steer 2008–Amanda Schutz of Arapahoe, NE Champion Buyers Group–$17,000 2007–Holly England of Mount Ayr, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$25,000 2006–Emma Vickland of Longmont, CO Champion Buyers Group–$22,000 2005–Kevin Maurer of Royal, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$23,000 2004–Mark Vickland of Longmont, CO Ken & Ann Stinson–$24,000

2003–Ryan Habeger of Burt, IA Champion Buyers Group–$30,000 2002–Jess Recknor of Harland, MN North Forty Group–$22,000 2001–Jon Sievers of New Liberty, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$22,4000 2000–Jenny Sievers of New Liberty, IA Baker’s Supermarkets–$30,000 1999–Sarah Faber of Sioux Center, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$21,000

Grand Champion Market Heifer 2008–Mandy Maurer of Royal, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$10,000 2007–Danielle Holmes of LuVerne, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$22,000 2006–Amanda Maurer of Royal, IA L.B.’s North Forty–$20,000 2005–Kevin Benes of Albion, NE Champion Buyers Club–$18,000 2004–Michelle Landgren of Bartlett, NE Champion Buyers Club–$21,500

2003–Jerilee Landgren of Bartlett, NE L.B.’s North Forty–$17,000 2002–Kevin Benes of Albion, NE Champion Buyers Club–$12,000 2001–Ryan Mortbedt of Story City, IA Jack & Judy Baker–$15,000 2000–Jamie Prinz of West Point, NE L.B.’s North Forty–$21,000 1999–Mark Benes of Albion, NE Baker’s Supermarkets–$11,000

Grand Champion Market Hog 2008–Holly Fujan of Prague, NE First National Bank–$9,000 2007–Sara Sell of Glenwood, IA First National Bank–$10,000 2006–Emma Thurston of Madelia, MN Bank of the West–$15,000 2005–Justin Dahlgren of Bertrand, NE Commercial Federal Bank–$15,000 2004–Katie Wirt of Parker, SD Commercial Federal Bank–$26,000

2003–Nathan Weisinger of Ft. Madison, IA Commercial Federal Bank–$15,000 2002–Katie Wirt of Parker, SD Commercial Federal Bank–$11,500 2001–Shelly Kubicek of Schuyler, NE Commercial Federal Bank–$13,250 2000–Abbie Wiebecke of St. Ansgar, IA Commercial Federal Bank–$11,000 1999–Elizabeth Engler of Nevada, IA Commercial Federal Bank–$13,000 29



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Past Winners Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Market Lamb 2008–Brenden Kuesel of Victor, IA David & Peggy Sokol–$7,000 2007–Travis Stroble of Longton, KS David & Peggy Sokol–$14,000 2006–Cody Schminke of VanHorn, IA David & Lori Scott/ David & Peggy Sokol–$20,000 2005–KayLonni Williams of Liberal, KS David & Peggy Sokol–$16,000 2004–Cole Meador of Omaha, NE Walter & Suzanne Scott–$25,000

2003–Kent Williams of Liberal, KS Walter & Suzanne Scott–$20,000 2002–Amber Vaughn of Brighton, CO Walter & Suzanne Scott- $22,000 2001–Amber Vaughn of Brighton, CO Walter & Suzanne Scott–$21,000 2000–Cory Bettis of Albia, IA Walter & Suzanne Scott–$19,000 1999–Crystal Forman of Ree Heights, SD Walter & Suzanne Scott–$21,000

Grand Champion Broilers 2008–Ty Coats of Braymer, MO Walter & Suzanne Scott–$5,000 2007–Mindy Harpenau of Wahoo, NE Walter & Suzanne Scott– $6,000 2006–Ty Coats of Braymer, MO Walter & Suzanne Scott–$11,000 2005–Annie McCormick of Arlington, NE Walter & Suzanne Scott–$6,000 2004–Courtney Thomas of Wymore, NE Rex & Loretta Ekwall–$5,000

2003–Ryan Hassebrook of Bellwood, NE Joe Dennis & Dr. Linda Ford–$6,000 2002–Ryan Hassebrook of Bellwood, NE Hartman Exotics–$3,500 2001–Adrian Brandt of Plymouth, NE David & Peggy Sokol–$3,000 2000–Rachel Kruce of Colon, NE Friends of 4-H–$6,000 1999–Jessica DeBuhr of Beatrice, NE Friends of 4-H–$5,000

Grand Champion Catch-a-Calf 2008–Derek Dam of Hooper, NE Gary & Kathy Gates, Three Blind Mice–$22,000 2007- Ryan Schaben of Dunlap, IA Loretta Patterson, Three Blind Mice– $21,000 2006–Nick Kayton of Albion, NE David & Sandy Parker–$18,500

2005–Kenneth Luckstead of Monticello, IA Gary & Kathy Gates/ David & Lori Scott–$18,000 2004–Danny Heirigs of Madison, SD L.B.’s North Forty–$17,000 2003–Katie Wirt of Parker, SD Friends of 4-H– $15,000

Grand Champion Market Goat 2008–Frankie Mittag of Aplington, IA Midwest Labs–$6,000 2007–Chelsea Heersink of Monte Vista, CO Ken & Ann Stinson–$5,000

2006–John Walrath of Primrose, NE Jack & Kathy Lewis/ Paul & Mary Jessen– $7,000




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Lifetime Buyers Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction Supreme Champion Club – $200,000+ Champion Buyers Group L.B.’s

North Forty

Walter & Suzanne Scott

Grand Champion Club – $100,000 - $199,999 Baker’s Supermarket Jack & Judy Baker

Commercial Federal Bank David & Peggy Sokol

Mister C’s Steakhouse

Reserve Grand Champion Club – $75,000 - $99,999 Ak-Sar-Ben Lamb Buyers Club

First National Bank of Omaha

Gorats Steakhouse, Inc.

Champion Club – $50,000 - $74,999 Don Romeo Agency Midwest Labs— Ken Pohlman

Friends of 4-H Godfather’s Pizza Three Blind Mice

Ken & Ann Stinson Methodist Health System Ross’ Steakhouse

Blue Ribbon Club – $25,000 - $49,999 Anthony’s Restaurant Arby’s Roast Beef Restaurant Cascio’s Steakhouse Chapman Commodities City Slickers Dave & Sandy Parker David & Lori Scott Farmers National

Hawkins Construction John & Carmen Gottschalk LeDioyt Land Company Lewis/Wickersham Lucky Leinarts Marrick Thoroughbreds Mavericks Group Gary & Kathy Gates

Northern Natural Gas Purple Pork Promoters R. Joe Dennis & Dr. Linda Ford Town & Country Group Union Pacific Railroad

Royal Patron Club – $15,000 - $24,000 Bank of the West Blackstone Hotel BLT Group/Greiner Cuming County Feeders

Dr. Bill & Bev Karrer Hinky Dinky Lee Sapp Enterprises New Tower Industries

Rosanna Fox Safeway Stores Survivors

Patron Club – $5,000 - $14,000 Ak-Sar-Ben Beef Ak-Sar-Ben King & Queen XCVIII Andy & Bonnie Jensen Avoca Co. Borsheims Bozell Brandeis Food Management Club 64 Craig & Karen Aman Greater Omaha BBQ Society Harry & Gail Koch, Jr.

H.B. Express Henry & Aleta Neuhaus Holiday Inns Inacom John Nixon John & Ruth Sage Johnny’s Cafe Mid American Energy Omaha Print Omaha Stockyards Paltani’s Restaurant Phil Giltner

Qwest Communications Ramada Inn Airport Rite Way Oil & Gas Company Runza Restaurants Security National Bank Shavers Food Marts Sparetime Cafe Storz Brewing Company The Yo-Yo Club US Checkbook Company Wells Fargo Bank of Omaha

*Please note that the categories above represent only the champion and reserve champion animals purchased at the auction from 1928-2001. From 2002-present all animals sold at auction were included. Data for other purchases is not available; therefore, in many cases, the totals may be much higher.





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Auction Scrapbook Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Market Steer Champion Buyers Group Butch & Mary Lindley, R.J. & April Romeo, Bob & Amy Romeo, Chairs

$17,000 Exhibitor: Amanda Schutz of Arapahoe

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer L.B.’s North Forty Dr. Linda Ford, Chair

$9,000 Exhibitor: Jennie Johnson of Craig

Grand Champion Market Heifer L.B.’s North Forty Dr. Linda Ford, Chair

$10,000 Exhibitor: Mandy Maurer of Royal, IA

Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer Pinnacle Bank & Dinsdale Bros., Inc. $9,000 Exhibitor: Megan Herbolsheime of Pierce




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Auction Scrapbook Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Catch-A-Calf Gary & Kathy Gates & Three Blind Mice $22,000 Exhibitor: Derek Dam of Hooper

Reserve Grand Champion Catch-A-Calf The Mavericks Group Dr. Jack & Kathy Lewis, Dr. Sam & Mary Watson, Chairs

$11,000 Exhibitor: Alec Ibach of Sumner

Grand Champion Market Hog First National Bank $9,000 Exhibitor: Holly Fugan of Prague

Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog Town & Country Paul & Mary Jessen, Chairs

$6,000 Exhibitor: Chelsea Schminke of Van Horne, IA




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Auction Scrapbook Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Market Broilers Walter & Suzanne Scott $5,000 Exhibitor: Ty Coats of Braymer, MO

Reserve Grand Champion Market Broilers Three Blind Mice Ellen Wright & Loretta Patterson, Chairs

$2,000 Exhibitor: Gavin Jager of Ravenna

Grand Champion Market Lamb David & Peggy Sokol $7,000 Exhibitor: Brenden Kuesel of Victor, IA

Reserve Champion Market Lamb David & Lori Scott $5,000 Exhibitor: Cody Wynn of Albia, IA





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Auction Scrapbook Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Grand Champion Meat Goat Midwest Labs $6,000 Exhibitor: Frankie Mittag of Applington, IA

Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat David & Lori Scott $3,500 Exhibitor: Sydney Siekman of Bertrand

“Thank you so much for purchasing my steer at the Purple Ribbon Auction. I am saving my money so that I can got to college some day.”—Jace

“Thank you for sponsoring my champion hog at Ak-Sar-Ben. If it wasn’t for your scholarships and Ak-Sar-Ben itself wouldn’t be here and you are the ones who keep Ak-Sar-Ben going so I’d like to thank you.”—Justin

“Showing lambs has taught me a lot through the years of how to be responsible of how to get up in the morning and do chores and work with our lambs. Thanks for the bonus premium money.” —Leannehn

“Without your support this show would not be the show it is today. This is my favorite show, and plan to attend again!”—Anna




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Art Contest Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction

Ag Art Contest The Ag Art Contest is open to children in three age divisions and must be free hand art. The age groups are: 8- 10, 11- 14, and 15-18. The Grand Champion winner artwork can be seen on the facing page. The artwork must reflect agriculture or youth in agriculture and include cattle, swine, sheep and/or chickens. The 2009 winners are: Age 15-18 First Place: Amy Dunn, Falls City Second Place: Christa Ostdiek, Lawrence Age 11-14 First Place & Grand Champion: Shelby Dechow, Gretna Second Place: Antonio Jimenez, Omaha Age 8-10 First Place: Hannah Nelson, Wallace Second Place: Maddie Coutal, Wahoo

“I would like to send you an immense thanks for your bidding on my ribbon at the auction, and for your continued support of 4-H. The money will be put away for my college where I hope to become a veterinarian.,”—Codi

“Thank you very much for purchasing my pig. This money will go towards a lot of my education. This memory will be cherished forever.”—Chelsea

“Thank you for purchasing my lamb at the Purple Ribbon Auction. I feel so honored that my lamb was picked for the special event.”— Chad




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October 25, 2009 Bids Close at Dark • Creston, IA

Garrett Kalvig

Jim Kalvig

2134 130th St. Creston, IA 50801 Cell: 319.504.9020

2879 Gilmore Ave. Ionia, IA 50645 Home: 641.435.2118 Cell: 319.464.6661 www.kalvigcattlecompany.com 39



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2008 Supporters Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction Steven J. Allely Fred & Marcia Backer Thomas & Amber Baker Judson Baldridge Barney & Clarice Barnhill Begalka Livestock Frederick & Sally M. Bekins John & Lori Belford Richard & Patricia Bell Jason & Mary Berg Scot & Catherine Bonnesen Fred & Deanna Bosselman Borsheim’s Brian & Ann Marie Bosshamer Dave & Annie Bougger Mark & MaryLou Brasee Robert & Sue Brown Douglas & Dawn Buchanan Scott & Karla Cassels Doyle & Carolyn Cooper Bill & Susan Cutler Hal & Mary Daub John Davis Grant & Kate Dean John C. Dean Jeff & Melissa Dean R. Joe Dennis & Linda Ford Sidney & Hazel Dillon Sid & Dawn Dinsdale Bill & Beverly Donaldson Rex & Loretta Ekwall Tom Filpi Arnold & Joyce Fencl First National Bank Northeast First National Bank First State Bank Fremont National Bank & Trust Co Farm Credit Services of America Todd Franz Gordon & Nev Fredrickson Gary & Kathy Gates

Calvin & Karen German Randall Goldfish Donald Graff Rod & Rhonda Greiner Curt & Beth Greiner Bruce & Deb Grewcock Brian Guenther Matt Gunderson Mary Hagge Richard & Pat Hahn Matt Hammer Herb Hansen Edward Hartman Lee Harlan Steven & Kathy Hayes Harvey Hayes Michael Hines Chad Hirschfeld Brad Holen L.T. Hood Paul & Mary Jessen Harold Johnson Janice Johnson F. William & Beverley Karrer Dale Kavan Barb Klein Harry D. Koch Larry & Joyce Kochen Koley Jessen Law Offices Gary Kubicek Stacy Kubicek Mark Lakers Thomas & Kathleen Langdon James & Meg Lauerman Earl & Grace Leinart Jack & Kathy Lewis Bill & Amy Lindley Tom & Janice Lippincott Bob & Carol Lynch Ken & Gerry Masimore Martin & Ruth Massengale Edward & Carrie May Mike & Nancy McCarthy Thomas McKnight


Stan & Rita Mills Scott D. Moore Chris & Betsy Murphy Robert Myers Justin Nabity John & Anne Nelson Henry & Aleta Neuhaus Nancy Neumeyer Mary Ann Nipp Merton E. Oden John Owens David & Sandy Parker Doug & Loretta Patterson Dave Pearson Donald & Melissa Peeler Gary & Allison Petersen Fred & Mary Jo Petersen Dennis & Sue Pfeffer Arlee & Betty Phillips Ken & Beverly Pohlman Duane Polodna Dave & Lynne Potter Maxine Poulas Gary Radil Kevin & Marsha Rath Edward & Betty Reinig Shayla Reed Jim Reissig Dan Roeber Dan Rogert Robert Roh Bob Romeo Dominic S. Romeo Fran Romeo Julianne Romeo R.J. & Amy Romeo Julianne Romeo-Ryfa Louis & Kathi Rotella Lee & Carol Rowe Jim Schaben John & Jean Schafersman Greg & Laura Schnackel Todd & Holly Schroeder Amy Scott W. David & Lori Scott



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2008 Supporters Champion 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction Walter & Sue Scott Roger Sealock Scott & Molly Searl Anthony & Mary Seina Lyle & Sherma Seitzinger Millard Seldin Steven Sell Jeffrey & Robecka Sharp Darren Siekman Ron Simonson Bill & Lynette Singer Bryan & Leslie Slone David & Peggy Sokol Kurt & Kathleen Strawhecker

Duane & Marlene Sullivan Fritz Sullivan Charmain Sunderman Jon Swanson Roberrt Tamisiea Theatrical Media Services Delmer & Phyllis Toebben Stanley & Dottie Truhlsen Union Pacific Railroad Timothy & Mary Wahl Brad & MishelleWallander Gene & Renie Waltke Curt Warren Sam & Mary Watson Larry &Becky Weak


John & Nancy Webster Richard & Diane Westin Craig Wietjes Gale & Judy Wickersham Daryl Wittstruck James & Susan Wolf Mark & Debbie Wolff Doyle & Dottie Wolverton Stavely & Ellen Wright Roger & Margo Young Brian Zimmerman




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