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JAGER FARMS 26th Annual Open House & Private Treaty Sale Saturday, March 12th • 11:30 AM
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at the Farm, located 1½ miles east of Hazard, Nebraska on Highway 2
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If you are a commercial cattleman in the business of producing pounds of red meat, then you need to own a pound-making bull from JAGER FARMS. We will have top-performing red and black composite bulls, to help solid-up the color on your calves. Plus, several black and red Angus bulls. Several loads of cattle that were sired by red and black Jager bulls were sold on the valued base scale this year. The producers were well satisfied with their returns. We will be offering over 50 head of polled, performance-tested yearling bulls, with priority on calving ease and growth.
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Everyone Welcome!!! • Complimentary Lunch For More Information Contact:
Jon - (308) 452-3148 or Gregg - (308) 452-4402 RR #1, Box 54 • Hazard, NE 68844
Bulls will be available for your inspection anytime before the sale, but no bulls will be sold before March 12th. Bulls will have free board until April 1st. Remaining bulls will be for sale until gone.
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