Ifr 050914

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Volume VIII, Issue 5

May 2014

Greg Hawley, 1881 320th Street, Vail, plants corn on 40 acres with a pickup full of seed corn bags yet to be loaded into the hoppers.

Photo by Bruce A. Binning

Springing forward with optimism Field agronomists say planting off to a good start for 2014 crop

by Gordon Wolf Spring brings a season of new life and growth, and optimism about the 2014 crop season, Despite some delays due to weather, the season appears to be off to a good start, according to comments provided on May 6 and 7 from Iowa State University (ISU) Extension field agronomists in western Iowa, Joel DeJong, ISU Extension field agronomist who serves northwest Iowa, said his early outlook for the growing season is “So far, so good. We always start the season optimistically!” Paul Kassel, ISU Extension field agronomist stationed in northern Iowa, added he is always optimistic at the start of the growing season.

Clarke McGrath, ISU Extension field agronomist in west central Iowa, said planting in his area was going well and his outlook is “So far, so good, for the most part.” He said most of the nitrogen has been applied and that a lot of the residual herbicides and burndowns are on. “That lightens the pressure on growers and custom applicators if we do run into wet and/or windy conditions that keep guys from sprayer,” McGrath said. “As far as crop health, it’s too early to tell anything yet, but anytime we are planting into optimal conditions like we have had the last few days, we are off on the right foot.” Mark S. Johnson, ISU Extension field agronomist serving portions of north-

ern and central Iowa, added that it is too early to tell about plant health with such a small portion of the crop emerged. Some field agronomists in western Iowa advised producers and keep a watchful eye on crops planted prior to a cold spell in April. Field agronomists responded to the following questions. Q: How has planting progressed in your area? DeJong: We had a good start about the 21st of April, and got back in the field Sunday or Monday this week. Right now, Wednesday morning (May 7), probably 80 percent of the corn is planted, maybe 20 percent of the soybeans. Both are getting planted fast right now, and if we miss

the rain, the corn will be nearly done on Friday, and beans likely almost half done. Kassel: The corn is mostly done. I would say 10 to 15 percent of soybeans are planted. McGrath: We are doing great on corn given the last few days and the next couple days forecast; probably 50 to 60 percent done by the end of today (May 6), will be pushing 80 percent+ done if we get a good day tomorrow and at least part of Thursday prior to the predicted showers. If those hold off a few days, we’ll probably nearly wrap up corn by the weekend. Beans really haven’t started full speed ahead, maybe 3 to 5 percent of the acres are in. CROP, Page 2

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