Portfolio architecture 2021

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Agnieszka Dominika Kolacinska portfolio 2020

+48 510 361 860 akolacinska@gmail.com

Agnieszka Dominika Kolacinska

portfolio 2020

academic master thesis 2020 studio project 2019 bachelor thesis 2017

Sanatorium of memory: Memorial for Jewish Community in Otwock at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts In search of order: leisure pavilion in Charlottenburg at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts House for elderly citizens, Powiśle at Warsaw University of Technology

other built project 2017

„ In’n’out village” rural school extension 120 hours competition, Guizhou, China

art project 2017

„Young art in Old Church” with Terytoria Kultury association, Baligród

exhibition 2018

„Different Bodies” with KADK students at Milan Design Week

professional work model building at COBE archietcts, Copenhagen various projects realised in 2017-2019 at MAK Marcin Kwietowicz

master thesis Sanatorium of memory: Memorial for Jewish Community in Otwock June 2020, Copenhagen

The project explores the link between architecture and memory. It is a set of architectural interventions, surrounding the ruins of the previous sanatorium for mentally ill Jews. The project aims to rehabilitate the absent memory of the exterminated community. It seeks inspiration in the vernacular architecture of the city as well as the broad architectural tradition of Polish heritage. The project focuses on the exploration of varied ways of preservation, of both architectural tissue as well as the memory of the past: collective and personal.

views of the installations

archive photos of the site, localisation in the city

In the beggining of 20th century Otwock became a popular health resort. At that time 60% of its population was Jewish. When in 1940 a ghetto was established in the city, sanatoriums became part of it. During its liquidation in August 1942, all patients were brutally killed on the site. The project aims to rehabilitate this memory throught a series of architectural interventions.

site plan and proposal

The existing ruin is an allegory of absent memory of the Jewish community, among current inhabitants of the city. Its preservation and introduction of new structures to the site creates a frame where absent memories can be rebuilt. Preservation of the ruin is conducted, by further releasing it to nature. The tissue is being infected with fungi and lichen that become the new inhabitants of that space. The new installations are made out of local materials and reintroduce the traditional building techniques in a new form. Therefore also the local building tradition and craft is being preserved.

diagrams, treatment of the ruin

analisis of local vernacular architecture, details

The reading room is the main building in the complex where all the archive material about the Jewish community is stored and accessible to the visitors. Its outer facade is made out of wooden shingles, inspired by local details.

interior view of the reading room

The project deals with processes happening in time, both of production of architecture and its maintenance. The measuring wall, an installation made out of self-healing concrete, is constructed in the process of casting where the wooden formwork is burned leaving a mark on the material. The stairs and railings are made out of cast iron. The two shades of the concrete, represent the percentage of citizens of the city who were exterminated during the Holocaust. The two materials- concrete and cast iron due to their durability give the structure almost eternal lifespan.

detail, processes of production and aging

view of the measuring wall

studio project In search of order : leisure pavilion in Charlottenlund park June 2019, Copenhagen

In search of order is primarily a research project that questions the notion of order in modern architecture, seeking a plural language of architectural expression that does not limit interpretation, but opens the dialogue between mathematical beauty of proportions and complexity of ornamentation of historical sites. The research part was concluded with a written paper. Finally, the project takes on the form of a pavilion for simple leisure activities in the park surrounding the Charlottenburg Palace on the outskirts of Copenhagen.

localisation of the pavilion and palace

The garden pavilion recreates the spatial conditions of palace interiors, that are inaccessible to the public. It is entirely made from concrete prefabricate elements, that have been based on the proportions observed in the elevation of the place and simplified to meet the requirements of the production process. Imprints of the original details from the palace have become „negative” ornaments in the prefabricated elements. The 3d scanned and CNC cut ornaments are added to formwork before casting, allowing the creation of variations of prefabricates. On the other side, the concrete has been mixed with organic waste from the park, creating an internal texture resembling a wallpaper.

detiles of prefabricates

elevation, section, samples of concrete interior texture

The pavilion creates spatial conditions for the most effortless and simple forms of leisure, such as sunbathing, sky gazing, reading or listening to live music. Due to limitations of the function, space enhances users to fully devote to the spatial experience offered by the romantic park and the pavilion itself, evoking a feeling of being inside and outside at the same time.


interior and exterior views

bachelor thesis House for elderly citizens in Powiśle September 2017, Warsaw

The main premise of the project was to create space for senior citizens that due to its location, function and architecture, would help them remain active participants in urban life as long as possible. Located in Warsaw’s Powisle district, an attractive, cameral and high-prestige neighbourhood, where there are little egalitarian spaces for locals to meet. It combines the housing functions with communal spaces to spark integration among the building residents and neighbours from around the block.

shwartz plan

diagrams, front facade

The project draws from the surrounding context and history. The garden is a reference to a non-existent neighbouring orchard, the mosaic on the facade is inspired by details of a nearby pavilion, tectonic and structure of the facade is a reference to motives observed along the street. The diversity of shared spaces foster interpersonal relationships on many levels, while the differential building program allows its residents to develop their individual and group needs in a complex way.


semi-private spaces - photos of a model

ground floor plan, residential floor plan

built project In’n’out village: rural school extension October 2017, Guizhou

”In’n’out village” was designed as an extension to LiangMeng primary school complex, located in the rural area of Puan City, China. It consists of 25 modules, each fulfiling role of a canteen and library at the same time. The main idea of the project was to reinterpret characteristics of a rural Chinese village, to reach young users awareness with the use of architectural language they can easily understand. Based on three main components of these villages - an organic plan, multiplication of the roofs and immersion to the landscape.

view from the school

competition proposal, the village

work under construction, detail

art event and installation Young art in Old Church March 2017, Baligród

The event and installation was a result of a longer collaboration between a group of creatives from Warsaw. The main premise of the project was to reactivate the overlooked building of the Tserkov, by introducing cultural events and artistic actions to its interior and surroundings. The installation was made out of 500 small elements, that were 3d printed by more than 30 people. The work of Cultural Territories continued in following years in Baligród, leading to the establishment of a music festival called „Tchnienia”.

group exhibition Different Bodies April 2019, Milan

The exhibition „Different Bodies” designed by KADK students, challenges standardisation and objectification within the fields of design and architecture. A series of experiences invite to reflect upon the importance of diversity, intimacy and inclusion. Installation „Skin starvation” addresses the lack of human touch (Hudsult), which is a condition that is now being researched in Denmark. The installation includes a wall-like membrane that acts upon and reacts to the touch of others, imitating our biggest sensory organ: the skin.

model making COBE architects 10/2018 - 03/2020 Copenhagen

During my time at COBE architects, I have worked on many models, that were mostly used for meetings with clients in-house exhibition at the office. Some of them were also made for special presentations such as, the model of the Better Living project by IKEA, or the model of the Opera park that is presented in the Copenhagen Opera house. Other tasks also included taking care of the model archive and inventory, refurbishment of old models and helping architects with ongoing projects.

architects assistant MAK Marcin Kwietowicz 10/2018 - 03/2020 Warsaw

As architects assistant at MAK Marcin Kwietowicz, I have been working on several projects of exhibitions from concept design to realisation. During my time at the office I worked on exhibitions for the National Museum in Warsaw, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, National Museum in Wroclaw and polish exhibition for Triennale di Milano in 2017. I have also designed several public and private interiors, including the entrance to Museum at the Vistula.

Skwer sportów miejskich is a public space for outdor activities in the Świetokrzyski Park in Warasaw. It is a temporary structure that is meant to activete the surroundings of the future Musueum of Modern Art, at the same time organizing the space during its construction. I have been responsible for design and preparation of the whole detiled documentation of this project and specifications.

Thank you for your attention!

for more info on the projects visit : www.adkworks.photo.blog

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