Angel Espino Artist Catalog | Agora Gallery

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY

“Yoga for the mind,” this is how Colorado-based abstract artist Angel Espino defines his painting practice. Creating comes from a place of rest and peace, often in the depths of the night, when silence is most welcome. Espino’s work distills a pure intensity of form, color, and composition. The preponderant force of the natural elements bursts through his paintings, which display a palette of jubilant reds, oranges, greens, and blues that twirl and flow dynamically across his large canvases. The energy is palpable, infectious, unhinged: the wild flames of a fire, the majestic waves of a stormy ocean, the luxuriant striations of marbled rock. Espino lets creativity traverse his body as if he were receiving a boon from the higher realms. Hovering above the painting, he deftly pours and drips, engaging in a spontaneous dance of fortuity and expert direction. “I like to paint myself into a corner,” Espino jokingly says. “I like the surprise of not knowing what you are going to get; just going into it and challenging yourself to pull through.” His abstract, expressionist style conveys the wisdom gained from reflection – experiences, planned and unplanned, that leave their mark for us to weave and rend into a tapestry of meaning. He opens the portal to his soul unreservedly, yet lets us drink freely from the well of emotions he offers. Once they touch the surface of the canvas, they are no longer his; they become a gift to us all. Espino holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Industrial Design from The Art Institute of Colorado. He has exhibited widely in the United States and has a roster of many assiduous collectors. Espino is determined to use his talent as a way to give back to the community. He donated his work to and volunteered for various charities, including The Art of War and Adaptive Adventures, which support veterans in overcoming mental and physical disabilities. Espino served in the Army Reserve for eight years and owns a casino game development business. He is originally from El Paso, Texas, but lives and works in Denver, Colorado.


Roman Goddess II, 2024 Acrylic on wood panel 30” x 24” $3750 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Opera, 2023 Acrylic on wood panel 36” x 24” $3750 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Paraiso, 2023 Acrylic on wood panel 36” x 24” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Tiger Lillies, 2023 Acrylic on wood panel 30” x 24” $3750 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Water Lillies, 2023 Acrylic on wood panel 30” x 24” $3750 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Purple Haze, 2021 Acrylic on canvas 36” x 24” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Divino, 2021 Mixed media on canvas 36” x 36” $6750 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Marvelous Heaven, 2022 Mixed media on canvas 20” x 60” $4200 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Phoenix Rising, 2021 Mixed media on canvas 48” x 24” $5400 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Sunflower Blooming, 2021 Mixed media on canvas 40” x 30” $3500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

My art has evolved over time into an integration of personal narrative, method, and message. Using creative expression as a means of self-exploration, I developed my signature style. Through gravity and organic movement, I layer intense color from above the canvas. I engage with color with my hands and sticks to generate intentional form, then reduce layers to reveal and contrast. My abstract expressionist style conveys the wisdom gained from reflection – experiences, planned and unplanned, leave their marks for us to weave and rend and weave again into a tapestry of meaning.


For inquiries,

530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

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