530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
Born in Gabon, Darwiche Chamaa is a Lebanese artist who masterfully captures the lush beauty of his homeland’s landscape through abstract art. Influenced by Modernism, Impressionism, and Cubism, Chamaa embraces abstraction over realism, finding freedom in the exploration of colors and techniques. Working primarily with oils and occasionally using acrylics and soft pastels, Chamaa begins his process with a watercolor wash. Layer by layer, he builds compositions, incorporating thickness and texture with oil paint. Chamaa’s technique involves deconstructing the landscape into color fields and blocks connected by a web of lines. This simplification of structure and palette allows him to convey the pure essence of the Lebanese scenery. Chamaa had solo exhibitions at Galerie Cheriff Tabet in Beirut, Lebanon, the Grand Egyptian Museum and Alkhaila Gallery, in Cairo, Egypt. Past group shows include Solidere Beirut, UNESCO Palace, the Lebanese Artists Association, Sursock Museum, and Saifi Village Gallery in Lebanon, and the World Photography Festival in France. His work is in the collections of the French Embassy in Beirut, Farhat Art Museum, and many other institutions.
Artwork, Year Medium 0” x 0” $000 Limited edition of 10 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Artwork, Year Medium 0” x 0” $000 Limited edition of 10 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 2 Oil on canvas 23.5” x 23.5” $3500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 3 Oil on canvas 27.5” x 23.5” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 4 Oil on canvas 35.5” x 31.5” $6500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 5 Oil on canvas 43.5” x 39.5” $7500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 6 Oil on canvas 23.5” x 23.5” $3500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 7 Oil on canvas 31.5” x 27.5” $5500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 8 Oil on canvas 27.5” x 23.5” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 9 Oil on canvas 27.5” x 23.5” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 10 Oil on canvas 27.5” x 23.5” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
Untitled 11 Oil on canvas 47.5” x 79” $16000 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M
I portray the richness and beauty of the Lebanese landscape in abstract form, inspired by Modernism, Impressionism, and Cubism. I favor abstraction over realism, as it allows me greater freedom in exploring colors and techniques. I primarily work with oils and occasionally acrylic and soft pastels. I start with a watercolor wash, then build the composition layer by layer, adding thickness and texture with oil paint. My process involves deconstructing the subject into color fields and blocks tied with a web of connecting lines. By simplifying the structure and palette of the landscape, I portray its purest essence.
For inquiries, sales@agora-gallery.com
530 West 25th Street, Ne w York , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M
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