Fariba Baghi | Artist Catalog | Agora Gallery

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY

Fariba Baghi believes that art acts as a bridge to enlightened consciousness; a genuine expression of the soul. Born in Tehran, Iran, Baghi spent her early life immersed in a rich artistic culture dating back thousands of years. This overabundance of inspiration stimulated her imagination and led to an insatiable desire to create. Drawing from her meditative practice, as well as the work of poets such as Rumi and Hafiz, Baghi seeks to express a harmony between oneself and the universe, which she creates using a delicate balance between aged earthy tones and the ethereal human forms she depicts. Witnessing the Iranian Islamic revolution in her youth, Baghi was exposed to a sudden overwhelming change in society and a major loss of freedom, specifically for women. This led her to emigrate to Canada in search of a more open society. Following a house fire a few years ago in which she lost all of her possessions and paintings, Baghi found herself dramatically shifting her style to abstraction and began incorporating hand- ground pigments that she creates using materials such as wine, coffee, various vegetables, and spices.


Artwork I, 2023 Oil on canvas 61” x 62” $5100 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork IV, 2023 Mixed media on canvas 34” x 47” $3900 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork V, 2023 Oil on canvas 56” x 64” $5500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork IX, 2023 Mixed media on canvas 56” x 64” $12000 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork III, 2023 Mixed media on canvas 31” x 17” $2300 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork VI, 2023 Ink on canvas 36” x 24” $1800 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Shadow Series 1, 2022 Acrylic & ink on canvas 40” x 39” $5600 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Shadow Series 2, 2023 Acrylic, cement & ink 63” x 60” $7800 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Shadow Series 3, 2022 Acrylic & cement on canvas 36” x 24” $4500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Shadow Series 4, 2023 Acrylic on canvas 77” x 63” $12400 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

Artwork VII, 2023 Mixed media on canvas 61” x 52” $6500 B U Y O N A RT- M I N E . C O M

My artwork delves into the depth of humanity, the shadows within, and the transformative power of connections, displayed in vibrant hues of coffee, acrylic, oil, and ink. The faces in my paintings lack specific features, allowing me to capture the broader essence of humanity. The dots in my art symbolize the energetic bonds that unite our shadows, which are also influenced by the pain endured by individuals globally. My work sheds light on our daily struggles so that we can attain a better understanding of ourselves and move forward with renewed strength. Humans are the biggest miracle in this world, humans are not just a face and a body, they have many hidden, shadows (characters) and energies. It is wonderful to discover and recognize our hidden shadows and their energies. I am not bound to one medium or method of painting: I believe artistic expression comes in stages and each stage takes a different mood, method, and medium to fully complete itself.


For inquiries, sales@agora-gallery.com

530 West 25th Street, Ne w York , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

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