Korean-American artist Kristin Sue Kim is a visionary painter whose works transcend the boundaries of reality and delve into the depths of dreams and perceptions. Drawing inspiration from both the conscious and subconscious realms, Kim weaves emotional experiences into a rich symbolic language, incorporating elements from religious and cultural references.
Having resided in various parts of the world, Kim brings a global perspective to her art, often incorporating architectural and landscape elements from her travels. Each stroke of the brush reveals hidden treasures within the paintings, evoking memories of joy, hope, dreams, and love, while simultaneously acknowledging the transformative power of sadness and suffering.
Among Kim’s notable creations is the angel puzzle design, inspired by the enchanting imagery of snow angels. This design holds a special significance as it draws inspiration from her youngest son, who is autistic and finds solace in making snow angels. In these artworks, water drops symbolize the isolation experienced by autistic children, while other elements such as marbles, silver balls, beads, and pearls represent lonely souls estranged from society.
With a deep understanding of the human experience and an ever-growing appreciation for the beauty of life, Kim offers her art as a channel for healing, aiming to illuminate the dark corners of people’s hearts.

My paintings are inspired by dreams and perceptions, manifesting on the conscious and subconscious planes. I weave my emotional experiences into a language rich in symbolism, drawn from religious and cultural references–such as angels, crosses, stars, snow, houses and flowers. As I have lived in various places across the world, I often include architecture and landscapes I have seen during my travels. There are treasures hidden in my paintings. They evoke memories of joy, hopes, dreams, and love; while at the same time cherishing the transformative power of sadness and suffering.
I created an angel puzzle design, which was inspired by snow angels. My youngest son is autistic. He likes to run on the snow and make snow angels whenever it snows. The water drops in my paintings represent the isolation of autistic children, while other elements such as a marble, silver ball, beads and pearls symbolize lonely souls estranged from society. I offer my art as a channel of healing, in the hope of spreading light in the dark corners of people’s hearts.
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