530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
I was born in Philadelphia and spent my formative years across the river in New Jersey.
Although I trained as a nurse, art has always been close to my heart. In 2011, I took paint to canvas and began creating in earnest.
My “heritage” paintings, collections of mixed media, capture the ancestral legacy of slaves and Black people. Simple, whimsical, emotional, and provocative, one might wish to look away, yet at the same time, I strive to draw the viewer in. I work under the philosophy that art informs, art can change, and art can capture life forever.
As a woman of color, much of my artwork reflects the legacy of slavery. I remember the pain on canvas but also celebrate the beauty and resilience of my ancestors. My illustrations pay homage to the common man and the desire we all share—to live our lives in peace, love our family and friends, work, and grow.