Contemporary artist William Atkinson has been active in the art world for over a decade. Atkinson’s work first took the form of street art in Los Angeles, where he worked under the pseudonym ‘Insurgency Inc.’ As his artwork migrated into the gallery setting, the artist began labeling the paintings with his given name, William Atkinson. While the artist continues to utilize elements from street art, such as symbolism and familiar imagery in artworks, his current work focuses predominantly on personal expression rather than an anonymous cultural critique.
Atkinson’s multi-media works combine imagery from his day-to-day life with imagery from pop culture and street art, which are assembled into collaged pieces. Atkinson applies dynamic brush strokes and lines in a gestural mode to contrast the graphic imagery and leaves his makings exposed and unedited. The lack of shading, and inclusion of negative space allows for a focus on both form and symbolism. The diverse range of materials, source imagery, and the artist’s re-contextualization of figures and text prompt all viewers to consider new paths and perspectives of critical thought.

The modern interconnected world forces the private lives of individuals into the public sphere. This exchange has residual unintended effects on both the individual and the public discourse.
Whether seen as a verb or a noun, exchange implies a trading or replacing of one thing for another. Some people are willing to freely trade their personal identity for public discourse, while others are coerced into the transaction via the ease of modern communications. In this series, I study the inter-networked feeling of compliance or non-compliance in relation to what is gained or lost, whether it be material, emotional, real, or perceived. There is a focus on how one insulates themselves from this exchange and the feelings it fosters.

inquiries, sales@agora-gallery.com