Broşura eLiberatica 2009

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The 3rd International Conference

May the 22nd-23rd 2009 Bucharest, Romania


Become our Partner


M e d i a Par t n e r s h i p

eLiberatica Media Partner

To become a Media Partner, you should: * Insert eLiberatica logo with link to under your website Media Partners section (if you have one); * Write an article on your website where you insert eLiberatica logo and an event description. What are we offering: * Your organization logo and link under Media Partners section on our website; * Your organization logo and website link printed under Media Partners section in the event catalog; * Your organization name and website link on each newsletter we are releasing.

May the 22nd-23rd 2009 Bucharest, Romania

Note: If you wish and can provide more media promotion, other favors can be discussed.

Communit y Sponsorship

To become a Community Sponsor, you should: * Insert eLiberatica logo with link to www. under your website Media Partners section (if you have one); * Write an article on your website where you insert eLiberatica logo and an event description; * Contribute with some financial support (from 300 Euro up).

For Community Sponsors, we are offering the Community Sponsor Package (CS Package): * Your organization logo and a description up to 250 letters under eLiberatica Community Sponsor section (depending to your qualification; 1 star, 2 stars, etc); * Your organization logo plus your website link under Community Sponsor section in the conference event catalog; * Your organization name and website link on each newsletter we are releasing;

Plus, depending on the package you chose:

1 Star Community Sponsor* * We are offering CS Package plus one conference ticket (see the note below). * Package price: 300 Euro.

2 Stars Community Sponsor** * We are offering CS Package plus two conference tickets (see the note below). * Package price: 500 Euro.

3 Stars Community Sponsor*** * We are offering CS Package plus three conference tickets (see the note below). * Package price: 700 Euro. Note: If you intend to sponsor the conference with more than 700 Euro other favors can be discussed.

eLiberatica Freedom Party Community Sponsor * We are offering the CS Package plus: * Recognition as a Freedom Party Community Sponsor to include 3-5 minute speaking opportunity on behalf of your organization at the Freedom Party; 2 roll-up banners at the Freedom Party; 2 conference tickets (see the note below); Opportunity to distribute promotional items at the Freedom Party; Post event “Remember eLiberatica 2009” CD containing: pictures, movie and media monitoring, eLiberatica 2009 data-base (list with all attendants, and statistics) and all presentations in electronic format. * Package price: 2000 Euro

* * * *

Note: CT = Conference Ticket - Provides access to all sessions, presentations, workshops and conference materials, including one coffee break each day, together with access at Freedom Party on Saturday evening.



Main Sponsors

To become an eLiberatica Conference Main Sponsor, you should contribute with a consistent financial support. For our main sponsors, we are offering: (please note that some of the features are provided only for some particular packages - we marked it with a star (*) for a complete list, please check the comparison table below.)

* Recognition as a Conference Main Sponsor and depending of the package you chose, in * * * *

May the 22nd-23rd 2009 Bucharest, Romania

* * * * *

Roll-up banners in the conference hall; Your organization presentation paper in the event map; Presentation of the company in the event catalog; Advertising in the event catalog *; Post event “Remember eLiberatica 2009” CD containing: pictures, movie and media monitoring, eLiberatica 2009 data-base (list with all attendants, and statistics) and all presentations in electronic format; * Participation tickets for other members of the company (see the table below).

between 10 to 40 minutes of presentation on behalf of your company; Presentation stand in the exposition opened throughout the event *; Your organization logo and a description up to 500 letters under eLiberatica website main sponsors section; Your organization logo and website link under main sponsors section in the conference event catalog; Mentioning your organization as main sponsor in the pre- and post-event press releases;

Minutes reserved for presentation

Roll-up banners

Presentation of the company in the event catalog

Advertising in the event catalog

Participation tickets for other members of the company (see the note below) Inserting the logo in the printed event materials Mentioning as main sponsor in the pre- and post-event press releases Inserting a presentation paper in the event map









3 roll-ups at the conference + 1 roll-up at the Freedom Party

2 roll-ups at the conference + 1 roll-up at the Freedom Party

2 roll-ups at the conference

1 roll-up at the conference

2 pages

2 pages

1 page

1 page

1 color page on the back cover

2 color pages in the interior or 1 color page on the 2nd or 3rd cover

1 color page in the interior


3 CT

2 CT

1 CT


In the Platinum Sponsor area

In the Gold Sponsor area

In the Silver Sponsor area

In the Bronze Sponsor area









In the Platinum Sponsor area

In the Gold Sponsor area

In the Silver Sponsor area

In the Bronze Sponsor area

Remember post-event: pictures CD, film and media monitoring





Post-event database: details of all the participants and statistics of public presence at presentations





13.000 Euro

9.000 Euro

5.000 Euro

2.000 Euro

Inserting the company logo and profile on the site

Package price

Note: CT = Conference Ticket - Provides access to all sessions, presentations, workshops and conference materials, including one coffee break each day, together with access at Freedom Party on Saturday evening.



E x p e c t at i o n s

eLiberatica 2009 – 3 rd edition

This year, we target an audience of around 500 people, IT and FLOSS personalities, young and committed specialists, guests from European Union, Romanian official representatives and at least two ministers. The two days presentations and debates will focus on Open Source in an Economic Downturn. We will have multiple tracks, special events hosted by the conference (Open Agile Romania, Mozilla Event, Open Media Event, and more), surprise guests and many more practical workshops.

May the 22nd-23rd 2009 Bucharest, Romania


eLiberatica 2008 – 2 nd edition

eLiberatica 2007 – 1 st edition

The second edition of eLiberatica took place in Bucharest, on the 30th and 31st May 2008 and surpassed the success of the first. This time, 28 international and local speakers had presentations in front of more than 400 people. The Government of Romania sent representatives for the first time. Also, an European Union delegate was present for the first time in Romania to an Open Source event. Many of the big IT players participated in the conference by sponsoring and by sending delegates.

The first edition of eLiberatica gathered over 250 participants and was held on 18th and 19th May 2007 at Braşov, Romania. It was unique in that it brought some of the most recognized world leaders in Open Source and Free Software to Romania for the first time. Participants including legal scholars, national offices of multinational giants (like IBM, Red Hat and Sun), strong national companies (like BitDefender and BitSoftware), businessmen, students, the media, people from Romanian institutes of higher learning and working developers.

influential personalities of the IT world held presentations during the two conference days: David Ascher - CEO Mozilla Messaging and Board of directors, Python Software Foundation Louis Suarez-Potts - Chair of the Community Council for Barbara Held - Seconded National Expert, European Commission Adam Jollans - Worldwide Open Source Strategy Manager at IBM Matthew “Chewy” Trewhella - Developer Advocate, Google Inc. Brian King - Board of Directors, Mozdev Community Organization Shane Caraveo - Head of Komodo development, ActiveState Software Inc. Shane Martin Coughlan - Freedom Task Force Coordinator, FSF Europe Constantin Teodorescu - Secretary of State, Romanian Ministry of IT&C.

The speeches were presented during the two conference days by personalities that changed the course of the IT world: Monty Widenius - one of the two creators of MySQL Brian Behlendorf - the initiator of the Apache project, the most utilized web server Zak Greant - Mozilla representative and well known FLOSS evangelist Georg Greve - the president of Free Software Foundation Europe Aleksander Farstad - CEO eZ Systems, one of the most important Open Source CMS Kurt von Finck - Ubuntu / Canonical representative Jim Willis - the first person to initiate the Open Source program in USA eGovernment as well as many Romanian speakers.

Among the previous two editions sponsors and partners, we mention: IBM, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Mozilla, Google, RedHat, O’Reilly Media, Gartner, Dell, HP, Canonical - Ubuntu, BitDefender, Romsym Data,, Free Software Foundation Europe, ActiveState, BIT Software, eZ Systems, Navarik, IntelliNet Solutions and many others.

We are waiting for you at eLiberatica 2009 where you can make a stand!

For information regarding your company’s promotion during the conference and/or a personalized sponsorship offer you can contact us at: Lucian Savluc, eLiberatica Conference Chair | eLiberatica Community Coordinator : Anca Ilie, Project Manager:, mobile: (+ 4)-0722-283.449 Mihai Bucuroiu, Sales Manager:, mobile: (+ 4)-0723-408.990 Agora MEDIA SA: telephone: (+ 4)-021-330.92.82, fax: (+ 4)-021-330.92.85 4


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