The Parish Magazine St Saviour, Ravensthorpe and Holy Innocents, Thornhill Lees Worshipping the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
JUNE 2014
Parish Priest
Father Paul Atkinson SSC The Vicarage, Church Street, Ravensthorpe, Tel: 01924 672103 Email:
For all the latest informa on about services and events within our Parishes please see the Parish Website: Â
This month we launch the new style Parish Magazine, it is as you will no ce new both in layout and content, we hope that you enjoy this new style of magazine and that you will pass it one or even persuade somebody new to take the magazine. Please remember this is YOUR parish magazine and we hope that lots of you will be able to contribute ar cles, no ces, interes ng stories and recipes in fact anything you think might be of interest to your friends will be welcomed. There are several new features, which include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Father Paul’s Le er Readings and Psalms for Sunday Mass Rotas Recipes Parish No ces
Items 3 and 4 need in par cular need input from our congrega ons if we are to maintain the con nuity and interest. If you have any comments, good or bad, any sugges ons for improving please pass them on to either Fr Paul or myself. It would be par cularly good if you would think of a name for the magazine, please let me have your sugges ons, if we have enough we will organise a vote to decide which one we like best which we will use in future. We are also looking to increase the number of adver sements we include, so if you know of any local companies who would like to be included in our magazine. Please let me know, our rates are very reasonable and adverts will be tailored to meet individual needs. Magazine Editor Michael Lister email : 3
Fr Paul’s Le er Welcome to our new magazine there have it seems been lots of new beginnings in the few short months I have been you Parish Priest, this is a good thing, because it is a clear sign that God is at work in the lives that we share, we are beginning the process of change and growth and this is very important because without both of these things we can only stagnate and die. As you read these words the Feast of Pentecost will be almost upon us. At Pentecost we think about the Disciples as they gather in the upper room wai ng, wondering and above all praying as the Lord had instructed as He ascended to the Father just nine days earlier. They wait for the descent of the Holy Spirit, knowing that he will enable and empower them in their work as they begin the task of founding the Chris an Church. The word “Pentecost” is a word that simply means “fi y” coming from the ancient Chris an expression pentekoste hemera, which means “fi ieth day.” However, Chris ans did not invent the phrase, rather, they borrowed it from Greek speaking Jews who used it to refer the Jewish holiday the Fes val of Weeks, (Shavuot) which is men oned in The book of Levi cus, where the people are told to count fi y days from the end of Passover to the beginning of the next holiday. Shavuot was the second great feast in Israel’s yearly cycle of holy days and originally it was a harvest fes val, but, over me it became a day which commemorated the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai. This same day became significant for Chris ans because, fi y days a er the resurrec on, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon those wai ng Disciples, thus empowering them for their mission. The decent of the Holy Spirit, something I have been thinking about for a few weeks, no doubt some of you will have picked up on this if you have been listening carefully to my recent homilies and I have been doing so because Pentecost is a me to take stock and re‐focus on the presence and ac on of the Holy Spirit at work within our lives. What is he saying, how is he guiding? What is the Holy Spirit asking of us both as individuals and as a community of Chris an disciples?
This year my thoughts have been specifically directed around how the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples in such a way that they were able to grow new and thriving Chris an Communi es. I know this is a difficult task in our context, however, this doesn’t mean we can’t grow, because we have to recognise that there are many kinds of growth and as Chris an people and we need to take this very seriously. As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to live in the presence and power of the Spirit, who is God. The Holy Spirit helps us to confess Jesus as Lord, empowering us to serve God the Father with supernatural power, binding us together as the body of Christ, helping us to pray, helping us to live like Jesus.
Pentecost then presents us with an opportunity to consider how we are living each and every day. Are we for instance relying on the power of God’s Spirit? Are we an open channel for the Spirit’s gifts? Are we attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Is the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.) growing in our lives? They should because we live in the presence and power of the Spirit, but only to an certain extent, because we limit ourselves and it can be difficult to fully commit. We are limited by our fear, our sin, our low expectations, not to mention our tendency to become distracted. Pentecost though offers us a chance to confess our failures and to live lives renewed by the Spirit and so I urge you on Pentecost Sunday to pray earnestly for the gift of the Holy Spirit asking the Lord to fill you and His Churches with his life giving power.
A Prayer for Pentecost
May the Comforter, Who proceeds from You O Lord, enlighten my minds, and guide me, as Your Son has promised, into all truth. May He to grow in me the things you desire and which are well pleasing in your sight and may the Holy Spirit, always abide In me, that I may ever abide in You. Amen.
PARISH OFFICERS St Saviour Church Wardens Miss Pauline Denton 495136 Mr Michael Lister 468812 PCC Secretary & Deanery Synod Representative Miss Anne Blackburn 498387 PCC Treasurer Mr Tony Longstaff 462647 Stewardship Recorder Mr Tony Longstaff 462647 Electoral Roll Officer Miss Kathleen Thornton Safeguarding Officer Mrs Tracy Atkinson 672103 Organist Mr Tony Longstaff 462647 Sunday School Mrs Tracy Atkinson 672103 Church Flowers Miss Kathleen Thornton Dewsbury West Community Centre Bookings: Mrs Anne Thornton 493551 Uniformed Organisations Group Scout Leader Mr David Thornton 493551 Beavers -Charli Laverick 07919 0847862 Cubs - David Laverick 524490 Scouts - Paul Hadley 457725
PARISH OFFICERS Holy Innocents Church Wardens Mrs Mavis Idle Miss Sharon Coy
490457 488538
PCC Secretary & Deanery Synod Representative Mrs Linda Carruthers PCC Treasurer Mrs Sylvia Dudding 460111 Stewardship Recorder Mrs Sylvia Dudding 460111 Electoral Roll Officer Linda Windle 506392 Safeguarding Officer Mrs Tracy Atkinson 672130 Organist Mr Tony Longstaff 462647 Church Flowers Mrs Marion Coy 464743 Uniformed Organisations Brownies Linda Windle 506392
Pentecost/Whit Sunday – the birthday of the Church Pentecost took place on the well established Jewish fes val of First fruits, which was observed at the beginning of the wheat harvest. It was exactly 50 days a er the Passover, the me of Jesus’ crucifixion. A feast day to celebrate the country’s wheat harvest does not sound exactly world‐changing, but that year, it became one of the most important days in world history. For Pentecost was the day that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit ‐ the day the Church was born. Jesus had told his apostles that something big was going to happen, and that they were to wait for it in Jerusalem, instead of returning to Galilee. Jesus had plans for his apostles – but he knew they could not do the work themselves – they would need his help. And so the apostles and disciples waited in Jerusalem, praying together for sev‐ eral days. And then on that fateful morning there was suddenly the sound as of a mighty rushing wind. Tongues of flame flickered on their heads, and they be‐ gan to praise God in many tongues – to the astonishment of those who heard them. The curse of Babel (Genesis 11: 1‐ 9) was drama cally reversed that morning. That morning the Holy Spirit came to indwell the apostles and disciples of Je‐ sus: and the Church was born. The Chris ans were suddenly full of life and pow‐ er, u erly different from their former fearful selves. The change in them was permanent. Peter gave the first ever sermon of the Chris an church that morning: proclaiming Jesus was the Messiah. His boldness in the face of possible death was in marked contrast to the man who had denied Jesus 50 days before. And 3,000 people responded, were converted, and were bap sed. How’s that for fast church growth! Of course Pentecost was not the first me the Holy Spirit had acted in this world. All through the Old Testament there are accounts of how God’s Spirit guided people and strengthened them. But now, because of Christ’s death and resurrec on, he could INDWELL them. From now on, every Chris an could have the confidence that Jesus was with them constantly, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Trinity Sunday – how do you explain it? Trying to explain the doctrine of the Trinity has kept many a theologian busy down the centuries. One helpful picture is to imagine the sun shining in the sky. The sun itself – way out there in space – unapproachable in its fiery majesty – is the Father. The light that flows from it, and which illuminates all our lives, is the Son. The heat that flows from it, and which gives us all the en‐ ergy to move and grow, is the Holy Spirit. You cannot have the sun without its light and its heat. The light and the heat are from the sun, are of the sun, and yet are also dis nct in themselves, with their own roles to play. The Bible makes clear that God is One God, who is disclosed in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. For example: Deuteronomy 6:4 ‘Hear O Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one..’ Isaiah 45:22 ‘Turn to me and be saved… for I am God, and there is no other’ Genesis 1:1‐2 ‘In the beginning God created…. And the Spirit of God was hovering…’ Judges 14:6 etc ‘The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power…’ John 1:1‐3 ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.’ Luke 24:49 actually manages to squeeze the whole Trinity into one sentence. Jesus tells his disciples: ‘I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city un l you have been clothed with power (the Holy Spirit) from on high.’ In other words, the sun eternally gives off light and heat, and whenever we stand in its brilliant light, we find that the warmth soon follows.
Corpus Chris (Feast of the Body of Christ) The fes val of Corpus Chris celebrates the Eucharist as the body of Christ. The name 'Corpus Chris ' is La n for 'the body of Christ'. This jubilant fes val is celebrated by Chris ans to proclaim the truth of the transubstan a on of bread and wine into the actual body of Christ during Mass. In some countries in the world, Catholic churches s ll celebrate the fes val, not only with a Mass, but also with a procession that carries the consecrated wafer through the streets as a public statement that the sacrifice of Christ was for the salva on of the whole world. Corpus Chris falls between late May and the middle of June, on the first Thursday a er Trinity Sunday (60 days a er Easter). In some countries the fes val is celebrated on the Sunday a er Trinity Sunday. It's worth no ng that Chris ans already mark the Last Supper, when Christ ins tuted the Eucharist, on Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday). Because Maundy Thursday falls during the solemn period of Holy Week, it was thought necessary to have a separate fes val of the Eucharist that would allow the celebra on not to be muted by sadness.
King David A Man a er God’s Heart Part one Doctor Who’s Tardis is more than just an old fashioned police box! It has the unique quality of being bigger on the inside than the outside! As we look at the life of King David over the next months, we see somebody who wanted to grow his inner life: ‘a man a er God’s own heart’ (Acts 13:22). When Samuel anoints David as king (1 Samuel 16) he learns a vital lesson: ‘People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’ (7). What lessons can we learn from this, as we seek to be used by God? At a difficult point in Israel’s history, when Saul’s kingship had failed, God spoke to Samuel: ‘How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.’ (1). God always has a plan to achieve his purposes, and he wants us to be part of them! He is always trying to communi‐ cate them to us; like Samuel, are we alert to what he telling us? No doubt, Samuel expected choosing a king from among Jesse’s eight sons would be easy! However, it was only when the youngest was brought in from the fields that he recognised the one: ‘Rise and anoint him; this is the one.’ (12). God uses unexpected people as part of his plan, including David and ourselves, when our heart is com‐ mi ed to him! Even if we feel we have nothing to offer, he can use us in the workplace or with family and friends to make a difference for him. Finally, we should note that David immediately returned to his flock of sheep, although the Spirit came powerfully upon him. So o en God takes us back to ordinary circumstances of life to learn the skills we need to serve him, as well as proving ourselves faithful in the smaller things before he trusts us with bigger opportuni es. Whenever we’re feeling frustrated about God’s metable don’t forget this!! God is s ll looking for people to accomplish his purposes. When God looks at our heart, what does he see? Does God see a heart which is on fire for him, or are we largely indifferent to him or simply lukewarm? Let’s make it our prayer to be ‘a man or woman a er God’s own heart’. 11
HOLY DAYS IN JUNE Sunday 8th June 2014 PENTECOST Solemn Parish Mass St Saviour 10am Wednesday 11th June Saint Barnabas, Apostle Mass Holy Innocents 7pm Sunday 15th June 2014 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Solemn Parish Mass 9:30am St Saviour Solemn Parish Mass 11am Holy Innocents Thursday 19th June 2014 THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (Corpus Chris ) Solemn Mass St Saviour 7pm Sunday 29th June 2014 SS Peter and Paul Solemn Parish Mass 9:30am St Saviour Solemn Parish Mass 11am Holy Innocents
The Month of June Symbols of June Birthstone: Pearl Flower: Rose Zodiac signs: Gemini and Cancer History: The month of June comes from the Roman, or Julian, calendar. June was ini ally named Iunius. The name either comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, or from the word "iuniores", the La n word for "younger ones". In the early Roman calendar June only had 29 days. It was Julius Caesar who added the addi onal day giving June 30 days. June in Other Languages Chinese (Mandarin) ‐ liùyuè Danish ‐ juni French ‐ juin Italian ‐ giugno La n ‐ Iunius Spanish ‐ junio Historical Names: Roman: Iunius Saxon: Litha Germanic: Brach‐mond Fact about June Several countries celebrate their flag days during this month includ‐ ing the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Romania, and Argen na.
The perks of being over 60 In a hostage situa on you are likely to be released first. No one expects you to run anywhere. There is nothing le to learn the hard way. Things we buy now won’t wear out. You can get into arguments about pension plans. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. Your investment in health insurance is beginning to pay off. Your joints forecast the weather be er than the Met. Office. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either. 13
On the impossibility of keeping silence in church
The Rectory St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren Your remark that you rather liked the silence we keep before star ng Services gave me pause for thought. I suppose all things are rela ve. I know that the noise your congrega on makes before worship resembles a packed stand on the football terraces any Saturday a ernoon, but the days seem long‐gone when I could expect our congrega on to sit in real silence for ten minutes. There’s the sound of the treasurer coun ng the previous day’s jumble sale takings, of the ladies at the back asking each other when the fish van will next come round, and of Major Has ngs’s deafening whisper as he comments on some women’s choice of hats. Add to this the weekly compe on between the organist and the bell ringers to see who can make the most noise, the roar from the choir vestry as they all complain they don’t like my choice of hymns and the sound of books, umbrellas and collec on money being dropped. I some mes suspect that an informal rota is arranged whereby people volunteer to drop heavy objects in rota on, thus maintaining a constant cla er, for which no single person can be held responsible. There is also the weekly ritual when the verger – always wai ng un l the church is full – goes round each microphone, giving them a bash and bellowing “Tes ng, tes ng” and relishing the echo as it bounces off the walls. 14
The only me the noise level drops significantly is if the congrega on see Miss Simpson sidle up to me to have one of her confiden al li le chats about someone in the village. Everyone knows that her informa on will provide more than enough to keep gossip flourishing for the following week. Equally, periods of silence during Services are rarely welcomed; some find them threatening, but the majority simply assume it means I have lost my place. I gave up a er one occasion when, on announcing we would say the Lord’s Prayer and then leaving a me of silence for recollec on, a choir man leaned over to me and whispered helpfully: “It begins ‘Our Father’ ….” Your loving uncle, Eustace
The Crossword Across 1 See 23 Across 3 Where the thief on the cross was told he would be, with Jesus (Luke 23:43) (8) 8 Invalid (4) 9 Blasphemed (Ezekiel 36:20) (8) 11 Adhering to the le er of the law rather than its spirit (Philippians 3:6) (10) 14 Shut (Ecclesiastes 12:4) (6) 15 ‘This is how it will be with anyone who — up things for himself but is not rich towards God’ (Luke 12:21) (6) 17 Mary on Isis (anag.) (10) 20 Agreement (Hebrews 9:15) (8) 21 Na ve of, say, Bangkok (4) 22 Deaf fort (anag.) (5‐3) 23 and 1 Across ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of — to work it and take — of it’ (Genesis 2:15) (4,4) Down 1 Struggle between opposing forces (Habakkuk 1:3) (8) 2 James defined this as ‘looking a er orphans and widows in their distress and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world’ (James 1:27) (8) 4 ‘The one I kiss is the man; — him’ (Ma hew 26:48) (6) 5 ‘Be joyful in hope, pa ent in — , faithful in prayer’ (Romans 12:12) (10) 6 St Columba’s burial place (4) 7 Swirling current of water (4) 10 Loyalty (Isaiah 19:18) (10) 12 ‘God was pleased through the foolishness of what was — , to save those who believe’ (1 Corinthians 1:21) (8) 13 Camp where the angel of the Lord slew 185,000 men one night (2 Kings 19:35) (8) 16 ‘There is s ll — — — Jonathan; he is crippled in both feet’(2 Sam‐ uel 9:3) (1,3,2) 18 David Livingstone was one (4) 19 Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (1,1,1,1)
A Word search for Pentecost Find the following words in the grid below once you have found them all check your answers on page 25. Pentecost, Trinity, Jerusalem, Disciples, Praying, Tongues, Power, High, Fires, Flames, Languages, Praise, Drunk, Wine, Nine, Morning, Glory, Wai ng, Place, Wind, Father, Son, Holy, Spirit, Eternal
The story of Pentecost can be found in Chapter 2 of The Acts of the Apostles
SMILE LINES Church‐speak PEW: A medieval torture device s ll found in Catholic churches. AMEN: The only part of a prayer that everyone knows. BULLETIN: Your receipt for a ending a church service. CHOIR: A group of people whose singing allows the rest of the congrega on to lip‐sync. HYMN: A song of praise usually sung in a key two octaves higher than that of the congrega on's range. RECESSIONAL HYMN: The last song at Mass, o en sung a li le more quietly, since most of the people have already le . JESUITS: An order of priests known for their ability to find colleges with good basketball teams. JUSTICE: When your children grow up and have children of their own. KYRIE ELÉISON: The only Greek words that most Catholics can recognise besides gyros and baklava.
What the 23rd Psalm is really all about ( Here are some modern ‘insights’ on an age‐old Psalm… )
The Lord is my Shepherd ‐ that's rela onship. I shall not want ‐ that's supply. He makes me lie down in green pastures ‐ that's rest. He leads me beside the s ll waters ‐ that's refreshment. He restores my soul ‐ that's healing. He leads me in the paths of righteousness ‐ that's guidance. For his name’s sake ‐ that's purpose. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ‐ that's tes ng. I will fear no evil ‐ that's protec on. For You are with me ‐ that's faithfulness. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me ‐ that's discipline. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies ‐ that's hope. You anoint my head with oil ‐ that's consecra on. My cup runs over ‐ that's abundance. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ‐ that's blessing. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever ‐ that's security!
PARISH NOTICES Social Events St Saviour’s Monthly Quiz The next quiz will be on Monday 16th June 2014, on this occasion the meal will take the form of a Summer Buffet, if you would like to offer something toward the buffet, please have a word with Tracy. She will be more than happy to tell you what we will need. The quiz will be presented by a guest quizmaster and the quiz on this occasion will take a slightly different twist, giving more people the chance to win, so be sure to come along. Tickets will be available £5 each at the joint Parish Mass Holy Innocents on Sunday 1st June. Garden Party We are holding a Garden Party in St Saviour’s Church grounds on Saturday 12th July, there will be lots of stalls and games, a barbecue as well as cakes and refreshments, so volunteers are needed to run stalls and games, to bake and prepare food and drink, we will also need volunteers to set up on the day, if you can help in any way please let us know. Summer Fair We are holding a Summer Fair in the grounds of Holy Innocents Church on Saturday 16th August there will be lots of stalls and games, as well as cakes and refreshments, so once again volunteers are needed to run stalls and games, to bake and prepare food and drink, we will also need volunteers to set up on the day, if you can help in any way please let us known.
Readings for June June 1st—The Ascension of the Lord Reading 1
Acts 1:1‐11
He was liŌed up while they looked on.
Psalm 46:2‐3, 6‐9
God goes up with shouts of joy; the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.
Reading 2
Ephesians 1:17‐23
He made him sit at his right hand in heaven.
Ma 28:16‐20
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
June 8th ‐ Pentecost Reading 1
Acts 2:1‐11
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak.
Psalm 103: 1. 24. 29‐31. 34
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.
Reading 2
1 Corinthians 12:3‐7, 12‐13
In the one Spirit we were all bap‐ sed.
John 20:19‐23
As the Father sent me, so am I sending you: receive the Holy Spirit.
June 15th—The Most Holy Trinity Reading 1
Exodus 34:4‐6, 8‐9
Psalm 3:52‐56
To you glory and praise for evermore.
Reading 2
2 Corinthians 13:11‐13
The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
John 3:16‐18
God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved.
Lord, Lord, a God of tenderness and compassion.
June 22nd‐ The Most Holy Body & Blood of the Lord Reading 1
Deuteronomy 8:2‐3, He fed you with manna which nei‐ 14b‐16a ther you nor your fathers had known.
Psalm 147: 12‐15, 19‐20
O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
Reading 2
1 Corinthians 10:16‐17
That there is only one loaf means that, though there are many of us, we form a single body.
John 6:51‐58
My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.
June 29th—St Peter and St Paul Reading 1
Acts 12:1‐11
Ps 33:2‐9
Reading 2
2 Tim 4:6‐8, 17‐18
Ma 16:13‐19
Now I know the Lord really did save me from Herod. The angel of the Lord rescues those who revere him. All there is to come is the crown of righteousness reserved for me. You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
DEWSBURY WEST COMMUNITY CENTRE Church Street, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury WF13 3LA The Community Centre consists of Large Func on Hall Small Lounge area to the side ‐ With facili es for serving light refreshments and drinks Kitchen –with large cooker, fridge freezer and crockery PLEASE NOTE: The Community Centre is not licensed for the sale of alcohol; The Centre can accommodate up to 100 people. Enquiries—please contact Anne Thornton 01924 493551
RECIPE Easy‐Peasy Cheese Pudding This is a great recipe for cooking with children because nothing needs to be weighed, but it always turns out perfectly! You'll need: Potatoes ‐ enough for the number of people for whom you are ca‐ tering. (Two medium‐sized should be enough, per person) Cheese ‐ enough to taste, and some le over to sprinkle on top Onions ‐ to taste ‐ just the way your family likes ‐ Mushrooms ‐ op onal, and chopped Salt ‐ GO EASY on this, you may not need it at all because cheese has plenty in it already Black pepper ‐ a modicum Method 1. Peel and boil potatoes 2. Prepare and sauté the onions, also the mushrooms if used. 3. Drain and mash the spuds and add the onions and mushrooms (if used) 4. Set oven temperature at 200c/400f/Gas mark 6 5. Bu er an ovenproof dish 6. Mix all ingredients together‐retaining some cheese for a topping 7. A li le milk may be needed if the mixture is too s ff 8. Turn mixture into the ovenproof dish and make a 'ploughed field' then sprinkle the remaining cheese over it 9. Pop into the oven un l it is GORGEOUSLY crispy! 10. Can be served with any other food you'd like. N.B. If you have any favourite recipes you would like to share, please let Michael know, he will be glad to publish them on this page.
This was found in another Parish’s newsle er on summer travels:‐ No Excuse Sunday 1. Beds will be placed in the aisles for those who say ‘Sunday is my only day for sleeping in’. 2. Eye drops will be available for those whose eyes are red from watching TV too late on Saturday night. 3. We will have steel helmets for those who believe the roof will cave in if they show up for Mass at Church. 4. Blankets will be furnished for those who complain that the church is too cold. Fans will be on hand for those who say the Church is too hot. 5. We will have hearing aids for parishioners who say ‘the Priest doesn’t talk loud enough’. There will be co on wool for those who say ‘the Priest talks too loud’. 6. Score cards will be available for those who wish to count the hyp‐ ocrites. 7. We guarantee that rela ves will be present for those who like to go visi ng on Sunday. 8. There will be TV dinners for those who claim, they can’t go to Church and cook dinner too. 9. One sec on of the Church will have trees and grass for those who see God in nature. Especially on the golf course. 1 0. The altar will be decorated with a Christmas crib and Easter lilies, to create a familiar environment for those who have never seen the Church without them. See you in church 27
June Events in the UK
The Derby Epsom, Surrey 1st Wednesday in June Loseley Medieval Fes val Loseley Park, nr Guildford, Surrey first weekend in June
Scu lebrook Wake Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire Saturday aŌer Spring Bank Holiday Appleby Horse Fair Appleby Cumbria 2nd Tuesday and Wednesday in June Trooping the Colour Horse Guard Parade, London 2nd Saturday in June Royal Cornwall Show Wadebridge, Cornwall 2nd week in June Aldeburgh Fes val of Music and the Arts Aldeburgh, Suffolk 2nd to 4th weeks in June
Stapleford Steam Stapleford Park, nr. Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire mid June Stour Music Fes val Boughton Aluph, Kent late June Three Coun es Agricultural Show Great Malvern, Hereford and Worcester mid June Royal Ascot Race Mee ng Ascot, Berkshire late June Bedfordshire Medieval Fayre Twinwood Airfield, Clapham, Bedford last weekend in June Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championship Wimbledon, London late June to early July
Service Rotas St Saviour Sunday 8th June Sides persons: Richard Machin, Linda Machin, Ann Ta ersfield Readings: David Thornton, Anne Thornton Coffee: Kathleen Thornton, Maureen Rawson Sunday 15th June Sides persons: Pauline Denton, Valerie Derry Readings: Keith Rawson, Gloria Faller Coffee: Anne Thornton, Gloria Faller Sunday 22nd June Sides persons: David Thornton, Anne Thornton Readings: Ann Blackburn, Kathleen Thornton Coffee: June Lightowler, Tony Lightowler Sunday 29th June Sides persons: Maureen Rawson, June Lightowler Readings: David Thornton, Anne Thornton Coffee: Moyra Walker, Valerie Derry Sunday 6th July Sides persons: Richard Machin, Linda Machin, Ann Ta ersfield Readings: Keith Rawson, Gloria Faller Coffee: Kathleen Thornton, Maureen Rawson
Service Rotas Holy Innocents Sunday 1st June Sides persons: Carol , Chris ne (B) Readings: Michael, Anne Coffee: Marion , Sharon, Debra Sunday 15th June Sides persons: Carol, Marion (C) Readings: Michael, Linda (C) Coffee: Pat, Linda Sunday 22nd June Sides persons: Carol, Jeff Readings: Michael, Sylvia Coffee: Marion (C), Sharon/Debra Sunday 29th June Sides persons: Maureen Rawson, June Lightowler Readings: David Thornton, Anne Thornton Coffee: Moyra Walker, Valerie Derry Sunday 6th July Sides persons: Mary, Sylvia Readings: Michael, Sharon Coffee: Chris ne (B), Marion (S)
WEEKLY SERVICES St Saviour Sundays except first Sunday Sung Mass 9:30am Tuesdays Low Mass 7pm Saturdays Mass of Our Lady 10am Confessions 10:30am Parish OďŹƒce for those wishing to book Bap sms or Weddings 10:30am
Holy Innocents Sundays except first Sunday Sung Mass 11am Wednesdays Low Mass 7pm
For details of Masses on Feast Days, please see the weekly pew sheet or check on the website.
On the first Sunday of every month there will be a joint Solemn Parish Mass alterna ng between the two Parish Churches, the next one will be on
Sunday 6th July 10am St Saviour 32