Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2013
Contents Contents, Acknowledgements & Mission Statement
President’s Foreward
Vice President
Chairman’s Review
HRA Annual Awards 2013
HRA Patron, President, Deputy & Vice Presidents, Contact & Board
Page 12
HRA Officers & Advisers
Page 13
HRA Annual Statistical Survey 2012
Page 14
Acknowledgements Editorial Team:
The report has been edited & produced by Andrew Goyns & Steve Wood.
The editors wish to record their thanks to the contributors of photographs and for their waving any fees for reproduction.
Firpress Printers, Workington, Cumbria
Our Mission Statement To promote the interests of members in the heritage and tourist railway and tramway sector, and to encourage best practice in all fields and to promote the sector as a significant tourism and cultural activity.
To represent our members’ interests to Government and other bodies.
To maintain high standards by requiring members to conform to the HRA Code of Practice.
To provide professional advice, a full information service and other such help and assistance as may be appropriate.
To provide a forum for sharing information and experience by organising open meetings and seminars.
To help members to develop their own business.
To encourage and assist members to develop training policies and programmes.
To encourage and assist members to develop educational policies and programmes.
To encourage excellence by organising awards and competitions.
To encourage and advise members on the heritage aspects of their activities, including establishing and maintaining collecting, interpretation and archiving policies.
Dated 19th January 2014
Annual Report 2013
President’s Message Lord Faulkner of Worcester
“Heritage railways have been a remarkable development over a period of sixty years, a phenomenon which was pioneered in Britain and at which the country excels. It has developed through the enthusiasm and dedication of a huge number of volunteers and yet now supports many paid staff and is a major contribution to Britain’s tourism. The larger railways are significant contributors to the local economy of the areas they serve. They have proved effective at transferring traditional engineering and operating skills to a new generation of volunteers and are continuing to develop in this area. They have adapted to meet the challenges of a more regulated environment and are well placed to survive and prosper.” Those few sentences – taken from the report of the all-party group on heritage rail on “The Value of Heritage Railways” - sum up very well what is special and important in everything you do, and I was delighted, as vice-chairman of the group, to be able to put my name to it when the report was published in July. Many of the findings have already been quoted numerous times, particularly the conclusion that for every pound that is spent on a heritage railway there is a benefit to the local economy of around £2.70: this suggests that the economic benefit nationally is just under £250m. As I said at the HRA’s autumn meeting in Ravenglass, these are figures that need repeatedly to be hammered home. In addition to conducting the inquiry that led to this report, the all-party group has continued to meet regularly and heard speakers on a variety of topics. The meetings are generally open to non-parliamentarians, and we are pleased to welcome HRA members who wish to attend. I urge you to engage with your own MPs, and encourage them to visit your railway and to join the APPG. Staying in Parliament for the moment, I am pleased to report we have finally reformed the law governing the sale of scrap metal, including outlawing the use of cash, and the introductions of new police powers to enter premises and a rigorous licensing system. I understand from Network Rail that the incidence of cable theft on the national railway has fallen by 70 per cent. You will be aware that with your help I was able to ensure that the Railway Heritage Committee’s powers of designation – the process which makes it possible for artefacts and records of the national network that are significant elements in the nation’s railway story to be protected statutorily – were smoothly transferred to the trustees of the Science Museum on 1 April, following the government’s regrettable (and unnecessary) decision to abolish the RHC. Whilst I did not succeed in persuading ministers to amend the legislation to bring Transport for London’s underground railways within scope, the transport commissioner, Sir Peter Hendy, and I were able to exchange letters of understanding which have the effect of treating the Underground as if it were. I was delighted that Sir Peter was able to be the HRA’s guest of honour at the annual dinner in 2013 – his commitment to the cause of railway heritage, particularly in the context of their 150th anniversary, is outstanding. In my report on 2012 I said it had been a busy year for me as your President, 2013 was no different. I have continued to get out and about visiting HRA members, and I thank everyone who has greeted me so warmly. I was particularly pleased to participate in presentations of plaques at those railways which were successful in winning HRA awards for best publicity: as a judge of the competition, I know how excellent the entries were, and how hard you all work.
Annual Report 2013
Vice President Brian Simpson MEP
It is a sign of resilience that exists within the Heritage Railway movement, that despite the terrible economic climate, most railways have continued to maintain their visitor numbers, and continued to offer an excellent product to the paying public. Of course a lot of this is due to the hard work of our volunteers; but I think we should also recognise the hard work of our paid staff, be it in the workshop, the office, or the kitchen, I am convinced that it is this team effort that ensures success. 2014 will no doubt be as challenging as 2013 was. Despite; apparently; the improvement in the UK economy, household budgets are tight and the pound in people’s pockets has many demands on it. In 2013 we were helped by a good summer, and whilst we can hope that 2014 is just as good; we all know that cannot be guaranteed. Whilst we have no control over the weather, we do have control on the product we offer the general public. As a movement we can never relax; or to use a sporting term “take our eye off the ball”. Be it in product quality or value for money, and certainly in the area of safety, we must remain professional and fully focused in everything we do. During 2013 some areas have done better than others. I hope 2014 will see all the areas covered by the HRA doing well. With your dedication, hard work and support I am sure this will happen. A big thank you to you all.
Chairman’s Review David Morgan MBE TD The experience of 2013 was positive for most of our member railways, tramways and museums, as the majority enjoyed an increase in passengers or visitors and a commensurate rise in income. It was also a good year for the HRA, albeit for rather different reasons. One important element in which we can all take pleasure is the improvement in safety. Members may recall the concerns three years ago over an increase in reportable incidents which led to a series of seminars on Safety and Governance. The ORR believed, almost certainly rightly, that it was important to engage those at the top of operating organisations with their responsibility for safety. At the risk of tempting fate, I was therefore delighted to be told in October that heritage railways and tramways had reverted to their former high standards, as the number of incidents had dropped. However, it would be dangerous to become complacent. It was also gratifying that our initiative of engaging with Parliamentarians in 2011 bore fruit in the setting up of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Heritage Rail, largely thanks to our President, Lord Faulkner of Worcester, and Nicky Morgan, MP for Loughborough. The Group this year took evidence from various participants in the sector and published a Report on the Value of Heritage Rail, which is covered by our President in his contribution above.
Continued on page 5
Annual Report 2013
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That Report followed hard on the heels of a report of Industrial Heritage and Rural Tourism published by the Transport & Tourism Committee of the European Parliament which approached the issues from a different angle and included some findings from its own survey. After the publication of the Report, the Committee's chairman, Brian Simpson, MEP, led a party of his committee members to visit Britain to see the impact of railway heritage on this country. All this has coincided with a bout of navel gazing on our part in the form of a strategic review to ensure that the Association engages in those activities most relevant to our members. Many of the activities are undertaken by committees, whose members are mostly volunteers actively involved in members’ operations and the Board is undertaking a review of each committee’s remit and report of actions. We have also engaged with other partners, such as Heritage Alliance and the Transport Trust, with whom we now share office accommodation. BESTT (Boiler & Engineering Skills Training Trust) also shares the office; this is particularly apposite as they are drawing up apprentice schemes, having now achieved charitable status and obtained a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). Bill Hillier and I serve on their Board as Trustees as HRA is a major stakeholder. At the same time HRA has set up the Heritage Engineering Training Group (HEATG) under the leadership of Mark Smith to coordinate training in other engineering skills. We believe that there is a serious risk that railways could suffer from a shortage of engineers with the relevant skills and is an issue that needs to be addressed. I am pleased to report that our Rail-mounted Cableways Committee has been instrumental in improving relationships between this sub-sector and HM Mines Inspectorate. Internationally, HRA is an active member of FEDECRAIL (the European Federation of Museum & Tourist Railways) and WATTRAIN (the World Association of Tourist Trams & Trains). FEDECRAIL lobbies on the European level and has been very successful in amending directives which posed a threat to our activities. WATTRAIN is developing its own strategy which is to focus on establishing an “Alexandria Library” of the internet. HRA is also in the process of setting up a mutual indemnity fund for the sector, a system which has been so successful in other areas in keeping the cost of insurance down and we are indebted to Richard Barnes for taking on this complex task. Lastly, I should record two resignations from the Board during the year: first, Chris Bolt had to retire because of health problems although we still seek his advice on regulatory matters, and Alan Greer of Steam Museum has had to concentrate on his museum job because of the savage cuts imposed on local authorities. At the AGM, David Madden retires by rotation and will not be seeking re-election, although will, I hope, remain actively involved in HRA. I would like to express the Board’s thanks for and appreciation of all their hard work and commitment in the past, particularly to David Madden who has been a member for nearly forty years.
Annual Report 2013
HRA Annual Awards 2013 WINNERS OF THE HERITAGE RAILWAY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL AWARDS 2013 These highly regarded awards will be presented at a dinner to be held at the Bath Guildhall Banqueting Room on the evening of Saturday 8th of February 2014 during the weekend of the HRA Annual General Meeting. PETER MANISTY AWARD for an exceptional contribution to railway preservation. The Winners. London Transport Museum, London Underground and Partners for the excellent and exhaustive programme of events to mark the 150th anniversary of the world’s first underground railway including the successful operation of a complete steam hauled wooden bodied train.
HRA ANNUAL AWARD (LARGE GROUPS) made to a HRA member organisation for an outstanding achievement in railway preservation. The Winner. The Bluebell Railway in recognition of its completing the long awaited physical link with the national rail network which enhances the profile and business opportunities both on the railway and in the local economy. This enormous task was made possible by the removal, mainly by rail, of a large quantity of landfill waste material. HRA ANNUAL AWARD (SMALL GROUPS) made to a HRA member organisation for an outstanding achievement in railway preservation. The Winner. The Lynton and Barnstaple Railway Trust in recognition of it taking a major step forward in its mission to recreate a piece of North Devon transport heritage in its original form with the restoration of three original carriages. This was enhanced by the visit of a Lynton and Barnstaple replica Manning Wardle locomotive in Southern Railway green. “Perchance the L&B is now wide awake!” A Highly Commended Certificate will be presented to: The Aln Valley Railway Society for the establishment, after many years of struggle, of a standard gauge station and depot complex from new on a virgin site. THE JOHN COILEY AWARD which is made for locomotive projects. The Winner. The National Railway Museum to acknowledge and celebrate the international co-operation and achievement of the transatlantic partners in the movement of the “Dominion of Canada” and “Dwight D Eisenhower” to take part in Mallard 75. This involved major input from the Friends of the National Railway Museum, the National Railway Museum itself and all the groups whose generosity made this move possible, particularly haulier MOVERIGHT INTERNATIONAL. This operation would not have been possible without the unstinting support of Exporail: The Canadian Railway Museum and the National Railroad Museum in the USA. MORTON’S MEDIA (HERITAGE RAILWAY) INTERPRETATION AWARD. The Winner. The Purbeck Mineral and Mining Museum for the operation and return to steam of a section of the former extensive narrow gauge mineral tramway network on the Isle of Purbeck, and for the creation of
Annual Report 2013
Above: Bluebell Railway East Grinstead extension “the scale of the task”. (Photo: Nigel Longdon) Below: “Lyd” framed at Woody Bay Station Lynton & Barnstaple Railway. (Photo: Martin Creese)
Annual Report 2013
Above: Andrew Barclay 615 with replica NER signal gantry in foreground. (Photo: Dave Hewitt) Below: “Dwight D Eisenhower”, “Dominion of Canada” & “Mallard” in the Great Hall at York. (Photo: NRM)
Annual Report 2013
Above: 20227 works a train into Chinnor (Photo: Phil Marsh, Media-Operations) Below: Eileen Clayton MBE. (Photo provided by Eileen Clayton MBE)
Annual Report 2013
Above: 76084 on the East Lancs. Railway (Photo provided by Eric Bond, Publicity Officer 76084 Loco. Co. Ltd) Below: D1015 “Western Champion”. (Photo: Paul Bickedyke)
Annual Report 2013
a unique museum devoted to the history and technology of ball clay mining complete with underground mine tunnel and associated rail tracks and rolling stock, in part of the Jurassic Coast which is designated as a World Heritage Site for the richness of its geology. The museum at Norden is not only a valuable education resource in its own right but a quality visitor attraction adjacent to and interacting with the Swanage Railway, a branch over which the extracted clay was shipped out, with the interchange being recreated. MORTON’S MEDIA (RAIL EXPRESS) MODERN TRACTION AWARD. The Winner. The Chinnor and Princes Risborough Railway for staging an innovative modern traction event featuring a special reinstatement of a main line connection with through running from Aylesbury and some highly sought after guest locomotives. Highly Commended. A Highly Commended Certificate will be presented to the Diesel Traction Group for the standard commercial use of a first generation heritage icon, D1015 “Western Champion”, in hauling freight trains on the main line. It is the only diesel hydraulic locomotive in main line use. RAILWAY MAGAZINE ANNUAL AWARD for SERVICES TO RAILWAY PRESERVATION. This Award will be made to Ian Allan OBE for popularising the hobby of loco. spotting by launching the ABC number book series; for inspiring and educating a generation of enthusiasts through publication of hundreds of quality railway publications; and for his long running sponsorship of the National Railway Heritage Awards. A Highly Commended Certificate. This will be given to Eileen Clayton MBE for instigating and helping to run, for twenty one years, a week of activities on the Ffestiniog Railway designed to get young people involved in a heritage railway, thereby providing a valuable example to all heritage railways. STEAM RAILWAY MAGAZINE AWARD. This Award is given to the 76084 Locomotive Company in recognition of its efforts to return the Riddles 4MT locomotive to steam. It also recognises the significant financial contribution of its partner, the North Norfolk Railway.
Cover Photograph Captions: Front Cover: “Isaac” on the 1 in 50 climb into Woody Bay Station on Lynton & Barnstaple Railway. (Photo: provided by Peter Miles, Chairman) Back Cover (Top): East Grinstead at last, Bluebell Railway achieve landmark goal! Picture looking towards the Southern Station of East Grinstead. (Photo: provided by Nigel Longdon) Back Cover (Bottom): London Underground 150 Celebrations; old meets new. (Photo provided by London Transport Museum)
Annual Report 2013
Patron: Dame Margaret Weston DBE President: Lord Faulkner of Worcester Deputy President: S Richard Bowker CBE Vice Presidents: Ian Allan OBE, Allan Garraway MBE, Brian Simpson MEP Website: All Correspondence and Enquiries to (1st Point of Contact): Andrew Goyns, 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton, WF6 2LT Tel; 0800 756 5111 x 900
Fax: 0845 528 0775 E-Mail
Board Members Chairman: David Morgan MBE TD
12 Cheyne Gardens, London SW3 5QT Tel: 0800 756 5111 x901 Fax: 020 7222 6208 Email:
Vice Chairman: Mark Smith
25 Peile Drive, Taunton TA2 7SZ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x902 Fax: 0845 834 0988 Email:
Company Secretary: Peter Ovenstone
33 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AU. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x331 Fax: 0131 220 5886 Email:
Finance Director: Ian Leigh
206B North Row, Milton Keynes MK9 3LQ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x422 Fax: 01908 696422 Email:
Geoffrey Claydon CB
3 The Park, Tamworth Street, Duffield, Belper, DE56 4ER Tel: 0800 756 5111 x903 Email:
John Crane
10 Hurdeswell, Long Hanborough, Oxon OX29 8DH.Tel: 0800 756 5111 x702 Fax: 01993 883384 Email:
Bill Hillier
19 Simon de Montfort Drive, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 4NR. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x431 Email:
Paul Lewin
Station House, Minffordd, Penryndeudraeth, Gwynedd LL48 6HF. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x703, Email:
David Madden
52 Station Road, Sheringham, Norfolk NR26 8RG. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x221 Fax: 01263 824924 Email:
Brian Simpson MEP
9 Nevada Close, Great Sankey, Warrington, Cheshire WA5 5WW. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x 904. Email:
Chris Smyth
7 Woodside, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8BX. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x701 Email:
Steve Wood
15 Croftlands Drive, Ravenglass, Cumbria, CA18 1SJ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x421 Fax: 01229 717080. Email:
Annual Report 2013
HRA Officers and Advisers ** See Board details for addresses etc. not shown below HRA Ireland:
HRA Archivist: Archiving Adviser: ARPS Ltd Hon. Sec: Awards and Competitions:
Charities: Civil Engineering: Diesel & Electric, Press Officer, Sidelines & Broadlines Editor: Disabled Facilities:
Chairman: Johnny Glendinning, Crunagh, 9 Highfields Court, Lisburn, Co Antrim BT28 3GF Tel / Fax: 028 9266 2181 Mobile: 07803 239 123 Email: Vice Chairman: Clifton Flewitt, 6 Waterloo Avenue, Dublin 3, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 1 8554081 Secretary: Brian Goodfellow, 15 Ballynaclosha Road, Tunnydonnell, Silverbridge, Co.Armagh BT35 9LS Tel: 07825 743531 Email: Mark Sissons: Email: Dr Dudley Fowkes, 18 Helpston Close, Westhouses, Alfreton DE55 5AX. Tel: 01773 830520. Email: Mike Stanbury, “Beechcroft”, Station Road, Wakes Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2DS Tel: 01787 224724. Annual Awards: Mark Smith. ** Carriage & Wagon: Chris Smyth. ** Publications: Clifford Jones, Email: (correspondence via HRA 1st point of contact) National Railway Heritage Awards: Clive Baker, Tel: 01366 385554. Email: Nigel Ward, Hollins Farm, West Lane, Haworth, West Yorkshire BD22 0ER Tel: 01535 642040 Email: John Buxton, Cambrian Transport Ltd, Green Farm Country House, Falfield, Gloucestershire GL12 8DL Tel: 01454 260319 Email: John Crane. **
Railway Heritage Register Carriage Survey/Carriage Restoration: Railway Operating:
Via 1st Point of Contact Stuart Gamble, 11 The Green, Newton Burgoland, Coalville, Leicester LE67 2SS Tel: 01530 271721. Email: John Suggett: c/o Eldridges. Avenue House, Avenue Road, Freshwater PO40 9UZ 01983 752492 Email: Tony Tomkins, Mount Pleasant House, Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes MK17 8JU. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x413. Email: HRA Representatives: Peter Ovenstone **, Steve Wood. ** European Co-ordinator: Livius Kooy, De Akker 25, 7481 GA Haaksbergen, The Netherlands. Tel/fax:+31 53 57 27357. Email: Michael Tarran, 419 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 2JY. Tel: 01274 608582 Email: Gordon Heddon, 31 Lordsmill Road, Shavington, Crewe, CW2 5HB. Tel: 01270 568706. Email: Vacant Andrew Goyns, 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton WF6 2LT Tel: 0800 756 5111 x320 Email: Di Akers, “Neves”, Holmewood Close, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3JJ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x425. Email: David Morgan. ** Andrew Boyd, 12. Learmonth Place, Edinburgh EH4 1AU Tel: 0131 332 3696 Email: Contact Bill Hillier ** Jackie Cope, 30 Gledhow Drive, Oxenhope, Keighley, BD22 9SA Tel: 0800 756 5111 x333. E-mail: John Butt, The Old Stables, Grove Farm, Church Road, Stoke Hammond, Bucks Tel: 01525 270491. Email: Contact via Bill Hillier ** Bill Askew, 24 Grosvenor Road, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7JG. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x427 E-Mail: Private Members: Dr Alan Saunders, 31 Cedar Avenue, Malvern Link, WR14 2SF Tel: 0800 756 5111 x423 Corporate Members: Steve Wood ** Rob Shorland-Ball, 216 Mount Vale, York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DL. Tel + Fax: 01904 632751. Email: Richard Tapper, 39 Grange Court, Boundary Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7PH. Tel: 01635 30464 Fax: 01635 35083 Rupert Brennan Brown, 18 Holloway Road, Duffield, Derbyshire DE56 4FE. Tel: (Mobile) 07973 950923 Email: Michael Cope, 30 Gledhow Drive, Oxenhope, Keighley, West Yorks BD22 9SA Tel: 0800 756 5111 x333 E-mail: Operating & Safety Committee via Bill Hillier**
Rating: Real Estate: Safety: Secretary-Awards Committee Secretary-Business Development Secretary-Education Committee Secretary-Finance & Admin Secretary-Heritage Committee Secretary-Heritage Tramways Secretary-Legal Services Secretary-Member Services Secretary-Operating & Safety Secretary-Rail Cableways Secretary-Scottish Secretary-Training Specialist Adviser: Swindon Historic Castings:
Roger Wilkins, 1 Shaw Street, Worcester WR1 3QQ Tom Carr, 18 Old Library Mews, Norwich, NR1 1ET. Tel: 01603 614030. Email: Bill Hillier ** David Woodhouse ** Clive Morris, Email: Barbara Barnes, Email: Bill Askew, Email: Robert Raynor, Email: Alan Saunders, Email: James Hammett, Email: Chris Austin, Email: Andrew Goyns, Email: John Baxter, Email: Martin Slader, Email: John Ransom, Email: (John Ransom doesn’t have e-mail so e-mails sent are automatically faxed ) Martin Smith, Email: Richard Gibbon, 202 Mount Vale, York YO24 1DL. Tel: 01904 631840. Email: Andrew Goyns (Company Secretary), see 1st Point of Contact. Email:
Taxation & VAT:
Martin Bairstow: Email:
Education: Employment: Environmental: FEDECRAIL: Fire Safety: Forestry: Historical: Internet: InterRail Passes (Corporate): Legal (UK and English Law): Legal (Scottish Law): Loco Boilers: Lottery Grants: Mechanical Engineering: Medical: Meetings Secretary: Membership: Museums: Overseas Liaison: Public Relations:
Michael Crabtree, 31 Nevis Drive, Crewe, CW2 8UH. Tel: 01270 212778 Email: Tramways:
Young Volunteers:
John Shawcross, 10 Birch Avenue, Ambergate, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2GL Tel: 01773 856116 Email: Liz Fuller, 261 Lower Higham Road, Chalk, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2NP: Tel: 0800 756 5111 x424. Email:
Annual Report 2013
Annual Statistical Survey 2012 Bill Hillier, HRA Returning Officer
Annual Report 2013