Agri Feb-Maart

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agri Vol 45 • No 1


Highly Commended

FOKUS • FOCUS • Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation • Voer & voeraanvullings/Feed & Feed additives

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 1

Tuiste van Landbou | Home of Agriculture

2016/03/02 04:26:20 PM

AGRICO Spilpunte & Lineêre Besproeiers

Met uitstaande staandaard eienskappe en verskeie opsies:

Spilpunte word in-huis gegalvaniseer; minimum 100mikron (1.8 keer “Cablesaver” beperk kabel diefstal. die ISO 146 standaard). Dit beteken “Windsaver” masjiene is stabiel en Die kabel loop binne-in die pyp en 80% langer lewensverwagting. vir 4 jaar gewaarborg teen omwaai. word nie maklik bygekom nie.

“Autoflush” spoel die spilpunt wanneer die pomp aankom.

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 2

AGRICO naatlose diens: Opmeet, Die AGRICO 3-been senter met sy ontwerp, vervaardiging, aflewering, wye voetspoor is besonder stewig. oprigting en naverkopediens.

2016/03/02 04:26:25 PM

agri Inhoud/Contents


Redaksioneel Editorial






Inhoud Contents

Wat is die mens tog? y slaan jou hande in ongeloof saam oor die aard van die mens as jy deur die koerante blaai of die dag se dinge op die internet bekyk. Dat die mens boos is, probeer jy ontken. Kan tog nie wees nie. Kinders wat hulle ouers in koue bloed vermoor. Ou mense wat op plase en in dorpe gemartel en verniel word totdat die bloedspatsels patrone teen vensters en mure vorm. Baba’s word verkrag en kinders onherstelbaar beskadig nog voordat hulle van Sus en Daan kon hoor. Dan is daar ‘n ander kant van die saak. ‘n Artikel in ‘n onlangse dagblad wil dit hê dat die mens van nature altrüisties is. Om goed te doen, is net so deel van ons vesels soos die potensiaal om te verniel en te vernietig. Die droogte het stadsjapies na hulle maer beursies laat gryp. Daar was die kanne vol water by vele versamelpunte, die skenkings van bejaardes wat trots van hulle karige pensioengeld afgeknyp het en leerders wat hulle sakgeld vir die boere in nood geskenk het. Is die mens dalk tóg beter as wat jy jou sou kon indink?


3 Redaksioneel 5 Boekresensies/Book Reviews 7 Stille waters 8 Standpunt/Viewpoint 10 Brokkies/Snippets

15 15 17 19 23 25 34 35 36 41 74 82 84

86 A phoenix rises from the ashes 87 Nissan’s involvement in farmer 91

NUUS/NEWS Agriculture in limbo after the budget Agri SA waarsku teen potensiële ‘volmaakte storm’ Ruim skenkings oortref verwagtinge Droogtefonds: Winter lê voor en meer hulp is nodig Southern African region may be facing famine Suid-Afrika maak hart oop Agri SA vra vir bystand met die droogte Manna vir die boere Food security, transformation and prosperity in spotlight at commodities conference Damme se waterinhoud lyk só Landbou-opname: Bring jou kant Agri SA on Eskom’s regulatory clearing account application Wheat import tariff does not lead to a significant increase in the price of white bread

93 99 104 106 107 118 120 40 62

development expands Revised Expropriation Bill heading for the National Assembly COP 21: Landbou moet plek in die son kry Agri Securitas Trustfonds en Sonfin teken ooreenkoms The agricultural sector’s contribution to rural safety Algemene Sakekamer vergader Landbou die plek om te wees Yoghurt as it should be Farm workers: Briefing in Parliament by the ILO FOKUS/FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation Voer & voeraanvullings/Feed & Feed additives

GEREELD/REGULAR 40 Water 116 Bewaring/Conservation 126 Wyn/Wine 127 Agri Fauna 130 Uit ‘n ander hoek

Jou opinie maak saak... Vertel ons waarvan jy hou en wat jy sou verander in Agri. Your opinion is important... Let us know what you like and what you would like to change in Agri. Stuur jou kommentaar en besonderhede aan:/Send your comments and details to: Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion 0046 agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 3


2016/03/02 06:56:59 PM

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 4

2016/03/02 04:26:29 PM

agri Agri (waarby ingelyf Die Boer/The Farmer), word vyf keer per jaar versprei aan lede van Agri SA en ander intekenare. Agri (under which Die Boer/The Farmer is incorporated) is distributed five times a year to Agri SA members and subscribers. Redaksionele komitee/ Editorial committee Omri van Zyl, Johan Pienaar, Christo van der Rheede, Thabi Nkosi, Theo Boshoff, Nic Opperman, Kobus Visser, Elize van der Westhuizen, Annelize Crosby, Derick van der Walt & Livhuwani Ngwekhulu Personeel/Staff Uitvoerende redakteur/Executive editor: Derick van der Walt 082 770 5111 Advertensiebestuurder/ Advertising manager Mabel Schmahl 082 563 4427 or (012) 997 3407/12 Advertising executive Riaan Schmahl 074 170 6403 Kantooradministrateur en intekenare/ Office administrator and subscribers Thea Liebenberg Medewerkers/Contributors Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, Cassie du Plessis, Dr Gerhard Backeberg & Lehman Lindeque Uitleg/Layout Fréda van Wyk Adres/Address Agri, Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion, 0046 Blok/Block A, Inkwazi Gebou/Building, Embankmentstraat/Street, Zwartkop, Uitbreiding/Extension 7 Tel: (012) 643 3400/ Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 E-pos/E-mail: Reproduksie en drukwerk/ Reproduction and printing Business Print Centre: (012) 843 7600 Agri SA aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies ge­maak word nie en die menings en aan­bevelings van individue of enige ander liggaam of organisasie wat in artikels in Agri verskyn nie. Kopiereg word voorbehou en inhoud mag slegs met die toestemming van die direkteur: Korporatiewe Skakeling gereproduseer word./ Agri SA accepts no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and recommendations expressed by individuals or any other body or organisation in articles published in Agri. Copyright is reserved and the content may only be reproduced with the consent of the Director: Corporate Services.

Indien u op Agri wil inteken, skakel/ If you wish to subscribe to Agri contact Thea Liebenberg Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 Artikels in Agri is ook op aanvraag in ‘n alternatiewe taal beskikbaar/Articles in Agri are also available in an alternative language on request. Sirkulasie/Circulation

agri Boeke/Books

Boekresensies Book Reviews ‘n Boek verniet Agri gee ‘n eksemplaar weg van elk van die boeke wat op dié bladsy bespreek word. Stuur ‘n e-pos met jou naam, posadres en telefoonnommer na Sê ook watter boek jy wil hê (slegs een boek per e-pos, asseblief). Mammal guide of Southern Africa (beskikbaar in Afrikaans as Soogdiergids van Suider-Afrika) Burger Cillié (Briza Publications) The new edition of this popular field guide has been fully updated and revised, making it one of the most comprehensive guides to the mammals of the southern African sub-region: • Expanded number of smaller mammal species as well as eight of the more abundant sea mammals. • An easy-to-use key to identify the mammals. • A sketch indicating the size of the mammal in relation to a human profile. • Detailed species descriptions, including information on the conservation status, food, sexual dimorphism, life expectancy, enemies, habitat, habits and breeding of 137 of the region’s mammal species. • More than 200 colour photographs illustrating sexual dimorphism and different subspecies where applicable. • For the first time the mammal “calls” can be heard from the pages of this field guide when using the Callfinder® (an optional extra). • Colour photographs and illustrations of field signs such as droppings and spoors. • Updated distribution maps of all the species. Enquiries: Tel no (012) 329 3896, email:, website:, bookshop: 121 Soutpansberg Road, Riviera, Pretoria Robbie se broer se roer en ander jagstories Pienkes du Plessis (Human & Rousseau) Pienkes du Plessis is terug met ’n nuwe bundel kortverhale. In Robbie se broer se roer en ander jagstories vertel Pienkes stories oor alles wat met jagekspedisies gepaardgaan – en oor dit wat verkeerd loop.

In een verhaal moet drie ooms afreken met ’n slang in hulle bakkie. In ’n ander verhaal verloor ’n plaasjapie ’n weddenskap en sluk ’n streepmuis heel af, en in die slotverhaal, “Wie braai, ek of jy?” word ons voorgestel aan Jan Somme, ’n man wat “uit sy hart braai”, “met ’n groot lied in sy hart.” Pienkes skryf met sy kenmerkende, fyn humorsin oor vuurmaak, braai, kamp opslaan, sleepwaens pak en onderonsies met wilde diere, maar hy vertel ook staaltjies van toentertyd. Nostalgiese stories, perfek vir lekker lag om die kampvuur. Navrae: Errol Tobias: Suiwer goud Errol Tobias (Tafelberg) Errol Tobias was die eerste swart Springbokrugbyspeler, gekies in 1980 te midde van Suid-Afrika se isolasie in wêreldsport. Hy vertel die storie van sy sportloopbaan van kindsbeen af tot die groot oomblikke as internasionale speler, die vreugdes, die verlies, en die omstredenheid en die vraag: Is hy op meriete gekies of was hy ‘n pion in ‘n siniese spel? Navrae: SuzelleDIY: Die boek Julia Anastasopoulus en Adri Kruger (Human & Rousseau) SuzelleDIY is ‘n internetpersona wie se gewilde video’s op YouTube soos ‘n veldbrand versprei het. Die boek gee ‘n humoristiese kykie na die doen-dit-self-kultuur waar dinge meestal reg, maar ook behoorlik verkeerd kan loop. Sy gee wenke om huishoudelike takies ligter te maak, jou kar te versorg, groener te leef, braaityd in ontspanning te verander, jou tyd in die kombuis tot die minimum te beperk en om werklike selfdoenprojekte sonder enige voorvalle aan te pak. Daar is ook skoonheidswenke en resepte. Navrae: nb >>> bladsy 7

Boekwenners Des/Jan 2016 Veld Management – Principles and Practices, Antony W Louw, department of agriculture, Western Cape; Die woordenaar van Tah, Leana Scholtz, Kiepersol; Wenresepte 3, Elmarie Fouché, Vredendal; Wallop!, Barry Botha, Bloemfontein; Practical veld and pasture management, F Naudé, Vryheid agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 5


2016/03/02 04:26:30 PM

uppe marketing A13591

agri Promosie/Promotional

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DEKALB® en Monsanto is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

Witmielies DKC76-61B DKC63-53 agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 6


6 2016/03/02 04:26:30 PM

agri Stille waters

Stille waters Lees Psalm 49

Rêrige rykdom


ere, ek het my nog altyd slég misgis! “Met mý geluk . . .” het my refrein geword, ’n knaende klaaglied

teen die lot. Ek het op prinse vertrou, en selfvoldane makelaars, en op vleisbraaivriende se raad “so reg uit die perd se bek”. Ek was slim sonder einde.

sy baas gevang en vandat jakkals nie meer sy eie stert kan prys nie. Ek dank U, Here, dat U my laat sien waarheen Selfvoldaan se pad lei en presies hoe dinge vir Helpmyself sal uitwerk.

Nou weet ek waar ek en alles wat ek het, vandaan kom; hoe maklik en gou alles weer daarheen kan terugkeer. En nou besef ek ook die noodsaak daarvan om alles wat U gee vas te gryp en te geniet; om ruimskoots daarvan uit te deel; hoe om gereed te wees om alles op die regte tyd weer te laat gaan.

Werklike wysheid het maar gesukkel om my te vind te midde van die allesweet waarmee ek saamgeleef het . . . Maar toe het U my oë oopgemaak.

Hoe om vry te kom. Want sekuriteit, het U my geleer, staan nie in skure nie en geluk het nie ’n rekeningnommer nie. Kontant is toe nooit my koning nie en eiendom kan my nie meer besit nie.

En vandag probeer ek steeds die omvang van die skade bereken nadat slim

Ek is die Here s’n, het ek geleer. Ek leef uit u hand, én knus daarbinne.

<<< bladsy 5 Regardt van den Bergh: Dis nie luck nie – net genade Danny Fourie (Lux Verbi) Die openhartige lewensverhaal van die internasionale pryswenner-akteur en -regisseur Regardt van den Bergh. Hy vertel van sy vroegste kinderjare in Bez Valley tot die punt waar sy lewe op die kruin van sy loopbaan, ná ’n onverskillige lewe met drank en ’n vergeefse soeke na ’n dieper sin, heeltemal uitmekaarval. Hy het sy gesin en huis verloor, maar een oggend met ’n babelaas en trane wat oor sy wange loop, het hy ’n onvergeetlike ontmoeting met God gehad wat sy hele lewe vir goed verander het. Navrae: Die ewigheid in my hart Barend Vos (Lux Verbi) Die Psalms wat in die Bybel opgeneem is, het oor ’n tydperk van byna een duisend jaar ontstaan. Die tekste in die Psalms is

poëties deurweek met lof, belydenis en smekinge. Barend Vos omskep die 150 Psalms se uitbundige vreugde en diepe hartseer, worstelinge, onbegrip en onvermoë. Agri se dagstukkies hierdie jaar kom uit die boek. Navrae: VIR JONGER LESERS Tienerhart 1: Hartklop Cecilia Steyn (Human & Rousseau) Megan kuier by haar ma op Paternoster vir die Desembervakasie. Maar haar broer se beste vriend, Dewald, daag ook onverwags daar op. Dewald maak haar knieë al vir jare lam, maar haar oorbeskermende

broer Stefan sal nooit toelaat dat daar iets tussen hulle gebeur nie. En wie sê Dewald voel dieselfde oor haar? Dewald se jaloerse eks sorg ook vir heelwat drama. Hierdie hartstogtelike, romantiese reeks sal lesers vasgevang hou tot die laaste bladsy. Navrae: Die hasie wat aan die slaap wou raak Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin (Human & Rousseau) Hierdie topverkoperslaaptydstorie gebruik gesofistikeerde sielkundige tegnieke wat ontwerp is om kinders rustig en aan die slaap te maak. Die storie oor ‘n vaak hasie wat nie kan slaap nie en sy mamma wat hom na oom Gaap neem vir raad, bevat spesiaalgestruktureerde sinne en woordkeuses met instruksies vir ouers oor hoe om dit voor te lees en die aksies uit te voer. Navrae: agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 7


2016/03/02 04:26:33 PM

agri Standpunt

Agri SA takel droogte onverskrokke OMRI VAN ZYL, UITVOERENDE DIREKTEUR, AGRI SA


ns het die Droogteramp­ fonds van stapel gestuur en kon daarin slaag om nagenoeg R10 miljoen in te samel om ons pogings ‘n hupstoot te gee. Ons provinsiale kantore het uitstekend daarin geslaag om die behoeftes van boere-unies sowel as individuele boere te bestuur. Ons is ook trots op ons pogings om die donasies, en die aanwending daarvan, onder leiding van Christo van Rheede en sy span, te bestuur. Terwyl ek onlangs in ‘n vergadering gesit het, het ek trots gevoel om deel van so ‘n nasionale poging te wees om ons boere by te staan. Vertoë aan verskeie belanghebbendes: Ek het aan ‘n kollega gemeld dat baie min instellings dieselfde soort toegang tot ‘n magdom behanghebbendes as Agri SA geniet – tot by die groot ouens in Luthuli Huis – om strategiese vennootskappe te smee met mense soos Patrice Motsepe om maar een te noem. Ons was aan die voorpunt in SuidAfrika om die sektor, asook die res van die land, se ondersteuning vir ons saak te kry. Ons het selfs ‘n “manna vir die boere” -konsert gehou waar ek die platform met die crème de la crème van Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars gedeel het. Die resultaat is dat

Omri van Zyl

Waar die droogte in ses van ons nege provinsies as ramp verklaar is, het Agri SA se spanne op verskeie fronte saamgespan om ‘n duik in die droogte te maak. meer en meer mense simpatiek teenoor die landbousektor staan wanneer hulle die meriete van ons saak besef. Met behulp van die span is dit byna asof daar met ‘n beweging begin is waar verskillende rasse en kultuurgroepe weer Ons ervaar tans moeilike kant van die landbou eens die belangrikheid ontdek wat ek glo sal van sekere segmente tye, maar ons sal hierdie dien as riglyn vir die van ons nasie vir Suiddroogte oorleef asook al die toekoms. Ons kan nie Afrika se oorlewing uitdagings wat ons in die wag vir die toekoms besef. Waar ek dikwels gesig staar. om ons verby te steek in die teenwoordigheid nie, en niemand kan van ministers en ‘n #fooiemoet val in nywerheidsbase is, is die landbou bekostig nie. hierdie besef herhaaldelik bevestig. Ek is ook bekommerd oor hoe ons sektor Te midde van die verwarring en chaos oor tien jaar gaan lyk met my tydgenote in in Suid-Afrika wat wissel tussen studente hulle fleur. Betrokkenheid by die landbou wat bots oor taalkwessies, die Zuma-faktor, is krities en ek sien groter apatie in hierdie die verswakkende rand, en moontlike verband. Ons sal self moet dink aan ‘n nuwe rommelstatus word dit vir my toenemend modus operandi en befondsing en nuwe duidelik dat ons slegs sal oorleef as ons ondernemings wat die volhoubaarheid van saamwerk. Sommige mense mag voel ek georganiseerde landbou sal verseker. is ‘n idealis, en miskien is ek ‘n realistiese Ons ervaar tans moeilike tye, maar dromer ... ons sal hierdie droogte oorleef asook al My gevoel is dat verandering momentum die uitdagings wat ons in die gesig staar. kry – nuwe geslagte het nuwe verwagtinge, Ons het absoluut seker gemaak dat ons en ons moet vooruit dink. As ons leef en dié krisis gebruik as ‘n wekroep om voor te optree soos 20 jaar gelede gaan ons nie berei vir ons toekoms en die toekoms van die toekoms oorleef nie. ons kinders. Ek het ‘n baie slim, baie progressiewe

V E N N OT E I N L A N D E L I K E B E V E I L I G I N G | PA R T N E R S I N R U R A L S A F E T Y Use agricultural fleet code F14911 when purchasing a Nissan vehicle for Nissan SA to contribute to farm safety | Gebruik landbouvlootkode F14911 wanneer ‘n Nissan voertuig aangekoop word vir Nissan SA om ‘n bydrae te maak tot plaasveiligheid

agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 8

8 2016/03/02 04:26:36 PM

agri Viewpoint

Agri SA tackles drought head-on OMRI VAN ZYL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA

With the drought being declared a disaster in six of our nine provinces, our teams have rallied together on various fronts.


e have launched the Drought Relief Fund and to date have managed to accumulate almost R10 million to boost our efforts. Our provincial offices have done a sterling job in managing the needs of farmer unions and individual farmers alike. We are also proud of our efforts, led by Christo van der Rheede and the team, to manage the influx of donations and the application thereof. Sitting in a session the other day I felt really proud to be part of such a national effort to assist our farmers. Lobbying various stakeholders: I mentioned to a colleague that very few institutions have the access that Agri SA has to a myriad of stakeholders, including the big guys in Luthuli House, to forge strategic partnerships with the likes of Patrice Motsepe, to name but one. We have led the charge in South Africa to rally the sector and the rest of the country behind our cause. We even had a “Manna vir die Boere” concert where I shared the stage with the crème de la crème of South African artists. The bottom line is: more

years ago we will not survive the future. and more people are rallying around the I have found a very smart, very farming sector, as they realise the value of progressive side of agriculture, which our cause. I believe would guide us into the future. With the assistance of the team it is We cannot wait for the future to overtake almost as if a movement has begun where us, and no-one can afford a fees-must-fall different races and cultural denominations in agriculture. revisit the importance of certain segments Another concern I have is what our of our nation for the survival of South sector will look like 10 years from now Africa. I often sit in the presence of – with my contemporaries in their prime. ministers and captains of industry where this Involvement in realisation is constantly agriculture is critical reinforced. We are currently going and I see greater Amidst the confusion through a tough time – but apathy in this regard. and mayhem in South We would have to Africa, which varies we will survive this drought think of new ways between students clashing and all the challenges we’re of operating and around language issues, facing. funding ourselves, the Zuma factor, the new ventures that rand falling and possible will ensure the junk status, it becomes sustainability of organised agriculture. increasingly clear to me that we will only We are currently going through a tough survive by working together. Some people time – but we will survive this drought would say I’m an idealist and perhaps I’m a and all the challenges we’re facing. We realistic dreamer. absolutely have to ensure that we use this My sense is that change is gaining crisis as a galvanising force to prepare momentum – new generations have new ourselves for the future and the future of expectations, and we need to be forward our children. thinking. If we live and act as we did 20

Regering sien nog nie lig oor grondplafonne Die uitlatings oor grondplafonne en buitelandse eienaarskap wat president Zuma in sy staatsrede gemaak het, is niks nuuts nie, het Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA, in Upington gesê.


ie debat het reeds in 2011 begin met die publikasie van die Groenskrif op Grondhervorming, en Agri SA het van meet af aan

sterk standpunt teen die instel van sodanige beperkings ingeneem. Agri SA het oor ‘n vierjaartydperk deelgeneem aan werkgroepe waar daar intens oor die voorgestelde grondplafonne en beperkings op buitelandse eienaarskap gedebatteer is. Ons het sterk ekonomiese en praktiese argumente geopper waarom die voorstelle onaanvaarbaar is. Daar is ook verslae deur kundiges voorgelê. Sommige het ook die moontlike negatiewe gevolge van grondplafonne duidelik uitgespel. So ‘n stelsel is duur en moeilik om te administreer, redelik maklik om te omseil en daar is ook ernstige vraagtekens oor die grondwetlikheid van die voorstelle,” volgens Möller.

“Internasionale ervaring wys daarop dat die instel van grondplafonne onder meer lei tot die fragmentering van landboueenhede, ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op produksie het, neutraal of selfs negatiewe impakte op armoede-verligting het, ‘n negatiewe impak het op die verhuring van landbougrond en investering in grond teenwerk. Dit is die laaste ding wat ons nou nodig het wanneer ons land deur die ergste droogte in meer as ‘n honderd jaar geteister word,” het Möller gesê. Hy het bygevoeg dat Agri SA enige wetgewing met ‘n fyn kam sal deurgaan wanneer dit vrygestel word, aanhou sal insette maak, maar nie sal huiwer om die Konstitusionele Hof te nader sou die wetgewing blyk ongrondwetlik te wees nie.

agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 9


2016/03/02 04:26:36 PM

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Snippets Brokkies

Our women make their mark Agri SA now has two staff members who are making their mark in Busa committees. Thabi Nkosi, Agri SA’s senior economist, was elected vice-chairman of Busa’s Econopol committee, responsible for economic and trade matters. Elize van der Westhuizen, who manages Agri SA’s labour matters, is the vice-chairman of Socpol. This committee deals with socio welfare issues and transformation.

Thabi Nkosi

Elize van der Westhuizen

Monsanto a most admired company Monsanto has been named one of the world’s Most Admired Companies by FORTUNE® magazine. Monsanto was honoured as No1 in its industry sector on the 2016 list. “We are incredibly proud to receive this recognition from FORTUNE for the third year in a row,” said Hugh Grant, Monsanto chairman and CEO. “This recognition is a direct reflection of the outstanding talent at Monsanto as well as our employees’ passion for developing agricultural solutions to help our farmer customers have better harvests.” FORTUNE’s World’s Most Admired Companies list is based on company surveys and peer ratings from senior executives, directors and analysts. Ranking attributes range from innovativeness and quality of products to the retention of talented people and responsibility to the community and the environment.

Annemi now responsible for marketing Agri SA Annemi Rautenbach is Agri SA’s new marketing manager. She was born in Vanderbijlpark and she, her father Eric, her mother Petra and sister Laurika, enjoyed “life on the Vaal”, Annemi says. Her father was general manager of Iscor.
 Annemi matriculated at Hoërskool Garsfontein in Pretoria where she enjoyed taking part in sport. Athletics, tennis and netball (at provincial level) were particular favourites. She acquired a BCom (marketing) degree from the University of Pretoria and a BCom honours degree from Unisa, both with distinction. Her career involved various marketing related areas. These include retail, sport management and company brand development. She also chased sales targets for an international technology company. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and outdoor activities such as trail running and golf. Annemi believes in a strong work ethic and in the ability to positively engage with both team-members and clients.

Ry net nie verby Nuy CASSIE DU PLESSIS

‘n Lekker nuwe wyn-en-kos-kuipestop langs die R60 tussen Worcester en Robertson is Nuy Wynkelder se nuwe proelokaal, restaurant en deli. Verbygangers het verlede jaar lankal die bedrywigheid op ‘n heuweltjie by die kelder se afdraai gewaar en die plek was sommer van die oopmaakslag vroeg Desember ‘n treffer. Nuy, wat jare lank al bekend is vir voortreflike Muskadeldessertwyne, maak deesdae ook ‘n reeks tafelwyne wat besondere waarde vir geld bied, maar hul kelder is ongelukkig taamlik van die hoofweg af geleë – ‘n saak wat nou met groot welslae aangespreek is deur hierdie moderne lokaal met sy panoramiese uitsig oor die vallei. Nuy on the Hill het al meer as 10 000 mense bedien en die verkope het meer as verdubbel. Die beste verkopers is die Sauvignon Blanc, druiwesap en Colombar effe-soet en, aan restaurant-kant, die roosterkoek-burger, houtvuur-pizza (heuning en hoender) en bobotie-springrolls. Die ruim patio, omring deur oop grasperke, bied besoekers allerhande buitelug- en onderdakopsies om die wye verskeidenheid restaurantgeregte wat ook tapas en banting-geregte insluit, te geniet. Die nuwe wynportefeulje met herontwerpte etikette bestaan uit die reekse Inspiration, Mastery en Legacy, met die laasgenoemde wat as die nuwe vlagskipreeks ‘n wit- en rooi-versnit, MCC, oesjaar muskadel en ‘n potketelgedistelleerde brandewyn bied. Die wynpryse wissel tussen R36 per bottel vir Inspiration Sauvignon Blanc 2015 tot R150 vir die Legacy Celine MCC. En ‘n bottel van daardie mooi wit of rooi muskadel sal jou slegs R48 kos. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 10

10 2016/03/02 04:26:37 PM

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Nissan celebrates equestrian events Now in its seventh year, Nissan is again sponsoring the 2016 Nissan Easter Festival, a celebration of equestrian events, entertainment and fun for the whole family at Kyalami Equestrian Park from 19 to 28 March 2016. South Africa’s top show jumpers are preparing for what is set to be a fiercely competitive Nissan Easter Festival. The first weekend concentrates on dressage classes, while the rest of the show will mainly feature showjumping leading up to the main class, the 2016 Nissan SA Outdoor Grand Prix on Monday 28 March 2016. While South Africa’s top riders and horses are undoubtedly the main attraction, the festival offers much more for the whole family with its variety of food and market stalls and child-friendly activities, the Nissan test drive station and a selection of arena entertainment.

Kollig val op kaas Die gewilde Suid-Afrikaanse Kaasfees vier die fees se vyftiende bestaansjaar van 30 April tot 2 Mei 2016 in die Wes-Kaap. Die tema van die fees is vanjaar “kollig op kaas” en van die bekendste en gewildste kase tot die meer eksotiese, handgemaakte boetiekkase gaan ten toon gestel word. Feesgangers kan die kaaservaring komplementeer met uitsonderlike wyne, goeie musiek, gewilde sjefs en bekende persoonlikhede wat kaas in die kollig gaan plaas. Die fees vind plaas by Sandringham wat langs die N1 geleë is, afrit 39, tussen Kaapstad en Paarl. Kaartjies is by Computicket, Shoprite of Checkers beskikbaar.

SAPS strives for a smooth firearm licence application process

In order to ensure that the process of renewing firearm licences is as efficient as possible, the South African Police Service (SAPS) calls upon all those whose licences are due for renewal to start the process at least 90 working days before they expire. The purpose of renewing a firearm licence or permit is to determine if a person still complies with the provisions of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000) and the Firearms Control Regulations, 2004 in order to ensure effective control and responsible firearm and ammunition ownership. All applications for the renewal of a licence or permit to possess a firearm are subject to the provision that the applicant must be in possession of a valid and relevant competency certificate. Any persons who wishe to renew their licence to possess a firearm, to deal in firearms, to manufacture firearms or to conduct business as a gunsmith, must, at least 90 days before the expiry date of the licence, apply for the renewal of the applicable licence as well as a renewal of the relevant competency certificate.

Nuwe voorsitter vir Nasionale Jeugskou Breyton Milford, operasionele bestuurder van Agri-Expo, is tydens die Nasionale Jeugskou-vereniging se jongste algemene jaarvergadering as voorsitter aangewys. Hy neem oor by Izak van der Colff wat ná vyf jaar uitgetree het. Milford het sedert 2010 in die bestuur van die vereniging gedien. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 11


2016/03/02 04:26:39 PM

agri Brokkies/Snippets

VinPro Stigting vereer gegradueerdes Die VinPro Stigting het onlangs drie van sy beurshouers in keldertegnologie, wingerd- en wynkunde geluk gewens met die voltooiing van hul studies aan die einde van 2015. ‘n Informele byeenkoms in die Paarl het ‘n proe van die studente se eie wyne ingesluit. “Dit was ‘n trotse oomblik vir almal,” het Sharon February, voorsitter van die VinPro Stigting, gesê. ‘n Totaal van ses studente het beurse van die VinPro Stigting ontvang om verder in die wynbedryf te studeer. Banele Vakele en Khunjulwa Zililo het die B Agric Keldertegnologie-graad aan Elsenburg behaal en Louise Clausen het haar Nasionale Diploma in Landbou – Wingerd- en Wynkunde aan KSUT voltooi. Die drie ander studente wat tans besig is om die laaste deel van hul studies in BSc Wingerd- en Wynkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch aan te pak, is Micayla Fivaz, Maryke Botha en Johannes Opperman. Beursgeleenthede is tans beskikbaar aan waardige kandidate wat in Wingerd- en Wynkunde studeer. Kontak Unathi by tel no (021) 276 0455 of vir meer inligting.

VinPro Stigting-beurshouers tydens die gradeplegtigheidfunksie. Voor: Kunjulwa Zililo en Maryke Botha. Agter: Banele Vakele, Sharon February (voorsitter van die VinPro Stigting), Louise Clausen en Unathi Mantshongo (VinPro). Foto: Vinpro

KK Animal Nutrition is now Yara Animal Nutrition South Africa KK Animal Nutrition, a leading producer of quality inorganic feed phosphates, will in future operate under the Yara brand. The product portfolio will remain unchanged, with Yara Animal Nutrition South Africa continuing to deliver a full range of high purity inorganic feed phosphates (Kynofos 21, Kynofos 18, Kimtrafos 6 & 12, PhosSure 6 & 12, PhosPro 17, Kalori 3000, Feedgrade Sulphur and Feedgrade Urea) to customers across the animal production value chain. All products will in future be marketed under the Yara brand. According to Herman Potgieter, managing director of Yara Animal Nutrition South Africa, “our name is changing but we are not. We are still the same team of knowledgeable and passionate professionals focused on the success of farmers and feed producers. Becoming part of the Yara brand, with its iconic Viking ship logo, will be an undeniable boost for the business at home and abroad.” Yara Animal Nutrition’s operations in South Africa include a plant and sales office in Umbogintwini near Durban, as well as depots across the country. The integration is not only part of Yara’s growing animal nutrition business, but builds upon recent Yara crop nutrition investments in South Africa, such as the Western Cape acquisition from Farm Secure. The name change will not affect business relationships with customers and suppliers, the company says.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 12

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12 2016/03/02 04:26:41 PM

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Only smallholder farmers can embrace wild bees

to harvest more, says SA entomologist

Smallholder farmers that go the extra mile to attract more wild bees and other pollinating insects to their land could harvest up to 24% more fruit or crops as a result. They can harness nature’s free pollination service by planting flower strips, using pesticides more carefully and restoring natural areas around their farms. This is the advice from a five-year long global study on pollinators, which was reported on in the leading journal Science and includes data collected in Limpopo. It also notes that largescale commercial farming cannot reap the same benefits using only these methods, and will remain reliant on managed honey bee hives to ensure that enough food is produced. The paper is among others co-authored by ecological entomologist Dr Ruan Veldtman of the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Stellenbosch University. It stems from the Global Action on Pollination Services for Sustainable Agriculture Project (GPP), funded by the Global Environmental Facility and co-ordinated by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). “Pollinators are an all-important link in the cycle of food production,” says Dr Veldtman, who explains that most flowering plants (including many that are used for food) only produce seeds with the help of animal pollinators. “We need to treasure our wild bee populations as well as the managed honey bees that our beekeepers set out in orchards and fields to ensure that pollination takes place.” Pollinating insects are however on the decrease. This is because of the influence of habitat transformation, injudicious pesticide use and various diseases and parasites introduced with global trade. In addition forage available to manage and wild bees are continuously on the decline because landscapes are being transformed. The Science study found that increasing the numbers of wild insects that pollinate flowering crops on smallholdings has the most pronounced effect on production volumes when the land is smaller than two hectares. In such cases yield can be increased by up to 24%.

Boere kan heelwat bespaar met geenbewerking Vergeleke met ander bewerkingstelsels, het ‘n studie van agt jaar bevind dat boere tot R1 254/ha met ‘n geenbewerkingstelsel (no-till) kan bespaar. Die studie is deur Tino Erasmus, Monsanto se tegnologieontwikkelingsverteenwoordiger, Noordwes, onderneem. Vir dié werk het hy Monsanto se Voortreflike Ontwikkelings-toekenning ontvang. Dit is by Monsanto se hoofkantoor in die VSA deur Brett Begemann, president en hoof- operasionele beampte en Hobart Beeghly, wêreldwye tegnologie-ontwikkelingsbestuur van die maatskappy, aan hom oorhandig. “Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe kostedoeltreffend die verskillende bewerkingstelsels is. Dit kan boere help met besluitneming hoe om koste te bespaar, vog te bewaar, opbrengs te verhoog en grondbewaring toe te pas,” sê Erasmus. Drie verskillende bewerkingstelsels is met mekaar vergelyk – ploeg/skoffel (tradisionele stelsel), ploeg/spuit (minimum bewerking) en geenbewerking. Die trekker en implemente wat gebruik is, se koste is bepaal volgens die meganisasie-kostetabelle van VKB. Die dieselverbruik met geenbewerking het elke jaar gewissel tussen 18 liter en 22 liter/ha. Met ploegbewerking het dit gewissel tussen 75 liter en 85 liter/ha. Met die styging in dieselpryse styg die koste van ploegbewerking aansienlik. Geenbewerking het elke jaar die ander stelsels ook met opbrengste geklop. Die mieliebaster DKC80-40BR is vir die studie gebruik. Plaagbeheer het ingesluit Guardian S®, Roundup PowerMAX® en Harness® Extra EC. Ander voordele met geenbewerking, volgens die studie, sluit die volgende in: • Arbeidbesparing; • Grond- en vogbewaring. Verhoogde opbrengs; • Tydigheid – planttyd kan gekies word as gevolg van vog-opbouing; • Drastiese verlaging van trekker-ure; • Maklike onkruidbeheer (Roundup Ready-tegnologie). agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 04:26:42 PM

agri Nuus/News

Agriculture in limbo after the budget “It will be extremely shortsighted not to acknowledge the extreme economic pressures the country and also fiscal authorities currently have to grapple with,” Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA, said in response to the national budget delivered by the minister of finance Pravin Gordhan.


e heard the minister on the need for fiscal consolidation in relation to keeping the budget deficit in tact, the efforts having been taken to identify new sources of revenue and the numerous demands the fiscus are facing, but we did expect more and firmer commitments from the minister with respect to dealing with the impact of the current drought.” Möller said that the emphasis was clearly on small-scale farming projects, agri-parks and developing limited underdeveloped

agricultural potential, which organised agriculture will undoubtedly support, but there seems to be some level of ignorance as to what commercial agriculture require after the current drought to remain the basis for food security of the country. “I don’t think we need to stand accused of not being on top of the economic realities of the country. We have demonstrated this presence of mind when we approached government on drought relief measures in recent times. Our request for state guarantees aimed at a certain portion of debt that may arise out of the current

drought was clearly done with the cash flow position of government in mind.” Möller said that he took note of the minister’s reference to a plan to protect people against the effect of the drought, concessionary loans to be provided by the Land Bank aimed at the drought and further government support that might be considered in the Adjustment Appropriation later in the year. “Ironically the sector now requiring support is called upon to, through excise taxes and sugar levies, make a substantial contribution to the fiscus,” Möller said.

Agri SA waarsku teen potensiële ‘volmaakte storm’ Suid-Afrika is nie so ‘n slegte plek nie. Dit is Agri SA se gevolgtrekking nadat Suid-Afrika se belangrikste risiko’s deur die organisasie ontleed is.


ohannes Möller, president van Agri SA, glo egter dat “Suid-Afrika tans op ‘n kruitvat sit en verskeie risiko’s in die gesig staar”. Hy sonder die volgende uit: • Die landwye droogte is die ernstigste natuurramp in 30 jaar. Dit veroorsaak werkverliese, verdere ekonomiese verval en maatskaplike onstabiliteit. Armoede en voedselonsekerheid is die gevolg en dit raak alle Suid-Afrikaners. “Ons ekonomie en internasionale aansien is die swakste in 22 jaar. Ons ekonomiese groei en hoë inflasie, tesame met ‘n swak rand, skep ‘n uitdagende makroekonomiese omgewing. Die wêreld vertrou ons nie meer nie. • Geweldsmisdaad, veral op plase, bereik epidemiese afmetings. Möller het in verskeie vergaderings met die regering verwys na die feit dat die situasie by die dag ernstiger raak. “Die regering kan nie

net toekyk hoe landelike gemeenskappe, boere en plaaswerkers vasgevang word in hoë vlakke van geweld nie. Iets gaan meegee indien die huidige misdaadsituasie voortduur. • Die regering se verdelende verklarings polariseer gemeenskappe en dra nie daartoe by om Suid-Afrikaners te verenig nie. Ons word saamgebind deur ‘n Grondwet en die oppergesag van die reg en moet altyd gerespekteer word.

Uitlatings dat boere grond gesteel het, is feitelik nie korrek nie. Dit weerspieël ook nie die etos en letter van die Grondwet nie. Ons as landsburgers moet hierdie stellings verwerp en saam werk om alternatiewe oplossings daar te stel. “Dit is nie nou die tyd om paniekerig te raak en om strategiese foute te begaan nie. Ons moet nou as Suid-Afrikaners kalm bly en saam staan om die ekonomie te bou,” aldus Möller.

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AgCelence® is geregistreerde handelsmerke van BASF. Ceriax® Reg. Nr L9801 Wet Nr 36 van 1947. Aktiewe bestanddeel: Xemium® 41.6 g/ℓ. F500® 66.6 g/ℓ. Epoxiconazole 41.6 g/ℓ. Skadelik. Xemium® - Fluxapyroxad, F500® - Pyraclostrobin Ceriax®, Xemium®, AgCelence® en F500® is Geregistreerde Handelsmerke van BASF.

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 16

2016/03/02 04:26:43 PM

agri Nuus/News

Ruim skenkings oortref verwagtinge Die vele Suid-Afrikaners wat hulle harte vir boere in nood oopgemaak het, het sy stoutste verwagtinge oortref, sê Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA. En dit is nie net die vele maatskappye wat groot bedrae vir Agri SA se Droogteramphulpfonds geskenk het nie.


aar is ook die vele stadsjapies wat met vyfliterkanne onder die arm water by hulle plaaslike Spur gaan aflewer het. In elke uithoek van die land het berge water by vele afsendpunte regoor Suid-Afrika by plekke soos Spur verrys. “Dit gaan nie oor hoe groot die duik was wat hierdie beskeie bydraes gemaak het nie, maar oor die ruim harte,” sê Möller. “Dit gee ’n mens moed vir die toekoms. Ons Suid-Afrikaners is daarvoor berug dat ons onder mekaar kan baklei dat die hare waai, maar as daar ’n krisis is, staan ons saam en dan vlieg al die kleinlike geskille baie vinnig by die agterdeur uit.” Möller sê daar is plek-plek boere wat moed verloor, maar oor die algemeen sit hulle nie in sak en as nie. “Agri SA se enorme poging om praktiese hulp op plase te verskaf, sê eenvoudig: Iemand gee om. Ons voel vir julle.” En ’n reuse- logistiese poging is dit wel. Die geld in die Droogteramphulpfonds moet oordeelkundig en deursigtig bestuur word. Dit moet ’n verskil maak en donateurs wil (met reg) presies weet wat met hulle geld gebeur het en of dit ’n verskil gemaak het, sê Möller. Agri SA doen die verspreiding van hulp in samewerking met provinsiale unies en boereverenigings en daar word dodelik akkuraat rekord gehou van wat waar gebeur. Natuurlik is die fondse nie naastenby genoeg om ’n duik in die geweldige uitwerking van die droogte te maak nie. “Maar ons maak tog ’n verskil. Daar is voer vir diere en daar is kospakkies, want op sommige plase het mense regtig nie meer kos om te eet nie. Ons hulp het ’n groot sielkundige uitwerking om vir mense moed te gee,” sê hy. Volgens Möller word daar al lank gepraat oor “smart disaster aid”, met ander woorde praktiese hulp daar waar dit saak maak en hulp wat deur mense verleen word wat op voetskoolvlak weet waar dit nodig is. “Agri SA se huidige pogings is ‘smart disaster aid’ in aksie. As ons hierdie hulp met staatshulp sou kon kombineer, het ons goeie antwoorde vir die droogtes wat noodwendig weer in die toekoms gaan toeslaan.” Möller sê daar is bereken dat elke R1 miljoen rand wat die georganiseerde landbou aan droogtehulp bestee,

Möller sê daar is plek-plek boere wat moed verloor, maar oor die algemeen sit hulle nie in sak en as nie. “Agri SA se enorme poging om praktiese hulp op plase te verskaf, sê eenvoudig: Iemand gee om. Ons voel vir julle.”

gelykstaande is aan sowat R6 miljoen wat dit die staat sou kos. Maar die regering help tog. In provinsies soos die Noord-Kaap en die Wes-Kaap bring die regering sy kant, sê Möller. In sommige provinsies is die regering se hulp beperk tot ontwikkellende boere en sekere gemeenskappe. En hoekom nie ’n nasionale ramp nie?, wou Agri weet. “Ek dink die regering glo werklik dat daar nie droogte oor die hele land is nie, al sê die statistieke ook wat. Maar die regering is ook skrikkerig vir die verantwoordelikhede soos belastingkortings en die hulpverlening wat van hom verwag sal word indien die droogte wél as ’n nasionale ramp verklaar sou word. Die regering het ook nie geld hiervoor nie. Ons verstaan dit en daarom het ons in al ons voorleggings die beperkings van die fiskus in ag geneem.” Möller sê dat daar wel lig in die tonnel is. El Niño is besig om af te neem, hoewel dit weer kan opvlam. “Voorspellings oor hoe die weerpatrone vorentoe gaan lyk, is wisselvallig en teenstrydig. Maar ons moet vorentoe en beplan en ons werk daarom van die onderliggende aanname dat dit die volgende seisoen gaan reën, en selfs goed gedurende die daaropvolgende seisoen.” Maar daar is nog baie werk om te doen. “Ons moet saaiboere help om weer volgende jaar te plant. Dit is in belang van die hele Suider-Afrika-streek. Ons bedink tans ’n staatswaarborgskema.” Die heropbou van die veekudde is ook ’n duur en omvattende taak, sê Möller, “maar ons glo dat met behulp van die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye en laerentekoerslenings deur instellings soos die IDC, ons ook hierdie kool uit die vuur gehark sal kry. Daar is natuurlik ook vele ander landbouvertakkings wat langtermynhulp

nodig sal hê, soos die vrugteboere in die Wes-Kaap.” Möller sê as daar een ligpuntjie aan die randjie van die droogtewolk te bespeur is, is dit dat Jan-en-sy-maat besef dat boere ’n belangrike rol speel om vir kos op die tafel te sorg. “Boere wat in die verlede krities oor Agri SA was, besef ook nou ons het ’n stem. Ons kan iets doen en ’n verskil maak. Ons hulp gaan ook nie net vir lede van Agri SA nie, maar vir al Suid-Afrika se boere. Ons werk nou saam met organisasies soos Afasa, Nerpo en TLU SA, want hulle lede baat ook by die hulp.” ’n Ander saak wat vanjaar dringende aandag van Agri SA moet geniet, is uiteraard grondsake. Möller sê hy is opgewonde dat Agri SA se finansierings­model vir grondhervorming gefinaliseer is en eersdaags met die betrokke ministers bespreek sal word. “President Zuma was nogal positief oor hierdie inisiatief. Natuurlik sal grond ’n emosionele saak in die komende munisipale verkiesings wees, maar die regering besef ook dat hy nie die grond-kaart kan oorspeel nie. Hy kan ook aan die verloorkant wees.” Möller sonder ook plaasveiligheid uit as ’n belangrike saak op Agri SA se 2016-agenda. “Ons moet eenvoudig nouer met die SAPD saamwerk. Dikwels hoor jy ná ’n plaasaanval dat daar nie genoeg samewerking tussen die polisie en die gemeenskap was nie. Ons moet dit vinnig uitsorteer. Ons is opgewonde omdat die nuwe minister van polisie die regte geluide maak. Hy is immers ‘n ‘regte’ polisieman.” Is Johannes Möller positief oor die toekoms? “Natuurlik,” verseker hy. “Landbou het maar sy ‘ups and downs’. As dit net eers weer ’n bietjie reën, lyk die wêreld anders en kyk almal met nuwe oë na die lewe.”

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Toyota SA

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 18 10018539JB Raider A.indd 1



2016/03/02 04:26:44 PM 2016/02/17 10:43 AM

Droogtefonds: Winter lê voor en meer hulp is nodig Agri SA is dankbaar vir die finansiële bydraes vir die Rampdroogtefonds sover, maar die mikpunt is om ten minste R15 miljoen in te samel. Die fonds raak-raak tans aan die R10 miljoen rand. Die winter lê voor en daar gaan nie genoeg voer wees om Suid-Afrika se veeboere uit die moeilikheid te hou nie, sê Christo van der Rheede, adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA.


ie fondse word tans min of meer soos volg toegeken: 21% aan Noordwes, 21% aan die Vrystaat, 5% aan Limpopo, 4% aan Mpumalaga, 17% aan KwaZulu-Natal, 4% aan die Wes-Kaap,

2% aan Gauteng, 19% aan die Noord-Kaap en 7% aan die Oos-Kaap. Van der Rheede sê dat daar ‘n paar beginsels is waarvolgens droogtehulp toegedien word. Fondse in die Droogtehulpfonds moet vir onmiddellike hulp






agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Agri SA het groot waardering vir alle bydraes wat individue en instansies maak.

Christo van der Rheede

aan boere in die droogte-geteisterde gebied gaan. Dit sluit in: • Die aankoop van voer en voerpille; • Die vervoer van voer; • Die vervoer van water; • Die aankoop en die verspreiding van voerpakkies; • Die sink van boorgate; en • Die aankoop en die verspreiding van saad. Die heropbou van kuddes word as ‘n afsonderlike projek gehanteer. “Hulp van die privaatsektor én die staat sal hiervoor nodig wees,” sê Van der Rheede. Agri SA se personeel is vir die bestuur van die fondse verantwoordelik. Provinsiale unies en boereverenigings is verantwoordelik om die skade op grondvlak te bepaal en om vir die fondse aansoek te doen. “Mense wat geld skenk, wil weet waarheen hulle geld gaan en of dit ‘n verskil gemaak het. Ons moet dus deeglik rekord hou,” sê Van der Rheede. “Provinsiale organisasies en boereverenigings met asseblief al die nodige vorms voltooi.” Hy sê dat Agri SA tans besig is om aan >>> bladsy 21

Reliable Betroubaar



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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 19


2016/03/02 04:27:09 PM

agri Nuus/News




plastics half COLLAPSIBLE CRATE (PI-FC64)


Tel. +27 11 613 8587 or +27 11 613 7456 • Cell. +27 83 333 1224 (Gilda) Address. 427 Southern Klipriviersberg Road, Steeledale, Johannesburg E-mail. • Web. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page


AGRI Feb 2016.indd 20

2016/03/02 04:27:10 PM

<<< bladsy 19 verskeie fronte aan die droogte aandag te gee. Langtermynaksies behels: • Navorsing oor die El Nino verskynsel en impakstudies oor die droogte. • ‘n Taakspan is saamgestel om gebeurlikheidsplanne in samewerking met die regering op te stel. • Verskeie gesprekke word deurgaans met die regering en spesifiek die minister van landbou, bosbou en vissery gevoer. • Daar is volgehoue monitering en rapportering van landboutoestande in die verskeie provinsies en in die groter Suider-Afrika-gebied.

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Korttermynaksies behels: • Die inwerkingstelling van die Senwes- en Agri SA- Droogteramp­ hulp­fonds. • Die ontwikkeling van ‘n fondsbestuurs­plan om die toekenning van fondse volgens duidelike riglyne en voldoeningsmaatreëls te bestuur. • Die aktivering van ‘n operasionele plan op provinsiale en hoofkantoorvlak wat met die Droogteramphulpfonds verband hou. Dit sluit in bestuur van media, logistiek, finansiële bestuur, verslaggewing, fondswerwing, aanbiedinge van voer en ander vorme van humanitêre hulp ens. • Die mobilisering van die breë Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap om voer en ander vorme van humanitêre hulp te skenk en om geldelik tot die Droogteramphulpfonds by te dra. • Die dryf van vennootskappe in samewerking met verskeie instellings uit die privaatsektor soos Media24, die Sage Foundation, Bidvest Facility Management, Pick n Pay, Thuso Mills, die NG Kerk, First Rand Foundation, FNB Volunteers, verskeie vervoermaatskappye en talle individue om allerlei ander vorme van humanitêre hulp aan landbougemeenskappe in nood te verskaf.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 21


2016/03/02 04:27:11 PM

agri Nuus/News

is op AgTag!

AgTag is jou persoonlike skakel met relevante en wetenswaardige landbou-artikels, video’s en klankinsette van oraloor. ’n Uitgebreide verskeidenheid artikels oor

Blaai deur die opsommings en kies gedetail-

gewasse, lewendehawe, toerusting, water en

leerde artikels oor insette, tegnologie, navor-

grond, vrugte en groente, produkverwerking

sing en tegniese advies deur spesialiste.

en algemene onderwerpe word gedek en deurlopend op datum gehou.

Gebruik die soekfasiliteit vir vinnige toegang tot spesifieke onderwerpe, of boekmerk arti-

Selekteer die onderwerpe wat jou interesseer

kels vir later. Jy kan ook die artikels deel met

om op hoogte te bly van die jongste inligting.

vriende via e-pos of sms-skakels.

Laai AgTag vandag nog gratis af, en word deel van meer as 7 000 toep-gebruikers!

Beskikbaar vir: 22

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 22

2016/03/02 04:27:13 PM

agri Nuus/News

Southern African region may be facing famine The worst drought in 50 years will have a profound social and economic impact on the Southern African region. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people in the region are already in crisis mode, said Omri van Zyl, executive director of Agri SA, at a media briefing on the drought in March. “Agri SA and the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) have pledged to work together to find solutions for the drought from Africa for Africa,” he said.


ccording to Van Zyl, the region may soon be facing famine. “South Africa regarded as the food basket of the region, have now problems of its own, as tons of maize have to be imported. SADEC conducted research about the drought in the region, which highlighted the following: • Across large swathes of Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana and Madagascar, the current rainfall season has so far been the driest in the last 35 years. • Seasonal forecasts from a variety of sources are unanimous in predicting a continuation of below-average rainfall and above-average temperatures across most of the region for the remainder of the growing season. • With poor and erratic rainfall as a result of El Niño, the region is likely to experience significant reductions in crop production in 2016, a situation that will

worsen food security during the 2016/2017 consumption period. • Most countries in the region are likely to experience an extended lean season by at least a month due to the effects of late planting Omri van Zyl, executive director of Agri SA (left), and Ishmael Sunga, chief executive officer of the Southern African Confederation of experienced Agricultural Unions (SACAU), at the media briefing across the region. • The start of the green harvest, which • Millions of people will require normally provides alternative sources humanitarian assistance in 2016/2017 of food to most poor households, is and imports from outside the region expected to start around mid-March will be needed to meet these needs. It compared to the usual February. should be noted that this follows a poor The main harvest will probably start season in 2014/2015 in large parts of in April. the region.

The way forward

The drought situation in SACAU countries • Drought emergencies have been declared in several provinces in South Africa and Lesotho. • Water authorities in Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa and Namibia are advising residents to limit water usage because of low dam levels. • Low water levels at the Kariba dam are affecting power generation for Zimbabwe and Zambia, and the subsequent disruptions to electrical power have affected industry in Zambia, and therefore household incomes. • The poor start of season has also exacerbated lean season food insecurity, in part through a reduction in agricultural labour opportunities. • Current food insecurity is already worse than usual in Southern Africa and will likely deteriorate further over the coming two to three months. While April/May harvests will improve food access in the short term, food security is likely to begin deteriorating by July, reaching its peak between December 2016 and March 2017. • In addition to reduced staple and cash crop production at the household level; the major driver of acute food insecurity over the coming year is likely to be further increases in staple food prices. • Food prices are already above average in many areas, and regional maize supplies are below average. Therefore, even with increased imports to the region, significantly reduced production in 2016 would put additional upward pressure on retail grain prices. • The current drought is also expected to delay 2016 harvests, extending the current lean season.

Ishmael Sunga, chief executive officer of the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), said at the media briefing that immediate attention must be given to restore hope and confidence in farmers in the SACAU region to continue farming.


t cannot be business as usual for everyone. The faming sector must be regarded differently in future, not only by governments and the private sector, but also by farmers themselves and by developing communities at large. We must work towards a regional approach that focuses on long-term strategic frameworks for the next 30 to 50 years. This should include comprehensive development of infrastructure.” Sunga said that SACAU undertakes to do an assessment of strategic production needs. He also said that he believed that it is time for a regional stakeholder conference.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 23


2016/03/02 04:27:13 PM

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 24

2016/03/02 04:27:15 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Suid-Afrika maak hart oop

Boere het skenkings van regoor Suid-Afrika ontvang om die invloed van die droogte te verlig. Agri SA het bedankingsbriewe van oral ontvang en daar was honderde boodskappe van dank op die sosiale media. Die bygaande is enkeles. Bejaardes gee geld Hiermee die bewys van betaling wat 14 bejaarde dames van Lions Haven vanuit hul beperkte pensioen bymekaargemaak het as hul beskeie bydrae tot die effek van die knellende droogte. Die gedagte het ontstaan by tannie Eileen en is goed deur die ander dames ondersteun.

Agri Wes-Kaap kan nie genoeg dankie sê vir al ons produsente wat die afgelope maande veevoer aan ons Droogtehulpfonds geskenk het nie. Hierdie skenking deur Tobie van Rooyen uit die EGVV-streek is deur Round Table op Saldanha na ons produsente in die Kliprandomgewing vervoer, waar weiding weke gelede reeds opgedroog het. Ons het groot waardering vir Round Table se hulp.

Agri EC on thanking the public Following the devastating impact of the drought and the continuing veld fires, Agri Eastern Cape spokesperson Christo Venter expresses the organisation’s gratitude to those who have assisted. Agri Wes-Kaap Uitkoms vir produsente op Hopefield met voer wat deur boere op Malmesbury geskenk is. Dankie aan almal wat hierby betrokke was!

Amper twee ton voer op pad na Wes-Kaap-produsente by Kliprand. Dankie Michiel Smuts vir skenking, SAB vir vervoer!

Nóg voer op pad na Hopefield-produsente, dié keer geskenk én vervoer deur produsente op Gansbaai. Dankie vir almal wat betrokke is, ons Weskusboere het groot waardering. Voerskenkings kom aan op Vredenburg! Dankie Man SA, Imperial Cargo Paarl, Steenkamps, Weskusboere is dankbaar!

Dankbaar: inwoners van Huis Vergenoegd Paarl dra R11 000 tot AWK-droogtefonds.

Die Wes-Kaap kon dié week nóg voer na produsente in die Vrystaat stuur, dié keer na Reddersburg en Warden. Die voer is geskenk deur Valerie en Theuns Steenkamp op Stanford en is vervoer deur Cobus van Rhyn van CVR Hauliers, Steph Hugo van HH Truck And Tractor, Trevor Wilson van Wilson Transport en Dicky Webb van La Grange Vervoer, in samewerking met Regent Insurance. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 25


2016/03/02 04:27:17 PM

agri Nuus/News





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Vir jou 15FX Planter, gesels met jou naaste John Deere Handelaar of John Deere Financial bemarker .

John Deere Financial word ondersteun deur ABSA, ‘n lid van Barclays, ’n gemagtigde Bepalings geld. agri FEBen ‘16voorwaardes • MAART/MARCH ‘16

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 26



2016/03/02 04:38:22 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid Vrystaat Landbou Baie dankie aan AD Roux en Seuns Boerdery van Villiersdorp, Freshgold SA en Imperial Logistics vir die twee vragte voer wat Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016, op Steynsrus vir die plaaslike landbouers afgelewer is. As deel van Pick n Pay se hulp aan die Droogtehulpfonds van Agri SA en affiliasies sal 10 000 liter water ook vir die gemeenskap afgelewer word. Die supermarkgroep Weber Grills, Vrystaat Landbou asook die Toks ‘n Tjops-span sal môre saam met die gemeenskap kuier. Baie dankie!

Voer wat verlede week by Winburg vir landbouers afgelaai is. Erika Kotze, baie dankie vir die foto. Ons is bly ons kon julle op ‘n manier bystaan. En dankie aan almal wat ons landbouers met oop harte ondersteun!

Soos julle weet is Laeveld Agrochem ‘n vennoot wat deur elke uitdaging en triomf by jou staan, en die droogte is geen uitsondering nie. Die droogtevoerkorrels in die foto is aan die Caring Daisiesprojek geskenk en is reeds op pad na die Vrystaat Landbou-span om daar te versprei.

‘n Reuse-dankie aan die groothartige landbouers van Piet Retief wat nog ‘n vrag voer aan Vrystaatse landbouers by Dewetsdorp geskenk het. En dankie aan almal wat tot die Droogtehulpfonds bydra en ons in staat stel om ‘n vorm van hulp aan ons landbouers te kan gee. (Foto regs bo). A big thank you from the farmers from Trompsburg and their farmers’ association chairperson, @Herman Archer for the feed delivered there. (Foto tweede van bo in die volgende kolom.)

Landbouers van die Tweeling Boerevereniging bedank almal betrokke vir die voer wat hulle die week ontvang het! Baie dankie aan almal wat Vrystaat Landbou en Agri SA in staat stel om ons landbouers by te staan.

Baie, baie dankie aan Voermol vir die voer wat julle aan die landbouers van Bultfontein geskenk het. Dankie vir almal se oop harte vir diegene wat swaarkry. Op die foto (van links) Andries du Plessis (Vrystaat Landbou), Kobus Steenkamp (Bultfonteindistrikslandbou-unie), Jan Coetzee (Voermol). (Foto bo-aan volgende bladsy.) Die hulp van H2OForHoovesAndHeels duur voort in die Vrystaat met Herman Kroon en Fione Hampson-Searle wat 27 000 liter water van Roodepoort aan Winburg geskenk het, terwyl Ilse Carlisle en Kenda Artz Wood oor die naweek drie agtton-vragmotors gereël het wat 8 000 liter water en 30 bale voer van KwaZulu-Natal na die gemeenskappe van Winburg en Brandfort vervoer het. Baie, baie dankie! agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 27


2016/03/02 04:38:23 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional


Werp meer lig op jou kragrekening Daar word beraam dat beligting tussen 35 en 45% uitmaak van landbou-industriële geboue soos pakhuise, skure en kweekhuise se maandelikse energieverbruik. Die optimalisering van jou beligtingstelsels is een van die eerste stappe wat jy kan neem om die energie-doeltreffendheid van jou geboue te verbeter. Indien die beligting slim ontwerp word, kan energieverbruik vir beligting in die meeste geboue met ten minste die helfte verminder word en beligtingsgehalte kan terselfdertyd selfs verbeter word. Gesels gerus met een van ons Energie-Adviseurs en laat ons jou help om die doeltreffendste energieplan vir jou boerdery of landboubesigheid saam te stel.

Skakel ons Eskom Kontaksentrum op 08600 37566 en vra dat ’n Energie-Adviseur jou skakel. Vir meer inligting, besoek

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Reg Nr 2002/015527/30

agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 28

28 2016/03/02 04:38:23 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid Landbouers en die gemeenskap van Steynsrus is baie dankbaar vir die twee vragte voer asook 10 000 liter water wat vandag daar afgelewer word. Dankie aan al die borge van die otntwaterprojek.

Baie, baie dankie vir die 640 sakke voer en lekblokke wat aan landbouers in die Suid-Vrystaat geskenk is, Voermol! Herman Archer, voorsitter van Trompsburg Landbou, Vernon Viljoen van @OVK Trompsburg en hul werkers laai die sakke af vir die landbouers van streek 19.

Agri Noordwes Lekker om hierdie foto’s te plaas vandag. Gister (13 Februarue) is die eerste bale gelaai vanaf die Koedoeskop-projek waarmee ons nou besig is. Dit is nog ‘n baie mooi voorbeeld van wat gedoen kan word as ons saamstaan. Baie dankie aan die Koedoeskop-boere onder leiding van Andries Pretorius wat die voer geskenk het en Willie de Klerk waar ons tans baal. Baie dankie aan NWK Beperk en julle verskaffers, Total SA en al die ander borge wat toerusting vir die sny, hark, baal en oplaai verskaf. Hendrik van Wyk Vervoer help weer, soos in 2013/2014, met die vervoer terwyl ZZ2 Boerdery ook ‘n trok beskikbaar gaan stel. Baie dankie ook aan oom Pieter Wiid wat alles daar koördineer. Hierdie inisiatief kan beslis baie help om goeie kwaliteit ruvoer vinniger te kry op plekke waar dit so nodig is. Louis Lange. Ons het soveel om voor dankbaar te wees. Ruvoer geskenk deur Koedoeskop se boere, gebaal deur borge, gratis afgelaai deur Henk van Wyk kom 500 km verder wes aan terwyl die bakkies staan en wag om die beeste te gaan voer. Soli Deo Gloria. Louis Lange, Anria van Heerden.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 29


2016/03/02 04:38:24 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

KK Animal Nutrition is now Yara Animal Nutrition South Africa

Trusted Partner

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 30

Founded in Norway in 1905, Yara has a worldwide presence with sales to 150 countries. Yara delivers solutions for sustainable agriculture and the environment. Animal Nutrition production sites are located in Helsingborg (Sweden), Kokkola (Finland), Durban (South Africa), Le Havre (France), and Brunsbüttel (Germany). We are your preferred partner for quality phosphates and that is not about to change. We are still the same … just better. Tel: +27 31 910 5100 Web: E-mail:

30 2016/03/02 04:38:25 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid Die sestiende vrag vanuit Piet Retief se omgewing kom op 6 Februarie in Noordwes aan. Baie dankie aan Gerty, Tommy, Heino, Vlakhaas, Hannes, Robert Davel en al die ander wat so hard werk by die Droogtehulp-groep om ons te help. Agri Piet Retief se hulp in hierdie moeilike tye is van onskatbare waarde. Steeds skenk die boere van Piet Retief voer aan die Noordwesboere (10 Februarie). BAIE DANKIE ook aan Gerty Venter vir al die reëlings. Robert Davel, baie dankie vir jou aandeel. Dra asseblief ons dank en waardering oor aan al die skenkers.

Twee vragte voer van Johan Lombaard van Middelburg word afgelaai. Baie dankie Johan vir die voer en Koos Davel vir die hulp. Ons is baie dankbaar!

Baie dankie aan Jannie Neuhoff vir nog ‘n vol vrag voer. Dankbare hande laai af en verdeel dadelik die voer. Ons waardeer al die hulp.

Nog ‘n spesiale oomblik vandag. Caring Daisies se bestelling van droogtepille word opgelaai vir die Vrystaat (10 Februarie). Dankie Laeveld Agrochem vir die skenking en baie dankie Anria van Heerden dat ons julle hiermee kon help. Baie dankie ook vir al die ander inisiatief en opofferings waarmee julle besig is om ons boere te help oorleef. Nog ‘n baie spesiale geskenk van Jannie Neuhoff van Bethal af. Baie dankie Martie vir al jou reëlings en dankie aan Franco Joubert van Velox Logistics vir die vervoer. Ons waardeer julle volgehoue omgee en hulp aan die boere van Noordwes baie. 30 Januarie 2016 het ons nog meer om voor dankbaar te wees. Twee vragte geskenk deur Hannes Human van Bethal en die vervoer gratis gedoen deur Tau Meule (oom Boetie Viljoen). Ons waardeer dit baie.

26 Januarie: So ver as Bray word voer afgelaai. Baie dankie Jannie Neuhoff en sy seun Francois Neuhoff wat BAIE voer geskenk het. Dankie aan Robert Davel van Agri Mpumalanga en Agri SA vir hul volgehoue hulp.

Tommie Ferreira van Piet Retief se vrag kom in Tosca aan. Baie dankie. Nog ‘n paar boere voel beter vanaand!

21 Januarie: Nog ‘n vrag voer vir die Noordwes-Provinsie. Baie dankie Heino Heistermann van Piet Retief. Julle ondersteuning word baie waardeer. Baie dankie ook aan Agri SA, Christo van der Rheede en die personeel vir julle h agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 31


2016/03/02 04:38:27 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Verminder u Risiko, Plant LinkSeed Kultivars LS 6240 R* LS 6146 R* LS 6248 R* LS 6261 R* LS 6161 R* LS 6164 R* LS 6150 R* LS 6466 R* Kwaliteit en Diens

Hoofkantoor +27 (0)33 417 1494 / 6 E-Pos *YieldGard ® en Roundup Ready ® is geregistreerde handelsmerke en gelisensieer deur Monsanto Tegnologie LLC

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 32

32 2016/03/02 04:38:28 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Só werk dit as jy om hulp aansoek wil doen Agri SA bestuur ‘n droogtehulprampfonds waarin donasies gemaak kan word om hulp aan boere te verleen. Donasies uit die rampfonds word aan Agri SA se provinsiale organisasies beskikbaar gestel om boerderyen plaaswerkergemeenskappe in nood by te staan. Provinsiale organisasies moet donasies as afsonderlike projekte hanteer en moet verslag doen oor hoe die fondse bestee is.


oereverenigings moet die onderstaande riglyne volg wanneer hulle vir donasies van hulle provinsiale organisasies aansoek doen.

Aansoekprosedure Om provinsiale organisasies in staat te stel om ‘n behoorlike beoordeling van elke versoek te doen, moet die volgende besonderhede aan die provinsiale organisasies voorsien word: • ‘n Deeglike beskrywing van die gebied wat deur die droogte geraak word. • ‘n Kort omskrywing van die omvang van die droogte in die boerevereniging se gebied en ‘n bevestiging dat die distrik as ‘n rampgebied verklaar is. • Het die gebied enige ander hulpverlening ontvang? • Hoeveel boere woon in die gebied en hoeveel is aktiewe lede van die boerevereniging? • Hoeveel plaaswerkers en afhanklikes bly in die gebied en wat is die behoefte wat buite hulle vermoë is om te hanteer? • ‘n Beskrywing van die aard en die omvang van die hulp wat verlang word. • Die kwantifisering (koste) van die hulp wat verlang word. Traumaberading Lede van boereverenigings en hulle gesinne mag behoefte aan berading hê. Ons kan help, maar dit werk só: • ‘n Boerevereniging doen aansoek by die provinsiale organisasie vir berading. • Die aansoek moet vergesel wees van ‘n volledige motivering vir die noodsaak van so ‘n sessie. • ‘n Provinsiale organisasie oorweeg die versoek en ná goedkeuring kan ‘n berader aangestel word. Die provinsiale organisasie kan ook ‘n berader van eie keuse, wat in die omgewing beskikbaar is, vir dié doel oorweeg. • ‘n Datum en plek word in oorleg met die berader gereël. • Na afloop van die beradingsessie moet die berader ‘n kort verslag voorsien met ‘n aanduiding van die aantal persone teenwoordig en terugvoer oor die afloop van die sessie verskaf. Saam met die verslag moet die koste verskaf word oor die bedrag waarop daar ooreengekom

is vir die berading. • Betaling geskied as ‘n donasie direk aan die betrokke berader. Die volgende prosedure moet gevolg word met die goedkeuring en afhandeling van ‘n aansoek: • Nadat ‘n versoek saamgestel is, met inagneming van bogenoemde aspekte, moet die plaaslike boerevereniging se voorsitter daarop afteken. • Hierna moet die versoek aan die provinsiale organisasie gestuur word vir goedkeuring. • Sodra fondse vir hulp deur die provinsiale organisasie goedgekeur is, sal die betrokke boerevereniging skriftelik ingelig word. • Fondse word aan die boerevereniging oorbetaal wat ná afhandeling van die projek skriftelik aan die provinsiale organisasie moet bevestig dat die donasie aangewend is vir die doel waarvoor dit aangevra is. • Die aanvra en uitreik van fakture moet vermy word, aangesien dit kan lei tot belastingpligtigheid. BTW is dan ook ter sprake. Indien alle fondse as ‘n donasie hanteer word en as sodanig verklaar word, skakel dit enige belastingverpligting uit.

Verslagdoening aan Agri SA Dit word van provinsiale organisasies vereis om die volgende inligting op ‘n weeklikse basis aan Agri SA te voorsien. E-pos Christo van der Rheede by • ‘n Staat met die bedrag per boerevereniging goedgekeur asook waarvoor dit aangewend is. • Die volgende inligting word verlang: - Hoeveelheid voer (aantal bale of tonne maat) voorsien per boerevereniging. - Aantal km afgelê om voer te vervoer.

- Hoeveelheid water voorsien. - Tipe watertoerusting soos tenks beskikbaar gestel. - Aantal plaaswerkergemeenskappe (gesinne) wat ondersteun is en die tipe hulp wat aan hulle verskaf is. - Ander relevante inligting. • Foto’s wat met die hulp verband hou, is met ‘n toepaslike byskrif sal deur Agri SA op sy sosiale netwerke en in Agri gebruik word. Indien so ‘n foto aangestuur word, word aanvaar dat Agri SA goedkeuring het om dit te publiseer. • Indien briewe van dank van gemeenskappe ontvang word, kan afskrifte daarvan ook voorsien word. • ‘n Geouditeerde verslag moet aan die einde van die finansiële jaar oor die aanwending van die fondse vir gebruik deur Agri SA vir ouditdoeleindes verskaf word. PROVINSIALE ORGANISASIES SE KONTAKNOMMERS Affiliasie Vrystaat Landbou Kwanalu Agri Wes-Kaap Agri Oos-Kaap Agri Gauteng Agri Noordwes Mpumalanga Landbou Agri Limpopo Agri Noord-Kaap

Telefoon- nommer 051-444 4609 033-342 9393 021-860 3800 041-363 1890 012-643 3400 018-632 2987 017-819 1295 014-763 1888 053-832 9595

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 33


2016/03/02 04:38:29 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Agri SA vra vir bystand met die droogte Skaarste aan voer en stygende lusernpryse is besig om die krisis in droogtegeteisterde gebiede verder te vererger. Agri SA doen daarom ‘n dringende beroep op besighede, boere, en die publiek wat bereid is om finansieel by te dra, en wat ruvoer, mieliereste en ander vorme van voer kan skenk, om Agri SA te kontak.


erduisende stuks vee in besit van kommersiële en bestaansboere het reeds gevrek as gevolg van die akute behoefte aan voer en dit hou ‘n ernstige bedreiging in vir voedselpryse en kosvoorsiening in die land. “Ons het onlangs redelike goeie reën gekry, maar onthou – dit reën nie gras nie, en dis belangrik om te verstaan dat die probleem nog nie opgelos is nie,” sê Christo van der Rheede, adjunk-direkteur

van Agri SA. Daar is ook ‘n dringende behoefte aan maatskappye om trekkers en baalmasjiene beskikbaar te stel om ruvoer, spesifiek in Gauteng, beskikbaar te stel en om ruvoer in ander provinsies te baal waar dit beskikbaar is. “Agri SA is baie dankbaar vir die welwillendheid van almal wat die afgelope tyd voer geskenk het en wat ook vervoer­ hulp verskaf. Tonne voer, hoendermis en

ander hulp is die afgelope tyd aan landbou­ gemeenskappe in nood voorsien en ons loof ons provinsiale strukture wat dag en nag behulpsaam is met die skuif en verdeling van voer en ander humanitêre hulp.” Kontak Agri SA by tel no (012) 643 3400 en stuur e-pos aan Besoek ook die Droogtehulprampfonds se webblad by vir wyses om bydraes tot die fonds te maak.


The current drought disaster in South Africa is a sharp reminder of how inhospitable our country is to permanent human settlement. Prior to the nineteenth century, permanent human settlement and agriculture were confined to the well-watered eastern and southern coastline and adjacent interior; this area spanned the coastal region south of the Olifants River in the Western Cape, and extended to the area south of the Swartberg mountains, and thence to the east of the Winterberg, Amathole and southern Drakensberg mountains, and northwards to the Highveld plateau and the region to the east of this.


he remaining two thirds of the country were occupied only by nomadic groups of pastoralists and hunters. These people moved from place to place, as the surface water allowed, as did all the game species as well. In this vast arid interior only the Gariep (Orange), Vaal and Kuruman Rivers allowed permanent human habitation and agriculture to take place. These facts were stated in accounts by numerous eye-witnesses written by early naturalists and explorers, including Le Vaillant (1785), Lichtenstein (1806), Burchell (1815), Thompson (1827) and GordonCumming (1850). All evidence points to the fact that these regions of South Africa were largely deserted at this time, and probably never carried a total human population in excess of 250 000 individuals. This was the position even much later in 1911, when the national census recorded a total population of 6 million for the whole country. During the nineteenth century, technology was imported from Europe, which enabled the drilling and extraction of underground water. This, together with the knowledge of how to build proper storage dams, enabled white farmers to establish permanent settlements in the arid regions of the interior. This was done on land that was inhabited agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 34

at this time only by small isolated groups of nomads, who continually migrated from place to place, depending on the availability of grazing, hunting and water. It is conceptually difficult to comprehend how such land, which was for centuries occupied only in a temporary and sporadic manner, could ever have been “stolen” by anyone, as has been alleged by some contemporary politicians. Instead, usage was merely altered from temporary to permanent habitation, an evolutionary process that has taken place throughout the world, and which is regarded as a hallmark of modern civilisation. It should also not be forgotten that by the late 19th century most of this arid region fell under the jurisdiction of the Cape government, which had no racial bar to ownership of ground. It was open to all to establish title, conditional only upon payment to the Cape government of quitrent and other dues.

There is, therefore, little doubt that, under drought conditions similar to those being experienced at present, nearly the whole of the interior of South Africa would simply have been abandoned in the centuries prior to the arrival of European settlers. Technology changed this during the nineteenth century, when present patterns of occupation became established. Today, this has resulted in these arid regions producing a sizable proportion of our annual agricultural output, as well as providing permanent homes for millions of people. The current drought is not going to change this, notwithstanding the stress it has placed upon the entire system. We should also be aware of the dangers of judging historical events from modern perspectives; this gives rise to myth-making and other distortions. In order to understand history, it is necessary to assemble all the facts, and to place these within their proper context. How many politicians would ever get this right?

34 2016/03/02 04:38:29 PM

agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Manna vir die boere Duisende mense het op Saterdag 24 Februarie die amfiteater van die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria volgepak vir die “Manna vir die boere”-konsert waar vele bekende sangers gratis opgetree het om geld vir boere in nood in te samel. Die foto’s is deur Thea Liebenberg, Anneke Roux en Annemi Rautenbach geneem.

Omri van Zyl aan die woord

Jannie Moolman en Corlea Botha

Hugo Struwig en Annemi Rautenbach

Eugene, Amoné en Renské Roux geniet hul gate uit by die konsert

Daan en Aloni van der Merwe van Agri Noordwes

Jak de Priester, Juanita du Plessis, Steve Hofmeyer en Adam Tas

Theunise, Ilana, Etienne en Kobus Visser

Omri van Zyl (regs) in ‘n gesellige luim

Kurt Darren

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 35


2016/03/02 04:38:31 PM

agri Nuus/News

Food security, transformation and prosperity in spotlight at commodities conference JOHAN PIENAAR, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA

The Commodity Chamber of Agri SA hosted a conference with the theme: agricultural commodities – for food security, transformation and prosperity on 25 and 26 February.


his followed a previous discussion with the deputy minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries General Bheki Cele last year during which two commodity organisations, the National Wool Growers Association and Grain SA, were granted the opportunity to discuss certain key issues such as transformation and developmental potential in the respective organisations. The deputy minister indicated at the time that he wanted similar discussions with all commodity organisations. The conference held recently can be regarded as a preparatory phase in this process as the deputy minister indicated that a further imbizo is to be held to delve deeper into the issues confronting the sector and to deal with policy imperatives such as transformation and the role assigned to the sector in the National Development Plan. In his opening address at the conference General Cele also specifically referred to “his” mandate being one of food security, increasing the contribution of the sector to the economy and how to improve the distribution of food nationally and internationally. Prof Nick Vink, guest speaker at the conference, indicated that the conference was essentially a strategic planning session and he referred to elements in the economic,

social, natural, technical and political environment the sector is confronted with. He made specific mention of the new technology dispensation in relation to plant breeding, information and production techniques that will have to be adopted to remain competitive. He also referred to drought cycles in the past, which could be repeated after the current drought the country is facing, necessitating related planning even at this early stage. The conference paid in depth attention to the vulnerability of the sector in relation to natural disasters. The application of the provisions of the Disaster Management Act was discussed and it became clear that application thereof, especially with regard to response time, leaves a lot to be desired. It was also shared with the conference that South Africa is basically the only western country where multipara crop insurance attracts no government support. There was general agreement that developing a proper insurance scheme will obviate the need to deal with disaster related issues on an ad hoc basis, which is preferable. The conference discussed energy matters in respect of the agricultural sector and the negative terms of trade between electricity and agricultural commodities was specifically alluded to, i.e. electricity tariff increases outstripping commodity prices by

far. If and how the agricultural sector should participate in the provision of green energy, what is required in terms of political will and participation by the government, grid tied options for the sector, electricity banking options for the sector and in general more affordable energy for the sector were discussed. In depth attention was paid to animal health and food safety matters and the general view was that these matters should also be dealt with in a disaster management context, especially with respect to cross border transferable animal diseases. Maintaining international competitiveness was also discussed within the context of securing agricultural profits and growth. This also hinges on agricultural policies such as the agricultural policy action plan and the National Development Plan and will also be dealt with in this context. Santam Agri, despite being one of the sponsors of the event, also donated R2 million to Agri SA’s drought relief fund. Participants to the conference expressed their sincere gratitude in this regard.

Thank you to our sponsors N SO





Thank you Santam Agriculture Gerhard Diedericks (head: Santam Agriculture), deputy minister Bheki Cele (deputy minister agriculture, forestry and fisheries), Phenias Gumede (Agri SA deputy president), and Johannes Möller (Agri SA president) with a cheque to the value of R2 million in aid of Agri SA’s Drought Relief Fund assisting farmers, farm workers and farming communities in South Africa affected by drought. The donation is from Santam Argriculture.

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36 2016/03/02 04:38:35 PM

agri Nuus/News


Speakers at the conference: Top row from left: Walter Visser (SASA), Bishop Patrice Mahlangu (Nerpo), Louw Steytler (Grain SA), Charl Senekal (opening speaker), Johannes Möller (president, Agri SA) Second row: Dr Pieter Vervoort (Animal Health Forum), Kevin Lovell (SAPA), Dr André Jooste (ASA), Prof Johan van Rooyen (University of Stellenbosch), Harry Prinsloo (chair of Agri SA’s Commodity Chamber) and SK Makinana (NWGA) (right)

Willem van Jaarsveld (Agri Limpopo) and Annette Steyn (DA shadow minister of agriculture)

Thandeka Bepete and Hanlie Kroese (Santam Agriculture) and T George.

Below: Harry Prinsloo (chair, Agri SA’s Commodity Chamber), Izak van der Merwe, Nicol Jansen (Agri SA advisor Energy) and Johannes Möller (Agri SA president)

Pieter Prinsloo (RPO), Andries Wiese (Mutual & Federal Agri) and Daneel Rossouw (Nedbank)

Johannes Möller (Agri SA president), Phenias Gumede (Agri SA deputy president), Genl Bheki Cele (deputy minister agriculture, forestry and fisheries) and Aggrey Mahanjana (Afasa)

Right: Genl. Bheki Cele (deputy minister agriculture, forestry and fisheries) enjoying lunch with farmers

The panel on energy matters: Nicol Jansen (Agri SA advisor, energy), Wolfgang Böhmer (Eskom), André Senekal, Gregor Kuepper (Solarworld) and Chris Schutte (Sonfin)

The panel on Animal health, SPS and food safety: Pieter Prinsloo (RPO), Kobus Hartman (Viking), Peter Oberem (WRSA) and Kevin Lovell (SAPA) agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 37


2016/03/02 04:38:36 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Ons tegnologie uppe marketing A13598/AFR

Roundup Ready Corn 2

YieldGard II

tot jou voordeel!

Insek- en onkruidbeheer is twee kritiese aspekte van mielieproduksie. Dit is hier waar Monsanto se tegnologie kan help om jou mielies te beskerm en om die lewe vir jou as bedrywige boer so bietjie makliker te maak.

Kombineer die voordele en plant ’n stapelgeenbaster. Ons tegnologie maak ’n verskil!

YieldGard II

Genuity® YieldGard® II

Genuity® Roundup Ready® Corn 2

Genuity® YieldGard® II bied uitstekende beheer teen Busseola fusca (Afrika-mieliestronkboorder) en Chilo partellus (die sorghum-stronkboorder of gevlekte mieliestronkboorder). Genuity® YieldGard® II produseer twee Bt-proteïene wat stronkboorder-beheer baie doeltreffend maak.

Roundup Ready®-tegnologie en -sisteme bied: • Toegang tot bewaringsbewerkingspraktyke. • Breëspektrum onkruidbeheer. • Bewese gewasveiligheid. • Toedieningsbuigsaamheid.

Oes die voordele van Genuity® YieldGard® II-tegnologie!

Roundup Ready Corn 2

Wees wys en span ons slim tegnologie in om jou oes te beskerm.

Kontak gerus on kliëntediens by 011 790-8200 of Monsanto, Roundup Ready®, Genuity® YieldGard® II en Genuity® Roundup Ready® Corn 2 is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC.

Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 38

38 2016/03/02 04:38:37 PM

agri Nuus/News

Santam Landbou gee opkomende boere broodnodige inspuiting Meer as 600 opkomende boere van nedersettings en dorpe van oor die hele Suid-Afrika is onlangs bemagtig om die proses te begin om hul bestaansboerderye na ’n kommersiële boederye oor te skakel danksy ’n reeks opleidingsprogramme wat deur Santam Landbou aangebied is. Die programme het onder meer finansiële en sakevaardighede ingesluit.


ie opleiding het my regtig gehelp om my klein boerdery te bestuur,” het William Mmakola, ’n opkomende boer van die Tsimanyanenedersetting in Limpopo, gesê. “Die praktiese lesse wat ek geleer het, help my nou om sakeplanne op te stel en te bestuur. Ek het reeds ’n aksieplan saamgestel om die omset van my boerdey, wat uit die kweek van vars produkte bestaan, te bestuur.” “Ek wens die res van ons gemeenskap het die geleentheid gehad om die opleiding by te woon want ek het so baie geleer,” het Mapule Emily Moggi van Brilliant Farming Corporation in Gauteng gesê. “Baie mense gaan voordeel hieruit trek. Die opleiding gaan ons help om beter boere te wees.” Gerhard Diedericks, hoof van Santam Landbou, het verduidelik dat dit nie maklik is om ’n boer in Suid-Afrika te wees nie. “Veranderende weerpatrone, die verlammende droogte, arbeidskoste en -onluste, peste en plae, dalende mededingendheid in wêreldmarkte en beperkte hulpbronne dra alles by tot Suid-Afrika se kwynende landbousektor. Diegene wat die ergste geraak word, is

ons land se opkomende boere. Baie van hulle sukkel om die geldelike druk te hanteer, en het ’n gebrek aan vaardighede en ondersteuning om weerstand te bied teen die storms wat die bedryf teister. Hy het daarop gewys dat landbou deurslaggewend vir die toekomstige welstand van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie is en daarom is die opleidingsveldtog, die eerste in sy soort, begin. “Santam is vasbeslote om opkomende boere by te staan aangesien hulle lewensbelangrik is vir die volhoubaarheid van die landboubedryf op die lang termyn. Hulle beskik nie altyd oor die nodige vaardighede en steun as krissise ontstaan nie.” Van November 2015 tot Januarie 2016 is aan boere vanuit KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Noordwes, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, die Oosen Wes-Kaap en die Vrystaat, persoonlike opleiding gegee in aspekte soos finansiële vaardighede en risikobestuur. Die boere is gekies met behulp van organisasies waarmee

Santam Landbou goeie verhoudings het soos die African Farmers’ Association of South Africa (Afasa), die Nasionale Opkomende Rooivleisprodusente-vereniging (Nerpo) en bestaande kliënte van Santam. Vennootskappe is met diensverskaffers soos Avocado Vision, AgriSkills Transfer en Farm for Africa aangegaan om met die opleiding Santam se opleidingsprogram vir opkomende boere maak deel uit van ’n groter strategie vir verbruikersopleiding. Dit is gerig op die opheffing van gemeenskappe en die bevordering van toegang tot finansiële dienste.

Riskvision solutions for agriculture and farms Riskvision has been involved in the integration and security of clients for the past five years. The company has provided an integrated solution using technology to ensure sustainable protection of properties, while reducing the need to deploy security guards. The latter are not always reliable and consistent.


he Riskvision solution allows for the monitoring of cameras and alarm systems from remote control rooms, ensuring consistent application of security from focused control room staff. Our national network is monitored from two control rooms, using state of the art analytical software and equipment. This has proved to be a financially viable solution to protect the assets of your property. The monitoring and integration of solutions for agriculture includes, but is not limited, to: Monitoring of intruders – Strategically placed farm security cameras will capture images of anyone entering the property. This helps to ensure that only authorised workers gain access to the farm and its facilities.

Protection of water supplies – A well-protected water supply is critical to agricultural operations. Farm security cameras can play an important role in protecting this highly sensitive area. Prevent break-ins – Implementing farm security cameras around your property can deter break-ins. For those intruders who look past the cameras, the surveillance footage could capture them in the act. Deter theft – Farm security cameras in areas such as holding pens, calving pens, tool shops, and gates will help to prevent thieves from stealing animals and equipment. Monitoring of daily operations – Security cameras could also ensure that daily operations such as milking and feeding

Mark Hodgson l RISKVISION Director 083 271 0265 Troy Hufkie l DAISY Sales Manager 082 678 6328






run smoothly. Employee monitoring – Video surveillance could be used to monitor employee behaviour so that critical farm operations are properly carried out. Remote playback and monitoring – With an IP-based surveillance system, farm owners can monitor their property remotely. Footage can be stored digitally and is easily searched in cases requiring visual evidence. Vandalism and tampering – If a farm security camera is vandalised or tampered with, the signal could be lost. Consider vandal-proof housing for cameras located in high-risk areas. By installing a RiskVision CCTV system you can monitor your cameras both on site and remotely! You can view CCTV of your farmhouse, outbuildings, livestock, vehicles and warehouses from your phone, tablet or PC.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 39


2016/03/02 04:38:38 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS, WATER AND THE WRC In this series of articles, Agri is in discussion with Dr Gerhard Backeberg, executive manager: water utilisation in agriculture of the WRC, in order to obtain information on water use and what the WRC is doing for investment of funds in water research.

Dr Gerhard Backeberg

Many irrigation farmers in South Africa pay an annual research levy to the Water Research Fund in respect of water that is used for irrigation on scheduled land. This fund is dedicated to financing the activities of the Water Research Commission (WRC) to support and undertake research on the use of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes. The levy on irrigation water is, however, not the only source of income for the fund: Levies on water use for urban, industrial and domestic purposes make by far the biggest contribution.

Water use of indigenous trees and forests quantified Agri: Plantations of exotic trees such as pine and eucalypt are in competition with water use of indigenous tree forests. Is evidence available to justify investments in indigenous tree cultivation and harvesting? Backeberg: Information on the water-use, growth and economic value of indigenous trees is required in order to facilitate sustainable land-use planning from hydrological, ecological and socio-economic perspectives. New and innovative techniques to quantify the water-use (transpiration and total evaporation) of a range of tree species and forest types are available. These can be used to broaden understanding of forest hydrological processes, and their associated effects on water resources in South Africa. The overall objective of this project, undertaken by the CSIR with Dr Mark Gush as project leader, was to measure and model the water-use and growth of indigenous trees in different types of tree systems, and to quantify the economic benefits and costs of the biomass production under a range of bioclimatic conditions in South Africa. Following a stakeholder workshop, research work focussed on priority individual indigenous tree species and forest types, through phases of field measurements and data collection exercises. The research team conducted intensive measurements of tree and forest water-use, stem growth, weather variables, soil water dynamics and tree attributes, as

well as economic and financial assessments within indigenous and introduced or exotic tree systems. Research was also conducted on the more formal / recognised markets where indigenous timber products are traded, and information on potential products, processes and values associated with those markets was collected. Results showed that the range and average of observed 1-year water-use totals (transpiration component) was noticeably less for indigenous forest tree species compared to exotic plantation tree species. Maximum water-use was also lower in the indigenous species studied compared to introduced plantation species, despite growing conditions that could be considered ideal for most of the indigenous species sampled (readily available water, energy and nutrients, and limited competition). The indigenous tree annual cumulative sap flows were all less than 8 100 l/tree/year, irrespective of tree size, whereas sap flows in the more productive introduced plantation trees exceeded 20 000 l/tree/year in some cases. The economic viability of specific indigenous tree species could not be judged in a comprehensive way in this project due to a number of unknown variables. Additional field trial data is required to account for this limitation. However, the value of indigenous forests in the maintenance of rural livelihoods appeared to be substantial, particularly if

the opportunity cost of this function was accounted for. Regarding the financial viability of a Yellowwood plantation, it was noted that the direct production costs were comparatively small relative to the opportunity cost of the extremely long rotation cycle when compared to an introduced plantation. The relatively low water-use characteristics of indigenous tree species suggests that they are promising for expanding natural and plantation tree production systems in South Africa, maximising benefits (goods and services) while minimising resource impacts (water-use). Apart from the importance of accurate site / species matching, appropriate species for establishment need to be considered from environmental, social and economic perspectives. Potential benefits include suppression of alien invasive plants, biodiversity conservation, and provision of ecosystem services, supporting rural livelihoods, ecotourism and urban greening. Given the increasing pressure on water resources and a growing demand for timber and non-timber forest products, further exploration of the numerous multiple-use indigenous tree species that are found in South Africa, matched to the wide range of existing climatic and site conditions, is merited. The research report on this completed project, published by the WRC, is available in two volumes under the numbers 1876/1-2/15.

Visit the Water Research Commission’s web page for more information and / or ordering of research reports Tel: 012 330 0340 Fax: 012 331 2565 E-mail: Private Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria 0031 agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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40 2016/03/02 04:38:38 PM

Dr Gerhard Backeberg


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Damme se waterinhoud lyk só MARTINA BENADÉ, AGRI SA

Suid-Afrika se grootste opgaardam, die Gariep, met ‘n inhoudsmaat van 5 196 miljoen kubieke meter, is tans 49.3% vol.


ie Vaaldam, met ‘n inhoudsmaat van 2 604 miljoen kubieke meter, is SuidAfrika se belangrikste dam weens sy rol as waterverskaffer aan die ekonomiese sakekern van die land. Dié dam is tans 50.5% vol. Die Sterkfonteindam, met ‘n inhoudsmaat net ‘n bietjie groter as die Vaaldam, is 87.8% vol. Die Pongolapoortdam in KwaZulu-Natal is 47.4% vol, terwyl die Vanderkloofdam 62.1% vol is. Die Bloemhofdam was in Februarie 2015 ongeveer 71.4% vol teenoor die huidige 19.3%. Op 15 Februarie 2016 was die gemiddelde waterinhoud van die vernaam­ ste besproeiingsdamme in die land (insluitend die damme in Swaziland en Lesotho) ongeveer 54% vol, wat ongeveer 28 persentasiepunte laer is as die ooreen­ stemmende syfer van 82% verlede jaar. Gedurende Februarie 1995 was hierdie syfer veel laer, naamlik 44%. Die Sterkfonteindam se vlakke word kunsmatig hoog gehou aangesien hierdie dam baie diep is met ‘n kleiner oppervlakte wat keer dat verdamping vinnig plaasvind. Water word gewoonlik uit hierdie dam gelaat om die Vaaldam aan te vul en om plek te maak vir water vanaf die Katsedam in Lesotho. Hopelik sal laat somerreën wat in groot dele van die land verwag word, die inhoud van damme verbeter. Opsommend was die gemiddelde waterinhoud van damme in die onderskeie

Suid-Afrika se grootste opgaardamme (15/02/2016) Damme Gariep (FS) Vanderkloof (FS) Sterkfontein (FS) Vaaldam (FS) Pongola (KZN) Bloemhof (FS)

Inhoudsmaat (106m3)

% Vol % Vol % Vol 15/02/2016 17/02/2015 13/02/1995

5 196.04 3 171.30 2 616.90 2 603.45 2 267.07 1 240.24

provin­sies soos volg: (Ooreen­stemmende syfers vir 2015 word tussen hakkies aangedui.) Die stand van damme word weekliks deur die departement van waterwese gepubliseer. za/Hydrology/Weekly/ Province.aspx

49.3 62.1 87.8 50.5 47.4 19.3

92.9 91.3 98.2 83.1 62.6 71.4

36.0 65.0 76.0 16.0 46.0 8.0

Provinsie % van Vol- % Verandering voorraadvermoë 17/02/2015 - 15/02/2016 Oos-Kaap Vrystaat Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Noord-Kaap Noordwes Wes-Kaap

72.6 (76.7) 53.6 (86.2) 83.1 (99.5) 52.4 (73.2) 60.2 (90.8) 60.3 (92.6) 57.5 (86.1) 44.7 (66.8) 42.7 (62.2)

-5.3 -37.8 -16.5 -28.4 -33.7 -34.9 -33.2 -33.1 -31.4

Minimum wage for farm workers increased In 2015 the minister of labour announced a process for the revising of the minimum wage for the next three years in both the agricultural and forestry sectors. “During the last few months, the minister also took note of the effect that the drought had in most parts of the country and subsequently consulted with social partners to understand the effect of the drought on the ability of employers to pay higher wages. An increase in wages was announced. This increase came into effect on 1 March 2016,” said Hendrik Ackermann, chair of Agri SA’s Labour and Social Committee.


n calculating the wage increase the consumer price index (CPI), excluding the owner’s equivalent rent, was used, which is less than the figure the department used in the past. This culminated in a wage increase from R2 606,78 to R2 778,83

per month and from R601,61 to R641,32 per week. “Agri SA welcomed the minister’s announcement. We recognise the need for workers’ wages to keep pace with rising food prices and cost of living, but realise that due to the drought, there will be farmers

who would not be able to afford the wage increase. In such event, I would appeal to those farmers, after consultation with their workers or the trade union, to apply for section 50 variation rather than retrench workers,” said Ackermann.

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2016/03/02 04:38:39 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

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42 2016/03/02 04:38:39 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Valley werk suinig met skaars water Een van die grootste uitdagings in erge droogtejare soos vanjaar is dat die beskikbare besproeiingswater so doeltreffend moontlik op plase aangewend moet word.


anjaar rus daar ’n “Die kwynende watervlakke van damme vereis dat elke druppel massiewe water wat deur landbouers gebruik word, verantwoordelik en las op doeltreffend aangewend moet word om voedsel te produseer. Suid-Afrika Water is uiteraard dié kosbaarste hulpbron.” se besproeiings­boere om die verwagte uiters beskeie voedselaanbod van droëlandboere aan te vul,” sê Gert van der Werff, verkoopsbestuurder van Valley in Suid-Afrika. “Die kwynende watervlakke van damme vereis dat elke druppel water wat deur landbouers gebruik word, verantwoordelik en doeltreffend aangewend moet word om voedsel te produseer. Water is uiteraard dié kosbaarste die nodige erkenning sal kry indien dit nie hulpbron.” NUWE BESPROEIINGSGEBIEDE deur gehaltekennis, die beskikbaarheid van Gelukkig is die besproeiingsreus Valley Hoewel besproeiingsgroepe in Suid-Afrika die toerusting en uitstaande nasorgdiens op waterbesparende toerusting ingestel, baie op die tradisionele besproeiingsgebiede gekomplementeer word nie.” sê Van der Werff. Valmont, Valley se konsentreer, vind Valley tog dat daar ’n Wat die huidige droogte betref, het moedermaatskappy, het hom sedert sy groeiende vraag na sy toerusting is in daar ook goeie dinge na vore gekom, stigting in 1946 daarvoor beywer. Oor nuwe gebiede, byvoorbeeld Cradock in verseker Van der Werff. “Boere is weer baie sewe dekades heen het dié maatskappy die Oos-Kaap, waar vroeër heelwat van bedag op die noodsaaklikheid van goeie groot erkenning vir sy tegnologie ontvang, vloedbesproeiing gebruik gemaak is. waterverspreiding. Watervermorsing moet insluitend verskeie innovasietoekennings “Die vraag na Valley-toerusting neem ook minimaal wees, wat onder meer inhou dat vir sy produkte. Dit sluit toekennings in van deurlopend toe by George en omliggende ondoeltreffende spuitpakkette en onderdele die American Society of Agricultural and gebiede, waar veral weidinggewasse vir vervang word. Dit bly gewoonlik jare lank Biological Engineers (Asabe) en ook gesogte melkproduksie besproei word. Die suidelike agterweë wanneer water oorvloedig voorkom toekennings van die gerekende Irrigation Drakensberge in KwaZulu-Natal, waar en sente nie soveel omgedraai word nie.” Association vir vernuwende produkte. tradisioneel min spilpunte te sien was, raak Van der Werff sê daar is tans groot winste “Valley het die heel eerste spilpunt ter ook ’n al hoe groter mark.” te maak indien boere se stelsels doeltreffend wêreld in die Amerikaanse staat Nebraska Die Noord-Kaapse besproeiingboere is, besproeiing optimaal geskied en die vervaardig en vandag word sowat raak ook al hoe meer vanweë die water natuurlik nie opdroog nie. “Suid-Afrika 10 miljoen hektaar in meer as 100 lande landboupotensiaal wat deur die Oranjerivier se damvlakke is tans baie laag en ons sal deur meer as 200 000 Valley-stelsels ontsluit word, sê Van der Werff. “Valley het al eers teen die einde van Maart of vroeg in besproei. Valley beywer hom deurlopend kliënte in Suid-Afrika met 50-100 spilpunte April weet wat die volgende seisoen op daarvoor om sy leiersposisie deur passie op hul balansstaat.” ons wag. Dink net hoe dit produksie kan en integriteit en ’n uitstekende netwerk van Afrika, wat gemaklik vanaf Suid-Afrika ontwrig as daar nie in die komende seisoen 450 handelaars te behou.” bedien kan word, het reuse-potensiaal. genoeg water beskikbaar is nie. Dit help nie Wat Suid-Afrika betref, het die destydse “Namate die infrastruktuur in lande soos die mielieprys is hemelhoog maar jy het nie Vetsak reeds in die jare sewentig met Valley Mosambiek, Angola, Zambië en selfs water om 10-20 ton per hektaar te verseker begin sake doen. “Dit maak spilpunt­ Kenia en Ethiopië verbeter, gaan Afrika nie.” besproeiing en Valley sinoniem in Suidal hoe meer die voedselspens van die Hy is oortuig daarvan dat besproeiing ’n Afrika,” sê Van der Werff. “Dit was gevolglik wêreld raak. Valley het die kennis en die al hoe groter rol in die toekoms gaan speel, ’n logiese uitvloeisel van die land se gehalteprodukte om boere in dié lande sê Van der Werff. “Onthou dat Suid-Afrika ’n verbintenis met Valley om in 1999 plaaslike by te staan om aan die verwagtinge te waterarm land is en dat die druk op boere vervaardigingsgeriewe vir Valley te open. voldoen. Met ’n verwagte wêreld­bevolking om voldoende voedsel vir die groeiende Hier word dieselfde streng standaarde as van 9 miljard mense teen 2050, gaan bevolking op minder beskikbare grond te in Amerika gevolg. En daarby verstaan doeltreffende en ekonomiese voedsel­ produseer, groter gaan word.” produksie al hoe belangriker raak.” Valley-handelaars dat ’n gehalteproduk nie agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 04:38:40 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Sensetion moisture monitors work for us, say these farmers We initially made contact with Hugo Vercuiel from Rhomberg instruments at Nampo 2014. Our requirements was to look for a digital instrument to help monitor soil moisture, both for scheduling and for record keeping. Due to the increasing pressure on water resources our customers are placing pressure on us on how we manage our resources.


e are a salad and vegetable farm based in Philippi on the Cape Flats. We supply product to the large supermarkets, as well as fast food chains in the Western Cape. We are global Gap certified, also Woolworths farming for the future certified, and MacDonald Gap certified. In order to achieve and maintain these certifications we need in part to show how we schedule our irrigation. This is where the Sensetion unit was invaluable. The system is very easy to use and to install, which is a big attraction. The webbased software is also easy to use. Over the period that we were trailing the units the options and information on the site improved. The app for use on a smartphone gives simple but adequate information to those

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Derek Hallendorff

monitoring the soil moisture. Using the system in conjunction with a computerised irrigation system will work very well. Support

from Hugo and from Holland was very good and we look forward to using them in the future.

Contact Hugo Vercuiel - managing director: Rhomberg Instruments Tel: +27 21 905 7041; Mobile: +27 82 894 9562; Website address:

44 2016/03/02 04:38:42 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

The smart, easy and simple way to manage soil moisture The germination of vegetable seeds and root development depend on water availability. The yields of vegetable fall drastically if a plant is stressed. There is either too much water or too little water in the soil for vegetable production.


herefore, the correct moisture in the soil is essential for the plant and forms one of the most important components of plant growth. In the vegetable business the moisture component in the soil determines plant growth and vegetable production. Soil moisture also depends very much on the nature of the soil itself. In general, clay, silty and sandy soils all have different capacities to retain soil moisture and it is here where new technology, like the Sensetion, meets the requirements to manage moisture in the soil in a optimal way. The past few months we tested the Sensetion with great success in several tomato, brassica, lettuce and watermelon fields. With the Sensetion we maintained the oxygen levels in soil, which help the plant with optimum growth and also help the plant to stay healthy throughout the growth cycle. Optimum yields were achieved and the farmers are very positive

Lourens Ferreira, seeds specialist: vegetables, Terason with happy farmers

to use the new complete Sensetion Probe, the smart, easy and simple way to manage

soil moisture and save electricity, water, maintenance and fertilizer.

Contact Hugo Vercuiel - managing director: Rhomberg Instruments Tel: +27 21 905 7041; Mobile: +27 82 894 9562; Website address:

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As jy ’n moderne landbouer is, is dit ook jou besigheid om geld te bespaar en die natuur te bewaar… SO IS DIT OOK MET ONS! Ons spilpunte is gelaai met eienskappe wat juis dít doen! •

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Ons gebruik as standaardtoerusting, die duurder sprinkelpakket op al ons spilpunte. Hierdie sprinkelaars “sny” die water in presiese druppelgroottes, wat die minimum verlies aan verdamping tot gevolg het. Boonop is die waterverspreiding perfek eweredig onder elke spuit, wat beter inltrasie in die grond verseker, sonder onnodige aoop. Onafhanklike professionele waterskeduleringskundiges het bewys dat, deur hierdie sprinkelaars te gebruik, jy meer water in die grond kry as met die meeste ander spilpuntsprinkelpakkette tans beskikbaar. Dit bespaar jou direk geld deur die maksimum van die duur gepompte water, met die minimum verdampingsverliese of aoop, suksesvol in die grond te kry. Hierdie sprinkelaars funksioneer die beste tussen 0,42 bar en 1 bar druk, wat jou direk geld bespaar! Senter 360 is die ontwerpers van ’n wêreld-eerste patent wat die laaste spuite op jou Senter 360 spilpunt gedurende die besproeiingsiklus skoon hou. Die resultaat is dat jy nie meer die buitenste hektare wat ten duurste geplant, besproei en bemes is verloor (soos so algemeen deur produsente wêreldwyd as normaal aanvaar word) as gevolg van verstopping gedurende die besproeiingsiklus nie. Die uitsonderlike sterk en gebalanseerde pypstruktuur is taaier, uiters windbestand en hou langer, veral deur daardie onverwagte verrassings wat die natuur soms op ons pad stuur. Die standaard, intelligente, millimeter-verstelbare toedieningsbeheer, verseker dat die regte toediening elke keer akkuraat neergesit word, sonder om oor of onder te besproei. Ook beskikbaar by Senter 360 is die akkurate multivlak grondvogmetingsapparaat wat jou in staat stel om ingeligte skeduleringsbesluite te neem en keer op keer die regte toediening te verseker. Dit is ook onafhanklik bewys, dat met dié toerusting nie net water bespaar word nie, maar ook kunsmis in die grond minder geloog word, terwyl opbrengste verhoog!

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Nie net nóg ‘n spilpunt nie... dis ‘n SENTER 360! Tel: +27 18 469 1331 E-pos:

Afrika se spil van sukses

2016/03/02 04:38:43 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Agrico bied twee opsies vir afstandbeheer van spilpunte Agrico bied twee opsies vir afstandbeheer met die Advanced RAIN-spilpuntpanele.


MS-beheer maak aksies moontlik soos om die spilpunt te laat loop of staan, die rigting te verander, te besproei of droog te loop, en om die neerslag van die masjien te stel. Basiese rapportering van die status van die spilpunt is ook moontlik, byvoorbeeld die spilpunt se posisie in die veld en die druk van die masjien. Kennisgewings kan ook per SMS aan die klant gestuur word. AGRICO Advanced RAIN-beheer Internetbeheer bied vinnige toegang tot vanaf ‘n slimfoon die basiese beheeropsies van een of meer spilpunte aan die klant. Slimfone, tablette en rekenaars kan toegang tot die stelsel verkry. ‘n Kaartvoorstelling word vertoon wanneer ‘n tablet of ‘n rekenaar gebruik word. Ander fasiliteite sluit in die skedulering van spuitprogramme en die grafiese voorstelling van statistieke. Die nuutste toevoeging is pompbeheer via die internetbeheerstelsel. Dit laat nou die klant toe om met behulp van ‘n VSD (veranderlike spoed-dryf) die stelseldruk aan te pas, en om die pomp te laat loop of te stop. Dit lei tot meer doeltreffende gebruik van elektrisiteit. Agrico gee tans twee jaar gratis toegang tot die internet­beheer­stelsel saam met enige nuwe Advanced RAIN-toestel wat boere aanskaf. Links: AGRICO Advanced RAIN-web­ beheer vanaf ‘n rekenaar met al die spilpunte van die plaas sigbaar. Dit maak beheer makliker. Regs: AGRICO Advanced RAIN-beheer­ paneel.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Tubecon Africa excels Tubecon Africa is one of the fastest and most reliable steel tube and profile manufacturers in Southern Africa.


e cold-form various steel sections: round, square and rectangular tubes, open and lip channels, application specific tubes and customised open and closed profiles. Over the years we have perfected the combination of good service, fast lead times and exceptional quality. A-grade material is manufactured and supplied to various industries throughout Southern Africa and we recently started exporting to customers abroad. Due to the importance of quality any tube or product, which is not 110% correct, is stocked and sold as B-grade material to farmers. These items are mainly used for stalls, cattle crushers and fences. For questions and enquiries our sales team can be contacted.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

New magnetic flow meter added During September 2014 Lindsay Corporation, maker of Zimmatic irrigation systems, added a new magnetic flow meter to its Growsmart by Lindsay product line.


his flow meter, called the IM3000, takes the guesswork out of water usage while saving time, energy and money. Compared to propeller flow meters, the Growsmart Magnetic Flow Meter has no moving parts such as propellers or bearings that may break, causing interruptions in measurement and resulting in extra costs. Plus, the Magnetic Flow Meter will not be affected by debris. These flow meters can also be enhanced with FieldNET by Lindsay, the company’s

wireless irrigation management system. Typical uses for the flow meter include irrigation, wells, lagoons and agriculture automation. The meters calculate the flow by measuring the voltage created by the water passing through a magnetic field.

ICWT-TESTED FOR ACCURACY The International Center for Water Technology (ICWT) is an independent testing laboratory dedicated to advancing water management practices and irrigation technology. The flow meter is built to

Lindsay’s standards at an ISO-certified factory, with steel construction, die-cast housing and a top-rated IP68 enclosure seal. The flow meter comes in a range of pipe sizes, from 6 to 12 inches. An optional battery pack is available.

For more information, please contact Lindsay Africa on +27(0)21 986 8900 or visit or contact your local Zimmatic dealer. (This article previously appeared in SABI, February/March 2016)

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Jongste tegnologie verseker gladde besproeiing Amiad Filtration Systems het onlangs ‘n nuwe reeks innoverende besproeiingfilters in Suid-Afrika bekend gestel. Die maatskappy, wat wêreldwyd as ‘n markleier beskou word, se produkte word plaaslik deur Agriplas (Edms) Bpk versprei.


ie Sigma-reeks filters volg op die baie gewilde Filtomatreeks wat ‘n bekende gesig oral in Suid-Afrika is. Net soos die Filtomat, is die Sigmafilter op die beginsel geskoei dat daar ‘n onbeweegbare skeidingsvlak tussen die “vuil” en uitgaande “skoon” water moet bestaan. In die geval van die Sigma-filter is hierdie skeidingsvlak in die vorm van ‘n vlekvryestaalskerm. Die skeiding tussen die skoon en vuil water is dus ‘n niebeweegbare vlak, teenoor ander tegnologie soos sand en ringe waar media wel kan beweeg en skuif. Die Sigma-filter is in 100, 150 en 200 mm inlaat/uitlaatgroottes beskikbaar, vloeitempo’s varieer tussen 80m³/uur tot so hoog as 220m³/uur en ‘n maksimum werksdruk van 10 bar. Filtrasiedeurlaatbaarheid strek vanaf 80 mikron tot en met 300 mikron, wat beteken dat al die gewilde tipe besproeiing­ stelsels soos drup en mikro, asook groter stelsels soos spilpunte, baat sal vind by

hierdie opwindende reeks. Die Sigma is ‘n ten volle outomatieshidrouliese filter, wat beteken dat dit geen eksterne kragbron in sy werking nodig het nie. Die filter bepaal self of dit nodig het om terug te spoel wanneer dit tydens die filtrasieproses begin vuil word. Terugspoel word dan outomaties geaktiveer en sodra die terugspoel-aksie afgehandel is, keer die filter na sy normale proses van filtrasie terug. Die toevoer na die besproeiing­stelsel word nie tydens die terugspoel-aksie afgesny nie. Normale

besproeiing kan dus voortgaan gedurende die terugspoel van die filter. Sigma bied ‘n baie klein staanoppervlak versus vloeitempo. Kontak gerus jou naaste besproeiings­ handelaar of besoek ons webtuiste vir meer inligting:

Perfekte oplossings in besproeiingsbestuur By Agriplas voorsien ons u van die mees effektiewe oplossings vir u besproeiingsbehoeftes. Van kunsmispompe, filters, kleppe, drupperlyne en mikrosproeiers tot gesofistikeerde outomatiese stelsels om die voortdurende vloei van water te verseker.

KAAPSTAD - Hoofkantoor Posbus 696, Brackenfell 7561 Tel: +27 21 917 7177 Faks: +27 21 917 7200

GAUTENG Posbus 11052, Randhart 1457 Tel: +27 11 908 2204 Faks: +27 11 908 5312

MPUMALANGA Suite 63, Postnet X 11326, Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 755 3510 Faks: +27 13 755 3505

Doen navraag by jou naaste besproeiings handelaar oor Agriplas Produkte agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Viable solution to replace bucket system in rural areas A pumping system designed to separate solids and pump waste water over longer distances holds the key to providing acceptable sanitation to rural villages and sparsely inhabited areas where until recently the bucket system and pit latrines were the only alternative.


esigned and developed by KSB Pumps and Valves, the Ama DS allows treatment of waste water to be undertaken further from treatment plants and makes it viable to collect waste water from larger collection areas for treatment at centralised plants. According to Hendrik Enslin, KSB waste water projects and applications manager, the Ama DS system enables wider and more cost-effective collection of waste water and paves the way for the development of sanitation systems in rural areas or areas where sanitation was not deemed possible due to unsuitable geographical location

or where gravitational systems were not possible. “The genius of the system is the ability to immediately remove solids from the system and separate it from the water. This enables pumps with smaller free passages to be used and as a result allows the system to pump the water over much longer distances than previously possible. “In addition, with the solids removed, there is nothing to impede or block the impellers etc and this allows for a far more reliable system and cleaner more hygienic pumps for ease of serviceability. Once solids build up to a pre-determined level some of the processed waste water is then

used to bypass the pumps and flush the solids to the treatment plant.“ In typical KSB fashion the company has used technology to overcome an ageold problem and provide configurable solutions that can be tailor-made to suit applications. Using smart level meters and trending technology the entire system can be managed to ensure the system is able to cope with varying demands throughout daily, weekly and even seasonal fluctuations. Besides the obvious benefit of providing sanitation in far-flung and rural areas, the system also provides a solution that is more efficient than traditional pumping systems.

In typical KSB fashion the company has used technology to overcome an age-old problem and provide configurable solutions that can be tailor-made to suit applications.

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2016/03/02 05:43:12 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

OPTIFLUX installed in milk standardisation application

New for old


KROHNE WATERFLUX meets SANS1529-1:2006 fit for trade metrology – exceeds class D Specifications

Replace all mechanical bulk water meters? Now it’s possible with the WATERFLUX from KROHNE. WATERFLUX – the new electromagnetic water meter – measures precisely and maintenance-free very small and large flow rates – from night-time demands up to fire-fighting operations. Throughout its entire service life of 25 years over several custody transfer periods. Its unique, RILSAN®-lined measuring tube is wear-free and without mobile measuring parts, eliminating the need for maintenance. This reduces follow-up costs for statutory recalibrations – as an overhaul or replacement of the water meter is no longer necessary. Both the low initial costs and the significantly reduced operating costs pay off in daily operation. Employ the WATERFLUX instead of mechanical bulk water meters and create financial freedom for new projects – simply exchange new for old. KROHNE – Water is our world. Please see our website for more information KROHNE South Africa, 8 Bushbuck Close Corporate Park South, Randtjiespark, Midrand Tel.: +27 113141391, Fax: +27 113141681 Cell: +27 825563934, John Alexander,

ilk standardisation ensures that different milk products such as full fat, skimmed and semi-skimmed have the right level of fat concentration. The OPTIFLUX installed in the STANDOMAT® is used to make sure that the milk is standardised to the required fat concentration to an accuracy of +/- 0.025 per cent. The STANDOMAT® system uses a centrifuge to separate the raw milk into standardised milk and cream, which are drawn off. The OPTIFLUX is installed on the inlet feed to the centrifuge and measures the flow of raw milk into the separator. A signal is taken from the instrument and used to control a pump that regulates the flow of raw milk into the separator. The fat content of the milk exiting GEA Westfalia the centrifuge Food Tec, a is measured global leader in using a KROHNE’s OPTIFLUX is the design and density meter. being used to standardise manufacture A signal from milk to the required fat of separation this device is concentration. systems, has fed to a plc chosen KROHNE’s along with a signal from the OPTIFLUX. If OPTIFLUX 6000 the fat content is too low, the pressure in electromagnetic the outlet is reduced in order to achieve flowmeters in its the required fat content. If the fat content STANDOMAT® is too high, no cream is added, and more automatic milk raw milk is added at the input. standardising unit. Measurement accuracy and reliability were key factors in Westfalia’s decision to install an OPTIFLUX. The instrument, which has been designed for hygienic and aseptic applications, is capable of delivering a measurement accuracy of +/-0.2 per cent for fluids – well within Westfalia’s required tolerance. The separators operate sometimes up to 24 hours a day including CIP (cleaning in process) and any downtime for maintenance or to repair equipment results in unnecessary costs. The OPTIFLUX was also able to demonstrate a high level of reliability. The OPTIFLUX 6000 is manufactured from stainless steel and suitable for both SIP (sterilisation in process) and CIP. It is FDA approved and certified to EHEDG and 3A. The instrument is available with a broad range of connectors and in diameters up to DIN 150. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water & besproeiing/Water & irrigation

Eco-friendly harvesting bags


ata Ma Tarps and Linings has become one of the most costeffective reservoir and earth dam lining manufacturers in South Africa and its neighbouring states since opening its factory in 2001. We are unique as we manufacture most of our products from recycled materials, which translates into huge cost savings to farmers, without sacrificing excellent quality and service. We have recently started manufacturing “Eco-Pick” harvesting bags, “Eco-friendly” and “Eco-nomically” designed fruit and vegetable picking bags for, among others, citrus, apple, pear, stone fruit and avocado farmers. We offer a range of different designs and sizes varying according to farmers’ needs and the fruit to be harvested. We are proud to introduce a world first, “Eco-Pick”, a strong and durable denier polyester scrim reinforced PVC picking bag, with our pop-out technology: this keeps the top of the bags open permanently, making the harvesting even easier. Our harvesting bags are manufactured from recycled 500 g denier polyester scrim reinforced PVC tarp, with 50 mm UV resistant straps for comfort and durability reinforced in heavy wear spots. Padded options are also available for fruit that requires a little more care against bruising when harvesting. For more information, place an order or to become a distributor of “Eco-Pick” harvesting bags, please visit our website:, or contact Norman on 072 279 3294.

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Southern African Vinyls Association

Member of the Dawn Group

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2016/03/02 05:43:16 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Voer & voeraanvullings/Feed & Feed additives

Guidelines for livestock farmers to survive the drought PROF HO DE WAAL, UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE

In large parts of the central interior available grazing material is scarce on veld (natural pasture). Prospects for improvement of the poor grazing conditions in the remaining part of summer and winter are not favourable. In addition to current poor grazing conditions, low levels of water in the soil during spring and early summer will also have a negative effect on veld production and livestock. Crops are already affected negatively and therefore crop residues, which are usually used as livestock feed, will also not be readily available.


he current prevailing situation is not good, but can be managed and the following guidelines may help to prevent mortalities and reduce financial losses. • Ensure that cash flow is maintained judiciously. • Safeguard the core breeding livestock. Income must be generated again by these females after the drought. • Where still possible, provide strategic supplementary feeding on veld. • Reduce the number of livestock that are dependent on feed sources on the farm by selling surplus animal or removing them temporary from the veld – to a kraal or planted pasture. • Restrict movement of livestock by confining them to small paddocks with shade trees or other protection from the elements. This provides better control over the quantities feed provided daily to the animals. • Ensure that all animals have freely access to clean drinking water. • Separate the stronger and weaker animals to reduce competition at the feed troughs. • Prevent that thin livestock, especially cattle that become too emaciated because of poor feeding conditions, lie down. • Do not feed animals ad lib. over a long period. Ration the feed according to the required production levels, for example survival or maintenance (maintain body mass) or lactation. • Do not waste feed by throwing it on the ground – use appropriate feed troughs or conveyor belts. • Provide the rationed feeds every

second or third day. Most animals will receive enough feed. It will also reduce competition at the feed troughs. • What can be fed? The basis for ruminants is roughage, be it on the veld or in the trough. Coarsely ground roughage is always better utilised (less waste) than in the long form. The energy content can be increased with an appropriate source (e.g. ground maize) and balanced with an appropriate crude protein source. The intake of minerals is then balanced according to the requirements of the animals. • Feed pellets are merely convenient (transport, handling, less waste) but coarsely ground roughage and properly balanced can adequately meet the requirements of animals. • Restrict the daily intake of salt (NaCl) for sheep to 5-10 g and cattle to 50-60 g. Core herds/flocks • Herds/flocks must be grouped according to age and production status. Determine pregnancy in cattle as soon as possible after the current mating season. With sheep and goats, females can be

scanned to determine if they carry twins/ triplets to adjust their nutrition level. In addition to pregnancy, the condition of teeth must also be assessed, especially for older cows and ewes. Pregnant cows must still be able to graze until the next calving and specifically be able to wean the unborn calf. Females with worn teeth can still complete their production in a kraal, but this will have a price tag. Create an inventory of all available veld and other feed sources. This information is needed to determine the number of animals that can be maintained well into and after the next summer. Reduce the number of animals dependent on the feed sources by marketing surplus animals or remove them temporarily from the veld. Note the reproduction record and weaning mass of the progeny of females. In each age class the less productive animals must be culled. The principle of “cutting-your-losses” applies and all expenses must be weighed and discounted against expected income over the short to medium term. Caution not to sell >>> page 67

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VOEDINGSBESTUUR TYDENS TYE VAN VOERSKAARSTE EN DROOGTES Voermol Voere • 032 439 5599 • • Tydens tye van voerskaarste is dit vir veeboere noodsaaklik om die regte besluite vroegtydig te neem. Sake waaroor besluite geneem moet word is ondermeer die volgende: 1. Raak betyds ontslae van surplus diere. Indien dit te laat gedoen word, is daar 'n ooraanbod en is pryse gewoonlik laag. 2. Surplus diere moet verkieslik markklaar wees. Sodoende sal 'n beter prys gerealiseer word. 3. Hou diere solank as moontlik aan die gang met geskikte lekaanvulling op veldweiding. Deur voer soos hooi of graan aan weidende diere te voer, vervang dit die weiding en verhoog voerkoste. 4. Laat diere toe om eers gewig te verloor voordat met oorlewingsvoeding begin word. 'n Ligter dier benodig minder nutriënte vir onderhoud. 5. Koop oorlewingsvoer aan teen die laagste koste per eenheid energie. Hooi is laag in energie en laag verteerbaar en dus gevolglik duur as 'n oorlewingsvoer. 6. Speen kalwers vroeg (30 tot 60 dae vroeër as normaal); sodoende benodig die koeie minder voer en herstel beter vir die volgende teelseisoen. 7. Gee kalwers toegang tot 'n kruipvoer.


Klaargemeng. Aanbevole inname 1.5 – 1.6 kg/bees/dag of 250 - 270 g/skaap/dag.

Voermol Super 18 (V355)

Klaargemeng. Voer teen 1.5 – 2.0 kg/bees/dag of 230 - 400 g/skaap/dag

Voermol Premix 450 (V4676)

Meng met gelyke dele mieliemeel en/of melassemeel. Aanbevole inname 1.5 – 1.6 kg/bees/dag.








Voermol SB 100 (V4498)




Voermol HPK 36 (V8097)




Voermol Melassemeel (V1995)











1 020



Hooi Totaal

VOERINSTRUKSIES Kruipvoer: Voer aan ongespeende kalwers agter kruiphekke. Afrond: Volledige voer vir die afronding van uitskotkoeie, osse en speenkalwers (>250kg). Droogte: Voer ad lib. as enigste voer aan diere vir onderhoud.

VOER VAN HOOI Tydens tye van voerskaarste is hooi geweldig duur en moet sinvol gevoer word. Een van die probleme is vermorsing. Om vermorsing te beperk kan die hooi gemaal word. Die maal van hooi is egter tydrowend, duur en 'n baie onaangename taak. 'n Ander opsie is om die hooi met Voermol LS 33 te benat. Sodoende maak dit die hooi smaaklik en verlaag sodoende vermorsing. Voermol LS 33 vul terselfdertyd die nodige proteïen, spoorminerale en Vitamien A aan.

VOERINSTRUKSIES • Meng Voermol LS 33 met gelyke dele water. • Giet 1ℓ van die oplossing oor sowat 10kg hooi of, giet in die “oop” van die baal voordat die baal gebreek word. • Geen addisionele lek is nodig nie. Indien meer inligting verlang word, raadpleeg u naaste Voermol Agent (sien vir besonderhede) of stuur 'n e-pos aan agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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Om munt te slaan uit jou koeie • Voorsien proteïene, energie, vitamiene en spoorminerale vir optimale produksie by skape en beeste op droë veld • Kan as 'n prikkelvoer vir koeie op droë veld gebruik word • Help om oormatige massaverlies van koeie net na kalwing te voorkom • Bevorder melkproduksie en vul energiereserwes by lakterende koeie aan • Bevorder massatoename van jong groeiende diere op goeie gehalte droë veld • Bevat 'n medikament wat energiebenutting van die droë veld bevorder Voermol Produksielek, Regnr. V10108, (Wet 36/1947). Registrasiehouer: Voermol Voere (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 13, Maidstone, 4380.

Vir meer inligting skakel 083 456 3636 of stuur 'n e-pos aan

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Guides <<< page 63 younger breeding animals at a premium because they are in good condition and pregnant. • Seek veterinary advice regarding any changes in the internal and external parasite control.

General The situation of farmers differ – seek professional advice for assistance with strategic planning. When grazing material on the veld is scarce, animal licks will not help – often too much supplementary feeding is provided under such conditions on the veld. Determine timely when to remove animals from the veld and feed them strategically in small paddocks. Plant material may still be available along roads and can be cut and baled. The cladodes of spineless cactus pears can also be used as a good feed source – whole cladodes for cattle and coarsely chopped cladodes for sheep and goats. During droughts we cannot be too choosy about the quality of feed sources, which can mean the difference between life and death of livestock. If poor quality roughage such as veld grass hay or crop residues or cactus pear cladodes are available, animal nutritionists can use it as basis to formulate diets to meet the minimum requirements of livestock. The ruminant The plant material selected during droughts on poor and dry veld contains little crude protein. The digestive system of ruminants and the symbiosis with microbes in the reticulo-rumen offer opportunity to supplement crude protein with a nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) source such as feed grade urea. The microbes in the reticulorumen break down cellulose (fibre) and produce new nutrients (volatile fatty acids and microbial protein). The complex four compartment “stomach” develops gradually from the suckling phase (basically still monogastric) to that of a physiological mature ruminant. In younger calves and lambs/kids the reticulo-rumen is still in the process of developing. Therefore, it is better to use natural and higher quality protein sources instead of NPN; bypass protein may also be supplied strategically. Supplementary feeding (licks) It is important to address some critical questions regarding a supplementary feeding programme. • What is the aim with the supplementation? Must protein, energy, a combination of protein and energy, or minerals be supplemented ? Should animals gain in condition or must dry


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FOKUS • FOCUS Voer & voeraanvullings/Feed & Feed additives

animals maintain mass (maintenance) or must lactation be supported? Animals in different production phases thus require specific types and quantities of strategic supplementary feeding. How can the aim be achieved best? Have the less productive animals been removed to make all grazing available for the remaining livestock? This option is still not used to the best advantage and can make a huge contribution to improve efficacy and also lower the cost of supplementary feeding to the remaining animals. Can it be ascertained whether the aim has been reached? Most wellintended programmes to improve animal performance fail in this regard, because the recommended level of supplementation is seldom achieved. Intake of supplementary feeding varies and is affected by feeding space (number of animal per trough), access to troughs (dominance between animals), level of supplementation and how often the troughs are being re-filled. Unless the provision of supplementary feeding is managed, some animals will consume too much while others ingest too little to benefit at all. Do not feed animals aimlessly on the veld. A range of products are available; seek advice from a professional animal nutritionist regarding the options and products to be considered. Animals may have a moderate loss (10-15%) experienced in body mass, but then only over a relatively long period and under control of judicious feed management.

Veld fires • Runaway veld fires or accidental fires can change the current precarious drought situation into a real crisis. An area where veld has burnt, is practically a disaster drought situation. • Make effective fire breaks, especially along roads, around dwellings and ash dumps. Roads are not good fire breaks, because the road surface is smooth and embers are easily blown over it by strong winds. Fire also spread easily through storm water drains. • Veld fires suppress grass production for about two seasons. Therefore, veld must rest at least one growing season after an accidental fire and at least one growing season ahead of a planned veld fire. In closing Production and reproduction of cattle is

usually lower during droughts and animals get sick more easily – the extent will depend on the severity of the drought conditions. Lactating cows, late pregnant heifers and weaners are the most vulnerable, because of higher nutrient requirements. A good understanding of these factors are needed for a cost effective management strategy to mitigate the effects of droughts on animal production, reproduction and health. The following general aspects of manage­ ment may be considered for beef cattle. • Determine pregnancy of cows and heifers as soon as possible (8 weeks for cows and 6 weeks for heifers) after the bulls have been removed. Non-pregnant animals are identified for culling. The stage of pregnancy (early, mid and late conception) relative to mating must be determined. • Together with body condition, this information can be used to identify cows that may benefit from early weaning and/or strategic supplementation as well as those to be sold. Informed decision making creates the opportunity to lessen the effects of a drought. • Sheep/goat production can benefit from early weaning of lamb/kids – the ewes can be fed at lower maintenance levels and lambs/kids finished in a feedlot. • Animal health starts at the mouth. Good nutrition is the basis of healthy animals and production. Changes in management may require adjustments in the programme for the prevention of diseases (inoculation). Remember, inoculation is a simple action (an injection), while creating immunity is a more complex process in animals that requires protein (amino acids in the diet) to produce the antibodies. During droughts and dry seasons, the protein content of the veld is generally low. Timely inoculation may be considered to ensure the development of better immunity. • Drastic changes in management such as restricting animals in kraals, increases stress levels and susceptibility for diseases. The incidence of opportunistic diseases may increase and require inoculation, which is usually required. Specific local conditions and circumstances will dictate any changes in inoculation as well as external and internal parasite control programmes. Discuss any possible changes in the animal health and disease control programme with your veterinarian. • The vitamin status must be evaluated and supplemented.

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By AFGRI streef ons na deurlopende vooruitgang, ontwikkeling, vernuwing en, meer belangrik – om ons visie vir voedsel-sekerheid in Suid-Afrika en die res van die Afrika-kontinent uit te leef. As ‘n landboudiens- en voedselmaatskappy met 90 jaar se ondervinding, beskik ons oor ’n omvattende, in-diepte kennis van landbou in Suid-Afrika en omliggende gebiede. Dis meer as net ons werk – dit is ons passie. Ons produseer veevoer, proteïene, olie en geelmielies. Ons verskaf ook landbouhandelsdienste, finansiële dienste, oplossings en verskeie produkte – kontak ons gerus vir persoonlike, nommerpas oplossings.

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Aminomax Pro – the rumen bypass protein of choice AminoMax Pro, which is produced locally by leading agricultural services, food processing and grain commodities company AFGRI, is a worldwide breakthrough in plant-based bypass protein feeds used for ruminants such as cows, goats and sheep, improving milk and wool production substantially and providing a health benefit to the animals too.


minoMax Pro is a tool that helps farmers and animal nutritionists to limit the amount of crude protein in the diet of animals. This helps improve protein efficiency and also reduces the amount of nitrogen excreted, thus protecting the environment from additional greenhouse gas emissions,” says Dr Heinri Spangenberg, the Technical Director of AFGRI Animal Feeds. Manufactured locally by AFGRI Animal Feeds, and marketed as Aminomax HPC (High Protein Concentrate), using a unique process which ensures product quality and consistency, greatly reduces variability, and produces bypass protein-rich feeds. Aminomax Pro is Patented by Kansas State University in the US and manufactured by AFGRITech in Watertown New York State. Spangenberg explains that the uniqueness of ruminants lies in their multistomach system, which includes the rumen. “This is a large fermentation sac containing billions of microorganisms, which break down the plants consumed by the animal. Volatile fatty acids, the end product of this process, are then absorbed by the rumen as glycogenic and ketogenic nutrients. The

microorganisms also degrade a certain portion of the plant protein itself, which is called rumen degradable protein (RDP), into peptides, amino acids and ammonia. These substances are then used by the microorganisms to make microbial protein, a source of protein in the lower intestine that can be metabolised by the animal – this is known as metabolisable protein. The portion that is not degraded is called rumen undegradable protein or RUP. RUP is then passed into the small intestine, where it can still be converted into metabolisable protein.” Metabolisable protein supply to the small intestine can be improved by increasing either microbial protein production or the proportion of dietary protein that is undegraded in the rumen, but potentially digestible in the small intestine. Spangenberg says that manipulation of rumen fermentation to optimise microbial protein synthesis has been researched extensively because it can be an inefficient process, with a loss of expensive proteins and subsequent high methane and CO2 production, known as greenhouse gasses. “Knowing this, optimising rumen processes such as microbial protein synthesis while restricting undesirable processes such as excessive rumen protein degradation and gas production, is critical, and has resulted in various techniques being developed for protecting dietary

proteins against excessive degradation by rumen microbes.” The latest of these is the one used by AFGRI Animal Feeds for Aminomax Pro bypass protein products, a highly-controlled process using a blend of specific enzymes, simple carbohydrates, and heat to produce an extremely high-quality product. “This method increases the RUP to nearly 80% for soybean meal for example, while maintaining a high RUP and amino acid digestibility and doing so with superior consistency.” When it comes to bypass protein sources, the old saying “you get what you pay for” holds true. “Cheap RUP products are either high in maize protein or poorlyprocessed vegetable protein and can be highly variable in terms of quality.” Spangenberg says that high quality RUP products such as AminoMax Pro are adding great value to farmers in terms of dairy and wool production, and are also used in the trophy game industry. “AminoMax Pro offers opportunity and flexibility in terms of diet formulations, whether it is used just to get improved production responses, or to lower crude protein levels while maintaining or increasing RUP and metabolisable amino acids. The latter create space in the diet to improve other nutrients. This improves overall animal health, feed efficiency, productivity and profitability.”

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 01038 MTGO AGRI SA70 PRINT ADVERT (KAROO) RP.indd 1

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Montego Pet Nutrition obtains world renowned FSSC 22000 certification status FSSC 22000 is the most comprehensive and robust internationally recognised food safety management system and is based on strict international standards. Certification is only granted to food manufacturing companies by accredited certification bodies, once prescribed and specific standards and procedures have been implemented and a strenuous stage 1 and stage 2 audit has been passed.


nce certification is obtained, it enables a food supplier to assure that its food has been produced, prepared and handled according to the most recognised standards. It demonstrates a top level of commitment to food safety processes, continual improvement thereof and also enables access to top retailers. The aim of FSSC 22000 is to harmonise the level of requirements for food safety management organisations within the food industry from a global perspective. It is particularly intended for application by organisations that seek a more focused, coherent and integrated food safety management system than is normally required by law. It requires the organisation to meet any applicable food safety related statutory and regulatory requirements through its food safety management system. Founded by Hannes van Jaarsveld, Montego Pet Nutrition began producing Montego Classic in early 2000. Hard work and the determination to produce top quality dog food at affordable prices ensured Montego’s continued success in the marketplace. As a member of the PFI (Pet Food Industry), Montego embarked on the venture of obtaining its FSSC 22000 status for its manufacturing facility in Graaff-Reinet five years ago. The road to certification was a long and difficult one. It was essential for all staff in the company to work together to obtain the FSSC certification. After years of hard work, the final audit (stage 2 – 4.5 days) took place in September 2015. Montego passed the audit with flying colours. The auditor was very impressed with the manufacturing plant and the high standard of its food safety management system. He said Montego Pet Nutrition was one of the cleanest and most hygienic factories he had ever audited. This FSSC certification of the manufacturing facility, manufacturing processes, products and food safety management system certifies compliance with all international standards, ranking Montego Pet Nutrition with the best pet food manufacturers in the world. Montego Pet Nutrition received

certification for the manufacturing of dry pet food for cats, dogs and fish feed. The FSSC 22000 certification is fully recognised by the international Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA).This certification scheme is supported by the European Food and Drink Association (CIAA) and the American Groceries Manufacturing Association (GMA). Montego Pet Nutrition’s food safety management system will be subjected to annual surveillance audits by certified bodies to ensure that it complies with the FSSC 22000 requirements and standards at all times. This means that customers can be assured that they are feeding a world-class, nutritious product to their beloved pets, free from any hazards.

THE FIVE BENEFITS OF FSSC 22000 CERTIFICATION: 1. Manage risk First and foremost, the FSSC System provides the company with an effective management process that monitors food safety hazards. It helps control, validate and improve production. 2. Maintain current customers Statistics show that approximately one out of four companies are asking their

Above from left to right: Ampie Jordaan (financial director), Phillip Meyer (maintenance manager), Johan van Jaarsveld (managing director), Marco van Jaarsveld (operations director), Sean Jacobs (production manager), Klaas Wentzel presenting FSSC 22000 certificate (quality assurance manager), Johannes Esterhuysen (exports controller) and Marlee Smith (CRM and comms marketing officer) Left:Montego Pet Nutrition now proudly hoists their FSSC 22000 certification flag alongside the South African national flag and their nationally recognised logo each morning, continually growing their beloved brand whilst practicing good business principles.

suppliers to achieve certification. FSSC certification helps Montego Pet Nutrition to compete for new customers and also to retain current customers. 3. Increase market reach Large retailers and multinational manufacturers or processors are also demanding certification of their suppliers. Having FSSC Certification means Montego is qualified to supply these organisations and now has worldwide credibility. 4. Prepare for upcoming regulatory changes Countries across the globe are making changes to food safety regulations, including the United States and its Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA). FSSC prepares an organisation to meet most of the FSMA requirements. 5. Increase perceived quality FSSC certification can increase market opportunities, increase customer confidence in the company`s food safety practices as well as improve internal processes to ensure a safe product with increased perception on brand quality.

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2016/03/02 05:43:49 PM

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Bewaar die energie in jou kuilvoer natuurlik. BIOMIN® BioStabil is ’n reeks kuilvoer-inokulante wat fermentasie in ’n breë kuilvoerspektrum (gras, lusern, graan-heelplante, klawer, mielieheelplante, ens.) verbeter en versnel deur pH-waardes gedurende die inkuilproses vinniger te verlaag. Sodoende word kuilvoerstabiliteit tydens voer-onttrekking uit die kuilvoerbunker verbeter, selfs nadat die bunker oopgemaak is. Die resultaat is ’n hoër droëmateriaal-, energie- en voedingstofbehoud – ’n waarborg vir laer insetkoste plus hoër produksie en wins. Kry meer besonderhede by of skakel ons by 018 468 1455.

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Geen verkoopsfoefies by Larrem nie

Larrem (Edms) Bpk vervaardig en voorsien aanvullings vir diere. Ons is ten volle ISO 22000 (GMP)geakkrediteerd, een van die enigste soortgelyke maatskappye in Suid-Afrika hiermee. Dit verseker ‘n geakkrediteerde en veilige vervaardigingsproses.


uiten ons eie produkreeks, is Larrem ook die enigste verspreider van Schaumann GmbH se produkte uit Duitsland, een van die grootste en mees gesogte byvoedingsvervaardigers in Europa. Ons produkte is 100% gebalanseerd en veilig en dit laat diere presteer! Ons produkte stel die boer ook in staat om, sou hy verkies, 100% organies te boer aangesien Larrem ook oor Organiese Sertifisering beskik. Op dié wyse sorg Larrem vir innovering met betrekking tot dierebyvoeding, diereproduksie, reproduksie en groei. Die eienaar, Lorimer Gowar, het nie verniet

in 2014 die Innoveerder van die Jaar-titel ingepalm nie. Dit was tydens die jaarlikse Sanlam- en Business Partners Entrepreneur van die Jaar-kompetisie. Larrem se filosofie en produkte onderskei ons van soortgelyke firmas. Ons klem is op produksie en prestasie en nie net om voedingstekorte aan te vul nie. Ons glo dat doeltreffende byvoeding uitstekende produksie, prestasie, vrugbaarheid, beter voeromset, asook lae mortaliteit moet verseker. Wat meer wil ‘n boer hê? Larrem-

produkte spaar die boer dus tyd en geld en vergemaklik die groeiproses met uitgesoekte minerale wat uiters opneembaar en beskikbaar vir die dier is. Larrem glo verder sterk in die optimisering van diere se immuunpotensiaal op ‘n natuurlike manier. Ons is wat ons eet, ons diere ook! Deur die dier se immuniteit te optimiseer, is die boer se bestuur van sy produksieproses nou baie makliker. Voorkoming is beter as genesing… nie waar nie?

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2016/03/02 05:43:51 PM

agri Nuus/News

Landbou-opname: Bring jou kant Statistieke Suid-Afrika (Stats SA) onderneem jaarliks ‘n landbou-opname om onder meer ekonomiese groei, werkskepping en voedselsekerheid in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Boere gebruik ook dié resultate om vas te stel hoe hulle in vergelyking met die res van die bedryf presteer.


die Wet op Statistieke is die boerderye wat vir die opname gekies word verplig om vrae te beantwoord en om die inligting wat deur Stats SA verlang word, te verskaf. Vorige resultate toon dat die kommersiële landbousektor ‘n totale inkomste van R212 998 miljoen in 2014 gegenereer het.

ie Wet op Statistieke (Wet No. 6 van 1999) beskerm die inligting wat ingesamel word. Die Wet bepaal dat alle inligting streng vertroulik deur Stats SA hanteer moet word. Dit mag slegs vir statistiese doeleindes aangewend word. Ingevolge

Dit dui op ‘n verhoging van 10,8% in vergelyking met 2013 (R192 162 miljoen). Die grootste bydraer in 2014 was diere­ produkte (R92 291 miljoen), gevolg deur oesgewasse (R45 190 miljoen), tuinbou­ produkte (R45 114 miljoen). Ander gewasse het sowat R30 402 miljoen bygedra.

Stats SA will be in your area in 2016 MARTINA BENADÉ, AGRI SA

As in the past, Agri SA encourages its affiliates, as well as their members, to comply with and participate in surveys conducted by Statistics SA.


eliable statistics are of value for various reasons. They determine, among others, agricultural policy development, and are therefore valuable to the industry. Statistics SA again assured that information is regarded highly confidential and will not be disclosed. Field workers and all staff members of Statistics SA have to take an oath of confidentiality that information will only be made public in an aggregated way. The accompanying table, received from Stats SA, contains a schedule of dates and projects that will be conducted by Stats SA during 2016. If you experience problems during the conducting of these specific projects, please contact your member organisation or the person responsible from Stats SA. Survey

Target audience Publicity period

Community Survey • OA • Media (CS) • Press associates • Gatekeepers

South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS)

• OA • Media • Press associates • Gatekeepers

January to April 2016

Survey method

Reference date of survey Contact person

January to March 2016 • Publicity and advocacy • Gatekeeper and February to April 2016 DU publicity • Data collection February to March 2016 Fieldwork

Simon Ralebipi 082 888 2263 Tracy Daniels 079 871 3997

January to September 2016 January to March 2016 • Publicity and advocacy • Gatekeeper and April to September 2016 DU publicity • Data collection May to September 2016 Fieldwork

Rika du Plessis 082 887 4811 Aneen Jordaan 079 518 5599

Annually Annual Agriculture • Organised agriculture (OA) (farming) and • Media Related Services Survey, 2015

• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested

January to November 2016

Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632

Annually Annual Agriculture • Organised agriculture (OA) (farming) and • Media Related Services Survey, 2016

• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested

January to November 2017

Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632

Annually • Organised agriculture (OA) • Media

• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested

January to November 2016

Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632

Commercial Forestry/Timber Growers and Related Services Sample Survey, 2015

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Target audiencE Publicity period

Survey method

Reference date of survey Contact person

Survey of Ocean (Marine) Fisheries and Related Services, 2015

Annually • Organised agriculture (OA) • Media

• Postal • Electronic • Visits where requested

January to November 2016

Sally Wheeler 012 310 4632

First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November

• Personal Interviews

January to December 2016 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks

Nakedi Mochaki 012 310 2177 082 888 2439

January to December 2016 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month

Nakedi Mochaki 012 310 2177 082 888 2439

January to December 2016 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks

Nakedi Mochaki 012 310 2177 082 888 2439

January to December 2016 Fieldwork: middle two weeks of the month, exceptions: • January – last 2 weeks • December – first 2 weeks

Nakedi Mochaki 012 310 2177 082 888 2439

January to December 2016

Pietersen Dion 012 310 8327 082 888 2135

General Household • OA Survey (GHS) July • Media • Press associates

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS)

• OA • Media • Press associates

First week of every month

• Listing • Personal Interviews

Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS)

• OA • Media • Press associates

First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November

• Personal Interviews

Victims of Crime (VOCS)

• OA • Media • Press associates

January to December 2014 First week of every month, exceptions: • February – last week of January • December – last week of November

• Personal Interviews

Master Sample

• OA • Media • Press associates

January to December 2015

• Maintenance

Time Use Survey

• OA • Media • Press associates

July to September 2016 • Personal Interviews

July to September 2016

Nakedi Mochaki 012 310 2177 082 888 2439

January to February 2015

1 February to 29 February 2016

July Jiyane 012 310 6917 082 906 5264

Mpumalanga • OA Economic Business • Media Survey (MEBS) • Press associates

• Maintenance

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2016/03/02 05:43:52 PM

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Humbly thankful for the rain.

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76 2016/03/02 05:49:18 PM

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Drone locally developed to monitor farms The Eagle Owl is the first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone in its class that is fully manufactured in South Africa.


his drone is ideal for monitoring farm fences, antipoaching, cattle-theft and animal counting. Developed by engineers at Aerial Monitoring Solutions (AMS) in Johannesburg, this drone can cope with the African heat and dust, high winds and can also endure a certain amount of rough handling. It can be manufactured according to the user’s requirements. It is powered by a petrol engine allowing 4-5 hours flying time. Made of fibreglass and carbon fibre, it has a wingspan of 2.5 metres and weighs 8.5 kg. It is launched from a portable aluminium launcher and lands by parachute. The Eagle Owl has an operational radius of 10 to 100 km and fully complies with SACAA (South African Civil Aircraft Association) regulations.

The Eagle Owl is launched

Contact Adam Rosman for enquiries at tel no (60) 605 4791. Website:

The Eagle Owl on the launcher

Descent of the Eagle Owl by parachute

The AMS team with the Eagle Owl: Back row from left: Wesley Denysschen (chief test pilot), Christopher O’Brien (aircraft design engineer), Charles Cavanagh (production manager), Sean Franck (maintenance manager), David Jones (operations manager). Front row: Adam Rosman (managing director), Lesiba Mahapa (control systems engineer). Not on photo: Dr Benjamin Rosman (artificial intelligence consultant) agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 05:49:22 PM

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2016/03/02 05:49:22 PM

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Teheka Solar provides sustainable energy solutions Teheka Solar was formed in 2004 with a goal of providing energy efficient solutions to a wide spectrum of clients. We seek to provide service excellence, high standards and be proactive in the provision of new technology in an ever changing world. Teheka Solar is passionate about what we do as we know that sustainable energy solutions will only become more vital in a world where consumption is increasing and energy reserves dwindling. Wherever possible, Teheka Solar has and will continue to seek out collaborative partnerships with organisations that are like-minded and share our vision, that of providing sustainable energy solutions in a commercially viable manner.


CLIENTS & PROJECTS eheka Solar has installed thousands of low pressure geyser systems in partnership with South Africa power giant Eskom, and has also provided energy efficient solutions to prestigious clients like Sasol, Protea Hotels, most of the mayor mining houses, Liberty Properties etc. OUR LATEST PROJECT Hannah Lodge, located in Ohrigstad, Limpopo. 110kW PV System. This is a perfect example to explain to farmers how it works and what to expect. With a request from the owner of Hannah Lodge to provide an alternate solution in complementing his existing Eskom service, Teheka Solar conducted a power consumption audit to determine if PV was an economical solution. Teheka Solar investigated the option of reducing power consumption and a load shift of existing consumption from Eskom driven supply of evening and early morning consumption to daytime loading, thereby substituting Eskom service with PV supply. The immediate solution was for all 49 chalets to have the existing Eskom driven geysers substituted with solar geysers, complimented by the Lodge’s laundry workload rescheduled to daylight timing to optimise PV supply. As a result of optimising Hannah Lodge’s demand load, we were able to provide the option of a much smaller PV system than originally envisaged, resulting in a significant saving in the capital cost of the project to the owner. This approach in rescheduling of power consumption provides significant cost savings through the correct “sizing” of the optimum PV installation, making PV more accessible to the market as a substitute power solution. With the ability to provide the optimum solution, Teheka will evaluate the consumption history of the user over a 12 month period, ensuring that the correct sizing of the proposed PV installation achieves the projected supply levels and cost savings of the installation. With Eskom yet to approve low voltage

connections to the grid, excess power generation from an incorrectly sized PV installation results in higher capital cost outlay with no financial benefit to the owner/consumer. Recent experience has shown a number of installers providing PV installations based on total consumption rather than optimised consumption, resulting in financially unproductive installations providing very little opportunity for the recovering of the cost of the installation. Teheka Solar is able to analyse Hannah Lodge PV production data daily – 90% of the Lodge’s daylight consumption has now been shifted to PV production. The effect on Hannah Lodges operating costs has given them the competitive edge, reduced operating costs with the ability to increase income and or market more aggressively when necessary. Teheka Solar has the expertise and ability to provide power supply to you home, lodge or farm at an affordable cost, giving you a cost effective option to current escalating and sometimes disruptive service from the conventional supply grid. Solar borehole pump The SQFlex family is an environmentallyfriendly water supply solution. SQFlex pumps are fitted with a permanent magnet motor that enables the efficient use of energy from nature. The pump system offers the perfect water supply solution in remote areas where water is scarce and the power supply is non-existent or unreliable. The SQFlex solar panels and wind turbines adapt to the characteristic weather profile of any given area. A battery backup system can store the extra energy generated and take over when the energy from nature is not available. SQFlex is more than just a pump – it’s a complete intelligent system. Thanks to its

built-in electronics, the pump is compatible with both DC and AC power supply without requiring an external inverter. The complete range consists of ten different pump sizes: Four helical rotor pumps for applications where a high head is required, and six centrifugal pumps for applications where a greater flow rate is necessary. The SQFlex systems are suitable for applications in remote locations: • Villages, schools, hospitals, small houses; • Farms and irrigation of greenhouses; • Game parks and game farms; • Conservation areas. Teheka Solar has recently completed a number of solar borehole pump installations for the department of health’s roll out of new medical clinics. These clinics are situated in very remote areas and solar borehole pumps are suitable for these areas because solar power is free and the system is basically maintenance free. These installations required the systems to be configured based on daily consumption, available water source and depth of borehole (head). Each system was specially designed and configured to these requirements, resulting in various configurations of pump size, number of PV panels and automation. Float valve installation to storage facilities allowed for the system to be switched off once tank capacity was reached. In addition the system have various self-protecting features such as dry run protection to ensure optimum workload efficiency.

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2016/03/02 05:49:23 PM

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80 2016/03/02 05:49:23 PM

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Veelvuldige vloeiprobleme vasgevat Al ooit met die frustrasie gesit dat vogtrekkende, taai stowwe of selfs growwe partikels wat veronderstel is om te vloei hardnekkig aan die wande van pype, houers of stortingstrokke vasklou? Nie alleen belemmer dit vloei nie maar dit lei ook tot verhoogde afval en dus verliese.


LI SA, wat die afgelope ses jaar ’n bekende naam in verskeie bedrywe in Suid-Afrika geraak het, het ongetwyfeld die antwoord op dié probleem. “Uitnemende vloeibeheer is OLI se forte,” verseker Peet Eksteen, hoofbestuurder van dié private maatskappy. “Met ’n verskeidenheid elektriese en pneumatiese vibrators en ander toerusting wat vloei in silo’s, trokke, houers, pype en toerusting vir voedselverwerking aanhelp, is ons ’n belangrike bondgenoot vir die plaaslike landboubedryf.” So is OLI se K-reeks, wat vir gebufferde pneumatiese lineêre vibrasie sorg, uitnemend geskik vir voedselverwerking. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur ’n interne “drywende silinder” wat lineêre beweging opwek en klouende stof doeltreffend aan die beweeg kry. Dit word boonop deur lae geraasvlakke en ’n skoon ontwerp gekenmerk.

Die MVE-reeks eksterne elektriese vibrators voorsien weer 20 kg tot 26 000 kg sentrifugale krag, wat dit uiters geskik maak vir alle soorte vibrasietoerusting in alle bedrywe.

“Baie boere is uiteraard nie van ons bestaan en die verskeie toepassings van ons produkte op plase bewus nie,” sê Eksteen. “Namate hulle van die vele oplossings vir probleemareas bewus raak en die feit dat dit uitstekende gehalte is vir ’n billike uitgawe, groei ons ondersteuners. Ons netwerk van agente is dit eens dat boerekopers in hul noppies is oor die verskillende produkte.” Van die kleiner vibrasie- en vloeihulptoerusting is lig en kan in die

kattebak van ’n motor vervoer word. Dit is ook maklik om te installeer of selfs by bestaande toerusting met ontwerp­ gebreke in te skakel en daardeur die prosesdoeltreffendheid en aanlegveiligheid te verhoog. OLI versprei egter ook ander toerusting wat die kopsorge van onder meer voedselverwerking, dierevoeding en kunsmis uitskakel. Die Martshock- pneumatiese hamers en elektriese hoëfrekwensie-vibrators (VHP-reeks) vir die kompaksie van konkreet is nog twee produkte wat boere goed op hul plase kan aanwend. Die OLI-groep, wat reeds vyf dekades ge­ lede deur die moedermaatskappy OLI S.p.a. van Modena in Italië gestig is, is vandag ’n filiaal van die groot WAMGROUP.

Lees meer oor OLI SA en sy verskeidenheid produkte op die maatskappy se webwerf

WAM se tegnologie beïndruk boere Tegnologie wat reeds wyd in Europa gebruik word, is besig om vinnig inslag te vind op veral SA bees- en varkplase. “Ons onderneming het minder as twee jaar gelede begin om Sepcom-produkte op plase in die Darling-omgewing te installeer,” sê Paul Pienaar, mede-eienaar van die elektriese kontrakteurs Pienaar Elektries, wat reeds sedert 1977 sake in die Wes-Kaap doen. “Nou het ons al selfs Sepcom-perse by plekke so ver as Greyton en George geïnstalleer.”


epcom-toerusting skei diereuitskeiding in vloeistof en vaste stof, wat boere help om hul koolstofvoetspoor aansienlik te verklein in ooreenstemming met die al hoe strenger internasionale voorskrifte. Die gevorderde tegnologie maak van swaartekrag en meganiese druk gebruik om onder meer diere-afval (byvoorbeeld op melkplase) te skei. Dit word ook deur instellings gebruik om riool te skei. Die toerusting help om die hoeveelheid nitrate en fosfate – wat tradisioneel in grondwater beland het – te skei. Die water kan hersikleer word en die droë produk kan onder meer as kunsmis gebruik of verkoop word. Pienaar Elektries doen dié werk vir WAM SA, wat deel is van die groot Italiaanse WAMgroup, met 148 internasionale patente, 60 filiale en belange in verskeie lande. Sepcom is een van verskeie bekende

die gewildste by boere, handelsname, insluitend “Die onderhoud maar ons het ook al van MAP, Speco, Torex, is besonder laag die kleineres, 45 kubieke Roncuzzi, Flitech, Silofab meter en 15 kubieke meter, en die prys hoogs en Enviro-Care. geïnstalleer.” “Ons het WAM sowat mededingend vir Een van die eerstes wat twee jaar gelede op die gehalte wat die in die Darling-omgewing aanbeveling genader en Sepcom bied.” opgerig is, werk al sowat het sowat een en ’n half 3 000 ure sonder jaar gelede begin om probleme. “Die onderhoud is besonder Sepcom-produkte op plase te installeer,” laag en die prys hoogs mededingend vir die sê Pienaar. “Die hele proses duur op die gehalte wat die Sepcom bied.” meeste vier dae, wat die installering van Volgens Pienaar is hul verhouding die verpakte produk en die aanbring van met WAM baie goed en die groep is nie die pype insluit. Gewoonlik versend WAM ongeneë om aanpassings vir die plaaslike drie of vier verpakte produkte op ’n slag mark aan te bring wat hul produk kan van Johannesburg af, wat ons help om verbeter nie. “Hulle het my juis genooi om aan die groeiende vraag te voldoen. Boere hul produksie-aanleg in Italië in Junie te vertel mekaar daarvan en verkope neem besoek.” dienooreenkomstig toe.” Lees meer oor Sepcom- en ander Dit is uiters moderne, doeltreffende en WAM-produkte op die webwerf betroubare toerusting, sê Pienaar. “Die groot eenheid van 65 kubieke meter is agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 05:49:24 PM


Agri SA on Eskom’s regulatory clearing account application


gri SA made a presentation to Nersa during its Gauteng public hearings on 4 February 2016. During its presentation, Agri SA highlighted the difficulties faced by the sector in recent times and shared its view of the likely implications of a steep electricity tariff hike. Here are some highlights on what Agri SA had to say to Nersa about Eskom’s Regulatory Clearing Account (RCA) application.

Challenges for the agricultural sector South Africa is in the midst of the worst drought in decades • As South Africa faces a possible recession and the agricultural sector has been the worst performing; • Agricultural production and farm incomes of both small- and large-scale farmers have been severely affected by drought conditions. Agricultural sector contracted by: • 19.7% in Q2 2015 • 12.6% in Q3 2015 A further double digit contraction is expected to be reported in relation to the last quarter of 2015.

in the original MYPD3 decision will place tremendous liquidity pressure on any enterprise, especially if electricity

47% of wheat is produced on irrigated land 17% of South Africa’s maize production is under irrigation

In January and February, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) held public hearings throughout the country about Eskom’s application in relation to the Regulatory Clearing Account. Eskom’s request is to claw back R22.8 for expenditure incurred in the 2013/14 financial year. These funds, should they be approved, would result in an increase in electricity tariff of approximately 16%, when taking into account the already approved 8% increase that will take effect in April 2016. constitutes a large proportion of variable costs as in the case of irrigation-reliant agricultural industries.

25% of the country’s food is produced by irrigationreliant and energyintensive industries

Irrigation farmers most acutely affected by NERSA’s RCA decision

30% of sugar is produced on irrigated lands 10% Contribution of electricity costs to an average producer’s total variable cost

Estimated losses for farmers Maize • Estimated that 2016/17 maize harvest will amount to approximately 5 million tons, down from an average annual harvest of 11 million tons • Loss of revenue by maize farmers of at least R15 billion in 2015/16

Focus on irrigation farmers


Electricity costs constitute the second and fourth largest cost components in the production of wheat and maize under irrigation respectively. Undoubtedly, tariff hikes significantly in excess of the 8% communicated

• Drought-induced revenue losses in the 2015/16 season have been estimated to reach over R1.1 billion.

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Livestock • Thousands of livestock losses have been reported, leading to revenue losses that are yet to be estimated.

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Application of the multi year price determination (MYPD) methodology We acknowledge need for Eskom to maintain a healthy financial position and to advocate for full cost recovery BUT the downstream effects of substantial tariff hikes on sectors cannot be ignored

We have supported the adoption of the MYPD methodology as a mechanism of bringing certainty and ensuring Eskom’s financial viability

However, given the fragile state of the country’s key sectors and the economy at large a blind application of the methodology at this stage would be inappropriate and would exacerbate economic difficulties We agree with Eskom that high electricity prices have unfavourably affected the demand for electricity, contributing to the unfavourable revenue variance

Further price increases will almost certainly lead to reduced electricity consumption, continuing an unsustainable cycle of under-recovery and unfavourable revenue variances

We urge NERSA to give greater consideration to the ability of customers to absorb cost increases and to the likely impact that further tariff increases will have on future demand and further revenue variances which will give rise to further hefty RCA applications (Vicious cycle)

Agri SA’s concerns with the economic assumptions made in the MYPD approval • We recognise that the economic growth assumptions on which the original MYPD3 decision was based were concluded at a time when the economic outlook was slightly more positive. • We are however concerned that it appears that Eskom had missed an opportunity to update the growth and sales assumptions made in their MYPD3 submission, to reflect a more realistic view of the future prior to submitting to NERSA. • The current RCA application indicates on page 42 that the sales forecast was finalised on 14 September 2011, over a year prior to the submission of the MYPD3 application to Nersa. • We recommend that in future, a requirement to update economic assumptions in line with the latest available information be imposed as far as is feasible to allow for more realistic outlooks and projections. • We further recommend that in future MYPD applications, the relationship between economic growth and electricity sales to the various sectors be relooked given the trend that most rapid growth has been observed in less energy intensive sectors.

Our recommendations • Given the current fragile position of the South African economy, consideration should be given to recovering the approved RCA balance over an extended period of time, as allowable in the MYPD methodology. • If the full RCA balance of R22.8 billion as requested by Eskom were to be recovered in the current period, an increase of approximately 16% to the tariff may be likely. • This would be destructive to the economy and the agricultural sector in particular. It is recognised that the EBITDA and EBIT ratios are at such low levels that they may be negatively considered by rating agencies. A rigid phasing-in schedule for RCA should however contribute towards alleviating this

Essentially, Eskom is a stateowned utility and a supplier of a critical input in the South African economy. Given the impact of the organisation’s operations on the cost of doing business in South Africa, greater transparency is required regarding the methodologies applied to calculate costs and determine efficiency and prudency of expenditure

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2016/03/02 05:49:24 PM

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Wheat import tariff does not lead to a significant increase in the price of white bread PETRU FOURIE AND WANDILE SIHLOBO, GRAIN SA

Bread is an important staple food in South Africa and plays an integral role in ensuring national food security. The majority of consumers do not buy food directly from farmers, and the price consumers pay for food is exceedingly higher than what farmers receive for the raw commodity.


n this article, we highlight the share of income that the average wheat farmer gets per loaf of white bread at its retail price. The wheat farmer’s share of the retail price of white bread will be examined to clarify a common misconception that farmers are responsible for high bread prices.

Background on the wheat price The price of wheat for a South African buyer is normally determined by the international wheat price, the exchange rate and the local supply and demand for wheat. South Africa is not selfsufficient in the production of wheat; therefore approximately 60% of our local consumption is imported. South Africa’s wheat demand has been growing, which has increased our dependency on imported wheat. As a result, the domestic price of wheat, as reported by Safex, has also shown an upward trend towards the import parity price. To reduce our dependence on expensive imports, the South African wheat industry is currently working on strategies to boost domestic wheat production. While this is in progress, there is an import tariff imposed, which provides protection for the local wheat industry. At the moment this tariff is R911.17 per ton and it is expected to increase to R1 224.31 per ton due to a fall in international wheat prices. It is important to note that the import tariff has been

factored into the calculations below. How much wheat is in a loaf of white bread? In order to calculate the difference between the real farm value and real retail value, the following assumptions were made: to bake a 700 g loaf of white bread; an average of 480 g of flour is needed. In order to mill that 480 g of flour, 588 g of wheat is required. Thus, approximately 1 700 loaves of white bread can be produced from 1 ton of wheat.

The price consumers pay for bread versus the price farmers receive for wheat Figure 1 presents a derived wheat farmer price required to produce 588 g of wheat

Figure 1: Derived farmer price vs bread price Source: Grain SA and Stats SA agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 84

for one loaf of white bread. The derived farmer price is calculated by taking the average annual Safex price for each marketing year and deducting relevant costs, such as the location differential as well as handling and storage costs for grade B2 wheat. Figure 1 compares the derived farmer price for 588 g of wheat against the annual average price of a 700 g loaf of white bread in a retail store. During the eight year period, wheat farmer prices declined twice, but bread prices consistently increased, indicating that farmers did not fully benefit from these higher retail prices. If one focuses on the past season, 2014/15; wheat producer prices (588 g) increased by 3% while the price of a 700 g loaf of white bread increased by 8% from R10.28 to R11.11 over the same period. Overall, raw wheat price movements were in most instances not the main contributing factor to the increase in the bread price, even with the additional import wheat tariff effects.

Wheat producers’ percentage share of retail white bread price While input prices increased both for farmers and retailers; the farmers’ share of the consumer’s rand remained relatively stable or even decreased in some years. Between 2008 and 2015, a wheat farmer’s share of a 700 g loaf of white bread fluctuated between 15% and 20%. This implies that when a consumer >>> page 85

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Wheat <<< page 84

bought a loaf of white bread, the raw material (wheat) simply costs R2.38 in comparison to the total loaf of bread at R11.76. For example if one loaf consists of 21 slices, the farmer’s income equals 4 slices while the rest of the wheat-to-bread value chain enjoys the rest of the slices (Figure 2).

Conclusion It is imperative for consumers and other stakeholders to be made aware that increases in bread prices are not necessarily linked to increases in the wheat farmer’s payments (producer prices), but rather can be attributed to costs further down the value chain.

Figure 2: Wheat producers’ percentage share of the retail price of white bread (2015/16)

New Kubota L45 packed with power Smith Power Equipment (SPE) recently introduced the Kubota L45 diesel TLB (tractor, loader, backhoe) into the southern African market. With its hydrostatic transmission L45 is ideal for contractors, landscapers, rental users and homeowners wanting professional results as it is packed with power.


PE’s Kubota brand manager Deon Engelke says that the Kubota L45 TLB not only has the muscle one needs for almost any job, but its advanced technologies provide the versatility that is required in the segments in which this machine operates. “The L45 was not built only for power and versatility. It was also designed to be comfortable for the operator. In line with Kubota’s obsession to ensure that a comfortable operator is a productive one, it has increased the width between the fenders on the L45 by nearly 75mm and has used some of that room to add armrests. The L45 also features a full flat deck for easy mounting and dismounting, as well as the always easy-to-read Intellipanel®,” Engelke says. In addition the L45’s distinctive slant new hood design is not just for good looks. This unique styling offers operators a greater field of view, allowing them to see more of what is in front of them. “Importantly with a machine that has so many functions, the hydraulic engineering is all-important. All hydraulic hoses are routed through the boom and arm for improved hose protection and durability – not to mention the improved visibility,” Engelke adds.

Backhoe With the L45’s HST Plus transmission its heavy-duty backhoe operates more effectively than ever and combining the HST Plus with the new backhoe crawling mode significantly increases productivity.

The backhoe has a 3 m digging depth, a standard hydraulic thumb and a high performance inching valve. Also, the optional quick coupler helps to change buckets in a “snap”. This is the perfect option for those who do a lot of bucket work and frequently change bucket types.

Front loader Excellent operation, better visibility and superior versatility are just some of the reasons the L45’s performance-matched loader is considered unrivalled for power and productivity. With 1 600kg of breakout force, 1 000kg of lift capacity and a 2.8 m lift-height, these robust loaders have the strength and reach for most projects. An important feature when using the front loader is the slanted boom, which matches the L45’s hood and provides

operators with a greater field view when changing attachments. The quick coupler is real operational boon. It is simple to use and no tools are required for easy on/off buckets, pallet forks etc. “The L45’s independent PTO allows you to engage and disengage the rear PTO while the tractor is in motion. This means there is no need to stop the tractor to engage or disengage the rear PTO ensuring the enormously high productivity levels that Kubota has become famous for. Also, for safer and more convenient PTO use, the L45 features an auto shut-off and protective slip-up shields,” Engelke says.

Contact Deon Engelke on 011 284 2000 or visit (This article was published in FarmTech, March April 2016.)

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2016/03/02 05:49:27 PM

agri Nuus/News

A phoenix rises from the ashes BY ALANI JANEKE, FREE STATE AGRICULTURE

A gem of the Eastern Free State, Rustler’s Valley, is rising from the ashes while making history with the help of the Earthrise Trust, a member of Free State Agriculture. Jay Naidoo, a previous general secretary of Cosatu, as well as a minister in former president Nelson Mandela’s cabinet, Kumi Naidoo, head of Greenpeace International, and Gino Govender, an old Cosatu colleague, are the trustees.


he farm was famous for its annual music festival that took place for many years, until the resort facilities and parts of the farm were destroyed by a devastating fire in September 1997, shortly before that year’s festival. At the time Frik Grobbelaar was the owner of the farm. The Earthrise Trust bought the farm in February 2013. The acquisition of this farm was not a normal land sales transaction. The trust saw the Naledi Village, where about 100 community members and workers lived, as the main asset. The contract thus includes a clause according to which 40 ha of the 273 ha farm is allocated to the Naledi Development Trust (NDT). Restoration of the facilities on the farm, to be used as conference and vacation facilities, started in May 2014. This reborn phoenix officially spread its wings in 2015 with the official opening of the Earthrise Mountain Lodge. The community themselves proudly manage and run the farm and lodge, explains Anton Chaka, chairperson of NDT. The community’s future plans include unique Eastern Free State hospitality at the lodge and a Naledi music festival, as well as providing vegetables to the lodge. He says the community produced vegetables earlier, which was sold to the local community as well as donated to clinics in the Ficksburg area. Earthrise Trust also bought another

The newly launched Earthrise Mountain Lodge

The beloved Naledi Village

The pre-school children who are receiving schooling on the farm agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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guest farm in the area, Franshoek, for which the community will also supply vegetables. They will target retail markets and national supermarkets to deliver produce too. The trust wants the community to become the official owners of the land

allocated to them, and so the NDT applied to the department of rural development and land reform for legal, technical and financial assistance to complete the formal demarcation and transfer of ownership of their allotment. This means that in future the residents of the Naledi Village and their immediate descendants will have life-time rights to their homes, as well as a share in the managed profits generated from co-operative farming on their own land. “The model that we will follow here is to bring value back to the people,” says Gino Govender. Education for all is close to the Earthrise Trust’s hearts, and so a school has been started for the community’s future businessmen and women. A pre-primary as well as primary school will be built on the grounds. At this stage, pre-schooling is provided to 15 boys and girls at a venue set up for community training. Staying true to the business model of the enterprise, three women from the village form the school’s governing body. Anton Chaka says a noticeable change has taken place in the lives of the community. “We are living proudly, knowing >>> bladsy 87

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Phoenix <<< page 86

Friendly Naledi Village children

Martin Detering, Anton Chaka and Gino Govender in front of some of the ruins of Rustler’s Valley

The first glance of the Naledi Village

that we are working on our own future. The issue of owning something is such a big thing!” Earthrise Trust envisions the idea of a vibrant, sustainable, food-driven rural community that can do so much for themselves with a little help as well as by using their indigenous knowledge. They hope to follow a model of transformation that will have a real and tangible effect on people’s lives and the country’s many challenges.

Nissan’s involvement in farmer development expands Nissan has been involved in farmer development in the Rust de Winter area since September 2014. The Rust de Winter area consists of about 32 000 hectare originally bought from commercial farmers in the late eighties up to 1992 by the previous government as part of the homeland scheme and for the expansion of the KwaNdebele homeland. Since the elections in 1994, a lot of farmers have settled in this area and although there were efforts from government to develop farmers, not much has materialised. In 2013, Agri Gauteng established a farmers’ union branch in the area and became involved in farmer development in Rust de Winter.


uring September 2014, Nissan provided the first Nissan vehicle to assist Agri Gauteng in projects of farmer development and made it possible to visit farmers on a regular basis. Business plans needed to be developed for the farmers for purposes of recapitalisation of the farms. Agri Gauteng also took part in developing the master plan for the area and had the privilege of hosting an event with the help of Phinias Gumede (vice-president of Agri

SA) where this plan could be presented to the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries Senzeni Zokwana. In terms of this plan the focus will fall on creating sustainable farming enterprises, involving the farmer in the agricultural value chain from the start of the preparation of seedbeds up to the delivering of products to the off-takers. Rust de Winter will then become an excellent agricultural hub, which just might lead by example of how an agripark should be functioning.

Over and above the Rust de Winter project Nissan has also become part of farmer development in the rest of the Gauteng Province as Agri Gauteng is currently also involved with the development of business plans for the department of rural development and land reform. By visiting these farmers, determining their needs and assisting them to plan their future, we will be making a difference regarding food security and the future of this country.

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2016/03/02 05:49:29 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Intelligente siektebeheer gee gemoedsrus Ceriax®, wat die swamdoder Xemium® bevat, is die volgende generasie SDHI-swamdoder vir voortreflike, intelligente siektebeheer op koring en gars.


ASF is trots om die eerste SDHIgroep swamdoder op kleingrane in Suid-Afrika bekend te stel: Die produk Ceriax® lei ‘n nuwe era van siektebeer op kleingrane in. BASF streef daarna om hoë werkverrigtingplaasbestuuroplossigs te skep deur volhou­bare, betroubare en innoverende ontwikkelings aan die produsent beskikbaar te stel.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 88

Die innoverende swamdoder Xemium® maak deel uit van die carboxamides-groep (SDHI). Xemium® het ‘n merkwaardige chemiese struktuur met buitengewone eienskappe. Die buitengewone mobiliteit, gekombineer met die vinnige opname en verspreiding binne-in die plant, maak voorsiening vir ‘n hoogs doeltreffende siektebeheeroplossing. Sodra dit in die plant opgeneem is, verskaf Xemium® nie

net blitsvinnige en betroubare beheer van bestaande infeksies nie, maar ook langdurige en betroubare beskerming van die kleingraanplant.

Voordele van Ceriax® Uitstekende siektebeheer op koring en gars bring gemoedsrus en vertroue dat die gewas sy volle potensiaal kan bereik, selfs tydens hoë siektedruktoestande. Die sistemiese en translaminêre beweging van Ceriax®

88 2016/03/02 05:49:31 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional in die plant verseker beheer van blaarvlek (Rhynchosporium secalis), bruinroes (Puccinia hordei), netvlek (Pyrenophora teres), poeieragtige skimmel (meeldou) (Erisiphe graminis) op gars en vaalblaar en bruinaarsiekte (Septoria spp.), bruinroes (Puccinia triticina), stamroes (Puccinia graminis), poeieragtige skimmel (meeldou) (Erisiphe graminis) en geelroes/streeproes (Puccinia striiformis) op koring. Die nuwe swamdoder Xemium®, in kombinasie met F500® en epoxiconazole, bring gemoedsrus vir siektebeheer, tydbesparing wanneer langdurige beheer jou kans gee om te reageer wanneer toestande vir siekte-ontwikkeling toeneem en opvolgbespuitings nodig sou wees. Koring en gars word dus in staat gestel om hulle volle opbrengspotensiaal te bereik en graan van uitstekende gehalte te lewer. Die kombinasie van drie swamdoders met verskillende werkwyses dra by tot weerstandsbestuur wat volhoubare siektebestuur in die toekoms op koring en gars verseker. Die unieke mobiliteit van Xemium® verseker uitstekende beskerming van nuwe groei. Ceriax® bereik sy teiken (die siekteveroorsakende swam) suksesvol ondanks verskeie struikelblokke soos waslae en membrane in die plant. Vinnige vervoer en eweredige verspreiding van Ceriax® op en in die blare verseker uitstekende beskerming teen die vernaamste kleingraanblaarsiektes. Infeksies word gestop sonder dat weerstandige swamme oorleef. Toediening moet verkieslik voorkomend plaasvind, maar Ceriax® besit die vermoë om ontydige siektetoestande onder beheer te bring en genesend te werk sodat die siekte nie verder versprei nie – selfs al is die toestande gunstig. Die AgCelence®-belofte is deel van Ceriax®. Die fisiologiese effek wat F500® bring, verseker opbrengsverhoging ongeag siektedruk, verhoogde gehalte en produksiedoeltreffendheid, tesame met beter verdraagsaamheid teen stremmingstoestande. Dié fisiologiese voordele bring beskerming teen vroeë rypwording, doeltreffende beskikbare waterverbruik,

Verhoogde lipied-oplosbaarheid lei tot optimale opname van die aktiewe bestanddeel, omdat die waslaag en selmembrane vinnig gepenetreer word.

Hoër wateroplosbaarheid lei tot sistemiese verspreiding van die aktiewe middel deur vinnige vervoer in vaatbundels, sowel as goeie verspreiding binne-in selle.

groener blare met beter groei, terwyl plante se natuurlike weerstandmeganisme optimaal werk en die beter CO2-opname vir toename in die produksie van reserwes sorg. Dus word graanvul bevorder en die uiteinde is toename in opbrengs met die koring en gars wat volle potensiaal bereik. Hoër opbrengs en beter kwaliteit graan beteken meer geld in die sak en verseker uiteindelik volhoubare produksie. Die uitstekende formulasie met “Stick and Stay” verseker dat Ceriax® toegedien kan word ongeag weeromstandighede. Hierdie swamdoders word tot agt keer vinniger droog as konvensionele swamdoders en is beter bestand teen afloop ongeag die reënval. “Stick and Stay“-swamdoders word gekenmerk deur baie goeie

biobeskikbaarheid met verhoogde doeltreffentheid van die aktiewe bestanddele. Doeltreffender siektebeheer word bewerkstellig as gevolg van vinnige penetrasie en hoër lading van Ceriax®, wat op die blaaroppervlak beskikbaar is. Die innoverende formulasiesamestelling bring ’n koste-doeltreffende oplossing met minimale vermorsing van die produk wat afwas tydens reënbuie of besproeiing. Die krag van Ceriax® spruit uit unieke voordele gekombineer met AgCelence®: • Dit bied ‘n buitengewone tydperk van beskerming en mobiliteit in die plant. • Jou plante sal verhoogde groeikrag toon en meer weerstandig teen stremmingstoestande wees. • Jy kan hoër opbrengste en graangehalte verwag ongeag die siektetoestande.

BASF streef daarna om hoë werkverrigting-plaasbestuuroplossings te skep deur volhou­bare, betroubare en innoverende ontwikkelings aan die produsent beskikbaar te stel.

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2016/03/02 05:49:33 PM

agri Nuus/News

Gemoedsrus met intelligente siektebeskerming

Ceriax ‘n




gedrewe oplossing

Ceriax® - Die volgende generasie SDHI swamdoder in koring en gars vir voortreflike en intelligente plaasbestuur. • • • •

Uitstekende mobiliteit - Buitengewone, langdeurige beskerming teen siektes Volhoubare siektebestuur - 3 verskillende wyse van werking in 1 bottel Innoverende “Stick & Stay” formulasie - Vinnige opname en maksimum doeltreffendheid Hoër opbrengs op belegging - AgCelence® voordele bring hoër opbrengs en beter kleingraan kwaliteit BASF Suid Afrika (Edms) Bpk

852 Sestiende Straat, Midrand, 1685

Posbus 2801, Halfway House, 1685


Ceriax Xemium® - Fluxapyroxad, F500® - Pyraclostrobin

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 90

Tel: +27 11 203 2400

Faks: +27 11 203 2461

Mobielewebblad: 90 Reg. Nr L9801 Wet Nr 36 van 1947. Aktiewe bestanddeel: Xemium 41.6 g/ℓ. F500 66.6 g/ℓ. Epoxiconazole 41.6 g/ℓ. Skadelik.

agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page Webblad:



Ceriax®, Xemium®, AgCelence® en F500® is Geregistreerde Handelsmerke van BASF. 2016/03/02 05:49:33 PM

agri Nuus/News

Revised Expropriation Bill heading for the National Assembly THEO BOSHOFF, AGRI SA LEGAL OFFICER

After several months of deliberation in the portfolio committee on public works, the Expropriation Bill has finally been submitted to the National Assembly for consideration.


mixed bag of amendments have been effected by the portfolio committee with some duly being a cause for concern while others can be viewed as a substantial improvement. The bill in totality has been shrouded in controversy since it was first released for comment; however, it is important at this stage of the process to keep perspective and to treat the new amendments on their merits. Regarding the amendments specifically, the principle source of concern is the insertion of a definition for “expropriation”, which would attempt to limit the scope of what is regarded as an expropriation to those instances where the state actually acquires the property itself. Only when a government action is deemed an expropriation is the government obliged to pay compensation in terms of the Constitution. There may be instances where state actions deprive the owner of the use of the property to such an extent that it could amount to a de facto expropriation. If a court regards this action as tantamount to an expropriation within the context of the Constitution, the definition may be found to be in conflict with the Constitution. For this reason, Agri SA is of the opinion

that the definition should be removed altogether, as any legislative attempt to limit a concept originating from the constitution itself could set itself up for a constitutional challenge. Be that as it may, we should not overlook the numerous positive amendments that have been effected to the bill. For example, the trauma caused by the property being taken without consent can now be factored into the calculation of compensation if there are good reasons to do so. Previously, solatium or “tranegeld” was excluded completely, which no longer appears to be the case. In addition, the expropriating authority will no longer be permitted to hold back 20% of the compensation in the case of a dispute and the owner will no longer be ‘deemed’ to accept the state’s offer of compensation if he or she does not approach a court within 60 days. After the amendments the parties can either go for mediation or the state must approach the court if they can’t settle on the amount of compensation. Furthermore, the bill now states very clearly that there will be recourse to the courts in the event of any dispute on any matter relating to the application of the bill. This effectively settles the debate whether

or not one can challenge the actual expropriation in court or merely the amount of compensation that is to be paid. As the broader debate regarding expropriation has again enjoyed substantial media coverage, it is important to place the role of this bill in context. Although it cannot be divorced from the broader debate, the bill itself is somewhat technical in nature, as it simply seeks to regulate the procedure that must be followed as well as the manner in which compensation must be calculated. The actual authority that grants various ministers and organs of state the power to expropriate already exists within a multitude of different pieces of legislation. The power of those ministers to expropriate does, therefore, not hinge entirely on this bill, only the process and calculation of compensation. WhilE we must therefore rightly scrutinise every aspect of the bill in detail, it is important to remember exactly how it fits into the broader debate. The bill has not yet been finalised and will still need to go to the relevant select committee within the National Council of Provinces. Agri SA will continue to lobby for a bill that is fair and does not pose dangers to property rights and investment in property in South Africa.

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2016/03/02 05:49:34 PM

agri Nuus/News

uppe marketing A11372/ASA


Acceleron® – die saadbehandelingspakket wat help om die prestasiepotensiaal van die DEKALB® saad wat jy plant van meet af aan te vergroot. Deur jou saad vroeg in die seisoen teen ‘n verskeidenheid van nematodes, insekte en grond- en saadgedraagde siektes te beskerm, optimaliseer Acceleron® vroeg in die seisoen reeds plantstand, eenvormigheid en groeikragtigheid vir verhoogde opbrengspotensiaal.

Acceleron® – ’n eksklusiewe saadbehandelingspakket – voordelig vanaf dag een. Kontak gerus ons kliëntediens by: 011 790-8200 of Monsanto, DEKALB® en Acceleron® is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

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2016/03/02 05:49:35 PM

agri Nuus/News


‘n Afvaardiging van Agri SA het die beraad oor klimaatverandering in Parys, Frankryk op uitnodiging van die World Farmers Organisation (WFO) bygewoon. Die vergadering van die Konferensie van Partye (COP 21) het van 30 November tot 11 Desember 2015 plaasgevind.

uppe marketing A11372/ASA


ie landbouverteenwoordigers van die WFO het gepoog om die begrip “landbou” in die nuwe ooreenkoms ingesluit te kry, omdat landbou per sé nie voorheen in die ooreenkomste van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se klimaat­veranderingkonvensies vermeld word nie. Daar is darem by COP 20 in Warskau, Pole, daarin geslaag om landbou in die betrokke adviesligaam oor wetenskap- en tegnologiese advies (SBSTA) ingesluit te kry.

Die basiese vertrekpunte van die landbou • Volhoubare landbouproduksie moet ter wille van voedselsekerheid (produksie van voedsel, voer en vesel) in stand gehou word te midde van die onsekerheid wat klimaatverandering teweeg bring, veral by opkomende boere; • Landbou word die meeste geraak deur klimaatverandering, byvoorbeeld droogtes en vloede; • Klimaatverandering het tot gevolg dat die aanplantings van gewasse en die die reproduksiestelsels van vee moontlik aangepas sal moet word; • Klimaatsveranderinge gaan veroorsaak dat plaagbeheer by temperatuurstygings nuwe uitdagings aan produsente stel; • Die beskikbaarheid van voldoende water vir besproeiing is onseker en opgaarkapasiteit sal waarskynlik aangepas moet word, omdat landbou die laagste versekering (in Suid-Afrika) het wanneer waterbeperkings ingestel sou word; • Wisselende klimaatsomstandighede gaan addisionele bestuurspraktyke van veeboere vereis, soos in die geval van haarwurms en bosluisoordraagbare siektes. Landbou se voorstelle by die beraad kan kortliks soos volg opgesom word: • Dat die onderskeie onderhandelaars hulle moet beywer vir ‘n vindingryke, bindende en ‘n billike ooreenkoms, asook vir die beskikbaarstelling van finansiering en tegnologie-oordrag. Infrastruktuur moet gesamentlik ontwikkel word. • Omdat ongeveer ‘n honderd partye aangedui het dat hul beoog om skadelike gasse by die nasionale kweekhuisgasvrystellingsmikpunte

(INDC’s) ingesluit te kry, behoort die landbousektor sodanige vermelding in ‘n nuwe ooreenkoms te geniet; • Voedselsekerheid moet in stand gehou word, ooreenkomstig die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se volhoubare ontwikkelings­ doelwitte wat vereis dat daar fisiese, ekonomiese, veilige, voedsame en voldoende toegang tot voedsel moet wees; • Daarom is dit ononderhandelbaar uit ‘n landbouoogpunt om voedselsekerheid in ‘n nuwe ooreenkoms ingesluit te kry. Die landbou het gevolglik ‘n beroep op die onderhandelaars gedoen om: • boere met ‘n positiewe benadering te ondersteun en met tegnologie toe te rus om weerstand teen klimaatsveranderinge te bied; • toegang tot grond, water en finansiering te verseker, sodat boere in ‘n winsgewende omgewing sal investeer; • ‘n billike en ambisieuse finansieringsraamwerk te ontwikkel vir veral boere in ontwikkelende lande; • landbou se meerdoelige rol binne die waardeketting te erken en te bevorder. Dit het ook duidelik tydens die beraad na vore gekom dat landbou teen 2050 sowat, 70% meer voedsel sal moet produseer om die wêreldbevolking van 9.6 miljard te voed in ag genome dat gepoog sal moet word om aardverwarming met minder as 2% te beperk. Die voorafgaande impliseer dat ‘n afname in produksie van 18 tot 11% verwag kan word. Boere sal gevolglik innoverend tydige aanpassings moet maak om hulpbronne optimaal te benut. Van die totale koolstofvoetspoor beloop die gedeelte deur landbou slegs 11%, terwyl landbou die sektor is wat die meeste deur klimaatverandering benadeel word. Dit bly ‘n belangrike uitdaging dat

politici en landbou saam sal moet werk om voedselproduksie onder die skadu van klimaatverandering volhoubaar vir die toekoms te handhaaf. Die maatreëls waarop by COP 21 ooreengekom is, sluit die volgende in: • Om kweekhuisgasvrystellings so gou moontlik te beperk en ‘n belans te vind tussen die bronne en die sekwestrasie van kweekhuisgasvrylatings in die tweede helfte van die eeu. • Om die toename in aardtemperature beduidend onder 2°C te hou en om pogings aan te wend om dit tot 1.5°C te beperk. • Om elke vyf jaar te kyk na vordering in dié verband. • Om $100 miljard per jaar beskikbaar te stel vir finansiering vir ontwikkelende lande teen 2020, met ‘n verbintenis tot verdere finansiering in die toekoms. In die voorsitter se opsomming van COP 21 in Parys word melding gemaak van voedselsekerheid en -produksie, terwyl die begrippe voedselsekerheid en voedselproduksie albei in die finale Parysooreenkoms ingesluit is. • In die aanhef tot die ooreenkoms is daar erkenning vir die fundamentele prioriteit om voedselsekerheid te handhaaf en hongersnood te beëindig, en die besondere kwesbaarheid van voedselproduksiestelsels as gevolg van die nadelige impak van klimaatverandering. • In klousule 2.1b van die ooreenkoms word melding gemaak van die doel om globale reaksie op die bedreiging van klimaatverandering te versterk deur die vermoë om aan te pas by die nadelige impakte van klimaatverandering te verhoog en om ook aanpassings te ontwikkel en lae kweekhuisgasvrylatings te beperk op ‘n wyse wat nie voedselproduksie sal bedreig nie. Terwyl bogenoemde nie presies is waarvoor landbou gehoop het nie, het hierdie belangrike elemente ten minste nie verlore gegaan nie en bied dit tóg aan die sektor ‘n goeie fondament vir toekomstige ingryping. Lees meer oor die Parys-ooreenkoms by cop21/eng/l09.pd.

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2016/03/02 05:49:35 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional


makes every drop count As the heat of summer draws near and temperatures begin to rise, so does the demand placed on already-strained water supplies - making it absolutely imperative to ensure that irrigation water is used optimally by your crop. However, soil limitations can lead to inefficient irrigation - and because soil limitiations are inherent to the soil texture and structure, existing management practices offer no immediate solutions to these limitations: SURFACE EVAPORATION







What if you could optimize your water use by improving infiltration into the soil and distribution of water in the root zone, while reducing surface evaporation at the same time? What if the soil could provide more easily available water to the plant?* HOW DOES IT WORK? Once in the soil TRANSFORMERSA coats the soil particles to make them more wettable *, thus ensuring that water movement is less restricted and water can be distributed* faster and more evenly in the soil profile. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOUR CROP? Water uptake is improved and the soil has a greater buffer capacity to help your plants cope during those extra hot days. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? A larger percentage of applied water is available in the root zone and less water is lost, therefore water is used more efficiently. Apply TRANSFORMERSA early in the season to make best use of the benefits. Only one or two applications are needed per season. Contact your local agent today! * To request data on these points please email

tel +27 21 850 0667 email ACT 36 / 1947 REGISTRATION №: B4664 • FERTILIZER • GROUP II TRANSFORMERSA CONTAINS: ORANGE OIL 100 g/ℓ

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94 2016/03/02 05:49:35 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

OROWET®-tegnologie maak die boer sterker Water is vandag ‘n kosbare bron. Grondbeperkings soos kompaksie en hidrofobisiteit kan aanleiding gee tot vermorsing van water weens afloop en oormatige verdamping. Oro Agri se TRANSFORMERSA kan help om hierdie probleme te verlig en water beter te benut.


lim tegnologie help die boer om selfs om water beter te benut, wat alles uiteindelik groter, beter oeste en meer wins in sy sak beteken. Oro Agri SA (Edms) Bpk vervaardig produkte met unieke OROWET®tegnologie vir gebruik in sowel geïntegreerde as konvensionele plaagbeheer-programme. Sedert die ontstaan van die maatskappy in 2001 het Oro Agri gegroei tot ’n multi-nasionale verskaffer van omgewings­vriendelike produkte wat vandag suksesvol gebruik word in gewasbeskermings­programme in meer as 70 lande wêreldwyd, waarvan Brasilië, VSA, Frankryk, Spanje, Suid-Afrika, Sjina en Indië tans die grootste gebruikers is. Oro Agri SA (Edms) Bpk se hoofkantoor is in Somerset-Wes. Die produkte word vervaardig in Spanje, Kalifornië, Brasilië asook in Kaapstad, waarvandaan dit regdeur Sub-Sahara Afrika versprei word. OROWET-tegnologie bestaan uit koud­ geperste lemoen-olie in gepatenteerde mengsels met verskeie benatters. Die lemoen-olie wat in produkte gebruik word, word verkry uit die sitrusbedryf en is ’n totaal hernubare bron. Die tegnologie het verskeie toepassings, afhangend van die geregistreerde formulasie en konsentrasie van aanwending. Teen laer konsentrasies kan dit gebruik word as hoogs veelsydige benatter om die doeltreffendheid van spuittoedienings te verbeter en die werking van verskeie plaagdoders aan te vul. Teen hoër konsentrasies kan OROWETtegnologie met doeltreffende kontakaksie teen verskeie insekte, swamme en myte aangewend word. Verskillende OROWET-formulasies word tans in Suid-Afrika vervaardig. Dit sluit in produkte wat geregistreer is as benatters (bv WETCIT) of die omgewingsvriendelike plaagdoder, PREV-AM. Die jongste formulasie is ’n grondkondisioneerder met die naam van TRANSFORMERSA wat geregistreer is om die infiltrasie en verspreiding van besproeiingswater in moeilik benatbare of kompakte grond te verbeter.

Benut water beter Oor die afgelope vyf jaar is verskeie proewe

gedoen om die effek van TRANSFORMERSA op waterhuishouding in verskeie grondtipes te bestudeer. Sommige van die studies is deur Nordely Wright (foto hierbo), wat tans by Oro Agri in diens is, gedoen ter verkryging van ’n MSc Agricgraad. Daarna is verdere veldproewe gedoen in verskeie gewasse, onder verskeie besproeiingstelsels, om die effek van die produk op gewasprestasie te bepaal. Nordely het bevind dat TRANSFORMERSA die infiltrasietempo en verspreiding van water in grond verbeter. Hierdie effek word waargeneem ná ’n enkele behandeling en dit hoef dus nie herhaaldelik toegedien te word nie. Dit is veral doeltreffend waar grondbeperkings soos kompaksie, toeslaan of hidrofobisiteit (vetterigheid) voorkom. In ligte en hidrofobiese grond is bewys dat verspreiding van water in die grond meer eenvormig is danksy TRANSFORMERSA. In verskeie toetse is bevind dat penetrasieweerstand verminder na toediening (soos gemeet met ’n penetrometer) en gevolglik is daar minder stremming op wortelgroei. TRANSFORMERSA is al op verskeie besproeiingstipes, grondsoorte en gewasse getoets en voordele wissel van een situasie na die ander.

Die voordeel in drupstelsels is verbeterde laterale verspreiding van water, wat beteken dat die benattingsarea groter word en meer egalig benat word. Dit laat wyer verspreiding van wortels toe en in brak toestande word soute verder van die wortelsone geskuif. In besproeiingstelsels met hoër lewering­s­ tempo (mikrospuite of oorhoofse besproeiing) is die grootste voordeel dat minder vermorsing plaasvind aangesien afloop en opdamming aansienlik verminder word. Verskillende voordele word ook gevind afhangend van die grondtipe. In ligter grondtipes help TRANSFORMERSA om water beter vas te hou en dus hoër en meer konstante grondvog te handhaaf. Hierdie effek is hoofsaaklik te danke aan die volledige infiltrasie in alle porieë, insluited mikro-porieë, wat dikwels onder normale toestande weens kanaliseringseffekte nie volledig met water gevul word in ligter gronde nie. Gewasprestasie verbeter waar grond­ beperkings verlig word na behandeling. Sterker wortelontwikkeling word gesien waar waterhuishouding en suurstofvlakke in die wortelsone verbeter. Wat dikwels waargeneem word, is meer eenvormige vruggroottes, meer egalige rypwording wat besparing van pluk-arbeid teweegbring asook beter bemarkbare kwaliteit opbrengs, bv. by aartappels, uie en ander groentes. Produsente word aangeraai om na die toediening van TRANSFORMERSA versigtige monitering van grondvog te doen, aangesien dit nodig mag wees om skedulering aan te pas namate water meer effektief deur die grond absorbeer word. TRANSFORMERSA kan dus help om beskikbare water optimaal te benut en verliese, byvoorbeeld deur afloop, te beperk. Meer effektiewe watergebruik gaan ook ‘n verskil maak in elektrisiteitskostes. In situasies waar water gesny moet word, kan die produsent nou droogtestremming op sy gewas verminder deur die gebruik van TRANSFORMERSA. Vir meer inligting oor Oro Agri se volle reeks skitterprodukte vir die boer, praat met Johan Coetzee of Norderly Wright by tel no (021) 850 0667 of e-pos Besoek ook

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 95


2016/03/02 05:49:36 PM

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2016/03/02 05:49:38 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Goeie nuus vir beesboere: bloubosluis­beheer met Ivomec Gold Vir die Suid-Afrikaanse beesboer is die enkelgasheer-bloubosluis die algemeenste bosluis waarteen hy diere moet dip.


loubosluise dra bloedsiektes soos Afrika- en Asiatiese rooiwater en galsiekte oor. Dit kan tot groot produksieverliese en selfs vrektes lei. Die opbou van bloubosluisweerstand teen van die bekende dipmiddels is in sekere dele van die land só erg dat effektiewe bosluisbeheer al hoe moeiliker word. Die goeie nuus is dat Merial se Ivomec-reeks produkte steeds doeltreffend in bloubosluis-bestrydingsprogramme gebruik kan word. Boonop maak dié middels (Ivomec Inspuitbaar, Ivomec Super en Ivomec Gold) ook ’n aantal ander uitwendige en inwendige parasiete dood. Dit is veral die Ivomec Gold-inspuiting vir beeste met sy lang nawerking (wat bloubosluise vir tot 75 dae beheer), wat deur meer en meer beesboere gebruik word. Alle weidings is tot ’n mindere of meerdere mate met parasiete besmet. Navorsing het bewys dat beeste wat met inwendige parasiete besmet is, lusteloos is en minder vreet, wat produksieverliese tot gevolg het. Daarom is Ivomec Gold ’n produksiemiddel wat produksie bevorder en die boer gemoedsrus gee. Veral langwerkende Ivomec Gold, wat ’n hoë

konsentrasie (3,15%) ivermektien bevat, het homself deeglik as ’n strategiese bestuursmiddel gevestig. Dié produk word in die begin van en tydens die bloubosluistyd gebruik om bloubosluise tot 75 dae lank en rondewurms ses tot sewe weke lank te bestry. Hierdie middel bestry ook bytende en suigende luise, spykerwurms, longwurms en tampans. Die produk is voorts doeltreffend vir die bestryding van vals kneusing (parafilaria). Beesboere wat Ivomec Gold gereeld in hulle bosluisbeheerprogram gebruik, het gou die groot voordele wat doeltreffende beheer van inwendige en uitwendige parasiete inhou, ondervind. Daarom vertrou meer en meer beesprodusente op Ivomec Gold vir uitstekende resultate.

Ivomec Super – drie-in-eenparasietbeheer Die Merial-produk Ivomec Super (inspuitbaar) het ’n drieledige werking. Dit bestry inwendige rondewurms, uitwendige parasiete en is boonop doeltreffend teen volwasse lewerslak. Ivomec Super het homself reeds bewys en beesboere wêreldwyd maak daarop staat. Een inspuiting bestry rondewurms en het ’n nawerking van 21 dae teen bruinmaag-,

knoppies- en longwurms. Die nawerking teen haar- en beesbankrotwurms is 14 dae. Afgesien van die inwendige wurms, bestry ’n enkele inspuiting ook bloubosluise drie weke lank. Ander uitwendige parasiete wat bestry word, is myte en luise, asook spykerwurms (tot twee weke lank). Waar sandtampans ’n probleem is, bestry Ivomec Super dit drie dae lank. Hierdie middel help ook met die beheer van vals kneusings. Boonop beheer Ivomec Super ook volwasse lewerslak. Ivomec Super is ook geregistreer vir gebruik by skape. Hoewel die meeste skaapboere die produk vir sy doeltreffende bestryding van skaapbrandsiekte ken, is dit net so doeltreffend teen rondewurms (soos haarwurm en bruinmaagwurm), volwasse lewerslak asook neuswurm en Australiese jeukmyt.

Vir meer tegniese inligting skakel gerus vir vir dr Hein Hesse van Merial SA (Edms) Bpk, tel no 083 280 8638 Ivomec Gold (reg no G3080, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 3,15% m/v ivermektien. Ivomec Super-inspuiting vir beeste en skape (reg no G2629, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 1% m/v ivermektien en 10% m/v klorsulon. Ivomec inspuiting vir beeste en skape (reg no G2329, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 1% m/v ivermektien.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 97


2016/03/02 05:49:39 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

GSI Arch Span Structures: Fast, efficient, economic and strong The new Arch Span Structures from GSI are poised to revolutionise the building, storage and crop protection industries in Africa. This unique system utilises a factory on wheels to create water and airtight structures in any configuration a customer could require.


ecause they are highly customisable, GSI’s Arch Span Structures can be used for an almost infinite variety of applications. With the addition of a chain conveyor embedded into the concrete floor a very cost-effective storage solution for maize can be created. Polyurethane insulation foam can be applied to the inside of an air conditioned building to keep potatoes or onions cool and fresh after harvest. By installing large sliding doors on the end wall, a customer can have a secure hanger to protect planes, trucks or mining equipment.

Contact GSI South Africa on tel no (011) 794-4455,, for more information.

Arch Span Structures

WWW.GSIAFRICA.CO.ZA 124 Ridge Road, Laser Park, Honeydew, Ext 15, Gauteng P O Box 4012, Honeydew, 2040, South Africa Phone: +27 (011) 794 4455, Ext 214 | Fax: +27 (011) 794 4515 | Email: Website: agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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98 2016/03/02 05:49:40 PM

agri Nuus/News

Agri Securitas Trustfonds en Sonfin teken ooreenkoms Die Agri Securitas Trustfonds en Sonfin, ‘n onafhanklike maatskappy wat in groenkragoplossings spesialiseer, het onlangs ‘n ooreenkoms onderteken waardeur Sonfin die Trustfonds se landelike beveiligingspogings in die toekoms finansieel gaan ondersteun.


ns het waardering dat Sonfin voortaan by die Trustfonds betrokke gaan wees. Hierdie bydraes bevorder die veiligheid van boerderygemeenskappe. Die Trustfonds het die afgelope tyd ‘n toename in versoeke vir die finansiering van landelike beveiligingsprojekte ervaar. Alle hulp wat ons van instansies soos Sonfin ontvang, maak ‘n verskil aan boerderygemeenskappe se veiligheid en stel die landbousektor in staat om voort te gaan met landbouproduksie,” sê Japie Grobler, voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds. Die voorkoms van geweldsmisdade wat boerderygemeenskappe daagliks teister, het ‘n impak op boerderye se vermoë om winsgewend te produseer. Omdat die Trustfonds finansiële ondersteuning aan boerderygemeenskappe gee om op ‘n pro-aktiewe basis te help om dié misdade te voorkom, glo Sonfin dat sy bydrae ‘n verskil aan die beveiliging van boerderygemeenskappe gaan maak,” sê Chris Schutte, besturende direkteur van

Sonfin. Sonfin beskik oor ‘n omvattende vermoë om doelgemaakte sonenergieoplossings aan kliënte te bied wat in hulle eie kragbehoeftes wil voorsien. Sonfin gebruik slegs die mees tegnologies gevorderde produkte, Japie Grobler, voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds (links) en soos byvoorbeeld Chris Schutte, besturende direkteur van Sonfin, tydens die ondertekening. sonpanele met beveiligingstoerusting. Die terugvoer wat ‘n 30 jaarvan boerderygemeenskappe ontvang word, leweringswaarborg. Indien individue en is dat die landelike beveiligingsprojekte organisasies in die landbousektor van die wel ‘n verskil maak aan die gemeenskappe dienste van Sonfin gebruik maak en die se veiligheid. Ten slotte sê Grobler: “Ons verwysing Agri Sec/Sonfin aanhaal, sal die sal voortgaan om boerderygemeenskappe maatskappy ‘n finansiële bydrae tot die te ondersteun in hul pogings om hulle te Trustfonds maak. beveilig en daarom is die rol en bydrae Die Trustfonds was die afgelope tyd van die privaatsektor tot dié pogings van betrokke by die finansiering van veral onskatbare waarde”. kamera- en kommunikasiestelsels, asook

Economic growth will require a back to basics approach The current uncertainty in the policy environment is becoming more confusing by the day while the state of the economy requires a radically different approach, says Johannes Möller president of Agri SA.


he current low level of eco­ nomic growth, high unemploy­ ment, fiscal constraints, increasing national debt levels, fraud and corruption and a drastically depreciating currency has brought South Africa to the brink of a ‘junk’ status, not only from the perspective of the rating agencies but also in the minds of the international and local investors. “The recent cabinet reshuffling by president Zuma surely did not make any positive contribution towards cultivating an improved dispensation for the country, and certainly not for the economy,” Möller said. “This is not about a reflection on the competency and ability of any of the

individuals involved, but rather about jumping another surprise on an already volatile and sensitive economy, which is totally out of line with the basic requirements of responsible economic management. “Minister Nene was especially in recent times viewed by many as a responsible voice trying to restore some level of fiscal discipline and austerity. Agriculture specifically is facing the worst drought in decades and issues around food security, food inflation and the retention of the producer base is becoming critical,” Möller added. With increasing political and policy turmoil, South Africa will face dire future prospects if the basic requirements of

economic growth are not addressed. “Serious concerns arise with respect to the issue at hand, especially in how the matter was handled and communicated. South Africa is facing a potential recession and alignment between the ANC’s interests and the economy at large should be clear. “Be that as it may we trust that the new finance minister will bring some stability and certainty to this extremely important and volatile portfolio. We wish him well,” Möller said.

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2016/03/02 05:49:41 PM

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2016/03/02 05:49:42 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Agri Smart Investments caters for emerging farmers’ needs Agri Smart Investments (Pty) Ltd is a fully registered investment company specialising in agricultural business opportunities and farming solutions in South Africa.


he founding member, David Scott Laughland, and comember Mphumelelo Brian Nxumalo launched the Agri Smart brand in mid 2014. “Armoured with true passion and experience we can cater for all markets within the agricultural industry,” Laughland, managing director and founder, told Agri. Agri Smart Investments (Pty) Ltd is a proudly South African company known for top quality in all aspects of its products and services. “We are in the process of securing our brand in the local market before introducing our network to the international markets,” he says. “Our core business is to cater for the emerging farmer that has always been a neglected market in South Africa. We believe in the empowerment and enrichment of local emerging farmers as they can contribute to many benefits within the industry. “We have identified the key elements that causes over 90% of new emerging farmers failing in their farming ventures and through strategic research we have developed a secure business model that guarantees quality production, profit and growth.” Laughland says that by linking emerging and developing farmers to the ASI network their farming ventures will be registered as an official legal business entity fully insured with ASI. With a secure service level partnership agreement all farms will qualify for supplies at discounted prices, ongoing management support to ensure

quality production, and a secure market to offset their products. He points out that ASI provides a unique service in what the company stands for and what it has to offer to the industry. “We facilitate and assist local emerging farmers in attaining funding for property as well as business finance to ensure that their dream in becoming a successful farmer becomes a reality.” ADDITIONAL SERVICES INCLUDE: - Exclusive partnership packages - Business plans and proposals - Environmental assessments - Comprehensive training - Ongoing management support - Construction - Security “What makes us also unique to other businesses is that we treat all our clients and partners fairly, with respect, and with a good heart. ASI is proud to say that we only have happy and satisfied partners within our ever growing network. We guarantee maximum profits and fair sharing thereof whilst ensuring growth and sustainability. “Currently ASI is offering great opportunities in the ever growing poultry industry. Chicken is by far the top selling and consumed meat product in the world. It is also the very cheapest meat protein source and will continue to be so for many generations to come! South Africa is suffering from a huge shortage of especially locally produced chicken products, our population is growing at a high rate and imported products will always prove to be problematic. “Poultry production is fast paced and highly profitable with the correct management model in place. We are inviting all

emerging and/or commercial farmers to explore partnership opportunities within ASI as we truly believe that we can grow your venture into a profitable value adding business with ASI. “Although we are a business, it is not all about financial gain as we are developing our brand into a true legacy that will continue to benefit and assist emerging farmers whilst introducing top quality brands to the public produced by proud and passionate local farmers.” ASI is proud to announce that they have created and secured to date more than 200 new fixed employment opportunities and growing every day. • Empowerment • Skills development • Job creation • Sustainability • Enrichment of communities • Positive influence on the economy • Top quality local production. On Agri’s question on how he views the future of South African agriculture Laughland says that he is very positive. “We are entering into a new generation of farming. The industry is gaining huge interest from a youthful market that will surely take the industry to new and innovative levels that can only guarantee growth and sustainability for all involved. The youth is our future and we are dedicated to support and armour them with all they need as they are our true growers of the future.” Please visit the ASI website or contact the head-office in Pretoria for more info on how to be part of the legacy.

For more information on how to be part of the legacy contact us on +27 (0) 12 809 2268/2146 or visit our website agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 06:18:16 PM

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102 2016/03/02 06:18:16 PM

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Kyk holisties na saadaankope Die verskil in oesopbrengs van die verskillende saadgroepe se kultivarpresteerders is soms so marginaal dat mielieboere twee keer moet dink voordat hulle hul saadkeuses maak. US9610


y kry dikwels in proewe dat die voorste vier of vyf presteerders in ’n gebied slegs met ’n breukdeel van ’n ton verskil,” sê Eben Pietersen van die plaas Tweedepoort in die Amersfoort-omgewing. “Dit regverdig dus ’n kykie na ander faktore, insluitend die prys van saad.” Pietersen sê dat hy hom nie deur vooropgestelde idees oor saad laat lei nie. “Ek maak somme oor die saadprys, saadprestasie en uiteraard eienskappe soos droogte- en siekteverdraagsaamheid. Objektief gesien, behoort ek my dus nie te laat lei deur groot saadname en ander se menings oor saadprestasie nie. Dis die rand en sent wat tel.” ’n Eenvoudige voorbeeld: indien jou mieliesaad R1 000/ha goedkoper uitwerk as die mededinger s’n en jy plant 1 000 ha, beteken dit reeds R1 000 000 in die sak. “Dit maak dus ekonomies sin om na opbrengspotensiaal én prys te kyk.” Dit beteken nie dat hy enige saadgroep blindelings sal ondersteun indien hy meen dat sy grond of die aard van die seisoen – soos vanjaar se droogtejaar, wat reeds vroeg voorspel is – dalk ’n ander saad beter sal behandel nie. “Ek is dus oop vir oortuiging. Maar in die onlangse jaar of drie het ek baie sterk op United Seeds se twee geelmieliekultivars US 9610 en US 9640 gesteun. Hulle het my baie goed behandel en hulle vaar uitmuntend in die meer marginale mieliegebiede, soos hier by Amersfoort.” Pietersen plant reeds vyf of ses seisoene lank United-saad, meestal as deel van ’n saadpakket wat verskillende saadgroepe se presteerders insluit – soos deur die kundiges aanbeveel word. “Vanjaar het ek egter net US 9610 en US 9640 geplant.” Dié twee United-kultivars se droogte­ verdraagsaam­heid en siektebestand­heid het die deurslag gegee. “Nie dat ek met beskeie prestasie onder droogtetoestande tevrede is nie: ek het in die verlede al tot 9 ton/ha op droëland met US 9610 behaal. Hoewel US 9640 maar sowat twee seisoene op die

mark is, is ek tot dusver baie tevrede met sy prestasie.” Een van die US-eienskappe waarvan Pietersen hou, is die meerkoppigheid van die mielies. “Een groot kop lyk indrukwekkend, maar twee of selfs drie kleiner koppe se gesamentlike massa klop byna klokslag die een grote s’n.” Tienie von Wielligh, streeksverteenwoor­ diger van United Seeds vir die Bethal/ Hendrina-gebied in Mpumalanga, bevestig dat van die United-kultivars drie en soms selfs vier kleiner koppe het en baie goed vaar in droogtejare, soos vanjaar. “Hulle is ook dankbare mielies wat baie goed herstel indien hulle reën kry ná dit lank weggebly het.

Elke beskikbare druppeltjie word opgeneem danksy die kultivars se bogemiddelde wortelontwikkeling.” Dit beteken egter nie dat ’n kultivar soos US 9610 swak vaar onder besproeiing nie. “Boere wat aanvullend besproei, het al tot 12 ton/ha afgehaal,” sê Von Wielligh. Met ’n lae plantestand van 29 000 plante per hektaar is 9,2 ton/ha nie vergesog nie, verseker hy. “Met redelike reën – nie skouspelagtig nie – was 8 ton/ha gemiddeld verlede jaar nie ongewoon nie.” Volgens Von Wielligh is United Seeds se kultivars sedert 2005 uit twee lande se genepoele ontwikkel: Suid-Afrika en Hongarye. Dit is dus moontlik om die beste eienskappe van dié lande se mielies saam te voeg. Dr Gabor Barla-Szabo van Hongarye, wat uitgebreide kennis het van planteteelt, -tegnologie en metodologie, is betrokke by die teel van die verskillende kultivars. Saam met dr Tobie Wickens, wat reeds by verskillende saadgroepe die teler of hulpteler van verskeie mieliepresteerders was, maak hulle ’n gedugte span. Pietersen stem saam dat die United-mielies nie te dig geplant moet word nie. “Ek werk met ’n stand van 35 000-40 000 plante per hektaar. Hiermee kan ’n geil opbrengs behaal word.” Ongelukkig het hy vroeër die seisoen ernstige haelskade ervaar, wat veral sy US 9640-aanplantings geraak het. “Nou sal ons egter kan beoordeel hoe goed dié mieliekultivar se herstelvermoë is. Ek hoor net goeie dinge van hom.” Hy hou bepaald van United Seeds se twee geelmieliekultivars wat hy plant, sê Pietersen. “Ek kry ook goeie diens van die groep, wat my saadkeuse regverdig.” • United Seeds het ook verskeie ander geelmielie-kultivars, waaronder US 9620, US 9630, USL 9690 R, USL 9696 R en die kuilvoerbaster Silmaster. Witmieliekultivars sluit in US 9755 en US KEP en die groenmieliepakket bestaan uit die twee kultivars SR 52 en US 9911.

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2016/03/02 06:18:19 PM

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The agricultural sector’s contribution to rural safety BY ANNALISE KEMPEN

There are two factors that contribute to the success of a new plan or strategy: the first is proper participation by all affected parties before such a plan is developed, and the second is buy-in from all affected parties. SERVAMUS asked Agri SA, one of the parties affected by the National Rural Safety Strategy, what its take is on the strategy and what initiatives they have to contribute to rural safety.


Background lmost 20 years ago, on 10 October 1998, former president Nelson Mandela hosted a Rural Safety Summit after Agri SA expressed its concerns about the seriousness of continued attacks on the farming community. The aim was to formulate a comprehensive strategy to deal with the problem. The summit aimed at achieving consensus around a process by which to deal with the issue of rural crime as well as the strengthening of existing strategies. This culminated in the development and establishment of the Rural Protection Plan (RPP), intended to address the safety of the rural farming community – including farmers and their farm workers, as well as their families and farm visitors. Stakeholders within the rural environment were involved in the development of the plan in a structured and coordinated manner, through joint planning and operations and the monitoring of incidents. Members of the former commandos played a crucial role in the RPP, along with SAPS members and the farming community. It therefore came as a surprise to Agri SA when president Mbeki announced, during his State of the Nation Address in 2003, that the SANDF’s commando system was to be phased out, while the system had been accepted as part of the Strategic Plan for South African Agriculture. Following this announcement, very concerned members of Agri SA met with the minister of safety and security and the minister of defence respectively at the time, Charles Nqakula and Mosiuoa Lekota. The agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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ministers gave them their assurance that the SA Police Reserve Service (consisting of reservists) would take over this role. Over time, a new rural safety plan had to be developed, since the commando structures no longer existed. Agri SA was also consulted about the contents of the new plan and became an active contributor to it. In the end, many (if not all) of their suggestions were incorporated into what was called the National Rural Safety Strategy (RSS). This strategy aims, among other things, to involve community participation in combating crime. Agri SA was satisfied that, through this RSS, there was ample room for rural safety. The time has come for the RSS to be reviewed and Agri SA, along with its provincial organisations, is once again contributing to this process. The provincial consultation process is already being finalised and in due course a national indaba will take place, during which the provincial contributions/suggestions will be discussed. However, it seems that it will not be necessary to effect many changes to the current RSS, as it is already a working strategy.

Some challenges Agri SA says that, although the theoretical part of the RSS seems “almost perfect”, there are few challenges when it comes to implementation. As has been mentioned supra, Agri SA’s members are generally satisfied with the strategy, but have concerns

regarding the effective implementation thereof, particularly at certain police stations. They have noticed that, in some areas, there is a clear lack of command and control regarding the implementation. It may appear, on paper, that the RSS has been implemented, but patrols and visits to farms happen only occasionally or not at all. In some policing precincts and clusters, there is a clear lack of resources and equipment, making it extremely challenging to implement the RSS. Another concern revolves around reservists. Many individuals want to become reservists, but they either do not fit the revised criteria or they live in areas where there have been other challenges regarding the implementation of the latest policy. As has been promised by the former minister of safety and security, reservists should take over the role of the disbanded commando system. The RSS stipulates that reservists should act as “force multipliers ... to support the creation of a safe rural community”. It is therefore vital that the SA Reserve Police Service be put back on track as soon as possible, to give fruition to the RSS. Despite these challenges regarding reservists, individuals can still participate as part of the farm watch. However, Agri SA is in the process of requesting the minister of Police to put more pressure on the SAPS with regard to the successful implementation of the revised reservist system. >>> page 105

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Working together There are many examples of times when the SAPS and the rural community have joined hands. Kobus Breytenbach, chairperson of Agri SA’s rural safety committee, is quoted by Farmer’s Weekly (18 May 2015) as having said that “a professional relationship with the local police, especially the station commander, leads to better and more effective service delivery.” The value of patrols should also not be underestimated, he says, as “effective patrol by farmers has definitely led to decreases in crime”. Kobus Visser, director of corporate liaison at Agri SA, told us about stock theft prevention operations that are being held by the SAPS in the North West. Another very successful initiative is the holding of so-called blue/white light evenings, which are held in the Free State. These events could be held within a specific policing precinct or within a cluster, or even as a provincial blue/white light evening. These evenings serve as an excellent example of how the SAPS and the farming community can take hands: the police set up and man roadblocks, while the farming community act as the police’s ears and eyes on ground level, reporting any suspicious behaviour. In a press release dated 13 January 2016, Free State Agriculture states that, due to regular discussions between the latter’s safety structures with the police, the provincial police has undertaken to have such blue/white light operations at least every second month in the Free State. Statistics The prevalence of attacks and murders perpetrated on our rural community remains a sensitive issue. Many have called on the SAPS for the release of specific statistics indicating the seriousness of the problem. At this stage, the SAPS does not release any separate statistics for murders for any specific group. However, it is vital to note that, on a local level, such information is made available by the police within the Priority Committee structures, to be used for operational purposes. This information is then used by both police management and organised agriculture as a management tool, to determine when there are any hot spots. Information about farm murders and attacks, as well as about stock theft, is shared between the affected parties, including organised agriculture, to identify hot spots and plan special operations. In the end, it is more important that those in the know and those directly affected have access to this information.

agri Nuus/News Helping rural communities to help themselves One of the resolutions made at the Rural Safety Summit hosted by the late former president Mandela was that organised agriculture must cooperate, wherever possible and appropriate, in mobilising resources to meet identified needs aimed at enhancing rural safety. To this end, shortly after the summit in February 1999, Agri SA established the Agri Securitas Trust Fund. The aim of the Trust Fund is to contribute towards rural safety and it remains committed to promoting a safe and prosperous agricultural industry in South Africa by means of a positive attitude and constructive action. This aim supports the objective of the Rural Safety Strategy, namely community involvement and participation in rural safety. According to Agri SA, the Trust Fund provides financial resources to farming communities to enable them to improve their own safety, as well as that of other communities living in their area. An important aspect to consider, with regard to the funding of projects, is the cooperation that exists between local communities and the South African Police Service. All projects that are supported must be driven within the applicable statutory and institutional framework. Since the Trust Fund does not have executive capacity, it carries out its mandate via other organisations, such as farmer associations that are members of provincial organisations affiliated to Agri SA. Since its inception in 1999, the Trust Fund has been involved in the financing of various projects, including the following: the provision of radio communication systems; the installation of boom gates; the supply of rural protection equipment; the funding of research into the motives behind farm attacks, the provision of trauma counselling; and support for an information-gathering service with which to proactively combat farm attacks. Recently, the Agri Securitas Trust Fund has made numerous financial contributions to various causes, including the following: • In July 2015, financial assistance was provided to the farming communities of Senekal and Witkop in the Free State, and to Steytlerville in the Eastern Cape, for the erection of camera systems. The latter are installed on strategic entry/exit routes and used to monitor movements, which could contribute to appropriate reactions and apprehension of criminal elements. • In April 2015, financial assistance was provided for the erection of camera systems in the Van Stadensrus area in

the Free State, as well as to Tuinplaas in Limpopo. • Presently, the trustees are considering various applications for financial assistance to farming communities. The monitoring of vehicle movement will help to intensify the battle against stock theft and help to discourage criminals from entering the area. Information on suspiciouslooking vehicles and persons obtained via the system enables the community to plan their actions within existing security procedures. Members of the farming community also regularly express their need for adequate communication, as a lack thereof causes problems in the prevention of crime, as well as the coordination of rural safety actions and emergency responses. There is a great need for hand-held radios, which can help to address this problem and which are very efficient tools for emergency communication. They can also help to expedite security operations. There is also a need for repeaters as part of the radio network, as many farms are located in mountainous areas without cell phone reception, making radio communication ideal during emergency situations. The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has established partnerships with a number of business partners such as Vodacom; Nissan SA; Sanlam and Crisis-on-Call; as well as GWK; Senwes; Sonfin; NWK and OFM, whose financial contributions enable the Trust Fund to do its work and meet its objectives. The Trust Fund also hosts golf days to raise funds for its work. Thanks to proper consultation, Agri SA’s members are of the opinion that the RSS is an excellent strategy. Agri SA constantly urges its members to become part of the safety structures; to attend meetings; to build positive relations with their local police and to play an active role in their community. One simply can’t fight crime by showing apathy and being an armchair critic – there is no place for these in today’s society, where crime is affecting us all. If one does not want to work with the SAPS to address security concerns, how can one expect them to work with you? Keep up the good relations, SAPS and Agri SA! Together you will create safer rural communities. (References available on request.) *This article was originally published in the March 2016 issue of SERVAMUS Community-based Safety and Security Magazine. It is published with the permission of SERVAMUS’s editor. For more information visit or contact them at tel: (012) 345 4660.

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2016/03/02 06:18:19 PM

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Algemene Sakekamer vergader Agri SA se Elgemene Sakekamer het in Februarie in Pretoria vergader. Die foto’s is by die geleentheid geneem.

Cornie Swart (ondervoorsitter, Algemene Sakekamer), Henk van Wyk (voorsitter, Algemene Sakekamer) en Pierre Vercueil (dagbestuurslid)

Boeta du Toit (Agri Noordwes), Carl Opperman (Agri Wes-Kaap), Kobus Visser (Agri SA), Henning Myburgh (Agri Noord-Kaap) Sandy La Marque (Kwanalu), Willem van Jaarsveld (Agri Limpopo), Henk Vermeulen (Vrystaat Landbou), Robert Davel (Mpumalanga Landbou)

Willie Jacobs (Agri SA) en Cornie Swart (ondervoorsitter, Algemene Sakekamer)

Ernest Pringle (voorsitter van Agri SA se Landbou-ontwikkelingskomitee) en Theo Boshoff (Regsbeampte, Agri SA)

Gideon Anderson (president, Mpumalanga Landbou) Marietjie Odendaal (vise-president, Agri Gauteng)

Kobus Breytenbach (Vrystaat Landbou), Andy Buchan (president, Kwanalu)

Koot Claassen (vise-president, Agri Wes-Kaap), Willem Le Roux (Agri SA) en Dr Jan Visser (Agri SA Oudit- en Risikokomitee)

Omri van Zyl (uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA) en Johannes Möller (president: Agri SA) los die landbou se probleme op.

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Frans van den Bergh (Agri Gauteng) Christo van der Rheede (adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA)

Thinus Ferreira (adviseur oor Plaaslike Regering: Agri SA se Kommersiële Beleidskomitee), Annemi Rautenbach (bemarkingsbestuurder)

Kosie van Zyl (Agri SA) en Dawie Maree (FNB)

106 2016/03/02 06:18:20 PM

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Landbou die plek om te wees “Boere is op die regte plek. Hulle moet net moed hou. Dit sal weer reën. Die bevolking groei baie vinniger as wat ons kos kan produseer. Suid-Afrika se boere het ’n blink toekoms.”


o verseker Henk van Wyk, wat onlangs die leisels oorgeneem het as voorsitter van Agri SA se Algemene Sakekamer. Henk is die sesde geslag wat op die plaas Vondelingsfontein buite Calvinia boer. “Kyk, ek wou van kleinsaf net boer. Daar was waarskynlik nog nooit weer vir my iets so swaar soos om skool toe te gaan nie.” Die boerdery bestaan uit skape, lusern en 800 ha saailande. Laasgenoemde word hoofsaaklik vir die produksie van veevoer gebruik. Ná skool en Weermagopleiding het Henk by Vleissentraal aangesluit en op De Aar, Williston en Riviersonderend as veebemarker en adviseur vir stoetveedienste gewerk. Dorpers was sy spesialisgebied. Tydens sy tyd by Vleissentraal het hy kursusse in boerdery-, finansiële en weiveldbestuur voltooi. Boerdery was sodanig in sy bloed dat hy, terwyl hy vir Vleissentraal gewerk het, reeds by die Noord-Roggeveld Boerevereniging as lewensbydraer aangesluit het. “In 1984 het ek by my pa op die plaas aangesluit en in 1988 het ek die boerdery oorgeneem.” Hy sê sake het goed verloop tydens Agri SA se jongste Algemene Sakekamervergadering. “Die droogte was die belangrikste punt op die agenda. Boere is bekommerd oor die droogte, maar ek het nie die indruk gekry dat hulle negatief is nie. Ons glo dit sal beter gaan, maar vir eers moet ons die gordel intrek totdat die ekonomie weer kop opgetel het. Landbou verloop maar in siklusse. Die huidige

situasie is ernstig, maar ek stem nie met die voorspellings saam dat duisende boere die bedryf sal verlaat nie. Ek dink hoogstens 10% sal dit nie maak nie.” Is dit moeilik om algemene en bedryfsake in Agri SA se kamers uitmekaar te hou? wou Agri weet. “Nie werklik nie. Tradisioneel is die skeidslyn by die plaashek. Sake op die plaas word deur die Algemene Sakekamer gehanteer, terwyl alles wat buite die plaashek plaasvind op die bord van die Bedryfskamer lê. Die Bedryfskamer gesels oor sake soos bemarking, maar van dié sake sal noodwendig na die Algemene Sakekamer oorspoel.” Van Wyk sê hy is baie opgewonde oor die nuwe personeelaanstellings by Agri SA. “Daar word ’n klomp nuwe energie vrygelaat en ons sien reeds dat diep voetspore getrap word. Agri SA se hantering van die droogte het boere se sigbaarheid by verbruikers 1 000% verhoog. Verbruikers is geneig om die kos op hulle tafel, en hoe dit daar gekom het, as vanselfsprekend te ervaar. Ek dink verbruikers dink nou vir die eerste keer aan waar dit vandaan kom en die belangrike rol wat boere in die SuidAfrikaanse ekonomie speel.” Wat landelike veiligheid betref, glo hy dat boere groter verantwoordelikheid vir hulle veiligheid sal moet aanvaar. “Jy is jou buurman se hoeder. Ons is aangewese op mekaar.” Hy glo egter dat Agri SA se Landelike Veiligheidskomitee sy storie ken en dat die regte strukture in plek is. Van Wyk meen voorts dat trans­formasie in die landbou effens vinniger sal moet

geskied, maar “transfor­ masie moet op ’n ekonomiese grondslag Henk van Wyk, voorsitter van Agri SA se plaasvind. Algemene Sakekamer. Feit bly staan dat klein eenhede net nie ekonomies die mas kan opkom nie. In die verlede het boere plase verdeel sodat meer as een seun kon erf en onafhanklik op die plaas kon boer. Hierdie eenhede is nie volhoubaar nie. Maar die mark sorteer dit uit en dit is ’n natuurlike proses. Al hoe meer van hierdie eenhede kom in die mark en hulle word dikwels deur bure gekoop om hulle grond groter te maak.” Hy glo ook dat die regering met ’n “sagter” aanslag reeds baie verder met grondhervorming sou gevorder het. “Sowat 7% landbougrond kom jaarliks in die mark. As die regering sedert 1994 deurlopend van hierdie grond vir ontwikkelende boere opgekoop het, het hulle waarskynlik al die 30% transformasie-teiken gehaal.” Van Wyk is met Ronell getroud en hulle het drie dogters. Sandra is ‘n onderwyseres, Jana is in haar tweede jaar aan ’n skoonheidskollege op Stellenbosch en die laatlam, Janke, is in Graad 6 op Calvinia. “Ja, ek glo aan die lobola-stelsel,” lag hy, “maar ek is kieskeurig oor watter beeste ek op my grond gaan toelaat. Nie sommer enige ras nie!”

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2016/03/02 06:18:21 PM

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100% LOCALLY MANUFACTURED agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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108 2016/03/02 06:18:21 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Satellite Internet Made Easy With BettaSat Satellite internet has become increasingly popular in South Africa, as it allows people in rural areas to have internet connectivity without the use of telephone lines or cable systems. With up to 15 Mbps downloads possible, this is a first for satellite and a first for Southern Africa. The bandwidth packages for satellite, which we provide, are the most cost effective yet and offers affordable monthly subscriptions starting from R560 per month.


nternet access, banking, email, surfing, telephone calls and enhanced security are now available with our satellite system. There are no specific prerequisites for the system to work. As the service is provided by satellite, our system will find a signal anywhere. Satellite connectivity is not dependent on local infrastructure and therefore it is easy and quick to deploy. BettaSat it is also very reliable and you will have accessibility of around 99.5% per year. The hardware is installed on you premises and is therefore not susceptible to cable theft. The system ensures wireless connectivity from all your devices, including tablets and smartphones. BettaSat offers a number of bandwidth packages at varying speeds to suit your specific needs. You can also add a telephone line, which will run through the satellite. These calls are extremely cost effective. Poor cell phone reception will be something of the past. The satellite is always available and provides you with the opportunity to easily conduct both your business and personal internet transactions, such as email and internet banking, so that you can concentrate on income generating activities. Call us today on tel no (011) 530 9300 or email

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2016/03/02 06:18:23 PM

agri Nuus/News

25 m³ Side Tipper Link • • • •

2.5/3mm Domex bins, Domex steel chassis 4 catwalks; Jost landing legs on front trailer removable on rear, axles of choice; Deul Tyres on front link and choice of deul or s/single on rear link; Payload 38 - 39 tons.

Innovative Domex and Docol Chassis design to carry Grainproducts; 6 sluces per trailer to offload link within 15min; Payload between 37 - 38 Tons depending on Axles and Truck Choice.

HEAD OFFICE 051 434 2045 6 Lessing Ave Bloemfontein

Ideal for long distance Grain and Mine comodioties; Domex chassis with 2mm hardox bin designed with SAF Air Suspension; 4 x catwalk, 1 x Jost landing legs on front trailers, rear removable legs; Payload 36.6 Tons - 37.5 Tons depending on Truck.

• • • •

40 • • • •


7/9 Interlink V-Deck Design with Domex chassis and alluminium composite bins; On SAF Intra Suspension and Allumium rims, Bridgestone tyre; Easy offloading; Payload 39 tons - 40 tons; 90cube available for sunflower, payload 38 tons.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 110

• • • •

New Grain loader 55 m³

Grainlink 54 m³ • • •

50 m³ Side Tipper link

SALES 082 888 8118 060 975 1305

110 2016/03/02 06:18:23 PM

• • • • •

pension; ble legs;

m composite

agri Nuus/News

40/45 m³ Side Tipper Link • •

• •

Constructed of Domex Steel Material; 4 x catwalk, 1 x Jost landing legs on front trailers, rear removable legs; 17 x Firestone FS404 tyres; Payload up to 37 Tons depending on Truck.

Cattle King • • • • •

Built with 3CR12 stainless steel material rust proof and durable; Axle of choice; Knorr Brake system; Large Cattle 70.4cub Payload 32 Tons; Heifers 90.4cub Payload 31 Tons.

Crankdeck Lowbed 15.4m • • •

Chassis built completely of Domex steel, Deck Plates 4 - 6mm checkerd plate; Hydraulic beaver ramp at rear. Axle of choice. 6+12m container locks. 3.2m extendable outrigers, deck height 1.1m; Payload legal 31 Tons, abnormal 47 Tons.

Tautliners (6/12 or 7/11) • • • •

Built completely from Domex and Docal Material; Steel headbord and tailbord for durability; Aluminium Roof Structure with pecolite roof skin; Choice of 2.74m or 2.85m internal height.

FINANCE 051 434 2045 060 975 1307


AGRI Feb 2016.indd 111

2016/03/02 06:18:24 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

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112 2016/03/02 06:18:24 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Alfalfa: get the water back on! Producing high-quality Alfalfa under irrigation in the Northern and Eastern Cape requires prompt and effective irrigation to ensure the best possible yield. During the harvesting process, irrigation has to be interrupted from the optimal cycle, and in most cases this means stunned growth, and in severe heat-wave conditions even potential crop damage. ROVIC LEERS introduces the super-fast, super-efficient solution in harvesting alfalfa: 1. Mowing Conditioning: The KUHN FC813R FRONT-AND-REAR COMBI­ NATION MOWER CONDITIONER, with an effective mowing width of eight metres, has a suspen­sion that allows negative move­ment achieving mowing speeds of up to 18 km/h while a triple swath deposition makes for extremely quick mowing. The steel roller conditioner and the noninterrupted crop flow deliver a fluffy, scattered swath row, which will enhance high speed and even wilting in the swath. Eight metres of crop in three windrows wilt much quicker and more evenly than the whole swath in one windrow! 2. Gathering – not raking: The KUHN MM900 MERGER has an effective gathering width of 9 m, with the ability to create a centre or side swath – on either side. The windrows from the FC813R are gently but quickly gathered and ushered into one larger, still fluffy and scattered windrow to one side. This can happen within minutes after mowing, preventing discolouration and leaf loss during the gathering and wilting process. Returning with the MM900 and swathing to the other side creates a total of 16 m of prewilted crop lying in one windrow, still fluffy with extremely good aeration, allowing the completion of the wilting process to the correct humidity within a very short period of time. 3. Baling: To effectively bale a windrow of 16 m of crop to the required densities and bale uniformity that will fill up a

40-ft container to full payload for export purposes requires only one machine – the KRONE 1290 HDP XC HI-SPEED BIG PACK BALER. A 16 m swath fed into the pre-chamber over a camless pick-up with five rows of pick-up fingers and a small diameter makes for fast, soft crop handling – minimal leaf losses at baling speeds of 18 km/hr and beyond. This is a baler that has the capacity to keep up with the super-fast FC813R mower conditioner. 4. Bale grouper: One of the timeconsuming processes during the alfalfa harvest involves the collection and transportation of the bales out of the field. Keep in mind that regrowth after mowing will only start once the first irrigation after mowing has been done, and throughout this process the crop is not growing, thus losing valuable production time and capacity! Collecting bales lying all over the field one by one, loading onto a trailer and transporting it out of the field is not only time-consuming, but also makes for a lot of traffic on the field, leading to

unnecessary and unwanted compaction – again suppressing optimal growth and yield. The PHIBER BALE ACCUMALATORS are trailed directly behind the BIG PACK BALER, and is available in two models – a three-bale horizontal and a three-bale vertical configuration. Both models can be programmed to drop either two or three bales together, and the dropping position can also be managed by an application to ensure that bale stacks are left in a virtual diagonal line over the field. This provides easy pick-up, and minimal travelling on the field for minimum soil compaction. The above solution optimises the following during the harvesting process: • Quickest possible turnaround time from the first cut to the last bale out of the field until the irrigation starts – potentially saving two days in this process in a season with nine cuts gives an extra 18 days of growth. This is equivalent to an extra ½ cut per season! The extra crop yield achieved in this way should go a long way towards paying for the above solution! • Minimal leaf loss throughout the whole process will enhance the protein and quality of the crop – allowing you to demand optimal prices. • The special multi-swath to single-swath process will result in a very green crop in the bale – best colour, best quality and best price. Buying equipment to harvest your crop is not the correct strategy – buying a complete SOLUTION TO OPTIMAL CROP YIELD, COLOUR AND QUALITY FROM ROVIC LEERS is the way to go! You are cordially invited to see the whole solution at NAMPO 2016! Marius Ras (M.Eng Mech).

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2016/03/02 06:18:27 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Cruiser-onderdele te kies en te keur Vir menige reisiger op pad noorde toe is N1 4x4 se werkswinkel buite Pretoria langs die N1-snelweg ‘n bekende gesig. En as jy op soek is na ‘n skaars onder­ deel vir jou Land Cruiser, klop gerus hier aan.


ie firma, wat deur Cliff Weichelt in die lewe geroep is, verskaf reeds sedert 1995 nuwe, gebruik­te en herboude Land Cruiseren Toyota 4x4-onderdele regoor Suid-Afrika en in buurlande. Die firma het sowat 12 000 onderdele in sy 3 000 m2-onderdele-afdeling. Jy kan enige iets insluitend enjins, ratkaste en ewenaars, asook verskeie ander onder­dele by N1 4x4 raakloop. Hulle verskaf ‘n omvattende Cliff Weichelt (besturende voertuighersteldiens by die RMI/ direkteur) en André Changuion MIWA-geakkrediteerde werkswinkel in (besigheidontwikkelaar) Pyramid buite Pretoria en spesialiseer in Dobinsons 4x4 suspensie-onderdele en Airflow-snorkels. Die firma se voertuie vir gebruik in myne is baie gewild asook die voertuie vir wildboere. Alle voertuie word met dieselfde enjins, ratkaste, suspensies en hardewerkverrigting-onderdele gebou wat dit maklik maak om ‘n vloot voertuie te onderhou. N1 4x4 spog deesdae ook met ‘n reeks klerasie waaroor Land Cruiser-entoesiaste opgewonde sal raak. Gaan maak gerus ‘n draai by hulle vertoonkamer langs die N1 of besoek hulle tak in die Montana Value Mart, Pretoria. Navrae: Tel no (012) 545 0200 of of besoek

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114 2016/03/02 06:18:27 PM

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Feathering the nest with sound business practices BY LIESL JOBSON

Elliot Nyathi of Elzo Poultry in Casteel Village gave no thought to the scraggly hens roaming loose in the back yard while growing up in Edinburgh Village.


hose chickens never laid eggs, but Mama boiled them for a tasty meal once they were big enough for the pot,” he says. This emerging entrepreneur recently received his biggest business deal ever with 5 000 chicks on order for Christmas. Unafraid of hard work, Nyathi was employed at the Bushbuckridge Local Business Service Centre (BLBSC) as an aftercare officer. Later he served as a loan officer for Agishana Business Credit, specialising in agricultural projects. He established good relationships with local businessmen, learning about their approach to business. When the opportunity arose he leased premises to start his own bakery and restaurant, purchasing all the equipment he needed except for an expensive mixer. He secured a loan and paid it off promptly. Nyathi’s business grew, but when the landlord terminated the lease he was downhearted, trying to figure another way to keep providing for his family. His business mentor at BLBSC informed him of a chicken farm for sale. “I knew nothing about poultry, but my mentor said, ‘This is gold. You can earn a good living.’ I wanted to own my own business and its premises. He lent me the deposit and I made many sacrifices, selling my vehicles in order to repay the loan.” He recalls his bumpy start, laughing. “It was the end of October. I sat with a batch

of day-old chicks. The Christmas market was around the corner but I had no clue what I was doing.” Nyathi rectified that promptly, seeking advice and assistance from others in the industry. They advised him to take the chicks from starter to grower to finisher over the next six weeks. He soon started small-scale vegetable farming to supplement his cash flow. Today, the business employs seven people and is growing fast. Nyathi’s entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to learn caught the attention of the SAB Tholoana Enterprise Programme’s selection team. He was chosen in July as one of fifteen high-potential applicants who met the criteria. Some 127 applications were received in Mpumalanga alone, with just over 700 received countrywide, making Elliot’s selection all the more noteworthy. Catherine Wijnberg of Fetola, the implementing partners for the SAB Foundation Tholoana programme, explains his selection: “There’s a vital need for healthy, environmentally friendly food production in South Africa. Elliot Nyathi’s impressive track record of business growth and his personal determination make him an ideal candidate.” Since joining the programme, he has developed a marketing plan that has helped him reconnect with past customers, and explore new markets. He aims to move from supplying informal traders on an ad

Elliot and Zodwa Nyathi

hoc basis, to supplying local supermarkets weekly. For this to happen, he needs an abattoir in order to slaughter, package and deliver to local shopkeepers. He is making plans to realise this potential. Nyathi attributes his success to his wife’s loving presence. “The company name represents our joint commitment. ELliot plus ZOdwa equals ELZO,” he explains with pride. “She’s supportive and energetic, helping with everything.” He starts describing his favourite chicken dish, but then he remembers that the recipe is secret! The SAB Foundation Tholoana Enterprise Programme offers high-potential small businesses access to business support, training, mentorship and finance. Applications for the next intake will open in early 2016. For more details, visit the SAB Foundation website on

PANNAR SEED’s top sales­people announced PANNAR SEED announced its top salespeople for the 2015 season earlier this year.


elcome Zulu was named salesperson of the year. He represents the company in Zululand and the surrounding areas. Ras Meintjes was the runner-up; he is the representative in the Reitz region. From left: Ashley Cotterrell (managing director), Flip Botha (national sales manager, SA), Welcome Zulu (salesperson of the year) and John Odendaal (national marketing manager, SA). agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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2016/03/02 06:18:29 PM

agri Bewaring/Conservation

Your local municipality and environmental protection: Will your vote make a difference?

What is regarded as the environment and why is it important to protect it?


efore we look at local municipalities, let’s first take a step back and explain what we are working with and why it is important. In its widest context, the environment is everything around you. As Albert Einstein said, “The environment is everything that isn’t me.” According to the mid-year population estimates from Statistics South Africa, the South African population was estimated at 54,96 million for 2015. These people require food, water, shelter, sanitation, clothing, energy, transport, education, employment and provision for the future. These needs largely derive from or depend upon our environment. South Africa relies heavily on renewable and non-renewable natural resources and on goods and services that ecosystems provide. Examples are coal and firewood for energy, fresh water for drinking and sanitation, land for cultivation and grazing to produce food and fibre, to name a few. The environment is therefore essential for human survival, well-being, cultural diversity and economic prosperity, particularly significant in rural areas and for the informal sector, where the dependence of people on the resource base is more direct. But ironically, no matter how dependent we are on the environment, our population growth and urbanisation have increased pressure on land, air, water and energy resources. Deteriorating environmental quality, characterised by land degradation, poor water quality, and poor air quality have negative impacts on the health and well-being of many South Africans. We all know, and it is evident in many small towns in South Africa, that high levels of poverty and unemployment in South Africa contribute to a heavy reliance on natural resources whilst also making people and communities much more vulnerable to environmental change. Everybody is talking about the importance of economic growth, but it has a consequent

increase in demand for resources that results in unsustainable levels of consumption, particularly of energy and water, and has increased the generation of wastes and pollutants. In addition, the increased demand for housing, particularly in peri-urban areas, has seen the conversion of significant expanse of natural (farming) areas into urbanised spaces across the country.

Where do local governments fit into this picture? As you all know, environmental rights are protected by the Constitution, and the Bill of


It’s a new year and I look forward to sharing and debating some interesting resource conservation facts, stories and some real-life challenges with you in the year to come. Our municipal elections happen once every five years and in the run-up to this year’s elections between 18 May and 16 August 2016, it might be useful to have a closer look at what municipalities are doing, or supposed to be doing to protect the environment around us. Rights clearly states that all organs of state are required to take legislative and other measures to give effect to this environmental right. In addition to the environmental right, the Constitution contains a number of objectives for local government. The following two relate specifically to the role of local government in achieving sustainable development: • To ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner; • To promote a safe and healthy environment for communities. This responsibility is also reinforced by the Municipal Systems Act and the Municipal Structures Act. Although the overall responsibility for environmental protection was made a concurrent function of both national and provincial governments, some responsibilities were assigned to local governments. >>> page 117

A sewage treatment system

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Municipal activity

Options for environmental action

Waste manage­ ment

• Promotion and support for a small-scale recycling venture • Promotion of composting as an approach to organic waste recycling • Promotion of waste-stream separation at source (by households) or collection and separation of recyclable waste by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) • Promotion and establishment of community-based collection and disposal initiatives

Waste disposal

• Most environmental impacts are caused by poor site management and design specifications, particularly in terms of leachate control. Impacts are related to contamination of surface and ground water, uncontrolled littering and dumping causing odour, uncontrolled burning of waste causing release of toxins and providing a nuisance to local residents. • A set of minimum requirements for waste-disposal sites have been developed by the department of water and sanitation to provide guidance on how sites should be designed and managed. • Closure and remediation of old sites. Many old landfill sites in SA have not been properly closed or rehabilitated and continue to cause environmental problems. Opportunities exist for SMMEs to complete the necessary work, which not only provides employment but also improves the quality of life for local residents

Waste water discharge

• Water conservation (which can be influenced through water demand management campaigns) – using less water leads to less wastewater • Control of stormwater ingress into sewer systems • Rehabilitation or replacement of old sewers where groundwater ingress is taking place • Improved solid waste management to reduce discharge of solids into wastewater systems

Water services

• By far the most important area to focus on is reducing the level of unaccounted-for water. Expenditure on this aspect is almost always justified by increasing revenue (more customers paying) and decreased expenditure (less payment for bulk water). It can be done by: - Improved metering and meter reading - Locating and repairing leaks and breaks - Rehabilitating old pipelines - Use of pressure control to reduce losses. • Another key strategy is water conservation through demand site management, i.e. getting households and nonresidential users of water to be careful with regard to water use. This can be done through: - Direct use of a ‘stick’, e.g. increasing tariffs and/or penalties - Demonstration of the benefits to the householder (e.g. the bills will come down) - Use of information and awareness – raising campaigns to encourage activities such as water-wise gardens and grey-water recycling - Provision of assistance to households to locate and repairs leaks on their properties - Subsidies on rain water tanks - Work with large industrial users towards promoting water recycling options.

These include: • Air pollution control (Schedule 4B) • Noise pollution (Schedule 5B) • Refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste • Cleansing. These functions are related primarily to the “brown” element of the environment; the management of settlements, pollution and waste impacts of people on the environment. So, although not very specific, at least we have some idea what local municipalities are responsible for. The current reality – a spectrum of environmental performances at local government level While there are increasing expectations of local government to take custodianship of the environment this is within a municipal climate where funding, skills and capacity are under severe pressure across all areas of municipal functions. The environment has long been a secondary priority in the

face of extreme poverty and the need for development and economic growth. Thus the push for local government to achieve greater performance in this sector is countered by many opposing pressures. In many cases where funds, capacity and skills for environmental activity are low, the actual environmental activity in a municipality does not even cover the delivery of the core environmental scheduled function mentioned before. In contrast, others, particularly metros and some small towns, are providing real leadership in tackling environmental problems and improving local environmental quality in areas beyond the boundaries of the traditional functions of local government as stated in the schedules to the Constitution. In practice, this spectrum ranging from doing nothing to making great strides towards environmental protection relates, of course, to the ability of a municipality to unlock resources, skills

and capacity, while political will is needed to promote and drive environmental activity.

Options for environmental action One of the ways in which a municipality can make great strides in improving its environmental performance is to start to mainstream or integrate environmental considerations into its day-to-day activities. One of the most effective ways to do this is to identify opportunities for environmental activities within existing municipal plans, programmes and projects. The table above highlight a few points to consider to improve a local municipality’s environmental performance. These suggestions are derived from a very exhaustive list compiled by Middelton et al. 2011. My focus was to highlight a few practical ones, especially relevant to our smaller towns where most of our Agri SA members work and live every day. >>> page 119

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Yoghurt as it should be: Finding a new way to profit from small-scale dairy farming Finding new ways of doing things has always been a feature of South African farmers, especially in tough times. Faced with the steady decline in profitable small-scale dairy farming has led to a new way of dealing with dairy on Verlorenkloof Farm in Mpumalanga where the milk produced by its small herd of cows is now reworked into hand-strained artisanal yoghurt. By all accounts this shift from the conventional to a new way of doing business is paying off, writes Jennie Fourie.


he latest production, feed cost and producer price statistics released by the Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO) show that lower producer prices and an increase in feed prices due to the drought have lowered the milk:feed ratio to less than 1:1, far below the long-term average of 1,3:1. These figures are bad news for small dairy farmers, in particular. Says Eric Johnson, owner of Verlorenkloof Estate: “The number of dairy farmers in the country fell from about 25 000 when we started out in 1983 to about 1 600 today, who now produce the most economical milk in the world, mainly from large herds on large, efficient and intensive farms.” A year ago Verlorenkloof Farm started looking into the production of artisanal yoghurt that offers consumers a product that is both healthy and tasty. Sold under the brand “Yoghurt as it should be”, this dairy product consists of only two elements: whole milk and probiotic cultures and is produced in a traditional, non-mechanised way. The yoghurt is delivered weekly to retailers in and around Gauteng and Mpumalanga. It has shown a steady growth against fierce competition from established brands. It is sold at a premium price but seems to find favour among health-conscious, high-end

Verlorenkloof Farm’s ‘Yoghurt as it should be’ is made by hand by yoghurt makers Tom Mthombeni (left) and Mapeu Letswalo.

consumers. This move towards yoghurt production has not been the first about-turn for Verlorenkloof Farm. “The drought of the early 1990s led to a neighbour putting his farm in the market to make his livelihood elsewhere,” says Johnson. “The neighbouring farm had river frontage and wetlands, Afro-Montane Forest kloofs, spectacular quartzite cliff faces and unspoilt montane grasslands above the escarpment edge, but no arable land to speak of. We closed our eyes to the uncertainties of the political transformation that was underway in the country and, in a huge leap of faith,

Having started out with fully registered Holstein stock in the 1990s, it soon became clear that the pasture on Verlorenkloof Farm requires a cow that is shorter and stronger, able to walk, graze and to produce high solids milk off pasture while still maintaining enough reserves to conceive and produce a calf. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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bought the farm.” Within two months they had laid out 40 km of hiking trails, restored two houses as hiking huts, built a stone overnight hut on the upper farm and launched the first commercial hiking trail on private land in the province. “Sharing the land with visitors who hiked the trails opened our eyes to more possibilities. It seemed that many people had the same dream that had brought our family to a weekend farm in the valley a generation before. Verlorenkloof was conceived as a collection of stone and thatch family cottages, owned on a time share basis, with trout fishing and a whole mountain to explore on foot, horseback or mountain bike. We ended up building the cottages, selling the time share ourselves and managing the estate as a large part of our present business. Verlorenkloof has become a highly regarded resort and as beloved by many city families as the original farm had been by our family.” The owners kept the dairy going on a small scale to retain the genetics, the skills and as an attraction for visitors. “It was clear that we could never enter the race again to build a large dairy – our land would not allow it. We knew that we would have to find a niche market product that added value to our milk and would make a small pasture based dairy worthwhile.” Freshly made yoghurt is quite thin and is conventionally thickened by adding starches, stabilisers, emulsifiers and milks solids. >>> page 119

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Maintaining the cold chain of the yoghurt is of paramount importance. Deliveries are done weekly with a converted utility vehicle.

As a product with live cultures, it is also given a longer shelf life by the addition of preservatives and more marketing appeal by the addition of sugary fruit flavours. The alternative practised at Verlorenkloof Farm is to keep it natural, hand-straining the yoghurt in a muslin bag to concentrate the flavour and the solids and to improve the consistency without using thickeners. Attaining shelf life without preservatives is an exacting science, actually a real art. Sticking to plain yoghurt without flavours is simply a more difficult marketing choice. With the milk being produced off pasture, the yoghurt has lower acidity and higher levels of beneficial conservation

fatty acids. In the United States this type of yoghurt is known as Greek Yoghurt, and has proven to be very popular in a mature market where every possible type and flavour of yoghurt is available. According to an article published in the New York Times, Greek yoghurt has taken the dairy-consumer world by storm, from about 2.5 per cent of yogurt sales in 2008 to nearly 36 per cent in 2015. Most of the production is seated in the New York state dairy belt. From 2011 to 2014 the job count at New York dairy manufacturers rose by 1 500 to 9 570, according to data from the US state

Department of Labour. The article states that although Greek Yoghurt by itself isn’t enough to totally lift New York’s dairy industry out of the doldrums, its milk-intensive production process has given farmers and milk producers a needed cushion against the vagaries of supply and demand. In the key period between 2008 and 2013, milk used to make yoghurt in New York went from 158 million pounds (more than 70 000 metric tonnes) to 1.2 billion pounds (almost 550 000 metric tonnes), a seven-fold increase. “For the state, Greek yogurt is more than just a success story. It’s a win-win tale of economic redemption, the industrial phoenix risen from the ashes of closed-down factories in small- and mediumsized towns and cities across the state.“ The US example shows that a new and thriving industry can be created to meet the needs of a changing economic environment. Another strategy to survive tough economic and climatic times is to diversify farming activities and in doing so, create more than one stream of income. To sum up, Johnson says: “We are still learning the lessons that a new business inevitably brings, in spite of all the careful calculations. Looking back, one is quietly thankful that all the obstacles were not apparent when you set out, otherwise you may not have set out at all. But there is also the optimism, the excitement at each breakthrough moment, and the sense of a great future and opportunity that a viable product holds for a farm, its people and the surrounding community. To this end, the kindly help and support from agencies in the industry has been invaluable.”

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There are indeed success stories … The eThekwini Municipality’s Sustaining the Waste Water Education Programme seeks to create a more efficient sewerage system and eradicate blockages by educating people about the link between good sanitation and health. It has helped reduce vandalism, strange objects in the sewerage system and sewerage blockage considerably. In Cape

Testing leachate from a landfill.

Town, the Khayelitsha Pressure Management Project includes the largest advanced pressure control installation in the world and has been recognised as a World’s Best Practice by numerous respected international experts. The project, which cost R2,5 million to construct, is already saving more than R18 million per year through reduced water leakage, and saves approximately 10% of the water to be supplied by the new Berg River Scheme (to cost R2 billion). This result was achieved by quite simple means: by installing a timemoduled pressure control system (i.e. the pressure varies over time depending on actual water use) the pressure is reduced at night time and mid-afternoon, when the demand is low, and thus cuts losses through leaking pipes and open household connections (running and

leaking taps, for example). Through these means, average daily flow was reduced from 2 500 m³/h to 1 500 m³/h and night flow from 1 600 m³/hr to 750 m³/h. I know both these examples are from big metros, but the principle remains: if you understand your sewerage, waste and freshwater system and you are willing to invest in the environment, the return on investment might surprise you. Some of you might make it to the hot chairs in local municipality councils, a few might have a direct influence on what happens there, but for most of us, let’s vote and hope for good representation to make a real difference, especially in saving water and protecting our scarce fresh-water resources.

References: Middleton, J., Goldblatt, M., Jakoet, J., & Palmer, I. 2011. Environmental Management and Local Government. PDG Occasional Paper No 1.

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The portfolio committees on rural development and land reform called a joint sitting with the portfolio committees on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, labour and human settlements on a briefing by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on the findings of its investigation into living and working conditions on farms.


he ILO had offered to do research on the living and working conditions of farm workers in 2011 after the then chairperson of the portfolio committee on rural development and land reform had called for independent research into such conditions. The ILO coordinated and paid for the research. The chairperson made some opening statements. She said that the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (Esta) Amendment Bill was before the committee and they wanted to examine the ILO report before dealing with the bill. The ILO deputy-director present, Joni Musabayana, and Margaret Visser, one of the researchers, appeared before the committee. The ILO deputy-director thanked the portfolio committee for requesting the ILO to do this research. Margaret Visser did the presentation. (The full presentation is available on request.) She said that the study had been done against the background of the Human Rights Watch report and the 2012 farm workers’ strike. She explained the methodology, saying that the researchers had focused on the more labour-intensive commodities. They conducted ten case studies, three of which were in the Western Cape, because it was considered a hotspot at the time. Each case study covered five farms. The researchers requested names of farms from producers’ organisations, trade unions and NGOs. Individual, as well as group interviews were done. They also undertook a literature review. Visser then sketched the background

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to the study. She said that legislation had been extended to farm workers in the 1990s. Tenure legislation was enacted during this time and the sector was deregulated. This had led to a cut-throat commercial environment. Producers had consequently become price takers. Farming units had declined by 30 per cent. The average solvency of farms is at its worst levels in 30 years. The report argues that markets have changed. Big supermarket chains like Walmart are very powerful. Farmers have very little control over prices. Farmers responded to this changed environment through increased casualisation, thus less permanent workers and less people living on farms. Municipalities are not coping with the influx of people. Regarding evictions, Visser said that it was very difficult to obtain reliable data. Records that do exist differ between department of rural development and land reform (DRDLR) and municipalities. What were being counted – eviction notices, actual evictions or claims of evictions? She could not see how other researchers could claim numbers because the data was so poor. She suggested that the department should focus on practical solutions rather than trying to record data. Visser also claimed that both workers and farmers did not understand their Esta rights. She said that municipalities needed assistance with their emergency housing plans. From the report it was clear that there was a voluntary moving of people off farms. “One cannot assume that the overcrowding of rural towns is the consequence of evictions only. Those who are on farms want to stay there and those who live off-farm do not want to go back to the farms.” Overall compliance with labour legislation was high. The researchers were pleasantly surprised by this. There


is, however, a difference in compliance between permanent and seasonal workers. There seems to be better compliance in the Western Cape and Sunday River Valley. These areas are subject to ethical trade audits. With regard to wages, the report stated that the majority of farmers paid the minimum wage. “Few farmers can afford the wage that Cosatu demands. The dilemma is exactly what BFAP pointed out: farm workers cannot live on R150 per day and farmers cannot afford to pay R150.” There seems to be a differential in wages between provinces, with workers in Limpopo Province earning the least. Visser suggested that this might be an indication for the department of labour of where to focus its energy. Some of the recommendations of the report are: • Change labour legislation. • More legal support and training • Closer cooperation between the department of labour and ethical trade initiatives • Labour brokering should be better regulated. • Open up new export markets. • Eliminate non-tariff trade barriers. • Provide more support for on-farm housing. • Public / private partnerships for building more off-farm housing • More financial support to rural municipalities • Improve public transport in rural areas. Parliamentarians were then given an opportunity for questions and comments. Lutando Filtane (UDM) said that the report confirmed a lot of what he had suspected. He welcomed the fact that it had examined the reasons for people moving off farms. He wanted to know what could be done to improve the situation, particularly in view of the drought. “How do we encourage farm workers and farmers to build more >>> page 121

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Farm workers <<< page 120 housing on farms?” He felt that farmers did not want this responsibility. Mathiase from the EFF said that the report was a reflection of failure of policy. What is not clear is what is happening on farms with regard to education and farm schools. “Farm workers are worse off now than under apartheid. The withdrawal of state subsidies is a major challenge. Transport is a key issue. What is government doing to enforce the minimum wage?” He said that this was a ‘slave system’ and had to change. Mnguni from the ANC felt that the study was not conclusive on evictions and the tenure question. “We wanted to get a sense of what causes evictions. The views of organised labour and NGOs do not seem to have been taken on board. The study does not cover the drought. We need a further study on the impact of the drought. We must address the issue of super profits.” On labour brokering he said that the study seemed very sympathetic towards it. “I disagree with this. It is unacceptable that seasonal workers get paid less than permanent workers.” Another ANC member (Madella) said that the report did not deal with disability on farms. “Farm workers do not enjoy the benefits from the profits that farmers made in the past. In the days of the marketing boards farm workers also did not get good wages. What control can the state take in this situation – state control of all means of production?” A female ANC member asked how it could be allowed that farm workers were transported on tractors. Annette Steyn (DA) said that she had been on the portfolio committee when Stone Sizane requested such an independent report. It followed on the Human Rights Watch report. Regarding evictions she pointed out that it was a constant struggle to get reliable stats. “Whose responsibility is it to keep these stats? Were any landreform farms included in the study? The report clearly show how legislation can have unintended consequences. We need to get a briefing by the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) on the drought and its likely impact.” Musabayana from the ILO responded

that the timing of the report was relevant, as the researchers could not at the time take the drought into account. The committee had to advise whether it required further work to be done on the drought. He explained that the ILO was a tripartite organisation. As such, they always included all three constituencies. They had engaged with civil society on this report and were still doing so on the results of this study. On the issue of labour brokering, the ILO has a convention on private employment agencies. The Employment Services Act deals with this. Globally, the route that most countries has taken is regulation rather than banning. In Namibia they tried to ban labour brokering and ran into constitutional difficulties. Margaret Visser stated that she acknowledged that there were bad labour relations between farmers and workers, and that there was a history to this. She said that South Africa was in danger of losing its agricultural sector like it had lost its textile industry. “Whilst we should not sweep the historical issues under the carpet, we must not lose our industry.” Visser said that the education of children on farms was not part of the scope of their work. She also stated that she was of the opinion that the minimum wage was too low. She explained that the researchers had not focused that much on evictions, as the majority of farm workers already lived offfarm. She felt that attention should rather be focused on improving the conditions of seasonal workers. Visser confirmed that in each case study the researchers had spoken to trade unions and NGOs. Some land-reform farms had been included in the study. Indications are that conditions are even poorer on those farms. She was of the opinion that even if we had 100 per cent land reform tomorrow, the new farmers would face the same structural problems and struggle to pay higher wages too. Visser mentioned that Daff had started

commodity value chain round-table discussions. There is a lot of potential in this. There might be synergy with the land rights management committees. “It is not in the power of one stakeholder to deal with this, it has to be a collective effort.” The chairperson then allowed some follow-up comments and questions. Mnguni from the ANC felt that the presenters were being over-defensive. He mentioned Marxist law of dialectics. He said that the world order was not static. “No wonder that historically there were utterances of ‘Kill the boer, kill the farmer.’” Filtane from the UDM said that he had not had a reply from the presenter on his questions. He complained that the presenter was sarcastic and made sweeping statements. He wanted to know on what basis the presenter could claim that the conditions on land-reform farms were worse than on white commercial farms. Mathiase from the EFF asked how the historical slave relations and wages of farm workers could be resolved. “We must expose white privilege. We then need to deal with the super exploitation of farm workers and their families.” Yengeni from the ANC, who is the chairperson of the portfolio committee on labour, had the following critique: “You mentioned that in the Western Cape the eviction stats were not available. Yet you concluded that the rate of evictions had gone down. How can you conclude that? Regarding the sectoral determination, you concluded that this caused job losses. Can you substantiate that? You state that employers are unable to pay the wages. What proof is there for this? How were the workers who were interviewed selected? Where did the interviews take place? Which trade unions did you interview?” Zelda Jongbloed from the DA asked the presenter whether she was aware of farm workers’ packages that had been restructured following the increase in the minimum wage. She also wanted to check whether there was a nexus between higher profitability and higher wages. Nchabeleng from the ANC commented that although farm workers’ housing in the Western Cape had improved over the years, during >>> page 123

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2016/03/02 06:18:33 PM

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Soet vooruitsig na ‘n suur avontuur CASSIE DU PLESSIS

Plaaslike boere, toerisme-operateurs en jagters juig oor ‘n ambisieuse projek van R700 miljoen wat goedgekeur is om ’n gedeelte van die historiese pad van Somerset-Oos na Port Elizabeth op te gradeer oor ‘n afstand van 114 km tot by Addo oor die Zuurberg-pas in vyf jaar. Dit sal dien as werkskeppingsprojek vir sowat 1 000 werkers.


et hierdie projek van die departement van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming – waarvan die eerste 16.1 km-fase in Maart afskop – gaan die padoppervlak uiteindelik hoofsaaklik uit bitumen bestaan met die moeilike gedeeltes van betonsteenplaveisel langs dié noord-suidhoofroete waar waens voorheen geloop het. Hierdie nuus het ‘n riller-rit oor die gehawende Zuurberg-pas ‘n paar jaar gelede in herinnering geroep ... “Bly maar weg van daai pad af. Dis net moeilikheid soek!” het die plaaslike boere met skalkse glimlagte gewaarsku – vir die stadsjapie met sy blink nuwe sportnuts. Maar toe ek die volgende oggend by die verweerde “Zuurberg R335”-bordjie kom, het avontuurlus en hardkoppigheid oorgeneem en ek het afgedraai op die klipperige paadjie. Dit was ‘n Maandagoggend in November toe ek en my vrou weg is van neef Graham se plaas 50 km suid van Somerset-Oos, met Port Elizabeth as bestemming. Maryna het geweet as hierdie man eers lank na padkaarte getuur het, dan kan dit nag wees ... en nodeloos om te redekawel. Ek het ook geredeneer dat ons vier jaar tevore oor die einste verrinneweerde bergpas was met my ou dubbelkajuit-bakkie. En net die petrol-aanwyser het in die slag gebly. Die 26 km pad oor Beenleegte na die geteerde N10 sou die logiese een gewees het, maar dit was mos darem ‘n nuwe viertrek wat ons gery het. Boonop moes ons juis ‘n beplande rit deur die Baviaanskloof kanselleer weens verspoelings. Die Zuurberg-pas oor die R335 wat uit 1849 dateer, het geblyk ‘n opwindende alternatief te wees – oorspronklik Zuurberg genoem na aanleiding van die

Ann’s Villa mag dalk sy gloriedae herleef aan die voet van die Zuurberg-pas.

Bo: ‘n Verlate wêreld wat amper vergete was. Onder: Op een van vier berg-rûe waar mens dikwels dink dat die pad ten einde loop.

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suurgrasse wat daar voorkom, maar deesdae ook dikwels Suurberg. Net verby die afdraai het ek stilgehou om die imposante koloniale argitektuur van die historiese Ann’s Villa van 1864 te bekyk – eens ‘n gesogte oorblyplek langs die belangrikste roete na die noorde tydens die diamant-wedloop van 1869. Later ook met ‘n smidswinkel, wielherstellery, bakkery, winkel, skool en poskantoor ... en deesdae ‘n beskeie selfsorg-gastehuis in die Kommadagga-vallei. Die plek het verlate gelyk, met ‘n

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agri Nuus/News onooglike draadheining en onvriendelike beeste wat in die tuin gewei het. Met my poging om ‘n onbelemmerde foto van die dubbelverdieping- wit perseel met sy hortjie-verandas te neem, het ek die kamera en my gesig tussen twee drade deur gedruk. Net om die volgende oomblik te sidder van ‘n elektriese skok waar kaal draad en kop mekaar met ‘n “tjrrr”-geluid ontmoet het. Lam van lyf het ek darem die kamera kon vashou en klaar gekiek. Ten minste het die plek elektrisiteit, het ek gedink en die reis hervat. Daarvandaan het die smal, randsteenlose klipperpad kwaai geklim. Jy styg 234 meter na ‘n plato van 888 meter bo seevlak. Dít op sigself nie iets om oor huis toe te skryf nie, maar dit bied wonderlike uitsigte oor ‘n wye landskap van vier berg-rûe, wat oor ‘n afstand van 17.5 kilometer radikaal van vaal bossiewêreld, deur ryk berg-fynbos, na groen bosveld teen die suidelike hange verander. As jy tyd het om dit te waardeer, want die “ondergeskikte” pad het al hoe meer ongeskik geraak. Die oppervlak het gewissel van los gruis- of klip-lae, tot kaal rotsbanke waar harde reën die sand uitgespoel het. Afgewissel deur spoelslote, slaggate en sand- en modderbanke. Nooit ‘n vervelige oomblik nie! Algaande het die uitsigte mooier geword. En die afgrond gaap eenkant al groter, met die rotswande steeds ruwer aan die ander kant. Êrens het ek tot die besef gekom dat ons oor verskeie slakkegang kilometers – ek het nooit die afstand aangeteken nie – geen ander voertuie teëgekom het nie; ook geen teken van mens nie. Net enkele vervalle geboue. Natuurlik ook geen selfoonsein nie. My vrou het lankal nie meer gepraat nie en het seker dieselfde as ek gedink. Wat nou as die pad skielik sou doodloop? Mens kan tog nie op so ‘n kronkelende, gevaarlike pad kilometers ver in trurat ry nie. Van draaiplek

was daar geen sprake nie. En toe kom daai moeilikheid. By ‘n draai na regs, tussen ‘n diep afgrond en growwe bergwand-uitgrawings, was ‘n reusehap uit die pad weggebreek. Op ‘n afstand van so 50 meter het dit gelyk asof geen motorvoertuig daar kon verby nie. “Bly net hier; ek gaan kyk hoe dit lyk,” het ek gemompel, die handrem styf opgetrek, en vooruit geloop om te kyk of die pad verder weer begaanbaar was en ook om die wydte van die “vernouing” te skat. Vorentoe het die pad weer skaflik gelyk en ek het berekeninge met die oog gemaak. Om openlik te probeer meet, sou my vrou se senuwees dalk oor die afgrond stuur, waar myne elk geval ook al gehang het. Die weggebreekte rand het stewig genoeg gelyk. En my logika het gesê as ek die regtervoorwiel in die spoelslootjie langs die krans hou, dan sou die linkerwiele bly waar hulle moes. Ai, móét ‘n viertrek so wyd wees! Die helling van die pad langs die krans het ook die risiko gebring van beskadiging aan my ryding langs die kant. Daar was egter geen ander uitweg nie. Die beste was om op te hou dink en te doen. Om alles te kroon, het my kamera se battery die gees gegee – dalk van die vroeëre elektriese skok – en ek kon geen foto voor ons dreigende ondergang neem nie. Van die volgende paar minute kan ek min onthou; net die konsentrasie om by die venster uit te leun en stip op die regtervoorwiel te fokus. En te vergeet van die afgrond reg langs die linkerwiele. Ek’s vandag nog verbaas dat Maryna nie uitgeklim het om te stap nie; seker besluit sy bly nie alleen agter nie ... Nou ja, wat ‘n verligting was dit om veilig verby die hindernis te wees! Die res van die pad na bo, wat seker nog ‘n uur geneem

het, was skielik kinderspeletjies, maar tog in skrille kontras met die grondpad-“snelweg” anderkant af. Sien, die Port Elizabeth-kant is natuurlik deeglik in stand gehou omdat dit op die plato na die gesogte Zuurberg Mountain Village-oord lei. Ons het soveel tyd verloor dat ons nie by die voorneme kon hou om middagete by hierdie rare oord te geniet nie. Die begeerte in my geskroeide agterkop was ook net om uit die hierdie berg te kom waar geen waarskuwings opgerig was oor sy gevare nie. • Opgradering van die pas word nie ingesluit by die eerste 18-maande fase van die genoemde projek van Somerset-Oos af nie. • By navraag het die bestuurder van die Zuurberg Mountain Village, Clint Wild, gesê dat die pad sedert my ervaring in 2012 tot dié mate herstel is dat dit redelik begaanbaar is vir voertuie met goeie grondvryhoogte, maar nie gewone rygoed nie. By daardie senutergende deel het hulle dit weer opgebou en versterk. Die eienaar van Ann’s Villa, Helen Lunn, het per telefoon uit Johannesburg beaam dat mense van die pas af moet wegbly met gewone voertuie, anders kom hulle totaal ontsteld by haar plek aan ná die “nagmerrie-rit”. Maar die bergfietsryers en avonturiers is mal daaroor, sê sy. En sy’s natuurlik bly oor die groot nuus van die historiese pad se nuwe lewe.’ • Die pas is in 1883-1885 deur 250 gevangenes gebou. Sy afstand word deur as 17.5 km aangegee, maar almal met wie jy praat, verskil oor die afstand. Volgens Henry Alant, eienaar van die Zuurbergoord, strek dit van suid tot noord oor byna 30 km, met die uitdagende noordelike deel 13 km lank.

Farm workers <<< page 121 an on-sight visit they had seen farm workers sleeping in shipping containers. He said that some of the people who own those farms were rich. “We even found a room where kids were kept in the same room with chemicals. There are more farmers doing bad things than doing good things. There are serious cases of racism on the farms. Big Business in South Africa does not have the interest of the workers at heart. Workers are replaced with non-documented foreign workers. However, let us be tolerant and listen to each other.” Musabayana from the ILO apologised for the manner of response that had offended some of the members. He pleaded that the parties should focus on the issues on the table. On the question of what could be done regarding farm tenure he said, “This is clearly a burning issue. I am sorry that this

issue has not been dealt with as extensively as you may have wished. It is clear that there has been movement off the farms and this has had certain consequences. It seems that farmers lack the appetite to address the housing issues and take up the existing subsidy. Maybe we can consider the terms of reference again. As for apportioning blame, the ILO does not work in that way. We promote dialogue. Further research may be required on the profitability issue. The ILO will debate the matter of how much of the profit goes to the workers in Geneva in June and it will be a contentious issue.” With regard to the situation on landreform farms, Visser replied that admittedly their sample was very small. In the specific case studies, smaller black farmers were indeed less compliant. “Regarding the

selection of farms we asked unions and farm-worker organisations to submit the names of farms. When researchers arrived on the farms, they requested lists of workers and randomly picked names from those lists. They also interviewed workers off-farm. The researchers spoke to Fawu, Bawusa and many other unions. “There is a section in the report dealing with the profitability of different commodities. The wine industry, for example, is under a lot of stress. We are seeing a lot of farm consolidation.” The chairperson suggested a further meeting with the DRDLR on the issue of evictions. She said that it was clear that we had to strengthen our policy monitoring. She concluded by stating that clearly there was a need for some follow-up research.

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2016/03/02 06:18:35 PM

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2016/03/02 06:18:36 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

ICH skenk R1 miljoen se veevoer Die multinasionale maatskappy Industrial Commodities Holdings (ICH) van Johannesburg het R1 miljoen se droogtehulpvoer aan boere geskenk wat met hul vee om oorlewing veg.


it is nie net boere wat deur die droogte geknou word nie. Die knellende droogte het ook ’n impak op maatskappye. Derhalwe het ons skouer aan die wiel gesit om te help om die wa deur die drif te trek om verligting aan veeboere te bring wat noustrop trek,” sê Heinrich van Wyk, bestuurder van ICH. Die maatskappy is diep betrokke in die landbou as ’n invoerder van kunsmis. Die maatskappy is ’n groothandelaar wat alle grondstowwe invoer vir die vervaardiging en vermenging van kunsmis deur onafhanklike vervaardigers en is nie betrokke in die kleinhandel nie. Die grootste deel van hulle produkte, kalium en magnesium, word ingevoer vanuit Duitsland deur K+S Kali GmBH. “Ek wil ook ’n ernstige beroep op ander maatskappye doen om betrokke te raak by droogtehulp,”

sê Jaco Raath, direkteur van ICH. Altesaam 300 ton voer is van Klein Karoo Saad Bemarking op Oudtshoorn aangekoop en versprei deur vyf van ICH se kliënte: • Vetriver Boeredienste, Hoopstad; • Driehoek Kunsmis, Bothaville; • Multigreen, Villiers; • Oos-Vrystaat Kunsmis, Bethlehem; en • Highfert, Petrus Steyn; • Klein Karoo het ook die vervoer verskaf, tien vragte van 30 ton elk. Deur ICH se jaarlikse gholfdag in Februarie 2016 het die maatskappy ook vele van sy kliënte genader om tot hierdie inisiatief by te dra. ICH se klante het hulle tot ongeveer R200 000 verbind vir verdere hulp aan ICH se droogtehulp-inisiatief.

Heinrich van Wyk (bestuurder) en Jaco Raath (direkteur) van Industrial Commodities Holdings (Edms) Bpk skenk R1m. se voer vir droogtehulp

Vir enige bydrae tot die ICHdroogte­nood­hulp-inisiatief, skakel gerus vir Jaco Raath by tel. 011 880 5200 vir navrae.

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2016/03/02 06:18:37 PM

agri Fauna

Croplife Suid-Afrika stel inligting oor plaagdoders beskikbaar


ie ou dae van alles van die rak af koop, is verby en plaagdoders word meestal deur agente onder die vaandels van verspreiders aan boere verskaf. Soos in enige vryemarkstelsel is daar kompetisie en soms word produsente so met teenstrydige boodskappe deur agente gepeper dat hulle nie herwaarts of derwaarts weet nie. CropLife Suid-Afrika, wat die plaagdoderbedryf in Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig, het reeds sowat agt jaar gelede besef dat algemene inligting oor plaagdoders tekort skiet. In die ou dae het die departement van landbou gidse gepubliseer wat vir die produsent ‘n vinnige oorsig oor al die geregistreede plaagdoders in Suid-Afrika kon gee, maar dit het lank reeds ‘n bitter dood gesterf. Sedert 2009 publiseer CropLife SA ‘n reeks sogenaamde kompendiums oor plaagbeheer. Daar is kompendiums oor plantplaagbeheer, onkruidbeheer in gewasproduksie, beheer van ongewenste plante (dit is die indringers), siektebeheer (swamme, virusse en bakterieë), en laastens plantgroeireguleerders en bymiddels. Hierdie kompendiums lys alle gewasse

met alle plae, asook alle geregistreerde middels plus aanwysings vir die gebruik daarvan. Die kompendiums word elke tweede jaar opgedateer om tred te hou met die verandering in middels en nuwe middels wat mag bykom. Die kompendiums is by CropLife SA beskikbaar. (Skakel tel no (011) 805 2000 om te bestel.) CropLife SA se webtuiste (www.croplife. het ook ‘n baie basiese, maar volledige databasis oor die plaagdoders in Suid-Afrika. Dit word elke tweede maand opgedateer en kan aan die linkerkant van die webblad opgespoor word onder Agricultural Remedies Database. Daar is ook ‘n databasis van die toksikologie van al die plaagdoder-aktiewe bestanddele wat in Suid-Afrika gebruik word. Hierdie databasisse kan vir die produsent aandui watter plaagdoders op gewasse geregistreer is, maar dit verskaf nie inligting oor toediening nie. Die waardevolste stuk gereedskap wat CropLife SA tot beskikking van die produsente stel, is die AgriIntel-databasis. Dit is een van die mees omvattende databasisse in die wêreld en alle gewasse met hul geassosieerde plae en plaagdoders

is hierin vervat. Die soekenjins is kragtig en is spyskaart-gedrewe wat dit maklik maak om AgriIntel te gebruik. Alle plaagdoders se etikette kan ook vanaf die AgriIntelwebtuiste afgelaai word. Gebruikers kan aanlyn registreer en word dan ‘n wagwoord toegeken sodat hulle AgriIntel gratis kan gebruik. Die volgende groot fase in AgriIntel se ontwikkeling is ‘n databasis met alle lande waarheen uitgevoer word, sowel as Suid-Afrika se eie maksimum residu-limiete van plaagdoders op gewasse. Dit is ‘n uiters noodsaaklike stuk gereedskap vir uitvoerprodusente wat hulle kan gebruik om te verseker dat hulle plaagdoders nie hulle uitvoerpotensiaal skaad as gevolg van oormatige plaagdoderresidue nie. Teken in by, kry ‘n wagwoord en gebruik die databasis. Die AgriIntelspan werk ook aan ‘n stelsel om spuitprogramme saam te stel sodat dit produsente kan rig om plae meer doeltreffend te beheer, minder plaagdoders te mors en beter produksie te kry terwyl die residue onder beheer gehou word. Agri-Intel is ‘n gratis diens wat CropLife SA aan die gemeenskap bied.

Dr Gerhard Verdoorn

Plae, siektes en onkruide is een van die elemente wat elke dag ‘n gewasprodusent se aandag verg.

Dit is onnodig om te sukkel met inligting. Kry die kompendiums, besoek die Agricultural Remedies Database en hou die AgriIntel-databasis se webblad lewendig op die tablet of skootrekenaar.

Dr Gerhard H Verdoorn, Griffon Gifinligtingsentrum, 082-446-8946 agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

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126 2016/03/02 06:18:39 PM

agri Wyn/Wine

Dr Gerhard Verdoorn

Ilse Schutte met haar Bemind MCC

Soveel wyne, soveel name, soveel stories. Ja, tussen die duisende wyne op die rakke word die stories agter die name net meer en meer. Sommige is maar geforseerd en vergesog, baie van hulle is fassinerend, sekeres is baie eg, en van hulle is baie mooi.


it was ‘n mooi een waarop ek afgekom het met ‘n stappie in die ouderwetse hoofstraat van McGregor, daardie slaperige tuindorpie naby Robertson. Nogal ‘n heel Engelse plek dié, en my verbasing was groot om ‘n bordjie raak te loop wat jou uitnooi vir die proe van Bemind Wyne. Dit was juis ook kort voor Valentynsdag wanneer dit handig kan wees om wyn met ‘n liefdesboodskap te ontdek. Nou moet ek sê dat ek dit eers gelees het as “Be Mind”-wyne en dit was nogal raaiselagtig. Met die instap by die klein skuur met sy sinkplaat-skuifdeure, het die spontane en pretensielose eienaarwynmaker, Ilse Schutte, vertel hoe haar droom en ‘n passie van tien jaar in ‘n vloeibare “beminde” verwesenlik is. En, mind you, Ilse Schutte het ook al baie die “be mind”-ding in Ingels moes verduidelik. Met ‘n hele paar wynmakerposte agter die blad – en pas ook ‘n babadogtertjie genaamd Ila – is sy gelukkig om saam met haar man, Jan, hul eie ding hier in McGregor te doen. Sy kan bestempel word as ‘n sogenaamde garagiste-wynmaker, oorspronklik ‘n Franse gebruik om wyn op klein skaal, meesal van ingekoopte druiwe, sommer in jou garage of ander klein lokaal te maak. In Ilse se geval kry jy haar in die genoemde geboutjie, met ‘n outydse mandjie-pers voor die deur. Binne is daar nie veel meer as ‘n klompie klein houtvate en ‘n proetafel en stoele, naby ‘n rak vol wyne en glase nie.

Sy vertel dat sy oorspronklik van Potchefstroom is, maar altyd die begeerte gehad het om “iets anders en kreatief” te doen. Sy het op ‘n tyd geskilder en ek het ‘n vroeë skildery van haar, half weggesteek, bokant die waenshuisdeur opgemerk. Haar gebottelde skeppings is ‘n Méthode Cap Classique-vonkelwyn – dus in Franse champagne-styl met bottelgisting, ‘n vollyf Shiraz en ewe eiesoortige Sauvignon Blanc. Tipes aan sy styl, is die MCC Brut (nieoesjaar) omtrent heeltemal droog, met ‘n ressuiker van slegs 1.7 gram/liter, gemaak van Chardonnay (70%) en Pinot Noir uit die McGregor-omgewing. Interessant genoeg het die wyn se eie vrugkarakter en sensasie van bietjie soetheid haar laat besluit om nie met finale bottelering enige dosage te doen nie. Dit is die gebruik om die wyn met ‘n tipe geheime likeur op te top. Die eindproduk, wat jou begroet met ‘n vrolike, vroulike pienk nekband met wit polka-dots, het ‘n ligte giskarakter en roosterbrood op die neus, wat opgevolg word deur lieflike geure van groenerige appel en aarbei op smaak – goed gebalanseerd met ‘n lang nasmaak. Dit kos R160 per bottel van die kelder en kan ook bestel word vir aflewering enige plek in die land teen R1 035 per sesbottel-kissie (dus R172,50 per bottel). Die Sauvignon Blanc 2015 se druiwe kom van Bonnievale af en is ook baie droog. Taamlik vol, met ‘n alkoholvlak van 13,59%, vertoon dit komplekse geure wat jou begroet met ‘n ongewone

Teks en foto: Cassie du Plessis

Wyn om te beleef en te bemin mineraalagtigheid en sogenaamde flintiness, gevolg deur heerlike frisheid en vrugtigheid. Nie jou gewone soetrissiegedomineerde SB nie. Verkoopprys R90 per bottel. Dit bring ons by die Shiraz 2015. “Ek kry die druiwe van Lord’s-wynmakery, wat ek baie goed ken omdat ek voorheen daar gewerk het. Dit gee ‘n kenmerkende wit peper-karakter.” Die wyn is sag en weelderig, met ligte spesery, volop vrugtigheid en goeie tannien op nasmaak ná nege maande veroudering in gebruikte klein Franse eikehoutvaatjies. Dit prys R140 en natuurlik bietjie meer met aflewering. Ilse het nog ‘n rooi troefkaart in haar mou, naamlik ‘n bielie van ‘n 2012 Shiraz wat later in die jaar teen R250 uitgereik sal word ná drie jaar in eikehout. Sy vertel dat sy vanaf 2010 tot 2014 by Lord’s was – tien kilometer ver met die “Pad-na-Nêrens” aan die voet van die Riversonderend-berge. En dit is wat haar en Jan na hierdie geweste gebring het. Hy gee natuurlik hand met die wynmakery, maar is voltyds ‘n eiendoms-ontwikkelaar. Ilse se wynpad het begin met ‘n B Sc in Wingerdbou en Wynkunde by Matieland, en daarna was sy ook by Augusta (later Grande Provence) in Franschhoek tot 2001, met pars- en kelderwerk tussenin in Israel, by Stellenzicht en ook Deetlefs Wynlandgoed. “My doel is om met hierdie ervaring tydlose, elegante en gebalanseerde wyne te maak wat almal tot die laaste druppel kan geniet ... en sommer lief.”

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2016/03/02 06:18:40 PM



● 460cc DIESEL ENGINE ● 350KGS Load Capacity ● Low Maintenance ● 5 Speed Gear Box

• 250cc PETROL ENGINE • 300KGS Load Capacity • Low Maintenance • 5 Speed Gearbox + Reverse Gear

250cc ATV

• Manual Tipping Loadbin with drop sides


BIG BOY SCOOTERS HOTLINE: 011 794 6399 · Guaranteed parts & service, proven best quality in South Africa. Massive range. Dealers countrywide. agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page


AGRI Feb 2016.indd 128

2016/03/02 06:18:40 PM


Model Engine Type Displacement Fuel Consumption Max Power Max Torque Max Speed Transmission Clutch Type Starting System Chassis Brakes Tyre Size Dimensions Bin Size (L x W x H) Length (L x W x H) Seat Height Wheel Base Dry Weight Tank Capacity

Monster Utility 250cc ATV Water Cooled, 4-Stroke 250cc 5.1 L/100km 11.5KW/6500r/min 17.5N.m/5500r/min 50 Kmph 1-5 and Reverse Manual Electric Start Front disc Rear disc Front 23×7.0-10 Rear 22×10.0-10 1040mm x 1070mm x 300mm 2550mm × 1200mm × 1390mm 800mm 1650mm 310Kgs 11 liters

Model Type Outside Size L*W*H Bin Size L*W*H Wheel Base Track Ground Clearance Turning Diameter Front Suspension Rear Suspension Leaf spring assembly Tyre Type Fuel Capacity Design Max Speed Net Weight(kg) Maximum Load(kg) Engine Model Engine Type Bore x Stroke Displacement (ml) Compression Ration Max Power Max Torque Idle Speed(rpm) Cooling System Lubricating System Clutch Method Gearshift Method Rotating System Starting System Fuel Average fuel consumption Engine Oil Capacity (L)

Monster D460 Four Wheels with Diesel Engine 3740*1350*1550 (mm) 2000*1280*320 (mm) 2390 (mm) 1160 (mm) 160 (mm) ≤ 9 (m) Single shaft rotation, leaf spring system Mini Vehicle Full floating Rear Axle with liquid brake 6pcs Main steel plate and 3pcs auxiliary steel plate Front Tyre Size: 5.00-12, Rear Tyre Size: 5.00-12 13 L 40km/h 595kg 350kg WY188FD 4‐stroke, Single cylinder, air‐cooled diesel engine 88 x 75 (mm) 456 ml 19 : 1 8.2kw/3600r/min 23N.m/2600r/min ≤ 1300 rpm Forced air by Flywheel fan Forced Lubrication with Pump 462 Mini Vehicle clutch, Dry Single‐Plate 462 Mini Speed Reducer, 5 Forward and 1 Reverse Clockwise Key Ignition Diesel 20 - 25km/l 1.65 L

JOIN THE FARMING REVOLUTION We are pleased to introduce the BIG BOY MONSTER D460 Diesel to the South African Farming Community. We believe that this model will revolutionize the farming industry in not only South Africa but the SADEC regions as well. You may ask yourself “how could this Cheap and Affordable unit Revolutionize Farming”

proven to be a vital tool for many businesses that rely on the unit. The applications of use are endless. We have a long list of customers that range from nurseries to security companies carrying dogs and farmers using them on farms.

And if that is not enough you will be pleased to know that this unit is driven by the “old The simple fact is that this versatile unit can faithfully”Yanmar clone type engine. This replace machinery that you are currently 460cc Diesel unit is reliable and gives you using that not only cost a fortune to buy but 8.2Kw of Power with 22 Nm of Torque for also cost a fortune in running and mainthe rough terrain. As we all know these tenance costs. At a price of R69 999 VAT Yanmar clone engines are cheap and easy INC this hardy unit will not only be able to to maintain. The 5 speed gearbox will give carry loads of 500 kg but will also be able you the max speed of 40KM/h which is fast to handle robust and rough terrains. Quite enough to get you around the farm but slow frankly speaking this unit is built to handle enough to ensure the unit is not abused. the tough African Farming Environment from This unit is road legal and can be used on transporting feed to cattle or carrying tools our public roads. With fuel consumption and equipment to fix the fences around the around 30km/l the financial implications of farm. This little MONSTER will not let you rather using this unit on your farm instead down!!!!!!! of the “bakkie” or “tractor” currently being used are blatantly evident. The Big Boy Monster D460 Diesel is currently being used by numerous farms, Golf This large load bin has the following dimencourses and construction companies. It has sion 2000 x 1280 x 320 deep. The load bin

a e.

can be manually tipped for easy offloading of feed or similar products. With the rear and sides both being “drop sides”, this loading area is very versatile and allows for a variety of loading possibilities. In conclusion the most important thing you need to know about this unit is that it is backed by the largest Motorcycle and ATV importer in the Country. Southern African Motorcycles Pty Ltd (SAM) are also the importers and distributors of the JONWAY, GOMOTO, REGAL RAPTER, CF MOTO, BAJAJ and Bashan range of Motorcycles and ATV. They sell around 30% of all Motorcycles, ATV, Scramblers and Road Bikes in South Africa. With over 120 dealerships country wide we can offer you service in almost every town in South Africa. Our spares warehouse hold in excess of R20m spares and we currently distribute country wide on a daily basis. This should give you piece of mind. Join the Farming Revolution by contact for more info.

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 129


2016/03/02 06:18:41 PM

agri Uit ‘n ander hoek

Vrolikheid op note tot Nuwejaar FRIKKIE KRAAMWINKEL©

Met entoesiasme en groot verwagting het ons uitgesien na die Oujaars-Nuwejaarsdinee in die deftige gholfklubhuis. Dit was die sjarmante vrou van die voorsitter wat dit ten sterkste aanbeveel het. “Ons was die afgelope drie jaar daar en dit was fantasties.” Daarby het die voorsitter gevoeg dat hulle nie hierdie keer soheentoe sal gaan nie want hulle voel lus vir ‘n verandering. Maar ons moet gerus gaan – dis uit die boonste rakke.


icky Rickety – die verhoognaam van Gotlieb Antonie Disselboom tot Muiderslot – was die uitverkore sanger wat met allerlei liedjies en musiek ‘n paslike en gemoedelike atmosfeer sou skep waarmee ons die Oujaar uit- en die Nuwejaar kon binnegaan. In die musiekbedryf het hy in Engels bekend gestaan as ‘n “DJ.” Die lang, skraal figuur van Ricky Rickety het op die toneel verskyn toe meeste van die uitgevatte gaste al ‘n tweede en derde bottel wyn begin skink het. Ons was so bevoorreg om naaste aan die luidspreker te sit, wat meegebring het dat ons hom besonder goed kon hoor, asook die klank van elke instrument. Dit was kompleet of ‘n mens kon hoor hoe Ricky Rickety elke “song” soos hy dit genoem het behoorlik instudeer het sodat woorde en musiek gedurig bymekaar kon pas. Ter inleiding en bekendstelling van homself het Ricky Rickety die een en ander in vreemde geluide vertel wat ons dadelik aan die wonder gesit het oor sy nasionaliteit. Nie dat dit veel saak gemaak het nie, want hy was immers ‘n kunstenaar met ‘n wit hemp waarop ‘n blou band met veelkleurige blomme geborduur was om by sy blou broek te pas. Sy lang hare, wat ook ‘n pruik kon gewees het, en grys baard het ook so ’n effense blou skynsel gehad. Dalk was daar nog blou bloed in sy are ook. Ricky Rickety het ‘n goeie voorraad

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AGRI Feb 2016.indd 130

musiek op rekenaar gehad en al wat hy tot die sukses van sy vertoning moes byvoeg, was die stemgedeelte – en dan kon ons maar na hartelus luister en feesvier. Dit was so by omtrent die vyfde aanhef van ‘n liedjie dat ons dit vir die eerste keer kon herken het as Besame Mucho. Dit was net omdat die orkes by tye sterker deurgebreek het as Ricky Rickety se stem. Ons het hande geklap en daar was ander mense wat ook hande geklap het. Ricky Rickety het soos dit ‘n ware kunstenaar betaam die applous erg waardeer en nadat hy sy dors geles het (met wat op ‘n afstand na water gelyk het maar ook iets anders kon gewees het) het hy die luidspreker se volume opgedraai en met nuwe geesdrif sy vertolkings van ou en nuwe liedjies gelewer. Al wat ons van die hele kakofonie kon uitmaak, was dat hy waarskynlik in verskillende vreemde tale gesing het, want niemand van die gaste het verder op die oog af juis daarop reageer nie. Daar was ‘n uiters welkome verposing toe die lekkerste kos op die tafels verskyn het en Ricky Rickety ook ‘n blaaskans gevat het en vir ‘n verandering net musiek gespeel het. Vir die eerste keer die aand het die musiekkunstenaars behoorlik tot hulle reg gekom en alle aanduidings was dat die laaste twee uur van die Oujaar feestelik in die klubhuissaal omgekuier gaan word. Die gaste het die samesyn begin geniet en die wyn het gevloei. Daar was telkens handeklap as Ricky Rickety die slag ‘n mooi ou musiektreffer uit

vergange se dae opgediep het. Ricky Rickety het egter getrou aan Oujaars­tradisie die beste vir laaste gehou. Dit was of hy sy tweede asem gekry het toe hy ná die ete die hefaan Nuwejaar toe gevat het. Nou het hy behoorlik uit volle bors gesing en ook met handgebare ‘n vrolike stemming trag op te wek. Die resultaat was so luid dat die dak by tye gelyk of dit wou oplig en afwaai. Daar was net geen keer aan Ricky Rickety nie en hy het die een ná die ander wysie met sangwoorde aangevul wat matrose op verby­varende skepe met heimwee na die land sou laat verlang het. So in vervoering was Ricky Rickety dat hy skaars gemerk het dat die gaste een ná die ander in die flou kerslig soos Aspoestertjie verkas het voordat die klok twaalfuur sou slaan. Toe daardie groot middernagoomblik uiteindelik aangebreek het, het die fyn sjampanjeglase blink en droog stokalleen op die deftige tafels met rooi tafeldoeke in flikkerende kersligte gestaan. Droog soos die groot droogte deur die land. Ricky Rickety – Gotlieb Antonie Disselboom tot Muiderslot – het met die laaste slag van die twaalfuurklok iets aangehef, wat veraf in die dorp te oordeel aan die musiek, geklink het soos: ”Sal ons ou kennisse ooit vergeet...” Daarna was dit stil in die klubhuis. Iewers op ‘n nabye wynplaas het ‘n hond geblaf. Dit was Nuwejaar 2016.

130 2016/03/02 06:18:41 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

agri Wyn/Wine

agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 131


2016/03/02 06:19:05 PM

Lely Hibiscus agri FEB ‘16 • MAART/MARCH ‘16 bladsy/page

AGRI Feb 2016.indd 132

132 2016/03/02 06:19:06 PM

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