AGRI okt_nov 2015

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agri Vol 44 • No 5

OKT/OCT - NOV 2015

Highly Commended

KONGRESUITGAWE /CONGRESS EDITION FOKUS: Meganisasie • Besproeiing, water & energie • Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe FOCUS: Mechanisation • Irrigation, water & energy • Agro-chemicals & fertilisers Tuiste van Landbou | Home of Agriculture

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2014/11/04 11:21 AM 2015/11/02 07:30:03 PM

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2015/11/02 07:30:03 PM

agri Inhoud/Contents




Redaksioneel Editorial



Inhoud Contents

Die wonder van oop-en-toemaak


ens staan sprakeloos by die tsoenami van tegnologiese kommu­nikasiewonders wat daagliks oor jou spoel. Jy het skaars die een nuwigheid (soort van) ontrafel, net om môre uit te vind dat dié uitvinding reeds ou-skool is. Tog wonder jy of al hierdie dinge, die volmaakte kuns van oop-en-toe-maak, die mens regtig in groener weivelde laat rus. Verstaan mense wat hierdie tegnologiese wonders beteken en hoe hulle dit kan gebruik om van hulle reis hier op aarde rustiger, veiliger en meer ingelig te maak? Die lofliedere oor die sosiale media is oorbekend. Dit het immers bygedra tot die Arabiese lente, en hier ter plaatse, dat universiteitsfooie nie verhoog word nie. Tog, as jy die onsinnighede wat mense op die sosiale media kwytraak bekyk, die rasisme, die vooroordeel, die oningeligtheid, die beterweterigheid en die selfvoldaanheid wat vir soetkoek te koop gebied word, dan is jy nie meer so seker nie. Dié media het kommunikasie op sy kop gekeer en vir geleenthede gesorg wat voorheen nie bestaan het nie. Daar is ‘n ander kant van die saak. Ons hier by Agri SA is vasbeslote om dié media verantwoordelik en tot ons lede se voordeel aan te wend.

3 Redaksioneel 5 Boekresensies/Book Reviews 7 Stille waters 8 Standpunt/Viewpoint 12 Brokkies/Snippets



17 20 20 21 23 27 28 29 31 32 32 33 33 35

KONGRES/CONGRESS Hoogtepunte van Agri SA se 2015-kongres Agri SA lewer vele positiewe bydraes Serious concerns about economy and ‘moral challenge’ Landbouleiers ontvang erkenning ‘Public trusteeship’ Klink ‘n glasie op Santam Landbou Finance model for land reform Ons adverteerders ontvang erkenning Soeklig op rol van vroue in ontwikke­ ling van landelike gemeenskappe Back to Basics programme What is needed for successful PPPs Agri SA’s office bearers for 2015/’16 Minister Gordhan requests bi-lateral session with Agri SA Nuwe strategie nodig om Agri SA nuut te posisioneer

NUUS/NEWS 37 Hans los diep voetspore

87 89

41 52 72

Crime combating remains a challenge Nissan SA to boost commercial farming in Gauteng Agri SA invited to attend the 2015 African Market Forum in Taiwan Sustainable development goals and agenda 2030 in a nutshell FOKUS/FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

Besproeiing, water & energie/ Irrigation, water & energy Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/ Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

GEREELD/REGULAR 52 Water 132 Blokkiesraaisel 133 Wyn/Wine 136 Bewaring/Conservation 140 Agri Fauna 141 Uit ‘n ander hoek

Voorblad geborg deur/ Cover sponsored by Senter 360 Bladsye/Pages 56-57

Jou opinie maak saak... Vertel ons waarvan jy hou en wat jy sou verander in Agri. Your opinion is important... Let us know what you like and what you would like to change in Agri. Stuur jou kommentaar en besonderhede aan:/Send your comments and details to: of/or Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion 0046 agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:30:06 PM

Good farming requires experience, knowledge and good judgement.


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2015/11/02 07:30:06 PM

agri Agri (waarby ingelyf Die Boer/The Farmer), word vyf keer per jaar versprei aan lede van Agri SA en ander intekenare. Agri (under which Die Boer/The Farmer is incorporated) is distributed five times a year to Agri SA members and subscribers. Redaksionele komitee/ Editorial committee Omri van Zyl, Hans vd Merwe, Johan Pienaar, Christo van der Rheede, Thabi Nkosi, Theo Boshoff, Nic Opperman, Kobus Visser, Elize van der Westhuizen, Annelize Crosby, Derick van der Walt & Livhuwani Ngwekhulu Personeel/Staff Uitvoerende redakteur/Executive editor: Derick van der Walt 082 770 5111 Advertensiebestuurder/ Advertising manager Mabel Schmahl 082 563 4427 or (012) 997 3407/12 Advertising executives Colleen Fraser 082 770 7577 Riaan Schmahl 074 170 6403 Kantooradministrateur en intekenare/ Office administrator and subscribers Thea Liebenberg Medewerkers/Contributors Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, Cassie du Plessis, Dr Gerhard Backeberg & Lehman Lindeque Uitleg/Layout Fréda van Wyk Adres/Address Agri, Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion, 0046 Blok/Block A, Inkwazi Gebou/Building, Embankmentstraat/Street, Zwartkop, Uitbreiding/Extension 7 Tel: (012) 643 3400/ Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 E-pos/E-mail: Reproduksie en drukwerk/ Reproduction and printing Business Print Centre: (012) 843 7600 Agri SA aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies ge­maak word nie en die menings en aan­bevelings van individue of enige ander liggaam of organisasie wat in artikels in Agri verskyn nie. Kopiereg word voorbehou en inhoud mag slegs met die toestemming van die direkteur: Korporatiewe Skakeling gereproduseer word./ Agri SA accepts no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and recommendations expressed by individuals or any other body or organisation in articles published in Agri. Copyright is reserved and the content may only be reproduced with the consent of the Director: Corporate Services.

Indien u op Agri wil inteken, skakel/ If you wish to subscribe to Agri contact Thea Liebenberg Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 Artikels in Agri is ook op aanvraag in ‘n alternatiewe taal beskikbaar/Articles in Agri are also available in an alternative language on request. Sirkulasie/Circulation

agri Boeke/Books

Boekresensies Book Reviews ‘n Boek verniet Agri gee ‘n eksemplaar weg van elk van die boeke wat op dié bladsy bespreek word. Stuur ‘n e-pos met jou naam, posadres en telefoonnommer na Sê ook watter boek jy wil hê (slegs een boek per e-pos, asseblief). Making the Most of Indigenous Trees (In Afrikaans beskikbaar as Benut ons inheemse bome) Fanie & JulyeAnn Venter (Briza Publications)

MakIng The MosT of

Indigenous Trees

Making the Most of Indigenous Trees is one of the most significant, useful and practical books ever to be published on this subject in South Africa. This third and revised edition contains 22 more tree species. The 163 tree species are alphabetically arranged according to the botanical name, illustrated with more than 850 photographs in full colour and discussed in detail. The following information is provided: • An introduction section on tree propagation by seed, cuttings and truncheons. • A detailed species description, diagnostic features, natural distribution and habitat. • The ecological role and utilisation by mammals, birds and insects. • Economic value and use by people, including use in gardens and on the farm, as a source of food for humans and animals, fibre and medicine. • Properties of the wood and its utilisation by people. • Specific guidelines on propagation and cultivation of each species. • A map indicating the distribution of each species. • More than 850 carefully selected colour photographs complement and illustrate the text. • A table on the utilisation of indigenous trees by wildlife, references for further reading and an index to the common and botanical names are included. Enquiries: Tel no (012) 329-3896, e-mail: books@, website: Bookshop: 121 Soutpansberg Road, Riviera, Pretoria, RSA fanie & Julye-ann Venter

Main Photographer: Pitta Joffe

Grave Murder: The story behind the brutal Welkom killing Jana van der Merwe (Penguin Random House South Africa) In April 2011 the sleepy gold-mining town of Welkom was deeply shocked when the dismembered, decapitated body of Michael van Eck was discovered buried in a shallow grave on the outskirts of the local cemetery. Was this a muti murder, the work of a deranged madman or part of a satanic ritual? For the investigators and psychologists involved, the mystery only deepened when a seemingly unlikely arrest was made: a soft-spoken girl next door and her intelligent, well-mannered fiancé. Joining forces with some of the country’s most specialised experts in the occult and psychopathy, Lieutenant Ogies Nel of the Welkom Detectives Unit and her colleagues in the South African Police Service unraveled one of the most brutal psychologically motivated murders ever committed in South Africa’s crime history. Enquiries: Flentermens word heelmens Helana Olivier (Lux Verbi) Dié boek poog om, deur die gebruik van ware verhale, jou te bemagtig om weer onafhanklik te staan na ’n moeilike lewenservaring soos die dood van ’n kind, ’n kankerdiagnose, verlies weens gestremdheid, eetsteurnisse en kinders wat “anders” is. Dit wil hulp bied om deur verlies, God weer te leer ken sodat ’n nuwe storie van liefde in jou lewe geskryf kan word. Navrae: >>> bladsy 7

Boekwenners June/July 2015: Die inspirerende Inkleurboek vir grootmense, G. Prinsloo, Bethlehem; Pharos Afrikaans vir almal, Elmarie Fouché, Vredendal; Fotogids tot bome van Suidelike Afrika, Wahl Jacobs, Hartenbos; Jack Parow: Die ou met die snor in die bar, Schoeman du Preez, Boland Landbouskool; Jou geldsake, J. Oosthuizen, Bonnievale; Rooms your kids will love, M. de Wet, Swellendam; Sugar Man: The Life, death and resurrection of Sixto Rodriquez, Stanley Ponder, Bloemfontein; Slim vang die grap, Bettie van Staden, Welkom; Die vervolgdes, Marisa Kruger, Hoedspruit; Die dag ná die rowers opgedaag het, Elaine van Zyl, Langebaan agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:30:09 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

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6 2015/11/02 07:30:10 PM

agri Stille waters

Stille waters God skep beter as maxima cum laude


eur die eeue heen het ’n behoefte onder die mensdom ontstaan om menslike prestasie te meet en te vereer. In 1879 het Harvard-universiteit die skaal geskep waarbinne prestasies met die Latynse frases cum laude en summa cum laude geklassifiseer kon word. In 1880 is die kategorie magna cum laude bygevoeg en kort daarna ook egregia cum laude en die maxima cum laude (wat selde behaal word). Hierdie skaal word steeds op verskillende wyses oor die wêreld heen gebruik. Wat God doen, is groot en magtig. Wanneer Hy begin werk, is sy prestasies ver bó maxima cum laude. Luister maar na hierdie prestasies: • Dag een: God skei lig en donker van

<<< bladsy 5 Liefde is ‘n sprokie Saamgestel deur Santie Nel (Human & Rousseau) ’n Bundel unieke kort liefdesstories wat tienerlesers sal wegvoer na ’n moderne sprokies­wêreld vol aantreklike helde en romantiese heldinne. Elke verhaal is op ‘n bekende sprokie of feëverhaal gebaseer – maar met ’n heerlike moderne kinkel. Talia is so tuis in die water soos ’n meermin. Maar Erik, met sy blonde hare en blou oe, sorg dat sy sukkel om op haar diepseeduikkursus te konsentreer ... Cara het ’n ogie op verlede jaar se hoofseun, maar sy kan tog nie help om die nerdy nuwe ou, Pierre Prins, se diep, groen oë agter sy dik brilglase raak te sien nie ... Dit is maar net ’n paar van die heerlike kort romanses wat jou hart warm sal laat klop en jou weer in sprokiesliefde sal laat glo. Navrae: Pharos South African Multilingual Dictionary (Pharos) Die South African Multilingual Dictionary

mekaar. • Dag twee: God skei die waters van die hemel van die water op aarde. • Dag drie: God skep verskillende plante en vrugtebome wat met hul saad self kan vermeerder. • Dag vier: God skep die son, maan en

(SAMD) is die eerste woordeboek waarin interaktiewe vertalings vir al elf amptelike tale van Suid-Afrika in een volume verskaf word. Die woorde­ boek bestaan uit drie dele. Die eerste deel bevat sowat 3 800 Engelse woorde wat die kern­ woordeskat van alledaagse kommunikasie insluit. Saam met die Engelse woord word ’n omskrywing van die woord gegee en dan volg die vertaling van die woord in die tien ander amptelike Suid-Afrikaanse tale. Die tweede deel bestaan uit algemene frases wat volgens temas ingedeel is. Die frases word eers in Engels gegee en dan volg die vertaling daarvan in die tien ander amptelike tale. Die derde afdeling bevat volledige indekse vir elke taal met bladsyverwysings na die hoofdeel van die woordeboek om naslaan te vergemaklik. Daar is plek agter in die boek vir gebruikers om nog woorde alfabeties by te voeg. Navrae:

sterre sodat dag en nag onderskei kan word. • Dag vyf: God skep die visse van die see en die voëls in die lug. • Dag ses: God skep al die diere op die aarde. Dan kom Hy by die kroon van sy skepping, die mens. Die enigste wese wat God na sy beeld geskape het om oor die skepping te heers. • Dag sewe: God rus. Die skepping was voltooi. In Genesis 1:31 vind ons God se reaksie op sy skepping: “Toe het God gekyk na alles wat Hy gemaak het, en dit was baie goed.” Wanneer God skep, is dit nie net beter as maxima cum laude nie, dit is perfek! Woestynwysheid: Antieke riglyne vir toekomsgerigte mense Ronell Bezuidenhout (Lux Verbi) Stilte, een­voud en afsondering… Wêreldwyd is daar ’n hernude belangstelling in die ou geloofs­ tradi­sies en ’n soeke na innerlike verdieping en heelheid. Bekende berader en predikant Ronell Bezuidenhout se nuwe boek gee praktiese raad vir besige mense in vandag se wêreld. Dié boek is vir jou as jy • meer wil put uit jou verhouding met God • soek na innerlike vrede en ’n lewe gevul met vreugde • aanvoel dat daar ’n groter realiteit is as die alledaagse materie wat ons om ons sien • ’n behoefte het om God beter en dieper te leer ken. Woestynwysheid stel jou voor aan mense van die vroegste eeue wat dieselfde behoeftes gehad het. Dit verduidelik hoe hul insigte op vandag se lewe van toepassing gemaak kan word. Geskryf vir die post-kerklike Christen op soek na iets méér. Navrae:

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2015/11/02 07:30:11 PM

agri Standpunt

Hans van der Merwe

Oktober is vir landbouers ‘n tyd van besinning en beplanning, ‘n tyd van afwagting, ‘n tyd van keuses en dikwels van waagmoed. Landbouers lewe na aan die natuur en dikwels laag op hul knieë. ‘n Nuwe seisoen met onsekerhede en uitdagings lê voor. Reën en genoeg water is onontbeerlik, so ook vertroue in die toekoms, want vrug op arbeid is noodsaaklik vir voortbestaan, vir groei en ontwikkeling.

Gerat vir die toekoms


eën is vanjaar laat en volg op ‘n seisoen wat droog geëindig het. Baie boere het kommer daaroor. Maar vertroue bly ‘n vereiste om in hierdie sonland te boer. Soos dit in Prediker 11 gestel word: “Wie die wind dophou, saai nie, wie na die wolke bly kyk, oes nie.” Dit beteken nie dat vertroue op ‘n goeie uitkoms, hardkoppigheid en naïwiteit met ‘n boer se keuses impliseer nie. Ons word tog ook gemaan om met wysheid te handel wat vereis dat ons kennis en beskikbare inligting moet gebruik om verantwoordelik te handel met dit wat aan ons as landbouers toevertrou is. Moeilike keuses, maar omsigtigheid kan in hierdie omstandighede van pas wees. Oktober was ook by Agri SA kongresmaand, ‘n geleentheid waar landbou-organisasies byeenkom om oor die beleidsklimaat vir landbou te besin en keuses te maak. Met dié kongres is teruggekyk op ‘n jaar waarin daar met ywer gewerk is om groter sekerheid en goeie uitkomste oor veral grond- en arbeidskwessies te bereik. Die kongres het ook vorentoe gekyk met voorstelle oor finansiering vir bemagtigingsprojekte en vennootskapsreëlings op plaaslike regeringsvlak waardeur die sake- en maatskaplike omgewing opgehef kan word.

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 8

Met die fokus op Agri SA se bydrae tot maatskaplike opheffing en die ontwikkeling van landelike gemeenskappe, was dit ook duidelik dat vennootskappe ook op ander vlakke en met die sakegemeenskap gesluit moet word en dat vroue in die landbou ‘n hulpbron is wat ‘n groot bydrae hiertoe kan lewer. Gedeelde doelwitte en waardes is vertrekpunte vir gesonde verhoudinge. Twee ministers en ‘n adjunk se insette by Agri SA se kongres is ‘n bewys daarvan dat die regering die landbou en die stem van die boeregemeenskap ag. Hoewel dit ‘n verhouding is waaraan voortdurend gewerk moet word, het Agri SA die afgelope jaar ‘n binnebaan oor die netelige kwessies van grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling by die regering gehad om beleid te help vorm. As lede van die georganiseerde landbou moet ons altyd onthou dat die regering ‘n mandaat het om te regeer, ons kan slegs inligting gee en adviseer wat in die beste belang van die bedryf is en dit rugsteun met ons optrede en goeie kommunikasie. Dit word onvermoeid gedoen. Besprekings by die kongres het gelei tot ‘n verdere verbintenis van ministers om oor grondsake en plaaslike regering nog nouer met Agri SA saam te werk. Landbou is ‘n bedryf waarvan die sukses

onontbeerlik vir Suid-Afrika se stabiliteit en vooruitgang is. Ongeag twyfel wat sommiges mag hê of die landbou hierdie funksie sal kan bly vervul, het ek vertroue dat dit wel die geval gaan wees. Agri SA is gerat om nog meer as in die verlede alle rolspelers in die bedryf te laat meewerk aan ‘n leiers- en implementeringsrol om inklusiewe groei en ontwikkeling te bewerkstellig. Landbou gaan aan andere in Suid-Afrika demonstreer dat daar deur samewerking ‘n beter tuiste vir al ons burgers geskep kan word. Ek is opgewonde oor dit waarmee Agri SA besig is om hoop en vertroue te bou en dit verby retoriek na die praktyk te neem. Ná ‘n leeftyd waarin ek my in die landbou se wel en wee kon in- en uitleef, gee ek begin Desember 2015 my teuels as uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA – ‘n opdrag wat ek van Bo, van ons boere en uit die hart ontvang het – oor aan Omri van Zyl. Dit was ‘n wonderlike voorreg om in ‘n belangrike fase van ons land se geskiedenis hierdie posisie in ‘n gerekende en waardige organisasie te kon beklee. Omri en my goeie kollegas, wat oor jare so toegewyd en as ‘n span saamgewerk het, sal voortgaan om die bedryf se beste belange te dien. Ek is dankbaar vir die talente en hulpbronne wat by Agri SA beskikbaar is om die bedryf vorentoe te neem.

8 2015/11/02 07:30:13 PM

Hans van der Merwe

agri Viewpoint For farmers October is a time for deliberation and planning, a time for anticipation and choices, often requiring courage. Farmers live close to nature and spend a lot of time on their knees. We are facing a new season with many uncertainties and challenges. Rain and enough water are vital, also confidence in the future, because the fruit of our labour is essential for survival, for growth and for development.

Geared for the future


his year the rain came late, following a season that ended in drought. Many farmers are concerned about this. However, we have to remain confident if we want to farm in sunny South Africa. Here I wish to refer to Ecclesiastes 11.4: “He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.” This does not mean that being confident of a good outcome, implies stubbornness and naiveté on the part of the farmer. After all, we are also warned to act wisely, which requires that we apply knowledge and available information to deal responsibly with what had been entrusted to us as farmers. Difficult choices, but circumspection could be appropriate in these circumstances. October was also Agri SA’s congress month, an opportunity for agricultural organisations to come together to discuss and decide on policies for agriculture. During this congress, agriculture reflected on a year during which we worked diligently to achieve greater certainty and good outcomes, especially in respect of land and labour issues. During this congress we also looked forward, with proposals for the funding of empowerment projects and partnership arrangements at local government level to improve the business

and social environment. With the focus on Agri SA’s contribution to social upliftment and the development of rural communities, it was also clear that partnerships should be forged at other levels and with the business community, and that women in agriculture should increasingly serve as a resource that can make an enormous contribution in this regard. Shared objectives and values are points of departure for sound relationships. Two ministers and a deputy minister’s inputs at Agri SA’s congress serve as proof that government listen to what agriculture and the farming community have to say. Although this is a relationship that requires constant work, Agri SA managed over the past year to liaise closely with government on contentious matters such as land reform and rural development with a view to influencing policy. As members of organised agriculture we must always remember that the government has a mandate to govern. We can merely provide the government with information and advice as to what is in the best interest of the industry, backed by what we contribute and good communication. We do this tirelessly. Discussions at the congress resulted in a further commitment by ministers to cooperate even more closely with Agri SA with regard to land affairs and local government.

Agriculture is an industry whose success is vital for stability and progress in South Africa. Despite the doubts some of you may have about agriculture fulfilling this function, I believe this will indeed be the case. Agri SA is geared more than ever before to get all role players in the industry to cooperate and play a leading role in facilitating inclusive growth and development. Agriculture will demonstrate to others in South Africa that we can, though cooperation, create a better home for all our people. I am excited about what Agri SA is doing to foster hope and confidence, taking this beyond rhetoric towards practical implementation. After a lifetime of sharing in agriculture’s triumphs and woes, I will on 1 December 2015 be handing over the reins to Omri van Zyl as Agri SA’s new executive director – a task assigned to me from Above, by our farmers and through inner conviction. It has been a wonderful privilege to serve in this position in a prestigious and dignified organisation during an important phase of our country’s history. Omri and my esteemed colleagues, who over the years have worked together as a dedicated team, will continue to serve the best interests of agriculture. I am grateful for the talent and resources that are available within Agri SA to take the industry forward.

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2015/11/02 07:30:16 PM

agri Nuus/News

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2015/11/02 07:30:17 PM

Snippets Brokkies

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Nouer bande met Namibië ‘n Informele gesprek tussen Agri SA en verteenwoordigers van die Namibiese Landbou-unie het in Oktober by Agri SA se kantoor in Centurion plaasgevind. Sake wat bespreek is, sluit onder meer in organisatoriese, ekonomiese en maatskaplike uitdagings vir die landbou, sowel as grondhervorming. Op die foto is van links: Sakkie Coetzee (hoof-uitvoerende beampte, Namibiese Landbou-unie), Hans van der Merwe (uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA), Ryno van der Merwe (president van die Namibiese Landbou-unie), Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Omri van Zyl (aangewese uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA), Johan Pienaar en Christo van der Rheede (adjunk uitvoerende direkteure, Agri SA).

Kom sê jou sê 
 Agri SA het ’n splinternuwe digitale strategie aangekondig. Jy kan voortaan saam gesels op die digitale media (Facebook, Twitter en Instagram). Agri SA gaan ook sy webtuiste opknap om te verseker dat dit selfoonvriendelik is. Laat hoor van jou! SKAKELS:

Hulle maak die beste olyfolie Suid-Afrika se beste ekstrasuiwerolyfolies vir 2015 is in September by die SA Olive-toekennings bekend gemaak. Die kompetisie het vanjaar 91 inskrywings gelok wat meegeding het vir goud-, silwer-, en bronsmedaljes. Altesaam 19 goue medaljes, 60 silwer en 10 bronsmedaljes is toegeken. ’n Span professionele proeërs het die medalje-aanspraakmakers individueel beoordeel in terme van kwaliteit, kompleksiteit en balans van aroma en smaak tydens ’n vierdaagse blinde proesessie. Die jaarlikse Absa Olyfpresteerder van die Jaar-trofee is toegeken aan Vittoria Jooste en Leonard Arangies uit erkenning vir hulle belangrike bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die bedryf. Op die foto is voor van links: Andries Rabie (Willow Creek), Danie Goosen (Wildekrans), Braam Gericke (Wildekrans), Marnelle du Preez (Mont Rouge), Hestie Roodt (Lettaskraal), Anne-Marie de Cauwer (Kransfontein), Jan Hendrik Basson (Porterville Olives), Nick Wilkinson (Rio Largo), Peter Coetzee (Marbrin), Johann van der Watt (ABSA). Agter van links: Francois Cilliers (Willow Creek), Gert van Dyk (Tokara), Stanley van Tonder (Mont Rouge), Christopher Moses (Mulderbosch), Kallie Frey (De Rustica), Klaas Stoffberg (Babylonstoren), Charl Coetzee (Babylonstoren), Clive Heymans (Marbrin). Foto: Andrew Gorman agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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12 2015/11/02 07:30:18 PM

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Nuwe aanstellings • Robert Davel is die nuwe hoofbestuurder van Mpumalanga Landbou. • Phil Bowes joined VinPro on 1 September as manager: transformation and development. • Adam Mostert, uitvoerende hoof van die Misstof­ vereniging van Robert Davel Suider-Afrika (Fertasa), is verkies tot voorsitter van die Oos- en Suider-Afrika Misstof Handelsplat­ form (Esaf). Adam Mostert

SA Olive se Mentorskaptoekennings oorhandig Esolda Cilliers van Willow Creek Products is aangewys as die ontvanger van die SA Olive Mentorskap-toekenning vir 2015. SA Olive het sy mentorskapprogram in 2008 van stapel gestuur met die doel om ’n nuwe generasie olyfolieverbouers en -makers op te lei. Dit is ’n bedryfsbefondsde program wat moontlik gemaak word deur nasionale en plaaslike regeringstoelae. Die deelnemers aan die program is werkers in diens van SA Olive se verskeie ledeprodusente.

Esolda Cilliers (middel) van Willow Creek Products is aangewys as die ontvanger van die SA Olive Mentorskap-toekenning vir 2015. Annamarie Brits (links) en Anida de Villiers (regs) het die oorhandiging tydens die jaarlikse toekenningsdinee gedoen. Foto: Andrew Gorman

Phil Bowes

Verdiende ruskans Hennie Laas het vanjaar die tuig neergelê as hoofbestuurder van Mpumalanga Landbou. Op die foto ontvang Laas (links) ’n oorkonde vir sy staatmakerdiens van Gideon Anderson, president van Mpumalanga Landbou, gedurende Mpumalanga Landbou se 2015-jaarkongres.

Gehalte-kunsmis toeganklik vir opkomende Afrika-boere Die private sektor is gereed, gewillig en in staat om ten volle deel te neem aan die misstofvoorsieningsketting in Afrika. Gehalte-kunsmis kan op die regte tyd teen bekostigbare pryse beskikbaar gemaak word vir opkomende boere, sê Adam Mostert, uitvoerende hoof van die Misstofvereniging van Suider-Afrika (Fertasa). Mostert het die Oos- en Suider-Afrika Misstof Handelsplat­form (Esaf)-konferensie in Lusaka, Zambië, toegespreek en gesê private maatskappye moet veg teen verskeie versperrings wat in die pad staan van toenemende deelname van kunsmismaatskappye. Dit behels onder meer swak hawe-, vervoer- en opbergingsinfrastruktuur wat vervoer-, transaksie- en finansieringskoste laat toeneem. Die onvoorspelbare beleidsomgewings veroorsaak verder mark- en handelstruikelblokke. “Dit is die rede waarom die behoefte bestaan vir Esaf. Die doel is om die hoeveelheid kunsmis wat geproduseer, ingevoer en versprei word deur die private sektor in Oos- en SuiderAfrika te vermeerder en om ’n platform te skep vir gesprekvoering met die owerhede en gesamentlike optrede.”

Given Lubinda (minister van landbou en lewende hawe, Zambië), Jason Scarpone (president en uitvoerende hoof van African Fertiliser and Agribusiness Partnership, Afap), prof Richard Mkandawire (visepresident, Afap) en Adam Mostert (uitvoerende hoof van Fertasa en nuwe Esaf-voorsitter). agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:30:19 PM

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Rekordpryse behaal by Braunvieh SA se nasionale veiling Braunvieh SA het ’n uitstaande derde nasionale veiling in September by die GWK-kompleks in Kimberley aangebied. ’n Nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse rekordprys van R87 000 is vir die bul Eduan Hector’s Matty betaal. Die teler is Eduan Stoet van Gawie en Willem Naudé, Barkly-Oos. Die koper was Uzziah Stoet van Leon Strauss, Luckhoff, en Christopher Stoet van Christopher Havenga, Petrusville. Die gemiddelde prys vir bulle was R35 273. Die hoogste prys vir ’n dragtige koei was R37 000 vir ELS120007, geteel deur Els Stoet van SP en Fanie Els, Excelsior. Die koper was CD Havenga van Petrusville. Dit is ook ’n nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse rekord. Die gemiddelde prys vir dragtige koeie was R22 200. Die gemiddelde prys vir oop en dragtige verse was R10 000.

SP Els (verkoper) en Christopher Havenga (koper). By hulle is Dirkie Louw (hanteerder)

Lizell Strauss, Leon Strauss en Joshua Strauss (kopers), Gawie en Willem Naudé (verkopers), Deon Klopper (GWK-afslaer) en Thulang Letsika (hanteerder)

Powering communities is possible but not happening because of Nersa The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) has called on the National Energy Regulator (Nersa) to review its position regarding the purchasing of power from independent producers. The organisation says that many of its members are busy with or planning to install biogas facilities on their farms with a view to reducing their own electricity consumption or selling electricity back to the national grid. The production of biogas – which is done in many other countries such as the USA and Australia – can also be used for renewable energy credits and can also help offset the cost of the operation. However, local pig farmers say this process is expensive and that the low tariffs offered by Nersa for the electricity produced is far below market value to make it worthwhile for them – even for them to manufacture for their own use. “There is a huge potential to generate power from biogas, which will alleviate the strain on the national grid. In the pork industry only as much as 150 – 200MW can be supplied during peak periods, which will make a massive contribution to the strained output,” says James Jenkinson, chairman of SAPPO.

KWV makes history KWV made history at this year’s Veritas Awards, the longest running wine/brandy competition in South Africa. They were crowned Producer of the Year for a fifth consecutive year and garnered an impressive 53 medals at this year’s competition, which is now in its 25th year. With a record 1 763 entries competing this year, KWV took home a total of 53 medals - 9 Double Gold, 10 Gold, 24 Silver and 10 Bronze. The KWV brandy and wine team crowned Producer of the Year: From left: Johann Fourie, Ulrich Hohns, Kobus van der Merwe, Pierre du Toit, Louwritz Louw, Winnie Bowman (Cape Wine Master), Wynand Storm, Lourens Stander, Pieter de Bod, Thornton Pillay, Anneke du Plessis, De Wet Hugo, Ilse du Toit, Izele van Blerk, Monique Fourie agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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14 2015/11/02 07:30:21 PM

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WineBiz-lessenaar gevestig vir groter

Female entrepreneurs crowned

samewerking met regering

Die Suid-Afrikaan­ se wyn- en brandewyn­ bedryf vestig in November die WineBiz-lessenaar as deel van hul strategie om regeringsame­ werking te verhoog. ‘n Toegewyde belangegroep­ bestuurder sal na sake omsien. Die nuwe strategiese diens sal onder die vaandel van die bedryfsorgani­ sasies VinPro en Michael Mokhoro is die hoof van die Salba (SA Liquor nuwe WineBiz-lessenaar. Brandowners’ Association) funksioneer en in die kantore van die Agbizlandboubesigheidskamer in Pretoria gesetel wees. WineBiz sal op die versterking van verhoudings met verskeie nasionale regeringsdepartemente en verwante belangegroepe fokus – spesifiek ten opsigte van water en grondhervorming, transformasie, handelsfasilitering en marktoegang – en terselfdertyd ook die beeld van die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn- en brandewynbedryf bevorder. Michael Mokhoro is as belangegroepbestuurder aangestel om die WineBiz-lessenaar te vestig.

The department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff), in partnership with Total South Africa, hosted the annual Daff Female Entrepreneur Awards earlier this year. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the awards with the theme “Uniting to empower women to achieve economic freedom through agriculture, forestry and fisheries”. In his speech, minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries Senzeni Zokwana highlighted that women play a significant role in the economic subsistence of their families, providing them Julia Shungube from Mpumalanga, the with shelter, producing food, and overall winner acting as primary caregivers, preparing meals for their families, walking long distances to fetch fire wood and water, and the list continues. The awards commence at a provincial level and culminate in the national awards. The awards aim to encourage and increase the participation of women, youth and people living with disabilities in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. The awards categories and winners are: • Best Female Worker: Kelebogile Reah Mampe • Best Subsistence Producer: Tenjiwe Christina Kaba • Top Entrepreneur: Smallholder: Nompumelelo Mdlalose • Top Entrepreneur: Processing: Julia Shungube • Top Female Entrepreneur: Commercial: Hlengiwe Hlophe • Top Entrepreneur: Export Markets: Buyiswa Marrie Ndyenga The Minister’s Special Award for Disabled Entrepreneur went to Avryl Cox. The 2015/16 overall winner is Julia Shungube from Mpumalanga.

Wynbedryf loods plantproduksie-program Die Plantproduksie Leerlingskap-program, ‘n eerste in die wynbedryf, het onlangs afgeskop met ‘n groep van 12 leerders. Dit word deur die wynbedryf se verteenwoordigende organisasie VinPro en AgriSeta befonds en deur Skills Fusion aangebied. Dié omvattende program, wat belyn is met NKR-vlak 5, word van Augustus 2015 tot Desember 2016 aangebied en bestaan uit twaalf maande tegniese studie, gevolg deur ses maande indiensopleiding op ’n wynplaas of kelder. Modules wat behandel word, sluit in kommunikasie, wiskunde, ondernemingsbestuur, strategiese en plaasbeplanning, asook landbouwaardekettingbestuur, natuurlike hulpbronbestuur, plantfisiologie, plantproduksiebestuur en siekte- en plaagbestuur.

Leerders van die Plantproduksie Leerlingskap-program tydens die bekendstellingsfunksie, saam met Kachné Ross (heel links) en Hanno van Schalkwyk (naaslinks) van VinPro en Hein Nieuwenhuizen (heel regs) van Skills Fusion. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Onderstel vanaf

R799 000 * Met beesbak vanaf

R983 000 * Môre Frieda Sorteer asseblief die borge se logos volgens hulle kategorieë soos hieronder:

* BTW uitgesluit. Model slegs vir illustrasie.

• Platinum: Santam Landbou • Goud: AgriSeta, GWK, Land Bank, Old Mutual/Mutual & Federal Agri • Silwer: Absa, FNB, Monsanto, Sanlam, Senwes, Standard Bank, Statistieke SA • Brons: NWK, Omnia, OVK, Pannar, Nissan SA, Sonfin, Voermol Laat T&E Finops, CrisisOnCall en Vodacom uit, hulle was nie borge van die kongres nie. Groete

Gemaklik - Groot binneruimte, 2200 mm maksimum hoogte, groot voorruit vir optimum sigbaarheid, ten volle verstelbare stuurwiel Kragtig - Iveco FPT Industrial 8,7 en 13 liter, 6 silinders, die jongste generasie drukbuisenjins, met lewering van 216 -254-320 kW Brandstof - Die mees mededingende standaarde in brandstofverbruik en lae onderhoudkoste, en boonop langer dienstussenposes


W W W. I V E C O . C O . Z A

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* BTW uitgesluit. Model slegs vir illustrasie.





die beskerming daarvan en dat dit ook herverdeling ten doel het. Alhoewel die aangeleentheid deur verskeie sprekers aangeraak is en die debat nog verder gevoer sal word, was die volgende mededelings veral ten opsigte van hulpbronverwante wetgewing insiggewend: “Die omgewing word in openbare trust vir die nasie gehou, die voordelige gebruik van omgewingshulpbronne moet die openbare belang dien en die omgewing moet as die mensdom se gemeenskaplike erfenis beskerm word. Dit beoog nie om ‘n fundamentele/ institusionele beleidsverandering ten opsigte van privaateiendomsreg van landbougrond teweeg te bring nie.” (Prof Elmarie van der Schyff, Noordwes-Universiteit) Die kongres het kennis geneem van tersaaklike insette en perspektiewe in dié verband en Agri SA sal die beginsel en praktiese toepassing van kuratorskap deurlopend toets, ook aan die hand van ander regstelsels wat met die aangeleentheid handel. As ‘n belangrike rolspeler in die voedselwaardeketting is dit vir die landbousektor nodig om faktore wat die toekomstige vraag na voedsel en die produksievermoë om hieraan te voldoen, te ontleed. Dit is onder meer nodig om beleid in dié verband sinvol en ingelig te kan evalueer. Agri SA het voorheen deelgeneem aan die tersaaklike aktiwiteite van die Southern African Food Lab (SAFL) in ‘n poging om die invloed van die moontlike veranderlikes soos beleidsonsekerheid oor grondhervorming, verstedeliking, >>> bladsy 19


Wilscott Radley (Mpumalanga Landbou), Moorrees du Toit (Mpumalanga Landbou) en Arthur Smit (Eskom)

Zani Ntuli (Santam) en Gloria Katz (Land Bank)

Ernest Malatsi en Edwin Mametja (Daff)

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gegee aan relevante aangeleenthede wat gedurende die jaar na vore gekom het, maar nog nie tot finaliteit gevoer is nie en/of waaroor daar beleidsonsekerheid bestaan. Daar is onder meer gefokus op die konsep van openbare kuratorskap, oftewel, wat die toesighoudende funksie van die staat oor natuurlike hulpbronne behoort te behels. Meer spesifiek het onlangse konsepwetgewing gerig op die hulpbronne die persepsie in landbougeledere laat ontstaan dat dit meer behels as bloot

gri SA neem verseker kennis hiervan as ons die kongres jaarliks beplan, terwyl afgevaardigdes tydens dié geleentheid ook deur middel van ‘n vraelys hulle hieroor kan uitspreek. Gebaseer op die terugvoer tydens die onlangse kongres, blyk dit in die huidige formaat nog aanvaarbaar te wees. Die program vir die afgelope kongres, wat op 15 en 16 Oktober buite Pretoria plaasgevind het, het ook grootliks beslag

Johan Pienaar

Kongres  Congress 2015

Alhoewel, soos vir verskeie ander soortgelyke organisasies, kongresse ‘n gevestigde praktyk is, word die nut daarvan uit verskeie oorde bevraagteken. Vrae soos die volgende is algemeen: Is dit koste-effektief? Lewer dit resultate? Word rigtinggewende besluite geneem? Is dit in die era van elektronika die gewenste metode van kommunikasie en konsultasie? Wek dit belangstelling en deelname van ‘n voldoende omvang?


2015/11/02 07:30:26 PM

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2015/11/02 07:30:29 PM

agri Kongres/Congress rampbestuursaangeleenthede ‘n direkte invloed op die landbou, asook individuele boere uitoefen, is daar besluit om spesifiek aan vennootskappe en samewerking op plaaslike regeringsvlak as deel van die kongres aandag te skenk. Tydens die betrokke sessie het die minister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, Pravin Gordhan, bepaalde toeligting verskaf oor die stand van munisipaliteite. Hy het onder meer aangedui dat “slow response or at times even a lack of response by our local authorities to issues raised by the agricultural sector has contributed to the loss of trust and confidence.” In reaksie op vorige voorstelle vir groter samewerking op plaaslike owerheidsvlak deur Agri SA wat tydens die kongres bevestig is, het die minister die noodsaak vir verdere gesprekke aangetoon. Die kongres het met waardering kennis geneem van die minister se aanbod vir verdere gesprekke met hom waartydens interaksie met plaaslike owerhede deur die privaatsektor, formalisering van samewerking met alle privaat­ sektorstrukture soos boereverenigings en sakekamers en die hantering van spesifieke aspekte soos die hantering van rampe, bespreek kan word.

Daan van der Merwe (Agri Noordwes) en Hoffie Joubert (Agri Noord-Kaap)

Anieké Deysel en Clovilde Möller (The Ashton CA Group)

Harry Prinsloo en Guillaume du Toit (Nasionale Wolkwekers)

Sandy La Marque (Kwanalu) en Jimmy van der Merwe (Deloitte)

Willem Groothof (Graan SA) en Andy Buchan (Kwanalu)

Rosina Mosoma en Seipati Kgonthe (Stats SA)

Borrie Erasmus (Wildbedryf SA), Marietjie Odendaal (Wildbedryf SA/Agri Gauteng) en Jacobus du Toit (Wildbedryf SA)

Chris Schoonwinkel en Jakkals le Roux (Graan SA en Vrystaat LandbouS)

Nic Opperman en Theo Boshoff (Agri SA)

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projekte behaal is en die strategie soos voorgehou goedgekeur as basis vir verdere aksie. Inligtingstukke moet op ‘n gereelde basis aan belanghebbendes voorsien word. Ná die goedkeuring van Agri SA se beleid vir grondhervorming tydens die 2014-kongres, is toeligting oor vordering met die aangeleentheid voorgehou. Regeringsverteenwoordigers, onder wie die adjunk-minister van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming, Mcebisi Skwatsha, het die nasionale beleidsraamwerk vir grondhervorming, spesifiek vordering met die herstel van grondregte, toegelig. Afgevaardigdes is versoek om hulle uit te spreek oor voorstelle gerig op die finansiering van grondhervorming wat voorgelê is. Dit handel in wese met gesamentlike projekte, staatswaarborge, meer toeganklike aangepaste finansiering en subsidiëring van rentekoerse. Die kongres het die finansierings­ voor­legging as basis vir verdere onderhandeling met die regering, finansierders en ander belang­ hebbendes, goedgekeur. Aangesien plaaslike owerhede via betrokkenheid by verskillende nasionale en plaaslike wetgewing, spesifiek water, belasting, elektrisiteit, infrastruktuur, dienstevoorsiening en plaaslike

Kongres  Congress 2015

Hoogtepunte <<< bladsy 17 hulpbronbeperkings en klimaatsverandering op voedselvoorsiening na te gaan. Die kongres het kennis geneem van ‘n verslag oor moontlike scenario’s ten opsigte van voedselvoorsiening, soos aangebied deur SAFL, wat verder aangewend sal word ook binne die konteks van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan, asook die ontwikkeling van ‘n voedselstrategie vir Suid-Afrika waaraan tans aandag geskenk word. Voortspruitend uit verskeie verslae van instellings soos die Internasionale Arbeidsorganisasie, die Buro vir Voedsel en Landboubeleid (BFAP) en periodieke arbeidsonrus in die landbousektor is ‘n sosiaal-maatskaplike strategie gerig op plaasbewoners aan die kongres voorgehou. ‘n Verskeidenheid van beoogde projekte, waaronder samewerking met landboukolleges, behuising en pensioenskemas vir plaaswerkers is aangeraak. ‘n Damesprogram wat in ‘n parallelle sessie aangebied is, het verbandhoudende aspekte soos voedingsprojekte, fetale alkoholsindroom-voorligting en entrepreneursontwikkeling van vroue bespreek. Die kongres het kennis geneem van suksesse wat reeds met bepaalde


2015/11/02 07:30:30 PM

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Agri SA lewer vele positiewe bydraes in belang van SA Hoewel landbou direk minder as drie persent tot die ekonomie bydra, het die bedryf as gebruiker van insette en dienste en as verskaffer van grondstowwe aan die voedsel- en veselbedryf ‘n wesenlike impak op die ekonomie. Hierby moet landbou se bydraes tot voedselsekerheid, landelike ontwikkeling, werkskepping en as rentmeester van natuurlike hulpbronne ook met die bepaling van sy waarde in ag geneem word. Daar moet ‘n wyer inkoop wees oor wat landbou tot ontwikkeling en bemagtiging kan bydra.


ó het Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA, in sy presidentsrede by die kongres gesê. “Die netto resultaat hiervan is dat almal in ons samelewing ‘n belang in die prestasie en wel en wee van die landboubedryf het. Daarom het landbouers, ander rolspelers in die waardeketting, asook die regering die begrip van die publiek nodig vir ‘n ondersteunende beleidsbedeling om die bedryf te ontwikkel. Die media se rol hiermee is van besondere belang. “Agri SA is terdeë daarvan bewus dat beleid deur die regering goedgekeur en toegepas word en dat Agri SA se rol as burgerlike-samelewingsorganisasie grootliks tot dié van ‘n inligtingsbron, adviseur en maatskaplike vennoot beperk is. Vir Agri SA is dit belangrik om hierdie verhouding goed

te versorg. Ons objektiwiteit en vermoë om die belange van ons lede met integriteit te dien, stel ons egter nie ondergeskik hieraan nie. “Agri SA se A-politiese posisionering, sy netwerkverhoudinge en die kundigheid wat onderliggend tot sy insette is, wil ons graag handhaaf om ook eenheid oor landbou te bevorder. “Agri SA is sterk daartoe verbind tot ‘n leiersbydrae om Suid-Afrika ‘n goeie tuiste vir al sy burgers te maak. Landbou se ontwikkeling, winsgewendheid, stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid is ons enigste strewes. Ons insette, hetsy op nasionale of internasionale vlak, is uitsluitlik daarop gerig. “Agri SA het toegang tot ‘n wye reeks forums en prosesse waar sy standpunte met die formulering van beleid, wetgewing en

programme ingevoer word.” Möller het die volgende uitgelig: • By Nedlac was al die onlangse konsepwetgewing oor grond en arbeid voorgelê en gedebatteer alvorens dit by die parlement ingedien is. Agri SA het aktief en met aansienlike regshulp aan dié prosesse deelgeneem. • Ons neem voluit deel aan minister Nkwinti se raadplegingsprosesse oor grondhervorming, binne die raamwerk van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan. • Om ‘n aanvaarbare finansierings­ meganisme te vind waarmee stimulus aan grondhervorming gegee kan word, bly ‘n uitdaging. ‘n Deurbraak hieroor is dringend nodig. • Ons het die Internasionale Arbeids­ >>> bladsy 28

Serious concerns about economy and ‘moral challenge’ The interests of agriculture are closely intertwined with those of the rest of the economy and of society. This is why the circumstances prevailing in the rest of the economy and in society is also important to agriculture, said Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA, in his presidential address at congress.


nfortunately, I have serious concerns about the prevailing circumstances. There are few people that still doubt whether South Africa is facing a moral challenge given that corruption, other crimes and mismanagement dominate the news on a daily basis. Key government institutions and enterprises have lost credibility and numerous unanswered questions undermine peoples’ trust. Moral

Dr Wynand van der Walt en dr Wilna Jansen van Rÿssen (Pretoria) agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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decay, not adhering to acceptable standards and a lack of business confidence, do not count in South Africa’s favour when foreign investors consider South Africa as an investment option,” Möller said. Möller quoted Trevor Manuel, speaking at the Financial Times Africa Summit in London recently. “He proposed that the corruption problem in South Africa should be tackled Chinese-style to restore trust. He was further of the view that neither consumer spending,

Annelize Crosby (Agri SA se regsverteen­ woordiger en parlementêre skakeling) en Dirk van Rensburg (Vrystaat Landbou)

nor a raft of new policies and programmes would lift the economy out of its moribund state. He said: ‘It’s about leading everybody so that you have people together agreeing on trade-offs. In the absence of this political leadership, what had emerged was a situation in which there are too many different business organisations and discordant voices and too many different trade unions and discordant voices. As a result, government does not know >>> page 28

Bennie van Zyl (TLU SA) en Daan Venter (Vrystaat Landbou)

20 2015/11/02 07:30:30 PM

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Landbouleiers ontvang erkenning Agri SA se Algemene Sakekamer, Bedryfskamer en Algemene Raad ken jaarliks oorkondes toe aan persone wat ‘n besondere diens aan die organisasie en die landbou gelewer het. Ontvangers van Raadstoekennings ontvang ook ‘n goue lapelwapen.

Foto’s Alani Janeke

landbou. Hy het Agri Noordwes onder meer in Agri SA se Algemene Raad en Algemene Sakekamer verteenwoordig. Hy het sy taak met blymoedigheid en waardigheid verrig. Hennie Laas het ook ‘n oorkonde van die Algemene Sakekamer ontvang. Hy het in September as hoofbestuurder van Mpumalanga Landbou uitgetree. “Deur sy loopbaan in die georganiseerse landbou, eerstens as boer, en daarna as hoofbestuurder, het hy sy taak met groot verantwoordelikheid verrig en hom deurlopend beywer vir die >>> bladsy 28

Dr Theo de Jager, Cor Jansen van Vuuren, Hans van der Merwe, Johannes en Delene Möller en Omri van Zyl

Hans van der Merwe ontvang staande applous van kongresgangers tydens die oorhandiging van sy oorkonde

Dr Theo de Jager, Hans en Suzanne van der Merwe, Johannes en Delene Möller en Omri van Zyl

Dr Theo de Jager, Hennie en Davida Laas, Hans van der Merwe, Johannes en Delene Möller en Omri van Zyl

Louw Steytler, Hans van der Merwe, Harry en Adé Prinsloo, Johannes en Delene Möller en Omri van Zyl

Prof Mohammad Karaan agter die podium met van links: Basheerah Karaan, Hans van der Merwe, Delene en Johannes Möller, Omri van Zyl en Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Fakulteit Agri-wetenskappe van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, het ‘n oorkonde en goue lapelwapen ontvang. Hy is onder meer vereer vir sy bydrae as lid van die Nasionale Beplanningskommissie, asook sy diens in verskeie ander landbouforums. Volgens die Algemene Raad is die wyse waarop hy sy waardes uitleef, ‘n inspirasie vir ander en dit dra by tot ‘n positiewe beeld van landbou. Cor Jansen van Vuuren is deur die Algemene Sakekamer vereer vir sy toegewyde diens oor ‘n lang periode aan landbouers in verskeie strukture van die georganiseerde

Kongres  Congress 2015


ans van der Merwe, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA, wat later vandeesmaand die tuig neerlê, het ‘n oorkonde en goue lapelwapen ontvang vir sy jarelange bydrae aan die georganiseerde landbou. Volgens die Algemene Raad het Van der Merwe die organisasie met waardigheid op alle vlakke gelei. “Sy loopbaan is gekenmerk deur vernuwende denke. Hy het Agri SA vanuit ‘n toestand van oorlewing gelei tot ‘n organisasie wat oor ‘n wye front geag word.” Prof Mohammad Karaan, dekaan van die


2015/11/02 07:30:34 PM

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2015/11/02 07:30:35 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

‘Public trusteeship’ not necessarily a bad idea The concepts “public trusteeship” and “state custodianship”, may seem like the rhetoric of an ambitious political party trying to grab the wealth of a country. These concepts, however, ideally have noble intends, said Prof Elmarie van der Schyff of the North-West University at the congress. they are neither susceptible to unlimited private ownership nor unrestricted state ownership.” She explained that a custodian is a person who guards and protects or takes care of something. A trustee, on the other hand, is a person who holds or manages property for the benefit of another. “Public trusteeship is more than confirming the state’s duty to regulate the country’s resources. It is the statutory recognition of a nation’s collective interest. It impacts on the nature and extent of rights that can be acquired in a particular resource,” Van der Schyff said.

She pointed out that, as a legal principle, public trusteeship rises above boundaries of political systems of society in accentuating the accountability of the state for the management of the natural resources in its jurisdiction. “The custodian has a fiduciary duty. This is the duty to promote the interests of the party whose property is managed. Selfinterest of the trustee (custodian) does not matter and is insignificant. “Public trusteeship is more than confirming the state’s duty to regulate the country’s resources,” according to Van der Schyff.



an der Schyff discussed these concepts (they originated in the USA), which recently appeared in South African legislation such as in the National Environmental Management Act (Nema), the National Water Act (NWA), the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) and the draft Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill (DPDAL-FB). “It forces us to see natural resources in a national (even inter-generational) perspective. Some resources are so central to the well-being of the community that

Prof Elmarie van der Schyff

Groot uitdaging om genoeg kos en bewaring van hulpbronne te balanseer


olgens Stats SA het sowat 14,1 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners nie genoeg kos om te eet nie. In die Oos-Kaap alleen leef 74% van die bevolking onder die broodlyn. “Hierdie statistiek is kommerwekkend en die regering in vennootskap met die privaatsektor sal moet saamwerk om oplossings hiervoor te vind,” het Zokwana gesê. Hy het daarop gewys dat die fokus van vanjaar se Wêreldvoedseldag is om huishoudings in die kollig te sit en wat

Pierre Vercuiel (Noord-Kaap), Barry Gibbs (SAVPO) en Willem de Chavonnes Vrugt (Noord-Kaap)

gedoen kan word om hulle selfonderhoudend ten opsigte van voedselvoorsiening te maak. “Voedselproduksie moet egter in harmonie met natuurlike hulpbronne geskied.” Vennootskappe Zokwana het beklemtoon dat vennootskappe met die privaatsektor noodsaaklik is. “Ek wil die versekering gee dat die regering met die landbousektor sal saamwerk om oplossings te vind wat sal help om die sektor uit te bou sodat daar genoeg kos vir al Suid-Afrika se inwoners geproduseer word.

Ek is ernstig oor my rol as openbare kurator in dié verband. Ons is byvoorbeeld reeds besig om wetgewing voor te berei om Senzeni Zokwana, voorkeurminister van landbou, landbougrond te bosbou en visserye bewaar en te beskerm,” aldus Zokwana.

Bongiwe Masabalala, Adriana Balduci en Kenneth Ngubegusha (Stats SA)

Dié span van Agri SA het hard gewerk om sake agter die kongresskerms glad te laat verloop: Anneke Roux, Phyllis Strydom, Ellen van Niekerk. Agter is Martina Benadé agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 23

Kongres  Congress 2015

Een van landbou se grootste uitdagings is om die natuurlike hulpbronne te beskerm, maar steeds genoeg kos te produseer om die nasie te voed. Dit was die boodskap van Senzeni Zokwana, minister van landbou, bosbou en visserye, by Agri SA se 2015 kongres.


2015/11/02 07:47:45 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Agri parks will have many advantages Agri parks will make a huge contribution to land reform, according to Mcebisi Skwatsha, deputy-minister of rural development and land reform. Speaking at Agri SA’s congress he said that multiple tenants and owners would operate under a common management structure. “They will provide networks of contacts between producers, markets and processors, and the physical infrastructure required for the new entrants into these industries.”


kwatsha said that the department has set aside R2 billion for the implementation of agri parks in all 44 district municipalities during this financial year. Priority will be given to the 27 poorest districts. One percent (R20 mil) of this amount has been allocated to institutional and capacity development and skills acquisition in these poor districts. “The agri parks will be managed through boards, fully controlled by farmers and village producers, with strategic support from government. They will be situated in rural areas and will service all farmers’ and rural producers’ needs, from logistics, professional

services, processing and retailing to exporting. “Multiple tenants and owners will operate under a common management structure. Of prime importance will be linkages between the parks and surrounding agricultural land for production,” the minister said. He pointed out that the parks will assist with the selection and training of smallholder farmers, as well as selecting farms per province for the placement, incubation and training of unemployed agricultural graduates and other agro-entrepreneurs. “They will be farmer-controlled and will have a strong social mobilisation component to ensure that black farmers and agri-business

entrepreneurs are actively mobilised and organised to support the initiative. They will be used for both production and processing.” Skwatsha said that the government hopes that the parks would strengthen the partnership between government and the private sector stakeholders and would ensure increased access to services (water, energy, transport) and production on the one hand, while developing existing and creating new markets to strengthen and expand valuechains on the other. “Furthermore, the parks will support growing towns and the revitalisation of rural >>> page 25

Restitusie kan net slaag as privaatsektor betrokke raak Om grondhervorming en restitusie volhoubaar toe te pas, sal die privaatsektor betrokke moet raak, het Numfundo Gobodo, hoofgrondeiskommissaris, by die kongres gesê.


estitusie is noodsaaklik om die pyn van die verlede te verlig. Die regering besef dit en daarom word geld vir restitusie beskikbaar gestel. Ons moet restitusie aanspreek omdat dit ‘n instrument is om die wonde van die verlede te genees,” het sy gesê. Gobodo het gesê dat daar met reg kritiek uitgespreek kan word oor die stadige afhandeling van grondeise in die verlede. “Restitusie is egter ‘n komplekse proses. Elke eis moet nagevors word. Soms is daar ander gemeenskappe wat ook op dieselfde grond

aanspraak maak. Hierdie soms teenstrydige en opponerende eise sorg vir baie werk agter die skerms.” Volgens Gobodo was gemeenskaps­ eiendoms­verenigings (CPAs) in die verlede nie altyd opgelei om hulle taak na behore te vervul nie. “Dié mense moet behoorlik opgelei word. Die landbousektor moet betrokke raak en help dat hierdie komitees reg funksioneer.” Sy het erken dat daar soms ‘n gaping is tussen die departement se beleid en die implementering daarvan op grondvlak. “Amptenare verstaan nie altyd presies wat

hulle moet navors nie. Slegte navorsing sorg vir slegte besluite.” Sy het daarop gewys dat grondeienaars by die navorsing oor ‘n eis betrokke moet raak om so te bepaal of ‘n eis grondig is. Volgens Gobodo was die departement se kommunikasiepogings met rolspelers tot op hede nie altyd te waffers nie. Daar word hieraan gewerk. Daar is nou ook ‘n inbelsentrum waar eise geregistreer kan word. ‘n Ander nuutjie is mobiele eenhede wat na plattelandse gebiede reis waar eisers hulle eise kan indien.

Numfundo Gobodo (grondeiskommissaris), Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mcebisi Skwatsha (adjunk-minister van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming), Phenias Gumede (vise-president van Agri SA) en Omri van Zyl (aangewese uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA) agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 24

24 2015/11/02 07:30:36 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Land reform: Agri SA actively involved in various forums Agri SA has adopted an approach of developing well-considered principled alternatives to the government’s land reform proposals. These are backed by legal and economic realities in a progressive manner. We believe that land reform should be in the interest of sustainable rural development. These principles underlie Agri SA’s approach to land reform, said Ernest Pringle, chairman of Agri SA’s Agricultural Development Policy Committee. He gave feedback on Agri SA’s framework for land reform. with access to historical sites and graves and the existing guideline on how to deal with restitution claims was updated.

Restitution Agri formally engaged with the Restitution Commission in June 2015 – this was the first proper engagement in almost three years. Agri SA presented a proposal for cooperation to the Commission. The proposal focuses on shared information, sustainability, alternative intervention models and linkage with post settlement. Agri SA also conducted a vast amount of research and consulted experts to inform the organisation’s thinking about the issue. A guideline documents was drafted about the National Heritage Resource Act, which deals

Redistribution Agri SA focused, among others, on the Special Purpose Vehicle to assist with redistribution. This included consultation with experts and engagement with key stakeholders. Agri SA has also promoted the concept of an idea bank. This has influenced policy makers to look at alternative models, and not just to maintain a fixed approach to restitution. Right of first refusal Agri SA finalised an informed proposal, which contains numerous limitations and conditions. This was reviewed by Agri SA’s General Council, which has approved the concept. Agri SA will present this alternative proposal of the ROFR to the ITT on 27 October 2015. Land tenure security Agri SA had extensively engaged with directly affected stakeholders and own members on the issue of communal land. Following a workshop held with affected members, a framework was formulated within which the policy committee can develop a policy.The organisation looked at opportunities which exist and can be explored such as agri parks and special economic zones.

towns to stimulate economic growth and promote rural urban linkages. This could kick start rural economic transformation for these rural regions. They will promote growth of the smallholder sector by contributing some

300 000 new small-scale producers, and create 145 000 new jobs in agro-processing by the year 2020 as set out in the National Growth Plan.” According to Skwatsha farmers will own 70% of the parks’ equity, with the state and

commercial interests holding minority shares of 30%. “They will help us to bring underutilised land, especially in communal areas and on land reform farms, into full production over the next three years, and help us to expand irrigated agriculture, Skwatsha said.

Jean Boshoff en Carl Opperman (Agri Wes-Kaap)

Dr Pieter Prinsloo (RPO) en dr Langa Simela (ABSA)

Boeta du Toit (Agri Noordwes) en Dirk Esterhuysen (USDA)

Relative rights • Agri SA assisted in developing the terms of reference for pilot studies. • Criteria were agreed upon for the pilot studies. • These studies will take place over the next four years. Agri parks This committee is involved with Agri parks<<< page 24

Agri SA’s holistic plan for land reform and rural development

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• Site selection • The determining of corporate structure • The alignment with existing incentives District land reform committees • Agri SA made inputs on the terms of reference for district land reform committees. • The organisation capacitate members with information. • Regulation of Landholdings • Agri SA gave inputs to the socio-economic impact assessment and land audit. • Agri SA seeks informed economic, social and legal opinions to support its position which is to oppose land ceilings in principle.

Kongres  Congress 2015


he Agricultural Development Policy Committee acts within the mandate given by previous Agri SA congress resolutions and it is involved at various levels in processes regarding land reform such as in the Interdepartmental Task Team (ITT) on land reform, said Pringle. The latter consists of 16 government departments, including the departments of rural development and land reform, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, COGTA, economic development, health and small business development. Selected private sector stakeholders also participate. The committee meets monthly and Agri SA’s congress mandate was presented here. “Agri SA is making significant submissions, for instance regarding its idea bank, and we highlight the potential impact of decisions. This resulted in a rethink of various issues,” Pringle said. Agri SA also actively participates in four working groups:


2015/11/02 07:30:37 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 26

26 2015/11/02 07:30:37 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Klink ‘n glasie op Santam Landbou Santam Landbou het vanjaar se sosiale funksie by die kongres geborg. Daar is lekker geëet, glasies geklink, na mooi musiek geluister en ’n hele klomp probleme van die landbou en Suid-Afrika het in ‘n japtrap oplossings gekry.

Elize en Ben Lombard (Obaro)

Ilana en Pieter de Jager (Afrilogic) en PJ Hassard (Kwanalu)

Karen de Jager (Tzaneen) en Basheerah Karaan (Stellenbosch)

Lindie Schlebush (Jan Kempdorp), Ansie Scholtz (Griekwastad) en Louise Symington (Williston)

Lizé Lambrechts (hoof-uitvoerende beampte van Santam Landbou), Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA) en sy vrou Delene

Johan Bezuidenhout en Danie Marais (NWK)

Nic Bronkhorst en Paul Collitt (Obaro) en Wilscott Radley (Mpumalanga Landbou)

Thabi Nkosi (Agri SA) en Willem en Anél de Chavonnes Vrugt (Setlagole)

Lourie Bosman (voormalige president van Agri SA), Suzaan en Hans van der Merwe (uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA) en Lizé Lambrechts (hoofuitvoerende beampte van Santam Landbou)

Die span van Santam Landbou: Carl Fourie, Hennie Basson, Gerhard Diedericks, Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp (programdirekteur by die funksie), Kobus Janse van Rensburg, Jürgen Crevits en Emil Pretorius

Omri en Annelize van Zyl (Agri SA) en Willem van Jaarsveld (Agri Limpopo)

Johan Pienaar (Agri SA), Pieter Cornelius, agter, (AMT), Welma en Lourie Bosman (voormalige president van Agri SA) en Sarie Cornelius (Pretoria)

Willem van Jaarsveld en Piet Engelbrecht (Agri Limpopo), Sarie Cornelius (Pretoria) en Leon Borcherds (Agri Limpopo)

Die mooi én musikale meisies van die groep Muse het vir vermaak gesorg.

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 27


Ernst Pringle en Doug Stern (Agri Oos-Kaap)

Danie en Anna van Litsenborgh (Burgersdorp) en Hannelie en Wayman Kritzinger (Somerset-Oos)

Kongres  Congress 2015

Christelle en Christo Venter (Jamestown)


2015/11/02 07:30:49 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Finance model for land reform approved In response to a call by government for closer collaboration between the private and public sectors in establishing viable models for land reform, Agri SA, in keeping with its holistic approach to land reform, embarked on a process to develop financial mechanisms to accelerate the process of land redistribution.


ohannes Möller, president of Agri SA, presented the broad framework related to the mechanisms at Agri SA’s annual congress on 15 October 2015. Support of Agri SA’s nationwide membership for the mechanisms was affirmed and a mandate given to proceed with the development of specific modalities and to engage with key stakeholders. The mechanisms developed, leverage fully on the expertise of Agri SA’s specialists in the areas of law and economics and on the practical experiences of the organisation’s members in relation to land redistribution. “We firmly believe that the mechanisms

proposed will provide the necessary incentive to unlock private capital throughout the agricultural valuechain, allow for accelerated land redistribution by better positioning beneficiaries to succeed and reduce strain on the fiscus,” Möller said. The centrality of solid working relationships between government, farmers, state-owned institutions, development finance institutions and financial institutions

at large is emphasised throughout the proposed models. Undoubtedly, significant progress in relation to land redistribution can only be made once a common understanding between these parties exists, Möller said.

Serious Concerns <<< page 20 which way to go.’” Möller said that it is under these circumstances that constitutional institutions such as the Public Protector, Human Rights Commission and an efficient auditor-general, together with those of an independent judiciary and a respect for freedom of expression, seem indispensable to South Africa’s young democracy. “Our own conduct must, however, portray the values we believe in. That is the point of departure from which one can address others’ transgressions, wasteful spending or lack of discipline. “The result of the prevailing conditions – many of which are self-induced – is weak business confidence and low economic growth,” he said.

Agri SA <<< bladsy 20 organisasie se onafhanklike ondersoek na die leef- en werks­omstandighede van plaaswerkers ondersteun om ‘n meer objektiewe en algemeen aanvaarde inligtingbasis vir beleidsbesluite oor arbeidsaangeleent­hede daar te stel. Daar is baie stof tot nadenke wat uit hierdie verslag na vore kom. • Ons het die Buro vir Voedsel- en Landboubeleid (BFAP) gekontrakteer om vir ons ‘n studie te doen oor die invloed van verskillende loonscenario’s op die winsgewendheid van die bedryf en op werkskepping. • Ons het insette by die Menseregte­ kommissie gelewer met sy ondersoek na die veiligheidstoestande op plase. • Ons neem deel aan raadplegingsprosesse oor wysigings aan waterbeleid en die prysvasstelling van water. • Ons het heelwat aandag gewy aan die implikasies van die openbare kurator­ skap-benadering soos wat dit in SuidAfrikaanse wetgewing toepassing vind. Ons neem waar dat dié konsep ook vir herverdeling en nie net vir openbare toesighouding en die beskerming van natuurlike hulpbronne nie, soos grond en water, aangewend word. • Ons ooreenkoms om met die Kamer van Mynwese saam te werk om die negatiewe

omgewingsimplikasies van mynbou te beperk, is vanjaar verder gevoer. • Ons insette is in ag geneem met die bestuur van die elektrisiteitskrisis asook met hersiening van die elektrisiteitstarief. • Insette ten opsigte van opwekking van hernubare krag op plase is werk in proses. Dit het die potensiaal om vir boere koste-besparend en ‘n addisionele inkomstebron te wees. • Ons voer gesprekke met die SAID oor die dieselkortingstelsel en gee insette met die hersiening van die BTW-bedeling soos van toepassing op landbouprodukte. • Deur middel van die Landbouhandels­ forum neem ons aktief deel aan die evaluering van handelsooreenkomste. • Ons insette met die bepaling en bestuur van ramphulp bly vrugte afwerp. Die heersende droogte is egter ‘n rede vir groot kommer. Ons sal spoedig planne in werking moet stel vir die hantering van ‘n negatiewe scenario indien die droogte sou voortduur. “Meer voorbeelde van insette op beleidsvlak kan genoem word, maar hoewel dit vir Agri SA belangrik is dat sy standpunte aangehoor en in ag geneem word, moet ons optrede ook demonstreer dat ons positiewe bydraes in belang van Suid-Afrika lewer,” het Möller gesê.

Landbouleiers <<< bladsy 21 bevordering van die landboubedryf, veral in Mpumalanga. Harry Prinsloo het ‘n oorkonde van Agri SA se Bedryfskamer ontvang vir sy bydrae ter bevordering van die beeld en prestasie van die landbou en van landbou-organisasies. Hy het onder meer toegewyde diens namens wolprodusente oor meer as ‘n dekade in Agri SA se Bedryfskamer gelewer, onder meer as ondervoorsitter en tans as voorsitter. Die Bedyfskamer sê dat hy baie gedoen het om kommunikasie en transformasie in die landbousektor te bevorder. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 28

28 2015/11/02 07:30:49 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Ons adverteerders ontvang erkenning Agri se staatmakeradverteerders het sertifikate tydens kongres 2015 ontvang. Hulle is as die beste adverteerders van 2014/2015 aangewys. Die gehalte van advertensies en die positiewe beeld wat die advertensies oor landbou uitstraal, word onder meer deur die beoordelaars in ag geneem.

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder) en Elriza Theron (Omnia) – wenner kunsmis

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder) en Gert Heyns (Monsanto) – tegnologie gebaseerde oplossings en landbouprodukte

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensie­bestuur­ der) en Gerhard Diedericks (Hoof: Santam Landbou) – wenner finansiële instellings

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensie­ bestuurder) en Albert van Rensburg (Biomin) – wenner voeding en byvoeding

Dean Miller van Advance Seeds (links) was die wenner in die saadafdeling. By hom is Riaan Schmahl van Agri se advertensiespan.

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder) en Gert Jordaan (BKB) – wenner veilings

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensie­­ bestuurder) en Robert Keir (Kubota SA) – wenner meganisasie

Johannes Möller (president van Agri SA), Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder) en Sean Stiles (BASF) – wenner oesbeskerming

John Alexander (Krohne (PTY) Ltd), wenner toerusting, by Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder)

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Van links: Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder), Robert Keir (Kubota SA), Derick van der Walt (redakteur, Agri ), Sean Stiles (BASF), Gert Jordaan (BKB), Gert Heyns (Monsanto), Megan van der Merwe (Valley Irrigation SA), Albert van Rensburg (Biomin), Gerhard Diedericks (Hoof: Santam Landbou) en Elriza Theron (Omnia). Tommie Thompson van Merial (dieregesondheidwenner) kon nie die funksie bywoon nie.

Kongres  Congress 2015

Mabel Schmahl (Agri se advertensiebestuurder) en Megan van der Merwe (Valley Irrigation SA) – wenner besproeiing en adverteerder van die jaar


2015/11/02 07:30:56 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional


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30 2015/11/02 07:30:57 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Soeklig op rol van vroue in ontwikkeling van landelike gemeenskappe ELIZE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, SENIOR BESTUURDER, ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, AGRI SA

Kongres het vanjaar vir die eerste keer ‘n sessie spesiaal vir afgevaardigdes se vroue aangebied. Die rol van vroue in die ontwikkeling van landelike gemeenskappe is onder die soeklig geplaas.

Christo van der Rheede

Dianne Richards


rof Elmarie Venter, voorsitter van die leerstoel vir familieboerdery aan die Nelson Mandela Metro Universiteit, het gesels oor die uitbouing van die rol van vroue in gesinsboerderye. Daar is verskillende maniere waarop mans en vrouens by boerderysake betrokke kan raak, het sy verduidelik. Die finansiële kundigheid van plaaswerkergesinne het ook onder die loep gekom. Verteenwoordigers van die Old Mutual Stigting en die Masiszane Fonds het vertel dat hulle hul beywer vir werkskepping en die vestiging van entrepreneurs in die landbou. Die instansies het ook ‘n voorsorgfonds wat help met aftreeversorging van plaaswerkers. Francois Grobbelaar van Fasfacts het gefokus op fetale alkoholsindroom en die invloed van alkohol op ongebore babas bespreek. Fasfacts streef daarna dat alle kinders sonder hierdie sindroom gebore moet word, het hy gesê. Grobbelaar het daarop gewys dat, hoe vroeër daar begin word om dogters, vroue en potensiële vaders hieroor op te voed, hoe minder skade die sindroom aan ongebore babas kan doen.

Francois Grobbelaar

Willem Jansen van Rensburg van die Landbounavorsingsraad het die belangrikheid van heilsame voeding en (goedkoper) alternatiewe bronne vir voedsame kos bespreek. Marog bevat byvoorbeeld baie meer yster as spinasie, het hy gesê. Die blare en die blom van die pampoenplant kan ook geëet word en dit het byvoorbeeld meer voedingswaarde as kool. Dominic Paris van die ATKV het oor die vereniging se projek, AbbAsorg, gesels. Dié projek het ten doel om ‘n veilige omgewing te skep waar kinders tussen die ouderdom van drie en ses, gehalteopvoeding en -versorging kan ontvang.

Dominic Paris

Kinders word in voorskoolse sentrums voorberei vir groter opvoedkundige uitdagings. As ‘n kind meer skoolgereed is, vergemaklik dit nie net sy of haar aanpassing in Graad 1 nie, dit verhoog ook die kind se kanse op latere akademiese sukses en die uiteindelike voltooiing van ‘n skoolloopbaan. Dit is alles faktore wat op die lang termyn kan bydra tot ‘n positiewe selfbeeld, ‘n hoër opvoedingsvlak en beter kanse op werkgeleenthede. Die projek bied kinders ‘n kans om die bose kringloop van armoede (en dikwels misdaad) te verbreek. Boervrouens kan mense se lewens verander. Elize van der Westhuizen van Agri SA het vertel van ‘n entrepreneurskapopleidingsprogram vir plaaswerkervroue in die Friersdale-gebied in die NoordKaap. Die projek het die hele gemeenskap verander. Vroue wat aan die opleiding deelgeneem het, het werk gekry of hulle eie besighede begin. Die projek het egter ook ‘n verandering by die vroue se kinders veroorsaak. Die voorbeeld wat hulle studerende ouers gestel het, het kinders geïnspireer om self te studeer en iets in die lewe te bereik. Vroue is tydens die sessie aangemoedig om soortgelyke projekte in hulle omgewing te identifiseer en daarby betrokke te raak. Onderwerpe waaraan boere se vroue in die toekoms kan deelneem, is geïdentifiseer en inligting sal hieroor ingewin word. Dit sluit in: • Die bemagtiging van vroue • Welvaartskepping • Entrepreneursontwikkeling • Fetale alkoholsindroom • Inheemse voedselprojekte • Voorskoolse onderrig.

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 31


Prof Elmarie Venter

Kongres  Congress 2015

Elize van der Westhuizen


2015/11/02 07:30:57 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Back to Basics programme must get dysfunctional municipalities back on track The department of cooperative governance and traditional affairs’ Back to Basics programme relies on municipal political leadership and management to play a significant role to put dysfunctional municipalities back on track. It must release the necessary commitment to change. It calls for national, provincial and local coalitions for change and development. All of us are accountable to change people’s lives and create better prospects for the economy.


ravin Gordhan, minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, said that the programme aims to take local government forward. “The idea is to get all municipalities out of a

dysfunctional state. No municipality must be below the middle path. We will also support municipalities on the middle path to progress to the top path and to stay there. We will further support and give incentives to municipalities on the top path to remain

Dan Kriek (deputy president of Agri SA), Omri van Zyl (designated executive director of Agri SA), Pravin Gordhan (minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs), Phenias Gumede (deputy president of Agri SA), Johannes Möller (president of Agri SA) and Hans van der Merwe (executive director of Agri SA)

there.” The pillars of the programme are: • putting people first and to engage with communities • to deliver basic services • to adhere to good governance • sound financial management • building capabilities It will address the following challenges: • Insufficient institutional capacity • The social distance of officials • Ward councillors and committees • Inadequate public participation >>> page 33 Dan Kriek (deputy president of Agri SA), right, in conversation with Pravin Gordhan (minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs)

What is needed for successful PPPs? The lack of clear political commitment and leadership in respect of public/private partnerships (PPPs) from the public sector appears to be the single most critical constraint in such partnerships’ success, said Dan Kriek, vice-president of Agri SA.


he view is that government is, at best, not clear and is therefore sending mixed messages on its stance on PPPs. Sometimes it seems that the government is openly hostile to involve the private sector,” Kriek said. Underlying this view are four issues: • A fundamental distrust and lack of understanding between business and government. This works in both directions. Government fails to appreciate the role of the private sector and its incentives and how these could be harnessed. The private sector however fundamentally misreads the politics inherent in many government agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 32

projects. It does not appreciate the complexity of delivering in an environment challenged by a lack of capacity and considerable political pressures; • A limited understanding of PPPs and an on-going conflation between PPPs and privatisation. A common misunderstanding is that in a PPP the state is relegating its responsibilities and thereby undermining its responsibility to deliver public goods; • No clear strategic direction and policy framework on the role of PPPs. This is particularly evident in the discussions around the developmental state, which at times appears to ignore the

private sector altogether in the delivery of infrastructure. There is no agreed national agenda to set direction and constructively involve the private sector; and • A lack of understanding of the limitations of the current delivery programme, both in respect of funding and technical capacity. There is currently an overestimation as to the financing resources available to government to meet the infrastructure need, as well as the necessary skills to implement the requirements. “All of these challenges can be addressed, we can learn from international experience and develop functional PPPs,” Kriek said.

32 2015/11/02 07:30:58 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Agri SA’s office bearers for 2015/2016

President Johannes Möller

Deputy-president Dan Kriek

Deputy-president Phenias Gumede

Chairman, General Affairs Chamber Henk van Wyk

Chairman, Commodity Chamber Harry Prinsloo

Minister Gordhan requests bi-lateral session with Agri SA


t Agri SA’s 2015 congress Gordhan requested a bi-lateral session with the organisation where issues such as property tax tariff increases, as well as evaluation rolls, could be discussed. The agenda will also include discussions on possible solutions for the issues. Dan Kriek, vice-president of Agri SA, informed Gordhan about several issues such as tariffs that have increased by between 50% and 100%. Another issue is the finance

of disaster management. Kriek explained to congress and the minister that many farmers provide services to their local communities such as fighting fires. Farmers in Edenville in the Free State, for example, assisted when a fire started in the local township earlier this year. Kriek, who is also president of Free State Agriculture, indicated that in this province agri-forums were established to discuss issues with municipalities. Kriek indicated to Gordhan that Agri

SA and its affiliates take note of the department’s Back to Basics programme, and that it will support the programme where possible. Furthermore, Agri SA extended a hand of friendship to the department with regard to collaboration on water, sanitation and road infrastructure challenges. Weaknesses with regard to control of communal stock and the existence of pounds, as well as challenges surrounding illegal hunting with dogs, were also brought to Gordhan’s attention.

Groen lig vir strategie vir sosio-maatskaplike ontwikkeling Kongres het die groen lig vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n strategie vir sosio-maatskaplike ontwikkeling vir die landbou gegee. Groei op verskeie vlakke sal die middelpunt van die sosio-maatskaplike ontwikkelingstrategie en akkoord wees wat deur Agri SA voorgestel word. Dit sluit groei in ten opsigte van sakeontwikkeling, die ontwikkeling van mense, voedselsekerheid en eienaarskapsekuriteit.


plan om die wiel rondom so ’n strategie te herontwerp nie, en verskeie werksessies word beplan om die organisasie se onderskeie affiliasies opgewonde te maak oor die strategie en hulle daarby in te sluit,” het Van der Rheede gesê. Nog ’n belangrike been van die strategie sal wees om vordering te meet. “Resultate en vordering sal wyd gekommunikeer word. Ons sal moet hande vat om persepsies te verander, en ons moet dit self doen. Niemand anders gaan dit vir ons doen nie,” aldus Van der Rheede. Die strategie en akkoord stel verskeie kodes voor waaraan landbouers en die bedryf sal moet voldoen. Volgens Neil

Hamman, vise-voorsitter van Agri SA se Arbeid- en Sosiale Beleidkomitee, sal die konsolidasie van kodes baie belangrik wees. “Die kodes sal vir verskillende kommoditeite moet ooreenstem, veral omdat verskeie kommoditeite en bedrywe op een plaas kan voorkom. “Die sukses van die strategie gaan afhang van die vermoë van Agri SA om vennootskappe met alle rolspelers in die waardeketting te vestig. Talle projekte wat reeds onderneem word se impak kan veelvoudig vergroot word as dit beter belyn en gekoördineer word. Agri SA sal homself as koördineerder vestig om dié doelstelling te bereik,” het gesê.

Back to Basics<<< page 32 • Slow service delivery • Unskilled or incorrect personnel • The low rate of revenue collection. “The idea is to get the basics right to serve our communities better,” the minister said.

“There will be serious consequences for corruption, fraud and maladministration. Action will be taken in this regard, including asset forfeiture and civil audits. This may include lifestyle audits and there should be

greater transparency and scrutiny of supply chain management. The private sector and civil society must however get involved and assist us to make a success of the programme,“ Gordhan said.

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Kongres  Congress 2015

en van die belangrike uitkomste van die strategie sal die vestiging van winsgewende nuwe toetreders tot die landbou wees. “Te veel nuwe landbouers kan nie volhoubaar produseer nie. Hulle vorm egter ‘n belangrike deel van die sektor en die land se toekoms. Hulle moet dus beter bygestaan word, “ het Christo van der Rheede, adjunkdirekteur van Agri SA, in ‘n voorlegging by die kongres gesê. Die internasionale mededinging van kommersiële landbouers sal ook ‘n belangrike deel van die strategie vorm omdat “landbouers ’n waardevolle bron is wat beskerm moet word. Agri SA is nie van


Agri SA will discuss complaints and solutions for challenges with regard to local government in rural areas with Pravin Gordhan, minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, and a delegation of his department, within the next month.


2015/11/02 07:30:59 PM

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 34

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2015/11/02 07:30:59 PM

Nuwe baadjie vir Land Bank Die Land Bank is besig om ‘n nuwe baadjie aan te trek. Daar is heelwat verandering aan die kom, soos die interne herstrukturering van die bank, het Willie Jacobs, bestuurder van korporatiwe bankwese van die bank, by die kongres gesê.


landbou-inligting in omloop is, maar dit moet gesentraliseer en vir kliënte geïnterpreteer word. “Ons wil onsself as die tesourier van die landbousektor sien. Hiervoor moet ons die regte mense op die regte plekke hê. Ons kan dit slegs doen met boere se insette. Ons wil geleenthede vir uitbreiding vir boere op alle vlakke skep sodat hulle volhoubaar kan boer.

acobs, wat as ‘n kenner van landbou in Afrika gereken word, het gesê die Land Bank beoog om inklusief te groei en kyk na maniere om die landbousektor te ontwikkel en te laat groei. “Ons kyk na innovasie. Dit sluit nie net moderne tegnologie in nie, maar ons wil ook anders oor landbousake dink.” Jacobs het gesê dat daar heelwat

“Ons verwelkom Agri SA se finansierings­ model vir grondher­vorming. Willie Jacobs Dit beteken ons hoef nie alleen te dink nie. “Ons sal die model bestudeer en kyk hoe dit by ons eie planne geakkommodeer kan word,” het hy gesê.

Nuwe strategie nodig om Agri SA nuut te posisioneer


an Zyl, wat aan die voorpunt staan om so ‘n strategie vir die organisasie te ontwikkel, het gesê daar moet op waarde gefokus word. “Intelligensie is nodig om die regte boodskappe by die regte plekke uit te kry. Dit gaan nie net oor die blote verspreiding van inligting nie. Ons moet op spoed, duidelikheid en die beste metodes om die regte boodskappe op die regte plek te kry, fokus.” Volgens Van Zyl gaan dit oor hoe om die landbousektor ekonomies en sosiaalmaatskaplik te laat groei. Boodskappe moet voedselsekerheid, eenheid, winsgewendheid en volhoubaarheid beklemtoon. “Ons moet vertroue en selfvertroue weerspieël.”

Van Zyl het gesê dat die strategie vir ‘n multi-rolspelerbenadering vra. “Ons handelsmerk en kommunikasie na alle rolspelers sal op steroïede moet kom. Ons moet nuwe tegnologie soos die sosiale media ten volle benut. Daar moet voorts diepgaande verhoudinge opgebou word met die leiers in die bedryf, provinsiale affiliasies, bedryfsorganisasies en die internasionale gemeenskap. Nuwe modelle om Agri SA te finansier, moet ook ondersoek word. Die vertrekpunt van die strategie is die behoeftes van produsente en hulle werkers. Dit sal in samewerking met provinsiale organisasies en bedryfsorganisasies opgestel word met die klem op eenheid in die bedryf. Die ANC se strategie vir die

landboubedryf sal ook in aanmerking geneem word. Hierna sal die strategie Omri van Zyl in lyn met die landbouwaarde­ ketting, soos landboubesighede gebring moet word. Dan sal Afrika en die res van die wêreld volg. Van Zyl het gesê dit sal goeie verhoudinge met internasionale organisasies soos die Verenigde Nasies, die Wêreldvoedselorganisasie en die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds insluit. Daar is reeds op ‘n tydskedule vir die strategie besluit. Dit behoort reeds vroeg in 2016 voltooi te wees.

Die getwiet en die getwitter Deel van Agri SA se nuwe kommunikasiestrategie is om jou, jou buurman, almal in jou omgewing, die res van Suid-Afrika en die res van die mensdom tot in die uithoeke van die aarde onmiddellik op die hoogte te hou van Agri SA se doen en late.


ié entoesiastiese span van Lumico, ‘n firma wat in digitale tegnologie spesialiseer, gaan voortaan Agri SA se boodskappe op die sosiale media bestuur (kyk ook bl 12). Hulle het kantore in Kaapstad en in Centurion. Lumica spog met kliënte in China, Indië, Europa, die VSA en Afrika. Hulle vuurdoop was tydens Agri SA se onlangse kongres.

Boodskappe wat hulle gedurende kongresweek via die sosiale media uitgestuur het, het ‘n indrukwekkende 100 000 mense bereik. Boodskappe oor kongresbesluite en toepaslike beeldmateriaal het sowat 60 000 mense op Facebook bereik (daar was 1 000 “likes”). Op Twitter, Instagram en Linkedin is 38 000 mense bereik. Op Agri SA se webwerf het 2 000 mense gaan kyk wat gaan vir wat.

Die jong span van Lumica is (agter) Daniël Malherbe en Willem Breytenbach. Voor is Amy Hayward, Rita Pienaar en Elené Botha. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 35


“Agri SA benodig ‘n nuwe strategie om die organisasie nuut te posisioneer, nie net ten opsigte van Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook ten opsigte van Afrika en die res van die wêreld. Ons moet die spel verander en energie gebruik en fokus plaas op die regte goed. Nuwe denke en ‘n nuwe benadering is nodig,” het Omri van Zyl, aangewese uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA, by die kongres gesê.

Kongres  Congress 2015

uppe marketing A13134

agri Kongres/Congress


2015/11/02 07:31:00 PM

agri Kongres/Congress

Delegates say their say Modern technology enabled delegates at congress 2015 to say their say with the push of a button on a device that looks like a cell phone. Some of the interesting points of view were the following. • I am looking at divesting from agriculture: Yes 29% No 71% • Does government assist emerging farmers in SA adequately? Yes 4% No 96% • I am optimistic about the growth of agriculture in SA: Yes 75% No 25% • I am concerned about rural safety and security: Yes 98% No 2% • SA farmers are valued by its people: Yes 51% No 49% • The image of SA is internationally favourable: Yes 23% No 77% • Is the agricultural sector transforming fast enough? Yes 37% No 63% • Agri SA and its affiliates are doing enough to develop emerging farmers: Yes 47,5% No 52,5% • A sector-specific national socio-economic strategy is needed for agriculture: Yes 93% No 7% • What are the biggest challenges in terms of implementing a National Socioeconomic strategy? Lack of strategic vision 9%, lack of farmer involvement 10%, lack of coordination/ alignment 27%, lack of funding 17%, lack of infrastructure/capacity to implement 37% • Is private/public sector partnerships key to the implementation of this plan? Yes 96% No 4% • Who should implement this strategy? Farmers 1%, local agricultural unions (4%), provincial affiliates 5%, commodity organisations 7%, agribusinesses 0%, an integrated structure of all the above 83% • Who should fund this strategy? Farmers 0%, government 29,4%, private sector 1,2%, Agri SA and affiliates 1,2%, an integrated funding mechanism of all of the above 68,2% • Who are the beneficiaries of this intervention? Workers only 5,3%, emerging farmers 18,4%, communities 72,4%, commercial farmers 3.9%

• Would you be willing to partake in the execution of this strategy? Yes 99% No 1% • Success stories must be communicated more widely: Yes 100% • Is land reform in SA on the right track? Yes 30% No 70% • Land reform will lead to food insecurity: Yes 94% No 6% • I will invest in land reform projects even if I do not get an economic benefit from it: Yes 20% No 80% • I think the 50/50 proposal from government is a good idea: Yes 1% No 99% • Is Agri SA making enough progress on land reform in SA? Yes 42% No 58% • I endorse the finance model proposed by Agri SA: Yes 86% No 14% • I feel secure about my property rights: Yes 20% No 80% • Farmers are tired of policy uncertainty: Yes 98% No 2% • Farmers are participating in local government processes such as the development of IDPs: Yes 55% No 45% • Municipalities are accessible to farmers in accordance with legislative frameworks: Yes 30% No 70% • Interactions between farmers are: Confrontational 28%, cooperative 33%, non-existent 39% • There is active cooperation between

farmer unions, business chambers and other stakeholders at local level: Yes 51% No 49% • Should farmers be involved in local government development plans? Yes 96% No 4% • Do you plan to participate in the coming local elections? Yes 97% No 3% • Are we doing enough to increase emerging farmer membership? Yes 32% No 68% • A uniform vision and strategy (government, organised agriculture and the private sector) is needed to spearhead interventions in the sector: Yes 97% No 3% • Will Agri SA as a stand-alone organisation be relevant in the future? Yes 56% No 44% • Agri SA is pro-active in anticipating challenges: Yes 63% No 37% • Is Agri SA’s style of advocacy: Progressive 45%, neutral 27%, pedestrian/reactive 28% • Is Agri SA and its members transforming effectively/fast enough? Yes 49% No 51% • We feel a divide is developing between the farmers and the rest of the value chain: Yes 71% No 29% • The value chain is doing enough to contribute to rural safety, farmer development and other matters at grass roots level: Yes 5% No 95% • There needs to be a much closer alignment between Agri SA, its members and the private sector to focus on the needs of the farmers: Yes 97% No 3% • We could achieve much more with an integrated approach – Agri SA and the value chain: Yes 96% No 4% • As agricultural leaders we sometimes

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36 2015/11/02 07:31:01 PM

agri Nuus/Newss

Hans los diep voetspore Om te sê Hans van der Merwe het diep voetspore in die georganiseerde landbou getrap, mag dalk geyk klink. ‘n Mens sê mos maar dié soort van ding wanneer iemand die tuig neerlê. Soms word dit bedoel en soms word dit mos maar net gesê.


om daardie ingewikkelde konsepte en onderhandelings kort en kragtig in die regte woorde saamvat. Hy kan opsom en saamvat soos niemand anders nie.” Maar gaan dit nou ‘n gestoepsittery met die koerant wees? wou Agri van Hans weet. Hans bly ‘n ruk stil. “As daar so van jou afskeid geneem word en die oorkondes word oorhandig, dan besef jy dit is nou dit. Dit is die einde van ‘n era. En jy vra noodwendig: Was dit sinvol? Was dit die moeite werd? Het ek ‘n goeie lewe gehad?” Maar nee, sê Hans van ‘n gestoepsittery. Hy is van plan om nóg diep spore te trap. “Ek is seker daar gaan nog heelwat uitdagings my kant toe kom.” Tóg gaan hy afskaal, meer tyd aan sy gesin bestee, en veral meer gehalte-aandag aan Hans van der Merwe gee. Hy is steeds by die Reserwe Bank betrokke. “En ‘n mens begin dink oor geleenthede waar jy kan terugploeg.” Hans sê as hy terugdink, was daar vele hoogtepunte. “Ons was reeds voor 1994 by die regering se nasionale ekonomiese forum betrokke. Ons het daar aan die toekoms begin werk. Ons moes nuwe netwerke bewerkstellig en aan ‘n nuwe bedeling bou. Dit was ook lekker om ons harde werk agter die skerms in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan Van die oorkondes wat Hans ontvang het erken te sien,” sê hy. Sy betrokken­ heid by die libiralisering van handels­ ooreen­ komste, sonder Hans ook as ‘n hoogte­ punt uit. “Namate ek ouer word, besef ek eintlik hoe Tydens die Oktober vergadering van Agri SA se Algemene Raad, het die Raad min ek weet. afskeid geneem van Hans. By die geleentheid was Johan Pienaar, adjunkJy besef jy uitvoerende direkteur, Japie Grobler, oud-president, Hans van der Merwe, moet beskeie Johannes Möller, president en Delene Möller

aar Hans van der Merwe hét diep voetspore getrap. Daaroor sal min mense twyfel. “Wat ek van Hans sal onthou,” sê Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA, “is sy kundigheid. Jy sal ver moet gaan soek om iemand raak te loop wat sy indiepte-kennis oor verskeie onderwerpe het. As jy iets oor landbouhandel wil weet, is Hans jou man. En dit is maar net een onderwerp. Die man weet min of meer alles oor alles. En dan was hy ‘n pakdonkie. Daar was geen einde aan sy werkvermoeë nie. Hy kan aanhou en aanhou. Jou mond het oopgehang,” lag Möller. Möller sê wat hy ook van Hans op sy lewenspad saamneem, is sy formidabele geheue. “Hy kan absoluut alles onthou wat tot in die jare toet gebeur het. En dan kan hy ook rustig die regte woorde vind

wees. Daar lê heelwat geleenthede voor. Daar is mense met hope Hans van der Merwe kundigheid wat heeltemal gemarginal­iseer is. Ons moet hulle betrek. Ek gaan probeer om hier ‘n rol te speel.” Oor laagtepunte wil Hans nie veel uitwei nie. Hy dink ‘n ruk. “’n Mens moet vrede maak dat jy nie net die goeie tye moet bestuur nie, maar ook die minder goeie tye. Die brand in die SALU-gebou in 1995 was nogal traumaties. Ons het baie verloor. Ek het persoonlik vele inligting verloor, intellektuele eindom wat ‘n mens nooit weer sal terugkry nie.” Hy onthou ook die grondberaad van 2005 waar Agri SA as die “vyand” uitgebeeld is ten spyte van die Agri SA-delegasie wat met goeie bedoelings daaraan deelgeneem het. Toe Agri SA moes uitstap by die werkersberaad wat die destydse minister van landbou, Tina Joemat-Pettersson belê het en waartydens resolusies aanvaar is wat heeltemal teenstrydig met doel van die beraad was, is ook nie iets wat hy wil onthou nie. Hans meen ook dat die arbeidsonrus van 2012, “wat deur politieke opportuniste gekaap is” ‘n laagtepunt is. “Ek glo aan orde en dissipline. Natuurlik kan ons van mekaar verskil, maar daar is maniere hoe ons die verskille behoort te hanteer.” En die toekoms? wou Agri weet. “As jy kyk waar ons vandaan kom, is Agri SA ‘n veel meer gesofistikeerde organisasie. Ons is op verskeie vlakke reg geposisioneer en ons word geag en gewaardeer. Ons loop daardie ekstra myl. Daar lê ‘n horde uitdagings voor. Voedselsekerheid is waarskynik die saak waaroor dit werklik gaan. Ek is seker die regering besef dit. Ons moet ons só posisioneer dat die hele landbouwaardeketting na waarde geag word. Dit gaan gebeur. Ek glo jy skep jou toekoms met positiewe denke. Agri SA het heelwat nuwe kundigheid bygekry. Natuurlik sal ons die wa deur die drif kry.”

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2015/11/02 07:31:03 PM




Brandstofverbruik vanaf 9l/100km

*Die aangehaalde syfers vir brandstof verbruik is behaal tydens gekontroleerde laboratoriumtoetse, ooreenkomstig die tegniese spesifikasies volgens wet (SANS 20101: 2006 / ECE R101: 2005). Syfers vir brandstofverbruik word gebruik om verskillende tipes voertuie in dieselfde toestande te vergelyk en is nie noodwendig ’n aanduiding van werklike bestuurstoestande nie. Let daarop dat die werklike brandstofverbruik- van verskeie faktore afhang, byvoorbeeld persoonlike bestuursgewoontes, heersende toestande en voertuig toerusting, toestand en gebruik. Gekombineerde siklus aangehaal. Besoek FordSouthAfrica

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 38

2015/11/02 07:31:04 PM


Crime combating remains challenge

agri Nuus/News


The recently released national crime statistics for the police’s 2014/2015 financial year show an increase in violent crime. Murder increased by 4,6 %, attempted murder by 3,2 %, aggravated robbery by 8,5 %, and robbery at residential premises by 5,2 %.


hese are some of the crimes to which agricultural communities are exposed, specifically during farm attacks. Reported stock theft cased increased by 1,8%. Most cases were reported in the Eastern Cape, followed by KwaZulu-Natal. The number of cases reported in the Free State, however, decreased by 12,9%.

stop the crime problem. In order to deal with crime in rural areas, it is important that the Rural Safety Strategy be implemented as a matter of urgency. This includes service delivery, police visibility and improved reaction times to crime situations. Agri SA and its members remain committed to cooperate with the police to deal with this issue.

Violent crimes have a negative impact on people’s lives. It also determines how safe they feel in their homes. Victims usually experience long-term emotional trauma. The disrespect for the right to life and to own property needs to be restored. Good governance at all levels of government and society at large and the maintenance of law and order must be regarded as a priority to

Nissan herbevestig ondersteuning vir landelike veiligheid KOBUS VISSER, DIREKTEUR, KORPORATIEWE DIENSTE, AGRI SA

Nissan SA het met die ondertekening van ‘n ooreenkoms met die Agri Securitas Trustfonds tydens Agri SA se pas afgelope kongres, sy onderneming herbevestig om landelike veiligheid te bevorder. Die instansie het ‘n groot finansiële bydrae tot die Agri Securitas Trustfonds gemaak.


ie verbintenis van Nissan SA met die Trustfonds strek oor meer as vyftien jaar. Nissan SA maak ‘n finansiële bydrae aan die Trustfonds vir elke nuwe Nissan, wat deur individue of instansies in die landbou, insluitend boere, aangeskaf word. Die vlootkode F14911 stel Nissan SA in staat om verkope te eien en bydraes aan die Trustfonds te maak. Individue en instansies betrokke by die landbou moet wanneer hulle ‘n Nissanvoertuig koop, daarop aandring dat die vlootkode deel van die transaksie vorm om so die skenking aan die Trustfonds te verseker. Bydraes deur die Trustfonds word onder

meer aangewend om ‘n beradingsdiens aan boeregemeenskappe te verskaf. Inligtingsdienste word ook in die Vrystaat en KwaZulu-Natal gefinansier. Dié stelsels het reeds baie gehelp om plaasaanvalle in dié provinsies te voorkom. Fondse word ook beskikbaar gestel om noodkommunikasiestelsels te finansier en landelike beveiligingsplanne doeltreffend te bedryf. Fondse word ook vir kamerastelsels, waarmee nommerplate geïdentifiseer kan word, beskikbaar gestel. Nissan SA trap reeds jare lank diep spore in die landbou. ‘n Omvattende reeks Nissan-handelsvoertuie is tans op die mark. Die reeks sluit die NP200, met ‘n laaivermoë

Desmond Els (bestuurder: Korporatiewe Vloot en Verhurings van Nissan SA) en Japie Grobler (voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds) onderteken ‘n ooreenkoms tussen die twee instansies by Agri SA se kongres.

van 800 kg in, asook die betroubare reeks eentonners. Dié reeks strek van die NP300 Hardbody, tot by die Navara-dubbelkajuit en die Kingcab-modelle.


Tydens Agri SA se onlangse kongres het Santam Landbou se uitvoeren­de hoof, Lizé Lambrechts, R200 000 aan die Agri Securitas Trustfonds geskenk.


erhard Diedericks, hoof van Santam Landbou, sê dié versekeraar is maar al te bewus van die belangrike rol wat Suid-Afrikaanse landbou in die toekoms van die land, ook in dié van Afrika en in die res van die wêreld, gaan speel om voedselsekerheid te verseker. “Die maatskappy verstaan dat die ontwikkeling van die platteland van groot belang is en dat landbou bydra tot die opheffing van landelike gemeenskappe. Landbou bied geleenthede aan alle Suid-Afrikaners,” sê Diedericks. “As markleier is dit ons verantwoordelik­heid om by te dra om die landbou en die samelewing te normaliseer. Daarom hierdie bydrae aan die Trustfonds om misdaad te help bekamp. Ons fokus op die grond­beginsels van versekering aan boere en verstaan hulle besigheid,” sê Diedericks.

Santam Landbou se uitvoerende hoof, Lizé Lambrechts, en Japie Grobler, voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds.

‘n Tjek ten bedrae van R437 000 is deur die borge van die Prestige Sportaand aan die Agri Securitas Trustfonds geskenk ter bevordering van landelike veiligheid. Die oorhandiging het plaasgevind tydens die informele funksie by Agri SA se kongres. Op die foto verskyn Thinus Pretorius (Afgri), Danie Minnaar (Senwes), Japie Grobler (voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds), Danie Marais (NWK) en Nick Efstathiou (OFM). agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:31:06 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

Piekniet celebrates its new tractors It took that something special for Jan Vermeulen, owner of Piekniet Farm in Koster, North West Province, to eventually buy his first new tractors. It came in the form of Kubota tractors and the service of Kubota dealer Maubra Utility Products (MUP). Kubota is distributed in South Africa by Smith Power Equipment.


he service of MUP was, and remains outstanding,” says Vermeulen. “In fact, I have never had such service from a dealer and the Kubota tractors delivered what they promised. They are fuel efficient, powerful and easy to operate. This is an investment, which will definitely save me money over the time.” Vermeulen, who has 25 ha of lucerne under irrigation, is a Rainbow accredited supplier. He has 200 000 chickens. He bought the Kubota M9540 for bailing lucerne and other tasks on the farm. He uses the Kubota L4100, being small and powerful, to clean the chicken runs. The Kubota M8540, powered by Kubota’s world renowned Tier III compliant, four cylinder E-CDIS (centre direct injection system) diesel engine, has been re-engineered and restyled and its lightweight and shortwheelbase appeal to the farmer for a wide range of applications. The Kubota L-Series tractors are simple to operate and amazingly powerful for their size. They are ideal for everything from estate maintenance chores, to commercial landscaping. It is also ideal for small farming operations or for the smaller chores on bigger farms. Some of the unique features of Kubota tractors include: • Steering: Exceptionally small turning circles are possible by engaging the bispeed system on the run, which instantly engages an over-speed gear, driving the front wheels at twice the normal speed. During speeds of up to 8km/h the power

Jan Vermeulen (sr) owner of Piekniet farm, Jan Vermeulen (jr) and Chris Coetzee, Maubra Kubota dealers’ sales representative.

steering action is super easy. • Braking: Very smooth and effective four-wheel braking action is automatically achieved in 2- or 4-wheel drives through wet-brake disc packs in the differential system. The hand brake features a pedal latch and conventional lever system. • Shuttle clutch: Beneath the steering wheel is a shuttle operating lever. This lever has three positions: Middle = neutral; forward = forward; rear = reverse. The lever must be in F or R before the tractor can move. The benefit of this system is that clutch changes can be made on the move when operating implements such as front-end loaders or

forks and rear-mounted forklifts. • Gearbox: The transmission incorporates a four-speed conventional all-syncromesh gear set with a two-speed range option and an optional creepergear set. The driver selects the ground speed using a normal gear lever but Kubota engineers have added a system of wet plate clutches to engage the output shafts to the wheels and the PTO systems. This eliminates the normal dry plate clutch and allows for the tractor to function much more effectively. This ground-breaking engineering is not found in other tractors. For more information contact Smith Power on tel no (011) 284 2000.

Restitusie moet nie belegging en groei in landelike gebiede ontmoedig nie Met die restitusieproses wat heropen is en nuwe eise wat instroom, het Agri SA ‘n beroep op die restitusiekommissie en die regering gedoen om die herstel van grondregte op sodanige wyse aan te spreek dat dit nie groei en belegging in landelike gebiede sal ontmoedig nie.


olgens Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA, moet inno­ verende modelle ontwikkel word wat die regmatige aspirasies van eisers, asook dié van voor­ nemende beleggers, se bedenkinge sal aanspreek. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Daar word tans op ‘n loodsprojekbasis aan potensiële modelle vir die suikerbedryf gewerk. Agri SA wil ook graag nouer saamwerk met die restitusie-kommissie om innoverende oplossings vir ernstige uitdagings te vind en om ‘n balans te probeer bewerkstellig tussen die herstel van

grondregte en ekonomiese ontwikkeling. “Die noodsaak om wonde van die verlede te genees, sowel as om die behoeftes van grondloses aan te spreek, moet gebalanseer word met voedsel­ sekerheid, gegewe die sterk korrelasie tussen laasgenoemde en beleggings,” sê Möller.

40 2015/11/02 07:31:07 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

The new Farmall Case JXM series a true multi-tasker The world of farming is changing rapidly. Still, there are things that will never change, such as the importance of choosing farming equipment that works as hard as you do. Since its first introduction in 1923, Farmall tractors have been synonymous with versatile workhorses, built to deliver performance and rock-solid reliability under every working condition. This tradition now lives on in the Case IH Farmall JXM Series. With a perfect balance between robust design and rugged strength, these compact tractors offer the power and cost-effective performance needed for a modern era. Strong at heart The Farmall JXM Series is powered by the world renowned Iveco S8000 series engines, which are available in 80 hp (59,7 kW) and 88 hp (65,7 kW). ` With this four-cylinder turbocharged powering, which is enhanced by the intercooler in both models, Farmall JXM tractors are tuned to deliver optimum and reliable performance, high torque and excellent productivity. The lower cooling requirements ensure high fuel efficiency and considerable savings. The no-rust 90-litre fuel tank gives more than enough fuel for long working days without any refuelling needed. These results are maximised by the excellent torque characteristics with up to 340 Nm of torque and an impressive 30% of torque backup. Running smoothly in all situations Not all farming tasks are alike. That is why the Farmall JXM series offers a wide range of transmissions to suit any application. All standard 8x8 and 12x12 transmissions are synchromesh with mechanical or power shuttle, which further increases the versatility of the tractors, enabling the operator to shift on the go, even at high speeds. The optional 20x20 creeper variant offers speeds as low as 280 meters per hour. This is ideal for specific applications, requiring high torque at extra-low speeds, such as trenching, vegetable farming and mulching. The new dash-mounted shuttle lever provides fast direction changes and effortless manoeuvring. This is most suitable for work in confined spaces and around the yard. The transmission clutches are built with high quality organic or cerametallic components to ensure maximum durability for an extended operating life and superior heat dissipation, even in the most arduous working conditions. Well equipped for productivity The Farmall JXM tractors are such a valuable performers also for their great PTO power and high lifting capacity, which allow them to work with a wide range of tools and implements. The new, independent PTO driveline is easy to operate and delivers a steady and efficient transfer of power. Besides the standard 540 rpm working speed, the Farmall JXM Series offers the economy 540E PTO

option, which is ideal for smaller implements. The 1 000 rpm option suits those farming tasks requiring high-powered equipment, such as spraying and spreading jobs. Ground speed PTO is standard throughout the range, while the reverse PTO is available as option. The three-point hitch has a lift capacity of 2 000 kg, while the optional assisted ram feature provides extra lifting power up to 2 500 kg for heavier implements. The JXM tractors benefit from a standard

54 lpm hydraulic pump flow, which delivers full capacity regardless of the load on the steering circuit. It also ensures enough hydraulic flowing for bigger implements. The optional up to three remote valves are ideal for loader operations and to accommodate a wider range of attachments. The standard Lift-O-Matic rear linkage control is designed to make light work of heavy-duty tasks. With the additional height limiter, it ensures accurate setting of the implement lift height, which is very helpful in applications such as spraying, grass mowers or spreading. The drop rate control valve safely keeps the implement in lock position during transport. The unique sensitivity valve adjusts the speed of the draft sensing according to the soil and the implement and it is very much appreciated in traditional ploughing and cultivation. Designed for maximum strength and loading capacity, the single piece 4WD front axle maintains impressive traction over even the most demanding terrain. Designed with operator comfort in mind The Farmall JXM Series is designed to provide the operator with a comfortable working environment during long working hours. All the essential controls are logically and ergonomically positioned within easy reach to make the time spent in the field not only comfortable, but more productive as well. The dash mounted mechanical shuttle lever can be operated without taking hands off the steering wheel and helps the operator to remain focused on the task. The gear and the range selection levers are located to either side of the operator’s seat, while the independent PTO clutch lever is a great support in PTO applications. The standard power steering reduces operator fatigue and enhances manoeuvrability, even during heavy load operations. The large flat deck platform with suspended pedals is ergonomically designed for spacious legroom and easy access. The fully adjustable mechanicalsuspension seat offers increased comfort. The ROPS frame, with sun canopy, is available for maximum safety and protection in every circumstance.

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2015/11/02 07:31:09 PM


SALES & ENQUIRIES: Head Office: +27 (0) 11 452 3434 John Hodgson (Sales Manager) Cell: 073 930 3799 | Nick Custers (Office Sales) Cell: Tel: 083 254 6478 |

MES CONSULTANTS - 082 563 4427

KwaZulu-Natal: Marc Custers (Sales) Cell: 084 453 4499 |

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 42

2015/11/02 07:31:10 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

Kraal manure – massive benefits if you compost it before applying it to your lands or trees! WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Soils require HUMUS and not just organic matter ne ton of humus is equivalent to approxi­mately 7 tons of manure. Raw manure in average is spread at 40 tons per ha whereas composted manure, which is manny times more benefitial, is easily spread with a lime spreader at some 7 tons per ha.


allowing greater aeration of the soil • Toxic substances such as heavy metals, as well as excess nutrients, can be chelated (that is, bound to the complex organic

molecules of humus) and so prevented from entering the wider ecosystem. Humus (compost) has finished mineralisation. Thus: • Leaching of nutrients is minimised and fertility storage maximised • Disease supressing microbes (actinomycetes etc) abound in humus (aerobic verses anaerobic processes) • Conditions are more favourable for earthworm prolification • Humus is a colloidal substance and increases the soil’s attraction exchange capacity, hence its ability to store nutrients by binding. • While these nutrient cations are accessible to plants, they are held in the soil safe from being leached by rain or irrigation. • Humus can hold the equivalent of 80 – 90% of its weight in moisture, and therefore increases the soil’s capacity to withstand drought conditions. • The biochemical structure of humus enables it to moderate – or buffer – excessive acid or alkaline soil conditions. Humus or compost is very easy to spread in fields simply with a lime spreader without any wastage. All clumy material has been broken up with the compost turner. Also: • Among other improvements, it highly improves the quality of fodder and has proved to be more nutritius in high humus soils • During the humification process, microbes secrete sticky gum-like mucilages; these contribute to the crumb structure (tilth) of the soil by holding particles together, and

Common problems of raw manure • Present: In raw manure you find Salmonella, Pitium, E-Coli etc. These are NOT killed in the rumen • Seed Bank: This can be high due to a lack of control of thermal processes • Toxins from Leachate: This is detrimental to the health of the soil and obviously detrimental to the plants that grow in this soil • Imbalance: Due to the imbalance state of raw manure, tests have shown losses of up to 65%N, 75%P and 50%K • Mineralisation: Generally very high (organism produces an inorganic substance) The nitrogen in manure is not all available to growing plants as it is tied up in organic forms. Organic nitrogen becomes available to plants when soil micro-organisms decompose organic compounds, such as proteins, and then convert the released N to NH4. This process is known as mineralisation. • Flies: These are attracted to the anaerobic stench. What is composting? • Despite some losses, composting does retain most of the nutrients provided by the raw material, and stores them as stable organic compounds. • During the composting process, micro-organisms (aerobic) convert raw organic materials into a stable, humus-like product. Also during this time and process, while they have food (raw organic material), they really multiply to literally

billions. It is ideal to get these guys into your lands! NB: Management of temperature, moisture content, introducing fresh air (oxygen), expelling CO2 and stale air, expelling high tempretures etc, are all very important. This is all done with a compost turner! NB: We have come across a number of farmers who do not manage the moisture content. Like you, microbes also need moisture. The ideal is about 60%. • Composting is a biological process that involves the aerobic decomposition of organic matter to produce a humuslike product called compost. During the composting process, heat, various gases and water vapour are released, greatly reducing the volume and mass of the pile. • Composting is the aerobic (meaning it requires oxygen) decomposition of organic matter that begins with a diverse mixture of organic material. • During the process, nitrogen is lost into the atmosphere as ammonia (NH3). In addition, the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are emitted. • Compost’s real agronomic value lies in the gradual release of nutrients that are slowly converted from stable organic compounds into available inorganic nutrients, and in its properties as a soil amendment. • Turning compost: The amount of times compost needs to be turned is regulated by temperature. With temperatures of about 70 degrees it needs turning, which will bring down temperature, expel the CO2 and unwanted gasses, distribute the microbes more regularly, distribute the moisture, break up all anerobic clusters etc. (Gene­rally it depends on the content of the row: 1st 2 weeks 3 times, next 2 weeks 2 times, next 2 weeks 1 time until temperature stabilises and humus/compost ready to apply.) Web:

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2015/11/02 07:31:11 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

New from Ritlee in its orchard and crop range of rotary mulchers All our rotary mulchers come standard with: • Eight-bladed double deck cutting arrangement on a double round disc - Four x cutter blades on top deck - 2 x pick up and 2 x mulch blades on the bottom deck • 130 kW gearboxes fitted on all • Side discharge with hinged and lockable deflector in the orchard range. • Rear or optional side discharge in the crop mulcher range. • H/D high wear chassis with inner deflectors for efficient mulching • Multi spline H/D PTO shafts with slip clutch • Side skid and panel height adjustment from 10 to 130 mm

Ritlee found that whith mulching pruning of all kinds, especially in mature plantations, where pruning are of a high volume with high bulky rows: • The tractor has to drive over these rows before the mulcher gets to the brushy prunings. (This is the case for both rotary and flail type mulchers.) • These prunings tangle and catch to the tractor belly and hosing causing excessive, expensive damage causing high down time. • These prunings build up in front of tractor if they are higher than the tractor belly. • These prunings build up and fall over the front of the mulching machine or build up between the tractor and the mulcher.

Ritlee orchard, crop and grass mulcher: large side discharge with setable hinged deflector

How can Ritlee improve its mulcher to prevent the above problems? After extensive trials and testing, Ritlee produced its 180 deg rotation kit to be fitted to our standard mulcher. This is an optional extra, which needs to be built into the machine at manufacturing.

Mac & Leechy prunings

Finished mulch

Ritlee: Chip - Shave - Cut - Recycle

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44 2015/11/02 07:31:12 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation


Slasher mowers

Roller mowers

3m Slasher mowers

Orchard, crop and grass mulcher

Windrow hay cutter

Spreader hay cutter

What we have done 1. With two x bolts only, you turn the gearbox 180 degrees on the deck and put 2 x bolts back and tighten up. 2. You move the A frame to the opposite side of the mulcher deck, which has been reinforced and built with hinge positions for this mounting. 3. You then link the two bottom arms of your tractor three point to the linking position, which also forms part of this reinforced positioning arrangement. 4. Support chains stay where they are (hinged from the middle of the deck) 5. Rejoin the PTO to your tractor. 6. To do all above will take less than ten minutes! Note: The leading edge opens for prunings to enter the mulcher easily and the tractor also does not move over the prunings row before mulching!

Now! The tractor is operated in reverse, BUT

with the leading open edge of the mulcher leading into the prunings row. • With open edge leading into the prunings to be mulched, it is easy for them to enter the mulching blade arrangement. • With the two x pick up blades prunings are automatically pulled into the mulcher as the blades make contact with the prunings. • If prunings are high, you can set the height of the mulcher on the side skids and side panel, raising the top of the leading edge 130 mm. • If prunings are still too high, we have a optional scoop deflector to lead the prunings down and into the mulcher. • It is really working well. • It will mulch prunings up to a diameter of some 110 mm in diameter at a ground speed of 1st Llw when bulky. • When not pruning, the 4 x bottom level blades can be changed to normal slasher blades and the machine can be used as a slasher.

Standard mounted 1,5 m cut/mulcher fitted with 130kw gearbox. Will mulch prunings up to 100 mm in diameter

Reverse mode mounted

Organise a few farmers, and we will provide you with a demonstration.

Ritlee Web:

Tel no: Marc 084 453 4499, John 073 9303 799 or Leigh 082 835 0788

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2015/11/02 07:31:13 PM

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 46

2015/11/02 07:31:13 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

Rovic Leers kyk nuut na neute Rovic Leers is trots om aan te kondig dat van die grootste vervaardigers van neut-oestoerusting in Amerika, sy reeks toerusting nou eksklusief aan ons beskikbaar gestel het.


lori is ’n Kaliforniese maatskappy in familiebesit en hul professionele benadering tot besigheid en dinamiese reaksietyd is twee van die maatskappy se uitstaande kenmerke.

Die volledige reeks toerusting: • “Sweeper/blower”-kombinasies; • Oesmasjiene en • Geïntegreerde selfaflaaiwaens is in beide trekkersleep- en selfaangedrewe formaat beskikbaar. In die geval van pekanneute glo Flori dat geen trekkergemonteerde boomskudder ’n optimale oplossing bied nie, omdat die trekker groot verliese veroorsaak wanneer dit oor die neute ry en groot voldraende bome nie effektief geskud kan word nie. Rovic Leers het dus ook die belangrikste vervaardiger van selfaangedrewe boom­ skudders en gemeganiseerde oesstelsels in Kalifornië, COE, se produkte eksklusief beskikbaar. COE vervaardig net selfaangedrewe toerusting, gemik op skudders en skudder/ vangkombinasies vir makadamias en ander neutsoorte asook olywe.

Om boomstrukture te bestuur is ons reeks Gillison-snyers beskikbaar wat uitnemend geskik vir pekanneute is. Dié GVF trekkergemonteerde snyer met ’n 4,57 m lang snykop kan van 1 m tot 7,3 m hoogtes sny. Om oesverliese chemies te beheer, is die CIMA 2000 liter-pekanneut­ spuit, wat in samewerking met SAPPAlede aan die Oranjerivier ontwikkel is, die doeltreffendste produk vir plaag- en siektebeheer, sowel as blaarvoedingtoepassings. Twee opsies is beskikbaar: die Pecan Standard vir bome van tot 8 m, en die Pecan Extreme vir bome hoër as 8 m. In albei gevalle word beide kante gelyk­ tydig bespuit en volumes van ongeveer 1 000 – 1 200 liter per hektaar word as optimaal beskou. Die Cima kan ook toegerus word met die opsionele “ultrasound”-stelsel, wat seker maak dat die spuitstofvloei net aangeskakel word as daar bladoppervlakte is. Die spasies tussen die bome word dus nie

bespuit nie, wat in jonger aanplantings groot besparings teweegbring en boonop omgewingsvriendelik is. Waar bestuur van oppervlakte­ dekgewasse in die boord nodig is, bied ons graag ons reeks sny- en kerftoerusting aan. Rovic Leers bied verder ’n uitgebreide reeks landboutoerusting aan boere en ons nooi u om dit op ons webtuiste te besigtig.

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2015/11/02 07:31:14 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

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48 2015/11/02 08:01:26 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

Kubota narrow-width tractors and pre-pruner excell in vineyards The KMS Rinklin pre-pruner working in conjunction with the Kubota M series narrow-width tractors have made a huge impact, especially in the vineyard industry.


hristian Fersch of German Machine Services (GMS), distributors in South Africa of KMS Rinklin viticultural products, says the prepruner’s success reflects its brilliant, efficient design. “They are light but at the same time extremely sturdy. They are designed for a long life and, to contribute to this goal, every moving part has a greasing point. Also, the cutting disks are made from a special material that will remain sharp for many years. This reduces the load on the motors and, in fact, the entire system,” says Fersch. He adds that the disks are patented and come with a five-year warranty. One of the most important features is that the special design of the pre-pruner prevents it from cutting the crossed wires that >>> page 51

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2015/11/02 07:31:16 PM


Now with lift-tip technology, launch your planting season with the most sophisticated planter yet. We are proud to introduce the John Deere 15FX Series.

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2015/11/02 07:31:17 PM

Kubota >>> page 49 are integral to a vineyard structure and, due to the extremely sharp disks, the pre-pruner easily cuts through the thickest cordon. Fersch says that safety is a prime feature in the pre-pruner’s design. “For example,

agri if the driver does not open the arms of the pre-pruner in time, which could lead to an impact with a pole, the machine has an accumulator (60 bar nitrogen). This is activated immediately on impact, releasing the arms of the prepruner to preventing serious damage.” One of the key advantages

FOKUS • FOCUS Meganisasie/Mechanisation

of the pre-pruner is its simple and light design enabling even the smallest tractor to handle the unit. “The joystick is very easy to use and does not include electronic components. This makes it more robust and increases its longevity. Also, maintenance is reduced to a minimum, since all moving parts can be greased,” Fersch says. The M series Kubota tractors are ideal partners for the pre-pruner as they are small and extremely efficient and for this reason the Kubota-KMS Rinklin pre-pruner partnership is becoming a major attraction in the vineyards of southern Africa.

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2015/11/02 07:31:19 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy


Dr Gerhard Backeberg

In this series of articles, Agri is in discussion with Dr Gerhard Backeberg, executive manager: water utilisation in agriculture of the WRC, in order to obtain information on water use and what the WRC is doing for investment of funds in water research.

Many irrigation farmers in South Africa pay an annual research levy to the Water Research Fund in respect of water that is used for irrigation on scheduled land. This fund is dedicated to financing the activities of the Water Research Commission (WRC) to support and undertake research on the use of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes. The levy on irrigation water is, however, not the only source of income for the fund: Levies on water use for urban, industrial and domestic purposes make by far the biggest contribution.

Irrigation, water quality and food safety Agri: Reports are regularly published of sewage spills and contamination of raw irrigation water in rivers. What are the potential implications for food safety? Backeberg: Fresh produce is important from a national food supply and consumer health point of view, while fresh fruit exports constitute a major part of the economy regarding earning of foreign exchange. South African farmers have therefore implemented measures to ensure compliance with stringent good agricultural practices and food safety standards, allowing the country to remain a leading participant in international food trade. A recently completed research project, led by Prof Lise Korsten at the University of Pretoria, was the second comprehensive research funded by the WRC over the last ten years, on the link between irrigation water quality and food safety. The general and specific aims were formulated through a workshop with stakeholders. These aims were to investigate water quality and microbiological food safety of fresh, minimally processed and frozen vegetables and fruit. Particular attention was given to specific stages in the food supply chain, namely from farm at harvest and after harvest up to retail level. This includes transporting, processing (washing, cooling, storing and packaging).

Microbial analysis of irrigation water showed that the E. coli levels in the irrigation water (with analysis done at five rivers and ten dams) at a total of fourteen test sites during this study exceeded the DWAF (1996) guidelines of ≤ 1 000 CFU/100ml for crops to be eaten raw. Although the E. coli counts of the primary irrigation water sources in rivers were higher than the maximum allowable levels, a decrease in the E. coli numbers was observed for water sampled from storage dams, pivot irrigation and micro-irrigation pipes at several of the selected sites. The research confirmed that the source of microbial pollution of irrigation water is mainly from non-functioning sewage works. Although irrigation water quality is mostly not within required standards, precautions and measures are taken that prevent contamination of food, which therefore do not compromise food safety. The knowledge generated through this project is that, with a few exceptions, the fresh food available in retail stores does not present a health risk to consumers. Washing, hydrogen peroxide treatment, cooking, blanching, microwaving and freezing contribute to a reduction in micro-organism counts, including human pathogenic bacteria, for which tests were

done. The effectiveness of steps for minimal processing to reduce microbiological surface contamination levels is crop dependent, due to the surface characteristics, that is smooth versus hairy and/or rough. Internalisation studies confirmed the ability of pathogens to attach, survive, internalise and increase in plant tissue. Once internalised, the pathogens are protected against the effect of minimal processing steps employed to promote food safety in the supply chain. Agricultural chemicals can be used in the supply chain to reduce foodborne pathogen-associated hazards, but the fact that some of the chemicals can support pathogen growth should be taken into consideration in a risk assessment strategy for each crop. The effect of irrigation methods (drip, sprinkler and flood) on the surface contamination of fresh produce was found to be crop dependent and results showed that irrigation methods that do not allow for direct contact of the contaminated water with the edible parts of the crop lowered the contamination risk. More details of the research findings are contained in two volumes of the WRC research report, which are due to be published in October 2015 under the numbers 1875/1/15 and 1875/2/15.

Visit the Water Research Commission’s web page for more information and / or ordering of research reports Tel: 012 330 0340 Fax: 012 331 2565 E-mail: Private Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria 0031 agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy


Agri SA participated in the department of water and sanitation (DWS) agricultural sector specific and national water tariff consultations, which were held on 27 August and 10 September 2015.


gri SA accepted the DWS recommendations of the proposed water tariff dispensation for 2016/17, i.e.: • Increases in the Water Resource Management Charges (WRMC) not to exceed the Producer Price Index (PPI) of 3% except for the Orange River ProtoCMA where an increase of 13% will take place due to under-recovery of costs. • Irrigation sector depreciation charge will be capped at 1,5c/m3 plus PPI (3%) for the Water Resource Infrastructure Charges (WRI). Tariff increases will range from 0% to 13%. Irrigation schemes on full cost recovery will experience tariff increases based on PPI (3%). An Additional 10 percentage points based on the extent of under-recovery will be added in those instances where full cost recovery has not been reached, according to the pricing strategy. Agri SA requested the DWS to provide clarity on the following: • The agricultural sector’s liability pertaining to Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) charges

• The estimated cost implications of the second phase of the Lesotho Highland Scheme (Polihali Dam) to irrigators in the Vaal Catchment Management Area (CMA) • The reasons for a further study to be done on the Orange River, given previous studies in this regard • Transparency related to the costaccounting methodology: The irrigation sector requires clarity on costs to be incorporated in tariff calculations, also in relation to ‘productive efficiency’ as one of the objectives of Economic and Social Regulation (ESR). The principle of full cost recovery within a public finance context also deserves in-depth attention. Broadening the economic base as a result of irrigation leads to a wider tax base, the latter providing public income and therefore a return on public investment either directly or indirectly (excise income on wine and tobacco being typical examples). These are matters requiring further consideration as part of a National Water Tariff Policy. • Full cost recovery versus subsidisation: In a report previously released by the FAO

entitled “Water charging in irrigated agriculture” the following actual recovery of water costs in relation to full cost was inter alia reported: Argentina – 12% O&M; India – in nearly all states, actual receipts fall short of full O&M costs; and Portugal – charges barely cover O&M costs. Developed countries generally seem to be charging full costs but these are often the countries that provide high levels of general assistance to the farming community. Given the fact that South African farmers enjoy limited general support some level of support regarding water tariffs is therefore required with a view to maintaining a world competitive position in relation to developing as well as developed countries. An informed policy position is required before full cost recovery of water provision is considered. • The poor water quality while tariff increases prevail: The work of the reference team appointed by the DWS to review the matter should be expedited. The process was halted due to DWS internal processes ranging from funds to finalisation of the terms of reference.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Growing more with less to feed the world The global population is set to increase by more than 30 per cent by 2050, making food security one of today’s biggest global challenges.


rip irrigation technology can make a real difference, according to Gaby Miodownik, vicepresident and head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa for Netafim, the global leader in smart irrigation solutions for sustainable productivity. “Our world faces many challenges, and a rapidly growing population is only one of them. The standard of living and demand for high-quality food among the growing middle class, particularly in developing countries, is also on the rise. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that agricultural production must increase by 70 per cent to feed an additional 2 billion mouths in the next 35 years. “At the same time, there is limited availability of key natural resources such as arable land, energy and especially water, while climate change is making a significant impact across the globe. All of these factors are forcing us to come up with new ways to produce food. Without innovative technologies that can improve yields while preserving resources, food scarcity will threaten our world,” Miodownik says. A pioneer in drip irrigation since its establishment by kibbutz farmers in 1965, Netafim was born out of a need to combat the severe water shortage in Israel. “Since then,” says Miodownik, “we have been the global leader in smart irrigation solutions, helping farmers worldwide grow more with less.” Today, the global need to save water in agriculture is paramount. Some 70 per cent of all freshwater in the world is used for agriculture, especially for flood irrigation, a highly inefficient method but one that is responsible for 80 per cent of all irrigation in the world. “In contrast, drip technology leads to water savings of 50 per cent or more and nutrient savings of 30 per cent, while

increasing yields by 200-300 per cent compared to flood and furrow irrigation. Precisely delivering small drops of water and nutrients in a controlled manner directly to the plant’s root zone, drip also improves crop quality by giving the plant exactly what it requires,” says Miodownik. Despite drip’s proven success over the last 50 years, only 4-5 per cent of all irrigated land is drip irrigated. Initially adopted among growers of high-value “cash” crops, drip is now being used more often for basic food crops such as maize and sugarcane. “To successfully penetrate drip among the world’s 500 million-plus smallholders, who primarily cultivate basic food crops, we need to create partnerships among the public sector, private sector and civil society, and all players across the agricultural value chain. “Once such wide-scale cooperation is in place, we are convinced there will be a mass adoption of drip worldwide. And once drip becomes the irrigation system of choice

for farmers of all sizes – from smallholders to large-scale growers – the technology will make a real difference in the world,” he says. In South Africa a growing momentum and awareness in the use of drip as an irrigation method is experienced. “South Africa is a developed country with regard to irrigation and leads the way in our Southern African region. We see the growing interest in drip across our borders and hard work is needed to keep up with capacity building in developing countries and even in developing (from an irrigation point of view) regions inside South Africa.” When farmers start to use drip irrigation for the first time they should know that very specific knowledge and skills are needed to get the full potential offered by drip as an irrigation concept, he urges. “Netafim offers to help and train the end-users of their product to make sure the farmers reap the full benefit of the dripper products they bought via the Netafim dealer network. It’s very important that farmers realise that when they decide to change to drip for irrigation they must also make sure they find the right advice on HOW to use the system to GROW MORE WITH LESS!”

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Senter 360 se drietoringspilpunt maak sake makliker gedurende droogte Johan Ferreira boer tussen Newcastle en Ladysmith in die Dundee/Dannhauser-omgewing in die noorde van KwaZulu-Natal. Die boerdery bestaan hoofsaaklik uit vleisbeeste, Brahman- en Brahmankruisings, asook Simbra en Borane. Verder word ‘n melkery vir al meer as 50 jaar bedryf, en ‘n klein Vleismerino-kudde vorm ook deel van die boerdery.


k het besef dat ek die melkery nie lonend sonder groenvoer en aangeplante weiding kan bedryf nie. Daarom is besproeiing vir ons boerdery ‘n vereiste, nie net vir die melkery nie, maar ook om bale vir die boerdery in die algemeen te produseer. Ons verskaf ook bale aan boere wat dit nie self kan produseer nie. Hierdie seisoen, met die erge droogte, het die aanvraag die aanbod ver oorskry,” sê Ferreira. “Was dit nie vir die Senter 360-drie­ toring­­spilpunt wat ek vir die melkery aangeskaf het nie, sou ek beslis nie die besig­­heid tydens hierdie droogte lonend kon bedryf nie. Ek het aanvanklik mielies onder die drietoring verbou waarvan ek ‘n gedeelte verkoop het, asook kuilvoer. Daarna het ek in April raaigras en hawer vir winterweiding vir die melkbeeste gesaai. Ek kon dadelik ‘n aansienlike verskil in melkproduksie sien. “Ek plant hoofsaaklik oulandsgras en raaigras vir die bale en raaigras en hawer vir groenvoer vir die melkery. Ek het besluit om die Senter 360-spilpunt te koop omdat

dit plaaslik vervaardig word en die onderdele maklik bekombaar is. Ferreira sê hy het Marius Appel van Senter 360 in Dundee raakgeloop en hom vir advies genader. “Ek was baie beïndruk met die manier waarop Marius my bygestaan en geadviseer het. Die Senter 360-stelsel is eenvoudig en gebruiksvriendelik en ek het tot nou toe nog geen probleme daarmee ondervind nie. As gevolg van die goeie resultate wat ek met die Senter 360-spilpunt het, het ek pas ‘n Senter 360-sestoring laat oprig. Ek gaan dit hoofsaaklik op aangeplante weiding gebruik om bale te produseer. “’Ek is baie tevrede met die professionele wyse waarop die Senter 360-personeel die hele proses, van beplanning Marthinus Ferreira (Ferreira se ander seun) by die spilpunt wat die boerdery se lewe aansienlik tydens die droogte vergemaklik

Jacque Ferreira (Ferreira se seun), Marius Appel (Senter 360) en Johan Ferreira

tot oprigting, hanteer het. Die náverkoopdiens was puik en flink en daar was nooit ‘n probleem om iemand vir advies te kontak nie.” Op ‘n vraag hoe beurtkrag sy besigheid beïnvloed, sê Ferreira dat dit veral die melkery negatief beïnvloed. “Ek moes ‘n groot kragopwekker vir die melkery aanskaf. Dit was ook baie moeilik om te beplan wanneer om te besproei en dit was baie ongerieflik om die besproeiingstelsel weer aan te skakel ná ‘n kragonderbreking.” Ferreira sê dat hy in dié stadium nie ‘n alternatief vir Eskomkrag het nie, en daar is geen ontwikkeling op dié gebied in die omgewing nie. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Electromagnetic water meters offer major benefits

FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

New for old

Water is a scarce and precious commodity. Worldwide the competition among domestic, commercial, industrial and agriculture sectors for clean water is intensifying and putting enormous pressure on freshwater resources. As a result the price of water is increasing throughout the world.


ricing and metering are seen as important tools for a more efficient use of water and water conservation. Metering also enables billing or revenue collection based on the actual water consumption. The more valuable water gets, the more interested the market is in the accuracy and reliability of water meters.

Bulk metering Commercial and industrial water meters or bulk meters are used for monitoring and billing the water consumption of large cold water users. Large consumers of water include industrial plants, office buildings, hospitals, schools, hotels and apartment buildings. Although industrial and commercial customers often concern a limited number of customers compared to the number of residential customers, they consume a relatively large share of the total water supplied by a water company and thus a significant part of their revenues. Water companies are setting up separate divisions for industry water services. For various reasons mechanical meters used to dominate the water meter market for measuring drinking water of residential and commercial users. However, mechanical meters are losing market share to electromagnetic water meters for bulk measurements as the latter offer much higher accuracies (± 0,2% compared to 2% or even 5%) and contrary to mechanical meters they do maintain their accuracy over time. Electromagnetic water meters increasingly popular Contrary to many other industries where electromagnetic, ultrasonic and mass flowmeters have the highest growth rates and large market shares, in the drinking water market the use of mechanical meters had remained very popular. One of the reasons for this is that mechanical meters do not require mains power, do not require an electrical infrastructure and continue to function in case of a power failure. Cabling costs can be high especially in remote areas but even in highly populated areas and subject to fraud. With the introduction of the battery or solar power technology for electromagnetic water meters this problem has been overcome. Underground installation The WATERFLUX 3000 sensor is approved to IP 68, which creates the possibility of having the meter submerged in water, to bury the meter directly underground or for installation in small measure­ment chambers underground, all leading to large savings in installation >>> page 127

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KROHNE WATERFLUX meets SANS1529-1:2006 fit for trade metrology – exceeds class D Specifications

Replace all mechanical bulk water meters? Now it’s possible with the WATERFLUX from KROHNE. WATERFLUX – the new electromagnetic water meter – measures precisely and maintenance-free very small and large flow rates – from night-time demands up to fire-fighting operations. Throughout its entire service life of 25 years over several custody transfer periods. Its unique, RILSAN®-lined measuring tube is wear-free and without mobile measuring parts, eliminating the need for maintenance. This reduces follow-up costs for statutory recalibrations – as an overhaul or replacement of the water meter is no longer necessary. Both the low initial costs and the significantly reduced operating costs pay off in daily operation. Employ the WATERFLUX instead of mechanical bulk water meters and create financial freedom for new projects – simply exchange new for old. KROHNE – Water is our world. Please see our website for more information KROHNE South Africa, 8 Bushbuck Close Corporate Park South, Randtjiespark, Midrand Tel.: +27 113141391, Fax: +27 113141681 Cell: +27 825563934, John Alexander,

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy


Perfekte oplossings in besproeiingsbestuur

Doen navraag by jou naaste besproeiings handelaar oor Agriplas Produkte KAAPSTAD - Hoofkantoor Posbus 696, Brackenfell 7561 Tel: +27 21 917 7177 Faks: +27 21 917 7200


Posbus 11052, Randhart 1457 Tel: +27 11 908 2204 Faks: +27 11 908 5312

Tamaties Julie2015.indd 1 agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Suite 63, Postnet X 11326, Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 755 3510 Faks: +27 13 755 3505

2015/07/09 3:02 PM

2015/11/02 07:31:29 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Think outside the control box with Pivot Control A new product is quickly becoming a hit among growers and changing the way they manage their irrigation. FieldNET® by Lindsay Pivot Control is a new irrigation controller designed to upgrade almost any existing brand of pivot to full remote monitoring including variable rate irrigation control.


ivot Control makes it easy to have our older pivots operating like the new ones,” says Kirk Olson, fourth generation corn grower from Hershey, Nebraska, who installed the system on 32 of his center pivots, which range in age from new to 1970 pivot brands. “We could immediately see the benefits by being able to check and control our entire irrigation system through a computer or smart phone.” Unlike other remote irrigation control products, Pivot Control mounts at the pivot point and combines with GPS at the end of the pivot for increased precision and greater flexibility. Growers can operate their pivot in the field at the control box or remotely using FieldNET – both elements automatically update together – minimizing the chance for user error. From a smart phone, tablet, or computer, growers can control their pivots and equipment, including pumps, injectors, and monitor sensors for pressure, flow, soil moisture, rainfall, temperature, and other devices in the future. Reece Andrews, FieldNET business manager for Lindsay, says growers looking to reduce labor costs and increase overall irrigation efficiency in their operations can especially benefit from Pivot Control. “With farms consolidating, multiple pivot brands are being used,” Andrews says. “FieldNET and Pivot Control allow these operators to have one user interface on any system, regardless of brand or control panel. Increasingly, growers want to be able to control their entire irrigation system, from the pivots to the pumps and sensors, remotely and wirelessly from either their smartphones, tablets or computers.”

Pivot Control comes standard with basic 360-sector variable rate irrigation (VRI), offering twice the number of sectors available on most basic VRI products. Growers working with agronomists and crop specialists to analyze their unique field conditions can upload custom prescriptions to FieldNET with a touch of a button. Sutton, Nebraska, grower Dusty Nunnenkamp has Pivot Control on 12 of his older pivots and especially likes the VRI capabilities it provides. “One of the main reasons we went with Pivot Control is because we use variable rate irrigation in our operation. It allows us to speed up or slow down our pivots according to soil types and the unique water holding capacity

of the soils. It makes irrigation much easier and much more precise,” Nunnenkamp says. Growsmart® by Lindsay also offers Precision VRI with unlimited application areas. Tom Faulkner, raises potatoes, corn, wheat and alfalfa, on his south central Idaho farm near Gooding. Faulkner recently installed Pivot Control on several of his older center pivot irrigation systems, including a pivot manufactured in the mid-1960s. “This new technology on the older pivots is really handy because you are able to program different irrigation patterns into the system,” Faulkner says. “As long as I have a cell phone signal, I can start and stop my pivots remotely or just move the pivots dry so the guys spraying or applying fertiliser can do their thing.” For more information, visit or talk to your local Zimmatic dealer.

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2015/11/02 07:31:31 PM

FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Soms kan ’n bietjie dryfkrag die wêreld se verskil maak



Baie elektriese motors is soms te groot, juis om voorsiening te maak vir maksimum uitsette wat selde of nooit benodig word nie. Masjiene, pompe, waaiers en lugversorgingstelsels gebruik sowat 42% van die elektrisiteit wat in die landbousektor gebruik word. Deur net ’n waaier of pomp van 100 tot 80% af te skaal deur middel van ’n Verstelbare Spoedaandrywer kan energieverbruik met tot 50% verminder word. Gesels gerus met een van ons Energie-Adviseurs en laat ons jou help om die doeltreffendste energieplan vir jou boerdery saam te stel.

Skakel ons Eskom Kontaksentrum op 08600 37566 en vra dat ’n Energie-Adviseur jou skakel. Vir meer inligting, besoek

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Reg Nr 2002/015527/30

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Swartland Spuitpompe spesialiseer in hoëdigtheidaanplantings Swartland Spuitpompe, geleë in Franschhoek, het in 1991 die lig gesien en versprei vandag spuitpompe landwyd. Die maatskappy fokus op die bespuiting van vrugte- en neutbome en ander hoëdigtheidaanplantings.


wartland Spuitpompe is ’n SuidAfri­kaanse onderneming wat ook na buurlande in- en uitvoer. Ons kernbesigheid is die vervaardiging van waaier-spuitpompe met hoëgehaltepompe en -waaiers. Die pompe se onderstelle is vervaardig om die swaardiensomstandighede van Afrika en Suid-Afrika te trotseer. Nuut op die mark is ons Teyme GTE 10- neut- en sitrusspuitpomp, wat vir die bespuiting van bome met ’n hoogte van tot 21 meter geskik is. Die pomp verskaf goeie oppervlakbedekking. Die masjien is in samewerking met ons vervaardiger in Europa ontwerp, spesiaal vir omstandighede in Afrika. Al ons produkte word ontwerp om doeltreffend te spuit en om brandstof en arbeid te bespaar. Ons fokus net op spuitpompe sodat ons ons volle aandag hieraan kan gee. Ons verskaf ook Arvipo-produkte. Die Arvipo-snoeiskêr is een hiervan. Dié skêr het



’n gewig van 2,3 kilogram. Die skêr is so ontwerp dat dit in hoeke en draaie kan werk om die optimum snitte te verseker. Tot takke met ’n deursnee van 40 mm kan gesnoei word. Die lemme het ’n drukkrag van 200 neutonmeter. Die skêr het ook verlengings van 0,9 m tot 1,6 m. Die AF 100-bloeiseluitdunner is nog ’n nuttige toestel in die Arvipo-reeks. Die groot voordeel van hierdie bloeiseluitdunner is dat blomuitdunning teen ’n baie hoë tempo kan


plaasvind. Dit geskied dus baie vinniger as wat handearbeid die taak kan verrig. Ons is positief oor landbou in Suid-Afrika omdat die sektor tot ’n positiewe ekonomie bydra.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy

Rothmann Boerdery het klein begin, maar spog vandag met 40 Valley-spilpunte Doeks Rothmann en sy seun Dawie boer op Soutpandsdrift in Noordwes, sowat 15 km buite Brits. Doeks het in 1994 voltyds begin boer nadat hy vir baie jare by Nissan gewerk het.


y vrou Fietjie en hulle seuns het egter reeds in die vroeë tagtigerjare op klein skaal op die plaas begin boer. Die kinders was toe nog op skool. Fietjie het groente verbou wat sy op ‘n sleepwa langs die hoofpad verkoop het. Later het sy die groente na plaaslike markte aangery. In die laat negentigerjare het die gesin hulle eerste padstal (eers ‘n ou murasie) opgerig. In 2000 is die eerste groentepakstoor opgerig waar die Rotmanns hulle eerste formele kontrakte vir die lewering van groente gesluit het. Ná die afsterwe van hulle middelste seun, het Doeks en Dawie meer intensief begin boer en meer grond en gewasse is aangekoop en verbou. Hulle lewer tans

kontrakwerk aan kettingwinkels soos Pick n Pay en Freshmark. Rothmann Boerdery neem ook jaarliks aan Global GAP en FSA Food Safety se oudits deel. “Dit verseker dat ons werk behoorlik geëvalueer word en dat ons produkte van uitstaande gehalte reg deur die jaar lewer,” sê Doeks. Doeks sê ook as hy ‘n onderdeel nodig het, bestel hy dit, klim in sy motor en gaan haal dit by Valley se plaaslike agent. Dit is dadelik beskikbaar. Hy praat met lof van Valley en beveel hulle diens en puik produkte enige tyd onder sy medeboere aan. Hulle gebruik Valley se produkte reeds sedert 1998 en is vol lof vir Valley se produkte en diens. Benewens groente word graan as wissel­­bougewas aangeplant. Rothmann

Boer­dery plant, groei, versorg, oes en ver­ pak die volgende gewasse: beet, wortels, slaai, spinasie, kool, patats, tamaties, uie, groen­pepers, groenmielies, koring, soja en kommersiële mielies op hulle 700 ha grond. Dawie hou ook sowat 100 kommersiële beeste aan. Dawie voer sy beeste heeldag van ons groente, lag Doeks. Doeks hou weer ‘n paar wildsbokke as stokperdjie aan. Swartwitpense en nyalas is sy groot liefde. Doeks en Dawie word deur 550 werkers op hulle plaas ondersteun. “Uitstekende verhoudings met ons werkers is vir ons baie belangrik,” sê Doeks. Rothmann Boerdery is ook by 20 instansies betrokke waar hulle weekliks gratis vars groente besorg. Doeks glo ook dat die boerdery jaarliks uitgebrei en verbeter moet word. Doeks vertel dat beurtkrag vir die boer­ dery ‘n groot kopseer is. “Dit beïnvloed ons boerdery baie omdat dit ‘n baie groot finansiële impak op ons boerdery het. Oeste en opbrengs is dan nie wat hulle moet wees nie. Fyn saadgewasse soos beet, wortels en uie is baie gevoelig vir hitte gedurende die somermaande en moet tot drie keer per dag besproei word.” Die plaas se besproeiingstelsel bestaan uit 40 spilpunte. Dit kan tot vier ure duur om almal aan te skakel, sê Doeks. Beurtkrag hou ook ‘n veiligheidsrisiko in. “Ons word dan soms gedwing om in die nag te besproei. Dit maak ons weerbaar vir plaasaanvalle.”

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2015/11/02 07:31:44 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Doeltreffende waterbestuur Met meer as 30 jaar ondervinding word die firma Dacom as ‘n wêreldleier op die gebied van die optimalisering van landboudata beskou.


ulle help boere en landboubesighede om data en hulpbronne met behulp van Smart-aanlyndienste optimaal te benut. Dacom help boere dus om insette soos water, kunsmis en plaagdoders meer kostedoeltreffend te gebruik en so volhoubaar voedsel te produseer. Dacom is in vennootskap met Rhomberg Instruments. Hulle produk Sensetion Smart Moist Sensor word as ‘n voorloper vir waterbesparing beskou.

Wat is die Sensetion? • Die nuutste ontwikkeling vir doeltreffende waterbestuur vir landbou; • ’n Smart & Simple-grondvogsensor met ‘n app; • Maklik en eenvoudige installasie; • Die stelsel meet die grondvogtigheid by die wortelstelsel; • Gemaklike toegang tot optimale besproeiingsadvies, enige plek, enige tyd deur middel van ‘n app. Installasie • Minimum een per besproeiingsarea; • Installeer op die droogste area van die besproeiingsarea;

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• Moet naby of tussen plante geïnstalleer word (bedek die sonpaneel); • Moet naby ‘n drupstelsel wees (25 cm); • Installeer in die lande, nie naby ‘n pad nie; • Draai in tot by die merk, afhangend van die gewas se wortelstelsel; • Vlak wortelstelsels ongeveer 10 cm onder die merk; • Dieper wortelstelsels ongeveer 10 cm bo die merk; • Wingerde aan die punt van die wingerdry, 30 cm bo die lyn.

Sensetion Smart Phone app Die Sensetion app verskaf enige tyd toegang tot optimale besproeiingsadvies. Saam met die Sensetion-grondvogsensors kan eerstehands bepaal word watter plantasie besproeiing nodig het en ook hoeveel. Met behulp van die app kan die besproei­ i­ngs­­toestande verander of aangepas word en die grondvog kan by die tipe grond aangepas word. Die app maak van moderne sensor­tegnologie gebruik.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

AGRICO: Jou betroubare voorsiener van besproeiingstoerusting Met meer as 100 jaar diens aan die landbou is AGRICO vandag een van die mees ervare voorsieners van alle soorte besproeiingstoerusting.


ié onderneming voorsien sedert die vroeë 1900’s pype, pompe en enjins aan boerderye, sportterreine en tuine. Tegniese advies is ’n deel van ons diens, wat soomloos strek van opmeting na beplanning, tot by die suksesvolle installering van die stelsel. AGRICO poog altyd om ’n balans te handhaaf tussen eie vervaardiging, invoer en plaaslike aankope. Die onderneming het fabrieke in Bellville, Lichtenburg en Nigel. Ons vervaardig onder meer: • Aluminium- en staalpasstukke • Anjet F50- en F75-skyffilters • Anjet-mikrospuite • Bauer-tipe goukoppelpype • Flomax-voetkleppe, 100 tot 500 mm • Gal- elektriese kleppe • Hidrantkleppe • Lineêre besproeiers • Perrot-goukoppelpype • Polipype • Pomptoestelle • PVC-pype • Rame vir pompe en motore • Spilpunte Ons reeks toerusting vir toepassings in die landbou, nywerheid, gholfbane en tuine word aangevul deur ingevoerde gehalteprodukte, insluitend: • DAB-pompe • NaanDanJain-mikrospuite • Irritrol- elektriese kleppe • Irritrol-rekenaars • Irritrol-spuite • Nelson-drukreguleerders • Nelson-spuite vir spilpunte • Dorot-beheerkleppe • Shakti-dompelpompe en -motore • Shakti-sonpompe Om die reeks te voltooi, word ’n menigte plaaslike ondernemings ondersteun deur die verspreiding van: • KSB-pompe • Elektriese motore en kabels • Elektriese skakeltuig • Staalpype • Netafim-drupbesproeiing • Franklin-dompelmotore AGRICO se ontwerpe is tegnies konserwatief. Dit behels onder meer: • Die gebruik van relatief groot pypdiameters om wrywing en energiekoste te bespaar.

KSB-pompstel en AZUD-filterbank

• Elektromotore wat nie oorlaai word nie, selfs al word dit met ’n oop uitlaat gepomp. • Afmetings van suig- en stootpype word vir lae watervloeisnelhede ontwerp. • Ons galvaniseer self spilpunte met ’n 100 mikronsinklaag in plaas van die gebruiklike 65 mikron vir ’n langer lewensduur. Stelsels wat volgens konserwatiewe beginsels ontwerp is, het ’n hoër aanvanklike koste, maar die totale koste oor die stelsel se


lewensduur is baie laer weens: • Die besparing in elektrisiteit • Laer herstelkoste • Minder staantyd • Verhoogde herverkoopwaarde.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers


Alle lewende organismes deel een gemeenskaplike strewe, naamlik om as spesie te oorleef.


anneer daar een of ander stressor intree en ‘n spesie se voortbestaan bedreig word, tree bepaalde oorlewingsmeganismes in werking om die uitdagings te oorkom en die spesie te laat oorleef. Volgens Darwin se teorie oorleef die “sterkstes” of mees aanpasbare indiwidue in die bevolking wat die stressor oorleef en oor geslagte heen geneties aanpas om dit te oorkom. In landbou het ons mensgemaakte stressors, plaagdoders, ontwikkel wat ongewenste organismes soos skadelike ongewerweldes, patogene, mikro-organismes en onkruide moet beheer. Die oomblik wat dié middels die mark betreë, is die teikenorganismes gerat om die plaagdoders se effek teen te werk en ontwikkel aanpasbare indiwidue in die teikenspesie dan weerstand teen die bepaalde plaagdoders. Om te dink dat weerstand heeltemal uitgeskakel sal word, is wensdenkery omdat weerstandsontwikkeling ‘n primêre oorlewingsmeganisme is. Met slim beplanning en goeie bestuur kan weerstandontwikkeling bloot vertraag word ten einde plaagbeheer redelik doeltreffend toe te pas. Weerstand teen plaagdoders kan egter verhaas word deur ‘n hele aantal faktore

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wat dikwels oor die hoof gesien word. Dit is daarom belangrik dat produsente plaagdoderetikette sorgvuldig lees en oplet na die aanduidings om weerstand te voorkom en te bestuur. In die eerste plek moet die produsent op die etiket soek na die weerstandskode van die betrokke plaagdoder. Hierdie kodes word bepaal deur internasionale weerstand-aksiekomitees: die IRAC of Insekdoderweerstand Aksiekomitee, die FRAC of Swamdoderweerstand-aksiekomitee en die HRAC of Onkruiddoderweerstandaksiekomitee. Die komitees plaas plaagdoders binne bepaalde kategorieë en dit dui aan watter middels dieselfde meganismes van werking het. In die tweede plek is dit noodsaaklik dat middels uit verskillende kategorieë in gestruktureerde plaagbeheerprogramme gebruik moet word om weerstandont­wikke­ ling te vertraag. Dit is veral in swamsiektebeheer noodsaaklik dat verskillende kategorieë swamdoders met mekaar afgewissel word omdat patogene baie geredelik muteer om weerstand teen swamdoders te bied. By onkruid is daar talle voorbeelde, soos raaigras, wat hardnekkig teen verskeie onkruidoders is. Insekweerstand is gelukkig nie so algemeen nie, veral

nie met die ouer, “harde” middels soos organofosfate. Die moderne “sagte” middels soos diamiede is geneig om vinnig teen insekte stoom te verloor. Weer is dit noodsaaklik om weerstand as ‘n belangrike komponent in geïntegreerde plaagbeheer te beskou, wat met slinkse truuks omseil moet word. Een van die mees onlangse voorbeelde van weerstand is die omvattende weerstand wat onkruide teen glifosaat in die VSA opgebou het as gevolg van voortdurende gebruik in die produksie van geneties gemodifiseerde gewasse. Selfs in Suid-Afrika is daar tekens van glifosaat­ weerstand, alhoewel op ‘n baie kleiner skaal. Dosering speel waarskynlik een van die grootste rolle in weerstandontwikkeling. Met oordosering oorleef slegs die weerstandbiedende organismes en hulle nageslagte is dan feitlik onuitwisbaar met die bepaalde plaagdoder. Foute met dosering is nie alleen te wyte aan die konsentrasie van die aktiewe bestanddeel in die spuitmengsel nie. Inteendeel, dit het min met dosering te doen, want korrekte dosering beteken dat die korrekte hoeveelheid van die aktiewe bestanddeel op die korrekte plek op die teiken gedeponeer moet word. Met nuwe tegnologie, afhangend van die gewas, kan die korrekte dosis wel aktief met min spuitvolume op die teikenarea gedeponeer word. Wat egter dikwels die dosering kniehalter, is die metode van toediening. In boordgewasse, sowel as digte stande van kontantgewasse, bereik die spuitmengsel dikwels nie die teikenarea nie vanweë digte blaarbedekking. Sommige peste soos rooispinmyte skuil onder blare en dit verg spesiale toedieningsmetodes. Hoewel die produsent die korrekte dosering per hektaar bereken en toedien, kom dit dus nie noodwendig in die korrekte dosering by die plante se teikenareas uit nie en is dit ‘n sneller vir weerstandontwikkeling. Temperatuur, lugdruk, wind en snelheid waarmee die toediening gedoen word, is ook faktore wat dosering kan beïnvloed. Warm toestande, wat vinnige verdamping veroorsaak, skep die gevaar dat die gewenste dosis van die

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agri plaagdoder nie die teikenarea bereik nie. ‘n Verdere probleem ontstaan wanneer dieselfde plaagdoder keer op keer teen dieselfde plaag aangewend word, dikwels met baie kort intervalle. Weer klop dit die vatbare organismes vinnig en laat dit slegs die mees weerstandbiedende opganismes op die gewas agter. Dit is ‘n resep vir katastrofe. Toedieningsintervalle, sowel as afwisseling tussen plaagdoders van verskillende weerstandskategorieë is noodsaaklike bestuurstegnieke om weerstand te voorkom en te bestuur. Die gebruik van geregistreerde mengsels van plaagdoders is ‘n sterk teenvoeter vir weerstand. Sommige plaagdoders is reeds as geregistreerde mengsels in kommersiële formaat beskikbaar en sommige is geregistreer om met ander in tenkmengsels te spuit. Die groot dilemma is dat produsente dikwels ‘n hele konkoksie van middels in een spuittenk voorberei om koste te spaar. In die meeste gevalle veroorsaak sulke vermengings dat die middels se doeltreffendheid gekompromitteer word of selfs drasties verlaag word. As dit nie die beste resep vir die katalisering van weerstand is nie, dan bestaan dit nog nie! Let op dat dit geen sin maak om twee middels van dieselfde weerstandskategorie met mekaar te meng nie omdat hulle fisiologiese werking dieselfde is. Dit verg twee middels van verskillende weerstandskategorieë om die gewenste effek te bewerkstellig. In die konsep van geïntegreerde gewasverbouing is weerstandbestuur ‘n gewigtige komponent. Dit gaan beslis nie net oor die korrekte gebruik van plaagdoders soos bo verduidelik nie, maar ook oor gewasrotasie en ander aspekte. Een van die grootste kopsere vir

FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

produsente is gewasrotasie want markkragte speel dikwels daarteen. As daar egter vir lang periodes in agtereenvolgende seisoene dieselfde gewas op dieselfde akkers aangeplant word, kan weerstand by die onkruide, patogene en plantplae verwag

‘Ek het persoonlik kommer oor die groot entoesiasme vir bewaringsbewerking. ‘n Groot aantal produsente en wetenskaplikes deel nie die kommer nie, maar daar is al hoe meer aanduidings dat dit tot probleme in gewasproduksie lei.’

word. Die produksie van geneties gemodifiseerde gewasse is een van die stukke gereedskap, maar selfs hierteen is al weerstand opgebou. Daar sal ernstig oorweging aan wisselbou geskenk moet word om as teenvoeter vir weerstand te dien. Dit sal verg dat produsente vir die lang termyn moet beplan en met die gepaardgaande pyne moet saamleef. Ek het persoonlik kommer oor die groot entoesiasme vir bewaringsbewerking. ‘n Groot aantal produsente en wetenskaplikes deel nie die kommer nie, maar daar is al hoe meer aanduidings dat dit tot probleme in gewasproduksie lei. In die ou dae was grondbewerking deel van plaagbeheer. Stoppels en reste wat ingeploeg is, het die oorwintering van plae soos stronkboorder verhoed, maar met geenbewerking slaap die mannetjies rustig deur die winter en teiken die nuwe seisoen met ‘n goed gevestigde bevolking. Selfs die nagmuise dui daarop dat hulle baat vind by geenbewerking. Is geenbewerking dan ‘n negatiewe praktyk? Natuurlik nie! Al wat moet gebeur is dat plaagbeheer sal moet aanpas by die nuwe bewerkingspraktyke. Dit gaan ‘n groot kopskuif verg, maar boere maak mos planne, of hoe?

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Navorsers vol lof vir Strongarm-uitklophou DRIES SONNEKUS, VRYSKUTJOERNALIS

Spesialis-landbounavorsers is vol lof vir ‘n onkruiddoder wat hul proefblokke nie net vry van onkruid hou nie, maar ook baie handearbeid, geld en reistyd bespaar. Waar die produk in proewe gespuit is, is die onkruidvrye gewasrye getuienis dat dié lof welverdiend is.


ns sal nie weer ‘n ander produk wil gebruik nie,” is die deursnee gevoel van wetenskaplikes met wie onderhoude gevoer is. Die produk waarvan hulle praat, is Strongarm 840 WG (Reg. No. L 8663) geregistreer kragtens Wet No. 36 van 1947. Strongarm is Dow AgroSciences se bewese onkruiddoder vir gebruik in tenk­ mengsels saam met grasdoders vir die voor-opkomsbeheer van eenjarige grasse, breë­blaar­onkruid en, onder sekere omstandig­hede, ook uintjies in soja- en grondboon­lande. ‘n Navorser wat beïndruk is deur Strongarm se resultaat is Lorraine Solomon, grond­boon­agronoom van die LNR op Potchefstroom. Strongarm is vir die eerste keer as proefneming op haar proef­aanplantings gespuit. “Ek het nog nooit so ‘n rustige seisoen gehad nie,” sê sy. “Strongarm gee uitstekende beheer van breëblaaronkruide, gras en alles waarmee ons ander jare erg gesukkel het. Waar ons ander seisoene drie tot vier keer met hande-arbeid die proewe moes

Twee sojaboonnavorsers van die Landbounavorsingsraad (LNR) op Potchefstroom. Links is Lizette Badenhorst (tegnikus) by Annelie de Beer (navorser).

onkruidvry hou, was dit vanjaar net op een punt by Brits nodig waar die spuit se een spuitpunt verstop het. “Strongarm het op Brits selfs uintjies uitstekend beheer, al dui die etiket aan dat uintjies wisselvallig beheer word. Potchefstroom het swaarder grond – ‘n bietjie meer klei – en ons uintjiebeheer hier was nie so goed nie. Ons sal volgende jaar ‘n sterker dosis Strongarm ge­bruik vir nog beter resultate. Ek het by die meeste van die proewe waar ons

self plant Strongarm gebruik. Eerlikwaar, ek gaan nie terug na ‘n ander onkruiddoder nie. Dis nie nodig om te skoffel met tydelike arbeid nie,” sê Lorraine. Tevore moes sy gewoonlik weer spuit of ‘n ander middel Lorraine Solomon, gebruik om breëbgrondboonagronoom laaronkruide dood te van die LNR op kry en dan nog met Potchefstroom, sê die hand skoffel. Strongarm het haar navorsingspersele “Ons het omvattende Strongarm op beskerming gegee. Potchefstroom gebruik, ook by Brits en by boere op Vaalharts, Hoopstad en Bultfontein. Net die besproeiingsboere by Naboomspruit het nie. Daar is dit nag. Die ouens sukkel hulle dood en spuit hulle simpel om onkruid in bedwang te hou. Ons het ook geen probleem met blaarvlek nie >>> bladsy 77

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Gawie de Beer van die Proteïennavorsingstigting (PNS) op Potchefstroom (links) by Johan Bothma van Dow AgroSciences, in ‘n navorsingsblok welige sojabone op Potchefstroom.

behalwe op Naboomspruit waar die onkruid gedy. Ek kan eerlik sê jy kan nie grondbone plant sonder Strongarm nie. Daar is geen ander manier nie. Wat meer wil ‘n mens dan hê?” Lorraine se twee kollegas, Annelie de Beer en Lizette Badenhorst, stem saam. Annelie is sojaboonnavorser en Lizette sojaboontegnikus. Hulle behartig proewe by tien persele – Kinross, Middelburg, Stofberg, Groblersdal, Hoopstad, Migdol, Clocolan, Glen by Bloemfontein, Kroonstad en Potchefstroom. Dieselfde sojakultivars word deurgaans gebruik. Annelie onderskryf Strongarm sterk. “Onkruidbeheer is ons grootste kopseer by proewe. Vanjaar is dit dramaties anders – ons het net hier en daar nodig gehad om ‘n proef te besoek of te skoffel. Strongarm het die werk gedoen. Dit bespaar ons gevolglik ook geld en reistyd. Ons het geen nadelige uitwerking


FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilizers

Johan Bothma van Dow AgroSciences spreek besoekers toe oor Strongarm se onkruidbeheer tydens die “Groendag” van die Hoër Landbouskool op Kroonstad.

by enige kultivar gehad nie,” sê sy. “Ons sal die produk vir seker weer gebruik,” sê Lizette. ‘n Ander navorser op Potchefstroom, Gawie de Beer, is net so beïndruk deur Strongarm se werk op sy proefpersele. Daar is geen onkruid tussen die rye nie en die blokke is silwerskoon. Hy sê dieselfde van sy ander navorsingspersele. Gawie is ‘n kontrakteur vir die Proteïennavorsingstigting. “Die PNS doen ‘n reeks kultivarproewe op sojabone, GM en nie-GM, en voer saad in uit Brasilië en Argentinië om beter variëteite te soek as wat op die mark is. Ek dink die PNS het klaar sy doel bereik. Saadmaatskappye voer al saad van nuwe kultivars in. Fondse vir die projek kom uit opgehoopte reserwes van die voormalige Oliesadebeheerraad. “Geloofwaardige navorsing is die boer

se lewensaar vir ‘n bestaan en om produkte aan die voedselketting, en dus die verbruiker, te lewer. Die PNS voel hy rig iets uit vir die landbou,” sê Gawie. “Die Potchefstroomarea is bekend vir ‘n endemiese uintjieprobleem. Toe ons begin het met hierdie seisoen se proewe, was hier sommer baie uintjies in die lande. “Ons het ook ander probleme soos voëls. Daarom bedek ons die saadbedding met net Strongarm. “Toe ek vanjaar die nette ná twee weke afhaal, was die proefblokke skoon van onkruid en selfs uintjies. Ek was werklik beïndruk,” het Gawie van sy Potchefstroom-proefpersele gesê. Die stigting doen dieselfde proewe by Bethlehem, Stofberg, Pretoria, Brits, en Pietermaritzburg. Vir meer inligting oor Strongarm, skakel gerus vir Johan Bothma, 082 321 6551.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Aartappelboer van die Jaar deel sy suksesgeheim Dit verg liefde vir wat jy doen, vertroue in wat jy doen en ‘n passie vir boerdery en harde werk om as Aartappelboer van die Jaar gekroon te word. Dan is daar nog die voorreg om in die natuur te boer.


it is die mening van die 34-jarige Stefan Fourie, wat onlangs as Aartappelboer van die Jaar, 2015 gekroon is. Hy was een van drie finaliste wat om die kroon meegeding het by die tweejaarlikse Aartappel SA-kongres in Kaapstad. Hy en sy span van agt jong boere boer op die plase Leeuwbank en Knoppiesfontein, aan die oewer van die Vaaldam, in die Frankfort-distrik. Die belangrikste dryfveer in Stefan se boer­ derybenadering is die gehalte van die produk wat hy lewer. “Ek wil seker maak dat die verbruiker terugkom na my produk en so te verseker dat ek altyd kopers sal hê,” sê Stefan. Die beoordeling geskied volgens hom op drie aspekte. ` Eerstens word die boerderymetodes beoordeel. “Ek probeer voortdurend op die hoogte bly van die nuutste boerderymetodes,” sê hy. Hy pas die beste metodes toe om sukses te verseker, omdat aartappels ‘n hoërisikoproduk is. “Jy moet weet wat vir jou sal werk. Dit sluit in jou boerderymetodes, rotasiebeleid, grondbewerking, en die regstelling van grondelemente.” Die aartappels word op ‘n vyfjaarrotasieplan geplant. ‘n Jaar voordat aartappels verbou word, word koring geplant. Nadat die koringoes verwyder is, word grondmonsters deur die firma MULTIGREEN KUNSMIS van Villiers geneem om deur die Brookside Laboratories in die VSA ontleed te word. Na aanleiding van die uitslae, vermeng MULTIGREEN KUNSMIS van Villiers die nodige mengsels om grondregstellings te doen. Dit sluit byvoorbeeld die aanvulling van elemente soos kalsium, magnesium en kalium in om die grond optimaal vir aartappelverbouing te kry. Die mengsel bevat ook Patentkali wat in Duitsland vervaardig word deur K+S Kali en in Suid-Afrika versprei word deur Industrial Commodities ( I.C.H.). Die mengsels word dan in die grond ingewerk en word dan vir agt maande (vanaf Januarie tot Augustus) laat rus met geen onkruid of ander plante daarop nie. In Augustus word die aartappels geplant,

gewoonlik op spilpunte van 55 ha. Daar word elke twee weke ‘n seksie geplant om te verseker dat die markte voortdurend voorsien word. Stefan-hulle pas dan die volgende 13 tot 14 weke ‘n sewedaagse bespuitingsprogram toe om te voorkom dat siektes en plae die plante aanval. Om te help met die beplanning van die bespuitingsprogram, het Stefan ‘n weerstasie wat aan die spilpunt gekoppel word. Hierdie weerstasie meet faktore soos die hoeveelheid reën, grondvog en wind. ‘n Nuutjie is ‘n instrument wat die tydperk wat blare nat bly, meet. Hierdie inligting word verwerk om ‘n aanduiding te gee van die risiko van siektes. Die weerstasie kan selfs die weer vir daardie posisie sewe dae vooruit voorspel. Met hierdie inligting, wat hy op sy selfoon kan ontvang, kan Stefan dan die voorkomende spuitprogram aanpas om die risiko te verminder. Die gemiddelde opbrengs beloop sowat 7 000 sakkies per hektaar. Links bo: Dit verg liefde vir wat jy doen, vertroue in wat jy doen en ‘n passie vir boerdery en harde werk om as Aartappelboer van die Jaar gekroon te word. Links onder: Grondmonsters word voor elke seisien ontleed om te verseker die grond is optimaal vir aartappelverbouing. Onder: Dié toestel meet faktore soos die hoeveel­heid reën, grondvog en wind.

Stefan en sy vrou Sussa by die bekroningsplegtigheid.

Bemarking is die tweede element waarna die beoordelaars kyk. Hierdie aspek word deur Stefan self behartig. Met ‘n B Comm (Rek)-graad agter die blad, kan hy dié aspek van die boerdery doeltreffend doen. Die aartappels word onder die naam, “Africa’s Pride” en “Lion’s Pride” in helderkleurige sakkies bemark. Die sakkies staan uit tussen die vele ander aartappelsakkies op die mark. “Die naam dui op ons trots vir ons produk. Dit help die koper om gou die goeie gehalte waarna ons streef, uit te ken.” Die derde element van beoordeling neem die boere se arbeidsverhoudinge onder die loep. Stefan is vol lof vir die sowat 120 werkers wat veral in die pakstoor op Knoppiesfontein werk. “Elkeen van hulle streef daarna om hulle werk 200% te kan doen. Hulle besef dat wanneer hulle hulle werk 200% doen, ons verkope goed is, wat almal op die plaas bevoordeel. Ek haal my hoed vir elkeen van hulle af, want hulle verdien hierdie toekenning net so veel as ek. Hulle is in hulle skik om te weet ons is nommer een in Suid-Afrika.” Die verpakkingseisoen duur ongeveer sewe maande vanaf Januarie. Op ‘n besoek aan die landerye kan ‘n mens die trots en passie van dié jong boer sien. “Dit is lekker om elke oggend op te staan en te weet ek gaan plaas toe,” vertel hy. Hy het in 2006, op versoek van sy skoonpa, Michael de Klerk, begin boer. Later het hulle besluit om na aartappels uit te brei en Stefan het die taak oorgeneem. Nou is hy en sy swaer, Emile de Klerk, in beheer van die hoogs wetenskaplike en suksesvolle boerdery en besigheid.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Gesonde mielies met sampioene Wanneer mielievaatweefsel ensiematies afgebreek word deur swamme en bakterieë (A – kontrole) kan die plant nie meer doeltreffend water en voeding opneem nie. Dit beteken koppe vorm kleiner pitte, pitte is los en die kop vul nie optimaal nie (A – kontrole).


n baie hoë infeksiesituasies val die mielies om. Dit maak meganiese oes onmoontlik. Wanneer mielies teen die einde van die seisoen afgedroog het, moet dit nie die strooitjievoorkoms (B) hê nie, want dit beteken vaatweefsel het in duie gestort. Dit moet ‘n soliede sponsvoorkoms (C) hê. Dagutat Science het ‘n unieke formulasie met eetbare sampioene ontwikkel, wat hierdie probleem aanspreek (A – Dagutat Science). Die sampioene maak soms hulle verskyning bo die grond soos in die mielieland (D). Die produkte kan as ‘n saadbehandeling of plantrytoediening aangewend word of deur die besproeiing toegedien word. Kontak Dagutat Science vir meer inligting.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Eco-Fert se bio-vriendelike produkte beïndruk Eco-Fert se bio-vriendelike produkte en -programme is hoofsaaklik daarop gemik om volhoubare produksie deur die vervaardiging van koolstof en humus te verbeter. Die grondstowwe vir ons produkte het hoofsaaklik ‘n marieneoorsprong, maar sluit ook plant-, minerale- en dierbronne in. Eco-Fert lê klem op: • goeie bestuurspraktyke; • wisselbou; • dekgewasse; en • bemestingsprogramme. Die doel is om grond nie te versout of te versuur nie, om elementwanbalanse reg te stel, en om soute, pH, grondwaterinhoud, koolstofinhoud, kompaksie, grond­ struktuur, organisme-tekorte en plantsiekteweerstand te verbeter. Tekorte en wanbalanse werk negatief op produksie in, terwyl die herstel daarvan grondwaardes opbou. Dit verhoog produksie en wins aansienlik. Die rol van meso- en mikro-organismes, wat plantreste en toegediende bemesting na plantopneembare vorms neem, is in die jare ná die Tweede Wêreldoorlog erg verwaarloos. Dié organismes speel ’n belang­rike rol by die bogenoemde ontoereikende grondeienskappe. Grond­probleme moet dus eers met regstelaksies verbeter word. Dit skep ‘n gesonde basis om die regte besluite oor bemesting per gewas en produksie­ volume te maak. Kontak Eco-Fert by tel. (086) 100 5051/083 715 6160 of e-pos vir meer inligting.

GingerGreen is frost, snow and heat tolerant GingerGreen pasture grass is an evergreen grass which thickens via runners and is frost, snow and heat tolerant.


he grass has among others sucessfully been tested in Sutherland at -16 degrees, where it survived. GingerGreen requires 400 mm water per year and will become drought tolerant after 10 to 12 months. It grows in weak soil and is suitable for baling. If the pastures are managed well, you can expect up to 16 – 18 tons per hectare. GingerGreen is a hybrid of five varieties and is produced in the Cape Province by means of organic techniques. Sowing can be done all year round and even in shaded areas. GingerGreen grass does not have to be replanted every few years. It only needs to be planted once. Seed to cover 1 500m2 will cost R3 000 and seed to cover 10 000m2 R12 000. The cost includes delivery.

Nutritional facts • Pasture nutrition crude protein 25% • Digestible dry matter 75% • Neutral detergent fibre 60% • Metabolisable energy/kg 12 • Palatability is 84% • Sugar 15% • Calcium 1% • Potassium 0,5% • Calcium to potassium ratio is 2:1 Contact Peter for further information: E-mail:, Cell: 074 067 4867. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:32:12 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Grasland: Limestone suppliers of choice ARTICLE BY ESMOND COEN

Grasland supplies agricultural and industrial lime to the provinces of North West, Free State, Gauteng, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.


rasland has been providing excellent quality agricultural and feed lime since 1967. Our agricultural lime is both dolomitic and calcitic, but we also provide mixtures and prescription blends according to our clients’ needs. Enriching products are added to the dolomitic and calcitic lime such as gypsum and magnesite. All additives are registered with the depart­ ment of agriculture under Act 36 of 1947. Our mines are distributed throughout the North West Province. You can find our products at the following locations: • Britten is located on the farm Kareepan 298, which is situated halfway between Bloemhof and Christiana in North West. An excellent quality dolomitic and calcitic lime is produced here. GrassTop20, which is an 80/20 dolomitic lime and gypsum blend, is also produced here. This is very popular with producers with sub-soil acidity problems. The P-Cal50 was developed for peanut producers who needs extra calcium during the peg stage and pod

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development of peanut production. It is a 50/50 blend of calcitic lime and gypsum, prepared mostly for producers during December to February. • Buhrmannsdrif produces calcitic, feed lime and aggregates. Our plant at Buhrmansdrif is located on the Benadeplaats farm, about 15 kilometers from Mafikeng on the Zeerust road. The farm Wagendrift is close by and also provides crude material for processing. • Lovedale distributes dolomitic and calcitic lime with gypsum and magnesite blends. It is situated approximately 5 km south of Lichtenburg and is currently used as a processing plant and depot for agricultural lime from Buhrmansdrift and Marico. The plant is producing GrassTop20, P-Cal50 and Hi-Mag40. Hi-Mag40 is a dolomitic lime and magnesite blend with a high

magnesium carbonate content of 40%. It is specifically developed for high calcium content soils in the area and surrounding districts. • Marico produces a strong dolomitic lime, which is sometimes referred to as “black lime”. It is 98% finer than 250 micron. Marico is located approximately 20 km south of Zeerust. Grasland also supplies lime to the industrial market. We are currently pioneering a strategy that will see the company diversifying into these markets.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

ANC policy discussion document for NGC: Perspectives on agriculture and the agro-food system DR JOHN PURCHASE, CEO: AGBIZ

In the week that Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) released the 2015 Quarter 2 GDP figures that indicated that the economy as a whole had contracted by 1,3%, and agriculture by a whopping 17,4%, the ANC released policy discussion documents for its 2015 National General Council (NGC). This document correctly asserts the necessity to assess the “balance of forces”, both domestic and global, and consequently the role the ANC can play in effecting its much stated “National Democratic Revolution” and “radical economic transformation” within its sphere of influence. Rural development, agriculture and land reform are central to this policy discussion.


n the 2015 State of the Nation Address (Sona 2015), the president further indicated government’s nine point plan to rejuvenate South Africa’s economy, with the agriculture and agro-processing value chain a key priority of the initiative:

Drivers: • Revitalisation of the agriculture and agroprocessing value-chain • More effective implementation of a higher impact IPAP (includes agro-processing) • Advancing beneficiation (adding value to our mineral wealth) • Unlocking the potential of SMMEs, cooperatives, township and rural enterprises • Growing the oceans economy Enablers: • Resolving the energy challenge • Managing workplace conflict • Scaling up private sector investment

Cross-cutters: • ICT, transport infrastructure, science and technology, and water. There is much debate on how to restructure and transform the economy to ensure inclu­sive growth in order to address unem­ploy­ment, poverty and inequality. From an agriculture and agribusiness perspective this further translates into the imperative of ensuring food security for the people of South Africa. That these are necessary challenges to address in order to ensure a far more stable and

sustainable society, no-one in his right mind would argue. But when it gets to how these challenges need to be addressed, there are hugely conflicting positions. These conflicting approaches are increasingly becoming more polarized and find themselves more and more bedded in hard ideological dogma, viz. socialism versus an open, liberal and competitive market environment. It is against this background that the ANC’s NGC policy discussion document questions the current agro-food system and the benefits that accrue to South Africa and its people. The document contends that “the liberalisation of agricultural and food markets have not, as expected, created a more competitive market with lower prices to consumers”, and that the sector “still exhibits high concentration and vertical integration by a few major firms with evidence of abuse of such dominant market concentration”. While the document makes a number of good points, also around the slow pace of transformation in the sector, it is necessary to challenge the abovementioned statements against the background of the open, compe­titive global agro-food system, with its imperfections and barriers. It is also necessary to challenge the over-ambitious expectation that government has on the agrofood system to be the key driver of economic growth and employment in South Africa. By all accounts, whether considering the

Big Mac Index, or The Economist’s recent Cost of Living Report, or even its Food Security Index, South Africa has of the most affordable food on the planet, probably the major and key aspect of food security. Sure, too many people in South Africa do not have the means (discretionary household income) to purchase the necessary daily quantity of safe and nutritious food for a healthy and productive life, but this blame must not be laid before the agro-food system. The liberalisation of South Africa’s agriculture in the 1990’s, to the due credit of primarily the ANC, has led to greater concentration in farming units and in the up and downstream activities of the agro-food sector. This is however a global phenomenon where the open, competitive market system drives efficiencies in the production and market system. It does create winners and losers, but primarily in the interest of consumers in the form of relatively cheap food. Entrepreneurs in the agro-food system risk their capital in an environment, especially in the South African context, which is uncertain and risky from both an environmental and policy perspective, trusting that their skill and business acumen will ensure a fair return and livelihood. Additionally, there is more concentration in agriculture and agribusiness in many countries that are our direct competitors on the global market. Many of these large global corporates are already investing in our agro-food system, bringing new cutting-edge technology and skills to drive productivity and efficiency. The ANC, and government in its planning processes, is calling for far more government intervention in the sector, as well as more protection of the sector, in order to kick start the economy, create 1,0 million jobs and enhance food security and rural development. While some of these interventions are worth considering, there are others that are seriously questionable, for example input subsidies, significantly increased tariffs etc.

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2015/11/02 07:32:16 PM


FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Plantprestasie optimaliseer groeipotensiaal

Plantprestasie optimaliseer die plant se groeipotensiaal. Dit sorg dus nie net vir ‘n groener, gesonder gewas nie, maar dit verhoog ook winsgewendheid deur verhoogde opbrengs en verbeterde kwaliteit te verseker.


ir meer as ‘n dekade al bestudeer Syngenta die effek van AMISTAR® op verskeie gewasse. Die doel hiervan is om innoverende oplos­sings te vind om optimale opbrengs­potensiaal van die gewas te verseker. In-diepte navorsing het getoon dat Syngenta-produkte, soos AMISTAR TOP®, breë-spektrumsiektebeheer bied wat terselfdertyd die plant se fisiologiese eienskappe beïnvloed en sodoende kwaliteit verbeter en opbrengs verhoog. Die kombinasie hiervan bied produsente die voordeel wat Syngenta plantprestasie noem. Plantprestasie beweeg verder as net die vertrekpunt van plantgesondheid. Dit bewys dat interne prosesse in die plant – wat om­ skryf word as fisiologiese prosesse – verbeter kan word om optimale opbrengs te verseker.

Breë-spektrum-, deurlopende siektebeheer Voorkoming is altyd beter as genesing! Siekte-infestasie is nie altyd dadelik visueel sigbaar nie. Dit kan egter tot 15% oesverliese lei nog voordat die siekte met die oog sigbaar is. Voorkomende beheer bied gesonder plante wat hoër opbrengste lewer. Behoud van groenblaar-area Etileenproduksie is ‘n interne proses in die plant wat veroudering veroorsaak. AMISTAR® inhibeer die produksie van etileen wat veroudering teenwerk. Indien ‘n plant in staat gestel word om sy lewensiklus te voltooi sonder blootstelling aan vroeë veroudering, byvoorbeeld verdroging van blare, het dit die geleentheid om die son se

koolhidrate omgeskakel word. Deur hierdie proses te verbeter, stel dit die plant in staat om beter te fotosinteer en dus meer energie vry te stel. Dus bied dit verbeterde omskakeling van sonligenergie, wat ‘n gesonder plant en hoër opbrengs tot gevolg het.

energie deur fotosintese vir langer periodes te benut. Langer periodes van fotosintese stel die plant in staat om langer gesonde, groen blare te behou, wat die plant se gehalte verbeter en opbrengspotensiaal verhoog.

Optimale waterretensie en -gebruik Gedurende die dag verdamp vog van die onderskeie plantdele – ‘n proses wat transpirasie genoem word. Die tempo van transpirasie word bepaal deur faktore soos ligintensiteit, temperatuur, humiditeit, windspoed en die beskikbaarheid van grondwater. Tydens hoë temperature of droogtetoestande, verhoog transpirasie (net soos wat ‘n mens sweet om af te koel). AMISTAR TOP® verhoog die plant se vermoë om water optimaal en effektief te verbruik deur die respirasietempo te verlaag tydens waterstrestoestande. Verhoogde koolstofdioksiedassimilasie (CO2) Koolstofdioksied-assimilasie is die fotosintetiese proses waar koolstof in

1a. Number of companies where we had samples of products from different batches available to analyze. This included 54 samples. 1b. Active chemicals include pesticides, as well as other chemicals. These were not indicated on the label. The samples used included all liquid and solid formulations in the database, totaling 199 with 19 contaminated. 2a. Cold stability was evaluated by the presence or absence of antifreeze. Cold temperatures are below or at freezing point. (0 celsius, 32 farenheit)

2b. Sedimentation assessment included 47 liquid samples where we had measurements for both apparent viscosity and particle size to assess risk of forming sediment. 3a. Nozzle blockage was assessed on the parameter of particle size. 3b. Application time required increased for mixing, clearing nozzles and tank cleaning. 4a. Built-in adjuvants are an important determinant to deliver enhanced biological efficacy.

Die X-faktor Wat maak AMISTAR TOP® anders as ander swamdoders? Die beweeglikheid van die aktiewe bestanddeel in AMISTAR TOP® is kernbelangrik vanweë die vermoë om nuwe groei in die ontwikkelende gewas te beskerm. Dit is waar die fundamentele verskille in die strobilurien-groep na vore kom. Om die ontwikkelende plant teen infeksie te beskerm, moet die swamdoder in die plant vanaf die punt van toediening tot by nuwe groei beweeg. Dit is die konsep van sistemiese beweeglikheid, of xileemmobiliteit. Syngenta noem dit die X-faktor. Meeste strobiluriene het translaminêre beweeglikheid en beweeg deur die blaar van die bokant tot die onderkant. Net een strobilurien het egter sistemiese beweeglikheid wat binne die plant beweeg en nuwe groei beskerm – AMISTAR®. Optimale siektebeheer Siektes kan betekenisvolle opbrengs- en kwaliteitsverlaging veroorsaak. Meeste patogene oorwinter op plantmateriaal van die vorige oes en produseer geweldig baie spore wat vinnig oor ‘n uitgebreide geografiese area kan versprei. Alle dele van ‘n mielieplant is vatbaar vir siektes – saad, wortels, blare, stam en koppe. Plante is elke seisoen onderworpe aan een of meer siektes, hoewel dit nie altyd sigbaar is nie. Al is die siekteinfestasie nie sigbaar nie, kan dit reeds soveel as 15% verlaging in opbrengs teweeg bring. AMISTAR TOP® se voorkomende aktiwiteit bied optimale siektebeheer! Kontak­ besonderhede (011) 541-4000.

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2015/11/02 07:32:18 PM

33 Brewery Road lsando, 1600 Gauteng, RSA Office :+27(11) 392 4072 Fax :+27(11) 392 4363

076 982 7254 079 268 8842

Fertilizer Gr.1 Reg.No. K8794 (Act 36 of 1947)

Fertilizer Gr.2 Reg.No. B4428 (Act 36 of 1947)

Gepattenteerde tegnologie wat al die gewasbeskermingseienskappe van fosforigsuur kombineer met plantvoeding. Verskaf noodsaaklike Spoorelemente en groei-stimulante wat moeilik opneembaar is deur genetiesgemodifiseerde gewasse. Versnelde wortel ontwikkeling, groei en verhoogde opbrengs. 100% versoenbaar met geen nadelige effek op glifosaat. Voedingselemente in NUTRIVO & MOLBORO X kan nie deur die glifosaat molekule gebind (cheleer) word nie en kan dus geen negatiewe invloed hĂŞ op die werking van glifosate. Sistemiese vervoer van voedingstowwe en ander middels in die teiken gewas. Beheer en verlaging van wortel infeksies veroorsaak deur Oomycete patogene.

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2015/11/02 07:32:20 PM

254 .za

842 .za


FOKUS • FOCUS Landbouchemikalieë & misstowwe/Agro-chemicals & fertilisers

Villa Crop Protection enters partnership with USA firm Land O’Lakes, Inc. of the USA and Villa Crop Protection of South Africa announced a partnership, effective from 26 October, which will capitalise on the continuous growth potential of the South African agricultural market.


he two organisations are joining two complementary portfolios of productivity-enhancing crop input products and services to help all sizes of farms sustainably improve their yields. This is Land O’Lakes’ first commercial investment in Africa and reflects the cooperative’s accelerated growth in its international business. With the deal, Land O’Lakes, through its South African subsidiary, assumes a 52.5 percent ownership stake in Villa Crop Protection. The existing Villa Crop Protection management team will continue to lead the business. People and product expertise from Land O’Lakes’ crop inputs business Winfield Solutions, LLC will support and assist existing operations. “South Africa has a dynamic and growing agriculture industry, and we are proud to be entering this country with a local market leader in crop protection,” said Chris Policinski, president and CEO of Land O’Lakes, Inc. “We’ve been in countries across the world, including parts of Africa, for 35 years through our international development efforts. This is our first major international commercial investment in Africa. We look

forward to bringing proven existing products from our WinField business to the South African market and investing in the research and development efforts that will provide new products to local growers that help produce more food, more sustainably.” Land O’Lakes will bring proprietary pro­ ducts, services and insights delivered in the US under the WinField brand to comple­ment the portfolio Villa Crop Protection offers the South African market. The organisation will also develop new and comprehensive solutions designed specifically for the needs of local growers. Villa’s crop protection solutions are supported with a wide range of training programs presented by the Villa Academy Training Institute. The institute equips agriculturalists, producers and sales people with the latest knowledge, scientific facts and experience in the field of crop protection to help optimise their crop production using fewer resources. Villa Crop Protection plans to expand the institute’s reach with assistance from Land O’Lakes and provide an even-wider range of training courses for the agricultural

industry both locally and in the rest of Africa to build skills that help support the economic development of farmers and the agricultural industry as a whole. In 2014, agriculture added 109,3 billion South African Rand ($8,7B USD) to the country’s GDP according to the World Bank. Nearly 80 per cent of the land in South Africa was used for agricultural production, which amounts to more than 97,6 million hectares. “The data is clear: Agriculture and production are critically important to South Africa,” said Andre Schreuder, managing director of Villa Crop Protection. “With Land O’Lakes’ investment in Villa Crop Protection and WinField’s capabilities, products and people, we are even more confident entering this exciting period in our business. We are positive that this deal will enhance our capabilities, build on distinctive and complementary product offerings and bring new technologies, international insights and Land O’Lakes’ years of value-added agricultural knowledge to help meet local growers’ needs today and into the future.” There will be no adverse employee impacts for either organisation.

Nissan SA to boost commercial farming in Gauteng Farmers in Rust de Winter, Gauteng will soon become used to Nissan Navara pick-up trucks crisscrossing its rivers, mountains and back roads as Nissan South Africa and Agri Gauteng partner for the rapid development of the area’s subsistence farmers.


issan South Africa donated a Nissan Navara Double Cab and Navara King Kab to Agri Gauteng to enable them to visit and support the area’s 120 farmers. They are spread across Rust de Winter’s 32 000 hectares that straddle the Gauteng and Limpopo border. Many of these farmers do not own vehicles and farm on remote pieces of land that are difficult to access. Its implementing arm, AgriHelp, runs Agri Gauteng’s programme of farm and farmer development. It seeks to create more commercial farmers by helping subsistence farmers to increase and mechanise production. The team assists each of the 120 farmers in the area by visiting them, assessing their needs and production capacity and drafting of business plans. “Over the past two years we have developed a process that will help each of


The Nissan Navara used for farmer development projects in Gauteng.

the farmers in the area to quickly reach a point where they can commercially farm on their plot of land. This includes assisting them with the drafting of a business plan that is submitted to the department of rural development and land reform, accessing available funding from the government and investing in mechanisation rings. A group of farmers share modern farming equipment, which are maintained on their behalf,” says Willem Basson, currently in charge of transformation at Agri Gauteng. Nissan South Africa is a well-known partner to agri chambers across South Africa. It is a long-standing supporter of the Agri Securitas Trust Fund that funds rural safety projects. When members of the agricultural community purchase a new Nissan vehicle, they should use the

fleet code F14911, whereby Nissan SA will make a contribution to the Agri Securitas Trust Fund in aid of farm safety. Many of Nissan’s commercial vehicles also offer a range of farm-ready extras, including offroad bumpers, cattle rails and winches that have been developed in consultation with local farming communities.

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2015/11/02 07:32:21 PM

Roundup® Turbo INGESPAN IN DIE VOORKOMING VAN VELDBRANDE Elke jaar word brande ‘n groter probleem en word duisende hektaar natuurlike veld en weidings verwoes. Benewens die vernietiging van die veld, plaas dit ook baie mense wat saamstaan om die brande onder beheer te bring, se lewens in gevaar. Daar is baie maatreëls wat ingestel kan word in ‘n poging om brande te voorkom, maar dit is moeilik om hierdie maatreëls toe te pas en te polisieer. Daar is egter ‘n paar redelike eenvoudige praktyke wat gevolg kan word om die impak van veldbrande te verminder en om die onbeheerde verspreiding van brande te voorkom. Om weg te spring, is dit belangrik om aan die begin van die winter die gange langs paaie skoon te hou. Die provinsiale owerhede kan hiermee help. Gras en onkruide moet gesny en verwyder word of kan vroeg in die seisoen met ‘n produk soos Roundup® Turbo, bespuit word. Roundup® Turbo is effektief in die beheer van grasse en kruidagtige onkruide en werk so goed omdat glifosaat deur die plant se blare en sagte stamme opgeneem word en regdeur die res van die plant vervoer word, selfs tot in die wortels en ondergrondse stoororgane soos knolle en bolle. Glifosaat se unieke werking binne-in plante behels inhibering van een enkele ensiem wat alleenlik in plante voorkom. Glifosaat beheer dus net plante en nie mikro-organismes of diere en insekte nie, en bowendien is dit skadeloos vir mens en dier.




011 790-8200 Kontak gerus ons kliëntediens by 011 790-8200 of Roundup® Turbo bevat 450 g glifosaat/ℓ en is ’n groepkode G-onkruiddoder. Versigtig. Reg. No. L7166 (Wet No. 36 van 1947) Gebruik onkruiddoders op ‘n veilige manier. Lees altyd die etiket en produkinligting voor gebruik. Monsanto en Roundup® Turbo is geregistreerde handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 88

Omdat glifosaat sistemies is, sal plante wat met glifosaat gespuit is, stadig oor ‘n paar dae of weke doodgaan. ‘n Voordeel van die middel is, dat wanneer glifosaat met grond in aanraking kom, dit baie vinnig gedeaktiveer word omdat hierdie chemiese verbinding deur grond-mikrobes afgebreek word. Die volgende praktyk wat net so belangrik is, is die skoonspuit van die gedeeltes onder grens- en lyndrade. Dit sal help om die intensiteit van brande op brandgange te verminder en sal ook skade aan die drade verminder wanneer brandgange gebrand word. Roundup® Turbo, as sistemiese onkruid- en grasdoder, kan met gemoedsrus hier gebruik word. Dit is verder raadsaam dat elke grondeienaar tydens die somer binnebrandbane op sy plaas maak, sodat ‘n brand gekeer kan word, sou dit op jou grond ontstaan of oorwaai vanaf ‘n buurplaas. As ‘n grondeienaar nalaat om doeltreffende brandbane te maak en ‘n brand oor sy grond na ander plase versprei, kan bure skadevergoeding eis. Hou brandbane skoon deur onkruid en nuwe uitloop van gras te beheer nadat ’n voorbrand gemaak is. Volg die brandaksie op met die uittrek van saailinge per hand, of spuit ‘n onkruiddoder soos Roundup® Turbo.

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2015/11/02 07:35:24 PM

agri Nuus/News

Agri SA invited to attend the 2015 African Market Forum in Taipei, Taiwan Christo van der Rheede, deputy executive director of Agri SA, was recently invited by the economic division of the Taipei liaison office in South Africa to attend the African-Taiwan Economic Forum and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council.


he purpose of the visit was aimed at advancing trade and investment ties between Africa and Taiwan. The five-day programme consisted of seminars to discuss business and investment opportunities in African markets, meetings with prospective local suppliers and investors, and visits to local major factories. The flight, accommodation and travelling arrangements were arranged and covered by the ministry of economic affairs of Taiwan. Van der Rheede was tasked to do a detailed presentation on the role of Agri SA in developing and sustaining commercial farming in South Africa. This presentation was well received and many representatives from Africa and businesses in Taiwan showed a keen interest in Agri SA and its affiliates. Of particular interest was the presentations by manufacturers and businesses active in the space of solar energy, science and technological development, bamboo furniture making, food processing, electricity and fuel free water pump inventions and natural organic rods development for soilless horticulture, aquaculture and ICT. Business representatives from South Africa, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Swaziland, Malawi, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Madagascar, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan and Kenya all emphasised the many business and agricultural related opportunities within the respective countries and the importance of economic growth. They called on international investors to grow their respective investments in these countries and for more information. The purpose of the visit was aimed at

advancing trade and investment ties between Africa and Taiwan. The five-day programme consisted of seminars to discuss business and investment opportunities in African markets, meetings with prospective local suppliers and investors, and visits to local major factories. The flight, accommodation and travelling arrangements were arranged and covered by the ministry of economic affairs of Taiwan. Van der Rheede was tasked to do a detailed presentation on the role of Agri SA in developing and sustaining commercial farming in South Africa. This presentation was well received and many representatives from Africa and businesses in Taiwan showed a keen interest in Agri SA and its affiliates. Of particular interest was the presentations by manufacturers and businesses active in the space of solar energy, science and technological development, bamboo furniture making, food processing, electricity and fuel free water pump inventions and natural organic rods development for soilless horticulture, aquaculture and ICT. Business representatives from South Africa, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Swaziland, Malawi, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Madagascar, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan and Kenya all emphasised the many business and agricultural related opportunities within the respective countries and the importance of economic growth. They called on international investors to grow their respective investments in these countries and for more technological advancements to lower the cost of doing business and increase profitability. Agri SA plans to have follow-up

Christo van der Rheede, deputy executive director of Agri SA (left) presenting a bottle of South African wine to the representative of the liaison office of South Africa in Taipei, Hon Musawenkosi Aphane

interactions with various manufacturers and developers and informing our emerging and commercial farmers about new inventions. Inviting some of these companies to display their products at Nampo or Agri SA Congress in 2016 will also be considered. There is also huge interest in South African wine and other agricultural products and Agri SA and its affiliates were invited to showcase their products in Taiwan and other Eastern markets. Given the most innovative agricultural developments it has now become very important for Agri SA to create an information technological hub that will work together with industry to inform and showcase the latest innovations in agriculture. New friends for and renewed interest in the South African agricultural sector were made and rekindled and lays the basis for very creative and rewarding future engagements with our African and Taiwanese counterparts.

Urgent action needed to address drought “The ability of South African farmers to continue producing at the levels needed to maintain national food security is threatened by the high probability of a second consequent year of drought across many regions,” said Agri SA president Johannes Möller.


uppe marketing A13111

n drought-stricken regions such as those in the North West, Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal provinces, farmers are exposed to severe financial losses, which have made it very difficult for them to operate their businesses sustainably or to meet their obligations to financial institutions. These financial institutions may in turn limit

production credit for the coming season, which means that in the season to come, farmers will face severe financial constraints coupled with inadequate water resources,” said Möller. He warned that, if left unmitigated, these factors would result in lower crop production, labour shedding and rising food prices as has been the case in this year.

“This is a serious situation and we call for urgent interventions to lend assistance to affected farmers, both established and emerging. Agri SA has been closely monitoring climatic developments and has already begun a process to engage with financial institutions, agricultural industry representatives, government stakeholders and disaster risk specialists,” Möller said.

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How to solve meter tampering and utility theft With metering utilities we are faced with the reality of tampering and theft as a real problem that needs a solution.


s much as we would like to believe in the honesty and integrity of people, we have to face the fact that we need to prevent the theft of electricity and water as far as possible. No technology is foolproof, nor does it solve all problems in all circumstances. For that reason, and with over 12 years experience in metering, we coined the solution to one acronym: PRP. The solution is: Pre-emptive, Responsive and Persistent.

Pre-emptive The first step to solve the problem is to start with pre-emptive processes and technology. This means making use of meters that are not easy to reach and processes that avoid access to the metering equipment. Making use of a split electricity meter is such an example. The electricity meter is installed in a metering room or metering box that is locked and protected and a keypad to access this is only made available to the resident. The process aligned with such solution is to allow only selected personnel to have keys to the locks. Using carefully thought-out procedures combined with appropriate preventative technology create a pre-emptive environment. However, this is just step one and a pre-emptive solution by itself is not sufficient. Responsive Even if we do everything physically possible to prevent tampering and theft, there is always the possibility of human error in procedures or someone can solve the preemptive steps. Nothing is bullet-proof.

Should the pre-emptive steps be breached for whatever reason, there needs to be a strict procedure to respond immediately. In the case of tampering, various options are available, such as charging the offender with a tamper fine. This could be done by loading the culprit’s fine onto his or her meter account, charging for the costs of damages. This also goes for arrears on to the meter account for utilities used during the tampering period. Such procedures will make the offenders think twice before repeating the offence. They will be aware of the consequences. In simple terms, they might get away with in the short term, but they will soon realise that eventually they will end up paying for the theft, as well as for damages. In any residential community this knowledge should be sufficient to avoid others following suit.

Persistent The last and most important step is to be persistent in any process and to improve the process at all times. Even responsive procedures sometimes do not deter offenders. The human race is highly resilient and often persistent, which means

people will try again. If the procedures in the responsive stage are not consistently and strictly applied, some offenders may come to the conclusion that in some cases they may be able to get away with tampering. For this reason, the procedures in the responsive stage must be applied in an unrelenting manner. Once all three stages are applied consistently, the loop will be closed and the likeliness of tampering and attempts of utility theft can be reduced to an absolute minimum. That said, such events couldn’t be reduced to zero. There will always be the encounter with the new resident who is not aware of all of the above and who will try to tamper without understanding the consequences. In summary there is no technological solution without procedures and the consistent application thereof that can solve utility theft and the attempt of tampering with metering equipment. The combination of the right technologies, well-planned installation, combined with the right procedures and the application thereof, can reduce such events to a negligible amount.

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Reaction to new legislation a case of mistaken identity? THEO BOSHOFF, AGRI SA LEGAL OFFICER

Few topics have the potential to evoke quite as much emotion in South Africa as expropriation, land reform and the protection of property rights.


his fiery cocktail was again brought under the spotlight in recent weeks as two legislative pronouncements threatened to light the powder keg. The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Public Works held public hearings on the controversial Expropriation Bill on the 28th and 29th of July and the president announced that the Property Valuation Act would come into operation on the first of August. This volatile combination lived up to its promise, as certain quarters declared it to be the end of the willing-buyer-willing-seller principle for land reform, unconstitutional or even the end of private property rights as we know it. If history is anything to go by, then the intention to use expropriation as a tool to effect social transformation is something that must be approached with the necessary circumspection. However, a sober analysis of the new legislative provisions reveals that this debate is one that should take place under the broader umbrella of land reform and transformative social policy. A rational deconstruction of the legislation in question shows that many of these sentiments may, perhaps, be misdirected to a certain extent.

Nature of the Expropriation Bill The Expropriation Bill does not introduce the concept of expropriation, it merely regulates it. Expropriation is a concept whereby the state can acquire property without the consent of the owner, subject to compensation. While this is undoubtedly an invasive intervention by the state, most foreign jurisdictions recognise this power as a necessary tool, which governments may exercise for public purposes, such as the construction of infrastructure. In the Unites States it is known as the right of eminent domain, while other jurisdictions refer to it as the state’s power of compulsory acquisition for public purposes. This concept is not foreign to our legal system either, and it is expressly recognised in section 25 of the Constitution itself. Section 25 states that the state may expropriate property in terms of a law of general application, subject to just and equitable compensation that must either be agreed upon between the owner and the state, or determined by a court. The debate as to whether or not the state should possess the power to expropriate property is therefore a constitutional debate; the Expropriation Bill can merely give effect to the constitutional provision but the state’s power to expropriate

is not entirely reliant on the promulgation of this bill. The function of this bill is to regulate the procedure and the manner in which compensation is to be calculated. The current Expropriation Act has a similar function; however, its provisions are not entirely aligned to the Constitution, as it dates back to 1975, almost 20 years before the Constitution came into force. The role of the new bill is to lay down a uniform procedure for all expropriating authorities in line with the right to administrative justice. While expropriation is by its very nature invasive, the procedures contained in the new bill do appear to promote thorough consultation and transparency that stack up well when compared to the procedures followed in foreign jurisdictions. Regarding compensation, the bill echoes section 25 (3) of the Constitution’s formulation for ‘just and equitable compensation’ almost verbatim. Legitimate concerns were raised during the public hearings in relation to mortgage bonds registered over property. Loans secured by mortgage bonds are usually calculated based on the market value that can be recovered from selling the property should the lender default. If just and equitable compensation is judged to be less than market value in a given situation, then it could place the property owner in a sticky situation if he cannot repay the full loan out of the compensation. In this regard the bill could do with an anti-insolvency provision, a route several foreign jurisdictions have chosen to follow. Bar a few minor improvements that could be made, the bill’s methodology does seem to mirror that of the Constitution.

Role of the Property Valuation Act The Property Valuation Act creates an in-house valuation capacity for the department of rural development and land reform. In principle, this seems like a good idea to prevent the state from paying exorbitant prices or >>> page 95 agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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94 2015/11/02 07:35:37 PM

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Esta Amendment Bill on its way to Parliament ANNALIZE CROSBY, AGRI SA

The Extension of Security of Tenure (Esta) Amendment Draft Bill was first published in October 2013. A Nedlac process followed in 2014, and a regulatory impact assessment was conducted early in 2015. The draft bill was approved by Cabinet in August 2015 and the version that will be tabled in Parliament was released at the end of September 2015.


gri SA has participated in all the public consultation processes regarding the bill, including the Nedlac process. The organisation also submitted comments on the Regulatory Impact Assessment. Broadly speaking, the objectives of the bill are to amend and insert certain definitions; to substitute the provision of subsidies with tenure grants; to further regulate the rights of occupiers; to provide for legal representation for occupiers; to further regulate the eviction of occupiers by enforcing alternative resolution mechanisms provided for in the act; to provide for the establishment and operation of the Land Rights Management Board and land rights management committees to identify, monitor and settle land-rights disputes and to establish and maintain a data base of occupiers, landrights disputes and evictions. The bill will bring about the establishment

of land-rights management committees in every district, as well as a national landrights management board. The land-rights management committees will identify and monitor land-rights disputes and take steps to resolve these disputes. Some of the amendments that were disputed in Nedlac include the definitions of “dependant”, “occupier”, “family” and “reside”. Organised labour proposed additional procedural safeguards for eviction, which organised business opposed. These are not included in the bill that is due to be tabled in Parliament. Agri SA is, however, still concerned about a provision that requires legal representation of occupiers as a prerequisite for an eviction order to be granted. And while Agri SA welcomes more focus on mediation, we want time limits to be applied to mediation to prevent such processes from dragging on indefinitely.

New legislation <<< page 93

If the property owner is not satisfied with the offer made by the state to purchase the property, he or she can simply refuse the offer. Likewise, if the owner is not satisfied with the offer of compensation upon expropriation, the matter can be referred to court for a determination.

making undervalued offers to landowners. The confusion comes from the fact that the act instructs the Office of the ValuerGeneral to value properties identified for land reform according to the principle of ‘just and equitable compensation’ as contained in section 25 (3) of the Constitution. In the Constitution, the just and equitable concept only relates to compensation for expropriation and not to land acquired on the open market for land-reform purposes. Understandably, this has created a connection between the Office of the Valuer-General and expropriation in the minds of many commentators. However tempting it may be to make this connection, the fact remains that section 25 clearly states that compensation for expropriation must either be agreed upon, or decided by a court. The Valuer-General can therefore not determine compensation upon expropriation. At most, the Valuer-General can inform the state as to what offer it should make to purchase the property, and failing that, what the state’s initial offer of compensation should be if expropriation is followed; however, it cannot be binding on the landowner. The Provision of Land and Assistance Act 126 of 1993, the Restitution of Land Right Act 22 of 1994 and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997

Expropriation as a means to effect land reform Several sound arguments can be made against using expropriation for land reform. However, using these arguments as a basis to oppose the Expropriation Bill would indeed be misplaced. This is a classic case of mistaken identity, as the Expropriation Bill itself does not confer the power to expropriate for the land reform. In fact, that power has existed for quite some time now. The Expropriation Bill does not confer the power to expropriate (with the exception of the minister of public works); it merely regulates the procedure and compensation where that power already exists. Various pieces of legislation dating back to 19911 already conferred the authority to expropriate onto the minister of rural development and land reform for purposes such as land restitution, redistribution and tenure security. Should one be opposed to that power in principle, the concern should be directed towards those existing provisions and not the bill that regulates procedure.

The bill also provides for occupiers to henceforth be entitled not only to maintain family graves on farms, but also to erect tombstones. The bill will also grant occupiers the right to take reasonable measures to maintain the dwellings occupied by them and their families. Agri SA will submit written comments on the bill to the relevant parliamentary portfolio committee. It is furthermore unlikely that the new legislation will replace the willing-buyer-willingseller principle in totality. The expropriation procedures remain cumbersome for the state and as such the option to purchase property should remain the first choice where a reasonable price can be agreed upon. New government structures, such as the district land reform committees, are specifically being created to allow agriculturalists to assist the state in accurately gauging their offers to buy land for land-reform purposes. In addition, the Expropriation Bill even mandates an expropriating authority to first demonstrate an attempt at purchasing the property on reasonable terms before expropriation may be invoked. There is a wave of new legislation affecting property rights, the importance of which cannot be understated. However, it remains important to treat each law on its merits and not simply ride the wave of popular discourse. Sound reasons exist not to use expropriation in the first instance to effect land reform, as better alternatives are available. Nevertheless, these arguments should be debated within the correct context. When the Expropriation Bill or Property Valuation Act is cited as the proverbial end of private property rights in South Africa, one cannot help but wonder if they have been wrongfully accused.

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Mycofix® is die eerste en enigste EU- gemagtigde* voer byvoegsel wat bewyse het dat dit mikotoksiene kan elimineer. Maar net nog ‘n bewys van soliede R&D wat BIOMIN as die duidelike leier in mikotoksien risiko bestuur maak. *Biomin® BBSH 797 en Mycofix® Secure

BIOMIN South Africa plc, 2571 Klerksdorp, South Africa Tel: +27 18 468 1455, e-mail: Naturally ahead AGRI Okt 2015.indd 96

2015/11/02 07:35:39 PM


agri Promosie/Promotional

Mycotoxins are a serious threat to the animal industry Cow comfort includes a healthy rumen. The right quality feed plays a crucial role in maintaining the optimum performance from your cows. Mycotoxins in feed erode cow health and profit margins.


he occurrence of mycotoxins is ubiquitous, which is why it represents a worldwide problem for the animal industry. Even with the use of prevention techniques in the field or during storage, it is actually impossible to avoid mycotoxins completely in agricultural commodities. A mycotoxin is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by organisms of the fungus kingdom, commonly known as moulds. The term mycotoxin is usually reserved for the toxic chemical products produced by fungi that readily colonise crops. One mould species may produce many different mycotoxins, and the same mycotoxin may be produced by several species. In the eighties and nineties of the last century mycotoxins were not really considered a threat, merely because the detection methods were not sufficient enough to track them. Nowadays, however, these secondary metabolites of various fungi and moulds have become an essential part of animal nutrition. The contamination of animal feed with mycotoxins is a threat to farmers internationally. The complex diet of ruminants consists of forages, concentrates and silage, which can be a source of diverse mixtures of mycotoxins that contaminate individual feed components. Concomitantly, there has been an increase in feed intake to meet the greater nutrient demand, which often exposes cows to mycotoxin-contaminated feeds. Ruminants (sheep, dairy and beef cattle) have some capacity to protect themselves against the harmful effects of mycotoxins due to the detoxifying action of certain rumen micro-organisms. However, modern dairy cows have a much faster passage of feed through the rumen, which ultimately results in less time for rumen microbes to detoxify mycotoxins. The combined factors of high production, incompetent rumen microflora action, unbalanced nutrition and mycotoxins in the feed are key factors that enable mycotoxins to escape detoxification and be absorbed by the intestine, as in monogastrics (poultry and pigs) Dairy farmers who have been making

effects are subclinical. use of a mycotoxin Mycotoxins exert their deactivator have effects through four primary Mycotoxins can be the primary agent noticed measurable mechanisms, namely intake causing acute health or improvements in milk production problems production of between reduction or feed refusal, reduced nutrient absorption in a dairy herd, but 2,5ℓ and 3,5ℓ per cow and impaired metabolism, are more likely to be per day. Commonly, these types of feed alterations in the endocrine a factor contributing to chronic problems, additives are known as and exocrine systems, including a higher “binders”, but products and suppression of the incidence of diseases, that offers three immune system. poor reproductive different mycotoxin performance and risk-management suboptimal milk production. strategies – bio-transformation, bioMycotoxins exert their effects through protection and adsorption (binding) – are four primary mechanisms, namely intake more effective. One of the most important reduction or feed refusal, reduced nutrient aspects of farming is seeing a good return absorption and impaired metabolism, on investment because profit margins are alterations in the endocrine and exocrine so low. systems, and suppression of the immune Symptoms of mycotoxicosis in a dairy system. It is a well-known fact that almost herd’s ration may be non-specific, wideall mycotoxins suppress the immune system ranging and subclinical, depending on the and impair a proper rumen function, even types of mycotoxins and their interaction at levels that may not cause metabolic or with other stress factors, such as farm physiological problems. Accurate feeding of management, the presence of infectious dairy cows in combination with continuous diseases and the welfare of the animals. mycotoxin risk management is therefore of It is difficult to recognise when mycotoxins key importance in managing the optimal are causing poor health and performance performance of livestock. in herds. Mycotoxins such as zearalenone Always consult with a qualified animal predominantly affect reproduction and are nutritionist before making changes to your relatively easy to identify. Unfortunately the herd’s feed ration. For more information on most common and most difficult challenges this article, contact Albert van Rensburg at for identification occur when rations contain tel no (018) 468 1455. low levels of mycotoxins and when the health agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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2015/11/02 07:35:44 PM

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Sustainable development goals and agenda 2030 in a nutshell THABI NKOSI, SENIOR ECONOMIST, AGRI SA

On 25 September 2015, the 193-member United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is composed of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that should be met by both developed and developing countries to wipe out poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change over the next 15 years.


he 2030 Agenda is the new global framework to help eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030. The 17 SDGs aim to build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adopted in 2000 to rally the world

around a common 15-year agenda to tackle poverty. The new goals balance economic, social and environmental dimensions and are meant to drive all countries to take the steps needed to shift the world onto a more sustainable and resilient path. The SDGs

aim to stimulate action in five main areas of importance, namely people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnership, in line with the common vision. The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted are summarised in the figure below.

A focus on agriculture More than any other sector, agriculture is the common thread which holds the 17 SDGs together. Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” To fulfil this goal, the United Nations has identified a series of specific targets as detailed on page 101. Hunger: By 2030, end hunger and ensure

access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round; Malnutrition: By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under five years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons.

Productivity and incomes: By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment. >>> page 101

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Sustainable development goals <<< page 99 Sustainability and resilience: By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality. Biodiversity: By 2020, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels, and promote access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed. Investment: Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity

A profound change of the global food and agriculture system is needed if we are to nourish today’s 795 million hungry and the additional 2 billion people expected by 2050. The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication. in developing countries, in particular least developed countries. Trade: Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets, including through the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and all export measures with equivalent effect, in accordance with the mandate of the Doha Development Round. Commodity markets: Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity

markets and their derivatives and facilitate timely access to market information, including on food reserves, in order to help limit extreme food price volatility. Agriculture across the SDGs Goal 2 is closely linked to the other SDGs and, from an analysis of the SDG targets, it is clear that without a strong and sustainable agricultural sector, meeting all other goals will be difficult. The figure provides an example of the linkages between Goal 2 and other key SDGs.

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2015/11/02 07:35:56 PM

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Trimble help boere meer strategies boer Boere ervaar deesdae al hoe meer druk om produksie te verhoog en uitgawes te besnoei. Hulle soek terselfdertyd na oplossings wat wins sal verseker, maar ook aan strenger wetgewing ten opsigte van die omgewing en natuurlike hulpbronbeskerming sal voldoen. Trimble se produkte vir presisieboerdery is ontwerp om hierdie doelwitte te bereik. Ons oplossings is op alle seisoene, gewasse, terreine en voertuie van toepassing.


Maak die verskil rimble-oplossings sal onder meer ’n verskil aan plaasbestuur maak. Trimble-leiding- en -stuuroplossings verminder misrye, oorvleuelings, gewasbeskadiging en grondkompaksie om opbrengste te verbeter. Ons bied skerms vir die intreevlak, soos die EZ-Guide® 250, wat oor basiese presisieboerderyvaardighede beskik, tot met die nuwe gevorderde TMX-2050™skerm wat op die gewilde Android™sagtewareplatform gebou is om die gemak van gebruik te bevorder. Trimble verkaf dié verskeidenheid om te verseker dat die boere die vlak van akkuraatheid ontvang wat hulle boerdery benodig. Trimble verskaf ook ’n aantal korreksie-seine wat die grootste verskeidenheid en akkuraatste aanbod in die mark is. Inligtingbestuur en -besluitneming Trimble bied boere ook Connected Farm™,

’n draadlose kommunikasieoplossing om die doeltreffende bestuur van ’n groot hoeveelheid inligting wat presisieboerderystelsels daagliks vereis, te bestuur. Connected Farm™ skep ’n kommunikasieband tussen plaas en kantoor, asook tussen voertuie wat op dieselfde land werk. Dit bespaar tyd en maak die boerdery meer produktief. Die Connected Farm™-oplossing stel boere in staat om beter besluite oor die bestuur van hulle plase te maak. Connected Farm™ bied byvoorbeeld ’n oorsig van die plaas se bedrywighede, insluitend wat die

weersomstandighede is, die beweging van voertuie, veldaktiwiteit en grensbakenkaarte. Daar is ook heelwat ander inligtingopsies beskikbaar. Met sulke belangrike inligting op ’n boer se vingerpunte is dit moontlik om daagliks ingeligte besluite oor die plaas se bestuur te kan neem. Vir meer inligting oor Trimble, besoek

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Trimble Landbou handhaaf ´n internasionale netwerk van ervare gemagtigde handelaars wat elk uitgesoek is om u deur elke stap van u landbou aktiwiteite the ondersteun. Ronin PFS, ´n betroubare Trimble herverkoper van af 2007, is nou ingelsluit by hierdie eksklusiewe groep van Trimble gemagtigde handelaars. Saam bied Trimble en Ronin PFS u effektiewe advies in verband met die korrekte presisie landbou oplossings vir u omgewing asook die versekering van kwalityd kliënte diens, persoonlike opleiding en tegniese ondersteuning. Kontak Ronin PFS, ´n Trimble gemagdigde herverkoper vir Suid Afrika en ´n Trimble gekrediteerde werkswinkel vir sub-Sahara Afrika, vandag en vind baat by jare se internationale en binnelandse presisie landbou ervaring!


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2015/11/02 07:35:58 PM

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Siwi urges negotiators to respect the climate agreement


The International World Water Week closed on Friday 28 August 2015 in Stockhölm, Sweden, with the Swedish International Water Institute (Siwi) urging climate negotiators to ensure that water is thoroughly integrated in the global 2015 climate agreement.


his year, World Water Week – themed “Water for Development” – had 3 300 participants from 125 countries, representing governments, academia, civil society, international organisations, the private sector, and many others. Both World Water Week and Stockholm Water Prize celebrated their 25th jubilee. Siwi executive director Torgny Holmgren summarised the voices of the week when he said, “Water is what binds together all the aspects of climate change. Climate change is water change.” The impact of climate change is felt through water, with flooding, erratic rain patterns, prolonged droughts, and other extreme weather events. Water is also critical for successful climate change mitigation, as many efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions depend on reliable access to water resources. “It is absolutely vital that water is a part of both voluntary initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as of the Climate Convention itself,” said Karin Lexén, director of World Water Week, International Processes and Prizes. Sweden’s minister of climate and environment and deputy prime minister, Dr Åsa Romson, echoed Siwi’s message: “If waters are not managed properly and water resources management is not well integrated in climate efforts, climate impacts will have

a significant effect on our societies – it is a challenge for all countries.” She added: “I want to encourage further discussions on how to strengthen water resilience as part of the action agenda and to make sure that climate investments, including through the Green Climate Fund, can support water resilience.” Dr Benedito Braga, secretary of state for sanitation and water resources for the state of São Paulo in Brazil and president of the World Water Council, said, “Water security is probably the greatest human challenge of this century.” Struggling with extreme water shortages in a metropolitan area serving over 20 million people, he added, “I strongly believe that the stakes today are higher than ever.” In a passionate plea to negotiators in Paris, the president of Marshall Islands, Christopher J Loeak, earlier in the week said he was not sure if he dared hope for the strongest possible wording in the climate agreement, but said he expected the world to make a historic pledge that would not only save his country, but also the world. “We [Marshall Islands] are quite literally contemplating a future where we are being wiped off the world map,” he said. “It is of utmost importance to integrate and address water in the global climate discourse and this World Water Week has been an important platform for such collaborative discussions towards Paris,”

minister Åsa Romson concluded.

Prizes During the week, several prizes were awarded for excellence in water-related issues. The Stockholm Industry Water Award was awarded to the engineering company CH2M for developing and advancing methods to clean water, and increasing public acceptance of recycled water. Perry Alagappan from USA received the 2015 Stockholm Junior Water Prize for inventing a filter through which toxic heavy metals from electronic waste can be removed from water. And finally, the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize was awarded to Rajendra Singh of India, for his innovative water-restoration efforts, improving water security in rural India, and for showing extraordinary courage and determination in his quest to improve the living conditions for those most in need. About Siwi Siwi is a policy institute working for a water-wise world. Siwi does independent research, generates knowledge and provides expert analysis and advice on water issues to decision-makers and other agents of change. Siwi organises the World Water Week in Stockholm – the leading annual global meeting place on water and development issues – and hosts the Stockholm Water Prize, the Stockholm Junior Water Prize and the Stockholm Industry Water Award.

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2015/11/02 07:35:59 PM

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Krippe vir elke behoefte Vrystaat Krippe se staatmaker­ produkte pronk op vele plase, nie net in die Vrystaat nie, maar ook elders in die land.


ns betonbesigheid het in 2005 in Welkom in die Vrystaat begin. Twee jaar later het ons na Bloemfontein verskuif waar ons ‘n verskeidenheid betonprodukte vervaardig. In 2011 het ons kragte saamgespan met die Central University of Technology in die Vrystaat (CUT) om spesialiskrippe te ontwikkel,” vertel Paul Fouche, eienaar van Vrystaat Krippe. “In samewerking met CUT, en ook boere, het ons probleme aangespreek en van die gewone krippe spesialiskrippe gemaak. Ons het byvoorbeeld meer as vyf verskillende waterkrippe beskikbaar. Fouché sê dat die krippe ontwerp is met die volgende in gedagte: • Die hoeveelheid kripspasie vir die voorsiening van water aan lewende hawe hou direk verband met hulle kondisie. • Die gemak waarmee diere water drink.

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• Vierkantige krippe maak baie makliker skoon met ‘n besem as ronde krippe. • ‘n Uitlaatklep is belangrik vir gemaklike, vinnige skoonmaakdoeleindes en om siektes soos lewerslak te vermy. • Krippe het ‘n unieke dekselontwerp wat insak, sodat die diere dit nie afstoot nie.

Al die verskillende krippe word op Vrystaat Krippe se perseel gegiet en per vragmotor afgelewer. Aflewerings­koste word per kilometer bereken. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Paul Fouché: 084 446 7145

104 2015/11/02 07:36:00 PM

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Grain SA Day of Celebration held Grain SA held its annual Day of Celebration in Bloemfontein on 1 October 2015. The main aim of the day was to showcase transformation and celebrate the achievements made in the year by Grain SA and the farmers under their farmer development programme.


armers from across various provinces of South Africa where Grain SA has a footprint, together with different stakeholders involved in grain farming, were in attendance. Three categories of farmers were rewarded on the day: subsistence farmers, producing grain on up to 10 ha land; smallholder farmers, from 10 ha to 250 ton yield; and lastly new-era commercial farmers, from 250 ton yield and more. Ernst Janovsky of Absa, who are partners to the programme, said that farmer development meant growth for the future in order to have successful farmers and ensure food security in the country, and Absa wanted to build relationships with such farmers. John Deere SA, who sponsored a tractor for the winner in the category of new-era commercial farmers, said that they not only provided mechanisation, but also training to the emerging farmers. Johan Kriel, regional manager of Grain SA, explained the criteria for entering the competition. He reminded attendees, “A farmer has to be a paid-up member of the study group and must have done a training course for smallholders. At subsistence level, you need to have access to land from around half a hectare to 10 ha, and a smallholder has to have 10 ha and more, whereas at commercial level you need to have a yield of at least 250 ton. The team of adjudicators will look at the production practices, soil potential, financial management, marketing,

your future plans etc.” He further thanked the team of adjudicators for a job well done after covering so many kilometres to do the adjudication on each farm. Jane McPherson, Grain SA farmer development manager, indicated that the previous year had been very tough as drought had hit many grain producing areas, but they were happy that there were farmers who had had good harvests. Four farmers were graduating into the 250 ton club and two farmers respectively into the category of 500 ton club and 1 000 ton club. The finalists and winners for different categories were: • Grain SA / Absa Subsistence Farmer of the Year: Jabulani Abedingo Mbele, Ngubengcuka, Christian Moyo, and Musawenkosi David Ntombela. The winner was Ngubengcuka Christian Moyo of Maclear Ngqayi, Eastern Cape. • Grain SA / Syngenta Smallholder Farmer of the Year: Salphanius Motswenyane, Lawrence Mtsweni, and Daliwonga Nombewu. The winner was Dalibonga Nombewu of Tsolo in the Eastern Cape. • Grain SA / Absa John Deere Financial New-era Commercial Farmer of the Year: Vuyani and Lungelwa Kama, Maseli Augustinus Letuka, and Solomon Masango. The winner was Solomon Masango of Carolina, Mpumalanga. Masango walked away with a John Deere tractor sponsored by John Deere SA. As partners to the programme, Syngenta as

well as Monsanto also encouraged winners, finalists and nominees. Mphilo Dlamini, corporate affairs manager of Syngenta, said that they were focused on producing new technology for producers to improve their production and placed special emphasis on emerging farmers through their Good Growth Plan for sustainable agriculture. Likewise, Pieter Smit of Monsanto indicated that, through their technology and resources, they endeavoured to improve the lives of farmers so that farmers could produce more while using less and less resources. “We are striving to connect all smallholders and subsistence farmers across Africa to share our experiences.” He urged famers to “never stop learning” for growth. Thulani Mbele shared his long road to success with the audience. He had to go back to an agricultural college after some 15 years of employment, thus illustrating that one had to show dedication and determination to make it in the farming business. In his closing remarks, Grain SA CEO Jannie de Villiers said, ”The joy for us is when we see harvesting farmers; we need more economies of efficiency to get the most out of the available resources. In a dry year like this, achieving some 4 tonnes per hectare on average is really an achievement we are proud of. We won’t stop working to get finance for black farmers to move on and get food security in our country. Thank you to everyone who played a part in this wonderful event.”

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2015/11/02 07:36:00 PM

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Ballistic Body Armour gee goeie raad oor plaasveiligheid George du Toit, voorsitter van ‘n groep plase in die Afgunswykgebied naby Ellisras, is vol lof vir die raad en leiding wat hulle vroeër vanjaar van Ballistic Body Armour oor plaasbeveiliging en sekuriteit ontvang het.


Geliefde tannie is vroeër vanjaar op een van die plase in ons omgewing vermoor. Die gemeenskap het besluit dat ons self iets sal moet doen om ons te beveilig omdat ons so ver van die dorp af is,” sê Du Toit. Hulle het by die Gemeenskapspolisiëring­ forum (GPF) van Ellisras ingeskakel. Du Toit is nou ook ondervoorsitter van dié forum. “Ons het vier boere aangewys in ons omgewing wat sou dien as bystand vir enige voorvalle en die Afguns-gemeenskap het besluit om hulle met koeëlvaste baadjies en radio’s toe te rus.” Du Toit sê Ballistic Body Armour was die enigste firma wat in sekuriteitstoerusting

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spesialiseer wat hulle baadjies en ander produkte persoonlik kom wys en demonstreer het. Die Afguns-gemeenskap het toe vir hulle reaksiespan koeëlvaste baadjies by dié firma aangeskaf. “Omdat ons tussen berge bly, kan dit erg warm raak. Ballistic Body Armour het hulle produk só aangepas dat die baadjies beter ventileer sodat die manne op misdaadtonele en tydens agtervolgingaksies gemakliker in die hitte kan stap. Hulle kan ook ‘n watersak op die rug dra,” sê Du Toit. Hy sê dat die raad en leiding wat hulle van

die firma oor veiligheidsaangeleenthede ontvang het en steeds ontvang, van ontskatbare waarde is. “Hulle bel ook gereeld om te hoor hoe dit gaan en of ons verdere hulp nodig het. Hulle doen ook navraag oor waar hulle hul produk kan verbeter. Die násorgdiens is uitstekend,” sê Du Toit.

106 2015/11/02 07:36:02 PM

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Agri SA’s submission to the Davis Tax Committee JOHAN PIENAAR, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA

The Davis Tax Committee published its findings and recommendations with regard to value added tax (VAT) in July 2015. The Committee was appointed by former finance minister Pravin Gordhan to assess the tax policy framework and its role in supporting the objectives of growth, employment, development and fiscal sustainability.


hile Agri SA supports the comprehensive manner in which the committee reported on the challenges facing the South African tax system, we are particularly concerned about the committee’s suggestion of a possible withdrawal of the zero-VAT rating dispensation as it relates to certain basic food items. The submission below was made by Agri SA to the committee, highlighting this concern. “Agri SA is the main representative organisation of commercial agriculture in the country and its members are fully exposed to tax related legislation, also that pertaining to value added tax (VAT). Given the Davis Committee’s deliberations on zero rating, the future dispensation in this regard on basic foodstuffs is of immediate concern to our membership, more so because of market concerns if some of these are to be excluded.

Zero rating of foodstuffs The Davis committee mooted the possibility of withdrawing certain foodstuffs such as fruit and milk from the “list” and to retain those that “more clearly benefit” the poor households. At least in theory such a withdrawal will lead to a price increase to the final consumer, be they rich or poor. Agri SA wishes to advise against such a dispensation for the following reasons: • According to the food-based dietary guidelines of the department of health, fruit and milk are integral and necessary as part of a balanced diet. Raising prices by 14% (VAT-rate) will not be supportive in this regard, especially for the poor as Delegates say their say <<< page 36 feel we are alone in our fight against crime/drought/corruption: Yes 95% No 5% • Do we have sufficient unity about agriculture in the sector? Yes 8% No 92% • Unity will never be possible: Yes 33% No 67% • We are doing enough in Agri SA to include the next generation farmers into our structures: Yes 33% No 67%

alternative measures i.e. direct support are unlikely to be forthcoming. • Although regressivity are present for the specific products, as was stated in a report to the Davis Committee, it is also clear that the zero-rating system of food is generally neutral i.e. not favouring the rich relatively more than the poor. • Based on the consumption expenditure on the two products in question provided in the report it is clear that the lowest five consumption deciles do spend significant amounts (R250 in the case of milk) on the particular products. Barring considerations like the elasticity of demand, it is clear that withdrawing zerorating on milk will require approximately R35 million of additional disposable income from the bottom half of the expenditure profile for milk only. • When regressivity considerations are relevant it would be advisable not to only view the VAT system holistically but also the tax system at large. Marginal income tax rates having been increased in recent times along with fiscal drag surely plays • TAU SA will be relevant ten years from now: Yes 23% No 77% • Afasa will be relevant ten years from now: Yes 28% No 72% • Agri SA will be relevant ten years from now: Yes 86% No 14% • All these organisations should: Be amalgamated into one organisation 53,3%, adopt an “everyone for themselves” approach 1,3%, continue working together in Asuf 45.3%

a significant role towards progressivity of the tax system. • Although international comparisons should include rate structures amongst others, a cursory overview of the situation in other African countries seem to indicate a favourable dispensation for basic foodstuffs either being exempted from VAT or zero-rated. The zerorating system also applies to fruit and vegetables (Tanzania), milk zero-rated (Uganda, Zimbabwe and Namibia). South Africa will not be peculiar with respect to zero-rating of the particular products. • As indicated by the IMF captured in the report of the Davis Committee the policy gap (or tax expenditure) in South Africa is low compared to European countries. It is therefore clear that the room for additional revenue by changing the VAT structure is limited. Withdrawing the zerorate on certain foodstuffs is also from a policy gap perspective unnecessary and likely not to serve the interest of the poor as it will unlikely be replaced by something more purpose specific. On balance, Agri SA views the possible withdrawal of the zero-rating system on specific food products as unnecessary and impracticable given the absence of suitable replacements. If need to be an increase in the VAT rate should rather be considered.” • I think there are too many different messages from too many organisations going out to our stakeholders, specifically government: Yes 96% No 4% • The private sector is doing enough to assist Agri SA with resources to execute its mandate: Yes 14% No 86% • Our affiliates are doing enough to assist Agri SA with resources to execute its mandate: Yes 66% No 34%.

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2:49 PM









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2015/11/02 07:36:08 PM

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Creating world-wide confidence in South African produce The Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB), South Africa’s official certification agency for the export of perishable products, has come a long way since its establishment in 1926. With the aim of fostering international confidence in South African produce and enabling its customers to become preferred suppliers of perishable products worldwide, the organisation plays a vital role in an industry estimated to generate more than R20 billion per year.


estament to the progress that has been made by the organisation is the company’s tablet technology initiative, Project Titan, which was launched in October 2014 and has since gone live at over 130 pack houses across South Africa and seen over 11 million cartons inspected with the new system. Aimed at eliminating the manual processes involved with quality inspections and export certification, Project Titan sees inspectors from the PPECB replace the manual clip-board and pen methodology with an Android tablet for the purpose of conducting inspections. This move not only dramatically reduces the turnaround time and administration involved with export certification but also aids in compliance to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ (DAFF) requirements. Furthermore, the data provided from the system assists the PPECB in providing timeous and accurate statistical data to industry stakeholders and ensure accurate billing. The PPECB, mandated by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), has been delivering end-point inspection services on perishable products destined for export since 1991. Inspectors, stationed across South Africa, are suitably qualified

and extensively trained to deliver consistent quality inspection services on over 200 product types at more than 1 500 locations. Products approved for export carry the passed for export stamp, regarded as a symbol of quality assurance to clients and consumers around the world. As South Africa’s official certification agency for perishable export products, the PPECB’s impartial and independent services significantly reduces risks for producers and exporters and has assisted South African suppliers to gain a foothold amongst international traders. Although the PPECB is not the only organisation of its kind in the world, it is largely unique. Other countries which have similar inspection agencies include the Netherlands, New Zealand, Israel, Kenya and Morocco. What sets the PPECB apart is the fact that the organisation not only conducts quality inspections of perishable products destined for export, but is also responsible for South Africa’s cold chain management and ensuring that products for export are handled, stored and transported at specific temperatures and optimum conditions. Cold chain services provided by the organisation include the inspection and approval of equipment such as containers, specialised reefer vessels and cold stores; overseeing loading processes and en-route temperature management of produce. Apart from product inspections

and cold chain management, ensuring food safety is also high on the PPECB’s list of strategic focuses. Ultimately the PPECB ensures that Food Business Operators (FBOs) comply with the standards regarding food hygiene and food safety of regulated agricultural food products intended for export. The PPECB fulfils this role by conducting Statutory Food Safety Audits nationally. These audits focus on worker hygiene, use of plant protection products and traceability together with good agricultural practices. Following a successful food safety audit a food safety compliance certificate, referred to as the South African Good Agricultural Practices (SA GAP), is issued to the FBO. The PPECBs Food Safety Services are furthermore supported by its Centurion based laboratory, which is geared for the delivery of analytical services such as mycotoxin analysis, fats analysis, dairy testing and maximum residue level (MRL) testing of pesticides in a myriad of matrices (grain, feed, fruit, vegetables, cereals, peanut butter, spices). Apart from mandatory services such as mycotoxin analysis on groundnuts for the export industry, the laboratory also delivers a range of services to the South African commercial sector. By combining this vast range of expertise and services the PPECB is perfectly positioned to support South African exporters and enhance the credibility of the South African export certificate in the global marketplace. For further information on the PPECB please visit or call 021 930 1134.

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2015/11/02 07:36:12 PM

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N1 4x4 slaag die tydtoets Tyd bly een van die beste maatstawwe van gehalte en bestuursvernuf. Daarom is die twee dekades wat N1 4x4 vanjaar bestaan, ’n bevestiging daarvan dat dié sakeonderneming dinge reg doen.


1 4x4 is vandag die grootste plaaslike verskaffer van nuwe, gebruikte en vervangings­ onderdele vir Land Cruisers en Hilux in Afrika en ’n magdom ander vaardighede – soos die herbouing van enjins, ratkaste en ewenaars en die vervaardiging van wildsbesigtigings- en spesialis-mynvoertuie – maak hom een van boere en ander gebruikers se gewildste verskaffers.

N1 4x4 se onlangse verjaardagfees by die Tarlton- internasionale renbaan het byvoorbeeld die rekords laat spat: Nie alleen was die 371 Land Cruisers op die terrein die meeste tot nog toe nie maar die 339 trotse eienaars in ’n enkele konvooi was ’n ewe indrukwekkende gebeurtenis. Die statistieke van die Land Cruisers by die fees spreek ook boekdele: Die voertuie het gesamentlik reeds 67 689 027 kilometer afgelê – ’n gemiddeld van 191 754 km per voertuig.

N1 4x4 is, soos sy naam aandui, langs die N1-snelweg van Pretoria na die noorde geleë en het omtrent alles denkbaar in voorraad om onder meer ’n 4x4-avontuur so gerieflik en probleemvry moontlik te maak. Sy voorraad sluit 12 000 nuwe, gebruikte en herboude onderdele in wat in ’n enorme pakhuis van 3 000 vierkante meter geberg word. Sy werkwinkel is 1 200 m² groot en sowat 50 personeellede sorg dat kliënte tevrede gehou word.

N1 4X4

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JY KAN ’N VERSKIL MAAK! Sáám kan ons die tegnologie beskerm en die toekoms verseker. Rentmeesterskap beteken om die beste tegnologie na die volgende generasie oor te dra. Dit is belangrik om ’n toevlugsarea aan te plant, want dit voorkom die natuurlike opbou van weerstand en beskerm die tegnologie. Oes die voordele van YieldGard® en YieldGard® II-tegnologie en plant jou toevlugsarea aan!


Monsanto, YieldGard® en YieldGard® II is geregistreerde handelsname van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

Tel: +27 11 790-8200 Faks: +27 11 790-8350

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CONTACT US T: +27 12 545 0200 F: 012 940 3383 E: PYRAMID (HEAD OFFICE) Plot 6, Olifant Street, Haakdoornlaagte GPS: S 25d 35m 32.05s E 28d 16m 41.10s MONTANA BRANCH Shop 5, Montana Value Centre GPS: S 25d 40m 57.49s E 28d 16m 28.41s

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110 2015/11/02 07:36:13 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Kwanalu’s 17th annual congress brings farmers together KwaZulu-Natal’s Agricultural Union (Kwanalu) held its 17th annual congress at the Royal Show Grounds in Pietermaritzburg on 10 September. Kwanalu delegate members, fellow farmers and agricultural industry leaders from all over KZN attended the event, reflecting on the past year as an agricultural community.


ndy Buchan, a strawberry farmer from Greytown, was elected as the 2015/2016 president of Kwanalu. Outgoing president Mike Black was elected as vice-president, along with Phenias Gumede. “The road ahead will no doubt be an arduous one but I have confidence in the strong team that we have in Kwanalu. Agriculture is a vehicle through which we can serve the people, and I count it as an honour to serve people,” said Buchan on accepting the position. “We at Kwanalu are looking forward to working with a farmer of Andy’s stature

and leadership abilities,” said Sandy La Marque, CEO of Kwanalu. The theme of the congress, “Cultivating our Future”, recognised and addressed the political, social and economic challenges that KZN farmers currently face. All speakers, including guest speakers and Kwanalu CEO Sandy La Marque, as well as the union’s president Mike Black, encouraged members to remain progressive, pro-active and forward thinking in the coming year. Kwanalu plans to undertake promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, social upliftment in all communities, Dutoit Visser (Hluhluwe Farmers Association), Justice Malala (TV host economic growth and political commentator, one of the guest speakers at Kwanalu’s and a secure annual congress, PJ Hassard (Hluhluwe farmer) and Lt Colonel Freddie environment, with van Tonder (Stock Theft Unit)

The 2015 KZN Young Farmer of the Year was announced at Kwanalu’s annual congress. From left are Russel James from Mooi River, one of three finalists in the competition, Anthony Goble from Tongaat, the winner, Tony Henebrey from Toyota SA Motors and Kurt Stock from Pongola, also a finalist in the competition.

the intention of encouraging pride, and instilling confidence in the agricultural sector. The announcement of the 2015 KZN Young Farmer of the Year also took place with the title being awarded to 33 year-old Anthony Goble, a sugarcane farmer from Tongaat. Anthony will go on to compete and represent KZN at national level in October for the title of Young Farmer of the Year 2015. “I am looking forward to the national competition and the chance to gauge myself against the top farmers in South Africa, and hope that I can do KZN proud,” said Anthony. Guest speakers included Justice Malala, award-winning journalist, television host of “The Justice Factor” and political commentator, who spoke about the noise of politics in South Africa from the perspective of a media commentator. The second guest speaker was bestselling business author and independent scenario strategist, Chantell Illbury, who encouraged farmers to see the upcoming trends globally, locally and within agriculture, as positive indicators for the future. The founder of the Wimpy Restaurants Group in the Southern Hemisphere, Eric Tocknell, inspired farmers with his motivating address entitled “Yes, you can”.

Newly elected president of Kwanalu Andy Buchan (middle) with his two vice-presidents, Mike Black and Phenias Gumede who were announced as the 2015/2016 office bearers at Kwanalu’s annual congress held at the Royal Show grounds in Pietermaritzburg.

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2015/11/02 07:36:14 PM

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2015/11/02 07:36:15 PM

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Revolutionising the farming industry SA Motorcycles is pleased to introduce the Big Boy Monster-D460 to the South African farming community. We believe that this model will revolutionise the farming industry in not only South Africa, but also in the Sadec region.


ou will probably ask how this cheap and affordable unit could revolutionise farming. Simply put, this versatile unit can replace machinery on the farm, which not only cost farmers a fortune to buy, but also cost them a fortune to run and maintain. At a price of R64 999, including VAT, this robust unit is not only able to carry loads of up to 350 kg, but can also handle robust and rough terrain. The unit is built to deal with the most robust African farming conditions, from transporting feed to cattle or carrying tools and equipment, to fixing fences. This little monster will not let you down! The 460cc diesel unit is reliable and gives 8,2kW of power with 22Nm of torque for rough terrain. The engines are cheap and easy to maintain. The 4-speed gearbox will give you a maximum speed of 40kph, which is fast enough to get you around the farm, but slow enough to ensure that the unit is not abused. With fuel consumption of around 20–25 km/l, the financial savings resulting in using this unit on the farm instead of the bakkie or

tractor are evident. The large load bin has dimensions of 2 000 x 1 280 x 320 deep. The load bin can be manually tipped for easy offloading of feed or other products. With the rear and sides both being “drop sides”, the loading area is very versatile and allows for a variety of loading possibilities. The unit is backed by the largest motorcycle and ATV importer in the country. Southern African Motorcycles (Pty) Ltd (SAM) is also the importers and distributors of the Jonway, Big Boy, Gomoto, Regal Rapter, CF Moto, Bajaj and Bashan range of motorcycles and ATVs. They sell around 30% of all motorcycles, ATV, scramblers and road bikes in South Africa. With over 120 dealerships countrywide, we can offer you service in almost every town in South Africa. Our spares warehouse holds in excess of R40m spares and we currently distribute country wide on a daily basis. This should give you peace of mind. Join the farming revolution by contacting for more info.

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2015/11/02 07:36:17 PM

agri Nuus/News Die Toyota SA/Agri SA- Jong Boer van die Jaar- en die New Harvest van die Jaar-toekennings is in Oktober by ’n gala-geselligheid in Johannesburg bekend gemaak. Die wenners het elk in ‘n splinternuwe Toyota Hilux 2.5D-4Denkelkajuitbakkie huis toe gery. Die voertuie is elk meer as R300 000 werd en sal met bykomstighede van sowat R18 000 toegerus word.

Jong Boer en Nuwe Oes-wenners aangewys Anthony Goble, ’n boer van KwaZulu-Natal, het met die louere as die 2015-Toyota SA/Agri SA Jong Boer van die Jaar-toekenning weggery.


ie kompetisie begin elke jaar met streeksuitdunne waarin al die benoemde boere veeleisende evaluering ondergaan. Sodra elke streekswenner – een uit elke provinsie – aangewys is, ding hulle in die nasionale kompetisie teen mekaar mee. “Ons wil Anthony gelukwens met sy oorwinning van hierdie gesogte prys. Ons is trots op hom en al die finaliste vir hulle bydrae aan Suid-Afrika,” het Calvyn Hamman, vise-president van verkope en bemarking by Toyota SA, gesê. “Boerdery is nie ’n maklike beroep nie en boere moet dikwels al die afdelings van hul ondernemings self aandurf, soos bemarking en verspreiding, buiten al die daaglikse vereistes vir die bestuur van ‘n plaas. Hierdie toekenning beloon nie net boere vir hul sakevernuf nie, maar ook vir die passie wat hulle vir die landboubedryf het,” het Hamman gesê. Die boere moes tussen 18 en 35 jaar oud wees en vir minstens twee jaar lid van Agri SA se provinsiale organisasies wees. Die finaliste is deur hulle onderskeie

provinsiale organisasies benoem en is volgens ’n magdom aspekte beoordeel, waaronder hulle finansiële en sakevernuf, boerderyvaardighede en doeltreffende bestuur. Hier is veral gefokus op hulle bydrae, onafhanklikheid en besluitnemingsvermoë. Goble boer in die Ndwedwe-streek van KwaZulu-Natal met Anthony Goble, Toyota SA/Agri SA se Jongboer van die Jaar suikerriet, piesangs en makadamias (kyk berig grondwetenskap aan die Universiteit van op volgende bladsy). Pretoria, en professor Louw Hoffman, Die evaluering is gedoen deur ’n paneel eervolle professor in vleiswetenskap aan bekende landboukundiges onder die leiding die departement van dierewetenskap by die van professor Carlu van der Westhuizen, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. ’n landbouproduksie-ekonoom van die “Goble het skitterende strategiese departement van landbou aan die Sentrale sakedenke en vaardighede, en sy Universiteit van Tegnologie, professor opleidingsagtergrond en praktiese insig John Annandale, akkerboukundige van in boerdery het sy sukses verseker,” het die departement van plantproduksie en professor Van der Westhuizen gesê. Voor van links: Dan Kriek (Agri SA adjunk-president), Hylgard Lourens (Mpumalanga Landbou), Paul Collett (Agri Oos-kaap), Carl van der Merwe (Agri Wes-Kaap) en Prof Carlu van der Westhuizen (hoofbeoordelaar). Agter van links: Klover Mülke (Agri Noord-Kaap), Barend Grobler (Vrystaat Landbou), Anthony Goble (KZN), Christoff Smit (Agri Limpopo) en Johan Teessen (Agri Gauteng)

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114 2015/11/02 07:36:19 PM

agri Nuus/News Jacqui Goliath, ’n boer van die Wes-Kaap, het die New Harvest-toekenning gewen.


oliath is deur die WesKaapse tak van die Afrikaboerevereniging van Suid-Afrika benoem. Sy het tuinboukundige opleiding en het daarmee, en met die hulp van ’n baie ondersteunende sakevennoot, ’n uiters suksesvolle pruimboer geword. Haar boerdery het van 1 000 plante in 2001 tot meer as 600 000 gevorder. Sy het bewys dat harde werk en deursettingsvermoë alle verwagtinge kan oortref. Goliath is ook baie gesteld op gehalte. Onder haar kliënte tel Woolworths, Keith Kirsten en Massmart. Sy is ook besig om haar besigheid na Europa uit te brei. “Boerdery is ’n groot uitdaging en dit is nie maklik om ’n plaas te bestuur nie. Boere moet beplan en op enige onvoorsiene omstandigheid voorbereid wees. Dit sluit

veranderende weerstoestande, omgewingsfaktore en wisselende vraag in. Wanneer iets gebeur, moet hulle alternatiewe planne blitsig in werking kan stel. Ons haal ons hoed af vir mense soos Goliath wat ver bo sulke uitdagings uitgestyg het en sukses deur blote deursettingsvermoë Jacqui Goliath, New Harvest-wenner en onverbiddelike geesdrif behaal het,” van die beste vir die toekoms toe en hoop sy het Crompton gesê. is baie gelukkig met haar nuwe Hilux,” het “Ons salueer al die finaliste. Dit is reeds Crompton afgesluit. ’n groot prestasie. Ons wens Jacqui alles

Hard work rewarded, says Young Farmer of the Year “It feels good to be named young farmer of the year. The award recognises our hard work over the past years.” So says newly crowned Toyota SA/Agri SA’s Young Farmer of the Year for 2015, Anthony Goble.


oble farms sugar cane, bananas and macadamias in the Ndwedwe region of KwaZulu-Natal. He has various farms, some owned by him and others he leases from other farmers. “The competition was a great experience. The feedback from the judges is extremely valuable,” says Goble. He is very positive about the future of agriculture. “South African farmers are survivors. They are adaptable and they will face whatever is coming their way,” he says.

New generation He also believes that a new generation of farmers will ensure a very positive future for the sector. “The up and coming generation approach farming as a business and in a scientific manner. They are also extremely conscious of their surroundings and the environment. They know that we must continuously strive to be more efficient with our resources and that we must be innovative to farm sustainably. And we are proud to be farmers.” He also believes that young farmers must be seen as agents of change and hope with regard to political and technological issues.

Globle obtained a degree in business science at Rhodes University. He also has a certificate in sugarcane agriculture, which he obtained form the South African Sugar Association. He started farming eleven years ago after his dad passed away. Since then he has expanded the area under cane from 66 ha to 1 050 ha. He also decided to diversify from being a 100% cane farm. Bananas and macadamias are also now cultivated. Goble has also hugely improved the farms’ soil health since he started faming. He also planted new cultivars to increase overall cane yield while many neighbouring farmers’ yields decreased. Turnover Despite the drought Goble has increase the farm’s turnover by 14%. He is currently also assisting the South African Sugarcane Research Institute (SASRI) with sugar cane trials. But what made Anthony Goble stand out among the other competitors? “Goble has excellent strategic business thinking skills and his educational and practical understanding of farming ensure success,” said Prof Carlu van der Westhuizen, one of the judges. “His attention to detail enabled him to

make many improvements on his farms. He is focused on the development and upliftment of his workers and he has trained his staff to manage various aspects of the farms. His team’s hard work and dedication to farming impressed the judges. He is also closely involved in various projects in his community,” remarked Prof Van der Westhuizen. Organised agriculture Globle is actively participating in organised agriculture. He is a member of Kwanalu and chairman of the Gledhow Farmers’ Association, director of the Gledhow Sugar Company, vice chairman of the Upper Tongaat Security Committee, chairman of Upper Tongaat Farmers and founder of the Upper Tongaat Study Group. “My mission is to be the lowest cost producer of the highest quality sugarcane, bananas and macadamias in the country. I want to achieve this by continuous improvement and investment,” Globle says. He is married to Tanya and they have three children. In his spare time he enjoys playing tennis, watching rugby and he participates in action figures.

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2015/11/02 07:36:21 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Unigrain stap al ‘n lang pad met boere Unigrain het in 1987 ontstaan. Die fokus het geval op die koop en verkoop van graansorghum.


ie graanbedrywe is in die daaropvolgende jare gedereguleer en in 1994 is die ou Unigrain omvorm tot ’n maatskappy. In die jare ná 1994 is op die verhandeling van mielies, sorghum, sonneblom, sojabone, koring en gars gefokus. Plaaslaai of plaashektransaksies soos dit vandag bekend staan is in 1987 deur Unigrain begin. Unigrain kan met reg daarop aanspraak maak dat hy die eerste plaaslaaikontrakteur in Suid-Afrika was. Unigrain is vandag, 28 jaar later, steeds die leier in Suid-Afrika op die gebied van plaaslaai. Unigrain bied die volgende dienste aan produsente en meulenaars: • Voor-, binne- en ná-seisoenkontraktering van graan; • Plaaslaai of “milldoor”-kontrakte; • Safexverhandeling; • Vervoerlogistiek; • Oplossings vir die opberging van graan. Namate die graanverhandelingsbedryf ontwikkel het, het Unigrain voor die volgende uitdagings te staan gekom: • In 1987 het die grootste graanprodu­ sente tussen 80 en 120 ton graan per dag gestroop. Die gemiddelde produ­sent het tussen 40 en 70 ton per dag gestroop. Vandag stroop groot produsente tussen 600 en 1 200 ton graan per dag en die gemiddelde pro­ dusente tussen 160 en 250 ton per dag. • Dié hoë strooptempo het tot gevolg dat die logistiek om graan van die plaas af te verwyder, onder druk kom. Die stroopdruk beïnvloed produsente en aflaaipunte waar hulle graan lewer. • Afnemers soos meulens, perse en voerfabrieke het oor die algemeen nie die vermoë om produsente se verhoogde stroopkapasiteit te hanteer nie. Die enigste oplossing is dus om ’n gedeelte van die oes te plaaslaai en die balans op te berg. Hierdie opberging kan by ’n silo of op die plaas gedoen word. Die Unigrain-direksie het besluit om

Unigrain strategies te posisioneer om produsente by te staan met opberging. Unigrain Storage wat in 2011 tot stand gekom het, was ‘n uitvloeisel van hierdie besluit. Verskeie plaasopbergings­ opsies is ondersoek en geëvalueer. Dit sluit silosakke en bunkers in. Na evaluasie is besluit om ’n alternatiewe silo, genaamd die “Uni Silo” te ontwikkel. Dié silo is in 2013 gepatenteer. Indien boere plaasopberging oorweeg, moet hulle die volgende vrae vra: • Waarom wil ek graan opberg? • Gaan dit finansieel sin maak en waarde toevoeg en is die toegevoegde waarde meetbaar? • Is die opbergingsprojek volhoubaar? Dit is vandag belangrik om graan te begin stroop sodra die graan binne die toelaatbare vogparameters is. Graan moet so vinnig as moontlik gestroop word om risiko’s soos brand, diefstal en stroopverliese, wat toeneem sodra graan baie droog word, te beperk. ’n Verdere voordeel van die vinnige verwydering van graan vanaf die land, is dat vee die oesreste vroeg kan benut. Bewerking of bekalking kan ook vroeg gedoen word. Hoe vroeër die bewerking, hoe minder brandstof word gebruik. Unigrain Storage se 1 000 ton Uni Silo is soos ‘n konvensionele silo met deurlugting en uitlaaistelsel wat tussen 50 en 80 ton per uur kan uitlaai. Konvensionele silo’s word onder die handelsnaam “Twister” bemark. Hierdie silo’s word deur AGI ( in Kanada vervaardig. Die Westfield Auger-reeks ( word bemark. Westfield is die grootste vervaardiger en verskaffer van augers ter wereld. Hierdie augers het ’n kapasiteit van tussen 90 en 120 ton per uur vir die kleiner model en

160 tot 200 ton per uur vir die groter model. Hulle reikafstand is horisontaal tot 24 m en vertikaal tot 20 m. Rem-“grain vacs” ( is ook beskikbaar. Die kleiner modelle kan tussen 60 en 120 ton per uur uitsuig en die grootste model tussen 120 en 180 ton per uur. Unigrain Storage bemark ook weegbrûe waarvan alle siviele betonwerk en oprigting tussen die produsent en kontrakteur gefasiliteer word. Unigrain Storage bied ook finan­siering­ pakkette aan. Strategiese opberging­ vennootskappe kan met produsente of meulenaars aangegaan word om opbergings­kapasiteit te skep. Indien produsente graanopberging oor­ weeg, besoek Unigrain Storage-personeel die plaas en ondersoek en evalueer ‘n moontlike opbergings­punt. Daarna word ’n pasmaak-­opbergingsoplossing saamgestel wat aan die produsent se behoeftes voldoen. ’n Besigheidsplan en begroting word opgestel sodat ’n produsent die vrae soos vroeër genoem, kan beantwoord. Om saam te vat, Unigrain Storage maak met reg daarop aanspraak dat hy unieke dienste bied en nie net opbergingtoerusting bemark nie. Unigrain Storage bied volhoubare opbergingstelsels wat waarde toevoeg en so saamgestel is dat dit nommerpas vir die boer se behoeftes is. Hierdie opbergingstelsels neem stroop­ tempo, vervoerlogistiek, die koste van toerusting, graanverhandeling, graan­ verskansing, graanbestuur en finansiering in ag sodat ’n produsent die regte opberging­besluit kan neem om maksimum waarde toe te voeg.

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2015/11/02 07:36:22 PM

agri Agri Securitas


Die twee bekende Landboumaatskappye, NWK met sy hoofkantoor in Lichtenburg en Senwes, in Klerksdorp, het vanjaar kragte saamgespan in belang van plaasveiligheid.


ié maatskappye was die hoofborge vir ‘n gholfdag wat op 3 September 2015 by die Val De Grace-gholfbaan in Parys aangebied is ten bate van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds. Die voorkoms van geweldsmisdade

wat die boerderygemeenskap teister en algemene misdadigheid is slegs enkele van die bedreigings wat ‘n nadelige effek het op individue se veiligheid en die vermoë van die landbousektor om voedsel te produseer en voedselsekerheid te handhaaf. Daarom strewe die Agri Securitas Trustfonds

daarna om ‘n bydrae te maak tot die bevordering van landelike veiligheid en die sektor daardeur as ‘n bate vir die toekoms te beskerm. Die fondse wat ingesamel is, sal die Trustfonds in staat stel om nog boerderygemeenskappe finansieel met beveiligingsmaatreëls te ondersteun.

Die wenners van die dag was J van der Spuy en J Jerling, van Executive Auto Spray met ‘n telling van 51 punte.

In die tweede plek was B de Klerk en H du Preez, van Brand Etal met ‘n telling van 50 punte.

In die derde plek was J Viljoen en J Day, van Bolt Engineering met ‘n telling van 49 punte.

Die langste dag het behoort aan N Rust en W Coetzer van die Engen-span.

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2015/11/02 07:36:27 PM

TAUTLINER • • • • •

Domex steel chassis and body Aluminum roof structure with Pecholite roof skin Double stitch curtain sides Dual and super single tire combinations Steel head- and tailboards

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 120

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2015/11/02 07:36:31 PM








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2015/11/02 07:36:33 PM

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2015/11/02 07:36:33 PM

AgTag is jou persoonlike skakel met relevante en wetenswaardige landbou- artikels, video’s en klank-insette van oraloor.

Laai AgTag vandag nog gratis af, en word

Beskikbaar vir:

deel van meer as 5 000 toep-gebruikers!

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 123

2015/11/02 07:36:34 PM

S MS yo u r N A ME f o l l o w e d by ASI




t o be C o n t act e d TO DAY r e gar di n g o u r excl u s i ve

PA R T N E R S HI P PA CKA G E S O w n y o u r s h a re i n o u r pro f i t a b l e po u l t ry f a rms t o da y !

F u ll ow n e rs h ip or Re n t t o Ow n m in i- h ou s e pa ck a ge , a im e d a t cre a t in g n e w opport u n it ie s . Ere ct e d s t ra t e gica lly in ru ra l or t ow n s h ip com m u n it ie s f or ca n dida t e s t o pa rt n e r w it h AS I. - Accom m oda t e s u p t o 500 f u lly grow n re a dy t o s e ll ch icke n s . - B ra n de d, f u lly s t ocke d a n d e qu ippe d t o AS I qu a lit y s t a n da rds . - On goin g s u pport a n d pa rt n e rs h ip w it h AS I.

Opport u n it y t o ow n or pa rt n e r w it h AS I in profit a ble a n d lu cra t ive re t a il ou t le t s . - S a le s of va riou s f roze n a n d f re s h ch icke n produ ct s - In clu de s f a s t f oods a n d m in i re s t a u ra n t s - Ex ce lle n t profit m a rgin s a n d gu a ra n t e e d s a le s ! - M a n y ou t le t s a n d a re a s a va ila ble t o ch oos e f rom cou n t ry w ide !

F u ll com pre h e n s ive a ccre dit a t ion a n d s pe cia lize d produ ct ion a n d bu s in e s s t ra in in g. A S I Tra in in g a ca de m y cou rs e w ill a rm or you w it h t h e s k ills e t re qu ire d t o be a s u cce s s f u l f a rm e r a n d e x pe rt in a gricu lt u ra l bu s in e s s de ve lopm e n t . J ob pla ce m e n t s a va ila ble t o qu a lif yin g ca n dida t e s w it h in t h e AS I n e t w ork .

An e x cit in g a ddit ion t o ou r profit ge n e ra t in g proje ct s . C re a t in g N e w B u s in e s s a n d Job opport u n it ie s ! Tra ile rs a re t op of t h e ra n ge , f u lly e qu ippe d a n d bra n de d in t h e A gri S m a rt ch icke n B ra n d - Profit m a rgin s : B e t w e e n R30k a n d R40k pe r m on t h ! - F u lly s t ocke d w it h t h e ve ry be s t in qu a lit y ch icke n produ ct s ! - Ava ila ble in W h it e , G re e n or Ora n ge . Tel: 012 809 1221/2147

SMS ASI to 40677 and stand a chance to win a ayear’s supply of chicken!

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 124

2015/11/02 07:36:59 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Benefit from a low risk venture After opening its doors exactly a year ago, South Africa’s Agri Smart Investments (ASI) has grown to an offering of four new options to investors. ASI clients now have a choice between the three investment packages introduced in November last year as well as own their own mini poultry house or food trailer, join the Agri Smart Academy or form a partnership.


SI, a private company, specialises in the development of profitable poultry production farms within the country. These farms are sold to qualifying and approved investors looking to enter this fast growing industry, while benefiting from a low risk venture and fast turnaround times. “The company offers great opportunities in the ever growing poultry industry,” says founding member and managing director David Scott Laughland. “Chicken is by far the top selling and consumed meat product globally. It is the most affordable meat protein source and will probably be the cheapest for generations to come.” Laughland says South Africa has a substantial shortage of especially locally produced chicken products, making the industry attractive to new investors. “With a fast growing population and ongoing problems with importation, this is the industry to be involved in. ASI endeavours to close the gap that exists within the supply and demand for poultry in Africa.” Poultry production is fast paced and highly profitable, provided that the management model brings out the best in the business venture. “ASI truly believe that we can grow your venture into a profitable value adding business and are therefore inviting emerging and commercial farmers to explore partnership opportunities within our company.” ASI opened its doors at the beginning of November last year, offering three share packages of 0,5%, 5% or 50% in a poultry production farm located close to Pretoria. To assist potential investors financially, ASI consulted with different financial institutions to provide loans to clients. A Platinum Package, a fourth investment option, was also launched to give clients the option to own their own fully operational poultry production farm. Laughland says that ASI is committed to helping the neglected market of emerging farmers in South Africa. “The company has identified the key elements that obstruct more than 90% of new farmers’ ventures into becoming profitable. Through strategic research we were able to develop a secure business model that guarantees quality

production, profit and growth.” Developing farmers are linked to the ASI network and their farming ventures registered as an official legal business entity. A secure service level partnership agreement results into all farms qualifying for supplies at discounted prices and management support to ensure top production, while offering a secure market for their products. ASI values agriculture as the foundation of developing economies. “A healthy industry contributes to the country’s GDP, food security, social welfare, ecotourism and job creation. Value is also added to raw materials.” Skills development is a crucial part in the empowerment of emerging farmers, Laughland says. “Through dedicated training and support we aim to create, develop and nurture the builders and growers of our future. The ASI Training Academy offers comprehensive and specialised production and business training, based on the company’s successful, proven business management strategy.”

The ASI Academy offers a variety of programs: • In-house accreditation training program; • Skilled labour practical development training program; • Management training program; • Business development training program.

Mini-House Project. The mini houses are structures erected strategically in rural or township communities to business minded candidates looking to partner with ASI in a profitable local distribution venture. Full ownership or rent-to-own mini house packages are available. A mini house accommodates up to 500 fully grown ready to sell chickens, fully stocked on a weekly or even daily basis to ensure ongoing business without stock hiccups. Houses are branded, equipped and erected to ASI quality standards and ongoing support is given by ASI. The opportunity to own or partner with ASI in profitable and lucrative retail outlets is also available. Sales include various frozen and fresh chicken products, available as fast food or served in mini restaurants with an appropriate seating area. ASI food vending trailers available in different colours are also offered to clients. Trailers are top of the range, fully equipped and branded in the Agri Smart Chicken (ASC) brand. ASC is a chicken brand produced from 100% A-grade farm fresh chicken. • More information on ASI and partners is available on the ASI website www. The headoffice in Pretoria can also be contacted at telephone 012 809 2268/2146 for more information.

ASI MINI CHICKEN HOUSE PROJECT In ASI’s aim of creating new opportunities and the enrichment of communities, the company has launched its unique agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 125


2015/11/02 07:37:20 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Q4 Fuel doen dit veilig en ekonomies SA boere het verlede jaar n reuse bedrag van R114, 4 miljard aan intermediêre goedere en dienste bestee waarvan die brandstof gedeelte 7,6% of R8,694 miljard was. Boere is gevolglik deurentyd bedag op die uitwerking wat minderwaardige brandstof, die ondergemiddelde prestasie en verkorte lewensduur van toerusting weens swak brandstof het op hul uitgawes.


ir Q4 Fuel is dit uiters belang­ rik dat al sy kliente aan wie brandstof gelewer word, insluitende boere, ten alle tye kan staatmaak op top diens en gehalte. Volgens Francois du Preez en Dreyer van Niekerk, wat saam die Q4 besigheid tien jaar gelede gestig het, bly die Q4 leuse “om dit die eerste keer reg, veilig en ekonomies te doen”. Dit bly die grootste uitdaging in die bedryf. Aangespoor deur hul ervaring in die korporatiewe wêreld en hul begeerte om ‘n eie onderneming te vestig, het Francois en Dreyer die onderneming in die brandstof­bedryf met min ervaring begin. Deur ten alle tye op goeie sakebeginsels, betroubare en bekostigbare diens te let, het Q4 egter jaar vir jaar gegroei. Vandag opereer Q4 landswyd met opwindende planne vir die volgende paar jare insluitend die bevestiging van hul eie vulstasie op die N4 snelweg op pad Rustenburg toe. Wat ‘n groot bydrae lewer is die feit dat beide Francois en Dreyer chemiese ingenieurs is en boonop hul bestuursvernuf deur toepaslike bestuurskwalifikasies aangevul het met ‘n gesogde MBA kwalifikasie. As direkteure bestuur hulle, saam met Thabo Ratune, die daaglikse ondernemings en verskillende afdelings van Q4. Met staande kontrakte met beide SASOL SA en Engen as verskaffers, kan Q4 met gemoedsrus gehalte brandstof aan hulle kliënte aflewer. Bestellings word deur middel van top gehalte toerusting en puik kommunikasie op ‘n veilige en betroubare manier beheer. Volgens George Swanepoel, verkoopsbestuurder van Q4, het die Q4 vloot van Mercedes Benz trokke tot 52 moderne eenhede gegroei. Dit sorg vir landswye brandstofaflewering, betyds, doeltreffend en betroubaar. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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Farm attacks must be managed downward The public, government and farming communities must take note of every farm attack so that the level of awareness in this regard will lead to better policy, action and care with a view to drastically reducing the incidence thereof,” said Kobus Breytenbach, chairman of Agri SA’s Rural Safety Committee, referring to recent farm attacks.


gri SA supports a fresh approach to the implementation of the Rural Safety Strategy, especially after the Human Rights Commission recently indicated that a holistic and decisive effort was needed to curb the incidence of farm attacks,” Breytenbach said. “A meeting has already been requested with

the minister of police to discuss this matter, as well as how the findings of the Human Rights Commission on farm violence will be implemented by the police. The effective implementation of the Rural Safety Strategy will also receive the necessary attention. “We wish to express our condolences to the families and next of kin who are traumatised by these incidents and will

provide them with support where there is a need,” said Breytenbach. Via the Agri Securitas Trust Fund, farming communities are assisted financially to improve their alertness and to take control of their own safety. Feedback in this regard indicates that such assistance has made a positive contribution to the safety of these communities.

Landelike veiligheid van strategiese belang “Te midde van toenemende landelike misdaad en spesifiek plaasaanvalle, vind ek dit toenemend moeilik om boere tot kalmte te maan en om nie onverantwoordelik op te tree nie. Daar sal duidelike strategieë en ooreengekome optrede gevestig moet word, want die gewelddadigheid kan nie langer geduld word nie. Ons benodig nou doeltreffende misdaadintelligensie wat tot voorkomende optrede in die bekamping van plaasaanvalle kan lei,” sê Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA.


öller het gereageer op verskeie plaasaanvalle die die laaste ruk wat regoor die land voorgekom het en gesê “dat die misdaad die beeld van die land ernstig skaad en dat dit nie net met polisie-optrede voorkom kan word nie. ‘n Langtermynverandering in die waardesisteem van die bevolking is nodig”. “Die boerderygemeenskap moet kan staatmaak op doeltreffende, sigbare polisiëring om kriminele aktiwiteite in die landelike gebied pro-aktief te bekamp”. Volgens Möller moet die boerderygemeen­skap egter steeds met die polisie saamwerk en boere moet hulle in plaaswagstelsels organiseer, by plaaslike beveiligingstrukture inskakel

en hulle eie paraatheid opskerp deur beskermingsmaatreëls soos die volgende toe te pas: • Goeie omheinings moet om wonings opgerig word; • Veiligheidshekke en diefwering moet aangebring word; • ‘n Funksionerende alarmstelsel moet geïnstalleer word; • Hou deure gesluit en moenie in die nag uitgaan om ondersoek in te stel sonder die ondersteuning van ‘n buurman nie; • Handhaaf goeie werksverhoudinge met werkers en sien om na hulle veiligheid; • Wees op die uitkyk vir verdagte persone en gebeure in die omgewing; • Pas doeltreffende plaastoegang­protokol toe.

“Geen beskermingsmaatreëls is ‘n waarborg dat ‘n plaasaanval nie sal plaasvind nie, maar dit kan ‘n aanval vertraag en bemoeilik en inwoners die geleentheid gee om alarm te maak. Benewens die opskerping van eie paraatheid, noodsaak huidige omstandighede die doeltreffende inwerkingstelling van die Landelike Beveiliging­strategie, asook die reservistestelsel op plaaslike vlak. Möller sê goeie kommunikasie tussen die boerderygemeenskap en die plaaslike polisie kan ‘n rol speel om pro-aktiewe inlig­ting te versprei en misdaad te help voor­ kom. “Daarom is dit belangrik dat reaksie­ beplanning saam met die plaaslike polisie gedoen word sodat slagoffers weet wat hulle te doen staan totdat die polisie opdaag.”

Krohne <<< page 61

the selection of a meter. With an accuracy of ±0,2% compared to ±2% and even higher for mechanical meters the WATERFLUX pays for itself within a month. Compared to mechanical meters, such as Woltman turbine meters, electromagnetic water meters have many other benefits. Whereas mechanical water meters have internal moving parts, electromagnetic water meters are obstruction free and without moving parts. As a result mechanical meters are subject to wear and their performance deteriorates over time. Electromagnetic water meters maintain their accuracy over time and due to their robust construction the time spent on routine

maintenance and service activities can be reduced to a minimum. Wear of mechanical meters results in under registrations and thus lower revenues for the company providing water. In the worst case there is not registration at all. The economic and technical lifetime of an electromagnetic water meter can be up to 20 years and longer. There is no need to replace the meter or its internal parts as is practice with turbine meters. Being obstruction free also offers another important benefit as electromagnetic flowmeters only cause negligible pressure loss in the distribution network.

costs.Mechani­cal meters cannot be buried directly underground. Further savings in installation costs are possible because of the limited inlet and outlets sections that are required for WATERFLUX 3070. An inlet of only 3D and outlet of 1D is unique in the market and allows for installation in small spaces. Also straighteners, advised for mechanical meters as their performance depends on the uniformity of the flow profile, are not required as a result of smart construction of the WATERFLUX.

Major cost savings in installation and maintenance Pricing is always an important criterion in

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2015/11/02 07:37:24 PM

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Men’s Safari on ripple sole

Men’s Hunter on 4x4 sole

Ladies’ Safari on ladies’ 4x4 sole

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2015/11/02 07:37:25 PM

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2015/11/02 07:37:26 PM

agri Promosie/Promotional

Durban Fresh Produce Market celebrates 40 years at Clairwood Durban Fresh Produce Market is celebrating 40 years of trading from its current premises (south of Durban) at 81 Flower Road, Clairwood.


he market’s 21 hectares site was officially opened in 1975. Organised produce marketing initially began in 1876 with the opening of the first market house. The market subsequently moved to two other locations and eventually settled at its current location in Clairwood. The construction of the market in Clairwood was a result of the market having outgrown its premises, the need to remove market activities from the central city congestion and to place the market close to all major highways making it easily accessible to all farmers/suppliers and buyers. The Durban Market has been the first national market to introduce a number of inventions, such as the self-service device that interfaces with the real time trading system. This enables buyers to deposit cash directly into their market buyer accounts any time of the day. The market was also the first (back then) to have airconditioned sales halls. The market has invested millions in improving the facilities, training staff

Sales Hall 2015

Sales Hall 1975

and enhancing trading processes to ensure the provision of excellent services to all stakeholders. When the Durban Market officially opened in 1975 (at its current location) it had one sales hall that accommodated all varieties of fresh produce. However, over the years, demand for bigger trading space grew and a second sales hall was erected in 1993 dedicated only to potatoes, onions, garlic and ginger. There are six reputable and experienced commission market agents located at the Durban Market that are always ready and willing to assist farmers and buyers. The Durban Fresh Produce Market has not only grown in size but in turnover as well. In the financial year 1975/1976 the market’s annual turnover amounted to R21,8 million. Forty years later the Durban Market has recorded an unbelievable turnover of R1,2 billion for the financial year 2014/2015. The Durban market is proudly the third largest of the 19 national bulk fresh produce markets in South Africa. These achievements are possible through a combined effort of market management, staff, market agents and all the supporters of the market. For further information on the Durban Fresh Produce Market and market agents contact (031) 311 5100 or visit our website durbanfreshproducemarket

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 131


2015/11/02 07:37:27 PM

agri Kompetisie/Competition

WIN! You can win a copy of Encore! SA-verhoogsterre se hartsresepte, saamgestel deur Fleur de Cap. Human & Rousseau, if you complete our crossword correctly. Mail your answers to agricompetitions@, or fax your answers to 086 211 0210 together with your name, address and tel no. The winner of the previous competition is S Basson, Hoedspruit 1







8 9


11 12





17 18 19 20 21

Answers of our previous crossword: Across: 1 Battery, 4 BFAP, 8 Thabi, 10 George, 11 Oecd, 12 Feed, 14 Johan, 16 Alani, 17 Hardy, 19 Pelletizing, 21 DRDLR, 22 Baby, 24 Seminar, 26 Oiled, 27 Lanolin. Down: 1 Bee, 2 Toxic, 3 Rats, 4 Brigid, 5 Arboreta, 6 Waterway, 7 Japie, 9 Moloi, 13 Elize, 15 Naspers, 17 Heilbron, 18 Danny, 20 Lehman, 23 Bale, 25 Odd.

CLUES: Across 1 See 10 3 Dr Benedito ...: World Water Council president (5) 6 Toxic product of fungi (9) 9 Expert, mentor (4) 10/1 NW candidate for National Farmer of the Year (6,7) 12 Michael ...: head of WineBiz (7) 14 Nic ...: director: Natural Resources (8) 16 They held their 17th annual congress in Pietermaritzburg (7) 17 ... Holmgren: SIWI executive director (6) 19 Longest running wine/brandy awards competition (7) 20 Chinese gooseberry (4) 21 Solomon ...: winner of John Deere tractor (7) CLUES: Down 2 ... Jenkinson; SAPPO chairman (5) 4 Frost, snow and ... tolerant pasture grass (11) 5 ... Kriel: Grain SA regional manager (5) 7 ... Bosshoff; wrote article on Expropriation Bill (4) 8 Andy ...: Kwanalu president (6) 11 They offer low tariffs for independently produced electricity (5) 13 ... de Villiers, CEO of Grain SA (6) 15 SA’s first multilingual dictionary (6) 16 Winners of 5th consecutive Producer of the Year award (3) 17 Project ...: PPECB’s tablet technology initiative (5) 18 Important water source (4) 19 Vitality (3)

Leiers van bewaring in die wynland Die Cape Fox-trofee van die Conservation at Work-organisasie vir die beste bewarea in die Wes-Kaap-gebied is vanjaar toegeken aan die Rooiberg-Breede Bewarea.


ier spog Johan du Preez, hoof van Rooiberg Wynmakery (links), en Mossie Basson, natuurbewaarder van Graham Beck Wyne, met die trofee en gepaardgaande Goue Sertifikate. Hulle is buur-wynprodusente. Die bewarea is een van 87 in die Wes-Kaap – almal geregistreer by Cape Nature – en bestaan uit toegekende grond van 22 ledeplase. Conservation at Work is ‘n organisasie sonder winsbejag. Deur die Tafelberg Fonds word die drie Wes-Kaap Bewarea-gebiede (sentraal, oostelik en westelik) ondersteun met opvoedkundige dae, opleiding, kennisgewingborde en die aanbieding van die jaarlikse Cape Fox-toekennings. Basson, as bewaringsbestuurder en hoof van die Graham Beck Privaat-reservaat op Madeba-plaas naby Robertson, is ook raadgewer vir die RooibergBreede Bewarea met 13 500 ha natuurlike veld wat sorgvuldig bewaar word. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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132 2015/11/02 07:37:28 PM

Dink maar weer oor wynroetes


y sal dus vinnig daad by die woord moet voeg, want dit sal omtrent ‘n leeftyd neem om hulle deur te werk – van Stellenbosch waar dié konsep 40 jaar gelede begin het, tot by die Oranjerivier in die noordweste en die Klein-Karoo van Montagu, tot by Outeniqua naby George. En dan’s daar nog ‘n brandewynroete ook! In terme van lede-plase of -kelders bly Stellenbosch nog die grootste met altesaam 150 van hulle. Dié roetes word as die American Express Stellenbosch Wynroetes (ja, meervoud) in vyf subroetes bemark, naamlik Bottelary Heuwels, Groter Simonsberg, Helderberg, Stellenbosch Vallei en Stellenbosch Berg. En soveel plase en proelokale as wat daar is, soveel planne word voortdurend bedink en uitgevoer om die besoekers aan die proe – hier gebruik jy natuurlik nooit die woord “drink” nie – en aan die koop te hou. Eetplekke, speelplekke, kuierplekke, drafplekke, fietsryplekke, wat ook al! Kenmerkend van die aanslag van die nuwe geslag wynroetes, word daar ook jaarliks ‘n reusemakietie, die Stellenbosch Wynfees, aangebied. Dit het vanjaar einde Januarie oor drie dae op die Coetzenburgsportterrein gestrek en 8 500 mense kon kies en keur uit 350 wyne van 63 wynplase en 11 boetiek-wynmakerye. So kan jy ook die wynland se plesiere gaan geniet by die toonaangewende “gedesentraliseerde” Robertson Wacky Winefees, wat ‘n nuwe mode gebring het deur uiteenlopende aktiwiteite oor die verskillende wynplase en -plekke te versprei. Jy koop ‘n paspoort en doen jou rondtes by die 48 deelnemende kelders oor ‘n periode van vier dae, met aantreklikhede soos oesters en vonkelwyn en optredes van bekende musikante vir 16 000 besoekers. Weer: jy

Dramatiese wintertoneel op die Sir Robert Stanford Landgoed langs die Stanfordwynroete. Foto: Andrew Gorman

‘n Mens hoor dikwels dat die inspirasie van ‘n lekker wyn mense noop om te sê dat hulle nog eendag “die wynroete wil doen”. Wel, ek het nuus vir hulle. Daar is al nie minder nie as 21 wynroetes en van hulle is so groot dat dit in sub-roetes opgedeel word.

daarom eiesoortige wyne lewer. Stanford is sowat 25 km van Hermanus af en is binne die gewilde Cape Whale Coast Route geleë. Die roete is relatief klein, met slegs agt lede sover, wat beteken dat jy ‘n besonder rustige, gasvrye ervaring daar kan hê. Die lede is Misty Kuier langs die vuur by die Tasting Room-restaurant by Stanford Mountains Landgoed, Hills-wynplaas. Springfontein, Sir moet maar kies. By almal en alles kan jy Robert Stanford nooit uitkom nie. Robertson Vallei bied ook Landgoed, Stanford Hills, Walker Bay eiehandig jaarliks die Hands-on Harvest, Vineyards, Vaalvlei, Raka en Boschrivier. Robertson Slow (food), Wine on the River en Benewens wynproe kan jy byvoorbeeld Kievits Kroon-wynfees in Pretoria aan. ook plaaslike kase, etes en piekniekmandjies Dan is daar byvoorbeeld ook die Paarl by van die plekke geniet. Om die dors te se Ommiberg-fees, Breedekloof se Soetes les, is daar ook plaaslike bier by Walker Bay en Sop in die wintertyd en Riebeeck Vallei Vineyards – ‘n boetiekwynlandgoed wat ook se Olyffees, om maar net ‘n paar te noem. die tuiste is van die Birkenhead Brouery. Daar in die Swartland word die wynroetes Die volledige lys van Suid-Afrikaanse juis ook aan olyfprodukte gekoppel. wynroetes is soos volg: Botrivier, Van hierdie feeste het so groot en besig Breedekloof, Constantia, Darling, geword dat ek deesdae die kleiner, minder Durbanville, Elim, Elgin, Franschhoek, kommersiële aanbiedings verkies soos die Hermanus, Klein-Karoo, Oranjerivier, Plett Elim-wynfees in ‘n meer afgeleë wêreld Winelands, Paarl, Robertson, Swartland, tussen Gansbaai en Struisbaai. Om dan nog Stanford, Stellenbosch, Tulbagh, Wellington, nie van die jaarlikse Calitzdorp-portfees te Weskus en Worcester. praat nie… of van Joubert-Tradouw naby So, as jy daarvan droom om die Barrydale se “Unplugged” op die Klein wynroete-ding te doen, sal dit raadsaam Karoo-roete, waar jy wyn met blues-musiek wees om ‘n bietjie huiswerk te doen. Gaan sluk en sommer op die plaas kan kampeer. kyk gerus na die magdom inligting op hulle Intussen het die Stanford Wynroete webtuistes. Jy sal deesdae vir die meeste onlangs die land se 21ste wynroete geword. van die proeë betaal, maar dis gewoonlik Stanford lê, soos Elim, na aan Afrika se sommer spotgoedkoop in die meer landelike mees suidelike punt, wat dit een van die gebiede, waar jy jou op die koop toe dalk koelste wynproduserende streke maak en sommer in ‘n wynfees kan vasloop. agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

AGRI Okt 2015.indd 133

Teks en foto’s: Cassie du Plessis

agri Wyn/Wine


2015/11/02 07:37:29 PM

agri Nuus/News

What is a wheat farmer’s percentage share of retail white bread? PETRU FOURIE AND WANDILE SIHLOBO, GRAIN SA

Bread is an important staple food in South Africa and plays an integral role to ensure national food security. Consumers, for the most part, do not buy food directly from farmers and the price consumers pay for food is exceedingly higher than what farmers receive for the raw commodity.


n this article, we highlight the share contribution of wheat farmers to the price of a loaf of white bread sold at retail stores. The wheat farmer’s share in the retail price of white bread will be examined to demystify a common misconception that farmers are responsible for high bread prices.

Background on the wheat price The price of wheat for a South African buyer is normally determined by the international wheat price, the exchange rate and the local supply and demand for wheat. South Africa is not self-sufficient in the production of wheat and therefore approximately 51% of its local consumption is imported. South Africa’s dependency on imported wheat has increased over time and hence the domestic price for wheat, as reported by Safex, tends to be close to import parity. These imports contribute to higher bread prices than would be the case if all South African demand could be locally produced. How much wheat in a loaf of white bread? In order to calculate the difference between the real farm value and real retail value, the following assumptions were made: To bake a 700 g loaf of white bread, an average of 480 g of flour is needed. Again, in order to mill that 480 g of flour, 588 g of

wheat is required. Thus, approximately 1 700 loaves of white bread can be produced from 1 ton of wheat. The derived farmer price is calculated by the average annual Safex price for each marketing year and deducting the relevant costs, such as the location differential, as well as handling and storage costs for grade B2 wheat. The graph compares the derived farmer price for 588 g of wheat against the annual average price of a 700 g loaf of white bread in a retail store. During the seven-year period, wheat farmer prices declined twice, but bread prices continued to increase, indicating that farmers did not fully share in higher retail prices. This is particularly true for the 2009/10 season where the producer price of wheat (588 g) decreased from R1,34 in 2008 to R1,15 in 2009 (down 14%), while the price of a 700 g loaf of white bread increased by 9% from R7,20 to R7,88 over the same period. This happened again during 2011/12 when producer prices decreased by 3%, while the bread price increased by 10%. In general, farmer price

Derived farmer price vs bread price (Source: Grain SA and Stats SA) agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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increases were in many instances not the main contributing factor to the increase in the bread price. Over the past five years, bread prices have increased exponentially by 40% from R7,91 to R11,11. In the same period, wheat prices increased by 27%. While input prices increased both for farmers and retailers, the farmer’s share of the consumer’s rand remained relatively stable or even decreased in some years. Between 2008 and 2015, a wheat farmer’s share of a 700 g loaf of white bread fluctuated between 15% and 20%. This implies that when a consumer buys a loaf of white bread, the raw material (wheat) simply costs R1,99 in comparison to the total bread loaf price of R11,11. For example, if the loaf consists of 21 slices, the farmer’s share comprises only four slices, while the rest of the wheat-to-bread value chain is responsible for the additional cost (graph below).

Conclusion Consumers must be sensitised about the pricing of bread. The increase could not necessarily be ascribed to the wheat farmer being paid more. There are contributing costs further down the value chain.

Wheat producer’s percentage share of retail white bread price

134 2015/11/02 07:37:30 PM

agri Nuus/News


Farmers are requested to assist workers and their families whose births had never been registered, to do so before the end of 2015.


he registration of the birth of a child is a legal requirement and every child must be registered within 30 days after birth. The department of home affairs launched a campaign to assist people to do late registrations before the end of 2015. According to the department late registration of births will be very difficult after

this deadline. The campaign only apples to undocumented and eligible South Africans. People in rural areas are more likely to be affected. Farmers are requested to assist their workers in this regard. The late registration of births creates all sorts of problems, including the opportunity for non-South Africans to obtain fraudulent

proof of birth in order to register as South African citizens. It also prevents children from obtaining identity documents at the age of 16 or to exercise their constitutional right to vote in elections.

Stand van damme: Land heelwat droër as verlede jaar MARTINA BENADÉ, EKONOMIE EN HANDEL

Volgens die departement van waterwese se damverslag het die gemiddelde stand van damme in die week (19 Oktober 2015) met ongeveer 11 persentasiepunte gedaal teenoor die 78% vir die ooreen­stemmende tydperk verlede jaar.


en spyte hiervan is die damme in die Oos-Kaap (79%), Gauteng (85%), Limpopo (73%), Mpumalanga (72%), Noord-Kaap (76%) en Wes-Kaap (71%), 70% of voller. Damme in die Vrystaat (69%), KwaZulu-Natal (59%) en Noordwes (55%) is redelik leeg. Van die land se groot damme lê die Vaaldam op 57%, die Vanderkloofdam op 93%, die Pongolapoortdam op ‘n leërige 54%, die Gariepdam op 60% en die Sterkfonteindam staan op ‘n indrukwekkende

98%. Die Bloemhofdam is kommerwekkend leeg en staan op 49% vergeleke met die 80% van die vorige jaar. Geoordeel aan hierdie statistiek is dit duidelik dat die grootste deel van die land aan die begin van die somerseisoen veel droër was as wat in dieselfde tyd die vorige jaar die geval was. Berigte van droogte en baie droë en warm toestande word reeds van meeste provinsies ontvang. Die seisoenale

voorspelling neig na ondernormale reënval met slegs klein waarskynlikhede vir bonormale reënval wat vir die middel van die somer verwag kan word. Temperature sal na verwagting bonormaal wees. Met dié seisoenale voorspelling in gedagte en die huidige droogte/baie warm en droë toestande in die provinsies, word boere aangeraai om dié seisoen ekstra versigtig te wees.


Agri SA was invited to have a strategic conversation with minister Senzeni Zokwana, minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the economic growth committee of the ANC regarding strategic elements in the South African agriculture landscape.


gri SA positioned some of the challenges of the current drought in South Africa, as well as what the organisation is doing to alleviate some of the challenges around transformation, development and education. The conversation was well received and it was agreed that we should collaborate

to find solutions to the challenges faced in agriculture. Agri SA also represented primary producers in the discussions with mega farmers, Agbiz and minister Zokwana regarding the repositioning of the South African agricultural sector and how we should look at subsidised funding for sector development, transformation and land

reform. Some models were discussed with a view of making these implementable in the short to medium term. The message of “less talk, more action” was communicated to the participants of the meeting. The ANC again expressed its desire to create a better South Africa and grow the sector.

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2015/11/02 07:37:31 PM

agri Bewaring/Conservation


Persepsies oor bewaringsnavorsing in Suid-Afrika ’n Goeie vriend van my, Harmen den Dulk, tree die einde van Oktober 2015 af ná meer as 40 jaar se diens aan die staat, meestal as grondbewaringstegnikus.


n die proses om skoon te maak en die leisels oor te gee voor ’n welverdiende ruskans, vra hy my om ’n draai in by hom te kom maak. Hy het baie ou bewarings­boeke en -handleidings en hy wil nie graag van die publikasies ontslae raak nie. Hy is nie aldag seker of van sy kollegas soveel waarde aan die ou verslae, handleidings en so meer gaan heg nie, vertel hy. Die vraag kom toe onwillikeurig by my op: Wie is verantwoordelik vir die soeke na nuwe kennis, die bestuur van inligting binne die hulpbronbewaringsveld en die verspreiding en bekendmaking daarvan? En ook: Het ons miskien nie reeds baie van die antwoorde nie en is die inligting dalk net nie geredelik beskikbaar nie?

Wat presies behels navorsing? Volgens die Websters New International Dictionary of the English Language word navorsing beskryf as: “The studious inquiry or examination; critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws, in the light of newly discovered facts or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions.” Wat interessant is uit hierdie definisie (behalwe vir die soeke na nuwe inligting),

Healthy soils for a healthy life is die korrekte interpretasie daarvan, die hersiening van hierdie feite oor tyd vir geldigheid en toepaslikheid asook die praktiese toepassing daarvan wat die publisering en verspreiding van die “nuwe” inligting en kennis insluit. Die navorser se rol hou nie noodwendig op wanneer hy of sy die antwoorde het nie. Ek het besluit om die algemene mening oor bewaringsnavorsing in Suid-Afrika ’n bietjie te toets en het vier vrae aan vriende en kollegas binne die landbou en bewaringsektor gestuur om hul persepsies oor die aangeleentheid te toets. Hulle het gewissel van amptenare by Agri SA en Graan SA, navorsers van die staat, die Landbou Navorsingsraad (LNR) en universiteite. ’n Paar boere het ook ’n stuiwer in die armbeurs gegooi.

Is bewaringsnavoring in Suid-Afrika nog nodig? Sonder uitsondering was die gevoel dat

bewaringsnavorsing steeds baie nodig is. Die agteruitgang van ons hulp­bronne en die feit dat swak landboupraktyke steeds aan die orde van die dag is, is as redes aangevoer. Tóg is van die respondente van mening dat daar reeds baie inligting bestaan: “Alhoewel ons oor geweldig baie inligting en hulpbronbewaringstegnologie beskik, word selfs die mees elementêre beginsels in die meeste gevalle nie toegepas nie.” Van die boere het gevoel dat namate bewaringswerktuie en -praktyke verander, navorsing altyd nodig sal wees. Hierdie opmerking beklemtoon die praktiese toepassing van nuwe inligting, soos in die definisie uiteengesit.

Wat is die grootste navorsings­ behoefte oor ons natuurlike landbouhulpbronne? Hier was die antwoorde redelik uiteenlopend en ’n mens kon dit te wagte wees, veral omdat baie van die respondente kundiges op hulle gebied is. Almal is dit egter eens dat die volhoubare benutting van die natuurlike hulpbronne die grootste prioriteit behoort te wees. Om meer spesifiek te wees, kan navorsingsbehoeftes in drie dele opgedeel word. Hulle is kortliks die volgende: • In die eerste plek bestaan daar ’n behoefte aan tegniese kundigheid en insette oor spesifieke norme en standaarde vir bewaringslandbou. Byvoorbeeld: “Wat is die beste manier om die natuurlike hulpbronne in spesifieke habitatte en onder verskillende omstandighede, soos tydens erge droogtes, te benut? Hoe behoort ons klimaatverandering te hanteer?” “Die kompetisie tussen beskerming van biodiversiteit en die stygende vraag na voedsel.” “Wat is die kritiese drempelwaardes en toleransiewaardes waarvan ons moet kennis dra en in ag moet neem om seker te maak degradasie vind nie plaas nie? >>> bladsy 137

Lehman Lindeque agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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136 2015/11/02 07:37:31 PM

agri Bewaring/Conservation

>>> bladsy 136 Hoe keer ons die situasie om, veral waar erge agteruitgang reeds plaasgevind het?” • Tweedens bestaan daar ’n behoefte aan spesifieke bewaringstegnologieë en -benaderings, spesifiek ten opsigte van bewaringslandbou. Voorbeelde wat hier genoem is, sluit onder meer in waterafleibane, opper­ vlakte-dreinering, gebruike vir stand­ houdende water om krag op te wek, grondvrugbaarheid, erosiebeheer en die nodigheid van kontoere onder geenbewerkingstelsels, drukbeweiding­ stelsels en die hele holistiese veldbestuur­ beginsel, minimum- of geen­bewerking en die insluiting van dek- en peul­gewasse vir die verskillende dele van die land. “Wat in Bergville in KwaZulu-Natal werk gaan nie noodwendig in Senekal in die Vrystaat werk nie.” • En dan is daar natuurlik ‘n groot behoefte aan inligting oor wat om te doen. “…ons benodig beste praktyke soos die RPO se Kode vir Beste Praktyk wat deur dr Heinz Meissner saam­gestel is.” Wanneer hulpbronagteruitgang wel plaasgevind het: “Hoe stop ‘n mens agteruitgang en keer die proses om?” • Laastens bestaan daar ’n behoefte aan navorsing oor die menskomponent: “Hoe maak ons die grondgebruiker deel van hierdie proses?” “Hoe verhoog ons die (onmiddellike) impak van navorsing? Die gaping tussen goed opgeleide, omgewingsbewuste landgebruikers aan die een kant, en die groter bevolking wat geen kennis oor hulpbronne het nie en nog minder aansporing het om dit te bewaar.” Metodes om bewusmaking en die aanvaarding van hulpbronbewarings­ tegnologie in die praktyk toepassing te laat vind, is uitgelig en laastens: “Daar behoort navorsing gedoen te word oor hoe die burgerlike samelewing gemobiliseer kan word om druk op die owerhede en bevolking te plaas om hul verantwoordelikhede teenoor hulpbron­ benutting en bewaring na te kom? Met ander woorde, navorsing oor die persepsies van mense en hoe dit verander kan word met veral die media en sosiale media in gedagte. Ons benodig ’n gebalanseerde emosionele opwekking van mense wat aktivisties raak en persoonlik verantwoordelik begin optree en verwag dat ander dieselfde sal doen. Verbruikers kan druk op produsente plaas om omgewingsaanvaarbare produksiepraktyke te volg.”

Wie behoort verantwoordelikheid te neem om die navorsing gedoen te kry en wie behoort dit te befonds? Twee duidelike denkskole het hier na vore getree. In die eerste plek voel die meeste deelnemers dat navorsing die staat se verantwoordelikheid is en dat hulle dit moet befonds. Maar word dit gedoen? Die volgende aanhaling vat dit mooi saam: “Die staat maak graag uitsprake oor eiendomsreg as dit by hulpbronne kom, maar kom nie sy verantwoordelikheid na as dit by die bestuur daarvan kom nie. Die funksies kan uitgekontrakteer word, maar die verantwoordelikheid bly dié van die staat.” Tog is sommige deelnemers van mening dat dit nie gaan gebeur nie as dit primêr ’n staatsverantwoordelikheid bly: “… nie realiseer nie vanweë gebrekkige begrip en prioritisering vanaf owerheidsweë. Politieke en maatskaplike oorwegings oorheers die ontwikkelingsagenda ten koste van omgewingsbewaring en volhoubaarheid.” Die tweede denkskool glo dat die private sektor, universiteite en organisasies ’n groter bydrae moet lewer: “Daar moet dalk ’n gesamentlike privaatsektor-gedrewe inisiatief kom soos wat reeds vir water bestaan. Dit sluit almal in wat in die waardeketting betrokke is. Landboumaatskappye kan ’n belangrike rol vervul, maar ook die ander groeperinge soos groot kettingwinkels. Hulle is dikwels reeds goeie vennote, veral as dit by produkbemarking kom. Dalk kan dit uitgebrei word om omgewingsverantwoordbare produksie en oorsprong in te sluit, met ander woorde, naspeurbaarheid en sertifisering van produkte.” En dan het een van my geleerde vriende hierdie verantwoordelikheid mooi soos volg saamgevat: “Dit is al die belangrike rolspelers se verantwoordelikheid – van die hoof van die land tot by die landgebruiker op die grond. Die regte beleid op nasionale vlak moet befondsing in die regte rigting stuur, terwyl boere voortdurend met volhoubare landboubeginsels moet eksperimenteer. Hou nouer en sterker die ondersteuningsnetwerk van alle rolspelers rondom hierdie innoverende boere, hoe vinniger is daar vordering en impak.” Doen ons genoeg met bestaande navorsingsinligting, of is daar voorstelle hoe ons inligting en kennis op alle vlakke meer toeganklik kan maak? Die algemene gevoel is dat baie navorsing die afgelope 50 jaar gedoen is wat vandag

nog net so toepaslik is en gebruik moet word. “Die probleem is egter om die inligting en kennis wat ons het, af te syfer tot by die persoon op die grond in landelike gebiede, sonder dat daar tussen organisasies gevegte ontstaan oor wie die ‘reg’ het om in sekere areas, of met sekere aspekte, op te tree.” Die gevoel is dat hierdie bestaande navorsingsinligting nie benut word nie: “….dit word definitief nie naastenby benut om omgewingsvolhoubaar te wees nie. Die agteruitgang van ons natuurlike hulpbronne, veral water, is die grootste bedreiging en beperking vir die voortbestaan van Suid-Afrika se bevolking en vir stabiliteit en vrede. Waterverwantevraagstukke alleen is tans die katalisator vir geweldig baie gemeenskapsdiensstakings en onrus wat op geweld uitloop en opportunisties deur ’n verskeidenheid van politieke en misdaadgroeperinge uitgebuit word.” Van die respondente is ook van mening dat universiteite akademiese navorsing doen, maar dat die LNR te veel op basiese navorsing fokus. ’n Groot leemte ontstaan vir die praktiese toepassing en oordrag van navorsingsinligting vir die eindgebruiker, die boer wat volhoubare praktyke op sy plaas moet toepas. “Daar kan dalk juis ook navorsing gedoen word op watter wyses kennis en inligting meer toeganklik gemaak kan word. Dit begin op ’n sielkundige vlak by die persepsies van die individu wat aanleiding gee tot sy oortuigings wat sy ‘waarheid’ word en in sy gedrag geopenbaar word. Dalk is daar navorsing wat reeds hieroor gedoen is en wat toepassing kan vind op die hulpbronbewaringsterrein.”

Ten slotte: “Hoe meer betrokke die eindgebruiker is, asook al die ander deelnemers in die proses, hoe groter die gebruik van die inligting en resultate. Navorsingsresultate wat in wetenskaplike tydskrifte gepubliseer word, is vir die meeste mense nie toeganklik nie, veral nie vir mense op grondvlak nie. Ander maniere van verspreiding is nodig, soos die internet, die sosiale media, artikels in populêre publikasies, radio, televisie ens. Die belangrikste is egter dat boere deel moet wees van die navorsingsproses, want die innovering gebeur meestal op hulle plase waar hulle die drywers is.” ’n Groot woord van dank aan almal wat gereageer het op die vier vrae. Julle insette en menings maak saak. Kom ons hoop dit maak ook ’n verskil!

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 138

2015/11/02 07:37:32 PM



The life of the farmer is tough and demanding, requiring millions spent on equipment but more time mending fences! Every farmer needs farming equipment and essential, heavy duty machinery that performs: whether it is a tractor that starts in the snow or a lubricant that extends the working life of engines, for worldclass performance, Total has always been the right choice in lubricants. Since 1956, TOTAL South Africa has enjoyed a unique relationship with organised agriculture. It began with a gentleman’s agreement that revolutionised the way farmers acquired bulk petroleum products through agricultural co-operatives. It continued in 1958, when TOTAL became the first company to support wildlife and environmental conservation and to market lubricating oil in sealed cans. In 1966 TOTAL introduced affordable “co-op” oils, specially blended by TOTAL for the agricultural market. In 1983 TOTAL established a Drought Relief Fund with the South African Agricultural Union.

TOTAL TRANSMISSION LUBRICANTS TOTAL EP 80W-90 is designed for synchronized and non-synchronized gearboxes, mild loaded axles, transfer boxes and gears. TOTAL TRANSMISSION TM 80W90 is an extreme pressure mineral oil for the lubrication of highly loaded hypoid gears with standard drain interval, axles, final drives, transfer cases and gearboxes. TOTAL Transmission DA 85W-90 and 85W-140 provides effective lubrication of axles and differentials equipped with limited slip discs, agricultural machinery and 4 wheel drive on-road vehicles. TOTAL FLUIDE ATD lubricates automatic or semi-automatic transmissions and torque converters of passenger and industrial vehicles.

Just as a farmer works in partnership with his wife, so TOTAL partners with organised agriculture via congresses and congress sponsorships that tackle the challenges that modern farmers face: meeting the demands of climate change and weather, increased pests and diseases, labour strikes, security, rising production costs, price volatility, land use and reform policy and planning.


To make farming go smoother, TOTAL Lubricants mobilises 110 researchers to design and develop cutting-edge lubricants and products for other agricultural applications that meet international standards as well as vehicle and machine manufacturers’ stringent approvals. Our latest tribology technology extends engine life via effective lubrication functionality that combats friction and wear. As a result, TOTAL South Africa can offer complete high-performance product ranges to deliver optimal performance for your vehicles, machines and equipment.



TOTAL RBF dot 4+ is recommended for brake and clutch systems of vehicles using synthetic fluids.

TOTAL MULTAGRI super high performance multi-purpose oil reduces the number of lubricants needed on a farm. Offering year-round lubrication of different systems in agricultural tractors and harvesters, it is also used in conventional and mechanical transmissions fitted with oil bath brakes, gearboxes, reduction drives, hydraulic lift and assistance circuits, power take-offs and multidisc clutches operating in oil and hydrostatic steering systems. TOTAL DYNATRANS MPV lubricant for wet disk brake transmissions and hydraulic systems offers excellent low and high temperature performance for tractors and equipment. TOTAL Azolla ZS 68 high performance anti-wear oil is designed for hydraulic systems running under the most difficult conditions. TOTAL ENGINE LUBRICANTS TOTAL RUBIA TIR 7400 provides on-road diesel engines effective lubrication in severe conditions. TOTAL RUBIA S30 and 40 monograde lubricant for diesel engines is also suitable for gear boxes and torque converters. SUPER TWO STROKE is suitable for all types of two stroke gasoline engines and mechanized farming equipment.



TOTAL’S multi-purpose extreme pressure greases, MULTIS EP 2 and MULTIS COMPLEX EP 2 are formulated for lubrication of loaded slide, ball, and roller bearings, wheel bearings, universal joints, chassis, and various shock loaded or vibrating agricultural and off-road equipment.

Our long life antifreeze coolants include COOLELF AUTO SUPRA -37°C and GLACELF AUTO SUPRA. Based on monoethylene glycol, they are recommended for all internal combustion engines in cars, trucks and agricultural tractors. TOTAL BRAKEFLUIDS

TOTAL DEGREASING FLUIDS TOTAL’S DEGREASING FLUID WB is a pH Neutral, water-based industrial strength cleaner/degreaser for most hydro-carbons (oils), hard-surfaces, aluminium, and general all-purpose cleaning. DEGREASING FLUID SB is a solvent-based degreaser for hard surface and general all-purpose cleaning. For more than 3 decades, TOTAL has led the agricultural sector with affordable products that include world-class quality lubricants, fuels, agro-chemicals, bitumen, gas and food grade lubricants. TOTAL products guarantee you high performance and smooth operation. To help you to assess the lubricant properties and level of performance you’ll find a number of key parameters on the label. After all, you want the right lubricant for the right application. Today’s farmer is modern and connected and knows that a search engine isn’t something you do when the bakkie breaks down. That’s why you’ll find additional technical and performance information on our products when you visit

GET IN TOUCH For more information, contact our National Customer Contact Centre 0860 111 111.

Keep your engine younger for longer AGRI Okt 2015.indd 139 6338_total_agri_advertorial_275x210mm_NEW CI.indd 1

2015/11/02 07:37:33 2015/08/04 10:11PM AM

agri Fauna

In die Oos-Kaap grom mense vir hom. Die westelike mielieprodusente spoeg vuur oor hom, maar vir die Bosvelders bring hy meer as net ’n glimlag. Sowat van uiteenlopende sentimente kon min inheemse diere nog bewerkstellig. Die vlakvark of wielsnoet is ’n koddige dierasie wat gesog is of gehaat word.


y boeredae in Noordwes braak ’n nagmerrie as die wielsnoete ongenooid die mieliemanne gal oor die aan die mielies en sonneblom kom vreet. wielsnoete wat met hul legioene Heinings beteken vir die varkies niks nie en die oeste aandurf. Oos-Kaapse selfs elektrifisering bekommer hulle nie veel veeprodusente se oë raak vurig nie. ’n Honger vlakvark het nie ’n probleem omdat dié varkies veld en heinings verniel. om met sy hoë ballistiese koëffisiënt deur Kom mens egter in die Bosveld sing die ’n heining te bars nie. Dit klink gewoonlik wildboere ’n ander Psalm omdat jagters ook soos ’n wegskramkoeël as die vark sy maklik R500 vir ’n varkie uithaal. Sy vleis is heiningaanslag loods. dan so lekker vir die kabanossies en ander Weer blameer sekere produsente smulgoedjies. wildplaaseienaars, Net jammer ’n maar vlakvarke is mens moet altyd endemies aan dié “Vir ’n jagplaas of wildbesigtings­ die varkpermit gebiede. plaas is die wielsnoete natuurlik onthou. Die OosVir ’n ’n stewige aanwins. Buitelandse Kaap se mense jagplaas of besoekers soek basies net drie wonder oor die wildbesigtingsplaas varkies: was hulle is die wielsnoete diere om hulle Suid-Afrikaanse maar altyd hier natuurlik ’n besoek suksesvol te maak: ’n rond of het iemand stewige aanwins. vlaktesebra, ’n kameelperd en ’n die wielsnoete as Buitelandse wielsnoet wat met ronde boudjies vlugtelinge na die besoekers soek Oosgrensgebiede basies net drie en spits stertjie die pad vat. ” gebring? Dit wil diere om hulle voorkom asof daar Suid-Afrikaanse mense betrokke was by die Oos-Kaapse besoek suksesvol te maak: ’n vlaktesebra, wielsnoetbevolking. Aantygings vlieg wyd ’n kameelperd en ’n wielsnoet wat met en syd oor wildplaaseienaars wat vlakvarke ronde boudjies en spits stertjie die pad vat. na hul plase gebring het, maar niemand Jagters sal hulle linkerbene vir ’n beer kan bevestig of dit die oorsprong van die met groot tande gee of die linkervoet dan huidige groeiende bevolking is nie. Dat vir ’n jong speenvarkie. In die ou dae daar wel ’n goeie aanbod varke is, is nie was vlakvarke saam met bobbejane die te betwyfel nie, en die skade wat hulle “vernietskiet-wild” op die plaas, maar aan weiding en heinings aanrig, is al deesdae moet ’n jagter ’n dik beursie vir ’n legendaries in die provinsie. goeie wielsnoet saamneem. Dis amper of Vir graanboere van Noordwes is dit ook die vlakvark die arm man se olifant geword

het. As jy daardie veertienduimvark kan kamp toe bring, is sy aansienwaarde amper soos dié van ’n 80 pondolifantbul. Die vleisies word netjies verwerk vir worsies, kabanossies en selfs iets wat oor die spit met ’n slap sousie gebraai kan word. Vlakvarke gedy weens kosaanbod. Watter ordentlike wielsnoet sal aan geboortebeperking dink as al die boere in Noordwes gesogte mielies en sonneblom plant? Dis ook so dat die Oos-Kaap se roofdiere nie juis opgewasse teen vlakvarke is nie. As die varkies dit sou waag Baviaanskloof toe, is die luiperds hulle een voor, maar op die doringveld en grasveld is daar min groot roofdiere wat hulle getalle in toom kan hou. ’n Bosveldwielsnoet kry dit egter hotagter, want nie alleen is daar baie luiperds nie, maar ook deesdae jagluiperds wat groot getalle vlakvarke vang. ’n Mens wil half dink dat vlakvarke wel tot ’n mate deur mense in streke gevestig is waar hulle nie vantevore natuurlik voorgekom het nie. Dit skep ’n probleem as daar nie staande bevolkings luiperds en jagluiperds is nie. Kry dan maar die jagters om so effens aan die bevolkings te skaaf. Dan is almal gelukkig!

Dr Gerhard Verdoorn

Is die wielsnoet vriend of vyand?

Dr Gerhard H Verdoorn, Griffon Gifinligtingsentrum, 082-446-8946 agri OKT/OCT • NOVEMBER ‘15 bladsy/page

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140 2015/11/02 07:37:33 PM

Dr Gerhard Verdoorn

agri Uit ‘n ander hoek

Van spleetstok- tot selfoonnuus op die plaas FRIKKIE KRAAMWINKEL©

My oupa het ’n Philco-draadloos op sy Springbokvlakte-plaas gehad. Daardie dae was die energiebron ’n motorbattery wat deur ’n windlaaier op die huis se dak gelaai is. Dit het net genoeg krag voorsien vir die daaglikse nuusuitsendings en Saterdagaand se Mielieblaar-ontmoeting met oom Mertin en sy ridders, oom Gabriel, Doorsie, Hennerik en Paal. Hulle wysheid het soos goeie ou rooiwyn mildelik op boereplase gevloei en verkwik.


is merkwaardig hoe die soeke na alternatiewe nuus­ insameling- en verspreiding­ metodes sedertdien enorm bygedra het tot die ontwikkeling van verrassende nuwe tegno­logie. Vandag is elke boer met ’n selfoon toegerus en kan ’n joernalis of verslaggewer in die veld wees. Boere kan die jongste nuus sommer in die mielieland in kleur op die selfoon volg. Dis ’n ver klipgooi vanaf die somersdag toe Henry Morton Stanley vir David Livingstone op 10 November 1871 by Ujiji langs die Tanganjikameer in die hart van donker Afrika ontdek het. ’n Stokdraer het agt maande lank met die nuus na Dar es Salaam gehardloop, waarvandaan dit vervolgens vanaf Zanzibar met ’n stoomboot na Bombaai vervoer is, waar ’n telegraafkantoor was. Die nuus is vandaar na Londen getelegrafeer en toe verder na New York, waar dit neutvars wêreldnuus geword het op die voorblad van die New York Herald van 2 Julie 1872. Op dié manier het Stanley se epiese verhaal van die soektog na Livingstone op koerantpapier bewaar gebly. Uit ons eie geskiedenis duik hier ’n bottel by my op waarin Johannes Rall op 22 Junie 1901 opgeteken het dat hy en nog twee manne, M Buys en G Mank, Boere-krygsgevangenis op Ceylon was. ‘n Unieke manier om ’n stukkie nuus uit die verlede onder ’n kurkprop te bewaar. Daar is ’n replika van wat na tempel­ torings of iets dergeliks lyk binne-in die bottel gebou. Dit moet ’n aanduiding wees van waar die Boere hulle op Ceylon bevind het. Aan die binnekant, op die bodem van die bottel, is drie name wat op houtjies geskryf is, geplak sodat dit van buite af leesbaar is. Die datum 22 Junie 1901 verskyn ook daarop. M Buys en G Mank se name is effe moeilik om deur die nate van die bottel uit te maak en mag wat voorletters en die presiese vanne betref, iets anders wees. Aan die onderkant van die bottel is ook Y&Co

se vrou Gerda het die bottel aan Hannes ingegiet – waarskynlik die vervaardigers Barnard van Newcastle gegee om dié as’t van die bottel. Op die internet word Y&Co ware ingelegde nuus saam met sy ander steeds as handelaars van tekstiele en oudhede met hulle eie nuuswaarde te tapyte aangedui. bewaar. Johannes Rall, Die moderne wat op die plaas “Uit ons eie geskiedenis duik selfoon het byna Kliprand in die hier ’n bottel by my op waarin soos ’n gees uit die Normandien-distrik bottel te voorskyn van Natal begrawe Johannes Rall op 22 Junie gekom. Reeds in is, was die vader 1901 opgeteken het dat hy en die 1920’s was van die latere nog twee manne, M Buys en daar joernaliste wat adjunk-minister G Mank, Boere-krygsgevange­ gedroom het van ’n van vervoer, JN draagbare telefoon Rall. Die bottel wat nis op Ceylon was. ‘n Unieke wat sonder drade sy pa uit Ceylon manier om ’n stukkie nuus uit ’n verbinding met gebring het, het die verlede onder ’n kurkprop hulle nuuskantoor na Kerneels van te bewaar. Daar is ’n replika kon bewerkstellig Rooyen geswerf in ’n tyd toe die en ná sy dood van wat na tempel­torings of telefoonhokkie, na Seef van iets dergeliks lyk binne-in die telegraafkantoor of Rensburg, ’n neef bottel gebou.” poskantoor nog die van Kerneels. Seef naaste was wat hulle daaraan kon kom. Daar is ook bespiegel dat die jongste nuus na die publiek versprei kon word deur ’n koerant op ’n vliegtuig van Amerika na Engeland te druk om eerste met die nuus van die dag te wees. Nuusverspreiding per telefoon was byvoorbeeld reeds ’n groot sukses in Berlyn, waar ’n telefoonsentrale luisteraars aan ’n nuusleser verbind het wat hulle op die hoogte van die jongste nuusgebeure gehou het. Met die koms van die selfoon en direkte TV- en radio-uitsendings het ’n byna legendariese bron (die Engelse het die koerantwese “stop press” genoem) ook vir altyd as bron van die allervarste nuus van die dag verdwyn. Digitale argiewe het die plek van bottels en ander fisiese bewaringsmetodes van historiese nuusgebeure ingeneem. Het dit alles van die wêreld ’n beter plek gemaak? Besluit maar self uit jou eie nuushoek gesien — ­ noudat ons in Suid-Afrika ver gevorder het van die windlaaier op die dak en batterykrag vir die draadloos.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Die CaseIH Farmall JXM-reeks is hier Die wêreld van boerdery is vinnig aan die verander. Tog is daar dinge wat nooit sal verander nie, soos die belangrikheid van die keuse van boerderytoerusting wat so hard werk soos die boer, die hele dag, elke dag. Sedert hul eerste kennismaking in 1923, het Farmall-trekkers sinoniem geword met veelsydige werkesels. Hulle is gebou om prestasie en rotsvaste betroubaarheid te lewer in elke werkbare toestand.


ierdie tradisie word nou in die Case IH Farmall JXM-reeks voortgesit. Met ‘n perfekte balans tussen robuuste ontwerp en ruwe krag, bied dié kompakte trekkers die krag en kostedoeltreffende basis wat vir boerdery in die 21ste eeu-boerdery benodig word. Dit is die ideale kollega vir elke boerderytaak.

Hart van staal Die Farmall JXM-reeks word aangedryf deur die wêreldbekende Iveco S8000-reeks enjins, wat in twee weergawes beskikbaar is: 80 Hp (59,7 kW) en 88 Hp (65,7 kW). Met hierdie 4-silinder-turbo- aangedrewe enjin, is die eseltjie brandstofdoeltreffend. Dit word verder ondersteun deur die tussenverkoeler in beide modelle. Die Farmall JXM-trekkers is vervaardig om optimale en betroubare prestasie, hoë wringkrag en uitstekende produktiwiteit te lewer. Laer verkoelingvereistes verseker optimale brandstofverbruik en dus ‘n aansienlike besparing vir die boer. Die geenroes-90 literbrandstoftenk gee meer as genoeg brandstof vir ‘n lang werkdag, sonder dat dit nodig is om die trekker te hervul. Die uitstekende wringkrageienskappe van tot 340Nm, wat met ‘n indrukwekkende 30% in moeilike omstandighede toeneem, dra verder tot produktiwiteit by. Alle boerderytake is nie dieselfde nie. Daarom bied die Farmall JXM-reeks ‘n wye

Case IH Farmall 90JXM

CASEIH FARMALL JXM-REEKS • 80 JXM Farmall 90 JXM • Maksimum enjinkrag: [hp (Kw)] 80 (59,7) 88 (65,7)Motor Type IVECO S8000 • Kragaftakker: 540 (standaard)540/540E & 540/1000 (opsioneel) aspirasie • Turbo-aangedrewe met tussenverkoelers • Maksimum wringkrag: (Nm) 310 1400 @ rpm 340 @ 1400 rpm • Brandstoftenkkapasiteit (liter) 90

verskeidenheid opsies om by die boer se verskillende behoeftes aan te pas. Alle JXM-trekkers word toegerus met 8x8en 12x12-konfigurasies. Dié konfigurasies is almal met meganiese “power shuttle” gesinchroniseerd, wat die veelsydigheid van die trekkers verder verhoog. Die oorskakeling van ratte, selfs by hoë snelhede, vind dus makliker plaas. Die opsionele 20x20kruipopsie bied spoed so laag as 280 meter per uur. Dit is ideaal vir programme wat hoë wringkrag teen baie lae snelhede vereis soos tydens die verbouing van groente. Die nuwe “power shuttle”-hefboom sorg Case IH Farmall 90JXM vir vinnige rigtingverandering en moeitelose bewegings, ideaal vir werk in beperkte ruimtes en rondom die agterplaas. Die nuwe, onafhanklike kragaftakker (PTO) is maklik om te beheer en lewer ‘n bestendige en doeltreffende oordrag van krag. Benewens die standaard 540 rpmwerkspoed, bied die Farmall JXMCase IH Farmall 90JXM reeks die ekonomiese 540E-opsie,

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wat ideaal is vir kleiner implemente. Die opsie van 1 000 rpm is weer uiters geskik vir spesialistake soos bespuiting. Die driepunt het ‘n hyserkapasiteit van 2 000 kg, terwyl ‘n hulpsilinder bygevoeg kan word om dit na 2 500 kg te verhoog. Die JXM-trekkers het ‘n standaard 54 LPM-hidrouliese pomp, wat volle kapasiteit lewer ongeag die las op die stuurwiel. Dit verseker ook genoeg hidrouliese vloei vir groter implemente. Die opsionele drie kleppe is ideaal vir laaigraaf-operasies en om ‘n groter verskeidenheid addisionele funksies te akkommodeer.

Operateurgemak Die Farmall JXM-reeks is ontwerp om vir die operateur ‘n gemaklike werksomgewing tydens lang werksure te verskaf. Al die noodsaaklike kontroles is logies en ergonomies geplaas om maklik bereik te word. So word produktiwiteit verhoog. Die standaard-kragstuur verminder operateurmoegheid en verhoog beweeglik­ heid, selfs tydens swaarvrag­bedrywig­hede. Die groot plat dekplatform met opgeskorte pedale is ergonomies ontwerp vir ruim beenspasie en maklike toegang. CaseIH is die keuse van die professionele boer. Ons het meer as 170 jaar se ondervinding in die landboubedryf. CaseIH bied ‘n kragtige reeks trekkers, stropers, balers en implemente wat deur ‘n wêreldwye netwerk van hoogs professionele handelaars versprei word. Hulle is toegewy aan die verskaffing van uitstekende produkte aan ons kliënte. Meer inligting oor CaseIH produkte en dienste kan aanlyn by verkry word.

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Bewaar die energie in jou kuilvoer natuurlik. BIOMIN® BioStabil is ’n reeks kuilvoer-inokulante wat fermentasie in ’n breë kuilvoerspektrum (gras, lusern, graan-heelplante, klawer, mielieheelplante, ens.) verbeter en versnel deur pH-waardes gedurende die inkuilproses vinniger te verlaag. Sodoende word kuilvoerstabiliteit tydens voer-onttrekking uit die kuilvoerbunker verbeter, selfs nadat die bunker oopgemaak is. Die resultaat is ’n hoër droëmateriaal-, energie- en voedingstofbehoud – ’n waarborg vir laer insetkoste plus hoër produksie en wins. Kry meer besonderhede by of skakel ons by 018 468 1455.

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AGRI Okt 2015.indd 144

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