Web agri des 2015

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agri Vol 44 • No 6

DES/DEC’15 - JAN ‘16

Highly Commended


CHRISTMAS EDITION / KERSFEES-UITGAWE • Transport / Vervoer Tuiste van Landbou | Home of Agriculture

AGRICO Spilpunte & Lineêre Besproeiers

Met uitstaande staandaard eienskappe en verskeie opsies:

Spilpunte word in-huis gegalvaniseer; minimum 100mikron (1.8 keer “Cablesaver” beperk kabel diefstal. die ISO 146 standaard). Dit beteken “Windsaver” masjiene is stabiel en Die kabel loop binne-in die pyp en 80% langer lewensverwagting. vir 4 jaar gewaarborg teen omwaai. word nie maklik bygekom nie.

“Autoflush” spoel die spilpunt wanneer die pomp aankom.

AGRICO naatlose diens: Opmeet, Die AGRICO 3-been senter met sy ontwerp, vervaardiging, aflewering, wye voetspoor is besonder stewig. oprigting en naverkopediens.

agri Inhoud/Contents




Redaksioneel Editorial




Inhoud Contents

Die groter skema


ie naweek se koerant vertel van ‘n man wat sy vrou van 20 jaar en hulle twee tieners in die oggendure doodgeskiet het. Doodluiters het hy die skuld op ‘n inbreker gepak. En toe is daar die dubbelblad oor Oscar se onsekere toekoms. Gaan dit uiteindelik ‘n lang sit in die tjoekie wees nadat hy sy meisie (met opset of nie) van ‘n lewe ontneem het? Toe die berig oor nog ‘n sinnelose, grusame plaasmoord. Terloops, dankie aan al die boere wat die polisie met misdaadbekamping help! Daar was ook die bekende treurliedere oor die petieterige ekonomie, miljoene mense wat nie werk óf kos óf skoolboeke óf water het nie, klein besighede wat dit nie gemaak het nie, gruwelike misdaad. En ‘n paar bladsye verder, die berig oor die droogte en foto’s van die doodgewone Vrystaat wat lyk soos die woestyntonele in Jamie Uys se fliek, Dirkie, van toentertyd. Wie se ellende is groter? Wie sal kan sê? Sterkte, Suid-Afrika se kos­ produseerders. Moenie hoop verloor nie. Binne die groter skema van die lewe sal die droogte, soos die meeste ander ellendes, nie vir altyd en altyd wees nie. Suid-Afrika se boere land altyd op hulle voete.

3 Redaksioneel 5 Boekresensies/Book Reviews 7 Stille waters 8 Standpunt/Viewpoint 12 Brokkies/Snippets

11 14 17 41 45 47 52 53 55 58

NUUS/NEWS Ampsdraers sê hulle sê oor 2015 en die nuwe jaar Heelwat koppe bymekaar om plan te maak met droogte ‘n Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA Toekenning vir Kaasfees Is the concept of public trusteeship a double-sided coin? SEB-sektorkodes vir landbou gepubliseer No jobs miracle for drought-ravaged agricultural sector Sleutelfaktore vir die implementering van ’n voorsorgfonds Pap economics 101: The complexities of maize imports must be understood Veeboere presteer ondanks droogte

61 63 65 71 71 73 87 101 29

Implications and practicalities of GHG mitigation Land Claims Court judgement addresses issue of overgrazing by cattle belonging to labour tenants Tilling the grounds of transformation in citrus New chief executive officer for PPECB An aspiring farmer ready for the commercial challenge Several concerns raised in parliament From small-scale subsistence farmer to commercial success Die rooi merk van kreatiwiteit FOKUS/FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

GEREELD/REGULAR 89 Blokkiesraaisel 91 Bewaring/Conservation 95 Water 96 Uit ‘n ander hoek 100 Wyn/Wine 105 Agri Fauna

Jou opinie maak saak... Vertel ons waarvan jy hou en wat jy sou verander in Agri. Your opinion is important... Let us know what you like and what you would like to change in Agri. Stuur jou kommentaar en besonderhede aan:/Send your comments and details to: derick@greenpepper.biz/or Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion 0046 agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


Everybody relies on a farmer. As a farmer, you feel the pressure to feed our growing population and future generations. Everyone looks up to you… and when you have so much responsibility, you need to be sure of every move you make. Rest assured, PANNAR is committed to your success. HIGH YIELD PRODUCTS
























Together we farm for the future™


agri Agri (waarby ingelyf Die Boer/The Farmer), word vyf keer per jaar versprei aan lede van Agri SA en ander intekenare. Agri (under which Die Boer/The Farmer is incorporated) is distributed five times a year to Agri SA members and subscribers. Redaksionele komitee/Editorial committee Omri van Zyl, Johan Pienaar, Christo van der Rheede, Thabi Nkosi, Theo Boshoff, Nic Opperman, Kobus Visser, Elize van der Westhuizen, Annelize Crosby, Derick van der Walt & Livhuwani Ngwekhulu Personeel/Staff Uitvoerende redakteur/Executive editor: Derick van der Walt 082 770 5111 derick@greenpepper.biz Advertensiebestuurder/ Advertising manager Mabel Schmahl 082 563 4427 or (012) 997 3407/12 Mabel@agrisa.co.za Advertising executives Colleen Fraser 082 770 7577 colleen@mesconsultants.co.za Riaan Schmahl 074 170 6403 riaan@mesconsultants.co.za Kantooradministrateur en intekenare/ Office administrator and subscribers Thea Liebenberg Medewerkers/Contributors Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, Cassie du Plessis, Dr Gerhard Backeberg & Lehman Lindeque Uitleg/Layout Fréda van Wyk Adres/Address Agri, Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion, 0046 Blok/Block A, Inkwazi Gebou/Building, Embankmentstraat/Street, Zwartkop, Uitbreiding/ Extension 7 Tel: (012) 643 3400/ Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 E-pos/E-mail: derick@greenpepper.biz Reproduksie en drukwerk/ Reproduction and printing Business Print Centre: (012) 843 7600

Agri SA aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies ge­maak word nie en die menings en aan­bevelings van individue of enige ander liggaam of organisasie wat in artikels in Agri verskyn nie. Kopiereg word voorbehou en inhoud mag slegs met die toestemming van die direkteur: Korporatiewe Skakeling gereproduseer word./ Agri SA accepts no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and recommendations expressed by individuals or any other body or organisation in articles published in Agri. Copyright is reserved and the content may only be reproduced with the consent of the Director: Corporate Services.

Indien u op Agri wil inteken, skakel/ If you wish to subscribe to Agri contact Thea Liebenberg Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 www.agrisa.co.za Artikels in Agri is ook op aanvraag in ‘n alternatiewe taal beskikbaar/Articles in Agri are also available in an alternative language on request. Sirkulasie/Circulation

agri Boeke/Books

Boekresensies Book Reviews ‘n Boek verniet Agri gee ‘n eksemplaar weg van elk van die boeke wat op dié bladsy bespreek word. Stuur ‘n e-pos met jou naam, posadres en telefoonnommer na agricompetitions@gmail.com. Sê ook watter boek jy wil hê (slegs een boek per e-pos, asseblief). Veld management – Principles and Practices (In Afrikaans beskikbaar as Veldbestuur – Beginsels en Praktyke) Frits van Oudtshoorn (Briza Publications) This book is aimed at people involved and interested in land management (land owners, agricultural advisors, conservationists, students etc). It contains more than 380 photographs and illustrations and the book is written in an easy understandable language. It includes four chapters: an introduction to veld management and legislation, the natural resources we utilise during veld management, important ecological principles and processes and the important veld management practices. Enquiries: Tel no (012) 329 3896, e-mail: books@briza.co.za, website: www.briza.co.za. Bookshop: 121 Soutpansberg Road, Riviera, Pretoria Die woordenaar van Tah Johann van Zyl (Protea Boekhuis) Toe ’n skeptiese Tillie saam met haar kat Krummel in die land Tah beland, het sy nie eens naastenby ’n idee gehad van die maalkolk van avonture waarby sy ingesleep sou word nie. Haar opdrag om ’n bose vloek te help verbreek en so te keer dat Tah in ’n dorre woordwoestyn verander, vereis uithouvermoë, vreesloosheid en besondere insig van Tillie. Sal sy met die hulp van die woordenaar en Mierplesier daarin kan slaag om vir Guur, die onvriendelike bergdwerg, vir die eerste keer in jare aan die lag te kry? Sal sy die een wit maanhaar

van die wilde perd Alop in die hande kan kry? Sal sy by die gulsige gisterkolk kan uitkom sonder om self daardeur verswelg te word? Dié jeugfantasie van 72 bladsye (met ’n verrassende ontknoping) laat die leser uitasem van die spanning maar ook telkens aan die lag. Navrae: www.proteaboekhuis.com, tel no (012) 343 6279 Wenresepte 3 Huisgenoot (Human & Rousseau) Die sukses van Huisgenoot Wenresepte 1 en 2 is alombekend – daar is saam meer as 9 000 eksemplare van die herverpakte uitgawes verkoop. Huisgenoot Wenresepte 3 volg dieselfde wenpatroon: gewilde, beproefde geregte, goedkoop en maklik om te maak, ideaal vir die beginner sowel as die ervare kok. Met splinternuwe foto’s en uitleg is dié boek ’n plesier om te gebruik en ’n moet vir elke Suid-Afrikaanse kombuis. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Wallop! (An advertising phenomenon called Rightford, Searle-Tripp & Makin) Toni Younghusband (Tafelberg) Ogilvy South Africa’s origins lie with a little hot shop in Cape Town founded by Bob Rightford, Brian Searle-Tripp and Roger Makin in 1976. They arrived

>>> bladsy 7 Boekwenners Sept/Okt 2015: Making the most of indigenous trees, Cobus Nolte, Koekenaap; Grave Murder: The story behind the brutal Welkom killing, D de Melcher, Bloemfontein; Flentermens word heelmens, Phillip Treurnicht, Bronkhorstspruit, Liefde is ’n sprokie, Marietjie Marais, Mooirivier, Pharos: South African Multilingual Dictionary, André Schutte, Welkom; Woestynwysheid: Antieke riglyne vir toekomsgerigte mense, Jannie Frederichs, Stella

agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Promosie/Promotional

agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Stille waters

Stille waters Alwetend


estel ’n mens se lewe kon met ’n immergroen doolhof vergelyk word. Met jou geboorte stap jy by die een kant van die doolhof in en jou doelwit op aarde is om uiteindelik die prag-waterval in die middel van die doolhof te bereik. Hierdie waterval simboliseer ons ewige tuiste in die hemel. Sou dit nie baie makliker gewees het om ons pad deur hierdie groen, welige lanings na die waterval te vind as ons ’n kompas om ons nek, ’n kaart in ons sak en ’n tweerigtingradio aan ons sy gedra het nie?

<<< bladsy 5 on the South African advertising scene with an energy and passion that made them the industry’s hottest property. At the time, South Africa was tearing itself apart, and many people were eager to embrace a new value system they could believe in – no nonsense, no lies, no apartheid, no company politics – RS-TM offered this, in their ads and also to their staff. This book conveys the energy and joy of the early years at this agency, as it grew to become the jewel in the Ogilvy & Mather worldwide crown. Enquiries: nb@nb.co.za

God het reeds hierdie drie elemente vir ons gegee. Wanneer ons tot bekering kom, word die Heilige Gees ons innerlike kompas. Die Woord van God word die kaart wat ons in elke situasie lei en die tweerigting-radio aan ons sy simboliseer

die feit dat ons daagliks met God in die vorm van ’n dialoog kan kommunikeer. God is ALWETEND. In Psalm 33:13 lees ons: “Die Here kyk uit die hemel en sien al die mense. Van die plek waar Hy as koning sit, sien Hy almal wat onder op die aarde woon.” Van sy troon af kyk God op die doolhof af. Hy sien waar jy vandag stap en weet watter gevare vir jou lê en wag. In Jesaja 31:21 lees ons: “Wanneer jy die regte koers verlaat, sal jy agter jou ’n stem hoor sê: ‘Hier is die pad, loop hierlangs.’” Raadpleeg jy Hom oor jou roete en luister jy wanneer Hy met jou praat?

Practical Veld and Pasture Management for Farmers Chris Dannhauser en Jorrie Jordaan (Kejafa) Die skrywers het jare se ervaring van weiding, kleinvee, grootvee en wild. Die boek fokus op praktiese aspekte sonder om wetenskaplikheid in te boet. Praktiese sake sluit in weidingsisteme vir soet- en suurveld. Drakrag word ook bespreek. Die onderwerpe word deeglik toegelig met kaarte en foto’s. Indringer­plante word bespreek aan die hand van die jongste wetgewing. Veld en vuur kry ook aandag. Navrae: Tel no (011) 025 4388

Die Pro Leon de Villiers (Tafelberg) ’n Aangrypende verhaal oor vriendskap, verlies en die demone wat tieners moet takel in die proses van grootword, geskryf in die taal van vandag se tiener. Die hoofkarakter is ’n 16-jarige seun wat versot is op branderplankry, ’n karakter met wie tieners, en veral seuns, maklik sal kan identifiseer. Nou ook ‘n rolprent met Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling se gewilde Edwin van der Walt in die leidende rol in die rolverdeling van jong akteurs. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za

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agri Standpunt

Landbourisiko’s in Suid-Afrika – ’n wyer perspektief OMRI VAN ZYL, HOOF- UITVOERENDE BEAMPTE, AGRI SA

Agri SA het oor die afgelope 110 jaar legendes grootgemaak, en dit is vir my ’n groot eer om voort te bou op die werk wat Hans van der Merwe en die span vir die organisasie en die landboubedryf gedoen het.


Risiko’s in konteks Risiko’s is moontlike gebeure of toestande wat, indien dit materialiseer, ’n beduidende negatiewe impak op Suid-Afrika binne die volgende 10 jaar kan hê. Oor die algemeen word risiko’s geëvalueer volgens die waarskynlikheid van voorkoms, asook die impak daarvan indien dit sou materialiseer. Die kombinasie daarvan bepaal die risikoblootstelling – dus moet die risiko’s met die hoogste waarskynlikheid en die grootste impak prioriteit geniet wanneer risiko’s aangespreek word. Ek sien nie altyd ’n skerp bewustheid rondom die potensiële risiko’s met betrekking tot die landbou onder die breër SuidAfrikaanse gemeenskap nie. Soos ons gesien het met die “Fees-must-fall”- veldtog en >>> bladsy 10

Omri van Zyl

ie sektor is kompleks en die groter omgewing ingewikkeld, maar die antwoorde en oplossing vir die toekoms is ook daar. Die blootstelling wat Agri SA geniet, is noemenswaardig en ons reputasie bly ongeskonde. Iets wat baie van my tyd in beslag neem, hou verband met die groter prentjie en hoe komponente van hierdie groot prentjie in mekaar skakel. Nou meer as ooit tevore moet ons bewus bly van die risiko’s waaraan ons sektor onderhewig is en dit met groot sorg en ywer bestuur.

Die top-drie risiko’s volgens die World Economic Forum (WEF) is soos volg: Waarskynlikheid Impak 1. Interstaatkonflik 2. Uiterste klimaatsomstandighede* 3. Mislukking van nasionale regering* 4. Ineenstorting van die staat* 5. Werkloosheid* 6. Nasionale katastrofes* 7. Gebrek aan aanpassing by klimaatsverandering* 8. Waterkrisis*

1. Waterkrisisse* 2. Verspreiding van aansteeklike siektes 3. Wapens van massa-vernietiging 4. Interstaatkonflik 5. Gebrek aan aanpassing by klimaatsverandering* 6. Energieprysskokke* 7. Ineenstorting van kritiese inligtingstruktuur 8. Fiskale krisis*

*Risiko’s wat op Suid-Afrika van toepassing is

V E N N OT E I N L A N D E L I K E B E V E I L I G I N G | PA R T N E R S I N R U R A L S A F E T Y Use agricultural fleet code F14911 when purchasing a Nissan vehicle for Nissan SA to contribute to farm safety | Gebruik landbouvlootkode F14911 wanneer ‘n Nissan voertuig aangekoop word vir Nissan SA om ‘n bydrae te maak tot plaasveiligheid

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agri Viewpoint

Agricultural risks in South Africa – a wider perspective OMRI VAN ZYL, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AGRI SA

I have come to a place where legends have walked before me and it is an extreme honour to continue the legacy that Hans van der Merwe and the team have left in Agri SA and in the agriculture industry.


aving observed and talked to several stakeholders in the industry and having worked in the private sector side of the business, I realise that the sector is as simple as it is complex. The exposure that Agri SA has is significant and our reputation intact. Something that occupies quite a bit of my time relates to the bigger picture, and how components of this big picture feed into each other. Now more than ever we have to be aware of, and manage our sector risks with care and diligence.

Risks in context A risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, can cause significant negative impact for South Africa within the next 10 years. Generally risks are evaluated according to the probability of occurrence as well as the impact if the risk occurred. The combination of these determines the risk exposure – so the risks with the highest probability of occurrence and the largest impact will need mitigation priority. I don’t always see the acute awareness around the potential risks relating to agriculture in the broader South African community. As we’ve seen with “Fees-mustfall” and Eskom, unplanned solutions that cannot be implemented properly will tend to perpetuate the adverse impact of the risk and even exacerbate the condition. As risks relate to agriculture the categories of risks include: • Economic • Environmental • Geopolitical

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) the top three risks are depicted below: Likelihood Impact 1. Interstate conflict 2. Extreme weather events* 3. Failure of national governance* 4. State collapse* 5. Unemployment* 6. National catastrophes* 7. Failure of climate-change adaptation* 8. Water crises*

1. Water crises* 2. Spread of infectious diseases 3. Weapons of mass destruction 4. Interstate conflict 5. Failure of climate-change adaptation* 6. Energy price shock* 7. Critical information infrastructure breakdown 8. Fiscal crisis*

*Risks that are applicable to South Africa • Societal • Technological Interpreting the combinations shown in the Table above South Africa has exposure to a number of risks with a high likelihood. In fact all the top likelihood factors are present except perhaps interstate conflict. As far as the impact is concerned, the risk with the biggest impact globally seems to be a concern in South Africa – and as things stand right now this could create serious challenges for South Africa going forward. One could argue that the reasons why South Africa has managed to survive is mainly because the high impact risks, by and large, have not had an extreme adverse impact on our economy. How the main risks apply to South Africa and the agriculture sector Figure 1 on page 10 sets out some of the major risks in South Africa where the predominant focus is on income disparity and

the further polarisation of societies. For the purposes of clarity we’ll explore the effects of climate change further. In South Africa, where we have a water challenge, the direct impact of this situation is that it could lead to a situation where we cannot produce enough grain to feed the nation and the dependents in the value chain. The impact of this is that there would have to be food imports that would have a direct impact on food inflation and the affordability of high quality protein. Further to this, problems will arise around diseases affecting agriculture, including foot and mouth disease, African swine fever, bovine malignant catarrhal fever and tuberculosis, to name a few. These will have cross border effects and could affect the export capacity of the red meat sector. In case we have a regional crisis, we’ll >>> page 10

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agri Nuus/News Standpunt <<< bladsy 9 Eskom, is onbeplande oplossings wat nie behoorlik geïmplementeer kan word nie geneig om die nadelige impak van die risiko onaangespreek te laat of selfs die toestande te vererger. Die volgende risiko-kategorieë is van belang: • Ekonomies • Omgewing • Geopolities • Samelewing • Tegnologie As die kombinasies in die tabel op bladsy 8 vertolk word, is Suid-Afrika onderhewig aan ’n aantal risiko’s met baie hoë waarskyn­­likheid. Die feit is dat al die top-waarskynlikheids­ faktore teenwoordig is, miskien met die uitsondering van interstaatkonflik. Wat die uitwerking betref, blyk dit dat die risiko met die grootste impak globaal kommerwekkend in Suid-Afrika is – en soos dinge nou lyk, kan dit ernstige uitdagings vir Suid-Afrika vorentoe inhou. ’n Mens kan argumenteer dat Suid-Afrika tot dusver in staat was om te oorleef, hoofsaaklik omdat die hoë-impakrisiko’s oor die algemeen nie ’n uiters nadelige impak op ons ekonomie gehad het nie. Hoe die hoofrisiko’s van toepassing op Suid-Afrika en die landbousektor is Grafiek 1 bied ’n uiteensetting van sommige van die belangrikste risiko’s in Suid-Afrika, waar die fokus veral op inkomste-ongelykheid en die verdere polarisasie van gemeenskappe is. Vir duidelikheidsdoeleindes sal ons verder kyk na die gevolge van klimaatsverandering. In Suid-Afrika, waar ons water-uitdagings en ipso facto-droogte in die gesig staar, is die regstreekse impak hiervan die feit dat dit

kan lei tot ’n situasie waar ons nie genoeg graan kan produseer om die nasie en die afhanklikes in die waardeketting te voed nie. Die impak hiervan is dat voedsel ingevoer sal moet word, wat dan ook ’n direkte uitwerking op voedselinflasie en die bekostigbaarheid van hoëgehalte-proteïne het. Verdere probleme sal voorkom rondom siektes wat die landbou raak, met inbegrip van bek-en-klouseer, Afrika-varksiekte, snotsiekte en tuberkulose, om net ’n paar te noem. Hierdie siektes sal oor grense heen gevolge hê en kan moontlik die uitvoerkapasiteit van die rooivleisbedryf affekteer. In die geval van ’n streekskrisis sal ons streekmobiliteit van mense ervaar soos in die geval van Zimbabwe, waar mense van naburige state na Suid-Afrika migreer op soek na voedsel en ander geleenthede. In uiterste situasies kan dit aanleiding gee tot xenofobiese aanvalle, ernstige misdaad en armoede en selfs streekskonflik.

Oplossings By Agri SA maak ons dit ons erns om hierdie risiko’s aan te spreek en om te verseker dat ons planne en aksies in plek het om dit te bestuur. Ons hanteer letterlik enige denkbare risiko, van FMD-bedreigings in KwaZuluNatal tot maatreëls ter versagting van die huidige droogtetoestande. Ons sleutelfokus is op inklusiwiteit. Sommige van die oplossings wat ons ondersoek sluit die volgende in: • Kommersiële en strategiese vennoot­skappe; • Finansiële oplossings vir die bedryf; • Publieke-private vennootskappe; • Innovering en ontwikkeling in die bedryf. Nou, meer as ooit tevore, moet ons saamwerk om oplossings te beplan en uit te voer wat ons oorlewing sal verseker. Agri SA dien reeds meer as ’n honderd jaar sy boere en sal voortgaan om dit te doen. Ons oplossings mag in die toekoms verskillend wees, maar die etos en integriteit van die organisasie sal ons behoud bly.

Now more than ever we have to work together and plan and execute solutions that will ensure our survival. Agri SA has been serving farmers for more than 100 years and will continue

to do so for time to come. Our solutions may be different in the future, but the ethos and integrity of the organisation will remain the mainstay of our business.

Viewpoint <<< page 9 have regional mobility of people, similar to the recent Zimbabwean migration to South Africa where neighbouring countries will migrate to South Africa in search of food and other opportunities. In an extreme situation this could lead to xenophobia attacks, extreme crime and poverty and even regional conflict.

Solutions In Agri SA we make it our business to deal with these risks and to ensure that we have mitigation plans and actions to manage these. We literally deal with any conceivable risk from the FMD threats in KwaZulu-Natal to mitigation measures for the current drought. Our key focus is on inclusivity and some of the solutions we are investigating include: • Commercial and strategic partnerships; • Financial solutions for the industry; • Public private partnerships; • Innovation and development in the industry. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Nuus/News

Ampsdraers sê hulle sê oor 2015 en die nuwe jaar Johannes Möller, president Agri SA se kongres was vir my ‘n hoogtepunt. Ek is veral bly dat ons ons grondbeleid kon uitbou op die holistiese benadering waarop die vorige kongres besluit het. Die aanvaarding van ons finansieringsmodel vir grondhervorming by kongres getuig hiervan.


ie ontwikkeling van ons sosiaalmaatskaplike strategie is ‘n verdere hoogtepunt. Dié strategie gaan vir sosiale opheffing sorg en tot groot voordeel van landelike gemeenskappe wees. Die nuwe struktuur vir die organisasie waaraan ons al ‘n dekade lank werk, het ook nou in plek begin val met die versterking van ons bestuurspan. Dit is ‘n groot tree vorentoe. Omri van Zyl en Christo van der Rheede, saam met Johan Pienaar, sorg vir groter spesialisasie. Agri SA wil dienste aan alle boere lewer en nie net aan kommersiële

boere nie. Ek is ook bly dat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds groei en ek glo dat die fonds ‘n groot bydrae maak tot die beveiliging van ons landelike bevolking. Die veiligheidsituasie in landelike gebiede is egter onrusbarend en ons sal al hoe meer self vir ons veiligheid verantwoordelikheid moet neem. Die jaar se laagtepunt is ongetwyfeld die droogte en veral die gebrek aan planne. Die regering was totaal onvoorbereid. Dit help nie dat ons planne maak en dit op die tafel sit, maar daar is nie by die staat bereidwilligheid

om dit uit te voer nie. Verder maak die hoë vlakke van korrupsie en Suid-Afrika se kredietafgradering ‘n mens moedeloos. Dit is weens ‘n gebrek aan regeringsbeleid en is in ander Afrika-lande ook ‘n probleem. Volgende jaar gaan die droogte en hoe om dit die hoof te bied ‘n groot uitdaging wees. Ons gaan ook moet sorg dat ons boere veiliger is. Dan sal ons natuurlik steeds met die regering moet beding vir ‘n mededingender beleid vir landbou in Suid-Afrika.

Phineas Gumede, deputy president


or me the highlight was the good collaboration with government in terms of land issues. This is promising. The lowlight is the severe drought, which has caused a shortage of

food and job losses in the sector. This has also lead to increased debt and pressure on farmers. I hope that the government will step in and be able to switch the drought disaster into a positive outcome in the

new year. I also hope that more and more farmers will realise that South Africa is the best place to farm. I hope that their fear of politics will be minimised and that they will carry on farming in the new year.

Dan Kriek, adjunk-president Die hoogtepunt van 2015 is ongetwyfeld dat ons ons besluit geïmplementeer het om Agri SA se kapasiteit te versterk, veral wat ons sosiaal-maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid teenoor die samelewing betref. Ons kon ook suksesvol ‘n opvolger vir ons uitvoerende direkteur, Hans van der Merwe, aanwys.


gri SA se kernbesigheid sal steeds rondom beleidsontwikkeling sentreer. Ons betree egter ‘n nuwe era waar die potensiaal van ons kundigheidsvlakke en netwerkverhoudinge, nuwe sakegeleenthede moontlik maak. Die bydraes van Omri van Zyl, Christo van der Rheede en Thabi Nkosi is reeds besig om vir ons nuwe deure oop te maak. Ons sal op alle vlakke nuwe verhoudinge moet ontwikkel en nuwe bande met verskeie rolspelers moet smee. Dit is noodsaaklik vir landbou en

Suid-Afrika om te groei en te oorleef. Vir my is die laagtepunt dat ons ná jare van beleidinsette oor wat ons te doen sou staan in geval van ‘n nasionale droogte, ons nie ‘n wesenlike verskil kon bewerkstellig in terme van groter regeringsbegrip vir die kritiese rol van die sektor nie. Die invloed van die droogte, nie net op kommersiële boere nie, maar ook op ontwikkelende boere en verbruikers kan Suid-Afrika tot in sy fondamente skud. Dit gaan die tekortkominge uitwys oor hoe daar na

landbou in Suid-Afrika omgesien word. Die invloed van die droogte op sosiaal-, maatskaplike en ekonomiese gebied kan enorm wees. Wat volgende jaar betref, gaan die droogte ons dwing om te fokus op wat werklik belangrik is. Vordering met sake soos transformasie, grondhervorming en ontwikkeling hang helaas van ekonomiese realiteite af. Die veiligheid van boere en hulle werkers gaan ook ‘n kritiese uitdaging bly.

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Agricultural Writers SA’s annual awards

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Agricultural Writers SA’s crowned its national winners in November at a function in Stellenbosch.

The candidates in the category Farmer of the Year were back row from left: Neethling and Michael Dippenaar (Western Cape), Craig MacFarlane (KwaZulu-Natal), Piet Karsten (winner, Northern Cape), Hansie Viljoen (North West), Rénald Radley (Mpumalanga) and Ernst Janovsky from Absa Agribusiness, (one of the sponsors). Front row: Maria Angus, (wife of the Free State finalist) and Magda du Toit, chairperson of Agricultural Writers SA

Candidates in the category Agriculturist of the Year 2015 were from left: Dr Danie Odendaal (Gauteng), Dr Dirk Strydom (Free State), Frikkie Lubbe (Northern Cape), Theo Venter (North West), Prof Ben Cousins (winner, Western Cape), Jacob de Villiers (Mpumalanga) and Neil Esterhuyse form Santam Agriculture (one of the sponsors).

Candidates in the category New Entrant to Commercial Farming 2015 were from left to right: Representatives from Suurbraak Grain Farmers Cooperative (Western Cape), Gugu Mlipha and her daughter (winner from Gauteng), Magda du Toit, chairperson of the Agricultural Writers SA and LJ Makoele (Free State)

Nan is Joernalis van die Jaar Nan Smith is met ‘n artikel, SA’s daring dairyman, aangewys as Landbouskrywers SA se Joernalis van die Jaar. Die kompetisie is ‘n inisiatief van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds en gee erkenning aan kommersiële landbou se bydrae tot swartboerontwikkeling, transformasie en opleiding in die landbou. Die artikel het in Farmer’s Weekly verskyn en handel oor een van die land se mees suksesvolle transformasieprojekte in landbou. Die projek handel oor ‘n swart gemeenskap in die Oos-Kaap wat ‘n suksesvolle melkery bedryf en genoeg melk produseer om aan Shoprite Checkers te voorsien. Benewens die salarisse wat betaal word, vind daar ook winsdeling plaas in die gemeenskappe wat betrokke is. Santam Landbou borg die prysgeld van R15 000. Op die foto is Denene Erasmus, adjunk-redakteur van Farmer’s Weekly, wat die toekenning namens Nan Smith ontvang het. Regs is Hans van der Merwe, ‘n trustee van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds.

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Agri Gauteng hou AJV Agri Gauteng het op 25 November 2015 sy algemene jaarvergadering gehou, waartydens ampsdraers vir die volgende jaar verkies is. Die organisasie se finansiële state is by die geleentheid goedgekeur asook sy ouditeure vir die komende jaar. Die foto’s is by die geleentheid geneem.

Paradise Mahlangu, (voorsitter van NERPO) en Abraham Viljoen (Agri Rust de Winter)

Walter Dayson (provinsiale bestuurder, Absa), Ray van Rooyen (Absa) en Johan Beetge (Agri Pretoria)

Jimmy Brummer (Agri Cullinan), ds Willem Pretorius (Agri Roodeplaat) en Christo van der Rheede (adjunk- uitvoerende direkteur, Agri SA) wat die gasspreker by die geleentheid was

Marietjie Odendaal (Agri Pretoria), Ray van Rooyen (Absa), Frans van den Bergh (Agri Bapsfontein) en Karien Schretler (Agri Pretoria)

Philip Franqa, Willem Basson en Master Moripe – almal van Agri Rust de Winter

Die nuutverkose ampsdraers van Agri Gauteng is Frans van den Bergh (president) en Marietjie Odendaal en Willem Basson (albei vise-presidente).

Groot bydrae vir Agri Securitas Trustfonds Monsanto het onlangs R250 000 vir die Agri Securitas Trustfonds geskenk. Japie Grobler, voorsitter van die fonds, het by die geleentheid gesê dat Agri SA graag met maatskappye assosieer wat in die organisasie, sy mense en produsente belangstel. Hy het beklemtoon dat die Agri Securitas Trustfonds nie net kommersiële boere help nie, maar die totale landelike gemeenskap bevoordeel. Die fonds het min administratiewe uitgawes en die grootste deel van die fondse word dus aangewend vir die doel waarvoor dit ingesamel is. Kobus Steenekamp (besturende direkteur van Monsanto SA), Japie Grobler (voorsitter van die Agri Securitas Trustfonds) en Bennie Bester (kommersiële bestuurder van Monsanto SA)

Spotlight on agriculture in the Northern Cape Absa AgriBusiness hosted its annual prestige media tour from 10-13 November 2015 in the Northern Cape region from Upington, Klein Pella to Kakamas. The tour included visits to various farmers in the region, a hydro plant and an evening function with farmers of the region, as well as a celebration of the Absa Top 10 Pinotage wines.

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Heelwat koppe bymekaar om plan te maak met droogte KOSIE VAN ZYL, AGRI SA

Georganiseerde landbou se lidmaatskap van die Nasionale Rampbestuursadviesforum (NDMAF) word gemagtig in terme van Artikel 5 van die Wet op Rampbestuur (No 57 van 2002). Die NDMAF vergader vier keer per jaar. Agri SA se provinsiale affiliasies, lede van die provinsiale rampbestuur-adviesforums en boereverenigings is ook lede van die munisipale rampbestuur-adviesforums.


ie vergadering van die NDMAF op 12 November 2015 is hoofsaaklik gewy aan die huidige droogte, wat allerweë beskou word as die felste sedert 1992. Die verslae deur die provinsiale departemente van landbou het gespreek van ‘n landwye droogte, die lot van mens en dier, asook van verdroogde landerye en weidings. Die skepping van ‘n hoëvlak-oorhoofse komitee is aangekondig. Dié komitee bestaan uit ministers, hoofde van staatsdepartemente en ander sleutelamptenare wat daagliks vergader om die invloed van die droogte te evalueer, maatreëls te bedink om die nood te verlig en om onder meer prioriteite van staatsinstellings te evalueer ten einde fondse te bekom om vir droogtehulp aan te wend. Die Suid-Afrikaanse weerdiens speel ook ‘n belangrike rol om toeligting te gee

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oor weerstelsels en die gedrag van die El Niño-verskynsel. Agri SA het op sy beurt ‘n taakspan van belanghebbendes in die landbouwaardeketting op die been gebring om die negatiewe effek wat die droogte meebring, te ontleed en wyses te vind om die impak wat die droogte op boere en verbruikers het te verlig. Die verkryging van bruikbare inligting uit die onderskeie sektore om die nodige ontledings te doen en die impak van die droogte te bepaal, is ‘n noodsaaklike en dringende taak waarmee die taakspan reeds begin het. Die Land Bank, kommersiële banke, landboubesighede en die Nywerheidsontwikkelings­korporasie (NOK)

is betrek om uitkomste te bedink wat boere se finansiële oorlewing aanspreek. Op 24 November 2015 het die Parlementêre portefeuljekomitee vir landbou die droogte-situasie bespreek na aanleiding van ‘n voorlegging van die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye. Die oogmerk van die voorlegging was om te rapporteer oor die impak van die droogte op die landbousektor; die weervooruitsigte vir die komende maande; die impak op sekere sektore en handel; die vordering wat reeds gemaak is om verligting te bring; die impak op voedselsekerheid en die weg vorentoe. >>> bladsy 15

Droogte<<< bladsy 14 Daar is verder uitgewys dat van die agt provinsies, slegs vier as rampgebiede verklaar is, terwyl die ander provinsies besig is om die inligting vir droogteverklarings te verwerk. Vervolgens ‘n verslag van die WNNR word substansiële reënval eers in Maart 2016 verwag, terwyl ondergemiddelde reënval, soos afwisselende donderbuie wat gepaard gaan met hael en wind, in sekere dele van die land plek-plek steeds kan voorkom. Damvlakke in sekere gedeeltes in die land het reeds kritieke afmetings aangeneem. Suid-Afrika se jaarlikse verbruik van mielies is ongeveer 10 miljoen ton, terwyl die balans uitgevoer word. ‘n Opname is in Oktober 2015 gedoen om boere se voorneme om te plant te bepaal. Dit het op 2 274 hektaar neergekom. Intussen het die droogte en hitte vererger. Die eerste oesskatting word op 25 Feburarie 2016 gedoen. Die invoer van mielies blyk dus reeds onvermydelik te wees, nie net vir binnelandse verbruik nie, maar ook vanweë tekorte in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibië en Swaziland. Suid-Afrika is die grootste produsent van witmielies in die Suider-Afrikaanse konteks, terwyl produsente van witmielies wêreldwyd uiters beperk is. Die fasiliteite om groot hoeveelhede, mielies sowel as koring en ander graangewasse, in te voer, is ook ‘n bron van kommer, veral Suid-Afrika se logistiese vermoë in die algemeen, maar spesifiek vervoer. Prysstygings is onvermydelik en word in hierdie stadium uit verskeie oorde voorspel. Die invloed op voedselsekerheid en bekostigbaarheid is natuurlik ‘n groot kommer. Die impak op die veebedryf wat daagliks groot vrektes aanmeld, noop boere om op groot skaal te bemark. Bottelnekke kom reeds by veilingslokale en slagpale voor. Daar is ook ‘n gebrek aan bergingsgeriewe vir karkasse. Voerkrale speel ‘n belangrike rol

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deur graad B- en C-klasdiere aan te koop om vir die mark gereed te maak. Dit verhoed dat meer diere vrek en dat boere hulle inkomste kan verhoog. In hierdie stadium is daar volgens ‘n opname ‘n ernstige tekort aan veevoer. Klagtes is ook ontvang dat voer in pilvorm se gehalte afgeneem het as gevolg van ‘n tekort aan hoëgehalteruvoer, wat die basis van dié tipe voer uitmaak. Die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye, sowel as verskeie provinsiale regerings, het reeds op sekere van hulle programme besnoei om meer fondse vir droogtehulp beskikbaar te stel. Volgens waarnemers sal hierdie fondse egter

hoegenaamd nie voldoende wees om die groot getalle vee van veevoer te voorsien totdat meer reën binne die weidings se groeiseisoen of in die wintermaande geval het nie. Indien daar nie meer finansiële hulp voorsien word nie, sal ‘n groot deel van die veestapel, veral in die kommunale gebiede, verdwyn. Die opbou van kuddes ná droogtes van hierdie omvang, noop boere om aanteelvee terug te hou, wat weer ‘n invloed op pryse vir die verbruiker inhou. Die ongekende droogtesituasie het nou ‘n nasionale omvang en die samewerking van elke instansie en elke landsburger is nou broodnodig.

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Kuilvoer Kultivars

LS 8537 Medium lang groeiseisoen baster Uitstekend vir kuilvoer Goeie agronomiese eienskappe Wyd aanpasbaar

LS 8518 Medium groeiklas Hoë potensiaal baster Baie goeie agronomiese balans Wye aanpasbaarheid Uitstekende opbrengs

Kwaliteit en Diens

‘n Goeie keuse vir kommersiële sowel as kuilvoer kultivars Die keuse van kultivars lê in basiese beginsels nl.  Omgewing

LG 3607 Y

 Plantdatum

Vinnige baster Uitstekende opbrengs in sy groeiklas Baie goeie staanvermoë Stabiele baster Droog vinnig af

LS 8538 R Vinnige afdroging Goeie agronomiese balans Wyd aanpasbaar Baie goeie staanvermoë Hoë opbrengs

 Plantpopulasie  Opbrengs

Die keuse van ‘n kuilvoer kultivar gaan oor die graan-plant verhouding met goeie graan opbrengs. Basters met hoë opbrengs soos LS 8537, LS 8518 of LG 3607 Y, is gewilde groeiklas basters. Toleransie tot plant- en kopsiektes, speel ‘n groot rol in die sukses van opbrengs. Maak ’n ingeligde kultivar keuse met die ondersteuning en bystand van kundiges en kontak Link Seed (PTY) Ltd vandag.

Uitstekende Sojaboon Kultivars vir Wisselbou LS 6240 R Uitstekende staanvermoë Aangepas by wye en nou rye Goeie peulhoogte vir ‘n vinnige groeiklas Uitstekende opbrengs potensiaal


KONTAK LINK SEED Hoofkantoor Piet Herbst Ron Deane

033 417 1494 / 6 082 558 1766 082 557 9752

LS 6146 R Wye aanpasbaarheid en goeie opbrengsvermoë Goed aangepas in veral die koel en gematigde dele Goeie staanvermoë en peulhoogte

LS 6248 R Medium—Vinnige kultivar met wye aanpasbaarheid Goed aangepas in koel tot gematigde gebiede Goeie staanvermoë en peulhoogte

16 * Roundup Ready ® is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk en gelisensieer deur Monsanto Technology LLC. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page

‘n Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA

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Werksaamhede van Agri SA is vanjaar gedomineer deur verskeie dimensies van grondhervorming, arbeidsaangeleenthede van ‘n wye omvang, voorgestelde wetgewing rakende natuurlike hulpbronne en kommersiële aangeleenthede verwant aan handel en belasting. Verdere wetgewing, asook beleids- en politieke uitsprake is deur beleidskomitees en ander gesagstrukture van Agri SA hanteer. Van die hoogtepunte verskyn op die volgende bladsye.

Arbeid en maatskaplike sake: Klem op ontwikkeling Vanjaar is baie klem gelê op ontwikkelingswerk. ‘n Toetsprojek is onder meer suksesvol vir vroue in die NoordKaap aangebied. AgriSETA het ‘n bedrag van R500 000 aan Agri SA bewillig om ‘n opleidingsprojek vir die bemagtiging van werklose mense in landelike gebiede te onderneem. Die opleiding was gerig op onder meer hulpbronbestuur en die opstel van besigheidsplanne. Ná afloop van die opleiding het verskeie van dié NoordKaapse vroue hulle eie besighede in die omgewing begin. Werksgeleenthede het ook vir die opgeleide groep meer toeganklik geraak.


aar is ook ‘n opleidingsprojek ontwikkel vir nuwe toetreders tot landbou. Twintig boere is deur Agri SA se affiliasies genomineer om opleiding te ontvang in onder meer entrepreneurskap in die landbou­sektor, plaas­ bestuur, hulpbronbestuur, risiko­vermindering, waardetoevoeging en die opstel van besigheidsplanne. Van die 20 kursusgangers het 16 die opleiding suksesvol deurloop. Daar is steeds ‘n spesifieke fokus op sosiale dialoog. So byvoorbeeld is ná die onluste in 2012 - 2013 ‘n “vulnerable workers forum” gestig wat, onder leiding van die adjunk-president van Suid-Afrika, poog om deur middel van ‘n sosiale verdrag arbeidsverhoudinge op ‘n beter voet te plaas.

Daar word tans ook gewerk aan ‘n sosiale ooreenkoms, oftewel die “social compact” vir landbou in geheel, wat gebruik kan word om leemtes ten opsigte van dienslewering en ‘n beter lewe vir plaaswerkers te verseker deur die samewerking van alle rolspelers in landbou. Die Internasionale Arbeids­organi­sa­sie het ‘n ondersoek na arbeids­verhou­dinge op plase gedoen en die uitkomste van die ondersoek word as basis vir die social compact gebruik. Prosesse rondom die hersiening van die sektorale vasstelling vir landbou en bosbou, asook die gesprekke op nasionale vlak oor die daarstel van ‘n nasionale minimum loon, het gefokusde aandag vanjaar ontvang. Laasgenoemde proses word ook deurlopend deur Suid-Afrika se adjunk-president, Cyril

Ramaphosa, gemonitor. Agri SA is ook in samewerking met die departement van binnelandse sake behulpsaam met die projek om alle plaaswerkers en hulle gesinne te registreer. Verskeie aksies rakende buitelandse werkers, veral landsburgers van Lesotho, Mosambiek en Zimbabwe, is ook vanjaar geloods. Buitelandse werkers word veral in die provinsies aangrensend tot die buurlande in diens geneem, hetsy op ‘n permanente of seisoenale basis. Vanjaar het die verkryging van korporatiewe visums deur werkgewers om buitelandse werkers in diens te neem, weer verskeie uitdagings gebied. Nuwe immigrasieregulasies bemoeilik die verkryging van die genoemde visums nog meer.

Commercial Committee focuses on profitable environment for farmers The work of the Commercial Policy Committee focuses on the manner in which the cost of agricultural production and marketing can be reduced, the unlocking of market opportunities and the implementation of general initiatives to create a more conducive and profitable environment for agriculture.


outh Africa remains a net exporter of agricultural commodities; a situation that has been facilitated to a large extent by the myriad of trade agreements that have enhanced international market access for South African agricultural

products. With the aim of supporting and promoting agricultural trade, Agri SA participates in the Agricultural Trade Forum of the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and the relevant trade-specific Nedlac structures as a member of Business Unity South

Africa. Through these platforms, Agri SA over the past year engaged on key trade-related matters such as: • the finalisation of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union; • the renewal of the United >>> page 21

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Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA <<< bladsy 17 States of America’s Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (Agoa); • the structuring of negotiations relating to the free trade agreement in Africa between the three biggest economic groupings, namely the Southern African Development Community, the Economic Common Market of Eastern and Southern African States and the East African Community. Although agricultural production and net farming income improved in 2014, much work was still required to ensure that the over­all business environment is conducive to profitable and sustainable agricultural production. This sentiment of fostering a conducive environment was reiterated by the Committee in various engagements including those with the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries wherein, among other matters, the supportive

measures necessary for the achievement of the agricultural objectives of the National Development Plan were discussed along with the need for more effective disaster relief for agriculture. In addition Agri SA, as a member of Business Unity South Africa, also engaged in the National Economic, Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) and directly with government on a multitude of policies that affect the ability of businesses to operate effectively. Key discussions in these forums have centred on labour market matters, policy formulation with regard to Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), load-shedding and other economic and financial aspects that impact on the business community in general and in particular on agriculture. The Committee also monitored legislative changes that have significant effects on the

agricultural sector. Of the 23 laws under review, 16 have been finalised. Seven are still in the process of being reviewed, including the Animal Diseases Act, the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill. In addition, the committee over the past year also engaged actively on behalf of the agricultural sector on matters of commercial importance such as proposed electricity tariff increases, the diesel refund system and provided inputs to the Davis Committee on general taxation matters. Undoubtedly, risk and disaster manage­ ment remains critical to the continued success of farmers. As such the committee prioritised engagement in structures dealing with disasters in terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002 to advocate for streamlined approaches to disaster management. In recent times floods and droughts received specific attention.

Landelike veiligheid: Verskeie sake onder die loep Die burgerlike sekretariaat van die polisie het konsepwitskrifte oor die polisie en veiligheid en sekuriteit gepubliseer. In Agri SA se kommentaar daarop is spesifiek verwys na die kwesbaarheid van landelike gemeenskappe in die algemeen en spesifiek ook na die felheid waarmee ernstige misdrywe in dié gebiede gepleeg word.


ommentaar is gelewer op die konsep­wysigingswetsontwerp op vuurwapen­beheer. Die kommentaar het hoof­­saaklik gefokus op die nodigheid om die geldigheidsduur van bevoegdheid­sertifikate te verleng. Ná afloop van die portefeuljekomitee op die polisie se vergadering in Maart vanjaar, het die polisie besluit dat operasionele planne ontwikkel

moet word om die doelwitte van die Landelike Beveiligingstrategie, veral dié gerig op die voorkoming van gewelddadige misdaad, verder te bevorder. In samewerking met die polisie is toepaslike voorstelle ontwikkel. Die polisie het werkwinkels in provinsies gehou om die Landelike Beveiliging­­strategie te evalueer en leemtes te identifiseer. Tydens die werkwinkels het provinsiale organisasies die

geleentheid gekry om voorstelle te maak ter verbetering van die strategie. Tersaaklike insette sal nasionaal gekonsolideer word. Die polisie het Agri SA uitgenooi om deel te neem aan die evaluering van die provinsiale landelike prioriteitskomitees se funksionering. Dit volg nadat Agri SA ‘n verslag aan die polisie in dié verband voorsien het.

MORE ON RURAL SAFETY The Defence Force is in the process of deploying at the international borders. This includes the employment of contractors to conduct environ­ mental impact studies, to erect border fences and to construct border roads. The Rural Safety Committee plays a facilitating role between the Defence Force, affected provincial affiliations and other affected parties. An agreement was reached between AfriForum and Agri SA to establish communication channels and to eliminate the duplication of security functions at local level. With regard to rural safety, a recent survey by Agri SA indicated that rural safety is one of the five major challenges facing the farming community. In a further survey conducted among consumers, 75% indicated that crime was a problem for farmers. This confirms the need for appropriate structures at all levels of the organisation to deal with rural safety. The first recruitment of reservists took place during October 2014 in four provinces. The police is currently busy finalising training procedures whereafter further recruitment drives according to the operational needs of the police will take place. The Committee supports a fresh approach to the implementation of the Rural Safety Strategy, especially after the Human Rights Commission recently indicated that a holistic and decisive effort was needed to curb the incidence of farm attacks. This is also on the agenda for discussion with the minister of police.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16‘ bladsy/page


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Expression of Interest DISTRIBUTOR REQUIRED

Goldacres is Australia’s largest manufacturer of spraying

With a large range on offer it enables a reseller to access a

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years. The vision has always been to provide spraying equipment which allows you to change the way you spray. Ground breaking technology such as Direct Chemical Injection (DCI), Ultraglide, Smart Steer, TriTech boom suspension and aluminium boom wings have changed the way you apply chemicals - these innovations have all been introduced in response to the requests of our customers. Goldacres operates two factories in regional Victoria with the Ballarat site also the company's head office and large sprayer production facility. The Goldacres sprayer range is sold, serviced and supported nationally by over 80 dealers and resellers. Goldacres offer the most comprehensive range of commercial products available to a Dealer or Reseller.

goldacres.com.au agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


At Goldacres we use common parts at every opportunity, this enables the reseller to maximise their stock turnover and reduce the holding cost of parts. Goldacres also gives you the opportunity to access non Goldacres customers via our offering of generic parts. We are looking to appoint an experienced and respected Distributor in South Africa to establish Goldacres in all areas of the agricultural horizon to complement an existing business. For further information please contact ashleydinning@goldacres.com.au

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Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA <<< bladsy 21

Natural Resources: Water and shale gas priorities As far as natural resources are concerned national water policy, the water tariff dispensation, water quality, the protection and development of agricultural land, as well as shale gas development constituted priority matters dealt with over the past year.


he review of the previous national water policy in 2013 resulted in controversial proposals, namely the use-it-or-lose-it principle, a possible limit on the tradability of water and transfer of water use rights, as well as the abolition of water user associations. The department of water and sanitation nevertheless indicated that these matters will be subjected to further studies, also with a view to incorporating it in the National Water Act. On water quality aspects, Agri SA has already obtained a legal opinion regarding the department’s responsibility for water quality in terms of the relevant legislation at national and provincial level, as well as irrigation farmers’ possible liability in terms of the Consumer Protection Act. Senior legal council was instructed for an opinion on this matter, specifically with respect to the minister’s responsibility as a public trustee of South Africa’s resources. A draft Bill on the protection and development of agricultural land was gazetted for commentary to eventually replace the sub-division of Agricultural Land Act. Agri SA fully supports the initiative for the creation of an effective statutory framework for the protection of agricultural land. Despite its laudable objectives, however, this bill has not escaped controversy. The committee participated in sectorial and national consultation on water tariffs, with respect to the 2015/2016 tariff dispensation. Agri SA requested that increases in water resource management and water resource infrastructure costs, should be restricted to a minimum of 10 %. Although WRMC subsequently announced variances across CMA’s it was judged as acceptable by the committee having regard to differences

between regional and the average increase across regions. WRIC’s increased by 6,6 %, which was welcomed by the committee especially given under recovery of costs still prevailing in certain regions. The concept of public trusteeship of natural resources is incorporated in the draft bill. Agri SA is of the opinion that the actual protection that the bill affords agricultural resources does not lie in the public trust doctrine but rather in the regulatory framework that the bill prescribes, such as the minister’s competency to allow for re-zoning of land. Agri SA has also expressed concern over the wide discretionary powers that the draft bill affords the minister. In terms of the draft legislation, the minister can expropriate land which, in his/her opinion, had not been used optimally for a period of three years

at a lower-potential price than would be payable for similar land in the area. This will entail subjective judgement and creates an opportunity for abuse. The conservation of precious agricultural land is of utmost importance for the country’s food security, especially given challenges such as climate change and the competitive demands for the use of high-potential agricultural land. Agri SA will participate in the further development of the particular legislation on this basis. Lastly, the long awaited technical regulations and regulatory framework for shale-gas exploration and mining was released by the Department of Mineral Resources. Agri SA will develop an appropriate guideline document to empower landowners to negotiate with developers.

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Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA <<< bladsy 23

Communication and Image Building The committee focuses on maintaining and promoting network relationships, liaison with key stakeholders and the media, internal and external communication and image building.


etworking relationships remain important and are being expanded and strengthened in various ways to the benefit of the parties concerned. The liaison actions place particular emphasis on the role of the farmer as reliable provider of food and fibre for the South African population. The positive contribution that agriculture makes to the economy in general and in terms of social upliftment forms an integral part of the communication process. The recent perception survey conducted amongst members of affiliates of

Agri SA, concluded that farmers experienced Agri SA’s communication as satisfactory, but that there are opportunities that could be explored further such as direct cell phone communication and social media. Agri SA’s electronic e-newsletter is circulated regularly to affiliated organisations as well as the media and other role players. It provides readers with the latest status of agriculturerelated policy developments and is widely used.

A holistic approach to agricultural development The Transformation Committee changed its name and composition in March 2015 to the Agricultural Development Committee. The Integrated Farmers Forum has become part of this policy committee.


he policy committee has put a lot of time and effort into further developing the framework for a holistic approach to land reform, which was endorsed by the congress in 2014. Concepts such as the idea bank, a social accord, a right of first refusal and a special purpose vehicle for financing have received attention. In March 2015 Agri SA presented its alternatives to minister

GugileNkwinti’s 50/50 proposal at a national workshop. Minister Nkwinti has since indicated that the policy, referred to as the “strengthening of relative rights policy”, will be piloted for four years and that alternative models such as those proposed by Agri SA may be included as pilots. The proposed policy will therefore no longer be forced on farmers, but organised agriculture has been given the opportunity to assist through the piloting in coming up with workable models to strengthen the tenure rights, living conditions and livelihoods of farm workers.

MEER OOR KOMMUNIKASIE EN BEELDBOU Agri SA se amptelike mondstuk, Agri, lig lesers in oor landbou­ kwessies en sake wat aan die orde is. Die tydskrif word regstreeks aan boerelede versprei en sirkulasiesyfers word deur die Sirkulasieburo geoudit, wat uiteraard belangrik vir adverteerders is.


ie rol van die media in beriggewing oor die landbou is vanselfsprekend vir Agri SA belangrik. Om erkenning aan joernalistieke werk te gee wat die beeld van die landbousektor en boere bevorder, word ‘n kompetisie jaarliks in samewerking met die Agri Securitas Trustfonds aangebied. Deur middel van Agri SA se parlementêre verteenwoordiger word vergaderings van die betrokke portefeuljekomitees gereeld bygewoon, die parlementêre program gemonitor terwyl Agri SA op hoogte gehou word van alle tersaaklike verslae. Agri SA versprei elke Maandag­ oggend relevante inligting aan die publiek deur middel van RSG Landbou. Nampo Oesdag is ‘n belangrike geleentheid op die kalender van Agri SA om die werksaamhede van die organisasie ook tot op grondvlak te verduidelik. Die Toyota/Agri SA Jongboer­ kompetisie is ‘n uitsonderlike vertoonvenster vir progressiewe jongboere. Agri SA verleen administratiewe ondersteuning in dié verband.

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Vrugbare jaar vir Agri SA <<< bladsy 25

Meer oor landbou-ontwikkeling Minister Gugile Nkwinti het tydens Agri SA se kongres in Oktober 2014 ‘n uitnodiging aan Agri SA gerig om deel te neem aan ‘n interdepartementele taakspan, onder sy voorsitterskap, wat saamgeroep is om die hoofstuk in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan wat handel met grondhervorming, landelike ontwikkeling en voedselsekerheid, te implementeer. Die taakspan vergader maandeliks en Agri SA se verteenwoordigers woon sedert November 2014 hierdie vergaderings by.


highlighted issues such as compensation, access to the courts and the cost of litigation, was well received. Agri SA het ná ‘n periode van ongeveer drie jaar waarin daar geen

edurende Maart 2015 het die minister aangekondig dat daar vier werkgroepe onder die toesig van die interdepartementele taakspan sal funksioneer, welke werkgroepe handel met distriks-grondhervormingskomitees, die regulering van grondbesit, die loodsprojekte vir die versterking van relatiewe regte en agriparke. Agri SA het ook verteenwoordigers op elk van hierdie werkgroepe genomineer. Agri SA participated in the public hearings on the Expropriation Bill which were held in July 2015. Agri SA had previously commented on the Bill and had also participated in the Nedlac negotiations on the Bill. Through these processes the Bill had been significantly improved. Agri SA’s submission in Parliament, which

kontak met die Kommissie op die Herstel van Grondregte gemaak kon word nie, in Junie ‘n vergadering met die Hoofgrondeisekommissaris gehad en ooreengekom op nouer samewerking tussen Agri SA en die Kommissie. Agri SA het ook ‘n samewerkings­ ooreenkoms geteken met die departement van landelike ontwikkeling en grond­ hervorming vir nouer samewerking in die implementering van verskeie grondhervormingsinisiatiewe en die oplossing van verblyfreggeskille. Werksaam­ hede in die verband het egter nog nie ‘n aanvang geneem nie. Agri SA het kommen­ taar gelewer en voorleggings gedoen oor nuwe wetgewing soos die Wet op Eiendoms­ waardering en die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Verblyfreg.

Agri Securitas Trustfonds finansier verskeie veiligheidsprojekte Die Agri Securitas Trustfonds is daarop gerig om fondse aan boerderygemeenskappe beskikbaar te stel waardeur hulle hul eie veiligheid en dié van aangrensende gemeenskappe kan verbeter.


ie Trustfonds het sedert sy ontstaan verskeie projekte gefinansier, wat die volgende insluit: kamera-stelsels, voorsiening van radio-kommunikasie­stelsels,

oprigting van valhekke, verskaffing van landelikebeveiligingstoerusting, befondsing van navorsing oor motiewe vir plaas­ aanvalle, ondersteuning aan veiligheids­ lessenaars wat deur provinsiale organisasies

bedryf word en traumaberading. Strategiese vennootskappe met Sanlam, Vodacom, Nissan SA en CrisisOnCall stel die Trust in staat om hierdie belangrike rol te speel.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

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FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

Hints for better, safer travelling for freight operators Business travelling on South Africa’s deteriorating roads is serious and often dangerous, especially in rural areas. Add the many unroadworthy vehicles, the impact of the high number of truck accidents on the economy and it is clear that travelling on South Africa is no trip to Disneyland. Tjaart van der Walt gives hints for better and safer travelling for freight operators.*


hat advice would you give freight operators transporting fully loaded trailers on roads, which at times leave a lot to be desired, ensuring the operators to get the best optimisation of trailers during their lifespan? Would this advice differ to those operating north of South Africa’s borders compared to freight owners only operating in South Africa? It is important to offer the correct spec vehicle for the correct application. We recommend a certain trailer spec to a customer according to the road conditions that they will be travelling on. Should the customers operate mainly on bad tar and gravel road we will offer a heavy-duty chassis and suspension. This will also be relevant for our customers operating up north, as the road conditions are not always of a good quality. We recommend that freight owners implement a process of preventative maintenance. By doing maintenance at more regular intervals compared to only servicing vehicles every 30 0000 km will allow the operator to pick up on issues prior to them resulting in breakdowns. Bad road conditions can have a massive impact on the running gear of a trailer. Thus by bringing these vehicles in for a minor service or checkups more regularly can ensure that all the necessary bolts are torqued to ensure that the vehicle runs without problems.

What should operators do to ensure a trailer delivers goods efficiently? We believe that training forms an integral part of a smooth operation. The driver/ operator needs to understand the equipment in order to get the best value from the trailer. For example, coaching/informing drivers on

the impact of issues such as under-inflated tyres and the cost and productivity impact it has on a company. Drivers should be trained to do visual inspections before a trip to pick up on issues that can be resolved prior to the trip thereby minimising the chances of a breakdown and thereby a drop in productivity.

Does this differ between trailer types or is it similar for all types of trailers? More specialised trailers need more training. Operating trailers such as a low bed that involves securing heavy equipment with chains will require the correct training to ensure that the load is secure before a trip commences. Compared to the task of strapping a pelleted load on a flat deck of sliding curtain trailer this is a different story. What are the latest trends within the trailer market? How have these made the trailers more efficient to operate? More operators are investigating Performance Based Standards (PBS). This is where an operator gets approval from the authorities to operate an abnormal vehicle on a dedicated route with a dedicated commodity on a public road’, thereby enhancing payload and productivity per vehicle. We develop trailers for this application by adapting the vehicle to carry more payload and enhancing the gross combination mass of a trailer combination without impacting on the road conditions. This is done by adding more axles to a an interlink trailer combination and not allowing these axles to be overloadeded, thus still complying to the

restrictions enforced by the authorities. In the long run the operator will need less vehicles to do the required work, thereby reducing congestion on the roads and the impact on the roads. More operators are looking into dual purpose trailers that allow them to cater for different markets, ensuring they have loads both ways minimising empty legs. The operator can carry anything from grain to pallet loads on the same trailer, thus ensuring flexibility for the operator.

How often should maintenance be undertaken on a trailer? What are the best maintenance practices transport operators should implement ensuring they get optimum usage? If an operator can implement a process of preventative maintenance this will add value to the operation. This process shouldn’t be a time consuming process. It is merely an inspection to ensure all is running smoothly. Depending on the specification of the trailer we recommend that the trailer gets a minor service every 30 000 km and a major service every 200 000 km or once a year. The road condition can also impact on the intervals. If one operates on bad roads it will be advisable to inspect trailers more often. It is advisable to send a trailer for service in conjunction with the truck’s service, thereby ensuring they are both out of production simultaneously, this should in most cases be every 30 000 km. *Tjaart van der Walt is the Boksburg branch manager for the company AFRIT. The article previously appeared in Focus Magazine. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page



FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

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WHEN IT COMES TO WORLD-CLASS PERFORMANCE, TOTAL IS THE RIGHT CHOICE IN LUBRICANTS. The life of the farmer is tough and demanding, requiring millions spent on equipment but more time mending fences! Every farmer needs farming equipment and essential, heavy duty machinery that performs: whether it is a tractor that starts in the snow or a lubricant that extends the working life of engines, for worldclass performance, Total has always been the right choice in lubricants. Since 1956, TOTAL South Africa has enjoyed a unique relationship with organised agriculture. It began with a gentleman’s agreement that revolutionised the way farmers acquired bulk petroleum products through agricultural co-operatives. It continued in 1958, when TOTAL became the first company to support wildlife and environmental conservation and to market lubricating oil in sealed cans. In 1966 TOTAL introduced affordable “co-op” oils, specially blended by TOTAL for the agricultural market. In 1983 TOTAL established a Drought Relief Fund with the South African Agricultural Union.

FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

TOTAL TRANSMISSION LUBRICANTS TOTAL EP 80W-90 is designed for synchronized and non-synchronized gearboxes, mild loaded axles, transfer boxes and gears. TOTAL TRANSMISSION TM 80W90 is an extreme pressure mineral oil for the lubrication of highly loaded hypoid gears with standard drain interval, axles, final drives, transfer cases and gearboxes. TOTAL Transmission DA 85W-90 and 85W-140 provides effective lubrication of axles and differentials equipped with limited slip discs, agricultural machinery and 4 wheel drive on-road vehicles. TOTAL FLUIDE ATD lubricates automatic or semi-automatic transmissions and torque converters of passenger and industrial vehicles.

Just as a farmer works in partnership with his wife, so TOTAL partners with organised agriculture via congresses and congress sponsorships that tackle the challenges that modern farmers face: meeting the demands of climate change and weather, increased pests and diseases, labour strikes, security, rising production costs, price volatility, land use and reform policy and planning.


To make farming go smoother, TOTAL Lubricants mobilises 110 researchers to design and develop cutting-edge lubricants and products for other agricultural applications that meet international standards as well as vehicle and machine manufacturers’ stringent approvals. Our latest tribology technology extends engine life via effective lubrication functionality that combats friction and wear. As a result, TOTAL South Africa can offer complete high-performance product ranges to deliver optimal performance for your vehicles, machines and equipment.



TOTAL RBF dot 4+ is recommended for brake and clutch systems of vehicles using synthetic fluids.

TOTAL MULTAGRI super high performance multi-purpose oil reduces the number of lubricants needed on a farm. Offering year-round lubrication of different systems in agricultural tractors and harvesters, it is also used in conventional and mechanical transmissions fitted with oil bath brakes, gearboxes, reduction drives, hydraulic lift and assistance circuits, power take-offs and multidisc clutches operating in oil and hydrostatic steering systems. TOTAL DYNATRANS MPV lubricant for wet disk brake transmissions and hydraulic systems offers excellent low and high temperature performance for tractors and equipment. TOTAL Azolla ZS 68 high performance anti-wear oil is designed for hydraulic systems running under the most difficult conditions. TOTAL ENGINE LUBRICANTS TOTAL RUBIA TIR 7400 provides on-road diesel engines effective lubrication in severe conditions. TOTAL RUBIA S30 and 40 monograde lubricant for diesel engines is also suitable for gear boxes and torque converters. SUPER TWO STROKE is suitable for all types of two stroke gasoline engines and mechanized farming equipment.

TOTAL’S multi-purpose extreme pressure greases, MULTIS EP 2 and MULTIS COMPLEX EP 2 are formulated for lubrication of loaded slide, ball, and roller bearings, wheel bearings, universal joints, chassis, and various shock loaded or vibrating agricultural and off-road equipment.

Our long life antifreeze coolants include COOLELF AUTO SUPRA -37°C and GLACELF AUTO SUPRA. Based on monoethylene glycol, they are recommended for all internal combustion engines in cars, trucks and agricultural tractors. TOTAL BRAKEFLUIDS

TOTAL DEGREASING FLUIDS TOTAL’S DEGREASING FLUID WB is a pH Neutral, water-based industrial strength cleaner/degreaser for most hydro-carbons (oils), hard-surfaces, aluminium, and general all-purpose cleaning. DEGREASING FLUID SB is a solvent-based degreaser for hard surface and general all-purpose cleaning. For more than 3 decades, TOTAL has led the agricultural sector with affordable products that include world-class quality lubricants, fuels, agro-chemicals, bitumen, gas and food grade lubricants. TOTAL products guarantee you high performance and smooth operation. To help you to assess the lubricant properties and level of performance you’ll find a number of key parameters on the label. After all, you want the right lubricant for the right application. Today’s farmer is modern and connected and knows that a search engine isn’t something you do when the bakkie breaks down. That’s why you’ll find additional technical and performance information on our products when you visit www.total.co.za.

GET IN TOUCH For more information, contact our National Customer Contact Centre 0860 111 111. www.total.co.za

Keep your engine younger for agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JANlonger ‘16 bladsy/page 33




FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

N1 4x4 slaag die tydtoets Tyd bly een van die beste maatstawwe van gehalte en bestuursvernuf. Daarom is die twee dekades wat N1 4x4 vanjaar bestaan, ’n bevestiging daarvan dat dié sakeonderneming dinge reg doen.


N1 4x4 se onlangse verjaardagfees by die Tarlton- internasionale renbaan het byvoorbeeld die rekords laat spat: Nie alleen was die 371 Land Cruisers op die terrein die meeste tot nog toe nie maar die 339 trotse eienaars in ’n enkele konvooi was ’n ewe indrukwekkende gebeurtenis. Die statistieke van die Land Cruisers by die fees spreek ook boekdele: Die voertuie het gesamentlik reeds 67 689 027 kilometer afgelê – ’n gemiddeld van 191 754 km per voertuig.

1 4x4 is vandag die grootste plaaslike verskaffer van nuwe, gebruikte en vervangings­ onderdele vir Land Cruisers en Hilux in Afrika en ’n magdom ander vaardighede – soos die herbouing van enjins, ratkaste en ewenaars en die vervaardiging van wildsbesigtigings- en spesialis-mynvoertuie – maak hom een van boere en ander gebruikers se gewildste verskaffers.

N1 4x4 is, soos sy naam aandui, langs die N1-snelweg van Pretoria na die noorde geleë en het omtrent alles denkbaar in voorraad om onder meer ’n 4x4-avontuur so gerieflik en probleemvry moontlik te maak. Sy voorraad sluit 12 000 nuwe, gebruikte en herboude onderdele in wat in ’n enorme pakhuis van 3 000 vierkante meter geberg word. Sy werkwinkel is 1 200 m² groot en sowat 50 personeellede sorg dat kliënte tevrede gehou word.

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CONTACT US T: +27 12 545 0200 F: 012 940 3383 E: admin@n14x4.co.za PYRAMID (HEAD OFFICE) Plot 6, Olifant Street, Haakdoornlaagte GPS: S 25d 35m 32.05s E 28d 16m 41.10s MONTANA BRANCH Shop 5, Montana Value Centre GPS: S 25d 40m 57.49s E 28d 16m 28.41s 2015/04/01 11:37 AM



FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

Q4-sukses op wenformule gegrond Gesonde sakebeginsels en sy fokus op hoëvlak-verhoudinge binne die maatskappy en met sy uiteenlopende kliënte het Q4, ’n groothandelaar van petroleumprodukte, in staat gestel om uitsonderlike organiese groei in sy tien bestaansjare te ervaar.


ié Pretoriase maatskappy verkry, berg en lewer vloeibare petroleumprodukte aan onder meer boere, groot myngroepe, vervoerkontrakteurs en ander gebruikers en sy vloot van meer as 40 netjiese en moderne Mercedez Benz-trokke word al hoe meer op SA paaie gesien. Die Q4-groep se groei sedert sy stigting ’n dekade gelede kan aan ’n verskeidenheid faktore toegeskryf word, insluitend die volgende:

• Gehalte-brandstof word deur sy verskaffingsooreenkomste met die groot oliegroepe Sasol, Engen, Chevron, BP en Total verseker. Q4 verkry die brandstof van dié groepe se raffinaderye of depots en vervoer en lewer dit aan die verskeie bestemmings deur sy vervoerfiliaal Q4 Logistics. Dit verseker dat gehaltebeheer te alle tye toegepas kan word. • Goeie en betroubare sakevennote is vir Q4 belangrik. So sorg Q4 se

Wes-Kaapse sakevennoot GRW Engineering al van die eerste bestelling van twee pasgemaakte trokke af dat verspreiding betroubaar en doeltreffend kan geskied. Dit is dus duidelik: Q4 se hele proses van bestelling, verkryging, lewering en uiteindelik fakturering en betaling geskied deur ’n uiters doeltreffende bestuursproses waar gehaltediens en -verhoudinge deurgaans nagestreef word. Sy groeiende getal kliënte sal dit bevestig.

• Q4 glo aan goeie kommuni­ kasie en ’n deursigtige en eerlike benadering met sy personeel en kliënte, waarvan landbou-ondernemings ’n al hoe groter groep uitmaak. Q4 se diensgedrewe verhouding met boere en waarde-vir-geldbenadering maak soveel sin dat al hoe meer by die groep kom aanklop. Dit word boonop maklik gemaak vanweë Q4 se spesialisboerdery-afdeling. • Sy tegnologie-gedrewe samestelling, met ’n IT-afdeling van hoogstaande gehalte, sorg dat Q4 sy vinger deurlopend op die pols kan hou. • Deur te alle tye op goeie sakebeginsels en betroubare en bekostigbare diens te let, het Q4 jaar vir jaar gevorder tot waar hy vandag landwyd opereer en boonop in ooreenstemming met sy uitbreidingsplanne nuwe brandstof-afsetpunte oor die volgende jare sal vestig. Die nuwe, moderne Q4 Atterbury by Pretoria, ’n kleinhandelpunt waar die onberispelike Q4gehalte duidelik is, is ’n goeie voorbeeld van waarmee dié brandstofgroep besig is. • Die groep glo nie aan groei ten alle koste nie. Hoewel hy ’n gaping in die mark geïdentifiseer het waar die tradisionele oliegroepe om verskillende redes onttrek, geskied uitbreiding versigtig en geregverdig. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page



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ZF services south aFrica. optimising cost, Quality and reliaBility. Specialists in the reconditioning of all ZF Transmissions and Axles on all makes of Construction and Mining equipment. We offer 12 months / 1500 hour warranty, only genuine parts used and latest upgrades fitted, highly trained staff, competitive pricing, service exchange units available (spec dependent), 24hr field and breakdown service and the commissioning of specialised transmissions. ISO:9001:2008 Johannesburg: +27 11 457 0000 I Cape Town: +27 21 950 6300 I www.zfsa.co.za

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FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

ZF has an ideal solution for every problem The world’s population is growing, and with it the need for food. This also increases the requirements for the agricultural economy: maximum performance is required on the part of man and machine.


owerful tractors and efficient drive systems are therefore becoming increasingly important for the agricultural sector. ZF supplies the right technology for these needs. The company designs and develops products, which contribute to higher productivity in daily use on farmland, grassland and on the road. In this respect reliability, economic efficiency, environmental compatibility and a long service life have our highest priority. For already more than seven decades, ZF has been facing the challenges of daily agricultural routines by developing and producing axles and transmissions. ZF supplies tailor-made installation solutions, depending on operation and application type. The customer gets the right solution for any requirement, from synchromesh transmissions, powershift transmissions, continuously variable transmissions and related electronic controls, as well as rigid and steering axles for tractors, right through to drive systems for self-propelled harvesting machines. 130515 MB, Systemdarstellungen A2.indd 38

ZF‘s workshop facility All the latest upgrades from Germany are incorporated at our comprehensively equipped workshops, based in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Our services include the supply

of original spare parts, retrofitting and upgrading, 24 hour field and breakdown service support, as well as the maintenance and repair of transmissions and ZF-manufactured axles for all types of agricultural vehicles. Our repairs carry a one year warranty and you can be rest assured that our services are concluded with the resulting benefit of always having equipment in top condition and the identification of faults before they become major and expensive problems.

ZF turns 100 In 2015, the company celebrated its centennial. Originally named Zahnradfabrik GmbH, ZF was founded in Friedrichshafen in 1915 by Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH among others. In its early years, the company developed, tested, and manufactured aircraft transmissions. After 1919, the company focus shifted under Alfred Graf von SodenFraunhofen, the first managing director and later member of the Board of Management and CEO, to the automotive and commercial vehicle industry. In this sector, the company established itself once and for all as a major technology supplier, registering numerous patents for innovative transmission technology. The company, which acquired TRW Automotive on May 15, 2015, is now represented at about 230 locations in some 40 countries. The two companies, which were still independent in 2014, achieved a sales figure exceeding €30 billion with 134 000 employees. As in previous years, both companies have invested approximately 5 percent of their sales in research and development (recently €1,6 billion) in order to be successful with innovative products. ZF is one of the top three automotive suppliers worldwide.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport


FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

New regulations good news for SA roads but will make life difficult for truck owners The new regulations pertaining to the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996), which came into effect on 31 October 2014 (definition of consignors and consignees) and on 31 January 2015 (Regulations 330A to 330D), are not good news for both consignors and consignees. The regulations are, however, certainly good news for South Africa’s depleted roads – especially those in rural South Africa, said Alta Swanepoel of Alta Swanepoel & Associates, a company specialising in traffic and transport legislation.


ection 74A of the Act requires a consignor, as well as a consignee, to take all reasonable steps to avoid overloading a vehicle. Furthermore, in the event of prosecution, the consignor or consignee must be able to indicate what steps were taken to avoid the overloading of vehicles. Section 74B requires accurate documentation, as it may be used as evidence in a court case. Regulations 330A and 330B explain in detail the responsibilities of a consignor or consignee. Overloaded trucks are the main reason for damaged roads and the new regulations will ensure that the weight that trucks carry will be calculated more fairly and scientifically. The new regulations also endeavour to place the responsibility where it belongs, she said. The new regulations apply to consignors and consignees that transport 500 000 kg and more per month. New in the regulations is the fact that consignees could now also be held accountable for ensuring that trucks carry the correct weight as stipulated by law. “Consignees are often the only players who can be identified as the party in the chain (consignor/operator/driver/consignee) who should know what the weight on a truck is and that this is in accordance with the law,” Swanepoel said.

The other bad news is that trucks must now carry documents stipulating, inter alia, the mass they carry, to whom the truck belongs and to where it is destined. This will place a huge administrative burden on consigners. In practice, the new regulations mean that an overloaded truck could now not be driven for 200 km before a traffic officer at a weighing bridge could check the load and order a correction of the weight. “At that stage, the truck has already damaged the

200 km of road it travelled on,” according to Swanepoel. The distribution of weight on a truck is the important factor that determines the load’s potential to damage roads, she explained. “In the past, most consignors only checked the total mass of the vehicle and not the axle masses. The new regulations stipulate that the weight that each axle carries must be calculated, as well as other factors, such as the weight of the diesel or petrol it carries. >>> page 43

Toekenning vir Kaasfees Agri-Expo het die platinum-toekenning vir die beste uitstalling in Suider-Afrika by die onlangse EXSA (Exhibition & Event Association of Southern Africa) se toekenningsdinee vir die 2015-Suid-Afrikaanse Kaasfees ontvang.

Breyton Milford, operasionele bestuurder, Johan Ehlers, hoof uitvoerende beampte en Ann Dalton, geleentheidsbestuurder klink ‘n glasie op die sukses van die 2015 SA Kaasfees.


ie SA Kaasfees is genomineer in die kategorie vir verbruikersuitstallings groter as 10 000 m². “Wat hierdie toekenning besonders maak, is dat die beoordelaars almal organiseerders van groot uitstallings is. Ons is dus deur die beste in die bedryf beoordeel,” sê Johan Ehlers, HUB van Agri-Expo. Die fees lok jaarliks meer as 30 000 besoekers oor drie dae en Agri-Expo poog voortdurend om die gehalte en besoekerservaring te verbeter, sê Ehlers. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


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New Regulations <<< page 41 A “one-tonner”, for instance, does not mean that the truck can carry one ton of weight. “Others factors also add to the one ton and these have to be calculated as well,” Swanepoel said. This means that consignors will in most instances need scales that can weigh individual axles and axle-units to calculate a truck’s weight. These scales are expensive. Another new regulation that will add to the escalating bill is the compulsory liability insurance that consignors now will have to take out to ensure that there is no loss to government’s coffers when, for instance, a truck runs into a bridge on the N1. “And you are living in dreamland if you think that policing the system is impractical and will not happen due to a

lack of expertise or manpower. “The expert eyes of an experienced traffic officer will quickly detect if a vehicle carries more weight than it should. The documentation that has to accompany a vehicle will be a give-

FOKUS • FOCUS Vervoer/Transport

away if the truck is overloaded. And, if the officer has his or her doubts, the vehicle will be directed to the nearest weighing bridge (this is compulsory), albeit 100 km away.” If found guilty, a fine of up to R240 000 and even a term in prison of up to six years may await you. The bottom line: Know what is expected of you and comply, Swanepoel recommended. If not, you could be in serious trouble.

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Abacus®-boere het buitengewone voordeel het jy?



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Meer as 300 top Suid-Afrikaanse boere het getuig dat wanneer ’n mens Abacus® – die mielie- en soja-AgCelence®-oplossing van BASF – op jou gewasse toedien, jy jaar na jaar die beste opbrengs op jou belegging en die beste plaasbestuur kry. Abacus® op mielies en soja is nie net ’n uitstekende siektebeheeroplossing nie – jy kan ook fisiologiese voordele vir optimale opbrengs verwag. Ons noem dit die AgCelence®-effek: • •

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Het jy jouself die AgCelence®-voordeel gegee? BASF Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk. Sestiendestraat 852, Midrand, 1685 Posbus 2801, Halfweghuis, 1685 Tel: +27 11 203 2400 Faks: +27 11 203 2461 Webwerf : www.agro.basf.co.za Mobiele webwerf: m.agro.basf.co.za Epos: AgCelence-za@basf.com Abacus Reg. Nr. L8048 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947. Aktiewe bestanddele: F500® 62,5 gll. Epoxiconazole 62,5 g/l. Skadelik. F500® – Pyraclostrobin. Verwys asb. na die produketiket vir gebruiksaanwysings. Abacus®, F500® en AgCelence® is geregistreerde handelsmerke van BASF. ®

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agri Nuus/News

Is the concept of public trusteeship a double-sided coin? THEO BOSHOFF, LEGAL OFFICER, AGRI SA

The ancient Romans had a saying, Damnant quod non intelligunt, which loosely translates to “people will condemn that which they do not understand, or that which is foreign”.


ince our legal system has inherited its roots from Roman Dutch Law, it is quite understandable that the importation of a concept foreign to our legal system has been received with a certain degree of skepticism. The doctrine of public trusteeship over natural resources is a concept that has been developed by the courts on a case-by-case basis in foreign jurisdictions such as the United States. However, since the late 1990s, the state has taken clear legislative steps to incorporate this concept firmly into legislation dealing with natural resources such as water, minerals and biodiversity, with agricultural land seemingly next on the agenda. Unlike those foreign jurisdictions where the doctrine originated, our courts have not had the opportunity to interpret and develop the concept fully as yet. It is therefore natural that the concept has enjoyed nothing more than a lukewarm reception as the full ramifications thereof are still to be seen. In short, the public trust doctrine is based on the premise that certain resources are so important to the welfare of the entire nation that its management cannot be entirely left to private individuals. Through the public

trust doctrine, the state is tasked with the responsibility to manage the resource as the trustee or custodian on behalf of the people and for the good of the people as a whole. As in private law, the state cannot manage it for its own gain but must exercise a fiduciary duty in the best interests of the nation. The introduction of this concept invariably has an impact on private property rights as resources such as water, minerals and biodiversity assets on private land previously fell within the ambient of private property. In the draft Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill, the legislature intends to install the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries as the custodian of agricultural land in South Africa. These legislative movements are of great importance to Agri SA as its members’ interests are directly affected, and as such it formed an integral part of the programme at its 2015 congress in October this year. This past October one of South Africa’s foremost experts on the topic, Professor Elmarie van der Schyff, addressed our congress and shared her insights on the topic. While it may be convenient to paint the public trust doctrine in broad strokes,

the professor cautioned us against such an approach and emphasised that each piece of legislation should be treated on its merits. The public trust doctrine must be interpreted within the context of the purpose and scope of each piece of legislation, and the nature of the powers and responsibility attached thereto may well differ from statute to statute. The professor also drew a distinction between water and minerals, which are user rights, and agricultural land, which is tangible property. The court’s previous approach to custodianship as applied to minerals would therefore not automatically be applied in the same way to agricultural land. Finally, the professor pointed out that the state’s powers as custodian may also be accompanied by a certain degree of responsibility. The courts have not had the opportunity to elaborate on this aspect as yet, but the message clearly came across that the introduction of the public trust doctrine could in fact be an opportunity for civil society to demand a higher level of accountability from the state where these natural resources are not properly administered. The full impact of the introduction of this doctrine into South African law will only be understood once the courts have had the opportunity to interpret and refine the concept, and as such the agricultural sector is not incorrect to approach it with a degree of caution. However, as the professor has pointed out, it may be a double-sided coin that may just lead to increased state accountability.

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Soms kan ’n bietjie dryfkrag die wêreld se verskil maak Baie elektriese motors is soms te groot, juis om voorsiening te maak vir maksimum uitsette wat selde of nooit benodig word nie. Masjiene, pompe, waaiers en lugversorgingstelsels gebruik sowat 42% van die elektrisiteit wat in die landbousektor gebruik word. Deur net ’n waaier of pomp van 100 tot 80% af te skaal deur middel van ’n Verstelbare Spoedaandrywer kan energieverbruik met tot 50% verminder word. Gesels gerus met een van ons Energie-Adviseurs en laat ons jou help om die doeltreffendste energieplan vir jou boerdery saam te stel.

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agri Nuus/News

SEB-sektorkodes vir landbou gepubliseer JOHAN PIENAAR, ADJUNK-DIREKTEUR, AGRI SA

Nuwe konsepkodes vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging in die landbousektor is op 20 November in die staatskoerant gepubliseer vir ‘n kommentaarperiode van sestig dae.


it volg ná wysigings in die sogenaamde generiese of algemene kodes wat deur die departement van handel en nywerheid vrygestel is. Een van die voorskrifte van dié departement was dat, indien spesifieke kodes vir ’n bepaalde sektor ontwikkel word, dit nie wesenlik van die generiese kodes mag afwyk nie.

As dit basies versoenbaar moet wees, hoekom dan spesifieke kodes vir die landbousektor? Histories het dit ontstaan as gevolg van ’n beheptheid in staatskringe om soveel as moontlik boere by die stelsel in te sluit wat drempelwaardes van inkomste vir inof uitsluiting by die stelsel ’n dispuutpunt gemaak het. Hierbenewens is daar in die afgelope aantal jare ook uit verskeie staatskringe daarop aangedring dat grond baie spesifiek as deel van die betrokke telkaarte ingesluit moes word, ’n proses wat deur Agri SA teengestaan is. Die konsepkodes waarop daar nou kommentaar gelewer moet word, het basies gevolg ná letterlik jarelange onderhandelinge. Grond as sodanig is nie meer ’n spesifieke element nie, terwyl die afsnypunte vir die landbou dieselfde as vir die res van die ekonomie is. So byvoorbeeld sal boerderyondernemings met ’n bruto omset van R10 miljoen en minder aan geen bemagtigingsaksies hoef te voldoen nie, terwyl dié met ’n omset tussen R10 miljoen en R50 miljoen aan alle elemente van die telkaarte sal moet voldoen, maar met afgeskaalde voorwaardes vergeleke

met groot ondernemings. Bygesê: die finale sektorkodes toon nie wesenlike veranderinge nie. Die telkaarte wat voltooi moet word, sal onder meer aangewend word wanneer permitte en lisensies deur die staat toegeken word, terwyl die stelsel ook meebring dat “goeie” telkaarte deur afnemers van produkte verkies sal word. Punte op die telkaarte word toegeken aan die volgende elemente: die oordrag van eienaarskap, vaardigheidsontwikkeling, bestuursherstrukturering, ondernemersontwikkeling en sosioekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hoe nader die

puntetotaal aan 100 is, hoe meer gesog sal die betrokke telkaart wees. Hoewel daar geen wetlike verpligting is om wel aan die stelsel deel te neem nie, kan boere as gevolg van druk van afnemers van die produkte wel genope voel om daaraan deel te neem. Hoewel Agri SA deel van die aangestelde raad was wat aan die proses deelgeneem het, sal die gepubliseerde kodes weer nagegaan word. Dit is ook reeds aan affiliasies van Agri SA versprei met die oog op insette deur diegene om Agri SA aan die begin van Januarie te bereik.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Dow AgroSciences se Closer™ slaan ‘n slag teen plantluise

Nuwe boerderymoontlikhede is geskep toe die Sandveld teen die Weskus elektrisiteit gekry het. Waar daar vroeër net met vee en bietjie weiding geboer kon word, het die koms van elektrisiteit in die vroeë tagtigerjare gemaak dat die Sandveld ’n baie gewilde aartappelverbouingstreek geword het. Sedertdien kon boere besproei om twee oeste van hierdie gewilde stapelgewas per jaar in hierdie dorre klimaat te wen, maar ’n plaag soos plantluis, wat in die gebied skuil, kan baie vinnig korte mette van enige belowende aartappeloes maak.


lantluise skuil oorwegend onder die aartappelplante se blare en is verantwoordelik vir die verspreiding van die gevreesde seisoenale rolbladen aartappelvirusse. ’n Boer kan die skade dadelik sien as die plante op kolle begin geel verkleur en dan ophou fotosinteer soos die insek dit aanval. ’n Ander teken is die teenwoordigheid van swaeltjies wat oor die lande swiep terwyl hulle die plantluise vang.

In die Sandveld kom plantluis gewoonlik voor in Februarie, Maart en April, maar vanaf Desember is die druk onder die spilpunte teen die kus baie erg – en dit is waar Dow AgroSciences se nuutgeregistreerde produk Closer™ met groot waarde aangewend kan word. Ná verskeie jare se navorsing en proewe kan Dow AgroSciences nou met trots hierdie gefokusde plantluisdoder bekendstel. Soos alle moderne landbouchemie, maak

Closer™ net die plaag dood waarvoor dit ontwerp is en los die ander onskadelike insekte en natuurlike vyande in rus en vrede sodat hulle onverpoosd met hulle belangrike werk kan voortgaan. Heinie Garbers is al veertien jaar plaasbestuurder vir Wilmpie Engelbrecht wat behalwe skaap en koring, oorwegend met aartappels naby Lambertsbaai boer. “Ons het maar elke jaar kwaai met plantluis gesukkel >>> bladsy 51

Kalbas Tredoux, druiweboer en Nulandis-agent, en Heinie Garbers, plaasbestuurder van Steenboksfontein naby Lambertsbaai, wys hoe daar met aartappels teen die kus geboer kan word as jy die plantluis betyds met Closer™ pak gee.

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Dow <<< bladsy 49 en baie middels probeer spuit, maar dit moes herhaaldelik gedoen word. Sekere produkte wat ons sterker gespuit het, het die aartappels gebrand voordat dit die plantluis laat vrek het,” sê hy. “Dow het besluit om een van Wilmpie se lande teen die see, wat geweldige plantluisdruk ondervind, met Closer™ te behandel en die resultate was iets besonders gewees,” sê Kalbas Tredoux, ’n druiweboer en verteenwoordiger van Nulandis wat Dow AgroSciences se produkte verkoop. “Die dag ná die proewe was daar 50% verbetering en ’n week daarna was daar nie een enkele plantluis in sig nie,” sê hy. “Ek het agtergekom dat die plantjies ná die eerste drie weke deeglik bespuit moet word en dan was dit nog nie weer nodig nie,” sê Heinie. “Dit mag dalk gebeur dat ’n nuwe generasie plantluise hulle opwagting

maak en dan sal ’n tweede dosis gewens wees, maar Closer™ mag nie meer as drie keer per seisoen aangewend word nie,” sê Kalbas. “Tans is Closer™ vir sitrus en aartappels beskikbaar en binnekort gaan die registrasie vir druiwe ook afgehandel wees. Ek, wat self ’n druiweboer is, kan nie wag om dit te gebruik nie,” sê Kalbas. Closer™ benodig slegs die standaard beskermende klere vir die toediener van die produk. “Closer™ is regtig ’n uitstekende produk en as jy in ’n gebied is waar plantluis voorkom, kan jy dit met ’n geruste hart aanwend sonder enige nadelige invloed op jou plante,” sê Heinie.

Sodra jy met Closer™ naderstaan, is hierdie aartappelplantluise se doppies geklink.

Kalbas Tredoux wys hoe skoon lyk die onderkant van aartappelblare wat ná een keer sê Closer™-behandeling van plantluis verlos is.

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agri Nuus/News

No jobs miracle for drought-ravaged agricultural sector THABI NKOSI, SENIOR ECONOMIST, AGRI SA*

The South African economy is in serious trouble.


econd quarter GDP figures indicate that the economy contracted by 1,3% quarter-on-quarter, with the manufacturing and agricultural sectors reported to be in a technical recession. It is generally accepted that such lack-lustre economic performance would not bode well for employment or for job-creation in the affected sectors. It was therefore with surprise that a number of analysts noted what appeared to be very counter-intuitive labour force movements in the agricultural sector as reported by Stats SA in the three Quarterly Labour Force Surveys (QLFS) reported on in 2015 thus far. If one compared the 2015 QLFS estimates to estimates reported in the corresponding quarters of 2014, one would have noticed substantial year-on-year increases in the agricultural labour force. A rudimentary comparison of estimates would have showed that in the first quarter of this year, agricultural sector jobs increased by 183 000 year-on-year. This was followed by an increase of 200 000 jobs when comparing the second quarter of 2015 to the second quarter of 2014, with 85 000 of these jobs having been “added” in provinces most plagued by drought and financial losses. In the latest QLFS released at the end of October 2015, a year-on-year comparison would show that the sector managed to create 211 000 jobs. In a sector that has been ravaged by drought and whose output has contracted significantly as a result, such employment creating capability should certainly seem odd. Yet, following the release of every QLFS this year, the “outstanding” employment performance of the agricultural sector has been lauded by many analysts and to one that had been following headlines on this matter, it would appear that we were

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witnessing a small jobs miracle in agriculture, despite the drought. While such conclusions no doubt serve as a ray of hope in an otherwise grim national economic situation, they are unfortunately inaccurate and based on a misinterpretation of Stats SA’s data and a lack of understanding of Stats SA’s sampling methodology. Following the conclusion of the 2011 census, Stats SA introduced a new master sample to account for the changes in the structure of the underlying population, which had changed significantly since the previous census. This new master sample is now used as the basis for surveys such as the QLFS. Stats SA indicated that from the first quarter of 2015, QLFS estimates have been based on the new master sample, while employment estimates in previous quarters (Q4 of 2014 and earlier) were based on the old master sample. The year-on-year changes observed in 2015 have thus predominantly been influenced by the change in the updated sample and not actual labour market movements. What this basically says is that data reported in the 2015 QLFSs is not entirely comparable to data reported in 2014 QLFSs. By drawing comparisons, one would simply not be comparing apples with apples and thus risks making false conclusions, as has often been the case with agricultural employment. While it is impossible to precisely quantify the changes in the agricultural labour force from last year to this year, what we do know for sure is that the sector did not miraculously create 150 000 jobs at the start of 2015. We also know that agricultural employment has been on a downward trend since the 1970s and no major structural changes have occurred to reverse this trend. It should be noted that a revision of the figures must not be interpreted to mean that the old, pre-2015 estimates

of employment produced by Stats SA were wrong; determining the size of South Africa’s labour force can never be an exact science. Only time will tell whether the new higher estimates of agricultural employment are the “new normal”, and until Stats SA has had sufficient time to monitor the implications of the master sample revision, we won’t know for sure. For now, what is clear that year-on-year comparisons in relation to the QLFS should be approached with caution and analysed in the context of prevailing economic realities. Reporting that inaccurately paints a rosy picture in relation to agricultural employment at a time when the sector is taking serious strain not only sends confusing messages to investors, it also diminishes the plight of thousands of farmers and farmworkers whose livelihoods have been severely affected by the drought. In line with international best practice, Stats SA is entitled to revise its master samples when it deems fit in order to improve the efficiency of its estimates. This is recognised. The example of the agriculture sector shows however, that organisation’s sampling methodology is not fully understood by the main users of its data, thus creating room for misinterpretation and false reporting. Given the importance of official employment statistics for policymaking, investment decisions and business strategy; better communication by Stats SA regarding how to interpret the data that it produces is definitely in order. Without a clear understanding by all about what QLFS data means and how it should be interpreted, the false belief that a jobs miracle has occurred in the agricultural sector will unfortunately continue to thrive. Twitter: @MissThabiNkosi

agri Nuus/News

Sleutelfaktore vir die implementering van ’n voorsorgfonds ELIZE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, SENIOR BESTUURDER: ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, AGRI SA

Die regering is toenemend besig om te kyk na maniere waarop die “decent work”-agenda uitgebrei kan word sodat die sosiaal-maatskaplike welstand van werkers aangespreek en verbeter kan word.


en aspek hiervan is die daarstel van aftree-beplanning vir werkers. In die landbousektor is dié soort beplanning ook relevant en baie noodsaaklik. Daar is egter belangrike aspekte wat ’n invloed het op ’n werkgewer se keuse wanneer aftreebeplanning ter sprake is. Met die daarstel van ’n voorsorg- of pensioenfonds as ’n werknemersvoordeel het alle werknemers aanvanklik die keuse of hulle deel daarvan wil word of nie. Dit is ’n eenmalige keuse wat aan werknemers gebied word. As werkgewers besluit om ’n pensioenof voorsorgfonds vir hulle personeel te begin, is dit belangrik om die volgende besluite te neem: • Gaan dit ’n pensioen- of voorsorgfonds wees? • Watter werkers mag deelneem? Is die fonds slegs vir werkers of permanente werkers wat lone ontvang? Let daarop dat die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming (employment equity) vereis dat alle werkers dieselfde voordele moet ontvang; • Wat gaan die bydrae van die werknemer en die werkgewer wees, gegrond op die werknemer se loon? • Risikovoordele (begrafnis-, lewensen ongeskiktheidsvoordele) moet bekostigbaar wees. By die implementering van ’n fonds is die volgende belangrik: • Alle bestaande werknemers het ’n

eenmalige keuse wat die lid binne twaalf maande ná implementering moet uitoefen; • Hierdie keuse vind skriftelik plaas en word op die lid se lêer geplaas; • Alle nuwe lede – soos in die verskillende kategorieë van lidmaatskap gedefinieer – moet ná implementering deel van die fonds word.

Dit is werd om te weet dat verskeie vakbonde ook fondse aanbied met verskeie voordele en bydraes en gevolglik moet die werkgewer eers ’n behoorlike kosteontleding doen. Werkgewers wat reeds aan bestaande skemas behoort, kan nie die fonds op ’n vrywillige basis vir hulle nuwe werknemers beskikbaar stel nie. Lidmaatskap, soos gedefinieer vir alle nuwe lede, is verpligtend. Sou ’n werkgewer nalaat om die werknemer by die fonds te laat aansluit, is die werkgewer aanspreeklik wanneer die lid uit diens tree om alle agterstallige bydraes aan die lid te betaal, of alternatiewelik, sou daar ’n sterfte- of ongeskiktheidgeval wees, is die werkgewer verantwoordelik om die waarde van die voordeel te betaal.

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agri Nuus/News

PAP ECONOMICS 101: The complexities of maize imports must be understood THABI NKOSI AND WANDILE SIHLOBO*

The world of pap (cooked maize meal) revolves around the production of the raw commodity, maize.


he past year has been a tough one for maize, as current drought conditions have resulted in decreased production of the crop. This has prompted South Africa to, for the first time in many years, look to external markets for additional maize supply. Usually, the country is self-sufficient with respect to maize production, producing enough maize for the local population and still having capacity to export to the global market. While the dry conditions this year did not affect South Africa’s maize selfsufficiency status, following last year record high crop, South African exporters did find it increasingly difficult to meet regional needs. A second consecutive season of dry conditions, as predicted by experts, will not only cause a further tightening of maize exports but will also mean that South Africa could be faced with a domestic maize shortage. With maize being one of the country’s most important staple crops (especially for poor households) and a major animal feed input for our thriving livestock industry, the likely shortage of maize suppliers has placed a question mark over South Africa’s food security status in the coming year. Noting this, one can be certain that South Africa will have to import maize in the coming year to maintain the stability of supply. Grain SA estimates that, in an event of a second consecutive drought, South Africa may have to import as much as 2,4 million tons of total maize (white and yellow) at an approximate cost of

R8,4 billion to the South African economy. As with any country facing tight food stocks, importing food is inevitable and may indeed be the only option. While imports may appear to be a quick-fix, three factors throw a spanner in the works and may stand in the way of stable supply and general food security.

Factor 1: The price of imported maize is higher than that of locally produced maize There are ample supplies of maize in the global market, with the International Grains Council estimating that countries around the world have roughly 125 million tons of maize available for export. At the same time, international maize prices are down by 8% year-on-year. Although this is encouraging for a country such as South Africa that might be looking to import, the effects of the weak rand combined with logistical costs erodes our country’s ability to benefit from low international prices. An importer looking to import white maize would have to pay at least R300 per ton higher than the SAFEX traded price, an import parity price. These higher commodity costs will inevitably filter through the food value chain to result in higher food prices for consumers.This year alone, maize meal (pap) prices have increased by an average of 14% from a year ago; with this expected to be higher in months to come. With more than half of the South African population not having access to enough

food according to the Human Sciences Research Council, such increases will certainly pose a serious challenge. Going into a new fiscal policy planning cycle, it would be prudent for policymakers to start considering mechanisms to alleviate the adverse effects of predictably higher food prices, particularly on poor households.

Factor 2: Global supplies of white maize are limited Less than 10% of the traded global maize is white maize. It is a little known fact that the white maize variety, which we consider to be “pap”, is only produced in surplus in a limited number of countries. >>> page 57

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FOKUS • FOCUS Besproeiing, water & energie/Irrigation, water & energy agri Promosie/Promotional

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agri Nuus/News <<< page 55

Less than 10% of the traded global maize is white maize. It is a little known fact that the white maize variety, which we consider to be “pap”, is only produced in surplus in a limited number of countries. Main producers of white maize are Zambia, Mexico, the United States of America and Malawi. Much like South Africa however, all these countries have their own challenges, which may ultimately influence their ability to supply the quantities of white maize required by markets. For instance, Zambia, which has been one of South Africa’s main suppliers this year, is also experiencing production-limiting dry conditions. Furthermore, following the depreciation of the kwacha against major currencies and escalating domestic food prices, the Zambian government is reportedly considering imposing maize export bans.

With respect to other leading white maize producers such the United States, complexities regarding the South African registration of their GMO varieties have limited the ability of importers to source from that market.

Factor 3: The capacity of local transport infrastructure is questionable Maize imports are projected to increase by 212% in the next season should the worst case drought scenario prevail. These additional imports would place added pressure on South Africa’s already strained port and road infrastructure. Not only would a larger volume of imports mean increased frequency of ships to South African ports, but the number of trucks transporting maize from the ports would also increase. With the deterioration of rail infrastructure, more than 75% of South Africa’s maize is transported by road. In addition, there have been concerns in the industry that the depth of South Africa’s

ports might not be able to accommodate bigger ships. The factors raised should illustrate that the process of bringing pap onto one’s plate is complex. This process is made even more complex by the need to ensure that food remains affordable. The economics of pap and the importing thereof are anything but straightforward. While it is recognised that there can be no easy solutions to the challenges raised, it is important that policy-makers consider them seriously with a view to mitigating the likely negative impacts as far possible and while time still allows. It is never a good idea for a country to be reliant on imports for its staple food crops but Grain SA’s scenarios tell us that South Africa may in fact be left with no other option. Given this reality, a thorough understanding of pap economics is a must. *Nkosi is senior economist at Agri SA. Sihlobo is economist at Grain SA. They write in their own capacity. Twitter: @MissThabiNkosi @WandileSihlobo

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agri Nuus/News


Die land se voorste bees- en skaapboer word jaarliks vereer met die aanwysing van die Nasionale Bees- en Skaapboer van die Jaar. Verskeie rolspelers in die landbou, insluitend georganiseerde landbou, is by die aksie betrokke.


ie 2015-beoordeling van die skaap- en beesboerfinaliste het geskied gedurende ‘n uiters droë periode, met geweldige lae en wisselvallige reënval. Van die ses finaliste het slegs een finalis normale reënval ondervind. Sekere boere het slegs ’n paar millimeter reën oor die afgelope groeiseisoen ontvang, terwyl die vorige seisoen ook ver onder normaal was. Die verwagting was dat die diere in swak kondisie sou wees tydens die beoordeling. Tot almal se verbasing is die teendeel deur dié uiters suksesvolle boere bewys: Almal se diere was in besondere goeie kondisie ten spyte van die uiters lae reënval. Dit beklemtoon net weer dat, indien die regte veldbestuurbenaderings en boerderypraktyke gevolg word, sulke uiterste klimaatstoestande oorleef kan word sonder om goeie diereprestasie in te boet. Suid-Afrika het puik boere wat saam met die natuur kan boer, ondanks moeilike produksieomstandighede. Die skaap- en beesboerfinaliste was verteenwoordigend van die suurveld in die Oos-Kaap tot die besondere droë Kalahari-duineveld in die noordweste, met langtermynreënval van onderskeidelik 800 mm en 150 mm per jaar.

Skaapboerfinaliste Robbie Blaine van die plaas Wauldby boer met Dohne Merino’s in die Stutterheim-gebied op suurveld met ’n langtermyngemiddelde reënval van 800 mm per jaar. Sy weidingshulpbronne bestaan uit 1 970 ha veld en 30 ha raaigras-hawermengsel onder besproeiing. Die aangeplante weidings word strategies tydens lamtyd gebruik en om lammers mee af te rond. Die veld word gekenmerk deur suurder dele op die hoërliggende heuwels tot soeter weiveld in die leegtes. Hierdie variërende

Nelius van der Westhuizen van Loxton agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


Robbie Blaine van Stutterheim

smaaklikheidskomponente bemoeilik veldbestuur en vereis fyn waarneming en ervaring om veld optimaal te benut. Brand word suksesvol as deel van die veldbestuursprogram ingeskakel ten einde die grasse te verjong en benutbaarheid te verhoog. Die weiveld verkeer in ’n goeie toestand, soos weerspieël deur die kondisie van die diere. Een van die grootste uitdagings in die rypvrye hoë reënvalgebiede is die buitensporige hoë vlak van uitwendige en inwendige parasietbesmetting. Die belangrikste teeldoelwit op Wauldby is om aangepaste en vrugbare diere te teel, juis onder hoë parasietladings. Deur middel van goed beproefde wetenskaplike tegnieke slaag Blaine daarin om diere te teel wat weerstandig is teen onder meer haarwurms. Die genetiese tendens van sy stoetkudde wys onteenseglik dat daar vordering gemaak word op dié gebied en dit verseker die voortbestaan van skaapboerdery onder hierdie omstandighede. Besondere moeite word ook gedoen met praktiese opleiding aan opkomende boere en hy het reeds erkenning in dié verband van SA Stamboek gekry. Piet Smith van die Mier-gebied in die Gordonia-distrik boer op meer as 9 000 ha met swartkop-Dorpers in die uiters droë Kalahari-duineveld met ’n langtermynreënval van slegs 150 mm per jaar. Hierdie besondere lae reënval beproef die bestuurder se vernuf tot die uiterste, wat Piet wel met vlieënde vaandels geslaag het. Hy het ’n groot passie vir sy weiveld en die goeie toestand waarin dit verkeer, getuig daarvan. Volgens hom kom daar 14 verskillende grasspesies op sy plaas voor, almal benutbaar deur die skape. Die driedoring- (Rhigozum trichotomum)

Piet Smith van Mier (regs) en Kenny Crampton van Voermol

indringingsprobleem wat die gebied kenmerk, word suksesvol deur hom beheer. Die weiveld word in ’n rotasiestelsel benut, wat lang rusperiodes insluit. Ses kampe word per groep toegeken. ’n Kamp ontvang ’n rusperiode van ongeveer drie maande. Die teeldoelwit is om produktiewe aangepaste ooie te teel wat wins maksimeer. Alle ooilammers word gehou en surplus ouer ooie word bemark. Die baie goeie kondisie en produktiwiteit van die diere onder uiterste droogtetoestande getuig van goed aangepaste diere. Daar word ook vir goeie bouvorm en vleisproduksie geselekteer en verskeie kampioene is in slaglamkompetisies opgelewer. Hierdie besondere leierboer, wat onder baie moeilike omstandighede uitgestyg het, het diep spore getrap, nie net in die georganiseerde landbou nie, maar ook ten opsigte van verskeie ander organisasies en gemeenskappe. Nelius van der Westhuizen van die Juriesfontein-boerdery boer met stoet- en kommersiële Merino’s naby Loxton in die Karoo met ‘n langtermyngemiddelde reënval van 236 mm per jaar. Die plaas beskik oor 21 100 ha weiveld en 15 ha aangeplante weidings wat uit lusern, hawer en gars onder besproeiing bestaan. Die weiveld is in drie blokke (ongeveer 13 kampe per blok) van ongeveer gelyke grotes opgedeel (ongeveer 350 ha-kampe). ’n Blok word vir ses maande bewei, waarna dit weer vir 12 maande rus. Klem word veral daarop gelê dat ’n blok nie elke keer gedurende dieselfde tyd van die jaar bewei word nie. Die veld verkeer in ’n besondere goeie toestand, met grasspesies wat tans hulle verskyning maak wat nooit voorheen daar voorgekom het nie. Ten spyte van die ekstensiewe boerdery-

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Veeboere Presteer <<< bladsy 58

Kleinjan Gasekoma van Reivilo (regs) en prof Hennie Snyman van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Dr Carl Scholtz (links) en Francois Smith van die Kalahari Cattle Ranch, Kimberley

omgewing, slaag hulle daarin om ’n versnelde lamstelsel volhoubaar toe te pas. ’n Stelsel van drie kort lamseisoene per jaar word gevolg (ramme is net 24 dae by die ooie) en dit is moontlik om ooie te roteer tussen ’n agt- en twaalfmaande-siklus na gelang van omstandighede. Lammers ontvang kruipvoer vanaf dag een en word op sesweke-ouderdom op die besproeide weidings gespeen. Jong ooie word op elf maande gepaar. Om die maksimum wins te behaal, word produksie verhoog deur ekstra insette. Dit is in teenstelling met die meer algemene minimumproduksiekoste-benadering. Die opbrengs op kapitaal belê, is die belangrikste oorweging en praktyke of projekte wat nie goed met beleggingsgeleenthede buite die landbou vergelyk nie, word nie uitgevoer nie.

langer weiperiodes in die winter. Die 14 kampe is in twee groepe verdeel, wat elk as eenheid deur ’n trop op ’n rotasiebasis benut word. Sy teeldoelwitte is om die interkalfperiode (IKP) te verlaag en om melk, groei, bouvorm en konstitusie te verbeter. Prestasie van ouers en stambome word gebruik om meer produktiewe diere te teel en hy neem ook deel aan skoue en bemark teeldiere op nasionale veilings. Ten spyte van die droogte is sy diere in ‘n baie goeie kondisie. ’n Besondere kenmerk van die boerdery is die netjiese en funksionele infrastruktuur en hanteringsgeriewe. Gasekoma is nou betrokke by die georganiseerde landbou en is lid van ’n studiegroep. Hier is ’n voorbeeld van die suksesvolle vestiging van ’n kommersiële boerdery-eenheid by uitnemendheid. Kalahari Cattle Ranch naby Kimberley, wat deur Francois Smith bestuur word, bestaan uit 10 300 ha weiveld en daar word met meer as 800 kommersiële Hereford- en Bonsmarateelkoeie geboer. Die gemiddelde reënval is 400 mm per jaar en die weidingkapasiteit vir die gebied is 10 ha per GVE. Die veld is opgedeel in ongeveer 350 ha-kampe en vyf kampe is aan ’n trop diere toegedeel en word op ’n rotasiebasis met die nodige rusperiodes bewei. Die teeldoelwit is om produktiewe diere te teel met ’n hoë speenpersentasie oor die hele kudde. Verse word op 18-maande-ouderdom gedek en kalf gevolglik op ongeveer 26

Beesboerfinaliste Kleinjan Gasekoma boer met stoet-Braunvieh en kommersiële beeste naby Reivilo, wat ook slegs ’n gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval van 500 mm ontvang. Hy lê besondere bewaringsbewustheid aan die dag, waarvan die uiters goeie toestand waarin sy weiveld verkeer, getuig. Ten spyte van die heersende knellende droogte het hy nog baie surplusveld, wat die risiko van sy besigheid aansienlik verlaag. Die amptelike weidingkapasiteit vir sy gebied is 10 ha per GVE en dit is ook sy huidige veelading. In die somer volg hy ’n redelik vinnige rotasiestelsel (weekliks), met

Flippie en Walter Kotze van Aliwal-Noord

maande. Die lengte van die dekseisoen is slegs 60 dae en dit vergemaklik bestuur aansienlik. Die eerstekalfkoeie word nie soos normaalweg by die bulle gesit nie, maar kry ’n ruskans van ongeveer ses maande. Hierdie praktyk verseker ’n speenpersentasie van minstens 90 % met die tweede kalf en dit dra by tot hoë vrugbaarheid oor die leeftydsproduksie van die koeie. Hulle volg die beginsels van die driefaselekprogram streng om lekaanvulling te differensieer op grond van die weidingkwaliteit en produksiestadium van koeie. Ten spyte van die droogte wat reeds vir twee jaar duur, is die diere in ’n baie goeie kondisie. ’n Speenpersentasie van 94,8 % is die afgelope jaar aangeteken. Flippie en Walter Kotze van Tweeplus Boerdery boer met stoet- en kommersiële Brangusse in die Aliwal-Noord-gebied. Die langtermyngemiddelde reënval is 500 mm per jaar en die weidingkapasiteit van die veld is 7 ha per GVE. Die onsmaaklike en onbenutbare indringerbos slangbos (Seriphium plumosum) is ’n geweldige probleem in hierdie gebied. Die grasproduksiepotensiaal in sekere dele van die boerderygebied is reeds met soveel as 70% tot 80% verlaag. Hulle slaag daarin om dit chemies te beheer, maar ’n opvolgaksie elke drie tot vyf jaar is nodig om die slangbos uit te roei. Die totale plaasoppervlakte is 2 800 ha, waarvan 200 ha bewerkbaar is. Die grootste gedeelte van die bewerkbare grond is onder besproeiing waar >>> bladsy 65

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The new standard for the process industry

Deep and active

KROHNE WATERFLUX meets SANS1529-1:2006 fit for trade metrology – exceeds class D Specifications

Are you looking for a standard mass flowmeter even for demanding applications? The OPTIMASS 6400 is the answer.

Direct subsurface installation of water meters? Now it’s possible with the WATERFLUX from KROHNE.

KROHNE has been driving the evolution of flow measurement for over 90 years. The new OPTIMASS 6400 high performance Coriolis mass flowmeter for liquids and gases sets a new standard for accuracy and reliability. For a wide range of industries, the OPTIMASS 6400 achieves superior results even under the most demanding conditions, such as cryogenic or high temperatures from –200 to +400 °C and pressures up to 200 bar.

WATERFLUX – the new electromagnetic water meter – enormously simplifies the integration of measurement technology in drinking water networks. Thanks to its permanent maintenance-free operation, an above-average service life of 25 years and the special subsurface installation coating, the WATERFLUX can be installed directly in the ground for applications not subject to custody transfer – and all this without a measuring chamber.

Thanks to Entrained Gas Management (EGMTM), the OPTIMASS 6400 is immune to 0–100 % gas entrainment in liquids. It meets NAMUR specifications for process diagnostics according to NE 107 and is available in mounting lengths according to NE 132.

The precisely acquired measurement and totaliser values can be conveniently read aboveground on the batteryoperated converter. Optionally, the data can be transmitted cyclically via any number of GSM mobile communications networks to a control system – even from remote areas.

Whatever your specific application demands, our comprehensive portfolio of mass flowmeters is sure to meet your needs – from small to large, in a variety of materials, for flow rates from 0.00015 to 2300 t/h, for highly viscous media, non-homogenous mixtures, as well as media with solid content or gas inclusions.

With minimum effort, you can set up an autonomous and fully remotely monitored metering point installed underground – one that is deep and active! KROHNE – Water is our world.

KROHNE – Process measurement is our world.

Please see our website for more information www.za.krohne.com/waterflux-series

KROHNE South Africa 8 Bushbuck Close Corporate Park South Randtjiespark, Midrand Tel.: +27 113141391 Fax: +27 113141681 Cell: +27 825563934 John Alexander j.alexander@krohne.com www.za.krohne.com

KROHNE South Africa 8 Bushbuck Close Corporate Park South Randtjiespark, Midrand Tel.: +27 113141391 Fax: +27 113141681 Cell: +27 825563934 John Alexander j.alexander@krohne.com www.za.krohne.com

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agri Nuus/News

Implications and practicalities of GHG mitigation HEINZ MEISSNER, LINDE DU TOIT & NIC OPPERMAN

It is well-known that agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and therefore the sector has a responsibility to implement reduction programmes. It is praiseworthy that the sector has shown considerable commitment towards doing so, both through working closely with the responsible government sectors and within commodity structures. The question, however, is what it means in practical terms and how we should proceed.


griculture falls within the Afolu (agriculture, forestry and other land use) sector. For the purpose of GHG calculations agriculture is often separated from Folu, because in forests carbon can be sequestrated (carbon sink) and with land-use changes, amongst other reasons, carbon emissions and carbon sinks are short-term activities, which do not carry over to following years. The net effect of Folu is mostly positive, as carbon sink exceeds emission. The most recent calculations of GHG emissions by the DEA1 show that the total emissions are about 544 000 gigagram (Gg) carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent (eq) per annum, of which the Afolu sector contributes 51 800 Gg CO2 eq if Folu is excluded and 25 700 Gg CO2 eq if Folu is included. If Folu is included the total GHG emissions decline to about 51 8000 Gg CO2 eq per annum. Depending on whether Folu is included or not the contribution of the sector varies between 5% and 10% of SA’s total GHG emissions. Thus, if the Afolu sector meets its goal of reducing GHG emissions by 20% by 2025, the contribution to the national burden would be a mere 2,5%, which is less than the errors associated with estimation and assumption of numbers because of unreliable, or shortcomings in, official statistics and natural yearly variability. Currently, because of international obligations and environmental policies adopted by government, a tremendous

effort is put into streamlining estimations; also, to establish a baseline for future monitoring of successes or failures in GHG reduction. Whereas the effort on the one hand is commendable, one should ask the question whether, from an Afolu sector perspective, this is really where the emphasis should be, given the facts that it is unlikely that numbers of animals will be more accurately estimated, land allocation and transfer are uncertain, crops vary substantially due to climate constraints, production systems vary considerably etc; the GHG contribution of the sector simply will never be accurately estimated because of comparatively large biological and environmental influences. So, where should the emphasis be? Time is running out, as 2025 is 10 years away. The obligation to meet the target should in the first instance be emphasised. Secondly, production systems in relatively similar environmental areas are approximately similar whether one considers crops, horticulture or livestock production. Since

these areas are localised to some extent, statistics can be more reliable or can be modelled with relative ease. Thirdly, pilot GHG measurement studies can be implemented if necessary, and fourthly, because influences are less variable in localized areas, the production system can be modelled with scenario statement. From an effective extension and training perspective, which should be the priority goal, the focus on similar production systems, which sometimes can be narrowed down to districts, should be initiated sooner rather than later. 1 DEA, 2014. GHG National Inventory Report South Africa 2000-2010. Dept of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria, November 2014.

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Land Claims Court judgement addresses issue of overgrazing by cattle belonging to labour tenants ANNELIZE CROSBY, AGRI SA LEGAL AND POLICY ADVISOR

The Land Claims Court delivered judgement on 5 November 2015 in the matter of Normandien Farms (Pty) Ltd v Mathimbane and others. The ministers of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and of rural development and land reform, as well as the land claims commissioner for KwaZuluNatal were also respondents in the case. The applicant was the owner of the farm Albany in the district of Newcastle in KwaZuluNatal.


he landowner had applied for an order for the removal of all the livestock of the 12 respondents, who are labour tenants and are residing on the farm. The removal order was sought on the basis of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act. The first 12 respondents had allowed their cattle to overgraze the land to the extent that it had to be rehabilitated. The respondents had instituted a labour tenant claim against the farm and had been declared labour tenants by the Court in 2014. The department of rural development and land reform subsequently evaluated the farm, but no agreement could be reached on a purchase price for the farm. Despite requests by the landowner to the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries to institute control measures to

address the overgrazing, no action had been taken. The carrying capacity of the land was exceeded by some 73%. Most of the occupants of the farm are unemployed and rely on their livestock for survival. An agricultural expert recommended that the cattle should be relocated to a nearby state owned farm. The Land Claims Court considered the provisions of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Cara) as well as the Labour Tenants Act and came to the conclusion that section 24 of the Constitution, which provides for the protection of the environment, was of relevance to this case. This right is echoed in Cara. Judge Meer found that although Cara was enacted prior to the constitution, it should be read in conjunction with the Constitution. She found that the landowner was acting both in his personal interest

and in the public interest in bringing this application. She found that the minister and department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries had not complied with their obligations to enforce Cara. Judge Meer further found that the removal of the livestock was in the interest of all concerned – the land users, the environment, the public and even the respondents. Because the applicant was enforcing a constitutional right, a cost order was granted against the state parties on the basis of the Biowatch case precedent. The state was ordered to make land available for grazing for the cattle of the respondents on neighbouring state farms, the first 12 respondents were interdicted for five years to return their livestock to the applicant’s farm, and the respondents were ordered to pay the applicant’s costs on an attorney and client scale.

Tel. +27 11 613 8587 Cell. +27 83 333 1224 (Gilda) Web. www.plasticideas.co.za agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Promosie/Promotional

Econ Industries verdien die kollig Wanneer ’n plaaslike vervaardiger ’n onvoorwaardelike produkwaarborg van twee jaar aan jou gee in ’n mark wat dikwels deur produkte van twyfelagtige gehalte teleurstel, kan jy dié produkte maar toeoë aankoop.


ie private maatskappy Econ LED Industries van Bredell in Gauteng se buisligte en verwante LED-produkte het die afgelope twee jaar ’n kliëntebasis opgebou wat menige mededinger met afguns sal vervul: • Sy omset het in slegs twee jaar meer as vervyfdubbel; • Van Suid-Afrika se myngroepe het heeltemal na sy beligtingsprodukte omgeskakel; • Die apteekgroep Dis-Chem rus sy nuwe winkels met Econ-beligting toe en skakel van sy bestaande winkels se beligting daarna om; • Bekende landbougroepe soos NWK en NTK skakel toenemend na Econbeligting oor in hul handelstakke en ander landboubelange. Hulle bemark boonop toenemend Econ se Eledi-handelsnaam, wat vanweë sy onberispelike gehalte soortgelyke produkte in die skadu stel. “Econ beywer hom vir bekostigbare

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gehalteprodukte wat ook eko-vriendelik of ‘groen’ is,” sê Allan Tree, uitvoerende hoof van die maatskappy. “Ons volhoubare LED-beligting vir kommersiële en private gebruik bespaar gebruikers nie alleen tot 70% aan beligtingskrag nie, maar is boonop glaslose produkte met verskeie veiligheidseienskappe.” Econ se produktereeks sluit reeds 11 produkreekse in en dié word deur doelgemaakte beligting vir opdraggewers aangevul. “Al ons produkte is ontwerp om teen 85 tot 285 volt te funksioneer, wat dus ideaal is vir skerp kragtoenames of -dalings.” Volgens Tree is die maatskappy gestig nadat dit ná omvattende navorsing duidelik geblyk het dat die plaaslike aanbod van gehalte- LED-produkte maar bedenklik is en dat pryse boonop hemelhoog is. “Daarna het ons ons fabriek opgerig, die nodige toerusting ingevoer en ook ons eie toerusting ontwerp om dit aan te vul. Die nodige ontwerpe – insluitend gepaste verpakking – is daarna gedoen.”

Die fabriek is grootliks geoutomatiseer, wat gehalteprodukte verder ondersteun. ’n Personeelkorps van gemiddeld agt fabrieksmense sien na die vervaardigingsprosesse om. Sommige onderdele, byvoorbeeld aluminiumbuise, word volgens spesifikasies vir Econ vervaardig en verpakking word deur ’n gekeurde nywerheidsvennoot gedoen. Tree sê daar is minstens tien redes hoekom kliënte Econ LED Industries se gehalteprodukte onweerstaanbaar vind en daarmee volhard. “Dit sluit in die feit dat dit baie veilig is, die beligtingsrekening met tot 70% kan verlaag, SABS-goedkeuring het, ’n uitstekende kragfaktor van 98% het teenoor die slegs sowat 50% van konvensionele eweknieë, onderhoudskoste met tot 90% verlaag en vir plaaslike toestande ontwerp is.” Met die vele nadele van konvensionele fluoorbeligting welbekend en Econ se betroubare LED-beligting die veilige alternatief, is dit geen wonder dat die kollig nou skerp op dié maatskappy val nie.

agri Nuus/News

Tilling the grounds of transformation in citrus JUSTIN CHADWICK, CEO: CITRUS GROWERS ASSOCIATION (CGA)

There is an old adage that goes, “Being unknown for the right reasons is far greater than being famous for the wrong reasons.” Looking back over the past few years at what has become a highly publicised battle between the EU and the SA citrus industry – and the current tussle with the US around Agoa – I often wonder how much calmer my life would have been if our industry had simply been “unknown for the right reasons.”


hile it was essential for the South African government and the citrus industry to unite against the EU’s trade barriers masquerading as shonky science, it has resulted in the industry being universally associated with a pestilence. While we have our fair share of pests like any agricultural sector, there is, however, a South African success story that is unfortunately being eclipsed by international trade scandals. Ours is the second largest exporter of citrus fruit in the world: We shipped out over 1,75 million tonnes of fruit in 2015, and this industry feeds more than 100 000 South African families. Decent numbers those, but what is often overlooked is the transformation success story of South African citrus. And I’m not talking about boardroom juggling either. Black-owned orchards have grown from 2 540 hectares in 2002 to 7 211 hectares in 2013. No, it has not been easy. For various

historical and socio-economic reasons many newly established citrus entities have really battled to get going, let alone thrive. That is why we launched the Citrus Academy in 2005. One of the main goals of the academy was to ensure that employment equity is addressed effectively in the industry. The Citrus Academy Bursary Fund – now in its tenth year and benefitting over 500 students – has been a key conduit in giving aspiring growers the right skills. Many of its beneficiaries have proven proficient, and have secured employment within the industry. To equip entrants for fierce competition, the academy also provides them with advice, mentorship, training and experiential learning for a better chance at success. The more entrenched we have become in transformation, the more we have realised the need for robust and sustained training programmes. This has led to starting various initiatives to support the cause, such as the establishment of the Citrus Grower Development Chamber (CGDC) in 2010. Since its inception, the Citrus Academy has

worked closely with the CGDC to adequately equip black citrus growers. The academy also launched the Citrus Emergent Export Excellence Programme (CEEEP) earlier this year. Founded through a partnership between the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff) and the CGA, its focus has been on imparting expertise in the exports arena. It has given emerging growers much-needed exposure to the international market, ensuring a solid understanding of its mechanics, as well as other relevant elements in the trade chain. We have not forgotten business skills either: the Citrus Business Management course, based in Mpofu, Fort Beaufort in the Eastern Cape, ensures that the farming skills are matched with the necessary business tools for success. Too many South African businesses, whilst seemingly happy to tick boxes, don’t get the mix for success right. If you’ll forgive a noncitrus saying: “Real transformation is about learning to fish like a pro, not to simply eat fish for a day.”

Veeboere Presteer <<< bladsy 59 kontantgewasse verbou word. Droëlandkorog as winterweiding vorm ’n baie belangrike deel van die voervloeibeplanning en voersorghum as somerweiding. Hul teeldoelwit is om funksionele medium­raamkoeie (± 470 kg) te teel wat 46% van hul liggaamsmassa speen. Pelvismetings word op verse gedoen en verse word op ’n ouderdom van 12-14 maande gedek. Korog-weidings in die winter speel ’n krities belangrike rol om verse te laat uitgroei vir ’n teikengewig van 350 kg. Om konsepsie ná die eerste kalf te verseker, loop

die eerstekalfkoeie weer op korog net ná kalf en verskuif dan na voersorghum-weidings in die somer. Kruipvoer word ook aan kalwers gegee om die koeie te spaar, goeie herbesetting te verseker en swaar kalwers te speen. In die afgelope produksiejaar was die speenpersentasie 95,7% oor die kudde met ’n gemiddelde speengewig van 253 kg. Hulle het in 2010 by die Brangus-telersgenootskap aangesluit en die amptelike TKP is 362 dae. Die beoordelaars van die kompetisie is professore Johan Greyling en Hennie Snyman van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se

Departement Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde en Hendrik van Pletzen en Kenny Crampton van Voermol. Voermol is die hoofborg en koördineerder van die kompetisie. Ander borge en medewerkers sluit in Landbouweekblad, Agri SA, BKB, Eerste Nasionale Bank, die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging van SA (NWKV), die Rooivleisprodusente Organisasie (RPO), die Transvaalse Landbou Unie SA (TLU SA), die UV en die dieregesondheidsen produksiegroep (RuVASA) van die SA Veterinêre Vereniging.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Women in agriculture – active, visible and empowered Farming is far more than a career – it’s a way of life. And whether you were raised on a farm, or married into farm life, as a woman, you are part of a vibrant business that is key to the South African economy. You also have a unique lifestyle that sets you apart from many other women – there are no fixed working hours, climate and other factors can wreak havoc on your income, and you most likely have many other families who are dependent on you for their livelihood.


ccording to the latest research amongst women in commercial agriculture, (MSSA 2014), the days of women playing a passive role on the farm are long over, says Koos Nel, head of Agri Market: Old Mutual. The phrase ‘stand by your man’ takes on a whole new meaning as the majority of women are actively involved in the business of farming. Previously one could have said that behind every successful farmer was an exhausted woman! Not so anymore. According to the 2014 MSSA Study in the Agri sector, which focussed on the role of women in personal finance, around 71% of women are involved in the running of the farm, in some or other way. They are a powerful driving force in the economy – both as wives and as business partners. Around 67% manage the household budget and 47% take care of the farm workers wages, and are involved in other aspects of the farm’s financial matters. Around 36% are involved with monthly budgeting and accounting for the farm, and about 25% make the decision around what source of financial advice to use. Roughly one in two manage the admin side of the business and 30% make collective decisions with her husband on farming issues. There are also a group of women who manage their own businesses completely separate from the farming operation (some 14%), and a further 11% of those surveyed, farm full time themselves, a number which has increased substantially from the previous figure of 4%. The majority of women, though, are in a marriage and business partnership with

their husbands. Thirty percent are married in community of property, whilst another 32% are married out of community or property with the accrual system. So whilst they play an active role in building the business, they also benefit from jointly owning this business. Their role in the business is reflected in the levels of life cover that these women have – 54% have over R1m cover, whilst 17% have over R5m life cover. Financial planning is still generally done jointly with their husbands, with only 30% having their own financial plan. Joint wills are also favoured (68%) and only 20% are involved in succession planning of the farm. This is of particular concern, says Koos, as the woman is most likely to be the surviving spouse, and she is not part of the discussions or decisions around what will happen when her husband passes away.This could leave her very vulnerable in old age, dependant on children or other people to take care of her. The involvement of women in the succession discussion of family businesses will also improve the chances of those businesses to transfer successfully to the next generation. It is interesting to note that the research clearly shows that the more involved a woman is in the farm’s financial matters, the

more confident she is in financial decision making. These women empower themselves to make decisions around their own personal financial needs, taking charge of their futures. By getting involved in the business of farming, asking questions, learning and taking ownership of aspects of the farm management, leaves her far less vulnerable than those women that remain largely ignorant. The days of being the silent power behind the throne are over – women in agriculture are today active, visible and a powerful driving force in the success of these businesses and the South African economy. Women need to extend their involvement also to their own personal financial planning, make informed decisions, with the assistance of an accredited financial adviser, and help to create certainty for them, their farm and family. Koos Nel can be contacted on knel1@oldmutual.com or phone 086 0347 328 to be put into contact with an accredited financial planner.

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Bewaar die energie in jou kuilvoer natuurlik. BIOMIN® BioStabil is ’n reeks kuilvoer-inokulante wat fermentasie in ’n breë kuilvoerspektrum (gras, lusern, graan-heelplante, klawer, mielieheelplante, ens.) verbeter en versnel deur pH-waardes gedurende die inkuilproses vinniger te verlaag. Sodoende word kuilvoerstabiliteit tydens voer-onttrekking uit die kuilvoerbunker verbeter, selfs nadat die bunker oopgemaak is. Die resultaat is ’n hoër droëmateriaal-, energie- en voedingstofbehoud – ’n waarborg vir laer insetkoste plus hoër produksie en wins. Kry meer besonderhede by www.biomin.net/kragvoer of skakel ons by 018 468 1455.

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agri Nuus/News

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Kuilvoer: Beheer die proses om gehalte te behou ALBERT VAN RENSBURG, BIOMIN

Kuilvoer word op die meeste plase in die een of ander stadium gebruik as voedingsbron. Boere begaan egter dikwels foute met die maak van kuilvoer. Dit is die verskil tussen ‘n produk van gehalte en ‘n minderwaardige een.


ie produksie van konsekwente hoëgehaltekuilvoer vereis goeie bestuur en aandag aan detail. Die spoed waarteen die gewas ingekuil word, die voginhoud, snylengte en kompaksie kan alles ’n groot invloed hê op die fermentasieproses en stoorverliese. Algemene foute met die maak van goeie kuilvoer is: • Die materiaal is te nat (die voginhoud is bo 75%). Die gewas moet teen die regte voginhoud (60% tot 75%) gekuil word om goeie kuilvoerfermentasie te bewerkstellig. Kuilvoer wat te nat is, veroorsaak verliese via loging en die groei van ongewenste mikro-organismes wat weer tot onsmaaklike kuilvoer lei. Oormatige droë kuilvoer (<50% vogtigheid) verhoog egter droëmateriaal (DM)-verliese weens respirasie en verhitting, en bied minder geleentheid vir die groei van die gewenste melksuurbakterieë • Swak kompaksie (minder as 600 kg/ m3) belemmer die fermentasieproses. ’n Minimum snylengte van 20 tot 25 mm verbeter kompaksie. • Ondoeltreffende fermentasie weens ondoeltreffende melksuurbakterieë en te min suikers om die fermentasieproses te versnel. • Swak verseëling. Dit veroorsaak dat lug die bunker binnekom. Daarom moet behoorlik toesig gehou word dat rotte, voëls en vee die plastiek nie beskadig nie. • Stadige uitvoertempo veral in warm somermaande. Dit is belangrik om te verstaan hoe die biologiese en chemiese proses wat gedurende inkuiling voorkom, plaasvind, wat die uitwerking daarvan op kuilvoergehalte is en hoe dit beheer en gemanipuleer kan word.

Fermentasieproses Inkuiling is in wese die preservering van ‘n gewas deur die uitsluiting van lug (suurstof), waarna fermentasie plaasvind en suikers na melksuur verander word deur melksuurbakterieë. Mikrobe-aktiwiteite hou dan weens ‘n lae pH-vlak op en die materiaal bly stabiel, mits dit nie met water of lug in aanraking kom nie. Hoëgehaltekuilvoer word verkry wanneer melksuur die oorheersende suur is wat geproduseer word, aangesien dit die mees doeltreffende fermentasiesuur is en die pH van die kuilvoer die vinnigste sal laat daal. Hoe vinniger die fermen­tasie­proses voltooi word, hoe meer voedingstowwe sal in die kuilvoer behoue bly. Minimalisering van verliese Die sukses van die proses word gedurende die eerste twee weke bepaal. Die eerste drie tot vyf dae van die inkuilingsproses is van kardinale belang. Die afbreek van proteïene is die hoogste op die eerste dag nadat die bunker geseël is en neem vinnig af soos wat suurstof verbruik word, met baie min proteïenafbreking ná een week van behoorlike inkuiling Die tempo waarteen die pH daal, is baie belangrik. Die pH moet binne vier dae van 6 tot 4 daal. Genoeg suiker en doeltreffende melksuurbakterieë is nodig, want die suikers word deur die melksuurbakterieë in melksuur omgesit. Die mees wenslike eindprodukte is asynsuur en melksuur. Droë material (DM) gaan verlore namate die bakterieë stysels en suikers tot asynsuur en melksuur afbreek. Die mikpunt is egter om hierdie verliese te beperk en die voedingstowwe in die kuilvoer te bewaar. Hoe vinniger hierdie proses van pH-daling geskied, hoe minder voedingstofverliese kom voor.

Dit is noodsaaklik dat die bakterieë wat vir die produksie van asynsuur en melksuur verantwoordelik is, dadelik ná inkuiling begin groei en vermeerder. Suurstof moet daarom so vinnig as moontlik uit die bunker verwyder word deur middel van goeie kompaksie om die vermeerdering van asynsuur- en melksuurproduserende bakterieë te maksimeer. Mikrobes (bakterieë wat vir fermentasie verantwoordelik is), benodig anaërobiese toestande (die afwesigheid van lug) om te groei. Soos wat bakterieë suiker verbruik, word die eindprodukte (asynsuur en melksuur) geproduseer, wat veroorsaak dat die pH daal. Doeltreffende fermentasie verseker ’n smaakliker en meer verteerbare voer, wat optimale DM-inname aanmoedig en gevolglik tot verbeterde diereprestasie lei. >>> bladsy 70

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agri Promosie/Promotional Biomin <<< page 69

Sukses van die proses Die inkuilingsproses benodig 15 tot 20 dae om ’n stabiele fase te bereik. Daar is ’n geleidelike verhoging in melksuur aangesien melksuurproduserende bakterieë die eenvoudige suikers afbreek. Wanneer melksuurbakterieë al die suiker in die gewas uitgeput het, of wanneer die pH-vlakke laag genoeg daal om groei te beëindig (4 tot 4,2 of laer), begin die stabiele fase. Solank as wat die bunker verseël en anaërobies bly, vind min biologiese aktiwiteit gedurende hierdie tydperk plaas. Soos wat suurstof egter stadig deur die bunker se mure en bedekkings binnedring, kan dit die groei van giste, muf en aërobiese bakterieë op die bunker-oppervlaktes veroorsaak. As die voer te droog is, is fermentasie beperk en die pHvlak kan nie voldoende daal nie. Indien dit gebeur, sal verroting plaasvind. Wanneer daar aan hierdie kuilvoer­ beginsels voldoen word, kan kuilvoer se gehalte verder verbeter word deur kuilvoer­ inokulante. Kuilvoerinokulante Die natuurlike fermentasie van groen plantmateriaal in die bunker is onbeheerd omdat daar geen beheer is oor die tipe en getalle bakterie wat natuurlik op die plant voorkom nie. Dit lei daartoe dat kuilvoer soms ongewenste komponente bevat, wat die waarde daarvan as veevoer kan verminder. Dit is moontlik om beide die spoed en patroon van fermentasie te beïnvloed deur kuilvoer-inokulante by te voeg. Op hierdie wyse word fermentasie heeltemal beheer en die fermentasieproses word deur gewenste melksuurbakterieë gedomineer om voedingstofverliese te beperk. Die toediening van melksuurbakterieë moet tydens die kerfproses plaasvind om doeltreffende kontak van bakterië met die materiaal te verseker. Navorsing het getoon dat die getal melksuurbakterieë só drasties vermeerder vanaf kerf totdat die materiaal in die bunker geplaas word dat as die melksuurbakterieë eers in die bunker toegedien word, hulle totaal oorheers word deur die melksuurbakterieë wat natuurlik op die gewas teenwoordig was. ’n Doeltreffende inokulant kan help om goeie kuilvoer beter te maak, maar dit sal egter nie swak kuilvoer goed maak nie. Bakteriële inokulante kan die aantal melksuur-bakterieë in die kuilvoer verhoog, en ’n drasties vinnige verlaging in die pH lei tot stabiele, hoë gehalte kuilvoer met die minimum voedingstofverliese. Bakteriële kuilvoerinokulante word ontwerp om die spoed en omvang van die primêre fermentasie te verhoog. agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


Kuilvoerinokulante kan geklassifiseer word volgens hulle uitwerking op die materiaal wat ingekuil word of volgens hulle eindprodukte wat hulle produseer. Hulle kan in twee hoofkategorieë verdeel word, naamlik homofermentatiewe en heterofermentatiewe kuilvoerinokulante. Homofermenteerders produseer slégs melksuur van suiker. Bakteriële stamme wat aan hierdie groep behoort, is Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus plantarum, L. acidophilus, L. coryneformis, L. salivarius, Pediococcus acidilatictici en P. damnosus. Die homofermentatiewe kuilvoerinokulante is die mees gesogte, aangesien hulle aktiwiteit nie DM-verliese veroorsaak nie. Daar is min twyfel oor die doeltreffendheid van die homo­ fermen­tatiewe kuilvoerstamme wat tans in kuilvoerinokulante gebruik word. Homo­ fermentatiewe kuilvoerinokulante verbeter fermentasie en verhoog DM-herwinning. Heterofermenteerders produseer koolstofdioksied, etanol, asynsuur en melksuur. Bakteriële stamme wat aan hierdie groep behoort, is Lactobacillus brevis, L. kefiri, L. buchneri, L. cellobiosus, L. fermentum en L. viridescens. Die nadele van heterofermentatiewe kuilvoerstamme is dat die asynsuurproduksie tot energie- en droëmateriaalverliese lei. Hoewel asynsuur (vanaf heterofermenteer­ ders) bederfbare organismes inhibeer, veroorsaak ’n oormaat daarvan (>30g/kg DM) dat voer se smaaklikheid, voerinname en diereprestasie verlaag. In goeie kuilvoer is melksuur en asynsuur gebalanseer sodat die lae pH-waarde, tesame met die asynsuur, die bederfbare organismes kan inhibeer. Die feit dat al hoe meer heterofermentatiewe kuilvoerstamme in die mark beskikbaar is, maak die keuse van die regte stam ’n moeilike een.

Verbeterde smaaklikheid Melksuur is die enigste metaboliet wat kuilvoer se smaaklikheid verbeter. Ongelukkig maak hoë vlakke van melksuur kuilvoer meer vatbaar vir aërobiese bederf. Die ideaal is dus om homofermenteerders en heterofermenteerders te kombineer om voedingstofverliese te beperk en ’n balans tussen melk- en asynsuur te handhaaf vir goeie smaaklikheid en goeie aërobiese stabiliteit. Kuilvoerinokulante wat beide homofermenteerders en heterofermenteerders bevat, word dus aanbeveel. Mielies is maklik om in te kuil omdat dit ’n relatiewe hoë suiker- en styselinhoud bevat. Mielies en sorghum bevat genoeg water-oplosbare koolhidrate (10% tot 12%) vir suksesvolle inkuiling. Mielies en heelplant-graankuilvoere is berug daarvoor

dat dit onstabiel is sodra die bunker oopgemaak word (dit word warm). ’n Groter hoeveelheid heterofermentatiewe bakterieë in kuilvoerinokulante is nuttig om aërobiese bederf te verminder en om die raklewe van hierdie tipe kuilvoere te verbeter (produksie van beide melksuur en asynsuur). Peulgewasse soos lusern kuil moeiliker in omdat dit min suikers bevat – gemiddeld net 5% en dit het ‘n hoë proteïeninhoud. Die belangrikste mikpunt is om so vinnig as moontlik ’n lae en stabiele pH te bereik, met melksuur as die vernaamste fermenta-sieproduk. Daarom sal ’n kuilvoer-inokulant met ’n groter hoeveelheid homofermentatiewe bakterieë hierdie tipes kuilvoer bevoordeel en verliese beperk (produseer hoofsaaklik melksuur).

Uithaalfase Kuilvoer word warm wanneer dit uit die kuil verwyder word en met lug in aanraking kom. Dit is omdat dit begin gis en swamme groei. Veral voere wat nog heelwat residuele suikers ná inkuiling bevat, soos mieliekuilvoer, is dikwels onstabiel. Hierdie organismes omskep oorblywende plantsuikers, melksuur en ander energieryke voedingstowwe in die kuilvoer in koolstofdioksied, water en hitte. Gevolglik veroorsaak bederf gedurende die uitvoerfase verhoogde DM-verliese en ’n hoër risiko van toksiese organismes en hulle mikotoksiene. Asynsuur (afkomstig vanaf heterofermenteerders) vertraag die groei van swamme en gisting. Die probleem van aërobiese bederf is veral ernstig wanneer die voertempo stadig is vanweë die bunker wat te wyd is, en wanneer kuilvoer in warm en/of vogtige weerstoestande uit die bunker verwyder word. Verwyder ’n minimum van 150 mm kuilvoer per dag in die winter en 450 mm in die somer vanuit die kuilvoergesig (voorkant van bunker). Om kuilvoer twee tot vier keer per dag in kleiner porsies uit die bunker te verwyder, pleks van in een groot porsie, sal verhitting voorkom. Kuilvoerinokulante kan nie goeie inkuilingspraktyke vervang nie. Die gebruik van ’n kuilvoerinokulant kan egter die gehalte van kuilvoer aansienlik verbeter, aërobiese stabiliteit verbeter en verliese beperk. Die insluiting van ’n kuilvoerinokulant as ’n roetineprosedure kan die boerdery se winste aansienlik verhoog. Die belangrikste aspek om hier in ag te neem is nie die prys nie, maar die opbrengs op belegging. Die duurste kuilvoerinokulante is dikwels dié wat nie die gewenste uitwerking op kuilvoer het nie. Vir meer inligting, kontak Albert van Rensburg van Biomin by tel no (018) 468 1455 of 083 409 5315.

agri Nuus/News

New chief executive officer for PPECB South Africa’s official export certification agency, the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB), appointed Lucien Jansen as its new CEO.


ansen, who holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Stellenbosch, began his career at the PPECB ten years ago when he was appointed as regional service manager for the Western Cape. In 2010, he was appointed manager of the PPECB’s project management office and in 2013, general manager: Corporate Affairs. Jansen is highly regarded for his exceptional stakeholder management, as well as his proven track-record of operational management and strategic contribution across all aspects of the organisation. Furthermore, his invaluable experience in the inspection, cold chain and food safety

functions has suitably prepared him to lead the PPECB. Pinki Luwaca, general manager: Human Resources at PPECB, said that the appointment was an immense achievement for the organisation. “This is the first time in the almost 90 year history of the PPECB that a CEO has been appointed from within the ranks, which is testament to the strong leadership skills within the organisation. We have always strived to carve a path of succession planning and this appointment serves to validate these efforts.” Chairperson of the PPECB Board, Angelo Petersen, said: “The Board is exceptionally pleased by the appointment and believes that

Jansen possesses the critical qualities required to lead the PPECB team to the next level of Lucien Jansen success. His crossfunctional experience within the PPECB has equipped him with a thorough understanding of the operating environment and an extensive stakeholder network, both of which will prove instrumental in the PPECB’s future growth. I am confident that Jansen will lead the PPECB team to provide an enhanced service to the industry, thereby supporting the export competitiveness of South African produce.”

An aspiring farmer ready for the commercial challenge WILLEM BASSON, VICE-PRESIDENT, AGRI GAUTENG

John Matseke started farming in 1999 with twelve head of cattle, which he bought with his pension money after he retired.


lthough he had to live from selling the offspring to pay for his family’s living and other expenses, he is today the proud owner of 53 head of cattle. Matseke has never received any help from government for the development of the farm he is renting from them, except for assistance with the vaccination of his livestock, the drilling of a borehole and fencing for a part of the farm. Matseke is also funding the studies of two of his children, currently studying at tertiary institutions, from his farming enterprise. He is an exceptional cattle farmer. He knows his cattle and can tell the exact history of each animal of his Brahman herd. Matseke has not only proven that he can

farm with cattle but he has shown that he can survive the challenges of farming. He is ready to take on the challenge of commercial farming if he is given the support promised by government. A business plan for the expansion John Matseke with his Brahman herd of his farming the Rust de Winter project that is supported enterprise has by Agri Gauteng, AgriHelp and Nissan South already been completed and this is ready to Africa. It aims to assist developing farmers to be lodged with government. Matseke is one become commercial farmers. of thirty-one farmers in the Gauteng part of

Nissan SA wishes all farmers a blessed Christmas ans a proaperous new year.

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agri Promosie/Promotional






Growth promoter to reduce growth decline and increase photosynthesis. Reg. No. B4427 (Act 36, 1947)

Triacontanol..........................490 mg/kg (539 mg/l) Tocopherols...............................19 mg/kg (21 mg/l) Magnesium (Mg)............9 900 mg/kg (10 890 mg/l)

Verskaf energie aan die plant Verhoog chlorofil produksie Ondersteun chlorofil a en b gedurende uitermatige omgewingstoestande Beskerming teen hittestres Herstel en beskerm die sentrale Magnesium in chlorofil Hou die “groen fabriek” in produksie

Zinc (Zn)..............................................................28 g/kg Manganese (Mn)..................................................30 g/kg Copper (Cu)............................................................3 g/kg Iron (Fe).................................................................6 g/kg Boron (B)...............................................................2 g/kg Molybdenum.........................................................2 g/kg Phosphite (P).....................................................119 g/kg Auxins..............................................................20 mg/kg Cytokinins........................................................10 mg/kg

Gepattenteerde tegnologie Verskaf mikro-elemente asook groeistimulante Translaminêre aksie a.g.v. die fosforigsuur basis. Bevorder die plant se natuurlike weerstand. Bied gewasbeskerming teen Oomycete bv. Phythophthora Versoenbaar met ander chemiese middels Geregistreer vir gebruik saam met Glifosaat onkruiddoders.

Boron (B)............................................77 g/kg Molybdenum.....................................30 g/kg Zinc (Zn).............................................6 g/kg Manganese (Mn)................................11 g/kg Phosphite-P........................................33 g/kg Auxins............................................10 mg/kg Cytokinins.......................................10 mg/kg Gibberellic Acid...............................48 mg/kg

Gepattenteerde tegnologie Verskaf Boor & Molybdeen, mikro-elemente asook groeistimulante Voorkom afspening veroorsaak deur absisiensure Versoenbaar met ander chemiese middels 33 Brewery Road Isando, 1600 Gauteng, RSA Office : (011) 392 4072 Fax : (011)392 4363 agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


076 982 7254 danie@nutrico.co.za

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agri Nuus/News

Several concerns raised in parliament Annelize Crosby, Agri SA’s November 2015.

legal and policy advisor,

reports on parliamentary matters during October and


ational Consumer Commission The National Consumer Commission presented its annual report to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on 13 October 2015. The Commission reported that it had received 5 242 complaints during the past year. Most complaints involved motor vehicles, the retail sector and cell phones. These complaints dealt with issues such as defective goods, poor service delivery, contract cancellation, unconscionable conduct, incorrect billing, unauthorised deductions and misrepresentation. During the year under discussion, the commission had accredited a motor industry code and a consumer goods and services code. It had investigated the timeshare

industry and had facilitated recalls of products such as tyres, motor vehicles and medical equipment.

Portfolio Committee on Public Works The Portfolio Committee on Public Works met on 13, 20, 21 and 30 October, as well as on 3 November to have clause by clause deliberations on the Expropriation Bill.


uring these meetings, a long list of amendments was proposed. This list is available on request. Many of these amendments are semantical changes only. There were changes proposed to the definitions of “court” and “expropriation”. Amendments were also suggested to clause 3, which deals with the power of the minister of public works to expropriate. It was suggested that it be made very clear that he may only do so for the purposes of executing his function as minister of public works and not in general. A new clause 17 was proposed, whereby full compensation will be payable to an owner on the date on which possession

passes to the state. If the owner is not satisfied, he or she can still approach the court for the determination of compensation. Clause 18, which deals with compensation for properties that are subject to mortgage bonds, was also rejected and new wording proposed. The new wording requires the bondholder and the owner to come to an agreement on the division of compensation. With regard to outstanding municipal charges, the suggestion was that the municipality will have 20 days to inform the expropriating authority of outstanding amounts, which will then be subtracted from the compensation. If the municipality fails to supply such

The Auditor-General expressed concern over the lack of improvement in the overall audit outcomes of Daff, the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) and the National Marketing Council (NAMC). Concern was also expressed about continued unauthorised and fruitless and wasteful expenditure by Daff, the ARC and the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF). information timeously, the full compensation is paid to the owner and the property is transferred, but the owner remains liable to the municipality. The expropriating authority does not incur any liability for such arrears rates and charges. Clause 27, dealing with offences, was also reworded. All these proposals are not reflected in the final version of the Bill approved by the portfolio committee, as there was not agreement on all of the suggested changes. The final meeting of the portfolio committee took place on 24 November.

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Parliament <<< page 73

Department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries On 13 October 2015 the Auditor-General, the department of planning, monitoring and evaluation, and the Financial Fiscal Commission briefed the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the annual expenditure, annual performance and spending patterns of the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Daff) and its entities. Concern was expressed by the Auditor-General over the lack of improvement in the overall audit outcomes of Daff, the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) and the National Marketing Council (NAMC). Concern was also expressed about continued unauthorised and fruitless and wasteful expenditure by Daff, the ARC and the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF).


he department of planning, monitoring and evaluation (DPME) stated in its presentation that the 30% target on land reform, which was set in 1994 was, in retrospect, very ambitious and the challenges of undertaking land and agrarian reform were under-estimated. It identified a number of challenges with regard to the sustainable utilisation of transferred land and the development of more commercial smallholders. These include: • Insufficient involvement of the commer­cial sector in developing smallholders; • Inadequate/ineffective agricultural support (extension workers); • Questions regarding effectiveness of financial support to small farmers; • Crowding out of smallholders from markets by commercial producers; • Smallholders are not producing enough volumes of produce continuously to be able to compete with commercial producers; • The lengthy process of land transfer leads to a lack of investment by former owners, resulting in the deterioration of infrastructure by the time of transfer; • Insufficient coordination between Daff, the DRDLR and the DTI for agricultural development. Amongst the findings of the DPME are: • That the disappointing growth of the sector and loss of jobs in the sector can be attributed in part to the global economic decline, but Daff has not been successful in addressing constraints to investment in

the sector; • That a proper census on agriculture could assist with identifying the underlying causes of the relatively poor performance of the sector, but the department has terminated the agricultural census; • The department should consider additional interventions such as: - Strengthen collaboration with the established commercial farming sector to develop black commercial farmers; - Use government procurement to a greater extent to create opportunities for black commercial farmers; - Review and accelerate initiatives to strengthen agricultural support to black commercial farmers. The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) indicated in its presentation that Daff would experience real declines in its allocation in both 2015/16 and 2016/17 as a result of the cabinet approved reductions due to under-spending. Under-spending by the ARC in 2014/15 amounted to R55,5 million. It stated that the contribution of the agricultural sector to gross domestic product (GDP) has declined from 7,1% in 1970 to under 3% in 2014 and that the agricultural sector’s share of total exports increased from 3,6% in 2007 to 5,3% in 2010 and 6,4% in 2014.

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries tried to meet on two occasions during late November to discuss the drought. On both occasions the meetings were disrupted by striking parliamentary workers. The National Development Plan (NDP) envisages the agriculture sector as one of the key levers for job creation and ensuring food security in South Africa. The FFC highlighted the following areas requiring attention: • The budget is generally spent, but the achievement of targets is low; • The oversight role of the department in relation to provincial counterparts needs to be strengthened; • The underspending on grants is generally as a result of weak planning and procurement processes in the provincial offices of Daff; • Internal controls within Daff need to be improved, particularly in relation to: - Putting measures in place to prevent irregular expenditure; - Ensuring that performance targets are specific, measurable and verifiable.

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agri Nuus/News

Jy glo ... Jy glo in elke hektaar, elke saad en elke gewas. Jy glo in die toekoms van landbou. Jy glo in die harde werk wat jy moet insit en die toewyding wat die dag van môre se opbrengs van jou verg.

By Monsanto glo ons. Ons glo daarin om jou toe te rus met die regte tegnologie, innoverende produkte en uitmuntende diens. Sodat ons saam opbrengste kan verhoog, volhoubaarheid kan fasiliteer en voedsel vir die toekoms kan produseer. Daarom wil Monsanto jou bystaan: van sonsopkoms tot sonsondergang.

Ons glo in jou.

Monsanto is ’n geregistreerde handelsnaam van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

011 790-8200 customercare.sa@monsanto.com www.monsanto.com

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uppe marketing A13235


agri Nuus/News

Parliament <<< page 75

Department of water and sanitation On 14 October 2015, the department of water and sanitation (DWS) presented its annual report and financial statements to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation.


inister Nomvula Mokonyane was present during the briefing. The department gave an overview of its general and financial performance during the past year. It appears, amongst other things, that the vacancy rate for engineers and scientists increased to 17,44% and the department has difficulty attracting the right skills to fill the posts. The department has regressed on management of strategic planning and performance, and human resources. The Auditor-General raised a number of concerns regarding the financial management of the department. It also appears that the Blue/Green Drop report had not yet been submitted to the Portfolio Committee. A number of targets have also not yet been achieved. These included targets set for environmental impact assessments, research, acid mine draining, eradication of buckets, and the compiling of the Blue and Green Drop reports.

Department of rural development and land reform On 14 October 2015 the department of rural development and land reform (DRDLR) and the Restitution Commission presented their annual reports and financial statements to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform. The Auditor-General also presented its report on these two entities.


ugene Southgate, deputy directorgeneral of the DRDLR, told the committee that the DRDLR had achieved only 56% of the targets it had set for itself in the beginning of the year. He dealt with the different targets set and gave reasons for not achieving individual targets. The one sub-programme that exceeded most of its targets was restitution. In redistribution, the target for acquisition was 390 000 hectares; 354 802 hectares were however acquired. The reason for under-performance: “The under-achievement was due to farms being withdrawn by the sellers and no longer being available for purchase,” Southgate said. The target for land to be recapitalised was 303. In reality only 217 were recapitalised. Reason given: “Non-achievement of this target was due to the complexities and control mechanisms put in place during the application approval process, which resulted in these taking longer than planned.” Rendani Sadiki, chief financial officer of

settling 428 new claims against a target of the DRDLR, presented the financial report 379; finalising 372 claims against a target of findings. The department’s total spending 239; approving 119 projects against a target for the 2014-2015 financial year amounted of 53; researching to R9,4 billion, 1 525 claims against a representing The target for land to be target of 1 445. 99,4% of the recapitalised was 303. In reality It had established appropriation of only 217 were recapitalised. 14 operational claims R9,4 billion, and Reason given: “Nonlodgement offices and leaving unspent it acquired four mobile funds of R59,5 achievement of this target was lodgement offices. million. due to the complexities and She also provided The Auditorcontrol mechanisms put in place information on settled General reported during the application approval claims – a total of that the DRDLR process, which resulted in these 144 406 claims had had an irregular been settled. The total expenditure of taking longer than planned.” financial value of R25,2 million the claims that were and fruitless and approved during the period under review is wasteful expenditure of R6,07 million. R 2 778 206 347,35. The chief land claims Nomfundo Gobodo, chief land claims commissioner also informed the committee commissioner (CRLR), briefed the Portfolio that the Restitution Commission was in the Committee on the Commission on Restitution process of regaining its autonomy from the of Land Right’s annual report and financial DRDLR. She was hoping that this would be statements for 2014/15. fully realised by April 2017. The Commission exceeded its targets by

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As jy ’n moderne landbouer is, is dit ook jou besigheid om geld te bespaar en die natuur te bewaar… SO IS DIT OOK MET ONS!


Ons spilpunte is gelaai met eienskappe wat juis dít doen! •

• •

• • •

Ons gebruik as standaardtoerusting, die duurder sprinkelpakket op al ons spilpunte. Hierdie sprinkelaars “sny” die water in presiese druppelgroottes, wat die minimum verlies aan verdamping tot gevolg het. Boonop is die waterverspreiding perfek eweredig onder elke spuit, wat beter inltrasie in die grond verseker, sonder onnodige aoop. Onafhanklike professionele waterskeduleringskundiges het bewys dat, deur hierdie sprinkelaars te gebruik, jy meer water in die grond kry as met die meeste ander spilpuntsprinkelpakkette tans beskikbaar. Dit bespaar jou direk geld deur die maksimum van die duur gepompte water, met die minimum verdampingsverliese of aoop, suksesvol in die grond te kry. Hierdie sprinkelaars funksioneer die beste tussen 0,42 bar en 1 bar druk, wat jou direk geld bespaar! Senter 360 is die ontwerpers van ’n wêreld-eerste patent wat die laaste spuite op jou Senter 360 spilpunt gedurende die besproeiingsiklus skoon hou. Die resultaat is dat jy nie meer die buitenste hektare wat ten duurste geplant, besproei en bemes is verloor (soos so algemeen deur produsente wêreldwyd as normaal aanvaar word) as gevolg van verstopping gedurende die besproeiingsiklus nie. Die uitsonderlike sterk en gebalanseerde pypstruktuur is taaier, uiters windbestand en hou langer, veral deur daardie onverwagte verrassings wat die natuur soms op ons pad stuur. Die standaard, intelligente, millimeter-verstelbare toedieningsbeheer, verseker dat die regte toediening elke keer akkuraat neergesit word, sonder om oor of onder te besproei. Ook beskikbaar by Senter 360 is die akkurate multivlak grondvogmetingsapparaat wat jou in staat stel om ingeligte skeduleringsbesluite te neem en keer op keer die regte toediening te verseker. Dit is ook onafhanklik bewys, dat met dié toerusting nie net water bespaar word nie, maar ook kunsmis in die grond minder geloog word, terwyl opbrengste verhoog!



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Afrika se spil van sukses

agri Nuus/News

Parliament <<< page 77

National Agriculture Marketing Council On 16 October 2015 the National Agriculture Marketing Council (NAMC) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on its annual report. It also presented a report on food prices.


he NAMC had met most of its set targets. A summary of statutory mea­sures and levies collected was provided. The total income from levies for the year was R409 070 663. In the presentation on food prices, a comparison was made between urban and rural food prices during May to August 2015. It appears that rural households paid less for some of their food than the households in the urban areas. However, products such as white sugar and super maize meal cost more in the rural areas than they did in the urban areas. It also appears that food inflation

during this period was lower in South Africa, compared to countries such as Russia, Turkey and Brazil. It was however higher than food inflation in Namibia and Botswana. The NAMC made the following policy recommendations: • Administered/regulated prices make a significant contribution to the cost of producing agricultural commodities and food, i.e. increasing the cost of doing business; • The significant increase in administered/ regulated prices will affect among other things:

Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill On 21, 27 October and 3 November 2015, the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry dealt with the Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill clause by clause.


he Bill was adopted by the Committee on the 3rd of November, but the DA and the IFP opposed the adoption. The contentious clause was clause 10, which deals with the legal protection of investment and provides as follows: “Investors have the right to property in terms of section 25 of the Constitution.” The DA argued that section 25 does not provide sufficient protection as there are uncertainties regarding the interpretation of section 25 protection, for example as to the distinction between deprivation and expropriation. The DA suggested the following alternative wording, which was rejected: “The government shall not impair by unreasonable, arbitrary, or unfair measures the management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, or disposal of

lawful investments made by foreign investors in the Republic. Investors have the right to property in terms of Section 25 of the Constitution. • The government will accord to investments and investors protection that is in accordance with customary international law. • Investors shall not be arbitrarily or unreasonably deprived of all or part of their investments, either directly or indirectly, or be subjected to any measure which has the same substantial effect as

- Agriculture’s ability to produce enough and affordable food; - The sustainability of the sector as it directly and indirectly influences investment, the profitability and competitiveness of the sector; - Hence, a rethink of the current policy environment within the ambit of the role of agriculture is required.

It appears, amongst other things, that the vacancy rate for engineers and scientists increased to 17,44% and the department of water and sanitation has difficulty attracting the right skills to fill the posts.

deprivation. • Sub-section 3 includes, but is not limited to, instances where possession does not pass to the government or expropriating authority. • The compensation envisioned in Section 25 shall be paid without delay and in a readily convertible currency.”

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Teheka Solar provides energy solutions

Teheka Solar was formed in 2004 with a goal of providing energy efficient solutions to a wide spectrum of clients. We seek to provide service excellence, high standards and be proactive in the provision of new technology in an ever changing world. Teheka Solar is passionate about what we do as we know that sustainable energy solutions will only become more vital in a world where consumption is increasing and energy reserves dwindling. Wherever possible, Teheka Solar has and will continue to seek out collaborative partnerships with organisations that are like-minded and share our vision, that of providing sustainable energy solutions in a commercially viable manner.


CLIENTS & PROJECTS eheka Solar has installed thousands of low pressure geyser systems in partnership with South Africa power giant Eskom, and has also provided energy efficient solutions to prestigious clients like Sasol, Protea Hotels, most of the mayor mining houses, Liberty Properties etc. OUR LATEST PROJECT Hannah Lodge, located in Ohrigstad, Limpopo. 110kW PV System. This is a perfect example to explain to farmers how it works and what to expect. With a request from the owner of Hannah Lodge to provide an alternate solution in complementing his existing Eskom service, Teheka Solar conducted a power consumption audit to determine if PV was an economical solution. Teheka Solar investigated the option of reducing power consumption and a load shift of existing consumption from Eskom driven supply of evening and early morning consumption to daytime loading, thereby substituting Eskom service with PV supply. The immediate solution was for all 49 chalets to have the existing Eskom driven geysers substituted with solar geysers, complimented by the Lodge’s laundry workload rescheduled to daylight timing to optimize PV supply. As a result of optimizing Hannah Lodge’s demand load, we were able to provide the option of a much smaller PV system than originally envisaged, resulting in a significant saving in the capital cost of the project to the owner. This approach in rescheduling of power consumption provides significant cost savings through the correct “sizing” of the optimum PV installation, making PV more accessible to the market as a substitute power solution. With the ability to provide the optimum solution, Teheka will evaluate the

consumption history of the user over a 12 month period, ensuring that the correct sizing of the proposed PV installation achieves the projected supply levels and cost savings of the installation. With Eskom yet to approve low voltage connections to the grid, excess power generation from an incorrectly sized PV installation results in higher capital cost outlay with no financial benefit to the owner/ consumer. Recent experience has shown a number of installers providing PV installations based on total consumption rather than optimised consumption, resulting in financially unproductive installations providing very little opportunity for the recovering of the cost of the installation. Teheka Solar is able to analyse Hannah Lodge PV production data daily – 90% of the Lodge’s daylight consumption has now been shifted to PV production. The effect on Hannah Lodges operating costs has given them the competitive edge, reduced operating costs with the ability to increase income and or market more aggressively when necessary. Teheka Solar has the expertise and ability to provide power supply to you home, lodge or farm at an affordable cost, giving you a cost effective option to current escalating and sometimes disruptive service from the conventional supply grid. Solar Borehole Pump The SQFlex family is an environmentallyfriendly water supply solution. SQFlex pumps are fitted with a permanent magnet motor that enables the efficient use of energy from nature. The pump system offers the perfect water supply solution in remote areas where water is scarce and the power supply is nonexistent or unreliable. The SQFlex solar panels

and wind turbines adapt to the characteristic weather profile of any given area. A battery backup system can store the extra energy generated and take over when the energy from nature is not available. SQFlex is more than just a pump – it’s a complete intelligent system. Thanks to its built-in electronics, the pump is compatible with both DC and AC power supply without requiring an external inverter. The complete range consists of ten different pump sizes: Four helical rotor pumps for applications where a high head is required, and six centrifugal pumps for applications where a greater flow rate is necessary. The SQFlex systems are suitable for applications in remote locations: • Villages, schools, hospitals, small houses; • Farms and irrigation of greenhouses; • Game parks and game farms; • Conservation areas. Teheka Solar has recently completed a number of solar borehole pump installations for the department of health’s roll out of new medical clinics. These clinics are situated in very remote areas and solar borehole pumps are suitable for these areas because solar power is free and the system is basically maintenance free. These installations required the systems to be configured based on daily consumption, available water source and depth of borehole (head). Each system was specially designed and configured to these requirements, resulting in various configurations of pump size, number of PV panels and automation. Float valve installation to storage facilities allowed for the system to be switched off once tank capacity was reached. In addition the system have various self-protecting features such as dry run protection to ensure optimum workload efficiency.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

OROWET®-tegnologie maak die boer sterker Water is vandag ‘n kosbare bron. Grondbeperkings soos kompaksie en hidrofobisiteit kan aanleiding gee tot vermorsing van water weens afloop en oormatige verdamping. Oro Agri se TRANSFORMERSA kan help om hierdie probleme te verlig en water beter te benut.


lim tegnologie help die boer om water selfs beter te benut, wat alles uiteinde­lik groter, beter oeste en meer wins in sy sak beteken. Oro Agri SA (Edms) Bpk vervaardig produkte met unieke OROWET®-tegnologie vir gebruik in sowel geïntegreerde as konvensionele plaag­ beheerprogramme. Sedert die ontstaan van die maatskappy in 2001 het Oro Agri gegroei tot ’n multi-nasionale verskaffer van omgewingsvriendelike produkte wat van­dag suksesvol gebruik word in gewas­beskermings­programme in meer as 70 lande wêreldwyd, waarvan Brasilië, VSA, Frankryk, Spanje, Suid-Afrika, Sjina en Indië tans die grootste gebruikers is. Oro Agri SA (Pty) Ltd se hoofkantoor is in Somerset-Wes. Die produkte word vervaardig in Spanje, Kalifornië, Brasilië asook in Kaapstad, waarvandaan dit regdeur Sub-Sahara-Afrika versprei word. OROWET-tegnologie bestaan uit koud­ geperste lemoenolie in gepatenteerde meng­ sels met verskeie benatters. Die lemoenolie wat in produkte gebruik word, word verkry uit die sitrusbedryf en is ’n totaal hernubare bron. Die tegnologie het verskeie toepassings, afhangend van die geregistreerde formulasie en konsentrasie van aanwending. Teen laer konsentrasies kan dit gebruik word as hoogs veelsydige benatter om die doeltreffendheid van spuittoedienings te verbeter en die werking van verskeie plaagdoders aan te vul. Teen hoër konsentrasies kan OROWETtegnologie met doeltreffende kontakaksie teen verskeie insekte, swamme en myte aangewend word. Verskillende OROWET-formulasies word tans in Suid-Afrika vervaardig. Dit sluit in produkte wat geregistreer is as benatters (bv WETCIT) of die omgewingsvriendelike plaagdoder PREVAM. Die jongste formulasie is ’n grondkondisioneerder met die naam van TRANSFORMERSA wat geregistreer is om die infiltrasie en verspreiding van besproeiingswater in moeilik benatbare of kompakte grond te verbeter.

Benut water beter Oor die afgelope 5 jaar is verskeie proewe gedoen om die effek van TRANSFORMERSA op waterhuishouding in verskeie grondtipes te bestudeer. Sommige van die studies is deur Nordely Wright (foto langsaan), wat tans by Oro Agri in diens is, gedoen ter verkryging van ’n MSc Agric-graad. Daarna is verdere veldproewe gedoen in verskeie gewasse, onder verskeie besproeiingstelsels, om die effek van die produk op gewasprestasie te bepaal. Nordely het bevind dat TRANSFORMERSA die infiltrasietempo en verspreiding van water in grond verbeter. Hierdie effek word waar­ geneem ná ’n enkele behandeling en dit hoef dus nie herhaaldelik toegedien te word nie. Dit is veral doeltreffend waar grondbeperkings soos kompaksie, toeslaan of hidrofobisiteit (vetterigheid) voorkom. In ligte en hidrofobiese grond is bewys dat verspreiding van water in die grond meer eenvormig is danksy TRANSFORMERSA. In verskeie toetse is bevind dat penetrasie­ weerstand verminder ná toediening (soos gemeet met ’n penetrometer) en gevolglik is daar minder stremming op wortelgroei. TRANSFORMERSA is al op verskeie besproei­ ingstipes, grondsoorte en gewasse getoets en voordele wissel van een situasie na die ander. Die voordeel in drupstelsels is verbeterde laterale verspreiding van water, wat beteken dat die benattingsarea groter word en meer egalig benat word. Dit laat wyer verspreiding van wortels toe en in brak toestande word soute verder van die wortelsone geskuif. In besproeiingstelsels met hoër lewerings­ tempo (mikrospuite of oorhoofse besproeiing) is die grootste voordeel dat minder vermorsing plaasvind aangesien afloop en opdamming aansienlik verminder word. Verskillende voordele word ook gevind afhangend van die grondtipe. In ligter grondtipes help TRANSFORMERSA om water beter vas te hou en dus hoër en meer

konstante grondvog te handhaaf. Hierdie effek is hoofsaaklik te danke aan die volledige infiltrasie in alle porieë, insluited mikro-porieë, wat dikwels onder normale toestande weens kanaliseringseffekte nie volledig met water gevul word in ligter gronde nie. Gewasprestasie verbeter waar grond­ beperkings verlig word ná behandeling. Sterker wortelontwikkeling word gesien waar waterhuishouding en suurstofvlakke in die wortelsone verbeter. Wat dikwels waargeneem word is meer eenvormige vruggroottes, meer egalige rypwording wat besparing van plukarbeid teweegbring asook beter bemarkbare kwaliteit opbrengs, bv. by aartappels, uie en ander groente. Produsente word aangeraai om ná die toediening van TRANSFORMERSA versigtige monitering van grondvog te doen, aangesien dit nodig mag wees om skedulering aan te pas namate water meer effektief deur die grond geabsorbeer word. TRANSFORMERSA kan dus help om beskik­ bare water optimaal te benut en verliese, byvoorbeeld deur afloop, te beperk. Meer effektiewe watergebruik gaan ook ‘n verskil maak aan elektrisiteitskostes. In situasies waar water gesny moet word, kan die produsent nou droogtestremming op sy gewas verminder deur die gebruik van TRANSFORMERSA. Vir meer inligting oor Oro Agri se volle reeks skitterprodukte vir die boer, praat met Johan Coetzee of Norderly Wright by 021-850-0667 of e-pos jcoetzee@oroagri.com. Besoek ook www.oroagri.co.za

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Harvest group will look after your packaging needs The Harvest Group consists of Harvest Bags CC and Harvest Bopp Bag Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd. Both companies are situated at Babelegi Industrial Park, North West Province. Our agents service the entire country as well as several of our neighbouring countries in Southern Africa. Harvest Bags CC arvest Bags is a supplier of agricul­ tural packaging products. Harvest bags are ideally suited for a wide range of products including oran­ges, onions, butternuts, grapefruit, cab­bages, pumpkin, avocado pears, garlic, lemons and chillies. Harvest Bags is proud to announce that we have expanded and we now have four factories where we produce pallet wrap and pallet net. We supply the follow­ing products in various sizes and colours: • Knitted agricultural bags • Pallet net • Mono agricultural bags • Pallet wrap • Loom agricultural bags • Polypropylene bags • Polypropylene rolls We also offer a unique labeling service to


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en­sure that the labels stay on the bags despite various handling from the farmer to the end user.

Harvest Bopp Bag Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd The main objective of this company is to manu­facture and distribute a wide range of high quality polypropylene bags and materials at the highest level of service excellence. Our clients include mining companies, milling companies, dog food producers, farming communities and their co-operates, as well as other corporate businesses. We supply the following products: • Laminated bags • Printed bags • Polypropylene rolls • Fire retardant material Our raw products are supplied by the most well-known and trusted suppliers in the market!

Solutions Our quality products manufactured and distributed to a vast range of customers are high in demand. Quality, service and price have become synonymous with the company. It is our mission: • To provide the best possible service and products to meet the needs of our clients; • To serve our customers; • To be an honest and ethical company; • To supply a high quality product that reflect positively on our company’s image and • To commit to a strong healthy business relationship. Let us assist you with your packaging needs and let your packaging do the selling out there in a very competitive market!

agri Nuus/News

Drought status On 11 November 2015 the department of water and sanitation briefed the portfolio committee of the same name on the drought status.


eborah Mochotlhi, deputy-director general for water planning, gave an overview of the current drought. It appears that six provinces were now under observation with four (Kwazulu-Natal, Limpopo, Free State and the North West province) having been declared droughtstricken areas, and two (Mpumalanga and the Western Cape) now being monitored. She alluded to the DWS’s short-, medium- and longterm strategies for dealing with the drought: In the short term, it would make use of tankering to supply distressed areas and it would drill boreholes. In the medium term, it would look at desalination in coastal areas and eradicating illegal use. In the long term, it would increase the capacity of the water supply infrastructure by, for example, raising dam walls.

Strikes disrupt meetings The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries tried to meet on two occasions during late November to discuss the drought. On both occasions the meetings were disrupted by striking parliamentary workers. A submission by Daff is, however, available on request.

Eskom reports Eskom submitted its annual report to the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on 4 November 2015.


t was reported that Eskom’s capital expenditure for 2014/2015 amounted to R53 billion. In terms of its New Build programme Eskom added 6 237MW generation capacity, 5 816 km transmission lines and 29 655MVA substation capacity since 2005. It had also: • Electrified an additional 159 8530 homes during 2014/15. Eskom’s financial health was, however, under strain. This is because of: - Inappropriate return on assets over a sustained period due to above inflation cost increases, declining sales volumes and lack of a cost reflective electricity price; - Escalating municipal arrear debt; - Deteriorating balance sheet in this investment phase, funded through borrowings. It was reported that 1 795 MW of renewable

Eskom reported that 1 795 MW of renewable energy was received from independent power producers (IPPs): 1 185 MW from solar and 600 MW from wind. The 100 MW Sere wind farm was put into commercial operation, feeding power into the grid since October 2014. energy was received from independent power producers (IPPs): 1 185 MW from solar and 600 MW from wind. The 100 MW Sere wind farm was put into commercial operation, feeding power into the grid since October 2014. Medupi Unit 6 was synchronised to the grid with commercial operation expected

during the third quarter. Synchronisation of Medupi Unit 5 was expected during the first half of 2017. Kusile Unit 1 was due for first synchronisation in the first half of 2017 and the first synchronisation of Ingula Unit 3 was targeted for the second half of 2016. The Eskom Board emphasised its commitment to re-energising Eskom and to creating growth and value for the shareholder and the nation.



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A farmer at heart since a tender age, commercial farmer, vice-president of Kwanalu, and deputy- president of Agri South Africa, Phenias Gumede, credits his successes to passion. He is involved in farming and administration in local and national agriculture bodies.


alking about Phenias Gumede’s hard work and commitment to any task he is given, CEO of Kwanalu Sandy La Marque said, “Phenias has proven over and over that he is a valuable colleague in the agriculture sector, which is why he was re-elected as deputy- president of Kwanalu this year.” But his rise to commercial farming success took a lot of hard work and years of dedication. He shares his story with us. Gumede credits his ability to manage his many current roles and responsibilities in the industry to his modest upbringing and his intuitive passion for farming. He affectionately recalls waking up at 4 am daily to work on his father’s fields, with an old-fashioned ox-driven plough, before heading off to school. He went on to explain his journey in the farming industry. “I am a farmer at heart. I love the land and love seeing the rewards of what I put into the ground to grow. I started farming at an early age, helping my father on our six-hectare farm in Makhathini flats near Jozini, in KwaZuluNatal. It naturally became the only thing I wanted to do.” After finishing school, in 1991, he did a farm management course at Damelin College in Pretoria. “My first job was at

Mjindi Farming, where I got the opportunity to interact with commercial farmers. This is what led me to start up on my own smallscale farming business. It was, and still is hard work, but it is easy to work hard and to give everything for something that you are passionate about. Today, I am proud that I am both a commercial farmer in the area, and a leader in the agriculture sector,” he said. As a commercial farmer, Gumede talked about his farm and his target market. “On my farm I have 250 hectares under irrigation and 70 hectares on dry land. On the irrigated land I plant butternuts, gutro beans and maize. I employ 45 people on my farm of cotton and vegetables. On the dry land I plant cotton and in the offseason I let local farmers use the land for grazing. Over- all, I produce about 150 tons of different vegetables per season and 50 to 70 tons of cotton per season. The cotton is supplied to the Makhathini Cotton Gin and the vegetables are supplied to Woolworths, Pick n Pay, Browns Wholesalers and Spar shops,’’ he told Makamba Online. I asked Gumede about the challenges he faced as a startup farmer. He deeply explained and gave an insight to startup farmers around Africa. “One of the biggest challenges I faced

Phenias Gumede

was access to finance. I didn’t inherit a lot of land. The communal land that I grew up on did not have title deeds or any other legal documents. It was difficult to start up. There is crime in the area, and land insecurity is a big issue. Although I had deep love for farming, I also lacked the knowledge of how and where to grow, and who to sell to,” he explained. Gumede said that this was overcome by joining organised agriculture groups and unions like Kwanalu, and by taking part in the organised co-operatives of specific commodity groups. “It was through these meetings that I was able to gain the knowledge I needed. I learnt very quickly to not plant something that you do not have a seller or market for. Now my number one rule is: always know where to sell your product. I also learnt the importance of title deeds and legal documentation,” he said. Business planning is key to any successful business, Gumede soon discovered, and is now an integral part of his business. “I have a five year plan to boost my cotton produce and as a group of farmers we would like to re-establish the cotton industry in northern KZN. I also want to restore the Makhathini Flats to its former glory as the cotton capital of KZN, starting >>> page 89

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AgCelence® – help jou om die belofte van ’n nalatenskap waaraan jy vandag bou, te vervul. BASF Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk. Sestiendestraat 852, Midrand, 1685 Posbus 2801, Halfweghuis, 1685 Tel: +27 11 203 2400 Faks: +27 11 203 2461 Vir verdere besonderhede: www.agro.basf.co.za Webwerf: www.agro.basf.co.za Mobiele webwerf: m.agro.basf.co.za

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You can win a copy of: Uit die Beek, by Attie van Wijk, if you complete our crossword correctly. Mail your answers to agricompetitions@gmail.com, or fax your answers to 086 211 0210 together with your name, address and tel no.

Winner of previous crossword: L Albertyn, Cradock CLUES: Across 2 Nomfundo ... ; Chief land claims officer at CRLR (6) 5 Rendani ... ; CFO of DRDLR (6) 6 ... Meissner, co-author of GHG mitigation article (5) 8 Newcastle farm mentioned in Land Claims Court article (6) 11 Prof. ... van der Schyff; expert on public trusteeship etc. (7) 14 Staple crop; it will need to be imported (5) 16 See 3 down 17 Judge in land claims court article (4) 18 South Africa is the ... largest exporter of citrus fruit (6)

1 2








10 11



14 15 16



CLUES: Down 1 See 13 3/16 Author of article on agricultural risks (4,3,3) 4/10 CEO of Citrus Growers’ Association. (6,8) 7 ... Solar; contractors to Hannah Lodge in Limpopo (6) 9 Importers of Lely machinery (8) 10 See 4 12 Manufacturers of farming machinery since 1984 (4) 13/1 Deputy director-general of DRDLR (6,9) 15 Their employment data should be interpreted with caution (4)

Answers of our previous crossword: Across: 3 Braga, 6 Mycotoxin, 9 Guru, 10/1 Hansie viljoen, 12 Mokhoro, 14 Opperman, 16 Kwanalu, 17 Torgny, 19 Veritas, 20 Kiwi, 21 Masango. Down: 2 James, 4 Gingergreen, 5 Johan, 7 Theo, 8 Buchan, 11 Nersa, 13 Jannie, 15 Pharos, 16 Kwv, 17 Titan, 18 Rain, 19 Vim.

Commercial Success <<< page 87 with encouraging and helping start-up farmers and other local farmers to produce cotton.” Gumede talked about South Africa and KwaZulu-Natal’s climate with regards to farming conditions in the area. He said, “The challenges that exist for farmers are broad. They range from climate and crime to labour issues and land insecurity. Often very relevant are changes in climate and

the need to develop and evolve crops and farming methods accordingly.’’ Asked about his message to smallscale farmers, and to young entrepreneurs who want to grow, Gumede elaborated on a number of issues. His brief talking points were as follows: • Be resilient and have the will to work hard. • Always be optimistic. • Treat your farm like you would treat any

business. • Learn from other farmers. • Keep evolving, keep learning about new technology and different farming methods. • Join local cooperatives and study groups. • Experiment with your land, crops or livestock. • Know your market and produce what the market requires.

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Doeltreffende besproeiing danksy nuwe drupperpyp Die Waterwet plaas druk op die landbousektor om water doeltreffend te benut. Met sy nuwe drupperpyp wys Agriplas hy verstaan doeltreffende besproeiing.


insgewende produksie vereis dat besproeiing­ stelsels doeltreffend moet wees. Elke druppel water moet vir die boer werk en vermorsing moet beperk word. Dít kan bewerkstellig word deur drupbesproeiing, een van die doeltreffendste besproeiingsmetodes, te gebruik. Met drupbesproeiing word water teen ’n stadige tempo deur die grondoppervlak in die wortelsone toegedien. Agriplas streef na voortdurende vooruitgang en die verbetering van sy produkte. Hy spog nou met van die beste en vinnigste masjiene om drupperpyp te vervaardig. Drupperpyp kan teen ’n hoë tempo vervaardig word sonder om in te boet op die hoogstaande gehalte waarvoor Agriplas

bekend is. Dít is moontlik danksy die oorskakeling na die Metzerplas-drupperpyp wat plaaslik deur Agriplas vervaardig word. Agriplas is die enigste plaaslike maatskappy wat silindries en plat drupper­pyp vervaardig. Die onderstaande soorte drupperpyp is nou beskikbaar: • VERED – Plat integrale drukkompenserende drupper met ’n wanddikte van 0,6 mm en 0,9 mm. • LIN – Plat integrale nie-kompenserende drupper met ’n wanddikte van 0,6 mm en 0,9 mm. • ADI – Silindries integrale drukkompenserende drupper met ’n wanddikte van 0,7 mm en 1,0 mm. • IDIT – Silindriese integrale nie-

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2014/12/10 1:24 PM

agri Bewaring/Conservation

Visvang in ‘n mariene-bewaringsgebied en die voorkomende beginsel


á ‘n besige, maar ook ‘n moeilike jaar veral reënvalgewys, verdien almal van ons ‘n behoorlike ruskans weg van die omgewing waar ons elke dag in die tuig staan om ons brood te verdien. Die groot lekkerte is om juis daarheen te gaan waar dit so heeltemal anders is as waaraan ons elke dag gewoond is. By die see, nasionale parke, die bosveld of Karoo met pragtige natuurskoon is die omgewing en ekosisteme grootliks onversteurd. Dit word vir ons beskerm om te waardeer, te beleef en te ervaar. Dit doen iets aan ons siel en help ons om te herlaai voor ons volgende jaar weer moet inval. Op Donderdag 26 November 2015

Healthy soils for a healthy life lees ek ‘n artikel deur Cara-Lee Scheun in Die Burger oor die voorgestelde hersonering van vier dele binne die Tsitsikamma Nasionale Park se marienebewaringsgebied. “Dit is iets waarmee die betrokkenes die afgelope 20 jaar worstel, aangesien die plaaslike inwoners voel hulle

het ‘n reg op toegang tot die see,” het Nandi Mgwadlamba, ‘n woordvoerder van SANParke gesê. Inwoners van die Tsitsikamma- en die Koukammamunisipaliteit het sowat twee dekades gelede ‘n pleidooi gelewer om as bestaansvissers te kan oorleef. Die redes wat aangevoer is, is hul tradisie en kultuur, maar ook selfonderhoud. Vir die eerste keer sedert 1964 dus, toe die kusgebied as Afrika se eerste mariene-bewaringsgebied verklaar is, bestaan die moontlikheid nou dat hengelaars in die beskermde kusgebied sal mag visvang. Die aankondiging is in die jongste staatskoerant gedoen vergesel van ‘n plan wat die moontlike hersonering van die gebied uiteensit. Volgens die plan, sal hengelaars streng deur middel van reëls en regulasies beheer word. ‘n Hengelaar sal byvoorbeeld slegs drie visse per dag mag vang. ‘n Verbod sal ook geld op sekere vissoorte soos haaie, pylsterte en steenbras en verder sal geen bote in die bewaringsgebied toegelaat word nie. SANparke het ook aangedui dat, sou die voorstel goedgekeur word, onderwaterkameras geïnstaleer word om die beweging en visbronne te moniteer, skryf Cara-Lee Scheun. SANParke probeer dus hierdeur ‘n >>> bladsy 93


Dit is weer daardie tyd van die jaar. Almal is besig en projekte en aktiwiteite moet afgehandel word voor die groot uittog of intog in Desember begin. Die binnelanders vlug see toe en die seemense vlug binneland toe!

Lehman Lindeque ieca.safrica@gmail.com

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nou op AgTag!

AgTag is jou persoonlike skakel met relevante en wetenswaardige landbou-artikels, video’s en klankinsette van oraloor. ’n Uitgebreide verskeidenheid artikels oor

Blaai deur die opsommings en kies gedetail-

gewasse, lewendehawe, toerusting, water en

leerde artikels oor insette, tegnologie, navor-

grond, vrugte en groente, produkverwerking

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Beskikbaar vir:

agri Bewaring/Conservation

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Kaart van kusbewaringsgebiede in Suid-Afrika.

dubbele rol vervul. Eerstens moet hy die natuurlike hulpbronne aan die publiek beskikbaar stel, maar ook terselfdertyd die hulpbronne probeer beskerm. Is dit regtig moontlik? Gaan een van die twee, waarskynlik laasgenoemde, nie dalk in die hek duik as gevolg van swak wetstoepassing en beheer nie? Dit het my laat dink aan ‘n omgewings­ bestuursbeginsel wat ‘n mens baie keer uit

die oog verloor en wat miskien die moeite werd is om weer na te kyk, veral gegewe die agtergrond van die probleem wat ek hierbo geskets het. Dit is die voorkomende beginsel (precautionary principle). Voordat ons kyk na wat die voor­ komende beginsel presies behels, moet ons dalk eers kyk na die konteks en die logiese gronde waaruit dit ontstaan het. In baie samelewings, so ook in Suid-Afrika, was daar vir baie lank ‘n algemene veronderstelling ten gunste van ontwikkeling. Ontwikkeling moet hier gesien word in breë konteks en sluit alle menslike, ekonomiese en bestaansaktiwiteite in wat die omgewing kan

verander. Gegewe die veronderstelling dat, waar daar onsekerheid of onkunde heers oor die impak van ‘n aktiwiteit soos die vrystelling van besoedelde stowwe, visvang in bewaringsgebiede, ontwikkelings of mynbou, geld die “default state” en dit is dat ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite kan voortgaan. Onsekerheid oor omgewingsimpak word dus as logiese gronde of rede gebruik om nie toksiese stowwe te verban, visvang te verbied, kwotas te sny, of mynbou-aansoeke af te keur nie. Omgewingsbesware teen hierdie tipe van ontwikkeling benodig gewoonlik goeie wetenskaplike gronde om te bewys dat die ontwikkeling gaan lei tot omgewingsagteruitgang. Ons almal weet hoeveel geld en kapasiteit sulke navorsing verg, en dit is nie aldag beskikbaar nie. Gedurende die laaste paar dekades, gegewe die geweldige skaal en impak >>> bladsy 97

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agri Water

AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS, WATER AND THE WRC In this series of articles, Agri is in discussion with Dr Gerhard Backeberg, executive manager: water utilisation in agriculture of the WRC, in order to obtain information on water use and what the WRC is doing for investment of funds in water research.

Dr Gerhard Backeberg

Many irrigation farmers in South Africa pay an annual research levy to the Water Research Fund in respect of water that is used for irrigation on scheduled land. This fund is dedicated to financing the activities of the Water Research Commission (WRC) to support and undertake research on the use of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes. The levy on irrigation water is, however, not the only source of income for the fund: Levies on water use for urban, industrial and domestic purposes make by far the biggest contribution.

Impact of agricultural chemicals on water resources Agri: Pollution of water by agriculture includes contamination with chemicals found in amongst others pesticides. What evidence is available of this type of pollution in South Africa? Backeberg: In a WRC report completed by the CSIR with Dr James Dabrowski as project leader, it is stated that agricultural activities are potentially a source of a number of hazardous chemicals in water resources. Concerns have been expressed that some of the pesticides used in agricultural practice either through crop spraying and animal disease control, may enter and pollute the rivers and dams and cause endocrine disrupter effects in animals and humans that use the water for drinking and recreational purposes. A scoping study (WRC report no 1774/1/08) indicated that there is no clarity

on the extent and the level of contamination of water resources by agricultural products with endocrine disrupting properties. Most of previous studies in South Africa have not specifically focused on the link between the chemicals used in agricultural practices and the impact on human health with water as a pathway. This project has focussed specifically on agricultural chemicals. As stated in the scoping study, gaps in knowledge exist and research is necessary, which will lead to guidelines for South African authorities to direct the safe use of agricultural chemicals in water resource management. The overall aim of the project, initiated and funded by the WRC, was therefore to determine the extent and level of contamination by agricultural chemicals

(pesticides, herbicides and plant growth regulants), including Endocrine Disruptive (ED) Properties and selected risk assessments for the environment (animal and human health). Three study areas were selected, following a consultative approach. These were: the Letsitele catchment, in the vicinity of Tzaneen, an area dominated by tropical and citrus fruit production; the Lomati catchment, which drains into the Komati River, in the vicinity of Komatipoort (dominated by sugar cane production as well as by other tropical and citrus fruits); and the Vals and Renoster catchments in the Free State, both of which enter the Vaal River, in the vicinity of Kroonstad and Viljoenskroon, an area of intensive maize production. Key findings are that a number of different pesticides were regularly >>> page 97

Visit the Water Research Commission’s web page www.wrc.org.za for more information and / or ordering of research reports Tel: 012 330 0340 Fax: 012 331 2565 E-mail: wrc@wrc.org.za. Private Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria 0031

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agri Uit ‘n ander hoek

Livingstone en die bottelbrief FRIKKIE KRAAMWINKEL©

Gedurende November 1871, in die regeringstyd van koningin Victoria, het die groot Afrikaontdekkingsreisiger David Livingstone die voortreflike volryp deugdelikheid van ‘n Franse bottel Sillerysjampanje in sy Tembe aan die Tanganjikameer by Ujiji gesmaak. Hierdie ervaring was te danke aan sy baie spesiale gas, die onverskrokke New York Herald-joernalis Henry M Stanley, wat hom toevallig dáár ontdek het. Dit het Livingstone laat vertel watter uitstekende waarde mens ook, in ‘n oomblik van nood, uit selfs ‘n leë bottel kon put.


ivingstone het die oomblik in herinnering geroep hoe hy op 25 Mei 1859, as leier van die Zambezi-ekspedisie, op die seestrand by die Kongonemonding van die Zambezi-rivier gestaan het met al sy hoop op dringend benodigde nuwe voorrade vanaf enige verbygaande Britse skip op ‘n brief in ‘n leë bottel gevestig. Volgens inligting in die brief wat Livingstone in die bottel geplaas het, is die bottel nege voet weg van die magnetiese noorde van ‘n kruismerk op ‘n baken op ‘n eiland teenoor die Kongone-riviermond neergesit. ‘n Mens kan net raai van watter praktiese waarde die inligting vir enige vinder mag gewees het – tensy Livingstone gevrees het dat die bottel dalk in die see mag beland en dat die plek waar die voorrade gelaat moes word daarom nie bekend sou wees nie. Byna 100 jaar later, op 7 April 1957, duik die Livingstone-bottelbrief weer op. Dié keer op ‘n Christies-veiling in Londen. Dit is te koop aangebied deur ‘n nasaat van die oorlede skout-by-nag Sir James Donnet, ‘n dokter wat waarskynlik op die skip gedien en die bottel by die Zambeziriviermond gevind het. Op hierdie tydstip in die storie verskyn Quentin Keynes op die toneel. Hierdie ondernemende man het as jong 16-jarige seun op hulle huis se dak in Hampstead geklim en geweier om weer daar af te kom tensy sy ouers ingestem het dat hy nie weer terug kosskool toe hoef te gaan nie. Quentin word daarna ‘n filmmaker en boekversamelaar met ‘n spesiale passie vir eksplorasie van die wilde Afrika. Quentin het vanaf New York gebie en die Livingstone-bottelbrief gekoop. Dit het hom nog ‘n verbintenis met die Zambezi-rivier gegee naas die feit dat sy oupa, Sir George Darwin, seun van die meer beroemde Charles Darwin, die Victoria Valle-brug in 1905 geopen het. Interessantheidhalwe was Quentin se pa die bekende Britse sjirurg Sir Geoffrey Keynes, en sy oom die finansiële guru, John Maynhard Keynes. Eenmaal in besit van die Livingstone-

bottelbrief, het Quentin geen gras onder sy voete laat groei om by die Kongone-mond van die Zambezi-rivier uit te kom nie. Hy het die brief oor en oor gelees en moes eenvoudig die plek kry waar Livingstone die brief oorspronklik “gepos” het. Die geluksgodin was ongelukkig nie aan sy kant nie, want die Inhamissengoeiland het in vervloë tyd weggespoel. Maar daar was wel kompensasie. Quentin het navraag gedoen na ene Manuel Ferrao wat volgens Livingstone se dagboek in daardie omgewing ‘n slagos aan hom sou gegee het. Wonder bo wonder kom daar toe ‘n siel uit die bos wat geweet het om te vertel dat senhor Manuel Ferrao sy oupa was en dat Livingstone ‘n modelboot vir sy pa gegee het om mee te speel. Wat meer was, hy sou Quentin ‘n groot kremetartboom wys waar Livingstone gekamp het. Dit was binne in hierdie hol kremetartboom dat Quentin die voorletters, DL, uitgekerf in dieselfde styl as Livingstone se handskrif op die brief, in die boombas ontdek het. Terwyl hy letterlik in Livingstone se voetspore gestaan het, het Quentin die foto van sy lewe geneem. Terug in Skotland, waar Livingstone oorspronklik vandaan gekom het, het

Quentin by Livingstone se kleinseun, dr Hubert Wilson, besoek afgelê. Die oomblik toe Quentin die foto van Livingstone se uitgekerfte DL te voorskyn gebring het, het Hubert met Livingstone se oorspronklike dagboek vorendag gekom. Onder die datum, 16 September 1858, het Livingstone ‘n pragtige beskrywing van die kremetartboom gegee wat in daardie stadium ‘n omtrek van 72 voet gehad het. ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse verbintenis met Hubert Wilson lê daarin dat sy moeder Mary-Anne Livingstone was, die jongste dogter van David en Mary Livingstone, wat op Kuruman gebore is. Mary-Anne is in Engeland agtergelaat toe haar moeder in 1861 na die Zambezi vertrek het om by die Livingstoneekspedisie aan te sluit. Mary sterf op 27 April 1862 aan malaria en is by Shupanga begrawe. Mary-Anne ontmoet haar pa vir die eerste keer met sy terugkeer uit Afrika na Engeland toe sy reeds ses jaar oud was. Twee jaar later het Livingstone weer op sy laaste reis na Afrika vertrek, wat op 1 Mei 1873 by Ilala geëindig het toe hy in sy eie woorde “die onbeproefde staat van bestaan betree het”. Die Livingstone-kremetartboom het bekend geraak as die Shiramba-kremetart en is as nasionale monument verklaar toe Mosambiek nog ‘n Portugese kolonie was. Helaas wil berigte dat die kremetartboom dermate deur ‘n storm beskadig is dat die boom later toe ook maar die gees gegee het. Daarmee het nog ‘n konneksie met Livingstone verdwyn, wat op ‘n dag konsul in diens van koningin Victoria op Quelimane was, nie te ver van die Shiramba-kremetartboom af nie. ‘n Nuusberig in Beeld, 19 Februarie 2004, vermeld nog vir oulaas die Livingstone-bottelbrief. Dit was weer te koop op ‘n Christies-veiling in London uit die boedel van Quentin Keynes wat in 2003 op 81-jarige leeftyd oorlede is. Kommunikasie-tegnologie mag met rasse skrede vooruit beweeg het sedert die dae van die bottelbrief, maar dat dit ooit weer so ’n fassinerende storie sou kon oplewer, is sterk te betwyfel.

agri Bewaring/Conservation Bewaring <<< bladsy 93 van menslike aktiwiteite op die natuurlike omgewing, maar ook die groeiende bewustheid van die kompleksiteit van die omgewing, het dit al hoe meer duidelik geword dat die wetenskap en menslike kennis oor die algemeen nie noodwendig definitiewe bewyse kan voorsien vir alle vorme van skade aan die omgewing nie. Sulke bewyse mag eenvoudig nie beskikbaar wees nie of totaal onbekombaar wees. Dit kan dalk wanneer ‘n mens uiteindelik die antwoord het heeltemal te laat wees om ernstige of onomkeerbare skade aan die omgewing te verhoed. Die vraag is dus: Hoe moet instansies soos Omgewingsake en SANParke (in hierdie spesifieke geval) optree gegewe die onsekerheid van die impak van ‘n besluit waar hulle terselfdertyd probeer om ‘n balans tussen ontwikkeling en bewaring te vind? Die voorkomende beginsel het ontstaan as ‘n algemene riglyn of beginsel ten gunste van omgewingsbewaring ten tye van onsekerheid. Die kern van die beginsel moet verstaan word as ‘n teenmaatreël vir die veronderstelling ten gunste van ontwikkeling (countering the presumption in favour of development). Waar daar onsekerheid oor die impak van ‘n aktiwiteit is, eerder as wat aangeneem word

ontwikkelingsaktiw­ iteite gaan voort totdat daar bewyse is van negatiewe impak op die omgewing, voorkom die voorkomende beginsel deur skade aan die omgewing te voorsien en dit af te wend voordat of selfs sonder bewyse dat diesulke aktiwiteite nodig is. Die voorkomende beginsel skuif die balans vir besluitneming van monitering, voorkoming en beheer van onsekere impakte na verstandige vooruitsiendheid. In my vorige artikel het ek gekyk na die stand van bewaringsnavorsing in Suid-Afrika en die belangrikheid daarvan. ‘n Belangrike effek van die gebruik van die voorkomende beginsel in omgewingsbesluitneming en bestuur is juis om die aandag te vestig op wetenskaplike onsekerhede. Hierdie beginsel maak dit duidelik dat besluitneming ingelig kan word deur die wetenskap, maar dat dit nie uitsluitlik daardeur bepaal hoef te word nie.

Ten slotte, om die korrekte balans tussen bewaring en ontwikkeling te vind sal maar altyd met ons wees en dit bly maar ‘n tameletjie! Die blote feit dat SANParke nou ook meer en meer met hierdie werklikheid gekonfronteer word, is kommerwekkend. SANParke is en was nog altyd vir ons die bakermat van bewaring van ons unieke biodiversiteit. Dus, as jy gedurende hierdie vakansie jou tone in die sand druk, en die penkatrol in jou ore sing, dink maar ‘n oomblik aan die geweldige druk wat daar bestaan om hierdie kosbare hulpbronne vir ons nageslag te beskerm.

Water <<< page 95 detected at sites in the three different study areas chosen for this study. Of the pesticides analysed in this study, the herbicides atrazine, terbuthylazine and simazine and the insecticide imidacloprid were frequently detected in surface and ground water samples at relatively higher concentrations in comparison to other pesticides. The occurrence of pesticides in water resources could largely be explained by patterns of use as well as physicochemical properties of pesticides applied to crops in the study areas. This indicates that the pesticide use data and international databases of pesticide physicochemical properties are

reliable indicators of pesticide behaviour under South African conditions. The research team developed a risk indicator that enables prioritisation of pesticides according to quantity of use, toxicity potential and hazard potential as main indices. This process of prioritisation can be applied by water managers or farmers at a catchment or crop-specific scale. Maps were drawn up, indicating the distribution of the use of high priority chemicals, according to specific crops to which pesticides are applied. These maps are the first of their kind in South Africa and can be used to make countrywide or catchment based assessments of pesticide

use, which are essential for spatial evaluation of human and environmental risk. In addition, these maps provide valuable information on the source of chemical compounds, which is an input for the water quality monitoring programme across the country. This research-based innovation has therefore created novel knowledge, which is of practical relevance to pesticide manufacturing companies, water resource managers and the agricultural sector of South Africa as a whole. The maps of estimated agricultural use of pesticides are published as part of WRC research reports 1956/1/15 and TT 642/15, which can be obtained from the WRC.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Goeie nuus vir beesboere – bloubosluis­ beheer met Ivomec Gold Vir die Suid-Afrikaanse beesboer is die enkelgasheer-bloubosluis die algemeenste bosluis waarteen hy diere moet dip.


loubosluise dra bloedsiektes soos Afrika- en Asiatiese rooiwater en galsiekte oor. Dit kan tot groot produksieverliese en selfs vrektes lei. Die opbou van bloubosluisweerstand teen van die bekende dipmiddels is in sekere dele van die land só erg dat effektiewe bosluisbeheer al hoe moeiliker word. Die goeie nuus is dat Merial se Ivomecreeks produkte steeds doeltreffend in bloubosluis-bestrydingsprogramme gebruik kan word. Boonop maak dié middels (Ivomec Inspuitbaar, Ivomec Super en Ivomec Gold) ook ’n aantal ander uitwendige en inwendige parasiete dood. Dit is veral die Ivomec Goldinspuiting vir beeste met sy lang nawerking (wat bloubosluise vir tot 75 dae beheer), wat deur meer en meer beesboere gebruik word. Alle weidings is tot ’n mindere of meerdere mate met parasiete besmet. Navorsing het bewys dat beeste wat met inwendige parasiete besmet is, lusteloos is en minder vreet, wat produksieverliese tot gevolg het. Daarom is Ivomec Gold ’n produksiemiddel wat produksie bevorder en die boer gemoedsrus gee. Veral langwerkende Ivomec Gold, wat ’n hoë

konsentrasie (3,15%) ivermektien bevat, het homself deeglik as ’n strategiese bestuursmiddel gevestig. Dié produk word in die begin van en tydens die bloubosluistyd gebruik om bloubosluise tot 75 dae lank en rondewurms ses tot sewe weke lank te bestry. Hierdie middel bestry ook bytende en suigende luise, spykerwurms, longwurms en tampans. Die produk is voorts doeltreffend vir die bestryding van vals kneusing (parafilaria). Beesboere wat Ivomec Gold gereeld in hulle bosluisbeheerprogram gebruik, het gou die groot voordele wat doeltreffende beheer van inwendige en uitwendige parasiete inhou, ondervind. Daarom vertrou meer en meer beesprodusente op Ivomec Gold vir uitstekende resultate.

Ivomec Super – drie-in-een parasietbeheer Die Merial-produk Ivomec Super (inspuitbaar) het ’n drieledige werking. Dit bestry inwendige rondewurms, uitwendige parasiete en is boonop doeltreffend teen volwasse lewerslak. Ivomec Super het homself reeds bewys en beesboere wêreldwyd maak daarop staat. Een inspuiting bestry rondewurms en het ’n nawerking van 21 dae teen bruinmaag-, knoppies- en longwurms. Die nawerking

teen haar- en beesbankrotwurms is 14 dae. Afgesien van die inwendige wurms, bestry ’n enkele inspuiting ook bloubosluise drie weke lank. Ander uitwendige parasiete wat bestry word, is myte en luise, asook spykerwurms (tot twee weke lank). Waar sandtampans ’n probleem is, bestry Ivomec Super dit drie dae lank. Hierdie middel help ook met die beheer van vals kneusings. Boonop beheer Ivomec Super ook volwasse lewerslak. Ivomec Super is ook geregistreer vir gebruik by skape. Hoewel die meeste skaapboere die produk vir sy doeltreffende bestryding van skaapbrandsiekte ken, is dit net so doeltreffend teen rondewurms (soos haarwurm en bruinmaagwurm), volwasse lewerslak asook neuswurm en Australiese jeukmyt.

Vir meer tegniese inligting skakel gerus vir vir dr Hein Hesse van Merial SA (Edms) Bpk, tel no 083 280 8638 Ivomec Gold (reg no G3080, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 3,15% m/v ivermektien. Ivomec Super-inspuiting vir beeste en skape (reg no G2629, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 1% m/v ivermektien en 10% m/v klorsulon. Ivomec inspuiting vir beeste en skape (reg no G2329, Wet 36 van 1947) bevat 1% m/v ivermektien.

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agri Wyn/Wine

Anders as wat die Kapenaars en wynlanders sou wou glo, is die Gauties duidelik ‘n ingeligte en welvarende nasie as dit by wyn kom. Dít het ek nou net weer besef uit die feite en syfers van die afgelope RMB WineX-wynskou in Johannesburg.

Groot dors in Gauteng


it is vir die 16de jaar in ‘n ry gehou en die skou gaan van krag tot krag, nie net wat fenomenale bywoning betref nie, maar ook wat wynverkope daar in die Sandton Convention Centre betref. Met dié skou gaan dit veel anders as met sy gewese eweknie in die Kaap, wat in 2012 ‘n dood gesterf het. Dit is waarskynlik toe te skryf aan die kombinasie van ‘n krimpende, meer suinige en waarskynlik bedorwe besoekerskorps met lekker wynplase op hul drempel. Om die waarheid te sê, doen die organiseerders – met Michael Fridjhon aan die spits as skoudirekteur – nog vier groot wynskoue in die hinterland, naamlik die FNB Streekwynskoue Oos-Kaap Port Elizabeth, Oos-Kaap Oos-Londen, Mpumalanga en Vrystaat. By laasgenoemde in die Stad van (verwelkte) Rose, kon hulle met die skryf van hierdie artikel gerus aan daardie gesegde dink van “spaar water, drink wyn”. Terloops, met ‘n onlangse besoek agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page

aan daardie wêreld, kon hierdie Paarlse wynmens nie eens ‘n botteltjie wyn op ‘n Sondag in Bloem te koop kry nie. Maar dis ‘n ander storie, wat my herinner het aan nog ‘n gesegde: “Wat is erger as drank?” Die antwoord: ”Groot dors!” Nou ja, daai Sandtonners voeg duidelik woord by die daad met groot dors (na goeie wyn en -kennis) en 9 000 van hulle het oor die skoutydperk van drie dae altesaam R3,6 miljoen se wyn daar en dan deur die Shop@Show-stelsel aangekoop. Net om perspektief te gee; dit was al meer as die helfte van die magtige Nederburg Veiling se 2015-verkope van R6,2 miljoen, maar nie naby die Nedbank Kaapse Wynmakersgilde Veiling se indrukwekkende R11,8 miljoen vanjaar nie. Natuurlik, heel anders as hierdie hiper wyn-happenings, is RMB WineX oop vir die publiek, met kaartjies wat tussen R150 en R195 per persoon kos. Dit is dan ook die grootste skou van sy soort in die land. Daar was vanjaar van 26-28 Oktober 150 uitstallers, met 779 verskillende wyne


van 30 kultivar- of stylkategorieë – insluitend 60 Shirazwyne, 72 Chardonnays, 55 vonkelwyne en 40 rosés. Dit raak baie interessant as jy kyk na die beste verkopers en teen watter pryse. Volgens volume (aantal bottels verkoop) was die drie voorste verkopers Raka Quinary 2012 (R559 per sesbottelkissie en R196 per tweebottelpak), gevolg deur Rupert & Rothschild Classique 2013 (R731/R256) en De Toren La Jeunesse Delicate Non-vintage (R540/R189). Volgens waarde was dit Meerlust Rubicon 2010 (R1 773/R621), Klein Constantia Vin de Constance 2011 (R4 133/R1 447) en De Toren Fusion V 2013 (R2 219/R777). Daardie dorstiges het dus nie geskroom om hand in die sak te steek as ‘n wyn erg in hulle smaak geval het nie, óf as die mooi mense by die stalletjies hulle beste verkoopvoetjies voorgesit het nie. Die besoekers kry ook die geleentheid >>> bladsy 101

Teks en foto’s: Cassie du Plessis

Vrede en Lust se stalletjie by WineX Sandton was van die gewildstes met treffers soos Jess 2015, Casey’s Ridge Early Mist Riesling en Boet Erasmus 2012.

Wyn <<< bladsy 100 om met briefies te stem en hulle drie gunsteling-witwyne in wenvolgorde was Fleur du Cap Edel Laatoes 2013, Vrede en Lust Jess 2015 en Vrede en Lust Casey’s Ridge Early Mist Riesling 2015. Onder die rooiwyne was dit Klipperskloof Shiraz 2011, Vrede en Lust Boet Erasmus 2012 en Rupert & Rothschild Baron Edmond 2012. Dié resultate bring ons ook by ‘n ander groot interessantheid – die fassinerende, en dikwels oordadige, moderne naamkultuur van die sowat 7 000 wyne vandag op die land se winkelrakke. Met hierdie geweldige variasie en mededinging word die wynmakerye al hoe vindingryker om met oorspronklike name vir hulle produkte en gepaardgaande stories of sinspelings die verbruiker se aandag te probeer trek. Ongelukkig raak dit soms geforseerd en selfs simpel. Onthou nou, in die ou dae was die voorste wyne hoofsaaklik onder hul

agri Wyn/Wine kultivarname verkoop, byvoorbeeld Meerlust Cabernet Sauvignon. Indien dit ‘n vlagskipversnit was, het hulle wel ‘n unieke naam uitgedink byvoorbeeld Meerlust Rubicon, Delheim Grand Reserve, Simonsig Tiara en KWV Roodeberg. Deesdae kry jy ook dikwels ‘n afkorting, byvoorbeeld SMV as dit Shiraz, Mourvèdre en Viognier is. Ja, sulke voorheen ondenkbare mengsels is deesdae heel aanvaarbaar en selfs cool. Gaan kyk egter nou na die wyne hierbo genoem en jy sal vind dat daar verskeie vreemde keldername en wynname is. As jy dus nie nie by ‘n skou soos WineX gaan rondsnuffel en uitvind wie en wat Raka Quinary byvoorbeeld is of waar Klipperskloof Shiraz vandaan kom nie, sou jy waarskynlik nie van sout of water geweet het van die ougat nuwe geslag wynmakerye nie. Dit sluit hulle wêreld van veronderstelde unieke stories in. Die laasgenoemde twee nommers is

onderskeidelik ‘n klassieke Bordeauxtipe versnit (van Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec en Petit Verdot van Raka Wyne in die Akkedisberg naby Stanford) en Klipperskloof is die handelsmerk van ‘n virtuele wynplaas van ‘n besigheid in Stellenbosch (dié een moes ek gaan Google). Sulke “storie-benaminge” is natuurlik nie ‘n nuwe ding nie, wel ‘n groot mode. Daar was destyds al wyne soos Delheim Spatzendreck en TJ Engeltjiepipi. Maar nou vra ek myself af hoe ek vir ‘n kelner kan vra: “Bring vir my ‘n bottel Vrede en Lust Casey’s Ridge Early Mist Riesling 2015 asseblief.” Of dalk ‘n ou tongknoper soos Bouchard Finlayson Téte de Cuvée Galpin Peak Pinot Noir vir my hamburger en chips. Maar nou sal ek eers moet gryp na Flagstone se Writer’s Block Pinotage of The Last Word Pinotage... omdat mý storie fluit-fluit en vloeibaar uit is.

Die rooi merk van kreatiwiteit Die prominente rooi merk op die nuwe etiket van Rooiberg se kern-reeks is ‘n sterk stelling oor dié wynmakery se skeppende benadering om die gehalte van sy produkte te verkondig.


oos die treffende rooi landkuns wat die aandag op die wynmakery se ligging langs die R60 in die Robertson-vallei vestig, en die liberale gebruik van die helder rooi kleur as ‘n motief regdeur sy produkverpakkings en promosies, is hierdie helder kwas-haal natuurlik geïnspireer deur die “rooi” in die keldernaam. “Rooiberg” verwys na die aangrensende berg met sy rooi skakerings van tipiese Karoo-rotsformasies wat veral lewe kry met sononder. Daar waar dit uittroon oor die drie riviere in die omgewing, die Vink-, Noree- en Breërivier, geboorteplek van ‘n bekroonde wynreeks. Die berg word ook uitgebeeld in die onderneming se bekende lyntekening-logo. Nou, 51 jaar ná sy vestiging, neem

Rooiberg die groot stap om sy kreatiwiteit-inkwaliteit uit te beeld deur ‘n helder kwashaal op die hoofetiket van sy ambassadeursreeks. Vir Rooiberg het alles begin by die uiteenlopende grondsoorte, insluitend die tipiese rooi Karoo-tipe, waarop baanbrekerboere meer as ‘n eeu gelede wingerd aangeplant het. Hul toewyding tot en intimiteit met die omgewing se oneindige kombinasies van grondsoorte en mikroklimate het gelei tot besonderse groei en die vestiging van ‘n eie kelderfasiliteit in 1964. Die ambassadeurs-reeks, wat met die helder nuwe voorkoms spog, bestaan uit Rooiberg Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, Colombar, Shiraz, Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon en Merlot, asook verskeie gewilde wit en rooi versnitte –

landwyd beskikbaar én uitgevoer. Hierdie wyne word geskep van geselekteerde druiwe deur die wynmaakspan van André van Dyk, André Scriven en Prieur du Plessis. Vir hulle is die “groen” kleur van omgewingsvriendelikheid in wynproduksie net so belangrik as die rooi in die handelsmerk-kultuur.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

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agri Promosie/Promotional

Van leë hoenderhokke tot ‘n stewige vastrapplek in die landboumark Wat met ‘n paar leë hoenderhokke op ‘n plaas naby Bronkhorstspruit begin het, het binne ‘n jaar tot ‘n reuse-hoenderbesigheid gegroei, wat veral vir verskeie ontwikkelende boere ‘n vastrapplek in die landbouomgewing gegee het.


oe David Scott Laughland ‘n jaar gelede sy besigheid, Agri Smart Investments (ASI), op die been gebring het, het hy nie voorsien dat die besigheid so vinnig so groot sou word nie. “Ons is in werklikheid reeds sowat drie jaar verder as wat ons beplan het om teen dié tyd te wees,” lag Laughland. Aanvanklik het hy ‘n plaas buite Bronkhorstspruit gekoop om met kitsgras te boer. Hy het egter gereeld navrae van mense in die omgewing gekry oor die leë hoenderhokke op die plaas. “Ek het gou besef dat hier ‘n groot behoefte aan hoenderboerdery én hoendervleis is,” sê Laughland. Hy is baie opgewonde oor die toekoms van hoendervleis in Suid-Afrika. “Dit is ‘n bekostigbare proteïenbron, en waar ander vleisprodusente onder druk is weens byvoorbeeld veediefstal of die bekostigbaarheid van hulle produk, is ons oortuig dat die plaaslike hoendervleisbedryf net kan groei,” glo hy. ASI bied vier beleggingspakette vir voornemende beleggers. Dit kom daarop neer dat jy ‘n sekere hoeveelheid geld moet belê en dan sekere voordele in ruil van ASI kry. Daar is ‘n ‘n brons-, silwer, goue-

en platinumpakket. Vir die bronspakket moet jy byvoorbeeld R25 000 belê en in ruil kry jy onder meer hoenderhokke wat 20 000 hoenders kan huisves en gratis voer en medisyne vir die eerste vier produksiesiklusse. Jy kan ook grond huur of koop vir jou boerdery en boonop kry jy vier opgeleide arbeiders om met die boerdery te help. ASI is voltyds beskikbaar om met die bestuur en die administrasie van die boerdery te help en jy kan hulle reklamemateriaal en handelsmerk gebruik. Winsdeling tussen ASI en die produsent word op ‘n persentasie-basis na gelang van die belegging bereken. Vir die platinumpakket word ‘n heelwat groter belegging vereis, maar met aansienlik meer voordele. Besoekwww.agrismartinvestments. co.za vir meer besonderhede. Die mini-huis is ook ‘n gewilde opsie, veral onder nuwe boere, omdat daar nie ‘n groot grondoppervlakte vir dié soort boerdery nodig is nie. Die belegger kry ‘n “mini-hoenderhuis” wat 500 hoenders huisves. Weer word die pakket ten volle deur ASI ondersteun. Deelnemers kry volle eienaarskap van die huis en baie van hierdie deelnemers maak tot R4 000 per week uit

hulle mini-boerdery, sê Laughland. Hy sê dat omdat ASI ‘n hele klomp klein produsente verteenwoordig, hulle byvoorbeeld vir goeie pryse op insette soos voer kan beding. “Ons verskaf ook opleiding, bestuurskundigheid en ondersteuning aan nuwe boere en waarborg ook vir hulle ‘n gevestigde mark. Tot 90% nuwe boere misluk omdat hulle nie toegang tot hierdie voordele het nie. Dit gaan uiteindelik oor volhoubaarheid en dit is wat ons aan voornemende boere verskaf,” sê Laughland. Die ontwikkeling van vaardighede is ‘n noodsaaklike vereiste om suksesvol te boer en ontwikkelende boere te bemagtig, meen Laughland. ASI se opleidingsakademie poog om in dié behoefte te vervul. Die akademie bied onder meer opleiding in die produksie van hoenders en die bestuur van ‘n boerdery. “Deur opleiding ontwikkel en koester ons die generasie boere wat in die toekoms kos vir Suid-Afrika moet produseer,” sê hy. Daar is ook ‘n opsie om ‘n verkooptrok te besit waaruit ASI se kitskosprodukte verkoop kan word. Dié opsie is baie gewild omdat dit min aanvanklike kapitaalinsette van deelnemers vereis, sê Laughland. ASI beskik ook oor ‘n aantal hoenderabattoirs, verkoelingsgeriewe en die maatskappy se jongste ontwikkeling is ‘n aantal kleinhandelafsetpunte, Agri Smart Chicken. Die eerste winkels is rondom Pretoria in Soshanguve, Moloto, Hammanskraal, Mamelodi en Atteridgeville opgerig. Die winkels sal in Januarie 2016 in volle bedryf wees. Die plan is om die winkels landwyd uit te brei, sê Laughland.

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agri Promosie/Promotional

The next generation in grain storage... for next generation yield technology WHY CHOOSE 40-SERIES™ GRAIN STORAGE?


Higher capacities hether it is for food, feed, or fuel, we need to move grain more efficiently than ever. GSI’s new Z-Tek™ Roof System, with its large flat top and higher peak loads, supports larger material handling equipment, allowing more grain to move into storage faster than ever before. The design of GSI’s new stiffener profile increases strength, allowing you to go taller with your grain storage system and have more flexibility in design. Superior protection With rising commodity prices, it is critical to protect this high value inventory and optimize its condition. Flashing-free roof overlaps, increased snow load capacities, and polyethylene sealing washers all provide superior protection of your grain from the elements. A complete family of accessories Taking care of your grain takes an entire system, and GSI offers a complete family of grain bin accessories that make working in and around your storage system an easy and safe experience. Call today for current program pricing on grain storage, conditioning and material handling equipment.

agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page

CONTACT DETAILS The GSI Group South Africa Tel: (011) 794 4455, www.gsiafrica.co.za sales@gsiafrica.co.za


agri Fauna Die heelal is ’n dinamiese stelsel van voortdurende verandering wat stelselmatig besig is om uit te brei. Nuwe sterre word gebore, terwyl andere kwyn, sterrenewels verdwyn in swart gate en nuwe sterrestelsels ontstaan uit kosmiese ontploffings.


ie aarde self is dinamies met kontinentale plaatverskuiwings, wat tans baie aardbewings veroorsaak en die mensdom die skrik op die lyf jaag. Maar ook die lewe op aarde is dinamies. Oor die afgelope 3,8 miljard jaar, sedert die geboorte van die blou planeet, het miljoene biologiese organismes ontstaan en weer uitgesterf. Die geskiedenis van lewe van die dinamika op aarde is vasgevang in fossielrekords wat aandui dat daar reeds vyf groot uitwissings op aarde was, waarvan die laaste een rondom 65 miljoen jaar gelede was. Dit stel die vraag aan die mensdom of ons nie oorsensitief is oor die uitsterwing van lewende organismes nie. Ons bewaringsmense kerm elke dag oor die mens se aanslag op die natuur en waarsku almal dat die sesde uitwissing net om die draai is. Ons sien hoe mega-fauna soos olifante, renosters, leeus, seekoeie en ander se getalle skielik drasties afneem, terwyl daar sonder ons medewete onbekende spesies in woude en oseane verdwyn as gevolg van die mens se voetspoor. Die Wêreldbewaringsbond of IUCN waarsku al geruime tyd oor die uiters kommerwekkende afname in die bevolkings van baie spesies. Die uitwissing van diere soos renosters, olifante en sommige voëlsoorte binne die volgende honderd jaar

lyk na ‘n werklikheid. As ons dit egter in konteks van die geskiedenis van die lewe op aarde plaas, is die vraag of ons nie maar net evolusie in wording sien nie. Is dit nodig dat spesies tot ’n einde kom en deur nuwe spesies vervang word nie? Filosofies is die blatante antwoord “ja”, maar kom ons plaas die laaste uitwissing in konteks met wat vandag gebeur. Die dinosourusse en verwante lewe het oor ’n periode van miljoene jare uitgesterf as gevolg van kosmiese effekte op die aarde. Vandag se spesie-uitwissings is iets wat in die bestek van so kort as net ’n eeu gebeur. Die bloubok en dodo het in terme van kosmiese tye in ’n oogwink verdwyn. Subspesies en genotipes soos die kwagga en Kaapse leeu het oor minder as ’n halfeeu van die aarde af verdwyn. Dit was alles aan die hand van die aarde se mees dominante spesie, naamlik die mens. Filosowe mag reken dat ons bewarings­ mense oorsensitief oor die lewe op aarde is na aanleiding van die vorige uitwissings wat lewe op aarde so te sê tot stilstand geruk het. Wat maak dit dan nou regtig saak as die bontebok verdwyn of die blou kraanvoël oor vyftig jaar uitsterf? Sal dit die aarde regtig benadeel as die renosters in Afrika almal oor 25 jaar afgemaai is? Tydens die

vorige uitwissings het dit ook met spesies gebeur, so waarom dan die naakte vrees oor die sesde uitwissing? Die een groot verskil tussen dit wat miljoene jare gelede gebeur het en wat vandag op die aarde aan die gang is, is net een faktor: die mens. Daar was nie mense 65 miljoen jaar gelede toe die dinosourusse uitgesterf het nie. Daar is vandag mense op aarde wat van die lewe op aarde afhanklik is. As ons spesies laat uitsterf, is die vraag of ons verstaan wat die implikasie daarvan is. Die bloukraanvoël sal gesiens verdwyn, maar wat van dit wat ongesiens verdwyn? Is dit nie dalk net daardie een of twee onbeduidende spesies wat die ketting van die lewe aanmekaar hou waaraan die mens so naarstiglik vasklou nie? As die lewensketting breek, is ons anker op aarde weg. Ons as mens, die sogenaamde kroon van die Skepping, sal ook die pad van uitwissing saam met die diere en plante loop en dit is waarom ons as bewaringsmense so bekommerd is …

Dr Gerhard H Verdoorn, Griffon Gifinligtingsentrum, nesher@tiscali.co.za 082-446-8946

agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


Dr Gerhard Verdoorn

Is ons oorsensitief vir verandering?

agri Promosie/Promotional

Lely bied betroubare toerusting Lely, ‘n vervaardiger van landboumasjinerie, is reeds in 1984 gestig. Die firma het die eerste vingerwielhark ontwerp, wat op 15 September 1984 vrygestel is. Sedertdien is Lely bekend as een van die voorste, innoverende landboumasjinerievervaardigers ter wêreld.


ely het terselfdertyd gegroei tot een van die wêreld se grootste vervaardigers en verspreiders van landboumasjinerie. Deur voortdurend innoverende landbouprodukte te vervaardig en aan die mark beskibaar te stel, sorg Lely dat boere volhoubaar en winsgewend kan boer. So het Lely in 1983 die modulêre snyerbed bekendgestel. Alle Splendimo-snyers het deesdae hierdie modulêre snyerbed, wat deur ‘n seskantige as aangedryf word. Hierdie patent hou vele voordele vir boere in. Dit sorg byvoorbeeld vir ‘n baie ligte masjien, minder onderhoud as gevolg van minder aandrywingsratte, en hoë produktiwiteit as gevolg van die direkte aandrywing op die snyers se tolle. Die stelsel kan die boer tot 15% brandstof bespaar. In 2005 het Lely die lemme op die snyer verander om ‘n goeie snit en snitpatroon te handhaaf, asook om goeie hergroei te verseker. In dieselfde jaar het Lely ook die “Quick Clip”-sstelsel bekendgestel, wat beteken het dat boere die snyer se lemme maklik en vinnig kan vervang. Geen boute is

Lely Hibiscus agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page


meer nodig om die snyer se lemme in plek te hou nie. In 2008 het Lely en Vermeer gesament­ lik 100% van die Duitse landbou­masjien­ vervaardiger Welger bekom, wie se stempel regoor die wêreld afgedruk is. Welger is bekend vir tradisie, kwaliteit en duursame produkte. Welger dra nou by tot Lely en Vermeer se wêreldwye mark. Elke boerdery het sy eie behoeftes en elke boer het sy eie idees oor hoe om die beste resultate uit sy of haar boerdery te kry. Daarom bied Lely ‘n wye verskeidenheid masjiene om aan verskeie behoeftes te voldoen. Northmec, wat in 1869 gestig is, is vandag die invoerder van alle Lelymasjinerie. Lely is al vir ongeveer tien jaar in vennootskap met Northmec, wat die oudste invoerder van landboutoerusting in Suid-Afrika is. Northmec het tans ten alle tye voorraad van die Lely Splendimo 1,65 m-snyer tot en met 5,5 m-snyers. Die snyerreeks het ook ‘n 2,4 m-snyerkneuser met rubberrollers wat op die drie punte van die trekker vasgemaak word.

Die Hibiscus-rotorharke is beskikbaar in 4,25 m en 4,75 m, asook die Lotus Tedders in 3- en 6-meterwerkwydte. Aan die Lely Welger-kant beskik Northmec oor die AP-reeks stampbalers, die Deltagrootblokbalers, asook die RP-reeks rondebalers. Hierdie jaar het Lely Welger die nuwe RP245-ekstrasnybaler bekendgestel, wat oor ‘n mes-eenheid beskik. Hierdie baler beskik oor sewe messe, wat deel vorm met die baler se Hydroflex-beheerstelsel. Dit beteken vir die boer dat die bed waarin die messe gemonteer is saam die materiaal beweeg om sodoende blokkasies verminder. Jy kan die mesgroepe selekteer (8, 9 of al 17) vanaf die handkontrolestuk. Indien daar ‘n blokkasie is, kan jy die Hydroflex laat sak om sodoende die blokkasie te verwyder. Alle Welger-balers het ‘n tweejaarwaarborg. Dit is ‘n eerste vir die mark. Northmec is hier om die Suid-Afrikaanse boer te bedien deur die verbetering en handhawing van hoëstandaard-kliëntediens. Northmec is hektaar vir hektaar jou beste keuse.

WWW.GSIAFRICA.CO.ZA 124 Ridge Road, Laser Park, Honeydew, Ext 15, Gauteng P O Box 4012, Honeydew, 2040, South Africa Phone: +27 (011) 794 4455, Ext 214 | Fax: +27 (011) 794 4515 Email: sales@gsiafrica.co.za agri DES/DEC ‘15 • JAN ‘16 bladsy/page 108 Website: www.gsiafrica.co.za


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