Web agri june 2016

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agri Vol 45 • No 3


Highly Commended


FOKUS • FOCUS • Water en besproeiing / Water and irrigation • Wildboerdery / Game farming Tuiste van Landbou | Home of Agriculture

agri Inhoud/Contents



Redaksioneel Editorial



Inhoud Contents

Chinese wens toe waar vir Suid-Afrikaners


ie ou Chinese het volgens oorlewering mense ‘n lewe in interessante tye toegewens. Dit was glo as ‘n seënbede bedoel, ‘n voorvereiste vir ‘n besondere lewe. Vir Suid-Afrikaners is 2016 inderdaad ‘n interessante tyd. Die string ellendes is eindeloos: die kranke ekonomie, armoede en werkloosheid, ‘n droogte wat plek-plek boere (en verslae verbruikers in Pick n Pay) se moed laat wankel, gate in paaie, ondrinkbare water, jy weet self. Dan sorg politieke onsekerheid, onrustig­ heid en nuwe wendings wat, soos in jou geliefde sepie, daagliks op elke koerantvoorblad soos ‘n haas uit ‘n hoed te voorskyn kom, vir verdere droefgeestigheid. En oor die nuwe Springbok­ span weet ‘n mens ook nog nie regtig nie. As jy verder noord kyk, lyk dinge self nie te rooskleurig nie. Daar is Brexit en die onseker­ heid wat daarmee saamgaan, oorstomings in China en ‘n Chinese ekonomie wat nie na verwag­ting presteer nie en vir die volgende internasionale ekonomiese ramp kan sorg, vlugtelinge in Europa, bomontploffings in die MiddeOoste en ‘n Amerikaanse presidentsverkiesing wat jou wenkbroue laat lig. Dalk is sake hier aan die eindpunt van Afrika rustiger en minder interessant gemeet aan die sake meer noord van ons.


3 Redaksioneel 5 Boekresensies/Book Reviews 7 Stille waters 8 Standpunt/Viewpoint 11 Brokkies/Snippets

15 17 19 21 24 25 27 29 33 33 35 37

NUUS/NEWS Agri SA commits to greater momentum to eradicate rural crime Farm killings get high priority Agri SA speaks about farm attacks and murders at WFO Hoogste wol-eer vir Harry Prinsloo Bridging the gap: Unlocking the potential of land reform starts by fixing the CPA system Huldeblyk aan Piet Potgieter Agriculture presents most employment opportunities Politics and land are inseparably interwoven Nog geen lig oor grondplafonne Concerns about Expropriation Bill Shell helps struggling farmers Engen donates R1 million to Agri SA drought relief fund

39 43 45 60 69 73 43 60

Skenkings help meer as 4 600 landbouers More jobs and crops per drop will determine water challenge Concern over deterioration of water quality Accounting of wildlife farming Rosendal: Hot spot for transformation Sesisonke Farming revolves around its workers FOKUS/FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation Wildboerdery/Game farming


81 Agri Fauna 83 Wyn/Wine 86 Bewaring/Conservation 89 Water 90 Uit ‘n ander hoek

Jou opinie maak saak... Vertel ons waarvan jy hou en wat jy sou verander in Agri. Your opinion is important... Let us know what you like and what you would like to change in Agri. Stuur jou kommentaar en besonderhede aan:/Send your comments and details to: derick@greenpepper.biz/or Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion 0046 agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



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agri Agri (waarby ingelyf Die Boer/The Farmer), word vyf keer per jaar versprei aan lede van Agri SA en ander intekenare. Agri (under which Die Boer/The Farmer is incorporated) is distributed five times a year to Agri SA members and subscribers. Redaksionele komitee/ Editorial committee Omri van Zyl, Johan Pienaar, Christo van der Rheede, Theo Boshoff, Nic Opperman, Kobus Visser, Elize van der Westhuizen, Annelize Crosby, Derick van der Walt & Livhuwani Ngwekhulu Personeel/Staff Uitvoerende redakteur/Executive editor: Derick van der Walt 082 770 5111 derick@greenpepper.biz Advertensiebestuurder/ Advertising manager Mabel Schmahl 082 563 4427 or (012) 997 3407/12 Mabel@agrisa.co.za Advertising executive Riaan Schmahl 074 170 6403 riaan@mesconsultants.co.za Kantooradministrateur en intekenare/ Office administrator and subscribers Thea Liebenberg Medewerkers/Contributors Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, Cassie du Plessis, Dr Gerhard Backeberg & Lehman Lindeque Uitleg/Layout Fréda van Wyk Adres/Address Agri, Privaatsak/Private Bag X180, Centurion, 0046 Blok/Block A, Inkwazi Gebou/Building, Embankmentstraat/Street, Zwartkop, Uitbreiding/Extension 7 Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 E-pos/E-mail: derick@greenpepper.biz Reproduksie en drukwerk/ Reproduction and printing Business Print Centre: (012) 843 7600 Agri SA aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies ge­maak word nie en die menings en aan­bevelings van individue of enige ander liggaam of organisasie wat in artikels in Agri verskyn nie. Kopiereg word voorbehou en inhoud mag slegs met die toestemming van die direkteur: Korporatiewe Skakeling gereproduseer word./ Agri SA accepts no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and recommendations expressed by individuals or any other body or organisation in articles published in Agri. Copyright is reserved and the content may only be reproduced with the consent of the Director: Corporate Services.

Indien u op Agri wil inteken, skakel/ If you wish to subscribe to Agri contact Thea Liebenberg Tel: (012) 643 3400 Faks/Fax: (012) 663 3178 www.agrisa.co.za Artikels in Agri is ook op aanvraag in ‘n alternatiewe taal beskikbaar/Articles in Agri are also available in an alternative language on request. Sirkulasie/Circulation

agri Boeke/Books

Boekresensies Book Reviews ‘n Boek verniet Agri gee ‘n eksemplaar weg van elk van die boeke wat op dié bladsy bespreek word. Stuur ‘n e-pos met jou naam, posadres en telefoonnommer na agricompetitions@gmail.com. Sê ook watter boek jy wil hê (slegs een boek per e-pos, asseblief). Photo Guide to the Wildflowers of South Africa (revised edition), ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans as Fotogids tot die Veldblomme van Suid-Afrika John Manning (Briza Publications) South Africa has a rich flora of around 19 000 different wildflower species. For those who wish to know more about South Africa’s wildflowers this very richness poses its own problems. Most flower guides cover little more than small stretches of the country and the others include too few species to be of much use. Photo Guide to the Wildflowers of South Africa aims to overcome these deficiencies. Carefully conceived to cover those wildflowers that are most likely to attract attention, this countrywide guide includes nearly 900 of the most common and conspicuous wildflowers that occur in South Africa and the neighbouring countries of Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia. The English edition has been fully updated to reflect recent taxonomic changes. • An easy-to-use format divides the country into three main wildflower regions, Grassland and Savannah, Fynbos and Namaqualand, grouping the species into each region. • Each of the almost 900 species is illustrated and described, with information on its common and scientific names, habitat, distribution map, flowering times and local uses. • An ingenious quick guide helps the reader to narrow down the options at a glance. • Similar species are placed together to aid comparison and the concise text highlights their differences. Enquiries: Briza Publications, tel no: (012) 329-3896, fax no: (012) 329-4525, email: books@briza.co.za, website: ww.briza.co.za Eet reg Zelda Ackerman (Human & Rousseau) Vetsug neem skokwekkend toe in Suid-Afrika, veral onder tieners. Hierdie boek wys hoe emosionele eet ontstaan en hoe om dit te voorkom. Eet reg is propvol gesag­­hebbende raad wat regtig werk.

Bevry jouself en jou kinders vir altyd van emosionele eet en verwelkom ‘n leeftyd van lekker én gesond eet. Met resepte, eetplanne en sielkundigbegrond. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Kreatiewe inkleurboek vir grootmense 4 Michael O’Mara Book (Human & Rousseau) Ontspan en verbeter jou kreatiwiteit met hierdie besonderse versameling inkleurpatrone. In Kreatiewe inkleurboek vir grootmense 4 is daar wonderlike blom- en voëlpatrone wat vir elkeen se smaak voorsiening maak. En as jy meer van krul- en draaipatrone hou, is hierdie boek in die besonder net vir jou. Trek die inkleurkryte nader en verander elke bladsy in ’n unieke meesterstuk, terwyl jy van alledaagse stres ontslae raak. En boonop sal jy vind dat inkleur pret is. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Bielie Bybelpretboek 2 Marius Greeff (Lux Verbi) Perfek vir liefhebbers van blokraaisels en ander woordspeletjies. Dit is ’n prettige manier om meer van die Bybel te leer en ook om jou kennis van die Bybel te toets. Die Bielie Bybelpretboek 2 is nie net vir individue bedoel nie. Dit kan selfs in kleingroepe of Sondagskoolklasse gebruik word. Die boek bevat meer as 160 pretaktiwiteite met onder meer: Blokraaie, koderaaie, sudoku en woordsoek. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za >>> bladsy 7

April/Mei 2016 se wenners: Proe die Klein-Karoo, Willa Smith, Clanwilliam; Mispa, Heleen Maritz, Kiepersol; Inspirasiejoernaal, Rolene Oosthuizen, Albertinia; Hartskombuis: Boerekos van die ABO tot vandag, Anna-Marth Cawood, Humansdorp; Die Groter en Beter Moeggesoek Blokraaigids, ME de Jager, Vryburg agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



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agri Stille waters

Stille waters Lees Psalm 104:31-35



ere, wat is daar vir my te doen as U dan alles klaargemaak het? Ek kan tog nie u handewerk verbeter nie . . . Ek kán probeer bewerk en bewaar en oor die algemeen gehoorsaam wees aan die stukkie rentmeesterskap wat U aan my toevertrou het. Maar dít is ál bydrae tot u onverbeterlikheid. Daar is niks by te voeg, niks aan te las nie. Here, en wat kan ek sê as U die laaste woord het? Niks wat ek aan die gesprek toevoeg sal hoegenaamd ’n verskil maak of ekstra waarde daaraan verleen nie. Ek kan tog nie u wil verduidelik, of u besluite regverdig of verdedig nie. Ek kan dus aan niks beters dink as om die mond wat U my gegee het oop te maak en luidkeels u Naam te loof nie: Ja, dit is wat ek sal doen: Ek sal juig oor U wat ewige

<<< bladsy 5 Gesprek sonder einde Chris van der Merwe (Lux Verbi) Waar pas ek, as mens, in by God se verhaal? En watter keuses kan ons maak in hierdie drama waarvan ons medeskrywer is? Chris van der Merwe tree op ’n baie toeganklike wyse in gesprek met sy lesers hieroor. Hy bespreek van die vrae wat ons gereeld pla. Hy praat oor die kerk, die mense om ons en oor ideologieë. Oor dit wat is en wat was en wat kom. Hiervoor roep hy die Bybel, die Christelike tradisie asook mense soos CS Lewis en NP van Wyk Louw as getuies. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Degas’ Dust Charles Cilliers, Carnie Matisonn (Tafelberg) Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks in post-war Johannesburg, Carnie Matisonn learns of a great-uncle in occupied Norway murdered by Nazi soldiers as they looted his prized art collection.

vreugde vind in wat U lankal gedoen het én wat lag oor die dae wat kom. O Here, laat my jubel oor u werke tot

die kranse antwoord gegee en die vulkane finaal tot rus gekom het. Tot die goddeloses tot God teruggekeer en die sondaars hulle opstand laat vaar het. U Naam staan geskryf teen elke stuk handewerk wat U met soveel liefde aangepak en voltooi het; u handtekening is die waarborg van u eienaarskap. Mag my klein lofprysing dan aan elkeen wat dit hoor ’n brokkie begrip bied van die Naam wat ons dra. He starts a lifelong quest to retrieve the art that takes him into the murky waters of apartheid sanctions busting, Mossad agents, international art dealers and Nazi hunters. Matisonn’s enthralling story embraces courage, wit and wisdom as he shows one man can achieve the impossible. Enquiries: nb@nb.co.za Liewe Heksie en die Silwer Roos Verna Vels, Vian Oelofsen (illustrasies) (Human & Rousseau) Suid-Afrika se vriende­ likste Heksie is 55 jaar oud in 2016! Met eenvoudige teks en pragtige illustrasies sal hierdie prenteboek 2- tot 4-jariges gaande hê. Heksie en Blommie Kabouter pas Blommeland se kosbare Silwerroos op. Maar wat gaan gebeur as Blommie aan die slaap raak en die Gifappeltjies kom om die roos te steel? Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Die boek het my hond ingesluk Richard Byrne (teks en illustrasies) (Human & Rousseau) Op ‘n dag gaan stap Bella met haar hond oor die bladsy toe iets baie vreemds skielik

gebeur. Die boek sluk haar hond in! Ben kom help. Maar verdwyn ook. Nog hulp verskyn ... en verdwyn, en uiteindelik word tot Bella opgeslurp. ‘n Baie gawe leser moet die boek omdraai en skud om almal weer te red. ‘n Heerlike humoristiese prenteboek met ‘n onverwagse kinkel. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za Inspirasie­joernaal Lizelle de Bruin (Lux Verbi) ’n Joernaal is ’n uitstekende uitlaatklep vir jou gevoelens en kan baie spanning help verlig. Dit gee aan jou die vermoë om ingewikkelde ervarings in relevante, nuttige brokkies inligting op te breek en uiteindelik samehangend te rangskik. ’n Joernaal help jou ook om jou binnewêreld te orden. En hoe meer georden jou binnewêreld is, hoe makliker kom vergifnis, groei en heelheid. Navrae: nb@nb.co.za

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Standpunt

Sewe waarnemings oor ons nuwe geslag boere OMRI VAN ZYL, UITVOERENDE DIREKTEUR, AGRI SA

Ná vele samesprekings met ‘n verskeidenheid boere en belanghebbendes vanuit alle hoeke van Suid-Afrika, het ek ‘n paar interessante dinge waargeneem oor die profiel en behoeftes van ons nuwe geslag boere. geredelik beskikbaar is. As jy nie deel daarvan is nie, word jy onbenullig. Spoed is in baie gevalle belangriker as akkuraatheid. Teen die tyd dat jy daarin geslaag het om iets te bemeester, het meer mobiele spelers met slimmer oplossings lankal daardie ruimte opgeëis.

Hierdie waarnemings sluit die volgende in: 1




In ‘n familie-onderneming geld die pater noster-beginsel steeds en ‘n seun of dogter wat tot die besigheid toetree, kan hulself dikwels nie uitdruk nie – dinge word oor die algemeen gedoen soos die pa dit altyd gedoen het en baie jong mense sukkel om deur hierdie familieplafon te breek. Kinders van die nuwe geslag verkies om in die stad te werk – en baie mense van my ouderdom werk aan hulle loopbane oorsee binne die internasionale ekonomie. Die realiteit is dat toegang tot tegnologie SuidAfrikaners baie mobiel maak. Die gevolg is toenemende emigrasie. Die algehele impak daarvan is enorm en landelike gemeenskappe oor die wêreld heen ervaar hierdie tendens. Boerdery is nie “sexy” nie en word nie as ‘n lewensvatbare loopbaanopsie beskou nie, veral nie in Suid-Afrika nie waar beleidsonsekerheid, misdaad, weerstoestande en ekonomiese en maatskaplike agteruitgang as uiters negatief ervaar word.




Generasie X, Y en die millennials (nuwe geslag) het ander verwagtinge van byvoorbeeld die georganiseerde landbou, in ‘n wêreld waar inligting

Die nuwe geslag wil nie lang dokumente lees nie – hulle wil prentjies en infografieke sien wat komplekse dinge kortliks verduidelik. Sosiale media word toenemend die voorkeurkommunikasie- en inligtingverspreidingswyse. Dit sal die dominante medium van kommunikasie in die toekoms wees. Die getal boere neem geredelik af – met ‘n toename in grootskaalse boere met gesofistikeerde voorkeure. Indien jy die nuwegenerasie-behoeftes hierby voeg, kry jy ‘n kliënt wat nie net bedingingsmag het nie, maar ook moontlik meer inligting as jy. Die nuwe geslag het nie die “bagasie” van die verlede nie en wil vorentoe beweeg. Baie van hulle het grootgeword met selfone, internettoegang, box office en rekenaarkennis. Hulle deel nie die regressiewe houding wat in die sektor voorkom nie.

Agri SA is daar vir die nuwe geslag en sal hierdie geleentheid aangryp ... onverskrokke. Die vraag is dus: wat doen ons om saam met die tyd te beweeg? Hoe kan ons die jonger geslag se verbeelding prikkel en hulle teruglok? Ons strategie sluit die volgende in:

Agri SA se strategie

Oorheers die digitale ruimte Oorheers die sosialemediaruimte Kommunikeer anders – bondiger en in ´n taal wat hulle sal verstaan Skep n opwindende vibe Weerspieël ´n jong dinamiese beeld Word virtueel Integreer alle waardekettingspelers

V E N N OT E I N L A N D E L I K E B E V E I L I G I N G | PA R T N E R S I N R U R A L S A F E T Y Use agricultural fleet code F14911 when purchasing a Nissan vehicle for Nissan SA to contribute to farm safety | Gebruik landbouvlootkode F14911 wanneer ‘n Nissan voertuig aangekoop word vir Nissan SA om ‘n bydrae te maak tot plaasveiligheid

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Viewpoint

Seven observations about the new generation of farmers OMRI VAN ZYL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA

Agri SA represents the future Having had many discussions generation of farmers and will with a variety of farmers and meet this challenge head-on. stakeholders from all corners of South Africa, I’ve made some interesting observations about the profile and needs of our new generation of farmers. expectations of, for example organised agriculture, in a world where information is readily available – if you don’t share you’ll become insignificant. Speed is more important than accuracy in many instances. By the time you’ve managed to get it perfect, the space has long been claimed by more mobile players who evolve their solutions.

Some of my observations are listed below: 1

In a family business, the pater noster principle still applies. The son or daughter entering the fray often cannot express themselves – things are generally done the way the father had done them and the younger generation often battle to break through this family ceiling.


New-generation children prefer to work in the city – and many of my peers are abroad building their careers within the international economy. The reality is that access to technology makes South Africans very mobile, resulting in increasing emigration. The cumulative impact is considerable and rural communities around the world are experiencing this trend.





Farming is not “sexy” and is not seen as a viable career proposition, especially in South Africa where policy uncertainty, crime, climatic conditions and economic and social decline in rural areas are being perceived as extremely negative. Generation X, Y and the millennials (next generation) have different


The new generation do not want to read long documents – they want pictures and infographics that explain complex things succinctly. Social media is fast becoming the means of communicating and disseminating information. This will be the dominant communication medium in future. The number of farmers is declining steadily. The result has been an increase in mega farmers, with sophisticated preferences. If you add the generational requirements to the mix, you have a customer who not only has bargaining power, but might also have more information than you. The new generation do not have the baggage of the past and want to

move ahead. Many of them grew up with cell phones, internet access, box office and digital savvy. They don’t share the regressive attitude within the sector. So the question is: what do we do to keep up with the times? How do we capture the imagination of young people and pull them into our fold? Our strategy includes the following:

Agri SA´s strategy

Rule the digital space Rule the social media space Communicate differently – more concise and in a way they will understand Create an exciting vibe Portray a young dynanic vibe Become virtual Integrate all value-chain players agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



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agri Brokkies/Snippets

Snippets Brokkies

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Agbiz vereer staatmakers Agbiz het tydens sy onlangse kongres eretoekennings aan Hans van der Merwe en prof Mohammad Karaan gemaak vir hulle uitstaande diens aan die landbou. Van der Merwe, vorige uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA, is vereer vir sy uitstaande bydrae tot die georganiseerde landbou. Prof Karaan is vereer vir sy besondere diens aan die agribesigheidsgemeenskap. Op die foto, links, oorhandig Agbiz-voorsitter Schalk Pienaar (regs), die toekenning aan Hans van der Merwe en regs, aan prof Mohammad Karaan. (Foto): Gavin Withers.

Parmalat top performer at Dairy Champs Parmalat SA was the top performer at the 2016 South African Diary Championships with an impressive five Qualité and 12 SA Champion awards. The company competed against a record 85 other manufacturers. The Qualité award is the mark of excellence for dairy products in South Africa and Parmalat SA claimed the coveted award for its Round Gouda, as well as the following products produced for Woolworths: Unsalted Butter, Ice Cream with Condiments, Matured Gouda, and Extra Hard Cheese. On the photo are (front row) from left: Peter de Wee, Edvone Gelant, Ettienne Jonathan, Simon Plaatjies and Cherise Mitchell. At the back are Hennie Wilken, Arnold Nieuwoudt, Mike le Grange, Hansie Wolfaardt and Gawie Pistorius, all from Parmalat SA.

Oos-Kaapse boere besoek Vrystaat Die Thomasrivier-studiegroep in die Cathcart-distrik is ‘n groep boere wat oor meer wil gesels as die heersende weerstoestande en moeilike ekonomiese tye, berig Kobus Grobler, NWKV-produksie-adviseur op Queenstown. “Hulle soek eerder oplossings en vind gesprekke stimulerend oor hoe boerdery uitgebrei kan word, maar nie noodwendig deur die aankoop van duur grond nie. Die boere het die ram by die horings gepak en ’n tweedagbesoek aan suksesvolle skaapboerderye in die Vrystaat gemaak.” Die boere het onder meer gaan kers opsteek by Koetoe Botha van Koppies. Hier is gefokus op die finansiële aspekte van ’n intensiewe skaapboerdery. By Danie Thomas van Edenville was boere beïndruk met ‘n baie duur skaapskaal wat onontbeerlik is vir presisie-veeboerdery. Rudolf Botha van Frankfort, wat met ’n groot Dohne Merino-kudde boer, het derdens aan die beurt gekom. Hy laat 400 ooie per siklus in lamhokke lam (kyk foto). Manie en dr Karen Wessels van die plaas Mamre in Frankfort boer met Dormers onder intensiewe toestande. Die ontstaan van hulle onderneming, hulle gebruik van produksiestelsels en hulle wye kennis en navorsing was indrukwekkend. Boere was vol moed en waardering vir die kennis en praktyke wat so vrygewig met hulle gedeel is, sê Grobler. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Brokkies/Snippets

ZZ2 invests in a revamped tomato pack-house In little more than three months, a task team from the farming enterprise ZZ2 completely remodeled, refurbished and extended an outdated tomato pack-house on the banks of the Limpopo River near Musina to be in line with the best in the industry. The upgraded pack-house forms part of a major infrastructure investment on the remote farm, Esme-four, with the goal of improving productivity and ensuring water security for tomato production. A new 1.3 million cubic meter water reservoir, Voorwaarts dam, is pivotal to this development programme. The dam is used to store floodwater from the Limpopo River in the rainy season to provide sufficient irrigation water throughout the production season. Over 150 people were involved in building the pack-house and 100% of the project items were locally supplied and as far as possible South African.

Dié Muskadel-wenners gaan die winter versag Die 14de Muskadel SA-toekennings, geborg deur Enartis SA, is tydens ’n funksie op 26 Mei in die Paarl toegeken. Vanuit vanjaar se 16 inskrywings is Orange River Cellars White Muscadel 2015 en Du Toitskloof Cellar Red Muscadel 2014 die hoogste lof toegeswaai en elk met ’n Platinum-toekenning beloon. Goue-toekennings het gegaan aan Van Loveren Rooi Muskadel 2015, Rooiberg Red Muscadel 2015, Badsberg Red Muscadel 2014 en De Wet Cellar, wat verlede jaar ook goud gewen het, en dié keer vir hulle De Wet Cellar Rooi Muskadel 2014 bekroon is. Boplaas van Calitzdorp in die Klein-Karoo het vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar goud gewen vir hul Boplaas Heritage White Muscadel 2011 en 2013 onderskeidelik.

Voor van links: Shawn Thomson (Du Toitskloof), Johline Barnardt (Van Loveren), Chris Venter (Oranjerivierwynkelder). Agter: Murray Giggins (Enartis SA), André Scriven (Rooiberg), Tertius Jonck (De Wet), Jaco Booysen (Badsberg), Danie Nel (Boplaas), Henri Swiegers (Muskadel SA) (Foto: Julian Kruger Photographic Services) agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


Oude Molen’s hand crafted XO wins gold Oude Molen’s XO new hand crafted premium Cape Brandy was awarded gold at the recent 2016 Global Spirits Masters in the Brandy Masters category, and was the only South African distiller to win gold in the competition. In addition, Oude Molen’s premium Joseph Barry VS, VSOP and XO Cape brandies won silver medals in the competition. The Global Spirits Masters is one of the most renowned blind tasting competitions in the world and uses only independent judges, making it one of the most impartial spirits competitions. Distillers and bottlers from across the globe enter across a variety of categories.

agri Brokkies/Snippets

Shiraz-wyne kry Paarl-kroon Twaalf uitsonderlike Shiraz-wyne is tydens die toekenningseremonie van die 4de Shiraz Challenge by Rhebokskloof in die Paarl gekroon. ’n Raps oor die tweehonderd wyne is ingeskryf en die paneel van agt beoordelaars moes oor drie dae hulle proe ken om ses finaliste in die afdeling vir Shiraz-versnitte en twintig finaliste vir Shiraz aan te wys. Die louere het gegaan aan: Alto Shiraz 2013 Babylonstoren Shiraz 2014 Cederberg Shiraz 2014 De Morgenzon Reserve Syrah 2014 Eagles’ Nest Shiraz 2013 Fairview Eenzaamheid Shiraz 2013 KWV The Mentors Shiraz 2013 KWV Laborie Limited Collection Shiraz 2014 Rickety Bridge Shiraz 2013 Saronsberg Shiraz 2014 Strandveld Syrah 2012 Windmeul Shiraz Reserve 2013.

Voor van links: Conrad Vlok (Strandveld), Johann Fourie (KWV). Middel: Anthony de Jager (Fairview), Anelle van Tonder (Babylonstoren), Duncan Spence (Rickety Bridge), Hanneke Botha (De Morgenzon), Lana Dippenaar (Eikendal), Tammy Turck-Nel (Cederberg) en Alvi van der Merwe (Alvi’s Drift). Agter: Du Toit Hoffman (Eagle’s Nest), Marco Ventrella (KWV), Bertho van der Westhuizen (Alto), Edmund Terblanche (Shiraz SA-voorsitter), Johan Lourens (Berthomieu Ermitage), Abraham van Heerden (Windmeul), Tinnie Momberg (Middelvlei) en Dewaldt Heyns (Saronsberg). (Foto: A Gorman)

Industry concerned over record high macadamia prices Global macadamia prices have reached record high levels amid reduced supply due to the drought in South Africa. However, the delegates at the annual International Dried Fruit and Nut Congress (INC), held in San Diego, USA in June, warned that the lack of marketing campaigns to promote macadamia consumption could result in drastically reduced prices in future. Speaking at the congress, Alan Sutton, chairperson of the Valley Macadamias Group in Limpopo, said that macadamias needed to be marketed correctly in order to maintain higher prices. “Although the almond and walnut industries are spending a large amount of money on marketing, their crop volumes justify the expenditure. It is good that macadamias do not fall into the same category in terms of volumes as it gives us an opportunity to market ourselves as a niche product, worthy of the higher price tag.” He, however, cautioned farmers to be aware of the increasingly stringent quality requirements. “The standard has become a 22 mm and up-sized Nutin-Shell (NIS) with a 1,5% unsound. This is difficult to guarantee in a normal year, but in a year with a drought it is nearly impossible as the nuts are much smaller.”

Boere evalueer merinokuddes Die Mosselbaai Kudde-evalueringsdag is vanjaar vir die 38ste keer deur BKB en die NWKV aangebied. Dit word beskou as die oudste merinokuddekompetisie in Suid-Afrika. Die doel van die merinodag is om boere die geleentheid te gee om hulle met ander deelnemers te vergelyk, om te bepaal waar hulle kuddes verbeter kan word. Gawie van Wyk, NWKV-produksie-adviseur vir die Noord-Kaap (Carnarvonstreek), was die beoordelaar en Pierre Vlok, BKB-bestuurder: Vesels (Westelike streek), het die punte verwerk. Die algehele wenner was André de Jager van Swartklip, Albertinia, met Saag Jonker Familie Trust van die plaas Schoonberg in die Herold-distrik die naaswenner.

Agter is Pierre Vlok (BKB Westelike streek), Willem Oosthuizen (Albertinia), Martinus Honiball (Mosselbaai), Flip Fivaz (Mosselbaai), Corneulus Muller (Hartenbos), Francois Malherbe (Riversdale), Pieter Reynolds (Herold), Pieter Aucamp (BKB Riversdal) en Willem Oosthuizen (Albertinia). Sittende is Werner Olivier (BKB PE), Frikkie van der Walt (Herold), Andre de Jager (Albertinia), Jurie en Louise Muller (Mosselbaai). Voor is Bennie Pienaar, voorsitter (Mosselbaai) agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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Agri SA commits to greater momentum to eradicate rural crime The meeting in June between Agri SA and police management gave further momentum to police initiatives to eradicate crime in rural farming areas.


n a constructive meeting, the good working relationship between the two organisations was the cornerstone for discussing practical suggestions on how to progress with various strategies to deal with crime issues and to ensure continuous collaboration and co-operation. Agri SA welcomed the initiative taken by police management to host a rural safety summit. The acting national commissioner, lieutenant general Khomotso Phahlane, emphasised the importance of agriculture and the role that the farming community plays in food production. Therefore, it is necessary that this community should be protected, so that they can continue with production, he said. Both organisations agreed that the Rural Safety Strategy supported by sector policing and reservist are crucial to deal with rural crime and has been hailed as an inclusive strategy. Agri SA requested police to focus their attention to the operationalisation of the strategy and that commanders should adhere to instructions in this regard. The announcement by police that in the longer term a rural police component will be established to deal with rural crime, is in line with Agri SA’s recommendations and therefore welcomed. A call was made to police management to enhance the roll-out of the reservist system in all provinces as this is an important force multiplier together with farm watches to stabilise rural farming areas. Mention was made of some criteria of the system, which may be too stringent for recruits to adhere to and these should be reviewed.

Uys van der Westhuizen, Kobus Visser, Boeta du Toit (all from Agri SA’s Rural Safety Policy Committee) and Johan Stadler (vice-chair, Stock Theft Prevention Forum)

Agri SA raised its concerns regarding the resources available to Public Order Police Units to deal with possible farm invasions while they also have to attend to numerous violent protest actions. The police acknowledge these concerns and said that an additional amount of money was made available to increase this unit’s human capacity and other resources. The announcement by the acting national commissioner that crime related statistics will in future be made available on a quarterly basis, is encouraging and that will assist police to identified problem areas and to introduce the necessary measures to deal with those areas. Stock theft and the impact it has on livestock farmers was discussed and Agri SA recommended to police that all vacant positions in stock theft units should be filled with competent members as soon as possible. The strict application of the Stock Theft Act is necessary and police management was requested to shorten the

turnaround time of vehicles, which are to be repaired and serviced. The renewal process of fire-arm licenses was tabled and Agri SA was informed that the police are busy looking at possible amendments to the act. Agri SA was encouraged to provide the police with suggestions in this regard. The police undertook to deal with Agri SA’s recommendations and will decide how it could be implemented. It was further agreed that Agri SA will be incorporated in various focus groups to discuss shortcomings in the Rural Safety Strategy and how policing models could be adjusted to combat rural crime based on the police’s Back-to-Basics Strategy. As a way forward, Agri SA hosted a strategic session at the end of June, where the discussions with the police formed the basis in developing practical guidelines for the organisation to deal with this issue, which will be presented to its congress in October 2016.

Dr Johan Burger (senior researcher at the Institute of Security Studies), Kobus Breytenbach (chairman of Agri SA’s Rural Safety Policy Committee), Omri van Zyl (executive director of Agri SA), lieutenant general Khomotso Phahlane (acting national commissioner) and lieutenant general Gary Kruzer (deputy national commissioner) agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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agri Nuus/News


The ongoing scourge of criminal attacks on the farming community is causing serious damage and uncertainty in the farming sector, which may affect jobs, economic growth and food security.


his was the view of Senzeni Zokwana, minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, during a meeting on farm killings in June. “The country has witnessed some brutal attacks against the farming community, both on farm owners and farm workers,” the minister said. “If there is no stability within the farming community as a result of farm killings, we may fail our nation. We have to act now and fight against any form of violence such as the brutal killing of farm owners and farm workers.” Agri SA attended the discussions hosted by the ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, with the purpose to bring together the public, the private sector and civil society to speak with one voice and to work together as a team to combat this act of brutality. In a written submission to the department, Agri SA pointed out that issues relating to rural safety are critical within the farming community and therefore dialogue and strategic engagements are imperative in addressing the challenges faced by farmers, farm workers and members of the rural community. Agri SA welcomed the fact that the government views the safety and security of the rural community, especially that of farmers and farm workers, as a priority. The attention that the ministry of agriculture,

forestry and fisheries gives to the problem through dialogue in this way is also welcomed. In its submission, Agri SA recommended the operationalisation of the Rural Safety Strategy as an inclusive strategy to deal with rural crime, the establishment of a rural policing capacity and the rollout of the reservist system in all provinces.

Statistics In the 2001/’02 year, 1 069 attacks occurred and 104 murders were committed during these attacks. The number of attacks and murders declined to 446 attacks and 49 murders in 2015/’16. Since 2010/’11, the number of attacks decreased from 532 to 446, which is a drop of 16%. In terms of murders, there was a 38% drop for the same period – from 80 murders to 49. The provinces mostly affected by these crimes are North-West, KwaZuluNatal and Limpopo. During the police’s submission, they mentioned that in 20 cases perpetrators of farm murders were sentence to 20 years in prison. The acting national commissioner, lieutenant general Kgomotso Phahlane, mentioned the discussions he had with Agri SA and said that the commitment of the organisation to jointly address the rural crime issue, is encouraging and will ensure continued collaboration and co-operation. In its submission, the department of

justice mentioned that the high conviction rate is regarded as a measure of quality prosecutions. All courts manage to obtain a 93% conviction rate. Not only was the respective target of each court achieved, but all three managed to maintain and some even improved on their performance during the previous year: • High courts, dealing with serious crimes, maintained a 89,9 % rate with 910 convictions. • The regional courts maintained a rated of 78,4%, with 24 958 convictions, which represents the highest rate the past decade. • The district courts, which deals with lesser serious crimes, achieved a rate of 94,7%, with 263 377 convictions. Specific concerns, which are being addressed by the department of justice and are receiving attention, include the following: • Addressing a general lack of trust and confidence in the justice system and law enforcement; • Addressing a lack of access to the justice system and victim empowerment; • Addressing the lack of human rights awareness within the farming and rural communities; • Addressing unlawful evictions, lack of legal representation and access to justice services and a lack of an effective mechanism to enforce rights.

Boeta du Toit (vice-chairman of Agri SA’s Rural Safety Policy Committee), General Bheki Cele (deputy minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries), Senzeni Zokwana (minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries), Lt Genl Khomotso Phahlane (acting national commissioner of police) and Kobus Breytenbach (chairman of Agri SA’s Rural Safety Policy Committee) at the discussions agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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agri Nuus/News

“The levels of violence and criminality remain unacceptably high. Of great concern to Agri SA is the brutal nature of farm murders. Farmers are also subjected to house robberies, aggravated assault, and malicious damage to property, theft of crops, farm produce as well as livestock.“

Agri SA speaks about farm attacks and murders at WFO Agri SA’s executive director, Omri van Zyl, shared the South African farmers’ situation regarding farm attacks and murders with the international farming community, including delegates from the United Nations and the Food and Agricultural Organisation, during a presentation on the issue at the World Farmer’s Organisation’s General Assembly held in Zambia.


ver the past 15 years South African farmers have had more than 8 065 farm attacks and more than 924 farm murders. “This is clearly unacceptable statistics in any part of the world,” Van Zyl remarked. “We cannot allow members of farming communities to be murdered and fear installed. This situation has reached extreme proportions in South Africa. Most of the provinces in the country are affected by these atrocities. Human rights and the right to life and liberty enshrined in the South African Constitution, is imperative to the future of our country. Clearly, we still have a long way to go to adhere to this noble principle.”

Levels of violence “The levels of violence and criminality

remain unacceptably high. Of great concern to Agri SA is the brutal nature of farm murders. Farmers are also subjected to house robberies, aggravated assault, and malicious damage to property, theft of crops, farm produce as well as livestock. Approximately 55 000 head of cattle and 85 000 sheep get stolen each year – clearly this has become an endemic problem for farmers and rural communities alike.“ Agri SA has always had a constructive relationship with the South African Police Service, especially in relation to matters of safety and security. A good example of this relationship is Agri SA’s involvement with the implementation of the Rural Protection Plan since 1997 when farm attacks were firstly prioritised by government and the police and, more recently, the National Rural Safety Strategy since July 2011.

Agri SA also played a role in finalising the revised reservist policy. The re-confirmation by the acting national commissioner of police that farm murders and attacks will still receive priority status is welcomed. Agri SA will continue to participate with the police in developing the necessary action plans and processes to deal with the rural crime situation. “The Agri Securitas Trust Fund has made a big difference to the security situation at farm level by investing in security equipment, telecommunication infrastructure, funding of provincial security desks, counselling sessions etc. We still need to do a lot more at farm level to protect our farmers, farm workers and their families, and to this end we need funds and expertise from all spheres,” Van Zyl said in closure.

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agri Nuus/News

Hoogste wol-eer vir Harry Prinsloo Bedryfskamer speel groot rol, glo hy Harry Prinsloo, voorsitter van Agri SA se Bedryfskamer, het ‘n belangrike rol in die wolbedryf gespeel. Dat sy bydrae geag en waardeer word, word onderstreep deur die Goue Ram-toekenning van die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging (NWKV): die hoogste eer wat dié vereniging toeken. Harry ontvang terselfdertyd ere-vise-presidentskap van die NWKV.


ol lê Harry nog altyd na aan die hart. Hy is op Smithfield in die Vrystaat gebore en ná matriek by die Tweespruitlandbouskool het hy ‘n B Agric-graad aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat behaal. Maar boerdery was in sy bloed en in 1981 het hy op die familieplaas, Biesjesvlei, in die Smithfield-distrik begin boer. Die boerdery bestaan hoofsaaklik uit ‘n wolskaapboerdery. Hy was ook van vroeg af by die georganiseerde wolbedryf betrokke en alles het begin toe hy in 1999 tot voorsitter van Smithfield Landbou verkies is en daarna in 2001 as voorsitter van Vrystaat NWKV. Verder het hy oor die jare in verskeie komitees van die boerevereniging en die NWKV gedien. Hy was voorsitter van die Nasionale NWKV tussen 2011 en 2015. “My betrokkenheid by Agri SA het begin

as gevolg van die affiliasie van die NWKV by Agri SA se Bedryfskamer en vandaar my deelname aan georganiseerde landbou.” Harry sonder verskeie hoogtepunte uit tydens sy betrokkenheid by die NWKV, soos die ontwikkeling van kleinboere in die ou Transkei/Ciskei, iets waarop die wolbedryf baie trots is om ‘n groot aantal kommunale boere toegang te gee tot die formele mark. “Ek was ook bevoorreg om by verskeie internasionale wolforums betrokke te wees en op dié manier baie internasionale blootstelling te kon kry.” Hy was onder andere voorsitter van die internasionale wol en tekstiel-organisasie, (IWTO) se “Growers Grouping“, wat uit verskeie kleedwolproduserende lande bestaan. “Dit is belangrik om die internasionele wol- en tekstielbedryf te leer ken sodat Suid-Afrika, wat minder as 2% van die wêreld se rouwol produseer, internasionaal kan meeding. Suid-Afrika is vandag steeds

Harry Prinsloo en sy eggenote, Adré, tydens die geleentheid

‘n belangrike speler in die internasionale arena en ons goedgeklasseerde en goeie kwaliteit skeersel maak van ons ‘n gerespekteerde produserende land internasionaal. Ons vervaardig 16% van die wêreld se kleedwol. Sowat 95% van ons rouwol word uitgevoer, 60% na China en die res na Europa.” Benewens Harry se betrokkenheid by die NWKV, is hy ook voorsitter van Agri SA se Kommersiële Beleidkomitee en ten tyde van sy uittrede in 2015 was hy vise-voorsitter van Agri SA se Bedryfskamer. Sedert 2015 is hy as voorsitter van die Bedryfskamer verkies. Hy dien nou ook in Agri SA se bestuurskomitee. “Agri SA se Bedryfskamer is ‘n belangrike platfom vir die bedrywe. Dit is ‘n uitdaging om die 24 bedrywe wat daar geaffilieer is se belange te dien. Ek glo dat bedrywe winsgewend en volhoubaar moet wees en vinnig by die veranderende omgewing moet aanpas, daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat voortdurend na ondersteunende strukture in landbou gekyk word om tydige aanpassings te kan doen. “Beleidskomitees is die kern van Agri SA se werksaamhede en speel daarom ‘n belangrike rol waar ons probeer om onder meer wetgewing te beïnvloed wat bedrywe ten nouste raak.” Die onsekerheid waarin landbou hom bevind, is ‘n groot bekommernis vir hom en hopelik sal die huidige droogte ‘n rigtingwyser wees dat landbou die hoeksteen is vir ekonomiese groei, welvaartskepping, werkverskaffing en voedselsekerheid, sê Harry. Bedryfsorganisasies het verder ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid om lede se winsgewendheid en volhoubaarheid te verseker. Hy is getroud met Adré, ‘n nooi Rupping van Tarkastad in die Oos-Kaap, en hulle het drie kinders. Ané is finansiële bestuurder by ‘n reisagentskap in Kaapstad, La Reine is ‘n GR by PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Londen, en Jaco boer saam met sy pa. Die Prinsloos het ook ‘n kleindogter. As Prinsloo nie boer nie, speel hy gholf Saterdae is hy ‘n getroue ondersteuner van die Cheetahs.

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agri Nuus/News

Bridging the gap: Unlocking the potential of land reform starts by fixing the CPA system THEO BOSHOFF, AGRI SA’S LEGAL OFFICCER

South Africa has what is often referred to as a “dual agricultural economy”, meaning that well-developed, commercial agriculture exists alongside a less-developed, subsistence-based economy.


ne of the primary aims of the land reform and rural development programme is to bridge that divide by enabling beneficiaries of redistributed and restituted land to farm productively. Unfortunately, governance has proved a major headache, as a lack of transparency and accountability has often led to the beneficiary communities benefitting less than they should. The fact of the matter is that Communal Property Associations, or CPAs as they are commonly referred to, don’t work … or at least not in their current form.

Own constitution The Communal Property Association Act requires all CPAs to draft its own constitution and register it with the department of rural development and land reform. The act sets a number of minimum requirements for registration including “fair and inclusive decision making” and “equality of member­ ship” … ; whatever this may entail is open for interpretation. Unfortunately, this level of corporate governance is not always present. According to the department of rural development and land reform’s 2014/15 report on CPAs released in October last year1, a whopping 1 144 out of a total 1 428 CPAs registered in South Africa are not compliant with

the principles set out in the act. In other words, a mere 284 CPAs are functioning correctly and applying corporate governance principles, which is just shy of 20% of the total nationwide. Furthermore, a number of CPAs have been placed under judicial administration and 20 CPAs have actually lost their land either through judicial execution processes or sales.There is, therefore, no denying that problems do exist, but one cannot but feel that some of these problems are self-engineered because the act itself does not prescribe the necessary standards of good corporate governance.

Remedy In the draft amendments to the act2, the department attempts to introduce a remedy by criminalising any conduct of a CPA member that is not in line with the CPA’s constitution. This, with all due respect, is a knee-jerk reaction that will not solve the problem. The root of the problem is more likely the archaic nature of the CPA Act’s institutional arrangement that requires all aspects of corporate good governance to be contained and regulated by the organisation’s unique constitution. This is like asking each business owner to recite the contents of the Companies Act in its memorandum of incorporation.

Alternative approach An alternative approach would be to rework the act and reverse the onus entirely. Instead of expecting the CPA members to come up with unique processes and procedures that adhere to the best standards of corporate good governance, the act itself should do so and make the same rules automatically applicable to all CPAs. This is not a new or revolutionary concept. In fact, this is precisely how all companies registered in terms of the Companies Act3 operate. Abstract concepts, such as accountability, transparency and responsibility, are concretised into bit-sized pieces by the Companies Act through prescribing various processes and procedures that must be followed and allocating clear roles and responsibilities to various company officials. Similarly, the CPA Act should prescribe standards for quorums at meetings, conduct, election and eligibility of directors, procedures to handle conflicts of interest, independent audits and the like. Just like the Companies Act, the CPA Act should set out a default position and then allow the CPA to deviate from that by including specific provisions in their CPA should they wish to do so. Consultants Consultants who get paid to draft CPA >>> page 25

1 Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. 2015. Communal Property Associations Annual Report 2014-2015. Accessed online at: http://www.ruraldevelopment.gov.za/publications/annual-report/category/250-communal-property-associations 2 The Communal Property Association Amendment Bill was published for public comments on the 29th of April 2016 as notice 262 of 2016 in Government Gazette No. 39960. 3 Act 71 of 2008

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<<< page 24 constitutions may not be too happy with it, but the advantage of a system akin to the Companies Act is that CPAs would be able to use standard-form constitutions, as the bulk of the leg work is already provided for in the act itself. Without taking away from the unique nature of a CPA, I would even go as far as to say that terms such as “members”, “committees” and “chairpersons” could be replaced with shareholders, boards and directors, as the fiduciary responsibilities associated with those positions are already well known and understood. If the objective is to bring the two poles within the agricultural sector together, affording them equal treatment is a good place to start. CPAs are unique institutions, there is little doubt about that. And whilst their unique nature must be respected, it should also be understood that they are required to operate in the extremely competitive business environment that is modern agriculture. Aligning the CPA Act with the provisions of the Companies Act has the potential to streamline compliance and reduce the administrative burden currently placed on the CPAs. To bridge the gap within the agricultural sector CPAs must be allowed to get on with the business of conducting business.

Huldeblyk aan Piet Potgieter Piet Potgieter, wat vir baie jare voorsitter van Katoen SA was en ook diep spore by AgriSaMoz getrap het, is onlangs oorlede. Dr Theo de Jager bring hulde aan hom.


k het vir jou ’n plan.” Dit was die heel eerste woorde wat ek uit Piet Potgieter se mond gehoor het, en daarna gereeld! In ons vrienskap van bietjie meer as ’n dekade lank het dit trouens die strofe geword wat vir my Piet se bestaan gedefinieer het: Hy was ’n man met planne. Piet was geen gereelde spreker of debatteerder in vergaderings nie. In elkeen van die vers te veel landbouvergaderings wat ek saam met hom deurgewroeg het, het ek telkemale binnepret kon put uit Piet se onvermoë om sy geïrriteerdheid met al die gepraat weg te steek. Hy wou net uit. Hy het veel beter gefunksioneer in die een-tot-eenvleisbraaigesprekke ná die tyd. Want Piet was een van die rare planmakers wat ook ’n voorslagdoener was. Hy kon implementeer. Sy oorvloed planne was altyd, sonder uitsondering, doenbare planne. Terwyl die raadsale van Agri SA, waar hy jare lank die katoenbedryf verteenwoordig het, nog oor die filosofie van landbouuitbreiding in Afrika gekibbel het, het Piet al uit ervaring ’n nuwe plan aanmekaar­ getimmer oor hoe om sy beeste makliker oor die grens te kry!

Terwyl ons in Agri SA se Afrika-komitee nog oor die sin van bilaterale ooreenkomste vir beleggingbeskerming besin het, het Piet al pasgemaakte ooreenkomste met tradisionele owerhede in Dindiza in Mosambiek beding, bekragtig en bestuur. Daardie groot ou hart van Piet, wat hom veel te vroeg in die steek gelaat het, was alombekend vir sy kapasiteit om te deel. Hy was nooit skugter om sy planne te deel nie, of sy kennis, ervaring of insigte nie. Hy was ’n fontein van raad. Hy het vinnig gesnap dat Suid-Afrikaanse boere in die buiteland ’n platform nodig het om mekaar te ondersteun en hul belange te verskans. Hy was stigterslid en eerste president van so ’n platform in Mosambiek, AgriSaMoz. Min mense weet dat een van Piet se planne oor grondhervorming aan die basis van die onderhandelinge gelê het om die model in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan tot by die Karaan-plan vir implementering te kry. Nie ‘n plan uit das-en-baadjiekomiteevergaderings of ’n agendageïnspireerde werkwinkel nie, maar uit ’n geselsie om ’n vuur in die Mosambiekse doringveld. Want dis uit daardie grond wat Piet gemaak is. Piet was ’n Afrikaner in die

heel volste sin van die woord, met AFRIKA as basis daarvan. Hy het Piet Potgieter die hart van Afrika verstaan en ’n passie daarvoor gehad. Al het hy die droom van Afrika met miljoene ander gedeel, was hy een van ’n bitter klein groepie wat sy moue opgerol het om daardie droom waar te maak. Dit is nie waar dat niemand onmisbaar is nie. ’n Mens besef dit as jy Piet se stoutseun­ gesig en die ondeunde oë onthou, en die lag waaruit ’n goeie ingenieur energie sou kon opwek. Of die vurigheid in sy skor stem as hy nie saamstem nie, of as die vergadering nie by die punt uitkom nie. Dan besef mens dat Piet (onbepland?) ’n stuk permanensie agterlaat. Want Piet se planne hou veel langer as sy lewenspad. Daar is ’n ietsie van Piet in al die projekte van Suid-Afrikaanse boere in Afrika, en in die enigste grondhervormingsplan wat nog die hele parlement se kopknik gekry het.

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Agriculture presents most employment opportunities CHRISTO VAN DER RHEEDE, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AGRI SA

Two of South Africa’s top policy priorities – food security and job creation – seldom cross paths. Indeed, it is a strange irony that job creation is almost exclusively associated with trade and heavy industry, while agriculture is seen only through the prism of land claims and high food prices.


hile industrial policy is expanding and seeking new beneficiaries, one needs to ask why similar support for the agriculture sector is not pursued with equal vigour. It is a perceived mental block that policy makers in SA need to overcome, because the sector could otherwise create far more jobs than it does already. In short, our farmers have been hung out to dry.

Latest statistics The latest unemployment statistics showed that, apart from community services (government), agriculture was the only sector to show jobs growth. Even if you dismiss this as seasonal, the long-term trend clearly shows the stability of agriculture compared to manufacturing. Since March 2008, agricultural jobs have made up about 5% of total employment. By comparison, the share of manufacturing jobs fell from 14% to 10% of total employment, and employment in the industry itself contracted 22% to 1.6-million, whereas agriculture grew 4.5% during the same period. President Jacob Zuma has repeatedly stated that landlessness is the cause of poverty within the context of agricultural land claims. This statement rings true to some extent, but ignores a second fundamental contributor to prosperity: capital. While the focus on land redistribution is a good idea in principle, it is often poorly executed precisely because of a lack of support for emerging farmers. Little capital In our dealings with farmers ranging across size and sophistication, it is clear that emerging farmers have very little capital to invest. This is of course an acute problem with awarded land claims, with entire communities often unable to grow crops simply because there is no plant or machinery to work with. It is a bit like being given a car with an empty petrol tank. This problem is replicated with black farmers who buy farms on the open market. The bulk of their funds are tied up in purchasing the actual property, so there is very little left to invest and grow their business. While supporting the economic agenda

of black industrialists as a worthwhile pursuit, surely there are far more small and emerging black farmers who could grow more quickly, create more jobs and transform a broader cross-section of society with only a fraction of the funds made available to heavy industry? The mental block between job creation and agriculture has impeded creative and practical ways to support the sector. The focus on agricultural property ownership is archaic; after all, it should not be about the modes of production, but the success of production itself. Private financing is not realistic as any credit provider would look to your track record before releasing funds. Banks are loathe to finance plant and machinery, even for established farms.

Effective ways We firmly believe there are simple, yet highly effective ways for government to support our farmers. The Land Bank should ideally expand its scope of practice to support startup farmers. There is vast potential for joint ventures between existing white commercial farmers and black commercial farmers and these could be supported by the Land Bank. This is not to mention the large scale support government could provide by supporting the creation of listed agricultural businesses and farmers could co-own with

black shareholders. Farmers operate under immense pressure and many are increasingly being forced to use other channels through which to sell their goods, including trading in the informal sector. This creates its own problems, as any health and safety oversight disappears, putting consumers at risk. Furthermore, the informal or illicit trade has proven links with organised crime syndicates. We should be incredibly wary of fostering a culture of illicit trade as the final (and, in some cases, only) resort for emerging farmers. Even relatively mundane products such as poultry sold through informal avenues, where there is no regulatory oversight, creates a broader market for illicit goods, breeds disrespect for the law and puts consumers – and society as a whole – at risk. If it becomes normal to buy every-day consumer items from traders who evade taxes or disregard health and safety codes, it becomes only natural to also buy otherwise regulated medicines, diamonds, cigarettes, alcohol and music through illicit channels too.

Fundamental proposal Our fundamental proposal is for government to consider small and emerging farmers in a holistic way. While the department of agriculture may lead on land redistribution, >>> page 31

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2016-06-20 01:52:05 PM

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The land issue is complex. Over centuries there have been various efforts in many parts of the world to facilitate land reform. Politics and land are unfortunately inseparably interwoven, which further contributes to the sensitive nature of the land issue.


istory and experience in other countries have demonstrated clearly that there is no single easy solution for creating a dispensation that will both satisfy demand for land and create a fair system of land ownership that will ensure sustainable production on such land. The recent scenario-planning exercise carried out at the initiative of Vumelana Advisory Fund – where possible developments in the field of land reform between now and 2030 were considered – once again revealed how complicated the matter was and how interwoven the land question was with politics and socio-economic needs and demands. This also served as a sobering wake-up call as to what could go wrong and the detrimental impact that certain trajectories could have on society as a whole. Of the four scenarios developed over a period of one year by a group of role players across the entire spectrum of the land issue, three point to dangerous elements of frustration, self-help, corruption, capture by politically connected persons and other elite groupings in the land reform process and the disastrous situation in which commercial farmers could find themselves. The only way to avoid such negative outcomes would be to accelerate orderly land reform and implement many more joint projects between the state and the private sector aimed at establishing new black farmers and improving the conditions of people in rural areas. There is no miracle solution. Even proposals in the National Development Plan – which is endorsed by Agri SA – may not be sufficient to halt the tide of frustration, failure, expectations and desperation. The solution also does not lie solely in the transfer of land – economic growth, job creation, better service delivery, improved infrastructure, education and many other actions are

required to address poverty in rural areas. Besides the transfer of land, a strong focus is also needed on tenure security in urban, communal and rural areas. It would therefore be misleading to pretend that there is a simple solution to the extremely complex problem of land reform. For this reason Agri SA, in its 2014 framework for land reform, emphasised the importance of a holistic, multi-facetted approach.

 Agri SA had set clear points of departure for land reform, which were ratified at the organisation’s congress. These include its view on expropriation in general. Some of the main viewpoints adopted by Agri SA are as follows:
 • In terms of the Constitution, land reform is in the first place the responsibility of the state. It is clear, however, that the state alone does not have the capacity to ensure successful land reform. In the interest of its members, Agri SA is committed to making a contribution to rural stability and development and participating in the land reform policy process, with the proviso that:

 • it takes place within the framework of the rule of law;
 • free market principles apply;
 • it does not result in negative financial implications for individual land owners;

• it is supported by sound administrative practices;
 • forums, inclusive of stakeholders, are established and utilised at local and provincial level for purposes of agrarian and land reform; and
 • sustainability in the market environment serves as point of departure for the establishment of new farmers.
 This viewpoint was adopted as early as 2006, long before the National Develop­ ment Plan was released. With regard to expropriation, the Agri SA policy document states as follows:

 • Expropriation should only be used as last resort where bona fide negotiations have failed.
 • The procedures followed in the event of expropriation must be fair to the land owners, while the principles of administrative justice must be adhered to.
 • The purpose of any expropriation must be clear.
 • A land owner who is expropriated must always have the right to approach the courts.
 • Payment of compensation to the land owners may under no circumstances depend on the state’s ability to pay. >>> page 30

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agri Nuus/News <<< page 29 If the state is unable to pay compensation within a reasonable period of time the land should not be expropriated.
 • It is very important that a transparent process be followed with regard to valuations. 
 • Payment must be made immediately and in cash. The new Expropriation Bill to a large extent meets these requirements. Agri SA was closely involved in negotiations around this bill and significant improvements were made during the Nedlac process, after which amendments were effected to the bill. However, there is a concern regarding the definition of expropriation, which was inserted into the Bill during the Portfolio Committee stage. Agri SA is in the process of making further inputs in this regard, as well as on the issue of the timing of payment of compensation. Agri SA’s provincial affiliates were requested to attend the provincial hearings on the Bill in April and were empowered with information to be able to provide input. It is important to bear in mind that expropriation is not aimed solely at land and will also not be used solely for land reform purposes. Expropriation for infrastructure purposes takes place on a weekly basis. With regard to land reform, the Constitution specifically stipulates that expropriation may also be used for this purpose. Agri SA’s view that it should be a last resort was noted – the Bill requires that all attempts should be made to reach an agreement with the land owner before resorting to expropriation. It is also important to understand that the Expropriation Bill as such does not create new powers for expropriation, but merely dictates the process to be followed when a power to expropriate (as enacted in other legislation) is exercised. To avoid a situation of chaos and self-help, it may under certain circumstances be necessary for the state to exercise its expropriation powers in respect of land.

 During its submissions within Nedlac and in Parliament, Agri SA adopted a very firm view that land reform should be funded from the Treasury and that individuals cannot be expected to bear such costs. Agri SA asked that compensation should as far as possible be equal to market value. The deputy-minister, Jeremy Cronin, repeatedly emphasised that compensation must be fair and equitable and said the amount payable may even sometimes exceed market value.

 However, the fact is that expropriation has a place – also in the context of land reform. What is important is to ensure that the process is transparent and fair; that land owners have full access to the courts; and that fair and equitable compensation is paid in all situations where land owners’ property rights are curtailed or they stand to suffer significant financial loss. There is also certainly a need for functional partnerships between the state and private sector to expedite rural development and land reform and to make it more sustainable. Agri SA has made certain proposals in this regard, which includes a financing model that will hopefully soon be discussed with government at high level. The greater the progress made with these initiatives, the smaller the need for expropriation will probably be. The Constitution entrenches the rights and responsibilities of government, land owners and all citizens and serves as the ultimate test for all legislation and political actions. Agri SA has sought legal opinions on the Expropriation Bill, as it often does in the case of legislation that affects the rights of its members. Agri SA will also seek a legal opinion on the Regulation of Land Ownership Bill which, according to minister Nkwinti, will soon be published for public commentary. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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it is necessary to speak with the Treasury about supporting financing through other means than only the Land Bank. The South African Revenue Service, while far from perfect in client servicing, especially in rural areas, has done exemplary work to bring many informal small businesses into the fold, thereby protecting South Africa’s formal economy. Surely, it therefore makes sense to ensure the same is done with small farmers, and that policy makers focus on making it as easy as possible for them to operate legitimately? When a government department considers new consumer or health and safety regulations, it should think about the effect on small and emerging farmers just as it would consider the effect on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Much ground has been covered to sensitise policy makers to the realities of SMEs and how the growing regulatory burden is often felt disproportionately by such groups. The natural step, therefore, must be to ensure that any new regulation affecting small farmers is subject to a thorough regulatory impact assessment, so as to ensure unintended consequences – job losses, higher compliance costs, reduced tax revenues or growth in the informal economy – are mitigated. Consider the push to further regulate sugar and tobacco. These crops provide good margins, and can be traded fairly easily across borders. A sizeable share of Zimbabwe’s re-emerging agriculture is thanks to small tobacco farmers. And, of course, the problem of the illegal trade is even more pronounced with tobacco.

Land ownership Land ownership is a topic that receives lots of attention from political parties, but it is important to remember that agriculture, or rather a successful farm, is far more than just the property. It is about enabling a farmer to prosper and cultivate a livelihood without fear of being weighed down by ill-thought-through regulation. Agriculture is a mainstay of economic diversification strategies in many African countries. For South Africa, with our struggling mining sector and energy insecurity threatening manufacturing, we need to ensure we continue to provide opportunities for economic independence to black individuals. It makes sense that we start with our farmers. (Business Day, 1 June 2016) agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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Nog geen lig oor grondplafonne Minister Gugile Nkwinti het op 26 April tydens sy begrotingsrede gesê dat die Wetsontwerp op die Regulering van Grondbesit gedurende Junie in die Parlement ter tafel gelê sal word. In terme van dié wetsontwerp sal die hoeveelheid grond wat ‘n individu of entiteit mag besit, beperk word.


p 21 Mei is berig dat die minister tydens ‘n grondoorhandigingseremonie in die Kruger-wildtuin gesê het dat perke van tussen 1 000 hektaar en 12 000 hektaar van toepassing sal wees en dat die regering die grond wat meer is as die vasgestelde plafon, sal koop en herverdeel. Die wetsontwerp sal ook die besit van grond deur buitelanders verbied. Die minister het reeds verlede jaar aangekondig dat hy voortgaan met dié wetgewing. Tot op datum is die wetgewing nog nie vir kommentaar gepubliseer of by die parlement ingedien nie, het Johannes Möller, president van Agri SA,

onlangs in Upington gesê. “Daar is al sedert 2011 met die bekendstelling van die Groenskrif op Grondhervorming sprake van sogenaamde grondplafonne. Agri SA het van meet af aan sterk standpunt hierteen ingeneem en deurgaans goed-gemotiveerde ekonomiese, voedselsekerheids- en grondwetlike argumente teen grondplafonne op die tafel geplaas. Daar is ‘n werkgroep in die lewe geroep deur die minister waaraan Agri SA ook deelgeneem het en onafhanklike kundiges is getaak om die werkgroep te adviseer. Die meerderheid van hierdie kundiges het ook teen die instel van grondplafonne gewaarsku,” het Möller gesê.

“Internasionale ervaring met grondplafonne dui onder meer daarop dat dit allerlei negatiewe gevolge gehad het, soos die fragmentasie van landbougrond, negatiewe impak op produktiwiteit, swak winsgewendheid van landbou-ondernemings, min tot geen positiewe impak op armoedeverligting nie, hoë administrasiekoste en ‘n negatiewe impak op investering in die sektor. “Ons kan verseker nie bekostig om te eksperimenteer met iets wat internasionaal so klaaglik misluk het nie. Ons dobbel met voedselsekerheid. “Agri SA wag die publikasie van die wets­ ontwerp af en sal dit onmiddellik deur senior regslui laat nagaan,” het Möller gesê.

Concerns about Expropriation Bill The Select Committee on Economic and Business Development approved the Expropriation Bill on 10 May. The Select Committee made only two changes to the Bill and these were semantic in nature. The definition of “expropriation”, which Agri SA lobbied hard to have removed or amended, is still in the Bill. The definition limits compensable takings of property to instances where the state has acquired the property. The Constitution contains no such limitation, said Ernest Pringle, chairperson of the Agri SA Agricultural Development Committee.


he provincial hearings on the Bill were called at short notice and little opportunity was generally afforded for public participation and inputs. Despite the fact that Agri SA provincial representatives in all the provinces raised concerns about the definition of expropriation, these concerns are not contained in the provincial reports on the hearings that served before the Select committee,” he added. “Agri SA has sought a number of legal opinions on the interpretation of the Constitutional Court judgment, in the Agri SA versus Minister of Minerals and Energy case. According to the judgement which held that the taking of old order mineral rights by the state as custodian of the minerals, did not amount to expropriation and was thus not compensable. “The latest opinion by senior counsel on the judgement and the issue of custodianship was received on 4 May, Pringle said. Counsel was requested, amongst other things, to give an opinion on the risk of productive agricultural land being taken without compensation under the guise of custodianship through the provisions of the

Protection and Development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill (PDALFA). “Counsel advised that the notion of state custodianship must be read within the context of objectives of the specific Bill. While the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) sought to abolish private ownership of minerals, PDALFA does not seek to abolish private ownership of agricultural land. PDALFA is based on the premise that private ownership of agricultural land will continue, it does not envisage the

abolition of private ownership of agricultural land, or the seizing of agricultural land from private land owners without compensation. “There is international precedent for custodianship over minerals; the same does not apply to land. There are good arguments to be put forward that land and movable property is strongly hedged, not only in our Constitution, but internationally in constitutions containing bills of rights.“ The court also found in the Agri SA case that there can be no expropriation in circumstances where deprivation does not result in property being acquired by the state. Only where the state acquires property for itself, is it considered an expropriation. The definition in the Expropriation Bill seems to be in line with that. This is worrying, says Pringle. “However, the Expropriation Bill itself contains no new powers of expropriation. Any attempt to take agricultural land without compensation will have to come through the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries or land generally through the minister of rural development and land reform. Agri SA will certainly fight any such attempt in the courts. The implementation of the Expropriation Bill, once it becomes law, will also be carefully scrutinised by Agri SA,” Pringle says.

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agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Shell helps struggling farmers Shell has donated R1 million to Agri SA’s Drought Relief Fund. This donation comes at a crucial time as livestock farmers in severely drought stricken areas struggle to keep their animals alive and grain farmers begin their planning for the coming season.


he funds donated by Shell will go towards supporting farmers in Springbok and surrounding communities in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape. This region has been severely affected by the drought and commercial as well as small scale farmers are struggling to save their animals. Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA, says that the organisation has been assisting more than 12 000 farmers and over 8 657 farm workers and community members so far this year with drought relief in severely affected areas. This was possible through the contributions received by members of the public and various companies, such as Shell. “All farmers are affected by the drought. The Limpopo province was also declared a disaster area recently and now even more donations will be required to bring relief through the winter months.” Anton Niemann, general manager, Sales: Commercial Lubricants at Shell, explains: “Throughout Shell’s 113-year history in South Africa, agriculture has always been a key part of our business focus. We are extremely proud to have been associated

with agriculture for all these years and we realise how important a productive and effective agriculture industry is for the wellbeing and food security of our country. “One of our core values as a business is caring for the environment and people where we have operations. This gesture demonstrates our appreciation for the agricultural sector, which has been a strategic partner to Shell SA over several

years.” South Africa continues to face one of the worst droughts in 20 years. Many small farmers are expected to go out of business. Niemann says that, although government has contributed a significant amount toward drought relief, the public sector cannot address this dire situation alone and additional support from the private sector is crucial.

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agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Droogteramphulp Statistiek Dierevoeding / Water / Mieliemeel voorsien Aantal trokke gebruik om voer, voedsel en water te vervoer ► 532 Aantal voerbale ► 39 729 bale Aantal voerkorrels ► 26 580 sakke Hoeveelheid water ► 200 000 liter Hoeveelheid mieliemeel en kospakkies ► 236 ton Aantal watertenks geskenk ► 20 Boere ondersteun Kommersiële boere ► 10 599 Beginner boere ► 1 566 Plaaswerkers en gemeenskappe Aantal plaaswerkers en lede van die gemeenskap ondersteun met water en kospakkies ► 8 657

Dorpe Aantal dorpe waar droogteverligting ondersteuning gebied is ► 150 dorpe Noordwes ► 35 Vrystaat ► 41 Wes-Kaap ► 38 Noord-Kaap ► 23 Oos-Kaap ► 23 Befondsing ontvang en aangewend Droogteramphulpfonds ► R14 000 000 Noordwes ► R3 139 474 Vrystaat ► R2 939 474 Wes-Kaap ► R2 000 000 Noord-Kaap ► R2 368 421 Oos-Kaap ► R889 474 Ander provinsies ► R1 160 526

Jy kan ‘n verskil maak! l You can make a difference!

SMS RAMP na 42030 en skenk R30 ‘Snap scan’ hierdie kode en skenk ‘n bedrag van jou keuse

www.droogteramphulpfonds.co.za Support the Drought Relief fund l Tshegetsa ka matlole a komello Ondersteun die Droogteramphulpfonds l Usekela Isomiso Disaster Relief Fund

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agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Engen donates R1 million to Agri SA drought relief fund Engen Petroleum, a leading producer and marketer of fuels, lubricants and oil-based products, handed over a cheque for R1 million to Agri SA for drought relief at this year’s Nampo agricultural show.





he donation was made in response to a call for help from the agricultural company Senwes. “We understand the negative impact exerted by the current drought on agriculture and we hope that our donation will help to make a small contribution in assisting farmers,” said Mike Stead, Engen’s manager: Commercial Fuels. Johannes Möller, president of Agri SA, believes the donation will make a big difference. “For every R1 we receive towards the drought relief fund, the value we give back is R5, which goes towards farmers, throughput, feeding pellets and similar products.” Möller stressed that the drought relief fund is not only used for Agri SA members. “The money is also used to support all farmers, whether commercial or emerging farmers. Assistance is also offered to the community,” he said. Engen has long maintained a keen agricultural focus, with one in every two South African farmers depending on the company’s quality products, local expertise and global technical excellence. “Engen’s contribution represents another

Back from left: Polla Westcott (Engen), Corné van der Walt (Agri Petroleum), Francois Strydom (Senwes), Chris Jonker (Agri Petroleum) and Paul Leask (Engen). Front from left: Alice Msibi (Engen), Bongi Bako (Engen), Johannes Möller (Agri SA) and John Kennedy (Engen)

step in our commitment towards supporting those in dire straits in a sector whose value we really understand,” added Stead. Joe Mahlo, Engen’s general manager of Sales and Marketing, concurred. “Over the past 40 years we have demonstrated to farmers that ‘With us you are Number One’. This has

resulted in excellent integrated relationships and working methodologies. “After all, when it comes to the future, nothing less than a vibrant and brilliantly supported agricultural sector will meet the needs of the economy and all of our people,” added Mahlo.

Agri SA het groot waardering vir alle bydraes wat individue en instansies maak

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agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Bo: Christo van der Rheede, adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA (regs), het op 4 Mei 2016, tydens Sansor se kongres, ‘n tjek ter waarde van R50 000 ten bate van Agri SA se droogteramphulpfonds van die voorsitter Gert Heyns ontvang. Regs bo: Christo van der Rheede (regs) ontvang ‘n tjek ter waarde van R8 000 van Peet du Preez, eienaar van Leriba Lodge. In die middel is Ben Momberg van Middelvlei Wyne. Agri SA en die Hope Grass Project het in Junie voer aan 85 kommunale boere van die Steinkopf-gemeenskap in die Noord-Kaap verskaf. Die voer is afkomstig van Veevoer in Upington. Boere was oorstelp van vreugde en het almal betrokke hartlik bedank. In samewerking met Shoprite is kospakkies aan 150 gemeenskapslede uitgedeel, asook aan die plaaslike ouetehuis, Huis EJ Appies. Almal het heerlik gesmul aan die sop en brood wat Shoprite se mobiele sopkombuis voorsien het.

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agri Droogtehulp/Drought aid

Skenkings help meer as 4 600 landbouers Vrystaat Landbou (VL) kon sedert Desember verlede jaar boereverenigings en altesaam 4 661 landbouers in die provinsie deur middel van VL se rampfonds, skenkings en Agri SA se droogtehulpfonds met voerskenkings en droogtehulp bystaan.


ie droogte het ’n impak op die meeste van VL se lede gehad en, hoewel die hulp wat verleen is nie lede se totale behoeftes kon verlig nie, is VL dankbaar dat hy hulle tot ’n mate kon bystaan. Die westelike, suidelike en sentrale dele van die provinsie is die hardste deur die droogte getref en weens die uitwerking van die genadelose El Niño het reën streperig voorgekom, wat elke landbouer verskillend beïnvloed het. Van die skenkings het ook aan opkomende landbouers gegaan, wat deur middel van boereverenigings behoeftes aan VL gekommunikeer het. VL het probeer help waar moontlik. Nuweling-landbouers van die Oppermansgronde, Edenburg en Trompsburg is onder meer met voerskenkings bygestaan. Die voerskenkings en aangekoopte voer wat deur VL gefasiliteer is, is oor ’n totaal van 62 951 km vervoer. Die bedrag wat VL tot op hede op vervoer bestee het, het met die terpersegaan van Agri R893 069 bedra. Om elke lid op ’n manier te kon help, het VL 9 710 sakke voerpille vir lede aangekoop. Van die lede wat nie erg deur die droogte getref is nie, het gesê dat hul voerpille na gebiede waar dit meer nodig was, gestuur kon word. Ander hulp het ingesluit dat besproeiingslandbouers van Luckhoff aangedui het dat hulle mieliereste het waarvoor hulle slegs die baalkoste wou verhaal. ’n Bedrag van R1 772 527 is reeds vir dié baalkoste opgedok – insluitend die aankoop van die sakke voerpille. ’n Totaal van 9 414 bale, 20 ton se hawer en 16 394 sakke voer en/of lekblokke is na VL-lede vervoer. VL wil sy opregte dank uitspreek teenoor Caring Daisies, Voermol, ander skenkers en teenoor boere wat hul medeboere bygestaan het met voer en/of vervoer. Thuso-meule word ook bedank vir die 28 ton mieliemeel wat hy geskenk het om meer as 1 600 behoeftiges in die provinsie by te staan. Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) het ook bystand gelewer deur 20 watertenks van 10 000 liter elk aan landbouers in die provinsie te skenk. ’n Baie deeglike proses word rondom die verspreiding van droogtehulp gevolg. Landbouers moet aansoek by hul plaaslike boerevereniging doen, waarna dié aansoeke aan VL se kantoor deurgegee word. Namate voer en vervoer beskikbaar raak om boerevereniging te kan bystaan, word voerskenkings deur die kantoor gereël. VL is terdeë daarvan bewus dat talle boere tans onseker is oor wat vir hulle dié winter voorlê weens weiding wat, ondanks die laat reën, nie betyds kon herstel nie. VL se pogings om landbouers met voer – maar ook met humanitêre hulp – by te staan, gaan deurgaans voort. Die organisasie is bekommerd oor die stand van waterbronne in die provinsie, veral met al hoe meer dorpe wat waterprobleme ervaar. VL benader gevolglik die probleem strategies en ondersoek alle moontlike oplossings. Dit is bekend dat talle landbouers ’n helpende hand aan hul gemeenskappe verleen deur water van hul boorgate aan dorpe beskikbaar te stel.

Alani Janeke het dié foto’s geneem tydens Vrystaat Landbou se voerskenking aan kommunale landbouers en lede van die Edenburg Boerevereniging op Edenburg.

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agri Nuus/News

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agri Nuus/News

STRATEGIESE LANDBOUVENNOOTSKAPPE Agri SA en die Agri Securitas Trustfonds het strategiese vennootskappe met die privaatsektor gesluit tot voordeel van lede van die landbousektor. Dié ondernemings maak finansiële bydraes tot Agri SA en die Trustfonds se werksaamhede.

STRATEGIC AGRICULTURAL PARTNERSHIPS Agri SA and the Agri Securitas Trust Fund have concluded strategic partnerships with the private sector to the benefit of members of the agricultural sector. These businesses make a financial contribution to Agri SA and the Trust Fund’s activities. Nissan SA Nissan SA is by die Agri Securitas Trustfonds betrokke en dra by tot die fonds se landelike beveiligingsprojekte. Gebruik die vlootkode, F14911, by u handelaar wanneer ‘n Nissan-voertuig aangekoop word, sodat Nissan SA sy bydrae tot die Trustfonds kan maak. Besoek www.nissan.co.za. l Nissan SA is involved with the Agri Securitas Trust Fund and contributes to the Fund’s rural safety projects. Use the fleet code, F14911, when you visit your dealer to purchase a Nissan vehicle so that Nissan SA can make its contribution to the Trust Fund. Visit www.nissan.co.za.

T&E FinOps Dié maatskappy het die gesinsbeskermingsplan in samewerking met Agri SA ontwikkel, waarin onder meer voorsiening gemaak word vir dood, ongeskiktheid, trauma, hospitaalkontant en passiewe oorlogvoeringvoordele. Kontak Tiens Theron, 082 386 1593. l The company has developed a family protection plan in collaboration with Agri SA which, among other things, makes provision for death, disability, trauma, hospital cash and passive-war benefits. Contact Tiens Theron, 082 386 1593.

CrisisOnCall CrisisOnCall beskik deur middel van verskeie diensverskaffers oor die infrastruktuur om mediese hulp, reismonitering, padbystand en vele meer, aan lede regdeur die land te bied. Kontak deur te sms, coc Agri SA na 33282. l CrisisOnCall, via its various service providers, has the necessary infrastructure to provide medical assistance, travel monitoring, roadside assistance and many other services to members throughout the country. To contact CrisisOnCall, send an sms, coc Agri SA to 33282.

Sonfin Dié maatskappy spesialiseer in groenkragoplossings en bied doelgemaakte oplossings aan kliënte, wat in hulle eie kragbehoeftes wil voorsien. Kontak Chris Schutte met verwysing AgriSec/Sonfin, 087 751 1216. l The company specialises in green energy solutions and can offer custom-made solutions to clients who wish to meet their own energy needs. Contact Chris Schutte, 087 751 1216, and use AgriSec/Sonfin as reference.

AliSom Die ooreenkoms met Vodacom bied deur die maatskappy se “fulfilment partners”, soos AliSom, die landbou toegang tot moderne tegno­logiese oplossings op die sellulêre-, satelliet- en dataplatforms. Kontak ES Saayman, 079 985 5445 of e-pos ebuadmin@alisom.co.za l The agreement with Vodacom offers through the company’s “fulfilment partners”, such as AliSom, members of the agriculture sector, access to modern technological solutions on cellular, satellite and data platforms. Contact ES Saayman, 079 985 5445 or email ebuadmin@alisom.co.za.

Sanlam Sanlam maak deur die Agri Securitas Trustfonds ‘n bydrae tot Agri SA se Transformasie Kommunikasie, waardeur gepoog word om die beeld van kommersiële landbou te bevorder. Besoek www.sanlam.co.za. l Sanlam, via the Agri Securitas Trust Fund, makes a contribution to Agri SA’s Transformation Communication, which strives to promote the image of commercial agriculture. Visit www.sanlam.co.za.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation





VIBRATOR MOTOR. Attach it to Discharge Chutes, Product Feeders etc.

OLI South Africa (PTY) Ltd. Sales & Enquiries : laetetia.somers@olivibra.com | Phone: +27 (0)11 392 1054 agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page 42 www.olivibra.co.za

MES CONSULTANTS - 082 563 4427

Oli has created a product line of pneumatic vibrators, aerators and electric vibrators specific for flow aids applications


FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

More jobs and crops per drop will determine water challenge It is a global trend to distribute water away from agriculture to industry and for urban use. South Africa will be no exception. With pressure on this limited resource agriculture will find itself at the back of the queue. The agricultural sector will have to come to grips with the process of water allocation. It will have to increasingly participate in the detail management of this process to get their fair share and make sure that the system works for them.


his was the message of Prof Mike Muller of the Graduate School of Governance at the University of the Witwatersrand at the 2016 Agbiz congress. Muller said that overall water demand in South Africa is projected to increase by 55% by 2050 due to growing demand from manufacturing (+400%), thermal electricity generation (+140%) and domestic use (+130%). In the face of these competing demands there will be little scope for more water for irrigation in agriculture.

Climate change Climate change will further put pressure on the demand for water. Muller said that there are different scenarios but it is clear that there will be a lot of uncertainty and variability with regards to climate. As in the rest of the world the South African agricultural sector will have to plan for this uncertainty. “Predictions for low rainfall and higher temperatures will result in more evaporation and reduced infiltration. Floods and droughts will be more frequent or more intense. More forceful storms may increase river and groundwater flow, and water storage will become more important. It is also fairly sure that the western side of South Africa will become hotter and drier,” Muller said. “The challenge is proper capacity to manage the use of water. No increase in water for irrigation means that farmers will have to significantly increase production efficiency. If they don’t, the competition for water will be even more severe.”

Water will have to be shared Muller said that South Africa has specific challenges with regard to water allocation. In future water will have to be shared between more users and it will have to meet development priorities. He believes that “sustainable intensification” could be the answer to South Africa’s future water problems. “Globally this means that agriculture will have to produce food and fibre with less impact on the environment. In other words, by intensifying food production while ensuring that its natural resource base is sustained and improved for future generations.” In a South African context it means that sustainable intensification should also support broader social goals to become

“developmental intensification”. “You will have to include more people in agribusiness and they will have to participate >>> page 45

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

Concern over deterioration of water quality NIC OPPERMAN, DIRECTOR: NATURAL RESOURCES, AGRI SA

Water quality is of great importance to Agri SA’s members, especially our irrigation farmers. There is a growing concern about the deterioration of water quality amongst members countrywide.


gri SA believes that the pollution of water resources, including both surface and ground water, has escalated to a level that poses a significant threat to food security because of its possible impact on the quality of crops. Admittedly, pollution is multifaceted but, clearly, failures of local governments, in their capacity as water services authorities in respect of the treatment and supply of water and their provision of sanitation services to both formal and informal settlements, are contributing to this phenomenon.

Recent studies Recent studies confirmed the water-quality problems and the serious implications that it hold for human health and food security. Amongst these are the 2010 Fridge study commissioned by Nedlac’s Trade and Industry Chamber, the 2012 Water Research Commission (WRC) study on Water Quality and Food Safety, pilot studies in the Crocodile West as part of the Waste Discharge Charge System (WDCS) commissioned by the department of water and sanitation (DWS) and the National Water Resource Strategy (NWRS-2). Agri SA wishes to embark on a process of constructive and cooperative engagement with the minister and the department in order to avoid the situation becoming desperate. The organisation has made a detailed study of the relevant laws and policies and has a good understanding of the legal obligations of the minister in this respect.

“Agri SA wishes to embark on a process of constructive and cooperative engage­ ment with the minister and the department in order to avoid the situation becoming desperate. The organisation has made a detailed study of the relevant laws and policies and has a good understanding of the legal obligations of the minister in this respect.“

Although we have a thorough understanding of the relevant laws, policies and legal obligations of the state, we deem a cooperative effort amongst all stakeholders as of paramount importance. For this very reason Agri SA has already joined the Strategic Water Partners Network (SWPN).

Meeting requested Agri SA therefore requested a meeting with the director-general of the department to investigate the possibility of the minister acting in terms of sections 62, 63 and 73 of the Water Services Act, as well as section

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focussing on job creation and production.”

on more equitable terms in value chains. They will have to make more productive use of water and not just land.” For sustainable intensification to succeed in South Africa water allocation should prioritise jobs and production, Muller believes. Catchment managing agencies will have to lead local management and development strategies. These agencies need to be supported to develop local water strategies. “You must make a contribution to strengthen these agencies as they provide you with a platform to make your voice heard. You should convince participants and stakeholders that you also care for social issues while

National Water Act must be implemented Muller believes that the National Water Act contains a good policy framework for the management of the country’s water resources, but that the act must now be implemented. He pointed out that BEE is not the focus of the act, but only one of ten goals. He believes that globally the water issue for producing food will be resolved through trade and not water management. Food will be produced where it can be produced with the most effective use of water and then traded with less water rich countries. This is

19 of the National Water Act in order to address the issue of water quality in a practical way. If the minister is amenable to this notion, Agri SA will assist with involving the private sector, communities and civil society organisations that can play a role in addressing this problem together with government. While the minister of water and sanitation has a clear constitutional and legislative duty to protect this precious resource, Agri SA believes that a partnership approach is likely to deliver the required results, i.e. clean water for all. already happening and within the Southern African Development Community there are a lot of possibilities for cooperation. “Virtual water trade” means that people will not look at a shipment of maize in terms of its weight in tonnage, but in terms of how much water was necessary to produce the shipment. Countries will therefore import products that they cannot produce water-efficiently and vice versa. “Make the water allocation process work for you with strategies that support inclusion. Agricultural success depends less on people, land and water but more on money, management and markets,” Muller concluded.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

GearLife XL Lube provides alternative to standard gearbox oil Lindsay Corporation has launched a new product that will provide growers with a better alternative to standard pivot gearbox oil. Developed by Lindsay’s world-class engineering experts, GearLife XL Lube provides industry-leading corrosion protection, maximising performance and extending gearbox life.


earLife XL thins while working and thickens when idle. Its thixotropic properties allow for the lubrication to solidify and form a water-resistant seal, preventing leaks and keeping out harmful moisture,” said Rick Provaznik, vice-president of engineering at Lindsay Corporation. “It offers the fastest solidification on the market, so dripping out of worn seals is minimised or even eliminated, depending on seal wear.” While most oils run off gears immediately after stopping, GearLife XL’s high surface tension allows it to stay on the gears for a longer period of time. When combined with the thixotropic property that gels the lubrication, a thick layer of oil covers all moving surfaces for smooth, efficient operation. Developed to be compatible with all wheel gearbox brands, the specially formulated aftermarket oil also protects against rust and excessive wear. When independently tested, GearLife XL exceeded GL5 standards that offer higher load carrying characteristics, superior corrosion resistance and industry leading wear properties. “Proper maintenance provides better reliability, longer life and a more productive growing season,” Provaznik said. “GearLife XL Lube will keep pivots running smoothly, avoiding downtime and higher operating costs. We recommend it as a replacement oil for gearboxes after the first season break-in and settle period.” Contact your local Lindsay Dealer for more information on Gearlife XL, or to structure an off-season maintenance programme, to ensure that your irrigation systems are always ready for peak performance. You can also contact Lindsay directly for information on Gearlife XL, by calling Richard Joseph on +27(0)21 986 8900, or email him on richard.joseph@lindsayafrica.co.za.

On the photo is Richard Joseph, marketing coordinator of Lindsay Africa.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

Atmospheric water generators latest in water producing technology Atmospheric water generators are the latest in water producing technology.


hese units use the humidity in the air to produce 99.9% pure water ready for human consumption. They range from the 30l home/office units up to the 10 000l industrial units. These units can be used in sync to create water production plants that produce up to 1 million litres of water per day. The units can also be connected to municipal water to filter it to 99.9% pure water.

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Atmospheric water generators are easy to use and can be installed on farms for irrigation purposes and for drinking water for animals. What makes this unique in South Africa is that Talisa has the backing of a well-established electrical company that can also supply and install solar options.



FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

Senter 360 slaan tegnologiegapings Senter 360 het tydens Nampo Oesdag nuwe sproeiers bekendgestel wat beloof om die lewe van besproeiingsboere aansienlik makliker te maak. Dié sproeiers is ’n groot verbetering op die reeds goeie sproeiers wat Senter 360 huidiglik gebruik omdat dit moderne druppeltegnologie en ewe uitstekende waterverspreiding onder laer druktoestande waarborg, sê Jakkie Oosthuizen, bemarkingsbestuurder van Senter 360.


at dié sproeiers besonders maak, is dat hulle die druppelgrootte konstant hou teen laer druk. “As die druppel te groot is, kompakteer jy die grond en as die druppel te klein is, waai die wind baie van die water weg. Dit gaan dus oor die regte grootte druppel en die regte verspreiding,” sê Oosthuizen. “Die basis waarop die sproeiers draai, is van vlekvrye staal en keramiek. Dit sorg dat die sproeiers besonder doeltreffend draai en veroorsaak dat die druppelgrootte konstant bly en slytasie baie min is.” Senter 360 spog ook met ’n nuwe kontrolepaneel vir sy beproeiingstelsels. Die vlekvryestaalkas is met epoksie bedek en is baie gebruikersvriendelik, sê Oosthuizen. Wat die modulêre kontrolepaneel besonders maak, is dat die gebruiker alle standaard en opsionele funksies op die paneel en op ‘n slimfoon kan beheer (opsioneel). Van basiese tot gevorderde en selfs pompmoniteringsfunksies kan ingesluit word. Senter 360 het ook tydens Nampo sy reeds doeltreffende, doelgemaakte besproeiingsbande bekendgestel. Dié nuwe verbeterde bande vir sy besproeiingstelsels is deur die firma se tegnoloë in samewerking met bandspesialiste ontwerp en vervaardig. Oosthuizen sê die bande is ontwerp om in nat toestande doeltreffend te funksioneer deur die minimum grond te verplaas om sodoende diep wielspore te vermy. Die ultravioletbeskerming is ook heelwat beter as met trekkerbande sodat dié bande nie so vining slyt soos trekkerbande nie. Hulle kan jare langer in die son oorleef. Die konstruksie van die besproeiinskarkas is ook drasties versterk. Die voordeel van Senter 360 se nuwe toerusting is dat kliënte dit maklik by hulle bestaande stelsels kan inskakel of stapsgewys kan aanvul. “Jy hoef byvoorbeeld nie die hele kontrolepaneel te vervang nie. ’n Boer kan byvoorbeeld begin om net die programmatuur te vervang en dus nie die hele kontrolepaneel nie.” Oosthuizen, wat ook betrokke is by Senter 360 se ontwikkeling in Afrika, sê daar is heelwat belangstelling in die firma se toerusting in onder andere Zambië, Zimbabwe en Botswana.

Jakkie Oosthuizen met een van Senter 360 se nuwe spilpuntspuite en die nuwe kontrolepaneel.

“Ons besproeiingstoerusting is spesifiek vir Afrika se geharde omstandighede vervaardig en die meerderheid daarvan word plaaslik, grootliks deur onsself, vervaardig. Afrika is ’n uitdagende mark en ’n mens moet dié mark verstaan voordat jy dit betree. Ons het ons huiswerk deeglik gedoen. Dit het lank geneem, maar ons is nou daar gevestig. Daar loop reeds Senter 360-spilpunte in 19 Afrika-lande,” sê Oosthuizen. “Ons is trots op ons produk en ons

het vertroue daarin. Ons toerusting is betroubaar en ons bied ’n tienjaarwaarborg op die besproeiingstoerusting se struktuur, ’n vyfjaarwaarborg op die motors en ratkas en ’n eenjaarwaarborg op die elektroniese komponente.” ’n Ondoeltreffende spilpunt kan ’n kliënt baie skade berokken, sê Oosthuizen, veral as dit met goedkoop of ondoeltreffende spuite toegerus is of ’n spilpunt wat kort-kort gaan staan . “Ons beveel ons toerusting met vrymoedigheid aan.”

De Klerk Knoetze, besproeiingsontwerper, by die nuwe Senter 360-bande wat ‘n langer leeftyd beloof. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation



TPM dirt FFA

Inline measurement in frying and other edible oil and fat applications OPTIQUAD-EOF 4050 W – technology driven by KROHNE • Spectroscopic, continuous inline analyser with up to 4 optical methods and 12 wavelengths in the range from UV to IR • High precise readings every few seconds • Very low operating costs • Impressive price-performance ratio • EHEDG, 3A for optical window, FDA conform


KROHNE South Africa 8 Bushbuck Close, Corporate Park South, Randtjiespark, Midrand Tel.: +27 113141391,Fax: +27 113141681, Cell: +27 614258488 agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page John Alexander, j.alexander@krohne.com, www.za.krohne.com




FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

Nuwe fokus vir Agrico Agrico (Edms) Bpk beplan om sy meganisasie-afdeling, insluitend sy John Deere- en ander invoeragentskappe, te verkoop. Die firma gaan voortaan sy fokus verskerp op watersake en produkte in dié verband wat hy self vervaardig.


ns het verskeie geleenthede geïdentifiseer en ons ondersoek en ontleed hulle nou,” sê Alfred Andrag, bedryfs- en bemarkingsdirekteur van Agrico. “Dit sluit geleenthede in ons huidige bedieningsarea in, sowel as uitbreiding na die res

van Afrika.” Hy glo dat landbou voor ’n nuwe era met nuwe uitdagings staan en dat spesialisasie beter dienste en produkte gaan verseker. Afgri Equipment (Edms) Bpk is gekontrakteer om die grootste deel van Agrico se meganisasie-afdeling te koop, onderhewig aan regulatoriese goedkeuring. Agrico gaan die res van die afdeling aan ander meganisasie-handelaars verkoop. Afgri Equipment, ’n leier in verskeie landboudienste en -toerusting vir presisieboerdery, sal sy taknetwerk uitbrei om kontinuïteit van diens te verseker. Dit sal ook bestaande finansiële oplossings en insette aan klante insluit, sê Andrag. Agrico sal meer as 800 van sy 990 werknemers behou en die firma sê hy sal voortgaan om in sy Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsen verspreidingsinfrastruktuur te belê.

Agrico het reeds diep spore in die SA landboubedryf getrap en het tans 27 takke landwyd. “Die geheim van ons sukses is dat ons tradisionele waardes met nuwe, innoverende sakebeginsels en vervaardigingspraktyke vermeng. Ons bestuurstyl is konserwatief. Ons stel goeie diens voorop en boere se belange kom eerste. Ons glo dat gelukkige boere vir ’n vooruitstrewende landbousektor sorg en ons wil ons kant bring,” sê Andrag. Hy vertel dat sy oupagrootjie, Paul Andrag, in 1896 vanaf Duitsland voet aan wal in Kaapstad gesit het om by die Morawiese Sendinggenootskap naby Caledon aan te sluit. Sy taak was om die handelstoor te bestuur. Hy het in 1904 ’n eie sakeonderneming in Kaapstad begin, wat hy later na Saron tussen Gouda en Porterville in die Wes-Kaap verskuif het. Hy het opgemerk dat plaaslike boere sukkel omdat hulle nie die regte toerusting gehad het nie en het besef dat Europese landboutoerusting heelwat kon bydra om die probleem op te los. Later het hy toerusting vanuit Europa begin invoer, insluitend bekende handelsname soos John Deere en KSB-pompe. Sy seuns het later by die onderneming ingeskakel en heelwat baanbrekertegnologie het op dié manier binne die SuidAfrikaanse landbou beland. Agrico Toerusting (Edms) Bpk het in 1950 tot stand gekom en die taknetwerk van die firma het geleidelik gegroei in verhouding met die aanvraag na sy produkte. In 2000 het die Andrag- en Agrico-firmas saamgesmelt om vervaardiging, bemarking en verspreiding optimaal te benut en vandag is Agrico ’n huishoudelike naam. Drie fabrieke vervaardig saam ’n verskeidenheid toerusting, wat trekkers en ’n omvattende reeks besproeiingsprodukte insluit. “Ons het groot planne. Hou gerus die media dop,” sê Andrag. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



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FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation


FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

The Lindsay advantage From pumping systems to sensors, advanced controls to GPS positioning, Lindsay has a product for every grower and every field.


he Lindsay Advantage means that you benefit from durable, rugged, easy-to-use integrated systems from the broadest line on the market – all with the ultimate goal of making your operation more profitable. With so many choices and options, Zimmatic® by Lindsay can customise a unique system that maximises time, labour, energy and water savings for your individual needs.

From design to pump to pivot A leader in innovation for more than 50 years, Zimmatic gives growers high-performing irrigation systems. These systems have provided proven results in varying terrain, cropping situations and irrigation requirements – season after season. Designed for life on the farm, these systems are constructed with the >>> page 59

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

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<<< page 57 highest quality components and engineered to apply precisely the right amount of water and chemicals at the right time, so you can get more from your crops. Zimmatic allows you to choose your pivot point or lateral cart options, spans, tower structure and driveline for a machine custom designed just for your field.

PIVOT CONTROL FieldNET Pivot Control is an innovative controller designed to retrofit almost any existing electric pivot brand and create one universal look and feel. Pivot Control can change the way growers manage their entire irrigation system with this single easyto-use platform. PIVOT CONTROL: KEY BENEFITS • Easy-to-use controller saves time and reduces operator error and training requirements • Adds full control of pivots, pumps, wells & injectors • Allows monitoring of pressure, flow,


FOKUS • FOCUS Water en besproeiing/Water and irrigation

rainfall & temperature sensors for better decisionmaking • Optimizes water and energy use efficiency with Basic VRI (Variable Rate Irrigation) that controls up to 360 sectors

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming


In this article I will discuss the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 41, which pertains to agriculture, and as such is also applicable to the accounting record keeping of wildlife farming in the financial statements of such a farm for the purposes of possible future tax deductions and financial assistance applications.


t is important to determine if wildlife on a wildlife farm qualify as a “biological asset” to put the wildlife farmer in a position to claim certain possible tax deductions with regard to his wildlife farming or for possible future financial assistance applications. Under IAS 41, the following definitions were formulated under IAS 41.5: • Agricultural activity – the management by an entity of the biological transformation of biological assets for sale, into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets. • Biological transformation – comprises the processes of growth, degeneration, production and procreation that cause qualitative or quantitative changes in a biological asset. • Biological asset – a living animal or plant. • Agricultural produce – the harvested product of the entity’s biological assets. (See: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/ accounting/docs/consolidated/ias41_en.pdf) The objective of IAS 41: Agriculture is to establish different standards of accounting for agricultural activities in the form of the defining of the management of the

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Examples of agricultural activities in terms of IAS 41 (see IAS 41.4): Biological assets

Agricultural produce

Products that are the result of processing after harvest



Yarn, carpet

Trees in a plantation forest Felled trees

Logs, timber

Dairy cattle




Grapes Wine

Fruit trees

Picked fruit

Processed fruit

Wildlife (game)


Processed meat (e.g. biltong)

biological transformation of biological assets (living plants and animals) into an agricultural produce (harvested product of the entity’s biological assets). A farmer therefore has to recognise a “biological asset” or agricultural produce when, and only when: a) the farmer controls the asset as a result of past events (for example after the purchase of a wild animal); b) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the wild animal will flow to the farmer; c) the fair value or cost of the wild animal can be measured within the market in which it is traded. (All three of these requirements must be


met before the “biological asset” can be considered for agricultural purposes. See IAS 41.10.) The next issue to determine is whether the biological asset (wild animal) relates to an agricultural activity, which is defined as the management by a farmer of the biological transformation of the biological asset (wild animal) for sale, into agricultural produce, or into additional biological assets (more wild animals). EXAMPLE 1 – WILDLIFE FARMING Farmer number A raises wild animals, slaughters them at his abattoirs and sells the carcasses to the local meat market. Which of these activities are in the scope of IAS 41?


FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

<<< page 60 Note: an agricultural activity is a farmer’s management of the biological transformation of biological assets for sale, into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets. The wild animals are biological assets while they are alive. When they are slaughtered, biological transformation ceases and the carcasses meet the definition of agricultural produce. Hence, farmer number A should then account for the living wild animals in accordance with IAS 41, and the carcasses must be accounted for in accordance with IAS 2. (IAS 2 is an international financial reporting standard produced and disseminated by the International Accounting Standards Board [IASB] to provide guidance on the valuation and classification of inventories [stock on hand]). Ocean farming has, strangely enough, not been defined under the scope of IAS 41 because the ocean has been classified as unmanageable. Managing the growth of fish on a farm on land in reservoirs for subsequent slaughter or sale, however, is an agricultural activity within the scope of IAS 41. “Biological transformation” is defined as the processes of growth, degeneration, production, and procreation that cause qualitative or quantitative changes in a biological asset. Accountants therefore need to assess whether the farm engages in an agricultural activity. Wild animals are capable of change, but the issue is whether the change is managed and measured by the farmer so that it can be sold or results in additional game. EXAMPLE 2 – RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Farmer number B manages a wildlife farm in the Karoo. He has stocked the farm with a range of wild animals indigenous to the Karoo and some exotic animals from other districts. The farmer feeds and nurtures the wild animals. The wildlife farm offers the public guided safari-type tours and is also used for hunting safaris. Such activities on this wildlife farm have been defined and are considered to be recreational activities. The management of this kind of wildlife farm is not for agricultural purposes/activities. The farmer on this kind of wildlife farm is involved in the biological transformation of these animals primarily to provide the public with a recreational activity, rather than for sale, for transformation into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets. A wildlife farm, which keeps wild animals to accommodate tourists so that they can be observed by such tourists and/or be

hunted occasionally during a recreational activity, is under management by the farmer to increase the number of the wild animals and as such, such management is simply for the control of the number of animals on the farm. Therefore accountants must determine whether the wild animals are being held only for recreational activities or whether they will also be sold for profit in future. The abovementioned differences in the kind of wildlife farming is important to determine, because the farming property/ land of the farm, whether used for recreational and/or breeding purposes, cannot be treated as a biological asset (a living animal or plant), because it is recognised to be only “property, plant and equipment” in terms of IAS 16 (IAS 16 is an international financial reporting standard adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for property, plant and equipment). The naming of a property as a wildlife farm as such is not enough to determine how its bookkeeping should be handled. When a wildlife farm breeds wild animals for sale to other wildlife farms, then its bookkeeping will be dealt with in terms of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 41, which pertains to agriculture. However, when wild animals are only kept on a wildlife farm for recreational purposes, the natural breeding that takes place between these animals is not regarded as a managed activity, and as such this natural breeding is seen and defined as an incidental activity to the main activity, which is the provision of a recreational facility. Thus a managed breeding programme carried out to produce animals for sale will then also be considered as an agricultural activity in terms of

International Accounting Standard (IAS) 41. If a wildlife farm is being used as both a recreational facility and a managed breeding programme, then an accountant must make sure which wild animals on the farm are in the managed breeding programme and which are being used for recreational activities. However, while the biological asset (wild animal) is still carrying its young and the young has not yet been born, the unborn wild animal’s value still forms part of the value of its mother until birth when it qualifies as a new biological asset (wild animal). It is important to keep the following in mind: • Only possible future tax deductions are allowed to be made against tax returns that deal with wild animals that are qualified as “biological assets“ (wild animals) under International Accounting Standard (IAS) 41: Agriculture, and that are therefore recorded in the accounting records as “biological assets“ that have a bearing on a wildlife farming activity. • Even so, a wildlife farmer should ensure that his “biological assets“ (wild animals) are recorded correctly in his accounting records as “biological assets“ (wild animals) as defined in terms of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 41: Agriculture. The reason for this is that he may in future approach a financial institution for financing to further his wildlife farming and the financial institution will request a record of his “biological assets“ (wild animals). This article previously appeared in WILD & JAG/GAME & HUNT, Vol 22/6 Junie 2016

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

Dehorning rhinos a temporary solution BY LYNETTE HAYMAN

The Scheepers’ family farm forms part of the Blue Canyon Conservancy in the Hoedspruit area close to the Kruger National Game Park in the Limpopo province. This is the epicentre of the rhino poaching epidemic where incidents of poaching occur on a daily basis.


Pictures courtesy of General Motors South Africa

hinos have been butchered, hacked and shot at an alarming rate in the last couple of years because in some cultures, rhino horn is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and recently the demand has also grown due to an unsubstantiated rumour that powdered rhino horn supposedly has cured the cancer of a Vietnamese politician. Needless to say an increased demand for rhino horn was created with subsequent increased massacres of these animals for their precious horns. Between 2008 and 2015 an estimated 5 500 rhinos were slaughtered in South Africa for their horns – which have no proven medicinal benefits at all. Poaching estimates of 1 800 this year and 2 153 in 2017 suggest that the situation will get worse before it gets better and if next year’s projection is correct, it will mean that rhino deaths will have almost doubled since 2014.

The Isuzu KB 300 4×4 double cab bakkies that are being used by Nkombe Rhino in their dehorning project.

At a price of $60 000 US (About R940 000) a kilogram, it is more valuable than gold. For criminals the rewards are therefore substantial. A group of journalists, conservationists and game farmers were all brought together courtesy of Isuzu on 7 and 8 June to witness a massive dehorning drive on the Scheepers’ family farm that forms part of the Blue Canyon Conservancy in the Hoedspruit area close to the Kruger National Game Park in the Limpopo province. This is the epicentre of the rhino poaching epidemic The horn is quickly being sawed off with a chainsaw. where incidents of poaching occur on a daily basis. This event is organised by Nkombe Rhino, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to ensure the safety of the endangered Rhinoceros in the Blue Canyon Conservancy and is funded by Isuzu. In two days 24 rhinos in this conservancy were After the horn is cut off it is sanded smoothly so that not a bit is left to dehorned as part of entice poachers.

a mission to make these rhinos unattractive for poachers. “No horns, no fear that they are going to be killed” is the simple aim of this dehorning project. De-horned rhinos in certain Zimbabwean conservancies appear to have a 29 percent better chance of surviving than horned animals. Previous operations in the Blue Canyon Conservatory have also resulted in a dramatic decline in poaching. The de-horning project is part of an integrated anti-poaching strategy which includes educating communities around the reserve, media exposure to highlight the effects of rhino poaching and at the same time to inform potential poachers that the animals in the area have been dehorned. This process has to be repeated every 18 to 24 months as the horns grow quite rapidly. As a helicopter is used to find the rhinos from the sky and then systematically shoot them one by one with a tranquiliser dart, the two days of dehorning is hectic and intense. A helicopter and its fuel are expensive to use and every second counts while the whirlybird is available. Once the tranquiliser dart has taken effect, the rhinoceroses’ horns are removed by an experienced team that includes two veterinarians. Great care is taken by the vets not to get too close to the sensitive area at the base of the horn. The process of cutting off the horns causes the rhino no discomfort at all. The horn is merely protein keratin similar to human nails. The dehorning days began early to get the maximum effect of the helicopter presence. Once the helicopter lands at sunrise, the team leader and shooter, wild life veterinarian Dr Peter Rodgers, joins the pilot in the helicopter while the rest of >>> page 71

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

Voersorghum: Krities belangrik in die komende seisoen Groot dele van die somerreënvalgebied in Suid-Afrika het oor die laaste drie seisoene ondergemiddelde reën gehad en die 2015/’16-seisoen kan as katastrofies beskou word.


in wintervoer in die vorm van reste of spaarveld het boere baie afhanklik van aangeplante winterweidings gemaak. Meeste boere gaan ook waarskynlik baie staatmaak op vroeë lentereën vir veld en meerjarige weidings om vinnig te herstel. Die werklikheid is egter dat daar groot skade aangerig kan word indien hierdie voerbronne nie in die komende seisoen reg bestuur word nie. Veldgras en meerjarige aangeplante weidings is oor die laaste drie groeiseisoene nie baie rus gegun nie. Die gereelde ontblaring van plante tydens en ná ongunstige toestande soos droogte is skadelik. Groeikragtigheid van weiplante neem af, hulle verloor hulle kompeterende voordeel en die stand se spesiesamestelling verander. Meerjarige aangeplante weidings kan makliker hiervan herstel deur

strategiese bestuur toe te pas. Dit sluit in: bemesting, chemiese bespuiting of selfs die versterking van ‘n stand deur saad in te saai. Die skade wat aan veld aangerig word, is meer permanent en vereis baie meer tyd en geld. Dit is daarom belangrik om veld wat onder druk is (tans baie algemeen in Suid-Afrika) ‘n hele seisoen lank rus te gun. Voersorghum is ‘n eenjarige somervoergewas wat as ‘n alternatief in die 2016/’17-seisoen aangeplant kan word. Dit is basters wat bestaan uit baie verskillende tipe kruisings. Vir beweiding gedurende die groeiseisoen is daar egter niks wat ‘n vroeë-blom- SorghumSoedangras-kruis klop met betrekking tot dae-tot-eerste-wei en hergroei ná beweiding nie. Hierdie gewasse is ook baie blaarryk met dunner stammetjies, wat doeltreffende benutting bewerkstellig. Dit is egter

belangrik om goeie beweidingsbestuur toe te pas om te verhoed dat veral vroeëblomtipes te vroeg blom en saad maak. Versprei aanplantings van Oktober/ November (sodra minimum grondtemperature 18°C bereik) tot Desember/ Januarie, sodat daar nie te veel voer op een slag gereed is vir benutting nie. Hou ook die gewasse vegetatief (blaargroeifase) deur op ‘n hoogte van 750-800mm (1 000 mm op die hoogste) te begin bewei en nie laer as 250 mm af te wei nie. Deur die gewas vegetatief te hou, bly die kwaliteit hoog en vermorsing deur vertrapping laag. Advance Seed is die eksklusiewe verspreider van Supergraze 1000, ‘n vroeëblom Sorghum-Soedangras-kruiskultivar. By ‘n vroeë lente aanplanting kan die 50%blomstadium binne 70-80 dae bereik word. Dit is egter onderhewing aan klimaats- en omgewingstoestande en bestuur.


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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

Sashy leather STC

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

Don’t miss the Land Cruiser Festival in August The first Land Cruiser get-together was held in 2013, when N1 4x4 invited customers and Cruiser enthusiasts to join them at the Windpompfees in Nylstroom. In total 282 Cruisers joined in the fun.


ince then, the event has moved to Tarlton International Raceway, as the facility enables the Cruiser family to participate in a variety of events over the weekend. The event provides the opportunity for Cruiser owners to showcase their “valuable toys”, meet old friends and make new acquaintances. The N1 4x4 Land Cruiser Festival has grown each year and in 2015 altogether 371 Cruisers were parked on the site in order to spell the name Land Cruiser. At each event N1 4x4 aims to establish two new Africa Records, one for the most Land Cruisers on one site, and the other for the most Cruisers in a moving convoy. These events provide great excitement for those attending. The Tarlton Raceway has a large area where the participants can

camp and fires are provided for the campers on the Friday and Saturday evenings. Groups can “kamp en kuier” together for the weekend. N1 4x4 also has food vendors on site as well as pub facilities and a number of exhibitors attend to display merchandise of interest to the 4x4 and camping enthusiast. The drag strip is fully operational for the Saturday and this has become a very popular event for the Cruisers to take each other on over the ¼ mile. The participants receive an official time certificate. The Rally rides are very popular and the Tarlton area makes it possible to lay out a track where old and young can experience the thrill of being in an off-road race car. N1 4x4 has especially built a Prado with four racing seats and safety harnesses, roll-cage and other attibutes and this makes it possible for couples and even families to enjoy the adrenalin rush when they experience firsthandedly what one usually only sees drivers doing on television. In 2015 the kilometres recorded on the clocks of the participating Cruisers were a total of 67 689 027 km, thus an average of 191 754km/Cruiser. At this year’s Festival R25 of each entry will be contributed to the “Boere In Nood” Fund, and Bok van Blerk will add to the festivities when he and his band take to stage on Saturday afternoon. People interested can register on N1 4x4’s website www.n14x4.co.za and on Facebook. N1 4x4 can also be contacted by email at admin@ekspo.co.za. to send you the necessary registration documents.

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FOKUS • FOCUS Wildboerdery/Game farming

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agri Nuus/News The learners of Glokids. At the back are the teachers Thabisang Kantini and Alice Ntlangoe with Maretha and Martin Detering.

Rosendal: Hot spot for transformation ALANI JANEKE, FREE STATE AGRICULTURE

The beauty of the Sesotho municipal district, which includes Senekal, Rosendal, Marquard, Clocolan and Ficksburg, has not only been set in stone. The beauty of the sandstone hills and clear skies can also be seen in the generosity of the local and farming communities.


his district, Free State Agriculture’s region 3, has been described as a “transformation hot spot” by Martin Detering, regional representative for the organisation. As our search for positive stories continues, I visited Rosendal and Ficksburg on a beautiful autumn day. Detering says they have a few actions to support the communities in this region, consisting of about 250 farmers and 12 farmers’ associations. One of these is called Glokids. This forms part of a bigger project driven to help the Global Gate Community Church Group in the township of Rosendal. The church have plans underway to build their own school on the land they’ve acquired for their church grounds, but financing is a challenge.

hostel they own in town available for the pre-primary learners as school building for a period of two years while the school is built. At this stage the school has two teachers, Thabisang Kantini and Dixie Mphanya, who teach 15 children between the ages of two and six from the township. They work for very small salaries, as the fees paid by parents pays for some of the food that the children receive at school daily while it also contributes toward the funds for the new building. Food is also sponsored. The school is the only English medium pre-school. Maretha says it is amazing to see how fast the children pick up on languages and they’ve also noticed changes in the children. “The parents have told us they are impressed and they’ve seen changes in their children.”

Hostel Detering and his wife, Maretha, made the

Farmers helped local church The farming community were instrumen­tal

to help the community with the erection of their own church building in the Mautse township. A church was started for the Mautse community in 1998 as part of Christian Ministries. It started with the church hiring space from the local high school, but when new regulations came into play, the congregation had to urgently make other plans. A piece of land was bought in 2013. To erect the building, pastor John Mathuhle approached some of the farmers in the community. He says they are very grateful to the farmers who opened their hearts. A stock auction was held. The money raised was used to buy the material needed to build the church building. Detering says the community and farmers worked together to erect the building in a matter of weeks. According to Mathuhle they struggled to host a congregation of 50 each Sunday at >>> page 71

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agri Nuus/News

MONSANTO en jy ... ... sorg saam vir ons gemeenskap. Het jy geweet dat jy en MONSANTO ’n belangrike rol speel in die skep van ’n gesonde gemeenskap? MONSANTO was instrumenteel in die stigting van die Buhle Akademie waar boere in-diens opleiding ontvang en is ook in jou gemeenskap betrokke by skoleprojekte, die instandhouding van skoolbussies, vrouedae, sportaktiwiteite, gemeenskapopleiding, natuurbewaring, veiligheidsaksies en ander skenkings. Kontak ons gerus by: 011 790-8200 of customercare.sa@monsanto.com

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olh oub


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Monsanto is ‘n geregistreerde handelsnaam Monsanto Technology LLC. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 van bladsy/page Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.


agri Nuus/News

<<< page 69

Basic activities are presented to teach the children.

the school, but since the church has moved closer to the community, they have 150 or more congregates every Sunday. “Some days they have to stand outside, but they still come.” The church also hosts an after-school programme for primary school kids three times a week, where they are fed, assisted with homework, taught English

Martin Detering, pastor John Mathuhle and Stixie Mphone

and a farmer’s wife teaches music once a week. The food is sponsored by the local community, and includes meat, vegetables,

maize meal ect. Stixie Mphone, one of the helpers after school, says they also teach the children more about soccer. Between 65 and 70 children attend this programme every time. The school that is planned will consist of four class rooms for about 50 children. Mathuhle says even though they are experiencing challenges with the building of the school, they receive a lot of help from the community and they are very grateful to the farmers for all their help. “We are even seeing a difference in the parents by means of the children’s programme. The project has been so positive that a church is also being planned for Senekal. It is inspiring to see how a whole community can care for one another!”

The piece of land at the church where the school building is planned

<<< page 63 the team jumps into the donated Isuzu KB 300 4×4 double cab bakkies and races off driving sometimes at speeds of up to 160 km per hour on dusty dirt roads while the radio crackles between ground crews and the helicopter. Time is of essence and when the helicopter spots a rhinoceros it must be darted quickly to not stress the animal and when the animal goes down the bakkies must be there with the ground crew to the support the animal and do the dehorning quickly and effectively. Very much like a Formula One pit stop crew: “In and out in the minimum duration possible”. A darted Rhino collapses after a couple of minutes and immediately the team is in place to take control. It takes about eight minutes to dehorn a rhino. An antidote for

the tranquiliser is administered and within minutes the majestic giant is back on its feet … a little dazed but quickly able to run away and continue with a hopefully careless life for the next 18 months until it is dehorning time again. While the dehorning process takes place the helicopter is looking for the next rhino. The radio crackles again and off the Isuzus go with the ground crew to tackle the next downed rhino. Although dehorning does save many rhinos because a dehorned rhino is supposed to have no value for a poacher it is, however, a tragic truth that poachers sometimes still kill these innocent animals. Maybe it is in frustration, maybe it is sheer stupidity but the fact is that dehorning is not the final solution. “The solution” as raised at the campfires in the evenings when the day’s work was

discussed is maybe to rather legalise rhino horn farming. “If game farmers are legally allowed to breed rhinos for their horns,” it is postulated by some of the people around the fire that “…the current black market price of $60 000 per kg for rhino horn will drastically be reduced and make the risk to poach rhino horn much less financially attractive”. In the meantime it is hats off for dehorning projects like the one run by Isuzu supported Nkombe Rhino. Both the dehorning team and the Isuzu bakkies gained the respect of the media guests that accompanied this year’s dehorning event. The team for their dedication and effectiveness and the Isuzu bakkies for their mettle to withstand severe hard application in off road driving at high speeds.

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agri Nuus/News

Sesisonke Farming revolves around its workers Sesisonke Farming, a commercial enterprise based in the Free State town of Harrismith, has developed a very inclusive farming model revolving around its employees.


gri Free State recently arranged a media tour to show-case some of the initiatives taken by Sesisonke Farming. James Leslie, known as Jabu, has been behind the success of Sesisonke Farming. He told the media representatives that his family has been farming in KwaZulu-Natal since after the Anglo Boer War and later moved to the Free State, mainly attracted by lower or no taxes in this province. Until 2006 it was mainly a family enterprise. Jabu then came up with the idea of creating a farming enterprise centred around the farm workers and the community. The farm was rebranded to Sesisonke Farming, meaning, “we are together”. They mainly farm with maize, potatoes, soybeans and livestock. There are some 700 ha land for potatoes and half of it is under irrigation. The rest is dry land. The entire farm consists of 3 000 hectares. Part of the rebranding is a maize mill called “Jabu”, to add value to the grain the farm produces. Jabu means “happiness”. “We strive to create happiness for the customers consuming the food we produce. Most of them are poor South Africans and we try to provide them with basic food so that all can eat,” says Jabu. The farm has created jobs for some 120 permanent and some 700 seasonal workers. Workers are well taken care of. As a result many people seek employment at Sesisonke. Some wait for up to a year to get a seasonal job on the farm. Management consists of both black and white men and women. Some are young and some are middle-aged. A number of agricultural graduates form part of the mix. The workers are rewarded for their hard work during the year at an award ceremony with various categories for work

The workers are rewarded for their hard work during the year at an award ceremony with various categories for work excellence.

excellence. This keep them motivated, Jabu believes.

Social responsibility The farm supports a soccer team consisting of farm workers that competes in the local league. The farm provides them with soccer kits and also provides transport to the soccer matches. One of the Jabu, which means happiness, with one of farm’s branded trucks. players was invited to participate in trials “There are some challenges with regard at Wits University to rezoning as the land is currently not Football Club. residential. Management is dealing with The farm also has a crèche on the the issue. The area was renamed Sesisonke premises for children of the workers. Nkulisa village, where employees retire in comfort,” Crèche takes care of 15 children between Jabu says. one and five years old. The farm has also bought 70 ha next to the local township. Here a number of houses were built for retiring farm workers. The houses use borehole water and Eskom provides power. Sesisonke subsidises the power costs to households.

The farm has created jobs for some 120 permanent and some 700 seasonal workers.

The farm also has a crèche on the premises for children of the workers. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Promosie/Promotional

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Ideal for long distance Grain and Mine comodioties; Domex chassis with 2mm hardox bin designed with SAF Air Suspension; 4 x catwalk, 1 x Jost landing legs on front trailers, rear removable legs; Payload 36.6 Tons - 37.5 Tons depending on Truck.

7/9 Interlink V-Deck Design with Domex chassis and alluminium composi bins; On SAF Intra Suspension and Allumium rims, Bridgestone tyre; Easy offloading; Payload 39 tons - 40 tons; 90cube available for sunflower, payload 38 tons.


agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page

SALES 082 888 8118 060 975 1305 sales@trailord.com



agri Promosie/Promotional

40/45 m³ Side Tipper Link

• •

• •

Constructed of Domex Steel Material; 4 x catwalk, 1 x Jost landing legs on front trailers, rear removable legs; 17 x Firestone FS404 tyres; Payload up to 37 Tons depending on Truck.

Cattle King

• • • • •

Built with 3CR12 stainless steel material rust proof and durable; Axle of choice; Knorr Brake system; Large Cattle 70.4cub Payload 32 Tons; Heifers 90.4cub Payload 31 Tons.

Crankdeck Lowbed 15.4m • • •

Chassis built completely of Domex steel, Deck Plates 4 - 6mm checkerd plate; Hydraulic beaver ramp at rear. Axle of choice. 6+12m container locks. 3.2m extendable outrigers, deck height 1.1m; Payload legal 31 Tons, abnormal 47 Tons.

Tautliners (6/12 or 7/11) • • • •

Built completely from Domex and Docal Material; Steel headbord and tailbord for durability; Aluminium Roof Structure with pecolite roof skin; Choice of 2.74m or 2.85m internal height.

FINANCE 051 434 2045 060 975 1307 finance@trailfin.co.za agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Promosie/Promotional

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Promosie/Promotional

Presisieboerdery: Jy kan eenvoudig begin Besparing is een van die logiese oplossings vir ’n flou ekonomie. Daarom maak presisieboerdery soveel sin. Dié beproefde besparingsoplossing is lankal nie meer net ’n gonswoord nie: Baie boere kan jou vertel hoeveel geld dié uiters noukeurige manier van boer hulle reeds bespaar het.


aar as presisieboerdery vir jou nog ‘n vreemde konsep is, is die goeie nuus: Jy kan eenvoudig begin. “Presisieboerdery kan eenvoudig of kompleks wees,” sê Ferdi Meyer, bemarkingsbestuurder van Ronin, ’n onderneming wat ’n verskeidenheid toerusting-oplossings aan SA boere bied . “Ons help boere om die eerste tree te gee en geleidelik hulle boerdery te verfyn in lyn met die voorste presisieboerderypraktyke.” Meyer sê Ronin se benadering is om dit eenvoudig te hou. “Die toerusting moet die koste regverdig. Daarom sal ons gewoonlik vir n boer wat nog niks met presisieboerdery te doen gehad het nie, aanbeveel om weg te spring deur saad en kunsmis blokkasies te monitor tydens plant tyd.” Tegniese kwessies, insluitend besluite oor hoeveel plante per hektaar en die gepaardgaande verstellings in terme van hoeveel rye per hektaar, kan later volg. “Dan kan ons ook begin om saam met byvoorbeeld ’n karterings- of grondontledingsmaatskappy te kyk of ’n boer se toerusting geskik is of hoe dit aangepas moet word om te voldoen aan die vereistes wat dié maatskappye se voorskrifkaarte aanbeveel. Die ideaal is dat die boer presies moet weet waar om byvoorbeeld meer of minder kunsmis of kalk te strooi,” sê Meyer. Hy verseker dat SA boere baie positief is teenoor nuwe tegnologie. “Hulle is deesdae vertroud met moderne slimfone en as jy met

Die Ronin-span is van links: Ferdinand Meyer, Ernst Coetzee, Dries du Plessis, Hendie Theron, Leandra Laubscher en Gerrit Meyer

so ’n foon kan werk, sal die kontrolepanele wat presisietoerusting bestuur, nie vir hulle vreemd wees nie.” Dit gaan uiteindelik oor die opbrengs op ’n boer se investering, meen hy. “Boere kan eenvoudig nie meer vandag bekostig om nie elke stukkie beskikbare oppervlakte te benut nie. Jy kan byvoorbeeld nie bekostig om 3-5% van jou grondoppervlakte te verloor omdat jou rye nie mooi gelas is nie. Jy kan ook nie misrye bekostig nie – iets wat jy eers gaan sien nadat die saad opgekom het.” As ’n mens dus die koste van insette in ag neem, moet jy alles die eerste keer reg doen en die geld wat ’n boer op dié manier bespaar, betaal uiteindelik vir die

presisietoerusting. “Dit sorg dat jy die maksimum opbrengs per oppervlakte kry. Om nie eens van die waarskynlike besparings op arbeidskoste te praat nie,” sê Meyer. “Gesoute presisieboere sal bevestig dat dit vir seker finansiële sin maak.” Droogtetye bied volgens Meyer die ideale geleentheid om te konsolideer, toerusting te vervang en te beplan vir die toekoms. “Daarom is dit nou ’n goeie vervangingsgeleentheid.” Natuurlik is daar boere met wie dit nie goed gaan nie, sê Meyer. “Jy moet elke jaar boer om ’n inkomste te kan hê. Jou uitgawes stop nie en daar kom geen geld in nie. Dit is ’n langtermynproses en jy moet oorleef. Ronin verstaan moeilike tye en ons onderhandel gevolglik met ons oorsese verskaffers om ons toerusting teen redelike pryse aan Suid-Afrikaanse boere beskikbaar te stel.” Boere kan ook rustig slaap oor Ronin se nasorgdiens. “Ons takke landwyd is reg vir daardie oproep wat tussen ses en sewe saans kom. Ons weet dat die boerdery nie kan stilstaan nie en daarom maak ons vinnig ’n plan.” Meyer sê Ronin glo daaraan dat goeie naverkopediens noodsaaklik is. “Ons etos is dat ons nie net ’n produk aan ’n boer verkoop nie. Ons is ook daar vir tegniese ondersteuning en ons wil ten minste 50% van herstelwerk self kan doen.” Ronin het ’n werkwinkel in Johannesburg wat deur sy oorsese verskaffer vir herstelwerk geakkrediteer is.

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page




‘n Kixor gedrewe oplossing. ®

Binnekort Beskikbaar

Wees gereed vir BASF se nuutste, revolusionêre onkruiddoder op mielies. Binnekort beskikbaar.


Intelex® Reg. Nr. L9895 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947 Aktiewe bestanddeel: saflufenacil 68 g/ℓ. dimethenamid-P 600 g/ℓ. Versigtig. Kixor® - saflufenacil BASF Suid Afrika (Edms) Bpk 852 Sestiende Straat, Midrand, 1685 Posbus 2801, Halfway House, 1685 Tel: +27 11 203 2400 Fax: +27 11 203 2461 Webblad: www.agro.basf.co.za Mobiele webblad: m.agro.basf.co.za. JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page Intelex® is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk van BASF.


agri Promosie/Promotional

‘n Klein trekker met ‘n groot hart Die ratse klein oranje trekkertjie, Kubota, is lank nie meer ‘n nuutjie in Suid-Afrika nie.


Suid-Afrika. “Ons spog met Japannese meganiese vernuf. Wat meganika en onderdele betref, hou ons kers vas met die beste in Suid-Afrika. Kubota en gehalte is sinoniem en boere kan gerus wees dat hulle net die beste koop,” sê Keir. Kubota Suid-Afrika het die laaste drie jaar heelwat nuwe takke en verskaffers regoor die land gevestig en onderdele en diens is deesdae oral beskikbaar. Daar is ook Robert Keir (bemarkingsbestuurder van Kubota SA), Deon Engelke (nasionale bestuurder van Kubota SA) en heelwat gedoen Leonard Engelke (algemene bestuurder van Kubota SA in om die Kubotadie Wes-Kaap) handelsmerk te meer een van die eerste vervaardigers van vestig en uit te landboutoerusting wat die gesogte Demingbrei, sê Keir. toekenning vir vervaardiginguitnemendheid Die Kubota-korporasie het ontvang het. reeds in 1890 in Japan tot stand Kubota het in die vroeë sewentigerjare vir gekom en sedertdien is dit ‘n die eerste keer voet aan wal in Suid-Afrika bekende handelsmerk regoor gesit. Kubota-produkte word in Suid-Afrika die wêreld vir toerusting in die Klein Hendrik Fouché van Wolmaransstad het by deur Smith Power Equipment versprei. landboumark. Kubota was onder Nampo kom kyk waaroor die Kubota-bohaai gaan.

n dit is nie net in die vrugteboorde van die Wes-Kaap waar dié trekker ‘n bekende gesig is nie. Jy loop hom deesdae ook dikwels raak tussen die suikerrietplantasies van KwaZuluNatal en in die groentelande van Limpopo. Kubota se kleiner modelle is veral gewild onder vrugteboere in die Wes-Kaap omdat die trekker besonder skerp kan draai. Dit spaar tyd. Kubota se brandstofverbruik is ook besonder doeltreffend en boere kan tot 20% op brandstof teenoor ander trekkers bespaar as hulle hulle storie ken, sê Robert Keir, bemarkingsbestuurder van Kubota

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Nuus/News

BKB Group

It is not what you look at that matters, It’s what you see - passion & perspective is everything



Wool & Mohair



Isak Staats isak.staats@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3302

Ben Vermooten ben@grainco.co.za Tel: 021 807 8900

Cobus Oberholster cobus.oberholster@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3361



Financial Services

Cobus Oberholster cobus.oberholster@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3361

André du Toit andre.dutoit@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3014

Henk Bosch henk.bosch@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3074


Human Resources

Corporate Marketing & Public Relations

Kamlesh Riga kamlesh.riga@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3143

Karen Posthumus karen.posthumus@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3029

Jacobus le Roux jacobus.leroux@bkb.co.za Tel: 041 503 3003

At BKB we believe in the growth of your business as much as we believe in the growth of our own. Therefore, we constantly search to find ways to broaden horizons and have done so with the introduction of grain marketing & storage and the expansion of our auctioneering infrastructure. We continue to effectively handle wool, mohair and

the trading of livestock and property ensuring unlimited benefits to you and the South African agri-industry. Speak to BKB about our range of high quality products and services proudly offered in conjunction with subsidiary companies BKB Eiendomme, BKB Louwid, BKB VAN WYK, BKB Wildlife, BKB GrainCo and BKB AgriFin.

Home of Agriculture agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


Speak to us to ensure you receive unlimited benefits from both this and BKB’s full range of products and services. Contact BKB AgriFin today for your tailor-made financing solution.

BKB Limited Registered Credit Provider NCRCP2545


Scan our QR code with your smartphone to find out more about BKB.

National 61 Grahamstown Road, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6001, PO Box 2002, North End, 6056 bkb@bkb.co.za

agri Fauna

Oos-Kaapse vetplantglorie


ie bekende aalwyn, Aloe ferox, wat al vir eeue deur die inheemse bevolking getap word vir sy gesogte en waardevolle sap, staan winter vol in die blom met plate oranje wat selfs die Sondagsriviervallei se lemoenboere se oë laat rek. Wanneer die oestyd kom, sien ‘n mens die “aalwynboere” met hul emmers en messe die veld invaar opsoek na die Oos-Kaapse goud. Maande later stap buitelandse toeriste in bekende bestemmings soos die winkel in Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuine en koop aalwyntablette, aalwyngesigsrome, aalwynseep, aalwyndrankies en aalwyn­kristalle, min wetende dat die kosbare homeopatiese middel sy oorsprong in die Oos-Kaapse valleibos en Karoovlakte vind. Dis nie alleen die aalwyne wat ‘n vetplantsoeker se oog vang nie. Die wêreld om Jansenville is noorsveld met allerhande soorte Euphorbias wat soos pilare in die veld staan. Die diknoors, grootnoors, kleinnoors, knolnoors en driedoringsnoors, om maar net ‘n paar te noem, laat die veld soos ‘n oermuseum met doringsoldate lyk. Tussendeur staan die vingerpolle met koppe plat op die grond en vingers wat in alle rigtings soos rosette groei. Teen die koppe en kranse pryk daar verskillende soorte nabome wat ook aan die Euphorbiagenus behoort. Alle Euprhorbias maak melksap wat mens ‘n ongekende maagpyn kan gee as jy dalk van die sap per mond sou

inneem. Tog is daar by die inheemse mense die geloof dat ‘n druppel noorssap op ‘n seer tand die pyn se moses is, maar ‘n mens moet nou net nie sluk nie, want die maagpyn en die gepaardgaande hardloop na die sinkhuisie is gewaarborg! Wat seker van die bekendste plante ter wêreld is, is spekbome. Daar is die een met die groot blare en die een met die kleiner, ronde blare. Deur die droogte heen is dit goud werd vir wild en vee, terwyl die Oos-Kaapse olifante en renosters natuurlik vir eeue lank al op die dik blare leef. Teen die rotswande van die kranse kruip die klein aalwyne soos Aloe aristata weg en die boesmanore vind krake in die sandsteen om hul wortels te anker. Miniatuuraalwyntjies van die Haworthiagenus is skelm en soek gewoonlik die skuiling van struike of die oorhangrotse op om onder te groei, waar hulle natuurlik nie maklik raakgesien word nie. Aasblomme van verskillende genera soos Huernia, Stapelia en Orbea staan dikwels oop en bloot in die veld en as

hulle blom, sal ‘n skerp neus daardie walm maklik in die veld opspoor. Wanneer vyfpuntige blomme oopmaak, baljaar die vlieë en brommers op soek na ‘n maaltyd wat hulle nooit sal geniet nie, maar in die proses bestuif hulle die blomme en verseker die spesies se voortbestaan. Die eintlike mooi dinge van die Oos-Kaapse vetplantskatkis is al die verskillende vygies. Soms, soos die vorige somer, verdroog hulle tot amper koedoebiltongstatus, maar as die herfsreën val, kleur hulle die veld met pers, pienk en oranje in ‘n lushof vir die oog. So tussen al die vetplante stap die wolskaap, Angora’s en die springbokke al knibbelend aan die sappigheid van die noorsveld. Vir die natuurliefhebber is daar min plekke wat meer uitdagings bied as die Oos-Kaap met sy aalwyne, noorse, vygies en spekbome. ‘n Reis vanaf Graaff-Reinet oor Middelburg of Cradock na Port Elizabeth is maar slegs 250 km, maar stilhou om alles te bewonder en af te neem, kan ‘n hele dag se avontuur afgee. Moet net nie die kamera vergeet nie.

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page



Die bosveld het sy bome, die Karoo sy gannabosse, die grasvelde hul rooigras, die woude hul geelhoutbome, die fynbos sy Proteas en Erica’s maar as dit by vetplante kom, troon die Oos-Kaap bo almal uit met sy digte stand van alles en nog wat.

agri Nuus/News

Beskerm jou gewas, verseker jou wins.

Koste-effektiewe, omvattende gewasbeskerming, nou gerugsteun deur internasionale kundigheid en ondersteuning aan die Suid-Afrikaanse mark.

• Markleier in Suid-Afrikaanse gewas-

Onkruiddoders Swamdoders Insekdoders Byvoegmiddels Plantgroeireguleerders Blaarvoedingsmiddels

beskermingsprodukte • Meer as 350 produkregistrasies • Bykans 900 navorsings- en ontwikkelingsproewe • ISO akkreditasie Villa Crop Protection het in ‘n nuwe vennootskap met Land O’Lakes, Inc., ‘n Fortune 250 maatskappy van die VSA getree. Land O’Lakes se gewasinsetbesigheid, Winfield Solutions LLC, sal deur middel van hul personeel en produkte, kundigheid en ondersteuning aan bestaande plaaslike bedrywighede bring.


Villa Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd | Reg nr 1992/002474/07 Posbus 10413, Aston Manor, 1630 | Botesweg 65, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, Suid-Afrika Tel: (+27 11) 396 2233 | Tel: (+27 87) 740 3490 | Faks: (+27 86) 677 3175 Kempton Park depot: Friedweg 69, Glen Marais, 1619 Tel: (+27 11) 396 2233 | Tel: (+27 87) 740 3490 | Faks: (+27 11) 396 1943 Kaap depot: Marchandstraat 3, Wellington, 7655 | Tel: (+27 21) 873 6892 | Faks: (+27 21) 873 6173


DEO GLORIA agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Wyn/Wine

Reg vir proe in die gerestoureerde herehuis: wynmaker Janno, sewende Briers-Louw. Die herehuis van 1688 pryk in ‘n potloodskets op die etiket.

Al minder eensaam,

al meer elegant Teks en foto‘s: Cassie du Plessis

As jy jare lank verby ‘n fassinerende padnaambord ry, dan móét jy een of ander tyd daar afdraai en gaan verken. En dit is wat ek gaan doen het by Eenzaamheid langs die R312 tussen Agter-Paarl en Durbanville. En daar ontdek ek toe ‘n juweel van ‘n nuwe wynmakery.


ou moet ek noem dat Eenzaamheid in die laaste jaar of wat al hoe meer in wyngeselskap begin opduik het, veral waar daar van stylvolle Chenin Blanc en Cinsaut gepraat word. Cinsaut? Ja, daardie afgeskeepte kultivar wat eintlik ‘n bousteen in die Kaap se wynevolusie was en wat nou ‘n terugkeer maak, veral danksy ‘n nuwe geslag waagmoedige wynmakers. Eenzaamheid, sou ek uitvind, is een van die Kaap se oudste wynplase op Vryburgergrond wat in 1693 aan ene Klaus Dippenauw gegee is. Hy trou toe met Sara Tas, wat later die plaas geërf het en aan haar broer, Adam, verkoop het. Dit is nou vir byna 200 jaar oor sewe geslagte in die hande van die Briers-Louw-familie, waar >>> bladsy 85

Nie regtig so eensaam as wat hierdie windpompdam wil voorgee nie. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


GROEI JOU KENNIS OES SUKSES Villa Academy stel die slim manier bekend, met toegepaste studies om jouself met die jongste kennis, wetenskaplike feite en ondervinding in GEWASBESKERMING toe te rus.

Landboukundiges en produsente – ontdek hoe wyer kennis ‘n direkte effek kan hê op beter, meer ingeligte besluitneming in jou besigheid, wat jou boerdery na nuwe hoogtes sal verhef. Verkoopspersone in die landbou-sektor – kom rus jouself toe met die heel nuutste kennis, tegnieke en bevindinge wat jy kan oordra aan jou klante. Hulle sal voordeel trek uit jou kennis en meer lojaal wees teenoor jou, wat sal lei tot meer verkope. Die Villa Academy kurrikulum word verdeel in verskeie programme en elke program bestaan uit verskeie kursusse (in totaal meer as 50). Onderwerpe word deur ongeveer 40 uitgesoekte deskundiges (lektore) aangebied. • • • • •


Sessie 1: 27 - 28 Junie 2016 Sessie 2: 15 - 16 September 2016 Sessie 3: 10 - 11 November 2016 Sessie 4: 9 - 10 Maart 2017 Villa Academy, Hoogeind Manor, Mondeorstr 88 (langs N2 snelweg), Somerset Wes, Wes-Kaap.


Prof. Eben Archer het jarelange ervaring in navorsing, onderrig en konsultasie, beide nasionaal en internasionaal, in wingerdverbouing.

• •

Oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse gewasbeskermingsindustrie Basiese beginsels en praktyke van insek- / onkruid- / swambeheer Produkformulering en toedieningstegnologie Biotegnologie Toksikologie en die impak van plaagdoders op die omgewing Geïntegreerde insek- / onkruid- / swambeheer by belangrike gewasse Agronomie van belangrike gewasse (10 kursusse) Klagte- en eise-hantering

Vir meer inligting, kontak Natalea Kerslake (011) 396-2233 nkerslake@villaacademy.co.za Dekaan: Dr Charlie Reinhardt 083 442 3427 creinhardt@villaacademy.co.za www.villaacademy.co.za

Villa Academy, Botesweg 65 | Glen Marais | Kempton Park | Suid-Afrika Tel: (+27 11) 396 2233 | Faks: (+27 11) 396 4666 Kaap: Mondeorstr 88 (langs N2 snelweg) | Somerset Wes | Tel: (+27 21) 873 6892

www. villaacademy.co.za agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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agri Wyn/Wine

Janno Briers-Louw in die jongste jare die naam op die map sit met sy handgemaakte wyne – letterlik in ‘n omgeskepte plaasstoor. Hierdie is in der waarheid ‘n gemengde boerdery en hy is in die eerste plek verantwoordelik vir die veeboerdery, terwyl pa Christo oorhoofs bestuur. Dit behels ‘n uitgebreide boerdery van skaap, bees, koring en 400 hektaar onder wingerd. Die wingerde kom ook al donkie­ jare, maar die druiwe word meesal Wynmaker Janno Briers-Louw in die panoramiese Eenzaamheid-wingerdlandskap. aan Perdeberg Wyne gelewer, met ‘n klein maar waar ek kan”, maar het ‘n B Agric ‘n ligte alkohol van 12.5%. Die prys is porsie wat sedert 2010 teruggehou word met wingerdbou en kelderbestuur by die R99 per bottel. vir die Eenzaamheid-handelsmerk. Dit kom Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Elsenburg “Cinsaut se dun velletjie verleen hom nie na vandag op 20 000 bottels te staan. gedoen en het pas ook as Kaapse donker kleur nie; die mooiheid lê in sy suiwer En hiermee leef Janno nou sy passie uit in Wynmeester gekwalifiseer met ‘n tesis oor vrug,” meen Janno. die pragtige oop, heuwellandskap waar die droëland-wingerdbou. Langs die pad het hy Cuvée 2014: ‘n Rooi versnit – bekostig­ Paarlberg, Perdeberg en Simonsberg in die ook parswerk by Spice Route en in Kalifornië bare huisrooi van “odds and ends” wat verte opdoem en die klimaat en grond meer gedoen en wyn gemaak by Perdeberg. nie na die twee top rooiwyne gaan nie. na die warmer Swartland aard. Hier verbou Janno glo dat die Eenzaamheid-wyne Van Shiraz, Mourvèdre, Pinotage, Cabernet die Briers-Louws ‘n wye verskeidenheid besonder billik geprys is. Die 2013-oesjaar Sauvignon, Cinsaut wat “randjie sag kultivars as droëlandwingerd wat intense Chenin Blanc het immers ‘n vyfster maak”. Dieprooi, kompleks met volop karakter lewer, maar ook laer opbrings, veral Platter’s-beoordeling gekry en die 2011speserykarakter en sagte tannien na gisting in droogtetye soos nou ervaar word. en 2012-oesjare het Top 100-toekennings met stingelkontak. ( 13.5% A/V). Prys R65. Dit behels sowat helfte-helfte wit en rooi losgeslaan. • Pinotage 2013: Dié wyn is kompleks druiwe. Die helfte is opgelei en die res is Die portefeulje wat ons in die pragtig en karaktervol, met ‘n donker kleur en ou bosstok met karaktervolle dik stamme gerestoureerde herehuis van 1688 goeie vrug, elegansie en balans “sonder in die skalie- en dupleksgronde langs die deurgeproe- en gesels het, bestaan uit: bitterheid wat jy kan kry met te veel Klapmutsrivier met sy skraal vloei. • Vin Blanc 2015, van 60% Chenin Blanc, dopkontak.” (A/V 14%). Die prys is R132. Die meeste wat aangeplant word, is met Clairette Blanche, Sémillon en • Shiraz 2013: “As daar een groot wyn Chenin Blanc en Cinsaut, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier – vol vrug en karakter danksy in ons reeks is, is dit hy,” sê Janno. Chardonnay, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, goeie gismoerkontak; sonder enige Afsonderlik gemaak van vyf Shiraz-klone Merlot, Pinotage, Grenache Noir, Malbec en houtkontak en met lae 12.5% alkohol. wat 11 jaar in gebruikte vaatjies was, Mourvèdre. Viognier, Sémillon en Clairette Die prys is R65. behalwe die beste een wat ‘n nuwe vaatjie Blanche word van buurplase ingekoop. • Chenin Blanc 2014 kom van kry. Weelderig, kompleks en vol speseryJanno se benadering is om ouerstylwyne 1984-wingerstokke. Dié wyn is in een jaar en houtgeure (15% A/V)). Die prys is te maak, met elegansie en beperkte gebruik in ou vate gegis en verouder en een jaar R132. van nuwe eikehout, terwyl die wyne vir in bottel. Intens, maar vars en jeugdig, Hierdie wyne is beskikbaar van die kelder en geurontwikkeling en hulle kenmerkende, met heerlike mondgevoel en balans geselekteerde wynwinkels landwyd. Dit kan strelende mondgevoel op die gismoer gelaat (13% A/V). R132 per bottel. ook bestel word vir tuisaflewering. en gereeld geroer word. • Cinsaut 2015 vertoon ‘n ligte rooi kleur, Dus, daar is geen rede om eensaam of “Met ou wingerd bly ek sover moontlik wat nie die ryk karakter wat volg verraai afgesonder van ‘n nuwe geslag wyne soos weg van nuwe hout om die vrug te kan nie. Die roosblaar- en rooivrugneus met hierdie te voel nie ... Die naam Eenzaamheid wys. Ek respekteer die wyn en respekteer aarbei en kersies dra deur op smaak, ná het destyds ontstaan omdat dié geweste my begroting. ‘n Goeie 300 liter Franse ligte houtkontak in vate van agt tot tien 60 km of ‘n lang dag te perd van Kaapstad eikehoutvat vat kos al R15 000,” sê Janno. jaar oud – ‘n somerwyn wat geniet kan was. Dit is steeds besonder rustig en sonder Hy sê beskeie, “ek leer en probeer word met ligte verkoeling. Die wyn het mensegedrang. agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Bewaring/Conservation

Godsdiens en omgewingsbewaring LEHMAN LINDEQUE


n hierdie artikel gaan ek ‘n stappie verder om te kyk na verskillende geloofsoortuigings. Uit watter konteks kyk hulle na omgewingsbewaring en verskil hulle onderling regtig so baie van mekaar as wat ons dink?

Geloofsoortuigings in Suid-Afrika Volgens Statistieke SA (2012) is die oorweldigende meerderheid (79.8%) van Suid-Afrikaners Christene. Die onafhanklike “African Zion Christian Churches” is die grootste in die groep en die kerklike vesting vir 15.3% van die totale bevolking. Dié kerk verteenwoordig 19.2% van alle Christene. Christenskap is die algemeenste geloof onder die wit en bruin bevolking en verteenwoordig 86.8% van beide hierdie groepe. Islam verteenwoordig 1.5% van die totale bevolking, Hinduïsme 1.2% en Judisme ’n skamele 0.2%. Wat interessant is, is dat slegs 0.3% van die totale bevolking die tradisionele Afrikageloof aanhang. Sowat 15% van die totale bevolking het geen geloofsoortuiging nie en 1.4% is nie seker of hulle ’n geloof het of nie. Met dié statistieke as agtergrond gaan

ons kyk hoe verskil die drie belangrikste gelowe in Suid-Afrika van mekaar ten opsigte van hul sienings en leringe oor bewaring en beskerming van die natuurlike omgewing.

Christene, ‘n Bybelse perspektief Christene het ’n baie lang historiese tradisie van refleksie oor die natuur en die mens se verantwoordelikheid jeens die omgewing. Vir Christene is God die Skepper van alle lewe op aarde en moet hy daarvoor geloof en geprys word (Psalm 103: 19-22). Die aarde, en daarmee saam die totale kosmos, gee ‘n aanduiding van God se magtigheid, Sy wysheid en goedheid (Psalm 19: 1-6). Die hele skepping word onderhou en beheer deur die liefde en genade van God

Lehman Lindeque: lehman.lindeque@gmail.com agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


(Psalm 102:25 – 27; Psalm 104, Kolossense 1:17, Hebreërs 1:3, 10 – 12). God het die mens geskape na Sy beeld en die mens ’n bevoorregte plek gegee tussen alle ander wesens. Vir die mens het God opdrag gegee om na die aarde om te sien en rentmeesterskap daarvoor te neem (Genesis 1:26 – 28; Psalm 8:5). Wat belangrik vir die Christen is, gebaseer op die Bybel as Woord van God, is die verhouding tussen die Skepper en Sy skepping en ook die leerstelling dat die mens geskape is na die beeld van God. Sekere omgewingsaktiviste, veral diegene van die “Deep Ecology Movement”, verhef die aarde en dring aan op gelykheid tussen spesies – biologiese egalitarisme. Dit beteken gelyke waarde en regte vir alle lewensvorme in die hoop dat dit respek vir die omgewing sal aanmoedig.


In my vorige artikel, Musiek bekragtig omgewingsorg (Agri April/Mei 2016), het ek gekyk na die rol wat musiek speel in omgewingsbewaring en hoe die omgewing, die boer en boerdery oor die algemeen deesdae al het sterker na vore kom in lirieke.

agri Bewaring/Conservation Die probleem met hierdie filosofie, volgens Beisnier et al (2012), is dat dit juis die mens se unieke rol as rentmeester nalaat en die verantwoordelikheid om na die skepping om te sien, versaak. Groen Christene (“Green Christians”), aan die ander kant van die spektrum, beklemtoon die Bybelse opdrag van rentmeesterskap en nie eienaarskap nie. Die aarde behoort steeds aan God (Psalm 24:1). In navolging van dié lering het baie omgewingsgeoriënteerde Christene beleid en praktyke wat die omgewing bedreig erg teengestaan. In gevalle is daar bande verbreek met konserwatiewe politieke leiers as gevolg van hulle posisie of siening oor die omgewing. Dit het ingesluit ’n gebrek om omgewingskwessies aan te spreek, soos die gebruik van nie-hernubare hulpbronne (steenkool), die vernietiging van habitat, besoedeling en klimaatsverandering, om maar net ’n paar te noem.

Omgewingsvolhoubaarheid volgens Islam Die geloof, tradisies en waardes van Islam stel ’n goeie basis vir die volhoubare benutting van die omgewing. Volgens die webwerf www.ecomena.org behoort (volgens Islamitiese wetgewing) al die elemente van die omgewing – grond, water, plante, vuur en lig – aan alle lewende wesens, nie net aan die mens nie. Die Koran het ’n aantal spesifieke verwysings na die ekologie en bevat ’n paar belangrike beginsels vir omgewings­ bewaring. Die eerste beginsel wat Islamitiese lering rig rondom volhoubare omgewingsbewaring is die konsep van kuratorskap, dus voogdyskap oor die aarde. As “khalifa”, of bewaker, moet die mens al die nodige stappe neem om seker te maak dat die grond wat aan hom of haar toevertrou is, aan die volgende geslag oorgedra word in die mees beskermde en suiwerste toestand moontlik. Volgens Islam is die mens ook die rentmeester van die natuur en moet daar gepoog word om in harmonie met ander lewende wesens te leef. Dit is die plig van alle Moslems om die omgewing te respekteer en daarna om te sien. Korrupsie in alle vorme, ook omgewingskorrupsie wat insluit industriële besoedeling, omgewingsagteruitgang en die roekelose uitbuiting en wanbestuur van natuurlike hulpbronne, word nie deur Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) volgens die Koran geduld nie. “And Allah loveth not those who do mischief” (Surat Al Ma’eda, verse 64) “And do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order: that will be best

for you, if ye have Faith” Surat Al A’raf, ‘the Heights’, verse 85) “Eat and drink: But waste not by exess, for Allah loveth not the wasters (Surat Al-A’raf 7:21) “And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love the corrupters”, (Surat Al Qasas 28:77) Opsommend kan gesê word dat die Koran omgewingsbewaring as n heilige opdrag sowel as n sosiale verantwoordelikheid sien. Die oorbenutting van natuurlike hulpbronne is daarom direk teenstrydig met die Koran.

Hindu-uitgangspunte oor die omgewing Dr Pankaj Jain van die Universiteit van Noord-Texas gee ’n goeie opsomming van Hindu-uitgangspunte oor die omgewing in ’n dokument getiteld “Green Faith: Interfaith Partners in Action for the Earth” (www.greenfaith.org). Hinduïsme het verskeie verwysings in hulle vedas, upanishads, puranas, sutras en ander heilige geskrifte wat die natuur vereer. Miljoene Hindu’s resiteer daagliks sanskrimantras om hulle riviere, berge, bome, diere en die aarde te vereer. Hinduïsme is ’n baie uiteenlopende geloof en daar is vele kulturele variasies op plaaslike en streeksvlak. Binne hierdie wye omvang van oortuigings kom daar tog ’n paar sentrale temas na vore wat omgewingsbewaring betref. Pancha Mahabhutas: Ruimte, lug, vuur, water en die aarde skep ’n web van lewe wat sigbaar is in die struktuur en die interafhanklikheid van die hele kosmos en die menslike liggaam. Hierdie band tussen ons sintuie en die elemente van die omgewing is die basis van die mens se verhouding met die natuurlike omgewing. Vir Hinduïsme is die natuur en die omgewing nie buite of los van die mens nie, maar ’n onlosmaaklike deel van ons daaglikse bestaan en ook die wese van ons liggame. Om die omgewing te beskerm, is deel van dharma. Dharma, een van die belangrikste Hindu-konsepte, kan vertaal word as plig, deug, kosmiese orde en geloof. Binne Hinduïsme is die beskerming van die omgewing ’n belangrike uitlewing

van dharma. Ons omgewingsaksies beïnvloed ons Karma. Karma, ’n sentrale Hinduleerstelling, beteken dat elkeen van ons aksies gevolge het, goed of sleg. Hierdie aksies en gevolge bepaal ons karma en is bepalend ten opsigte van die toekomstige lot van die mens. Goeie gedrag en optrede beïnvloed goeie karma en ons houding en optrede teenoor die omgewing het ook karmiese gevolge. Omdat mense vrye keuse het in terme van hulle optrede, kan hulle – al het hulle in die verlede leed en skade aan die omgewing gedoen – ‘n keuse maak en dit regstel. Dit kan gedoen word deur die omgewing te beskerm en daardeur die omgewingdestruktiewe karmiese patrone te vervang met positiewe karmiese patrone. Die aarde, Devi, is ‘n goddelikheid, die moeder van die mens en verdien dus ons toewyding en beskerming. Verskeie Hindu-rituele erken dat die mens voordeel trek uit die aarde en offer dankbaarheid en beskerming as antwoord op dié gawe. So byvoorbeeld raak baie Hindus aan die vloer wanneer hulle in die oggende opstaan en vra dan vir Devi om hulle te vergeef omdat hulle op haar liggaam trap. Die Chipko-beweging, wat bekend geword het vir Chipko-vroue wat bome in hulle gemeenskappe omarm om die bome van uitwissing deur buitestanders te beskerm, verteenwoordig ook ’n soortgelyke toewyding aan die aarde.

Samevattend Kan godsdiens help om die planeet te red? Die antwoord is beslis “ja”, maar dan moet ons ons roeping en verantwoordelikheid anders verstaan. Ons sal moet aanvaar dat godsdiens nie net bestaan uit die lees van die Bybel of die Koran nie, of mantras opsê of bid nie. Dit sluit eenvoudige handelinge in soos om elektrisiteit en water te bespaar, na die grond en plantegroeihulpbronne om te sien en die beginsel om eenvoudiger te lewe. Dit beteken ook om minder hulpbronne te gebruik. Ons het ’n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die aarde wat deur God geskep is en as ons Hom liefhet, sal ons ook die aarde liefhê! Verwysings A Biblical Perspective on Environmental Stewardship www.acton.org Islam and Environment Protection www.ecomena.org Statistical release – Statistics South Africa 2012 www.statssa.gov.za Ten key Hindu environmental teachings www.greenfaith.org.

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


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agri Water In this series of articles, Agri is in discussion with Dr Gerhard Backeberg, executive manager: water utilisation in agriculture of the WRC, in order to obtain information on water use and what the WRC is doing for investment of funds in water research.

Surface and sub-surface drainage of irrigated land

Agri: In Agri of April/May 2016 it was reported that methods are available to identify waterlogged and salt-affected soils. Can actions be taken to drain these soils and maintain land productivity on irrigation schemes? Backeberg: Apart from isolated projects, there has been no comprehensive research on drainage in South Africa over the past 25 years. According to a WRC project completed by the ARC: Institute for Agricultural Engineering, the existing drainage design, installation and maintenance norms and standards, have over these years been adjusted by means of ad hoc studies. Consequently there is a need to revise and publish up to date norms and standards for South Africa. The timing of these revisions is critical because there are currently only a handful of experts in the drainage field and there is an urgent necessity to train new practitioners. The main aim of the research was therefore to develop technical and financial standards and guidelines for assessment of the feasibility of surface and sub-surface drainage systems under local conditions. Literature reviews were conducted, and from these sources the terminology, definitions, technologies and practices of the various drainage approaches were identified and documented. The descriptions included

engineering, soil science, environmental and economic approaches to drainage. An overview was also provided of current drainage systems, technologies and practices worldwide, and those suited to South African conditions. Water balance studies and international as well as local technical models which have been applied in drainage design and management were reviewed. The model “Drainmod” was tested to evaluate the technical feasibility of drainage in the Impala irrigation scheme case study. “Endrain” was tested in the cases of Breede River and Vaalharts irrigation schemes. Evaluations were carried out on existing installed drainage systems focusing on the type of drainage system, soil type, irrigation method, operation and management practices. The main output of the technical aspects of the research was the development of the appropriate drainage design criteria. The financial model developed by Dr Jack Armour and Prof Giel Viljoen at the University of the Free State, published in WRC report number TT 448/08, was revised and the “Drain-Fin” model was developed for the financial feasibility assessments of drainage at the farm level. The financial evaluations focused on capital management, financing methods, operation and maintenance expenditure. Financial

Dr Gerhard Backeberg

Many irrigation farmers in South Africa pay an annual research levy to the Water Research Fund in respect of water which is used for irrigation on scheduled land. This Fund is dedicated to financing the activities of the Water Research Commission (WRC) to support and undertake research on the use of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes. The levy on irrigation water is, however, not the only source of income for the Fund: Levies on water use for urban, industrial and domestic purposes makes by far the biggest contribution. parameters such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Return on Capital Investment (RCI) were used to select the best drainage alternatives. Based on the research, technical and financial norms and standards were developed for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of drainage systems on irrigated lands. The guidance report for implementation of surface and sub-surface projects in South Africa will benefit the following professionals in both the engineering and financial sectors: • Engineering technicians in provincial government departments of agriculture; • Financial and technical advisors at cooperatives and agri-businesses who offer financial and technical advice to farmers; • Commercial banks who present financial assistance to farmers; • Technical staff at engineering consultancies; • Students in the field of agricultural or bioresources engineering. The set of reports in three volumes (Report numbers 2026/1/15; 2026/2/15; and TT 655/15, which includes a CD with the computer programs of the technical model “Endrain” and the financial model “DrainFin”, can be ordered free of charge from the WRC at the contact addresses below.

Visit the Water Research Commission’s web page www.wrc.org.za for more information and / or ordering of research reports Tel: 012 330 0340 Fax: 012 331 2565 E-mail: wrc@wrc.org.za. Private Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria 0031 agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page


agri Uit ‘n ander hoek

Slim vang sy baas FRIKKIE KRAAMWINKEL©

Van Barberton af was dit twaalf myl tot by die Poorte van die Hel, destyds ’n skotige paar voet bokant die vloer van die vallei waardeur die grondpad na Eureka City geloop het.


or dié twaalf myl was daar nie minder nie as 27 sterk fonteine waar versterkings ingeneem kon word teen die gevreesde malariamuskiet en tsetsevlieë wat daar geswerm het. Hollandse “Square Face Gin” is gereken as die beste voorkomende medisyne teen malaria en is daarom ruimskoots ter wille van groter weerstand gebruik. Eenmaal deur die Poorte van die Hel, moes die berg nog teen ’n steilte van 30˚ uitgeklim word tot by die Poorte van die Paradys wat die toegang was tot Eureka City – ver bokant die vlieghoogte van muskiete en tsetsevlieë. Eers dáár was die oog van nog ’n fontein. Eureka City was dié gouddelwersdorp van die tyd, sy ontstaan gedagteken as die jaar 1885. Die delwers het behalwe om in die omgewing na goud te delf, ook kranig krieket en rugby gespeel. Nog sporthoogtepunte was perde- en donkiewedrenne, wat hulle plek op die jaarlikse kalender gehad het. Spanne het gereeld van Barberton af kom meeding. Maar die lekkerste van alles was die danspartye op Vrydagaande wat in mevrou Marais se losieshuis of anders in die skoolsaal gehou is. Daar was g’n tekort aan pragtige nooiens nie, wat al die pad van Barberton af gestap het en teen die berg moes uitklim om die aand voete te kon

agri JUNIE/JUNE • JULIE/JULY ‘16 bladsy/page

skoffel. Hele gesinne het op dié manier vir die jolyt van die week opgedaag. Wie nie vir die bergklim kans gesien het nie, kon die kronkelende klipperige langpad teen die berg op voetslaan. So gebeur dit toe dat in die somer van Januarie 1896 weer ’n Vrydagaand skoffelparty by Eureka City gereël is. Ene Tom Jones wat by Avoca, so ’n paar myl van Eureka City af, gedelf het, het hom klaargemaak om die aand die misvloersettees stof te dans tot daar teen hanekraai “balke” geroep word. Tom het met ’n plan gewerk. Hy moes voor die ander delwers by Eureka City aankom om die mooiste nooi vir die aand te kon losslaan. Dus, gestewel en gespoor in sy swart aandpak en strikdas, vat hy kortpad oor die vallei. Die kortpad was ’n koekepan wat aan ’n kabelspoor na die Golden Quarry by Eureka City geloop het. Uit die hoogte het hy triomfantelik vir sy makkers gewuif, wat kreunend in die middaghitte teen die berg uit gebeur het. In sy verbeelding het Tom al met die mooiste nooi oor die dansvloer gesweef. Maar toe gebeur dit. Die koekepan kom skielik halwerweë na Eureka City tot stilstand. Wat Tom gemeen het ’n geringe foutjie was wat sommer gou reggestel kon word sodat hy sy segetog kon voortsit, was later die aand toe hy hoog en droog in die nagdonkerte na die plesierigheid sit en luister het nog steeds ’n fout. Tom was letterlik in ’n hoek


gedryf en sy geluk het aan ’n draadjie gehang. Om alles te kroon, steek daar toe ’n tipiese Laeveldse somerdonderstorm op, wat weerligte en donderslae met emmers gietende reent oor die koppe en berge laat losbars het. Sommer gou was die koekepan vol water voordat dit tydsaam in ‘n dun straaltjie by ’n stukkende klinknaelgat begin uitloop het. Tom kon net-net kop bo water hou. Die hele ganse nag het Tom druipnat in die koekepan gehang en, ná die danslawaai opgehou het, kon hy sit en luister na honde wat veraf blaf en hoenderhane wat van werf tot werf vir mekaar kraai. Eers ná sonop die volgende môre, toe die delwers weer vir goud pleks van plesier begin delf het, het daar weer beweging in die koekepan gekom. Sopnat en van kop tot toon bedremmeld, en nog honger en dors ook, was Tom die eerste vrag wat die oggend by Golden Quarry aangekom het. Slim het sy baas behoorlik gevang gehad en van dans met die rooirok kon Tom maar net droom toe hy later die oggend weer met ’n koekepan teruggesweef het na waar hy met groot verwagting die vorige middag sy avontuur begin het. Tom het uit en uit soos ’n agteros gelyk en gevoel wat nié die aand tevore in die kraal gekom het nie.

agri Nuus/News

agri Nuus/News

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