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Export Story

Promoting Exports Under own Brand of Enjoy Eating, Stay Fit, Be Pretty

「おいしく食べて?美しく健康になる」 (健·美·食)自社ブランドで輸出推進


Co-Rum was established in 2016 and started a full-scale export business in 2018. Co-Rum’s business is largely classified into three categories: Local Food Coordinator, Business to Business Coordinator, and Export & Import Trader. In recent years, some of the local processed foods have been transformed with a fresh concept, and the scope of business is expanding by exporting them under CoRum’s private label. With the help of aT’s customs clearance of sample transportation cost support project, the company was able to complete contracts in the export process, and the export destination is steadily growing.

Export local processed products to the U.S. and Japan

Co-Rum’s primary role is to reorganize and distribute local food products made from local agricultural products, or to connect excellent local food companies with domestic and foreign

コ―ラムは2016年に設立され?2018年から本格的な輸出 事業を開始した?コ―ラムの事業は大きく3種類に分類さ れる?ロ―カル食品コ―ディネ―タ― ?B2Bコ―ディネ― タ― ?輸出入トレイナ―事業だ?最近では?地域の加工食 品のうちの一部を新たなコンセプトでリニュ―アルし?自 社ブランド(健·美·食)として輸出するなど?事業領域を 廣げている?輸出過程でaTが進めるサンプル通關運送費 支援事業の支援を受けて輸出契約を擴大し?輸出市場も隨 時廣げている?


コ―ラムは地域の農産物で作った加工食品の製品を再構成 して輸出し?地域の優れた食品企業を國內や海外の企業と

companies. The business focuses on discovering numerous export channels, while establishing and maintaining continued transactions in a steady manner.

In recent years, in search of opportunities to trade local agricultural products as raw materials, Co-Rum has succeeded in selling the original yuja fruit juice and its peels to American manufacturers. It has been challenging to consume one year for testing and document preparation to satisfy the demands. Nonetheless, being recognized as an excellent local agricultural product, the business was still active even in

つなげる役割が核となっている?また?樣?な輸出チャネ ルの發掘により?輸出の經路擴大と持續的で安定的な取引 基盤の構築と維持も重要な事業だ? 最近では?地域の農産物を原料として輸出する機會を求め て?米國のメ―カ―に柚子の現物である柚子果汁と果皮を 輸出するという成果を上げた?嚴しい米國のメ―カ―の原 料のテスティングと書類の準備の期間だけで1年かかった? 優れた地域の農産物と認められ?今年に入り新型コロナの 狀況においても輸出することができた? このほかに日本と米國本土?ハワイなどに國內の地域の企 業の食品加工品を紹介し?輸出するために日本のK-Food ショ― ?米國のトレイドショ― ?ハワイのドンキホ―テ社 と商談を續けていった?その結果?ハワイへの高麗人參飮

such an unfortunate COVID-19 situation this year.

To introduce and distribute processed food products from domestic companies, Co-Rum continued to hold consultations at K-FOOD Show in Japan, Trade Show in the United States, and Don Quixote in Hawaii. As a result, it has made to export ginseng beverages to Hawaii and pure tomato gochujang to Japanese manufacturers in bulk.

Further exports by connecting businesses at home and abroad

In addition to exporting, Co-Rum is also creating new business opportunities by matching domestic and foreign food companies. It has created every possible transaction by linking domestic food company of L group with Japanese M company, Gochang in Jeollabuk-do with Korean conglomerates, Hong Kong companies with domestic conglomerates, and U.S. vendors with domestic local companies.

CEO Kim San-young said, “Currently, some

Currently, some of the outstanding products among local processed foods are redesigned with a new concept, and exports are promoted under Co-Rum’s own label.

料の輸出と日本のメ―カ―に淳昌のトマトコチュジャンを バルクで輸出という成果を上げた?

國內の食品企業と海外の企業のマッチングで輸出 擴大

コ―ラムは輸出のほかに?國內の食品企業と海外の食品企 業をマッチングし?新たなビジネスの機會を作っている? この間?國內のLグル―プの食品企業と日本のM社?全羅 北道の高敞(コチャン)郡と國內の大企業?香港企業と國內 の大企業?米國のベンダ―と國內の地域企業をマッチング し?有形·無形の取引基盤も創出している? 金山瑛(キム·サンヨン)代表は?「現在は地域の加工食品 のなかで優れた製品の一部を新たなコンセプトでリニュ― アルし?自社ブランド(健·美·食)として輸出も推進して いる?このロゴは體體と心が健康になる最高の美食商品と いう意味を持っている?」を明らかにした? 特に?輸出過程でaTから農食品の輸出業者が海外のバイ ヤ―對象にサンプルを發送するときの運送と通關費の 80%を支援するサンプル通關運送費の支援事業を受け? 效果的に輸出事業を推進することができた?



of the outstanding products among local processed foods are redesigned with a new concept, and exports are promoted under Co-Rum’s own label. This logo has the meaning of the best gourmet product for sound body and mind.”

In particular, during the export process, the company could effectively push forward the business with the help of aT’s customs clearance of sample transportation cost support project which assist 80% of the transportation and customs clearance fees when agricultural exporters ship off samples to overseas buyers.

Own brands are popular in overseas

Co-Rum’s private label products are Sweet Citron, Sweet Pomegranate, and Natural Barley Grass Power, which are under preparation to export and sell online. Sweet citron uses domestically produced organic yuja, which is featured by completely ground peels and has no solid ingredients. It does not require a spoon, and is equipped with a one-touch cap to prevent stickiness of the lid so that anyone can drink it easily.

The Sweet Pomegranate is also an organic pomegranate tea made by naturally refining only the seeds of pomegranate from domestically produced organic pomegranate. This is one of the existing products that went through a makeover, and the one-touch cap is also applied to make it easy to drink.

The Natural Barley Grass Powder uses domestic organic sprout barley as a raw material. In particular, sprout barley from Gochang, a UNESCO biosphere area, was used, and the level of saponarin among domestic sprout barleys is far greater than that of other products. Above all, the advantage is that only barley sprouts grown in the open field are used for high nutrient, and it is easy to drink as it dissolves well in water.

ルタルザクロ?自然そのままの大麥若葉粉末などをオンラ イン販賣と輸出を推進している?タルタル柚子は原料が 國內産の有機の柚子で皮まで丸ごとすりおろし?余計な塊 がないことが特徵だ?特に?スプ―ンが必要なく?ふたの べたつきを防ぐためにワンタッチキャップを付けて?だれ でも簡單に注いで飮めるように作った? また?ザクロ茶も國內産の有機ザクロを原料として?ザ クロの實のみを自然精製して作り?旣存の製品と差別化し た?さらに?ワンタッチキャップでふたを作り?簡單に飮 めるようにした? このほかに?自然そのままの大麥若葉粉末も國內産の有機 大麥若葉を原料に使用した?特に?ユネスコ生物圈地域の 高敞の大麥若葉を使用し?國內産の大麥若葉のなかでサポ ナリンの値が他の製品に比べて非常に高い?何よりも露地 栽培の大麥若葉のみ使用し?榮養成分も豊富で?粉も水に よく溶けてダマにならずに飮みやすい点も强みだ?


+82-63-272-6998 www.co-rum.co.kr Co-Rum16@naver.com

Pioneering New Markets Through Support for Sample Transportation Cost


Park Eun-yeong the Senior Staff of New Southern Business Department at Overseas Business Office of aT

The aT’s customs clearance of sample transportation cost support project aims to develop new overseas markets and buyers for agricultural exporters. The aT support 80% of customs clearance and transportation costs(up to KRW 5 million) required for sampling and trial trading. The number of supporting companies is increasing every year due to positive results like leading to actual contract, if lucky. Last year, 140 companies received support for shipping costs.

aTのサンプル通關運送費支援事業は?農食品輸出業者の 海外新規市場およびバイヤ―開拓を目的とする?海外の バイヤ―に送るサンプルの提供およびテスト輸出などに 必要な通關·輸送費の80%(上限500万ウォン)を支援す る?實際の輸出につながるなど?成果も良好なため每年 支援を受ける企業が增加している?昨年は140社がサン プル通關運送費支援を受けた?

Please briefly introduce the customs clearance of sample transportation cost support project. The project began in 2012, ongoing for ninth years with decent responses from agricultural companies. All agricultural exporters(excluding forest products, aquatic products, and tobacco products) who wish to clear samples for export can apply. The cost of sending product samples to buyers is a substantial burden, and many comment that it is good to receive financial support through this business.

Please introduce any case that led to actual export through the project. There are quite a number of successful export cases. In this year, Company A re-

ceived financial assistance from the project to ship their export item, beverage, to Vietnam in June, and contract was made in September to send USD 18,000 worth of order. In the case of Company B, samples of tofu snack and shrimp chips sent to Chinese buyers were ordered in June and worth USD 20,000 of products are preparing to be shipped. This year, Co-Rum received KRW 1 million for support, and the citron juice sent to American buyer was exported to record USD 1.6 million.

Please say a word to the domestic agricultural companies who are interested in exporting. The project is fantastic for those who have found buyers at events, such as exhibitions or K-FOOD fairs, but the cost of sending samples is a big concern. Similarly, companies who wish to conduct market testing of new products can also reduce the burden and cost through this support project. We look forward to your interest in the customs clearance of sample transportation cost support project in the future.

サンプル通關運送費支援事業について簡單な紹介を お願いします?

2012年から始まったサンプル通關運送費支援事業は?農食 品業者に呼應する形で?9年目に入っています?輸出のた めにサンプルの通關を希望する全ての農食品輸出業者(林産 物?水産物?タバコを除く)は申請が可能です?バイヤ―に 製品サンプルを送る費用が相當は負擔になりますが?本事 業を通して金錢的な支援を受けることができ?多くの方? から好評です?

サンプル通關運送費支援事業で實際の輸出につなが った事例があれば紹介をお願いします?

輸出成功事例は相當に多いですが?今年の場合は?A社は サンプル通關運送費支援事業を活用して6月にベトナムへ輸 出品目のドゥルリ(キャラクタ―)飮料を發送し?9月には輸 出契約を結び?約18,000ドルの船積みを完了しました?B 社の場合?今年6月に中國のバイヤ―に發送した豆腐の菓 子?エビのチップスのサンプルの發注を受け?約2万ドル の船積みを控えています?コ―ラムは?今年は約100万ウ ォンの支援を受け?米國のバイヤ―に送った柚子果汁が輸 出につながり?160万ドルの成果を上げました?


新製品のマ―ケットテストを進めたい業者も本支援事業を通 して費用的な負擔を減らすことができます?今後も?サンプ ル通關運送費支援事業に對して注目していただきますよう お願いします?

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