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Expanding Export of High-Quality Premium Flower Tea to Global Market

高品質のプレミアムな花茶で世界市場 への輸出を擴大


Kkokdam CO., LTD., a Korean company specialized in producing a variety of flower tea, is currently distributing about 15 types of flower tea to both domestic and overseas markets including the US, the UK, and Japan. It purchases, from about 40 flower farms in the nation, various flowers grown through contracted cultivation and processes them to make flower tea of increased quality. It succeeded in registering its products in the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) in 2018, which enables the company to start exporting its flower tea abroad. The flower tea Kkokdam produces is gaining a growing popularity as being recognized by foreign markets as differentiated highquality flower tea.

Growing buyers’ trust with registration in the US FDA

The registration in the US FDA achieved back in 2018 helped Kkokdam rapidly acquire a high level of awareness in the US market. The company experienced fast growth in the US market just in two years after its establishment. Behind the success, there is also the excellence of the products the company produces. Kkokdam raised the quality of its products using only flowers produced by about 40 flower cultivating farms in Korea. It processes flowers purchased directly from the domestic farms and conducts repeated times of the tasting process to make high-quality premium products. A variety of flower tea made by the company offers gorgeous colors, flavors, and tastes that are achieved from raw flowers to the fullest and are now highly praised as tea that is most close to the taste of nature because they are made only with the warmth of human hands.

The combination of the achievement of the


はもちろん?米國をはじめとして英國? 日本などへ輸出する花茶生産の專門企業だ?全 國で花を栽培する40人余りの生産農家と契約栽培を通し て?樣?な花を直接買取り?加工處理して品質を高めた? 2018年には?米國のFDAへの登錄により?海外輸出も始 まるなど?差別化された高品質な花茶により?海外での人 氣を獲得している?

米國FDAの登錄により現地バイヤ―の信賴向上 花茶專門の生産企業である(株)コッダムは?2018年に米 國のFDAに登錄をするとともに?米國市場での認知度が 急速に向上した?設立2年で米國市場での認知度が向上し たのは?FDAの登錄後からだ?全國の40余りの花栽培農 家で直接生産された花のみを原料に使用し?すぐれた品質 の製品を實現した?買取後の加工と複數回のテイスティン グの過程を經た後?プレミアム感のある商品となる?(株) コッダムの花茶は?その本質である色と香り?味を最高の 狀態で樂しむことができ?人の手と自然の氣溫のもとでの み作られるため?自然に最も近い花茶と評されている? 品質にすぐれ?米國のFDA登錄後?國內の有名百貨店と

CEO Lee In-pyo

US FDA registration and the excellent quality of the products has made Kkokdam sell its products online in association with domestic large department stores and high-end hotels and export the products steadily to overseas markets including the US, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, and Singapore. The taste differentiated from other products has also allowed the company to improve the quality of its products and has gone viral and attracted more American buyers to visit the company themselves. So, the company is enjoying the steadily growing volume of the export.

Export increased up to USD 850,000

Lee In-pyo, CEO of Kkokdam, said, “Of total sales in Korea, 50% is for gifts and the rest 50% is for cafes. After the US FDA registration, our products have gained an increased presence as quality products, and the export is expected to increase further.” According to Lee, especially the five items certified by the US FDA including Chrysanthemum tea stick, Reeves spiraea tea stick, Mugwort flower stick, and Korean mint flower tea stick are receiving

高級ホテル?オンラインショッピングモ―ルなどへの納品 はもちろん?米國?日本?香港?臺灣?フランス?シンガ ポ―ルなどで繼續的に輸出されている?また?他の製品と 比べて?差別化された味とプレミアム商品化を通して?高 品質な商品として口コミが廣がるとともに?米國のバイ ヤ―が直接訪ねてくる回數が增加し?輸出量も繼續的に增 加している?


李仁杓(イ·インピョ) (株)コッダム代表は?「韓國での賣 上の50%はギフト用?殘りの 50%はカフェへの納品用と して販賣している?米國のFDAの登錄後?高級品として のイメ―ジができるとともに?海外輸出量が大きく增加す るものと予想している?特に?米國でFDAの認證を受け た 5品目の菊花茶スティック?コデマリ花茶スティック? ヨモギ花茶スティック?カワミドリ花茶スティックは米國 全域で繼續的に輸入の要請が增えている?」と明かした? (株)コッダムは?現在は賣上額比で輸出額が10~20%のレ ベルだが?海外輸出市場の開拓を通して?輸出額を短期間 で85万ドルまで引き上げる計畵だ? まず?輸出物流費の節減のために?米國輸出用は大容量の バルク形態で販賣するものを小型の包裝化し?現地で販賣 する方式へ輸出品の方式を調整するというものだ?このた めに?米國の現地で法人を直接設立して物流費と人件費の 節減も推進する?

gradually increasing requests for export from all parts of the US.

Kkokdam is planning to increase the export volume up to USD 850,000 in a short period of time by pioneering more foreign markets, although its current export volume is merely a 10% to 20% level of its sales.

As part of an effort to increase the export volume, the company is planning to adjust its existing method of exporting its products in bulk to the US to a new one of selling the products in small packs in the local markets abroad in order to reduce the distribution cost required for export. For this, the company is also planning to establish a local branch in the US to reduce the distribution cost and the employment cost.

Diversified markets to 20 countries around the world

The company is planning to pioneer the Central and South American markets including Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina beyond the markets to which the company is currently exporting its products including the US, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the UK, Malaysia, Singapore, and France. It has been working hard to identify a change in major markets for flower tea and find items preferred by consumers by participating in some 20 food exhibitions held abroad. It is making the best use of food exhibitions held abroad and conducting research to develop new products based on the information the company collected through its hard work. The company is now painting a rosy picture of its future export, in the expectation that it would expand the current export volume equivalent to USD 60,000 per year to USD 850,000 in five years. The company is also concentrating on how to increase the satisfaction of gift takers, based on the fact that flower tea is consumed mainly as gifts.


現在?輸出先は米國?日本?香港?臺灣?英國?マレ―シ ア?シンガポ―ル?フランスなどに過ぎないが?メキシコ とブラジル?アルゼンチンなどの中南米市場も積極的に開 拓し?輸出量を增やすという戰略だ?その間?製品輸出の ために全世界の20余りの食品エキスポへの參觀を通して? 花茶の主要市場の變化と消費者が好む品目を直接探った? これを土臺として?新商品を硏究するなど?海外の主要な 食品エキスポを積極的に活用している?これを通して?現 在?年間6万ドル規模の輸出額を5年以內に85万ドルの規 模へ擴大することが可能と予想している?主にギフト用に 販賣される花茶の特性上?高級化を通してギフトを受け取 る人の滿足度をさらに高めるのに注力している? 李仁杓代表は「5品目を米國のFDAで登錄し?自社で高品質 な製品の生産のために樣?な製品開發を通して?プレミア ム製品化が可能となった?われわれの輸出花茶に對して? 全世界の消費者に安全性を認められ?輸出にさらなる彈み をつけた?」と述べた?

Kkokdam CO., LTD.

+82-10-9272-2881 ceo@kkok.com www.iloveflowertea.com

The flower tea Kkokdam produces is gaining a growing popularity as being recognized by foreign markets as differentiated highquality flower tea.

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